Justice League Snyder Cut - March 18 2021

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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
sugarcoater wrote:
3 years ago
To add a small detail to the review, the overly dramatic nonsense and slow motion sequences is so overplayed. Why is there a scene with an absurdly sentimental song playing during an overly long slow-motion sequenced of the first appearance of Flash saving some random woman from a car accident? There is no reason for the long scene, let alone an attempt to add a somber tone to it.
Its the semi-new (now a little old) filming style of today. BvS and a lot of Justice League are a series of moments stitched together with a bad plot. BvS has a lot of this. Superman with the eye beam duel scene, him regenerating in space, Wonder Woman jumping in at the last moment to save Batman. All posed and slow and dramatic snap shots. Its akin to how commercials or porn films are made. A thin plot that stitches the moments together, the story doesn't really matter, it just gets you the next money shot.
I agree that it's become something of a phenomenon in contemporary cinema. But I also think it's a specifically Snyder-ish thing too.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
sugarcoater wrote:
3 years ago
To add a small detail to the review, the overly dramatic nonsense and slow motion sequences is so overplayed. Why is there a scene with an absurdly sentimental song playing during an overly long slow-motion sequenced of the first appearance of Flash saving some random woman from a car accident? There is no reason for the long scene, let alone an attempt to add a somber tone to it.
Its the semi-new (now a little old) filming style of today. BvS and a lot of Justice League are a series of moments stitched together with a bad plot. BvS has a lot of this. Superman with the eye beam duel scene, him regenerating in space, Wonder Woman jumping in at the last moment to save Batman. All posed and slow and dramatic snap shots. Its akin to how commercials or porn films are made. A thin plot that stitches the moments together, the story doesn't really matter, it just gets you the next money shot.
Good point about going for the money shot. That seems to encapsulate the difference between the Marvel movies and DC movies in the past decade (the last good DC movies for me were Christopher Nolan series). Marvel has a good blend of character personalities combined with just the right level of humor and a decent plot; DC merely focuses on being overly dramatic with very limited plot while relying on name brand.
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Ultimately, I don't think the Snyder Cut fixes Justice League, because ultimately, the problem with the movie is that it has Death of Superman jammed into the middle of it. It doesn't fit there, because it's an end-of-cycle storyline and they're trying to put it into the origin story, and it completely derails the movie for a good half hour. It's not a very good adaptation of Death of Superman either.
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Yes Lurkngog. It would have been better that they beat Steffanwolf themselves then realize they need superman to beat darkseid. As is superman was way too OP for Steffanwolf.
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It's got a LOT of problems. It's got Death of Superman jammed in the middle, it's got 'Injustice: Gods Among Us' foreshadowing all the hell over the place, it remains too dark for a freaking DC property... Christ Marvel was always the 'realistic' superheroes universe and they know better than to take things over serious most of the time, Batman is Dark, EVERYONE ELSE in DC are bright, quippy and the paragon's of golden age goodness in theme and trying to make them ALL fit in shades of Batman just doesn't work. It's got a whole unnecessary rise of the stakes mushed into the middle that both means NOTHING to the average viewer and paints Darkseid as an idiot who missed what was literally directly under his nose. It's got a villain named Dark Side, which is unfortunate but I guess nothing could really be done about. There's WAY to many side heroes offering minor supporting aid who, by rights, should be getting off their asses and helping and it makes no sense that they AREN'T helping... like, all these guardians of the Mother Box... your job just teleported away and you aren't doing anything about it at all. Go do your jobs?

This is just what happens when you try to make "Infinity War" as essentially your first establishing movie.
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DC has always been "dark" though, especially in the comics. They've come out multiple times and said their heroes aren't allowed to be happy or enjoy life and that's why there is so much death and darkness in their universes.

RedMountain wrote:
3 years ago
DC has always been "dark" though, especially in the comics. They've come out multiple times and said their heroes aren't allowed to be happy or enjoy life and that's why there is so much death and darkness in their universes.

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I just read the Vanity Fair issue on the Justice League Snyder Cut and the interview with Snyder. Wow, a lot of stuff I did not know that you guys probably already knew about. It was very sad hearing about his 20 year old daughter committing suicide during the filming and that being his reason, along with conflicts with the studio, that it was too much for Snyder to deal with at the time. Too bad the studio nixed Snyder's idea to have a storyline where with Superman presumed dead, Batman and Lois start a romance. Four hours seems a bit much for me, but Snyder felt he needed the extra time to introduce the six new characters. From the story, it seemed like fruit from the poisonous tree scenario, that the studio's faith in Snyder was rocked a bit by the lackluster critical response to Snyder's Batman vs Superman film, that the studio had concerns about Snyder's vision for the Justice League before the film even began to shoot.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
I just read the Vanity Fair issue on the Justice League Snyder Cut and the interview with Snyder. Wow, a lot of stuff I did not know that you guys probably already knew about. It was very sad hearing about his 20 year old daughter committing suicide during the filming and that being his reason, along with conflicts with the studio, that it was too much for Snyder to deal with at the time. Too bad the studio nixed Snyder's idea to have a storyline where with Superman presumed dead, Batman and Lois start a romance. Four hours seems a bit much for me, but Snyder felt he needed the extra time to introduce the six new characters. From the story, it seemed like fruit from the poisonous tree scenario, that the studio's faith in Snyder was rocked a bit by the lackluster critical response to Snyder's Batman vs Superman film, that the studio had concerns about Snyder's vision for the Justice League before the film even began to shoot.
Blah. Batman and Lois Lane in a relationship in order to force tensions between Batman and Superman is a story arc that literally makes me want to vomit... it's also the kind of sophomoric drama Snyder is prone to writing. He's an outstanding visual director, I've loved all his movies that he directed but didn't have much to do with in terms of the writing, but every time he mucks with the script I'm left to just shake my head >_>. He needs to give up this fantasy that he's a writer.

All this and it was clear he was gearing up to the 'Superman is evil cause Lois died' crap that only works in a Mortal Kombat game. Nothing is worse in fiction, than when the hero or heroine betrays their character and becomes a villain because the person they sex with dies. It's the dumbest crap you can write.
RedMountain wrote:
3 years ago
DC has always been "dark" though, especially in the comics. They've come out multiple times and said their heroes aren't allowed to be happy or enjoy life and that's why there is so much death and darkness in their universes.
BATMAN isn't allowed to be happy was the thread you're talking about, and that was the reason cited when they cancelled his wedding with Catwoman, which was such an unpopular move that they're already coming back around and putting them back together again. BATMAN is the begining and the end of 'dark' in the DC comic world. All the rest of the heroes are meant to deal with different thematic shades. The DCEU has been trying to turn the whole DC universe into Gotham City and it doesn't work.
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The Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Lois Lane relationship has been done repeatedly in the comic books and even in the Batman/Superman animated series crossover event. It isn't new and usually not well done as they keep trying to come up with Lois having different and usually petty motives for doing it.
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With spoilers. Good discussion.
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Visitor wrote:
3 years ago
The Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Lois Lane relationship has been done repeatedly in the comic books and even in the Batman/Superman animated series crossover event. It isn't new and usually not well done as they keep trying to come up with Lois having different and usually petty motives for doing it.
Perhaps you guys are right and Batman and Lois is a bad idea, but the idea that it has been done in comic books and animation does not automatically mean that a big screen adaptation could not work. Perhaps between how it would be written and a potential chemistry between the actors, who knows how something like that could conceivably play out. My other point is pure conjecture and speculation on my part, but I do wonder how much prospective film audiences have that comic book frame of reference, that for comic book aficionados, that been there done that aspect may not be there for most folks going to see the Justice League. I also think portraying a romance in comic book form is inherently different than trying to play that type of story on the big screen, that because that story did not translate in print and on the page has little bearing on whether that romantic pairing would work on the big screen. Mind you, I am not trying in any way to ship Batman and Lois, that is not a hill I am willing to die on, it's just that I can't just dismiss that possible storyline without knowing exactly what Snyder had in mind. Previous attempted iterations of that story on other platforms (that many folks may not have been exposed to) do not necessarily tell us how that relationship would work on a film.
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Just finished watching it. Overall, I kinda liked it? I mean, it's ok? I have never seen the theatrical cut, so this is all new to me. Some random, disorganized thoughts. Spoilers:
1. The Flash running special effects are weirdly terrible. I don't know if A. Ezra Miller has never run, nor ever seen anyone run, or B. He was told to fake run like that, or C. Some combination of the two.

2. One little thing I really like: When Diana goes to explore the ancient temple, we actually see her make herself a torch. So often in movies, the hero enters an ancient tomb or something and there's just a torch hanging on the wall, ready to use. I always think that's silly.

3. I feel bad for the Amazons. Bows and arrows are cool, but they're pretty useless against a technologically superior opponent from another universe.

4. The big thing that Darkseid is after is the Anti-Life Equation. I know what this is from comics (or kinda, at least), but the movie never really fully explains it. I know this is the nerd supercut of the movie, but you have to explain that kind of thing for the audience.

5. This movie would have worked better if we had individual movies for all the heroes leading up to it. Aquaman is kind of pissy much of the time and angry at Atlanteans, but we the audience don't fully know why. I don't think the solo Aquaman movie had been released when they were making this.

6. The heroes' willingness to desecrate Clark Kent's grave and attempt to bring Superman back to life is kind of weird. I wonder if it would have worked better is the bad guys had resurrected Superman to use as a pawn and then the heroes made him realize who he really was.

7. I really like the little moment where Alfred gentry nags Diana about the proper way to make tea.

8. Early in the movie, Diana straight-up obliterates a guy who has taken hostages. In the process, she blows out a wall of a building and threatens the lives of police officers below. She then promptly turns around and tells a young girl that she can be anything she wants to be! I'm sorry, but that moment is hilarious, and I don't mean that as a compliment to the movie.

9. I really like that Alfred's plan for the end of the world is to pour himself a generous glass of whiskey and wait for this whole thing to blow over.
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10. The epilogue starts our really good, but quickly becomes terrible. I hate all the 'Knightmare' stuff. Why preview a movie that's never going to be made?
Overall, I thought it was okay. I don't think it fully works as a movie, but there are fun moments. As someone who frequents this forum, I wouldn't have minded some more peril for Wonder Woman and Mera, but hey, we can't always get what we want.
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Loki wrote:
3 years ago
Just finished watching it. Overall, I kinda liked it? I mean, it's ok? I have never seen the theatrical cut, so this is all new to me. Some random, disorganized thoughts. Spoilers ahoy:

1. The Flash running special effects are weirdly terrible. I don't know if A. Ezra Miller has never run, nor ever seen anyone run, or B. He was told to fake run like that, or C. Some combination of the two.

2. One little thing I really like: When Diana goes to explore the ancient temple, we actually see her make herself a torch. So often in movies, the hero enters an ancient tomb or something and there's just a torch hanging on the wall, ready to use. I always think that's silly.

3. I feel bad for the Amazons. Bows and arrows are cool, but they're pretty useless against a technologically superior opponent from another universe.

4. The big thing that Darkseid is after is the Anti-Life Equation. I know what this is from comics (or kinda, at least), but the movie never really fully explains it. I know this is the nerd supercut of the movie, but you have to explain that kind of thing for the audience.

5. This movie would have worked better if we had individual movies for all the heroes leading up to it. Aquaman is kind of pissy much of the time and angry at Atlanteans, but we the audience don't fully know why. I don't think the solo Aquaman movie had been released when they were making this.

6. The heroes' willingness to desecrate Clark Kent's grave and attempt to bring Superman back to life is kind of weird. I wonder if it would have worked better is the bad guys had resurrected Superman to use as a pawn and then the heroes made him realize who he really was.

7. I really like the little moment where Alfred gentry nags Diana about the proper way to make tea.

8. Early in the movie, Diana straight-up obliterates a guy who has taken hostages. In the process, she blows out a wall of a building and threatens the lives of police officers below. She then promptly turns around and tells a young girl that she can be anything she wants to be! I'm sorry, but that moment is hilarious, and I don't mean that as a compliment to the movie.

9. I really like that Alfred's plan for the end of the world is to pour himself a generous glass of whiskey and wait for this whole thing to blow over.


10. The epilogue starts our really good, but quickly becomes terrible. I hate all the 'Knightmare' stuff. Why preview a movie that's never going to be made?

Overall, I thought it was okay. I don't think it fully works as a movie, but there are fun moments. As someone who frequents this forum, I wouldn't have minded some more peril for Wonder Woman and Mera, but hey, we can't always get what we want.
You should probably hide all of your stuff in a spoiler tag.
1: I noticed this as well, he makes very exaggerated arm motions and stuff, its indirectly hilarious.

3: Their supposed to be superpowered women with like... godmade bows and arrows and things... so really it's not as one sided as it might seem. I figure only Steppenwolf himself was an actual problem for them. What's dumb is that their motherbox gets stolen and rather than do their jobs and protect it... they just kinda go 'oh well, its someone else's problem now!" It makes even LESS sense for the Atlanteans to do the same... but they do.

4: All the more ridiculous that this is a mid film 'stakes rising' moment that Steppen learns... by seeing a vision of the time Darkseid came to earth himself... so somehow, he missed the evidence of this thing he wants that was apparently directly under the spot where he landed since he had to be assured by Steppenwolf that it was there. It's a really weird headscratcher of a moment.

5: Agreed

6: This plot point happened almost identically in the theatrical cut. It IS a supper weird moment as its just kinda like... 'Pause the movie! It's time to finagle a way to resurrect Superman so we can move forward!"

7: I don't. She's been making Tea as long as Alfred has. If anyone should be able to chat the finer points of making Tea with Alfred as piers... it probably ought to be Diana.

8: Snyder likes to blow up buildings. At least she stopped the bomb from destroying "several city blocks" so the property damage is at least mitigated but like.... yeah she ought to have just stabbed his ass or something.

9: The English have known how to deal with impending worldly doom they have no control over for centuries.

10: He did the exact same thing with the exact same 'future' in Batman v Superman. It was insane then, its still insane now. It's just like.... 'oh you were watching some movie... well here's a different one!'

As for Peril, I feel like Mera's battle with Steppenwolf qualifies some? She was a lot more capable in her battle with him here in the Snyder Cut, while still getting pretty much tossed around.
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I don't know how to "protect" spoilers so I'll have my say without spoilers 😉
I liked the film a lot but what I see around is (I'm sorry) hallucinating 😏
First of all from the much-praised Rotten Tomatoes who "granted" 68% to the film !!!
Absurd (in a negative sense)
Secondly, I see monstrously positive reviews.
Some say it is an absolute masterpiece comparable to the LOTR trilogy and the Dollar trilogy !!
I respect every opinion but here it goes far beyond what can actually be respected.
What do you think of this film?
As I wrote above I liked it and I think it is the best for supergroup cinecomics (only Watchman is slightly above).
For me beyond everything he has a big flaw; Darkseid !!
But here I risk making spoilers (as written above I don't know how to make the spoiler window I see here on this site 😮) ergo I affirm that what I am referring to is only concerning the initial battle in which Darkseid does not make a "worthy" figure the one who could destroy an entire solar system with the blink of an eye.
Even if after this (for me) initial defaillance he resumes becoming what he is or the first and most powerful DC villain 😉
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and how to post them

Go into Full Editor mode to post your message and above the message box where there is the B for Bold, I for italics etc you can see a little eye with a line through it for spoilers.
Click on that and write your spoiler message between the brackets so it appears

So the message above is like this

['spoiler'] and how to post them[/'spoiler]'

(I added the single quotes just so you could see it)
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Loki wrote:
3 years ago
6. The heroes' willingness to desecrate Clark Kent's grave and attempt to bring Superman back to life is kind of weird. I wonder if it would have worked better is the bad guys had resurrected Superman to use as a pawn and then the heroes made him realize who he really was.
Yeah, the first actions of the Justice League are grave-robbing and necromancy.

When it comes to tone, Snyder is stuck on stupid.
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What do you guys think about the upcoming, SECOND Synder cut?
Before you get excited....it's the same cut but in black and white. (no joke)
I think it's a rather odd idea...but well, the 4:3 screen ratio is much weirder.
But I don't think that there will be so many that think that black and white colors look stylish in such a movie.
I think black and white only works on NEW(er) movies like in Schindler's list where it fits the setting (plus the genius move with the kid in the red dress).
Perhaps his next idea is then the "black and white silent version" with piano background music. ;-)

(Don't get me wrong, as you can read above I do like the Snyder Cut as it improves the movie...I just don't like the presenation)
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
What do you guys think about the upcoming, SECOND Synder cut?
Before you get excited....it's the same cut but in black and white. (no joke)
I think it's a rather odd idea...but well, the 4:3 screen ratio is much weirder.
But I don't think that there will be so many that think that black and white colors look stylish in such a movie.
I think black and white only works on NEW(er) movies like in Schindler's list where it fits the setting (plus the genius move with the kid in the red dress).
Perhaps his next idea is then the "black and white silent version" with piano background music. ;-)

(Don't get me wrong, as you can read above I do like the Snyder Cut as it improves the movie...I just don't like the presenation)
Sorry, but it's not the last Wolverine movie. I guess Snyder is just trying to feed his ego more, and try to out-do all the Marvel movies. Too bad he started a decade late and about, oh, eight movies too short? Not like DC doesn't have enough characters to make movies about, or to incorporate into a Justice League, but we just get a feel that DC/WB was half-assing it, trying to shoe horn too much into one movie.
Irony. Marvel out story-telling DC comics! They did a long term plan of properly pacing put the team together for the big bang movies. DC-naw, we're gonna go hyper speed, and do a bad hodge-podge pair of movies(BMvsSM, and then JL).
Also, who thinks Flash should end up in jail soon for all tthe property damage he causes with his shocking super-power? Don't like how he unloads LOTS of electricity while he's super-speeding about! So un-Flash-like!

My 2 cents.
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I finally watched the new cut. I don’t like 4/3 ratio, so I changed (had my hubby change) the settings so the video filled the screen.

That technicality aside, despite the length of the new version, I really liked it and thought it was way WAY better than the theatrical cut. After seeing it, I would never recommend the theatrical version to anybody. I just love the darker, less cheese ball humor version. I just wish there could be a sequel exploring with the unjustice league villains being established, taking on the justice league. Oh, and I’d like to see more of my girl WW, in a much darker, edgier way. :)

Anyway, again, the Snyder Cut is just so superior to the hugely disappointing theatrical cut, imho.
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Danorian wrote:
3 years ago
Sorry, but it's not the last Wolverine movie.
My 2 cents.
Well....? Yeah, that movie had black and white scenes.
What do you want to say by that?
And what has that to do with what I said?
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I'll watch it, as soon as it premieres on "Comet TV" :)
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Lurkndog wrote:
3 years ago
The only thing close to a new peril scene is a vision of a dark future that Cyborg sees after they resurrect Superman. In it, we see Darkseid on his throne, followed by a shot of Wonder Woman's dead body lying atop a funeral pyre as the Amazons mourn her death.

They would put a coin in the mouth for Charon but it's not as cinemagraphic as over the eyes (which tended to come in as a practice in the later Hellenic period and then only rarely, more common in Roman burials but hey ho)
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Charon only accepts bitcoin now.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Charon only accepts bitcoin now.
At $58000 a coin as I write this, I can't say I blame him
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