The Grand SMUDGING of the English Language

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I've had it. I'm triggered. I've reached the strawman that broke my snowflake back. I've had all I can stand and I can stand no more! The great raping of the language of my native land and tongue can no longer go without active notation. I am noting it. I am noting the butchering of our beautiful language that it might be used instead as a weapon against people we aggressively dislike.

If you do this. If you use a word that already exists and ascribe a new attack term from it, or use two existing words sown together like Frakensteins monster into a vaguely new word and ascribe a new attack term from it, or take two words together that have a predefined meaning and (you guessed it) ascribe a new attack term from it well... I've created a new attack term to describe you!

You are a rampant SMUDGER. (And this makes me the very first Smudger. I'm taking it on the chin for this one.)

To illustrate the point someones gotta take the fall, and today I guess that's me. I'm Smudging the word Smudge in the hopes I can do anything whatsoever to avert the future smudging of words. To do that, in the following post I am going to be listing out in alphabetical order words that have been smudged, their definitions by factual resources, and then their SMUDGED definitions from intangible nonfactual resources (because no smudged word can be factually ascribed its smudged meaning anyway). I will do this overtime and encourage those of you who are interested to suggest updates to the list in the comments below, which may be included in this post when I see them. Thank you in advance to anyone who helps in this endeavor, be advised that if you include something I disagree belongs here, I will not include it and provide no explanation, because like any good Mother Smudger before me who has adopted a Smudged term, my opinion of what is Smudged and what isn't is... apparently... all that matters.

Before we begin I want to pull no punches and state my purpose bare. I've chosen the word SMUDGE to illustrate its degeneracy. A smudge on a painting is wrong, its off. If you smudge something it means you've taken something beautiful or functional and DESTROYED it. You have permanently mutilated it by the wrongness of you're interaction with it. In this endevor, I've SMUDGED the word Smudge and have in essence smudged myself. But it has to start somewhere. Why not here, why not not. So let's start!
Last edited by Femina 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Derived from the words All, Life, and Matter


1 - used for emphasis. completely.

noun: all; plural noun: alls
the whole of one's energy or interest.


1- the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

1 - be of importance; have significance.

The Smudged Truth: Ah life. The great perfect wheel of absolute perfection. Where everything churns in perfect harmony. Where no one makes mistakes, does anything wrong, or persecutes another. Life is that most sacred of all ideals, which everybody shares in equally without imbalance and whom all respect in perfect harmony... OR SO PEOPLE WHO USE THIS SLOGAN AS AN ATTACK PHRASE would have you BELIEVE! All Lives Matter doesn't mean what you think it does... You SMUDGING SNOWFLAKES! What All Lives Matter actually means is 'Black Lives DON'T!' HOW does it mean this oh great mistress of Smudge? It means this because you feel the need to SLING it at someone professing that their lives matter as if to tell them 'but does it matter as much as... ALL LIVES!? HMMMMMMMM?'

ALL lives mattering isn't a movement, it's an end goal. It's obvious. It's something every sane individual knows and understands.

What lives matter? All lives... DUH! You're options may twist if you're forced into the maniacal mechanization of the Trolley Problem... but even there, choosing to kill one to save more doesn't mean you suddenly saw the life of the person you were FORCED to kill as lacking worth... Yet just imagine going up to that man's family, who tearfully claim "Jack's Life Mattered." and rather than getting on your fucking knees and saying 'I know it did, I was put in an impossible position and had no choice, I hope one day you may find it in your hearts to forgive me,' instead you choose to throw 'All Lives Matter' in their face and walk away.

Pffft... fuckin' Assholes. Fucking racialist Assholes!

Derived from Cuckold

noun: cuckold; plural noun: cuckolds
1 - a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful, often regarded as an object of derision.
"jokes in literature about elderly cuckolds and misers are rife"
verb: cuckold; 3rd person present: cuckolds; past tense: cuckolded; past participle: cuckolded; gerund or present participle: cuckolding
1 - (of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.
"in the novel Humberto cuckolds his employer"

The Smudged Truth: This one is somewhat interesting because it's a sexist term that most often gets used by men at other men. What's less interesting is how much it comes off sounding like a degenerate swear word (It's even been turned into the four letter format for use as an insult as though the original Cuckold wasn't bad enough). Manly men use Cuck to dehumanize another man who agrees that racism, sexism and other social injustices absolutely exist in the world. They use it to indicate that the other man is weak for being alert to such things and confuse that as weakness or 'sensitivity'. I don't like most Smudged words, this is one of the few I actually HATE because I've seen firsthand the effect that it can have on somebody it's aimed at.

Most smudged words have a certain eye rolling nonsense factor to them that, while insulting, roll off the shoulders pretty quickly. For instance, most people using the term 'snowflake' are at least fully aware that they are INTENDING to be an asshole. Cuck isn't one of those. I've seen it used here on this very forum by many a user amidst what otherwise amount to actual attempts at reasonable conversation. Just like, 'Today was a sad day, I was at church with the fam, surrounded by the usual Cucks, when we were told two planes crashed into buildings in New York, our thoughts and prayers to the families!' There's something especially cruel in the insidious nature of a Smudged term that's wormed its way so completely into the political lexicon that people forget it was ever inappropriate at all. That's its own special kind of evil, that's when a thing stops being a Smudged term, that's when a Smudged word starts to be just a WORD. Keep a lookout for this one and others like it, don't let no one call your man this, don't allow it to pass by at your friends or siblings like its just okay. This is a nono word in early gestation. This is up there with Cunt, or Nigger, or Mudblood and should be treated as such. (I apologize profusely for the language if it makes you uncomfortable, but this is a BLUNT space)

Derived of the words Fake and News

adjective: fake
1 - not genuine; counterfeit.
"fake designer clothing"
noun: fake; plural noun: fakes
1 - a thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham.
"the painting was a fake"
verb: fake; 3rd person present: fakes; past tense: faked; past participle: faked; gerund or present participle: faking
1 - forge or counterfeit (something).
"the woman faked her spouse's signature"

noun: news
1 - newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events.
"I've got some good news for you"
2 - a broadcast or published report of news.
plural noun: the news
"he was back in the news again"
3 - informal: information not previously known to someone.

The Smudged Truth: Hard to say if this one's been properly smudged as of yet, it's popular use has only really just begun. Fake News basically means exactly what it sounds like. News cropped up by often legitimate sources that is, in fact, falsified in order to change opinions and manipulate consumers of said news sources. The thing is... while most news absolutely gets manipulated to some extent, given a different spin to mold a desired response, the actual FACTS of that news are ordinarily provided as valid unless you're searching for news somewhere you already know isn't precisely candid.

This one belongs here thanks to our Smudger-in-cheif himself though. The term was taken and is now occasionally used as a method to cast doubt on legitimate news when that news looks bad for the person or people most associated with that news. Like, if you were under trial for blowing up an orphanage, you might cast out fake news that the orphanage was actually a satanic cult plotting to blow up the white house. Or if you wanted to build a useless forty foot wall across the southern border which your voter base can't afford, you might imply that Mexico somehow promised or would be somehow compelled to pay for it, then say it so often that those people lose their common sense and start to believe it because its been in the news for so long.

It's hard for me to cast to much outright blame for this one on the Smudger though, oh the Smudger's usually a problem and should be excised from a position where they can continue to cause more damage... but common sense is something most of us possess to at least some degree, and when we throw it away to mob mentality because some guy starts pumping his fists every time he mentions a wall, then you elect him into a country wide leadership position, that's kind of on you... and it sometimes leads to genocide and World Wars from which we ought to have HISTORICALLY learned our lesson. (See SJW for further ranting)

Invented by Mary Shelly... I think... don't quote me on this one

a person who creates a monster or a destructive agency that cannot be controlled or that brings about the creator's ruin.
Also called Frankenstein monster. the monster or destructive agency itself.

The Smudged Truth: Frankenstein is actually spelled 'Frakenstein' in accordance with the time that Femina unfortunately misspelled the word in a futile attempt to stop the raping of the English language who then, in her pride, refused to correct the mistake in accordance with the point of the exercise. The event is mostly unknown to the world at large but it is an excellent example of the importance of proper spelling, as well as the common trend of human beings to ignore or trivialize a greater point made with love and care by imagining that a single mistake amidst a paragraph affords them right to marginalize and ignore it. Often these sorts of mistakes are responded to by someone with nothing of value to offer except to feel morally, factually, and emotionally superior by tossing out a single sentence response merely pointing out the mistake and occasionally laughing about it. We're all guilty of this from time to time, but it deserves some mention here and someone should probably Smudge a term for the behavior regardless... though I should point out Frakenstein isn't the smudged word for that. It'd be something else.... like a 'Heckler's Veto' (See 'Woke' for details)... idk I'm not defining this one, I'm not making up anymore words, I've smudged myself enough damn it!

derived from the words Liberal and Retard

adjective: liberal
1 - open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms.
"liberal citizenship laws"
(in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.
"a liberal democratic state"
2 - (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
noun: liberal; plural noun: liberals
1 - a person of liberal views.

verb: retard; 3rd person present: retards; past tense: retarded; past participle: retarded; gerund or present participle: retarding
1 - delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment.
"our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties"

The Smudged Truth: Sadly this isn't just a 'ship' name for Liberal and Retard. This is a pair of words clumsily smashed together to simultaneously directly insult liberals and to indirectly insult the mentally disabled while maintaining a word limit. It's pretty much what it sounds like. To a certain sort, if you're a liberal you're ALSO a retard and so all liberals are libtards, but occasionally the term is held back for only those liberals a Smudger feels very politically adversarial toward. While it does indirectly insult the mentally disabled, the term isn't used to attack the handicapped. It's only that like most smudged words that get popular, Libtard wasn't market researched. When, while speaking to a Smudger, you find yourself baffled by how clumsy and inarticulate he or she seems to be just remember that it's probably because most of us aren't very thoughtful or forward thinking. We don't like to consider things like the improvement of society or even put much effort into SELF improvement. Why bother with empathy when you can just smush two words together and call someone you don't like a Libtard?

Derived from the words Man and Baby

noun: man; plural noun: men; noun: Man; noun: the Man
1 -an adult human male.
"a small man with mischievous eyes"
2 - a human being of either sex; a person.
"God cares for all races and all men"
verb: man; 3rd person present: mans; past tense: manned; past participle: manned; gerund or present participle: manning
1 - (of personnel) work at, run, or operate (a place or piece of equipment) or defend (a fortification).
"the firemen manned the pumps and fought the blaze"
2 - archaic: fortify the spirits or courage of.
"he manned himself with dauntless air"

noun: baby; plural noun: babies
1 - a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"
2 - informal: a young woman or a person with whom one is having a romantic relationship (often as a form of address).
"my baby left me for another guy"
adjective: baby
1 -comparatively small or immature of its kind.
"a baby grand piano"
verb: baby; 3rd person present: babies; past tense: babied; past participle: babied; gerund or present participle: babying
1 - treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective toward.
"her aunt babied her and fussed over her clothes"

The Smudged Truth: This is the slightly rarer leftist Smudge because while it's uniformly aimed at men, it's only really aimed at men veering toward right (Maybe 'Right' and 'Left' should be featured as smudged words at this point?) It is used most commonly to illustrate the irony of innate sensitivity from a man vehemently indicating the oversensitive nature of others. I'll cop to this, I've used this one myself... mostly during the great Captain Marvel debates of 2018-19, but the words are no less smudged, nor really any more acceptable than any other smudged word here. It's an insult, plain and simple, one that insults the person it is aimed at, as well as Men AND Babies globally all at once... it's a classic triple combo like Libtard. Men as a gender deserve better, babies as a gestational period of our youth deserve better, and yes the HUMAN BEINGS we are speaking with when we lob it at them even deserve better. Using this term does not facilitate any less emotionally impactful resentment from the recipient than any right aligned smudging inspires on the left. I myself endevour to try not to use this one anymore.

derived from...

noun: racialism
1 - another term for racism.

The Smudged Truth: HOLY JESUS! Did nobody tell Oxford they aren't allowed to riff on religion! That's like, TOTALLY uncalled for! Racialism is totally NOT another word for racism! It ACTUALLY means that human beings are NATURALLY devided into ostensibly distinct races! It's not RACISM! It's just a fundamentally necessary belief if you're going to subscribe to the concept of White Genocide! Have heart Oxford, those white Racialists are going EXTINCT! They HAVE to believe it, because if God doesn't exist than there isn't a tooth fairy!

Look away people, nothing to see here but an Oxford sized prejudice!

Derived from the words Social, Justice, and Warrior

adjective: social
1 - relating to society or its organization.
"alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem"
2 - needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities.
"we are social beings as well as individuals"
noun: social; plural noun: socials
1 - an informal social gathering, especially one organized by the members of a particular club or group.
"a church social"

noun: justice; plural noun: justices
1 - just behavior or treatment.
"a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people"
2 - a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the Supreme Court of a country or state.

noun: warrior; plural noun: warriors; noun: warrior pose; plural noun: warrior poses
1 - (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.
2 - any of a number of standing poses in yoga in which the legs are held apart and the arms are stretched outwards.
"when you return to downward dog after the first round, add warrior poses I and II" [........... should this really be in the dictionary?]

The Smudged Truth: This ones a doozy. SJW is one of the longest running and most commonly utilized tools in the Smudger's arsenal on the right-wing (where most, but certainly not all, Smudger's live) which may have gained its lasting traction in the Gamergate era circa 2014. It was meant to act as a means to insult those online types whom voice protest but physically do very little to actually further that cause (aka the far left, aka the alt right, aka anyone whose ever used a keyboard, aka Americans). It still does get used for that purpose, but the primary interest in popularizing the term may have been retaliation for the left's enthusiastic tenancy to denounce their opposition as Nazi's or fascists. SJW is now commonly utilized to denounce an individual as a political dissonant whose beliefs, the alt-right believe, are un-American or dangerous to... Americans?

So let's be frank. People in America DO throw the term Nazi around at people who definitively aren't Nazi's A LOT... so much so that there's a mistaken belief in persuasive speech circles that calling an opponent a Nazi means you have immediately lost the argument... but the term itself has meaningful historical context which should not now or EVER be forgotten least we forget to actually learn from the past,. Nazi, as a word, wasn't invented or changed by the people who use it as an insult either, the word embodies the logistical and emotional context ascribed to it when people use that insult. So when someone calls you a Nazi, you instantly know exactly what they are accusing you of, whether or not that accusation is true or fair.... So to combat this, some forward thinking Smudger decided the perfect retaliation was to take three words that together imply the most honorable sort of fighter, make an acronym out of them, and sling that around as an equivalency insult to NAZI!

In conclusion, Nazi, a word created by the Nazi Party themselves, who historically killed their opposition to impose absolute rule, enacted a genocidal plan to eliminate the entire Jewish ethnicity and waged war on nearly the entire world. Then someone thought that a good equivalency insult was to call someone a brave fighter for bringing social justice.... Smudger's creativity at its finest.

Theft of the word Smudge

verb: smudge; 3rd person present: smudges; past tense: smudged; past participle: smudged; gerund or present participle: smudging
cause (something) to become messily smeared by rubbing it.
"she dabbed her eyes, careful not to smudge her makeup"
Similar:streak, mark, dirty, spot, soil, muddy, fleck, speck, blotch, blacken, smear, stripe, dot, blot, blob, daub, bedaub, stain, splotch, splodge, besmirch, blur, mess up
become smeared when rubbed.
"mascaras that smudge or flake around the eyes"
make blurred or indistinct.
"the photograph had been smudged by the photocopier and was by no means as clear as the original"

noun: smudge; plural noun: smudges
a blurred or smeared mark on the surface of something.
"a smudge of blood on the floor"

The Smudged Truth: What Smudge actually means to those of us in the know, is any time a word or group of words with already ascribed definitions become informally redefined as political attack terms. Smudged terms often hold the agenda of dehumanizing their opposition, and are almost always included as, or alongside, a veiled insult.
But it actually means whatever Femina wants it to mean, because she claimed and took ownership of the term in accordance with her 'WdWtFwL' act of 2019.

Theft of the word Snowflake

noun: snowflake; plural noun: snowflakes; noun: special snowflake; plural noun: special snowflakes
1 - a flake of snow, especially a feathery ice crystal, typically displaying delicate sixfold symmetry.
2 - informal•derogatory: an overly sensitive or easily offended person, or one who believes they are entitled to special treatment on account of their supposedly unique characteristics.
"these little snowflakes will soon discover that life doesn't come with trigger warnings"
3 - a white-flowered Eurasian plant related to and resembling the snowdrop, typically blooming in the summer or autumn.

The Smudged Truth: Well look at that? All us Smudgers have done our dirty well. We smudged snowflake so hard it's actually informally noted in the dictionary. Congratulations, we turned something beautiful, known for its elegance and perfection of form that has brought children happiness for thousands of years.... and we made it a political cuss word. Can someone stand up and start clapping please?

Theft of Trigger

noun: trigger; plural noun: triggers
1 - a small device that releases a spring or catch and so sets off a mechanism, especially in order to fire a gun.
"he pulled the trigger of the shotgun"
2 - an event or circumstance that is the cause of a particular action, process, or situation.
"the trigger for the strike was the closure of a mine"
verb: trigger; 3rd person present: triggers; past tense: triggered; past participle: triggered; gerund or present participle: triggering
1 - cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist.
"an allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork"

The Smudged Truth: I was recently triggered by a smudged term and remembered that the smudged term 'triggered' was a thing and so here we are. Classically Triggered is just the logical mechanical artifice, moment or circumstance that causes another action... or the thing that sparks the 'cause' in cause and effect, or maybe the thing in-between the cause and effect IDK I'm not a physicist. What I do know is that smudgers like myself have hijacked the word for a different purpose. Triggered is one of those words that really showcases the dark intelligence that lingers behind the actual act of smudging a word. In theory, even as Smudged, triggered still means what it should mean. Smudgers will tell a person they are 'triggered' when some bit of intolerance or asinine behavior leads the 'triggered' individual into an incensed emotionally driven rant about the destructive nature of the offending behavior... but the rub of why it belongs HERE is because in the Smudgers lexicon Triggered is utilized by smudgers less as a descriptive tool of the event but as though the word Triggered is itself an ARGUMENT.

Let me give you an example. Someone buffoonish claims that mass murder of another political segment should be warranted in effort to cleanse future bloodlines of that segments incorrect methodology of thought. In response a member of the attacked political segment screams at the top of their lungs at length into what essentially amounts as 'you are an idiot to believe this, you are shortsighted to imagine that allowing this sort of behavior would not incite a precedent that would eventually turn on yourself, your observation is devoid of empathy!' To which the original buffon simply writes 'Triggered!' leans back in their chair and smugly reaches for another Dorito's Spicier Nacho as though the battle itself has been won.

So if you ever find yourself in disbelief that the smudger you are talking with seems to not be listening to you, its because they aren't. They are only waiting for you to pause to take a breath so that they can fit in a quick 'triggered!' and then bolt in squeals of infantile laughter. Know now and always, you make your retaliatory arguments with Smudgers NOT to convince the smudger, because doing so is IMPOSSIBLE, but to ensure that the smudgers mode of thought is not the sole mode of thought on display for those still impressionable who may stumble across the argument.

Theft of the word Woke

past of wake. [1-emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep; stop sleeping.-become alert to or aware of.-cause (something) to stir or come to life. 2-dialect•Irish
hold a vigil beside (someone who has died)].

adjective informal•US
adjective: woke; comparative adjective: woker; superlative adjective: wokest
alert to injustice in society, especially racism.
"we need to stay angry, and stay woke"

The Smudged Truth: Even the informal definition of Woke is out of date! Woke today, I have it on good authority from a fellow Smudger whom I won't even credit here because as all good Smudgers know these smudged terms are FACTUAL non-factual extrapolations of terms that hold absolute and true meaning to each of us as individuals and you don't have to quote facts because facts aren't part of anybodies original ideas... anyway, according to one Smudger, Wokeness is actually a part of the SJW ideological purity test, Intolerance of those of us with moderate and conservative views, the demonization of men SPECIFICALLY as 'the Patriarchy', attacking business people, attacking Jews, and 'heckler's vetos' whatever the fuck that is. See when you Smudge a word SO MUCH that it means all of that, you're bound to come across meanings that you've never even heard of, and don't even understand the meaning of... anyway, looks like they need to update the dictionary.

Update - Some things have changed since the past, believe it or not, but the smudged definition of Woke has changed so damn much and risen so mighty in popularity since I did this whole thing that it demands commenting on further YEARS after I stopped caring. So for starters, forget SJW, SJW doesn't exist anymore. SJW is a dead fashion! It's a nothing term that's disappeared in favor of WOKE! Go Woke, Go BROKE! (Unless what you're doing is a film about a confederacy themed superheroine in which case "Go Anti-Woke, Trip and fall at the starting line without ever reaching anybody") But what exactly IS woke?




We don't know! We don't know and we're still waiting on an answer! The people who use all the 'Woke' slang today don't even have a fucking clue! They use Woke to define people AND actions indiscriminately of one another, Woke has come to mean 'including anyone not white or not male in anything period'. Woke has come to mean 'Saying anything liberal whatsoever regardless of the relevancy or lack thereof in any given forum' (so something like this entire topic thread). Woke is when a corporate brand changes their image to sell more stuff to more people. Woke is when a videogame releases and we don't like it enough! Woke is totalitarian fascism and intolerance directed at good and honest freethinking conservatives. Woke, according to the people who use this bunk ass slang, is ANYTHING that upsets them, for any reason, always!

I'm speaking directly to conservatives smudgers now..... FIGURE OUT WHAT WOKE MEANS! I'm serious! How the fuck am I supposed to update my smudged words lists when you can't even agree on a meaning for your own stupid buzz phrases? Hold a convention or something, get your best and brightest minds into a room and FIGURE OUT what Woke means so you can stop using it in EVERY sentence that comes out of your mouths. Bring back SJW if you must just for the love of GOD stop calling EVERYTHING woke, you sound like a flock of seagulls!

Derived of the words White and Genocide

Derived from two distinct words

adjective: white; comparative adjective: whiter; superlative adjective: whitest; adjective: White
1 - of the color of milk or fresh snow, due to the reflection of most wavelengths of visible light; the opposite of black.
"a sheet of white paper"
2 - belonging to or denoting a human group having light-colored skin (chiefly used of peoples of European extraction).
"a white farming community"
noun: white; noun: White
1 - white color or pigment.
2 - the visible pale part of the eyeball around the iris.
verb: white; 3rd person present: whites; past tense: whited; past participle: whited; gerund or present participle: whiting
1 - paint or turn (something) white.
"your passion hath whited your face"

noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides

1 - the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
"a campaign of genocide"

The Smudged Truth: I didn't even know this one existed. Right wing extremist 'Racialists' (I'm sure in very small supply) actually believe that the white 'race' is dying out! It's going EXTINCT!!!! What be this extinction level event? Why it's interbreeding with non-whites orchestrated by none other than those dastardly JEWS! What most baffles me about this concept is that genetically speaking human beings are basically identical. For the white 'race' to go 'extinct' EVERY human being in the world would have to DIE, not pass their genetics along into a mixed ethnic child. This one was Smudged for the extremist of extremes whom most Republican and right wing supporters almost certainly denounce in the same way that common sense tells us all that flying a plane into a building is wrong... just wrong. So don't lose sleep over this, sane people don't believe in this garbage, only a very small number of morons.

Strangely though... I was told leftists were the ones who hate and fear Jews? Further research may be necessary
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago

If you do this. If you use a word that already exists and ascribe a new attack term from it, or use two existing words sown together like Frakensteins monster into a vaguely new word and ascribe a new attack term from it, or take two words together that have a predefined meaning and (you guessed it) ascribe a new attack term from it well... I've created a new attack term to describe you!
Rather tragically, given the subject matter, you've mis-spelled 'Frankenstein' :giggle:
Unless Frakenstein is intended as a 'smudge'
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
Femina wrote:
4 years ago

If you do this. If you use a word that already exists and ascribe a new attack term from it, or use two existing words sown together like Frakensteins monster into a vaguely new word and ascribe a new attack term from it, or take two words together that have a predefined meaning and (you guessed it) ascribe a new attack term from it well... I've created a new attack term to describe you!
Rather tragically, given the subject matter, you've mis-spelled 'Frankenstein' :giggle:
Unless Frakenstein is intended as a 'smudge'
Not even gonna fix it. Apparently it doesn't matter.
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It mattered to Mary Shelley
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
It mattered to Mary Shelley
and then the Edison Studio Smudged it.

"Fake news" briefly, and properly, meant untrue, fabricated stories meant to deceive and incite people - like the fake story of the child porn ring being run out of a Washington pizzeria and involving the Clintons. Then the term was appropriated by Donald Trump and smudged into meaning any news story or outlet that was critical of him - ie. the Pulitzer Prize dominating New York Times is fake news.

By the way, he who will not be named is a big Trump fan. Shocker, I know.

By the way, "smudging" is also a First Nations ceremony of cleansing, which is oddly ironic.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
"Fake news" briefly, and properly, meant untrue, fabricated stories meant to deceive and incite people - like the fake story of the child porn ring being run out of a Washington pizzeria and involving the Clintons. Then the term was appropriated by Donald Trump and smudged into meaning any news story or outlet that was critical of him - ie. the Pulitzer Prize dominating New York Times is fake news.

By the way, he who will not be named is a big Trump fan. Shocker, I know.
Hmmm... I'll look into it. Two word terms are a little harder to slip in a definitive 'definition' for and then break down. I'll need to work out a system for how I'm going to do that.
Bert wrote:
4 years ago
By the way, "smudging" is also a First Nations ceremony of cleansing, which is oddly ironic.
No it's not that anymore. According to the rules of the street, it means what I want it to mean. I'm sorry, this is just how it is now.
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
If you do this. If you use a word that already exists and ascribe a new attack term from it, or use two existing words sown together like Frakensteins monster into a vaguely new word and ascribe a new attack term from it, or take two words together that have a predefined meaning and (you guessed it) ascribe a new attack term from it well... I've created a new attack term to describe you!
I think you mean sewn as in to stitch not sown as in to plant seeds

Although maybe you do

Blows raspberry

Runs away
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lionbadger wrote:
4 years ago
Femina wrote:
4 years ago
If you do this. If you use a word that already exists and ascribe a new attack term from it, or use two existing words sown together like Frakensteins monster into a vaguely new word and ascribe a new attack term from it, or take two words together that have a predefined meaning and (you guessed it) ascribe a new attack term from it well... I've created a new attack term to describe you!
I think you mean sewn as in to stitch not sown as in to plant seeds

Although maybe you do

Blows raspberry

Runs away
See Frakenstein
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago

Rather tragically, given the subject matter, you've mis-spelled 'Frankenstein' :giggle:
Unless Frakenstein is intended as a 'smudge'
"That's.. Fronkensteen."
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Renegade wrote:
4 years ago
tallyho wrote:
4 years ago

Rather tragically, given the subject matter, you've mis-spelled 'Frankenstein' :giggle:
Unless Frakenstein is intended as a 'smudge'
"That's.. Fronkensteen."
I think you will find it was
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Added: Fake News, SJW, and White Genocide, ooooooh!
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
Renegade wrote:
4 years ago
tallyho wrote:
4 years ago

Rather tragically, given the subject matter, you've mis-spelled 'Frankenstein' :giggle:
Unless Frakenstein is intended as a 'smudge'
"That's.. Fronkensteen."
I think you will find it was
Quite right, I guess my Transylvanian is a bit rusty these days. Image
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Renegade wrote:
4 years ago
tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
Renegade wrote:
4 years ago
tallyho wrote:
4 years ago

Rather tragically, given the subject matter, you've mis-spelled 'Frankenstein' :giggle:
Unless Frakenstein is intended as a 'smudge'
"That's.. Fronkensteen."
I think you will find it was
Quite right, I guess my Transylvanian is a bit rusty these days. Image
No no, it's just 'Frakenstein' now I've taken ownership of that one as well. You all just apparently have to accept my right to do so. This is the way it is now.

Dunno if Mary Shelly was using Transylvanian naming conventions before she lost the word to me though xD

Also... added Racialism
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Just to let you know, I am not interested in damaging your fragile psyches; but getting into a protracted debate


Verb: To interject awkwardly into an adult conversation from the kid's table in the failed hope of becoming relevant.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago

Verb: To interject awkwardly into an adult conversation from the kid's table in the failed hope of becoming relevant.
You can't put numbers into words! That's... then you could just Smudge1 something and it'd mean something completely different!!!! Aren't we smudged enough!

The artist formerly known as Prince used a symbol for his name! But you are the Grand Poobess of smudging (not to be confused with the indigenous rite), so I demure to your command!
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Language changes. Language evolves. Get over it. :)
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TIEnTEEZ wrote:
4 years ago
Language changes. Language evolves. Get over it. :)
Hmmm, let me think about that...

No. I don't think I will.

If I think language is evolving in a healthy and intelligent direction, I'll accept that yes, Language does evolve and such is life...

But these are the sorts of words that bring us ever closer to Mike Judge's prophesy (Idiocracy).

We should all want things to evolve, but when they DEvolve, we don't have to be (nor should we be) pleased by it.

But hey, you're free to whine about it some more here if you like. You're just as free to wish I'd shut up as I am to wish anyone who uses the term 'libtard' and thinks its clever would be struck suddenly and irrevocably mute!

Also... Added Cuck, and Libtard
Bert wrote:
4 years ago
The artist formerly known as Prince used a symbol for his name! But you are the Grand Poobess of smudging (not to be confused with the indigenous rite), so I demure to your command!
:) Yes, The Grand Poobess of All of This and That.
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
TIEnTEEZ wrote:
4 years ago
Language changes. Language evolves. Get over it. :)
Hmmm, let me think about that...

No. I don't think I will.

If I think language is evolving in a healthy and intelligent direction, I'll accept that yes, Language does evolve and such is life...

But these are the sorts of words that bring us ever closer to Mike Judge's prophesy (Idiocracy).

We should all want things to evolve, but when they DEvolve, we don't have to be (nor should we be) pleased by it.

But hey, you're free to whine about it some more here if you like. You're just as free to wish I'd shut up as I am to wish anyone who uses the term 'libtard' and thinks its clever would be struck suddenly and irrevocably mute!
I dunno, you may be right, it might not be a good thing. On the other hand... I fail to see how ranting about it will help anything. Good or bad, you have as much chance of changing it as you do of influencing the tides. So just relax and go with it. To quote George Carlin, who also railed against the abuse of language...

"When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."

So just sit back and enjoy the show. :)

Actually, I love Femina's "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" stand. She's created an effective and hilarious counter to the propaganda bullshit that tries to pass as discussion in some circles today. Kudos!

Not to disagree with Carlin, who was a genius!
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Jeez and I thought I was an enthusiastic ranter.

It’s funny because you’re actually misdefining the word smudge? A smudged thing is not destroyed, only smeared. Much like paint, when you smudge together red and blue you get something new altogether.

It can be scary when the world changes without our permission but it’s not exactly insidious. Words are constantly changing in meaning and they have been throughout the history of the English language. In fact, if words had not changed in meaning, spelling, and pronunciation since the inception of the language, the language English speakers speak today would be totally unrecognizable to all of us.

This is not a new phenomenon. Words change with the world and the world is hardly ever static.

Every generation complains that the generation that comes after is enacting “an attack on tradition and decency” and these (sorry, not sorry), older folks often attach not just an abandonment of tradition to this change but old folks see it as an attack on the world as they know it and everything they believe in. In reality, it’s as unstoppable and as natural as the changing of the seasons.
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LovetheFallenAngels wrote:
4 years ago
Jeez and I thought I was an enthusiastic ranter.

It’s funny because you’re actually misdefining the word smudge? A smudged thing is not destroyed, only smeared. Much like paint, when you smudge together red and blue you get something new altogether.
You're confused. I did not incorrectly define Smudge, I provided the old definition verbatim from the dictionary. You see when I smudged Smudge, it became mine and others who've chosen to adopt its smudged meaning. It no longer means what it used to mean, it means what I want it to mean. If you don't believe me just take a gander around the internet at other Smudged words that no longer mean what they used to mean because it now belongs to people who want it to mean something else and want that so badly that they just say it over and over again in the wrong context until that wrong context becomes the alt-right/far left context. You may want to take this a little less seriously as well. This is a venting space. This is as much a place for me to parody the nonsense of other Smudgers as it is to explain my irritation with the words themselves. The people who Smudge words are unaffected by logic and don't care what a thing originally meant, all they care about is what the word means to THEM, not what the words mean to whom they communicate with, which is just one of many reasons communication between Smudgers and non-smudgers break down so often.
It can be scary when the world changes without our permission but it’s not exactly insidious. Words are constantly changing in meaning and they have been throughout the history of the English language. In fact, if words had not changed in meaning, spelling, and pronunciation since the inception of the language, the language English speakers speak today would be totally unrecognizable to all of us.
Evolution isn't scary? Nor am I unfamiliar with this phenomena. I've taken my share of History and English schooling and have a basic understanding of the way language evolved, bettered itself, and came to be what it is now. Anyway I think you've gone and fallen back on yourself here a bit. How could I have incorrectly defined Smudge if words have Carte Blanche to evolve however the fuck we like? See that's why definitions of a thing matter, so that we can understand one another as concisely as humanly possible. linguistic evolution and Smudging words are two separate things. Language 'evolves' to better our understanding of it which is paramount to the betterment of the species, language gets smudged so that we can better insult one another, which I can't claim is of NO value... the value there is limited, and often these smudged terms are modes of insult that already have words and terms for the purpose.
Every generation complains that the generation that comes after is enacting “an attack on tradition and decency” and these (sorry, not sorry), older folks often attach not just an abandonment of tradition to this change but old folks see it as an attack on the world as they know it and everything they believe in. In reality, it’s as unstoppable and as natural as the changing of the seasons.
Eh? So every Generation before us has been taking words that mean random things and redefining them to better utilize as a political attack? See I don't think that's entirely true. Now I DO think words have gotten smudged in the past, don't get me wrong, but the SCALE of this and the speed at which it happened was insignificant compared to what we have going on today. The advent of the Internet and global communications networks allows for a whole new level speed Smudging. Practically every month there's a new one poking its ugly head. And since these terms almost uniformly are brandished as WEAPONS I personally cannot find it in myself to consider them a healthy form of evolution. Snowflake should never have become an attack word. Anybody who thinks it should have is an imbecile.

TIEnTEEZ wrote:
4 years ago
I dunno, you may be right, it might not be a good thing. On the other hand... I fail to see how ranting about it will help anything. Good or bad, you have as much chance of changing it as you do of influencing the tides. So just relax and go with it. To quote George Carlin, who also railed against the abuse of language...

"When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."

So just sit back and enjoy the show. :)
I mean... I JUST said 'No' didn't I? Why we still talking about this?


You're on point though, Carlin hit the nail on its head with that one.

Also, added Manbaby... in case anyone thought leftist smudgers were getting a free pass. ALL Smudging is smudging people.
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I agree with many of your points, and sure, there’s lots of new words and perverted words based on political agendas today. But a lot of the redefining happens innocuously. Look at “literally.” It means figuratively now. There’s no politics there, just crazy humanity.

The other thing is that many of these new definitions aren’t redefined by a single person. There’s many people involved in creating a new definition of a word. I mean, I could decide today that pumpkin means car but unless the “truth” of the new definition resonates with somebody, I’m just gonna be a weirdo walking around talking about getting my pumpkin serviced or driving my pumpkin into the city.

I agree there’s a lot of exposure to words being redefined today for political punch but reaffirm that this is nothing new. Mccarthyism sought to redefine many terms and succeeded. Socialism is still kind of a naughty word in America, as are many other “red” terms. The ideology of the word has been completely redefined by a capitalist establishment afraid of the ideology. It’s nothing new, imo, even if it’s more visible today than ever before.
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LovetheFallenAngels wrote:
4 years ago
I agree with many of your points, and sure, there’s lots of new words and perverted words based on political agendas today. But a lot of the redefining happens innocuously. Look at “literally.” It means figuratively now. There’s no politics there, just crazy humanity.
Oh aye, and more confusing for the fact that you can use it to mean both and only your sentence structure can inform the person your speaking with of what you meant... but I can't change the WHOLE WORLD at once, so for now, I'm focused primarily on attack terms... and a few I just find hilarious... like Racialsm *giggles*
The other thing is that many of these new definitions aren’t redefined by a single person. There’s many people involved in creating a new definition of a word. I mean, I could decide today that pumpkin means car but unless the “truth” of the new definition resonates with somebody, I’m just gonna be a weirdo walking around talking about getting my pumpkin serviced or driving my pumpkin into the city.
Somebody somewhere, else a localized group, was the first in the chain of events that made it popular. For a time they probably WERE just weirdo's walking around talking confusingly. A hundred thousand people probably had to ask 'wtf... you called me a snowflake? The fuck does that mean?' before it gained traction.
I agree there’s a lot of exposure to words being redefined today for political punch but reaffirm that this is nothing new. Mccarthyism sought to redefine many terms and succeeded. Socialism is still kind of a naughty word in America, as are many other “red” terms. The ideology of the word has been completely redefined by a capitalist establishment afraid of the ideology. It’s nothing new, imo, even if it’s more visible today than ever before.
Mmmhmmm, and it succeeded because we LET it succeed. I don't want to do that. I'm sure I'm well too late, It's futile, I express as much in my Frakenstein entry... but it doesn't mean I have to be happy or quiet about it.

TIEnTEEZ wrote:
4 years ago
Language changes. Language evolves. Get over it. :)
"Things change. And if things change badly, or are clearly in the process of changing badly, it is wrong to try to reverse that change, steer it in a better direction, or prevent it. Because things change. A thing happening means that it should happen, and a thing about to happen or in the process of happening must be allowed to continue to happen, even if the thing happening or not is entirely contingent on whether or not people decide, collectively, to allow it to happen.

Get over it."
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Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
TIEnTEEZ wrote:
4 years ago
Language changes. Language evolves. Get over it. :)
"Things change. And if things change badly, or are clearly in the process of changing badly, it is wrong to try to reverse that change, steer it in a better direction, or prevent it. Because things change. A thing happening means that it should happen, and a thing about to happen or in the process of happening must be allowed to continue to happen, even if the thing happening or not is entirely contingent on whether or not people decide, collectively, to allow it to happen.

Get over it."
xD They're Nihilists man!

"Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."
Last edited by Femina 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.

Femina wrote:
4 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
TIEnTEEZ wrote:
4 years ago
Language changes. Language evolves. Get over it. :)
"Things change. And if things change badly, or are clearly in the process of changing badly, it is wrong to try to reverse that change, steer it in a better direction, or prevent it. Because things change. A thing happening means that it should happen, and a thing about to happen or in the process of happening must be allowed to continue to happen, even if the thing happening or not is entirely contingent on whether or not people decide, collectively, to allow it to happen.

Get over it."
xD Their Nihilists man!

"Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."
You're out of your element, Femina.

Shut the fuck up, Damselbinder!
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"Democracy dies in darkness" Washington Post. Keep on fighting the good fight Femina!
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I have only one thing to say about Smudging:

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Visitor wrote:
4 years ago
I have only one thing to say about Smudging:

Sadly, until the smudger reveals the true meaning behind their linguistic taint, it can't be added to the list. Covfefe may one day aspire to be included here, but as I'm unsure of which words were meant to derive it or if the word itself is the result of a spastic stroke addled mistake we simply can't know...

We can't know...

We can never know.
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no personal insults chaps and chapesses
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Sorry Tally, you must be unfamiliar with The Big Lebowski. The "Ethos" and "element" comments are also quotes from the movie.
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I just didnt know Damselbinder was in the BL , thats all. :giggle:
And there isnt a lot of difference between
Shut the fuck up Damselbinder!
Quote from Big Lebowski
Shut the fuck up Damselbinder!
just telling DB to stfu. :giggle:

If its all good then as you were chaps.
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It's all right, you just weren't privy to all the new shit that's come to light.

tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
I just didnt know Damselbinder was in the BL , thats all. :giggle:
And there isnt a lot of difference between
Shut the fuck up Damselbinder!
Quote from Big Lebowski
Shut the fuck up Damselbinder!
just telling DB to stfu. :giggle:

If its all good then as you were chaps.
It's happened the other way around before.
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Smudge is not a good word for this.

First, it reminds me of splunge.

Second, there's no K sound.

Third, it seems better suited to excusing the act it describes, not vilifying it. Is that your goal?

I think it's trying to be too clever. Someone will coin a better term for this propaganda technique and you'll be stuck with a box full of NO SMUDGING hats and buttons and bumper stickers.

People are bricking and cockblocking language to make us double plus dumb and you give us smudge.
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Imagineer wrote:
4 years ago
Smudge is not a good word for this.

First, it reminds me of splunge.

Second, there's no K sound.

Third, it seems better suited to excusing the act it describes, not vilifying it. Is that your goal?

I think it's trying to be too clever. Someone will coin a better term for this propaganda technique and you'll be stuck with a box full of NO SMUDGING hats and buttons and bumper stickers.

People are bricking and cockblocking language to make us double plus dumb and you give us smudge.
HA! Splunge and smudge are nothing alike. Splunge is more akin to PLUNGE, which of course simply means to press in towards the bottom of something and has nothing to do with smearing ones own shit all over something the way one must smear their personal baggage over a word in the way that smudging more properly conveys.

K is the worst letter of the alphabet and to hell with anyone who thinks otherwise, I'll fight you over this. See I only just used it twice in that last sentence and I already feel sleezy! Like a cheap Oreo knockoff of C... there it was again! *eeeehhhhhh*

Thirdly, I smudged smudge, so it is excused for use as a smudged term in accordance to the WdWtFwL act of 2019. Whether or not that excuses it for the general public or not is for them to decide not me. I feel confident they'll make the wrong decision.

Jokes on you, I didn't fund ANY hats, buttons or bumper stickers. When Smudge crashes, I'll have gotten away with it free of charge!

I mean... you're free to go make your own word for it if you like and see if it competes well against mine, or you can keep snuffling about it here. Either is fine with me, but the words will still be smudged, and we'll be no closer to getting them un-smudged, we'll just have smudged two words for the same concept instead of leaving it at one. But that's on you.
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Added Triggered in accordance with my recent triggering in the Watchmen topic... no real commentary to be had on the topic thread that sparked this... just realized it was a smudged term I'd not got to here yet. Enjoy
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Added 'All Lives Matter'
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I had a thought some days ago, and your post is a perfect opportunity to share it.

It's true that many people (mainly white partially/entirely racists pretending to be attacked/excluded) don't like the Black Lives Matter sentence, so they say All Lives Matter as a passive aggressive defensive system, implying something worse (''but your life matters less than mine in the end").

But wouldn't have been better from the very first moment to state "Black Lives Matter Too" ?

Sounds better to me, and nobody could pretend to be "attacked/excluded" anymore. Would that kind of people I hinted above had come up with something racist/derogatory again ? Maybe ... (racists will always be racists afterall).

But I would have been curious to hear what they would have come up with.
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helstar wrote:
3 years ago
I had a thought some days ago, and your post is a perfect opportunity to share it.

It's true that many people (mainly white partially/entirely racists pretending to be attacked/excluded) don't like the Black Lives Matter sentence, so they say All Lives Matter as a passive aggressive defensive system, implying something worse (''but your life matters less than mine in the end").

But wouldn't have been better from the very first moment to state "Black Lives Matter Too" ?

Sounds better to me, and nobody could pretend to be "attacked/excluded" anymore. Would that kind of people I hinted above had come up with something racist/derogatory again ? Maybe ... (racists will always be racists afterall).

But I would have been curious to hear what they would have come up with.
Yeah I can see the validity in that. I'd waver in that, traditionally the more wordy a sentence the less well it is utilized as a slogan... three words really does seem to be the best methodology toward reaching people from a psychological standpoint, but it's fair to question if just reaching people is always enough or even worth it... since you can easily reach someone and be immediately dismissed... I couldn't say if I thought adding a 'Too' would help or hinder... I think it'd be harder to retaliate against... but I wonder if it might perhaps not have evolved into the rallying cry it has become.

It's hard to say without a time machine unfortunately. Worth discussing though.
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Smudging like:
Racism changed to power and prejudice when it never meant that and there is no legal precedent for that.

Gender changed to mean "to identify" in which 1200 years of english literature and over 200 years of science never used the word like that.

Fascism changed to -anyone I don't like or I disagree with.

Saying one is against "white thinking" so as not to be labelled a racist. Or White fragility. Or the other dozen ways of repackaging white bigotry to get around the racist label. heck even redefine the word "racist" so it never applies to whites.

This is a house of cards.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Smudging like:
Racism changed to power and prejudice when it never meant that and there is no legal precedent for that.
No no. Racism was totally a phrase of bunnies and rainbows! It used to mean the belief in the inferiority of another race... but in a GOOD way! :giggle:

... More on this SERIOUSLY further down.
Gender changed to mean "to identify" in which 1200 years of english literature and over 200 years of science never used the word like that.
This is nonsense. Gender still means gender. Identity as you're describing illustrates to which gender or... whatever pronouns etc. to which a person most er identifies (damn I used the word in the explanation... better pull my application to Websters)... but if they 'identify' as male or female... their still identifying to the male or female GENDER.
Fascism changed to -anyone I don't like or I disagree with.
Think I'd agree well enough here. Even mention the overuse of 'nazi' somewhere up there in that word soup... but it might be worth an entry in Ernest if I see it tumbling around too much... as it stands I don't feel I see it often enough in my discussion herabouts to spark my eyeball twitching enough to rant about it on the list... yet... but I HAVE got my eye on it.
Saying one is against "white thinking" so as not to be labelled a racist. Or White fragility. Or the other dozen ways of repackaging white bigotry to get around the racist label. heck even redefine the word "racist" so it never applies to whites.
Not sure what your point is here exactly? Isn't someone saying their against white thinking to avoid being labelled a racist just like... a racist whose ashamed of being a racist? I've certainly never subscribed to the sort that indicate racism can't apply to anyone, from anyone. Once saw a quote from someone or other who said racism required power and therefore there couldn't be a black racist... which is of course ridiculous. All you need to be a racist is the ability to hate, and a race with which to turn that hate. So don't think I've ever been standing out here on a 'only us white folk can be racist' platform or something... I just simply don't believe that the best response is to ignore the systemic racism in the system just because the targets of that systemic racism are also capable of racism themselves. That won't help anything, just breed further division... I also wouldn't say that I see this particular reinterpretation enough to consider it smudged. Most of the time I see the word racist used, it's pretty much intended to convey the traditional interpretation.

I think to say that someone can't be racist against a white person is completely absurd. Of course they can, and therefore one would be a fool to deny it.

Nevertheless, I think there is some virtue in saying that there are different "types" of racism. I attended an interesting exhibition at the Jewish museum in London where they talked about how antisemitism was in some ways different from racism in European countries against black people, in that the racist fantasy about black people tends to imagine them as savages (putting them socially beneath the racist) whereas a lot of the time antisemitism imagines Jews as conspirators and string-pullers in high places (putting them socially above the racist). With that principle, I don't think it's ridiculous to say that there is a *kind* of racism - thoroughgoing, systemic, useful to those in power, perpetuated by systems of power - that is LARGELY not directed at white people in white-majority countries. Racism against white people certainly exists in those countries, but it's a different phenomenon.

(I am not, by the way, necessarily saying that this is a position that I agree with: given the classist overtones, it wouldn't surprise me too much if the way people talk about 'hillbillies' meets the criteria I've talked about. I think that's the sort of thing that would require proper sociological study, though: I do not feel remotely in a position to decide one way or the other).
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