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Location: Land of No Hope and Past Glories

Hello all, this is another in my SG short stories series that contributes towards a wider SG arc. Unlike some of the others YOU NEED TO HAVE READ MY PREVIOUS STORY TOSG : CORNUCOPIA or else it won’t make much sense.

You can find it here :
The previous short stories, should you wish to read them in order, are :-
TOSG: Faking It.
TOSG: Goodbye Mr A.
TOSG : Of Gods and Monsters

The others above you dont need to have read but this one you do -

This story follows on immediately from where CORNUCOPIA left off and is in seven parts. The first post is largely a character piece as I wanted to show how she had been affected by the previous story and how she dealt with it and then it all kicks off in part two. I accept part one might not be everyone’s cup of tea. It’s a bit of self-indulgence on my part – I wanted to write and show her as a person, as it will influence how she behaves and what she will do in the larger story arc. This sequence had to happen at some point for the larger story to work, so I made it part of a short story.
Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t, but I like it and I hope you do too. If you do or don’t as ever please post a comment to tell me why.

Enjoy (I hope!)

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“You alright in there?”

Rob’s voice made Kara start, with a splash that sent a wash of water over the side of the bath as she sat up suddenly, blinking and spluttering. She rubbed her palms over her face as she blew out water from her mouth. She looked around, disorientated , blinking at the unfamiliar room. Then she remembered. The awful silence of the massive explosion, too loud and too close for her to hear before her ear drums ruptured from the pressure of the blast. The white light of fire that filled her vision, filled the whole horizon as she flew backwards through the night for miles, blown by the blast as the massive liquid gas tanker exploded. She remembered it all. The terrible end of the Cornucopia. The faces of her Captain and crew, depending upon her, trusting her to save them. The ambulances, police cars and tv trucks all on fire at the cliff top. Barely a trace of the three other little boats that had been trying to save the monster tanker. Chieftain, a crisp and modern Ocean going tug that had been towing at the stern; the William Joseph Morgan, the lifeboat from the little village of Penbridge whose crew of volunteers had left their wives and warm beds to try and save the Cornucopia’s crew; The Lady Leanne, the rugged and rusty old tug whose Captain was gruff and rude and unlikeable. All of them had gone, The Lady Leanne crushed by the tanker itself against the rocks just before the explosion as it tried to save her. She could still hear that faint toot-toot of the ships whistle like the shout of a friend in a cheering crowd, far off and barely heard but welcome none the less. She would never know for sure if the grumbling and miserable Captain of that tug had actually known what he was doing, or whether he had a blind faith in that old boat that she would somehow survive anything. She liked to think the former. But the over-riding memory of the incident earlier that night was that she had failed.

“Love?” Rob called again.

She remembered then, that she had come to her friend’s café in the middle of the night and was in his empty apartment above the shop, taking a bath before she went out again.

“I-I’M F-FINE ! I’m fine, Rob…” she rubbed her face again with her hands, then more strongly affirmed “I’m fine” as she fought back another wave of tears and the lump in her throat. But she wasn’t. The last thing she wanted to do was go back out on patrol; she had flown back from attending a peace mission with her cousin Kal the day before on a distant planet, then called in to see her friend Rob before she hit the hay, only to hear about the tanker adrift in the Bristol Channel between England and Wales. Rob’s friend Dave ‘O’blivion’ Williams was on the ship and so it had become a personal promise that she had silently made to Rob that she would save him. But she hadn’t. She had been looking at Dave just as the ship exploded, struggling to hear him cry a warning that ‘She’s a-gone!’ a split second before the blast started in the engine room.

“Come on then, love! Time you got back in the game. Oh, I meant to say don’t dry yourself with the blue towel, I think I flossed with that one when I showered this morning, use the white one.”

“Ok…” she answered uncertainly. “Flossed?” she queried her big blue eyes flicking up at the ceiling as she awaited an explanation.

“Ya know…er…dried me bits…” he called awkwardly from outside.

“Your…? Oh, GOD FLOSSED!!!! ROB! You don’t need to be so detailed! Ya coulda just said you had used it! That’s gross!” she said horrified at the mental image she now had.

“Sorry. But anyway slow coach, we need to hustle , get you back out there…”

“I really don’t feel up to it Rob…”

“Yeah well….I don’t care. Look, this is something you gotta do, and I DON’T JUST MEAN FOR YOU! Look, people will be in shock over this, they ain’t used to things…not working out when you or your brother are involved…”


“Sorry, you or your cousin. Point is, they’ll be looking for someone to blame. And you were there so they’ll be demanding to know why you didn’t stop it. They are hurtin’ is all, they won’t be thinkin’ straight. I rang Fat Bobby, ya know Dave’s brother, I said you’d got hurt tryin’ to stop it, and tryin’ to save Dave. He understands. He was askin’ if you were ok.”

“I –I didn’t get hurt Rob! “ she said as the tears came again.

“Oh no? You turned up here with your ears all bleedin’, you got hurt alright. Fact you have got better now doesn’t change the fact you were hurt. But anyway, they’ll be asking why you didn’t hang around, and you being injured will deflect a lot of the aggro, but you going out and saving someone else tonight, that really shuts them up. Plus like I said you need to do this for you too…” he called through the door hesitantly.

“I guess…” she said weakly. She was dismayed by his words that people would blame her, but he was probably right – it was only human nature. “I-I should go and see the families maybe, try and explain…”

“NO! FUCK NO! There’s over a hundred people been killed, you’d be days or weeks goin’ to see them all. The LIVING need you. You can’t ‘elp the dead. Saving people is what you do, like those lifeboat lads. They regret any they can’t rescue but they don’t go to a funeral if they are still needed to go out and save others. You gotta be like that. What if a thousand had died, would you go to see all their families? Its NOT YOUR FAULT KIDDO, it just was one of them things - you gotta be above the sort of crap that’s gonna be flying around after this, you just gotta carry on and be you. You can write a letter of condolence or something for the families and I can get it to them via Fat Bobby, but you can’t do it face to face. Like I say you need to get out there and help others and put this behind you. Some people will say some bad things about you over the next few days, it don’t mean it’s true it’s just they are grieving and lashing out. You can mourn the dead, you can honour the dead, you can bury the dead, you can respect the dead and you can remember the dead, but you CAN’T BRING BACK THE DEAD. Ok? You ok?”

“I-I…I suppose so…” she said tearfully with a voice as soft as snow.

“Just to be clear…there ain’t gonna be any sexiness tonight between us is there?” he called.

“WHAT? WHAT THE HELL? NO!!!” she said, stunned by the question.

“NO-NO! I didn’t think there would be, I just thought I’d ask, ya know, in case, like. Didn’t want you feeling all lonely and unloved and me missing a chance to get me leg over…” there was silence from the bathroom. “That was a joke…” he added lamely. ”I mean, I know there ain’t nothin’ sexy gonna happen between us, ‘cos, well ya know, that ship has sailed…?”

“Rob, that ship was NEVER IN DOCK!” she said forcefully staring at the wall in disbelief.

“Oh.” He said disappointedly.

“What happened to you being my big brother?” she said slightly angrily. She stared at the wall with a frown whilst she listened for his answer.

“Well that’s more kinda the other you, ya know the mousey brown haired gal downstairs. You are just... well, so hot. And if we are like brother and sister, I was just checking whether we was Arkansas sort of brother and sister or a brother and sister from anywhere else…”

“You…”she shook her head “I…” she gave a huffing sigh of frustration.”Unbelievable.” She said quietly shaking her head. But as she did so, she realized he was only trying to distract her from what had happened. “Rob, you asshole.” But she found she was smiling anyway.

“You mean like in a sexy way though, right?” he said optimistically.

WHAT?!!! NO! I mean in an asshole kinda way, you moron!”

“But you mean like a sexy moron, right?” he asked hesitantly.


“Sexy stupid?”


I’m sexy an’ you know it!” he sang outside the door. "Don'tchya -wish-ya-boyfriend was fat-like me! Dontchya!" he sang on, switching songs as she screamed and threw a loofah at the door that hit with a wet thud. There was a short silence and then she burst out laughing. She needed that release of emotion, and she realized now that he knew that too and was just playing the fool.

“Thanks Rob.” She called to him and this time flicked an x-ray glance through the door where she saw him side on to her, looking down the landing, smiling proudly, pleased with himself. ‘Well, so you should be’ she thought.

“I put candles in there…’cos… ya know,… women like candles in the bath, …for some reason…” he said uncertainly. ”Bloody stupid…” he said, mumbling quietly to himself.

She looked around. There were three. One had fallen over and gone out, one was broken halfway up, standing wonkily like a drunken sailor and one had melted to nothing with just the flame barely flickering above a large pool of wax. They were dinner table candles. None of them were scented. It was pathetic, but somehow endearing. She softened towards him. He was kinda hopeless. Then she saw an unlit birthday candle stuck upright in a bar of soap. Her mistake, there were four. She smiled.

“Yeah…I see them Rob. Thanks. They are supposed to be scented candles though, to help you relax…”

“Oh….that makes a bit more sense, now then. ‘Cept I ain’t got none of them ones. I suppose they burn off the oxygen and make you drowsy that way too. You coming out then?”

“Gimme a minute” she called.

“There’s no sexiness stuff goin’ on, I promise…” he said hesitantly.

She smiled. “You bet your ass there isn’t!”

“Oh.” He sounded disappointed.

She stepped out of the bath, swathed herself in the clean towel and picked up her smoked and battered uniform reticently. She froze as she held it. All those people. She ran her hand over the sigil that meant ‘Hope’ in her language, so often mistaken for an ‘S’. It wasn’t stylised with the top loop larger than the bottom but deliberately distended as that is how the symbol was written. But now she felt as if she had betrayed it somehow. She felt sick to her stomach and ached at the memory of the last time she had worn it. Part of her, a tiny part, longed to throw it away…but a bigger part of her didn’t. Rob was absolutely right when he had said earlier that others out there needed her help. And she also needed to help them. She took a deep breath, blew her legs dry and then swilled the uniform beneath the shower head, scrubbing and rubbing it with her super speed, her hands a blur. She rung it dry in a few seconds, blew over it quickly to finish it off, then towelled herself dry and donned her underwear and the cleaned garment. She put on her boots and stepped sheepishly through the door.

Her head was dipped and she raised it only slowly, uncertainly, peeking out hesitantly from below her brow, between strands of her hair that hung down, as if somehow seeking his approval, his reassurance.

He looked at her open mouthed for a moment, stupefied by the radiant image of loveliness that stood before him. Eyes like the bluest sapphires, hair like spun gold, her blue top shining, her cape, her skirt, her boots all rich and red, with the regular band of her belt like the yellow stripe of a rainbow. She mistook his hesitancy at first for disdain and she felt the dread rise in her until he smiled at her reassuringly, obviously pleased to see her, and her heart soared. She felt her confidence return again and all from such a simple thing as a friend’s smile.

“I thought we could call this ‘Operation Phoenix!’ “ he said excitedly, “Ya know, you putting it behind you and rising again sort of thing…ya know, going out on a mission!”

“What? Rob I don’t name these…missions. Actually I don’t even think of them as missions …I just sort of…go out there, on… on a patrol I suppose you would call it…I don’t call them anything really…”

He looked devastated. “Oh.” He said in a little voice. “I thought that was a cool name for it, like…” he said quietly. Then he seemed to rally. “But never mind! Because first we have to commence with 'Operation: Great Idea'!” he grabbed her by the wrist and led her excitedly into the small living room above the shop where he had laid out the table for her.

“Ta-da! 'Operation: Great Idea'! There’s tea and some toast and I made you some sandwiches to take with you. I thought you’d be hungry by now, so have a cuppa and a bit of toast and then you can go off and save the world again!” he said excitedly, looking enormously pleased with himself.

She felt…warm inside. But the tears came again. “Oh Rob. That’s so sweet.” She hugged him affectionately. “I can’t believe you made me sandwiches…”she laughed. “I can’t fly around carrying a lunch pail I’d look ridiculous!”

He went bright red and dropped his gaze as she let him go and shuffled awkwardly. “Oh, I’m sorry…I didn’t think.”

“And the toast!” She looked at the two jet black pieces of bread. “That’s pretty damned burnt Rob! Where’d ya toast it, Mount St Helens?”

“Well, I ain’t good at cookin’.”

“You run a café!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, but its not a very good one.” He said honestly. “Plus I thought you might like it well done…” he said. “But there’s two pieces of bread there spare, I thought you could ya know…use your eyeball –“

“ ’-bomb- thingies’ to heat it up?” she finished for him with a smile. “You mean my laser heat vision?”

“Aye-aye. That. Doo-dadd stuff.” He said smoothing his palms down his apron clumsily as he looked at her anxiously with his head lowered.

She smiled softly at him. “You’re the best Rob. But we can’t call it Operation: Great Idea…that would be stupid…” he looked even more crestfallen “when it’s Operation: Brilliant Idea!” she teased him.

“Oh!“ he said delightedly, pleased with her acceptance.

She sat briefly , flashed a glance to turn the bread into toast, buttered it, added some hawthorne honey and then ate it as she drank the tea. He hovered nervously around her, something clearly on his mind.

“I got you your own mug!” he said proudly “Well, not yours but Brown Eyes, you know the other you for downstairs in the caff like…” he showed her the mug which had ‘LYDIA’ printed on it. She sighed and gave a nodded thanks with a tight smile. Rob was hopeless with names. She looked at it for the first time properly and frowned.

“Er…Why is there a big fat pig on it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and turning the mug for him to see.

“Well, because they didn’t have one with a big fat cow on it.” He said matter of factly.

“Why youuuuuuuuuuuu!” She smirked and then narrowed her eyes in feigned outrage, but they both ended up smiling at each other like the good friends they were. She took a swallow from the insulting mug.

“Ya know…” he said finally as she looked up “when…when I hit you…well…I don’t hit girls. I’ll carry the shame of that to my grave…” he struggled to look her in the eye, and when he did they were shining with tears. “I know its stupid but of all things, I thought of that bit in ‘Airplane!’ , ya know when that woman is hysterical and they are all queuing up to slap her…its dumb I know but that’s all I thought of…and so…well.” He sighed deeply. “I’m just so sorry I hit you. I’ve never hit a woman. It ain’t right. My Grampa would kill me.”

“Well, seein’ as you hit me…it’s only fair I hit you back, yeah?” she raised her eyebrows as she looked at him seriously for acknowledgement.

“Well, yeah I guess…I am so sorry…” he said uncertainly.

“Ok. Brace yourself.” She stood, wiped a crumb of toast from the corner of her mouth as she finished chewing, then drew back her fist and held him by the neck with the other hand.

“I’ll try not to break your neck or...ya know drive your jaw through your skull…” she said seriously.

“Oh crikey!” he swallowed hard. “C-could you not like, hit me a bit less hard then?”

“Not really, I only do kinda full on thumping…”

She felt him swallow underneath her hand at his throat. She was struggling not to laugh visibly.

“Alright then…will it hurt?” he said nervously.

“I should think so. Its what I do. You might wanna close your eyes…” she said with sincerity.

“Oh God!” he took a deep breath. “I-I suppose it’s only fair. Look, I’m really sorry…” he screwed up his eyes and grimaced. “But like…couldn’t you slap me a bit instead? Or can I pay a fine?”

“Nope, its an honour thing where I come from. Gotta be done.” She looked at him standing rigid with his eyes shut tight.

Kara smiled openly then and said “HERE IT COMES!” loudly, as she just gave him the gentlest scuff of her knuckles on his chin, then leaned forward and kissed him on the nose.

He opened one eye and saw her smiling and just burst into a huge smile. “Awww, you bloody waster!” he shook a fist at her but laughed, though his eyes were shining with emotion.

She felt emotional too. “Its ok Rob. I understand why you did it.” They both embraced for a long moment.”Ya know, you cry an awful lot for a big guy…”

He shrugged and looked embarrassed. “Well, it’s been an emotional night…”

That was undeniable. “How’s the hand?” she nodded to the hand swathed in bandages, the fingers wrapped in surgical tape from where he had hit her earlier.

“Oh, its alright.”

“Let me see.” She took it tenderly and used her x-ray vision. His little finger was cracked and he had dislocated the middle knuckle of his fourth finger, which had caused a lot of swelling. “Ok, its dislocated, I’m gonna pop this back in for you now, Ok? Nothing to it.”

“Will it hurt?” he said nervously.

“Nah. Big tough guy like you? You’ll be fine. On a count of three, ok?”

“Yeah alr-AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH! FUCK!!!! FUCK!!! FUCK THAT HURT! SHIT! YOU BLOODY SAID ON THREE!” he screamed as she popped the knuckle back in with a loud and painful crack. “AND YOU SAID IT WOULDN’T ‘URT! SHIT!!!! YOU BLOODY ROTTEN THING!!!”

“Well, I kinda lied on both counts…” she smiled at him. She was feeling more her old self. Still slightly empty inside, but infinitely better for his company. She would save her grief for later. As would he, no doubt. She looked at him fondly. He was a good man and she realized a lot of what she had seen here tonight was purely for her benefit, just him putting on a bold front. He no doubt missed his childhood friend, but he had set aside his grief to care for her, to minimize her pain. He really did love her she realized.

“YOU BLOODY COW!” he frowned at her angrily as his dog barked in alarm at all the commotion.

“You big baby.” She said affectionately as he looked at her sheepishly, his palm still clamped under his armpit.

“Finish your tea and piss off” he said with fake anger.

She laughed. That was something a little while ago she never thought she’d do again. She leaned forwards and kissed him on the cheek. He had helped her to pull it together. Now time to earn her keep.

He blushed furiously, but did a poor job of hiding a huge smile. “You know what I’m gonna say, don’t you?” He said, as he saw her turn to leave.

“Rob, with the way your crazy Celtic mind works, I never know what you are gonna say for sure. But this time I think I can guess.”

“Be careful, sis.”

“That was pretty much it.” She gave a shy grin at him.

It was around 5 am by the time she left the shop, and by 9 am Metro time she had saved three car crash victims in a multicar pile up, one family of four from a house fire and even (though she was too embarrassed to mention it) a cat from up a tree. But true redemption for her came when she had assisted a plane with engine trouble. In truth it was not actually in a lot of danger, but her help ensured that there was indeed absolutely no danger at all and it had landed safely.

That one widely reported incident served to temper the public disbelief that she had failed to save the tanker, and exactly as Rob had said, the initial anger and criticism had been dissipated.

Over the next few days she avoided watching the newsfeed footage of the tanker disaster and indeed of the recovery operation – the search for bodies at sea, the attempts to recover wreckage and identify those burned beyond recognition at the cliff top. Anyone outside had been incinerated in the blast, but those in the vehicles had at least retained some semblance of humanity, albeit a very charred one. Only one body had been recovered from the Ocean, a crewman from the little tug that had saved her, the ships engineer. She attended his funeral in secret and also made a point of visiting the widow of the tug boat’s Captain, again incognito. It was difficult but something she felt she owed him. A memorial service for the victims was to be held in three weeks after the search for bodies had finished. She had looked for any bodies herself, but anything exposed to the blast had largely been vapourized, and after several nights searching she too had found nothing. She resumed her regular patrols of Metro city.

When she went out over the city now, she went out for longer, searched a wider distance, trying to protect more people and keep them safe. It was guilt, she knew. But each life saved helped her conscience, restored her self belief.

Rob continued to tell her it wasn’t her fault. Some days she believed him. Some days she didn’t. As on that very first night after the terrible tragedy, her emotions see-sawed between confidence and self-doubt. But in the main, thanks to her friend, her self-belief won out. But there were three instances that got her fully back to her old self.

The first involved an ordinary man called Julio Trecca.

Julio looked down the street from the 14th floor window of his girlfriend’s office building, but failed to see any crowds. He sighed wearily. Typical. No one was ever interested in him. Not his family, not Claudia his (ex) girlfriend, and certainly not all the people busy ignoring him in the street below. He had been up on this ledge for an hour, but no one had even noticed. That bitch who had dumped him was on the holiday at Cape Cod that HE had paid for, with some other guy. He had come to her building to show her, to show her what she meant to him- and she wasn’t even here. She had dumped him three days ago and he never for one second thought the bitch would have the nerve to still go away without him. He had decided to go ahead anyway, at least initially, as he thought the tv and newspaper reports would make her feel guilty when she saw him get talked down. But now, with the world ignoring him, what was the point? But then, what was the point in going on without her? Somehow, though he had fully intended to let himself be stopped from jumping, now he seemed to be intent on committing suicide. He wasn’t sure how that had happened but it had. Fuck it. He looked down between his feet at the street below. It was a loooong way down. To hell with it. He stretched out a foot to step off and closed his eyes.

“WHOA! Only I can pull that kinda stunt off.” said a female voice beside him.

He screamed and cowered back, pressing against the window as he opened his eyes. Supergirl hovered before him, arms folded across her chest.

“Don’t mind me, you carry on.” She said squinting into the sunshine. “But it’s a loooong way down.” She dipped her head to look down below her own dangling feet, turning her toes up idly as she stared. Julio was frozen, arms braced against the window frame.

“Aren’t you gonna…? Ya know…” she whistled and unfolded an arm, arcing the hand up and then slowly down to indicate him jumping off, still with the low, long whistle. When her arm was fully extended she splayed the fingers and made a ‘splat’ noise.

“I-I-I…I don’t know!” he stammered.

“Well, maybe you ought to go in to decide, hmmn?” she looked at him with one eye closed to the sunshine, her golden hair streaming behind her. If ever a man had a reason to live, looking at her at that moment was it. She was stunning.

“I-I…I guess…but….I-I was…I just wanted to show her…”

“Show who? Girlfriend?” he nodded, “Show her what, your intestines? Your brains on the sidewalk?”

He swallowed and half shrugged then seemed to realise he was teetering and gripped the window frame more tightly.

“Why kill yourself over a girl?” she asked him and deep down she was genuinely curious as to his answer. But she hoped for something a little more insightful than what she got.

“I LOVE HER! AND THE BITCH DUMPED ME!” he sobbed, gripping tighter.

She sighed. “Well I’m guessing you didn’t really love her if you are calling your beloved a bitch….?”

“Well,…I…AWWWWWW, I DON’T KNOW!” he seemed to crumple, emotionally and physically. “I-I just wa-AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHH-OH!”

He screamed as he slipped and fell from the ledge, only to suddenly realise she held him beneath the arms with each hand and flew him gently to land upon the roof. He told her then his story of how his girlfriend had left him and even taken someone else on the trip he had already paid for. She sympathized with his plight but she could also see that what he was suffering was pretty much the same as herself: his confidence and self-belief had been shattered. She still didn’t really know how she could continue to cope, long term, (she just hoped she could) but she did see a way to help him out and restore some of his self-esteem. She waggled her fingers inviting him to hold her hand.

“Fancy a trip to Cape Cod ?” she asked him with a smile.

Julio stopped crying and a huge grin spread over his face as she explained her plan.

Claudia Moreno was sprawled on a towel at the beach, braced, leaning back on her palms. She looked around idly from beneath her sun hat and behind her black shades. Her head froze as she stared down the beach. Her new boyfriend was walking towards her from the right, up from the sea, but she was transfixed, staring off to her left. He followed her gaze as he kept on walking.
Her mouth dropped open and she lowered her shades with one hand to stare over the top of her glasses at what she saw. It appeared to be Supergirl, flying slowly on her back with her arms wrapped around someone who bore a remarkable resemblance to Julio, who appeared to be kissing her. As they very slowly moved passed them at about ten feet off the ground and the same in front of her, they rotated slowly and the man pulled his head up from his onerous duty.

“Oh, hi babes!” he said matter-of-factly, before he resumed his task as they slowly flew by, off to her right, Claudia turning her head to follow them, as did her new boyfriend as he now ended up stumbling backwards toward her, staring after them, before he tripped over her and landed in a heap as she hit him angrily.

“Say, wasn’t that guy your ex? But he was with-“

“YES, I KNOW!!!!” Claudia shouted angrily at him as she huffed and folded her arms irritably.

Kara returned Julio to the roof of his building. He had surprised her by respecting their agreement and only pretending to kiss her. Most guys would have tried it on.

“Thanks.” He smiled gratefully as she set him down.

“No, thank you for being a gentleman. Now, wasn’t that a nicer way to spend the afternoon than denting the sidewalk?” she smiled back at him as he laughed and nodded. “No more self-pity, Ok? There are always reasons to go on as long as you are able. If you are dying anyway or in endless pain then maybe that’s a bit different, but if there’s nothing wrong with you, then there’s no reason to waste your life needlessly. Things can and will get better, no matter what they may look like at the moment. Think of all the people in the world who are struggling to survive, and there’s you just throwing your life away. Or people that might need your help, just like you needed mine today.“

That was the first incident that helped her to recover, as she pondered her own words to Julio :
No more self pity. Things can and will get better, no matter what they may look like at the moment.

The second was the arrival of Aftermath.
Last edited by tallyho 7 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Awesome a Tallyho Supergirl tale :)

Like how it has Kara still trying to recover. Rob was great being part buffoon but also smart trying to get SG back into action. The part with her talking to jumper was nice. Reminded me of the scene from All-Star Superman but your take on it was great. Man that's guys EX is jealous now ;)

Look forward to next part man!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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This was a nice character study Tallyho, and a realistic look at the downside of being a heroine that has nothing to do with peril and everything to do with courage. Good work.
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Hi all, thanks for the comments and my apologies for the delay in posting the second part, it took me three re-writes!
Hope you think it worth the wait. Please comment either way.


Kara felt the knife blade pierce her back, slipping between her fourth and fifth ribs on the left side of her body. She arched in shock and disbelief, a scream frozen in her throat. The tough material of her cape and blue body suit, strong enough to withstand the cold extremes of space and the heat from a blast furnace had parted like paper before the razor sharp tip of the blade. She felt it slide into her body all the way up to the hilt, the cold of the steel and the crisp chill of the air rushing into the wound only to be snuffed out by the hot rush of pain and blood that washed over it. The shock of the blow snatched her breath away, leaving her reeling. She felt her unseen assailant twist the blade gratuitously before pulling it out, just as suddenly as they had thrust it in. Her body had frozen at the injury, up on her tiptoes, her head back, staring up at the stars. She spun around just in time to receive a knife to the gut, low in her abdomen.

She couldn’t scream but only gasp a “HUHHH!!!” exclamation of surprize and disbelief. She clutched at her attacker to see their face but another blade stabbed her straight between the shoulder blades and all strength left her body. Then another and another; in her back, through her side, in her thigh, her shoulder, through her palm, her neck. A dozen blows; a hundred, all at once from every direction, mercilessly hacking her down. And none of her powers were working; she could do nothing to defend herself and as she was cut down all the faces of her attackers were the same horrible half-face :- a cruel grin below a featureless face with no eyes and no nose, all laughing at her, at her impotence and she tried to scream as she was dying in pain and shame but no noise would come as they crowded around her – all dressed as seamen, yet their faceless bodies were blackened and burned.

“HAAAA!!!!” She woke with a start blinking open her eyes in shock as she came to wakefulness. So that was what a nightmare was like. Her first. She couldn’t say that she cared for the experience. She had suffered sleepless nights ever since the Cornucopia disaster but this was the first time she had suffered a true nightmare. She shook her head to clear it as her breathing came back to normal. She kept a bedside clock for appearances sake and to get herself used to looking at clocks and watches so she didn’t ever give herself away by just reeling off the time, but in truth her Kryptonian body clock was faultless. 3:19 a.m. And forty two seconds. The announcement was being made round about now. Deliberately timed for the middle of the night in the West to minimize the panic. Hopefully by the time most people heard about the crisis it would already be over in five or six hours from now.

Jodrell Bank had seen it first, well not exactly seen, more heard. The massive radio telescope had spotted an anomaly in the back ground radio waves, the so called ‘song of the Universe’ …and suddenly there it was. A massive rogue asteroid knocked adrift of the Kuiper Belt. The best estimates were that the collision that sent it on its way had happened around 18 years previously, but as such a small portion of the sky was covered at any one time in the search for NEO’s, or Near Earth Objects, it had evaded detection until the last minute, screened at various times when it could have been spotted by the other planets. Ironically it had been picked up by Professor Sebastien Norman who, unfortunately for all, but especially for Professor Norman, had promptly died of a heart attack before he could share the news of his momentous revelation. That had delayed its discovery by a crucial two weeks. It was only when his colleagues finally set aside their grief and looked through his research papers that they realised what he must have found. But now there were just a few days to do anything about it.

His colleagues had named it in his honour, as was the custom, Norman 87XP3, but unfortunately that meant that the Earth was about to be destroyed not by something sinister like ‘Behemoth’ or ‘Leviathan’, but by…'Norman'.

It was somehow disarming, having global destruction brought about by an asteroid called Norman. The world’s leaders had maintained a news blackout until the last possible moment to minimize the panic and to help buy them time, unhindered by dealing with mass hysteria, to actually come up with a plan. And now was that time. And much to everyone’s surprise, not least of which Kara’s own, they had come up with a plan which was already coming to fruition. A genuine case of global co-operation in action. Indian , Chinese and European supply rockets had been prepped at very short notice over the last three days and ferried nuclear material to the International Space Station; NASA had used a decommissioned shuttle hastily de-mothballed and fitted with the ultra secret engines from project Aurora, rumoured to be able to hit MACH 7. The warheads were assembled at the space station , added to the weapons cargo brought up on the shuttle and…voila. One massive nuclear answer to stop Norman in his tracks.

The shuttle would carry the bombs on an auto-piloted course, steered from the ISS and…bang. No more Norman. With the Aurora engines they could intercept Norman far enough out to minimise the showering effect of splitting up the asteroid. It was estimated some 95% of Norman would then miss the Earth completely, and much of the remaining 5% would burn up. Some debris would inevitably hit Earth but they had arranged an umbrella of high altitude fighters to hopefully engage the larger pieces and fragment them further, with a lower level of surface-to-air missiles forming an umbrella over crucial targets like nuclear facilities, and finally close protection, rapid-firing automatic machine gun point defence systems like Phalanx and Goalkeeper over priority installations to fragment the ones that got through even further. The weapons had in many cases to be stripped from Naval vessels. In truth it was more for morale and to preserve order than any real practical purpose. There would be casualties but nothing like the wholesale global destruction Norman himself would bring. So much so, that Supergirl’s help wasn’t really required, thank you very much. At least not in the initial stages. She could help to deflect the smaller pieces later.

She had attended the initial meeting with the UN Scientific Committee in secret session three days ago, addressing the world leaders, and once it was established that Norman was too large to be moved by her alone, and her cousin could not be recalled in time from his interplanetary mission, then she had been…well not exactly dismissed, as side-lined. She could help deflecting the aftermath of the explosion if she wanted. It was a measure of how low her self-esteem was after the Cornucopia incident that she didn’t even press them. She had just been so shocked. She was used to taking the lead in such situations and they had not only barely included her in the briefings, but then pointedly excluded her from the solution.

On the one hand she was glad that humans were trying to solve their own issues without running to her and Kal all the time, yet…she hadn’t expected to feel this empty, this purposeless when they had. But worst of all, when she had entered the briefing room for an update yesterday she had heard a technician mutter under his breath to a colleague:-

“Oh great. We get the Superhero that doesn’t work. Where the hell’s her cousin when we need him?”

She had only picked it up because of her super hearing, but the words had stung her, instantly re-opening the wounds from that awful night of the explosion of the Cornucopia. The ship being destroyed had been bad enough, but all those people, the rescue workers, had specifically been on that clifftop because she had asked for them to be there. And she felt totally responsible. And now, finding out people still blamed her, still thought she had failed somehow, hurt. She was still brittle, emotionally. Whether people had picked up on that, which was why they side-lined her or not, she didn’t know. And a sad part of her didn’t care. And now that horrid dream. She changed into her costume and flew to the Mission Headquarters. They had named the mission ‘Guardian’.

She had hung around the control centre for a while but it became obvious that people were avoiding her. Such was their apathy towards her involvement, that they pointedly asked her not to interfere with the asteroid prior to the attempted detonation as that would throw all the careful calculations out of the window. But truly she didn’t really know what she could do anyway. So, at a loss and with some 3 hours to kill before the detonation and when she MIGHT (they emphasised that) be needed, she found herself in Rob’s café but in her guise of Linda. She needed to think, to pull herself together. As she lived upstairs now permanently, she had a key to the deserted shop and this was the closest she had to a home to do it in.

She sat morosely staring at the tea. The global governments were emphasising the mission would succeed and panic was actually fairly minimal, largely as predictions had a debris field strike in lower-mid Pacific. That, and Norman not sounding very threatening had assuaged people’s fear. Australia was evacuating its Eastern seaboard, the Pacific islanders had been evacuated to ships and Hawaiians were moving to higher ground, but most places were waiting to see what happened, given there wasn’t enough time for a full evacuation anyway. But somehow Kara was detached from it all.

She had helped herself to the tea and as it was a Sunday and the café was closed she was surprised when Rob the owner came by, walking his dog. Harvey was pretty old and incredibly slow, so walks took a random amount of time depending on Harvey’s mood. When they entered Rob was obviously surprised to see her too.

“Oh, its you. What you doin’ ‘ere then? Thought you’d be –phweeee-ooo“ he whistled and thrust his arm across his chest and up at an angle –“up, up and away?” he raised his eyebrows as the dog padded over painfully slowly to see her, his tail creeping tiredly from left to right. “Thought I’d open up this morning like, just in case. And its something to do.”

“Didn’t you get the memo? The World is about to end. It came out with the one that said Supergirl isn’t needed.” She said bitterly.

“Nah, not gonna ‘appen.” He said cheerily. “You- I mean Superlady will save us all.” He winked at her.

“Its Super GIRL Rob, and they don’t want – her- help.” She kept up the pretence that it wasn’t her even though they both knew the truth.


“”So? Whadya mean ‘So?’” she snapped angrily. “Didn’t you hear me? They don’t want my help. They think they don’t need it. Not yet, anyway.”

He blanched slightly. “I-I meant you -she’s- a woman, ain’t she? No woman I’ve ever met actually listens to a bloke when he tells her to do something…” he said with a mischievous smile. “Or in this case NOT to do something.”

“You- “ she said menacingly, then smiled and relented. ”You’re a sexist dinosaur of a guy!”

“It was a joke love, that’s all.” He smiled. “What I mean is, why have you let them saying that, stop you?”

“They said they didn’t want me interfering until after the mission to deflect it.” She sighed. “I don’t know what I could ‘ve done anyway…” she said in a little voice. The dog picked up on her downbeat mood and whined sympathetically before nuzzling her shin.

“You are joking aren’t you?” he asked with a frown, raising his eyebrows in surprize when she shook her head. “Well, when have you ever let that stop you? You do what’s right, not what someone tells you to do. You show ‘em girl. You bloody go up there and sort it out. I know we’ve come a long way from Poland, but you need to knuckle down and get on with it now.”

She had no idea why he mentioned Poland , but assumed it must be a crazy Welsh saying. He was full of them and very few made any sense at all. She decided to ignore it.

“What can I do Rob?”

“Eh? What can you do? Bloody everything and anything, that’s what. But the one thing you can’t do is sit ‘ere wallowing in self-pity with the second most handsome man in South Wales. Shift that lovely arse of yours and get out there and do SOMETHING!

She frowned “The SECOND most handsome man in South Wales?”

“Well, I didn’t wanna boast by claiming I was the first…” he said with a grin.

She smiled. His pep talk had helped her but she didn’t really feel his confidence was justified.

“Ok. I’ll – tell Supergirl to go. But why are you here? Why don’t you ring your folks, talk to the family…might be the last chance…” she said seriously.

“What? Nah. I only ring mam on Tuesdays. Today’s Sunday. I’ll wait. Nothing’s gonna happen. They’ll blow it up, and if not….well. You’re on the case.”

“You mean Supergirl is on the case…” Kara corrected him with a weak smile.

“Either way…its about time. And I bet you ain’t paid for that tea!” he pointed at her cup.

She smiled. “You got me. I’ll have to owe you.”

“Tell you what – you get our friend to save the world, and we’ll call it quits.”

“Hmmmnn. Seems fair.” she laughed, feeling better. She still had a nervous knot in her gut that came from a lack of confidence and direction but she did feel…needed. Maybe that was all she ever wanted. “I’ll - get her to go up there, scout it out, maybe learn something new that might help the mission.” Even as she heard the words from her own mouth she cursed the fact that she hadn’t done this sooner. She was way off her game.

“Atta-girl” he smiled. She bobbed off the counter stool and kissed him on the cheek. Her actions seemed to jog his memory about something.

“Oh, before you go, meant to ask…Ya don’t suppose Supergirl wears that costume to bed, do you? I was just wonderin’, like…”

What? No! Why the hell…? Why would you ask that? Oh Je-zuss! Will you keep your weird fantasies to yourself! You’re a pervy guy, ya know that?” she said, her initial disbelief relenting when she could see he was only doing it to yank her chain. “You sex mad idiot.”

“Ya love me really.”

She smiled. Yes, yes she did. In a fraternal way. “If I didn’t have to go save the world I’d teach you some manners”.

“You mean like spank me or something?” He said brightly. “There’s blokes who’d pay good money for that…”

“Goddammit! Rob! GRRRRRR! You’ve got sex on the brain!” she huffed at him. But she knew this was just banter, his way of lifting her spirits. And it was working.

“Go get ‘em, girl.” He gave her a thumbs up. “Oh, and you still haven’t got what film ‘Jones?’ is from, remember!” he called after her, referring to the game they played of naming the film quote.

“That was weeks ago! And its definitely not ‘‘Raiders’ ?” she asked with a frown, “Nor the other Indy films?”

“Nope. They say and shout ‘Jones’ a lot in those but that would be too obvious. This is ‘Jones?’ said quietly, and with a question mark. HA! Knew you wouldn’t get it!” he smiled, triumphantly. “Now no more clues until you- our friend – has saved the world. Get out of here, Buggerluggs.”

“So long, Blubbergutts” she responded and saluted as she kissed him again, kissed the dog on the top of his flat, furry head and tickled his chin, then headed for the door. Harvey groaned contentedly.

“Tell her to be careful.” He said seriously and waved.

It was funny how just a humble bit of social interaction with a – well not quite another human being but with a human being had restored her purpose. She still felt a little uncertain and still had no idea what she could do but she sure as hell wasn’t just gonna sit around feeling sorry for herself. She had changed back into her costume, immediately feeling more confident, then swung by the emergency control centre to let them know she was going up there to take a closer look at Norman. She should have done it before but the previous meeting many hours earlier had put her off balance. The task force director heading up the Guardian mission was a shady character, one James Wainwright, and he was largely indifferent to Supergirl’s presence. In fairness he had a lot on his mind but it was clear he fell into the camp that thought she just couldn’t cut it.

His reaction was apathetic when she told him her plans.

“If you feel you must. But I must stress if you can’t get it to avoid the earth completely, leave it alone, that’s an order.” He said with a weary sigh, as he took off his glasses and pinched his nose. “The shuttle is on its way already, we’ve brought forward the intercept, we figured the further away we hit it the better. Its due to detonate in under three hours time. The last thing we need is you messing up the calculations.” He said it as if she were a child playing around adults. His words infuriated her.

“I am not a soldier and I don’t take ‘orders’. I just want to check out something Jodrell Bank reported, that anomaly in the radio waves coming back from it.” She began but he interrupted her.

“Don’t worry your pretty little blonde head about that. It’s an erratic spin to it that’s causing the intermittent blip, that’s all.” He said patronisingly. ”You see, we can do things without your help after all.”

She could feel her anger rising “Well, maybe I’ll just check it out anyway for own peace of mind”

“Your call. Some of us don’t have the time to waste on a fool’s errand.”

She bristled. “I guess not. And those guys, the ones who are really busy, I suppose they will always need someone to make their coffee. That’s where you come in, right?” she asked sweetly.

She saw his face flush with anger and smiled inwardly. A palpable hit.

She left him before he could reply and headed for the door before a diminutive little bald man in his sixties hurried to stop her. He spoke with a quiet English accent as he laid a hand on her forearm.

“Err…h-hello. Edgar Morris. I am… well… I worked with Sebastien at Jodrell. I’m sort of um… a …well liaison I suppose. Although that Wainwright fellow thinks he knows it all. Did I hear you say you were going to look into the radio wave anomaly?” She nodded. “Oh splendid! I haven’t been able to convince anyone here that its important, but for my money its very strange.” He gave her a quick outline of the issue - an intermittent freak spike in the reflected transmissions appearing on the right hand side of the object, but at regular intervals.

“It could be the spin, but I think it’s something more – whatever it is can’t be on the surface as we don’t see it for more than an instant and the surface spin is likely to be slower than that. It might be something venting, but when I’ve looked at the other scans at different wavelengths there doesn’t seem to be much of anything released, really. It’s an oddity.”

“I’ll check it out and let you know.”

“Really? How marvellous! Nobody was taking me seriously, saying it didn’t matter. Between you and me, that Wainwright’s a bit of an arse” he said in a low voice.

Kara smiled. “You don’t need to be a genius to know that. I’ll look it over and get back to you.”

“Oh thank you so much. It’s so nice to speak to someone who actually knows what they are doing for a change.”

Supergirl didn’t correct him.

Just a few minutes later she swung by the ISS, waving casually to the crew at the windows of the space station , smiling as the Russian cosmonaut blew her a kiss and the Frenchman pretended to swoon, and a few minutes after that she was speeding past the drone shuttle ‘Astoria’ as it was en route to Norman. Out of habit she looked it over, scanning its systems, checking for any problems. All seemed o.k.

She flew on, with a sense of trepidation, and spotted Norman still thousands of miles off, shining with reflected sunlight. It was enormous, some 82 miles across and 11 miles high, a grey glow coming from the dusty surface reflecting the shining sunlight. She was enjoying its glow too when she noticed something – a smudge, a kind of haze that she thought at first was vapour until she refined her gaze to a different part of the spectrum. It was solid, or at least most of it was. It was a huge cloud of debris riding ahead of the main body like a bow wave. Detritus vented from the asteroid, or else thrown off by the impact in the Kuiper belt. But it was stretching for miles, way ahead of Norman. And it would shred the shuttle like a shotgun blast way before it got anywhere near the surface. She flew nearer, avoiding smaller debris as she approached. The asteroid was huge, but she was concentrating on the portion with the anomalous reading. And then she saw it, just flashing in the light for an instant as Norman spun end over end. She flew wider, around the thousands of smaller debris particles to get a better view, switching to her x-ray vision. When she confirmed it, she stopped in her tracks. She didn’t use profanity often but she used it now, slowly and quietly to herself, mouthing the word within the body shield her Kryptonian powers gave her, saving her from the rigors of space like a tight-fitting protective bubble, her eyes widening in surprize. When she saw what it was, she knew they were all in big trouble.

“Oh, shit…” she said, grateful that no one could hear her.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Now you've got me curious! But whatever it is, I'm sure it's trouble for our girl. Nice profiling of SG's state of mind and nice set up.
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I think this what NASA calls a 'Uh oh' moment.

Great piece Tally, again doing a great job with SG's inner struggles. Rob continues to be awesome and I like the set up for this next part. Kara should easily be able to handle those smaller fragments but I wonder what from the big Asterisk has her spooked.

Great update sir, looking forward to more :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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What the hell Tallyho, you saying Kryptonians have a soul, and worry about others?!?!!? :evo:

Your portrayal makes some sense. The old saying "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" , some :happy:

Her humility, even when she is smarter (and a lot more powerful) than everyone around her is a very tough deal for her to live with. Seems she understands, she is only one of billions on the planet, even WHEN she matters most.

Very nice work Tally.

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Thanks chaps hope you like the next part

Part 3

Kara looked on at the source of the radio wave anomaly. Not good. Not good at all. But it explained a lot, not least of which being why the whole thing was moving so damned fast, compared to most asteroids. Ok, first things first, she needed to tell the Guardian team the bad news. The quickest way would be to get back to the ISS and do it from there, rather than return to Earth. She glanced back in the direction of the space shuttle. They were due to trigger the Aurora engines at any minute - that would close the distance and probably mean a detonation within the next 20-25 minutes, if that. What the hell had she been thinking? Why hadn’t she come to scope it out sooner? Dumb. No other word for it. And now she was almost out of time.

She flew back to the shuttle in a few minutes, flying backwards before it, shaking her head frantically and crossing her arms before her, then sweeping them down and apart in a ‘NO’ gesture. She hoped the ISS crew would see her on the camera mounted in the shuttle and have enough sense to realise what she was trying to do. Then she sped on to the space station, still another minute away – she couldn’t run the risk that they might have fired the engines whilst she was en route. She forced one of the airlocks – not ideal but she didn’t have the time to worry about preserving property, (nor wait for it to be opened for her which would take over a minute) closed the outer door behind her as best she could and immediately hit the internal intercom switch.

“DON’T FIRE THE ENGINES!” She shouted frantically, “There’s a huge debris field ahead of the asteroid – the shuttle will get smashed way before it gets anywhere near the surface – or close enough for an airburst detonation to have any effect!” she said desperately as the station commander’s face appeared, looking somewhat surprised on the tiny screen by the speaker.

“Holy shit! Its her! Supergirl! Errr, Copy that ma’am…er…but we are running out of time on the mission threshold, what’s the problem exactly? We are gonna have to do something in the next minute and a half or its all shot to hell…”

“Don’t let me in – I had to bust open this airlock, there’s no longer an airtight outer seal,” she took a breath “ there’s a debris layer about 30-40 miles deep ahead of the surface of the first asteroid - its dense, in places there are rocks the size of cadillacs in it, even the so called dust particles are large and solid – they’ll shred anything in their path. Patch me through to the Guardian command centre I need to speak with them, urgently!”

“You…you said FIRST asteroid?”

“Yeah, it seems Norman has a brother - there are two.”

“Oh jeez.”

“Look, forget about firing the engines, we are gonna need a new strategy. An airburst of the bomb when it hits that debris field isn’t gonna do the job, it’ll need to be much closer to the surface to crack it open and even then the second asteroid is directly behind the first, it’s just likely to plough through the blast debris and keep on going. Get me Wainwright, NOW!”

“Y-yeah one sec.”

'We don’t have a sec!' she thought as she waited. She should never have forced the airlock – the few seconds she had saved were more than lost in these kind of delays. Another bad call on her part.

“Guardian Control Houston this is ISS Commander Waller, urgent. We have Supergirl with us, its vital she speak with Director Wainwright, immediately, over.” A second later she was on the link herself, a tiny image of Wainwright looking fraught on a two inch screen in the airlock. He didn’t seem to be handling the pressure of saving the world very well. He looked panicky and agitated and clearly hadn’t slept for a few days.

“Listen Director – I’ve traced the anomaly –“


“LISTEN TO ME! Guess again – there is a SECOND ASTEROID ABOUT HALF AS BIG AS THE FIRST! Its sitting directly behind Norman. It must be the impactor of a second strike on Norman – the first dislodged him from the Kuiper belt then this second impact is why its moving so damned fast. The radio anomaly is because there is a dip in Norman’s surface, that, as it spins, only reveals a tiny part of the one behind him and then only at certain points when its spin coincides with the dip. It must have had a sort of silica/sandy based dusty surface, as it’s almost obsidian-like at the point that it shows itself – it must have been created and polished in the blast when it first impacted with Norman – that’s why the radiowave spike is so high. It’s like a crystalline sheen that’s reflecting the radio waves.
The plan WON’T WORK as it is – there is way too much debris ahead of the asteroid – its like a bow wave ahead of the main body. The Astoria will be destroyed way before she is in the optimum position to detonate.”

Wainwright went white. “W-well…” he took off his glasses almost in a daze “we…what can we do? All the press are here…E-everyone is waiting…The U.N….the President…There’s no time for a second mission…no time for…for anything…”He shook his head slowly “Oh god…” he looked totally lost. “We…I…it’s not my fault…I did what was agreed…not my…fault…oh, god…i-it’s-it’s your fault!” he rounded on her. “I’ve done all I could, YOU! YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THIS!” pointing a finger accusingly at her. He suddenly seemed almost hysterical. Kara ironically actually felt he had a point.

Suddenly a scuffle broke out and she heard someone cry “Oh get out of the way, you silly arse!” in a quiet English accent. It looked as if Wainwright threw a punch at someone before a spectacular right hook appeared on screen and he dropped like a sack of potatoes as it connected with his chin. There was a commotion and shouting, then a sea of arms and bodies filled the screen before someone shrugged off several people holding him; then someone’s white shirt blocked the camera and she couldn’t see anything.

“WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!” She shouted desperately.

Wainwright tottered into view mumbling “Its over…its all over…” as the scuffle continued before a brief glimpse of a bald head and someone shouting “Get off me, you bloody wanker!” in an unmistakable British accent.

“Let go you fools we need to speak to her for Christ’s sake!” said the accent before Wainwright came back into view briefly, looking completely shell shocked.

“Its done…there’s nothing we can do if the bombs won’t work…nothing…”

Edgar Morris pushed him aside, then turned to face off camera “Oh, just…FUCK OFF CAN’T YOU! …Yes, well I was Eton boxing champion in 1968, so you want a piece of me chappie, you bring it on!... Sod getting security, we are trying to save the planet!... Let’s all just calm down and LISTEN TO THE BLOODY GIRL SHALL WE?!” He shouted and the uproar finally subsided “OH hello again, erm, its me , Edgar… now, can you hear me? Oh good” he said as he saw her nod as he adjusted the desk mike clumsily. “Errr…yes, sorry about that…Mr Wainwright is …er…well he’s a bit delicate…two asteroids, eh? That’s a bit of …er…bad…er…bad news , yes.” He took off his glasses and wiped them whilst he spoke, thinking on his feet. “Er seems to be like obsidian on the surface, you say? That’s very interesting…very unusual…yes very…er…yes. Silica based, dusty surface, turned to glass by the heat of the impact. Hmnn. Mr Wainwright seems to have had a bit of a funny turn…erm…I’ll fill in while he sorts himself out …you there, get him a cup of tea or something, can’t you? There’s a good fellow,…er…ok. Anyway, right, er, almost as big, you say and directly behind Norman? “

“About a half, maybe two thirds the size…a couple of hundred billion tons I’d guess…” she said tersely.

“Yes, makes sense as the 67P Rosetta comet was around 10 billion tonnes and that was only around 3 or 4 miles across, and our estimates on Norman were around the 700 billion tonne mark, so yes, half to two thirds would be 4-500 billion tonnes. No wonder you can’t shift them. Ok, now, can you do anything directly to …err…stop it- them…err…anything at all?”

“I-I don’t know, I can’t see how I can move either of them on my own, they are just too big…” she said suddenly feeling rather despondent as she heard her own words.

“Right! Ok! Nil desperandum, as they say. We will just have to make the best of what we’ve got –“ he turned off camera again as she heard voices- “Oh, let it go will you? What does it matter unless we do our bloody jobs and stop this ruddy thing?” He turned back to face her “Sorry. We haven’t got anything else other than a bloody great big bomb; as you say they are too big for you to move but if we blow them into smaller bits, maybe you can do something then, yes? So our first issue is to get the bomb nearer to the surface. Can’t fly it directly, as it will get pummelled by the dust ahead of Norman there, yes? Ok. What if we pilot it away from Norman then come at it obliquely, from the side? Probably still a fair bit of dust but certainly less, would you be able to clear a path for Commander…er… sorry whatever your name was, to fly it in?”

“I can try.” Kara said thinking herself about the optimum approach from what she had seen. It might work. It was infinitely preferable to head-on, anyway. “It won’t be easy.”

“Nothing worth doing ever is, my love.” Morris said affably as he cleaned his glasses. “Oh dear I think I’m being arrested.” Hands in grey shirtsleeves grabbed him and he was hauled off camera before a wide eyed Wainwright came back into view.

“Its your fault! And now its too late, we are all gonna die because of you!”

”Oh for God’s sake, really? Get Morris back on will you”

“I’m in charge and I…I’m the one who is going to have to explain that its failed…they’ll blame me…and really its you…YOU!!!!” he stabbed his finger aggressively at the monitor

Suddenly someone else’s voice cut in “Oh shit get him out of here. We don’t have time for this. SECURITY!... I don’t care, let him go!... What the hell does that matter now?” A younger man appeared on screen, side-on, as a screaming Wainwright was pulled away. “Director Wainwright’s not coping very well with the situation, get him out of here will you?” he said before he turned back to face her. Wainwright was still shouting off camera amid sounds of a scuffle.

“I’m Samuelson, deputy something or other here. Look we can re-jig an approach-“ Morris appeared beside him “- vector, but it’ll be guess work really, we need anything you got ideas-wise…can you clear a path… ? Then we can at least get in closer to detonate.”

“I don’t know, there are just so many pieces of debris. I can go through them at speed but I doubt I can clear them completely, there are just too many.”

Edgar Morris chipped in “If you can’t sweep clear a path then we are all a bit snookered really. What other options are there…? Can you do something from the rear, approaching it from the other side? No, probably not, never mind.” He contemplated and then answered his own question.

“Wait, that’s it!” Kara said excitedly. “You mentioned being snookered and that’s the point- there are thousands of small roughly-rounded particles that we need to move and we can’t move them all. So we don’t! We get them to move each other! Like balls on a pool table – we fire one into the pack and the whole lot scatters! I’ll come in from the side and hit as many of the larger pieces as I can NOT out of the way but further into the mass- they will dislodge others, then more and so on, it will increase exponentially. I’ll still work my way in through the debris cloud, but I don’t have to fly through it back and forth– I can concentrate on working my way in from one side and let the debris do the work!”

“Excellent! Then theoretically that will allow a detonation much closer to Norman’s surface than we could have hoped for, and we have fellows trying to find an optimum spot as we speak. If we aim for a hit off centre, hopefully that will send what’s left of him spinning off into space like... like …well like Darth Vader’s tie fighter, and maybe miss us. Norman might miss us all together! Of course that still leaves the problem of the second one, there’s a chance at least some of it will get driven off by the impact, maybe all of it, but we will just have to see what the aftermath of the explosion holds.” Morris said.

Whilst the team worked on finalizing the best approach, a statement based on Morris’ words was drafted - the statement was then released to the waiting media in a brief press conference hastily called to hand it out to the reporters who would be carrying live footage of the detonation worldwide from Astoria as it happened, then switching to long range cameras on the ISS when it actually exploded. The blast would be visible with the naked eye from the Earth, in daylight, seen as a small white point of light.

The press statement was simple, straightforward and concise:-
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please pay attention. We have made an important discovery. There is a second asteroid behind the first, but please at this stage there is no need for panic - it’s a situation which we are working to resolve with Supergirl’s help. She has already discovered a large debris field ahead of Norman which has meant we needed to adjust our approach with the shuttle. We now plan to detonate Astoria as close as we can to the surface, not by flying into it as was first proposed, but by coming in obliquely, from the side, which should allow us to get much closer. It is hoped that the blast will DESTROY Norman and do enough damage to deflect the second asteroid, but nothing is certain at this stage- we will just have to see what happens in the aftermath of the explosion. But whatever that aftermath is, we are confident that with Supergirl’s help we will prevail. WE REPEAT THERE IS NO NEED FOR PANIC. The situation is difficult but not insurmountable. ” It was read out by Professor Samuelson, the deputy director of the project.

The questions came thick and fast and when someone said ‘How dangerous could this aftermath be?’ instantly the second asteroid became fixed as ‘Aftermath’ in the minds of the media and in their reports. The Guardian team had to admit that they had no specific name for it as there just hadn’t been time to consider one, so Aftermath it became. The timing of the announcement was key – just before the final phase of the mission started and so only around 20 minutes before the explosion – no time for real panic and fear to take root, as people were glued to their tv sets and radios to witness the explosion. There would be some deaths and some rioting – but what was the point in looting when you were going to be dead in half an hour? – the current estimates were for around 100,000 deaths world wide, most being suicides. And that was without any actual strikes. A tragedy, but unavoidable. The later detonation time and the scattering effect being closer to Earth meant the Pacific touch down was revised. It was likely now to hit somewhere over lower Asia, unless the explosion worked. A tentative guess was that the largest parts would hit around Indonesia. The loss of life was likely to be in the millions even if the Guardian mission succeeded. It was decided by the UN not to mention that part.
Aftermath was likely to be a mass murderer on a colossal scale. They hid the truth from the public by feigning ignorance. Evacuation was largely pointless now anyway.

“Quite apt really” Morris said, referring to the name a few moments after the briefing, to Samuelson. Wainwright had recovered his baring but it was clear the pressure of saving the world had been too much for him and so Samuelson had formerly assumed his duties whilst Wainwright recovered.

“How so?” Samuelson asked.

“Well, the origin of the word ‘aftermath’ literally means ‘a second ploughing’; it’s from ‘maed’ in the Saxon, 'a field', the same word that gives us ‘meadow’. Sort of like saying the ‘after-field’. It was a second chance to get a crop by re-ploughing a field that had already borne one. Sort of like this is our second chance to get rid of the problem. So let’s see just what fruit the aftermath bares, shall we?” he smiled as he adjusted his glasses. “Where is the er… young lady now?”

“Just over taking the shuttle, she’ll be in position in a minute or so, she will signal us via the Astoria cameras. I hope this works…” Samuelson said, then smiled ruefully at the pointlessness of that statement.

“Well, if it doesn’t, it won’t be long before we won’t have to worry about it…or anything else come to that” Morris said simply. “Pretty young thing, isn’t she?” Samuelson looked at him swiftly “I’m an old man I’m allowed to objectify women.” Morris said as he smiled. “I hope I get to meet her again.”

Kara took up station ahead of the shuttle hovering briefly to check her alignment. During the press conference Commander Waller had flown in a lazy arc, swinging the shuttle off to one side. But to her surprise he had then handed control over to Major Elisabet Ramov, the second Russian cosmonaut on the station, informing Kara before she left that, as he put it, ‘she was way better at Xbox games than me. Dodges everything like a politician or a TV evangelist caught with his secretary. This isn’t about egos, it’s about the best chance to save the planet. That lies with her piloting the shuttle, and you guiding her in. She can get it there.’

His honesty was refreshing. Nobody had said anything, but the delay in detonation meant that the ISS would now be that much closer to the detonation, as would the Earth, and both would now be showered with much more debris than anticipated. Its chances of surviving the explosion were minimal and the risk to the Earth had risen significantly.

“Commander…” she had begun hesitantly “what happens with you guys, afterwards?”

“Oh, we’ll get some medals I expect," he said brightly. "You have enough to worry about, we’ll sort ourselves out don’t worry. We have a supply rocket we can evac in, we’ll be fine.”

“Good luck.” She knew there wasn’t enough air or room for the 8 of them in the supply rocket, but she didn’t point out what he already knew too.

She thought of that crew now, as she kept pace before the shuttle. She wished she had had a chance to meet them, particularly Ramov, on whom so much would depend. All she could do was her best to make Ramov’s job easier.

It was only then, as she prepared to sweep a path for the Astoria that a thought suddenly struck her – how the hell was she going to avoid the explosion of 14 one hundred megaton devices? Especially as when they fired the Aurora engines on the shuttle, it would be heading in to detonate at Mach 7 – that would give her less than a second to get away. Not enough time to put a safe distance between her and the blast. So much for the plan to split them up into smaller parts that she could then deal with. She wasn’t going to be around to deal with anything. There wasn’t even time to let the Guardian Mission staff know.

Oh crap.” She thought and smiled ruefully. Oh well. Maybe this was how it would end for her. She should have thought of an exit strategy way before now. Damn. Hopelessly off her game. She shook her head to herself. You idiot. She felt a tight knot of anxiety in her gut, but it wasn’t fear for herself, more fear of failure. She wondered idly how she would be remembered if she did succeed and recalled a conversation she had had some years earlier with one of her few other friends, a janitor named Louie. Somehow they had been talking of epitaphs and she had just blurted out “I wonder what they will say about me?”

"That's easy," the wiley old man had smiled and then as quick as a flash said words that weren’t quite his own – he had paraphrased them from an old poem- but she had liked it. She smiled at the memory now.

“What God abandoned, She defended.”

It appealed now to her sense of self worth, which had been pretty low in recent weeks and maybe her vanity, too, if she was honest. She grinned more broadly at the happy memory. If she failed then no one would remember her for long anyway. But either way, it seemed like this day would be her last, yet she found a kind of comfort, even if it was self-delusional, in thinking that that was how people who knew her, thought of her. So many things to worry about, she had forgotten all about herself. But then, wasn’t that what heroes were supposed to do? Rob would be annoyed at her – he had asked her to be careful. She smiled again, this time with more warmth. She thought of her friend and his tired, smelly old little dog, in his crummy café that served the worst coffee in the city- they would both be waiting for her to return. Rob would wait forever and a day for her even if he heard she was dead. ‘Largely because he was stupid’ she laughed to herself at her own little joke. Damn, she never did find out what film ‘Jones?’ was from. Thinking of him now, he was like a brother to her, and at least this way she might be saving him. She would miss him. Hell, she’d even got that wrong. He wasn’t going anywhere. Well, not if she could help it. He would be the one missing her. She was the one who wouldn’t see tomorrow. And the world still needed fat sexist dinosaurs, who always smiled. She laughed loudly , though no one could hear her - a release of her anxiety. ‘In space, no one can hear you laugh’ she thought to herself, giddily. She smiled broadly then, feeling genuinely content with her lot. Because she had finally got the ‘Jones?’ quote. That had been really annoying her. Suddenly things didn’t seem so bad after all.

She looked back at the tiny speck of off blue light that was Earth. Ramov was flashing the navigation lights on the shuttle to indicate she was ready. Kara acknowledged her with a nod via the shuttle’s onboard camera, but allowed herself that last second to look at the planet that was home for her now. She hadn’t envisioned this kind of death for herself, one with time for contemplation. She had always thought it would come swift and sudden, which ok, the nuclear blast would be, but this knowing that it would happen in the next few minutes…she didn’t ever think that she would have that sort of time to reflect on things.

She set her own fate aside. Time to go. “Ok, Normski, you and I have a hot date.” she said quietly to herself. “You wanna dance? Looks like we just got time for one last waltz for us both…”

She sped forward towards the debris cloud. How did that first line of the poem Louie had quoted go?
‘These, in the days when Heaven was falling…’ that seemed pretty apt at this moment. She thought of the people on the little blue speck far behind her. She hoped for all their sakes it would work.

“Time to defend what God has abandoned” she said with grim determination.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Aaaaaaarrrrggggghhhh!! Bitch of a cliff-hanger! :evilmad:
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Cliffhanger indeed, looking forward to seeing Supergirl in action here
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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All I can say is: WOW!!!!
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Thanks guys. This was gonna be the last but it became a monster. I'll tidy this up for errors over the next few days, but for now here it is
(The original poem is 'Eptaph on an Army of Mercenaries' by A.E. Housman, you can find it here -
https://movehimintothesun.wordpress.com ... e-housman/)


‘She, on the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when Earth’s foundations fled
Followed her selfless calling
Accepted her fate , and now is dead

Her shoulders held the sky suspended
She stood, and Earth’s foundations stay
What God abandoned, She defended
She saved the sum of things this day…’

She was repeating the poem in her head like a mantra, having accepted Louie’s change she had inserted herself into it fully, changing the lines to suit the occasion… and bizarrely she found repeating it gave her a new strength, a kind of comfort. She could somehow feel its power rising inside her, building, feeding her courage, lifting her spirits as she sped into the first outer fringes of the dust and debris around the huge asteroid, her arms a blur as she beat aside the tiny pellets and fragments of rock, knocking them forcefully deeper into the mass and watching with grim satisfaction as the smaller specks ricochetted into each other creating a cascade effect as others collided. But it wasn’t the smaller ones she needed to move. She began to concentrate on the larger rocks and let them do her job for her as she hurled them into the other particles.

She had never really understood the human fascination with poetry before – partly because she could read the longest of epics in a microsecond . She realized now that she was failing to take in the essence of what they meant – she understood the component words but had not taken in the intent behind them, the feelings it evoked. Now she got it – as she set to her task the words gave her power of a new kind, beyond her abilities. It was allowing her to accept the end, her end – to confront the inevitable. It was emotive power, raw and unstoppable. And so too, was she.

No one on Earth had ever seen her this way before- a true daughter of Krypton, a force of nature unleashed with devastating effect. Nothing could have stopped her and nothing did. She ploughed into the cloud of detritus and smaller particles with an unassailable fury of intent, smashing the larger rocks aside with her fists but at the same time slamming her arms, her body into the smaller pieces, brushing them aside or further into the mass of particles, causing a ripple effect ahead of her direction. She powered through the fringes of the debris cloud sweeping all before her, using her heat vision too to vapourize the smaller particles all too aware that a single speck of dust would hit the shuttle with the force of a bullet at the speed it would be travelling.

Far behind her, those aware of what was happening were glued to tv screens the world over. The far east populations were turning to their various religions whilst most of the Western world were being greeted by the biggest wake-up call they would ever have. Rob sat in his empty café watching the tv with his dog.

“See that ‘arve? Look, its our girl up there, boy! Wooo! Look at ‘er, fella! Look at 'er go! ” he ruffled his dog under the chin as it sat dutifully by him on the stool at the counter. Harvey growled back at being disturbed.

“Awww, shurrup you, ya bloody ‘ound. Look! Look! She’s ‘mazin’ boy! ‘Mazin’! “ he said, smiling excitedly as the Astoria’s cameras picked up the tiny smudge of disturbance in the debris cloud far off in the distance, that was growing with each passing second as more material was knocked aside. There was some inane commentary on her actions and it was only when the unknown voice said “we can only hope that the Kryptonian marvel can somehow survive the terrible explosion that she is paving the way for” that the smile froze on Rob's chubby face.

“Ohhhhhhh lovely girl! What you gonna do now?” he said quietly as he leaned forward and brushed his tears away on the top of Harvey’s flat Spaniel head. Harvey raised his shaggy head and, in a rare display of affection, licked his master’s cheek and whined sympathetically.

In Houston, the Guardian mission team watched anxiously on the monitors, relaying telemetric data as well as faint live images from both the ISS cameras and those onboard the Astoria. But at the distances involved Kara was invisible, only the disturbance in the debris cloud being visible as a growing blur around the point of light that was Norman. Morris looked up suddenly annoyed.

“Jodrell Bank signing off from direct tracking...handing over to Bombay...Woomera and Hawaii standing by also...” a technician stated mechanically to the room as the British radio telescope was hidden by the curve of the Earth, handing tracking over to the Indian space agency and its counterparts in the Pacific.

Morris sighed heavily.
“This is fucking useless. Where's the Pentagon fellow? There, YOU! General whatever your name is! Get us the feed from Cyclops, now, please!” He demanded of a shocked military liaison officer.

“WHAT!???” he went a whiter shade of pale at the mention of the word 'Cyclops'

”OH for the love of God man, stop pissing about! Cyclops! Your bloody spy sat network master satellite! Oh shit, what's it really called? Umm Optic! OPTIC !!!The one with the ruddy great lens. I forgot, its nickname is ...er...Cyclops. Yes that one, get us that feed ,please” Morris said, agitated.

“How...?Th-that's classified ! How did you know about that?!!!!” General Evetts asked in surprise.

“Does it really matter, now of all times? You've probably got the alignment codes on you at all times, yes? Probably in your cell, unless you've memorised them. Well now is the time to use them. We need the best view we can get to validate the telemetry data we are getting, so make the call AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. Please. Unless you want to be remembered as the man who helped fuck up the mission to save the world...”

Evetts reluctantly agreed with a sigh of breached security frustration and hurried to make the call while Samuelson leaned close in to whisper to Morris.

“What the hell are you talking about, we don't need a camera view to validate the data! We have the best computers on Earth doing that for us , right this second, and every second, both here and at Jodrell.” The British observatory was still being used to validate the data although it could no longer track the alignment itself directly.

Morris looked at him over the top of his glasses. “For Christ''s sake I know that, I just want to see what's going on, don't you?” he said in a whisper with a crafty smile and a twinkle in his eye.

Samuelson smiled, a rare moment of levity in the tense hours that they had all endured

“How'd you know about Cyclops?” he asked in hushed tones.

“Lucky guess and an old pal who works for SIS” Morris said with a wink, before clarifying, “Special Intelligence Service. Actually he was the fellow I beat to win the Eton boxing championship I mentioned earlier. Terribly nice chap. Keen horticulturalist, you know, been friends ever since the bout. Told me about it when he found out I was coming here. Actually, he knew I was coming here before I did. Odd in hindsight, but I suppose that's why he's in the intelligence service. Got a massive lens in the master satellite , hence the Cyclops nickname. We will need them to spin it around of course as its probably looking at Putin at the moment. That's why Evetts is transmitting the alignment codes from his phone as we speak. They are likely to lose the thing in the next hour either through the blast wave or a debris strike, and even if they don't, there could be bugger all left to look at down on earth anyway. So best put it to some good use before the end, hmmmnn? After a total destruction scenario, estimates are for a 96% loss of life if this fails, worst-case. Best case 65%. Not good either way. Best hope our cheerleader can save the world, eh?”

“She's something, ain't she?” Samuelson said.

“She certainly is.” Morris said wistfully. “I'd bang her seven ways 'til Sunday”

“What?!!!” Samuelson said in surprise.

“I'm 68, not dead.” Morris said simply. “Now lets get on...General? “ he raised his voice and looked over at Evetts who was still on the line but nodding an affirmation.

“Oh Good. Looks like we get to watch in glorious technicolour.”

“How fast can she actually go, do you think? It's gotta be pretty damn quick if she's gonna out-fly the blast...” Samuelson said, still thinking about Supergirl.

“Oh my dear chap, she will have a fraction of a second once the Aurora engines fully fire and Astoria heads for Norman...no way can she out run the blast.”

“WHAT?!!” Samuelson said clearly shocked. “Then how is she gonna survive....?”

“Isn't it obvious?” Morris said simply.

“You mean -she's.... not....?!!” Samuelson went white with the shock.

Kara was a blur of speed, slamming into the rocks and fragments of the debris field like a whirling dervish, her physical impact smashing boulders and splinters of Norman aside as she used her heat vision to vapourize the smaller particles to atoms. She was constantly in motion but her mind was strangely calm, almost abstract, as she set about the task of clearing a path for the Astoria, as all the while she counted down with her internal body clock the seconds before the secret engines would fire and the shuttle would effectively become a missile. Ramov's task was simple yet tricky. The Aurora engines were capable of between 7,000-9,000 mph in trials on Earth, in space with no air friction nor gravity and certain last minute adjustments she had supplied, they were even faster. The engines would fire on a two stage burn, the initial ignition lasting a few seconds as it built up speed before a secondary firing of the main engines in a kind of turbo/afterburner arrangement. Once the engines fully fired then Ramov would have almost no control as the shuttle would impact in less than 3 seconds. The remote control would mean she was responding a fraction of a second late to events and then her reactions would take a fraction of a second to travel back to the shuttle, but the shuttle would be travelling at 6-8 miles a second and those fractions meant the difference between hitting a rock and missing it. She was totally dependent on Kara to clear a path wide enough that she could follow and the plan involved using conventional engines to steer into the clear path and keep the ship there, travelling along it at normal speed until properly aligned with the target area before firing the engines. The boffins had selected an area off-centre for the explosion which they hoped had the best chance to split, fracture and spin Norman, which would then collide with Aftermath and hopefully knock it off course or break it up too. That had been the one piece of good news that Kara had had – namely that the clear area she was responsible for making would only be around 38 miles long rather the 43 or so that was the geographical centre of Norman. Some break. She hoped that Ramov was up to the task – her initial alignment was crucial.

Kara theoretically had 3 seconds to get away once the main engines fired but the reality was that she was committed to trying to get the shuttle as close to the surface as possible. A premature explosion above Norman would not necessarily do the trick at 10-20 miles above the surface and then it would all be for nothing . What was the point in her surviving if the Earth didn't? And that meant leaving it until the last of those 3 seconds. Once it was within 5 or 6 miles of the surface that would be enough, if it didn't get hit and explode before then. But that meant there was just no time for her to get away from the blast wave. The Cornucopia explosion had shredded her eardrums and blown her for miles, stunned. This detonation would be terminal for her. She somehow didn't mind. She wondered idly about Kal and what kind of a world he would return to find. She was saddened by the thought of his grief for her, and the others too who would weep for her, like Louis and Rob. Yet all the while she set about her task and the seconds ticked away before zero hour, she was resolute. She couldn't out run the explosion, but she would face it none the less. But what about after her death, and the aftermath of the explosion? Would it work, would the second asteroid be destroyed? She sighed to herself heavily. Who would know? No one, until it happened, and she wouldn't that's for sure, barring a miracle. She smiled. What she needed was a hero to come along and save her. But Kal was hours away. But then she grinned both annoyed and pleased with herself at the same time. Dammit, why did she keep having these blonde moments lately? She already had a hero on hand who would save her. And his name was Norman.

“What?” Said Morris to Samuelson exclamation on Kara's demise. “Of course not you idiot, she's just going to hide behind him, I expect. Honestly...” he tutted disparagingly at Samuelson who looked back at him sheepishly. “She's not doing a John Wayne at the Alamo you know, we need her to tackle the aftermath of the explosion and ...well, deal with Aftermath. If she doesn't make it we're absolutely screwed. Be billions dead when the debris hits us, unless we are spectacularly lucky. Ah, excellent we have the Cyclops feed.”

“Its actually called the 'Optic' Unit, Orbital Photographic Tactical Intelligence Command Unit” Evetts interjected but nobody cared. He shrugged,sighed and gave up. “Cyclops feed realigned and relayed to all operational centres and ISS. You'll get the feed shortly....Yes, there she is. Its all yours gentlemen, though any control requests will still need to go through me. Try not to break it”

“Of course! Thank you, er...General Evetts, was it?” Morris said as Evetts nodded.

Samuelson sighed. “What a day. Here we go.”

“Family?” Morris asked Samuelson quietly without taking his eyes off the new images.

“Yeah wife and two. Boys.”

“Can't really call them, but I'd send an 'I love you' text if I were you....” Morris said.

“The sats will be jammed with cell traffic, haven't got a hope in hell of getting through.” Samuelson said. “Meant to do it earlier but ...well ,things went away from me a little.”

“My dear boy, we are a priority comms institution with Presidential sanction and over ride over all other satellite traffic globally, as signed by the heads of the UN in special charter 1178. Any signals from us will be relayed no matter who to, via radio, landline or mobile phone. What's the point of all that power if we can't use it, hmmmn? We have two minutes or so. Send some thing, anything, just do it quickly.”

“You sure you aren't a spy?” Samuelson said as he got out his cell and started typing a quick message.

“If I told you I'd have to kill you.” Morris said with a smile “ LISTEN UP EVERYONE! We are go in...1 minute fifty. Good luck everybody. Major Ramov, are you there?”

“I was go shopping but think I stay...” Ramov said making a modest joke with her heavy Russian accent. “I here and am ready” her image smiled briefly on one of the monitors. She was in her mid thirties with high slavic cheekbones and intense dark eyes. Although her hair was severely secured, with her slender body shape she was very attractive. And these days her accent was shared by half the girls working in the European sex industry. Her nickname on the ISS was 'Boner' amongst the male members.

“You can see the track she has made for you?” Morris asked.

“Da. Is good. Wide enough for side ways train, is fine, no problem”

“Good luck, everybody.”

“I don't need luck, I fucking awesome...” Elisabet Ramov smiled as Waller laughed behind her and clapped her on the shoulder.

“Ok everyone...ISS, the countdown is with you in just a moment. Sonic pulse her to indicate you are firing ...” Morris referred to the pulse beacon that was in the nose of the shuttle. He turned to Samuelson. “You have the honour I think...”

“ISS and Major Ramov from Guardian Mission control you have operational control until detonation, we show engines to fire in ...28 seconds, 27, 26, ISS she is all yours and you are a go, over.”

“Copy Houston. Cross those fingers. Hell, cross everything” Waller answered as the ISS then took up the countdown, recorded for all to see at the bottom of the screen.

The next twenty seconds were the longest anyone in that room had ever experienced. All eyes were glued to the Cyclops feed which was also relaying up to the ISS. With the military grade resolution you could pick out a red-blue speck spinning and whirling at phenomenal speed. Ironically, Ramov was the only one who didn't watch it, as her alignment position relied on the nose cameras on Astoria. There was a sudden shake of the image as a fist sized piece of debris smashed through the cockpit glass on Astoria though all anyone knew was that there had been a hit.

The jarring image on a monitor caught the eye and Samuelson looked on in alarm “SHIT! SHE MISSED ONE!”

“No, Ramov isn't in the channel properly yet, it must have been an outlier, before the debris cloud proper.” Morris said calmly. “Our girl doesn't miss much.”

“Pulse beacon set.” Waller confirmed though his voice was tense. “Still a go. I repeat, we are still a go Houston.”

“I fine, still good, Channel aligned...fire first stage engines in 5...4...3...2...1...GO!” Ramov shouted as the shuttle image view wobbled like crazy as the engines fired. They would be in a two stage burst, an initial firing that started off an inevitable massive acceleration some 2 seconds later automatically. It was in that initial 2 seconds that Ramov's skill was vital in controlling the craft as it set the shuttle off for the clear channel that Kara had made. The three seconds at maximum velocity would largely be down to luck as to whether they would hit a piece of debris or not. Kara had significantly improved their odds.

Kara felt the sonic pulse as a pressure change against her eardrums. She knew it was coming but its arrival still startled her momentarily. She surged forward faster than ever, blasting and pushing rocks out of the way and getting a degree of satisfaction as she saw the ever spreading ripple affect ahead of her in those final few seconds before the engines fired. She hurtled towards Norman who was now destined to be her saviour. The fact that she now had at least some hope of survival had given her a new found optimism, and reinvigorated her, and although as far as she was concerned she had already been trying her hardest, it was undeniable that now, with hope in her brave young heart, she was even more vigorous, even more unstoppable.

As she reached a crescendo of movement, all visible at Houston on the screen, the Guardian Mission command staff watched in hushed silence before Morris broke the quiet with an awed whisper.

Miraculum Mundi...” He said softly in Latin. Roughly translated it meant a 'wonder of the world'. ”My God...she is a sight to see...”

Kara had become wildly excited in her work - the fact that survival was a real possibility and so she could genuinely save the Earth from the after effects of the explosion or at least have a chance to try, was envigorating her beyond belief. She felt joyous – that was the word, euphoric even. Behind her Ramov had done her job well, guiding the flight in towards Norman through Kara's channel until the massive jolt of the Aurora engines had kicked in. She held her true for a second, then another, as the surface of the asteroid rushed to fill the Astoria's camera lens and the screen on the ISS. The shuttle had taken a few hits under normal speed - when the acceleration of the new prototype engines hit ,those minor blows would be like cannon shells. The hope was that they wouldn't hit anything vital until near the surface. Either way Supergirl had done all she could to improve the odds of success.

Kara counted the seconds after the sonic pulse and sensed rather than felt the shuttle approaching as it came hurtling up behind her. She estimated that she was within 5 and a half miles of the impact zone when she decided it was time to bail. The detonation was only part of the mission. She needed to be around to finish it. She had realized earlier that whilst she didn't have a hope in hell of out flying the blast , she was approaching the issue the wrong way. She couldn't outfly it. What she needed was a shield, something to protect her from the blast. Maybe something 87 miles long and 800 billion tonnes.

Enter Norman, her new hero and saviour. She didn't need to fly the 700 miles or so in a split second to be able to survive the blast radius, she just needed to fly around 14 miles to get up and over to hide behind him. It would still be hairy, with no guarantees, but it was a chance that was better than nothing. With impeccable timing she threw a huge chunk out of the way with both hands and then sped for safety an instant before Astoria reached her former position. Then an instant later a huge piece of debris slammed into its side, crushing its pressurized hull and entering the cargo bay.

There was a blinding white light that filled the screen and the watching world held its breath, awaiting the outcome of the biggest explosion that mankind had ever engineered. The fate of Aftermath and Supergirl would decide the fate of all.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 8 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Tallyho, you better not be pulling COIE on me here! ;)

Excellent piece again man, loved Kara's monologue and how she felt empowered by the poem. Great work dude!

Edit: Yes I used the wrong acronym :tongue:
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Amazing story!
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sgz6 wrote:Tallyho, you better not be pulling COIE on me here! ;)
What is COIE?
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Crisis on Infinite Earths - where Sg gets (SPOILER ALERT)

blown up

Unfortunately SgZ6 typed it as CIOE first off and the Google result comeback with China International Optoelectronic Exposition, which confused me a bit I can tell you!
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Say, isn't that the exposition where everybody gets blown up? :D I can see your confusion.
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Aaaaaaand at a stroke you now have the Chinese cyber intelligence people watching your every move.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Hi all, its 2 am here so I will edit this for typos tomorrow as I have school in the morning. Thanks for the comments, the story is taking me in a slightly different direction so this is the last but one post rather than the end. Apologies if I got your hopes up that it would soon all be over, lol. As ever please post any comments.


On screens all over the world a dazzling white image made people blink and look away from the glare. Many millions more were out in the streets watching the white point of light grow to the size of a golfball in the morning sky.

On the Guardian team no one said anything as they waited for machinery and computers to recover and come back on line after the enormous nuclear blast as most were governed by satellite links to other sites around the world and those satellites had just been exposed to the biggest explosion ever created by man.

Morris, ever capable, nudged Samuelson to prompt him into action with his elbow and when the new mission director looked at him blankly, he pushed him gently aside and contacted ISS himself.

“ISS this is Guardian control...well done everybody especially Major Ramov, you've done your bit now time to get the hell out of Drudge City...”

“Its Dodge” Samuelson said snapping out of his stupor.

“Yes of course it is. Silly me. Anyway, Major Ramov, Commander Waller, very well done but I suggest you evacuate as best you're able. You have around...” he checked a computer screen “16 minutes before the blast and the debris starts to hit, I've done a few quick calcs, if we fire the steering retro's sequentially it will both move you to a less dangerous orbit and set you spinning, which will help deflect what does hit you. Hope you don't get sea sick. Less dangerous is a relative term I'm afraid...” he said awkwardly looking over his specs at his rough notes as he thrust a hand deep into his cardigan pocket and started jangling his change nervously. He turned into the room and said lowly “Any sign of her?....No?” then turned back to hear Waller's reply.

“We've done some calcs too, Houston.”Waller said with a sigh. “I suspect ours are as bad yours. We will be evacuating all non command staff in the supply rocket, its too small for all six personnel so we have decided to detach it together with the starboard docking bay and lab pod, that should give them enough air for...a while., and either then can re-dock afterwards if we are still here,or maybe go for a controlled re-entry. As senior officers, Major Ramov and myself have elected to stay, we...er...we will try and reposition but , well... we are realistic, rather than optimistic. I wish it noted for the record that all astronauts volunteered to stay unanimously . It's been my honour to serve with them. We don't really have much more to say...we will keep the cameras trained on whatever is left once the explosion dissipates... given the circumstances ,could we have a live link to our families? I appreciate they've had to take a backseat while we tried to save the world...”

“Sure.” Samuelson waved to a technician “we're putting you through to the romper room now” he was referring to the family waiting area. “ Good luck commander and you too Major.”

“I tell you, no need luck I fucking awesome.” Ramov said though this time the smile was more forced.

“We are getting our readings back at the moment - we will contact you in a few minutes, I'll leave you folks in peace with the family. “ Samuleson turned away as the ISS feed was diverted. The screens started to flicker back into life and the room came back to normality once more.

“Woomera, Australia asking for Professor Morris!” a tech called.

“Can you open a secure line, I'll be with them in a moment” Morris said .” Any sign of her ? Anybody?” he sighed as heads were shaken. “ Give me the first readings of whats left quick as you can everyone.”

“We are getting the first infra red scans now....we have.... WE HAVE 44% LOSS OF MASS ON NORMAN!!!!!” a cheer went up around the control room. Best estimates had been for a 26% outright destruction of material, but the key thing was how it had split and whether it had deflected Aftermath, or at least broken it up.

“Whats it looking like?” Morris said anxiously “get confirmation data from Bombay and Hawaii. Put it on that big screen there”

“Er, thats a window”

“Oh is it? I wondered why it was blank.” Morris continued without a hint of embarrassment.

“Its a smoked glass wall for a meeting room,” Samuelson said. “ Christine, put it up on the big screen”

“Whitehouse on the line for an update...” someone called.

“Tell 'em we are working on it!” Samuelson said slightly flustered. “Hit it Christine! Now ...what we got...”

“Anyone see her sing out...” Morris called as they started to assess the situation.“Oh, there's two...another one...five... six ...seven...nine....NINE LARGE PIECES I MAKE IT ! GET ME BEARINGS ON THOSE STRAIGHT AWAY! “Morris called.

“DO IT” Samuelson echoed.

“Three look like they...YES !! THOSE THREE ARE SPINNING AWAY , CLEARLY! AND ANOTHER!” Morris pointed excitedly. “But.. oh, my...that one looks like trouble...check the alignment someone, that big bugger in the middle.... and ….hell and that one must be the size of Ben Nevis!”

“FOUR CONFIRMED AS HEADING AWAY FROM EARTH! One possible impactor on the moon...we...we...have...four ...four large pieces confirmed...as in bound, working on the projected landfall now”

“Christ...those four are still big enough to do the job...” Morris said worriedly. “Oh well. 9 for an outside line?” he said suddenly.

“What ? Yes. I'd better brief the President...” Samuelson said .”Any sign of her....?”

'And silence was the loud reply...'” Morris quoted heavily as no one answered. “Look everyone, just because we haven't found a trace doesn't mean the worst has happened...it was always going to be difficult to detect her afterwards, if she has hid behind the first asteroid then we wouldn't see her anyway for a while, so...so lets ...lets not think she's a -goner just yet...” He picked up the phone and dialed an outside line. “Excuse me “he said to Samuelson as he entered the rest of the phone number. Samuelson turned away with business of his own, briefing first the President and then the press. Eddie Stevens the press officer was desperately stalling the media with the odd dribble of information that was being passed to him by the other technical staff but he was in need of firm answers to pass on to the world. He was looking over his shoulder through the glass of the briefing room as Samuelson splayed his hand up, fingers wide to indicate he'd be out in 5 minutes. Stevens pulled a face and turned back to face the baying media pack before him.

As Samuelson strode away he caught a snatch of Morris' phone conversation.

“Yes sir,... Morris. The Unity protocol is in effect. We will need Monarch and Sovereign. I have a line open to Woomera.” He put the phone down.

Samuelson frowned and turned back. “What the hell is that all about?”

Morris smiled. “If I told you, I'd have to kill you.”

Samuelson froze. “ You really are a spy, aren't you?” he said with surprise.

“Of course not! I'm a special scientific advisor for the British Government.“ He sighed. “Look, we'll possibly be running them from here anyway so you will find out soon enough when I get the authorisation. We have our own last resort solution. We call it 'Unity'.

“Who the hell is 'we'?” said General Evetts who had come over to listen.

“Us, the British. Well, commonwealth actually: us, Canada, India, South Africa. You're not the only ones with secret military satellites you know....”

As the Astoria took a critical hit behind her and the atomic bombs detonated, Kara sped to the sanctuary of the far side of Norman. She had to travel some 18 miles to crest the rise and be shielded from the blast , nestling on Norman's dark side and between it and Aftermath. She almost made it . She felt the searing heat of the blast just catch her legs from the knees down ,just as she thought she was there, having made the last base. But no umpire cried 'safe' as her legs were whipped up past her head by the terrible forces that she had helped unleash. Another nanosecond and she would have been completely clear, but her time had run out. She spun end over end but fortunately her momentum carried her on, behind the asteroid to safety, away from the blast. But that close to the surface, a huge amount of energy travelled across the asteroid , deflected and diffracted as Norman split, cracked and changed shape, and she was still caught and catapulted on , heading with tremendous force for Aftermath, hurtling towards her at thousands of miles per hour now that the forward momentum of Norman had been lessened and she had flown and been flung back towards it. She was flung end over end and barely had time to slow her erratic flight, before she slammed into Aftermath with a force that nearly cracked her spine as she hit back first.

“AUGGGHHHHH-!” She cried but was silenced as her head whipped back into its surface when her torso stopped so suddenly . The blow left her stunned and reeling but she barely had a second to gather her thoughts before she felt the first showering impacts of the blasted debris from Norman. The pieces were small but moving incredibly fast. They exploded into smaller pieces as they impacted with her and she finally began to become aware of the dazzling brightness of the blast wave that swept across the dark sliver of space that she could see between an overhang on Aftermath and the remains of Norman. Aftermath was still spinning and she was spinning with it, both physically and mentally. She lost sight of the remains of the leading edge of Norman that she had flown over and instead the blackness of space was filled with the dark grey brown of Norman's surface. It filled her vision and it took her a second to realise that it wasn't moving position- this was a fragment around two miles long and half a mile wide that was heading straight for her, in sync with the rotation of Aftermath.

“Awww gimme a break!” she said plaintively, under her breath, as she braced herself. She was too exhausted and disorientated to fly out of danger – and with danger all around she had no idea where to fly to at that moment in time that might be comparatively safe.

Instead she elected to take the hit, using the second and a half before it hit her to pick a spot and assess how to deal with it as well as clear her head a little more. She flashed a gaze of her heat vision at a particular spot and then as it closed knuckle punched the precise location, the combination of heat and force splitting the large fragment an instant before it impacted with Aftermath, her hands a blur as she basically hollowed out a chamber for herself so that the large fragment hit either side of her and bounced off, breaking and fragmenting both itself and the second asteroid, the debris spinning away and hitting other fragments. But as the pieces cracked and moved away, they suddenly came hurtling back towards her, pushed by an even bigger piece of Norman that gave her no chance to react.

REALLY?!!!!” she said in disbelief. This time she turned her back to it and frantically burrowed into Aftermath, enlarging the little hollow to make a tiny shelter, just big enough to protect her from the crushing impact as the two surfaces collided, There was a tremendous impact that shook the surface of Aftermath all around her, loosening the dusty topsoil and cracking and splintering the part that was like glass, shattering the obsidian surface. Aftermath shook and cracked and then split further as other large pieces slammed into it finally renting it asunder. The impacted pieces of Norman too split and cracked, some disintegrating fully as others spun away into the black void whilst other still collided with their bretheren, breaking up even more.

Amidst her desperate bid for survival she had become completely disorientated. Showered in fragmented rock that was colliding and spinning in all directions she no longer had any notion of what piece came from what asteroid, with the exception of her own large chunk of Aftermath. As the immediate effects of the explosion died down she started to get her act together. Her hearing was gone (again) but not that there was much to hear in space as sound waves travelled so poorly, dispersing through the vacuum. They were still carried essentially as light wave energy but were sparse and scattered. She could feel her ruptured eardrums bleeding, even to the extent that trickles of blood were tickling down at the back of her throat. Again she would self-heal in the sun's energy, given some time. Likewise, the massive radiation dose would give her radiation sickness, albeit a mild dose in her case, though it would have killed a human a thousand times over, meaning she was likely to feel ill and lose her hair for a few days or even hours. But again soaking up her regenerative power from the sun would help speed up her recovery.

As debris hit the surface behind her, the dusty top layer of Aftermath crumbled and fell away. She burrowed into it faster, having already gone around 100 feet in seconds she suddenly realized that it was not good enough, as huge impacts behind her caused the upper surface to fragment and crack rapidly. She was using her heat vision simultaneously with all her flailing limbs to vapourize the dusty rock, but inevitably, with so many minute particles flying around in such a confined space,some started to find their way into the corners of her eyes. She found herself blinking and shaking her head and of course the power of her heat vision diminished with the action. But suddenly the situation worsened as her fist slammed into a much harder piece of rock. The impact hurt her hand and she suddenly stopped in surprise as she reassessed what had happened. It was part of the iron ore core of Aftermath. The rock still broke and crumbled at her blow but far less so, only a few inches breaking off whereas before a strike had penetrated feet into the softer material. But suddenly things got darker for her as the surface either side broke away and a huge piece of debris crashed into her back, blotting out the light as it engulfed her little hollow as if sealing her into a tomb.

“So what is 'Unity'?” Samuelson asked.

“Well, around 30 years ago, when we had government that actually had a pair of balls, you chaps were doing 'Star Wars' . Largely bluff I know, designed to bankrupt the Sovs and bring them to the negotiating table. I mean, everyone knows you can't fire lasers over long distances in space as they get too fragmented. Being light, it diffracts off the dust and debris that's knocking around in the upper atmosphere. Useless for accuracy.

But we still thought we ought to have some sort of anti-missile defence system ourselves or at least a hunter -killer satellite that could nobble Johnny-Foreigner's ones. So...we realized pretty damned quick we couldn't make one on our own... so we needed allies.... and we turned to the Commonwealth nations- Canada, Australia, South Africa, India – we saw the potential there for science growth especially in the field of astrophysics - when you have a population of 800 million minds or so, at the time, there's bound to be a few Einsteins in that lot given a chance. So we formed the Unity project. A defensive satellite system, jointly developed by those and other Commonwealth partners. Rather cleverly we sold it to them on the basis that Britain would be the LAST member to have an 'archangel' as we dubbed them. Of course we would actually benefit by having the very latest tech in ours, but hey, they were happy, we were happy. So we have launched one every five or six years since 1998. Initially from Woomera test range in Australia, then when India got up to speed, from there. We have two operational at the moment, Monarch over Australia and Sovereign over Canada. Raja over India has a malfunction I'm afraid. Its repairable, but not in time for this. So we've been manouvering Sovereign to cover the central Pacific the last two days. Monarch was already there. So you see we still have two chances to stop the apocalypse.” Morris said brightly.

“Well, why the hell haven't you Brits done anything until now?! WE COULD HAVE USED THOSE MISSILES!” Evetts snapped angrily.

“My dear general, they haven't got any missiles on board. We' re British, we can't afford fancy things like that! We haven't mentioned them because, if Guardian worked, we wouldn't need to reveal them; they are a secret after all. The one thing we Brits learned after all the spy leaks in the sixties was how to keep a secret. The satellites aren't big enough to house missiles, well apart from a small pair of EMP rockets, but they are extremely short range and have no explosive capacity. No it uses short range lasers.”

“ But I thought you said lasers weren't accurate over distance in space?” Evetts said.

“No, thats why they are short range. Light is a wave,”Morris said as if explaining to a child. “We don't use the laser light to carry heat energy.” Morris paused as he took off his glasses and began to clean them. Again. “ They are cold lasers. We don't use them for their innate energy. We use it to carry SOUND”.

On ISS, family farewells had been said and they were in the process of detaching the Japanese science module, Kobo, attached to one of the supply rockets. They had burned the fuel that they had, to raise the space station as much out of the way as they could, before separating the supply rocket and the French science module before firing the positional rocket jets to move them as far out of the way as possible. The 6 crew would use the rocket of the supply craft to take them clear. Waller and Ramov had remained behind but detached two adjoining science modules from the main craft, hoping the main body would act as some form of protection for them. It wasn't likely to work, but it was all they had. As Ramov flipped the switch and they detached successfully, then hit full burn on the retros, she confirmed their status to Houston and signed off, before she turned purposefully to Waller.

“OK. Crew gone. Shuttle go bang. Fired retros to move as far out of way ;turned pods end on to blast. No more to do. You and I have sex now.” She said in her heavy Russian accent. She said it simply , like a statement rather than a question.

“WHAT?” Waller was flabbergasted.

“Sex. Now. Us. We haaaaaave....” Ramov looked at her watch. “9 minute. Nothing more we do.”

“W-what? But I have a wife!” Waller said still amazed.

“She sleep around about. Mac tell me” She referred to one of their colleagues. “Why loyal? We have sex now. Why when we die soon? You know this. I know this. Go out with big bang before we go out with real big bang. “

“I-I ...” Waller was speechless. He had known Carol was unfaithful. Hell, the bitch had even looked guilty when he had just spoken with her . He had said 'I love you' and she had answered “Good luck Jim”.

“8 minute...” Ramov said, unzipping her boiler suit and pulling up her tee shirt hem from where it was tucked in at her waist. “You not tell me you not wonder about sex in space? You wonder what zero-g like when fucking? I have wondered this. Everyone up here has wondered this. You, me, now. We find out. Think of it as name of science.”

“What the hell...” Waller said with a sigh as he frantically began to undress himself.

“You not regret.” Ramov said with a cheeky grin as she wiggled her shapely hips out of the trouser legs of the suit , she was in only her white lace panties and sports bra, gripping a hand hold and using the wall as the floor to step out “I say you before. I FUCKING AWESOME.”

Back on Earth, Rob managed to fall into a select group who managed to miss the explosion entirely, when, with a few minutes to go R.V. Jones, his faithless hound, had pawed him relentlessly to be let out. Not knowing exactly when the explosion was happening he had ignored the dog for several minutes before angrily giving in, turning away from the t.v. to argue pointlessly with the uncaring animal. After a two minute rant on how he could and would get a cat, talking over the excited commentary, he turned back to find the screen showing static and an off screen voice saying “And now the world can only wait and hope...”

“AWWWWWWW, YOU BLOODY DOG!” Rob said with a pained expression. Harvey sat there staring blankly . And then pawed him again.

“Harve, she might be gone, boy. That might've been the last chance to see 'er...” Rob said tearfully as he bent down awkwardly, decided his gut was uncomfortably in the way and then knelt down instead to stare his canine Nemesis in the eye.

“Don't you get it boy? We might've lost 'er...” the tears rolled silently down his round cheeks. “She's up there savin' us all and I missed it 'cos o' you...” his lip began to quiver with emotion and he flung his arms around Harvey's neck and squeezed tightly as he burst into tears. “Oh, I hope she's alright lad. I hope to God she's alright...”

Harvey whined. He didn't know what was so upsetting, but he still needed a pee.

“Woomera Control, this is Guardian Mission Control, Houston, do you hear me, over?” Morris said awkwardly into the desk mike, although he was looking at his colleague in Woomera via Skype..

“Er...yes Edgar, we can both see and hear you ,over. How's it looking with you ? We have at least 4 possibly 5 very large pieces in bound, still a few hundred billion tonnes plus for each piece, coupla miles across, plus a vast shower of smaller debris. Most of that is likely to hit the Pacific Ocean. We've obviously issued tsunami alerts once there was the delay in deploying the Astoria bombs. Oceanographers are predicting 4k high tidal waves from the larger pieces. Darwin and Hong Kong are confirmed in the firing line for two of the biggest fragments. They are likely to break up further when they hit our atmosphere but its not good. “

“FOUR KILOMETRES HIGH! GOOD GOD!” Morris said horrified. "THATS MILLIONS DEAD RIGHT THERE!!!! Well all the more reason to stop it I suppose."

“Any sign of her?”McAdams asked. Morris shook his head.” Ah....pity. Do you confirm our tracking data...?”

“Doctor McAdams – this is Deputy Director Samuelson.” Morris gave a brief introduction. “Yes , Woomera...we can confirm a total of around 200 billion tonnes is heading for Earth, in those 4 VERY large fragments, and probably about the same in the smaller fragments and debris cloud. There's over...25,000 fragments that we can track, that's baseball size or bigger. Some is going to burn up of course but not enough. We estimate only around 60% of the mass will burn up on re-entry. There will be a degree of pinballing as it were, where a faster piece will knock a slower one out of he way. As you say, a lot will hit the Pacific, God willing. But even that causes issues, as you have just pointed out. Even with evacuating, it will surpass the boxing day disaster from a few years back in death toll. One of the problems of living on a planet that's mostly water. Of course land fall hits are likely to cause superfires. Plus of course its the Pacific Ring of Fire area – huge possibility of impacts triggering quakes or eruptions.
We are going to need Monarch AND Sovereign. You will have operational control of both ,with Doctor Gupta at Bombay as a back up. We are still waiting to get all our equipment back on line here... we lost most of our geostationary satellites as they were trained on the blast, you're in much better shape to control this“ Morris said . Woomera in Australia was part of Britain's nuclear project in the '50s and as such was housed deep underground.

“We won't be able to get them all of course... “McAdams said. “Darwin is a priority as thats likely to be a direct hit or very near miss. Thats the likely impact site of Matthew. Oh , we dubbed them Matthew, Mark, Luke and John when we were acquiring them as targets. Monarch will hit Matthew and Mark, Sovereign will be after Luke and John. Sorry should've said. Someone suggested the Four Horsemen would be a better bet but we couldn't remember them all. Plus we didn't want to accentuate the panic. Hear there are riots breaking out in Indonesia as it is. All the smaller stuff...that's....that's gonna be bad. The Apostles might split up and still be a problem, even if the Unity program takes them out. ”

“Er...yeah....Woomera we have 5 in bounds that are still global killers potentially, not four.”

“Oh shit. Well ,there goes the names then.” McAdams said in his antipodean drawl. “How about we call the fifth one Dave?”

“Why Dave?” Asked Morris.

“I dunno really. First name that came into my head. My neighbours dog is called Dave. We gotta call it something, Dave is as good a name as any. Plus the dog's a miserable bastard that I wanna see dead.” he almost laughed.

Samuelson smiled. “Yeah what the hell, its only gonna be for a half hour until we blow it up. Dave it is. We don't have any sign yet though....you?”

“Of her?” McAdams shook his head. “Hey but we missed a ruddy great lump of rock so that doesn't mean anything!” He said brightly.

“Its smaller than the others and was gonna miss until it collided with another piece of debris about 4 minutes ago...Right we had better get cracking. We will leave it to you fellows, as we will try and locate her, plus Mr Samuelson here has to brief the President and I'd best tell Whitehall. Good luck to you and Dr Gupta. I've arranged for a relay so we will share your data, no need to stay on line giving us updates.” Morris said. “Sovereign and Monarch are live and under your control. Fingers crossed. If ...if there is any sign...please let us know...” he trailed off. McAdams nodded curtly and left the screen.

“So what the hell is this Brit Wonder Weapon of yours anyhow?” Samuelson asked of Morris.

“Its not a weapon. After all, we invented radar and our boffins have been ahead of the game ever since in that department. No way we could have nukes in orbit – we couldn't afford it and the public wouldn't tolerate it. Plus we would struggle to smuggle it up on the Ariane rocket without you or the Russians noticing. Or the French come to that. So we decided in the mid fifties we would look to radar scrambling to stop ICBMs... gradually that evolved into a sort of localized sonic boom, a kind of pulse that knocked out electrics a bit like an EMP but its more the vibration that it causes that does the damage – physically jars the circuitry and so on – shakes it to pieces, hopefully. Of course sound doesn't travel in a vacuum. It does a bit actually but only perhaps 6 percent of the original signal without concentrating it. But we use the lasers as a pure light wave that can carry and concentrate the sound signal to a point. Exactly the same principle as fibre optics in the way the light carries sound. By hitting the weak spot of these asteroids, ie points of fracture, we hope to set them oscillating – shake and crack themselves apart. Its all to do with natural harmonics. The fact some parts are obsidian should help – much more potential for a fracture there. 'Course we don't know if it will work. Just have to hope for the best... Still no sign...? Damn. Well, you'd better brief your President, I'll get on to Whitehall” Morris suggested.


“You think she could've made it?” Samuelson asked.

Morris sighed heavily, once more cleaning his glasses on a handkerchief. “No...no I don't think anything really. I suppose I just hope it....You know us Brits , always believing in the underdog.”

As Kara was engulfed in darkness she felt the temperature drop despite the protective cocoon that her Kryptonian powers afforded her as it protected her from the rigours of being in space. The lack of light had another effect – deprived of the sunshine that she drew her strength from she suddenly started to ache from her exertions, only slightly at first but it was there. Another thing for her to worry about. Of greater concern for her however was the crushing impact of the debris that sealed her inside her little burrow like the lid on a sarcophagus – heavy and immovable. It pressed down on her with a terrible force, the pressure squeezing the air from her lungs, a dreadful feeling of internal pain hitting her as she winced and groaned.

One of the benefits of being Kryptonian was the refined control over aspects of her own body – being able to change the pigment of her hair from blonde to brown in an instant, to alter her eye colour just by thought alone, to be able to shift her gaze through different phases of the spectrum to make her x-ray or heat vision, to supercool her own breath - all instantly changeable by conscious effort. All because, as a Kryptonian she was uniquely in tune with the minutiae of her own body, able to focus and control aspects of it at a cellular level by an act of will. But such a skill meant too that she could feel every cell wall that ruptured, every internal change in her body. And she felt them now – her ribs giving under the extreme pressure, each microsecond the very breath of life getting squeezed out of her.

Dammit Louie! And screw that damned poem! Putting thoughts of death and failure in her head. Here she was, thinking about her own obituary rather than thinking about her own SURVIVAL.

“SCREW YOU NORMAN! I NEVER GET SQUASHED ON A FIRST DATE!” she bellowed ridiculously to no one in particular as she spun at frantic speed turning her own body into a living drill . She spun in a blur of speed, for her life depended upon it. She finally felt the pressure around her lift as the piece she was boring into cracked and split, shattering and crumbling around her. The large junk of Norman behind her finally slowed under the impact too and deflected away as she burst out into the sunshine of space. She took a moment to orientate her self ,but even as she did she was incinerating and splitting smaller particles with her heat vision. She looked back at Earth and was appalled at what she saw – 30-40,000 particles were heading in its direction.
Mentally she projected a plane over the debris , below which they would hit the Earth; the ones that fell above the mental line in her head she could ignore. Some 20-30,000 were still on course to hit. “Awwww crap” she swore quietly to herself.

“Professor Morris?” a young female technician said hesitantly.

“Yes? Rebecca is it?” Morris turned to face her expectantly. “YOU'VE FOUND HER?!!!”

“No...well, that is ,not exactly....I mean maybe... look at this on screen...” she lead him to her console, hit a few keys and brought up telemetry data for the objects she was tracking. “Look at this one- its pretty big, heading backwards with the blast, away from Earth...then this...look here...do you see its heading ? It changes course after hitting something ….and there – the same thing with another smaller piece, and another....”

“They could be just the result of collisions with other remnant particles...” Morris said as he reviewed the list of trajectories before him.”...except...!”

“EXCEPT THEY ARE RADIATING OUTWARDS, IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS FROM A CENTRAL POINT AFTER ALL COLLIDING WITH SOMETHING IN ROUGHLY THE SAME AREA!” the young female scientist finished. “There is that piece, there...” she pointed to a specific point on the screen, “that they might be hitting, but some of the impactors seem to speed up after the hit, not slow down, given they are changing direction...which would mean a loss of energy... ”

“HA! HA! SHE'S ALIVE! SHES ALIVE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!” Morris declared triumphantly to the room. “OH! BRAVO! WELL DONE MY ANGEL, WELL DONE!” he grasped the female engineer's hand and shook it vigourously, so hard she thought it might come off. “OH, err...um yes go and find Mr Samuelson will you? Give him the good news then he can tell the president whilst we can get confirmation. Stress at this stage it only LOOKS like she made it we are still trying to get proof. YOU! WITH THE BEARD AND THE GLASSES! “ he shouted at another station operator. “So sorry I don't know your names- “ he apologised as the man told him he was Douglas Newcross. “Right- oh, can you track that sector that Rebecca was monitoring see if whatever-it-is is heading our way? General Evetts, how long before the Cyclops feed is back?”

“A few minutes I'm being told...” Evetts said as he covered the phone's mouth piece with his hand as he listened.

“SIR! Doctor Jazvinder Gupta at Bombay for you,urgent!” an aide advised him as he nodded that he would take the call. “She's on Skype sir, I'm putting her on screen 8 now - “ the man pointed.

A round faced Indian woman appeared on screen looking extremely frightened.

“ JAZ!”Morris declared delightedly. “It looks as if our girl has survived!”

“Edgar I must talk quickly. There has been rioting outside the facility, clashes between Hindus and Muslims - we have asked for more government troops but -” she was interrupted by automatic gunfire in the distance “ we don't think it will arrive in time. They have overrun the perimeter guards, now each building is on its own. “ More gunfire erupted, nearer this time and she flinched.

“GOOD GOD! JAZ! JAZ! Is there somewhere you can go to, somewhere safe?” Morris asked ,appalled

“We have barricaded the doors and windows...we are cut off...it is not their fault, they are uneducated people...some market speakers have accused us of witchcraft and of us angering the spirits with our rocket launches. They are calling this the time of the new Mahabharata...” tears were glistening on her cheeks as more gunfire came nearer still. “Listen, we have a plan for Raja...it is not fully operational but we have manuovreability and whilst we cannot fire any sonic pulses we have been working on calculating its best use. We think we can trigger a sonic pulse from it by detonation...”more gunfire made her pause “ but we are not going to be able to implement this. We are going to hand over to Baikonur Cosmodrome to let the Russians guide it in.”

“The Russians? Could you not transfer to Woomera?” Morris said, slightly piqued.

“They are controlling Sovereign and Monarch already ,they do not have the capacity. This goes beyond politics Edgar. Baikonur is in the best place to guide it in. The Russian astrophysicists are as good as our Indian ones -” she smiled weakly -”they can do the job- “ there was a huge bang as a grenade of some kind exploded and chants could be heard from a large crowd as the gunfire was traded very close to where she was. “It will be over for us very soon now Edgar,” she was crying openly now “please forgive their ignorance.”

“JAZ...I....Good luck , Jaz” he said in shock.

“You too Edgar. Good luck to you all.” There was another grenade and more gunfire, seemingly from just beyond the room that she was in. She spoke hurriedly “We have, WE HAVE TRANSMITTED THE ACCESS CODES FOR RAJA TO BAIKKONUR AND THE-”

The screen disappeared into static.

Edgar Morris was fighting back the tears as he whispered quietly “Bloody godless heathens “ to himself but then seemed to acknowledge that remark was from a bygone era. “Sorry Jaz. I'm just upset.” he whispered to himself ,then he addressed the room.

“Alright somebody sort out a channel to Baikonur will you please? General, where is that feed, hmmmn?”

“CNN and BBC reporting mass riots in Kuala Lumpur , Tokyo, Calcutta as well as Bombay...” someone called out.

“Yes, well thats just how it is.” Morris declared philosophically. “While those mobs destroy their part of the world, its up to us to save the rest of it. Any sign on her ,Newcroft?”

“That disturbance we picked up is heading for Earth“ Newcross didn't correct him.

“THANK GOD! ITS GOT TO BE HER!” Morris declared just as Cyclops came back on line after the huge nuclear blast. The room went quiet as subconsciously everyone found themselves leaning forward to strain to make out the slightest glimpse of red and blue on the large screen.

Morris was biting his knuckle. His other hand was clenched into a fist to stop it shaking.

“C'mon old girl, you can do it. You've GOT to do it...you are our best shot...you're pretty much our only shot.”

Kara steadied herself, still lashing out at smaller pieces that passed her – hitting and pushing the larger lumps into each other, continuing the ripple strategy that she had used to make the channel for the Astoria. This time she was angling them across the path of others diagonally, hurling the truck sized objects across the plane of impact that she had worked out for the debris. All the while she was also using her heat gaze to blast and vapourize smaller pieces.

What was left of Norman and Aftermath were speeding ahead of her now and she was effectively in the last 10% of the strung out debris with the majority in front of her. Racing to the front to stop the lead elements was a waste of her time - she had to use her path through the debris to her best advantage. She came up with an idea. She would physically push a large boulder back and forth through the field of debris ahead of her like a sweeping brush – pushing the debris off to one side rather than the more random impacts of the ripple effect she had been using. She would force more and more of the mass off to the right and by thickening it up as she angled it across the flight plane . The act of her making it denser but in an angled line would also mean it would help to steer pieces further off to the right . She would start low and move in the three dimensional plane up, down but ever forwards sweeping the particles ahead of her until she had caught up with the first of half a dozen or so very large pieces that were every bit as dangerous as Norman himself had been to the people of Earth.

She set to her task vigourously, so that over the next few minutes she had cleared a path and banked up the debris to one side like a snow plough. She was just behind some of the larger pieces , a cluster of some ten to fifteen office-block sized bits, with a further four or five others still some way ahead that were even larger and seemed to have apartment blocks of their very own in attendance . She focussed on the largest one and used it to smash it into the others around it . In some cases all that was needed was a slight nudge, the difference of a half a degree enough to mean that it wouldn't get caught by the Earth's gravity but would sail harmlessly off into space.

She passed an enormous shard of obsidian-like glass, too large for her to move easily. She had thrown a medium sized piece of Norman at it with the rather trite phrase muttered under her breath of 'Norman...meet Aftermath' but to her disappointment the chunk from Norman had crumbled on impact and whilst its disintegration had knocked the glass shard slightly, Norman had proved too soft to knock it completely out of the way.
“Awww dammit Norm! You let me down!” she said to herself quietly but she chose to ignore the shard of glass for now and deal with the pieces she knew she could handle. “Goin' all damn flakey on me! Thought you were made of sterner stuff...” she punched a bus sized piece to dust as it flew beside her venting her anger on the nearest thing available.

But, as she looked on, with her laser vision minimizing the danger to Earth with every second, she realized that there were just too many large pieces, such that she was running out of room and time before they started to hit the Earth. As things stood, this was a battle she wasn't winning. Her makeshift barrier was deflecting and accruing more debris behind her , steering boulders and rocks off into space like some astral off-ramp. But the real problems lay ahead of her. She sped on to the nearest global killer sized piece pummelling her fists into it with limited success. She fragmented it partly, breaking off a third. But that just meant she had two problems to deal with rather than one. She concentrated on breaking up the smaller third and had turned to set to work on the larger piece when she felt the tremble against her injured eardrums that were still healing from the blast that hit Norman. Her inner organs started to quiver and then a split second later there was a small explosion on the far side of the remnant and an enormous noise interrupted the roaring silence of space, filling her ears with a devastating, oscillating shriek that was instantly silenced when her eardrums burst again.

Then her brain seemed to explode with a deafening noise and everything went black.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Magnificent writing! The physics, the drama, the pathos, the politics: what a fantastic feat of imagination and craft.
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Thanks Doc, but...er...I wouldn't look too closely at the physics! ;)
(Got 9% in my last physics exam, and I was lucky to get that! :yes: )
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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Well, you made it seem like you knew what you were talking about and for laymen readers like myself, that's more than enough. Besides, I left my slide rule in my other jacket! :tongue:
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Thanks Doc! I may only have one fan but you are now an award winning story-teller! ;)
I hope you and others enjoy this next part, again I had to split it so this is the last but-one chapter.
If anyone else likes it please post a comment! ;) I'll edit for any typos over the next day or so


In the Guardian Mission control room they watched the screens anxiously. Sovereign had fired the first of its two E.M.P missiles purely as a prelude to the main firing sequence to see what effect they would have; the small explosion was what Kara had witnessed on the far side of the asteroid fragment. The Monarch satellite was holding its missiles in reserve for smaller targets that the comparatively small explosive charge might have a chance of destroying. They had started firing the sonic laser pulses from the main satellites at the largest targets and it was the first burst of that ultra high frequency sound,the harmonious pulse that had radiated out, hitting the asteroid fragment – and her. They had been two disparate incidents but had occurred almost simultaneously from Kara's point of view. Morris and the other scientists were desperately looking for signs of success and momentarily her fate was forgotten.

“We have detonation...seems to have split...we have around a third break off of the main body...that's a surprise, as that warhead is pretty small and just conventional explosive...the Monarch pulse....there are indications it was...partially successful, we have a split in Matthew...its not enough. We have negative break up on Matthew confirmed.” Woomera informed them over the comm-link. “Ok we are hitting it again , cycling through the harmonics this time...it'll use more power but if it ain't working then there's no point in saving the fuel cells.”

The sonic pulses from the satellites were designed to accentuate the natural vibration of the atoms in all things – the internal wave harmonics at the atomic level. They would 'excite' the molecules, get them vibrating in sympathy to the fired frequency and when the intensity rose a microsecond after the first laser light hit then the target object would oscillate in a frenzied state and essentially shake itself apart. In order to cycle through the harmonic spectrum the laser needed to target the object for several seconds. Not easy when it was travelling at thousands of miles per hour .

“Those Clarion missiles are small...should never have done that much damage to it...big lump of rock like that..” Morris mumbled quietly to himself.

“Well, we are damned lucky that it did!” Samuelson said his eyes still glued to the screens. Cyclops had switched to a much wider field of view once it came back on line.

“I don't like it....Do we know where our girl is or was?” he called out to the room.

“No sir, we lost her behind Matthew around two minutes back...” he was answered.

“SHIT! We didn't break a third of it up! SHE DID! Christ!”

“Well, either way its a win for the home side, right? Doesn't matter who got the S.O.B as long as someone took it down “ Evetts chimed in.

“BUT WHAT WILL IT DO TO HER? DO YOU KNOW GENERAL? BECAUSE I DON'T!!! And if she is in the blast zone for the sonic pulses then...well, god help her. It probably sets all her innards shaking, poor girl....” Morris said anxiously

“BBC REPORTING JAKARTA IS IN FLAMES...CNN confirms riots spreading in most Indonesian cities...” a comms engineer called to the room. “Japanese Defence Force fighters reporting first atmosphere breaches by smaller debris over Okinawa and Honshu...Australian Air Force is calling in the same over New Guinea and Northern Australia. All small stuff at the moment, its pretty spectacular burning up in the atmosphere. Fighter cover expects to go weapons-hot in the next few minutes as the bigger stuff starts arriving...ISS seems OK so far ...looks like the debris is kinda like a hand...the middle finger is just starting to hit the Earth now... ISS is roughly in line with the pinky finger...bigger chunks are where the palm is. News channels are starting to report that we think she made it through the blast...”

“Christ. Be a real shame if we have to tell them we then blew her up a second time...” Morris said to himself. “RIGHT! EXECUTIVE DECISION! WOOMERA, CAN YOU HEAR ME?”

“Yes Edgar. Go ahead.”

“Call off the sonic hits around Matthew! IMMEDIATELY! I take full responsibility. Target ..er...Mark...”he checked the data screens.”YES, TARGET MARK, REPEAT MARK, and anything else that isn't in the vicinity of MATTHEW...WE THINK SUPERGIRL IS SOMEWHERE AROUND THERE AND WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THESE WEAPONS WILL DO TO HER.”

“We don't know that!” Samuelson grabbed him by the arm. “You are gambling with her life for the fate of millions!”

“I know but its not like we are short of targets...We can go after everything else and then target Matthew at the last moment...at least that gives her time to recover if she has survived. For Christ's sake man we owe her that at least.”

“Woomera do you copy? Hit Mark, Luke, Dave and John plus any damned thing up there other than stuff near Matthew

“Yes we copy Guardian control. “McAdams turned away from the screen and they saw him in profile addressing his team “All right boys and girls you heard the man. LIGHT 'EM UP. ZAP 'EM 'TIL THEY GLOW, SO WE CAN ZAP 'EM IN THE DARK!” the Australian bellowed.

“Director Litvovsky from Baikonur is on....”

“OK, put him through”

“Its a her.”

“Oh! Well, fair play to the Russians, they are an equal opportunities employer.” Morris quipped. “Very well, put HER through please.”

“Screen four” the technician pointed.

“This is Baikonur Cosmodrome to Houston control, ahhhh...acknowledge please.”

“Yes Baikonur, we read you. I'm Edgar Morris this is Deputy Director Samuelson. I am familiar with your work Professor Litvovsky...”

“But not my sex, apparently.” The slightly stern looking woman in her early fifties said in clipped but sound English.

“Oh,er...you heard. Sorry about that” said Morris jangling his change in his cardigan pockets nervously.

“Its not of importance. We have made some progress controlling the Indian satellite we are guiding in towards one of the larger pieces now.”

“Which one?” Morris asked.

“17648..I believe.”

“Oh er, can we identify that?” Morris asked the room. “Could you send the tracking co-ordinates?”

“We have transmitted the co-ordinates...”Litvovsky said a moment later.

“PLEASE BE DAVE, PLEASE BE DAVE, PLEASE BE DAVE-” Morris recited under his breath as they waited to identify the Russian target.


“OHHHHH BOLLOCKS!” Morris said.

At 22,000 feet and around 150 miles south east of Honshu in the Pacific, Flight Lieutenant Toshiro Aoki banked his F16C Wild Weasel fighter in to a turn and raced for altitude. He was part of the third tier of fighter interception. Operation Bushido, named after the ancient Samurai code, had four layers of air cover over southern Japan with every aircraft the Japanese Defence Force could muster. Below 10,000 feet was every helicopter gunship that could be gathered in the Far East in time as well as Hercules gunship transports and anything else flying that could house a weapon. And beneath them was every available ship that could steam south in the three days since they had been put on alert. Cargo vessels and ferries had been taking in the civilian populations from Japan's many islands whilst others had moved to higher ground. It was still expected that the death toll would exceed the 20,000 or so figure that the Fukishima disaster had created. The orders to Aoki's squadron had been simple. Stop anything bigger than a car, by any means possible. The fighter umbrella had set operational zones; the moment your target dropped out of your vertical slot of 10,000 feet you were to leave it to the lower level of fighter cover. Below the final layer, was an enormous array of helicopter gunships, ship- board missiles and point defence systems that would target what got through. It was expected that a lot would get through. They were moving at 35,000km per hour in some cases. A lot would depend on your speed of reaction as a pilot in the few seconds it took to drop through your box.

Nato had sent an enormous force of over 1900 fighter aircraft to help defend the populations of the Asian territories at risk. It was virtually the full front-line interceptor strength. It was an unprecedented gesture with aircraft from the USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey and supplemented by the various non Nato countries like the Arab states and the Scandinavian territories. Aoki's own squadron was operating below a squadron of Spanish Eurofighters, the Typhoon's. One of them had been destroyed by a direct hit early on in the encounter a few moments before. Incredibly bad luck. Aoki was thinking of that unknown Spanish pilot now ,as he raced to intercept a truck sized piece that came in to his sector. That pilot had flown around the world to lay down his life trying to defend complete strangers, foreigners to boot. Aoki unleashed a Shrike missile at his target, almost feeling angry that it, or something like it, had claimed the life of a brave man. It was an air-ground missile but they were shooting huge lumps of rock so it didn't matter. Due to the debris speed it was felt they couldn't wait for air-air missiles to get a lock on. He felt satisfaction as it exploded, fragmenting the piece of astral rock into a shower of smaller debris. The compression of gases within the asteroid fragments often caused them to explode spectacularly and at least hitting them this high up their energy would be dissipated. The blast on this one was enormous and he performed drastic evasive manouvres just to stay in the air. The smaller fragments now were not his problem. He banked and turned, feeling the plane buck as a small pebble shaped piece went straight through his port wing at a phenomenal speed, before he found himself dropping in behind another large fragment and letting rip with a second missile. He raced after a third but it had dropped out of his patrol zone. Almost all his training had involved fighting with a wingman, yet now his number two was ten miles behind him in a patrol box of his own. It felt strange being on your own up here and yet there were probably more craft within 200 miles of his vicinity than he had ever trained with. There was a huge explosion above and to his right, around 15,000 feet higher than he was currently. He hoped it was a part of the asteroid but he doubted it. Another foreign pilot had met their end. The anger rose in him as he went on to dispatch his 6 remaining missiles with partial success – four targets destroyed, and two with a minor impact. Out of missiles, for the next four minutes he flew, opening up with his cannon. He was able to shoot chunks from the debris which would help as it increased the surface area that was burning up and in the case of one of his 9 targets it exploded to nothing which made him feel good. Out of ammunition , he called his control room for instructions. There would be no time to land and refuel. The instructions he received were brief and their intent went unspoken. 'When out of ammunition all pilots of the Bushido operation are to act at their own discretion'. They had talked about it in the mess together, he and the other pilots of his squadron, before they had even known that those would be the orders. They had reached the same conclusion. The pilots had dubbed it as a 'Banzai' order. A last, desperate, do -or-die charge. He thought of the Spaniards who had died defending HIS homeland. Could he give anything less? He said a quick prayer for courage to his ancestors , and mentally said goodbye to his wife and little girl, casting a quick look at the photo of them he kept pinned to his dashboard. Then he banked sharply and at maximum thrust went looking for the biggest piece of Norman he could find. He resisted the urge to shout 'Banzai'.

“Litvovsky, you can't target Matthew! Er, I mean that target! YOU WILL HAVE TO HIT ONE OF THE OTHERS!”

“We have done all the calculations, that is our best chance of successful outcome” said Litvovsky.


“Oh, ok. You should have said earlier. We pick one of others.” Litvovsky said simply.

“Oh! Oh, well....good. I expected more of a struggle.” Morris said in surprise.

“No struggle, YOU are in charge. We only act in best interest of all. Tell which one we should target and we will re- do maths. Pain in ass ,but we Russian. We do these things impossible. We not monster”

“No of course, I'm sorry, director. We will patch you through to Woomera, co-ordinate with them .” Morris flapped his hands to indicate a technician should set it up.

The Russian shook her head. “Make up mind...” she muttered beneath her breath as Morris turned away.

“You'd best tell -Stevens was it? Your press chap, to announce people are to stay well away form any meteorites that land. And best give the word to the decontamination teams. I assume they are on standby?”

“What? What teams?” Samuelson said confused.

“We've showered the Earth in highly radioactive debris - Britain put our nuclear clean up guys on alert yesterday. We've got around 150 on the ground in Australia. The French have too in New Guinea. Mind you no surprise there, they've been irradiating the Pacific for 40 years they should have an idea about cleaning it up.” Morris quipped.

“I-I have no idea! I mean the plan was that we would blow it up thousands of miles further out - I don't think we foresaw the irradiated rock hitting Earth and even then it would be in the sea...until of course we had to delay and then everything went to hell.” Samuelson said despairingly.

“Well look, you have nuclear vessels in your 5th and 7th Fleet deployed out there, yes? Nuclear subs, carriers etc. They will have protective gear on board - get them to put men ashore to help with the clean up. We are deploying our lads off the nuclear subs out there to help. I think the Trafalgar is off Singapore for one. Its gonna be a rough ride for the navy lads once the tsunamis start, best place to be might well be on land.” Morris said.

“Its ok Professor, the military foresaw the possibility of radiation fallout, we have our guys based at Manila and on board the Ronald Reagan” General Evetts interjected. He glanced at one of his aides, a naval attache who was standing silently nearby, who merely nodded. “Good idea about deploying the extra guys from the subs though, don't think we have done that.” He looked again at the Lieutenant Commander who then picked up a secure line telephone. A USAAF attache also stood nearby but he was busy reading data on screen about the first air force engagements west of Sumatra.

“Reuters are reporting the Japs have started ramming them.” an engineer called to the control room at large.

“JESUS.” Evetts shook his head. “Crazy bastards.”

“Its their homeland, general. Japanese soil is considered sacred to them. Would you do any less?” Morris asked.

“Our guys are too...over Java.” the Air Force Captain announced without taking his eyes off the screen. “I hope they are ejecting before...” his voice tailed off.

“Oh dear God.” Morris sighed heavily. “I hope they are catching them at high altitude. That Russian meteor that was caught on the dashboard cams a few years back was the equivalent of around 13,000 tonnes of TNT when it detonated. God knows what these skyscraper sized ones are equivalent to.”

Kara came to, with the intermittent slam of objects hitting her. She felt nauseous and confused, her internal muscles still quivering with the intermittent spasm of a nervous contraction.
“What the hell....?”she mumbled aloud ,though with her shattered eardrums not even she could hear herself. She had no idea how long she had been out, but in actuality it had been only seconds. She was dazed but quickly gathered her wits. Whatever the hell that was it didn't matter. She had to carry on. She again started zapping passing fragments with her heat vision and hammering larger pieces that came within range for a few seconds before she felt more her self and started to fly through the mass of debris once more heading for the front and the pieces that were nearing Earth. But whatever had hit her had frightened her. She had no time to dwell on the matter as she ploughed through the detritus. She had been behind the clock before but whatever it was that had incapacitated her had set her even further behind. An enormous chunk of Aftermath sped into view, the size of a city block, the glass -like surface gleaming darkly and twinkling with the reflected light from space. Hitting it would break it up but it would likely shatter with a single blow into hundreds of still large fragments. She needed a way to utterly destroy it, a way of smashing it completely . Physical force wouldn't do it. She laughed to herself – violence really wasn't the answer. But as she chuckled at her own weak joke she felt the quivering sensation of pain as her body shook as her diaphragm spasmed – and that gave her the answer she needed. Obsidian was a type of glass and glass was crystalline and crystals could shatter under vibration. Her voice would do it but in space the sound waves wouldn't carry. She just needed a way to convey the sound into the structure, like...like a needle playing a record. She needed a diamond. All the while she thought, she was still taking out the smaller pieces with her vision and her fists. She tried a quick flash of her heat vision at the glass but it had been formed under intense heat and the ray just reflected off the surface with minimal effect. She glanced at the Earth and to her surprise saw faint laser beams lancing out from two small satellites. She was even more surprised when the weak beams seemed to have some effect and the large pieces started to fragment a few moments after it hit. But it was of limited value as it just seemed to break smaller pieces off-centre of the main body. But as she looked on, the very fabric of the huge fragment seemed to fall apart. But still there were now several dozen very large pieces to deal with. The lasers shot out again and again with the same result – a second or two after impact the targets would seemingly crumble and shake themselves apart. They kept targeting the residue and gradually were whittling the objects down to a less threatening size. But it was taking time. She then saw two small missiles snake out and impact two of the larger pieces and to her delight they were easily blown apart. A small victory but still a victory. She had flinched at first fearing another nuke or a blast like that which had disabled her earlier, but nothing happened other than a conventional explosion.

A third missile from the other satellite had a similar effect but as she watched and waited for more, all the while speeding through the mass around the huge glass -like fragment, no more came. She cursed silently to herself. Dammit. She needed that diamond. But fortunately she was surrounded by enough carbonized debris to sink a battleship in the wake of the enormous explosion she had helped to trigger. She plucked out a fist sized piece that was flying past and crushed it with one hand whilst all the while she flew through the host of debris at super speed, smashing bits aside with her body and flailing her other hand like a windmill. All the while she was flashing her laser vision around at larger pieces that came in range . The tiny satellites continued to fire their own miniscule laser lights. If her eardrums were not already ruptured she would have picked up the oscillations of the wave harmonics being used to shake the debris apart but as silence now engulfed her she was perplexed as to how such weak beams were destroying the large objects. But she was all too well aware that the leading edge of the debris was hitting the Earth's stratosphere as a dazzling light show of coloured pin pricks indicated where they were burning up. There were hundreds of them, growing in number with each passing moment. She had to hurry. With lightning speed she crushed the carbonized rock that she held to dust and then heated the crystalline fragment that she still held crushing it in both hands as she seared it with her heat vision. It was far from ideal but good enough for her purpose. She made a crude artificial diamond, tiny and rough, then sped to the enormous obsidian shard she placed her mouth on the back of her hand as she held the diamond tightly against the obsidian and scratched it around in a tiny circle as she emitted a high-pitched note through her own flesh varying its pitch and intensity. The sound was conveyed through her flesh through her improvised record needle into the massive crystal. Unknown to her she was using the same principals as the Unity program to destroy the glass-like monster, setting its atoms vibrating in a frenzy at a molecular level, literally shaking itself apart. As she did so she spotted another huge particle of more solid rock. Her gaze did little and in desperation she switched to x-ray its make-up an almost solid iron-ore core. That gave her an idea. As the obsidian-like giant smashed itself to smaller pieces she sped on towards earth flailing and beating at the smaller pieces whilst she locked her gaze on the inner core of the new giant threat before her. She concentrated all her heat vision on a small part of its lower portion, keeping it in focus as it spun. And ever so slightly melting it. The suddenly liquid part of the core started to slosh around slightly and the spin affected its direction of movement, causing the large body to shift its centre of gravity and so its angle of momentum. A few more seconds and it had altered sufficiently to cause it to veer ever so slightly. But enough that it would now miss the critical zone she had mentally projected, putting it and other smaller pieces that it struck into the 'no -threat' category. She felt elated, and more importantly, almost back to herself after that strange incident. But there was no time for self congratulations. There were still thousands of impactors that would still hit the Earth.

“BY GOD, THAT IS HER!” Morris exclaimed excitedly. “Let everyone know, she's still on the case! HA HA!” He clapped his hands once in delight. He clapped a hand firmly into the back of a very surprised General Evetts. “SAMUELSON!!!” He shouted across to the office where Samuelson was on the phone to the US president, the head of the U.N. and several other heads of state via a conference call. Morris gave two thumbs up and called “SHE'S ALIVE!!!” and was answered by a smile and a wave from the acting director.

“Right, Baikonur , hit any big damned thing you want but just avoid the bits nearest her ok?!” Morris said jangling his change with both hands rammed deep in his cardigan pockets as he smiled happily. “Ya know chaps and chapesses, this feeling is better than a Nobel prize!”

“Ok, we are now going for...object...22791...confirming with you now.” Litvovsky said before turning to face off screen “He is a crazy person. Be good if bit of meteor hit him”. Fortunately for Morris, she said it in Russian.

Kara ploughed on in total silence, finally thinking that she was making headway. She caught up with the largest piece and hammered her fists into its upper edge pounding off huge chunks as she used her heat vision to melt part of its inner core. As it spun ,the semi -liquified core plus her pushing and changing its centre of gravity constantly set it off -kilter, and slowly its spin angle altered, slightly at first but getting more pronounced with each second. When she was sure it was on a heading likely to miss, she sped on, leaving it to its fate. She was relieved to see the little sonic lasers still pulsing away , chipping bits off the larger chunks of rock as they shook themselves apart. But as she watched one of the two little satellites exploded as it was struck obliquely by a shattered piece of rock. Damn.

“Damn, we've lost Monarch! Shit! Oh well, at least it worked in part. How are the Russians doing?” Morris asked the room.

“The Matthew fragment seems to be angling away...thanks to our golden girl....Russians are heading for Dave by the looks...Woomera confirms. They are moving in now, 40 seconds to detonation.”

“Wait....WAIT! LOOK!” Morris pointed at the Cyclops feed. “She's finished with Matthew...she-she's heading for DAVE! Oh Christ!” Morris watched frantically as the image showed Kara as a blue and red blur ploughing on , leaving the splintered Matthew behind as she moved towards the next nearest large fragment.

Morris shouted into the microphone to the cosmodrome.

“No possible. Calculations set, we...er...we not have ...er.... recall and no time to reprogram calculations anyway. It have to blow up now. It might do nothing but we not know this and we cannot stop now, cannot stop at all” Litvovsky said exasperatedly. “We cannot...er...stop....for one life...”

“She's right Edgar. Its a tough call but we don't know if it will even work, or if it does maybe it will have no effect on her. We just don't know, but we can't stop it anyway...” Samuelson said.

“Yes...yes I realize that...” Morris said . “You are right of course...but it still leaves a taste of ashes in the mouth.”

“SIR!” One of the technicians called. “CNN have a chopper over Bengaluru...” he pointed to a screen that was showing live footage of the mob rioting outside the Indian Satellite control centre. “ They're stoning and hanging the scientists as witches...”

Kara saw the satellite speeding towards the massive lump of rock that she herself was also approaching. She expected to see the little cold light lasers start firing but nothing happened – Raja just kept speeding towards its date with destiny.

And she suddenly felt a growing sense of unease. And something else, something alien to her. A hint of fear.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Another great part Tally, look forward to seeing what Kara can do to save the day.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Well this is the end ...my only friend, the end...lol I hope you all enjoy it and please post comments. As I say this whole yarn is part of a larger story arc, so things needed to turn out this way. I hope no one is disappointed in the outcome.

Part 7

She had no time to dwell on her sense of foreboding and instead set about her task, but her mouth had gone dry. It was almost like a sixth sense that something was about to go wrong for her. Maybe it was just the after effects of that blast that had stunned her, making her feel unsettled. Still the satellite did nothing but speed on towards the debris she was currently pounding chunks off with her fists. Then the thought struck her – what if they were trying to manouvre this satellite out of the way so it could avoid being destroyed and keep on firing? Maybe they had lost control temporarily due to interference from all the debris? She suddenly realized she could help move it quickly to a safer orbit where it could still fire and contribute to the destruction of the asteroid fragments. She sped around to the other side of the huge object and homed in on the satellite. She was around 30 feet from it when Raja exploded.

“The Indian army are going in with helicopter gunships...” a technician called, as the footage from Bengaluru showed jerky images of the uproar as the crowds were fired upon and began scattering in all directions.

“Turn that off... now... We can't help them. And my god ,we can't help her!”said Morris. “Look!” He pointed at the screen as the blue and red blur flashed towards the white speck that was Raja, all picked up on the camera on Cyclops.

“-...2...1...we have detonation.” Litvovsky said on one of the monitors.

There was a small flash that got progressively bigger for an instant and then faded.

“We are hoping sonic pulse will be carried by light from blast...” Litvovsky said on the screen, head down reviewing the data feeds she was getting .

“Oh dear god, she's right on top of it...”

Kara was still deaf from getting caught in the first laser blasts several minutes earlier and so the little satellite known as Raja ended its life with a strange silence before her. She saw the flash as they detonated it just before it would have hit the surface of the space rock she was flying around and a micro-second later her fears were justified as she felt the intense vibration of every cell in her body. It started slowly as knot in her gut, a ball of tension that she thought was just anxiety but almost instantly it spread, paralysing her, stunning her, snatching her breath away. Her soft inner organs were oscillating in time with the wave harmonics borne of the detonation - her stomach felt as if it would rip open, splaying her innards into the cold void of space. Her brain was shaking violently and her head seemed as if it would explode. She screamed a scream like no other - a wrenching, aching sound of a being who was being ripped apart at a cellular level, but slowly enough for her to feel every agonising moment as one by one the cell walls ruptured as they shook themselves apart. She blacked out and in truth thought she would never wake again.

Three things saved her. The first was the nature of the explosion. Unlike the cold lasers which carried a variety of wave harmonic frequencies that they cycled through to get the molecules vibrating in a few seconds, the controlled detonation of Raja was a single shot, hope- for- the- best effort. The pulse that hit her was devastating but it was short lived. But it had still found its mark with her. But the second thing that helped save her was the very scream she uttered. It helped to counter the sound vibrations within her as it set a off a counter vibration of its own, dampening the effect of the blast.
The third thing that saved her was tall , strong and blue with a red cape.

She felt strong arms embrace her, quieting her frantic shaking and she felt the vibration through his body as his chest met hers. She knew who it was before she opened her eyes and though she couldn't hear his words, she could feel him saying “Kara! Kara are you alright?!” She felt him press her close, tightly into his body. The vibrations that were tearing her apart passed through her body into his but lessened with each passing moment.


His words vibrated into her consciousness. Yes. Yes she needed to focus, to gain control. To stop her body killing itself. Slowly she felt his strength imbue her with power, lessening the pain, helping her to control her cells.. He emitted a low hum, a counter note to help disrupt the vibrations ripping through her. After long moments, they began to subside.

“Kal...” she said weakly and smiled up at him opening her eyes“How...?”

“I hitched a lift off of the Da Valltan Empire scout ship..” she lip read as he spoke to her. He flicked a look at the dark, sleek silhouette of a space ship several leagues off. There were small lasers firing at the debris but their effect was minimal and so they were concentrating on the smaller truck-sized objects. But that was still a help.

She swallowed, feeling her body quieten in his arms. “I-I'm deaf...eardrums ruptured...” she said weakly .

“You gonna be ok? I'm gonna have to start trying to stop these...” he flashed a laser vision blast at a piece that happened to be going past.

“Yeah...I'll be myself in a few seconds, you go! I'll go save the guys on the space station while I get my act together...”

He patted her reassuringly on her upper arms and then sped off blasting and punching as he went.

She shook her head to clear it and then flew towards the ISS. She started slowly and took a while to reach speed, and twice she was winded when a rock hit her. She was well below par, she thought. But this was no time to dawdle. She finally began to pick up speed as her determination won out over her physical disquiet. She knocked the pieces she could out of the way as she went but it was clear when she reached the station it would be quicker to move it than stay there and deflect all the pieces that were heading towards it. As she approached she scanned the station pods to establish how many people were left and where exactly they were but she could only see one heat signature where she had expected at least 2 if not more.

It was only when she looked through a window that she saw a naked Major Ramov wrapped around the equally naked body of Commander Waller in a scene more reminiscent of the end of a Bond movie. Ramov rolled her eyes and flung an exasperated hand in her direction. Kara was able to lip read the Russian's words.

“I am not believing this now! We are here having sexy time and now we have Tom who is peeping! Leave us alone having sexy time please!”

Waller jolted out of her embrace with a panicked start but as they were floating in the centre of the pod there wasn't anything he could grab to hide his or her modesty, not that Ramov seemed to have any.

Kara recovered from her stunned shock and put her mouth to the glass of the window. When she spoke she sent muffled vibrations through to the two occupants; she knew it wasn't crystal clear but would be good enough so that they understood.

“Sorry...I'm going to move the station out of harms way...er...you guys ...carry on I guess....” she said pulling an awkward expression.

“FINE! You go now, please - you spoiling us having our sexy time” Ramov said with her head raised and eyebrows posing a 'go, yes?' question to Kara.

Kara mouthed 'SORRY!' and then proceeded to push the station beyond the path of the debris. After heaving against the half a million tonnes of gas tanker a few months back, 450 tonnes was a breeze.
The only reason she hadn't moved it earlier was she was worried about disrupting Ramov's control of the shuttle. As she pushed it to safety now she used her heat vision on the nearest objects. The Da Valltan ship was still gamely plugging away but its offensive capability was limited. Its lasers were weak and needed a prolonged hit to have an effect. But the little contribution was still welcome. As she watched it manouvered in front of the buffer of debris she had created, which in itself was still speeding towards Earth and would have to be dealt with. The ship turned so that its engines were firing into the mass. It kept pace with the wall of detritus she had made, skillfully moving just ahead and drifting along its length, destroying some of the smaller pieces and breaking up some of the larger ones. It was a dangerous game as at any moment faster moving debris might come through her barrier but the pilot knew his trade. Kara was impressed at his skill. She finally felt more herself. Time to get back to saving the Earth. She sped towards Kal, vapourising as she went. She formed up alongside him as he was hammering away at a city-block sized piece of rock.

“KAL! Find a rhythm to your blows and then you can strike without needing to look. You can then use your heat vision on another fragment!” she called. With her deafness she was shouting, but with the poor transmission of sound in a vacuum she actually did need to. For Superman's part, he picked up what was said due to a mix of his super hearing and lip reading.

He nodded an acknowledgement and his expression told her he was impressed at her quick thinking. Strangely, that acceptance pleased her enormously. It felt good to be with him, to be doing some feat together. And after the despair and desperation she had felt for the previous few hours she felt elated now to know that there was a chance, a good chance that they could stop it together.

“There's still too many large pieces and not enough time before they make planetfall!” he called over to her. “We can't stop them all!”

She looked back at the extended debris field after she read his lips. He was right. There were still many huge pieces ploughing on silently through the dark of space, spinning end over end as they rocketed towards destruction in a deadly ballet. Yes,he was right.

The remaining laser satellite would not be enough , nor the aid from the scout ship. Dammit. She let out a long, slow breath. The sound of it made her wonder for an instant if she could use her breath to stop them, but she dismissed it immediately as a stupid idea. They were too heavy and too fast.

But that thought triggered another.

“Kal! Use your heat vision not to try and split them but to heat their core. Partially melt the ones with an iron nickel core and their own spin will set it oscillating irregularly !” she had used this technique herself but she went further. “ While you do that use your freezing breath to sheen one side of the asteroid in ice! Its reflective! It will create an albedo reflection which will mean it will get warmer on one side as the sun hits it as it spins. That will offset its spin further! Get the scout ship to fire a wider spread of weaker blasts that will heat things up further, spin them more out of whack!”

“Clever Cousin! “ Kal smiled at her. “Gimme a sec!” He sped off at super speed to the scout craft and a little while later their lasers were heating up the surfaces of some of the larger pieces. Over the next few minutes they implemented Kara's plan and soon the tide and turned as now with her cousins strength they were able to physically push some of the larger pieces across the debris path, using it to hit more of the sizeable but smaller chunks out of the way. All the while they pushed and broke up the fragments further they were using their heat and breath on others. Lots of small pieces still hit the atmosphere but most burnt up whilst the layers of defence accounted for most of the few that got through. Once Superman had joined her, only one big piece made it through, air-bursting over the Great Barrier Reef with no human casualties. Together the two Kryptonians manouvered the last of the massive chunks away from the danger zone and finally took a breath. The Da Valltan ship reverted back to hitting smaller pieces with more power in its lasers whilst Sovereign still kept up its sonic bombardment but this time of smaller pieces than before.

The danger had passed.

Superman flew up beside her as she shoved aside a piece the size of a small block of apartments.

“GOOD JOB! Think we are about done up here – we'd better hit the riot spots on Earth, start quelling the trouble.”

“KAL! I can't!” she grabbed his arm to attract his attention.

“What? Why not?”

“I'm radioactive. I was on top of the blast they set off to try and break up the two asteroids..”

“What? Wait there were TWO? YOUR MESSAGE JUST SAID ONE”

“No one knew it was there. There were two, one behind the other. But I'll explain all that later. They detonated 14 multiple warhead devices pretty much on top of me. I can't go back 'til my body has started to process it. But I'm gonna be highly toxic to humans for months. I can't go down to help out.”

“Jeez. Had no idea, I probably got some of it too, when I held you. Should be able to re-radiate my dose out up here, but boy, you must have had a heck of a dose of rads. I have a decontam chamber at the Fortress, at least we can stop you irradiating people. But 14 -what one hundred megaton-plus warheads? Boy, thats gonna mess you up...”

“I know. Radiation sickness, big time. I can feel it hitting me already. I'll stay up here, finish up. Better get that chunk thats heading for the moon!” she pulled a face. “There's still a lot of the smaller debris...I know it will likely burn up but its still irradiated, don't want to shower the Earth in any more than it already has been. We'll have to gather up what bits we can find over the next few months but for now you get down there, help them out. I'll finish up up here and then head to your decontamination unit. Thanks Kal.”

“Hey this one is on you. You got nothing to thank me for. Take care, I better go!” he sped off heading for Asia.

She looked about her. Her ears were healing but she was feeling lousy. The pieces left were in the thousands, but small-ish. The scout ship and the satellite were still popping away at them. She headed off after the large piece that was about to hit the moon. She felt pleased with herself. It had been good to work with her cousin, and by the Council of Krypton, it was a god send that he had arrived in time.

Over the next hour she stopped the moon impactor , moved the ISS back into a stable orbit and repaired the airlock she had damaged, before helping the Da Valltans finish off the last of the larger pieces. This time she didn't disturb Ramov and Waller when she moved the space station; she still felt embarrassed after the first incident.

She was still concerned about the situation on Earth but even after using the chamber in the Fortress of Solitude (she couldn't help feel that was a loser kind of name for the place!) she was still too radioactive to mingle with the populace. But after the troubles of the past few months and the gnawing self doubt , she finally felt almost whole again.

“Well done McAdams, Litvovsky!” Morris said into the mike, before stepping back and addressing the room. “Well done everybody.” he said simply, still subdued.

“Ramov and Waller are ok, but the stations been badly hit.” someone called out to the room amidst much cheering.

“Edgar, WE DID IT! SMILE CAN'T YOU?!!” Samuelson mocked him as he accepted congratulations from his staff.

Morris rammed both hands in his pockets and drew in a deep breath. “WE didn't do much. We owe that girl everything, and who knows what damage we have done to her? Maybe we have injured her permanently. Plus with the rioting and suicides who knows how many people are dead? And also I saw one of my oldest colleagues stoned to death and then hung outside her own lab on CNN. So please forgive me, but I don't feel much like celebrating. I'll have a whiskey once I know she is safe.”

“I-I'm sorry Edgar. You are right of course...”

“No.” Morris said with a forced smile and let out a long slow sigh. “No, you are. Jaz would celebrate the lives we saved not dwell on the ones we have lost. All the same though, I'll feel better once I know that young lady is safe. General!” He walked over to Evetts. “Thank you for your satellite feed. It was invaluable. I understand at times like these you Americans embrace?”

“A handshake will be fine” Evetts said offering his hand.

“Nonsense! When in Rome and all that...Come here you ...'big lug' whatever one of those is. Did I say that right?” Morris asked as he embraced Evetts in a long squeeze, with lots of back and chest patting as they parted.

“Quite some system you Limeys got there...” Evetts said with a smile.

“Commonwealth, general , Commonwealth. Not a British thing. We couldn't have done anything without our allies. Something you might want to consider the next time you train Cyclops on us. You see when you spy on something, well, that something can of course spy back....”

Evetts coughed awkwardly “I can't comment on past Government policy...”

“No, nor would I expect you to. I apologise, I shouldn't have soured the occasion. Well, young man, “ he addressed Samuelson. “I think you need to finally let Mr Stevens give the world the good news. I have to go brief the PM”

“Sure, though I reckon they have probably guessed!” Samuelson said.

Half an hour later, having spoken with his President and the head of the UN after the press conference, Samuelson returned to the control room and approached Evetts.

“Glad thats done and dusted. Seen Morris?”

“I think he's still talking to the British Prime Minister.”

“Sir! Deputy Director! I have Jodrell Bank on Skype offering their congratulations.”

“Hey, put them through...Hello, Director Hartman! I expect you want to speak to Edgar, I'll have someone find him...”


“Edgar Morris, your liaison, he's around here somewhere ...”

“Edgar Morris? He hasn't worked for us for six years. He left to do some hush-hush government job. And he's ended up with you fellows, eh?! I wondered where he went to! Yes,put him on by all means, it'll be good to catch up with him.”

“Wait. You didn't send him here as a liaison?He isn't working for you?”

“Good heavens no. Haven't seen him since his leaving party in 2010. But what a night that was! We've been dealing with an engineer of yours, er...Dr Pattison was it?”

“So....then he really is....? “ Samuelson turned to Evetts with a frown.

“Where the hell is my cell phone?!” Evetts cried as he patted his empty uniform chest pocket, much the same way as Morris had done half an hour earlier. He went white when he realised it was missing – and with it the access codes for the Optic satellite.
“AND WHERE THE HELL IS MORRIS?!!!” he bellowed.

“Oh I passed him heading for the car park half an hour ago, he said he was going for a smoke” a technician answered innocently.

Samuelson couldn't help smiling. “Son of a bitch!” he declared as Evetts ran for the door.

“Hello? Is anything wrong? Is Edgar there?” Hartman asked.

“No, “ said Samuelson with a smile. “I'm afraid Edgar is loooong gone.”

“Hey sleepy head”

Kara's eyes flickered open to see Kal-el, her cousin, sitting at her hip on the side of the bed.

“Hey you!” She smiled, pleased to see him. “What are you doing here?”

“Came to see how my favourite cousin was doing.” he smiled back. He was in his guise of Clark Kent. “Had a little bit of trouble with your watchdog downstairs though....”

“What, Harvey? “ She laughed “Not the best of guard dogs -he's like a hundred! Only thing slower than him is concrete setting. The only time I've ever heard him growl is at his owner!”

“Oh you mean that real mutt downstairs? No not him. I guess I mean his owner, the guy who runs the coffee shop downstairs. Fat little Welsh guy”

“Oh, you mean Rob. Don't call him fat he's sensitive about that! And don't call his place a coffee shop either he's pretty touchy about that too”

“He seems pretty touchy about a lot of things. He called me out...” Kal said smiling.

“Oh god no! Kal I'm so sorry! He can be a bit of a douche sometimes. A lot of the time actually...I'll get him to apologise, I'm sure he didn't mean it, he just gets very -”

“Protective? Its fine, really.”

“What happened?”

“Well, I turned up to see how you were doing and he ...well threatened me and asked me to step outside...”

“Awwww, no!” she groaned.

Her cousin started laughing then. “No its fine. And you know what was weird? He was absolutely right. I showed up here as Superman and went to come upstairs, he stepped in the way, I asked to see you , he called me to one side and said it wasn't gonna happen. I should've then asked why but I've been on the go for 3 days ,so I was a bit testy I guess. I actually said the whole 'Do you know who I am?' thing !!” He laughed and shook his head. “Can't believe I said that!”

“What happened then?”

“He said he did know, but couldn't remember! Can you believe that guy?!” He laughed and gripped her knee beneath the bedsheets with affection, shaking it tenderly. “I didn't know he was SERIOUS! Then I said I was your cousin and gonna go up anyway and he said he didn't care who I was he wasn't having me coming around here and endangering you. I thought he was a lunatic and went to go past him and that was when he threatened me with...er...setting his dog on me and asked me to step outside”...he smiled. “He actually said 'Right, good boy, you and me outside NOW!” Kal mimicked her friends Welsh accent. She could hear Rob saying it. “Then he shook a fist at me and said, and I quote, 'Do you want me to do you , do you? Do you?'” he was laughing.

“I'm sorry Kal,” she began with a pained expression. “I don't know why he acted like that...I'll speak to him” she said, embarrassed.

“I do. Know why, I mean. I went outside to humour him and so we could talk quietly and thats when I said 'Look, YOU'D REALLY FIGHT ME? I could beat you in a microsecond, whats the point of this? ' and then he said that it would be a microsecond more that you would have to get away, and he didn't care who I was, he would fight an army to stop anyone endangering you. Except if there were an army of giant spiders because he wasn't good with spiders” he laughed. She laughed too.

“Yeah he ain't so good with spiders. Its not as crazy as it sounds, I mean there was that insect horde that descended on this place a few months back.” she added as she hauled herself further upright in bed, her back to the headboard.

“Well, anyway... I said I didn't want to hurt him or you... and I wasn't endangering you ...and then he dropped the A-bomb on me and pointed out that I was – just by coming here dressed as Kal -well Superman... And he was absolutely right. Like he said, you are trying to live with a human identity as a humble college student and preserve a sense of normality and here I am rocking up in the ol' red cape. The sentence that clinched it was when he asked how many other normal college girls does Superman visit in their bedrooms? Except he called me 'SuperBloke' and I think the question might have had some kind of veiled sexual reference I have only just picked up on, as I say it back out loud now” he laughed.

Kara laughed too. “Yeah, that's him. He's pretty useless with names. 'SuperBloke'. I kinda like it”

“Quiet you!” Kal said with mock anger. “So you see, he was absolutely right, I shouldn't have come here as Supes, but...well, like I am now, as Clark. I like him, its good to know you got someone watching out for you like that.”

“I'll have a word with him anyway, get him to tone it down a notch.” Kara said and felt a warm glow inside. Kal was right, it did feel good to know she had such a good friend.

“ Sorry I couldn't come sooner, been pretty busy the last few days, as you can imagine. How long has he known? And more importantly, how did he find out? Did you tell him?”

“Coupla months. He added up a lot of little clues. He ain't as dumb as he looks. Or acts, come to that.” she added.

“You sure about that? I find that hard to believe...” Kal smiled. “You trust him?” She nodded. “Good enough for me. So how you feeling?”


“Oh, that's surprising because you look like Krypton's inner core...”

“Gee, thanks for that, I thought you'd come to cheer me up.” She rose to her elbows and was all too well aware that most of her few remaining strands of hair stayed on the pillow. There was an awful lot of large dead skin flakes littering her bed clothes too, and several huge blister-boils on her lips and jaw. She didn't feel too super. She took her time as she hauled herself further upright in bed, her back to the headboard.

“Hey, after the amount of rads you were exposed to, you are gonna feel lousy for a few days. But take it from Dr Kent, you will make a full recovery.”

“Thanks.” She paused for a long moment and grew serious. He sensed she was waiting to ask something and kept quiet. “How many died?” she said finally, looking down at her hands a she listened to his answer.

Kal drew in a long breath. “Around 128,000. Lot of suicides. Lot of deaths in the rioting. Lot of burn victims. Not that many from the actual asteroid impacts or airbursts. About 1800 or so, and a lot from ships that capsized. And the Japanese Defense Force went all out. Then around 30,000 Pacific -wide from the localised tsunamis from the smaller debris that got through. Biggest airburst was South East of Darwin, killed 89 and injured around 2000. We got away lightly.”


He remained annoyingly calm. “HEY -HEY- HEY. A LOT were suicides. Nothing we could do about that. OK , say you take that view, that all those people are dead because of you. 6.5 BILLION are still ALIVE BECAUSE YOU DID SAVE THEM. Kara, you pretty much stopped this single-handed. You may not want to admit it, but you saved the world cousin.”

“BUT I should've gone up sooner, checked it out days before I did! If I had, many of those people might still be alive”

“Shoulda-woulda-coulda. Might still be alive. And might not. You can't blame yourself for the choices of the past, Kara. They said you weren't needed.”

“BUT I SHOULDN'T HAVE LISTENED TO THEM!” she cried plaintively.

“BUT YOU DID. You respected their wishes. You put faith in what they were saying being right-”


“BUT YOU DID, IS THE POINT” he said forcefully. “You weren't to know there was a second asteroid behind the first – no one did. You made a choice. With hindsight maybe you would have chosen differently – but you can't blame yourself for that. It achieves nothing. YOU saved the world”

WE DID. But...I don't feel as if I saved the world...” she said in a little voice.

“Well, you should. Even...”

“Even what?” she asked quizzically picking up on his reluctance to speak

“Well, if you had the T.V. on you'd see....” he sighed heavily. “Kara, I have tried to tell them differently but they don't want to listen...because I was the one flying around afterwards quelling the riots and the fires...I was the one visible, the one they saw...”

“They...they think it was you...?” she said in a little voice.

He nodded.

“BUT I COULDN'T DO THAT STUFF, I was radioactive! I had to go and decontaminate myself at the Fortress of Solitude! I had to stay away or I'd have killed them!”

“HEY-HEY-HEY, I KNOW , I KNOW! You are preaching to the choir! I told them all this but they just seem to want to heap all the credit on me...I can't stop them, no body listens, believe me I've tried. They all saw the tv footage of me mopping up and ...well ,I have said its all down to you and they just don't seem to want to believe me. The fact you've had to shut yourself away here hasn't helped...”

Kara felt devastated. One of the indirect pluses to the whole thing was that she would regain acceptance after the Cornucopia disaster. But now all the laurels were being heaped on Kal. She felt tears of disappointment well up inside her, that she fought to hide from her relative.

“Hey. We don't do this for the glory....” he said shaking her knee gently beneath the bed sheets.

“I do...” she said petulantly and smiled when she saw his jaw drop open in surprise. “Gotcha!” she smiled and laughed at him weakly through her tears. Then she gave a shuddering sigh as she looked to the ceiling “I know Kal, its just...I wanted...I...I don't know what I wanted, I guess. Absolution, maybe, after that tanker explosion....I just wanted people to accept me, the way they look to you. I'M NOT JEALOUS, well not exactly, I just don't see why they think of me differently just because I'm a woman. I can do everything you do, just maybe a little rougher 'til I find my feet but people always seem to turn towards you rather than me and I don't get why....” she looked down at her hands dejectedly and started to pick at a nail until it came off in her hand . Damned radiation sickness. “Oh...I don't know what I mean Kal. You've been doing this longer than I have , but I just feel...feel ...like I let you down, I guess, you know, with my original task to protect you ,to help you...and now its always you helping me and I just feel...lost I suppose. And now people thinking I just can't cut it after that tanker business. It just went up so fast Kal, no one could have stopped it...I tried...”

“That's what's still eating you, isn't it? I know you did all you could Kaz...I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you afterwards.“

Kara smiled. “No one has called me Kaz since I left Krypton.” she swallowed back more tears. “I just ...oh, I don't know! I didn't do it for any reward but I thought at least folks would say, 'yep she's the real deal alright'” she raised and then flopped her hands down into her lap and stared down at them tearfully. He held her then and it felt good. She was vaguely aware of the hair coming off in his hand as he held the back of her head.

“Thanks for saving me. Lucky the Da Valltan Empire ship gave you that lift.”

“Ye-eah... about that. I kinda had to promise them something in return...”

“Like what?”

“A date with the next in line to the throne...”

“Ha ha! Oh boy! I'd like to be a fly on the wall at that dinner date! Don't they eat their own waste?”

“Yeah.” he said grimacing.

“Well, enjoy yourself! No French kissing, but if you must, Its a small price to pay for saving the human race!” she had a certain amount of schadenfreude at his distress.

“Thing is Kaz... the heir is a male....”

“HA! HA! IT JUST GETS BETTER AND BETTER! “ she laughed uproariously.

“I didn't promise I'd go Kaz...” he said pulling a 'don't hit me' kind of face.”It wasn't me he wanted...”

“Well who...? OH, NO WAY!!!! NO FREAKING WAY, KAL-EL SON OF JOR!” she shouted open mouthed

“Oh, come on now, its a small price to pay to help save the human race...” he threw her own words back at her with delight.


“What do you mean 'How could I?' I was trying to get back in time to help you save the planet!” he said defensively.

“Well,...I won't do it!” she declared imperiously and folded her arms, glaring at him.

He stared her down evenly, before a slow grin started to spread on his face.

“OH! YOU LYING POOL OF MOLTED KREL!” she shouted as she laughed, quoting an old Kryptonian saying as she slapped him on the arm.


They embraced in a long warm, comfortable hug. “This,” she informed him “Is a cwtsh

“A what?” he asked puzzled.

“Its Welsh, just shut up and be cwtshed “she smiled, her cheek on his shoulder.

“So its Welsh for a hug?” he asked puzzled.

“Ain't this more than just a hug?” she said as she squeezed him happily.

“Well...yeah I suppose it is...” he finally admitted. They held each other in silence for a long moment. He stopped stroking what was left of her hair when it started to fall out.

He finally pulled away and held her by her arms. She saw him look her over.

“Not gonna win any beauty pageants today, huh?” she said as she looked at him.

“You could keep the look for Halloween...” he said seriously and she hit him on the chest as they both laughed. “It'll grow back, the skin will clear up in a day or two and you'll be as beautiful as ever.”

“Thanks, but Rob would say I was still beautiful now. You're no good at this consolation stuff” she flicked him an amused look.

“Oh, REALLY? So I am losing out to some fat little waiter?” he said with fake indignation.

“What can I say? He knows how to pick a girl up. I MEAN lift her spirits not that other meaning.”

They both smiled in silence.

“Anything you need? I'll try and stop by tomorrow, but things are still damned busy.”

“I'm fine. ” She smiled weakly.

“No, you are not. But you will be. Just give it time, Kaz. Give it time.”

There was a soft knock on the locked apartment door. “'Allo? I brought you some tea for you and Mr...” his voice dropped to a whisper '<Oh shit I want to say Mr Cunt but it ain't that Harve> ' he said to his dog “...your guest.”

'Good save!' Kara thought. “ Rob I told you , you can't come in! I'm radioactive, it could be fatal to you!”

“Oh...well... er....how fatal would it be, exactly?”

“What the hell do you mean how fatal ? Fatal is fatal, Rob, TOTALLY FATAL! You would be dead!”

“Oh....thats no good then... If you are radioactive does that mean I can't see you for like 500 years or something?”

“No Rob,...” she smiled at her cousin. “But you do have to stay away from me for a coupla days, ok? And Harvey too, you have to keep him out.”

“Oh. Ok. I 'd best leave it outside then. I bought you some flowers...”

“Oh thank you Rob, that's sweet of you, please leave them outside too”

“I-I can't I left them on the bus”

“Oh... well thank you for the thought anyway...” she hit Kal's arm as he sniggered.

“Anyway the tea is by here” Rob called hesitantly.

“THANK YOU!” Kal called smiling at Kara. He opened his mouth and mimed a belly laugh. “How fatal? Classic. I can see why you like him, he certainly lifts your spirits” he whispered.

She felt her cheeks redden.

He's listening outside...” Kal mouthed to her silently.

She felt herself flush with embarrassment as she nodded, reluctantly. Rob had a habit of breathing heavily when he was trying to be quiet. She didn't need her x-ray vision to see him. Right now it sounded like Darth Vader was outside on the landing.

“Rob, you can go now...” she called.

“I 'AVE! OH -er – I mean, I am...er...ok” he turned and shuffled away “She must've bloody 'eard you pantin' 'Arve, bloody no good 'ound, giving the game away like that... “ he whispered loudly as he berated his dog.

Kara turned to Kal “He's an idiot sometimes. A lot of the time actually. Pretty much most of the time, now I think about it. But he's got a big heart and he's kind and looks out for me. But above all, he's my friend. But you are exactly right...he helps me deal with it all.”

“So I got Lois...and you got....him?” he said mischievously, with a touch of incredulity.

“Yeah...I got lucky I guess” she teased him back. “Jealousy doesn't become you Kal!” He ignored her, much to her amusement.

“I was gonna bring you something to read, but I thought it would keep you busy for -oh about four seconds. So then I thought I'd bring you some DVDs....but ... “ he angled his head to read the small stack of DVD cases by her bedside that were Rob's ” I can see you got it covered. 'Squirm for Sperm 9'! So much better than 1 through 8, I thought” he said with a smirk.

“Oh, heck! They aren't mine!” she cringed with embarrassment and felt herself flush red. She had lived here for several weeks now but there was still a lot of Rob's stuff to clear out. She honestly hadn't bothered to read the titles.

“Sure” he said sarcastically.

“They are Rob's!!!” she said desperate to be believed.

“THEY?” he looked again. “Oh I missed 'Yearn for Sperm' and 'Shaving Ryan's Privates'” he grinned at her discomfort.

Kara pulled a pained expression and sat in awkward silence , her head bowed, a hand to her forehead, ashamed to be associated with them, until Kal burst out laughing.

“On that note I'd best get back to cleaning up your mess” he said it lightly, as a joke, but it stung her a little. He rose “I'll bring the tea in when I leave.”he paused and turned to face her. “Kaz.” he looked at her seriously. “You done good. I know it even if the world doesn't. And for whatever its worth, I don't know if I could have done what you did. You know us guys, we just can't multitask...” he grinned.

She beamed back at him. “Thanks Kal. I needed to hear that. And thanks again for saving my ass. Hey, where are my grapes?!!!” she called after him.

He turned on his heel “Grapes are for people who are really sick, you're just faking it for a day off!”

He ducked as she threw a pillow at him. “Remember you will need to absorb all these rads -” he gestured at the apartment furnishings “ and re-radiate them into space when you are better.” Their Kryptonian bodies were able to absorb radiation from the environment around them. It was how they retained their physical powers. He had soaked up a lot of it when he had first entered the apartment while she still slept. She would need to do the same to purge the place properly.

“I will.”

“Kaz. You really did save the world you know. Its almost as if you are some kind of a superhero or something....” he said with a frown as she threw another pillow at him.

He returned with her tea on a tray, set it beside her on the bed, kissed her on her now bald head and headed for the door.”I'll see you tomorrow, baldy”

“Not if I see you first!” she joked. “And I ain't bald!” she called after him.

“Well , its a helluva parting you got then...” he quipped.

“Dammit! I'm all out of pillows to throw! Get out of here before I go for something sharp! I just meant its growing back already, you wise guy.”

He tossed the pillows back onto her bed and disappeared , smiling, behind the door as he closed it. Then he popped it open again to shout “BALDY -BALDY - BALDY! “ Before slamming the door and running off.

“WHY YOU...!” she shouted after him but was left smiling.”COWARD!” she called after him with a smile. His visit had cheered her up.

She sat in silence for long moments, thinking of his words. Yes, she had saved the world. Well ,most of it. But she hadn't done it alone. She thought of Ramov and the British professor Morris, the bombs, the lasers on those little satellites and finally Kal turning up to help save her after that last blast. And now, everyone thought of him as the hero of the hour. Maybe he was. Well, did it matter?

No. No, she decided , it didn't. She knew the truth. She was proud of what she had done, and just as proud of who she was. What did it matter what people thought of her?

She was Kara -el, last surviving daughter of Krypton, and above all else, to the people of this planet she was a superhero.

And she had saved the world.

That was the second incident that had helped her cleanse her soul of guilt for the Cornucopia disaster, and come to terms with her responsibilities. But the final piece that would make her whole again would also threaten to change everything that she was.


Four days later and Kara was finally feeling her old self. She had purged both herself and the apartment of radiation, soaking it up and then flying into high orbit and re-radiating it back into space. Her hair had grown back (one of the benefits of being Kryptonian was the issue of molecular level commands. Hence she could change her hair and eye colour in an instant to be Kara or Linda, and now once cleansed of the radiation she had basically 'commanded ' her hair to grow, once it had stopped falling out.) Kal had continued to hog the limelight, but she had come to terms with it now, and in truth the anonymity suited her better while she recovered. Rob had tried to fuss over her as best he was able when a locked door stood between them. He had even thrown stones at her window when out walking the dog just to see her but in her current state she had hid behind the curtains until he went away. To his credit he had waited over ten minutes and only left when Harvey had (very slowly) gone after a cat.

She ventured downstairs to see him for the first time now as Linda, and found him drilling holes in the wall that had once housed his patriotic homeland offering of the Welsh Dragon flag. That was replaced now by a series of odd sized framed photos and press clippings . Some were people she recognized, some were incidents or things that she didn't. There was a large rectangular space in the middle for something of especial importance. The shop was deserted but several of the outside tables were occupied.

When he saw her he burst into tears. “Lovely girl! Look, Harve! Its 'er !” he called to his dog, who, laying on his back, with frenzied struggles tried to get back up on all fours, whining with desperate excitement. She rushed over to Harvey to put an end to his efforts and he flopped back contentedly to let her tickle his belly. Rob hurried over to embrace her as if he wouldn't mind some of the same.

“AWWWW ANGEL! I've been so worried! And all the bloody papers and stuff are sayin' it was down to bloody Superfella!” he declared indignantly. “But look! I'M GONNA PUT THE MATTER RIGHT! I'LL BLOODY SHOW 'EM, LOOK! I GOT A WALL OF 'EROES! Look! And guess who is going pride of place?” he gestured at the empty space as he bent down and picked up a large framed photograph.

“TA-DAAA!” he said with a flourish as he turned the picture around to reveal a shot from the cover of Time magazine from a few months ago. After the Cornucopia. The caption just read 'Hero?' She deeply resented the presence of that question mark. But Rob had written in permanent marker below it 'YES SHE BLOODY IS!'. She smiled. “Its YOU!” he said in a loud whisper as she looked at Supergirl arms folded from the waist up. “Well, the other you...”

“I know Rob - I recognize <me> “ she said in a more normal whisper. She smiled, amused that he thought the injustices of the world's media could be rectified by a single picture on a wall in a small cafe. Well, the longest journey starts with a single step.“That looks great Rob, <and thank you!>” she whispered the last part.

“I....” he stopped and looked from her to the picture he held. “Oh,...aw, SHIT!!!! I'm so sorry, Brown Eyes. I'm just really stupid sometimes....I didn't think....”

“Rob, its fine, really, I don't mind. Its a ...nice picture, I'm honoured.”

“No, love...you don't understand. Its YOU but with blonde hair! I'll put something else up. I'm such an idiot.” he said dejectedly.

She realized then he was of course right- it wasn't too much of a leap to notice that Linda and the girl in the picture – Supergirl – were one and the same. Rob was always looking out for her. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek, then just held him.

“Well, at least you are an idiot in a sexy kinda way...” she said, using his own phrase to describe himself, just to cheer him up. Her head was on his shoulder but she felt his cheek muscles contract in a smile against the side of her own face, pressed up tightly next to his.

“Thanks Buggerluggs” he said by her ear. “I've missed you.”

“I've missed you too, Blubbergutts”

He laughed. “Hey how did you find out that nickname? You used it once a few weeks ago and it struck me as odd then. Who in the village told you I was called that then?”

She smiled.”Oh it was....”she began but then remembered the circumstances herself. “It was your friend, Dave O'blivion on the ship that night....” she swallowed hard.

“Oh! I ...I didn't know you had spoken to him! How is he? Was he.... Never mind. Did...did he say anythin' else? Ya know...before, like.”

“Well, he said to remind you that you owed him a tenner from Edinburgh...”

Rob laughed. “Oh yeah. I think you told me that before, now I remember. Aye well, I'm sure I paid that back. Did he say anything more?”

“No. He was a brave man Rob. You should be proud of him. He stayed behind to fight the fire and get the engines restarted while I got the crew off. He was trying to shout a warning to me as ….as the ship went up.”

“He was? What was he shouting? Any last words I can pass on to his mam or his brothers, like? She'll be landed he was a hero. Oh, that's like slang for 'appy, back 'ome.” He explained as she frowned at his use of 'landed'.

“Not really anything to report...he was shouting 'she's a-gone' , banging on the hull plate to attract my attention....but with the storm it was hard to hear him shout...”

'She's a-gone?' What, he went all Italian at the end ,did he?” Rob said with a chuckle “He must have said 'She's a goner', and you misheard him, thats what it must have been...”

“Hey, I know there was the wind and the rain and the thunder , but don't forget I got Super hearing – it definitely ended with the '-on' sound in 'gone'. Ok, I grant you I kinda heard it as 'ezz – a – on' a few times as he ran beside the deck rail pointing back at the engine room, but I was looking at him when I felt the first explosions coming thro-” she froze as if someone had hit her, slapping her across the face as the realization struck. “I-I was looking at him....as I was pushing with both hands at the hull plate...I-I” she looked at her hands , as she held her fingers splayed before her now. “I could feel the FIRST explosion... rippling through the cold wet metal.” She looked at him horrified. “Rob....”she started to cry, back there at the horrific scene several weeks ago.”ROB, THE FIRST!!!! I COULD FEEL OTHERS, A LOT OF THEM A MICROSECOND APART...”she mentally ticked off the nanoseconds in her memory. “they were ….there were 5 ….almost instantaneous, but...I could feel them, with the microsecond intervals they must have been spaced around 50 feet apart....getting nearer...coming towards me... from the stern to the cargo hold...Oh dear god....”she went white and fumbled for a stool to sit down. The dog whined in empathy. “It wasn't one bang or even two...”

“Love? Love, what is it, eh? Lovely girl? Are you alright?” She was staring off into space as she recalled that night, a shocked look on her face. He put a reassuring arm around her shoulder.

“Rob...he was trying to warn me....Dave, I mean...He-he didn't say 'She's a-gone!' “She drew a shuddering breath. “H-he said THERE'S A BOMB!” she looked at her friend with pain and horror and Rob had tears in his eyes at the sight of her suffering.

“That's why there was probably an engine fire in the first place...sabotage! Oh, how could I have been so stupid?” she slammed her fist down on the counter in anger and with a loud dull bang cracked the marble top. When she raised her head the sorrow had gone, replaced with a dark and terrible anger that shone in her eyes beneath the twinkle of her tears. Her hands were white-knuckled fists, balled tight in her rage. Her jaw was clenched tight in a snarl, her words hissed out between her teeth with venom in every syllable. She stood, shrugging him off as he tried to console her. She turned to face him.

“Rob, some son-of-a-bitch blew it up! He killed all those people! Your friend; the crew; the reporters; the rescue guys; the lifeboatmen; the two tug crews. Everyone. THAT'S MASS MURDER. Well, he's sown the wind. Now he gets to reap the whirlwind. I'm gonna show that lousy murderous scum why you should never make a Kryptonian angry. Whoever it is, he has made one mistake, Rob. HE LET ME FIND OUT WHAT HE DID.” she said, her face like thunder, her voice ferocious and as dark as the night.

“When I find them Rob, they'll wish they went up with that damned ship.” she said with latent anger dripping from every word. “And believe me, I WILL find them. And then I'm gonna fall on them with the rage of angels.”

Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Story General
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Well this was a fine conclusion sir.

Loved that we got to see Kara and Kal in action. Also particularly enjoyed them together when Kara was recovering. You tapped right into what I think they would be like, basically brother and sister. Teasing each other, supporting one another, and just it was nice to see them being family. The revelation at the end was a great teaser. Looking forward to seeing Supergirl figuring out who was behind all this.

Hell hath no fury like a Last Daughter of Krypton
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Superb story from start to finish. The concept of radiation sickness was interesting and the comraderie between the cousins nice. It'll be interesting to see how Morris fits into the big picture, too.
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