The United States of Lex (Part 1, 2, & 3)

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Staff Sargeant
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(This story contains bondage, forced sexual encounters, low blows, and a three on one beat down.)

The United States of Lex

Part One

A bald man sat quietly looking down at the many documents spread across the extravagant desk before him. One hand rubbed along his forehead as the other slid a page from the stack. He read down the new sheet and then swiped it aside as well.
"No wonder America fell so easily, these bills are a joke. Who thinks this horrid trash up?" the man said, groaning.
He reached down and took the thick stack from the desk and cast it into the trash bin beside him. Things were going to be different now. The laws would be simple, and easy to follow; the law of Lex.
The door to the Oval Office slowly opened and a thin man in an expensive black suit entered.
"Mister, um, president, sir?" the man said, his voice trembling.
"President? There are no presidents in the USL, my dear friend," Lex said and then folded his hands on the desk.
"You may call me," he paused for a moment dabbling in his intellect, "his royal brilliance, the greatest master mind of the world, the father of the future."
The scrawny well dressed man looked around nervously, unable to look Lex in the eye. Bits of sweat beaded around his brow and dampened the hair line of his messy brown hair.
"Um, okay, mister future sir," the man said.
Lex sighed and then chuckled to himself, "close enough. What is it?"
"They are ready for you sir, as you requested."
Lex stood up and brushed his hands down the threads of his own finely crafted gray suit, flattening out the wrinkles.
"How do I look Stanly," Lex said to the man in the door way.
"Good sir," Stanly said.
"Do you know why that is Stanly?"
"No sir."
"Because I feel good," Lex said and a wide grin formed at his lips.
Lex moved from behind the desk, on his way he ripped down the red white and blue flag of the former United States of America, and then carried it over to Stanly. He tossed the flag into his arms and then walked past him.
"Burn that Stanly, the new flags will be her shortly," Lex said over his shoulder as he walked down the hall. It was now time for the show of the century, and his public awaited.

The bitter cold December air chilled Samantha to the bone, even through the thick feather jacket she wore. With her gloved hands clasped tight, she blew hot air into them and the steam of her breath fogged around her before the chill choked it away. The snow covered the lawn of the White House leading up to a massive stage that had only been constructed recently.
Samantha looked around at the crowd that collected around the stage. They all stood in the snow, a mix of every person imaginable, waiting for the villains arrival. Samantha know why she was there, why they all were there. Since Lex Luthor's rise to power few weeks ago, the US Government brought forth it's last failing effort to stop the mad man from seizing the entire country. Lex had made many attempts in the past to crumble the government, but nothing as well planned and successful as his last. It would appear that all the attempts before were mere distractions from his ongoing extortion of local law officials into crippling the financial state of America and waging enough wars to thin the military enough for internal hostile takeover.
The peoples last hope laid in the hands of two super powered aliens that had gone missing a few days ago. Many speculated that they ran from failure to protect the country and now hid some place in the depths of space, but Samantha disagreed with those accusations. They were not the running type, and she feared the worst for them.
The sky up above was as gray and gloomy as Samantha's spirits when the first round of fireworks shot up into the sky and exploded with bright green embers that fell down towards the earth. Green, Lex Luthor's new favorite color, or so it seemed, had been proudly displayed on the new flags posted throughout the city. The United States of Lex, is what he had called the nation now, and the flag was a lime green with two silver L's linked together in the center. A magnificent display of his arrogance for the whole world to see and fear.
Crackling came from the speakers followed by an energetic voice, "Ladies and gentleman, with great pleasure I am proud to introduce, your new leader, the prince of intellect, the greatest criminal master mind of our time, Lex, Luthor!"
The crowed conversed among themselves in a chaotic rumble, before the large overhead monitor displayed the words: Clap or be punished.
Slowly the crowd brought their hands together in a swelling torrent of applause. The monitor flipped over to a live camera focused on Lex Luthor himself as the much smaller version made his way to the center stage. He held a microphone in his hand, and stood on the edge of the stage like some sort of rock star. Samantha wondered if he had announced himself with such enthusiasm.
"My fellow Ex Americans," Lex said into the microphone which carried his voice with authority throughout the yard, "I am Lex Luthor, your new leader. Now I know what you are thinking, what was wrong with the old leadership? Well, let me tell you."
Lex began pacing the stage, with one hand on the mike, and the other tucked into the pocket of his suit.
"This country fell, not because it was weak, not because it was broke. It fell because it lacked quality leadership, and more importantly it excluded one very important element. Does anyone know what that element is?"
He paused a moment and looked at the crowed, who whispered among themselves. He smiled and looked at them like a parent might look down to a child who tried to comprehend things greater than they could possibly understand.
"The element, is you," He said.
The whisper in the crowd grew to a low rumble.
"That's right. You," Lex continued, "they made all these laws, rules, regulations, without ever asking you what you needed. Wealthy fat cats sitting up above, looked down on the people. They knew what was best for you, or so they thought. But like a thief in the night, I crept in and stopped the oppressors. I freed the people!"
The monitor flashed back to the applause warning and the people clapped with more vigor than they had before. From Samantha's left stepped a muscular man in a black suit, with a large steel suitcase in one hand and a fully automatic rifle in the other. He looked down at her, must have been well over six feet tall, and thrust the suitcase towards her. She gripped it with both hands.
"Lex wanted multiple angles on this show, here is your camera. You know what to do." the beast of a man said.
Samantha nodded, she knew exactly what she had to do. Being a new reporter, she could operate a camera like a pro. The question was, did she want to record this moment in history; broadcast it to the homes of every American?
"We will be watching the live feed, miss the action and the boss won't be happy. He is not a forgiving man."
The giant stalked off and Samantha bent down and opened the case. While she hurriedly set up her camera and tripod Lex continued to speak to the people.
"Furth more, they would rather put the trust of the nation in the hands of aliens! Aliens, can you believe that? A country who spends billions of dollars a year kicking human illegal aliens over the border!"
Samantha snapped the camera's battery in place, flipped on the power, and removed the lens cap. She was now ready to record and broadcast this event, for better or for worse. The camera has superior zoom capabilities and she zeroed in on Lex center stage.
"Well my new Lexinites! I have quite the show for you tonight!" Lex went on, this time the over head monitor did not have to switch over to the applause sign, the people clapped on their own. How easily the masses were controlled by a man with a silver tongue. Samantha reluctantly pressed the record button and instantly she was in the homes of every man woman and child.
On stage a group of black suited men escorted two prisoners in shackles towards Lex. She zoomed in on them and they were unmistakably the aliens she feared for only moments ago. The tall fit male wore a thick blue body suit, with red under garments just below his bright yellow belt. The kind of costume a dorky school kid might wear when he was looking for a hard ass kicking. He stood tall and proud as he always had in his knee high red boots, with his long flowing red cape draped over his shoulders. On the center of his chest was a red diamond shaped logo with a winding S in the center, and a backdrop of yellow. His bright blue eyes looked on the crowed with compassion as the wind caught a black lock of hair over his forehead and tossed it around.
Beside the male known as the Man of Steel, the slightly shorter woman stood. Her costume bore a remarkable resemblance to his, but instead of a full blue body suit, her stopped at the waste and tucked into a red pleated skirt held up by a similar yellow belt. her long toned legs descended from the end of the skirt, at the start of the knee, and vanished into calf high red boots. She also wore a long cape that danced in the wind, and the same diamond S logo molded over her shapely chest, which stuck out proudly, slowly rising and falling with her breath. Her long blond hair played behind her in the breeze as she too looked at the crowd confidently. Little was known about the woman alien, other than she was somehow related to the Man of Steel and had adopted the appropriate title of Super Girl, due to her equally impressive super human strength that she shared in common with the Man of Steel.
Both of the aliens had their wrists bound in front of them in metal cuffs. Strange green necklaces were choker tight around their necks. It almost looked like a joke to Samantha after all the video she had seen of the two lifting entire trains, she half expected them to rip their arms free and shoot up into the sky. But they didn't, and only stood there as Lex welcomed them to the stage.
"Here are the guests of honor now," Lex said as the two caped heroes were escorted beside him, "though they are hardly guests now are they? More like puppets of a corrupt government helping to oppress it's people. Let's see what they have to say for themselves shall we?"
Lex placed the microphone in front of the Man of Steel's face and he began to speak.
"The only thing that is corrupt around here Lex, is you. Give up this twisted game before more lives are ruined for your amusement."
Lex took back the mike, "Do you see how brain washed this alien is? Or perhaps he isn't brain washed at all? Maybe he is the one doing the brain washing, luring the once good men and women of this country into total slavery?"
Super Girl yelled something, but it was lost in the sound of the crowd. Lex quickly moved over to her, like an excited child eager to continue his game.
"What was that Super Girl? You had something to say?"
"You're a liar Lex, we only seek to help the people of this planet. You are the one who seeks to enslave!" Super Girl said, her angelic voice rang through the loud speakers and the crowd groaned at her statement.
"I don't think they believe you alien, I think they no longer want to be a part of your evil plot to rule this world!" Lex said, now holding the mike for himself.
The crowd went wild with cheer and began to chant, "Leave our planet, we don't need you."
"You heard the people, aliens, they don't want or need you, but we can't just simply let you go can we? You will just come back and terrorize them. No, we have to send a message to all the aliens in the galaxy that Earth is off limits!"
The crowd boomed once more cheering to Lex's speech. Samantha did not like where this was headed. She knew the heroes meant to do only good in the world, and they had even saved her once from a nasty bus crash. She remembered how safe she felt in the Man of Steel's arms as he scooped her up and carried her off into the sky. He was like an angel taking her to heaven, he spoke to her telling her she would be alright just before she passed out. She later awoke in a hospital bed and it all felt like a dream until she turned on the news and saw the report.
Lex was the real monster. His rise to power had already cost thousands of lives, but yet the crowd still cheered in blissful ignorance.
"I am not like the President of the ex America, I will hear the people! Would anyone like to share their story? Anyone at all?" Lex said looking down at the crowd.
Many hands shot up into the air and Samantha swung the camera to film it. She didn't wish to encourage this web of lies, but didn't want to end up dead either. Besides, the heroes would escape, Lex could not hold them forever, and when they did, he would be sorry.
Lex pointed into the crowd and two armed men went down and escorted an older woman on stage. She had gray hair, tangled around her shoulders, and was bundled up tight in winter clothing. Lex handed her the microphone.
"Hello," the woman said in a quiet tone, "I am Angela Connor, and that alien over there let my grandson die." Angela pointed at the Man of Steel.
The crowd gasped at her words and they disputed it amongst themselves.
"My sweet, sweet grandson was only 8, and that alien was too busy chasing some reporter girl to spare his life. The reporter always cast herself into danger, and this villain let the innocent die for the stupid and reckless!" Angela's voice shook on the last words and be began to sob. Lex pulled the mike away from her and guided her over to the male alien.
"Show him what you think of his, help," Lex said. Angela looked up at the hero with tear soaked eyes and then spit in his face. The Man of Steel cocked his head to the side and did not look at the woman. Super Girl began to shout again.
Lex escorted the woman to his guards and they brought her off stage, then he returned to Super Girl, "You had more to say?"
"We can't be everywhere at once, there is only two of us!" Super Girl said, then looked up at the Man of Steel whose look had faltered from the proud expression he wore earlier.
"We do our best to pro--"
"Yeah sure you do, when the people are worth your time," Lex cut her off pulling the mike away then moving to center stage once more.
"Does anyone else have a story to share?" Lex said and then selected another member of the audience.
A man was brought up on stage and Lex held the mike in front of him, "Hello, I am Chris. A few months ago I was about to end my life when Super Girl showed up. She saw me standing on the edge of a building and flew down to me. I just wanted to die, but she stood there with me. Talked to me, and showed me I could make a difference in the world."
The crowd grew quiet listening to Chris speak. Finally someone who could show the true nature of these heroes.
"If it wasn't for Super Girl I would be dead right now. These two people are not villains, they are true heroes and--"
Lex pulled the microphone away and laughed into it, "Well now, it appears the brain washing still has hold of a few people. So the heroine spares the life of a man who does not want to live, at the expense of how many who begged for a savior and got no reply! Good luck in the crowd friend, you will need it."
Lex shoved the man into his guards and the drug him down into the crowd who became violent with kicks and punches. The country had fallen into total darkness.
"Next speaker please, and do make it a good one," Lex said and this time the guards went down and picked a person. They returned from the masses with a man in a dirt brown coat who staggered alongside them. His face was covered in stubble, and his eyes were bloodshot. Lex held the mike out for the man to speak and then recoiled from what Samantha assumed was the stench coming off him. He slowly leaned back in.
"Hello friend, what's your story?"
"I lost my job, my woman, and, " the man paused thinking, with every item on his list he struck a finger on his hand with the other, "my car. All cause these super ass holes like flying round breaking stuff. Smashed up my job fighting something."
The drunk man swayed back and forth then looked at Lex with a blank expression.
"Sounds pretty rough there friend," Lex said, "what would you like to say to these two aliens?"
"Say? I want say nothing. Lost my woman, don't get no more pussy. I want to fuck the pretty blonde one." the drunk said.
Lex grinned wide, "Now there is an interested request ladies and gentleman. What do you say, should we help the man out?"
The crowed ripped with excitement and screamed up to the stage demanding the man get what he is owed. Samantha's gut spun over on itself. This was not going to end well at all.
Last edited by HeroineFall84 10 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Provocative beginning. I look forward to more.
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Very Interesting Story,,,, More please...
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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The United States of Lex

Part Two

The crowd roared with excitement as Lex walked with the drunken man across the stage towards the chained heroes. The Man of Steel stood calmly while Super Girl began to back up into the guards. Samantha could only imagine what it must feel like to have the whole world watch and cheer as an intoxicated man raped her on stage. She didn't know if she could watch this, but knew she had little choice in whether or not she filmed it.
Lex and the drunk were feet away when the Man of Steel broke his passive exterior. In one quick move he brought up his elbow and bashed it into the face of guard behind him, then spun with his cape whipping wildly and kicked another guard square in the chest. The guard flew across stage, apparently Super Man still possessed strength greater than any man. Following the Man of Steel's lead, Super Girl laid two solid back kicks into the guards behind her, who had been watching the fight. They too flew back and crashed into speakers with a blaze of sparks.
Lex quickly stuffed the microphone into the hands of the drunk and then began fishing in his coat pocket.
The drunk took the mike and began to slur, "Oh, mister tough guy. Big blue."
The intoxicated citizen staggered towards the Man of Steel, who bashed away another guard with both hands linked together in the cuffs.
"Why don't you fight, a real man," the drunk went on, "big red cape wearing sissy."
Super Man turned to Super Girl, "Kara run! Get out of here!"
She looked at him and paused, it was clear to Samantha that she was torn about leaving him behind. Super Girl ignored his plea and then shoulder checked another guard.
The Man of Steel looked down at the cuffs around his wrists and stared intensely. Samantha could swear she saw red sparks in his bright blue eyes. After a moment of gazing, Super Man tried to pry his arms free, but it was no good. Whatever happened to them had made them much weaker than Samantha had ever seen them.
A Whirlwind of soft pink skin and red flashed as Super Girl spun and dropped a leg down into a guard that had charged her. Her blond hair hung down into her face as she too battled with the cuffs trying to get free. Another guard came up behind her and gripped her in a bear hug lifting her off the ground, her legs dangled and kicked in the air. The man gripped the alien woman tight, with his hand locked onto his other wrist and squeezing. She thrashed in his arms unable to get the footing she needed to toss him off.
The crowd booed loudly as they threw their fists in the air in protest of the escape in progress. Was Samantha the only one hopping they got free?
Lex rushed up to the heroes with a metal box in his hand, it was small and cell phone shaped. He pointed it at Super Man and the muscular hero fell to his knees instantly with his arms held close to his chest. He appeared to be in a great deal of pain as he rolled over on to his back. Lex walked past the subdued Man of Steel and aimed the remote at Super Girl, who let out a shriek of pain and went limp in the guards arms. The guard squeezed her a few more times, and then let her drop to the stage floor. She hit hard, unable to brace herself and fell flat on her chest.
"Not so tough now, huh?" the drunk citizen went on, standing over the Man of Steel.
Lex joined them and took the mike out of the man's hand then turned to the crowd who responded with an ear rattling cheer.
"Well now, that was more excitement than I was hoping for," Lex said, then stepped over a fallen guard to the front of the stage, "I guess the restraints were not quite high enough for these two. Do you see now how dangerous they are, we can't let such power run free on its own!"
More cheering.
As far as Samantha could tell, the only one abusing their power was Lex Luthor. She had never seen the heroes treat prisoners the way Lex had. Why couldn't the people see what she saw? Were they that easily swayed into the web of a mad man?
"Now, where were we? Ah yes, this man was out for a little pay back on the woman who ruined his life!"
Lex crossed the stage towards Super Girl who still lay flat on the floor. The guards began to get up, most of them, while others drug the unconscious ones off stage. It served them right for holding the heroes prisoner in a time like this, Samantha thought, when what the world needed was for them to stop Lex before it was too late. Hopefully it wasn't already.
Lex knelt down and ran his hand over Super Girl's head, then took a handful of her hair in it and pulled her head up. Her eyes were closed tight and her teeth clenched together between soft pink lips.
"Well what do you say ladies and gentlemen of the USL? On with the show?" Lex said and the crowd agreed. He motioned to the guard, who bear hugged Super Girl a moment ago, and he walked off, then returned with the drunk. Lex pulled the microphone away from his mouth and said something to a guard that Samantha could not hear, then turned back to the audience with a wicked grin. Two guards bend down and pulled Super Girl up to her knees, chest still flat on the stage, bottom up in the air. They held on to her, though it didn't look like it was required, she didn't resist.
Two more guards drug the Man of Steel over and laid him down next to Super Girl. He was on his side looking at her, the big blue eyes soft with concern.
"Well what are you waiting for? Teach this alien a lesson!" Lex said looking at the drunk man who now stood behind the bent over super heroine. The man fumbled with his belt buckle, then his dirty pants fell down to his knees exposing his un maintained neither reign. Samantha shut her eyes, trying to push the image out, but it had been too late. How disgusting it was, how wrong, how evil. She hoped the camera was catching the action, for her own sake, but she didn't want to witness this crime.
"Come one man, the people don't have all day," Lex said, and Samantha opened her eyes.
The intoxicated man was now playing with himself, looking down at the heroine's back side. Yet another image she will have to live with the rest of her life. Too much to drink, Samantha thought to herself. Maybe the girl was going to be safe after all. The camera had drifted off a bit in the wind that ripped through the area, so she re-centered it on Super Girl. Through the lens she could see the heroine's head move side to side a little, whatever Lex hit them with was the only vulnerability she had ever seen the two have.
Lex stepped into the shot and shoved the drunk out of the way, "You've disgraced your planet and your country. Get this drunken man out of here."
The guards collected the man and drug him off stage while he struggled and cried out things that no one seemed to hear. Standing behind Super Girl, Lex drew back on foot and then kicked Super Girl between her spread legs and her head shot up with an obvious expression of shock and pain.
"I guess you got lucky that time, you alien whore!"
Super Man responded, yelling at Lex and squirming around on his side. Lex just looked down at him and laughed, then walked over and pressed the microphone in his face.
"Lex, stop this. It's between you and me, not her or the people of this city. Please."
"Please?" Lex said into the mike, "between you and I? Oh my dear alien, this was never between you and I. Sure we have had our battles, but had you never come to this planet my goals would have been the same. I seek to bring peace and justice to a country that does not respect the power of the mind. You were only an annoying fly buzzing around my home. Well not anymore."
Lex stood up and walked away from the Man of Steel, who said something after him, but it went ignored.
"It's time for people to pledge themselves to a better day, a brighter tomorrow, and most of all, to me," Lex said, his large mouth of teeth glowing brightly in the camera's eye piece.
What an absolute arrogant monster, kicking a tied up person when they were down; and between the legs no less. Samantha looks around, maybe she could sneak off, run away, but it was no good. Two guards were posted not far from where she stood, weapons in hand. There was no way she could get past them without being noticed, she was sure they were stationed there to make sure she filmed the show. Though she was most likely safer than the heroes on stage, she felt as much a prisoner as they were.
"Yo, make some noise, it's time to get pledging people," a new voice said through the speaker system.
Samantha looked back to the stage and saw Lex now standing behind Super Girl once more. He no longer held the microphone, and watched as guards carried a big lavish chair to him. It was a throne of shorts, as bold and obnoxious as Lex Luthor himself. Golden in frame, the chair was cushioned with green fabric and had an arch much taller than any man would require. They set the elaborate monstrosity down and Lex hopped into the chair and crosses one leg over the other, like a proud child who had finally got his way.
"We need some true people of the USL to stand up," the voice said and Samantha looked at the speaker. It was one of Lex's thugs, a big muscular black man, nearly the size of Super Man. He had sunglasses on, though it was cloudy and gray. She had not seen him on the stage before, he must have just joined the show, but she had only looked away for a moment. Where did he come from?
"We need real people, ready, to be real with Lex, and have some real fun with Super Girl," the man said, stretching the last word as if he were some announcer on a wrestling show.
"Let's get this party started!"
Guards now moved through the crowd selecting people randomly and bringing them on stage. They formed a long line to stage left, and the announcer took the first person in line. It was a kid, well at least twenty-one years old; much younger than Samantha at thirty-five. He looked nervous sanding with his hands in his pockets next to the massive thug with the mike.
"What's your name son?"
"Erik," the man said.
"Well Erik, are you ready to change your life?"
"Yes," Erik said, gazing into Samantha's camera. She felt as if he looked right at her.
"Well then, kneel before Lex and have your wish granted my man!"
The announcer pushed Erik towards Lex's throne and he stumbled, then walked over cautiously. The thug followed and held the microphone in his face.
"Tell the fine people," the announcer said.
"Hello, I am Erik," he said, then knelt down, "and I pledge myself to you Lex Luthor."
Lex grinned wide, then waved his hand down to Erik, who looked up at him like a dog to its master.
"What is your wish Erik?" the announcer said, then stuffed the mike back in Erik's face.
"I have always fantasized about Super Girl," he paused, seeming embarrassed to confess his wish, "and I have wanted her so bad. I used to watch videos of her on the Super Heroine Forum, wishing I could be the villain. Wishing I could have her all to myself."
The announcer pulled back the mike, "that's some real deep shit kid."
Erik looked up, his cheeks red as a rose, then the announcer leaned the microphone back in for him to finish.
"Lex, please let me have her. Please let me have Super Girl."
Lex stroked his chin, smiling, as the announcer walked up to him and gave him the mike. The crowed grew silent awaiting his response. He paused a moment thinking it over, then said, "well I can't let you have her, but if you want to play with her here, be my guest loyal servant!"
The audience erupted with a cheer worthy of a last minute come back in a sports game. This was sick, and it made Samantha's gut spin around like a snake coiling for the strike. They were really going to rape a heroine on national television, right here on this stage? She wished she could save her, leap on the stage and take out the bag guys, but she was only human. She was not like them.
"Well you heard the man, it's time to get freaky," the announcer said, arching up to the sky.
Erik moved timidly over to the bent over Super Girl who was still restrained by the guards. He looked her over, studied her curves, looked at her back side with only a view he and Lex shared. Samantha on the other hand could see the heroine's face, which tried to look back behind her, but could not move enough. She would have heard every word, knew what was coming, but was helpless to defend herself. It was no secret that she was dubbed one of the sexiest women alive in the local magazines, she was nothing short of a goddess. Her hair tangled around her face, and her cape hung over one shoulder exposing the long blue back of her costume. Erik finally knelt down behind her and reached out slowly to touch the small of her back. Super Girl jerked at his touch, and he pulled his hand back quickly.
"Come on now boy, you're the villain now, you're in charge. Teach this hero what she's really good for," the announcer said, as he moved around front of Super Girl.
Erik reached out and put his hand on Super Girl's back once more, and she jerked again, but this time he did not pull away. She was saying something trying to look back, but no one seemed to care. Erik was rubbing over the curve in her back, now with both hands. Samantha would admit, had this just been a fantasy of two willing parties, it would have been rather hot, but the heroine now struggled to get free and the look of panic on her face killed the erotic moment.
Erik slid Super Girl's skirt up and Samantha could just barely see the soft flesh of her bottom, which was hugged by the high riding leotard she wore. With a quick strike of the hand Erik spanked the heroine's rear and she stopped struggling for a moment. It was as if she was confused by the sensation. A second and a third swat and Super Girl returned to struggling against the guards.
"There you go Erik, smack that bitch's ass!" the announcer cheered then leaned down to Super Girl, "I bet you like that don't you honey?"
"You just wait till I get free!" she said into the mike that was now in her face.
Super Man was next to her, helpless as well with a guard kneeling into his back. Samantha looked at him a moment through the camera and saw his dreamy blue eyes once more, with the same expression of compassion they always had. She turned the camera back to Super Girl knowing that if she didn't keep on the action, it could be her on the stage next.
Erik was now rubbing all over the heroines body through her suit, and over the bare flesh of her legs and rear. His expression was void, as if he were a zombie mindlessly fondling her body. Her hands were still cuffed and she was laying on top of them chest down. The guards held her shoulders down so she could not pull herself up. There was something about the way Erik touched Super Girl that lit a candle in Samantha's stomach. Nothing major, but enough for her to know that there was a part of her enjoying this, however small it was. She shook her head, there was no way Lex was going to pollute her mind like he had the rest of the crowd. Samantha looked away, trying to take in as little as she could of the event, but with every word of the announcer she felt am impulse to watch.
"Yeah baby, you liked that don't you. Always flying around playing hard to get, but what you really want is a man to show you how it is," the announcer said, and Samantha turned to look.
She could only see one of Erik's hands now, and it was over Super Girl's rear holding aside the blue bottom of her suit. His right shoulder jerked back and forth quickly, and at first Samantha thought he was masturbating, until she saw Super Girl's face. Her jaw was propped open and her crystal blue eyes were open wide. She looked as shocked as she did confused, as Erik fingered her from behind. It was escalating quickly, the crowd was chanting and the announcer was taunting the heroine. The flame inside Samantha grew a bit more, and she tried to choke it out. This was a crime, disgusting, and evil, she could not let herself enjoy watching this. She had been on edge sexually for over a year now and had not been with a man, which brought her sexual side out easier than it usually had, but this was too much.
"Wow people, if you could only smell what I smell up here. Yeah Erik, you're becoming a man, I think the little super slut likes it!"
Super Girl still had the look of shock and horror on her face, with a slight pink color forming on her cheeks. She must have been humiliated up there with Erik's fingers inside her. Samantha wondered if it was the first time a man had ever touched the heroine in that way. From her expression it was very likely. Erik continued to finger her, picking up speed until he finally gave in to his urges. He began fighting with his pants.
"Oh no girl, you've done it now. My man Erik is about to be all up in you!"
Erik jerked down his pants, but Samantha could not see much over the curves of Super Girl's back side. Hopefully he would be done quick, and the poor confused heroine would suffer less. Erik's hands flew to Super Girl's hips and he pulled her bottom back into him, then fumbled around behind her. The kind must have been as inexperienced as the heroine was, but finally her face became even more shocked and horrified. Erik was inside her.
"Beat it up Erik!" the announcer said and then leaned down to Super Girl once more.
Erik began slamming into the heroine, her hair tossing around, body sliding into his thrusts on the stage floor. The microphone was close to her mouth and her whimpers were heard throughout the entire court yard. The flame burned again inside Samantha, and it gnawed at her continence. How could she be enjoying watching this woman suffer and be publicly humiliated nationwide?
"Yeah baby, told you she likes it!" the announcer said, then grabbed Super Girl by the hair, "look at your audience girl, they are all here to watch you."
In between her whimpers of protest she managed words, "Get, off me, you monster!"
"Oh now? We are the monsters and you invaded our planet? Boy Erik I think you have done this one silly! Have you been drinking girl?"
Samantha could see Super Man laying next to Super Girl as she was pumped furiously. He seemed to be talking to her, some words of comfort through the ordeal, though Samantha could think of nothing that would give much comfort in the situation. The look on his face saddened her greatly, and it poured a cold glass of water over the warm feeling in her belly. This was wrong, definitely wrong, wasn't it?
With her cheek bone against the camera's eye piece she zoomed back into the action, she could not let herself get too distracted. They were watching her.
Erik's face was twitching, his eyes clamping shut moments at a time, and his efforts doubled. Samantha knew it wouldn't be long before he was finished. Super Girl thrashed beneath him still in a vain attempt to escape, but between her restraints and the heavy guards over her body, it was useless. This was really happening, and just watching it sparked a desire in Samantha. The way he took her by force, how she struggled to resist the thorough thrusting she was receiving, it all had it's strange appeal. Would she enjoy this center stage? Hands bound, begging for them to stop when she really means go faster. A new feeling joined the confusion, it was a warm feeling in the crotch of her pants; the only real warmth she had felt all morning. It was certain, she was enjoying this.
"Damn kid look at you go! Break that bitch!"
The announcer's voice sent chills over her body as she watched Erik shame Super Girl on stage. The idea of her in Super Girl's place began to flood her mind with images, feelings, desires. What was happening to her? Had Lex somehow poisoned the her with some sort of sex drug? No, it was her own hidden passion, need, for a type of sex she had never considered before. Hear breathing quickened, and the heat from below grew even warmer still. She tried to ignore it, tried to feel sorry for the heroine, but deep down she wanted Erik to give it to her good.
Super Girl's grunts echoed once more into the cold damp air, and followed with her pleas.
"Stop, please, no more," Super Girl said, and her voice boomed everywhere.
The crowd only cheered for further punishment and Samantha, though guilty, wanted the same.
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Very cool. I don't know the DC character of Lex Luthor all that well, but I really enjoy your Lex. He's got presence and totally fitting dialogue - he's the kind of character I love to see in action. I'm also liking the kind of guilty seduction that Samantha's going through while watching the submission on stage. Enjoying it.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Thanks! I hope you all enjoy part two, there will be two more parts in the future. Maybe more, depends on how the story flows. :)
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The United States of Lex

Part Three

The young alien heroine's eyes were open nearly as wide as her mouth. Erick, the obsessed male fan, continued to assault her from the back side while the sounds of bare skin slapping together echoed out of the loud speakers.
The announcer was standing next to Erik with the microphone pointed down so it could pick up every wet slosh sound the penetration of Super Girl's vagina made. if the grin on the announcer's face were any wider, it might rip the stretched out skin. They were humiliated the hero on center stage while the whole world watched, and though Samantha felt it was wrong with every bit of her being, she still had heat rising from her collar, among other places. It was almost unbearable as she stood there filming this event, while her body urged her to pursue a release.
Finally Erik's primal cry could be heard through the loud speakers and he gave a few final bucks into the heroine, quivering, spasming, then he collapsed onto her back. He had just released his efforts inside of her, and Samantha wondered if the alien woman could be impregnated by humans. What a horrid though, her carrying the child of this event. Surely once the woman had her powers back there would not be a doctor on Earth who could abort the pregnancy; that was assuming she lived through this. Would they kill her when they were through? The thought killed the moment for Samantha. The sex turned her on, but murder was nothing of an erotic nature to her.
"Damn, that looked fun Erik, I will have to get me some of that later. How was it for you super bitch?" the announcer said putting the microphone in the heroine's face.
"Get him off me you sick monsters!" she said through gritted teeth. Samantha could see her eyes close through the lens of the camera, and though she acted tough, it was clear that pools of water formed at the base of her blue eyes. The announcer just laugh and walked over to Lex, who motioned a guard to carry Erik off. Lex took the microphone.
"Well now, that was exciting. I am sure there will be many more sloppy seconds requests where that came from, but first a word from our sponsor. Me," Lex said and then hopped out of his throne.
"You see, I am not such a bad guy. I give the people exactly what they ask for, unlike the leaders of old. You want to," Lex looked down at Super Girl, who was still held down by the guards, "sleep with an alien? I say have at it. It's your lives after all. All I ask is that you give yourselves to me, let me be your ruler, your king, and all things will be possible."
A guard helped Erik off stage, who held tight to his unbuttoned pants keeping them up. The guard lead Erik off stage and then returned to the front of the line for another pledge.
"So ask yourselves, am I better alone on the streets, or am I better with Lex? I think the answer is clear," Lex said and then handed the microphone back to the announcer who immediately burst into an energetic ramble.
The guard controlling the line walked up to the announcer and whispered something in his ear and the twisted grin returned.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the USL, we have another interesting request for your viewing pleasure. Brink them on up Trevor," the announcer said and Trevor, the guard, brought 3 women on stage and in front of Lex. They were all bundled up in thick winder clothing, much like the rest of the audience, and looked as if they were in their twenties. Two blonds and a black haired woman knelt down before the throne and the announcer soon had a microphone on them.
"Lex we pledge ourselves to you and the USL, all we ask is that we can teach that alien bitch a lesson for stealing our boyfriends away," the woman with black hair said.
Lex looked intrigued by the idea and motioned for the microphone.
"Stole your boyfriends did you say? Approach the throne," Lex said and the three women did as told. They began a conversation, tilting the microphone back and forth in turn.
"Yes Lex, that alien whore stole our boyfriends from us," the brunet said.
"Do tell, how did this come to be?" Lex replied.
"Well, my boyfriend, he plays football for college," she began. Lex rolled his eyes, "and we cheer for the team. One day he catches a video of Super Slut over there flying out a burning building and got all like, obsessed."
The black haired woman scowled at Super Girl before continuing, "well at first he just talked about her, then it was on to like, dress up in the bedroom. Pretty soon he could not finish during sex without that costume on me—"
"Sounds like brain washing to me I am afraid," Lex cut in.
"Yeah Lex, so bad. So I told him it was either her or me. Then he dumped me," the woman said.
"And this happened to all three of you find women?" Lex said and they all nodded, "well this simply won't do. I think the alien needs to be put in her place, show her that brain washing is just not acceptable in the USL."
A guard walked up to the announcer and handed him a few microphones, then walked off. Each woman was handed a mike and then brought out to center stage where the guards lifted the heroine to her feet. She whipped her head back and forth clearing the strands of blonde hair from her face then stood tall. The announcer came up to Super Girl and gave her his microphone and she held it in her cuffed hands.
"It's on now you boyfriend steeling bitch!" the black haired woman yelled at the heroine.
"Please, this isn't the answer. I didn't go after the men in your lives," Super Girl said.
"Yeah that's what all whores say when they get caught, but you ain't getting away with it."
"Yeah!" the other two women chimed in.
Guards came up behind Super Girl creating a wall of bodies to prevent her from backing away from the fight that was sure to begin.
"Lex is twisting your minds, trying to corrupt the good in you. Don't play his game, just put down the microphones and walk way," Super Girl said.
"Oh you would like that wouldn't you? Well we ain't backing down," the head cheerleader said and then motioned to the blondes on either of her sides.
The two blonde cheerleaders advanced on Super Girl, who took a ready stance to defend herself. Samantha could tell that she was weak from whatever Lex had done to her and feared for her safety. In a real televised fighting event there were rules, referees, and when a combatant went down, the fight stopped until they got up. She was sure this would not be like any of those shows.
The blonde women closed in, one from the back the other from the side. Super Girl looked back and forth between them as them as they began to circle her. It just wasn't fair, she was cuffed and obviously not used to being only human, let alone out numbered. The girl behind her moved in and Super Girl moved quick to avoid her grip, but the second girl caught her off balance and gripped hold of her hair, then pulled her stumbling forward. She ripped on the heroine's hair while screaming, both microphones sending horrible shrieks through the speakers as the clanged about on stage. The second blonde came up behind once more and this time went for her cape, took it and yanked on it until Super Girl fell back onto her bottom. Both girls began clawing and kicking at the downed heroine, both releasing their microphones to the stage floor in their fury.
"Please, I am not your enemy," Super Girl's voice rang out, apparently she still had hold of the microphone, though her voice sounded distant.
"You aren't our enemy you super tramp, your just a whore who needs to be taught a lesson!" the dark haired leader cut in as she walked up to join the other cheerleaders, "Pick her up!"
The blondes did as their leader said and pulled the caped heroine to her red booted feet. They gripped onto her arms tight, and Samantha zoomed in with her camera. Super Girl had a few scrapes on her cheek and her hair was in tangles, but other than that she seemed un harmed. Super Man was still on his side saying something from the ground, but no one paid any attention to him except for the guard knelt on his back who pushed down on his head with the butt of his rifle.
The young female heroine stood tall, despite the danger of her situation and this seemed to make the head cheerleader even more engaged. Without warning the dark haired woman took two quick steps forward and brought a foot right up between Super Girl's parted legs with a kick so hard that the heroine's feet left the stages floor a little. Super Girl's cuffed hands retreated to her crotch and she feel to her knees wincing in pain.
"Get her back up!" the head cheerleader said, and the blondes pulled the heroine to her feet once more.
Again the dark haired woman delivered another crushing blow to the heroines nether region and crumpled her to the stage floor. The crowed grew wild with excitement, as if it were a wrestling match, but this was not staged, this was real and they were cheering on brutality. Four more times they brought the hero up and kicked her in the groin, and each time the heroine's legs looked as if they could hold her up less and less.
"She won't be using that on my man any time soon," the head cheerleader said, addressing the crowed for the first time, and they applauded for her. She soaked in the praise then turned back to Super Girl who was still on her knees nursing her privates.
"So you like wearing little costumes and getting all the boys attention do you? Well we do too, but we are not teases like you. We let men enjoy our bodies, but you, you're just an alien tease who uses her body to brain wash men into following you."
Super Girl no longer had her microphone, and only looked up at the dark haired woman in response.
"Rip the bitches clothes, let's see what she has under that ugly costume!"
Both blondes reached down and began pulling at the heroines cape, her top, and her skirt, but it would not tear. It just stretched a little and they dragged her around by it. After a while of aggressive effort, they gave up and shrugged at their leader.
"Alien clothes, figures. Stand her up, I got this," the dark haired woman said, then walked up to the blondes as the pulled the heroine to her feet.
Super Girl kept her eyes on the head cheer leader until she vanished behind her. Samantha focused the camera close on Super Girl as the hands of the dark haired girl appeared on her chest from behind. She rubbed over the heroines chest, squeezing her breasts. Super Girl's expression went to confusion once more and she began to struggle. One of the blondes slapped her across the face as punishment for her resistance, but it only stunned her for a moment and then she fought back again.
Another smack, then another, and Super Girl stopped fighting. Pain most likely was not a feeling she was used to. The head cheerleader worked on the heroine's chest, while the blondes joined in exploring the aliens body. She looked up towards the sky, defiantly, or maybe just wishing she had the power to fly away, but her boots remained on the stage floor and the cheer leaders continued to molest her.
"Who wants to see some super tities?" The head cheerleader said into her microphone and the crowd responded in excited claps.
When the leader went to pull down Super Girl's top, she was caught off guard by a head-butt from the heroine and fell back onto the stage. The blondes looked shocked when they too were struck to the floor with the heroines bound hands, and then Super Girl made a break for it, running stage left. Samantha whipped the camera following the heroine, while chanting to herself, "go girl go!"
Guards began to chase her, but she didn't make it far before she screamed up into the air so loud that she could be heard even without a microphone. Her back arched and she fell flat on her chest. Samantha knew what had happened even before she turned the camera to Lex, who was standing from his throne with his arm stretched out pointing the same device he used earlier to subdue the heroes. Resisting was entirely pointless, but it did seem to excite the crowd more each time. Lex was getting the show he had hoped for, and the people were falling farther into the palm of his hand ever second that went by.
Super Girl did not move, whatever that device did, it had stolen the fight right out of her. Guards dragged her limp body back to the center of the stage, where the cheer leaders now stood, back on their feet.
The head cheerleader spoke while holding her injured nose, "I should whip the hell out of you for that! You tried to mess up my nose you bitch!"
"Whipping, now there is an interesting idea," Lex said and everyone turned to face him. He had his own microphone now and stood in front of his throne, "I think from this day forward, prisoners who try to escape will suffer a sound lashing. It worked in the days of old, and will work in this new day. Somebody find this loyal woman a whip!"
Guards moved around the stage, some disappeared, and finally a whip was in the hands of the dark haired cheerleader.
"Oh no," Samantha said to herself. Super Girl had still not moved on the ground, not even an inch. She watched as the head cheerleader tested the whip out on the stage floor and the loud crack cut through the air and into Samantha's ears. She had never seen a person whipped before, but had seen many photos after the fact when she was doing journalism overseas. Whipping was not a punishment given in the United States, but in some other countries it was a perfectly sound form of punishment.
Super Man was now on his feet as well and guards brought him to join Super Girl. It would appear they both were to be punished publicly. Both of the cuffs came off the heroes and they were turned away from the cheer leader with the whip. Super Girl looked as if she could barely stand and hung limp by her arm's that were held out be two guards.
"Now Super Man," Lex said, "I am sure you still have some fight in you, that's what made you so much fun over the years, but the next time I press the button I may not let go. I am not sure your little cousin there can take too much more of it."
Super Man didn't respond, or even look at Lex Luthor, he just held his gaze straight ahead with his arms held out to his sides.
"When you're ready my dear," Lex said and then sat back down in his throne seat.
The cheer leader pulled the whip back and took her first strike at Super Girl, but it missed by a foot and struck one of the guards in the back. The guard cried out in pain and let go of Super Girl's arm and limped forward trying to reach the injury. The crowd roared with laughter and Lex himself chuckled into the microphone.
"No dear, the aliens were to be punished, not my men," Lex said.
A loud explosion, followed by the gun fire of several rifles drew everyone's attention away from the stage. Samantha whipped around aiming her Camera through the bars of the fence and saw flames rising in the distance. More gun fire and man of Lex's soldiers running around the streets. Had the US military finally arrived to put a stop to Lex? Samantha could only hope.
Another explosion erupted sending a ball of fire into the sky. She tried to zoom in and catch a glimpse of what was coming, but smoke filled the air and blurred the figures moving through it. A sudden fear gripped her chest as she wondered if the approaching group was even friendly. Perhaps another nation took this opportunity to invade and take over the crippled United States.
More black suited guards moved through the crowed and to the gates, poking their rifles between the bars. Another explosion went off and a flaming car rolled right into the fence and knocked Lex's guards to the ground. The wind carried the smoke into the audience and they all began to panic, scream, and duck down for cover. This began to feel like the story Samantha had covered over in Afghanistan the year before. It was the single most terrifying event she had ever been through in her whole life. Through all the gun fire and chaos it was hard to tell who was a good guy and who was not. Everyone was just firing their weapons trying to kill the other.
A loud rumble shook Samantha's bones as a low flying jet ripped through the sky above. She was not completely sure, but it appeared to be one of the US Air Force fighter jets. Finally this madness was coming to an end! She pulled her camera free of the tripod and got low to the ground, as to avoid the gun fire that was sure to come pouring through the gates at any minute. With a quick glance over her shoulder at the stage she could no longer see Lex Luthor or the announcer. Super Man was knelt down beside Super Girl shielding her.
The sudden sound of twisting metal brought Samantha's focus back to the fence, and she saw a figure pulling at the bars, bending them. Was this another one of the aliens friends coming to rescue them? Once the bars were thoroughly pulled apart a woman stepped through the opening and walked towards the stage. She was tall, wearing what looked like an armored women's one piece swimsuit, with a blue bottom covered in white stars, and a red top with a golden emblem that reminded Samantha of a pilot's wings. Her wavy brown hair blew in the wind behind her as she marched forward fearlessly. Both of her wrists had metallic bracers on them, on her hips a golden coiled rope, and her boots were red with white trim around the knee. Whoever this woman was, she as not human, though if she were wearing normal clothing and had not just pried her way through steel bars, no one would tell the difference. She was tone like a female body builder, but no amount of time in the gym would grant a human that sort of strength.
Unite States soldiers began to fill the court yard through the opening this, wonder woman had just made. They lined up behind the woman and she called out in a loud authoritive voice, "Lex Luthor, your reign is over. Surrender and release Super Man and Super Girl. I will only ask nicely once."
So she did know the two alien heroes, well of course she did. Who else on this planet could possibly posses the strength they had. Samantha moved around on her belly to get a better shot at the new savior, when Lex Luthor's voice rang out through the speakers.
"Surrender, I think not. Why would a man of my unchallenged superior intellect surrender when the odds are still in my favor?"
"Give it up Luthor, your intellect has clearly failed you. We have the place surrounded and your tricks will not work on me. I am an Amazon, and I do not suffer from the same weaknesses the Kryptonians do."
"Ah, this is true, but only a foot would think I have not realized this," Lex said, just then the announcer walked back out onto the stage followed by a small army of guards behind him.
"Guns won't work on me either Luthor."
"No they won't, but my loyal servant Jack here, he is a different story."
Jack, the announcer, ripped open his shirt exposing the bulging muscles beneath, then cast the torn garment to the side. He was large, and muscular like only a body builder would be, but nothing about him seemed super human to Samantha. Was Lex bluffing, or did this massive thug possess a power great enough to take on the new mighty Amazon woman. The Amazon took a step forwad and Jack did the same. Both armies pulled up their weapons ready for combat and Samantha laid on the grass wishing she was anywhere but there.
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Really enjoying this. Excellent peril and terrific detail.
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Thank you DrDominator9, I am glad you're enjoying it! I am having fun myself. It just crossed the line of only being 4 parts, so it will most likely become an on going series. :) Hopefully it will stay just as interesting!
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