A word about new developments in 2016

Info regarding this website!
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Hey everyone!

Hope you all have had a great holiday and I'm guessing we are all getting back into the grind of 2016. Funny how just a week ago there were still decorations everywhere and we were all on that new years high. For many of us in California, that was all washed away by some torrential rain (much needed!). Ok, ok ok. Enough with the pleasantries! Bring on the meat!

Ok, big breath and exhale. There is going to be a major change to the forum in 2016. I will be implementing a blog style front end. In the not so distant future, when you come to the forum, you will be greeted by a great big, shiny, full of pictures and words, website that will dazzle and thrill (And for some of you, send you running for the hills, I would imagine.) Regardless, after almost 11 years, this is a necessary change. Why, do you ask? Well, read on, Macduff, and damned be him who first cries Hold!

Oh, you're still here. I wasn't actually quite prepared to tell you anything else....ok, let's see...where are my notes? Ah! here we go..

First and foremost, this blog is not going away. It's staying right here. Well, almost right here, it will have a new address, most likely

Code: Select all

or something like that.

Our genre, medium, what-have-you, is a visual genre for the most part. Forums were meant for text discussion. I'm not saying we haven't made it work over the years and it's worked pretty well but I've always found myself frustrated at the lack of true visual representation of all the things that are discussed here. Now we will have great visuals and mighty trailers and it will all be indexed and tagged and all those wonderful things.

The blog is also a wonderful place for the story archives to live. Something that has been discussed for a while and can now be implemented. Completely searchable by author, title, character or element. (death, xxx, Pg,

On top of THAT, a great new gallery will return! (Yep! also part of the blog!) which will be very responsive so you can flick through the pics on your mobile device(s).

As a matter of fact, the whole site will be responsive and will be a much more enjoyable multimedia experience, which has been my vision for a while.

Anyway, I have more to tell you about this but I'll let you all chew on this and discuss.

I have been working behind the scenes to finish off all the connections between the blog world and our great forum and hopefully I can get back to doing some producing...
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