General discussions about superheroines!
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Neophyte Lvl 3
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This is probably old news, but I just discovered this site.

I was wondering what happened to this model - she used to be on She's so awesome!





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I discovered her site a few months back.....and even now, it still looks as though she's not doing a WHOLE lot with it. Her home page still kinda lists all of her shoots as "Introductions". So it's probably still in a growth period where she's simply introducing the characters she's going to portray.....but yet I don't see anything that looks as though she's going to have her "friends" there to do Heroine/Villain"ess" type shoots. Everything just seems like it's going to be her.

(Shrugs)...I don't belong to her site, so I certainly could be wrong.....she's definitely got an awesome I'd love to see her get a good following with so that she can get into better productions. :D
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It looks like there is a villian in the two latest videos. I will definitely keep an eye out - she says she will dress up as Wonder Woman, Powergirl, Supergirl, Poison Ivy, etc. in the future.
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FYI, there's no villain onscreen in the latest Honey Dew video, just a voice over. I believe the same goes with her other superheroine videos, and some don't have any at all.

Beautiful girl and an amazing body, but her videos are really not superheroine-y other than the fact she wears spandex. There's some minor story inserts here and there, but her passion is strictly for the spandex and not much else, so I don't think anyone should get their hopes up for any elaborate superheroine content or peril.
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The site is developing, just pretty slowly.

She goes by the name Livia, I talked with her once or twice a short time ago about where she's going with the site. She is looking to move more into peril videos and has taken some steps in that direction - but progress is slow because, as with everyone, real life intervenes.

So far, as mentioned, she's only done two vids with any sort of peril - The second released last week @

There should be videos with peril coming, just it's gonna take time.
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Like elusivepenguin mentioned earlier, she actually went by "Gwen" several years ago with another site, Playing In Spandex, which was pretty much the same thing except she went with her natural hair, focused strictly on spandex, and didn't wear the wigs. Then she disappeared for about a year, reappeared as "Livia" and now runs two stores, Superheroine Legends and Livia Fetish.

Going by past history, her work doesn't really go past the self arousal stuff and some minor spanking from a male villain, but if she does plan to expand, then who knows.
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I'm convinced some more experienced producer should put her to good use. Her acting's got the fearlessness necessary for more ambitious stuff. The last few things she's posted are a lot more superheroine-y with all-out transformations (a neglected subgenre of the whole heroine fetish) and mind control perils. "The Birth of Lightgirl" looks especially interesting:

Wish she'd update her YouTube clip page with the more recent stuff to see how she's progressing:

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Her last 2 titled Honeylove hypnotized werent bad and dealt with a little more peril including getting the cloth (the villian called it pheromones) and a quick belt removal. Not bad for the price just hope she keeps going with it.
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Hey folks: for those of you who were wondering what happened to Livia after her sites Liviafetish and Superheroinelegends disappeared last year, I found out definitively. Am I allowed to say?
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Why not? Say it
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Publish and be damned!
By which I mean post and we'll see. Depending on what it is I can always delete it or tell you to
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Honestly, people should just leave it be. It's obvious she's left the scene. Sure, she's left her C4S store open, since revenue is still revenue. I mean, retired models don't go around asking every photographer that they've ever shot with to take down their stuff either. A simple explanation of why she retired would've sufficed without having to plaster her real life details everywhere. Like with any retired model from the industry, a simple "she's retired and is pursuing her other interests" would've been enough. Common courtesy for her right to privacy, just saying.
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Ok vadimfv, I agree totally with the above post and I have removed it, - I wasn't expecting such details especially her real name when the reality is you DON'T actually know it's just a guess as to why she stopped. I'll pm you later about it (there's no trouble) . :)

I was expecting something more intriguing than she has retired but still does cosplay. You could have just said that.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).

I'd like to interject in this. Why not just ask her? She's clearly accessible. Maybe she would appreciate the exposure? At least you'd have a definite answer instead of guessing.
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If she does cosplay now and she got a public page (facebook or instagram twitter etc) i don't see how she could be against the exposure, it's actually the other way round ... the more followers the better right ?

I'd also like to say, I understand where some of you are coming from and we do have a policy for "outing" actresses. Unfortunately, those rules are harder to memorize than Blackjack strategy. It all depends. :)

Carry on however you feel appropriate, how's that? :)
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People are allowed to have different social media for different reasons. If she stopped making adult content stuff (let alone removing most of her social media associated with that content) but still maintains a vanilla social presence, then it should be pretty obvious she's done with the adult stuff, which I assume is what most of you people care about anyway. Of course I don't know for sure, but just because she still has an online presence doesn't mean that she necessarily wants that kind of exposure.

I really think it's intrusive to start asking her about adult content on her vanilla sites, where most of her non-adult fans might not care (or want) to know about her past forays into fetish modeling. Outing anyone without provocation is already pretty unethical in my opinion, but if anyone is going to contact her about adult stuff, then I hope you do it privately and show respect for her privacy and discretion. No one deserves to have crazy stalkers heaped upon them.

Who said anything about adult? Unless the word ambitious means adult these days. This forum caters to all levels of superheroine and cosplay. Not just adult.
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admin wrote:Who said anything about adult? Unless the word ambitious means adult these days. This forum caters to all levels of superheroine and cosplay. Not just adult.
Well said. He took it in the worst possible scenario immediately. Are there really people so dumb to start stalking the girl for her 'past' ? And to think she never did -adult- videos/photoshoots/whatever in the first place ! :rolleyes:
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So what happened to Livia? I used to be a big fan of her stuff.
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I bought one of her videos, The Golden Avenger vs The Black Menace. Excellent to my taste. Well worth the money.
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She was such a hottie back in her Playing In Spandex days. Still looks hot.
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OK, so according to tallyho, I'm allowed to post something simple. She is a cosplayer who attends regional conventions, a super-avid online gamer (she's on Twitch), and a obsessive SailorMoon fan, who goes under the moniker AuroraPeachy.
Still a beauty. Nuff said.
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I know what happened to her,she..........she......hey wait a minute what are YOU doing that a gun? NOOOOOOOOOO............................
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OK...I thought we were done with the revival of this thread, but not quite:

In 2013, Addie Juniper put out a video called "Sexy Superhero Transformation With Addie Juniper". The exact situation, the choreography, and 80% of the lines are lifted *straight* from Livia's Superheroinelegends video "Taken By A Superheroine". An homage to a work of genius, as it were - kind of a like a band playing a very respectful cover version. ... /superhero

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i know this thread is very old
but does anyone has this one? im looking for it everywhere but cant find it. i would pay for it

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