Wonder Woman  Beatrayed and Destroyed, Part-4

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Neophyte Lvl 2
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Author - WonderWomanDoom
Author Contact - [email protected]

I loved wonder woman TV series a lot and I get seduced whenever I see Lynda carter in that tight and revealing costume. She is my inspiration behind this story.

About Milkanite Fantasy -  Milkanite is a green colored deadly radioactive substance for wonder woman, it emits radiations which effects wonder womans' Aphrodite genes and turns her sexually aroused. Sexual arousal leads wonder woman to lose her powers, as such milkanite radiations were a double trap for our Lynda carter wonder woman - it aroused her beyond her control, prolonged exposure could force her to orgasm and it could also make her powerless. And, if milkanite was touched to wonder womans' skin, it kind of burn her skin. Wonder woman feels tremendous agony at the spot where it touches her and the pain persists till milkanite is touched to her bare skin.
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Story Continues...

Wonder Woman in her full costume including her Cape was looking like a beautiful heavenly Goddess. Her perfect breasts, milky thighs and angelic face could seduce any man. Wonder woman was driving the car, while Dick was sitting besides her staring at her perfect famine assets. He was waiting for themoment when he will be able to use the milkanite dildo, against this beautiful superheroine. Wonder woman had no idea that she was in trouble and by trusting this boy called Dick, she had already sealed her fate with a painful end.

Dick took wonder woman to a distant locationnisnde the jungle and they stopped outside a big farmhouse which was a stand alone house with no nearby house or building. Dick and Roger had identified this place to destroy wonder woman so that nobody could hear wonder womans' painful screams when they would torture her with milkanite dildo. Wonder woman parks the car outside the farmhouse and looks at Dick " your friend is a very rich man, I hope you guys have not brought me here for a date" she smiles thinking that this was all a ploy developed by Dick to meet and spend some time with wonder woman. Dick looks at wonder woman and smiles " Wonder woman it's true that me and my friend are your greatest fans. We always dreamt of meeting you and spending some fun time with you. But me and my friend are very poor. He is a servant in this farmhouse and during winters he takes care of this farmhouse alone."

Actually it was a farmhouse owned by kingpin, after his execution dick became the owner. But wonder woman was blinded by her love and trust for dick, so she jad no doubts in her mind. " Don't worry wonder woman, owner of this farmhouse is not inside right now, he is not returning untill tomorrow. So only me, Roger and you would be there for an hour may be if you are not too busy" Dick adds. " Sure dick and I can spend my whole life with you as you are my hero after saving my life from that dreaded dildo." Wonder woman smiles and winks. Dick took the opportunity and added jokingly " Diana taught me biology, we normal humans have sex life and we can reproduce. I will spend my life with you only if your superheroine biology allows you to have atleast 3 children with me." Dick laughs waiting for wonder womans answer.  Wonder woman blushes and tries to look away, the the goddess of power and list speaks " Dick you have already seen my body, I am a normal woman with vagina and I can get impregnated by a male. But for you my young friend, I am lot senior than I look" she smiles.

" I wish my future partner to have a body and beauty like you, she would always keep my hormones excited this way." He adds while opening the door of the farmhouse. " You mean I excite your hormones, you rascal." She laughs. Dick looks into her blues eyes and replies with a laughter" I don't get to use my hormones when you are around, but my penis stays hard whenever you are near me wonder woman."  Wonder woman looks at her groin and laughs " little rascal, you are so cheap..."

Inside Diana meets Roger who was a we'll built up 20 year old boy, he did not look sick from any angle. Dick introduces dick to wonder woman " wonder woman he is Roger, he is my old friend and he suffers from a rare genetic disorders which will take his life within next 1-2 months. I must tell you that he is a big fan of yours and he wanted to see you before his demise." Roger was standing at a distance and he was pretending to be crying " ohh wonder woman thanks for coming, I must tell you that today is the best day of my life."

Wonder woman rushes towards Roger and hugs him tightly, his face on her chest just above her bustier, his hands down backside of his hands touching her thighs, Roger could feel her perfect breasts and his hand could feel the softness of her milky thighs. Rogers dick went erect upon realising that wonder womans crotch was close to it. Wonder Woman was giving a motherly hug to Roger, while for him he was feeling sexually excited. Most beautiful and powerful woman was hugging her, her perfect soft breasts were having a perfect smell.
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Dick was watching this moment from behind her and he was also getting sexually excited by the fact that both brothers were going to ram Thier sex roses in her sex holes in just few minutes. He went to wonder woman from behind and put his right hand on lower part of her waist just above her hips and speaks " wonder woman, Roger has a special fan room in this farmhouse. Actually owner of this farmhouse is also find of you and he had requested Roger to prepare a fan room of wonder woman." Wonder woman opens her hug from around Roger and speaks after looking at Dick " I would love.to see that to, where is it?". Roger answers " Goddess it's in the basement of this house, would you like to see it right now." Wonder woman nodes her head and smiles " take me there."

Roger grabs Wonder woman's hand and takes her down through the stairs. Roger takes her inside a very big room, inside the room there were pictures and portraits of wonder woman on all the walls. Some life size statues and busts of wonder woman were also there, with some newspaper/megazine cuttings. Wonder woman sees all the art "thanks Roger for such a wonderful collection." One thing wonder women did not notice was that there were cameras all around the room covering every cover. After Wonder Woman saw all the the art, dick took her to sit on a couch at a corner. Wonder Woman sat on the couch cross-legged one thigh over the other. The light inside the room was comparable or even more than that of sun, in so much light Wonder Woman was shimmering like a goddess of sex in her half naked costume.

After around 10 minutes of chatting, laughing and teasing, dick asks roger to bring down the gift that he had brought for Wonder Woman, he told Roger that the gift it is in a black box on the backside of the car. Wonder Woman stops Roger " heyyy..I don't want any gifts from you guys, we are here just for fun, the we will be leaving."  Dick puts a hand on wonder woman thigh just below her crotch " wonder woman you are doing so much for the society, by getting the villains like kingpin executed, it will be just a small gift for you." Wonder woman reverts " all right guys and moreover how can I say no to my hero who saved my life " .

Roger leaves and comes back with a black box and hands it over to Dick. Dick takes it to wonder woman and hands it over to wonder woman. " Goddess we request you to open this gift, I don't know whether you will like it or not, but we sure will enjoy your reaction." Wonder woman accepts the gift and smiles gracefully.

The greatest woman warrior and the most beautiful out of them was sitting in front of these two boys who were about to destroy her with her Achilles heel. Wonder Woman had complete trust over these two rascals she had no idea that her ultimate don't is in her hands. As the Goddess of power and beauty opens the Black box with both hands her breathing stopped, her heart freezed and her eyes went wide open in shock.
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Dick and Roger were staring at her as she opened her doom, as the milkanite radiations hit her body wonder woman felt tremendous pain in her body and her special powers blessed away from her sexy body. Goddess looked up at dick who was grinning cunningly " aaaahhhhh dick, this ohhh this...issss milkaniiitee.....oohhh hheeraaa... you know what it can dooo too meeeeee...aaaaaahhhhhhh...take it awayyy from meeeee....."....dick and Roger stood there with a motion or speaking anything. Both the evil boys were getting excited upon observing that what that small penis shaped rock was doing to the superheroine goddess. Prior to opening the box,  sexy heroine was sitting cross legged over the couch, but as she opened the box goddess went in a state of shock, her legs uncrossed and went limp. She could not keep the box close to her and it fell from her hands, milkanite dildo now lies near her milky thighs on the couch.

"Dick.....ooohhhh....ddiiiick...whyyy are you doing this too meeee..you are a good boy.. aaahhh..I am in sooo much paaainnn..." Wonder woman was sweating perfusely, her red lips were trembling, deep blue eyes expressed her helplessness. Her hands were on her thighs trying to keep her body straight, milkanite so close to her sexy body was wrecking havoc on her. Roger was staring at her perfect milky breasts which were heaving up and down rapidly, wonder womans face appeared like an erotic face of her sexual plight. Once the most powerful heroine of this world was lying helpless in front of these two evil boys.

Aphrodite genes in her body were also starting to get activated now under the effects of milkanite. She could feel her vagina had started to lubricate inside her blue start spangled satin tights and her nipples were also getting painfully erect after her breasts got full with hot milk insider her tight red bustier. Goddess knew that if she could not get away from here timely, her body will also betray her in favour of of her sexual urges.

In her breathless state wonder woman looked towards Roger " Rooggerrr...heelppp meeeee....aaaaahhhhhh....throw this thing away froommm meeee....aaaaayyyyy...ooohhhh heraaaa mmyyy breastsss...Roger helpp meeeee.." Roger was mesmerized by the helpless beauty in her revealing costume. He pretended to be against Dick for a moment, he took the milkanite dildo in his hand and kept it on a nearby table then he went to wonder woman, sat close to her, his hand on her back and other hand on her arm " are you alright my dear Goddess...what's wrong with you?" He asked with a fake concern on his face.
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" Roger..that thing is called milkanite and it is my only weakness...aaahhh..pls take me out of here...". Due to the pain in her sexy body and due to her enraged aphrotide genes wonder woman forgot about Dick. As milkanite was now kept at a distance from the gorgeous Goddess, her pain had now started to subsidize but her aphrotide vene had started to get enraged. She looked at dick with anger on her face " why did you do that Dick?" Still catching up her breath.

"Wonder woman or should I cann you Diana Prince, oohhh I know your secret...I am doing this to you because bitch you got my father kingpin executed"... Wonder woman was in utter shock apon knowing that dick was kingpin's son and he also knew her secret identity...she looked here and there in fear " so this was all a trap and you always wanted to destroy mee..right?" ...." Yes wonder woman, I will give you a painful death" dick reverts with a cunning smile on her face...wonder woman looks towards Roger for a while and then speaks to dick " although you have an upper hand due to milkanite in your possession, but dick your frient Roger will protect me against your evil plans." Wonder woman speaks confidently with Rogers hand in her tight grip.

Unknown to the sexy superheroine goddess, Roger was having a milkanite knife with him..he takes it out of his pocket and as the goddess was looking towards dick, he penetrated wonder womans soft milky upper thigh with the milkanite knife with his full power.

To Be Continued....
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