Batwoman - Season 1

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theScribbler wrote:
3 years ago
Clips of Javicia acting. Better than Ruby.
Well that's not hard now is it, when your range goes all the way from sullen and moody to moody and sullen.
(I liked her in costume [and I didn't think I would] but I thought she looked ridiculously feeble in some of the civilian outfits especially the outsize college jacket. Looked like she was wearing her brothers clothes)
I don't mind the new choice but my worry is the way they sold the character they are almost backing her to fail and then get someone else in, which I don't think is good for the longevity of the show.
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She already has more charisma than Ruby just from the limited stuff I've seen of her. As a die-hard comic Batwoman fan(until they ruined her with the no-wedding fiasco) I'm sort of torn on how Hollywood always just makes up their own crap with these characters, but I'm optimistic she'll do a good job if the writing allows her to.

Also for those doubting her physicality because of her height, she has pretty good fight training chops and I'd dare almost anyone saying that to try to fight her and see what happens, lol.
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She has boobies!!!!
:yahoo: :yahoo:
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Batwoman is getting ready for action (she posted that on Insta about 2 weeks ago):

I'm impressed, not by the music, but she looks like she could do some of her stunts on her own, well, let's see.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
The platform that these shows are on matters Ava as well as content. If your yardstick for the quality of programming for these hour dramas is Emmy Award nominations, based on how industry insiders who are actually in the business judge their contemporaries in the last five years or so, then FX definitely wins that battle. Have you actually checked out FOX's actual slate these days? They seem to have slowly shifted away from the production of these hour long dramas in favor of more lame reality shows and live sports with the addition of Thursday night NFL football, Smackdown (I know, not real sports) and baseball and college football on Saturday nights. That is 3 out of 4 nights. They are not creating many major hits nowadays such as 24 or X-Files, and those days seem gone. If you don't realize how good some of these stellar shows on FX are, then you don't know what you are missing. FOX in my subjective opinion is a virtual wasteland now when it comes to hour long dramas, and that is why they cancel these garbage shows after one season. Just because these shows appear on a smaller and less seen platform does not mean that many of these shows are second tier series. You should check some of these shows out, I think you would change your mind about classifying these shows as "second tier" shows. Just because a show has a bigger budget does not automatically mean that it will be successful. There are many shows on basic cable that have modest budgets in comparison to the big 4, and they are deemed rather successful such as Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Suits, the Walking Dead, and others. I will take FX's slate over FOX primetime slate any day of the week.
G'Day mate

Not sure what is your definition of "Quality" show, but in the industry, we used a scale with the matrix of production budget, cast, and project scope to measure the quality of a production, whether it was primetime or secondary. It have nothing to do with who produce the content. HBO/Dreamworks paid 100 millions to produce The Pacific, even with mostly an unknown cast, they are primetime show, just because it come from a Cable Network, it does not make a show second tier by default.

However, what I was saying is that most show Fox Television produce are secondary, because of its budget and project scope. Not because of it was for a Cable network. That goes into the production quality, not related to anything else. Fox seldom dump budget and produce Primetime content, even X-File, the most famous Fox show, its start with a low to medium budget with a then unknown cast.

On the other hand, whether a show hits or successful have no relation with them being Primetime or Second tier, a Prime Time show with hundred of millions production budget can be a disappointment, while a second tier show with thousand of dollars production budget can be a hit.

And finally, awards are not really a good measure for quality, especially these day, because award are either too commercial driven or too political correct. If you ask any movie or TV critics, they mostly say most show who gets an award does not usually deserve one. Those are more show gimmick than actually reflecting the show quality...… Just look at how Parasite won the Best Picture in this year Oscar, while it is indeed a very good film, but most people I know who worked in the industry in the US and here in Oz think they are pushing it to win because AMPAS need to be shown to be "more inclusive" which is coming from years, if not decade of protest for AMPAS being too commercial sell out to Hollywood...…
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
Batwoman is getting ready for action (she posted that on Insta about 2 weeks ago):

I'm impressed, not by the music, but she looks like she could do some of her stunts on her own, well, let's see.
She looks ready to compete in CrossFit. Very impressive.
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I've seen up to episode 10, please someone tell me it gets better?
The writing is really uneven and the stopping a fight for laboured exposition is wearing thin to say the least. If there are any 2000AD fans out there the Alice actress reminds me of Mutie the Pig. She's got nostrils like Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf.
serious-alice-batwoman-s1e16.jpeg (59.27 KiB) Viewed 2193 times
20200720_005016.jpg (275.88 KiB) Viewed 2193 times
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I've seen up to episode 10, please someone tell me it gets better?
The writing is really uneven and the stopping a fight for laboured exposition is wearing thin to say the least. If there are any 2000AD fans out there the Alice actress reminds me of Mutie the Pig. She's got nostrils like Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf.
My favorite episodes are 15 and 18, so I would say.......YES!
I have heard from many that they like the last episodes of the season better than the rest
Ok, I have seen every episode at least 3 times.... :whistle:

And instead of praising Rachel Skarsten for her great play as are comparing her ....nostrils some...."pig"? :hmmm: ....
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Well a) I don't like her performance it's just hammed up actors playbook crazy lesson 1:01
b) that picture is of the nostrils at rest as it were; when she snarls and they flare there are absolutely massive.

So I don't find her attractive which is a problem when she is a big part of the show, and whilst she hams it up I don't find her very convincing either. But my biggest issue is the writing is so forced and badly contrived its painful. In episode 10 BW has Alice on the floor and instead of subduing her she stops, turns to tell the computer geek to run away (if she pressed home her advantage and just cuffed her when she's down the girl wouldn't need to run away) and rather than just saying it, turns from Alice to do so and then gets clobbered. Then when Alice has the rotary saw she turns her back on BW to threaten the girl, the saw isn't even close to her but BW does nothing giving Alice the time to explain in a painfully ineptly written way there's a bomb. The Alice actress can't help the way she looks and can only work with the material she is given, I don't have it in for her in any way.
The fact you have to have BW ask 'What do you mean? " just so she can explain her dastardly plot just shows you how poor the writing is. I'm gonna see it to the end as in the stills above of BW tied up looks pretty hot but dear God it's badly done.

( and Mutie The Pig isn't a pig, it's a character with large nostrils)
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Yeah, there are scenes in nearly every episode where you could ask....why didn't he/she have done that or this?
But you can ask that in EVERY movie.
Ok, perhaps my tolerance level on that is higher then average....but I can tolerate quite a lot, if it doesn't get too weird.
Yes, Batwoman should have handled Alice better in that hallway for example....but this might "just" an error from her. Humans make bad calls all day long.
It's not always the writers that are to blame for what the characters are doing. I'm sure they want her to make mistakes here and there.

And also the expectations on the writing of the show must be realistic.
This is a TV show with 22 episodes a year and a limited budget.
They have less money to spend on writers and the writers (may?) have less time writing the episodes ...depending on how many writers they can hire as well of course.
It's completely normal that the writing on a show like Westworld or Watchmen with less than half the episodes and much bigger budget is normally "better".
So, for a show like Batwoman, Supergirl or the Flash you should modify your expectactions a little ;)
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Yes but a lot of stuff is easily explainable in a visual medium with a visual shot without the need to spoon feed it to people in the dialogue. They showed the bomb under the table. They could have just as easily have shown Alice planting it then reveal that scene as a flashback when she says she has brought C4 to the party.

The best reveals are always the ones the watcher feels they have worked out, like What was "Rosebud" and "Who's Kaiser Soze"

(and seriously freeze frame her when she snarls and tell me it's not Mutie the Pig! 😂)

Hollywood and TV always feel they have to show mad with big starey eyes, head tilts and twitches and insane grins or weird affectation. Hopkins Lector is crap compared to Brian Cox in Man hunter because Cox plays it normal but does insane acts. If you have ever met anyone truly insane (and I have, and I don't mean DrDominator9! Lol 😂) it's the normal bit that is terrifying because to them the madness IS normal.

I want the show to work but I want it to be good and work, and the way it is at the moment and losing the lead I don't think this group of writers can save it, which is a shame as I don't think the replacement will be given a fair crack of the whip
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
Yeah, there are scenes in nearly every episode where you could ask....why didn't he/she have done that or this?
But you can ask that in EVERY movie.
I was watching a commentary track where an FBI agent is chasing a fleeing suspect and has a clear shot, but doesn't shoot because in five seconds they round the corner so the suspect can grab a woman for a hostage. This sets up the confrontation speech that won't have happened if the suspect had been shot earlier. Now if they had added a few more bystanders during the chase part ....
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^^^ exactly

Same outcome just delivered in a plausible way
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Seen up to episode 12 and it's just so painfully contrived I don't think I can stand much more.
It was the Alice lookalike episode and there were so many badly done bits I don't know where to begin, so I wont.
It's just so poorly done. It's almost like they wrote it by rolling a dice to see what would be next. I hope the new star is accompanied by new writers
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Seen up to episode 12 and it's just so painfully contrived I don't think I can stand much more.
It was the Alice lookalike episode and there were so many badly done bits I don't know where to begin, so I wont.
It's just so poorly done. It's almost like they wrote it by rolling a dice to see what would be next. I hope the new star is accompanied by new writers
I like the whole story Arc with Alice and Beth, especially the ....very emotinal ending. I don't like the fact that these episodes (11+12) had so very little Batwoman in it.
But that will change with episode 13 and I am pretty certain you will like the villainess there ;-)
It also has some really nice peril elements in it..... ;)
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The concept was fine but the execution was terrible. " The Beth needs you line" was dire.
Yes, you can either catch a psychopath who is literally 5 feet away from you or you can come back (turning your back on said psycho, but hey she's tottering away slowly, she's not gonna turn back and kill us all) and put a reassuring hand on Beth's shoulder and look concerned. Beth needs you to do that. Oh by the way we had established that any cure for Beth would involve Alice in some way and now Alice has got away there's not an awful lot we can do. All the crows are trying to kill Beth shall we tell their boss, my ex lover, to call them off the shoot to kill policy as there's a lookalike here? Shall we disguise her? Shades? Bandages? Dye / cut her hair? Get a helicopter to fly her out maybe? Nah let's just hope for the best eh? Don't get me started on their complete lack of reaction when a psychopath walks in to the office. "OK places everybody! Now let's all stand here and wait whilst she explains what she is up to. "
It's amateur hour.
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