Wonder Woman vs Dr. Ether (Anastasia Pierce)

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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

Plot: The amazing Amazon of justice Wonder Woman has been summoned to the home of the lovely Dr. Smith who has an emergency priority mission for her to find her kidnapped husband. Wonder Woman is ready to help this civilian any way she can but when the two begin to converse with each other, Wonder Woman suspects that not all may be right…especially when she starts to get a dizzy spell from being around Dr. Smith…
wwWWvsDrEther.mov_snapshot_01.59_[2015.08.26_20.01.54].jpg (30.97 KiB) Viewed 1676 times
(Danger Will Robinson! Spoilers ahead! Read at your own risk)

-My best friend is a huge fan of Anastasia Pierce and after watching this, I’m beginning to see why. Anastasia is wonderful in this story as Dr. Smith, who incidentally turns out be a free-lance assassin named Dr. Ether who has an unusual ability within her genetic make-up. This part was made for Anastasia and I loved the way she talks in this vid…that European accent that she puts on made her sound like she was Dutch or German and she kinda looks like that lady who played Xenia off of ‘Goldeneye’. This vid that Anastasia put together was great and her performance was truly one of a kind.

-The lady who played Wonder Woman was extremely talented too. And the way she fell into Dr. Ether’s trap was even more convincing. She had no idea what was making her woozy or why she felt so weak and her helplessness in this vid seemed very real. (I just discovered a few months earlier that this woman's name is Miss Carter and I must say she is truly amazing to watch playing this role)

-Dr. Ether and Wonder Woman locking lips? Oooh, it doesn’t get any sweeter than that. (Yes folks, I love stories where the heroine and the villainess lock lips. That should be a key essential in a lot of superheroine stories).

-Wonder Woman being at Dr. Ether’s mercy, unable to break free from her own lasso was splendid too. I also enjoyed the fact that Anastasia proclaimed her love for Wonder Woman, but at the same time partially regrets that she must destroy her. Hey, a girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do, right?

-A happy ending! Won’t say how it ends or what happens, but the outcome of this vid really put a smile on my face. Really enjoyed it.


-Eh…didn’t really see too many cons in this, but I’ll name a few. Dr. Ether, could’ve used the situation to interrogate Wonder Woman a little bit more and find out all of her secrets. Interrogation scenes are a really good idea in a superheroine parody, to see how long the heroine can hold out before breaking. If they’re being tormented for mere amusement, it kinda loses taste after a little while.

-The fingering scene? That was bit of a turn off for me. Some people may have enjoyed it or may enjoy watching that part, but it just didn’t do anything for me.

-The makeout scene between Wonder Woman and Dr. Ether should've been a little bit longer. Timeframe was limited, but still fun to watch.

Final Outcome:

I won’t give a final diagnosis on what could’ve been done better because everything was done perfectly in this video. Anastasia really put together an excellent superheroine parody for this particular vid and the lady that she had playing Wonder Woman did a decent, if not fabulous job with her portrayal of the Amazon of justice and the story had a happy ending too that I was very proud of. Anastasia and co. should definitely get a raise for putting this gem together.

Given the effort for this fabulous production, I give it and Anastasia's crew a big 10 out of 10.
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