Supergirl: Duty-Bound

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Ahoy all! What follows is a very short, VERY simple story that I wrote to go along with a cosplay photoset that someone on Deviantart did, hence the reason for some oddly specific details in various places. This is thrice three times more basic than most of my content, but hey, I thought some of you might get a kick out of that. Enjoy!
Kara Zor-El - or 'Supergirl', if one were feeling gauche - was one of the most powerful women on the planet. She was one of the most powerful women on any planet. She could have flown to the Moon and back in a minute and a half, bench-pressed a continental shelf, and knocked a 747 out of the sky with laser-vision like she was playing Duck Hunt. Not that she would ever do something so petulantly villainous. She was a dyed-in-the-wool hero. A do-gooder par excellence, even, proudly bearing the symbol of her fallen race, lost but cherished, across her chest, clad otherwise in tight, blue lycra - a fact about which very few observers would be likely to complain. For she was, in addition to being immortal and godlike in power, a vision of loveliness. Her red cape and her long, golden hair billowed freely as she soared through the air. Her short, red skirt fluttered teasingly about her thighs. The mighty winds that her hypersonic flight kicked up around her, winds that could have torn through sheet metal, seemed to tickle her silky, bare legs. She was beloved, and powerful, and so very, very pretty.

And she would never forgive herself for how easy it turned out to be to kidnap her.

It was foolish, really. She'd been flying over Chicago, a city she'd never taken the time to visit before. Oh, it was nothing compared to gleaming, sky-piercing ziggurats of the cityscapes of Kandor, but it wasn't bad as far as Earth cities went. She slowed down to appreciate its architecture, to watch the people go by, and to espy a crime or two if the winds were right. And she did find a crime in progress - just not the one she thought she saw.

Whether it was a mugging or something else Kara couldn't tell, but she saw three men beating the tar out of a fourth, a young-ish man with dyed-grey hair. His teeth were gritted, and he was clutching onto something in his left palm, something that glinted blue, that it seemed the other men were trying to get off him. It could have been some priceless bit of jewellery, a precious memento from a dead parent or lost lover. Or perhaps it was some worthless bit of tat and he was just being a stubborn twit. Either way, Kara was duty-bound to intervene.

She swept down, moving so fast that she was as a mist of red and blue and gold. Her cousin might have stopped to announce himself, to flex a little and give the dratted criminals a chance to marvel at his invulnerability and his all-American jaw. But Kara didn't quite have the sense of branding that Kal-El did, and so before any of them even realised she was there she had shoved all the attackers to the ground and stood, arms akimbo, between them and their victim.

"Holy crap, it's Supergirl!" one of the criminals yelped, pointing dramatically at the lovely young heroine just in case there was any doubt about whom he'd been talking about.
"Yeah," she replied. "It is. So beat it, geez!" She didn't feel massively sympathetic for these crooks, whoe'er they were, but she'd rather they run away than that she had to hurt them more seriously. She looked over her shoulder to check on their victim. He seemed shaken, and a little scuffed up, but not badly hurt. "You okay, sir?" she asked.
"Never better," he replied. He looked star struck, which was not all that surprising. Kara also got the distinct feeling that he was checking her out, which - considering that she was a gorgeous blonde in a flouncy mini-skirt - was also not all that surprising. As long as he wasn't one of... those guys. Everyone in the cape business had a story about one of those guys.

Thankfully, none of the crooks seemed to want to try their luck. Yet they weren't running away either. They looked at each other, uncomfortably. Perhaps nobody wanted to be the first to run away.
"I tell you what," Kara said, "why don't I count down from 3? After that you can all run away at once, and nobody has to be embarrassed."
The men shared a glance. Were they considering it?
"Okay, fellas, how's this?" Kara sighed. "I count down from 3, and you can all run away... or I use my freeze breath on you and you can all stay here until the cops show up. Can you dig it, boys?"
They didn't appear to be wholly decided about whether they could or could not dig it. They continued to exchange anxious and confused looks. One of them appeared to want to say something, but was shushed. This made Kara suspicious enough that she gave them a quick scan with her x-ray vision: but none of them appeared to have anything on them more harmful than a Swiss-army knife. They were just... dithering.
"Really just gonna stand there, huh?" Kara said. "Normally street-thugs go for the 'Ehhh, you're not so tough, I'm gonna make a suicidal charge, ehhhhhhh' route or the 'fleeing in panic, maybe yelling something sexist as they run away I guess' route. This is -" Suddenly, Kara found that this standoff was boring her. Something about it was uncomfortable, and she wanted it done with. "Okay, boys. You did it. You've beaten me. My patience is totally defeated." She folded her arms, frowned, and registered just a little pleasure as she saw the crooks jerking back, afraid of whatever she was about to do. Sometimes, even for a personality with as much feather-light sweetness as Kara's, it was fun being invincible. "Three thugsicles coming up in 3... 2... and... " She drew in breath, gave them one last look and one last chance to put their tails between their legs and vamoose, and saw that they weren't taking it. "... and one." She breathed, and a cold silence fell.

But aside from the silence, the temperature remained perfectly moderate.
"Huh?" Kara tried again, but nothing happened.
"Holy shit," one of the criminals spluttered. "Flint, you were right!" Flint did not appear to be any of the men in front of her. Thinking perhaps a little less quickly than she ought to have done, Kara turned around. The young man with dyed grey hair was smiling.
"What did I tell you?" Flint said. His right hand was open. The object he'd been hiding was a pretty necklace, made of carved silver, with a piece of sapphire set in the centre that was almost iridescent. Except it wasn't sapphire. It was a piece of blue kryptonite.
Blue kryptonite which completely suppressed her powers.
"Get her," Flint ordered, just before the bag went over Kara's head.

"NO!" Kara cried out, as with sudden violence her world went dark. A tough, musty burlap sack was thrown over her, covering her from her head to the borders of her skirt. She tried to fly, but nothing happened. She tried to raise her arms to throw the damned thing off her, but the damsel felt strong limbs wrapping around her torso. Her slender frame was suddenly no mightier than it looked, and she found herself totally overmatched. "Get off me!" she demanded, wriggling and struggling against the thugs' collective grasp. She hear grumbling and growling, but she didn't want to irritate them, she wanted to escape them.

"Let me ghhvhh - HHHVHH!" The rough material had been pushed more tightly against her face, muffling her. She heard a tearing sound, and realised that they were wrapping tape around the bag, holding her arms roughly in place, keeping her from just wriggling out. She felt them trying to grab her legs, trying to pick her up, and with no other options available to her she stamped downwards, randomly but viciously, and she heard yells of pain from her assailants. She felt their grip relaxing, and Kara managed to force her way out of their clutches. Blinded and restrained, she ran in what she hoped might be the right direction, but something got in her way. She ran into something about the height of a stool, and she tipped over, about to fall flat on her face.

But she never reached the ground. Her eyes covered, she'd run right towards the architect of her defeat. Flint had seen her coming, and ducked down to let her trip right over him. She tumbled over his shoulder, and he'd locked his right arm around her thighs, holding the slim damsel securely in place. He'd stood up, bearing the last daughter of Krypton thrashing and kicking and squirming in his grasp.
"Aww check it out," Flint laughed. "You fell right into my arms!"
"NMMHHH!! MMMMHHHH!!" Kara cried out, a hot flash of embarrassment washing over her as she realised what she'd done. Stifled, she felt her own breath hot against her face, felt Flint's iron grip around her thighs as her calves kicked out uselessly. "How... how did they get blue kryptonite - and how did they know I'd be here?!"
Flint carried the squirming damsel to his group's waiting van, a fifth man waiting in the cab at the wheel. He opened the hold, gave Supergirl a quick pat on the rump, laughed at her cute little squeal, then tossed her inside, hopping in himself to keep the kryptonite near her.

Confident of himself now, Flint pulled Supergirl down, and sliced the tape away from the bag. He allowed her to wriggle out of it, but that was all he allowed her. As soon as the lovely blond emerged, he seized her arms, forced her chest down against the van's hold.
"Let me go!" she cried. "You can't do this!" Her captor had sat down on the small of her back: he was heavy, and he was strong, and she couldn't overpower him. He folded her arms at right angles to each other, and wrapped a calloused hand around both of her now-delicate wrists. As he held the bucking maiden, he reached for something, and Kara felt him pulling it over her as he drew it into his hand.
"Rope," she realised, and gave a soft whimper as she realised that Flint was about to tie her up.

It didn't take much doing. The crook skilfully entwined Kara's wrists, thin cords cinching them together as she tried and failed to pull her hands away.
"Unh!" she gasped as she felt Flint pull the cords tight, squeezing her forearms against each other, her palms turned uselessly upwards, her slim fingers grasping at nothing as she tried to untie herself. Strong hands grasped at her body, pulled her up onto her knees. "S-stop it!" Kara gasped, mortified that she was being roughed around and controlled so easily.
"Man," Flint said, "this has gotta be real embarrassing, right?" He wound the rope around his victim's torso, looping it over and under her perky bosom. "Kickass hero like you getting roped like a heifer." He pulled the ropes tight, fixing Kara's upper arms against her sides, and locking her hands against her back with the cords' tension. "Such a pretty little thing, too..." He brushed his finger against Kara's cheek, and she shivered.
"Don't touch me!" Kara spat. She writhed, fighting against her bonds, twisting and wriggling her upper body to get herself free of the ropes, but she was so - so reduced. "You won't get away with this," she said. "And I really mean that! You kidnap a superhero and people are gonna notice!"
"Eh. Maybe, maybe not." Flint took her by the shoulders, held her tight, held her down. She was weaker than him now, and she could feel it. He loved that she could feel it.

"What are you... going to do with me?" Kara asked. But her words rang altogether too meekly in her own ears, so she added: "... you bastard!"
Flint grinned. "That's gotta be a joke, right? You know how many people would pay to get their hands on you? To study you, or find out how your powers work or," he added, stroking Kara's soft, blonde hair, "just to admire."
"You lousy creep!" Kara yelled. "Don't you tchh mhh - NHHHH!!" Her pulse quickened and her pretty blue eyes went wide, as Flint thrust a red handkerchief between her lips, pulling it tight and instantly, thoroughly gagging the beautiful young maiden. "Nhh! NNHGHH!" Kara cried out, twisting her head from side to side, but finding Flint's knot to be more than a match for her. The gag pinched into her cheeks, trapping her hair against the side of her face. It was so embarrassing! Having her voice taken away with just a little piece of cloth. The words 'bound and gagged' flashed through her mind, the phrase's implications of sensual victimhood making her flush.

"Alright legs," Flint said. "You just sit tight." He ducked out of the van. "Gentlemen, we're all about to become very, very wealthy," he said to his companions.
"When you say 'about to'," one of them piped up, "how soon are we talking?"
"Imminently," Flint explained. "You can't rush greatness, amigo." His men nodded at his sagacity. To them, Flint seemed like a real mastermind. They had not worked with him before, so they did not know, nor did Flint want them - or Supergirl - to know, that this was the fortieth time since stumbling upon his pretty blue trinket that he had tried this: pulling a fake mugging when he heard rumours that Supergirl might be passing, and just hoping that she might notice and intervene. He'd captured Supergirl through sheer, dumb luck.

But he had captured her.

They took her halfway across town, to what she could only assume was just one of their houses; probably Flint's. To think such a low-rent, amateurish operation had been able to abduct Supergirl! It was - ugh, it was almost as frustrating as the ropes! Flint had bundled her inside, dismissing his men. Kara wondered if he planned to betray them, to keep all the profit from selling her for himself. But it was an idle question: she was a captive either way.

"Nhh!" Kara mewed, as Flint pushed her in the back, shoving her along down a plainly decorated, but very neat, hallway. For a kidnapper he was strangely houseproud. He'd even taken off his shoes when he'd come in - and made Kara do so as well. So, roped up and barefoot, Kara had been marched into Flint's living room.
"Sit down," Flint ordered.
Kara silently defied him.
"... Really? I already caught you. It's not really gonna make any difference if you sit down or not." Flint growled. "Alright. Fine."
"Mhhnggh!" Caught off guard, Kara felt herself jerked into the air, fingers grasping at her bare thighs and her bound arms, scooped up like a bride into her kidnapper's arms. She stared at him with wide, shocked, innocent blue eyes, a sudden sense of feminine vulnerability surging through her as she was folded into his embrace - and then unceremoniously dumped on the floor.

"Mhh-mnngghhh!" Kara complained, as much embarrassed at how she'd felt as by Flint's roughness with her. She saw him leering, and she drew her legs up, holding them tightly together, sitting ramrod straight. She wanted to hold onto some dignity. As much dignity as she could all tied up and gagged, anyway.
"Oh don't you look all prim and pretty," Flint laughed. "Like I kidnapped myself a sweet little princess, huh?"
"Mmh..." Kara tried to keep herself from looking down at the floor. She felt so ashamed being caught so - so - ugh, it was like a joke! Truth be told, Kara didn't think she was literally invincible. She'd been beaten a couple of times before, by truly mighty enemies, and she'd even been captured once or twice before. Generally kryptonite was involved. But the more common type, the green variety - it made her feel sick, and though its effects were quite quick, she could feel it affecting her could - could muster some kind of resistance? But this blue stuff? She didn't feel ill, or even weak exactly. It was like Flint had just flipped a switch. Turned off the superheroine. Turned on the delicate, powerless damsel.

She saw him leering. Eyeing up her slim figure, her smooth, naked thighs. She pulled back into the corner to escape him, shuffling herself backwards. She saw him smile wickedly, and with a whimper realised that she'd briefly exposed her panties. Defensively she folded one leg over another, shyly hiding herself as much as she could.
"Don't fret, honey-pie," Flint laughed. "I ain't gonna bite - not unless you're into that kind of thing."
She stared daggers at him, and wished she still had her heat vision to give her glare a little more bite. But sharp looks were the only weapons she had.
"Aww," Flint crowed, "you're real cute when you pout, Supergirl. That cloth I gagged you with makes your lips look extra pretty, too."
"Nnhhhghh!" Kara growled back, but could not deny that she felt wholly impotent.

The tight pinch of the ropes against her arms and her pretty chest was starting to grate on Kara's tolerance. That a couple of thin cords could hold her prisoner - it was maddening! She began to struggle in earnest, writhing and rolling her shoulders, pulling at the ropes as hard as she could, moaning desperately as she fought and lost over and over and over again.
"NHHH! NNGHHHHHH!!" she cried, and as pathetic as it was, she began to call for aid. "HHHLLLP! HHHHHLLLLHHHHP!!" she all but screamed. "HHH'VV BHHN KHHHDNHHHPD! HHHHLLLLP!"
"Okay, that's quite enough of that," Flint said. He sprung on her, yanking the gag out of her teeth, discarding it, and slapping his hand down over her moist, hot mouth.
"MMHHH! MMHH-NHHMMPHHH!" Kara could not keep the fear from her eyes, could not suppress the pulse of humiliation thrumming through her as this man stifled her voice with one strong hand.
"I don't want to get rough, sweetheart," Flint said. "But in the end, we all do what we gotta do, huh?" He put his free hand on Supergirl's bare thigh, squeezing her yielding flesh. "Understand?"
There was a long silence. Flint saw defiance flash in his captive's blue eyes - and then he saw it fade.
"Mm-hmm... " Supergirl assented, blushing. She saw Flint smile, take his hand away - but her voice was not returned to her. "Wh - I'm still gagged?" She tried to part her lips, and found that she could not: Flint had left a strip of red duct tape over her mouth.
"I don't want you screaming your lungs out," he said. "But, uh, you go on with all those 'mmpphs'. They're adorable."

He knelt down across from her, picking something up from a nearby desk - a bird feather. He toyed with it, and saw that she was looking at it nervously.
"Don't worry babe," he said, "if I'm gonna mess with you, I'm not gonna do it with a feather." He stood up again, seeming almost unsure of what to do with her now he had her. "Oh shit!" he laughed. "I just realised. Nobody's gonna fucking believe I pulled this off. So..."

He sat down next to her, threw his arm around her shoulders, and pulled out his phone. Turning its camera on both of them, he smiled wickedly to himself.
"What's up, guys, it's your boy Flint back at it again." He laughed. "Got a special guest today. Your eyes do not deceive, you are not hallucinating and this is not a cleverly made-up lookalike: this is Supergirl, in the flesh." He tugged down on Supergirl's tunic, exposing much of her decolletage. "And what fine flesh it is, am I right?"
"Mmphh... " Kara whimpered, meekly looking away from the camera.
"Why do you want her? I don't care. What are you gonna do with her once you have her? I don't care! All I care about is that the price is right. Bidding starts at... oh let's say two mil?"
"Bidding...? Oh my god... oh my god, he's really going to sell me! Like a - like a slave-girl..."

Flint spent the next few minutes taking what he called 'publicity stills' of her. He made her... pose for him, made her show off her legs, her rump, laughing at her as she did his bidding. And though she chafed at his orders, she knew she had little choice. She didn't want him to use more violent methods. And those shots must have helped, because it wasn't long before he had his first caller.
"Well hello there!" Flint cackled as he answered. "I had a feeling you might be interested." He winked at Kara. "Back in a flash, babe." He slunk into another room, closed the door behind him.

Kara sat on her knees, almost completely still. Her legs were untied. She could have stood up and tried to run - but she knew Flint would just grab her again, or even if he didn't that his men must have been waiting outside. Feeling maudlin, she started thinking about what kind of fate awaited her. Would she end up on a lab table somewhere? Straight-up rubbed out by one of her enemies? Kept captive in some private bordello, kept drained and weak to be used as someone's... plaything?

Flint came back in, grinning ear-to-ear.
"And that was only the first offer!" Flint laughed. "Girl, you are gonna make me a god damned fortune."
"Mhph... mmphhh!!" Kara protested. "MPHH!" In a sudden burst of rebellious impulse, she tried to stand, but Flint contemptuously pushed her back down to her knees.
"You're getting a little energetic, huh babe?" he said, cracking his knuckles. "I think we need to calm you down some." He'd brought something in with him from the other room, and was mockingly hiding it behind his back. Kara couldn't see it, but she felt a wave of dread from it all the same.

"You know," Flint said, "I didn't always make my living by abducting hot girls. Used to work for Lexcorp, actually." He saw Kara jerk upright the mention of his old employer. "Oh, that means something to you, huh? Don't know why that surprises me." He made a funny kind of expression. "I used to be one of his true believers. Mr Luthor's, I mean. He'd talk all kinds of shit about how Superman was stunting the potential of the human race, and I ate that shit up. Then you show up, doing the whole Superman thing same as your - what, brother? Cousin? Uncle? Ah, whatever. Point is, you show up, and Mr Luthor still only cares about Superman. Turns out his whole song and dance about the dignity of the human species was just a glorified dong-measuring contest. So I quit - and I took a couple of toys with me." He revealed what he'd been holding behind his back. It looked like a roll of bright-green duct tape - and for a Kryptonian, green was not an auspicious colour.

"I don't know what the hell Mr Luthor was thinking, if I'm honest," Flint said. "Kryptonite-infused duct tape? I think he was probably in one of his 'I'll build an army of robots to conquer Quebec!' moods when he put that in the budget. This roll probably cost about a million dollars in materials and R&D. I tried to sell the damn thing, but I couldn't find a buyer who didn't think I was bullshitting them." He knelt by Kara, saw her pretty eyes fluttering a little. "Well how about that," he said, "it works."

It wasn't like having a whole chunk of kryptonite near her, thankfully. She didn't have that sickly feeling that green-k normally gave her. It was obviously much less potent than the real thing. But it was affecting her. She pulled away, but Flint grabbed her by the nape of the neck, pushed her head forward, and pulled the gag off her mouth.
"Don't!" Kara pleaded, making use of her lips' brief liberty. "That kind of kryptonite could kill me!"
"Aww, what do you take me for? You think I'm going to jeopardise my golden goose? This stuff's not strong enough to kill you." He pulled some from the roll.
"No!" Kara cried. "Don't! Don't - plllhhhmmphh! NNMMMHHPHHH!!" One bright green strip was pressed tight over her mouth, and just when Kara thought that that was humiliating enough, her abductor pushed another strip over the top of the first one, forming a neat cross of tape over her Kara's lips, muffling and stifling the maiden's voice. "NMMPHHH!!" Kara moaned, already feeling what little strength she had left slowly oozing out of her.

Flint stood back, admiring his handiwork. Admiring Supergirl. The way her hair fell against her slim shoulders. The way the green tape gagging her soft little mouth made her eyes stand out, big and blue and so cutely dismayed. The way the ropes pinched into her chest, accentuating her bosom and visibly squishing into the material of her top. Her short, red skirt and her long, svelte legs, bare thighs squeezed together in defence of her maidenly virtue.
"Mh... mhh... " she whimpered, kittenishly, looking every bit the forlorn damsel.

Fallen and kidnapped and growing weaker by the second, Kara looked up at her captor, saw him openly admiring her slim, womanly body. There was something in his eyes that Kara initially took for lust, but it wasn't exactly that. It was just... overweening self-satisfaction.
"You've tumbled down a deep, dark hole, darling," Flint said. "And I don't think you're gonna be climbing out anytime soon. But just in case you do..."

He knelt down, and Kara pulled away from him, managing to sit up and tuck herself defensively in a corner, turning her back to him. But he just turned her around, made her look at him.
"Just in case you do get away someday," he repeated, "I want you to remember this, Supergirl. I want you to remember that with all your power, all your fame, and all your victories - one schlub beat you. Not an alien, not a superhuman, and not some cue-ball billionaire who thinks that he can talk down to you all the god damned time! Just good ol' Flint. Just one man. I captured you. I tied you up. And babydoll, I'm gonna sell you for every penny your cute little ass is worth."

Every word made Kara throb with humiliation. She couldn't even protest. Her gag was making her feel so weak, so dainty and fragile and sleepy - she couldn't fight back, not even in vain. This man had taken complete possession of her. She began to sink into the corner she'd tucked herself into, eyelids drooping, a heavy lethargy settling over her supple limbs. She could barely move. Could barely think. All that came to her mind were images, images of herself in shackles, ropes and chains, enslaved.
"Can't... let him..." she thought, as the world around her began to grow dark. "But... so weak... I'm - I'm helpless..." she realised, a warm flush spreading from her cheeks to her neck to her chest. "Someone..." she thought, as Flint loomed over her and her consciousness was sapped away along with her power, "please, someone...

... save me..."
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I wish that weren’t the end. I’d love to see where this goes.

And I may sound like a broken record, but I continue to admire your ability to describe scenes and characters.
Sapphire Angel - Superheroine
Book 1 — Superheroine (complete)
Book 2 — Power Play (complete)
Book 3 — Deconstruction (complete)
Book 4 — Savage Dawn (complete)
Book 5 — Savage Vengeance (coming January 2024)

CJS wrote:
4 years ago
I wish that weren’t the end. I’d love to see where this goes.

And I may sound like a broken record, but I continue to admire your ability to describe scenes and characters.
You're far too kind.
Posts: 62
Joined: 4 years ago

nicely written
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Every time Damselbinder posts it's a good day. I love your original heroines and their shared world, but these fanfic one-offs (also thinking of the WW, Black Cat, and Zatanna bits) are great as well.
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Lovely story I'd love to read another. Maybe Wonder Woman!!

tmon wrote:
3 years ago
Lovely story I'd love to read another. Maybe Wonder Woman!!
Thank you! I did actually do a Wonder Woman story, one a lot more in depth than this. ... =9&t=30599
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I'd like to apologize I've read and enjoyed that story and really should have made a comment. It was very interesting!!
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