"The Superheroines of Sapphica City" Ebook Release!

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Philo Hunter
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You can find it on Smashwords:


The story is set in my Heroines Perilous World setting, but uses a new city and all new characters. There is only woman/woman sexual action in it (no men even appear "one screen" in the story). It is heavily BDSM themed, but it is NOT a story written for the Amazon market so there is plenty of dub and non-con in the story.
Sapphica City has always been an affluent oceanside haven for women attracted to other women. After a recent federal clean and sweep operation the city was even cleared of every male criminal and supervillain, leaving it even more of a lesbian paradise.

The events that led to the federal clean and sweep also led to all the city’s superheroines either retiring or being stationed in other places. Now Sapphica City’s superheroine population needs to be repopulated, and perky young Glitterburst will be the first to arrive.

She’s a fresh graduate of The Academy, the superhero university. Although naive and inexperienced she thinks her perky enthusiasm, determination, and training will be enough to make her a successful superheroine.

Glitterburst also has her glitter energy blasts that she can use to dazzle and strike any foes she runs into. Her powers come at a price, but it's one she thinks she knows how to handle. Extreme or prolonged use causes the girl’s normally small, perky breasts to swell in size and only sexual stimulation will return her enlarged breasts to normal.

Breast growth aside, Glitterburst isn’t worried about her new life. Sapphica City is supposed to be mostly cleared of crime. It’s supposed to be the perfect place for fresh graduates of The Academy to gain a little experience in a safe environment.

But Sapphica City isn’t what it seems, and there are forces at work controlling nearly everything behind the scenes. There is a reason the city is nearly free of men and populated almost completely with lesbians. And although there are no male supervillains Glitterburst is FAR from the only superhuman in the city, something she’ll soon find out.

After having a disturbing run-in with the supervillainess Lady Lariat she’ll have her mysterious but oh-so-sexy neighbor to run to for comfort. The domineering older woman quickly enthralls the young superheroine, offering not just companionship in the form of a sexual dom/sub relationship but help dealing with the girl’s daily “growing concern” after prolonged use of her powers.

Parallel to Glitterburst’s journey is that of Veronica Byrd, a normal woman who owns a small bookstore in Sapphica City. The shy, mousy young woman is going to be sucked into the criminal underworld filled with superpowered women where she’ll discover that, just like Glitterburst, her life has been missing the things BDSM-centered sexual relationships have to offer.

This one-handed read centers on BDSM-themed sexual relationships mainly between older and younger women and is intended for adult audiences ONLY. Breast growth, dubious and non-consent, emotional manipulation, and outright mind control are all comment themes.
As always, if you are a Patreon backer you get access to the story, either through a password protected webpage or, if you back at the 3$ level or higher, through a coupon code for a free copy of the ebook.

Last edited by Philo Hunter 4 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Glitterburst! OMG. My mind goes to weird places when I read that name. Ha ha.

I know it says "energy bursts" but I see criminals walking away and complaining about how they'll never get all that glitter off them, all over their homes, etc... Ha ha.
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Philo Hunter
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DonShip wrote:
4 months ago
Glitterburst! OMG. My mind goes to weird places when I read that name. Ha ha.

I know it says "energy bursts" but I see criminals walking away and complaining about how they'll never get all that glitter off them, all over their homes, etc... Ha ha.
Now I totes gotta work that in!
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Philo Hunter
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The second part of this ongoing story is up on Smashwords! You can find it here:

Sapphica City is about to get a new superheroine: Luna Moth! But before she arrives the story will look into the past, showing a sample of her life at the superhero university, The Academy. During this prolonged flashback the story will explore the intense, and tragically ending, romantic and sexual relationship the young superheroine shared with fellow heroine in training Psigirl.

Back in the present day Glitterburst continues to use play sessions with her neighbor, Mistress Katia, to help ease the way her breasts grow after using her powers. These kinky sexual encounters are growing more intimate, but that intimacy is just another way for Mistress Katia, who is actually the supervillainess Ghost Cat, to better manipulate the naive young superheroine.

Elsewhere in Sapphica City the unpowered Veronica Byrd has lost herself in a world of BDSM-themed perversion as she happily becomes the frequent and now willing sexual slave of the crime lord Lilith. She will finally meet the powerful woman’s “niece”, a young superpowered girl named Jadis. Although seeming shy and uncertain, the young woman is as perverted as she is ambitious and hungry for power. Power that Veronica Byrd, through her profession as a bookseller, will help her grow.

Luna Moth finally arrives in Sapphica City where she’ll have to deal with the messy and complicated feelings she has for Glitterburst. The scars of how things ended with Psigirl, along with her yearlong crush on Glitterburst, will all be things the young heroine has to face.

At the same time Luna Moth will explore the perverse dangers nightlife in Sapphica City offers. But it won’t all be bad for her, for she’ll find the same kind of misplaced comfort with Mistress Katia that Glitterburst has, furthering the evil woman’s plot to collect a harem of superheroines she can fully manipulate and eventually outright control.

This one-handed read centers on BDSM-themed sexual relationships mainly between older and younger women and is intended for adult audiences ONLY. Kinks/themes include mental/emotional manipulation and outright mind control, sexual scenes of dubious and outright non-consent, oral sex, strap ons, and bondage.
If you back me on Patreon you can get access to the full story through a password protected webpage, or if you back at the 3$ level or higher you get a coupon code for a free copy of the ebook from Smashwords!

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Philo Hunter
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I also wanted to post a sample chapter here. I've decided to throw up the chapter Don Ship partially inspired by his comment above ;)

Chapter Nine: Glitterburst and Lady Lariat's Rematch

The smell of coffee and what Glitterburst thought was a freshly cooked omelet eased Glitterburst out of the most peaceful, refreshing sleep she’d ever had. Slowly her sleep-addled mind remembered she’d been allowed to stay with Mistress Katia for the night.

“Morning, pretty little one,” the woman sitting in the bed beside her said once she noticed Glitterburst stirring.

Glitterburst rolled over, opening her eyes and smiling at the amazing woman. “Good morning, Mistress Katia. I see you’ve been up for a while?”

The woman was sitting naked with her back to the headboard, a cup of coffee in one hand as she read the local news on a tablet she held in the other. Beside her on the bed was a tray that had two plates of food, one containing a delicious-looking omelet and the other the remains of an already eaten one.

“Did you wake up early and make us breakfast in bed?” Glitterburst asked, her stomach growling quietly. She’d not eaten dinner the night before and she was realizing how ravenously hungry she was.

“Something like that,” Mistress Katia said, not looking away from her tablet. “I enjoy cooking and like to start my day with a small homemade meal, then enjoy it while reading the news while I have my morning coffee. Since my little superheroine was here this morning I made her a meal as well.”

She finally looked up from her tablet to give Glitterburst a predatory smile that left the girl all a flutter. “But you won’t be allowed to eat that breakfast till you have eaten a different one.” She opened her legs wide, exposing her womanhood. “Come, pretty little one. Any woman who sleeps in my bed must wake up to a special morning meal. Eat. NOW.”

As delicious looking as the omelet was the sight of Mistress Katia’s pussy was even more appealing. Glitterburst wasn’t sure why but waking up in Mistress Katia’s bed had left her ravenously hungry for the woman. It was like being around her for as long as she’d been while asleep had left her needing MORE of the woman.

Glitterburst happily and enthusiastically sated her hunger. She got between the woman’s legs, laying on her belly and wrapping her arms around the woman’s thighs to better pull herself into Mistress Katia’s body. She buried her face in her womanhood and feasted.

“You eat your fill of my pussy and then you can have the delicious meal I made you,” Mistress Katia told her.

It was quite a while before Glitterburst felt she had her fill. She was happy to indulge in every moment she was allowed to have her face buried in the woman’s pussy. Being allowed to bring her pleasure like this felt like a treat. Getting to hear the woman’s soft moans as she drank her coffee and read her news all the reward she needed for the long oral session.

“Such a good girl,” Mistress Katia cooed, lazily sipping her coffee.

The praise made Glitterburst’s heart swell. She felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world that morning. Being allowed to sleep in Mistress Katia’s bed then waking up to THIS? She couldn’t imagine how a day that started so perfectly could go bad.

Sadly by the end of the day she’d know exactly how a day could go bad. But in the end, after a devastating day of defeat and sexual humiliation, Glitterburst would be able to return to her Mistress so the woman could make everything better. Or at least make Glitterburst THINK everything was okay.

* * *

Glitterburst was getting closer to tracking down this new supervillainess, she was certain of it. Her operation, or the operation of the group she was working with, was somewhere nearby. One of these warehouses HAD to be where they were working out of, she just needed to find out which one.

This one, she thought as she scaled the wall of the warehouse. It might be this one. There should be a door up on the roof I can use to sneak into the building to check things out. I’ve seen they mostly operate at night, so maybe the gang or whatever they are won’t be around and I can find some information about what they are up to. And if they are around? Then I’ll beat some information out of these goons and FINALLY find out something about this ghostly supervillainess.

She found the door but was annoyed to discover it was locked. Her first impulse was to simply use her powers to blast the door open, but if this WAS the gang’s hideout and they WERE around the sound of the door being blasted open would let them know of her arrival.

“Maybe I can finesse it open,” Glitterburst muttered as she knelt by the door. She grabbed the doorknob, pressing her palm against the keyhole. “Use my powers just a little, force a small glitter blast through the keyhole, and hope it opens the lock…”

Just as glittering energy began to form around her hand someone from behind her asked, “And what are you doing up here?” The woman, whose voice was deep and raspy, had spoken conversationally but with a slightly menacing tone.

Glitterburst froze. How had someone sneaked up behind her? There was no other way onto the roof and she’d made a pass around it to make sure there were no guards up here.

If she’d been wrong about the gang working out of this warehouse she didn’t want to alarm whoever owned it. But if she HAD just been discovered by a criminal of some kind they’d just got the drop on her. It sounded like the woman was standing directly behind her, which meant they shouldn’t be able to see the energy gathered around her hand. If it came to a fight that might give her an advantage.

“I’m a superheroine,” Glitterburst explained, not moving and hoping to deescalate the tension she felt building.

“Yes, I know,” the woman said with almost bored disinterest. “Lady Lariat sent me to hunt you down.”

Glitterburst’s blood went cold. “Lady Lariat?” she asked, unable to keep the fear from her voice. She wanted to turn around and see who was talking to her, but she was suddenly too scared to do it. If Lady Lariat had sent this woman to ‘hunt her down’ that almost certainly meant she either had powers or had tools to deal with a woman with powers.

“Yes, Lady Lariat,” the woman said, the fear she’d heard in Glitterburst’s voice filling her deep raspy voice with joy. “I wasn’t expecting to find you on the roof of my hideout when I teleported to retrieve you for her summons, yet here you are. Seems I lucked out. I knew you were sniffing around trying to ferret out my operation, but I underestimated you. Won’t make that mistake again. Now turn around slowly, Glitterburst.”

If the woman wanted her to turn around slowly then that was the last thing she’d do. Glitterburst whirled around, rolling to the side then springing to her feet. She had her hands held together with her fingers making a pretend pistol to help her focus the glitter-blast she sent flying at her adversary.

She had to be careful with the strength of the concussive, glitter-infused blast she sent shooting at her foe. It needed to be strong enough to potentially knock her foe out of the fight, but not so strong it might send her flying back close to the roof’s edge.

The woman seemed caught off guard by the surprise attack. Glitterburst saw the woman, who was a supervillainess judging by the black leather costume she was wearing, flinch back from the flash of light the glitter-blast caused.

There was a moment when Glitterburst thought she’d done everything right and that this confrontation with her mystery foe would be over almost as soon as it had begun, but the moment was a short one.

Just before the bolt of dazzling, glitter-infused energy hit the woman the red cloak she had draped over her shoulders was flung open, misty tendrils of smoke-like darkness seeping out of the cloak and making the woman inside disappear, replaced by an inky void. The glitter-blast flew into the void, swallowed by the inky darkness.

The cloak then closed, disappearing into the void and leaving behind only a puff of crimson smoke.

Although surprised Glitterburst understood at once her opponent was a teleporter. She also realized the cloaked woman must be the supervillainess she’d been hunting down. She rushed to the door into the building, slamming her back into it so the woman couldn’t appear behind her and take her by surprise.

“That was rude,” the woman said as she appeared in a puff of crimson smoke directly in front of Glitterburst. “Please don’t do that again or you’ll make me angry.”

She started to say something else but stopped, coughing as though something was stuck in her throat. She grabbed the cloak wrapped around her and shook it out. The sparkling glitter Glitterburst’s energy attacks left behind sprinkled out of the cloak, getting all over the woman’s black leather costume.

“Ugh, it’s EVERYWHERE,” she groaned in annoyance. “You annoying little brat,” she snapped, glaring at Glitterburst. “Be glad I have instructions NOT to hurt you.”

Glitterburst raised her hands, still held together with her fingers forming a faux gun. She prepared to send another glitter-blast at her foe but hesitated when the woman responded by rolling her eyes in annoyance.

“Don’t be stupid, girl,” she sighed in exasperation. “My cloak will just eat it again. The worst you’ll do is get more of that vile glitter all over me. I suspect I’ll be finding it in places I’d rather not have glitter for weeks!”

Glitterburst didn’t lower her hands nor did she get rid of the pulsing, glittering energy surrounding them, but she didn’t attack. As the two stared off she took a moment to get a better look at her opponent.

She was a tall, slender older woman with long legs and full breasts. Under the crimson-colored cloak the woman wore she had on an all-black leather outfit that included a sleeveless black leotard, a black cowl-like mask that left only the lower part of her face exposed, and shoulder-length gloves. On one leg she wore a thigh-high heeled boot. The other leg was covered in a series of leather straps covered in metal studs, with an open-toed stiletto on that foot.

“Your costume is ridiculous,” Glitterburst said. “What do they call you, ‘Dominatrix’? You look like a kink club barfed you out.”

The villainess let out an amused bark of laughter. “And your bright, silly costume is so much better? At least I don’t look like some mall rat who fell through a time portal in nineteen-eighty-something. And I go by the name of ‘Crimson Cloak’,” she added, taking a step back and grabbing her cloak as she took a little bow.

“Name’s a little obvious,” Glitterburst scoffed.

“And ‘Glitterburst’ is any better?” the woman replied. “Now enough banter,” the supervillainess snapped, taking a step closer to Glitterburst. “I wasn’t sent to get to know you, I was sent to deliver you.” She took another step closer, grabbing her cloak then spreading her arms open as though planning to embrace Glitterburst and trap her in the cloak.
Inky tendrils reached out from the cloak, threatening to envelop Glitterburst in darkness. Her fear of darkness caused the young superheroine to panic. “Get away from me,” she screamed as she sent the glitter-blast she’d been holding at the ready into the darkness coming for her.

The next few moments were a confusing mix of pulsing, glitter-infused rainbow lights battling against an ever-encroaching darkness that eventually won out and fully enveloped Glitterburst. Once there was only darkness she was no longer able to use her powers, leaving her helpless.

She felt Crimson Cloak grab her, picking her up and hugging Glitterburst to her body as the world dropped out from below them. Glitterburst wanted to scream, but the feeling that the ground had disappeared from under her left her so sick in the stomach she wasn’t able to.

The world became a disoriented blur, leaving her feeling like she was tumbling through the air while also being jerked about in every direction. Whatever dark place Crimson Cloak had taken her to was terrifying, and not just because there was no light there. It was more than her fear of the dark, it was a cold empty place. An unsafe place.

Then, as suddenly as they’d entered that terrifying place, they were out of it.

Crimson Cloak released her hold on Glitterburst, allowing the girl to stumble away from her. Glitterburst fell to her hands and knees, gasping then beginning to hyperventilate.

She’d landed hard enough that her pink sunglasses had fallen off, something that left her panicking even more. Without them it wouldn’t be safe to use her powers unless she wanted to risk temporarily blinding herself. She knew she should put them back on, but she couldn’t stop hyperventilating and it was already making her feel dizzy and faint.
“You know, I don’t think she much cared for that,” Crimson Cloak said, chuckling in amusement. “I’ve teleported you places, is it really that bad?”

Glitterburst wanted to look up and see where Crimson Cloak had taken her and who she was talking to, but she couldn’t. The complete darkness of whatever terrible place they’d traveled through while Crimson Cloak had teleported then had left Glitterburst having a full-on panic attack. Just trying to slow her desperate gasping breaths was a struggle she felt was beyond her.

“I heard a rumor the little slut might be afraid of the dark,” a woman with a thick Texan accent said. “That true, darling? Is the perky pink-haired super slut who can send fireworks shooting from her hands afraid of the dark?”

The voice made ice run through Glitterburst’s veins. Still hyperventilating, she looked up to see Lady Lariat looming above her. Only she wasn’t dressed in her normal costume. Instead, she was wearing black leather chaps and nothing else.

“I think the poor thing is suffering a panic attack,” Crimson Cloak said, the jovial tone gone from her voice. “We should do something,” she added, not hesitating to show concern for Glitterburst.

“She’s a big girl,” Lady Lariat said, staring down at Glitterburst with a pleased look that made the girl’s panic increase. “Claims she’s tough. Been thinking she’s shit-hot after superheroing so successfully these last weeks. But she’s made the same mistake she made her first day in town.”

Lady Lariat knelt in front of Glitterburst, getting her face close to the hyperventilating superheroine’s face. “Can you guess who my friend Crimson Cloak works for? Whose operation it is that you’ve been trying to break up?”

“Lilith,” Glitterburst managed to gasp out.

Lady Lariat looked at Crimson Cloak and smiled. “Now, see, the little bimbo ain’t as dumb as she looks! Are you, little darling?” she asked, looking back at Glitterburst as she caressed the girl’s cheek with the back of her hand.

A fresh swell of panic rose in Glitterburst when the woman touched her, causing her to jerk away.

“Give the poor thing a few minutes to calm down before you start playing with her,” Crimson Cloak said.

“But she suffers so delightfully,” Lady Lariat replied. She grabbed Glitterburst by the throat and in one smooth, easy move jerked the girl into the air as she stood up.

Glitterburst gasped for air, wildly flailing her arms about in a vain attempt to break free from the significantly stronger woman.

“Isn’t that right, darling?” Lady Lariat asked, enjoying the look of terror on the helpless superheroine’s face.

“C-can’t… breathe…” Glitterburst gasped as she grabbed at Lady Lariat’s fingers to claw pointlessly at them.

“Let her go,” Crimson Cloak said, voice firm. “Let the poor girl breathe! Lilith gave you permission to have fun with her, NOT to harm her, not that way.”

“Ain’t holding her pretty little neck THAT tight,” Lady Lariat said, eyes locked on Glitterburst’s terror-filled eyes. “Think the inability to breathe is more your fault than mind. Tell the truth, darling, you afraid of the dark?”

“Yes,” Glitterburst gasped.

“Fine, take a moment,” Lady Lariat said with an annoyed sight before releasing her grip on the superheroine’s neck.

Glitterburst dropped to her knees, grabbing her neck and gasping for air. She had been having a hard time telling if her inability to breathe had been from the woman choking her or if she was still hyperventilating. Now that she was free of the woman’s grip she could tell it had been both.

“Maybe you shouldn’t do this today,” Crimson Cloak said, concern filling her voice. “Maybe she’s not ready for this. I can take her back. You can have your fun with her some other time.”

Lady Lariat grabbed a handful of Glitterburst’s pink hair and jerked her head back to force the girl to look up at her. “You want to go back in her dark, scary cloak right now, darling?”

“No,” Glitterburst blurted out, terror once more threatening to overtake her as all the color drained from her face. “Anything but that. I’ll do anything you want, just please don’t let her take me again.”

“You heard her,” Lady Lariat said as she let go of Glitterburst’s hair. “Little darling wants you to leave. She’s more scared of you than she is of me.”

“I don’t think—”

“You’re not paid to think,” Lady Lariat snapped. “You’re paid to be a puffed-up delivery girl. Now shoo, or Lilith will hear about it.”

“Fine,” Crimson Cloak said moodily. “But I’ll be back when we agreed I would. It’s what Lilith wanted, she seemed worried you might decide to play loose with the rules and not let the girl go when you’re supposed to.”

“You do that, darling. Still gives me plenty of time to have my fun. Now shoo! I promise I won’t start till she’s at least finished hyperventilating. Besides, if she passes out I won’t be able to have NEARLY as much fun playing with her.”

“That girl passes out you better not touch her,” Crimson Cloak warned.

“SHOO,” Lady Lariat growled. “Or you and me will end up having more than words when this is over!”

“I’ll be back,” Crimson Cloak said coolly. There was no sound of her leaving, but Glitterburst was certain if she’d turned around there would have only been a puff of crimson smoke where the woman had been standing.

Being taken into the supervillainess’ cloak had terrified Glitterburst, but she hadn’t failed to notice how the woman had been almost protective of her before leaving. She’d remember that and it would end up being important that even if the woman terrified her she’d feel safer with her than she did with Lady Lariat.

“I’ll wait till you’ve calmed down a bit,” Lady Lariat said, a hint of impatience in her voice.

She turned and went to a large bed, sitting down on it. Once she was sitting she crossed one leg over the other and leaned back, putting her hands behind her to rest on them.
Once sitting she returned her focus to Glitterburst, smiling in a way that told the girl she was enjoying her suffering. “But darling,” Lady Lariat said, grinning wider, “my time with you is limited, so I won’t wait forever.”

With the threat hanging in the air Glitterburst did her best to calm down. She looked around the room, hoping that focusing on her location would help.

They were in a large, one-room apartment that looked like it had once been some kind of industrial or commercial property that had been converted into a residential space. The place was well furnished and decorated with a clear Texan ranch theme. Mixed amongst the cowboy and southwestern decor was enough BDSM gear to make Glitterburst flush.

“Is this your home or your sex dungeon?” Glitterburst said. Forcing herself to spit out the quip helped her center herself.

“Yes,” Lady Lariat replied with an amused chuckle. “Starting to calm down, darling?”

She was, but Glitterburst was afraid of what would happen if she said that. So instead of answering she asked a question. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Oh, darling, can you not figure that out by where we are and how I’m dressed? Last time we fought I wasn’t allowed to have any real fun with you. But Lilith has given me permission, so here we are. Me, wanting to have you, you there waiting to be tamed and ridden like the sexy little filly you are. Think of this as a little rematch, but we’re skipping over the boring fight part and getting right to the part where the defeated superheroine is fair game sexually.”

Glitterburst had no illusions that she could defeat the woman in a rematch, not alone, and especially not after she’d been so knocked off her game by being teleported by Crimson Cloak. She didn’t even know where her glasses had ended up. They should have been on the floor somewhere nearby, but she suspected Lady Lariat had kicked them away at one point and Glitterburst just hadn’t noticed. Without them she’d only be able to use her powers lightly which just wouldn’t be enough.

When Lady Lariat saw Glitterburst had accepted what was happening her grin grew wider. “Darling, you’re going to do everything I want. But I don’t want you to be doing it too willingly. I expect you to put up a bit of a fight, at least at the right times. Now, though, ain’t one of them. Right now what I want is to see you strip for me.”

When Glitterburst hesitated Lady Lariat held a hand up. Red energy appeared wrapped in a winding loop around her hand, the telekinetic projection forming into the whip she preferred to wield. “Strip, darling, or I’ll use this to MAKE you. You remember what it was like when I had this round your pretty neck? If I recall you didn’t like it.”

Glitterburst remembered all too well the feeling of the woman being in control of her body and mind. “Please,” she said, voice shaking, “I’ll do what you want.”

“Then strip. NOW.”

After forcing herself to get up Glitterburst began to strip. She tried to do it slowly and sexily, but it was hard getting into the right mood. Her day had gone so bad so fast. She didn’t want to be doing this, not for THIS woman. The evil woman’s eyes eagerly drank in the sight of her naked body as it was slowly revealed felt like a violation Glitterburst could barely endure.

And it’s going to get worse, she thought, stomach lurching a bit. The violations are going to get a LOT worse. And the worst part might be that I’ll end up enjoying some of it. I’m still shaken from my panic attack, but it won’t be long before my super-charged libido starts to assert itself. I don’t want to enjoy this… and when that starts to happen it will make it all so much worse.

When Glitterburst was done stripping she stood awkwardly in the center of the room, naked and very much wanting to cover her breasts and crotch but fearing doing so would anger Lady Lariat.

“Darling, I’ll give you this, you’re a delight to look at. A carnal joy of youthful sexiness. Not exactly my favorite body type, but them thighs are looking particularly delicious. And I know your perky little titties can get bigger if I want them to grow. I think you’ll be able to keep me more than entertained for the afternoon.”

She rose from the bed, the glowing red whip in her hand shifting till it looked more like a lasso.

Glitterburst’s eyes opened wide in fear as she took a step back. The terrible memory of that telekinetic projection slapping around her neck and forming into a slave collar was forefront in her mind. “You said you wouldn’t use that on me if I did what you wanted,” she said, backing further away as Lady Lariat advanced on her.

“Wrong, darling. I never said anything like that. You just heard what you wanted to hear.”

She let the red rope drop out of her hand as it formed fully into a lasso. A moment later she was spinning it, working the round tip up into the air. “What I did say was sometimes I wanted you to put up a bit of a fight. Now is one of them times. Wrangling me a sexy little superheroine is some of my favorite foreplay. Try and keep me from catching you,” she said, preparing to try and lasso Glitterburst.

The girl’s fear of the woman’s weapon helped her instincts kick in. She dropped, rolling to the side then popping up onto her knees. She held her hands together, fingers making a faux pistol she pointed at Lady Lariat. She sent a small glitter-blast at the woman, one that wouldn’t have any chance of blinding or even dazzling either of them.

Lady Lariat had expected the attack. She leaped to the side, twirling her lasso so the glitter-blast went through its circling loop. The space inside the loop filled with glowing energy that sucked up the glitter-blast.

“Gotta do better than that, darling,” Lady Lariat taunted.

Glitterburst huffed angrily when the woman didn’t attack her. She’s playing with me. She knows she could easily get me with her lasso. I hate this. I hate this so much.

She frantically looked around the room, searching for something she could use. That was when she saw the door. Maybe I can get away… Maybe if I can get through that door it will lead to the streets or somewhere she wouldn’t be willing to follow without any real clothing on. Glitterburst was naked, but running out into the street with no clothes on would be easier to endure than whatever Lady Lariat had planned for her.

“You want to catch me?” Glitterburst said. “Fine, try it.”

The naked superheroine moved as though she was going to try charging the supervillainess, but it was only a faint. She pulled her hands apart, summoning a different kind of glittering energy than she normally did. She didn’t send out a concussive blast or a bright pulse of exploding, glitter-infused light. Instead, she sent out a blast purely made of the glitter infused into her energy. It formed into a moving wall, glistening and sparkling as it threatened to cover both the room and Lady Lariat in glitter.

It was clear the villainess did not know Glitterburst could use her powers this way. She threw her arms up, whipping her lasso in front of her as it shifted to become a shield of glowing red telekinetic energy.

Glitterburst turned and dashed towards the door as fast as she could. She could hear Lady Lariat snarling but was uncertain if she was annoyed by the wave of mostly pink and purple glitter she’d just sent across her home or if she’d noticed her attempt to escape.

It turned out it was both. “You nasty little cunt,” Lady Lariat snarled.

Glitterburst had made it halfway to the door when the red energy whip slapped into her neck, wrapping tightly around her. She was jerked back hard enough to send her slamming into the ground. The naked superheroine landed with a thud, hitting her head hard enough to daze her.

The world lurched as Glitterburst groaned in pain, not understanding till a few moments later that Lady Lariat was yanking her across the floor towards her. “I’ll never get all this fucking glitter out of here,” she snarled. “It better fucking disappear on its own. Tell me it does, girl. Tell me it’s just an energy projection that fades over time.”

Glitterburst grabbed the energy rope wrapped tightly around her neck. It had constricted tighter, choking her. She thrashed and kicked as she tried to pry it loose so she could breathe more easily, but Lady Lariat just made it constrict tighter.

By the time Lady Lariat had pulled Glitterburst across the floor to lay at the supervillainess’ feet the girl was so deprived of air she was starting to see stars. Only when Lady Lariat put a foot on her chest and pinned her to the ground did she will the energy rope to loosen enough to allow Glitterburst to gasp in some much-needed air.

“I asked you a question, darling. Don’t make me ask again.”

“Some of it will go away,” Glitterburst gasped, still trying to pry the rope from around her neck. She lay limp otherwise, feeling that she had little hope of breaking free of the foot keeping her pinned to the ground. Lady Lariat was FAR stronger than her, something that kept catching her by surprise.

“Some?” the villainess asked her, her voice full of peevish displeasure. “But not all of it?”

“No, not all of it,” Glitterburst admitted, fearing what the answer would make the woman do.

Lady Lariat groaned in anger and annoyance, taking her foot off Glitterburst then jerking up on the rope around the girl’s neck. It constricted tight again, once more choking Glitterburst as she was yanked up onto her knees. Lady Lariat started wrapping the rope around Glitterburst, pulling it tight and willing the telekinetic projection to reform.
The rope split, reforming into a full-body harness of artfully tied bondage rope. Some of it wrapped around Glitterburst’s arms, jerking them behind her back and tying her forearms together before the ropes fused with the harness to keep them locked in place.

The rope choking Glitterburst disappeared, becoming part of the harness covering her torso. As it did Lady Lariat dropped to her knees behind Glitterburst, wrapping an arm around the girl’s neck and pulling back to choke Glitterburst while holding her naked body against her own.

She tightened her arm around Glitterburst’s neck, making her gasp for air once more. “You did good, girl. Put up a fight, meager as it was. And pissed me right off. That’s good. Gets me in a better mood to torment you.”

Part of her telekinetic projection extended out of the rope harness, wrapping around one of Lady Lariat’s forearms. She pulled on it, causing the entire harness to tighten. That sent a wave of forced pleasure through Glitterburst’s body.

Glitterburst, still gasping for air as Lady Lariat lightly choked her with her arm, let out a moan of dismay as the unwanted, forced pleasure flowed through her body.

She shuddered as the pleasure continued to flow into her, quickly building her to a forced orgasm. “Please,” she forced out, voice raspy as she convulsed while cumming. “It’s too much!”

Lady Lariat eased up, letting the harness loosen slightly as it stopped sending the waves of forced pleasure into Glitterburst. “You beg very prettily,” she cooed, loosening her arm as well to let Glitterburst breath normally. “and you suffer delightfully,” she added.

“You know, darling, I think I might have more fun with you than I thought I would. Truth is I really only wanted you because you’re the only show in town. If there’s a super slut running around I’m gonna want to wrangle and play with her. Now I’m kind of glad we are getting this time before other superheroines show up in town. It’s given me a chance to learn what a fun playmate you are.”

While Lady Lariat spoke she dropped her arm from around the girl’s neck. She ran the hand down Glitterburst’s front till she reached her crotch. Lady Lariat grabbed the girl’s pussy and started kneading it in her hand, enjoying the way the helpless superheroine instantly started panting in arousal.

“So wet already?” the villainess asked as she rubbed at her moist opening. “Your body betrayed you so quickly.”

“You made me cum,” Glitterburst whined through her helpless moans as the woman played with her pussy.

“Yes, I did. And I can’t help but notice that you didn’t seem to get weaker when that happened. Your powers ain’t drained by orgasm, are they?” When Glitterburst hesitated to answer the energy ropes sent a pulse through her body that ended in her mind, forcing her to answer.

“No, they don’t,” Glitterburst whimpered between lewd moans of pleasure as the villainess continued to finger her, paying special attention to the girl’s clit.

“And can’t help but notice once them goofy glasses of yours fell off you were using your powers a lot differently. I’m thinking, thanks to how much being in the dark while Crimson Cloak teleported you here freaked you out, that your weakness is darkness. Perhaps without the glasses too strong of one of them annoying glitter-blasts might blind you, cutting off your powers?”

Glitterburst was amazed the woman had put everything together so perfectly. It felt almost like someone had told her, but no one knew her weaknesses aside from Mistress Katia. She knew her neighbor would NEVER betray her that way. Besides, how would she even know an awful woman like Lady Lariat?

“Yes,” Glitterburst admitted. “I— Oh fuck, that feels amazing,” she moaned, shuddering, whimpering, then moaning in delight.

“I know, darling. Clitoral stimulation is one of my specialties. Bet I can use it to break in a wild little filly like you with ease. What do you think?”

It didn’t take her long to work Glitterburst to orgasm. It was a far less traumatizing climax compared to the last. It was forced, but more slowly and through natural sexual stimulation. That allowed her to enjoy it more, something that she felt was, in many ways, worse.

As Glitterburst came her whole body shimmered, radiating her glittering energy for a few moments. The feel of that glow shamed Glitterburst. She only ever glowed like that when she was extremely happy or deeply enjoying physical pleasure.

I’m not enjoying this, she told herself, hating that she knew how empty the lie was. She WAS enjoying this. It was horribly traumatizing, but there was no denying how sexually thrilling being sexually dominated this way was.

“Such a pretty shimmer there, darling. Tell me, could you spread the energy out from your hands and make your body glow like that by choice, or does it only happen when you’re happy and enjoying what’s being done to you? Cause, darling, I KNOW you’re enjoying it even if you’d never admit it to me.”

“I could,” Glitterburst confessed. “But I don’t want to,” she moaned out pathetically.

“Let me guess why,” Lady Lariat said gleefully. “Wouldn’t do a whole lot for you, but it uses a lot of your power? Would make them perky little titties start to grow, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes,” Glitterburst said, gasping out the word as the woman rubbed relentlessly at her.

“I want to see it,” Lady Lariat growled greedily. “Do it, now. And you keep doing it till I tell you to stop. Gonna’ watch them perky little titties grow bigger, fuller, and heavier till they’re just perfect for what I have planned next…”

Glitterburst willed the glitter-infused energy that normally came out of her hands to spread up her arms then across the rest of her body. It took a lot of concentration and required her to pump out so much of her glittering energy that her breasts began to quickly expand.

“Keep going,” Lady Lariat growled. “Bigger. MUCH bigger.”

Glitterburst kept her body covered in glittering energy. Her breasts continued to swell in size. They moved past the point she felt comfortable with them, getting so large and heavy they no longer felt like they belonged on her body.

“Bigger,” Lady Lariat commanded. She was so worked up and turned on by the sight of the young superheroine’s breasts growing that she’d started rocking her hips and grinding her body into Glitterburst’s perky ass.

The pleasure of what Lady Lariat was doing with her hand combined with the woman’s obvious arousal only made the body dysmorphia Glitterburst was feeling as her breasts continued to grow all the more disturbing. She wasn’t used to someone watching as her breasts grew. She didn’t like it. It was deeply humiliating. But what she hated most was that part of her was deeply turned on by the humiliation she was feeling.

“I think that’s big enough, darling,” Lady Lariat said. “Each one’s nearly the size of your head. I like ‘em big, but that’s plenty big enough for my tastes.”

She finally stopped fingering Glitterburst. “Come on, darling, time for the main show.” The rope harness shifted, a collar forming around Glitterburst’s neck. The energy rope connected to the back of the rope harness moved up, connecting to the collar, and turning into a leash Lady Lariat was left holding.

“Up,” she commanded. With Glitterburst’s arms still tied behind her back Lady Lariat was kind enough to help the girl get to her feet.

Glitterburst’s chest was heaving as she struggled to catch her breath after having her pussy so skillfully played with for so long. The energy harness, collar, and leash left her feeling helpless. The way Lady Lariat was leading her by the leash left her feeling like an enslaved dog. That made her glad her arms were tied behind her back, if they hadn’t been she worried Lady Lariat might have made her crawl on all fours, making her feel even more like a dog. THAT might have been one humiliation too many for her to endure.

When she realized Lady Lariat was leading her toward the bed Glitterburst felt a bit of panic. The idea of being taken to this woman’s bed was something she found VERY distasteful. A bed was a private, intimate place. She didn’t want anything intimate with this terrible woman.

But what can I do about it? If she wants me in her bed she’ll have me…

“What are you going to do to me now?” the girl asked, feeling as pathetic as her voice made her sound.

“Told you, darling,” Lady Lariat said as they reached the bed, “I want to ride you and that’s what I intend to do.”

She turned Glitterburst around so her back was to the bed. Once Glitterburst was facing her Lady Lariat took a step back, holding the hand with the leash in it up.

Glitterburst watched as the red energy flowed down the villainess’ arm, spreading out and reforming into a harness-like garment of glowing red straps that wrapped around her torso. It extended further down, forming into something that made Glitterburst gasp.

“Impressive, yes?” Lady Lariat asked as a strap on made of telekinetic energy finished forming on her. “You can’t see it, darling, but it’s shaped so it will rub just right on my clit while I ride you. There’s even a little that extends into me that I can reform at will so it hits ALL the right spots.”

Glitterburst was barely listening. She was too focused on the strap on. Looking at the phallic object made of glowing red energy she knew it would feel as solid as if it were a silicon toy, and that terrified her a little. Glitterburst had never been a fan of penetration. A few partners had asked to use a strap on with her, but she’d always refused. Being taken that way had never interested her and had even scared her a little.

“Please don’t fuck me this way,” Glitterburst begged. “Not with that. I don’t like being penetrated and I’ve never had a woman fuck me with one of those.”

“Oh, darling, do you not understand you just ensured I’m not only gonna ride you hard today but that I’ll almost certainly be sure to do the same anytime I defeat you?”

She let out an evil cackle of joy at the way Glitterburst’s face paled as the young superheroine realized the mistake she’d made.

“Come on, darling, let’s get you up on the bed. But let’s free your arms first,” she said, willing the energy ropes holding her arms behind her back to disappear. “Go on, on the bed on all fours then back that pretty, perky ass of yours up to the edge. Closer,” she said, grabbing Glitterburst’s ass and pulling her back.

For a moment Glitterburst forgot what was about to happen. Once she was on her hands and knees her enlarged breasts were left dangling under her. The feel of their weight pulling down and the way any movement caused them to swing made the unpleasant feeling of body dysmorphia swell in her. It was such a disturbing feeling that only when Lady Lariat started rubbing the strap on up and down her moist slit did Glitterburst remember what was happening.

“Please,” she whined, struggling to hold back tears. “I’ll do anything else you want. Pleasure you any way you want. I’ll eat you out for hours, for days if you want! You can use your telekinetic projection to spank me. Beat me till I’m in tears. Or… or…” Her mind stuttered, unable to think of something else to offer that wouldn’t be as bad as what she was trying to stop Lady Lariat from doing to her.

“Not a chance, darling. The more you hate this the more I’m going to enjoy riding you till you cum your pretty little head silly.”

She lined the tip of her strap on up with Glitterburst’s sopping-wet opening. As she started to ease it into the girl she gripped the softest part of her midsection just above her ass with one hand then grabbed a handful of Glitterburst’s pink hair with the other. As she slid the strap on into Glitterburst she yanked back on her hair, making the girl yelp then moan as she was penetrated.

“All the way in,” Lady Lariat said, slowly working the strap on further into Glitterburst till her body was pressed against the girl’s ass. She pulled on her hair again, hard enough to make Glitterburst yelp out in pain again. “How you like being filled this way, darling?”

“I hate it,” Glitterburst groaned.

“Well, darling, let’s see if we can’t change your mind about that.” She tightened her grip on both Glitterburst’s hair and her side then started sliding the strap on in and out of the girl’s cunt.

“Please,” Glitterburst begged. The sound of the word disturbed her. It had come out not as a sob but as a moan.

“See, darling? It feels good. And it will feel even better once I’m riding you a bit harder.”

“No! Please,” Glitterburst gasped as the woman picked up speed. “My tits! Don’t make them swing like this. They’re too big… too heavy. The feeling is too disturbing.”

“Oh darling, you gotta stop making this worse for yourself,” Lady Lariat grunted happily as she started fucking Glitterburst harder to ensure her tits swung more wildly.

Glitterburst gritted her teeth, hating the feel of her enlarged breasts swinging under her. The weight of them felt so wrong, and the way that weight pulled on her body as they swung like wild pendulums repulsed her. The harder they swung the more the unpleasant feeling of body dysmorphia increased. Yet as repulsed as she was there was heat she couldn’t deny in the humiliation of the body dysmorphia, especially since the woman had forced her to grow her breasts this large.

There was also heat in the pleasure of Lady Lariat relentlessly pounding the strap on into her. Heat from the feel of the woman gripping her side tight enough to tell Glitterburst she was lost in the pleasure of fucking her. Even heat from the tight grip the woman had on her hair.

It was humiliating being fucked like this. Defeated so easily. Delivered to be the woman’s sexual toy. Made to strip. Forced to cum multiple times. Made to confess her weaknesses. Humiliation after humiliation, each unwanted event shaming her further because they’d each built heat.

Feeling heat from all the humiliation filled her with shame. That shame then mixed with everything else, building even MORE heat.

“Cum for me,” Lady Lariat growled as she pounded hard into Glitterburst.

The young superheroine had been close, only moments away from reaching climax on her own. Maybe if what Lady Lariat said had been just a bit of dirty talk it would have been enough to push Glitterburst over the edge. But it had been more than a verbal command. A wave of power radiated out of both the energy harness wrapped around the girl’s torso and from the strap on pounding into her, forcing her to cum hard.

Her arms gave out causing her front to collapse onto the bed. Glitterburst buried her face in the blankets and mattress, wailing in pleasure and shame.

Lady Lariat kept slamming into her. “I promised. To ride you. Hard. And I. Intend to,” she grunted, punctuating every few words with a hard slam into the girl’s backside. She kept fucking Glitterburst hard, all the way through her climax and then continuing just as hard.

“I need to see your face,” the woman growled. “I need to see them big titties bouncing and flopping all over the place.”

She grabbed Glitterburst, lifting her and flipping her over. She kept the strap on in her while doing this, continuing to fuck her as soon as Glitterburst’s back was on the bed.
“Look at them beauties bounce,” Lady Lariat gasped in joy as she held Glitterburst’s legs open. When Glitterburst moved to grab her breasts to hold them in place the woman slammed extra hard into her, growling, “Don’t you fucking dare.”

To keep her hands from getting her in trouble Glitterburst gripped the sheets tight. She also turned her head to the side and closed her eyes. Feeling her breasts bouncing so violently was bad enough, but SEEING it was too much for her.

Lady Lariat felt differently. Her eyes were locked on Glitterburst’s bouncing tits and she was pounding into the girl in the way that made them bounce and flop about the most. The sight was enough to push the supervillainess to climax.

As she came the energy harness around Glitterburst constricted, forced pleasure pulsing into the helpless superheroine. Glitterburst was left whimpering and moaning as she FELT the supervillainess’ orgasm, the pleasure mixing with her own and making her cum along with the woman. It was a wildly intense and unexpectedly intimate thing.

Unlike Glitterburst, orgasms weakened Lady Lariat. The climax wasn’t enough to depower her, but it left her drained. She eased up, still sliding the strap on in and out of Glitterburst, but more slowly now. “Not ready to be done with you yet,” she huffed weakly. “Want to make you cum one more time…”

She grabbed Glitterburst’s thighs, pushing her legs further open then pushing her legs up. “Grab your legs,” Lady Lariat panted, “and hold them like that.”

Glitterburst did as she was told, too overwhelmed and exhausted to think of refusing. What happened next would shock Glitterburst to her core, leaving her even more overwhelmed and exhausted.

Lady Lariat, no longer needing to hold Glitterburst’s legs open, ran her hands up the girl’s thighs till they reached her pussy. “I’m going to make you cum so hard you won’t know how to handle it,” the woman said, sounding weak but determined as she started rubbing Glitterburst’s clit while continuing to fuck her with the strap on.

The words were barely out of her mouth before the explosion happened. Glitterburst arched her back and screamed in pleasure so loud it felt like she shook the world around her. She came harder and in a way far different then she’d ever cum before. The explosion of pleasure burst from her, both as an explosion of squirting fluid from her cunt but also a huge burst of glitter-infused energy.

Lady Lariat was delighted by the sparkling, glowing, squirting blast of sexual fluids that burst from the girl. She quickly pulled away from her, letting the strap on fall free so the girl could better squirt on her.

“Holy shit, darling! It’s like you just squirted a gay glitter sex-bomb all over me! That might be the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Look at me!” she said, looking down at herself. “I’m covered in lady cum and glitter!”

On the bed Glitterburst let out a whimper, still convulsing in pleasure and sending a few more, much smaller, glitter-infused spurts of squirting fluid from her cunt. She convulsed again then shook, as though echoes of the pleasure were causing little earthquake-like orgasms as she came down from the intense sexual high.

She let out another whimper then went limp, so exhausted and overwhelmed by everything she’d gone catatonic.

Lady Lariat, finally sated, willed the telekinetic projection wrapped around Glitterburst and her to disappear, the strap on fading along with everything else. She flopped onto the bed beside Glitterburst with a satisfied sigh of contentment, laying on her side propped up on an elbow, her head resting in her hand.

“Penetration plus clitoral stimulation had some explosive results, didn’t it, darling?” Lady Lariat hadn’t expected an answer from Glitterburst and received none. “Gonna have to start calling you ‘Clitterburst’ from now on,” she chuckled.

She rolled over onto her back and put her hands behind her head. “You know, darling, I normally worry about this moment right here. I got off and it left me weak. I’m sexually sated, too. You gotta know that feeling even if you don’t share the orgasm weakness so many of us do. That pressure for sexual stimulation… It builds and builds till it’s all you can think about, till you HAVE to do something. And when you sate those carnal needs? So much peace… Hard to care about anything. Makes you TOO calm, almost lazy. Perfect time for some plucky superheroine to find a way to escape.”

Lady Lariat rolled back over to her side to face Glitterburst. “But I don’t gotta worry ‘bout that today, do I, little Clitterburst?” When Glitterburst didn’t answer she chuckled. “Poor thing. The ordeal was a bit much for you, I mean just look at you laying there practically passed out and so overwhelmed you can’t even speak.”

She put two fingers on the girl’s upper chest and began playfully walking them down her body. “You’re going to be so much fun tormenting. I can see it now. You’ll try so hard to avoid me, fearing the next rematch will end up just like this. And it WILL, darling, it will. But Sapphica City ain’t big enough. We’ll have run-ins again, and if we don’t I’ll arrange them like I did today.”

As her fingers neared Glitterburst’s pussy the girl whimpered and convulsed lightly, as though the stimulation was too much for her to handle. Lady Lariat recognized this and turned her fingers around, beginning to slowly walk them back up Glitterburst body.

“Your only hope things might ever go differently between us is more superheroines. Maybe with enough of you little sluts with the right powers you could best me, but I doubt it. And as you’ve seen, I’ve got friends of my own. No, darling, you’re only REAL hope is that other superheroines start showing up soon and that they can keep me distracted enough to not want to hunt you down too often.”

Glitterburst didn’t respond. She couldn’t. It had been too much and she’d shut down. Yet she heard everything the woman said. It would haunt her, especially when weeks and months passed and everything she said turned out to be true.
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Philo Hunter
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The newest part of this ongoing series is out! You can find the ebook on Smashwords:


Or if you back on my Patreon you can get access to the story either through a password protected page at the 1$ level or, if you back at 3$ or higher through a free coupon code for the ebook.


Romance has begun to bloom in Sapphica City! But like everything in the city even the simplest, most innocent of things are tinged with kinky perversion. And just like everything else in this dark lesbian BDSM romance love is just another tool to manipulate and control the naive, innocent, powerful young women at the center of this story.

At The Eternal Passion Club bookseller Veronica Byrd continues to lose herself in a world of superpowered criminals, BDSM kinkery, and submissive sex. But she’s not just Lilith’s slave anymore, she’s been given to the imposing crime lord’s “niece” Jadis. In their private moments Veronica and Jadis have developed an increasingly intimate relationship. But the growing romantic affection Veronica feels for Jadis might just be blinding her to the young woman’s drive to gain power through magic at any cost.

Like most things, romance blooms brighter on the other side of the divide between heroine and villainess. Superheroines Glitterburst and Luna Moth grow closer, forming an intimate bond very different from the other sexual relationship both heroines have with their neighbor, the dominatrix Mistress Katia.

The two young superheroines think their lives are becoming something perfect even as costumed gangs start to become a problem in Sapphica City. Lost in the simple happiness of their new relationship they are unable to see how heavily all the older women in their lives, women they trust deeply, are manipulating them for their own goals.

Outside Sapphica City the superheroine Psigirl, who had a relationship with Luna Moth while they were at the superhero university together, has grown dangerously obsessed with her ex. Readers will get to see how the powerful telepath uses her powers to set up a return to Luna Moth’s life.

This one-handed read is intended for adult audiences ONLY. It centers on BDSM-themed sexual relationships between older and younger women, with the relationships between the younger characters being more romance-driven. Kinks/themes include mental/emotional manipulation and outright mind control, sexual scenes of dubious and outright non-consent, oral sex, breast growth, bondage, and impact play.
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Philo Hunter
Posts: 644
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: The Great (mostly) Frozen North


The newest part of this ongoing story is up for sale on Smashwords!
Romance continues to bloom in Sapphica City, but as it does a storm approaches that will complicate everything.

The young superheroines Glitterburst and Luna Moth enjoy the calm before the storm’s arrival by working through some happy moments of sexual self-discovery and a particularly love and sex-filled day of romantic perfection. Through their perfect day the two girl’s complicated relationship with their shared Mistress becomes even more complicated as their affection for the woman becomes mixed with their affection for each other.

On the other side of the law Veronica Byrd spends a special day in her bookstore with her owner and girlfriend Jadis. As they play out a kinky magic-infused game of semi-public sex the worlds of heroine and supervillainess will brush lightly together, building tension as Jadis reveals just how she plans to use her magic to bring out Veronica Byrd’s hidden potential.

And then the storm will arrive in the form of the young superheroine Psigirl. Obsessed with her former lover Luna Moth she’s used her potent mind control powers to arrange being stationed in Sapphica City. She’s looking to make amends for how she wronged Luna Moth and earn a place back in the girl’s life, but nothing in Sapphica City is ever as simple as it seems as the storm that is Psigirl crashes into all their lives.

This one-handed read is intended for adult audiences ONLY. It centers mostly on BDSM-themed sexual relationships between older and younger women, with the relationships between the younger characters being more romance-driven. The story only includes lesbian sex scenes (with men never appearing “on screen” in the book). Kinks/themes include mental/emotional manipulation and outright mind control, sexual scenes of dubious and outright non-consent, oral sex, bondage, orgasm control/denial, and impact play.
If you're a backer on my Patreon at any level you get access to the entire series through a password protected web page, and if you back at the 3$ level or higher you get a coupon code for a free copy of the Ebook from Smashwords!
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