Wonder Woman: Chains of Slumber

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Diana Prince! Superheroine: battling injustice with a smile on her face and legs to die for! Diana Prince! Secret agent: rooting out plots against the world's safety so that everyone could live in freedom! She'd travelled from Paradise Island to help the people of this world to make a paradise of their own! She wasn't just a knockout with a supermodel figure and the strength of a bull: she was Wonder Woman!

Unfortunately for Wonder Woman, she was also living in the 1970s. And so, as she mingled with the big wigs at the Lord Industries gala, she faced two of her greatest enemies at once - the decor and the fashion of that wretched decade. Brown everywhere: brown suits, brown art, brown wallpaper - it was enough to make the head spin.
"C'mon, Diana," urged a handsome, young-ish man at Diana's side, "hadn't you better look a little more enthusiastic." This was Steve Trevor, the only other person at the gala who knew Diana for what she was.
"You're right Steve," Diana replied, flashing a little half smile at him - big enough to set most men's hearts a-flutter, though. "A full-on charm offensive: that's what IADC asked, right?"
"Got it in one," Steve replied. He winked, before making his way towards the host's wife, Valerie Lord. Steve was a good looking man: he'd certainly have been able to charm something out of her.

Indeed, he might have been able to charm Diana herself - except she couldn't help but see his father in him. Strictly speaking, he was Steve Trevor junior: Diana had known the senior during the 40s, during the War. Had things gone a little differently, it wouldn't have been so silly to imagine that Diana could have been Steve junior's mother. But Steve - her Steve - was gone, before his time like so many soldiers. She smiled wistfully: in all that time she hadn't aged a day, but the world had gone on without her. She'd gone back to Paradise Island once the war was over, and she'd only returned to Man's World a few months ago. So much had changed: there was peace, thankfully - though by no means as complete a peace as Diana would have hoped for.

"Say, you look a little pensive there, ma'am. Everything alright?"
Diana almost started - she really had been away with the fairies for a moment. There was a man standing in front of her, handsome in all the ways that Steve wasn't, and in none of the ways that he was. He was very thin, and shorter than Diana's 5'7". His hair and eyes were dark, but keen, and he had a kind of Cassius-esque hunger to him. He was instantly fascinating, and ever so slightly frightening. More to the point, Diana knew who he was.
"Mr Lord," she said, her voice taking on a caramel charm. "It's a wonderful party you're throwing."
"Well, it's a wonderful occasion," Lord replied. The party was being thrown in honour of Lord Industries becoming the tenth most valuable company on the NASDAQ. It was all the more surprising given that, at that time the previous year, there were uncomfortable rumours about imminent bankruptcy. This was part of the reason that IADC had sent Steve and Diana to investigate in the first place - the anonymous tip about the secret laboratory beneath Lord's house being the other part of the reason.

"And who might you be, ma'am?" Lord asked.
"Diana," she replied, smiling winsomely. "Diana Danvers." Diana hardly needed to speculate about why he was asking: she was without a doubt the best looking woman at the party. She had on a tight, dark-blue cocktail dress which hugged her slender, feminine figure with delectable closeness. The dress' neckline plunged, giving a very generous view of Diana's ample bust. The dress certainly wasn't short, but it nonetheless gave a tantalising view of Diana's legs, clad in dark stockings, her feet shod in black high heels. Her thick, glossy, dark-brown hair was tied back in a fetching bun, and her blue eyes sparkled. She was an absolute picture of perfection.

"Hmm..." Lord said. "You look like a Diana...but not a Danvers."
Diana hesitated before replying. Indeed, 'Danvers' was a second layer of affectation. Normally she went by 'Diana Prince'. Did he know that? "Well...maybe I haven't found the right guy to give me his surname."
Lord tutted. "That's not very modern of you, Ms. Danvers."
"I'm an old-fashioned girl, Mr Lord," Diana replied. Indeed, there was something rather magnetic about this fellow: the rumours had proven true. And yet, she noticed something that almost made her laugh: his hair was not his own - it was an implant.
"Please. Call me 'Maxwell'. 'Mr Lord' is my father. Well..." He leaned in, and whispered conspiratorially to his guest: "Actually it's my father in law. 'Lord' is Valerie's maiden name. I thought it sounded good for a, uh, man of business. Do you agree?"
"I do," Diana said. "It's very commanding, Mr L - I mean...Maxwell." Flirtation was not one of the arts taught on Paradise Island, and Diana wondered if she might have been overdoing it.

But there are few things that a man is more willing to let himself believe than that a beautiful woman is interested in talking to him. If she was overdoing it, either he didn't notice or he didn't care.
"So Diana," Maxwell asked, "what is it that you do, aside from charming married men at parties?"
"I'm a writer," Diana said.
"You mean like a journalist?"
Diana laughed lightly, brushing her hand through her hair. "Hardly. I suppose it would be fairer to say I'm an academic."
"Oh really? What's your field?"
"Classical civilisation," Diana replied. "I wrote my thesis on the role of women in Spartan society."
"Did you now? I'm a total rube when it comes to that sort of thing. My knowledge of history pretty much stops with Babe Ruth's first home run."
"You like sports?"
"Not at all," Maxwell replied. "But being a baseball fanatic is a nice way of hiding that you're a geek when you're in school. While my pals were getting picked on for obsessing about science fiction and that sorta thing, I got to hang out with the jocks. And before you ask me why I'd want to hang out with the jocks..." He thumbed over towards his wife. "Well guess who ended up dating the Homecoming Queen, eh?"
Diana laughed, and realised that she wasn't putting it on. She was charmed by this man - rather the reverse of what she'd been aiming for. "This isn't getting us anywhere," she thought.

"So, Maxwell," Diana said, touching him lightly on the upper arm, "I hear that Lord Industries has made a miraculous turnaround in the past year. How did you do it?"
"Are you sure you're not a journalist?" Maxwell said. When Diana nodded, he went on: "We diversified. It paid off. I won't claim to be a genius entrepreneur or anything: it really was good luck that saved us."
Diana tried to press him, but he was surprisingly cagey about it. He started veering off into irrelevant, though perfectly pleasant, conversation. Diana was about to try talking to someone else, when a man in a - you guessed it - brown suit pulled Maxwell aside, and whispered in his ear. His face fell, and a viciousness flashed in his eyes for a moment.
"I'll deal with it," he hissed. Then, in an instant, he was all charm again. "Excuse me for one moment, Ms Danvers."
"Of course," she said, batting her eyelashes at him. "Don't be too long."
"Oh believe me, I won't."

The very instant Maxwell had his back to her, Diana began following him, subtly weaving through the throng to make it look very much like she was just mingling. But once he left the room, she had to be more careful. She asked a woman who was serving drinks where she could find the ladies' room, and fortunately it was vaguely in the direction that Lord had gone. So no-one noticed her slipping away from the party. Not even Steve.

She moved through the modern - in her eyes offensively modern - house, following Lord's voice. She couldn't hear what he was saying, but he sounded angry. Then, she heard him moving into another room, an office perhaps. She crept up to the door, put her ear against it.
"I want this sorted out," Lord said. "This is my home for God's sakes. If something goes wrong, I'm the one who goes up in smoke!"
"Yes sir, Mister Lord. Do you want us to call someone in?"
"No, no," Lord said. "I'll deal with it myself."
"He is up to something. That tipster was right!" Diana looked over her shoulder, but it looked like no-one was watching her. Still with her ear to the door, she listened carefully. She heard the sound of something shuffling, sliding...then something that sounded like a latch opening and shutting. Then the voices again - but far more muffled, like they were behind another door. Gingerly, Diana slipped inside - and found the room empty.

Instantly she realised what had happened. The walls were lined with bookcases: obviously one of them concealed a hidden door. And, indeed, Diana quickly realised how to open it: a small, cat-shaped statue on the office's desk had a small switch hidden under its chin. She clicked it and, sure enough, one of the bookcases slid open. Behind it, however, was another door. There was no trickery here - no hidden switches or what have you: it was just a locked door, and Diana had no key. She tugged on the handle, and felt a little bit of give, but she wasn't strong enough to force it. Not as she was, anyway.

"I didn't expect to have to do this today," Diana thought - but needs must. Slowly at first, then more and more rapidly, Diana began to spin around, turning round and round on her heel. She felt a kind of energy build up within her, a glow, and then - with a flash of light and a sound like a thunderclap, Diana Prince vanished - and in her place was a hero larger than life! The strongest woman in the world: Wonder Woman!

Even in her decade, she looked a little like a hero from another age. She was clad in a low-cut, strapless leotard, generously exposing her bosom and her lovely shoulders. But it had more significance than just revealing her beauty, for it bore sigils of both her worlds: the eagle crest of Paradise Island over her chest, and the white-stars-on-blue of the United States of America, the country that she'd learned to call home. On her feet, red and white, heeled boots, and covering her long, supple, shapely legs, nothing but a pair of satin tights. Anyone else would have looked ridiculous. She managed to look both beautiful and powerful - agile, feminine, and potent. Diana had a full, generous bust, but the rest of her figure was long-limbed and slender, almost like that of a gymnast. Yet she looked no weaker for it: on the contrary. Girdling her waist, her magic belt, the source of her strength; at her side, her magical Lasso of Truth, and on her wrists her indestructible, bullet-deflecting bracers. Her hair changed too, her thick, sumptuous, dark-brown locks flowing free, adorned only by the red-starred tiara on her forehead.

The transformation complete, Wonder Woman moved over to the lock. She pushed at it, summoning her unnatural strength, and with a groan of effort, forced the lock to budge. The door itself was light, and Wonder Woman slipped inside.
"Great Hera!" Wonder Woman thought, as she saw the scale of what she'd entered. The staircase plunged down into solid bedrock: it must have been eye-wateringly expensive to dig. It was so deep that Wonder Woman couldn't see the bottom from where she stood. She began to descend, and wondered what on Earth was happening under Lord's home.

Eventually, she reached the bottom. There was an iron door: heavy, but not locked as far as she could tell. Carefully, she put her ear again to the door, but heard nothing. That being done, she slowly, carefully opened the door, and stepped inside. All was dark. She felt the nearby wall for a light switch, but found nothing. Fortunately, the lights came on anyway, and Wonder Woman, well, wondered if the lights were automatic. Unfortunately for her, they were not.
"Why hello there, Ms. Danvers!"

Wonder Woman's eyes opened wide in shock. "A trap!" She saw Lord, holding some kind of hooked weapon, flanked by two burly men brandishing large pistols. She opened her mouth to speak, but they weren't in a listening mood. They raised their weapons, and immediately fired. Wonder Woman, however, was more than just strong. With lightning quick reflexes, she raised her wrists, and deftly blocked each shot, making sure to deflect them at an angle where they wouldn't hit her enemies. Lord's men seemed stunned: Lord himself was not. In fact, this was precisely what he'd been waiting for.

He pointed his hooked weapon at Wonder Woman the instant she raised her bracelets, and fired it directly at her waist. It shot out at incredible speed, opening up a claw that, as soon as it touched it, clamped down on the golden belt about Wonder Woman's waist. Lord pressed another button, and the claw pulled back - taking Wonder Woman's belt with it.
"No!" Wonder Woman gasped, her beautiful face shot through with shock. "They know the secret of my powers!" The instant the belt had been taken from her waist, she had lost all her strength - and, as Wonder Woman feared, Lord knew it.

"Now!" he commanded, and Wonder Woman realised that the trap was still worse than she'd thought - the darkness had allowed men to hide behind her as well. Before she could react, they grabbed her from behind, seizing her slender arms, and forcing them behind her back. Deprived of her powers, she was no stronger than her lithe, feminine frame suggested: she hadn't a hope of escaping their grasp.
"Get your hands off me!" Wonder Woman commanded, but she was not obeyed. The two men who'd flanked Lord joined the two who'd hidden, each seizing the beautiful intruder with strong hands. They forced her down onto the floor, and Wonder Woman - to her horror - felt the bite of rope against her lovely limbs.

"Great Hera!" she exclaimed to herself, as the reality of her situation took hold. "They're...they're going to tie me up!" That, indeed, is exactly what they did. In a messy, overwhelming frenzy, they lashed her wrists together, twisting strong, white ropes about her forearms, forcing them parallel with each other, while at the same time spinning the fallen damsel over, coiling ropes around her chest, pulling her arms tight against her back, cord squeezing Wonder Woman above and below her breasts, painfully enforcing the notion to her that, yes, she was being captured.

At the same time, Lord's other men gripped hungrily at Wonder Woman's long, satin-clad legs, repressing her kicks with raw strength, before trapping her limbs with rope as well. They both bound her at once with two lengths, one pressing into her boots with quite well tied, neat coils, loop after loop cinching her ankles and her supple calves tighter and tighter together, until Wonder Woman's boots had completely disappeared beneath rope, save for what was below her ankles.

The other of the two binding her legs, however, was much less professional. It was quite obvious that he was more interested in feeling his captive up than securing her capture. He pawed at her thighs, squeezing them, running his hands up and down them.
"Get your hands off me!" Wonder Woman cried out - to all her captors, yes, but to him in particular. He just leered back at her.
"Ah, c'mon Wonder Woman," Lord laughed, "when your legs are that pretty and you show them off so nicely...I mean, surely that's an occupational hazard."
The ever-more-bound heroine felt a real sense of her powerlessness now. As the leering brute finally finished his job - wrapping two circuits of rope above her knees to bind her thighs - Wonder Woman realised the direness of her situation. Stripped of her powers, trussed up hand and foot - and completely alone, surrounded by men who obviously meant her harm.

"Okay, that's enough," Lord said. "I don't think our Amazon is going anywhere, do you?"
His men obeyed, and left the bound maiden writhing on the ground, the sting of defeat still burning hot within her lovely bosom. She rolled to the side, flat on her back, struggling and squirming in yards and yards of cord. "Don't lose heart," she said to herself. "You've been in worse situations than this before. I just have to wait for the right opportunity." She looked up, and found herself looking into the dark eyes of Maxwell Lord, who now loomed over her. She kept any trace of fear or hopelessness from her face. She left the indignation, though.

"I always wondered if that information would ever come in handy," Lord said. "Knowing how to take away your powers." He said this with relish. Wonder Woman found it difficult to maintain her steely gaze, for while his eyes were not so brutishly lascivious as his men's had been, there was a deeper hunger there. It was frightening.
"It was after World War 2 ended, see?" Lord went on, crouching down next to her. "My family...made a lot of money back then sticking a lot of fingers into formerly German pies. Well - I mean, I don't know the full story, but somehow they found the records of a series of interrogations with a certain someone." He grinned. "You don't look a day over twenty-five...but you were there, weren't you? God, it's hard to believe! Kinda frightening when you think about it."
"I'd be more frightened of people like you than of me," Wonder Woman replied. Lord snorted.
"Well, duh. Look at you. You're not exactly intimidating anyone." He laughed. "Wonder Woman, a captive...and it's not the first time, is it?"
Wonder Woman's eyes went wide - she knew exactly what he meant. "The records of when I was kidnapped by Fausta! They bound me in my lasso...I told them everything!"
Lord noticed that he'd got under her skin. This gave him a good deal of pleasure. But he wasn't finished driving the point home. "The Nazis kept records of what you said. About this 'Paradise Island'. About your belt. And..." He looked down at Wonder Woman's waist, and she suddenly realised why.
"No, don't!" she cried, but he ignored her - and unhooked her lasso of truth.

Hauling her up by the ropes around her chest, he pulled her to a sitting position, before kneeling behind her, and adding to her bondage with a thin, golden thread. He wound it tight, pinching the smooth skin of his captive's upper arms, squeezing in her naked, wriggling shoulders.
"Alright, Diana," Lord crowed. "How did you find us?"
"Nnghh..." Wonder Woman tried to resist, but she knew it was pointless. The words rose to her throat and slipped out like water through a sieve. "IADC...received an anonymous...tip about you...said you were involved in some project that was a threat to national security."
"I know that," Lord growled. "I'm the one who sent the tip!"
"Wh...what? I don't understand!" Wonder Woman looked up at her captor with sparkling blue eyes. "Why would you tip us off?"
"Because I've known that IADC was working with Wonder Woman for some time. I knew they'd send you - I almost thought that they already had!"
Wonder Woman was even more confused. "Already had...?"
"Your friend, the other one, how did she find us?"
"Other one...? I don't know what you mean."
Lord rolled his eyes. "Playing the literal genie card on me, are you? Well, alright, I'll be more specific. A woman who dresses like you, who looks a fair bit like you. I assume she's from Paradise Island too. We found her right in the engine room of my Project - right at the core!"
"Someone...who looks like me?"
Lord narrowed his eyes. Wonder Woman's bewilderment seemed worryingly genuine. "That's right. She's a little...curvier."
"Another Amazon, maybe?" Wonder Woman thought. "What would another Amazon be doing here...a little curvier than me...oh no!"

As soon as the idea came into her head, she was compelled to say it. "Another of my people from Paradise Island, a girl named...Drusilla. She's masqueraded as me before. It...must be her."
"That's really your best guess?" Lord asked.
"Yes," Wonder Woman replied simply, cursing herself for her unwilling obedience.

Lord stood up, tented his fingers. Nothing about this made sense. Nothing about this made the slightest bit of sense. A second Amazon, but Wonder Woman didn't know a thing about her? "And even if that was all true...why did she appear chained up and unconscious?" Lord thought. It was grievously perplexing. There was the possibility that he'd put IADC onto his activities for no good reason, and that really chafed. But, still, he had a second Amazon now. That would open up all sorts of possibilities. His mood began to lighten - and then he had an idea.

"Nhh...nhh!" Wonder Woman still lay roped up on the ground, writhing and bucking against the ropes that bound her. Had she her powers, she'd have snapped them with scarcely any trouble at all - but as it was, she was helpless. So focused was she on her struggles that she didn't see Lord taking something from one of his underlings. She didn't see him unstopping the small vial. She didn't see him soaking the rough, brown cloth. But when he knelt behind her, and pulled her womanly body up to rest her head on his thighs, she smelt it. "Great Hera, please no...!"

Chloroform. The sweet, pungent odour was unmistakable. During her time in Man's World in the forties, she'd been drugged and captured with it plenty of times, and each one burned itself into her memory. But this - lying in her captor's lap, bound with her own lasso...it brought back one set of memories in particular.
"Those reports my family got from Germany," Lord said. "I read them plenty of times. I was always a little...paranoid about the idea of superhumans, y'see. People...stronger and better than the rest of us. Just rubs me the wrong way. So, as I say, I read them a few times. But, uh, there was always one detail that stuck in my mind. Of how they captured you in the first place. Tricking you, ambushing you like that...god, you must have been so embarrassed! And then they even had the gall to make you tell them how to capture you! God, that's just...I mean trust the Nazis to go overboard, geez." He held the cloth close to his beautiful captive's face, and already she could feel the fumes begin to affect her.
"Lord...don't..." she pleaded.

But he acted as if she hadn't spoken. "So, I already know how to subdue you, Wonder Woman. But I want you to tell me."
"Lord, stop!"
"Tell me...when they took you...how did you feel?"
It was not the question she'd expected, but it was not one she had any more desire to answer. Against her will, the words came out: "I felt weak...helpless...humiliated...to know that I'd been so easily tricked, to have my lasso used against me...to be made as weak as a kitten by something as simple as...chloroform."
Lord looked up at his underlings. "Now that, gentleman, is something money just cannot buy." He pushed the cloth closer, and Wonder Woman tried to wriggle away, but she was just tied up too tight.
"No, Lord don't! There's no need to - MMMPHHHHH!!" It was too late. Her mouth and nose were smothered by the wet cloth, Maxwell's fingers closing over her jaw, her cheeks, his palm forcing the cloth as tightly against her as possible. "Mmhphh...mmmhhhfff!" her senses invaded by the sweet, pungent smell of chloroform. In the first instant, Wonder Woman unwittingly sucked in a great gulp of air, and a wave of weakness flooded over her. It was already happening.

To her credit, she fought. Not until she was completely unable did she cease struggling. She wriggled her soft, bare shoulders, tossing her thick hair from side to side, kicking out with her long, trussed-up legs as Maxwell drugged her, tranquilising the writhing heroine more and more by the second.
"Mmhh...mmhhhbbbhhnnnmm..." Wonder Woman - Diana - moaned, as both body and mind grew weaker. It was like being dipped in warm water, a hundred skilled, soft hands holding her down, massaging her, relaxing her - but restraining her at the same time. "It's...just like before...I can't fight..." Her satin covered legs could no longer really be described as kicking. Just sort of rubbing against the ground, achieving nothing. They felt so heavy, her legs. Her bosom, her slim, bare arms - it all felt so heavy. Her beauty felt like a great weight, and it held her down, choking any real possibility of resistance. Indeed, her struggles as a whole took on a more sinuous quality, as the scantily clad beauty moaned softly, helplessly in her bondage and her somnolence.

A warmth penetrated her, dulling her senses, slowing her breathing. Her breasts pushed gradually against the confines of her leotard, but deeply. "Mmh...mbbhhhnnhhmmmff..." Diana whimpered, cheeks reddened by humiliation, by the unavoidably sensual quality of being drugged like this. Her mind was clouded, her thoughts scattered. "Have to...get Steve...not...him, get my Steve...oh...Dru, did...did they get you? I should have...but I can't help you now...Dru, they've captured me...oh they've defeated me...I'm...defeated..."

As she mewed quietly, the drug now doing the last of its work in draining every last drop of strength, Maxwell tilted her head back, and saw a pair of wet, soft eyes looking up at him. Diana seemed so delicate, so powerless, her eyes almost looked pleading. She was so very beautiful...and now she belonged to him. He wanted her to know what that meant.
"I hope you can still hear me," he said. "I'm not sure you can. You look pretty sleepy right about now, but I'll say it anyway: don't call me 'Lord'. I only took Valerie's name because my family has something of a poor reputation. But you're mine now, Wonder Woman. You should know to whom you belong." He smiled. "The name I was born with...was Alexander...Maxwell..." He pulled her up higher, and leaned down, to whisper into her ear one last word:

"Mh...mhhh..." Diana mewed. Even in her state of near unconsciousness, the name meant something to her, but she hadn't the slightest idea what. "Can't...remember...so sleepy...so...weak..." Her body was almost completely still now, but it gave a kind of gentle, regular undulation as she was drawn under the thick, dark blanket of drugged slumber. She pulsed with sensuous helplessness, with vulnerable beauty, with the vacuum where her power should have been. And, at last, that vacuum sucked her under, and her crystal-blue eyes fluttered, rolled back, and finally shut. A long, slow sigh was all Lord...was all Luthor needed to know that she was under. He stood, straightened himself, slicked back his artificial hair.
"You," he said, to the burliest of his men.
"Get her down with the other one." Saying this, he opened the iron door, and went back up to his party.

The henchman did not resent his duty. He slipped his hands under the fallen damsel's thighs, and the small of her back, before - with one mighty wrench, he hoisted the trussed up beauty into the air, and then up and over his shoulder. She flopped, completely limp, over him, her soft breasts bouncing pleasingly against his back. One hand was all he needed, but he gripped her with two, one clamped over her satin-covered thigh, and another gripping her shapely rear, feeling its firmness, as well as its softness, its feminine, yielding consistency. Grinning, he began to carry her deeper into Luthor's stronghold.

He carried her past the 'engine room' as Luthor called it, where his mysterious new power source bled energy from "meta-universal" sources, a prototype that would make nuclear plants look like AA batteries, foreign interest in which had already lined Luthor's pockets with vast amounts of investment cash. He took her to a storage room that had been retrofitted as a cell: for there was already one occupant within. She was as Luthor had described her, similarly dressed to Diana, yet not identically, and she was curvier. But this was not Drusilla.

Bound with sturdy metal clamps inside a great glass-and-steel cylinder, a woman of beauty quite equal to Diana's lay ensconced, captive - and drugged. A mask covered her mouth and nose, pumping narcotising drugs, as well as oxygen into her. The rest of the tank was filled with some strange liquid, a kind of preservative of Luthor's own devising, keeping this woman in a form of stasis. Even unconscious, she had an incredible magnetism to her, with her naked, olive-brown legs, her truly voluptuous figure. Her long, black hair floated about her in the liquid like a dark crown, and she was thrillingly lovely. While Diana, quite by chance, seemed to represent the pinnacle of a kind of beauty often found in American women, this one exemplified almost perfectly a kind of beauty that Mediterranean women possessed: Greek, or Cypriot, or Italian - even Israeli, possibly.

Luthor's underling remarked on this as he placed Diana into a matching container, but decided that he preferred Diana: she reminded him of his first wife. But he bound her all the same, affixing her into the cylinder with powerful clamps, leaving the defeated Amazon doubly bound. He then pulled from the tank's ceiling a mask like that on the other woman, covering Diana's mouth and nose with it. He tightened it, forming a seal, and then shut the tank. He pressed a switch on the side, and watched slowly as it filled up with liquid, watched Diana shiver as the drugs and oxygen were pumped into her system as well. Slowly, slowly the liquid rose, covering her calves, her gorgeous thighs, her waist. She began to float, her legs bobbing from side to side slightly, as the liquid covered her breasts, her shoulders, her slender neck. Finally, her head was submerged, her hair forming a crown of her own.

The underling thought that the two Amazons made a very good pair. He did not know how right he was. For the other woman was called Diana too. She even, sometimes, went by the name 'Wonder Woman'. But there was one name she held which the first Diana did not.

The God Killer.

A day ago, in another world...

A hero stood before a tower of metal and stone, which erupted out of the ground like a nightmarish, metallic cancer. A burning red hung in the air, and darkness fell upon the torn broken streets along which Diana of Themyscira ran. Red, armoured, knee high boots clacked in a powerful rhythm, long, olive-brown, sumptuously lovely legs thrust forward as the hero, ran towards her foes. The blue skirt of a short, red and gold tunic swished about her thighs, slim but powerful arms pumping, her smooth shoulders bare save for the single strap on which she bore her shield, attached to a sword belt - though this was empty, and the long blade rested in Diana's hand. A silver tiara crowned the princess' beautiful face, as wavy, dark hair flowed behind her, dark eyes burning with purpose and strength. At her side, a stranger weapon: a golden rope, a lasso - a gift from her homeland. But the voluptuous warrior-woman was far from Themyscira. Long, now, had Diana seen herself as the guardian of this world - of Man's World, as her Themysciran sisters called it - but, then, it wasn't man's world anymore, was it?

Superman had not been the first being from another star to arrive on Earth, but he was the first to force its people to realise that they were not alone. Then Zod. Then Doomsday - when she had actually met this 'Kryptonian' for the first time. Then Steppenwolf, Superman's miraculous return, and the Justice League. Diana had watched this world for a long time - she didn't look a day over twenty-five, but she had lived for decades - yet it felt so unfamiliar to her. It was exciting. And though a gentle heart loved peace and the knowledge that all were safe and protected, Diana - about to leap into battle - felt a thrill at being its defender.

She leapt up, easily ascending fifty feet in a mere instant. As soon as she landed, on a sort of jutting metal crag that was more design feature than platform, she was assailed. Emerging from the rock itself, mighty guardians of unearthly stone lunged out, each as strong as dozens of men, and twice as tall as one. Their arms were great, stone maces, and with otherworldly malice the guardians swung these at Diana, with enough force to crush a woman of her size flat. But Diana, if it was not already clear, was no ordinary woman.

Diana did not even need to dodge these mighty blows. In a second, she had taken the measure of her enemies' strength, and seen that it was wanting. She raised one of her gleaming gauntlets, and took the blow at full force. The brute's fist cracked against her gauntlet, and shattered. With artful skill, Diana drew her lasso, and threw a gleaming loop about the neck of the guardian. Its fingers too thick to grab the noose around its neck, the guardian fumbled clumsily at it. Another guardian tried to attack Diana from behind, but its lumbering steps were easily detected. Crouching slightly for balance, Diana pulled hard on her lasso, and swung it - and smashed the first guardian into the second.

The two stone guardians burst apart like they'd had bombs set inside them. Diana leapt through the cloud of dust she'd made, continuing her ascension of the mysterious tower. Yet as she vaulted over the fallen monsters, she heard a kind of pained groan, and it gave her pause. Yes, they had attacked her first, and yes she was defending herself, but she'd assumed without thinking that these were just monstrous golems - but now they cried out in pain, and Diana suddenly wondered if her decisiveness was mercilessness. Were these creatures sentient beings like her? Were they really her enemies, or had they been compelled against her by fear of some cruel master?

She could not ignore her heart, and decided that she could not kill these 'monsters' outside of utmost necessity. For the next guardian that lunged at her, Diana evaded rather than crushed, leaping high over it. The next she batted aside with her shield, knocking it flat, before diving through the legs of the last, and passing through a small archway into the tower's interior. When she heard the guardians lumbering after her, she hurled her shield at the top of the archway, collapsing the stone and blocking it off.

Diana breathed, deliberately slowing her speeding pulse. She had to remain focused, her concentration pure. She remembered, as she retrieved her shield, her training on Themyscira, how her people had trained her to be a purer warrior, a purer weapon. She pushed all other thoughts from her mind, and turned towards the heart of the beast. It was well that she had spent a moment in preparation, for otherwise she'd have been completely wrong-footed by what she saw.
"By the gods...!"

One could never have known that the tower was made of stone from its interior. It looked...alive, every surface composed of some thick, viscous material, glowing with a sickly purple colour, and pulsating slightly with every step Diana took. High above her, great webs of fleshy material connected what looked like great organs to each other. The strings of organic material, Diana realised, were like cables, and as she tried to understand what their function was, she realised that the complex web led eventually to one object: a great, green crystal, suspended about twenty feet above the voluptuous brunette.
"A power source?" Diana wondered aloud. "Or is it being powered?" She regretted the absence of her allies from the Justice League, for she didn't know whether to destroy it, disconnect it, or disable it somehow. Likely Bruce Wayne or Cyborg would have been able to determine what it was and how to deal with it; Flash would have been able to disrupt it; Superman would have been able to help her remove or destroy it and Aquaman... well, he'd have been able to help too, somehow. Probably.

But before Diana could think of doing anything about this crystal, she realised that she was not alone. Again, guardians rose before her, but these were not the stone beasts from before. They were formed out of the fleshy mass that the interior of the tower was composed of, bubbling up out of it, assuming vaguely insectoid shapes, with burning green eyes. They snarled at Diana, with such obvious malice that she could not possibly have thought them anything but evil. And then, as if to make her completely sure, the creatures both roared in unnatural voices the word: "KILL!"
"I suppose that makes matters a bit simpler," Diana said, before leaping into battle.

They were far stronger than the stone guardians. One of them swung a misshapen arm at Diana, and though she blocked with her shield, she was forced back, her boots sliding over the slick ground beneath her. It struck again, but this time Diana evaded the blow, and kicked the creature squarely in the midsection. With a shriek, it flew up, high, high above her, before splattering messily against the tower's ceiling.
"KILL!" the other repeated, though whether this was mindless aping or some indication of a desire for vengeance Diana could not tell. It leapt at Diana with clawed hands, strong enough to clash with Diana's sword when she brought its blade up to defend her. But though its claws matched her sword, the creature itself could not match Diana, and it was easily overbalanced, before a viciously elegant backhand swipe removed its head. It fell in a crumpled heap.

Alone again, Diana centred herself after the thrill of combat, and looked again at the crystal. Except, she realised, she was not alone. Approaching the stone on a walkway that extended out as she walked, a woman was approaching the crystal. At least, Diana thought she was a woman: she looked vaguely feminine in shape. She was tall, but somewhat rotund, with sickly, yellowish skin, thick, black hair, and dark eyes. Diana was about to speak to her, assuming her to be the master of the tower, but she looked down at Diana, scowled, and made a gesture with something in her hand. At once, the ground sprang to life beneath Diana, as three of the fleshy gargoyles burst out of the ground, bubbling as they settled into existence. But Diana had her target now, and she had no wish to waste her time with small fry.

Only one of the gargoyles stood directly in her path, and Diana nearly caved its skull in with one blow from the pommel of her sword. As the others lunged at her, she crouched - and then leapt, sailing upwards until, with an acrobatic flourish, she landed on the platform with this strange figure, and turned to face her.
"I am Diana of Themyscira," she said. "You are trespassing on this planet, and -"
"Oh, shut up!" the figure snapped with such venom that Diana was shocked into silence. "Your pathetic little dustball is nothing of significance. You've already been a tiresome disruption, human. Now go away!" To Diana's astonishment, the woman turned her back to her, and began walking towards the crystal again. Irritated, Diana leapt over her, and stood in the woman's path.
"Who are you? Why have you come to this planet? If your purpose is peaceful, then you should have spoken openly to the governments of Earth, instead of invading a sovereign nation."
"Peaceful? Oh, no no no," the woman said. Diana now saw that she had clawlike, magenta fingernails, five of which were clasped around a squat, golden rod. "Earth will suffer for - " Suddenly, the woman's face underwent a violent change, and she shrieked: "Why do I have to explain myself to you?! You're the invader! This is my home, my property!" She swung her rod in what seemed like merely an emphatic gesture, but when she did, Diana felt some force seize her, and hurl her backwards.

"Uhnnh!" Diana cried out, sliding along the slick platform. She righted herself, but she was no longer confident of victory against this enemy. Who was she? What was she? What was the extent of her power?
"Wait a minute..." Diana's enemy said. "I know your name... . My spies have mentioned one like you. You're one of this wretched world's protectors. 'Wonder Woman', they called you."
"Some call me by that name," Diana said, standing tall. Mighty and beautiful, she radiated feminine strength. She had been created to be the perfect warrior, the perfect Amazon. Yet even that was not a full description. She had another name: not Diana; not Wonder Woman, but the name that preceded even her birth, and that even now she found hard to fit within her compassionate heart. But she called upon this name now, and the strength that came with it. "Others call me 'the God Killer'."
Her enemy merely laughed.

"'The God Killer'! Ahahahaha! What a joke! Perhaps you're a match for the puny gods of this world... ." She smiled cruelly, and Diana now perceived an aura of strength about her. "But I'm afraid there are some New Gods in town now."
Diana's heart froze. She knew that "New Gods... you're an ally of Steppenwolf!"
"An ally?" The New God raised an eyebrow. "I'm not his ally, Wonder Woman. I am Heggra: his sister."
If Diana had been anxious for allies before, she was even more so now. "Steppenwolf's sister? If she's as powerful as he is...by the gods, this is going to be a battle!"

As if anxious to prove her right, Heggra swung her rod again, and this time the air itself warped about it as it was swung. Watching her enemy's movements carefully, Diana rightly deduced that an attack was coming from her right, and she raised her shield to block it. But the force was such that her shield nearly buckled from the impact. Diana cried out in pain, as even her mighty arm felt a terrible pull: a normal person's arm would have been shattered by such force.
"Weak," Heggra muttered, as Diana reeled. She swung again, and an uppercut of invisible energy struck Diana on the chin, sending her sprawling against the moist ground.
"Unnhh..." Diana moaned, lying flat on her back, her long legs shifting as the stunned Amazon reeled. Even now her loveliness was evident. But Heggra seemed not to care for it. Bored, the New God prepared to raise her staff - but she had underestimated her enemy. Diana slammed her bracers together, and a sphere of power burst out of her - and this time it was Heggra who was thrown back. She rebalanced herself quickly enough, but she was obviously stunned that Diana had been able to hurt her even slightly.

"I will not yield!" Diana cried, with earnest passion. "I have seen this world almost crumble beneath tyranny twice in my life - I will not see that which they have escaped brought upon them by the would-be gods!"
"You have no choice in the matter, 'God Killer'." Heggra spat - and to her great anger found there was blood in that spit. "I suppose you must have been one of the ones who did for my brother. I did not come here to avenge him. But perhaps I will, if only to spite you."
"Then your spite will undo you!" Diana shouted, before leaping again at her enemy. In mid-air, she slammed her bracers together again, and another explosive shockwave threw Heggra back. And another, and another. Diana struck again and again, falling back on sheer might against this sorcerous enemy. Heggra tried each time to raise her staff, but Diana's power prevented her from doing so. Gritting her teeth, she leapt with her talon-like nails at Diana's throat, but one last 'boum' of godly energy smashed her down against the squamous ground.

Now it was Heggra who reeled, her rod fallen from her hand. Diana strode over to her, looking down with beautiful, but firm eyes at her fallen foe.
"Just like your brother," Wonder Woman said, "you have underestimated the champions of this world."
"Unnhh...hhh..." Heggra groaned. "Don't...make me suffer the same fate as my brother...I beg you!"
Diana shook her head. It was a shame to see her suddenly show such cowardice. It took away from Diana what little satisfaction she had in overcoming her enemy. "I didn't kill your brother, Heggra," Diana said. "Nor did my comrades. His own soldiers turned on him when they scented weakness."
Diana nodded. "I have no need to lie. I would not have been ashamed to slay him."
"Oh, I believe you," Heggra said. "In fact it confirms what I thought about you when you first confronted me." She looked up at her mighty foe with black eyes. Eyes full of venom, greed, hatred - and cunning. "You're a fool, Wonder Woman."
Only too late did Diana realise what she meant. Only too late did she remember the insectoid creatures she'd left alive.

"KILL!" they hissed, leaping from the walls they'd been climbing during their master's battle. Diana turned on them at once, cutting a gash in the chest of the first. It sputtered, croaked, and tumbled from the walkway, obviously having been rendered fatal damage. But the other was cannier, and slashed at Diana's midsection as she felled its brother. She lowered her shield just in time to guard herself, but too late to do so gracefully. The blow, therefore, struck her shield from her grip, sending it clattering to the floor far below.
"Damn!" Diana hissed, aghast at how she'd been blindsided. She looked over her shoulder, saw Heggra reaching for her rod. In desperation, she hurled her sword at full force, intent on ending the New God there and then, but the sister of Steppenwolf had power beyond her own weapon. She slammed her palms together with perfect timing, catching the sword and stopping it dead. With a smirk, she tossed Diana's sword aside, and picked up her own weapon. Groaning with frustration, Diana prepared to engage Heggra again, and lifted her arms in preparation for another shockwave - but Heggra's servant was still in the game. It grabbed Diana's wrists, and though it could not overpower her, it could prevent her from clashing her bracers together. With wide eyes, Diana looked in shock at Heggra, realising how wrong-footed she'd been. Heggra saw her shock, smiled - and struck.

The top of her golden staff opened up and, to Diana's horror, a torrent of glowing, golden chains poured out of it. Diana tried to dodge, but Heggra's servant shoved her from behind, right into the path of the attack. The chains struck her - and seized her.
"No!" Diana cried, for the chains did not merely strike or tangle her. The moment they made contact with her voluptuous figure, they took on a life of their own, and began twisting around her frame. "Ngghhhh!!" Diana groaned, as she felt her smooth, slender arms forced behind her back, her wrists crossed, her naked shoulders pulled back as the chains coiled around her forearms and elbows. At the same time, more shimmering links pinned her mighty arms in place, wrapping around her stomach, covering the emblem on her chest with gleaming chain, fixing her arms in place, and squeezing her breasts from beneath. Astonished and aghast, Diana kept her wits sufficiently to try to run, now that she was overwhelmingly disadvantaged. She tried, indeed, to throw herself off the walkway: a fall of such a height would barely even hurt her. But as if sensing her intent, the gleaming chains began moving downwards.

Diana gasped as she first felt the metal, strong and hard and oddly warm, against the bare skin of her shapely thighs. Crossing for the first time just beneath the hem of her short skirt, the chains wound round her long, womanly legs, overpowering her, binding her. As her knees slammed together, Diana couldn't believe what was happening to her. She, Wonder Woman, the God-Killer, was being bound. With her bare shoulders wriggling, her legs forced into a girlish, pigeon-toed position, she was intensely aware of just how much like a captive she already looked. But it only got worse: she'd been running for the edge of the walkway when the chains had first snagged her, and as they tangled her legs, her momentum and the slick ground stole her balance, and she tumbled to her knees.

"Unh...no! No, this isn't possible!" Diana protested, writhing in chains, kneeling - bound! She strained with every muscle she had against her gleaming bonds, but they wouldn't budge. So tightly did the chains bind her that as they wrapped up her calves, she could feel the metal of her greaves begin to crumple, though her calves themselves were made of sterner stuff.
"Personally," Heggra said, slowly approaching the fallen Amazon, "I have never had much of a taste for conquest. What's the point when we already have the jewel of torment that is Apokolips? Just to have more pathetic worms writhing at your feet? I'd rather just destroy Earth than have it as my possession. And yet..." She stood right in front of Diana, and with the end of her staff she lifted the raven-haired beauty's chin. "Seeing you on your knees like this..." Blood-red lips parted to reveal a grossly exaggerated smile. "Why, it's rather exciting, isn't it?"
"You haven't beaten me! I - MMMPHHH!!" Even as she spoke, chains twisted up around her neck, before clamping down like a vice over her mouth, wrapping round two, three, four times, and sealing Diana's soft, warm lips, muzzling the captive heroine. "Mmh! MMHHHPHHHH!!" Diana moaned, writhing her bare shoulders, throwing her dark locks from side to side as she fought against the chains. But to her horror, she couldn't break them.

"Technology on Apokolips far outstrips that of this paltry world," Heggra explained, making sure that Diana looked her in the eye as she spoke. "These chains could give even my son pause for thought. For you? They might as well be indestructible."
"Mmff...MMMGHHH!!" Diana looked up with hazel eyes, full of indignation. She, one of the greatest heroes of Earth, and second in might only perhaps to Superman, was captured: chained and gagged like some prize of war. She strained with all her strength - but she found that strength strangely lessened. "Mhh...mmhhh..." Diana felt odd. Woozy, even. Her eyes that burned with righteous fury seemed to dim in fire, her breathing becoming slower, deeper. "What's...happening? I feel...weak!"

"I see you're starting to feel the effects," Heggra said, with a derisive snort. "Oh yes, these chains will do more than bind those supple limbs of yours, God-Killer. They'll keep you thoroughly subdued."
"Mhh...mmmmhhh..." Diana moaned, as the glowing chains pulsed with light. "My strength...the chains are draining my strength!" The violent writhing of her shoulders faded into weak, sinuous shuffling, her soft thighs rubbing slowly against each other as her might ebbed away, her struggles reduced in force more and more every moment. "Mmmmhhh...mmhhhnnnnhhh!" Diana tried desperately to force her arms apart far enough to clash her bracers again, but the chains were much too tight. She gave one valiant wrench, but it was useless. Worse than useless, for she tested too far her quickly ebbing strength, and a wave of somnolence washed over her. "Mmphh..." she whimpered, her power failing her utterly. Her head flopped limply from one side to the other, before with a soft thump, she fell onto her side.

"You are quite ravishing, aren't you?" Heggra said, smirking at the chained beauty who lay moaning at her feet. "Perhaps I should give you to Goodness. I'm sure she could make a Fury of you."
"Mmhh...mmhh?" Diana didn't understand. She could barely even hear Heggra. Her world was growing dark, her senses dull. Her sparkling, hazel eyes opened and closed slowly, her curvy, supple body writhing against the damp ground. Every second she grew weaker, fell deeper into Heggra's clutches. With a snarling grin, Diana's captor flicked her rod, and Diana found herself lifted into the air, suspended by invisible hands, hovering in the air. Diana was now almost completely limp. Her head flopped forward onto her chest, her bare shoulders sagged. Her long legs hung in the air, her toes pointing down. "Mmmmhhhhhhh..." Diana whimpered, as fresh humiliation was thrown onto the pile. She was all but paralysed, and sinking deeper and deeper into utmost weakness.

"By Goodness' Nursery, you're actually going to pass out!" Heggra laughed. She lifted Diana's face again, squeezing her cheeks slightly. "If you weren't so...attractive...it'd just be funny. As it is..." Heggra sheathed her wand, and put both her hands on Diana's warm, naked shoulders.
"Mh...mhh..." Diana whimpered, as Heggra's long, sharp fingers wrapped around her shoulders, squeezing them, her palms clammy against Diana's flawless, olive skin. With her thumbs, Heggra pressed against Diana's flesh, working it, almost massaging it. Diana suddenly felt a tinge of pleasure, a warm relaxation throbbing through her as she tumbled further and further from wakefulness. As she floated, thanks to Heggra's telekinetic weapon, it was as if Diana's mass had been stolen along with her strength. She felt light. She felt reduced. Her soft cheeks were stained with a gentle red tint, as the somnolent Amazon was shackled with shame.

That shame only magnified when Heggra began moving her hands down, tracing the lines of her décolletage, running her fingernails lightly over the mounds of Diana's breasts, making soft impressions in her fine skin. She moved further down, running her hands down over Diana's waist, her womanly hips, before curling her fingers around her bare, olive-brown thighs. She gripped more tightly than before, and Diana moaned at feeling herself fondled, at the dismay of being to weak to resist.

"Do you know why I am on Earth, Wonder Woman?" Heggra said quietly, stroking Diana's legs with patronising, feigned affection. "It has unique qualities. Our scientists have determined that it is an...anchor point of reality. A connection point to other realities. Other worlds."
"Other...worlds...?" Diana could barely think. She felt heavy, her limbs sagging, a cloud of dullness and darkness wrapped around her head, stifling her thoughts, as well as her beautiful body.
"My brother started making all sorts of ridiculous plans to use Earth as a staging ground for conquest of these realities, but I have no interest in that. No, I'm only here because that crystal can draw power from those other realities." She grinned. "I'll let you in on a secret, Wonder Woman: I'm a little sick of the status quo on Apokolips. With the power I'll gain from this, I'll be able to take Apokolips for myself. Turn us away from our...adventurism. Re-establish things with me on top."
"Have to...stop her..." Diana thought, only scarcely able to keep up with what Heggra was saying. "Can't give up...but...I'm so weak...so drained..."
"Are you even listening?!" Heggra snapped. She grabbed Diana's cheeks more forcefully this time, pulled the floating beauty right up to her face. "Well if you don't hear anything else, hear this: when the process is complete, I'm going to make sure no-one can repeat the trick. I'm going to destroy this planet. Do you hear? I'm going to obliterate Earth."
"Des...troy...the planet...?" Diana couldn't even widen her eyes in shock, drained almost completely dry of power by her glimmering chains. But she was not utterly insensible of what Heggra had said. She realised what was going to happen, realised the terrible cost of her failure, and a tear stained her lovely cheek.

"Tears, Wonder Woman?" Heggra laughed. "How sweet." She grinned her wide grin and licked the tear from Diana's cheek.
"Mmhh..." Diana whimpered, unable even to turn away in shame. She almost wished that she would simply pass out to avoid this humiliation. Heggra, as it happened, was happy to oblige.
"Rest now, Wonder Woman. I want you to stick around. I want you to watch as your Earth is destroyed. Perhaps I'll even take you back to Apokolips with me - the last remnant of your fallen world. But for the moment...sleep."
"Mhh...?" Diana mewed, but her confusion was only momentary. Heggra slid one of her hands up and over Diana's chest, her collarbone, up to the edge of her trapezoid muscles, where they met her neck. Then, she gripped this spot with just her thumb and forefinger, lightly. Then she squeezed.

"MMMMPHHH!!" Diana cried out, as a cold shock shot through her body. Despite the limpness the chains had inflicted on her, her body went stiff, as though she were being electrified. "MMHHH!!" she moaned. "MMHHHH-MHHHHHH!!" And then, all at once, the shock was replaced by an emptiness, against which the already weakened Amazon had no defence. Her vision went dark. Her body went completely limp, utterly paralysed. Her head flopped onto her shoulder, her eyes rolling back in their sockets. Heggra released the heroine from her telekinetic grasp, and she fell like a feather into the waiting arms of Heggra's fleshy golem. Diana's eyes were closed. Her body was still, save for the gentle undulations of her womanly breasts. Chained, gagged, and now unconscious, Diana the God-Killer, had been completely defeated.

"Throw her in the dungeon," Heggra ordered. "She'll be our honoured guest until we leave this dustball." The order was unnecessary: the golems obeyed her every passing thought. And so, without her having to tell it to, this one hesitated to let Heggra take one last look. She'd used Diana's beauty to mock her before, but now she really appreciated it.

She was possibly the most beautiful woman, of any species, Heggra had ever seen. As she lay, limp and defenceless, in the creature's arms, her bearer's ugliness only served to highlight her ravishing beauty. Her long, black hair flowed towards the ground, her gorgeous face - sculpted as if by a Renaissance Master - all the lovelier in powerless repose. Her bosom heaved against her breastplate, and against the tight chains pushing up from beneath it, round and soft and yielding. Her legs dangled limply from the creature's arm, her thighs smooth and moist, the contours of her calves tapering perfectly from her thighs, as then as the eye travelled back up her calves, one saw how perfectly her shapely legs, exactly firm enough in consistency, complimented the feminine bulge of her hips.
"Mmm..." Heggra licked her lips. "Perhaps we need to delay the plan...there must be more as lovely as this somewhere on Earth..."

Who knows how long Diana might have lain in Heggra's dungeons? Perhaps she would have been carried off to Apokolips, or perhaps Heggra would have judged this, in the end, too similar to mercy to be tolerated. None now can say, for fate intervened. From the crystal, the stone machine which burrowed insidiously to rob other worlds of energy, launched out a sickly green beam of light. It struck Diana, and the creature, and then - as if some cosmic editor had haphazardly airbrushed them away - they simply weren't there.

Needless to say, Heggra was not best pleased.

Back in the 70s...

"Output at maximum!" Luthor barked. "Right up until the moment it breaches the Wall, this reaction costs a huge amount of energy! It will only produce energy once we break the barrier!"
"Uh, yes sir..." a white coated underling mewed, cranking up the machine to full intensity. It looked like a green crystal, but was in fact a series of interconnected micro-processors of fabulous complexity: Luthor's 'metareality drive.' No-one but him understood it. Even he didn't understand it. It shouldn't have worked. Anywhere else in the universe it shouldn't have worked: but on Earth, it did.

The 'crystal' began to glow, and Luthor grinned. It was working! Power was being siphoned off from another universe, and right into Luthor's basement!
"We won't be able to hold this much energy!" a slightly braver underling warned. "It'll explode!"
"Don't you dare turn it off," Luthor said, coldly. "We've never got it to connect this long before. It's like...it's easy this time... like there's something on the other side letting it connect..." But as he mused, the crackling grew only more intense. Sparks shot out, fuses blew, computers gave out and died, but Luthor would not allow it to stop. His underlings ran out, fearing an explosion, but Luthor was fully confident in his genius. He had calculated an overload was impossible: therefore it was so. He had no fear, not even as the light became blinding, not even as his artificial hair began to stand on end, not even when a flash of light and burst of energy poured out of the machine and hurled him backwards.

He was only annoyed, in fact, when he realised that the connection was lost.
"NO!" he bellowed, as, all at once, the entire, eye-wateringly expensive array shut down. "Damn it!" He kicked a wall, stubbing his toe for his trouble. He was almost so wrapped up in his disappointment that he didn't notice that the explosion had left behind more than chaos. It had left...a woman. A beautiful woman, in a short skirt, with raven-black hair, lying on the floor of his laboratory. Unconscious. Wrapped in glowing chains.

Needless to say, Luthor was puzzled.
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Woah... best new WW fan story I've read in years.

saxman314 wrote:
6 years ago
Woah... best new WW fan story I've read in years.
Wow, thank you!
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Awesome work, having both Wonder Woman 70s and Wonder Woman modern meeting up. I loved the strength sapping chains :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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excellent start - looking forward to more!
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Wow, great story so far! Glad to see someone taking on the cinematic WW.

DrMabuse wrote:
6 years ago
Wow, great story so far! Glad to see someone taking on the cinematic WW.
Thanks! I wanted to honour both interpretations of her, as I think they both have a great deal of virtue in their own respects. And, of course, Lynda Carter and Gal Gadot are both incredibly beautiful women, in delightfully different ways.
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I quite enjoyed this story and look forward to where you plan to take this. Hopefully you're not finished with it. I think the concept of having both the TV and Movie version of the Wonder Women in the same story was ingenious and look forward to how they might interact to get themselves free of their peril. A fun read as always, Damselbinder.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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This is a nicely complex, well written story that made me care about Diana (both of them). Any more on the way?
Sapphire Angel - Superheroine
Book 1 — Superheroine (complete)
Book 2 — Power Play (complete)
Book 3 — Deconstruction (complete)
Book 4 — Savage Dawn (complete)
Book 5 — Savage Vengeance (coming January 2024)

CJS wrote:
5 years ago
This is a nicely complex, well written story that made me care about Diana (both of them). Any more on the way?
I confess, I'm unlikely to write a follow up to this story. I'm currently wrangling with my OC series, The Perils of Valora. However, I do have half a mind to write a story with Supergirl in the not-too-distant-future.
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The writing descriptions throughout this story are Fabulous. In the tower, I could really visualize its amazing interior. Heggra's strong and powerful challenge against Wonder Woman's, might and confidence, is awesome! Hot struggling chain peril action! Fascinating scientific, other realities storyline connection. Two beautiful Wonder Women. Superb!


wondergirlsupragirl wrote:
5 years ago
The writing descriptions throughout this story are Fabulous. In the tower, I could really visualize its amazing interior. Heggra's strong and powerful challenge against Wonder Woman's, might and confidence, is awesome! Hot struggling chain peril action! Fascinating scientific, other realities storyline connection. Two beautiful Wonder Women. Superb!

Thank you very much, WGiSG! I really appreciate your taking the time to comment.
Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
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I really loved this story! Since there are not Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot version) stories, its good to read it.

Will you write more about Wonder Gadot?
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