The Mighty Isis: "The Curse of the Mummy"

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"Oh My Queen," said the royal sorceror to Hatshepset, "with this amulet you will be endowed with the powers of the goddess Isis. You will soar as the falcon soars, run with the speed of gazelles, and command the elements of earth and sky." Centuries later, school teacher Andrea Thomas rediscovered the mystic amulet and uses it to fight evil in the guise of... The Mighty Isis!

"The Curse of the Mummy"

Chapter 1 --

It had been raining ever since they got off the expressway, which was unusual for Southern California. As the silver Buick threaded its way over unfamiliar rural roads, the rain finally stopped, but the evening sky was black with dark clouds, interspersed with the occasional flash of lightning.

"I apologize again for bringing you out on a night like this, Miss Thomas," said the driver, a gray-haired man of fifty. He was dressed in an equally gray houndstooth suit, as befitted a junior high school prinicipal. "But Rick Mason told me that you had taken three semesters of Egyptology at UCLA."

"It's quite all right, Mr. Peterson," said the young woman perched comfortably in the passenger seat, her knees primly together. She was 26 years old, her pretty face framed with gold-rimmed glasses, her long dark brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. Her lean, young body, which had fueled the adolescent daydreams of many a male student, was dressed in a sleeveless pullover top, three or four beaded necklaces dangling around its U-shaped neckline, and a blue-gray wool skirt which failed to entirely cover her classy legs. "I'm excited. If it really is a genuine sarcophagus, it will be a real coup for the county historical museum."

"And a feather in my cap with the district superintendent if we can purchase it for a good price," Peterson agreed. Cyrus Bellingham had passed away weeks earlier, and his family who lived back East decided to sell his mansion in its entirety -- goods, chattels and all. Fortunately the executor of the estate, a lawyer named Hastie, was a school friend of Peterson, and had contacted him with the offer of first dibs on Bellingham's modest collection of Eqyptian artifacts, which included a sarcophagus. The catch was that Hastie wasn't sure if it was genuine or fake -- which was the reason Peterson had brought Andrea along.

He looked up doubtfully at the sky. "I just thought we could get to Bellingham House and back tonight. If it hadn't been for this storm..."

Andrea Thomas' lips twitched, trying her best not to smirk. They were clearly lost, and Mr. Peterson's male pride wouldn't allow him to admit it. She turned unconcernedly to look out the passenger window at the unfamiliar, rain-drenched landscape. "Look, there's a filling station," she said suddenly as a bright cluster of lights sped past in the darkness. "Why don't we stop and ask directions?"

"Miss Thomas, I don't need to ask," the principal said icily. "I know exactly where I am." He fumbled inside the pocket of his jacket for his iPad. "I have a map right here..."

"Mr. Peterson," Andrea said nervously, "you really shouldn't take your eyes off the road..."

"Miss Thomas, I know what I'm doing! We turn left at the bridge... er..." He hesitated, turning the map around. "I mean we turn right at the bridge..."

"But Mr. Peterson--"

Andrea suddenly felt the gut-wrenching sensation of the car skidding on the rain-soaked asphalt. Peterson hit the brakes in panic when he should have merely pumped them, causing the tires to squeal as they slid. With a bump, the Buick rocked to a halt halfway in the ditch.

"Not a word, Miss Thomas," the principal seethed through gritted teeth.

Andrea popped the door open on her side and awkwardly climbed out. Knealing at the side of the Buick, she could see that the care was undamaged, but the tires were hopelessly stuck in the mud. Gently she touched the golden amulet that was tucked safely inside the bosom of her top. If only she were free to transform into the mighty Isis, she could fix their predicament with a simple incantation -- but she couldn't very well change in front of Principal Peterson! It looked as if they were stranded...

Headlights suddenly appeared down the highway. Andrea stepped out into the road, frantically waving. The lights flashed bright, then dimmed, with no sign of slowing down. The pretty schoolteacher barely leaped out of the way as a red sports car skidded to a stop, close enough to splash Andrea's clothes.

"You guys having trouble?" said a perky female voice, as the passenger side window rolled down. The driver of the car was a girl, about Andrea's age, with short dark hair with faint blue highlights. She seemed to be wearing a khaki tshirt with some kind of logo on it, tight blue denim shorts and a blue denim cargo vest.

"We were on our way to Bellingham House," said Peterson. "If you could just--"

"Great!" said the girl. "I'm going there myself! I can give you a lift!"

"We're obliged to you," Peterson said, opening the passenger door. Andrea, although disgruntled at being splashed, grabbed her overnight bag and slid into the cramped back seat of the sports car. As Peterson got into the passenger side, the car sped off down the rain slick highway -- in the opposite direction from the way Peterson had been driving.

"Not a word, Miss Thomas," the principal growled in a low voice.

"My name is Abby Smith," their rescuer gushed. "I'm the assistant executive director of Pyramid Lake Resorts! Ever been there?"

"Pyramid Lake? The amusement park?" Peterson blurted, his voice ringing with disapproval.

THe girl laughed, keeping her eyes on the road. "We call it an adventure theme park, grandpa. Bellingham's got this nifty Egyptian mummy for sale, and my boss thought it would look really slammin' in the lobby of our main building! He sent me down to scope it out." As Abby prattled on, the car came to a bridge, where she unhesitatingly turned left down a long driveway flanked by tall brick pillars. At the end of the drive was a huge, Gothic mansion with a rounded victorian turret tower.

The three of them got out of the car, looking up at the dark house. Lights were on in only a few of the windows. As they watched, a sinister, man-shaped shadow lurched past the curtains drawn across one of the ground floor windows. Abby and Andrea unconsciously moved a little closer to one another. "It's... kind of creepy, isn't it?" whispered Abby.

And just then lightning split the sky overhead. The heavy clouds let go and it began to rain again. Principal Peterson immediately ducked back inside the car, yanking the door shut behind him, leaving Andrea and Abby out in the pouring rain. The two girls made a dash for the safety of the mansion, slipping and sliding on the wet lawn. Abby was wearing hiking boots and thick wool socks, but Andrea's high heels stumbled in the soggy ground. Quickly she grabbed for the other girl's slim waist with both arms, nearly pulling her off balance and dropping them both into a mud puddle. But somehow the two of them kept their balance, and a moment later were scrambling up the steps into the relative safety of the porch.

Abby banged the brass knocker mounted on the massive oak door, shivering in the chilly October air. "Hello!" she called. "Come on! Open up!"

There was a THUNK! from the door as the lock inside was turned. Hinges creaked as the door began to open. Andrea and Abby drew closer together in fright, their slender arms snaking around one other for protection. Pressed tight against the other girl, Andrea couldn't help noticing the way her wet tshirt clung to her two perky breasts. Her cheeks suddenly felt warm.

The door opened just far enough that they could see a youngish man dressed in dark clothes, with greasy black hair and ears that stood out on either side of his head. He looked them over, his pale eyes lingering over their dripping wet hair, their drenched clothes, the rain trickling down their long legs... "Go away!" he said finally. "There's been some mistake! You're at the wrong house!" And then he slammed the door in their faces.


Chapter 2 --

"Please let us in!" Andrea shouted, hopping up and down, her teeth chattering.

The door was opened again, this time by an elderly butler in a stiff black suit. "I do apologize, young ladies," he said invitingly. The girls quickly scooted inside the richly-decorated foyer, where the rude younger man with the big ears was standing silently and sulkily off to one side. "My name is Styles," the butler continued. "There is a fire in the drawing room, if you would trouble yourselves to step this way..."

Peterson came running before the door could be shut again. Just then a tall man in a dark grey three piece suit and a bright red tie came ambling down the main staircase. "Ah, Petey!" he said. "Glad you could make it, old fellow! Beastly night to be out..."

"Yes, well, we had a bit of an accident," Peterson said, shaking hands with the lawyer, "but we made it."

Andrea and Abby were already warming themselves by the huge fireplace in the next room, slipping out of their squelching shoes, and in Abby's case, her sodden socks as well. "This is Andrea Thomas, one of my teachers," Peterson continued. "I brought her along to authenticate the artifacts. You know, just a precaution." He fixed his friend with a stern look as he indicated Abby. "And may I ask what SHE is doing here?"

"Oh you mean, Miss Smith?" Hastie said. "Sorry about that, old fellow. Mrs. Bellingham contacted her employer directly. Nothing I could do..." Suddenly he fixed his own stern look upon the rude young man with the prominent ears, who had followed unobtrusively behind them. "What are YOU still doing here, Monkhouse?"

"Well..." the young man began timidly, "I was Mr. Bellingham's personal secretary, and--"

"And he has been dead for three weeks," Hastie snapped. "One would have thought that he has no more need of your services."

"If I may, sir," said the elderly butler, setting down a tray of sandwiches which Andrea and Abby pounced on hungrily. "Mr. Monkhouse's terms of employment included room and board. Seeing as how his salary has been paid until the end of the month, Mrs. Bellingham agreed that he might remain until then."

"I see," said Hastie stiffly. "Don't try to make off with anything, you young twerp!"

"Er... speaking of which..." said Abby, around a mouthful of ham sandwich, "could we see the stuff now?"

"I don't see why not," the lawyer replied. He led the way down a short passageway and into a large study which also seemed to double as a museum. In front of the windows was a big oak desk, two leather armchairs, and bookshelves. Andrea glanced at the titles and found most of them to be on ancient history and ancient languages. The other half of the room contained shelves with Grecian urns and small bronze figurines. Inside a glass case sat four jars made of some creamy white stone.

"Canopic jars," the pretty schoolteacher said, leaning over for a closer look. "They look like Old Kingdom, tenth dynasty."

"You mean Middle Kingdom, don't you?" Abby corrected smugly, nearly elbowing her aside. "Eleventh dynasty."

Andrea realized with a twinge of embarrassment that the other girl was right. She moved to the next case, where a papyrus parchment was laid out on display beside a wooden box with brass hinges and fittings. Andrea couldn't quite sight-read hieroglyphics, but it looked similar to some of the incantations in the Book of the Dead, intended to help the deceased person's spirit reach the afterlife. Moving aside a heavy reference book was resting on top of the case and blocking her view, a sheet of notebook paper slipped out. Someone had copied down the incantation and was trying to translate it phonetically.

Monkhouse crept forward and tried timidly to take the paper, mumbling something about a hobby of his.

"Let me see that," said Abby, snatching the paper out of Andrea's hand. "Not bad. But this symbol is pronounced 'pah', not 'tah', and this one is 'kulep', not 'kalef'."

"Actually," said Andrea, glad to be able to show up her rival, "its proper pronunciation is 'kolept' -- if you'll notice the little mark here."

Abby glared at her. "So it is," she admitted sourly, her eyes casting about for a change of subject. "Ah, but here's the Big One!"

She was refering of course to the acacia-wood mummy case, which was standing upright and partly leaning back against the wall. It was a big one, fully eight feet long and three feet wide. But the case was scuffed from handling, and many of the painted hieroglyphs were scratched and faded. Peterson and Hastie hung back, giving the women the chance to examine it.

"Look, the cartouche bearing his name as been defaced," Abby said excitedly, her fingers gently tracing the writing on its surface. "Oooh! He must have been a bad boy!"

Andrea half-turned to the men, helpless to resist the urge to lecture. "It often happened," she explained, "that if a deceased pharoah had committed an especially heinous crime, his cartouche was erased, so that his name would be forgotten in the afterlife. To the Egyptians, there could be no worse punishment."

"Come on, schoolteacher," Abby said to her impatiently. "Help me with this!" Andrea rushed over to her, and together the two women managed to pry open the lid. It creaked on its hinges as they pushed it, letting loose a stuffy, dusty miasma. Andrea wrinkled her pert nose at the smell.

"Oh yeah, that's the boy!" Abby crowed, her face lighting up. "That's what I call tall, dark and handsome!"

The mummy lying inside the case was almost seven feet tall and broad in the chest. The portions of his face that showed through the brittle bandages was the color and texture of an old baseball glove. His lips had been sewn shut, his eyes were sunken sockets, but his body and limbs were solid. He was beautiful!

Peterson and Hastie now ventured forward, staring with awe and fascination. "Well?" asked the principal softly. "Is it genuine?"

"The hieroglyphics on the case seem genuine enough," said Andrea, primly adjusting her eyeglasses. "And they match the time period of the Canopic jars. I think he's real!"

"Of course he's real!" agreed Abby, her hands running gently over the mummy's brawny frame, feeling up the hard bumps formed by his almost petrified musculature. She pulled out her smartphone and, snuggling against him like a lover, snapped a selfie of them both. Andrea shook her head in disbelief as one feminine hand slid downward in between the mummy's legs, caressing a rather large knot she had discovered there.

"Is that a sacred scarab in your wrappings, or are you just glad to see me?" the girl giggled. "I'll give you five thousand for him, right now, Hastie!"

"I'll give you six thousand!" said Peterson.

"It's late," Hastie said. "With the weather as it is, you have to stay overnight anyway. We'll talk in the morning."

The butler cleared his throat. "I have rooms prepared upstairs. This way, sir, madams."

Andrea and Abby followed him gratefully, suddenly remembering their wet clothes. Andrea caught sight of Monkhouse, watching them climb the stairs with a crafty look on his face. That young man would bear watching, in case he tried to slip away with that valuable papyrus. It was very fortunate that she could call on the unstoppable powers of Isis if she needed to. But for right now, she was looking forward to getting out of her wet things... plus it would be a definite pleasure to get away from that insufferable Abby Smith...

"I really must apologize," the butler said as they reached the top of the stairs, "but I had only prepared two additional rooms. If the young ladies would not mind sharing?"

The girls both froze in mid-step, bumping into one another. Share a room?
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I'm not usually into things like Mummies and the like, but this story really did it for me, and it's just in time for Halloween!

Loved that competition between Andrea and her new rival Abby. Looking very much forward to your next installments.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Interesting start, looking forward to more.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Fun, fun, fun! I expect the magic of Isis might have some difficulty with the magic of the mummy. Can a bear hug be far behind? Also, it might be an interesting twist if Abby harbors some secret powers of her own. Just a thought. In any case, I like where this is headed.
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Isis sweet!!
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Thank you for all the nice comments. I want to apologize a little if the story seems not as polished as my work usually is. The truth is I just thought up the idea last week, and I've been writing it sort of "on the fly" during my lunch hours, hoping to get it finished in time for Halloween. And it's looking as if I may not make it. Chapter five is finished, but chapter six may have to wait for Monday or Tuesday. Anyway, here's the next installment...


Chapter 3 --

The room, situated in the round turret, was decent-sized, but it had only one double bed. As Andrea Thomas stood in the doorway, she felt a faint warmth creep up her cheeks. She hadn't roomed with another girl since college. And they were expected to sleep in the same bed, too?

"It'll do," Abby Smith said, giving the mattress a quick squeeze as she slipped out of her wet cargo vest, letting it fall to the floor in a soggy heap. Andrea couldn't help admiring the way her round booty swayed so seductively in her tight denim shorts. And then both women spotted the bathroom, and both had the same thought at the same time. "I call the shower!" they said in unison.

The mad dash across the room was won by Abby, shedding her tshirt on the way and letting her luscious boobs bob freely. She dove into the shower stall, pulling the translucent glass door shut behind her as she quickly stripped off her shorts and underpants and tossed them over the upper rim. A second later, hot, steaming water was streaming over her body while she hummed to herself in sheer delight.

Andrea sighed. While she waited her turn, the pretty schoolteacher began to get undressed by removing her beaded necklaces, including the mystical Amulet of Hatshepset which transformed her into the goddess Isis, and laying them on the counter beside her overnight bag.

"Did I hear him say you were a teacher?" Abby said, while busily soaping herself up. "Cool! Do you like it?"

"Er... it has its good points," Andrea said, peeling off her pullover top, clingy with dampness.

"I thought about being a teacher once," the other girl rattled on, as Andrea unbuttoned her wool skirt and took it off. "But my guidance counselor said that I lacked certain essential qualities that they looked for in a teacher."

"Oh really?" Andrea said, not really listening as she unhooked her bra and then stepped out of her nylon panties. Wrapping herself loosely in a towel, she draped her garments over the old-fashioned steam radiator to dry.

"Yeah... like the ability to stay out of detention," Abby giggled.

Looking into the mirror, Andrea undid the clasp of her ponytail, allowing her wet hair to spread out around her smooth, slender shoulders in long, brown cascade. The shower abruptly shut off. Andrea took off her glasses, setting them on the counter as Abby stepped out, mother naked and dripping wet, groping blindly for a towel. Her fingers happened upon the one that Andrea happened to be wearing!

"Hey don't!" Andrea squeaked, as her towel got whisked away, leaving her completely and utterly nude!

Quite unabashed, Abby stood there dabbing lightly at her own body with the towel as she looked the other girl over. "Hmmm, not bad, school teacher," she commented, examining Andrea from her two delicious c-cups to her neatly trimmed bush. The two nubile young women were standing almost breast to breast. Andrea's high cheekbones were flaming red. A tingling, electric sensation crept up her silken skin as her eyes fastened helplessly onto Abby's firm but lush tits, her nipples riding high with arousal as she rubbed herself dry with the towel. Her own heart was thumping like a drum, her breath coming in desperate gasps as her eyes wandered downward along the girl's lissome figure, past the sinuous dragon tattoo astride her bikini line, to her totally bare, completely shaved slit.

Stammering an apology, Andrea brushed past her and literally threw herself into the shower stall. Twisting the bulbous knobs, she unleashed a welcome torrent of refreshing water, gushing gratefully around her heated body.

"At NYU I took two semesters of Egyptology," Abby nattered on annoyingly, "before I realized it was no fun digging for treasure if you couldn't keep it. So I switched to business administration, which is about the same thing."

Andrea tried to tune her out, luxuriating in the feel of the water as it caressed her sensitive young breasts, making her nipples grow hard with pleasure as it cascaded down between her thighs to cleanse her throbbing womanhood. It seemed to her as if she were in there for a long time. Abby's inane chatter became the background drone of an irritating pest, until...

"Wow! This looks like seventeenth dynasty!" the other girl said. "Where did you get it?"

Andrea gasped. Her amulet! Yanking at the knobs, she nearly drowned herself turning off the shower and leaped out, dripping wet. Abby was sitting perched on a chair facing the bathroom mirror, admiring the Amulet of Hatshepset. She was dressed in a short, pink, satin bathrobe -- ANDREA'S bathrobe, to be exact, which she had brought along in her overnight bag. "I borrowed this," Abby said without a hint of apology, "because I didn't think to bring so much as a change of underwear." She made to undo the belt sash. "Of course I can take it off if you--"

"No no that's all right," Andrea said hastily, snatching up a clean towel and covering her exposed muff with it. Awkwardly she fumbled for her glasses. A feeling of helplessness was creeping up her naked body, standing there in her birthday suit, with her all-powerful Amulet of Hatshepset in the hands of a stranger. "It's-it's only a copy," she lied boldly, drying herself with the towel. "I'll just take it..." Timidly she reached out for the amulet.

"No time for that," Abby said, absent-mindedly slipping the amulet into the pocket of her borrowed robe. "Get dressed. It's time we girls did some prowling."

"Prowling?" Andrea echoed, dropping her towel. Distracted by the thought of her rival in possession of her amulet, she picked up her pink Soft kitty, warm kitty sleep shirt and wiggled into it. "For what?"

"I'm not sure," Abby said, cracking open the door of their room and peeking out into the corridor. "But I want another look at that mummy case. And you're coming with me. Safety in numbers."

"But don't I get any say--"

"No! Come on!" And without giving Andrea the chance to argue, she grabbed her slender shoulders and pushed her out into the hallway.

The house was dark, the corridors lit only dimly by nightlights mounted high on the walls. Rain was still beating against the windows, along with the occasional flash of lightning. Andrea's heart was thumping with nervousness. She couldn't help feeling a bit naughty, creeping around at night while everyone else was in their rooms asleep. She tried not to imagine the embarrassment if one of the men caught them at it, barefoot and in their sleeping things. As Abby led the way down the big staircase, an updraft came breezing upwards from the ground floor, whispering around Andrea's shapely bare legs and blowing up the skirt of her nightshirt with a vivid reminder that she wasn't even wearing any underpants. With a short gasp, she tugged the shirt down over her vulnerable snatch.

A door suddenly opened ahead of them, the light from the room casting a hulking human shadow into the corridor. Heavy footsteps were coming their way. "Quick! In here!" hissed Abby, opening a door at random and shoving Andrea inside. It turned out to be a linen closet. Andrea felt herself squashed against the shelf behind her, with Abby's decidely underclad body pressed intimately against hers. Andrea was pinned, barely able to move, with her right hand caught in between Abby's creamy thighs. She could feel the skirt of her satin bathrobe delicately touching her wrist, feel her fingers brushing near the other's girl's juicy cleft, and almost in a dream her whirling brain remembered that she wasn't wearing any underpants either...

"I think he's gone," Abby whispered, after what seemed an eternity. Together the two girls resumed their exploration, finding their way by feel into the study. A brazier had been set up on the desk, filling the air with the smokey scent of smouldering leaves. Andrea felt her way to the glass case with the papyrus, where her suspicions were confirmed. The case had been jimmied open. The brass box was open and seemed to be half full of dried leaves. And...

"The papyrus is gone," she said. Monkhouse! He must have stolen it!

"That's not all that's gone," said Abby with a sigh. "The mummy is missing, too."

Andrea spun around. Sure enough, the lid of the mummy case had been thrown back and it was empty. She tried to imagine that scrawny nerd Monkhouse picking up a seven foot mummy and carrying it over his shoulder. "That's impossible!" she said.

"Whatever you say," said Abby, wrinkling her nose. "What's that smell?" She reached into the box. "Tana leaves!"

Andrea scoffed. "You're not going to tell me you believe that old myth, about tana leaves being used to raise the dead?" But even as she said it, she remembered the incantation on the papyrus...

"The incantation!" Abby groaned, their thoughts in unison. "And we were both so busy acting like snooty little twits, we helped him to get the pronunciation right! I feel like such an idiot!"

Just then they heard the monstrous CRASH! of splintering wood from somewhere upstairs. Andrea and Abby scrambled out the door and down the passageway. In the foyer, the two girls pulled up short, huddling together in fear. A gigantic shadowy male figure was standing at the top of the stairs! As lightning flashed, they could see it clearly for one brief moment! It was the mummy, all seven feet of him! As they watched, trembling in terror, the creature stiffly turned its head in their direction! "Urrrrr," it growled, as it slowly began to come down the stairs!

The two girls screamed!


Chapter 4 --

Cowering together at the foot of the stairs, Andrea and Abby were taken completely by surprise as Monkhouse suddenly stepped out of the shadows and grabbed them each by the wrist! "Aha! Caught you!" the young man cackled. He was dressed in dark trousers and a white shirt, which reeked of burnt tana leaves. "It's too bad you girls had to witness this. All I wanted was to quietly dispose of that ass Hastie. But now that you've seen the mummy, I guess you'll have to die as well!"

"No! Please!" Andrea begged, struggling in vain in his clutches. He might be a scrawny little dweeb, but he was stronger than a feeble female. "Please don't hurt us! We won't tell anyone!"

"You won't get away with this!" Abby whimpered on his other side. "If we disappear, Peterson will call the police!"

"Glad you pointed that out," Monkhouse said. He lifted his head and called up to the mummy. "Kharis! Get the other man as well! Be quick!"

The creature at the top of the stairs gave a grunt of assent and turned ponderously around, lurching toward the guest rooms. Andrea's head was spinning. This was a job for the mighty Isis! If only she had her magic amulet!

Just then there was an ear-splitting crack of thunder and the lights in the house all went out. Abby immediately turned and brought her lissome knee up precisely into their captor's nuts. "Take that, you twerp!"

Monkhouse screamed and let go of them. As Andrea made a break for it, he clutched desperately at her sleep shirt. The girl pulled away, felt her shirt rip, and then she was free, stumbling through the pitch dark foyer. "Oh thank you, Abby," she gasped, her whole body shivering with fear. "Um... if I could please have my amulet back? There's no time to explain, but I really need... Abby? Abby, are you there?" Oh great! They had gotten separated! Now what was she going to do? Without the Amulet of Hatshepset, she was helpless!

Another flash of lightning came and went, and in that brief period of illumination, Andrea caught a glimpse of her pink bathrobe... at the top of the stairs! Abby was clutching the bannister post, looking frantically around... but behind her loomed the hulking shape of the mummy, his long, powerful arms silently reaching out to grab her from behind! Andrea tried to shout a warning, but her strangled voice came out like the frightened mew of a helpless little kitten...

Then it was pitch black again and Abby was screaming! "No! Let me go! ANDREA! HELP!"

Her lissome legs trembling almost too much to move, Andrea groped her way up the staircase, the torn sleeve of her nightshirt hanging unnoticed from her soft bare shoulder. By the time she reached the top landing, there was no trace of their Abby or the mummy. Shaking with fear, Andrea felt around in the dark, until her bare foot stepped on what felt like a length of gold chain! It was her amulet! Thank Ra!

Quivering now more from anticipation than fear, Andrea Thomas slipped the chain over her swan-like neck and spoke the words she had used so often before.... "Oh Mighty Isis!"

The girl closed her eyes with ecstasy as an irresistable wave of mystical energy washed over her lush young body, permeating every part of her, changing her as it reached to the very core of her being. When she opened her eyes again, both her glasses and her nightshirt were gone. It their place, her shapely sylph-like form was clad in a sleeveless, pure white minidress, the skirt flirting with her long alluring legs. Her amulet was now mounted upon a neckpiece of leather embroidered with gold thread on either edge. Her wirsts and her slim waist were adorned with similar cuffs and a belt, and her small feet were clad in soft leather boots.

Isis tossed her luxurious brunette tresses over her shoulder. Now to kick some mummy butt!

Almost as if her magical transformation had summoned them, the lights came back on. Isis quickly trotted down the hallway toward the guest rooms, her brief miniskirt swishing delightfully around her creamy thighs. The doors leading to Peterson's and Hastie's rooms had been completely smashed, and were hanging in splinters. Oh no! Cautiously the gorgeous goddess dashed into the principal's room. It was pitch black in there; she could barely make out the shape of the bed. "Mr. Peterson?" Isis whispered. "Mr. Peterson? Are you all right, sir?"

"Hey!" the nubile superheroine gasped, taken completely by surprise as a hand suddenly reached out of the darkness, grabbing her left breast, while the other snaked around her slender waist. Her gossamer garb was made of the finest, silkiest Egyptian cotton fabric, and did not come with a bra, such things being unknown in Hatshepset's time. So in essence there was practically nothing at all in between her attacker's impertinent, groping hand and Isis' own tender, rosy flesh! The hand cupped her soft, lovely boob, fingers touching and tightening around her erect nipple, causing her supple body to tingle with guilty pleasure.

The goddess felt outrage at being groped and fondled like a sex doll. But as she opened her mouth to invoke an incantation which would blast her assailant into oblivion, the hand that was exploring underneath her tiny skirt grabbed hold of her snatch. Isis gasped as he pushed aside her silk panties, fingers diving into her moist, juicy slit and stroking her fleshy love button. Oh God! An unwanted rush of arousal left her breathless, helpless to even speak, let alone cast a spell as her hips involuntarily pushed back against that marvelous digit. "Ohhhhhhhplease," she moaned, closing her eyes with ecstasy.

"Miss Thomas, is that you?" her attacker said, suddenly withdrawing both hands. "Good gracious, I'm terribly sorry! But in the dark, I thought you were..."

"M-Mr. Peterson!" the goddess said shakily, her pretty knees feeling a little weak and wobbly. "It's me, Isis. Don't worry about Andrea. I've-- I've already taken her to safety."

"Isis! Thank God!" the principal said, draping one arm around the heroine's lissome waist as he helped her outside into the hallway. "You certainly have a knack for showing up just when we need you most! There's some kind of monster running around! I hid under my bed, but I'm afraid that it's got Hastie!"

"I already know all about the monster," Isis said smugly, patiently taking his hand and removing it from her pert little tail. "I can deal with it, but first let me get you out of here to a safe place."

"Whatever you say, Isis," Peterson agreed.

"Come with me," the goddess commanded, and then froze. At the end of the corridor, the mummy had appeared, standing in front of the bannister. It was just as tall and as solid as she remembered, but it was looking at her now with malevolent intent. Peterson let out a squeak of fright.

"Don't be afraid, sir," Isis said, raising one flawless eyebrow. "Stay behind me where you won't get hurt."

"Urrrgh," the mummy grunted, as it began stalking toward them, its long arms outstretched.

Isis stood with her long, supple legs planted defiantly. "Dusty rug of ages past," she chanted, gesturing with her slender arm, "stop my foe and bind him fast." At her command, a ripple ran down the antique Persian carpet that lined the hallway. The end rose up like a brightly colored snake, whipping around the mummy's knees and tripping it up. Within seconds, the rug had pinned its arms and bound it tightly.

But with a muffled grunt, the creature flexed its arms and shredded the carpet. Lurching to its feet, it resumed its advance.

Isis remained calm. "Answer my call, oh air and mist," the heroine said with another graceful gesture, "attend your mistress and be her fist." Suddenly the very air of the room began to spin, fluttering the skirt of her silky little minidress and tossing her lovely tresses as it formed a miniature cyclone around the goddess' slim, outstretched arms. Whirling rapidly into an almost solid column, it sped down the hallway and met the mummy head on like a battering ram! The creature staggered, its powerful arms flailing as it tried to fight back. The airy fist punched it in the side, sending it reeling into the wall, then came back for another blow which knocked the mummy off its feet and slammed it into a display of arms and armor mounted on the other side of the hallway. It fell to the floor with a thump. With a smug little smirk, Isis dispersed the spell with an imperious gesture. "Well, that seems to have taken care of--"

"URRRRRHHH!" the mummy growled, pushing to its feet again, snatching up a heavy, iron-tipped lance which had fallen from the display. Peterson let out a squawk of pure terror as the monster charged down upon the beautiful goddess, intending to skewer her!

"Eyes of Horus!" Isis gasped, quickly dodging the deadly weapon. what did it take to stop this thing?
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I always thought Isis would be perfect for the "Oh I can't concentrate to use my powers" :laugh:
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Well, I managed to get in under the wire after all!

Chapter 5 --

"Urrrhh!" the mummy groaned, thrusting forward with its heavy spear. Isis only barely managed to evade it, twisting gracefully to one side, her tiny skirt flying around her thighs. Rebounding from the wall, the lean young superheroine threw herself at the creature, kicking out with one gorgeous leg, her boot smacking into its solid, almost petrified body with almost no effect.

The mummy pivoted, the wooden spear haft whooshing through the air and catching Isis a stunning blow. The heroine went down, sprawled across the now bare wood of the hallway floor. Half-stunned, she looked up fearfully as the murderous creature loomed over her lissome form, raising the lance high and aiming its sharp metal point straight down toward her rapidly thumping heart!

"Spear of wood, please turn away," Isis chanted quickly, "and spare my life, oh this I pray!"

The spear came down it a deadly arc. At the last second, the haft seemed to swerve of its own accord. The mummy struggled to pull it back, and for a long moment there was a battle of wills between the power of the incantation which had animated the creature and the power of Isis' spell. The heroine herself could only watch breathlessly, waiting for the final outcome. But at last her spell prevailed. The haft of the spear shattered from the strain, turning and stabbing straight through the mummy's chest and emerging out the back! The creature stared down at it for a second, then keeled over with a thud.

"Isis! You were amazing!" Peterson gushed, running over to help the slender young goddess off the floor. "You've done it! You've stopped it!"

The sexy superheroine got shakily to her feet. "Please stay back, Mr. Peterson. I'm not at all certain--"

"RRRAAARRR!" the mummy grumbled, once again stirring to life. Plucking the broken spear out of its chest and hurling it aside, the creature stood upright, its head twisting this way and that until its dead eyes fixed upon the goddess.

"I was afraid of this," Isis said grimly. "I'll have to invoke the Rings of Amon, to drain off the magical energy which is animating it."

The mummy lurched forward like an unkillable machine, sweeping its right arm around in a deadly blow. The beautiful young heroine ducked. Spinning around like a ballerina, Isis rose onto her toes, rising slightly into the air. "Oh Lord of the Sun, hear my plea, send forth--"

But just then the mummy's left arm came around. Its hand caught hold of the tail of Isis's miniskirt, yanking her rudely into its arms as the other arm swept back to entrap her supple waist in a bear hug! "Urrrrr..." it hummed, almost sounding satisfied with its catch.

"NO!" Isis squealed, as both the mummy's arms now held her sleek, sexy form in its superhumanly powerful grip, squeezing her. The heroine struggled, her silken, bare legs kicking and flailing uselessly against its chest. She could feel the rough caress of its bandages as its strong masculine hands pawed at her nubile body, sliding relentlessly up her sweet torso clad only in that thin, gossamer minidress, squeezing her breasts, rubbing over her hard, erect nipples as it reached for her swan-like neck.

"--send f-forth--" the heroine gasped, trying desperately to complete the incantation as the mummy's hand encircled her slender throat, thumb pressing against her windpipe and choking her. "--s-send--" She was beginning to see stars now, but still she struggled valiantly, if uselessly. "--s-s-send..."

Isis lost consciousness, falling limp and defenseless into the clutches of the creature. Holding her draped over one arm like a doll, the mummy reached up curiously, plucking at her clothing. With almost delicate care, it stripped off the leather neckpiece that held the Amulet of Hatshepset, replacing it around its own shoulders. Ripping away her belt, the creature tugged and pulled at Isis' sassy white minidress, working it up her lissome body. Her white silk panties came into view, followed by her smooth belly, her sleek young torso, and finally her two magnificent breasts, naked and exposed to view like a perfect pair of melons. With a grunt of satisfaction, the mummy dropped the skimpy garment to the floor.

Mr. Peterson, standing frozen in shock nearby, felt his eyes nearly pop out as he ogled Isis' sweet, naked coconuts. Even though his last hope of rescue had been defeated and was now a helpless captive, the man somehow couldn't resist wondering if the mummy were now going to remove her panties as well...

But the creature merely shifted the helpless girl, holding her like a child with one arm under her knees, the other under her back, so that her head lolled over its elbow with her long hair spilling downward like a waterfall, and her two gorgeous boobs jutting proudly upward and unprotected. Then the mummy grunted, "Urrrr!" in an urgent way, and the principal divined that it wanted him to proceed it down the corridor. He felt that he didn't have much choice, under the circumstances.


The good news was that the storm had finally passed. Inside the dining room of Bellingham House, the lights were bright and steady.

Hastie and Peterson were seated in chairs against the wall, securely tied with ropes and gagged. The two women were sitting upright in the middle of the oak dining table, where they were the center of attention, their legs curled gracefully under them. Monkhouse having run out of rope, they were bound, both ankles and wrists, with soft velvet sashes taken from the window draperies. Abby was still wearing the pink bathrobe she had borrowed from Andrea, somewhat wrinkled now from her adventures. The waist sash was beginning to work loose, allowing the front to sag a bit, so that her breasts played peek-a-boo when she moved, struggling to wriggle out of her bonds. Isis, dressed in nothing but her panties and her boots, was positioned back-to-back with her. The powerless superheroine was similarly tied, her arms behind her, leaving her unprotected breasts clearly in view of the men bound in the chairs.

Monkhouse, with his greasy hair and prominent ears, checked the knots on the two men's ropes, then paced down the length of the room, muttering nervously to himself.

"Isis, isn't there anything you can do?" Abby whispered, leaning back against the soft shoulders of the captive goddess.

Isis squirmed in her velvet bonds. "I'm afraid not," she whispered back, her cheeks flushing with humiliation at what she was forced to say next. "Tied up like this, and without my amulet, I'm helpless."

"I figured as much," the dark-haired girl responded cattily. Suddenly she seemed to have an idea. "Say... what about the old butler, Styles? Maybe he'll see something is wrong and call the police!"

Isis flushed even deeper. "And do you think the police will do any better than I did?" she said primly.

"Er... maybe not," Abby admitted. "But at least there's hope! Maybe they'll--"

Just then the door opened and the mummy returned, still wearing Isis' neckpiece and amulet. Walking stiffly, it pushed Styles ahead of it, shoving the butler into a chair. Monkhouse tied him up, while the mummy stood impassively by, its sunken eyes seeming to stare at the two scantily dressed girls tied up on the table.

"--or maybe not," said Abby dejectedly. "So much for that idea."

"It's hopeless you know," Monkhouse giggled, suddenly whirling to face them, beads of perspiration on his forehead. "There's no one to rescue you. No one to stop me from doing whatever I want with you." Grinning, he leaned over the table, reaching out with one hand to cup around Isis' left breast. The defenseless goddess felt a shiver of fear run down her silken skin as she tried to scoot backward. The touch of his hand on her naked skin made her body respond with helpless arousal, her nipples involuntarily peaking upright and hard. But stripped of all her powers, there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

"Please don't hurt us," Isis whimpered submissively. "I beseech you, kind sir!"

Monkhouse grinned even broader, reveling in his feeling of power. "My original idea in animating the mummy was simple curiosity," he said. "If it worked at all, I thought at the very most I'd be able to make off with some of the more valuable artifacts. But now... if even Isis is powerless against it, think of the possibilities! An unstoppable creature -- and I'm in complete control of it! I could be a big man! I could rule the whole city, maybe the whole state! Maybe even the whole--"

"Oh please!" Abby scoffed, the fact that Isis was the center of his attention giving her a small bit of courage.

The mummy, which had been standing quiescent all this time, suddenly started forward, its dead eyes fixed on the dark-haired girl. "Ah?" it grumbled, working its dead lips to break the threads binding them together. Slowly it reached one hand forward, undoing the front of her bathrobe. "An... ankh... et?"

"So you can say more than 'Urrrr'," Abby said, struggling to scoot back away in fear as it opened her robe, staring at her jiggling breasts. "This isn't... this isn't because of that sort of handjob I gave you earlier, is it? Heh-heh... because that wasn't personal... Isis, what is he doing?"

"Anankhet..." the mummy said again, this time more confidently, his gaze fixed downward at Abby's pussy.

"I can't believe this!" Isis marveled, staring at Abby's dark, blue-tinted hair. "Look, he was a prince of the Middle Kingdom, and his cartouche was erased because he did something wrong. What if he fell in love with one of the virgin priestesses of Nephthys? The priestesses of Nephthys were well-known for wearing blue-tinted wigs!"

Abby rolled her eyes, looking up at her own hair. "And he thinks I'm his lost love?" she gulped. "I'm sure that's very flattering, but... EEK!"

The mummy suddenly scooped Abby into its arms, carrying her kicking and screaming to the end of the table. "NO! Put me down!" the girl cried as the creature effortlessly ripped away the flimsy pink bathrobe and shoved her down onto her back. Another swipe with its hand tore the sash binding her ankles free, and then the mummy began to fumble at the wrappings around its own waist, where Abby could see a long organic bulge begin to protrude from in between its legs.

"NO! Please!" Abby shrieked. "ISIS! HELP! Do something!"


Chapter 6 --

Isis' heart was racing so fast she could hardly draw a breath. Desperately the helpless superheroine writhed and strained at her soft velvet bonds, but it was useless. Without her precious amulet, she was just a powerless little girl, tied up in her underwear. She moaned in frustration. Unfortunately that left her with only one, very slim option...

"Please, Mr. Monkhouse!" she begged, sidling closer to him. "Call him off! I'm begging you!"

"Huh? Me?" the scrawny dweeb said, licking his lips as he continued to fondle Isis' naked torso. "Why should I?"

"You recited the incantation that brought him to life," the goddess pleaded, trying to ignore how he was now squeezing both her breasts like ripe fruits at the market. "You're the only one who can control him! I beseech you! I'll--" She flushed as her eyes wandered down to the hard-on showing in the front of the geek's trousers. "I'll do anything you ask."

Monkhouse's beady eyes lit up with astonishing possiblities as they roamed over the girl's alluring curves. His tongue darted out to lick his dry lips. "Anything, you said. Do you mean... anything?"

Isis felt her entire body quiver with shame at the very thought of submitting to this dweeb, of allowing his grubby hands to have their way with her virginal young body. "Anything," she promised meekly. "I'll-- I'll give you the best blowjob you've ever had! But please save her!"

"Oh, all right then," Monkhouse said magnanimously. "Kharis, stop! Let the girl go!"

The mummy ignored him, climbing stiffly onto the table, the long, stiff appendage dangling between its legs swaying like a pendulum. Abby stared at its member with a kind of horrible fascination.

"Kharis, I said let her go!" Monkhouse repeated, leaving Isis' side and placing one hand on the creature's dusty shoulder.

"Naaahhh!" With a grunt of impatience, the mummy shoved the little man away with a backhand that sent him flying across the room. Monkhouse hit the wall with a splat, where he slid to the floor, out cold.

Isis' heart sank. There went their very last chance of stopping the creature!

Abby had taken advantage of the monster's momentary distraction to wiggle out from under it. The mummy's leathery face instantly snapped back in her direction. "Anankhet..." it groaned as it seized her slim ankles and pulled her back, her delicious booty sliding on the polished oak table.

"NO! Let go of me!" Abby screamed, kicking at its broad chest with her other foot. Her feeble feminine blows bounced off the mummy almost unnoticed as it relentlessly dragged her closer, spreading her legs apart as it got ready to mount her. Up came Abby's foot again, striking accurately next to its protruding member with a resounding WHACK! which made the three onlooking men wince involuntarily in sympathy.

But the mummy hardly felt it. "An... ankh... et..." it wheezed once again, pulling Abby into its arms. She could see its eyes now, like shiny black beetles inside the hollow sockets of its skull, as it leaned closer as if to kiss her.

"NOOO!" Striking out in blind panic, the naked girl beat on the mummy's solid chest with her tiny fists, with every ounce of strength she possessed. The blows had no effect other than to dislodge the leather neckpiece it was wearing. It was distracted, however, glancing downward long enough for Abby to wiggle free of its grasp and slide across the table, putting as much furniture between herself and the monster as she could. She was also clutching... the Amulet of Hatshepset!

"Abby! Good girl!" Isis sighed, hope returning to her breast. "Toss me my amulet! Hurry!"

But instead, as the mummy shuffled closer to her, reaching out to grab her and make her its own, Abby Smith slipped the chain over her own slender neck. "Oh Mighty Isis!" she said. At once there was a sound like thunder, a flash like lightning which made even the unstoppable mummy pause in its tracks. When it faded, Abby was dressed in the costume of Isis... her feet covered with dark brown leather boots, her neck adorned with the neckpiece and amulet. The only difference was that her short, sassy minidress was midnight blue instead of pure white. And its bodice plunged from under the neckpiece in a deep vee which irresistably drew the eye to the sweet, supple valley in between her white breasts.

The men tied up in the chairs stared with utter astonishment at her transformation. Isis herself was hardly able to draw a breath. The mummy however, was not as impressed. "Anankhet..." it insisted, stalking toward her.

"Not so fast, lover boy," Abby-Isis smirked, cocking her shapely hips as she raised both lissome arms imperiously. "Elements gather, come to me; discharge your power, one, two three!" There was a crackling sound as a great ball of electricity formed in the air between her outstretched hands. The ball surged and seethed for a moment, then a single blue-white streak of lightning arced across to strike the mummy in the legs.

"Urrrr!" it groaned, but it kept coming. A second bolt of energy followed the first, this time striking the monster full in the chest, sending it staggering backward. The tinder dry wrappings, soaked in ancient preservatives, went up like a torch. "URRRRR!" the mummy cried, its chest on fire, flailing its arms back and forth to put them out. But then a third bolt of lightning shot out of the stunning superheroine's hands, blasting its head. The mummy collapsed to the floor, until nothing was left but a wrinkled, smoking corpse.

Abby-Isis turned smugly toward the three bound men, who were still gawping at her. She made a casual, sensuous gesture. "Strands of hemp, desist and cease; let them go as I say release." Sluggishly the ropes began to untie themselves. The men leaped to their feet, taking out their gags and laying hands on Monkhouse, who was just recovering from his daze. All four of them crowded around the beautiful superheroine, murmuring and talking over one another as they tried to thank her for coming to their rescue.

"But... if you're Isis...?" Peterson said, scratching his eyebrow in confusion. The men all turned toward Isis, still trussed up and powerless on the table top in her underpants and boots.

Isis felt her rosy skin tingle all over with embarrassment as the four men -- Peterson, Hastie, Monkhouse, even the old butler, Styles -- surrounded her, gawking at her half-naked body, ogling her two perfect bosoms. She had never felt more helpless in her life! The goddess opened her mouth once or twice, but such was her utter humiliation, she couldn't think of a single thing to say!

Abby-Isis tisked impatiently. Once again her exquisitely slender arm darted into the air in a commanding gesture. "Maze your minds and sleep, you men; remember nothing you have seen." Instantly the men fell into a trance, their eyes going out of focus. Like sleepwalkers, they turned as one and went out the door, stumbling into one another as each of them returned to their beds. "Okay, so I haven't quite got the hang of the rhyme thing yet," Abby smirked, haughtily planting her hands on her hips. "So sue me, Andrea."

"Thank you," Isis whispered with a sigh of relief. "But how did you know? How did you...?"

"I should have guessed when I saw the amulet," Abby said, fingering the golden token which rested above her own flawless bust. "I read the inscription on the back; it just took me a while to translate it. The Amulet of Hatshepset, eh? Sweet!"

"Yes it is," Isis gulped.

Abby-Isis strolled over to the charred remains of the mummy, the flirty skirt of her minidress swaying around her exquisite legs. "Too bad about Mr. Big, though. I suppose, now that the spell animating it has burned out, I could cast a spell to restore it. As Monkhouse said, there are so many possibilities..."

Isis strained at her velvet bonds, hoping to subtly remind her rescuer that the rescue wasn't quite complete yet. "Um..." she said timidly, "could you please untie me now, and give me back my amulet...?"

"Well, I was just thinking..." Abby-Isis mused. "No offense to you, schoolteacher, but I was thinking I might make a better Isis thatn you. Coming from the corporate world like I do, I think I have more of the killer edge that's needed to fight the modern criminal."

"B-but you can't!" Isis gasped, struggling in her bonds. "You can't take my powers!"

"Oh don't worry, I'm not 'evil' or anything like that," Abby reassured her. "I'll just have a slightly different way of doing things."

"B-but... You--you can't do this to me!" Isis wailed, nearly in tears. "I'm Isis! I'm--"

"Silence, mortal!" said Abby, and Andrea's mouth involuntarily shut with a snap.

"That's better," Abby said. Slowly and seductively she climbed onto the table alongside the other girl. "Come, we can talk about this," she said, planting a string of gentle kisses along the side of Andrea's neck. "That's it..."

"Please... don't..." After all that she had been through this night, Andrea moaned with arousal, her resistance seeming to melt away. Her skin tingling with pleasure, she began to kiss back. With hardly any coaxing at all, she meekly allowed herself to be eased into a supine position, lying on her back with her long legs outstretched. Abby's delicate fingers were touching and caressing her satiny thighs, moving sensuously upwards to the waistband of her panties. Andrea closed her eyes submissively.

"After all," Abby said, "we have all night to discuss it..." Slowly she began to tug her panties down.

>>>>> THE END... or is it?
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Very nice story and you finished it in time for Halloween after all. What dedication! :thumbup:

I particularly enjoyed it when Isis was cut off in mid-incantation by the choke hold. And the twist at the end with Abby. Are you implying that she's more powerful than Andrea or just different powers?

I think you're onto a nice theme here if the girls can get along of a shared amulet to fight various foes, at least for one more story or two. Something different until it's resolved somehow.

My nit-picking comment refers to how easily Andrea is shaken and aroused just being in the same room with another naked woman. Seems overdone to me unless there's something specific about Abby? Otherwise, a delightful Halloween treat. Thanks, Centurian.
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Centurion, outstanding job!

And I have to say, Abby-Isis, what a great twist! One of the best triggers for me is to have a super heroine's super power stolen. Abby-Isis hits that perfectly!

I actually hope it is NOT the end. To read more of Isis trying to regain her power from Abby-Isis holds much saucy promise. You're so gifted Centurion and I'm so glad you didn't leave the forum.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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DrDominator9 wrote:Very nice story and you finished it in time for Halloween after all. What dedication! :thumbup: ... Seems overdone to me unless there's something specific about Abby? Otherwise, a delightful Halloween treat. Thanks, Centurian.
I definitely see the justice in this remark in hindsight. I pictured Andrea as a prim, straight-laced girl of the seventies (I very nearly SET the story in the seventies, in fact). I was thinking that it was more Abby's domineering personality that made her nervous to be naked with her... sort of heterosexual/bisexual tease. If I'd had time to polish it more I would have brought this out more clearly.
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flirty_but_nice wrote:Centurion, outstanding job!

And I have to say, Abby-Isis, what a great twist! One of the best triggers for me is to have a super heroine's super power stolen. Abby-Isis hits that perfectly!

I actually hope it is NOT the end. To read more of Isis trying to regain her power from Abby-Isis holds much saucy promise. You're so gifted Centurion and I'm so glad you didn't leave the forum.
Thanks! The twist ending was something I hit upon virtually at the last moment. It hadn't occurred to me to continue the story beyond that, but I must say it sounds intriguing. If anyone else would like to take a shot at it, you're perfectly welcome to do so. I'm not trying to "lay claim" to Isis as a character.

And by the way, I wanted to mention that the names of all the characters in this story (apart from Andrea Thomas, of course) come from an Arthur Conan Doyle short story called "Lot no. 249".
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tmon wrote:Isis sweet!!
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Centurion wrote:
flirty_but_nice wrote:Centurion, outstanding job!

And I have to say, Abby-Isis, what a great twist! One of the best triggers for me is to have a super heroine's super power stolen. Abby-Isis hits that perfectly!

I actually hope it is NOT the end. To read more of Isis trying to regain her power from Abby-Isis holds much saucy promise. You're so gifted Centurion and I'm so glad you didn't leave the forum.
Thanks! The twist ending was something I hit upon virtually at the last moment. It hadn't occurred to me to continue the story beyond that, but I must say it sounds intriguing. If anyone else would like to take a shot at it, you're perfectly welcome to do so. I'm not trying to "lay claim" to Isis as a character.

And by the way, I wanted to mention that the names of all the characters in this story (apart from Andrea Thomas, of course) come from an Arthur Conan Doyle short story called "Lot no. 249".
Congrats on the success of your Isis story!

-Tyr Garm
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It occurred to me that this story would make a pretty good video. It wouldn't be difficult to rewrite it with just Andrea, Abby and the mummy. Start with an external stock image of a spooky house. Cut to an interior as the girls enter, soaking wet. They explain who they are, how their car broke down, how they're here to examine the artifacts -- but nobody answers because the house is seemingly deserted. They spot the mummy, lying in a coffin or just on a table. Then they see the papyrus and read it, correcting one another's pronunciation and not aware that they are actually casting the spell which animates it. We might see the mummy's hand twitch, but the girls are too busy one-upping each other to notice. Then they realize that they're soaking wet and depart for the shower scene. After that it's pretty straightforward. When Andrea changes to Isis, it would be the mummy that grabs her from behind, initiating the battle scene, and so on. And naturally sexual content could be added to taste.
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Just caught up on this. Great job Mr C. My only minor point would be that Isis cowering and whimpering wasn't very heroic. That apart, another excellent fun little tale (you do them so well!)
All the classic ingredients there and I loved the way your mummy wasn't the usual slow and lumbering type. Nobody does that light hearted sexual titillation better than you.
First class sir, well done!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Needless to say, this is the ISIS that we should be hearing about more often...
Check out my superheroine-related short stories here:
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Outstanding story - really well done!
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