What does a Trump presidency mean for this genre and community?

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While a lot of the other issues are being covered in the election thread, what does the future hold for the SH Peril community specifically? Even though this forum has members from all over the world, 99% of this genre appears to be produced in America. So any US law that impacts the industry impacts us all.

It could be a good sign that Trump has been associated with soft porn - Playboy, in particular - but he has also been making promises to evangelicals who actively campaign against all porn. These people ostensibly campaign against the most exploitative forms of pornography - which are already illegal in America and most countries anyway - as a means to also abolish legitimate forms of porn.


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/don ... e15eb701fc

Given Trump's favoring of anecdote and raw emotion over cold, hard evidence in other areas of policy, what quality of data on the harm porn causes to "youth, families and American culture" would be enough to legislate? It would be astonishingly easy to scapegoat this entire genre if even one SH Peril movie is found on the computer of a sex offender.

Plus there's the issue of Trump being particularly upset about recordings of his own words and deeds coming back to haunt him. Could copyright and fair use be subject to draconian new laws? He's also triggered by stuff like Alec Baldwin's impersonation on SNL, so parody and satire may be out the window in terms of using distinctive likenesses.

While some may argue that a Clinton presidency would have empowered the most rabid "SJW" campaigners, that's now largely a moot point in terms of public policy. Trump's incoming administration is the main clear and present danger to this community at this moment in time.

On the bright side, it appears Proposition 60, California's condoms in porn law, probably won't go through. (54% against at the time of writing.) But how much of this sort of legislation is going to raise its ugly head over the next four years? All in the interests of "protecting" people, of course.
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I would not worry about nuclear war will break out long before any draconian legislation can be implemented.

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Trump's views change faster than the Flash. What's more worrisome is that his presidency will make it possible for the extremists to claim they are right.
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JohnFeer wrote:I would not worry about nuclear war will break out long before any draconian legislation can be implemented.

That may be a possibility, but let's look at what could happen to this community in the non-nuclear scenario.

One thing that's almost certain (if the apocalypse doesn't happen first) is that the stats for sex crimes will rise significantly over the next year. This won't necessarily be due to an increase in these crimes, but rather because the trial of Bill Cosby and the allegations against Donald Trump will result in a large number of people reporting unrelated sex crimes, both recent and historical.

The "Savile Effect" is exactly what happened in the UK after the deceased TV presenter Jimmy Savile was exposed.

The same thing is already happening in the US with the "Cosby Effect".
https://www.yahoo.com/news/video/nypd-c ... tml?ref=gs

Believe me, the Trump Effect will be YUGE!

Now, none of that should be at all relevant to our SH Peril fantasies. However, when faced with a tremendous spike in the figures, there's no way Donald "law and order" Trump will want his name associated with that sudden increase. Scapegoats will be required. Muslims? Probably. Mexican illegal immigrants? Certainly. But the easiest target will be porn. And any porn which shows non-consensual situations, now matter how fantastical, could be blamed.

The Effects Model is such a tantalizing and simplistic narrative. On the surface, it seems so plausible and obvious. "They watch it in a video. Then they go out and do it."

I really hope I'm wrong about that. But everything I've seen this man do and every media moral panic lead me to the logical conclusion that the stubby orange finger will be pointed. At us.
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I don't see Trump gunning for porn, or being pro-censorship in general. I just don't think he's got time for it. Plus on a very basic level his base electorate is white men, so he starts messing with the porn that's going to bite him in the arse. Plus it's not like he's ever going to score any points for feminist or family values, like, ever, so I don't see anything there for him.

I think importantly, because he lost the popular vote and because he's such a giant bellend, he is going to have to fight the people for a lot of things. He's not like Obama, who got away with a lot by sheer force of charisma, or Bush, he got away with even more just by saying, "9/11!" Trump is actually going to be opposed by the people (because no other fucker can do it) and I think that might mean that the sort of broad plans that would really harm the quality of life for many people just won't happen.

The nightmare at the back of my mind is somebody shooting Trump and Pence taking over. Pence worries me a lot more, he's a religious extremist.
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The problem is that Pence may have a lot more power than a typical Veep. Trump can't discuss any issue beyond a couple of catchy "talking points", so there's a good chance he'll effectively be a figurehead while Pence makes a lot of the political decisions.
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And he's already said that Pence is going to be doing most of the day to day functions of the Presidential position. I mean, sure, that was more than a month ago and in trump time that means it might never have happened, but everything his biographers have put forward tells of someone without the attention span or interest for those kinds of details.
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So we're basically looking at the porn policy of a religious fundamentalist. Maybe the adult industry should approach Pence with a suitcase full of cash? After all, this is the guy who publicly denied the link between tobacco and cancer.
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Rant Incoming: I don't know what it means for the future, Trump is to erratic for that, but I know what it means for the country. Trump ran a campaign of fear mongering, racial and gender bais, greed, vanity, endorsements by the KKK etc. And America voted him in. Regardless of what HE actually believes this means at least half of us agree with the MESSAGE. Which means I live in the most despotic cesspool of PRIVILEGED hateful, arrogant, vitriolic fuckers who ever existed. I've never been less proud to be an American. I've never been more ashamed of my country.

It's time to finally change the inscription on the Statue of Liberty. It needs to say something that suitably describes us as petty fearful pissants who want nothing to do with the rights of human beings as a whole, and would rather build walls than get along.

If you voted for anyone else but him, I can still respect you, but if you voted for Trump, I hate what you've allowed.

I'm done.
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Given the anti-porn plank in the 2016 Republican platform and Pence's leanings, I figure they'll have to take some action against porn. How much control can they hope to exercise over the internet? I guess we may find out.
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cdrei wrote:Given the anti-porn plank in the 2016 Republican platform and Pence's leanings, I figure they'll have to take some action against porn. How much control can they hope to exercise over the internet? I guess we may find out.
The makeup of the Supreme Court is an issue here. Not only are we poised for a 5/4 conservative/liberal split in the near future, but with 2 liberal justices being 80ish a 6/3 or 7/2 split isn't out of the question in the next 4 years.
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World war 3? Are you kidding me? Who's going to oppose Trump's USA? He gets on well with Putin and the Chinese aren't going to be attacking their biggest cash cow - that leaves who? India?

There will be no World War 3 - pray Trump doesn't hit the wrong country when he fires off a nuke on a whim though.

Trump's attitude to women leads me to believe he's a fan of porn - I doubt it will be first on his agenda to attack, I also doubt he will pander to the fundamentalist Christian vote too much. Therefore porn's probably fine.

Trump will be able to easilly enact pretty much any policy he wants, the party he represents has significant control of both houses. The concern is what that kind of man will do with that kind of power, I guess we'll find out.

It will be an interesting 4 years.
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While I have no say in American politics as a Canadian, I do know that most of how we do business (especially online) follows your guys' lead, so changes in your pornography laws will affect us small Canadian producers.

I hope it all works out for the best.
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Mall of Erotica? Sounds interesting, but I wouldn't trust the food court in that mall.
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Heroine Addict wrote:Mall of Erotica? Sounds interesting, but I wouldn't trust the food court in that mall.
lol... I had actually started working on a community chat feature called "The Food Court" but lost it to a hard drive failure :P
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Land's sake... did you guys have to make me read "Trump" and "porn" in the same sentence?
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http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the ... c62488cde5

Good article about the dem party.

What happened? Used to be dems protected blue collar workers. Now they laugh at them, call them racist hicks, claim they will murder gays on site, treat them like fly over country trash. Homophobic, racist, sexist, Islamophobic, stupid, bible thumpers, rednecks... the whole basket of deplorables.

All those red districts are almost ALL blue collar workers, farmers etc. The "fly over scum" liberals ignore. Look at where the blue votes came from. Seattle, California, Silicon Valley. Rich to upper middle class liberals who don't even know where the battery is in their car who look down on people who have no college education. Or the votes come from blacks stuck on welfare who pretty much have to vote democrat.

Trad school is for losers apparently. 29 of these states, trucking is the number one profession. Guess which party wants to replace truck drivers with self driving trucks? Guess which party wants to put coal miners out of jobs? No wonder dems lost these people. The dems have been demonizing them for years. If you're liberal ask yourself what is the stereotype you see in your head when you think someone is a racist? My guess is its similar to someone wearing overalls, a beard and drives a beaten up pickup truck and works in a factory in one of those fly over states.

Dems lost these people a LONG time ago.
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Mr. X wrote:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the ... c62488cde5

Good article about the dem party.

What happened? Used to be dems protected blue collar workers. Now they laugh at them, call them racist hicks, claim they will murder gays on site, treat them like fly over country trash. Homophobic, racist, sexist, Islamophobic, stupid, bible thumpers, rednecks... the whole basket of deplorables.

All those red districts are almost ALL blue collar workers, farmers etc. The "fly over scum" liberals ignore. Look at where the blue votes came from. Seattle, California, Silicon Valley. Rich to upper middle class liberals who don't even know where the battery is in their car who look down on people who have no college education. Or the votes come from blacks stuck on welfare who pretty much have to vote democrat.

Trad school is for losers apparently. 29 of these states, trucking is the number one profession. Guess which party wants to replace truck drivers with self driving trucks? Guess which party wants to put coal miners out of jobs? No wonder dems lost these people. The dems have been demonizing them for years. If you're liberal ask yourself what is the stereotype you see in your head when you think someone is a racist? My guess is its similar to someone wearing overalls, a beard and drives a beaten up pickup truck and works in a factory in one of those fly over states.

Dems lost these people a LONG time ago.
Oh relax EVERYBODY knows this stuff. We know why all the middle country is Red, it always has been. We know why democratic countries tend to straddle the coasts. We know why the south were slave states and the north were free states in the civil war. We know or knew these things because they are or were long established trends not because they've suddenly changed. Clinton lost the four states that would have ordinarily voted democrat because SHE PERSONALLY had signed off on some things that specifically hurt them.

Look, there's no 'Republican High Ground' here alright? Watch Fox News for five minutes and it couldn't be more clear that the only people Republicans care about are the wealthy. Honest to god, I saw them run a segment about 'whining poor families' whom, when their houses were checked out had 'luxury items like Refrigerators and Microwaves.' LUXURY ITEMS! I mean jesus, if we've got Microwaves and Refridgerators we shouldn't be complaining about anything right? We can actually heat and store food! HOLY FUCK! We must all be secret billionaires!

Now I'm not for losing jobs either, I wont use the Wal Mart self checkout because it's costing cashier's their jobs, but putting all of that shit on Democrats is like pretending that the free market and greed don't exist. Corporations decide when they are going to put in and will ALWAYS do the cost cutting thing no matter how detrimental it is to society because that's what corporations do. Corporations are not all the democrats fault either.

Finally since you've brought it up, what is the stereotype you conservatives have of the oh so touted SJW? A high collared high cheek boned spectacled woman sneering down her nose? A black gangster with a gun shoved in a cops face whining that he didn't do it? A mexican in a wet T-shirt? It's the same damn thing, there's no high ground there, and a whole heap load of useless fear mongering.

We SERIOUSLY need to change the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, I know I said it before, but America has basically wiped its ass on inclusion this year, proving itself to be crass and ignorant beyond all measure. This whole election has been a fucking nightmare.

Thank God its over. Now quit gloating, you won.
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This is a thread put here because you don't like President Trump so you make some kind of connection between him and this fetish??He's coming after us kind of thing??What does Trump mean to this community and this business??NOTHING thats the answer.
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Richpartist wrote:This is a thread put here because you don't like President Trump so you make some kind of connection between him and this fetish??He's coming after us kind of thing??What does Trump mean to this community and this business??NOTHING thats the answer.
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Yeah I will agree that I sincerely doubt we're in any kind of trouble HERE. EVERYbody likes porn, even Presidents, and secretly even those evangelical types that want to swear they don't. I suspect Donald probably has a whole stash of debauchery on dozens of hard drives around the globe. I'm not concerned about this even remotely.
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Why the hell would I sing that right now?
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Richpartist wrote:This is a thread put here because you don't like President Trump so you make some kind of connection between him and this fetish??He's coming after us kind of thing??What does Trump mean to this community and this business??NOTHING thats the answer.
Let's hope your right. But if your wrong there will be a lot of "I told you so's". Or maybe not, since this site might be gone then.
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Femina wrote: Finally since you've brought it up, what is the stereotype you conservatives have of the oh so touted SJW? A high collared high cheek boned spectacled woman sneering down her nose? A black gangster with a gun shoved in a cops face whining that he didn't do it? A mexican in a wet T-shirt? It's the same damn thing, there's no high ground there, and a whole heap load of useless fear mongering.
I'm not conservative I am classic liberal so the question is moot. And it still does not take away from the stereotype the democrat establishment has about blue collar peoplen that cost them the election. WHO does the basket of deplorables refer to? The dems alienated the very same blue collar workers they claim to protect. This whole thread is a bunch of pissing on why the dems lost and what a Trump presidency means.

People who don't like SJWs are not calling them RACIST and SEXIST and NAZI and claiming they will MURDER LGBT AND PUT PEOPLE INTO INTERMENT CAMPS. Gee didn't you say Trump would put people into internment camps or was that someone else? You do know words like RACIST and SEXIST and GOING TO PUT PEOPLE IN INTERNMENT CAMPS has actual meaning right? Pretty harsh meaning no different than calling someone a pedophile. If I relentlessly called you pedophile OVER and OVER pushing a negative till it becomes a positive that would kind of alienate you a weeee bit would it not?

And thanks for proving my point. Who do you think most SJWs voted for? Did they vote that way cause they were alienated by others. And golly who do you think the basket of deplorables voted for? Gee you think they may have voted cause they were alienated by the very same people who said they were blue collar champions?

If I asked you to describe a stereotypical racist who would you describe? Who are you referring to when you keep spouting racist and sexist and homophobic and klingon-phobic?

I don't give a fuck about the republicans. If I could push a button and destroy them today I would. One less party to destroy. They are in no way on any high ground.
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In fairness, at least the Dems had a horse in the race, the republucans got knocked out at primary stage and an outsider non politician stole their whole vote. That should be a big worry for them that their message is so narrow that it dosen't even resonate with their base anymore.
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So this whole Trump and porn thing is an isolated incident. It happened around August of this year, right after someone leaked some racy images of Melania. Someone had asked Trump about his stance on porn and to placate the Anti-pornography group Enough is Enough and their CEO Donna Rice Hughes, he signed a pledge to help make the internet safe for children if he was elected. But the text of that really had to deal with child pornography and keeping the kids away from porn.

What he was probably really thinking is "yes, we have to crack down so these assholes will stop leaking lesbian pictures of my wife!"

That was the first and last time we heard about Trump's anti-porn stance. I don't believe Trump is anti porn, I don't think he really cares. There's bigger fish to fry such as punishing all those GOP "losers" that didn't support him during his campaign. He's already talking about trying to set term limits in Congress...and he has a laundry list of about 25 other things he'd like to get done in his first 100 days and porn isn't on that list so your smut and fetish is safe for now.
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Mr. X wrote:
Femina wrote:
People who don't like SJWs are not calling them RACIST and SEXIST and NAZI and claiming they will MURDER LGBT AND PUT PEOPLE INTO INTERMENT CAMPS. Gee didn't you say Trump would put people into internment camps or was that someone else? You do know words like RACIST and SEXIST and GOING TO PUT PEOPLE IN INTERNMENT CAMPS has actual meaning right? Pretty harsh meaning no different than calling someone a pedophile. If I relentlessly called you pedophile OVER and OVER pushing a negative till it becomes a positive that would kind of alienate you a weeee bit would it not?
Uh, of course I do. Racist's are people who hate other races - Trump: Check, Trump supporters voted him in. Sexists are people who hate the oposite sex - Trump: Check, Trump supporters voted him in. And if Trump is GOING to be making statements about how he'd like to put people into interment camps (Specifically Muslims, Racism:Check again) than he's damn well going to be called out for alluding that he wants to put people in interment camps. These are the things he says, out loud, they happen. It isn't some 'SJW leftest profiling fantasy' I pulled out of my ass, it's something that was actually discussed, sure he rolled his ass back over it later, it doesn't change where that puts his overall mindset. Just like he said he stuck his fingers in some girls vagina 'because he can' (Sexism: Check). Just like he wants to build a retarded wall (More Racist fear mongering:checkety check check!.) Every time he opened his mouth he PROVED these things. Saying 'nobody respects such-and-such more than me. Nobody!' doesn't let you off the hook when they clearly don't MEAN it.

I don't use terms like Racist, sexist or fascist because their just terms. I use them when they describe the thing that they describe. It isn't MY fault that Trump can be described by these things, and if it makes the people who supported him feel like we're labeling them the same by proxy I'm legitimately sorry if it isn't true, but the facts are they went to those rallies, they heard the SAME WORDS that the rest of us heard... and they were cool with it.
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Uh, of course I do. Racist's are people who hate other races - Trump: Check, Trump supporters voted him in. Sexists are people who hate the oposite sex - Trump: Check, Trump supporters voted him in.
Would it be OK to relentlessly call you a pedophile? Over and over and over?

Does the word "racist" have meaning or not? Yes you are flippantly using the word racist. When does this juvenile shit end? Or do you like the fact you wore the word out to the point that it has no meaning?

And then people wonder why the people described by the basket of deplorables flipped america the bird. Why Trump? cause fuck the people who wore out the word.

I have an idea. keep calling people racist. Maybe one more time might work this time.
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Mr. X wrote: Would it be OK to relentlessly call you a pedophile? Over and over and over?
IF I was a pedophile? Then YES absolutely! You don't STOP calling a pedophile a pedophile until they STOP being a pedophile. If someone doesn't want to be called a pedophile, and they ARE a pedophile, then they should STOP being a pedophile.
Does the word "racist" have meaning or not? Yes you are flippantly using the word racist. When does this juvenile shit end? Or do you like the fact you wore the word out to the point that it has no meaning?
You asked if I knew, as though I did not, I informed you that I knew. NOW you know the meaning again I guess if for whatever reason you chose to pretend like it had none. If you don't like the answer don't ask the question.
And then people wonder why the people described by the basket of deplorables flipped america the bird. Why Trump? cause fuck you.
I have an idea. keep calling people racist. Maybe one more time might work this time.
Well you know, these people have been flipping us the bird just as long Mr. X. THAT'S what you really don't seem to get or understand. You stand around and call out 'Strawmanning' whenever someone points out that something you or someone else said was this or that, and by no means are you necessarily always WRONG or anything, but do you REALLY not see the Strawmanning from the other end? Is 'SJW' used as a curse not the same god damn thing as Strawmanning? It's just as dismissive, it's just YOUR way of dismissing what's being said to you. Of refusing to consider something. So it isn't that I think you're always wrong, I've actually AGREED with you here and there about some things occasionally, it's just that I can't help but notice the sheen of hypocrisy slapped across your eyes and ears whenever you don't want to consider something just the same as the hard left don't want to consider what you say.

So just to make our lives clear. I do not have anything against you personally. I don't have a clue who you are or what you look like, I am not stereotyping you. When I'm responding to you, I'm responding to the thing you wrote and what it makes me think. If it sounds sexist, I may tell you that it sounds sexist. If it sounds racist, I may tell you that it sounds racist. If it sounds sensible, I will call it sensible. If it sounds honorable, I will call it honorable.

Post Script: And again, if I was a pedophile, you could scream it at me all you liked.
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"Grab em by the pussy" Trump probably doesn't have anti-porn high on agenda. But if his Attorney General ends up being in the mold of Ashcroft or Gonzales, there might be reason for concern. Like if it turns out to be Giuliani.
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Anyone who voted trump is fine with misogyny, racism and being a dick - why would you have a problem with anyone being a dick to them?

They love that shit, it's basically all their candidate did and they turned out in LARGE numbers to vote for him.

Additionally every sterotype regarding US blue-collar workers is TOTALLY proven. They voted for a candidate who will do NOTHING to make their lives better, he just said some racist misogynistic stuff that they ate up.

Trump's gonna make some waves for sure - his 1%-er cronies are gonna be laughing all the way to the bank! (while blue-collar workers see their health care provision dissappear, and quality of life further diminish).

As I say, it's going to be an interesting 4 years.
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Trump's effect on the porn industry will be virtually nil. He can make fun of veterans, women, handicapped and Mexicans but interfering with people's porn may actually be the one thing that will cause him to lose votes. He's against regulation so I'm sure he'll stay away from regulating the porn industry. The guy has already won the Christian vote by being against abortion. He can do no wrong for them so he could care less if the Religious Right is against porn or not. Besides the Religious Right isn't the same group as they were in the 90s. If they elect a thrice married, borderline molester, I don't think they're going to push the porn issue. Although, we may see some interesting pornos in the future like "Grab em by the pussy: A Trump Story" like they did with "Nailin Paylin." Barring that, the only thing that could actually affect it would possibly be a Supreme Court ruling of some sort. God only knows what dumbass Trump may put on the court. The Supreme Court could always have an unforeseen ruling that could have huge long lasting ramifications. Aside from that, Trump's effect will be almost nothing. He may actually be better for the porn industry, judging by the opinions of a lot of elitist liberals.

However, here is the real concern for the porn industry, including SHIP. I've seen this game before with Republicans in power and it sucked. Gas was FOUR dollars a gallon, a living wage was nonexistent, inflation was out of control, my friends were overseas getting shot at over dumbass wars, debt (mine and the country's) was out of control, the middle class was shrinking and crippled, the economy was shit, and medical bills were threw the roof. I fear when The Donald takes office and implements these similar policies we'll see more of the same. Why is that bad? At least for me, as an average working class guy, I was struggling. I'm not rich and I'm guessing many posters and producers on here aren't either. It would be interesting to hear a producer's standpoint but if times turn bad, like they did the last time, and producers are hurting, would they then not produce as much? I wouldn't think so. I, for one, will certainly not be paying money for porn, even superheroine porn, if I barely have enough money to survive. That should be the real concern for the porn industry and double for the SHIP niche. Money. I honestly hope I'm wrong and Trump isn't the terrible president I feel he will be. If he is than I predict the SHIP genre will suffer greatly.
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MightyHypnotic wrote:So this whole Trump and porn thing is an isolated incident. It happened around August of this year, right after someone leaked some racy images of Melania. Someone had asked Trump about his stance on porn and to placate the Anti-pornography group Enough is Enough and their CEO Donna Rice Hughes, he signed a pledge to help make the internet safe for children if he was elected. But the text of that really had to deal with child pornography and keeping the kids away from porn.
That has the potential to be helpful to the industry in relation to the piracy problem. Seeing as most of the easily accessible videos are hosted on streaming sites. However, the precise wording of the pledge advocates a "Presidential Commission to examine the harmful public health impact of Internet pornography on youth, families and the American culture".

Which is broad enough to cover any sort of online porn.

The stuff about child pornography is just a good way to justify an anti-porn campaign by highlighting the most indefensible type of porn. So anyone who argues against the Presidential Commission can be instantly vilified as a "defender" - or, even worse, a "user" - of the worst kind of porn. A bit like how you become "pro-terrorism" if you object to the surveillance culture.
MightyHypnotic wrote: What he was probably really thinking is "yes, we have to crack down so these assholes will stop leaking lesbian pictures of my wife!"

That was the first and last time we heard about Trump's anti-porn stance. I don't believe Trump is anti porn, I don't think he really cares. There's bigger fish to fry such as punishing all those GOP "losers" that didn't support him during his campaign. He's already talking about trying to set term limits in Congress...and he has a laundry list of about 25 other things he'd like to get done in his first 100 days and porn isn't on that list so your smut and fetish is safe for now.
I don't think he cares either. However, the VP, Attorney General and SCOTUS appointees are likely to be people who care.

And they're going to be responding to a huge spike in recorded rape and sexual assault. The "Savile Effect" in the UK and "Cosby Effect" in the US are already statistical realities. The massive publicity surrounding Trump's alleged sexual assaults is certain to send those stats through the roof. So his administration will absolutely focus on being seen to tackle the "causes" of the problem.

The reframing of porn as a public health issue, rather than a morals issue, is troubling.
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Mr. X wrote:This whole thread is a bunch of pissing on why the dems lost and what a Trump presidency means.
The Democrats repositioning themselves as the party of the ruling elite (a traditionally Republican stance) was clearly not a good idea. And "Basket of deplorables" was such a rich old lady comment that Hill might as well have said "Omnibus of ne'er-do-wells". But postmortem of the Dems' carcass is an issue for another thread.

I started this thread to ask about the consequences of an openly porn-unfriendly administration.
Mr. X wrote:People who don't like SJWs are not calling them RACIST and SEXIST and NAZI and claiming they will MURDER LGBT AND PUT PEOPLE INTO INTERMENT CAMPS. Gee didn't you say Trump would put people into internment camps or was that someone else? You do know words like RACIST and SEXIST and GOING TO PUT PEOPLE IN INTERNMENT CAMPS has actual meaning right? Pretty harsh meaning no different than calling someone a pedophile. If I relentlessly called you pedophile OVER and OVER pushing a negative till it becomes a positive that would kind of alienate you a weeee bit would it not?
The winning candidate promised that millions of illegal immigrants would be rounded up (almost certainly at gunpoint) and made to leave America. With two million of the worst ones to be rounded up at the very start of his administration. Now, a huge amount of people are not going to form orderly queues at the borders and airports. So they will need to be interned somewhere while their cases are processed.

All of which was stated clearly by me on the other thread. If you had quoted me in context on the actual thread, I wouldn't have wasted time responding to this strawman.

How could approximately 11 million people - 3% of America's population - be relocated quickly without resorting to internment in the short term? Aside from the historical connotations of putting people in camps, what exactly is your objection to me mentioning a logistical necessity of a mass deportation process?

None of which has anything to do with the regulation or abolition of porn. But then, every political thread on here has to become a shitshow. And even threads about Supergirl on TV get politicized with conspiracy theories about the lead actress's breasts being flattened and conspiracy theories about black actors being hired because you imagine there's some legal loophole to deny payment to creators if black actors are hired to play characters depicted as white in other media.
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Heroine Addict wrote: The winning candidate promised that millions of illegal immigrants would be rounded up (almost certainly at gunpoint) and made to leave America. With two million of the worst ones to be rounded up at the very start of his administration. Now, a huge amount of people are not going to form orderly queues at the borders and airports. So they will need to be interned somewhere while their cases are processed.
I didn't have time last night to put my thoughts alltogether during my (admitadly) slightly angry post last night, but there's also THIS Mr. X. The thing is, even the most voiolently Millitant of the 'SJW's' isn't lobbying to chuck expell the blue-collar worker out of the country like they were a used sock. They are fine to coexist, occasionally but heads, argue etc. sure, but deportation? Don't be absurd. Trump promises to basically throw a bunch of people out of the country that his demographics REALLY DON'T LIKE (there now we've just 'described' the thing rather than actually said it? but you know, theres a WORD that MEANS something which could go there) and they hooted and hollared, and you know what? I bet if you asked them they'd say that if they thought they could, they'd deport all us minority appologists to if they COULD.

You say you're a libral, neither republican/democrat that's fine, but you sure argue hard for the Right and pick on the left, note ALL the left's shortcommings convieniently ignoring some of the exact same behavior on the Right, for someone who apparently doesn't care that much about either side.
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Mr. X wrote:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the ... c62488cde5

Good article about the dem party.

What happened? Used to be dems protected blue collar workers. Now they laugh at them, call them racist hicks, claim they will murder gays on site, treat them like fly over country trash. Homophobic, racist, sexist, Islamophobic, stupid, bible thumpers, rednecks... the whole basket of deplorables.

All those red districts are almost ALL blue collar workers, farmers etc. The "fly over scum" liberals ignore. Look at where the blue votes came from. Seattle, California, Silicon Valley. Rich to upper middle class liberals who don't even know where the battery is in their car who look down on people who have no college education. Or the votes come from blacks stuck on welfare who pretty much have to vote democrat.

Trad school is for losers apparently. 29 of these states, trucking is the number one profession. Guess which party wants to replace truck drivers with self driving trucks? Guess which party wants to put coal miners out of jobs? No wonder dems lost these people. The dems have been demonizing them for years. If you're liberal ask yourself what is the stereotype you see in your head when you think someone is a racist? My guess is its similar to someone wearing overalls, a beard and drives a beaten up pickup truck and works in a factory in one of those fly over states.

Dems lost these people a LONG time ago.
Mr. X, where is it that "Democrats" are laughing at blue collar workers in the way you're describing because I don't see it. Seriously, I'm not on any social media so maybe it goes on Facebook - I'm asking because I really don't know. If you're referring to the "basket of deplorables" thing then I thought it was very clear that was in reference to the KKK, white supremacists and the "bitch" and "cunt" crowd. If that behavior isn't deplorable what the hell is? Even so, what was that going to inspire those people to do? Vote extra hard for Trump?

And the thing is there's no evidence this derision you're talking about had any affect on voting. Those red areas on the map have always been red and are likely to remain that way. As the results are being analyzed we've learned that in Wisconsin for example, many of the red, rural areas voted more strongly for Romney in 2012 than Trump in 2016. The problem in Wisconsin was Hillary didn't have the turnout that Obama had. Put simply, too many Democratic voters stayed home. The exception is Pennsylvania, in which blue voters still didn't match 2012 turnout but red voters came out in droves and even possibly switched from blue to red. And that has everything to do with the coal mining industry. I make the drive to western PA routinely and the turnpike is filled with pro-coal anti-Hillary advertisements. Those are people who feel their livelihoods are threatened by clean energy initiatives.

I also saw an interesting news piece about how union leadership of course pushes for the Democrats but apparently many of the workers voted Trump. It's always high on the Republican to-do list to crush the unions so it will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Lastly, you've probably all seen that Michael Moore called it exactly, months ago. He wrote and article, Here's Why Trump Will Win (not using quotes because I may not have that exactly right). Moore is from Michigan and warned that the Dems would lose PA, OH, MI & WI if they took them for granted. And there's you're Trump presidency right there.
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Trump is completely unpredictable, but he's also the first President to own a strip club. So it would be a little hypocritical for him to come after porn.
Now... Mike Pence and the GOP Congress, on the other hand, is what you really have to worry about. I wouldn't put it past those sexually-repressed closet child-molesters to push for more "family values" after they gut women's health care and overturn Roe v Wade.
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No President is ever as good as people hope or as bad as people fear.
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This is the SUPERHEROINE FORUM and lately it sure has seemed to be getting too political in the last couple of years.
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4havokk wrote:This is the SUPERHEROINE FORUM and lately it sure has seemed to be getting too political in the last couple of years.
I think some of you producers should find a Trump look-a-like and turn him into a superheroine pussy-grabbing supervillain! The potential for erotic parody abounds!

Of course, given his track record, it might end up being more biographical than parody. ;)
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That sounds more like horror porn.
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4havokk wrote:This is the SUPERHEROINE FORUM and lately it sure has seemed to be getting too political in the last couple of years.
So? Politics intersects with life, even porn. If it really does bug you try staying out of the sub forums it pops up most in. Or look at the handful of people that take the lead in most of the discussions that turn political and add them to your "enemies" list so you won't see their posts.
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If you havent noticed its infected most of the sub forums. It wasnt this way when i first came here.
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Well this has been an exceptional series of events but I thought the political threads have all been in the Misc section, where they belong and can be ignored. I didnt think there had been that many opinions expressed in other threads and if they were, most were light hearted?
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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4havokk wrote:If you havent noticed its infected most of the sub forums. It wasnt this way when i first came here.
Yeah, but then again, no one but the Simpsons expected that Donald Trump could ever be president when this website was created. Nor has there been an election as contentious as this in our lifetime.
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I take exception (in a friendly sort of a way) to these remarks from Mr X:

All those red districts are almost ALL blue collar workers, farmers etc. The "fly over scum" liberals ignore. Look at where the blue votes came from. Seattle, California, Silicon Valley. Rich to upper middle class liberals who don't even know where the battery is in their car who look down on people who have no college education.

I've worked democratic party politics all my adult life and have gone door to door with these allegedly demonized truck drivers, off duty firefighters teamsters and a host of other working class persons .Trust me I'm the last one to judge anyone, I sorted mail for a living for twelve years.

Or the votes come from blacks stuck on welfare who pretty much have to vote democrat.
Welfare tracks population dynamics which means more whites than blacks collect said benefits....

Trad school is for losers apparently.
So you say...Didn't the democrats want to make Junior College Free?
9 of these states, trucking is the number one profession. Guess which party wants to replace truck drivers with self driving trucks?

So now wireless technology is our secret weapon against the working class?

The dems have been demonizing them for years.
I haven't demonized anyone, certainly not anyone who didn't demonize me firstly....

Anyway I am not gonna get sucked into the usual fruitless political vortex hereon....I've fallen for it once too often.
Said my piece and said it with a smile...

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tallyho wrote:Well this has been an exceptional series of events but I thought the political threads have all been in the Misc section, where they belong and can be ignored. I didnt think there had been that many opinions expressed in other threads and if they were, most were light hearted?
The forum itself has got very political on almost every thread about contemporary mainstream culture. Supergirl, in particular.

I'd describe it as the politics of nostalgia. The basic gist is:
"Everything in the past was made of boobies, ice cream and gold. Whereas everything in the present is made of burqas, barbed wire and Ebola. [Group X] ruined all the things we liked. They're getting a sweet, sweet deal and laughing at us while we're left with scraps."

Or something.
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MightyHypnotic wrote:So this whole Trump and porn thing is an isolated incident. It happened around August of this year, right after someone leaked some racy images of Melania. Someone had asked Trump about his stance on porn and to placate the Anti-pornography group Enough is Enough and their CEO Donna Rice Hughes, he signed a pledge to help make the internet safe for children if he was elected. But the text of that really had to deal with child pornography and keeping the kids away from porn.

What he was probably really thinking is "yes, we have to crack down so these assholes will stop leaking lesbian pictures of my wife!"

That was the first and last time we heard about Trump's anti-porn stance. I don't believe Trump is anti porn, I don't think he really cares. There's bigger fish to fry such as punishing all those GOP "losers" that didn't support him during his campaign. He's already talking about trying to set term limits in Congress...and he has a laundry list of about 25 other things he'd like to get done in his first 100 days and porn isn't on that list so your smut and fetish is safe for now.
'Making the Internet safe for children' is an absolutely terrifying phrase. When you see campaigns to do that it tends to involve government firewalls, ISPs tracking your data use and porn sites having to take all your personal info to prove your age (this has all come up in the UK). This is all terrible stuff, the personal info thing especially because we see sites getting leaked all the damn time.

People should approach the entire notion of 'making the internet safe for children' the same way that they'd think of 'making the freeway safe for children' or 'making a chainsaw safe for children'. Just don't even try because grown ups are busy here doing grown up private things and we don't need the fucking hassle of stepping over babyproofing everywhere.
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Just remember that Hillary Clinton was directly involved with attempting to make music "safe for children", lest you forget the PMRC.

I just wonder what Frank Zappa would have thought of all of this...
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