I'll Follow Up Soon

Hypnosis, Mind Control and Erotic Superheroine Adventures!
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Hey Guys,

I'll make another post later about whats going on and whats upcoming. Just been taking a little time off to regroup. Plus there have been some great companies coming through the studio lately. Today is the very sexy Chanel Preston and yes I'll be talking to her about a superheroine appearance!

Stay tuned.

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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 155
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Great, Hyp. Thanks.

Just a suggestion - do you think this section of the board is a bit redundant, and should be removed? Besides this, there hasn't been a recent post in months - and you'd probably have much better reception posting this in The Lounge or The Releases section.
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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I would have to respectfully disagree about this section being a waste of time.
Although it isn't used as much (or seemingly at all) I am wondering if there isn't more of a reason for it.
I will elaborate on that statement.
Maybe we should reach out a little more to producers or encourage more dialogue.
Producers are always asking for input or responding to what we have to say
or comment on. If we just pull them more towards one general area or 'forum' for discussion, then maybe they will come here a little more.

After all Randy Moore and Christina Carter are always commenting here. Also, I know a few others who most likely would as well. I know them but not personally mind you.

Anyways food for thought.
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Nope. The entire forum is organized very effectively and works fine the way it is - and to "shift" people to other areas wouldn't work. People casually flock to certain boards and generate discussion naturally. I didn't say this particular section was a waste of time - just redundant.
Posts: 66
Joined: 13 years ago

hey mighty what you working on currently cause haven't seen any thing from you in a while
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