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Well, time to embarass myself. I wanted to have this up before Christmas, given the time frame of the story and all. This is my first attempt at a story, and I know it's weak, so bear with me :roll: .

Prt. 1: RAVEN Strikes!

Owlcreek road, near Snowmass Village, Colorado, a black Ford Explorer winds it's way around the beautiful, December snowcovered mountains. U.S. Senator Ted Wakefield had decided to take his family on a ski vacation for the Christmas holiday. With him is his driver Marty. In the seats behind him are Nick, and Carl. They served as the Senator's bodyguards. Ted spoke on his cell phone to his wife. "We're almost there, honey."

Somewhere over the state of Kansas, a small Cessna Citation X flew throught the clouds. On board were Ted's wife and daughter. "Great, Ted. Can't wait to see you. Be careful. Love you." said Meredith Wakefield. "Were you talking to dad?" asked Farrah Wakefield, emerging from the jet's restroom. "Yes." answered Meredith. "He's almost at the lodge. He'll be waiting for us." Farrah took a seat next to her mother. She was a nineteen year old beauty, about 5'6", big green eyes, and long straight, light brown hair flowed down her back, and cascaded around her shoulders. She wore a red, low-cut sweater, and almost knee-length, dark green and red plaid skirt, knee-high, black, leather boots, and underneath, red, nylon pantyhose. She crossed her legs, catching the attention of Tom Tyson. Seated across from the Wakefields were Tom Tyson, and Sheila Cramer, two more of the Senator's bodyguards. Tom couldn't help but get an eyefull fo Farrah's gorgeous, shapely legs. Sheila nudged Tom, and gave him a 'nuh uh' sort of look.

The suv continued on through the now almost blinding snowfall. "Whew! This snow is getting harder." Ted turned to Marty, "You sure you can see?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Marty replied. "Don't worry Senator, we'll get there." "Who said I'm worried?' Ted asked with a lopsided grin. Just then, the suv began skidding. "What the?!" Ted was worried now. "We must've hit a patch of ice! Hold on!" exclaimed Marty. The suv spun out of control, and flipped three times before coming to a stop right-side-up against a bank of snow.

Darkness slowly gave way to light, as Ted regained consciousness. He wished he hadn't. His entire right side, from head-to-toe hurt. He tried to move. "Ah!" he screamed. Ted could tell his right leg was broken. He felt a warm sensation on his forehead. He wiped with his left hand; blood. "Marty!" Ted called to his driver. There was no answer. Ted looked over at Marty. He couldn't tell if he was alive or dead. "Nick...Carl!" His two bodyguards were silent. Ted fumbled around in his pocket trying to find his cell phone, but it was gone. He managed to undo his seatbealt and open his door. Ted fell out onto the snow covered ground. The impact sent a jolt of pain throughout his body.

Ted rolled over onto his back. He felt the snowflakes hitting his face. His vision was getting blurred, There was an eerie silence, almost as if all sound had ceased to exist. Through his blurred vision, Ted could make out four dark objects circling in the sky above. "Great." he said to himself, "Buzzards, waiting for me to die." The objects grew larger, and landed around Ted. "Looks like the Senator has had a bad accident." said a soft, female voice. 'So the're not buzzards,' Ted thought. He could make out a dark, feminine shape standing over him. "Make sure the ones in the vehicle can't interfere." ordered the woman. Three shots rang out. If anyone in the suv was alive, they're not now. "Don't worry Senator, you're worth more alive than dead." said the woman. Ted felt a prick against his neck, then once again, darkness.

The Cessna grew closer to it's destination. "Mom, why did we have to take this trip? Why couldn't we spend Christmas at home, in Florida?" Farrah asked. "Your father wanted to take a vacation with his family.' answered Meredith. "And after New Years he's going to be very busy with his re-election campaign." she continued.

The jet suddenly shook violently. "What was that?" Farrah asked, obviously startled. "It's probably nothing. Just some turbulance." Tom said. The jet rocked again. "I'll go check it out." Tom rose from his seat, and headed for the cockpit. The craft was bathed in a strange, green glow. The shaking stopped. Sheila stood up. "This is no turbulance." she said, "What's going on?" In the cockpit, the pilot, and co-pilot were fumbling with switches. "I don't know. Nothing's working." said the co-pilot. The pilot was on the radio. "Mayday...mayday." he called. "Damn! Even the radio's dead!" They were both baffled by the green glow that had engulfed the jet. Tom entered, "What's going on?" he asked. "We don't know! Everything's dead!" the pilot replied.

A small blast ripped a hole in the left side of the passenger cabin of the jet, frightening the Wakefield women. Oddly with the hole, the jet didn't lose any pressure. Sheila, with her Colt M1911 handgun drawn, took up a defensive posture, shielding the two women. A loud pop sounded. "Unhh." Sheila gasped, rocked back, and collapsed to the floor, "Sheila!" cried Meredith, but she could tell that the young woman was dead. The shot didn't come from the hole in the side of the jet, but from the cockpit. Farrah looked up. "Tom?" Tom entered the passenger cabin with his own weapon drawn. "Tom?" he said. "Tom is dead, Been dead for quiet a while now." Tom's visage melted away, into something else. His face, clothes, everything was replaced with something else.

"What, what are you?" asked a shocked Meredith. "A Changeling, Mrs. Wakefield." announced a woman, entering from the hole in the jet. She was clad in black, from head-to-toe. Long, black hair hung down her back. A low-cut, long sleaved leotard hugged every curve of her body. Underneath, she wore a black bodystocking, which was snugged against her long legs. A midnight blue utility belt hung around her waist, accenting her hips. Elbow length midnight blue gloves, black cuffed boots, and a black cowl covering the upper half of her face, completed her costume. The lower half of her face was a pale white, except for her black lips. She pointed her own weapon at the Wakefields. "The cockpit has been secured." said the Changeling. "Well done." the woman in black replied. Another woman in black entered the jet, and headed toward the cockpit. 'The green light obviously allows them to enter the jet, and keeps the air pressure in here normal.' Farrah thought to herself.

"Who are you people?" Meredith demanded. "We are RAVEN, and soon, the whole world will know us. But for now..." The black clad woman put a protective mask over her nose, and mouth, and fired her weapon. A shell landed near the Wakefield women, and began hissing. The white smoke filled the lungs of the women. Farrah felt herself grow sleepy, Both went down to their knees, coughing. Meredith collapsed into unconsciousness. "Mom..." Farrah gasped. She reached for Sheila's weapon, but her body gave out. She collapsed as well, with a grunt. Her eyes fluttered shut. "They are ours." the RAVEN girl proclaimed. She spoke into a communicator, "Proceed to the base."

Outside, a large, boomerange shaped aircraft, similar to the B2 stealth bomber, had the Cessna in tow. The green tractor beam, projected from the RAVEN craft's belly, carried the captured jet to it's rendezvous.

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You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Nicely done HF! Very good start! The villainous RAVEN girls have proven themselves a force to be reckoned with! I can't wait for the next update! If this is your example of embarrassing yourself, remind me to get your definition! Good job! 8)
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I must concur with Superpics here. EXCELLENT beginning. You have a fine writing style and I'm looking forward to the next chapter as well.
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Thanks for the kind words guys. I don't know when I'll have prt 2 up, haven't even started it yet.
You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Great beginning! And I have a feeling young Miss Wakefield is more than meets the eye... Please update soon.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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I thought writing the rest of this story would be easy after prt.1, but it's not. I plotted out prt.2, & when I started writing it, it got way out of hand. I'm having to break prt.2 down into 2 chapters. It's a slow moving story, so sorry about that. Hope you all enjoy :roll: .

Prt.2: Family Reunion

At the foot of a majestic Denver,Colorado mountain, just off Interstate 70, lies the Hootowls sports bar. It is one of only a few in a new chain of sports bars, opening across the nation. Inside is a typical lunch hour. Patrons sit, eating, drinking, and watching their favorite sports on TV. If not, the men were usually ogling the sexy Hootowl waitresses.

"Ready to place your orders?" Brandy Carson asked the three men sitting at a table. They shifted their attention from their menus and conversation, to the gorgeous young woman before them. One of the men scanned her, from her tan pantyhose encased legs, to her skimpy, orange hot pants, up to her white, skintight t-shirt emblazoned with the Hootowls logo. "Yeah," he said, as his glazed eyes met hers, "I'll have some legs." His two buddies laughed. 'Oh, great.' Brandy thought. The guy was obviously drunk. "Excuse me?" she asked with a fake giggle. The man put his right hand on Brandy's left thigh. "What'ya say you and I go somewhere quiet, and get to know one another." Brandy felt a shiver run up and down her spine.

"Please remove your hand, sir!" she demanded. The man grabbed Brandy around the waist, "C'mon baby," and pulled her tightly close, causing her to drop the pen and notepad she used to take orders. "Hey, let go of me!" Brandy shouted. She struggled, but couldn't break free. All the man's buddies did was laugh. Finally, "I said...let go!" Brandy gritted her teeth, and gave him a right hook to the jaw. He let go of her, and recoiled back. Everyone in the bar was watching the unfolding event. "You crazy bitch!" The man started toward Brandy.

"What's going on over there?" asked a rather large man, rounding the far side of the bar. "Tony," Brandy said, "I believe these gentlemen have had too much to drink." "I'll gladly show'em the way out, Brandy." the bouncer said. "Call'em a cab, Tony." The bartender said. The pager in the brown pouch Brandy wore at her right side beeped. "I'll get you, bitch!" the drunk man yelled, as Tony, and another bouncer escorted them out of the bar. "Yeah, I'm sure you will." Brandy replied, gathering her notepad and pen. "You ok, Brandy?" asked the bartender. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Brandy headed through an employees only door behind the bar. She went down a short hall to another door, and entered an office. She walked to the far side of the left wall. A stuffed owl was perched on the right wall. It's eyes followed Brandy. Inside the owl's head, cameras scanned her body. With the scan completed, a hidden door slid open in front of Brandy. She entered the elevator, and was carried down to the HOOTOWL's command center.

Brandy exited the elevator and looked around. The command center was bustling with activity as usual. HOOTOWL girls worked at communications and computer terminals. Viewscreens aligned the walls showing activity in the bar above, and monitored news events around the world.

"Brandy." Mother Owl, standing at one of the viewscreens greeted her. No matter how many times Brandy looked at her boss, Mother Owl was still an impressive sight to behold. She had the physique of a world-class bodybuilder. Brandy looked into the red eyes of the black mask covering Mother Owl's face. "I guess you saw what happened in the bar?" she asked nervously. "Yes I did." Mother Owl replied. "You did the right thing, Brandy. Don't worry about it." Brandy felt relief. Mother Owl was generally a nice woman, although she didn't show it often. Not only was she Brandy's boss in crimefighting, but she was also Sharon Maddox, the owner of the Hootowls sports bar above.

"We've been monitoring some breaking news. I'm putting our team on alert." Mother Owl said. "What kind of breaking news?" Brandy asked. Mother Owl turned to Brandy, causing the long, brown, feathered wings attached to the back of her light-brown leotard to flutter. "Senator Ted Wakefield of Florida, and his family have dissapeared." she answered. "Authorities found the wreckage of an suv near Snowmass Village. Three dead bodies were inside. They were shot, execution style. There was no sign of the senator." "And the rest of his family?" Brandy inquired. "A Cessna Citation X, carrying Wakefield's wife and daughter, vanished off radar. A search for a crash site is underway. A little strange, if you ask me." Mother Owl answered. "This is our jurisdiction." she added, "If we're needed, we'll be ready."

High above, somewhere over the U.S., RAVEN's heli-carrier moved silently. The black, aircraft carrier sized behemoth served as RAVEN's flying fortress. From vents in the belly of the craft, pumped an artificial cloud. This cloud contains chemicals which make it oblivious to any known radar, and invisible to other aircraft.

"Ohh..." Farrah Wakefield moaned as she slowly regained consciousness. She opened her eyes, and lifted her head, which felt as if it weighed 500 pounds. "What the Hell?" she asked herself. Farrah looked up to find her hands shackled and chained high above her head. Her clothes had been removed, and replaced with a black, neck-length body stocking. Farrah looked around the room she was in. The only light came through a small window on the metal door in front of her.

The door suddenly opened, engulfing the room in a bright, white light. The light made Farrah's eyes squint, and the headache she had even worse. A black clad RAVEN girl entered the cell. "Good, you're awake." she said. "Who are you people? What have you done with my mother?" Farrah demanded to know. "You'll find out soon enough." The RAVEN girl replied, and moved toward Farrah. Farrah used her strength to pull herself up, catching the RAVEN girl's neck between her thighs. Farrah squeezed, cutting of the girl's air. "You're gonna find out, I'm not just some helpless little girl!" she said through gritted teeth. The RAVEN girl gasped and struggled to break free. Another RAVEN girl charged in, removing a long, slim rod from her utility belt. She jabbed the stun-prod into Farrah's right side, sending electricity coarsing throughout her body. Farrah released her grip on the RAVEN girl, who dropped to one knee, coughing. "She'll recover by the time we reach the bridge." said the RAVEN girl, placing the stun-prod back on her utility belt.

She unshackled, and easily hoisted the barely conscious Farrah over her left shoulder. The first RAVEN girl was now somewhat recovered, and joined her collegue, who carried Farrah into the corridor. There, two more RAVEN girls guarded Meredith Wakefield, who was also now wearing a black body stocking. "Farrah!" she exclaimed. "What have you done to her?" "Shut up!" one of her guards shouted, and nudged Meredith to move. The RAVEN girls escorted and carried their two prisoners down the corridor.

Minutes later, they arrived at the heli-carrier's bridge. Farrah was now walking unsteadily on her own. As they entered the bridge, both Wakefield women's eyes lit up. "Ted!","Dad!" they shouted, almost in unison. "Meredith, Farrah!" the Senator shouted back upon seeing his family. "Ted, what have they done to you?" Meredith asked her husband. Ted was being held in the center of the bridge by a metal x-frame. He was now only wearing a pair of black sweatpants. A cast covered his broken right leg, from his foot, up to his lower thigh. A bandage covered the wound on his forehead. "I'm alright, honey." Ted told his wife.

"Ah, the Senator's lovely wife and daughter." A tall muscular woman, wearing a black unitard said. "So nice of you to join us." The woman spoke with a Slavic accent. "Leave my wife and daughter out of this, Coven!" Ted pleaded. "You have me, let them go!" "Silence!" Coven, the leader of RAVEN, pointed a midnight blue gloved finger at Ted. "You are in no position to make demands here, Senator." she said. "Ma'am," a RAVEN girl spoke up from her communications terminal. "Our transmission has been recieved. He's ready to speak to you." "Good." Coven said, "Put him on the viewscreen."

On the viewscreen, appeared a face that Ted Wakefield knew all too well. "Manuel Ortiz." He said, in disgust. "Senator, or should I say, former District Attorney Wakefield. I told you that I'd soon catch up too you." the Puerto Riccan/American crimelord said, with a smuggness. "I'm going to make you pay for sending my brother to prison, Wakefield." "Your brother was one of the biggest drug pushers in Miami, Ortiz." Ted shot back. "He's responsible for the deaths of two children. He got what he deserved." Ortiz stroked his pencil thin black mustash, and pointed at Ted "No Wakefield, it is you who are going to get what you deserve!" "Ortiz, you have me, let my wife and daughter go." Ted pleaded. "I have no interest in your wife and daughter, Wakefield." Ortiz said. "However, I believe RAVEN is always looking for new recruits, eh Coven?" Coven circled the Wakefield women, looking them over. "They seem like healthy specimen. Especially the young one. I'm sure their will power can be easily broken. Guards, return these two to their cells." "Ted!" cried Meredith. The guards escorted their captives from the bridge. "Coven, if you harm my family..." Ted started. "I'll be waiting for you to deliver the Senator, Coven." Ortiz interrupted. Then the viewscreen went black.

"How much is Ortiz paying you, Coven?" Ted asked. Coven turned her gaze to the Senator. "Technology, Senator." Coven said. "Manuel Ortiz has connections. We took the job of delivering you to him. He agreed to supply us with any technology, and weapons we ask for." "You people are terrorists, aren't you?" asked Ted. "We don't like the term terrorists. We consider ourselves more as... vandals. Hence the name, RAVEN. Ravage and Vandelize Every Nation." Coven stepped close to Ted. "And no nation will be safe from us." Coven's black lips upturned into a cat-like grin. She then turned to one of her officers. "Have a jet prepare for take off. We don't want to keep Ortiz waiting. After the Senator is away, I think it will be time to demonstrate our power."

To Be Continued!
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You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Nice Hypno! Very, very nice! =D> =D> =D> Can't wait for more! It's nice to see those pics come to life! Keep up the great work, dude! 8)
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I forgot to comment on this, sorry Hypno. Like your story thus far, can't wait to learn what makes Farrah special. Thanks for adding to the forum.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I've run into a bit of writers' block, but I'm slowly coming out of it. So hopefully I'll have an update in a couple weeks maybe sooner.
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You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Nice to see ya Hypno, glad to see you haven't forgotten about the story. Eagerly looking foward to the update :-D
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Chapter 3 of this gave me fits. A couple notes, the idea for RAVEN's helicarrier came from Marvel Comic's SHIELD series, Cobra also had one in the 80's G.I. Joe cartoon series. And the RAVEN wing gliders, I of course also borrowed from Marvel, as it's based on the Goblin Glider. And beware, I'm starting to use the word Owl in the HOOTOWL's gadgets, and hardware, such as the Owlicopter, etc. Enjoy.

Prt.3: Night of the Jester

Farrah Wakefield once again found herself alone, in the darkness of her cell. The RAVEN girls held their stun prods on her from the time they had left the bridge, to here. Farrah was deep in her thoughts, 'What's going to happen to us? What's going to happened to my poor father?' Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Hmm..." a low voice came from somewhere inside the cell, startling Farrah. "What's the matter little girl?" A figure emerged from the darkness. "Who the Hell are you? How did you get in here?" Farrah demanded. "Don't you remember me?' the figure asked, stepping closer to Farrah. She could see the reptillian-like skin now. "You're that creature thing, from the plane." "Oh, I'm sorry." The Changeling said. "Maybe this appearance will make you more comfortable." The Changeling's features dissolved into the handsome, chisled persona of the bodyguard, Tom Tyson.

"There, is that better?" The Changeling asked in Tyson's voice. "Ugh, you disgust me!" Farrah said, looking away. "You know, before I killed him," the Changeling said, "I did a telepathic scan of Tyson. I copied all of his traits." "All of his traits?" Farrah interrupted, "Tom Tyson was a kind and decent man. You're nothing but a murdering monster!" The Changeling stepped closer to Farrah, "Not only did I absorb his traits, but also all of his memories...his desires." Farrah looked at him without hardly any emotion. "Did you know, Tom desired to have you, Farrah?' the Chandeling asked, as he slowly moved his left hand up the black bodystocking, between her breasts, to finally stroke her right cheek.

Farrah wiggled and flinched, but she knew there was no escape. 'Oh God, he's going to kill me!' "Yesss..." the creature went on in a calm, soothing voice. "He longed to have you as his own. And he wasn't the only one, was he?" Farrah was helpless, She felt the Changeling's hypnotic power wash over her. She couldn't resist. "Yesss, you remember the dinner your family had with the Clintons? The former President also took a liking to you, didn't he?" Farrah was almost completely in his seductive thrall. "Yesss, Tom remembers the way Bill looked at you." He touched his long, serpentine tongue to Farrah's red, moist lips.

"Hey, you're not allowed in here!"a voice shouted, as the cell door opened. The Changeling turned, breaking his hold on Farrah, who with a sigh, fainted. Her head slumped forward. "Poor girl. Tom only wanted a small taste." he said. "Coven doesn't want any harm to come to the prisoners." the RAVEN girl said, "She has plans for them."

RAVEN's large, boomerange shaped shaped aircraft launched from the helicarrier's hanger bay. It circled, and headed south inroute to Peurto Rico, with Senator Wakefield. Coven watched from the viewport of the carrier's bridge, as the aircraft became a tiny speck, and vanished. "Helmsman..." she said, "continue on our present course."

Coven turned to the tall, slender woman behind her. The woman was dressed in a black spandex bodysuit, covering her from head-to-toe. Only small slits on the face revealed eyes underneath. "Warbird, prepare to launch an attack for when we reach our destination." Coven ordered. "As you wish." were the only words Warbird spoke. "Tonight..." Coven announced with evil glee, "...we are going to tear up the town. HA,HA,HA!!!"

"Ohmigosh, I can't believe it!" petite, bubbly, blonde Jennifer Shaw bounced excitedly into the HOOTOWL's dressing room, where Brandy Carson was. "What is it Jenn?" Brandy asked, while tying her long, light brown hair into a ponytail. Brandy was now dressed in her crimefighting attire, which was very similar to her waitress uniform, except a simple "H" replaced the Hootowl's logo on her white tank top. A pair of nude, nylon hose, white socks and sneakers, and a silver utility belt, completed her look.

Jenn, grinning ear-to-ear, produced a white envelope. "I've been chosen to appear in an upcoming issue of Girls 'N Hose magazine!" she said, bouncing up and down, shaking her blonde ponytails, as well as her other assets. "Congradulations, Jenn!" Brandy said, hugging her friend. "I'm so happy for you." "Thanks." Jenn said. "This is so incredible." she continued "Who knows where this might lead. First magazines...then Hollywood." Brandy smiled, truely happy for her friend. "I guess Mother filled you in, on the situation?" she asked. "Yeah." Jenn replied. "Strange how the Senator and his family just disappeared isn't it?" "Yes, we better be ready, if we're needed." Brandy said.

The hanger doors grinded open on the belly of RAVEN's helicarrier. Out of it, poured eleven black objects. Warbird led the way. RAVEN's Lieutenant was now clad in her full battle gear. A gold metallic beak, with red eye lenses covered her face. She wore gold gloves, and almost knee-high metallic gold boots. A gold utility belt hung around her waist, and a gold harness wrapped around her chest and shoulders, to her back, from which two large gold metal wings, allowed Warbird to fly on her own.

Following Warbird, were ten RAVEN girls. Each of them rode atop their recently aquired arial gliders called, RAVEN wings. The slightly v-shaped, gliders, only large enough for one rider, served as attack platforms. This was their first major test. Warbird, and RAVEN flew on into the night toward their target; New York City.

On the rooftop of a large office building, overlooking the streets of Manhatten, the maniacal, skull-faced criminal, known as the Wicked Jester, has captured his prey. He slowly removed the chloroform soaked cloth from the mouth and nose of the unconsciouss HOOTOWL girl. He lifted her limp body over his left shoulder, causing the gold bells on his red and black jester costume to jingle even more. "Now there, honey buns..." he said to the unconscious heroine, as he groped and rubbed her rear end, and her tan pantyhose encased thighs, "...let's go to my place, and play."

The Wicked Jester carried his captive, and opened the door to a stairwell leading to the lower floors of the building. Standing in his way was another HOOTOWL girl. "Stop right there, Jester!" she ordered, pointing her Stinger weapon at the villain. "Ah...another hottie. I don't mind adding you to my collection." Wicked Jester moved toward the heroine. She fired her weapon, sending a jolt of energy into the Wicked Jester's abdomine. He grunted, and fell backwards, dumping the unconscious Hootowl girl onto the ground. Up on one knee, the Wicked Jester shrugged off the effects of the energy bolt.

"Thanks for getting rid of that itch, babe." he said. The heroine didn't notice Wicked Jester reaching into a hidden pouch on his costume. He tossed four colored, marble-sized pellets at her feet. The pellets broke open on contact with the ground, releasing thick clouds of colored smoke. The red, blue, yellow, and black smoke all had the same effect on the young HOOTOWL Girl.

"What the...!" she gasped, and coughed. The gas quickly filled her lungs. She tried to get off another shot from her weapon, but she dropped it, as her whole body went limp. The heroine collapsed to the ground. The Wicked Jester rolled her over onto her back. Her head rolled to the side as her eyes closed, and she lay motionless. The Wicked Jester now had two sleeping beauties at his mercy.

"Enough!" came a voice from behind. The Wicked Jester turned and was met in the forehead by the heel of a white boot. The impact caused the Jester to tumble over backwards, and land face down on the ground. Dazed, he managed to look up, and see a sexy, leggy, vision in white. "Give up, Jester!" shouted the White Owl, leader of New York's division of the HOOTOWLs. "You won't get away this time!" Two more HOOTOWL girls repelled down droplines, from the Owlicopter, silently hovering overhead. They dropped to stand on each side of White Owl, with their Stinger weapons drawn.. "Hey, that hurt!" Wicked Jester screamed, standing to face the three heroines. "Good, it was suppose to hurt!" White Owl's dark, green eyes glared behind her white eye mask.

White Owl was a lovely young woman, standing at 5'6", and very voluptious. Her long brown hair was pulled back behind her ears, and flowed down her back. Her costume consisted of a white, low-cut, sleevless, spandex leotard, with a gray owl insignia across the chest, and white, elbow-length gloves. A red utility belt hung around her waist. White Owl's long, shapely legs were incased in a pair of nude, nylon hose, and white, high-heeled, mid-calf length boots. Lastly, gray, waist-length wings hung down her back.

"Alright, Jester..." White Owl ordered, "...I suggest you put your hands up, and surrender!" The two HOOTOWL girls had their Stingers trained on the Villain. "Surrender?" Wicked Jester asked. "I don't think so!" With that, the Wicked Jester quickly bounced up, using spring-loaded jester shoes. He did two backwards sommersaults, landing on the ledge of the roof, then over the side. The HOOTOWL's fired, but the villain was too quick. The three Heroines ran to the ledge. "See you in the funny papers! HA,HA,HA!!!" the Wicked Jester cackled as he fell. He pulled one of the small gold bells on his costume, causing a red and black parachute to pop open on his back. It slowed his decent, allowing the Wicked Jester to glide safely to the streets below.

"He's getting away!" one of the HOOTOWL girls exclaimed. "You two, tend to our teammates." White Owl ordered, pointing to the two still unconscious heroines. "I'll go after the Jester." Before White Owl could move, the communicator on her utility belt, crackled to life. "White Owl, this is an emergency, come in!" a female voice cried. White Owl quickly raised the device to her mouth. "Yes, what is it?" "The city is under attack. It's RAVEN!" the voice responded. "Looks like the Jester will have to wait for now." White Owl said, frustrated. "Damn it!"

To Be Continued!
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Nice update! Totally worth the wait between chapters. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to reading more. :D
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Nice job hypno! =D> =D> =D> Looks like this story is really taking shape! Looking forward to more! 8)
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Thanks for the kind words guys. Here's a few pics of my visions for 3 of the characters, Hootowl Girl Brandy (this girl is so hot!) 8) , the Wicked Jester, and White Owl. Btw, I've done some minor editing to this. RAVEN's helicarrier puts out an artificial cloud containing chemicals that makes it invisible to radar, I've changed Brandy's hair to better match the pic, I'm going with the 2-piece Hooter style outfits for the girls, and I've altered White Owl's costume to better match the photo-manipulation I did.
HOOTOWL Girl Brandy Carson
make-love-to-me_925.jpg (252.44 KiB) Viewed 24307 times
The Wicked Jester
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White Owl
Image1_edited-1.jpg (175.98 KiB) Viewed 24282 times
You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Deleted double post. #-o.
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Sorry for the long delay, but I've been bogged down with some other things lately. This chapter has been the toughest so far, but I hope you guys like it :roll:.

Prt.4: Clipped Wings

The white and chrome Owlcycle wound it's way through the busy Manhatten streets. It's rider, White Owl was heading into the unknown. The HOOTOWLS; Hi-tech, Oriented, Operative, Teams, of Law enforcement, had been established to handle such threats as this, particularly RAVEN. Mother Owl has faced RAVEN before, but not White Owl. She's only been the leader of New York's division of the HOOTOWLs for a short time. Taking on common criminals, and supervillains such as the Wicked Jester, whom she allowed to escape a short time earlier, was the most action she and her team had faced. RAVEN was different. A well organized, and dangerous group. White Owl knew her duty though. Do whatever it takes to stop them, and save lives.

Tonight the citizens of New York City celebrate the holidays with the "Rockefeller Center Christmas Spectacular". This nationally televised event is being held at the famed Rockefeller Center, with a 75ft Norway Spruce serving as the backdrop. The spectators are revelling in the holiday festivities, and entertainment, being provided by popular recording artists, skaters on the ice rink, and of course, the world famous Radio City Rockettes.

Among the spectators is 18 year old high school student, Penelope "Pene" Parker. She is here, not only enjoying the show, but also to take photos for her school's newspaper. Pene was adjusting the focus on her camera when a flash goes off in her head. "Arachni-sense is going crazy!" She turned to see Warbird leading RAVEN into the Center.The onlookers watched in awe, mesmerized as the RAVEN wings began circling above their heads like buzzards. "Somehow I get the feeling this isn't part of the show." Pene thought as she snapped a photo of one of the RAVEN wings. "Those gliders look very similar to the one that maniac the Wicked Jester used in our previous encounter."

From vents in the bottom of three of the RAVEN wings, gas is sprayed like a crop duster into the unsuspecting crowd.Those who could flee did, and the others collapsed to the ground. "Some kind of...sleep gas!" Pene said to herself as she ran, escaping the fumes. She raced into a dark alley, removing her dark green sweater to reveal a low-cut, red leotard, with a large, black spider emblem on the front, and a sheer black bodystocking underneath. "Looks like it's going to be a long night."

Streaking through the cold night sky toward Rockefeller Center is New York City's favorite superheroine, Lightning Girl. She stops in mid-air, her short, yellow cape fluttering in the wind. "Looks like RAVEN's playing with their new toys." She said to herself, referring to the RAVEN wings. Lightning Girl has faced RAVEN before, most recently down in Puerto Rico. She's made quiet an enemy of their leader, Coven."I gotta try and stop them!" Lightning Girl flies on, picking up speed as she enters the plaza.

Choosing her target, Lightning Girl raises her right hand back, and hurls a lightning bolt. The energy bolt strikes one of the RAVEN wings, causing it to short out. "What the?..." the RAVEN girl fell toward the ground, but is caught by the speedy Lightning Girl. The heroine sent just enough electricity into the girl's body to stun her into unconsciousness, then gently let her limp body drop to the ground. The heroine soared back up into the night sky. "Looks like one of New York City's do-gooders is trying to interfere." Warbird said. "Stop her!"

Lightning Girl was ready to strike at another target when one of the RAVEN girls flew her glider above the heroine's head, releasing the sleeping gas into her face. Growing weak, Lightning Girl plummeted toward the ground. At this great height, she wouldn't survive the fall. Her immenent demise was suddenly halted about six feet from the ground. Groggy, Lightning Girl managed to look around to find a large spider web attached to her rear-end. She followed the length of the web up to a street light, on which Arachnigirl was perched."Some superheroine you are." the red and black clad heroine arrogantly remarked. Lightning Girl didn't get the chance to respond. A razor sharp blade sliced through the web, sending her face down onto the ground, where she lay motionless.

Warebird flung more blades from her wings at Arachnigirl. Fortunately, her enhanced senses, and agility allowed her to avoid being hit. "Ha,ha...you missed!" Arachnigirl landed and released webbing from her wrists. The sticky webs wrapped around Warbird, entangling her. "You think your puny toys can stop me?" Warbird used the strength of her metal wings to snap free from the webbing, and launched another volly of the blades at Arachnigirl. Again the young heroine used her gymnast-like moves to dodge them. She leapt into the air, firing her webbing. She began swinging from building to building. "Get after her!" Warbird ordered. Two RAVEN girls began their pursuit. While the others continued to wreck and destroy anything they could. Warbird caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye.

White Owl entered the Rockefeller Plaza, seeing the destruction that RAVEN was causing. Unconscious spectators were lying everywhere. White Owl's eyes met the tall, winged villainess standing in the middle of the street, and gunned her Owlcycle straight toward her. Warbird lifted off the ground, and flew head on for White Owl. The two were locked in a game of chicken.

White Owl came to a quick stop, hopped up on the seat of her bike, and leaped into the air, delivering a kick to Warbird's chest. The impact sent Warbird to the ground, flat on her back, with White Owl standing over her. Swiveling her hips, Warbird used her long legs to deliver a swinging kick to the right, and left side of the heroine's face. Warbird then kicked White Owl in the abdomine, sending her into the air, and crashing onto the hood, and windshield of a parked taxi. Warbird rose to her feet, and stalked White Owl, whom she could tell was unconscious.

Meanwhile, the two RAVEN girls were pursuing Arachnigirl through an alley, between buildings. They fired their C.A.W.s (collimated, accelerator, weapons) at her, but missed. Arachnigirl swung around the left corner of a building. When the RAVEN girls turned, she was gone. "Where did she go?" one asked. The RAVEN girl looked around to find her teammate gone as well. "What the?..." she was quickly snatched from her RAVEN wing. Without a rider, the craft lost control, and crashed into the street below. "It's amazing what you can catch when you go fishing in this city!" Arachnigirl remarked. "But where is your partner?" She securely tied her captive to a fire escape. "Now, to see if I can stop the rest of you." Arachnigirl started back to Rockefeller Plaza.

"That's it Arachnibabe, you just go on the other way. You and I will have our fun soon enough." the Wicked Jester watched as Arachnigirl swung out of sight. "But for now..." He lowered the RAVEN wing down to the roof. His left hand pressing a chloroform soaked cloth over the nose and mouth of the RAVEN girl. His right arm, stretched upward, along with her's. Both struggeling for control of the C.A.W. weapon. She let out a soft, muffled moan, and lost her grip on the weapon, her arm falling to her side. The Wicked Jester lowered himself to the ground, with the RAVEN girl lying limp on top of him. He lay there, running his hands up and down her. The feel of leotard, and the softness of her black bodystocking, excited the villain.

Standing over the fallen, now semi-conscious White Owl, Warbird reached down, and lifted her up. Holding the heroine up with her left hand, Warbird raised her right hand back, retracting razor sharp talons from the tips of her gloved fingers. She prepared to deliver a fatal blow. "Warbird." called Coven's voice through a transmitter embedded in Warbird's mask. "Do not kill her." Coven instructed, as she watched the carnage on a monitor, aboard the helicarrier. "Bring her to me, alive." "Yes, Coven. It will be done." Warbird responded. "Return to the helicarrier at once. You have done enough damage this evening." Coven ordered. "RAVEN!" Warbird called. "Let's go!" She delivered a blow to White Owl's forehead, knocking her out cold. Warbird easily craddled White Owl in her arms, and lifted off to form up with the rest of RAVEN.

Arachnigirl landed, and observed the scene in the plaza. "Oh man..." one of the spectators began to stir. The young man caught Arachnigirl's attention. "Hey, aren't you?" she asked excitedly. "Yeah, I'm Ryan Seacrest, co-host of this show." he said. "I know I probably shouldn't do this but..." Arachnigirl flung webbing, covering the tv personality's mouth. He gave a muffled protest. "Sorry..." Arachnigirl said,"but I just couldn't resist." "Way to go, Arachnigirl!" another nearby spectator shouted. "About time someone shut that guy up!"

Arachni-sense flashed through Pene's head. She looked up to see RAVEN leaving the plaza, but not before snapping the cables holding up the 75ft Christmas tree. The majestic Norway Spruce began to topple. "Oh dear lord!" Arachnigirl sprang into action, spinning her webbing into the tree, and trying to use her strength to hold it up. "Can't...hold it!" she cried through gritted teeth. The webbing broke, sending the tree crashing to the ground. Arachnigirl fell to her knees in disbelief. "Oh... What did I miss?" Lightning Girl asked, as she groggily staggered to stand next to Arachnigirl. "I, I couldn't hold it. I wasn't strong enough." Arachnigirl said. The two heroines stood there, looking at the massive tree, now lying in the street.

"Look at this place." Michelle Morrison gasped as she black Hummer through Rockefeller Plaza. "RAVEN did a number here all right." Kristen Duvall said. "Stop the Hummer!" she shouted. "Look!" She got out of the vehicle, pointing to the sky. Michelle followed Kristen's finger. "Oh no, they've got White Owl!" The two HOOTOWL girls see RAVEN flying away with Warbird carrying their leader. "We've gotta get after them!" Michelle exclaimed. "No. It's no use." Kristen responded. "Let's at least call in the Owlicopter, Kristen!" Michelle suggested. "They'd never get here in time." Kristen said. "We got here too late."

Farrah Wakefield is once again brought to the bridge of the helicarrier. "Hello again, my dear." Coven greeted her. "I'm not your dear, you bitch!" Farrah growlde, and spit in Coven's face. The villainess merely smiled, and nodded the the RAVEN girl standing next to her. The woman stepped forward, and slapped Farrah with enough force to knock her down onto the deck of the bridge. Farrah looked up dazed, rubbing her left cheek, where she was struck. Coven reached and pulled the RAVEN girl's cowl off, revealing her face. Farrah couldn't believe her eyes. "Mom?" Meredith Wakefield only stood there with an emotionless, blank look on her face. "Mom, what have they done to you?" Farrah asked, tears welling up in her eyes. Coven knelt down to Farrah, "Your mother belongs to me now, child. Just as you do."

Warbird, and two RAVEN girls escorted a weakened and shackled White Owl onto the bridge. "White Owl, just as you requested, Coven." Warbird said. "Ah yes." Coven smiled, walking gracefully to come face-to-face with the captured heroine. "One of Mother Owl's young proteges. Tell me, how is my old adversary?" she asked. "I'm sure you'll find out soon enough for yourself, Coven." White Owl weakly said. Coven turned to one of her RAVEN girls. "I think it is time we formally introduced ourselves to this country."

Mother Owl, Brandy Carson, and Jennifer Shaw stood around a video monitor, speaking with Kristen Duvall in New York City. "We got there too late. I felt it wouldn't have done any good to pursue RAVEN." Kristen explained. "I'm sorry, Mother. I failed both you, and White Owl." "No, you didn't fail anyone, Kristen." Mother Owl said. Just then, Coven's image appeared on another monitor, which was previously showing news reports.

"I am Coven." the villainess addressed the nation, from the HOOTOWL's headquarters, to every home, all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. "And we are RAVEN." Coven continued. "By now, you have no doubt witnessed the chaos we caused in New York City." Mother Owl's attention is averted to the woman standing behind Coven. "Meredith Wakefield. The missing senator's wife." she said. "That was but a small demonstration of our power." Coven continued. "We are capable of much more destruction. I assure you."

"Coven reached, and pulled White Owl into the camera's view. "White Owl!" shouted Kristen. "And what do we have here?" Coven asked. "One of your champions." Coven locked her powerful arms around White Owl's neck, and head, in a sleeperhold type choke. White Owl struggled, but she soon felt the air leave her. Her eyes slowly closed, and her body went limp. "No!" cried Brandy. "She's taunting me." Mother Owl said angrily. Coven easily lifted White Owl's body over her head. "Look out!" A RAVEN girl screamed.

Using the RAVEN wing as a battering ram, the Wicked Jester smashed through one of the bridge's viewports. "HEEERE'S JOHNNY! AH,HA.HA,HA!" He tossed the unconscious RAVEN girl he was carrying into Coven, knocking her down, and causing her to drop White Owl. "Nice pad you have here, Coven!" "Wicked Jester, you fool!" Coven cursed. "Stop him!"

Before anyone could react, the Wicked Jester threw down what appeared to be a small jester head, resembling his own mask. The object emitted a high-pitch, shrieking laughter, causing everyone on the bridge, except for the Wicked Jester, to grab their heads in excruciating pain. "That's the Wicked Jester." Kristen said. "We were pursuing him before RAVEN attacked."

The Wicked Jester flew over to Farrah Wakefield, who was lying in a fetal possition, withering in pain. "Well hello." He lifted her up on to the glider, and hovered back into the camera's view. "Look at what I found!" he said, holding Farrah's face, so she could be seen on the camera. "He's got Wakefield's daughter." Mother Owl said. Warbird managed to fire a blade from one of her wings, destroying the sonic weapon. "Gotta fly!" the Wicked Jester shouted. With Farrah in his clutches, he flew the RAVEN wing through the damaged viewport, away from the helicarrier, and into the night.

Farrah's senses returned somewhat, as she looked into the skull-faced villain. "Oh my God, no! Let me go!" she begged. The Wicked Jester dropped Farrah over the side of the glider, but held tightly onto her right hand, so that she dangled in the air. "You sure you want me to let you go?" he asked. "It's a long way down!" Farrah screamed in terror as she looked down. The Wicked Jester lifted her back up. A white mist sprayed from the finger tips of his left black glove, into the young woman's face. "Now, shut up!" With a sigh, her green eyes rolled back and fluttered shut, as she slipped into unconsciousness. The Wicked Jester hoisted Farrah over his right shoulder, and flew on to where ever he was taking her.


p.s. I hope the appearance by Arachnigirl and Lightning Girl are all right. I kept debating with myself whether to include them, or not. Then I finally decided "what the Hell, go for it". I am planning seperate stories for both of them. So stay tuned.
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You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Definitely OK with me! Awesome update! Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to reading more stories from you soon.
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Definitely OK with me! Awesome update! Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to reading more stories from you soon.
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Nice update, hypno! But whose side is the Wicked Jester on? Nice plot twists and great fight scenes! =D> =D> =D> I understand the delay in posting, believe me! I've been trying to update Capt. Freedom for the longest time! I'll get there soon!

Anyway, really great stuff, hypno! Looking forward to more! 8)
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Great update hypnoform, I really enjoy this story. Loved Arachnigirl can't wait to see her in her own story. If you wouldn't mind hypnoform could you give a description of Lighting Girl's costume, curiois about what she looks like. Thanks :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Sorry 'bout that pzgr6. Hope this helps :) .

Lightning Girl's costume: Dark blue sleevless, low-cut leotard, with a yellow lightning bolt going from her left shoulder, between her breasts, down to her right hip, light yellow tights, dark blue knee-high boots, dark blue elbow-length gloves, and eye mask, short yellow cape.

Thanks for the comments everyone. I'll try to update again soon.
You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Thanks H, can't wait to see more of the story.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Hey, I like the White Owl manip :-D

removing boots, heels and masks - just for the shame of it
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Prt.5: Three Little Heroines...

We go to Condado, on the north central coast of beautiful Peurto Rico. Overlooking the sandy beach, and the Atlantic ocean is the condo of wealthy crimelord, Manuel Ortiz. He sits outside on his patio, relaxing, sipping ouzo, and watching the waves crash against the shore. Ortiz is a Puerto Rican/American man in his mid-40's, with a scarred, hard edged face, and slicked back, black hair. He is a prominant member of the Unified Crimelords. Crimelords from around the globe have joined together to control the world's crime perputrated by super villains, and other costumed criminal types. Manuel Ortiz controls the Caribbean region. Although he has garnered quiet a few enemies over the years, Ortiz has never been convicted of any crime. Some of his enemies have paid the ultimate price for meddling in his affairs.

Two of Ortiz's henchmen drag Senator Ted Wakefield out onto the patio. Each of his arms were draped over the muscular men's shoulders. They were followed closely by two sexy, black clad, RAVEN girls. Ted still wore a bandage on his forehead, and a cast on his broken right leg. "Ah, Senator Wakefield." Ortiz greeted Ted as he stood up, balancing himself on a silver, metal walking cane, "So good of you to join us." "I didn't get much of a choice, Ortiz." Ted remarked. "Put him there." Ortiz said, pointing to a chair. "What are you planning on doing with me, Ortiz?" Ted asked through the pain shooting through his leg. "Kill you, of course." Ortiz answered, limping on his left leg, and taking his own seat, across from the Senator. Ted's face turned white, and he swallowed hard. "Of course, I might consider letting you live, if you cooperate with me." Ortiz offered. "What do you mean?" Ted asked. "I want you to get my brother, Miguel out of prison." said Ortiz. "I can't do that, Ortiz. I won't do that!" Ted exclaimed. "I've told you before, your brother got what he deserved!" Ortiz looked at Ted with disappointment, and shrugged his head. "That is unfortunate, Senator."

One of the RAVEN girls approached Ortiz, carrying what looked like a small laptop. "Mr. Ortiz, Coven wishes to speak with you, at once." she said. She sat the device on the table in front of Ortiz, and opened it. The image of Coven appeared on a tiny screen. "Coven," Ortiz said, "to what do I owe the honor?" "How is your leg, Ortiz?" Coven asked in her Slavic accent. "It's healing nicely. Lightning Girl really stung me good." Ortiz answered, refering to a recent encounter with the blonde heroine. "Yes well, she will be dealt with in time." Coven said. "Right now, I have a bigger problem. That fool, Wicked Jester smashed through the viewport of my helicarrier, and took the Wakefield girl!' The mention of his daughter caught Ted's attention. "The Wicked Jester, huh?" Ortiz asked, "Ha,ha,ha!" "I don't understand what is so damned funny, Ortiz!" Coven growled.

"What's happened to my daughter? Who is this Jester? Where is my wife?!" Ted demanded to know, but no one answered him. "The Wicked Jester is of no concern to me, Coven. I got what I want right here." Ortiz said, nodding toward the Senator. "But, I have to tell you, Coven. You kill the Wicked Jester, and it would upset some friends of mine. They value his services." "Ortiz, it almost sounds like you are threatening me." Coven said. "Not at all. Just some advice." Ortiz responded. "If you kill the Wicked Jester, the crimelords may hold it against me. That would really upset me, Coven."

"I asked you about my family, damn it!" Ted screamed at Ortiz, pounding his fists on the table. Coven and Ortiz ignored him again. "Perhaps it is time for RAVEN to sever it's ties with you, Ortiz." Coven said. "Sever your ties with me?" Ortiz asked. "Coven, you're forgetting it was I who helped you form RAVEN. It was I who saved your life." "Yes, I know." Coven answered, thinking back five years earlier. She was a former pro-wrestling star, turned villainess. She had a confrontation with her arch nemesis Mother Owl, which left her back broken. She required life saving surgery, which Ortiz funded. She had cybernetic implants placed in her back, and in her brain. Wings were grafted onto her back, which she could open and close with a mere thought. Ortiz dubbed her, Coven, and began to help her recruit, and form RAVEN. He aquired their weapons, and technology; such as the RAVEN wing gliders (formaly called the Air Razor), in exchange for Coven's services. "I appreciate everything you have done for me, Ortiz." Coven said. "Just don't threaten me again." With that, the screen went black. The RAVEN girls collected the communications device and left.

Manuel Ortiz grew furious, and overturned the table. He then pushed Ted over onto the concrete patio. Grabbing his metal walking cane, he used it as a weapon, and proceeded to pummel the Senator's already broken leg.Ted screamed until he was nearly unconscious from the pain. "Take this piece of garbage, and lock him up!" Ortiz ordered his men. "Be thankful I'm in no mood to kill you right now, Wakefield!"

Sharon Maddox (aka: Mother Owl), arrived at the HOOTOWL's hq in New York City, the morning after RAVEN's attack. News reports had said that fortunatly there were no fatalities, and only minor injuries among RAVEN's victims. Sharon wasn't so sure about that. She still didn't know whether White Owl was dead or alive.

Sharon was an attractive, well built, statuesque woman in her low to mid-30's. She wore a lavender colored blouse, tucked into a pair of tight blue jeans. Her long brunette hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her black, leather boots clicked on the concrete floor, as she made her way over to Kristen Duvall, who was watching the President of the United States, answer questions from reporters on a tv monitor. "Hello, Kristen." she said. "Mother." Kristen greeted her. "It's been a while since you've been in our hq here." Sharon was comfortable with the fact that her collegues knew her true identity. Trust was the most important thing to her, and she trusted them all with her life. "Yes, it has." Sharon said. "I wish it were under better circumstances." "So do I." Kristen responded.

"What is this all about?" Sharon asked, pointing to the monitor. "Nothing special." spoke up "Mousey" Marcy Green, sitting in front of the monitor. "He's giving his same old "We do not negociate with terrorists; we got them on the run" speech. We can't depend on Junior there to do anything." The HOOTOWL's young computer wiz had earned the nickname "Mousey", due to her small, geeky appearance. Barely over 5ft tall, with short, red hair, and pouty, shiny, bright red lips, Marcy was still an attractive young woman. Her pretty, light green eyes sparkled through thick, red framed glasses. Her uniform differed from the other HOOTOWL girls, as she wore a black tank top with the orange "H", and orange, footed tights, instead of the normal shorts. Sharon gave a slight grin. She always enjoyed Marcy's humor when she was around her. "No, we can't." she agreed. "We have to find the Wakefield girl ourselves. I spoke with the superheroine called, Lightning Girl before I came here. She gave me some information that might help us."She turned to Kristen, "Don't worry, we'll find her." Sharon said, referring to the unknown fate of White Owl. Kristen looked her in the eyes, "But, will we find her alive?"

Cornhusk, Nebraska, population less than 2000, is a typical , small, mid-western community. On the outskirts of the town is old Patterson's field. Patterson's field was once home to the yearly carnival. Families, and teenagers gathered here on weekends to enjoy the rides, food, and if the teenager was lucky enough, find love. Now the carnival is no more. Rusted rides, and run down buildings still liter the grounds. One of the buildings however, is still being occupied by the villainous, Wicked Jester. Unknown to many, he makes his lair within the very same funhouse, which he use to operate as Claude Bennet, back in the days of the carnival.

Consciousness slowly returned to Farrah Wakefield. As her eyes fluttered open, and her senses returned, Farrah discovered that she was securely tied to a wooden chair. The room she was in was dimly lit, but she could see that she was surrounded by other women. They were dressed in various superheroine costumes. Some Farrah recognized, such as Wonder Woman, and Supergirl, but others were unfamiliar to her. Wonder Woman's hands were bound by her own lasso, stretched above her head, and tied to a beam above. Supergirl lay on what appeared to be a dentist's chair. A green, glowing substance speckled her costume, and face. The other heroines were either tied up, and or lying unconscious by various means. "What the Hell is this?" Farrah moaned to herself.

"Glad you're finally awake, honey buns." the Wicked Jester's voice said. Farrah looked around in fear, but couldn't locate her abductor. "How do you like my Hall of Defeated Superheroines?" he asked. "Relax, they're only wax figures. Figures of some of the superhotties I've had the pleasure of playing with." "But, I'm no superheroine. Why did you bring me here?" Farrah asked. "Your pretty face has been all over the tv ever since you and your family disappeared." the Wicked Jester answered. "Me finding you with RAVEN was just a coincidence. And, I really like sticking it to Coven."

"Are you going to kill me?" Farrah asked, trembling. "Kill you? No, killing isn't my style, babe." the villain answered. "you're worth a lot, to a lot of people, but I wanna have some fun with you. I'm gonna turn you into a superheroine, and play with you." Farrah couldn't believe her ears. "What? You're going to do what?" The Wicked Jester gave a small laugh. "We'll have so much fun!" Farrah shook her head. "You're going to use me, to play out some, sick, twisted fantasy?" "AH,HA,HA,HA!" Farrah heard the loud, evil laughter behind her, and felt a damp cloth go up over her nose, and mouth. "Mmphh..." she struggled, and moaned as she breathed in the chloroform. Farrah's world once again faded into darkness.

:x I'm trying to post the entire chapter, but a storm is brewing where I live, so I'll have to post the rest tomorrow. Sorry.
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Prt.5: Three Little Heroines...(continued)

"May I speak with you, Sharon?" Kristin asked, entering the office of the Hootowl's sports bar. "Sure Kristen." Sharon answered, sitting behind a desk. She had changed from her street clothes, to the standard white, and orange Hootowl waitress uniform to put in a few hours of work in the bar. "You personally have a history with Coven, don't you?" Kristen inquired. "I mean, before the HOOTOWLS and RAVEN." Sharon wasn't suprized at all by the question. A lot of her teammates knew of her past. "Yes, we do actually." she said, and gestured for Kristen to sit down.

"Coven and I were once close friends." Sharon explained. "Coven's real name is Kamila Antonov. Five years ago, she and I were the Global Wrestling Federation's (G.W.F.) first ever female tag-team champions." "Yes, I followed pro-wrestling a little bit. You were called the Power Sisters." Kristen said.

"We were a great team, and good friends." Sharon paused for a moment, then continued. "Then, something, unscripted happened. Kamila went bad. Someone within the G.W.F. organization corrupted her, and had her brainwashed, to use as a puppet. She turned on me, and became a criminal. I took on the guise of Owl Woman, to investigate the wrestling organization. Kamila and I had a confrontation, and she fell. I thought she had died." "But, she returned as Coven, the leader of RAVEN." Kristen finished for Sharon. "And I went on to become Mother Owl, and formed the HOOTOWLs." Sharon said. "Coven won't stop, until one of us is dead."

Farrah woke up, lying on the padded floor of the moonwalk room of the funhouse. She groggily sat up. Her eyes grew big with suprize as she looked down at herself. Farrah quickly stood up on rubbery legs. "Oh..." she groaned, trying to shake off the effects of the chloroform. she got a better look at the new outfit she was wearing. The black bodystocking RAVEN had dressed her in, had been replaced. Farrah now wore a sleevless, high-cut, red leotard, with an orange flame insignia on the chest, matching red, elbow-length gloves, and calf-high boots, and a red eye mask. Her long, shapely legs were encased in a pair of shiny, tan pantyhose. The costume hugged, and conformed to every curve of Farrah's body. The thoughts of the Wicked Jester undressing her made Farrah uneasy, and she felt violated. On the other hand, she kinda liked the feel of the costume against her skin. She was use to wearing leotards to ballet classes, and recitals, and she always loved the feel of a pair of nylons on her legs. Still, it didn't make up for this villain putting his hands, and who knows what else, all over her body.

"Do you like your costume?" the Wicked Jester's voice asked. Farrah looked around the room, but the villain was nowhere in sight. "I designed it myself." "Where are you?" Farrah demanded. "Why don't you show yourself? Why do you keep hiding, coward?!" "Let's see..." the villain continued. "What to call you? How about... Hot Stuff?" he suggested. "Yesss... I like that. It suits you."

"Hot Stuff? That is the most ridiculous name I have ever heard!" Farrah exclaimed. She was still frightened, but she also felt an anger welling up inside her. "Wicked Jester!" Farrah shouted, "You want me... come and get me!" The villain gave an evil laugh, "You got spunk, I'll give you that." "Come on, I'll show you that I'm not some helpless little girl!" she growled.

"Eww, I guess this is the place, huh?" Jennifer Shaw said, as Brandy Carson brought the black jeep she was driving to a stop. The two young women looked out across the old carnival grounds, to the rundown funhouse. "Yep." Brandy answered. "The info Lightning Girl gave Mother says that this Wicked Jester character is in there." They got out of the jeep, and put on their gear: silver, metallic, utility belts, and headsets, which contain night vision, a HUD (heads up display), and communications capabilities. "Are you ready?" Brandy asked her partner. "No, not really." Jenn answered. "This place gives me the creeps. Like something out of a horror movie. But, if we got to, let's get going."

The two HOOTOWL girls quietly approached a door to enter the funhouse. Brandy nervously looked at Jenn and nodded. She turned the knob slowly opening the squeaky door, and they entered the darkened building. Both Brandy and Jenn activated the night vision lenses on their headsets, and drew their Stinger weapons. They made their way down a long hallway. "Which door do we choose?" whispered Jenn. Brandy shook her head, "Doesn't matter, I guess." She chose the door closest, and started to open it. The floor beneath their feet suddenly fell away, swallowing the two heroines.

"Well Jester, what are you waiting for?" Farrah asked. "I'm right here!" She then heard screaming from behind the far wall. The screaming grew louder, and closer. A small door opened in the wall, and Brandy and Jenn tumbled through it. They bounced on the padded flooring, and landed next to Farrah. "Who the Hell are you two?" Farrah asked. "Would you believe, we're here to rescue you?" Brandy answered.

"Well well, what do we have here? Welcome to my funhouse ladies." the Wicked Jester said. "This changes everything." Jenn looked at Farrah puzzled. "What are you wearing?" "He dressed me in this costume, to play some sick game with me." Jenn looked at her, even more puzzled. "What?" "Here." Brandy said, handing Jenn her Stinger. From vents in the walls, gas seeps into the room. "Oh no...not again!' Farrah cried. "Three little heroines, all in a row..." the Wicked Jester started. "...Three little heroines, soon to be lying in a heep." The women coughed, and dropped to to padded floor, awkwardly landing on top of one another. Brandy, Jenn, and Farrah each sighed as they slipped into unconsciousness. "...Three little heroines, are now sound asleep. AH,HA,HA,HA!"

To Be Continued!

The GWF is something I created a long time ago. It's kinda cross between GLOW, WWE, and the Justice League. I'll try to share some of my wrestlers with you all soon.
Last edited by hypnoform 17 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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This is really turning out to be an exciting story! Totally worth the wait between chapters. I like your story-telling style and attention to details. Keep up the great work. I hope the next update's coming soon.
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VERY exciting update! I can't wait to read more!
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Nice update Hypno! Been wondering when we'd see more of this one! Nice background on Mother Owl and Coven, too! Really looking forward to the next installment! 8)
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Indeed great update hypno! Loved Farrah and her would be resucers.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been dealing with some personal issues lately. I'm gonna get back to this story real soon. One of my New Year's resolutions is to actually finish this.
You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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Hey Hypno, sorry to here about your troubles. Hope things get better for ya. Deffiently don't feel rushed to get your story up. Besides all good things come to those who wait, take care.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Well, after a long hiatus, I finally made it back. Sorry for the long absense. There's been some things going on in my life that I've had to deal with, and it took me away from this story, and the sight. Everything is fine now. It's good to be back.

Prt.7 Peril In the Funhouse

Time passes, and Brandy Carson's eyes slowly begin to open. It felt as is she were floating. But as she regained her senses, Brandy realized she wasn't floating at all. She found herself strapped to a large Wheel of Death, and was surrounded on all sides by an array of colorful balloons. she looked down and noticed that her utility belt was gone. Her eyes shifted to the figure standing in front of her.

"Wakey wakey, beautiful." the Wicked Jester said. "What is this, Jester?" Brandy asked. "Time for the fun to begin." the villain answered, chuckling. "I've invited a friend along for this." He stepped aside, and introduced the man behind him. "This is John Hogan," the Wicked Jester said "He's a very skilled knife thrower. He's gonna attempt to pop all of those balloons around you." "Hello there." Hogan greeted Brandy in a thick Austrailian accent. Hogan wore a white, long sleeve, button up shirt, black trousers, and a black bandana on his bald head. He twirled a very long, and very sharp looking knife in his right hand. "No!..." Brandy squirmed with fear. The Wicked Jester activated a remote he carried. The Wheel of Death began spinning faster, and faster. "I'll now leave the two of you to your fun." he said, and darted out of the room. "Now, you just relax, hon." Hogan said, lowering the bandana over his eyes, blindfolding himself. "This will be over very soon." Brandy struggled to get free, just as the knife struck a red balloon, just inches from her right side. Hogan drew a second blade.

The Wicked Jester entered an adjacent room, and approached a wooden table on which Jennifer Shaw lay, tied down. The villain stood over the young heroine, who was still sleeping soundly. He watched Jenn, almost mesmerized by her chest slowly rising up, and down as she breathed. He moved his right gloved hand over her nylon hosed legs. The touch of his hand made Jenn awaken with a jerk. "Wha...where...am I?" she asked still groggy. "Shh..." the Wicked Jester whispered in a calm, soothing voice, as he continued to stroke Jenn's right thigh. "Don't be alarmed. It will all be over in no time." "What are you talking about, you sick freak?" she asked, struggling against the ropes holding her down. "Sick freak?" he replied. The Wicked Jester pointed up. "Look up there. Do you see that?" Jenn followed his finger, and looked in terror. "Oh my God!" she sees a large pendulum swinging from the ceiling high above. She also notices that the bottom of the pendulum is a sharp blade. With each sweep, the pendulum swings lower. "When the blade gets close enough, it will slice you in half." the Wicked Jester explained, laughing with great delight. "Then, I'm gonna take what's left of your friend, and make a sandwhich, using you for bread!" Jenn felt tears rolling down her temples. "You're insane!" ashe screamed. "AH, HA, HA, HA!" The Wicked Jester left, leaving the young woman to her impending doom.

Another knife struck a green balloon just above Brandy's head. Hogan was toying with her, she realized that. When would he stop toying, and finish her, she wondered. Brandy was getting really nauscious from the spinning around so much. She worked to loosen the ropes that had her tied to the wheel. A knife struck a white balloon near Brandy's right wrist. She began struggling to reach the blade.

Farrah Wakefield dangled limply in the Wicked Jester's arms as he lowered her into the gongola. He then took his own seat next to her. Farrah woke to find her wrists bound behind her back. "What are you going to do to me?" she asked nervously. "Hello, sweetheart." the Wicked Jester said happily, putting his arm around her. "We're going to take a little trip through the tunnel-of-love." The gondola began moving slowly down the stream, winding it's way into a barely lit tunnel.

"No, this can't happen to me." Jenn cried. "This isn't suppose to happen." The pendulum swung lower, and lower, getting dangerously close to the blonde heroine. "I'm suppose to appear in a magazine, and become famous." She once again tried to get herself free, but the Wicked Jester had done a thorough job of tying her down.

Brandy's fingertips stretched until they felt the cold steel of the knife's handle. 'Yes!' she thought, pulling the blade from the wheel. Just then, another knife struck the wheel, close to Brandy's inner right thigh, and a little too close to her private area. She turned the knife in her hand very carefully, and sliced through the rope that bound her right wrist, freeing her arm. The constant spinning was making Brandy very nauscious. She felt like she was about to pass out. Brandy now reached down for the rope that bound her right ankle. She strained, and strained, but her body gave out. The knife slipped from her hand, and clanged on the floor, as she lost consciousness.

On hearing the noise, Hogan lifted his blindfold to see Brandy hanging limply from the wheel. Using the remote, he shut off the wheel. Once it stopped spinning, Hogan took Brandy down and lay her gently on the floor. "You don't look so good, love." he said, examining her. Hogan's nose met Brandy's right knee. "Ahh!" the blow sent the knife thrower reeling backwards. The heel of her right sneaker caught Hogan in the chest. He tumbled back and fell. Brandy lept to her feet. She was still, dizzy, and staggered about, but was coherant enough to see Hogan charging at her with a knife in his hand. Brandy managed to block his attack, and execute a judo throw, sending Hogan crashing into the Wheel of Death. He slumped to the floor, and lay still. "Looks like the Wicked Jester needs to find better allies." Brandy said, as she tied him up using pieces of the rope that had her bound to the wheel. "Help!" a familiar scream came from the nearby room. "Jenn!"

Brandy grabbed one of Hogan's knives, and ran into the room, where she saw her friend about to be sliced in half. "Jenn!" She raced to Jenn's side, and began cutting her free. "Brandy, please hurry!" Jenn cried. Brandy cut her free from the ropes, and pulled her off the table just as the sharp pendulum struck. "You alright?" Brandy asked. "Yeah," Jenn answered, trying to catch her breath. "thanks to you." Brandy helped her to her feet. "Jester's taken Farrah." she said. "Let's find our utility belts, and try to stop him."

The gondola drifted through the tunnel. The Wicked Jester still had his arm around Farrah, and was holding her close to him. 'Is this nightmare ever going to end?' she thought. First she and her parents were kidnaped by RAVEN. Her father is taken away to meet with his bitter enemy in Puerto Rico, and her mother is brainwashed into being a mindless drone to serve RAVEN's leader, Coven, now this. Farrah had been whisked away from RAVEN by this maniac. Who knows what he intended to do to her. Farrah knew she had to somehow get away from here.

"Here they are." Jenn announced, locating the utility belts in the very room where they were first captured by the Wicked Jester. "Now..." Brandy started, fastening the silver belt around her waist, "...let's find the Jester, and Miss. Wakefield."

"Ugh..." Farrah gasped with disgust, as the Wicked Jester's tongue licked her right cheek. "You make me sick!" she said, squirming. "Now, now..." the villain calmly said to her, "...you'll get use to me." The gondola rounded a left corner of the tunnel, and headed back upstream. Farrah's hands were bound behind her back, but she had to do something. Not wasting any more time, and feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline, Farrah lunged at the Wicked Jester. Her right shoulder plowed into his chest, with just enough force to send his flailing backwards. Farrah managed to stand up, and deliver a kick to the left jaw of the Wicked Jester's masked covered face. The villain was dazed, which allowed Farrah enough time to leap from the gondola. She fell, and splashed in the shallow stream, soaking the red leotard, and the tan pantyhose she was wearing. Farrah rose to her feet, and took off running, just as the Wicked Jester regained his senses. "Oh...this is gonna be so much fun." he said with a cackling laugh. "I love to play!"

With their Stingers drawn, Brandy and Jenn walkied slowly, and carefully down a long hallway. Three doors lined each of the walls, and one door at the end of the hall. "We have to be very careful." Jenn said, "The Jester probably has these rooms loaded with traps, waiting for us." Brandy nodded in agreement as she turned the knob of the first door on the right wall. She slowly opened the door, and they both entered into a dark room. Jenn took a small flashlight from her utility belt, and scanned the room with it. "Nothing." Jenn complained. The room was completely empty. The door suddenly slammed shut, causibg the the young heroines to spin around. Jenn grabbed the door knob, "Ahhh!!!..." and was jolted with volts of electricity. She felt her world grow dark, and with a soft sigh, slumped to the floor. "Jenn!" Brandy knelt down and examined her friend. Good, she seemed to be ok. The lights in the room came on, as she rose to her feet. "Huh?" Brandy found herself unable to move. She gasped as she looked down, "Quicksand?!" Brandy struggled to move, but she was sinking deeper, and deeper into the trap.

"You can't run forever, little girl!" the Wicked Jester taunted Farrah, as he guided the gondola up the stream. Although slow, this is what the Wicked Jester likes. The thrill of the chase, and the eventual capture. Farrah, Brandy, and Jenn are nothing more than toys to him. Playthings for his own twisted amusement. "My funhouse is full of surprises!" Soaking wet, tired, and hungry; by the sounds of her growling stomach, Farrah found the door out of the tunnel, and entered back into the funhouse. She didn't have a clue about which way to go to get out of this place. She was unconscious when the Wicked Jester brought her here. Farrah knew she couldn't go back the way she just came, that's for sure. She didn't know how close the villain was behind her.

The quicksand had by now engulfed Brandy up to her waist, and poor Jenn was completely submerged. Tears trickled down Brandy's cheeks. 'She can't breath under there. She'll die, if she isn't dead already', she thought. Then to her disbelief and amazment, Jenn's blonde head popped out of the quicksand, bringing a big smile to Brandy's face. "Jenn!" she exclaimed. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine. "Jenn answered, looking curiously at her friend. "Are you alright, Brandy?" she asked the same of her teammate. "Alright?" Brandy was beginning to have difficulty breathing, as the quicksand pressed against her chest, and lower neck, "Jenn, we've got to get out of this quicksand!" Jenn looked at her confused, "Quicksand...what quicksand?" Jenn watched Brandy sitting in an odd position on her knees, unable to move. "This isn't...the time...to make jokes...Jenn!" Brandy felt the air leaving her, She was beginning to see dark spots form in her vision. Jenn grabbed Brandy's left hand, and pulled her up. "Brandy, there is no quicksand." she said. "It's all in your head." Brandy shook her head, coughing. She could still see the quicksand, and feel it pulling her down, but she held onto Jenn's hand. Jenn took her Stinger from it's holster, and fired three rounds into the electrified door, shortening it out. Reholstering her weapon, Jenn opened the door, and pulled Brandy out of the room, and into the hallway.

Brandy became very lightheaded, and nearly fainted, but remained conscious, only dropping to her knees. "Wha...what happened?" she asked, relieved to feel her breathing returning to normal. "I don't know." Jenn answered. "Something in that room had you hypnotized I guess. Making you think you were sinking in quicksand."

Brandy and Jenn both heard a scream, and looked to see Farrah running toward them. Farrah stopped when she reached to two heroines. "You two." she said. "Miss. Wakefield, are you alright?" Jenn asked. "No, I'm not!" she answered sarcastically. "I'm tired, wet, and starving!" Farrah took off running down the hall. "Wait!" Brandy shouted. The cackling laughter sent the two HOOTOWL girls reaching for their weapons. "The two of you are very clever." the Wicked Jester said to Brandy and Jenn, as he entered the hall. "You've escaped all of my traps so far. But now, it's my turn to play with you some more." he started to move forward, and was hit by jolts of energy from the Stingers. The two young women continued to fire until the Wicked Jester collapsed to the floor, quivering. "Playtime is over." Brandy said."

Farrah opened the exit door, and ran from the funhouse, as fast as she could, not looking back. The hard ground was riugh on her stockinged feet, but it didn't matter to her. She had to get away from this nightmare. Farrah found what she could tell was the entrance to the carnival grounds,
and ran for her life. Taking a right, she entered the forrest thinking, 'if the Jester is following me, maybe I can lose him in here'.

Back inside the funhouse, the two HOOTOWL girls had the Wicked Jester captured. The villain lay on his right side, paralyzed from the repeated rounds from the Stingers. Jenn cuffed him, while Brandy was communicating with Mother Owl. "Yes, we have both him, and his accomplice. They're not going anywhere."

"Good work, Brandy." Mother Owl congradulated her from the cockpit of her speedy mini-jet. "The local authorities will be there soon to take them into custody. "Mother, Farrah Wakefiel ran away." Brandy said with dissapointment. "I see." the leader of the HOOTOWLS responded. "I'm in route to your location, Brandy. Mother out." the communications ended. Brandy looked at Jenn and shook her head. "This is not good."

"Certainly not good for the two of you." a woman's voice said from behind. Jenn and Brandy turned to see a black cloaked figure standing before them. "Who the Hell are you?" Jenn demanded to know. The women drew their weapons, and opointed them at the newcomer. "Who I am, isn't important." she removed a crystal pendant from around her neck, and helt it in front of the young women's faces. "Look at the pretty crystal, and feel your eyes growing heavy." her voice became calm, and soothing. :What are you doing?" Brandy asked. "The both of you feel so...so sleepy." the woman continued. The women slowly lowered their weapons. "Close your eyes, and fall into a deep...deep sleep." Brandy and Jenn's eyes closed, their heads slumped forward, and they both slid down to the floor, and lay motionless, in a deep sleep. Just as the woman had commanded them.

"Good work, whoever you are." the Wicked Jester said, managing to sit up. "Thank you." the cloaked woman looked at the villain. "Save your thanks for later. I'm getting you out of here." "Oh, you are?" the Wicked Jester said laughing. "The keys to these cuffs are in the front right pouch of the blonde's utility belt, next to her buckle." The woman searched, and found the key. She quickly freed the Wicked Jester's hands. "Follow me." she said. He did as she said, and followed her out of the funhouse.

"Whoa, nice ride!" the Wicked Jester was most impressed with the pink 1959 Cadillac convertible sitting outside the funhouse. "Thanks. The color does suit me." the woman said, removing the cloak, and revealing a very attractive young woman in her early 20's. "By the way, you may call me Persuasion." she formally introduced herself. The Wicked Jester wqas indeed mesmerized by this young, brown eyed beauty. She was a mixture of punk, and pure sex appeal. Persuasion had straight, shoulder length, pink hair, and neon pinl lipstick made her lips look pouty. Persuasion wore a pink, and plaid top over a lacey, black bra, which showed off her ample cleavage, and a pink, pleated, schoolgirl style mini skirt, that matched her top. She wore elbow-length, neon pink, fingerless gloves. Persuasion's long, shapely legs were encased in neon pink stockings, and she wore ankle-length, punk style boots on her feet. "Well, are you just gonna stand there, and gawk at me?" Persuasion asked. The Wicked Jester didn't say anything, and got into the passenger seat of the car. Persuasion started the car, and drove away from the funhouse. The Wicked Jester only looked at her, smiling behind his skull-faced mask. Twisted, evil thoughts were racing through his mind at this very moment.

Farrah made her way out of the forrest, and found herself standing next to a dark highway. She was so tired, and weak from running. Her feet had cuts, and bruises on them from her journey through the forrest. Farrah looked around, and saw headlights moving toward her. Farrah waved her arms in the air, but the vehicle never slowed down. "No, please!" she cried, as the old red pickup truck drove on by. Exhausted, Farrah's legs, and feet gave out. She collapsed to the ground. The last thing she saw before passing out was the break lights of the truck.

To be Continued!

This is the end of the Wicked Jester, and Persuasion's story. It'll continue later. RAVEN will return in the next chapter. I'm gonna dedicate myself to finishing this
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Hypno! Good to see you back, my friend! I missed your updates on this one! I'm also glad that your personal situations have been worked out as well. I'm looking forward to this one getting finished as well! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Glad to have you back Hypnoform. If you ever have time pop into the chat. Excellent update to the story, wondering who Farah has run into now. All I know if her luck in the story hasn't been on her side. Whoever is stopping it can't be good.

Once again, welcome back :-D
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Prt.8: Disorderly Conduct
"What...happened?" Brandy Carson groggily asked, opening her eyes. "I was hoping you could tell me." Mother Owl answered, helping Brandy to her feet. "How long have we been unconscious?" inquired Brandy. "About four hours." said Mother Owl. "There was this strange woman, and our minds just went blank." Jennifer Shaw said. Brandy looked around the room of the funhouse, "The Jester, what happened to him?" "He escaped, unfortunatly." Mother Owl replied, "The local police have taken his accomplice, John Hogan into custody." Brandy nodded, "Ah, yes. the knife thrower." "It looks like this woman hypnotized you both." the leader of the HOOTOWLS said, "Then helped the Wicked Jester to escape. On top of that, Farrah Wakefield has run away." "We have to find her." Jenn said. "Yeah, if the Jester hasn't found her already." Brandy added. "I'm sure RAVEN is searching for her as well." Mother Owl commented, "Coven isn't one to let a villain like the Jester get the better of her."

At that moment, aboard RAVEN's helicarrier, Coven sat in a dimly lit chamber. This private chamber served as a place for RAVEN's leader to relax, and have free time for herself. She sat in a luxurious chair made from the hide of a black panther. Coven had removed the cowl from her face, and changed from her normal black unitard, and into an elegant, black dress. The sleevless, backless, and plunging neckline showed that Coven was indeed a well built, attractive, and very sexy woman. She sat with her long, muscular legs crossed, which were now encased in a pair of nude, silky, smooth stockings.

Coven brought a glass half full of red wine to her black lips, and took a sip. "It's good to see you finally awake." she spoke to Meredith Wakefield, who sat across from Coven. Meredith wasn't shackled or anything. She didn't need to be. Meredith was no longer under the hypnotic trance, but the drugs injected into her, prevented her from doing much of anything. "Why...are you....doing this?" she weakly asked, bearly able to raise her head. "I thought you, and I could take a few moments to...have a little chat." Coven replied. "I have you brought out from under the hypnosis, and mind altering drugs so that you could respond more, freely." Meredith felt her head fall back against the chair she sat in. She looked into Coven's cold, dark eyes. 'How...thoughtfull...of you." she responded sarcastically, "Where....is my...daughter?" "Unfortunatly, she has been taken from us." Coven answered. "Taken?" asked Meredith. "You were there, Meredith...." said Coven, "...You were in my control, so you were never in any position to protest." Meredith wanted so much to take her hands, and choke to life out of Coven. "You bitch." The leader of RAVEN gave a small laugh. "Your lovely daughter will soon be back in my clutches." she said, taking another sip from her glass, "And you, Meredith, will continue to be my mindless pawn." With that, Coven stretched out her right leg, and foot, until her stocking pressed against Meredith's mouth, and just under her nose. Meredith breathed in a sweet aroma, which flooded her senses, and burned her lungs. In an instant, her head slumped forward as she lost consciousness. The intercom in the chamber crackled to life, "Coven, you're needed on the bridge at once." a RAVEN girl's voice said. "I'm on my way." As she exited the chamber, Coven spoke to a female doctor, and two guards outside the door. "It's time for Mrs. Wakefield to continue her reconditioning."

"We have some breaking news," the CNN news anchor announced, "We're getting word that Farrah Wakefield, the daughter of missing Senator Ted Wakefield, has been found." Mother Owl; now in her alter ego of Sharon Maddox, Jenn, and Brandy, watched the live news feed on a PDA . The three of them have rented rooms at Corn Husk's only motel, to stay in while they search for the senator's daughter, but this news was most unexpected. "The information that we're getting states that Miss. Wakefield was found unconscious on the side of a highway near a small community called Corn Husk, Nebraska overnight." Sharon looked at her two teammates, "This certainly is welcome news."

"This is certainly welcome news." Coven said, watching the report from a monitor on the bridge of the helicarrier. "Miss. Wakefield has been taken to a hospital in Lincoln, Nebraska, where she is being treated for some undisclosed injuries." the news anchor continued to report. "Just as I told her mother, young Miss. Wakefield will soon be back in my hands." Coven said with a evil grin.

"There's no doubt RAVEN is seeing this also." Jenn commented. "We need Farrah Wakefield." Sharon said, "She could help us stop RAVEN." Sharon then nodded, "You're right Jenn. Coven will go after her. We have to get to her first."

Farrah lay in her hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. The room was finally empty. The medical personell ordered everyone out so, she may rest. Guards, and police had been placed outside her room to keep her safe, and to keep any media out. Farrah was sore, and ached. Fortunately she had only minor cuts, and bruises from her journey through the forrest to escape the Jester. The past couple days have been a nightmare, it felt good to be free; and away from both RAVEN, and the Jester. Farrah thought of her parents. 'Will I ever see them again? I maybe free, but they're still in danger.' She closed her eyes, feeling tears streaming down her cheeks, and temples. It didn't take long for her to cry herself into a light sleep.

"It's madness here today, isn't it?" Brandy asked, as she approached the 4th floor hospital's nurse's station . "Yes it is." the nurse at her station looked up. "I don't believe I know you, Miss...", "Oh...I'm Brandy, Brandy Carson." Brandy introduced herself with a smile, "I'm new here. This is actually my first shift." The superheroine was now dressed as a nurse, wearing the usual white uniform, skirt above the knees, white stockings, and shoes. Brandy had her hair pulled back, and tied into a bun. "Pleased to meet you, Brandy." the older nurse said, smiling." I'm Marge, the head nurse on this floor." Brandy took her place at the nurses' station, scoping out the area in the process. Police, and other law enforcment officials were everywhere. 'Getting Miss Wakefield out of here isn't going to be easy,' she thought.

The elevator near the nurses' station opened, and out stepped Sharon, wearing a black pants suit, and doctor's lab coat. She was flanked by Jenn, who was equally dressed in a business-like manor. Brandy smiled slightly as she noticed Jenn tug at the light blue blouse that was tucked into an above the knee length, navy blue skirt. Brandy also noticed the male nurses, and others staring at Jenn's tan stocking covered legs. With Sharon, and Jenn was an older male doctor. She overheard the doctor telling Sharon and Jenn about the hospital. Brandy hoped this would work. Sharon actually had the paperwork, and documents forged showing that she was a new doctor in town, with Jenn as her nurse; and Brandy as a new nurse at the hospital. So far, so good.

The elevator opened once again, and a hospital orderly pushing a cart with food trays exited. Marge looked at the clock on the wall, "5:00 already? No wonder I'm hungry." The orderly pushed the cart on by, and turned it down a hallway, toward the patients' rooms. She moved on past Sharon, Jenn, and the doctor; toward Farrah's heavily guarded room. "Hold it right there." a police officer said. "I'm only taking Miss Wakefield her dinner, officer." the orderly explained. "Just trying to be as safe as possible, ma'am." the officer replied, "I need to inspect her food tray." The orderly removed the tray's covering for the officer. "It's this top one, officer." she said. He took a lid off of a steaming bowl of what looked like chicken noodle soup. The steam from the soup filled senses of the officer, and the others in the hallway . "Wha...what is that stuff?" the officer asked, beginning to feel lightheaded. "Doesn't this soup smell wonderful?" the orderly covered her nose and mouth with a gas mask.
Sharon, Jenn, and the doctor watched as the law officials collapsed to the floor unconscious. "RAVEN!" Sharon, and Jenn shouted in unison. The orderly proceeded to enter Farrah's room.

"Oh, dear lord!" Marge screamed. Brandy looked at the monitor that the older nurse was watching, to see the orderly enter Farrah's room. Not only her, but RAVEN was entering through the window of her room as well. "NO!!!" Farrah exclaimed with fear, "get away from me!" Sharon ducked out of sight into a supply room, while Jenn ran for Farrah's room, rapidly removing her blouse, and skirt to reveal her HOOTOWL costume underneath. "Hey!" the doctor shouted. Brandy ran from the nurse's station toward the danger. "Wait!" Marge cried out, "Where are you going?" The orderly applied a damp chloroform soaked cloth to Farrah's mouth and nose. Stepping over the fallen police, Jenn burst into the room with her Stinger drawn, and fired a round into the orderly's back. The electrical sting caused the woman to release the cloth, and fall back onto the floor barely conscious. "Unngh..." Farrah moaned, the chloroform still in her system, makeing her very sleepy. The RAVEN fired her own weapon. Hissing white gas sprayed across the room and into Jenn's face. The heroine coughed, and managed to get off another shot, but it missed it's target. Jenn instincly put her left hand to her face, to protect herself from the gas, but it was too late. Her legs became like rubber, and she collapsed face down onto the floor with a soft sigh, fading into darkness. The chloroform, and the gas having taken it's toll on her; Farrah's head rolled to the side, and lay still.

"Gah!" The RAVEN girl fell to the floor, twitching from the effects of a Stinger. Brandy entered the room, holding her weapon, which she had been packing on her right thigh, underneath her skirt, just as Jenn had. She's also removed her nurses' uniform, wearing her usual white tank top, and orange shorts. She had left the stockings on, which made her look as if she were wearing a white unitard under the orange shorts. "Jenn!" she called out, but her teammate didn't answer. "Unnghhh..." Brandy sighed, feeling the gas overtake her. She pulls herself back away from the room to get to safety, but the gas was wafting throughout the hall, spreading everywhere.

Sharon, now in her guise as Mother Owl entered back into the hall. "Mother..." Brandy weakly gasped, "...the gas is..." Mother caught Brandy as she started to fall. "Brandy!" she cried. Brandy's eyes rolled back in her head, and her entire body went limp. Mother gently lay her on the floor, and put a gas mask over her own mouth and nose. She headed for Farrah's room. When she entered she saw RAVEN carrying the young woman out the window, and onto a RAVEN Wing glider. Mother paused to check Jenn, who was sleeping peacefully. The HOOTOWL's leader turned her attention to the window, and climbed out onto the ledge.

Mother Owl took a device from her utility belt, and stretched her right arm upward. With the release of compressed air, a cable fired from the device. The cable speedily carried itself upward, and latched onto the ascending RAVEN Wing. Mother was carried upward as well; the cable reeling itself in. When the time was right, the superheroine used the cable, to perform a flip up, and over the glider, to deliver a kick to the unsuspecting RAVEN girl. The girl fell from the glider, letting go of the unconscious Farrah in the process. Mother spread her wings, and glided fast enough to catch Farrah in her muscular arms. She then slowed, and landed gently on the hospital's roof.

Unfortunately, Mother Owl is about to have company. On broad, metal wings, Coven flies up over the roof, to hover, and look down on her enemy. Coven held craddled in her own powerfull arms the falling RAVEN girl. "Hello, my old friend." she called out to Mother . "Yes..." Mother replied, gently laying Farrah on the concrete roof. "...we were once very good friends! Until you started this madness!" Coven gave and evil laugh, "Madness? What you call madness, I call an improvement." Coven looked at the half conscious woman in her arms, and without hesitation; dropped her. The RAVEN girl was conscious enough to scream, as she plumeted to her death below. "She failed me." Coven remarked, "I have no need for those who fail me!" She lowered herself down to the roof to come face-to-face with Mother . "It has been quiet sometime since the two of us were this close to one another." Coven said. "Yes, it has." Mother replied, "You know, I'll do everything in my power to stop you, old friend." Coven's lips turned upward into a cat-like sinister grin, "Oh, I know you will. And you'll fail."

The former pro wrestling team locked up, both struggling to get the upper hand. Coven freed her right hand, and delivered a jab to Mother Owl's left jaw. The superheroine fell backward. Holding onto Coven, and carrying her with her, Mother performed, a monkey flip, but Coven landed safely on her feet. The villainess turned, and felt the heel of a boot connect with her abdomine. "Ooff!!!" Coven stumbled, but kept her balance. That is, until Mother executed a round house kick to the right side of Coven's head, knocking her down. Coven was soon back on her feet, and dove at Mother, plowing right into her, knocking her to the ground. Coven lifted her dazed enemy up, and into a powerful bearhug. "Unnh...!" Mother winced at the pain shooting through her ribs. Not only that, but her air was being cut off as well. It was getting difficult to breath. With Mother in her powerful arms, Coven took off into the cold night sky.

Inside, the hospital's ventilation system has kicked in, drawing the sleep gas out of the hallway. Jenn stirred a little, trying to wake herself up. "Mmmm..." Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Out in the hallway, hospital staff attended to those that felled by the gas. Brandy was no exception. She sat up, still on the floor. The older head nurse Marge tended to her. "It's all right, dear. You're going to be fine." The woman looked at Brandy's outfit, and at the weapon that lay on the floor next to her. "You're not a nurse here, are you Brandy?" Marge asked, "Just who are you?" Brandy didn't answer. She only grabbed her Stinger, stood up, and walked away to the room where Jenn was now beginning to sit up. "Jenn, are you alright?" she asked, kneeling to her friend, and teammate's side. "Yeah..." Jenn groggily answered, "...I will be."

High above the hospital, Coven had her enemy in her tight, python-like grip. "Finding it difficult to breath dear?" she taunted Mother Owl. The heroine was beginning to see black spots form in her vision. She managed to bring her knees up, driving them into Coven's mid-section. The hold on Mother loosened a bit. Summoning all of her strength, she powers out of Coven's arms. Mother opened her wings and glided toward the hospital roof. Coven had the advantage over her though. She could fly, while Mother could not. Coven dove toward her target. Reaching into a pouch on her utility belt, the villainess produced a small, golden talon.

"AHH!!" Mother Owl felt something prick her neck. The sharp pain caused her to loose focus, and caused her to crash onto the roof. Luckily she had slowed her decent, or she could've been seriously injured. Mother reached, and removed the talon from her neck. She was beginning to feel dizzy. 'I've been drugged.' she thought. 'Farrah!', she looked over at the young unconscious woman. "Oh, Mother..." she heard from behind. She turned around to be kicked in the chest by Coven. The impact sent her reeling back. The drugs from the talon were beginning to take their toll on Mother. She grew weak, and tired, collapsing onto her back. "Now, to put you out of your misery." Coven drew her weapon to finish her off.

Two bolts of energy struck Coven in her left thigh, and her right shoulder. "Gah!!" Brandy, and Jenn made their way through an access door used for roof maintenance, firing at her repeatedly with their own. "Get away from her, Coven!" Jenn shouted. One of the bolts hit Coven on her hand, knocking the weapon loose. As powerful as she was, Coven was still human. She dropped to her knees in pain. "Well, well..." Brandy said, smiling, "The mighty leader of RAVEN is about to be captured at last." "What a way to celebrate the holidays, eh?" Jenn remarked. Coven hissed, "I think not, fools!"

"Unngh!!", An energy blast struck Coven, sending her over the roof's edge. The blast came from Mother Owl's own Stinger, set at a higher charge. "Mother!" Brandy knelt at her leader's side. "We've got...to get out Farrah...out of here." Mother weakly said, then slipped into unconsciousness. Coven fell, toward the concrete below, but regained her senses. With a mere thought, her metal wings deployed. She missed the ground, and soared back up, and away to safety. "Damn!" she cursed through gritted teeth. "Look!" Jenn shouted, excitedly pointing top the sky. The Owlicopter approached shinning a spotlight on the roof. "I guess we can all go home." Brandy said smiling.

"Ohh..." Farrah slowly woke, wishing she hadn't. Her head felt like it had a Mack truck sitting on it. She raised up a bit, to see where she was. She was in a small room lying in a bed. It wasn't a hospital. 'Maybe I'm back with RAVEN.' she thought. 'Or maybe the Jester has me again.' "Hello!" Farrah called out, "Is there anyone here?" The door opened, and in stepped Brandy. "Hi, Farrah." she said, "How do you feel?" Farrah was surprised to see the superheroine standing there. "Oh, it's you." she said, sounding disappointed. "Farrah, you're safe here." Brandy assured her, "We're on your side, and want to help you." Farrah lay back in the bed, "You said that before." she said, refering to her trouble at the Jester's funhouse, "That didn't go well, did it?" Brandy frowned at Farrah's comment. "Sorry about that."

"Brandy is right, however..." Mother Owl said entering, "...you are safe here with us." At first Farrah was a bit startled at the sight of this muscular, costumed woman. She soon calmed herself down though. There was something about this person that she knew she could trust. "Thank you." Farrah said, "Whoever you are?" Mother Owl stepped closer to Farrah's bedside. "My name is Mother Owl, and you're with my team the HOOTOWLs." Farrah slightly giggled, "HOOTOWLs? You have to be joking." Mother didn't smile at her remarks, "I assure you, it's not." she said. "I formed this team to confront those like RAVEN." Farrah sat up in the bed. "I see, my father has never mentioned you, or RAVEN." Mother nodded. "That's because he's probably never heard of either one of us." A slight grin formed on Farrah's lips. "You're that secret huh?" "We're not santioned by the government." Brandy commented. Farrah stood up, finding she still wore her hospital gown. "Here, put these on." Mother said, handing Farrah a bundle of clothing. "Could I have some privacy?" Farrah asked. "Certainly." Mother replied. She and Brandy exited the room, leaving the young woman alone.

Withing a few minutes, Farrah emerged from the bedroom, wearing her new outfit. She wore an orange kimono type robe, with a pair of white tights covering her long legs, and black slippers on her feet. Mother Owl approached Farrah, "How do you feel, Farrah?" Miss Wakefield nodded, and smiled, "I'm feeling a lot better." she answered, "I don't know what it is, but I feel safe here. I believe I can trust you." Mother smiled, "That's good to know." Farrah looked around, and found herself in the HOOTOWL's control room. "What exactly is this place?" she asked. "This is our command center. You're in our main headquarters in New York City." explained Mother.

"Farrah, we need your help." Mother Owl said. "My help?" Farrah inquired. "Yes." the leader of the HOOTOWLs responded, "You've been with RAVEN. We need you to tell us all you know about them." Farrah frowned a bit, "Everything that's happened in the last few days, some of it has become just a jumble of images." Mother nodded, "Understandable. You're probably in shock from what's happened to you." Farrah lowered her head, as a sad, empty feeling washed over her. "Farrah..." Mother touched her left shoulder, "...we're going to do everything in our power, to save your parents." Farrah raised her head, and looked into Mother eyes. A new sense of hope stirred in her mind, "Mother Owl, I'll help you any way I can."

To be continued.
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Man, that was action packed, hypno! I had to read it twice to follow everything that happened! I gotta see how this one pans out! Kudos on the sexy chloro on Mrs. Wakefield by Coven's hosed foot! I bet you've been itching to write that one! :-D Please post again soon! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Awsome update Hypno! Loved the action and liberal use of chloro :-D Looking forward to more.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Thanks guys. Here's some images I did of a couple of characters. One is a Hero Machine creation with some not so great editing, but I think it will do; and the other I created using Sims2 pc game.
Being a shape shifter, the Changeling can appear as a male of female.
changeling.JPG (20.35 KiB) Viewed 23498 times
Jennifer Shaw
Jenn.JPG (67.91 KiB) Viewed 23500 times
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Hey hypno!

The render of Jenn is cute! Nice job! The Changeling, well, let's just say I'd hate to meet this character in a dark alley at night! That's scary even for me! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Some more Hero Machine creations. Including Miss Wakefield as she appeared at the end of the latest chapter.
warbird.JPG (80.02 KiB) Viewed 23491 times
MMG copy.jpg
"Mousey" Marcy Green
MMG copy.jpg (74.75 KiB) Viewed 23492 times
Farrah Wakefield
FW.JPG (72.66 KiB) Viewed 23471 times
Persuasion.JPG (74.52 KiB) Viewed 23476 times
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When will be next part this is one of best stories on this site
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Good story.The part were the Raven agent peeled part of the passenger plane off and boarded,then took out the security detail was good.The part were she busts a KO gas bomb in front of the mother/daughter duo,quickly dons a nose/mouth respirator to protect herself from the overpowering gas fumes is very good,the best part!Now that was a slick kidnapping,indeed!
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WOW, no post since Dec 9 of 2007! I never have forgotten this story. I've been dealing with a sick parent, and my own mental stability. I intend to finish this if it's the last thing I ever do. The timeline of events in the story are out of date with the real world but hey, it is fantasy. It may be better to reread the whole thing to get caught up. So now here's the next chapter of my story.

Prt.9: The Rescue Begins
A dark gray 747 military plane flew close enough to the water so that it's cargo ramp skimmed the surface. One-by-one three orange, and black jet skis launched from the aircraft. Once the speeding jet skis were away, the 747 lifted into the night sky over the Atlantic Ocean. Brandy Carson, Michelle Morrison, and Kristen Duvall sped on toward their destination; Condado, Puerto Rico.

At the HOOTOWL's New York command center, as usual was bustling with activity. "Mother..." a young, auburn haired HOOTOWL girl sitting at a communications station, swivled in her seat, "...the operation is underway." Mother Owl nodded, "Good." Farrah Wakefield entered to see HOOTOWL agents working at various computer terminals, seemingly monitoring all corners of the world. "Good morning, Farrah." Mother Owl greeted Farrah, "You look like you're feeling better." Farrah smiled, "I slept like a baby." The young woman felt refreshed after having slept off the effects of the knock out drugs, and gas she endured over the last four days. It has now been almost 24 hours since Mother Owl, and her team rescued her from the clutches of RAVEN.

Farrah noticed the black object sitting on the floor of the command center. "That's one of the air things, RAVEN uses!" The two walked closer to the RAVEN Wing. "Yes it is." Mother replied, "We managed to recover it from the incident at Rockefeller Center." Farrah nodded, "Yeah, I was told about that disaster by some of the other girls here." "Mousy" Marcy Green was examining the small craft. She used a computer linked to the RAVEN Wing to download any information she could. "Have you found anything, Marcy?" Mother asked as she and Farrah approached. "Oh yes I have." Marcy replied excitedly, "This thing has a homing device." Mother didn't like the sound of that, "Meaning it can be traced to here?" Marcy shook her head, "No..." Marcy explained, ",it doesn't work like that. Apparently when one of these things gets lost even without it's rider, the homing device kicks in and automatically returns it to RAVEN's helicarrier." Mother smiled slightly, and nodded. "The device was damaged when Lightning Girl's bolt took it out, but I can fix it." Marcy added. "Good work, Marcy."

"Farrah, you should know that an operation is underway to rescue your father." Mother Owl said. This news widened Farrah's green eyes. "My father?" she was both happy, and angry at the same time, "Why didn't you tell me, Mother. I need to be there with them!" Mother waved a hand at Farrah. She sighed, and looked away disappointed. "What about my mom?" she asked, looking back into Mother's red eye lenses. "The news about the homing device in this glider will greatly help us. We can now plan a mission to rescue her as well." Mother answered, "Plus, the information you provided us with last night will also help to us, Farrah." The young woman smiled, "I was glad to give any info I could." Mother placed her right hand on Farrah's left shoulder, "The mission to rescue your mother, also involves you." Farrah felt her spirits being lifted. Finally, something positive to think about.

The three jet skis came to a stop. "There it is, girls..." Brandy announced, "..."the condo of Manuel Ortiz." Brandy looking at the island looming ahead. The moon shined brightly, providing them with some extra light. "Nice set up." Michelle said, "I wish we were here on vacation, instead of hunting down some ol' crimelord." Brandy smiled, and nodded, "Me too." she said, "Maybe after we finish our task, and stop RAVEN, Mother will let us take some time off." Kristen tugged at the skin tight, orange wet-suit that clung to every curve of her body. "You alright there, Kristen?" Brandy asked. "I'm fine..." she replied, "...this suit is just a little too tight for me is all." The other two girls smiled, "They are a bit snug aren't they?" Brandy agreed, running her left hand over the water-proof, nude colored tights covering her legs. Michelle observed the condo, looking through electronic, nightvision binoculars, "Wait...I see an armed man standing guard up there on the patio." They were glad to be far away from land so as not to be spotted. "The welcoming committee, huh?" asked Kristen. "Alright Ladies..." Brandy said, "...here's where we swim." Kristen, Brandy, and Michelle checked their oxygen tanks, then dove into the ocean. Each of them turned on a head-mounted lamp, to help them see through the dark, murky water.

As the heroines approached the cliff leading up to Ortiz's condo, Brandy signaled for Kristen, and Michelle to split up. Michelle swam to the right toward land, while Kristen continued on around to the left to look for an underwater entrance to the condo. Brandy removed the oxygen tank from her back, letting it sink to the ocean's depths. She quickly surfaced, and made her way onto land, at the base of the cliff. Brandy took a pair of black gloves from a pouch on her utility belt, and put them on her hands. On the palms of the gloves were sharp spikes, which she used to begin quietly scaling up the cliff.

Kristen swam on, and around the cliff's wall, and spotted what she was looking for. Sure enough, an entrance. She sped to a large, round, iron, gate. Kristen used all of her strength to try and open the gate. Yes! she pulled on the gate until it gave, and opened. Kristen swam through the tunnel.

Michelle made her way onto the beach, and up behind a large rock. Looking up, she could see the mansion's patio, and the guard pacing back and fourth. Michelle activated her HUD (heads up display), and drew her Stinger. She quietly scurried over to another large rock, where now she could get a better look. The guard was oblivious to Michelle's presence. She aimed her weapon up at the unsuspecting guard, and waited.

Brandy has reached the edge of the cliff. The condo, and the guard was right above her. She looked down at the dark beach below, and some nasty looking, jagged rocks that were slightly lit by the moon. Won't do anyone any good to end up down there, she thought. Looking down and to her right, Brandy saw a faint red light from behind one of the larger rocks, Good, Michelle's in position.

The Stinger fired, sending bolts of energy into the guard's abdomen. He instantly collapsed to the patio floor, and lay still. Michelle smiled at her accomplishment, and stood up. Oh no! Brandy watched in terror. Before she could turn around, a large woman grabbed Michelle around the neck, and lifted her easily off of the ground, and into a massive hangman's noose sleeper hold. Michelle squirming, tried to position the Stinger so she could fire it at her attacker. "You can't escape Mamba's squeeze, little girl. "the woman taunted her captured prey. Michelle's struggles ended, and she fell limp like a rag doll in the huge woman's grasp. The woman let Michelle go, allowing her to fall onto the sand. "Michelle!" Brandy hissed under her breath.

Deep underneath the condo, Kristen swims through the dark tunnel until she comes upon a chamber, filled with air. She sticks her head out of the water, taking in the stale air of the chamber. "I've got to be close to finding an entrance into the condo," she said aloud to herself. In the light of her head-mounted lamp, Kristen saw something swimming toward her. What the Hell is that? Kristen thought, "Oh my God!" She'd only seen the things on the Discovery Channel. Now Kristen was about to come face-to-face with a giant squid. This one looked even larger than those on TV. From what Kristen could make out, riding atop the squid, was a female, humanoid creature. The creature held a silver trident in her right hand. Kristen quickly armed herself with her Stinger, and fired. Using one of it's tentacles, the enormous squid batted the energy blast away as if it were a mere fly. Another of it's tentacles coiled around Kristen's waist, "GAH!!!" she grimaced in pain, as the tentacle squeezed her sides, and lifted her out of the water. Kristen fired again, this time causing the creature enough pain to make it let her go. Kristen dropped back into the water, to plan some kind of strategy.
Kristen dove to the bottom of the chamber. She looked up to see the squid, and it's rider in pursuit. The creature dispersed a black cloud of squid ink, into the already dark water, which engulfed Kristen. She couldn't see anything, and quickly became disoriented. Kristen once again felt a tentacle wrap tightly around her waist, and easily lift her out of the water. Once again raising the trident, the creature pointed it at Kristen. A blue bolt of energy shot out through the darkness, striking Kristen. The heroine quivered violently, and with a sigh, fell limp in the clutches of the squid's tentacle.

Brandy still clung to the side of the cliff, just below the patio of the condo. She heard the footsteps of Ortiz's henchmen on the concrete above. "He's all right.!" one of them said, obviously checking the guard that Michelle took out a short time ago. Two of the men look down over the edge of the cliff. Thankfully, Brandy was well hidden, and out of their sight. "Begin conducting a search of the grounds."one of them barked orders, "Two trespassers have been caught, but there could be more. Oh no, both Michelle, and Kristen have been captured! Brandy was now on her own.

Brandy used her HUD's infrared sensors, watching the patio. All of the men but one had left to search for her. Only one left, she thought. "Hey up there!" she called out, getting his attention. The man looked over the edge of the cliff, and was quickly struck by an energy bolt from Brandy's Stinger. He lost consciousness, and fell backwards onto the concrete. Avoiding security cameras, Brandy quietly, and carefully made her way onto the patio, and crossed over to the glass door leading inside the condo. "Hey look!" a man's voice shouted from inside.

"Holy Cloud City!" Marcy exclaimed at the sight of RAVEN's large helicarrier as she emerged from the cloud which concealed the flying fortress from radar, and orbiting satellites. The built-in homing device in the RAVEN Wing glider had worked, bringing the baby home to it's mother, just as Marcy thought it would. Both Marcy, and Jenn were now clad in the black costumes of the RAVEN girls'. Cradled in Jenn's arms, Farrah lay limp, and in a deep sleep. She voluntarily allowed herself to be sedated so this ruse would appear to be as authentic as possible.

The two gliders hovered slowly into the helicarrier's hanger, and gently came to rest on the floor. "Good work, agents." a RAVEN girl said, approacing the disguised Jenn, and Marcy, "The recapture of Miss Wakefield will go a long way in proving your worthiness to Coven. "Thank you, "Jenn said. "Take her to the bridge..." the RAVEN girl ordered, "...the leader awaits."

Within minutes, Farrah lay on the cold, steel floor of the helicarrier's bridge. "Uhnnn..." she groaned as she slowly awoke from her slumber, "Where...am I?" When her vision began to clear, she looked up. Farrah could instantly recognize exactly where she is. She also recognized the woman towering over her, "Coven!" The villainess reached down, and easily lifted Farrah off of the floor. Jenn, and Marcy glanced at each other with concern.

Coven brought Farrah up to her own eye level. "Ahh..." Farrah gasped for air, as Coven's hands tightened around her throat, "let...go...of me..." She struggled, and kicked at Coven, but was unable to get free. "You thought you could escape from me?" Coven taunted her, "You'll learn that no one can never escape me!" The rescue plan has backfired already. Farrah thought. Dark spots formed in Farrah's eyes. Those dark spots grew, and grew until she could no longer see any light. Farrah finally passed out from a lack of oxygen. Coven released her grip, letting the girl crumple to the floor.

Back in Condado, poor Brandy wasn't doing any better. She had been discovered by Ortiz's goons before she could even get the glass door open. Fortunately for Brandy, she found a quick escape over the right side of the patio, and down a slope. It wasn't very steep, however Brandy's tights covered feet couldn't tolerate the rocky slope. That, and the fact that she couldn't see very well. "AAAHH!!!!" Brandy yelled as she lost her footing, and fell. She rolled until she came to a stop at the bottom of the cliff, where she lay face down, and oblivious to her fate.

To be continued
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love it. love it. love it. Any chance you could bring Persuasion back. Maybe have her keep someone?
Of course I'll give you the traditional last wish Virago! After all, what could be the harm in looking into your... eyes...
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love it. love it. love it. Any chance you could bring Persuasion back. Maybe have her keep someone?
Thanks for the kind words. I started posting this story 5 years ago. Some things in my personal like came up I've had to deal with, but now it's time for me to get back into this. I've loved writing it. I have 3 chapters left so I'm working at finishing up so I can move on.

I'll definitly bring Persuasion back, as well as a lot of other characters from my story.
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Fantastic story, you've got me on the edge of my chair. Can't wait for the next update.
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Prt.10: Stowaways
"Uhnn..." Kristen moaned, as she slowly regained consciousness. "Welcome back." Michelle said. Kristen lifted her head to find herself chained, and shackled to the wall of what looked to be a dungeon. "Yeah, right." Kristen answered sarcastically, feeling a tingling sensation coursing throughout her body. She looked over at her teammate who was restrained to the wall as well. "Is that..." Kristen asked, looking past Michelle. "Yeah..." Michelle answered, "That's Senator Wakefield. Or what's left of him." The Senator's broken, and battered body hung there lifeless. "Looks like we were too late." Michelle added.

The wooden door unlocked, and creaked open. In stepped Manuel Ortiz. "Hello there ladies..." Ortiz greeted the women with a smuggness, "...Let me introduce myself. I'm Manuel Ortiz, your humble host during your stay here in my home." Neither Michelle, or Kristen liked the sound of Ortiz's invitation. "We won't be staying long, Mr. Ortiz." Michelle countered. "That's totally for me to decide, sweetheart." Ortiz replied, pointing a finger at her. He looked at Senator Wakefield's dead body, "He's dead huh?" Ortiz said without any emotion whatsoever, "I guess the beating I gave him was too much."

"I'm well aware that there were three of you." Ortiz said turning his attention back to his prisoners. "...Unfortunately, she fell over the cliff. My men are retrieving her body as we speak." Michelle, and Kristen both felt their hearts sink down into their stomachs, "Ortiz, you son-of-a-bitch!" Kristen shouted with rage, pulling at her restraints. One of Ortiz's men entered, and spoke into his ear. "What do you mean, the body is gone?" Ortiz asked loud enough for the two heroines to hear him.

Brandy felt a warmth on the left side of her face. The sensation felt good as she woke up, "Unhh..." she groaned, sore from the tumble down the rocky slope. She rolled her head to the side to look at the small campfire burning. "I'm alive?" she asked herself. "Yes." Brandy sat up when she heard the soft female voice answer her. "Who are you?" she asked wishing to herself that she hadn't sat up so fast. "My name is Myra." Once everything stopped spinning, Brandy got a good look at her company. The young girl appeared to be in her late teens, and was very beautiful. Myra had long, straight, light brown hair. Her skin was a light almost pale blue, and her eyes, a crystal green. A sparkling gold bikini top covered her breasts, and a pair of equally sparkling gold sheer stockings covered her legs and feet.

Brandy looked at her surroundings, "What is this place?" she asked. "This is my home." answered Myra smiling, "...For now, anyway." Myra's answer only confused Brandy even more, "What do mean?" Myra's smile was as warm as the fire that lit the small cave, "I'm here to stop the one who lives above..." she replied, "...and the evil that is in his service." Brandy understood Myra's explanation, but was still baffled by some of it. "You're living here, underneath Ortiz's condo?" she asked. "Yes." was Myra's simple answer. "Where are you from?" asked Brandy. "The island of Sun Rose." the girl answered. "Sun Rose..." Brandy responded, "Never heard of it...Oohh" The heroine became whoosy. "You are still injured. You should rest." Myra suggested. "No..." Brandy replied, "I need to save my friends." The dizziness overwhelmed Brandy. She lay back on the ground and closed her eyes, "Ok, maybe when I regain consciousness."

Kristen, and Michelle's wrists were now bound by hi-tech cuffs as they were lead from their dungeon prison, and into the condo above. The two brutes that escorted them brought them into the condo's living room. Ortiz stood at a window looking out onto the balcony at the sun rising over Puerto Rico. "Ah..." the crimelord greeted them, "You two lovely ladies may make yourselves comfortable." he gestured toward a plush wine colored sofa. They did as Ortiz wanted, and sat down. They both looked at the two figures standing beside Ortiz.

"The two of you have already met Mamba, and Keto." Ortiz said, "Mamba was once a pro wrestler in the same organization as your leader." Mamba stood well over 6 feet tall with the body of a world class body builder. She wore a black low-cut sleevless leotard, and black footed tights. "I know all about Mother Owl, and Coven's past." Ortiz confessed, then turned to his other henchwoman, "I named her Keto, after the Greek sea Goddess. The islands, and waters here in the Carribean are full of myths, urban legends, and folklore. The Chupacabra, ghost ships, UFOs, etc. I found Keto just outside the Bermuda Triangle." Ortiz smiled like a proud parent. Kristen stared at Keto recognizing her to be the rider of the giant squid. Keto was a bizarre looking humanoid creature with greyish smooth skin. Small triagular slits housed glowing yellow eyes. She had no nose and a catfishlike mouth. Long dredlock-like black tendrils grew out of Keto's head. Keto had long spindley fingers, and webbed feet. She wore a dark blue body suit "I hope to do some exploring in the Triangle soon." Ortiz continued, "Who know's what's waiting out there."

Farrah Wakefield regained enough consciousness to feel herself being lifted into the air. After her groggy vision cleared she could see the brightly lit corridor outside of the cell. . She felt pain in her neck from the tight grip of Coven's hands. Farrah hung there, wondering when this nightmare will be over. Will it ever be over?

Jenn, and Marcy wearing RAVEN uniforms, wondered through one of the many corridors of the huge helicarrier. They both scanned their surroundings, making sure they were alone. "Once I find a power conduit where I can work alone, it should be a piece of cake to infect the carrier with a computer virus." Marcy said low enough for Jenn to hear. "The sooner the better," Jenn responded, "while you do your work, I'll be making my way to the detention area." The two women came to the end of one corridor and into another. "We'll split up here." Jenn said. "Alright," Marcy nervously replied, "good luck." Jenn took the left corridor, and Marcy the right.

"Those scents," the Changeling said to himself, "Those odors are new ones." The scent pleased his senses. He knows the smell of every woman aboard the helicarrier, but these were strange ones. He decided to follow one of the sweet smells.

It didn't take long for Marcy to find a power conduit. She quietly began prying open a panel with a small knife she carried in her utility belt. "There we go." she said removing the cover, and laying it gently on the floor. From another pouch on her belt, Marcy preduced a small hand-held computer. Retracting a small cable from the computer, she plugged it into the terminal. "It shouldn't take long now."

"Detention center..." Jenn spoke into the comlink she held in her right hand. "Yes." a voice responded. "I'm on my way down." Jenn said, "I have orders to take the prisoner to the bridge." There was a pause. Then... "Acknowlaged, she'll be ready when you arrive." Jenn used a tracing device to follow the comlink's signal which would help her find the detention area.

Sunlight creeped into the small cave awakening Brandy from her slumber. "Myra..." she groaned sitting up. The warm fire was almost out, but Brandy looked to see that it was daylight. "Myra?" she called again. The young woman was nowhere to be seen. Brandy heard splashing behind her. She turned to see Myra emerging from a small pool of water at the back of the cave. "I'm here my friend." Brandy watched the young woman walk over and sit on a rock next to her. "Decided to go for a swim?" Brandy asked. "My skin gets too dry if I'm out of water for very long." answered Myra.

Brandy removed a small communicator from a pouch on her utility belt. Thumbing a switch she spoke into it, "Mother Owl, please come in. Mother, we need you." Brandy hoped and prayed her leader would answer. "Who is Mother?" asked Myra. "She's the leader of our team, the H.O.O.T.O.WL.s. I must be too far out of range to contact our command center."

Farrah was being guarded by two RAVEN girls when Jenn arrived at the detention center. "I'll take her from here." she said. "No, you won't." one of the RAVEN girls countered, "you know protocol. There must be two guards with a prisoner at all times during transfer." Jenn cursed to herself at the mistake she almost made. "Of course." she responded, "My apologies." Jenn and another RAVEN girl escorted Farrah from the detention center. Inside Jenn sighed in relief.

"Almost got it." Marcy said. The virus is almost ready to upload into the helicarrier's computers. "So sweet...so tender." a voice hissed. Marcy spun quickly to find the Changeling approaching her. "What the Hell are you?" The creature began morphing into different personas. Personas of people he has encountered in the past, "I can be anyone you want me to be..." he said, "...even you." His final morph took on the petite visage of Marcy herself complete with the RAVEN uniform disguise. "Good lord!" frantic, Marcy reached for the weapon hanging at her right hip. A whip struck her hand with lightning speed. "Ahhh!!!" Marcy recoiled from the stinging pain. The whip then coiled tightly around her waist as if it were alive. The Changeling pulled until Marcy was reeled into his clutches. "Let go of me!" she protested and struggled. The Changeling snaked his long tongue between Marcy's breasts and up the soft fabric of the black leotard until he touched her lips. The tongue slid under the black mask of Marcy's RAVEN costume. With enough strength the Changeling's tongue peeled the mask off of her. He clasped his fingers onto the sides of Marcy's head, and gazed into her eyes. "Now, my sweet one..." the Changeling hissed, "you are mine." The scream Marcy let out was probably loud enough to be heard throughout every corridor and deck of the helicarrier.

To be continued
You look like you could use some sleep my dear. Let me help.
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BatMad wrote:
18 years ago
Hey, I like the White Owl manip :-D

I prefer the original Dark Alchemy did for me a long time ago
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