Batgirl's Psychologist

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That was wonderful. Looking forward to where this leads.
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* * *

The two superheroines did not see or speak to each other for the remainder of the week. Supergirl was reeling from what had happened. Never before had she felt anything remotely close to what she had felt for Batgirl during that fateful night. Time was needed to process what she had allowed to happen.

Conversely, Batgirl’s lack of communication came from a desire not to appear to eager for another hookup. It was a strange sensation to be in a position of weakness: in all her previous romantic encounters, she was the dominant person. Yet now she found herself repeatedly checking her phone and refreshing her email. After five days without any contact, Batgirl finally gave in and sent Supergirl a text.

The text was no easy task. She wanted to appear casual, yet somehow hint at a desire to rekindle the passion both had felt in Dr. Kinsey’s office. Over and over Batgirl typed and deleted text after text. Finally she settled on an innocuous text as an excuse for Supergirl to meet up with her: “Sry to bother u. Dealing with personal issue. Need 2 talk 2 someone.”

The hours waiting for Supergirl’s response were excruciating. Batgirl opted to leave her smartphone at home and spent the afternoon working out at her gym. Sweaty, tired and sore, Batgirl returned to her apartment to find half a dozen texts waiting for her. She licked her lips upon seeing “Sgirl” on her list of contacts. Savoring the possible gratification, Batgirl responded to the first five texts. Then she took a deep breath and opened Supergirl’s text.

“Busy 2night. 2morrow night? Ur place?”

Batgirl was tempted to simply reply with a terse “k” as she did not care to wait a full day to see Supergirl again. But the delay would give her time to come up with a strategy to appeal to the Girl of Steel’s sensual side. She ended up texting “Thx. C U 2morrow.”

Supergirl alighted on Batgirl’s balcony a little after 8 PM and opened the unlocked balcony door. She found Batgirl waiting for her. After an awkwardly formal greeting during which both superheroines avoided any mention of the incident at Dr. Kinsey’s, the two moved to Batgirl’s living room and took a seat on her leather couch.

“So what’s the issue?” asked Supergirl. She wondered if Batgirl was about to bring up their moment of passion. Part of her wanted Batgirl to bring it up, part of her wanted to leave it unspoken. The constant repression of her sexuality prevented Supergirl from addressing the matter directly.

“It’s an issue I’ve been struggling with for some time now. I wanted to open up to you about it because you’re a superheroine and you might be able to understand what I’m going through.” Batgirl hesitated for a moment. “After we opened up to each other last week, I feel like I can open up to you about anything. I trust you Supergirl.”

Supergirl breathed a little easier. Batgirl had just eliminated the need for an awkward conversation about their sexual dalliance. She smiled as she turned to face Supergirl. “I’m here for you Batgirl.”

Batgirl nodded and smiled back at Supergirl. “Thank you. I’ve been trying to repress an incident I had at the Midtown Repository. It was one of my first nights as Batgirl, and the mistake I made almost led me to hang up my cape.”

Batgirl took a deep breath as she prepared to recount the details of the disastrous night. She let her mind work back to her fateful blunder. “It was my third night as Batgirl…

Barbara had finally made the jump from passive bystander to active avenger. Her first night dressed as Batgirl would be uneventful to her now, but it was an intense rush for her then. She had dismantled a would-be car thief and intervened in an armed robbery at an upscale bar. That had been enough for her that night, and she went home ecstatic at the success of her efforts. She took in three different news reports and read five different online accounts of her crimefighting.

The adrenaline from her first night out carried over into the next day. Barbara found herself daydreaming at work about her heroics, and she felt an intense sense of pride overhearing people in the library referring to the mysterious costumed woman who had single-handedly dispatched two armed men at The Pineapple Club. By the time she had closed down the library, she was already planning out what section of Gotham would receive her guardianship tonight.

The night was not quite as eventful. Perhaps it had something to do with the rain, or maybe it was because Wednesdays were generally unremarkable. After three cold and wet hours, Barbara had only interceded in an argument between an abusive pimp and one of his working girls. Though she had enjoyed beating down the vulgar man, she was disappointed by the working girl’s reaction. And the police dispatcher seemed barely interested in apprehending the man after she called in the incident. There was some issue with a lack of evidence, and the working girl certainly did not seem interested in testifying. Still, being able to administer a physical beatdown on the pimp felt good. She felt a strong sense of satisfaction as she rode her batcycle home.

Unfortunately for the young heroine, her first two nights’ success led to a tragic sense of overconfidence, which would prove to be a recurring theme for Batgirl.

The near-catastrophic night took place at the Gotham Repository. Batgirl had stumbled upon a break-in by shear luck. She was passing by the large building on her batcycle and happened to see a large delivery truck parked just outside the place. Beside was parked an elegant all-black motorcycle with an original painting of a snarling cat on either side of the frame. Though it was the motorcycle that caught Batgirl’s eye, it was the delivery truck that sparked Batgirl’s suspicion. As a librarian and amateur historian, Barbara had spent her fair share of time at the Gotham Repository—she had even taken a summer job working inventory during her junior year in high school. The caretakers in charge of the repository never scheduled pickups or deliveries at nights and certainly not a Saturday night. As turnover was quite rare, Batgirl quickly concluded something was wrong. She parked her batcycle behind a large dumpster in a back alley and quietly made her way to the front of the repository. The doors were slightly ajar and she could hear people’s voices coming from inside.

Slipping in quietly, Batgirl stealthily made her way toward the sound of men’s voices. The lobby was a fairly large, open area and Batgirl swiftly made her way past the check-in area and towards the hallway leading to the secured vaults.

Batgirl assessed the situation: there were two men working the lock were clearly overconfident, having already short-circuited the alarms and dispatched the guards. But they had not anticipated the likes of Batgirl!

She stepped out and announced her presence with a coy “hello boys”. The men jumped. Turning towards the sound of the voice, they saw the silhouette of a woman with her hands on her hips standing in the vault’s entryway.

“Who the fuck are you?!”

“You can call me Batgirl. The better question is what am I going to do with you.”

Batgirl moved towards the two burglars.

“Is she serious?” asked one of men.

“I think she’s planning on trying to stop us,” replied the second man.

“Are you both just going to talk, or shall we get down to it?” Batgirl’s cockiness was captivating. The men stepped away from the vault and advanced on the heroine.

The first man quickly realized the chick in the skintight outfit was no joke. As he made a move to restrain the woman, a swift kick to the man’s jaw dropped him to the floor. He lay on the ground holding his jaw and moaning in real pain.

Batgirl turned to face the second man who had stopped advancing on her. This bitch was serious! He sound found out how serious—he was on the ground before he could land a single shot.

“Well that wasn’t much of a challenge,” Batgirl boasted as she looked down on the two prone burglars.

Grabbing each man by the collar, she dragged them out of the repository and dumped them on the sidewalk. Then she grabbed some rope from the hidden storage container on her batcycle in order to properly restrain the two criminals.

Returning to where the men were lying on the ground, she found one of them staggering to his feet and the other standing beside him.

“Shall we go a second round?” Batgirl taunted the men.

“You caught us off-guard bitch! Now you’re going to get it,” said the man on his feet.

“Please,” scoffed Batgirl. She gestured for the man to come at her.

As he approached her, she stepped forward and, with a quick rotation of her hips, leveled the man with a right cross. He fell to his knees holding his broken nose.

She turned her attention to the second man advancing upon her. But as Batgirl whipped her hips around—spinning on her foot to execute a wicked roundhouse kick—she slipped and fell to the ground. The previous night’s rain mixed with the oil in the street created a slick surface for which Batgirl was unprepared. She fell hard. Despite her gymnastic training, she was unable to properly brace herself. Batgirl’s head slammed against the curb. Stars exploded in her head. Then she lost consciousness.

When Batgirl slowly began to regain her senses, she had no idea where she was let alone what was happening. She could feel herself being pushed against a slick floor. As her eyes regained focus, she could see her gloved hands splayed out in front of her on a marble floor. ‘The Repository!’ The realization sent a jolt of adrenaline through her body.

Batgirl shook her head, trying to gain an idea of what was happening to her. The pushing sensation was coming from behind her. She was on her stomach and someone was straddling her from behind. There was a scrunching and squeaking sound as Batgirl’s skin-tight costume slid on the marble floor of the repository as the man straddling her was repeatedly thrusting himself against her body!


“She’s awake!” someone shouted.

“Hold her down! I’m just…about…done!”

Two sets of hands clamped down on Batgirl’s wrists. She felt her breasts being squeezed firmly as the thrusting continued. She felt something hardening between her thighs. Then she heard a groan and felt the man’s weight lift off her. She heard a zipping, then a belt buckling.

“What do you wanna do with her?”

“Leave her. She ain’t gonna do anything, not in the condition she’s in.”

“Did your really have to do that?”

Batgirl felt the man standing over her put his boot on her ass. “You kidding me? Look at this hot little cosplaying superheroine slut! No way I’m passing that up.”

“Why not just give it to her for real then?”

“That’s a line I ain’t quite ready to cross. She’s not gonna come after us for messin’ up her tight little costume.”

Batgirl tried to strain her head to get a look at the man, but just as he came into her periphery something smashed violently across her face. Her vision blurred and and she felt a sharp pain shoot through her head before blacking out.

When she regained her consciousness again, she was alone in the dark repository. It took a minute for her to gather herself, and another for her to stumble to her feet. She felt sick and her head throbbed. Slowly she limped her way out of the repository. Holding herself up against the side of the building, she made her way to the back of the large trash bin behind which she had hidden her batcycle. It was when she mounted the bike that she figured out what the man behind her had been doing. Batgirl almost slipped off the seat! Stumbling, she caught herself against the windscreen.

Once she caught her balance, she looked down at the seat. There was some strange-looking translucent substance on the seat. She reached down and touched it before she realized what it was and where it came from.

“Ugh!” Batgirl recoiled in disgust. Slowly, she reached back and felt the part of her skin-tight costume covering her ass. The material was warm and slick. Carefully, she felt around the entire area, desperately praying for her pants to be intact. Against all odds, it was. Batgirl breathed a huge sight of relief. But it was not long before her disgust began to turn to shame and humiliation at the thought: one of the men had been dry-fucking her on the floor of the repository! He had cum all over the back of her costume! Batgirl almost gagged as she tried to remove the man’s cum from her pants with an old newspaper she found blown against the side of the alley. Then she wiped down her bike seat and sped back to her apartment.

When she got back to her apartment, she had to resist the urge to throw away her costume. For one reason, if anyone found it they might connect it back to her. And for another reason, she had spent weeks putting it together. She stripped off the costume and tossed it into her washer. Then she took a long, long shower and tried to clean the night’s shame from her consciousness.

“…and after I cleaned my outfit, I put it back in the closet and left it there for over a month. I really didn’t know if I was up for being a superheroine.”

“What made you change your mind?”

“You did. That same week I saw a press conference where you talked about the being accountable for your actions and the importance of standing up for what you believe in. Even though I didn’t know you then, I felt as though you were talking directly to me.”

Supergirl tried to recall which press conference Batgirl was referencing. There had been so many!

Batgirl continued. “I thought I would be letting you down if I did not at least try once again. Yet every so often, I struggle with the thought of what those men did to me. I don’t know if you have ever had something similar happen to you, but I was hoping you could help me come up with a strategy to move past that humiliating incident.”

“But you have had other close calls, haven’t you?” asked Supergirl.

“There’s a difference between a close call involving a criminal escaping and a degenerate having his way with me.” Batgirl stood up. “Try to envision it: I was on all fours, helpless, and some anonymous guy had straddled me and was dry-fucking me!” She pantomimed the sequence in an almost seductive manner. “He was half-naked and pressing himself up against my skintight uniform. I could feel him hardening between my thighs!”

“I’m so sorry Batgirl. That must have been horrifying.” Supergirl tried to express sympathy, but a part of her was bothered by Batgirl’s stupidity and weakness. How could she let those men touch her like that?! A week ago, Supergirl would have merely felt sorry for Batgirl. But after their night together, it bothered Supergirl to imagine Batgirl being beaten and abused. She was unworthy of Supergirl.

Yet even so, Supergirl found herself wishing she could have witnessed Batgirl’s humiliation. She wanted to see Batgirl restrained on the floor of some building while a man was sexually abusing her. ‘It must have been the night of his life,’ Supergirl thought to herself.

Batgirl glanced to see how Supergirl was reacting to her reenactment. She looked closely at the S-logo emblazoned on her chest. Supergirl just needed a few more provocative details.

“I was so ashamed. The man was riding me hard, and all I could do was grind on the floor as he was grinding on me.” Batgirl stood directly in front of Supergirl, who was still sitting on the couch and looking up at her. “I can still feel his hands massaging my tits!” Leaning over, Batgirl grabbed ahold of her breasts and squeezed them for effect in front of Supergirl’s face. She watched as Supergirl’s eyes gazed at those two luscious mounds clutched in Batgirl’s gloved hands. "It was so humiliating," she whispered as she leaned closer to the Girl of Steel.

Without warning, Supergirl leaned forward and kissed the startled Batgirl! She stood up and wrapped an arm around the young heroine, pulling Batgirl firmly against her. Then she kissed her again. Embracing her firmly, Supergirl became more passionate, more forceful.

There was no protest from Batgirl. She let herself go limp in Supergirl’s powerful arms. Despite the occasional defeat, Batgirl viewed herself as a powerful superheroine. Allowing herself to be taken by Supergirl was arousing and erotic. And she played the role of a subservient lover impeccably.

Batgirl returned the Girl of Steel’s kiss, then she whispered in her ear, “Take me Supergirl, I’m all yours.”

And Supergirl took her. The words were a catalyst in Supergirl’s mind. Her annoyance mixed with lust, driving her to forcibly take the helpless Batgirl.

Supergirl tore open Batgirl’s costume. Barbara’s breasts bounced free of the confining skintight rubbery latex. Grabbing a fistful of the stretchy material covering her butt, Supergirl ripped off Batgirl’s pants. The restraint when she had given Batgirl a massage and stared lustfully at the skintight black fabric accentuating that gorgeous ass intensified Supergirl’s present enthusiasm in tearing the rubbery material off of Batgirl’s body.

There was a brief pause as Supergirl looked at the stripped superheroine standing helplessly before her, relishing the anticipation of what was to come. Batgirl knew what needed to be said. “Give it to me Supergirl. Give it to me hard!”

And Supergirl gave it to her. The Girl of Steel proceeded to have her way with Batgirl’s tits, ass and pussy. There was a certain justice in ripping the superheroine costume from Barbara’s body and punishing the humiliated heroine sexually. Batgirl needed to know only Supergirl could take her like this; only Supergirl could have Batgirl wherever, whenever and however she wanted!

And Batgirl submitted to Supergirl. She gave herself entirely over to the Girl of Steel.

Supergirl had torn Batgirl’s top and pants to shreds, leaving Barbara naked save for her gloves, boots and mask. Now she pulled Barbara’s naked body against hers. Gripping her hair in one hand, she pressed Barbara’s face against her and kissed her vigorously. Supergirl’s hands explored Barbara’s body as her lips locked with Barbara’s lips. But whereas the previous week she had been slow and sensual, this time Supergirl was forceful and powerful. Whereas the previous week she had kissed Batgirl longingly, this time she kissed Batgirl lustfully. Whereas the previous week she had wanted to sex-up Batgirl, this time she wanted to fuck-up Batgirl!

Batgirl gasped as she felt Supergirl squeezing and clutching her curves, Batgirl squealed as she felt Supergirl groping and fingering her, and Batgirl moaned as she prepared to climax against Supergirl’s sexy body.

Supergirl was not about to satisfy Batgirl without some satisfaction of her own. As Batgirl’s moaning became more intense, Supergirl reached between her thighs and pulled aside the skintight fabric covering her womanhood. Then, pressing her naked crotch against Batgirl’s exposed crotch, she gripped Batgirl’s backside and began to grind against Batgirl. The sweat and pre-cum made the two bodies slick. Supergirl’s body slipped up and down against Batgirl’s. The subtle friction amid the slippery rubbing of the two superheroines’ exposed crotches drove them both to ecstasy. Batgirl almost yelped as she felt Supergirl’s grip tighten on her ass. Her crotch was pulled more tightly against Supergirl’s. The friction increased as Supergirl continued to grind against Batgirl’s slick crotch.

Simultaneously, Supergirl and Batgirl began climaxing on each other. Supergirl’s body began to float in the air with Batgirl’s body held tightly against her. Panting between passionate kisses, Supergirl let her orgasm shudder through her body. Batgirl felt her tremble, relax, and then release her. She fell to the couch as Supergirl floated in the air hugging herself in an ecstatic trance.

Both women took their time savoring their respective orgasms. Batgirl stretched out on the couch as Supergirl slowly descended to the floor. What happened next startled Batgirl. Supergirl walked over to where she lay on the couch, leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I want you to know I can have you whenever and wherever I want Batgirl.” Then she pulled Batgirl’s face to hers and gave her a deep, soulful kiss.

Supergirl’s words surprised Batgirl. Had she really just said that? She watched as the Girl of Steel winked at her as she walked to the patio. There was a distinct change in the superheroine!

With the sweet sensation of her orgasm subsiding, Supergirl took flight, leaving the disheveled and discombobulated Batgirl on the living room couch bruised, battered, wet and sore.
Last edited by sugarcoater 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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A new section added for an early start to the weekend. Thanks again to all who are taking the time to read this story project of mine. As always, feedback and critique is greatly appreciated.
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great addition, loved how open Batgirl was to supergirl
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* * *

Batgirl had mixed feelings once she recovered from Supergirl’s sexual domination. Her body was aching and sore, and she could still feel Supergirl’s fingers in her more sensitive areas. Allowing Supergirl to completely dominate her had been arousing. Nonetheless, there was an aspect of the domination that bothered her. A part of her wanted to make sure Supergirl knew she was not some piece of ass to have when it suited her purpose. Supergirl’s words still echoed in her mind: “I want you to know I can have you whenever and wherever I want Batgirl.”

Due to Supergirl’s physical domination of her, Batgirl had to take the remainder of the week off of any superheroine activities. Had she been able to distract herself with her Batgirl duties, she might have dismissed Supergirl’s advances. But taking the week off gave her too much time to think, too much time to grow resentful. Their relationship had become singularly one-sided. It was one thing to acknowledge Supergirl as the more powerful superheroine, it was another thing being treated as a mere sex object. She booked her next appointment with Dr. Kinsey to unpack her thoughts and feelings about the incident.

Batgirl’s session was not quite what she had hoped for: Dr. Kinsey was elusive in addressing Supergirl’s advances. The conversation focused on Batgirl’s reactions and emotions, but at no point touched on the impropriety and disrespect of Supergirl’s actions. Batgirl would have been irritated by the end of the session had Dr. Kinsey not reenacted a portion of Supergirl’s sexual advances on her. She found herself more relaxed after her orgasm, and she felt herself relieved when Dr. Kinsey made a point to schedule a follow-up session to discuss steps to confront the Girl of Steel.

The delay in addressing Batgirl’s frustration was intentional. Giving Batgirl time to build up her resentment towards Supergirl would make it easier to drive the wedge between the two. Batgirl’s emotions had to override her logic.

The follow-up session delved more deeply into Batgirl’s resentment and jealousy of Supergirl. And this time, Batgirl opened up about the way Supergirl forced herself on her, as well as her post-coital comment. Nonetheless, Batgirl’s ego caused her to leave out her willingness to have Supergirl take her.

Perhaps had Batgirl admitted what she had said to initiate Supergirl’s advances, Dr. Kinsey might have hesitated to push forward. Yet that would assume Dr. Kinsey had not anticipated Batgirl intentionally tempting Supergirl into making her move.

“How did you feel being forced to take time off from serving as Batgirl?”

“Infuriated and humiliated!”

“I noticed Supergirl was still making headlines during your week of convalescence. How much did that bother you?”

Dr. Kinsey’s leading question received the reply it begged.

“A lot. That super-bitch got to build her brand and have the media fawn on her yet again while I was stuck recovering from her.”

Dr. Kinsey nodded. Batgirl’s emotions had been whet to the point of accepting her suggestion. She reached into her desk drawer and withdrew a small box.

“Take this.” Dr. Kinsey handed the box to Batgirl. “I want you to have it for your protection.”

Batgirl opened it and stared. “Is that what I think it is?”

“It is. And it cost me more than you can imagine. I want you to have it for your protection. Supergirl is not going to like you reasserting yourself. She is not going to accept you as an equal, and unless you reassert yourself she will always see you as a lesser heroine.

“The Kryptonite is meant to look like an emerald necklace to alleviate any suspicions. But if Supergirl comes within 50 yards of it, her powers will begin to wane.”

Batgirl smiled as she snapped the box shut. She had an equalizer for the mighty Girl of Steel.

Dr. Kinsey breathed a subtle sigh of relief. As she had hoped, Batgirl’s focus was on her resentment towards the Girl of Steel; she was not curious as to why she had acquired Kryptonite. And once Batgirl used the Kryptonite, she could never allow herself to think about how she had received the weapon.

“So what do I need to do in order to reassert myself?” asked Batgirl.

“You have to humiliate Supergirl. Until you can reduce her ego to that of a mere heroine, she cannot learn to respect other heroines. Simply put, she needs her comeuppance.”

“How does someone humiliate Supergirl?!”

“Once you’ve weakened her, you must make her reveal her lust. So far she has only revealed her desire for you, which is something she can rationalize. What you need to do is expose her lust, her salacious and immoral side—her desire to be dominated and disgraced. Deep inside of Supergirl is a desire to be utterly humiliated and finally drop the burden of appearing a chaste, virginal superheroine.

“And trust me Batgirl, the woman has that lust. I have seen it in her. And if anyone can draw it out, it is you. But first you have to beat her down. With the Kryptonite, you can weaken her to a mere woman. And as we know, with your physical strengths you can easily handle a woman. Once you physically defeat Supergirl—and I mean completely render her helpless—you need to sexually humiliate her. This does not merely mean you need to make her experience an orgasm—make her cum for you—but you need to sexually dominate her in ways she has never experienced.”

Batgirl felt an excitement building within her at the thought of what she planned to do to the unsuspecting Girl of Steel.

“One last detail: when you make her cum, capture that sequence on video. This is your insurance plan. And rest assured, once Supergirl knows you have taken her dignity and captured it on video, she will be forced to give you the respect you deserve. Though her subconscious may desire to be utterly humiliated, her conscious mind will struggle to accept what you have done to her—what you have made her understand about herself. This insurance plan is crucial. You will need to make at least two copies of that video, keeping one in a safe place and leaving the other with someone in whom you have complete trust.”

There was no need to suggest a copy of the video be given to her. Dr. Kinsey knew full well Batgirl would be giving her a copy. After all, whom else could Batgirl trust with such a video?

Batgirl licked her lips in anticipation. But the moment would be delayed by a rather unfortunate series of events.
Last edited by sugarcoater 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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A shorter section added, a set-up for an impending conflict.
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Hmmmm...unfortunate events? Love where this is leading. Just hoping it leads to a disastrous downfall for both.
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that's going to be quite the interesting confrontation, not to mention the aftermath
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* * *

Barbara was enjoying her Wednesday morning shift at the Gotham Public Library, sipping on her coffee as she worked on the library’s mainframe. Mid-week mornings were typically quiet: some college students were milling about by the computers, a few older people seemed to be browsing various periodicals, and the two librarians were somewhere in the building sorting books. Slow mornings such as this one allowed Barbara time to bounce between tech duties and Batgirl business. Most of the morning had involved fanaticizing the various scenarios in which she would put Supergirl, thanks to Dr. Kinsey’s protective amulet. Now she was looking over a news report about some group going by the name of The Hammer Organization when she heard someone approach her desk.

“I’m sorry to bother you Miss…

“Gordon,” replied Barbara.

“Miss Gordon, thank you. I was hoping you could help me find something.”

Batgirl looked up to see a woman wearing a sun hat, Gucci sunglasses and a beige dress. She looked quite elegant, and there was something vaguely familiar about her.

“How can I help you,” asked Barbara in a pleasant voice.

“I was looking for a book on photography. I apologize for inconveniencing you, but I’m new to Gotham.”

Batgirl smiled up at the woman. “No problem. Do you have something specific in mind?” She tried to be subtle as she looked over the woman and tried to place her. There was definitely something familiar about her.

“I’m interested in animal photography. Nocturnal animals, to be precise. Do you have any books on that?”

Batgirl nodded. “Those are on the second floor. I can show you our selection.” She stood up and gestured for the woman to follow her. Sipping her coffee as they walked to the stairs, Barbara continued to try and place her. If she was not from Gotham, where might she have run into her?

“So what brings you to Gotham?” asked Barbara as they walked down the long hallway to the eastern end of the library.

“My hobby. I’m a bit of an amateur photographer, and I’ve heard Gotham is a good place to capture some good nightlife.”

Barbara thought the response a bit odd. Gotham certainly had a nightlife, but that was more of the human kind.

The two turned down the aisle with the collection of texts on photography.

“We have quite the selection. Do you have any specific animals in mind?”

The woman removed her sunglasses and looked directly at Barbara. “Bats. I’m especially interested in photographing bats.”

The coffee cup fell from Barbara’s hand, spilling what was left of her coffee on the floor. She stared back into Nyessa’s eyes. ‘What is she doing here?!’

Barbara wanted to slam her against the wall! She was on the verge of grabbing Nyessa by her shoulder and shaking some answers from her when she realized that Nyessa had no clue she was Batgirl…or did she?

“I’m sorry Miss Gordon, did I startle you? Here, let me help you,” Nyessa bent down and dabbed at the spilled coffee while Barbara picked up the ceramic shards of her broken coffee cup.

Barbara’s mind raced. She wanted to believe it was pure coincidence Nyessa had asked her for a photography book on bats, but her detective mind would not allow her that peace fo mind. Desperately, she tried to stay calm and focus on a plan of action. She should at least find out where Nyessa was staying. The woman had to answer for what she did to her!

As Barbara reached for the last fragment of the coffee cup, Nyessa’s hand grabbed ahold of her wrist. “Hello Batgirl,” she whispered in Barbara’s ear.

Barbara fell back, hitting her head against the book shelf behind her.


“My apologies! I sure seem to be causing you all sorts of troubles Batgirl.”

“What are you talking about? What could possibly make you think I’m Batgirl?” Barbara pathetically tried to play it off, but her words were hollow and her resistance was half-hearted. She knew Nyessa had her figured out.

“Having seen you without your mask on makes me think you’re Batgirl. Sorry, I couldn't resist looking Barbara. You looked so charming when you passed out. But if that’s not enough, matching your prints from your utility belt to the city’s database makes me think you’re Batgirl. Limiting your crimefighting to one city makes it fairly obvious you’re from the area.”

Barbara stared at Nyessa. She tried to think what recourses she had. The answer was quite obvious: none. Even if she claimed Nyessa was lying, the woman might take her claim to the tabloids. That alone would bring some heat down on her. Criminals she had busted might take those tabloids seriously. And then there would be the inevitability of people tracking her movements. Until she knew what Nyessa was planning on doing with the photographs--she was sure Nyessa had taken photographs of her unmasked--and the information about her secret identity, she was at the woman’s mercy.

“What…what are you doing here?”

“I already told you—I want to capture some of Gotham’s nightlife. Meet me tonight at my hotel room. I believe you know which one. Ten o’clock. I’m sure you have some questions that deserve a more discreet setting.”

Nyessa stood up. “Ten o’clock Batgirl. And don’t be late.” She turned and walked away from Barbara who was still on her knees staring dazedly at the porcelain shards in her hands.
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A new section added as of March 18, which will lead to a precarious situation for Batgirl.
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ohhhh this is gonna be interesting, i really enjoyed this addition leaves me wanting more, can't wait to see what happens in the hotel room
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“The 48th floor.”

“Yes Miss Gordon,” the bellboy replied.

Barbara shuffled her feet on the ride up. She had a hazy recollection of her previous visit. Though she hated knowing Nyessa had the upper hand on her, she recalled the sexual pleasure from Nyessa’s hands…and lips…and tongue…

“We’re here,” the bellhop’s voice snapped Barbara from her musings. She stepped out and waited for the elevator door to close behind her. Then she slowly walked to the double-doors at the end of the hallway. After a deep breath, she knocked on the doors.

“Come in.”

Barbara walked into the room. Nyessa, wearing only a robe, was reclining on the living room couch with a drink in her hand. A flash of disappointment crossed her face as she looked disappointedly at Barbara Gordon.

“I was expecting Batgirl, not Barbara Gordon.”

Barbara was confused. Nyessa clearly knew she was Batgirl. Slowly she closed the door and walked into the living room.

“I thought you said you knew I was Batgirl.”

“Oh I know you are Batgirl. But right now I’m looking at the Gotham City Library systems analyst Barbara Gordon, not the sexy star of my centerpiece.”

“So what’s the difference?”

Nyessa put her drink down and stood up.

“The difference is that I want to have Batgirl’s face between my legs, Batgirl’s luscious lips kissing my pussy.”Nyessa sighed. “But I supposed I can settle for Barbara Gordon’s.”

Barbara was stunned by the woman’s audacity!

“You expect me to…to…to give you oral sex after you drugged me, made out with me, and then publicly humiliated me?!”

Nyessa grinned. “I do. And I expect you to enjoy pleasuring me.” She walked over to Barbara and grabbed ahold of her belt. “You’re a detective, or so you claim. Do we really need to walk through the whole scenario?” Nyessa unbuckled Barbara’s belt and began unzipping her jeans. “Or can we skip the trite details and get started?”

Barbara was processing what Nyessa had said as her jeans fell from her hips. She thought about her plan on asserting herself, hoping to intimidate Nyessa into acquiescence and silence as her shirt and bra were removed. She rationalized the need to let Nyessa have her way as her panties dropped to her ankles.

Now she stood helplessly as Nyessa had stripped her naked!

“Now move that tight body of yours to the couch,” ordered Nyessa as she slapped Barbara’s naked ass.

In a daze, Barbara walked over to the couch as Nyessa’s hands caressed her naked body. As Barbara began to sit down, Nyessa stopped her. “Don’t sit down yet. You have a job to do first.”

Removing her robe, Nyessa sat down and gestured to Barbara. “Kneel before me.”


“I said kneel before me Batgirl!”

Barbara hesitated, then slowly dropped to her knees. When Nyessa grabbed her by the hair, she knew what was expected of her. Barbara’s lips kissed Nyessa’s awaiting pussy and her tongue pressed into Nyessa’s womanhood. Nyessa propped up her legs on the coffee table and sat back. Though she had anticipated Barbara in her Batgirl costume would be kneeling before her, a naked Barbara Gordon was no disappointment. She looked down at the young woman pleasuring her and felt a climax mounting inside of her. Barbara was incredibly attractive, and watching her head bob between her thighs as her tongue probed inside her pussy was electrifying. Despite having planned out this very moment, it was still surreal: she had Batgirl naked and on her knees sucking her off!

Her first experience with Batgirl in the hotel room had been powerfully erotic. Though she was quite trained in the art of seduction, Nyessa had initially doubted her skills would prove capable of turning the mighty Batgirl. The thrill of seducing the heroine was unlike any other sexual experience. The past few months had been excruciating as she planned and plotted her reunion with Batgirl.

Uncovering Batgirl’s secret identity turned out to be surprisingly easy. Whether it was Batgirl’s arrogance or naïveté, or maybe a bit of both, Nyessa had been able to connect the beautiful Gotham Public Library software engineer to the sexy and mysterious Batgirl without much difficulty. She had been too intimidated to remove Batgirl’s mask—doing so could break Batgirl’s sensual trance. Thankfully, she had been compelled to take the two souvenirs before leaving the unconscious heroine. Nyessa had been able to use her resources to connect the fingerprints pulled from the belt to the Gotham Public Library employee. As all city employees had to be fingerprinted, Barbara’s prints were accessible to anyone who could hack into the city’s records.

When she first saw Barbara working behind her desk, Nyessa wanted to take her right then and there. But she had to stick to her plan; her pleasure would come soon enough.

Nyessa’s arousal intensified as Barbara continued to kiss her womanhood. Barbara sensed Nyessa’s excitement and began to move her tongue faster between her wet kisses. She could taste how close Nyessa was to climaxing. Feeling the impending orgasm, Nyessa grabbed ahold of the back of Barbara’s head and pulled Barbara’s face firmly into her crotch. She held her breath and tried to maintain a state of tantric focus. But Barbara’s advances—along with the visual of Barbara on her knees with her head between Nyessa’s thighs—was overwhelming. Nyessa held her breath for a moment longer. Then she gave in to her lust. Moaning in deep satisfaction, Nyessa let herself cum.

“Ohhh Barbara!”

Squeezing her thighs firmly against Barbara’s head, Nyessa let her orgasm reverberate throughout her body. Her body tensed, shuddered, then went limp.

Barbara pulled her head out from between Nyessa’s thighs and got to her feet. Nyessa had her eyes closed and was savoring the moment. Feeling awkward standing in the room naked, Barbara picked up her clothes and started to dress.

“Once you’re done dressing, go make me a drink,” ordered Nyessa.

Barbara did not answer. She would get her a drink, but she would not answer her as if she were some waitress or servant. Fully clothed, Barbara walked over to the kitchenette and found a collection of cordials.

“Make it a good one babe!” Nyessa shouted from the living room.

Though she was limited in experience, Barbara was able to mix a drink suitable for the demanding bitch on the couch. She returned with the drink and handed it to Nyessa.

“Thanks Babs.”

The use of her nickname annoyed Barbara. The abrupt familiarity created the impression Nyessa had no plans for a brief romp with her. That impression was confirmed when Nyessa picked up her phone and opened her calendar app.

“I’m busy tomorrow, but I want some Friday night fun. I shall expect you around midnight.”

Barbara was pulling on her dress boots. She whirled around, facing Nyessa who was reclining on the couch. “I already have plans,” she protested.

“Cancel them. I’m only in town through the weekend. And don’t worry, I’ll be sure to attend to you needs,” Nyessa reassured Barbara. “As I recall, you didn’t have any complaints.”

Barbara dressed hurriedly. She needed time to process what was happening, and lingering in Nyessa’s hotel room was not the place for it.

Nyessa held her up as she made her way to the door. “One more thing. Tonight was nice, but Friday I want to fuck Batgirl in all her glory. You catch my drift?”

Barbara nodded as she slipped out of the room. On her way out of the hotel, she stopped in the bar for a drink—she needed a stiff drink! The bar’s patrons were privileged to see a rare sight: the beautiful and tousled Barbara Gordon intoxicated and cutting loose on a dance floor.
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The follow-up to Nyessa's reappearance has been posted both above and in the overall story.
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Love it!

I wonder, could it be that the now intoxicated Barbara Gordon might be feeling slightly angered in being used and dominated, so in her intoxicated state, she switches into her superheroine persona to go out on a patrol as a measure to recapture her “power”? But (excitedly) in her still slightly intoxicated state, things go amiss when she tries to intervene on a crime being committed? That would be a very cool next instalment. ;)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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ohhh that was hot
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Really enjoying the story. Hope to see more of Batgirl's descent and hopefully Supergirl's pristine reputation tarnished.....
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* * *

Had she been less emotionally charged up by the night’s events, and had the bartender been less inclined to give the gorgeous redhead a heavy pour, Barbara might have saved herself a fair amount of grief. But her mind was focused on Nyessa’s control over her. The thought of being at anyone’s beck and call was infuriating; the thought of being Nyessa’s fuck-toy at her beck and call was intolerable. She was Batgirl!

And later that night, she was Batgirl. A heated, hot-tempered and mildly buzzed Barbara Gordon pulled on her Batgirl costume and proceeded to scour Gotham for anyone committing the mildest criminal act.

High off her domination of the three criminals, Batgirl happened to drive past the AM/PM in which she had first gone down on someone. Whether it was her subconscious leading her by the store or a latent desire to even some old scores—or perhaps both—Batgirl drove slowly past as she looked intently through the large windows. She saw what she had hoped to see.

Turning into the alley a block beyond the AM/PM, Batgirl pulled her bike into a narrow alley running perpendicular to the street on which the gas station was located. Safely hidden in the shadows, Batgirl removed a miniature EMP generator she had made after realizing the risk of being caught on camera. There was almost a certain sense of justice in targeting the very place led her to build the EMP.

Flipping a switch, Batgirl proceeded to disrupt the power covering a two-block radius. As lights flickered off, Batgirl sped back to the AM/PM. She walked in quietly. The power outage had affected the store’s sensors. Mitch was bent over the power generator located by the large refrigerated section of the store, fiddling with the device while trying to read the manual by the light of his smartphone.

Having avoided the convenience store for over a year, Batgirl was struck by Mitch’s unappealing appearance. ‘I can’t believe I went down on this guy!’ Mitch looked even more doughy and slovenly than she remembered, and his untucked and stained employee shirt only added to his sloppy guise.

“Remember me?”

Mitch jumped. Batgirl was standing behind him in the dark, and she looked pissed! Not one to consider long-term circumstances, Mitch never considered Batgirl would seek retribution for his humiliation of her. He stumbled back against refrigerator as Batgirl slowly approached him.

“I haven’t forgotten our little rendezvous. And I think it’s time I return the favor.” Batgirl grabbed ahold of Mitch’s collar and threw him to the ground. As Mitch groveled helplessly, Batgirl proceeded to beat the weak and beleaguered employee. But she went easy on him—she just slapped him around a bit—Mitch still had a favor to return.

“Get on your knees.”

Mitch began to panic. Having seen a few too many action movies, his first thought was of Batgirl executing him! He began pleading with the superheroine. “Please don’t! I’m so sorry Batgirl! I couldn’t help myself. I’m really sorry! Please don’t kill me! I’ll do anything to make things right. Just don’t kill me!”

Batgirl decided to go along with the illogical premise of Batgirl being a killer. “Just shut up and I’ll go easy on you. Now get on your knees.”

Still pleading with Batgirl, Mitch moved to his knees.

“Time for you to return the favor. If I’m going to go easy on you, you need to go down on me.” Batgirl pulled her pants down to her thighs, then grabbed ahold of Mitch’s head and pulled his face into her exposed crotch. “Now get me off, and make it good,” she ordered.

Mitch was caught completely off-guard. Instead of a harsh beating, Batgirl was insisting he pleasure her! He was smart enough to hide his excitement. Though the sexual gratification would only be given, pleasuring Batgirl would be a privilege. Mitch made up for his limited sexual experience with lavish attention and sensual focus. And he allowed himself the liberty of firmly grabbing hold of Batgirl’s firm buttocks in order to press his tongue deeper into her womanhood. Batgirl allowed him to take the liberty as she was enjoying humiliating the man by ordering him to his knees and forcing him to give her sexual pleasure.

“Batgirl’s in charge now!” she shouted down at Mitch as she grabbed his hair and shoved his face into her crotch. Batgirl needed to firmly let the man know what was what.

With her free hand, she reached inside the refrigerated section of the convenience store and pulled out a lime-flavored Truly hard seltzer. Her earlier buzz was wearing off, and she was not done for the night. Pounding the drink, she tossed the can aside and grabbed a second one.

Hearing the can drop beside him, Mitch tried to pull back to see what was going on, but Batgirl had a strong hold on him.

“Uh-uh. Not yet Mitch. I’m going to need you to suck me off a bit more before I let you loose.”

Cracking open the drink, Batgirl smiled as she looked down at the bobbing head between her thighs. Then she downed her second can. Between the warm sensation of the drink’s alcohol and the erotic sensation of Mitch’s tongue, Batgirl felt as if she were floating. The sensation was ethereal and intoxicating. She wanted to extend the feeling, even as she felt herself approaching her climax. She tossed the second can aside and reached behind herself for Mitch’s hand. Grabbing ahold of it, Batgirl shoved his hand up between her ass cheeks. Then she took ahold of his index finger and pulled it into her ass.

“Finger me here,” ordered Batgirl.

Mitch was surprised by the request, but he knew better than to resist the climaxing superheroine. He slowly slipped his finger further up into Batgirl’s tight ass, gingerly penetrating her in a most inappropriate place!

“That’s it Mitch. Now keep fingering me there while you focus on fucking my pussy with your tongue.”

Feeling herself penetrated in both holes, Batgirl’s arousal inexorably moved her closer and closer to the impending orgasm.

‘Just one more before I cum,’ she thought to herself as she pulled a third drink from the refrigerator.

Batgirl barely finished the drink before letting herself cum. As she felt her body reach its climax, she tossed the drink aside and grabbed ahold of the hand fingering her ass and pressed it firmly into her. Then she pushed her crotch into Mitch’s face, letting his tongue go deeper inside her pussy.

“Oh fuckkkkk!” moaned Batgirl as her orgasm shuddered her body. She felt herself grow weak as her body relaxed. She let go of Mitch’s hard as she stumbling backwards, barely catching herself on a rack of candy. Mitch fell back against one of the refrigerators glass doors, out of breath and exhausted from working to satisfy Batgirl.

Batgirl shook her head, which only caused her to feel dizzy. She braced herself against the rack with one arm as she pulled up her pants. The small convenience store suddenly felt hot and humid. Batgirl was sweating profusely beneath her tight costume, and she was soaking her pants with the after-effect of her orgasm. It was time to leave. She stumbled over to the refrigerator and took out a large Gatorade.

Mitch was still on the ground, leaning against the glass door. Batgirl kicked him to the floor and stood over him. He needed to be told one more time how she was dominant. With her boot squarely on his chest, she bent over and looked down at the powerless man.

“Now you know Batgirl’s in charge. Don’t ever forget that.”

Batgirl was about to add one more point, but an inadvertently loud burp abruptly ended her taunting. She stood back to look down on Mitch once more, then she turned and walked out of the store. She took a minute to enjoy the early morning coolness as she drank the Gatorade. Feeling somewhat refreshed and invigorated, she tossed aside the empty bottle and straddled her bike. Unfortunately, Batgirl should not have ridden her motorcycle. That point was driven home when, weaving side-to-side in her lane, she swerved too close to a parked truck and hit her handlebar against the truck’s mirror. She flew off her bike, tumbling head over heels until her body slammed against the back of a car stopped at an intersection.

Batgirl had managed to brace herself in time, she managed to escape without any significant injury. However, her costume was ripped to shreds.

“Are you okay?” asked an elderly woman who had exited the car into which Batgirl’s body had slammed.

“I think I’m okay,” Batgirl replied quietly as she looked herself over. Nothing was broken, and the adrenaline was masking the pain.

“Are you sure? I think we should call an ambulance.”

The woman meant well, but there was no way she was going to have an ambulance called. “Thank you ma’am, but I really am okay. I…I tried to swerve to miss a dog that ran out in front of me and I just lost control of my bike.”

Hurriedly, she gathered herself and slowly walked back to her motorcycle, which was lying on its side in the middle of the lane. The elderly woman walked a few steps behind her, apparently wanting to make sure she was okay. The motorcycle was scratched up, but there did not seem to be any structural damage. Straddling the bike, Batgirl revved the engine. Everything seemed okay.

“Get home safely,” said the woman. “If you have a long drive, you may want to cover up a bit.” She gestured at Batgirl’s shoulder and backside. Looking over her shoulder, Batgirl noticed most of her ass was completed exposed by a huge tear in her pants, and she was suddenly aware of the torn material dangling from her left shoulder exposed most of her left breast.

“Thank you ma’am. It’s not too far of a drive.” Batgirl kicked her bike into motion and carefully but quickly sped home. Her hangover the next morning was brutal.
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I have not had enough time to go over this section as carefully as I would have liked, so please let me know if there are any issues you might see. At the moment, Batgirl is working through some problems in a less-than-healthy manner...
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great addition, loved the confidence in Batgirl, was hoping there would be something involving Batgirl and the lady, but can't wait for more, defiantly one of my favorite stories i have read
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* * *

Friday night came all-too-soon for Barbara. Reluctantly, she put on most of her outfit beneath her civilian clothes, revved her civilian motorcycle, a Harley Softtail Deluxe—the Batcycle was most certainly not the vehicle for the night’s circumstances—and drove to her appointment atop The Gotham Hotel. Between being physically dominated by Supergirl and mentally dominated by Nyessa, Batgirl found herself vacillating between frustration and desperation. Her domination of Mitch had helped, but the accident and subsequent hangover negated most of the positive vibes. And if she was completely honest with herself, she knew she had to find a way to regain the upper hand over both women in order to regain her peace of mind. Thankfully, Dr. Kinsey had given her the means to begin the process with Supergirl. Thoughts of how she might put Nyessa in her place distracted her as she made her way through Gotham’s city streets.

Leaving her motorcycle in a nearby parking lot—one of the few lots without cameras—Batgirl removed her civilian clothes and stashed them in the bike’s hidden compartment and made her way through the shadows to the hotel.

Batgirl was in luck: Nyessa’s penthouse room was one of the few hotel rooms with a balcony and windows that opened. She managed to unlock one of the large sliding glass doors and slip inside the room without a noise. The lights were on but Nyessa was nowhere to be found. After carefully checking each room, Batgirl moved back to the living room. On the large table was Nyessa’s laptop.

“Nyessa?” Batgirl called out. Receiving no response, she flipped open the laptop. Her computer science skills were about to come in handy.

In less than 10 minutes, Batgirl had circumvented the security protocols and was perusing the various files. Sure enough, she found a folder entitled “Batgirl” containing the entire collection of images from the photoshoot, along with a video with the file name “unmasked”. She was tempted to move the files to the trash bin, but clearly these were not the only copies. Or were they?

Opening a web page, Batgirl checked the bookmarks for an email account. She soon found what she was looking for. Nyessa had foolishly set her email for an automatic log-in. Skimming through the emails, Batgirl found something unexpected. Nyessa had been corresponding with a Linda Danvers. ‘Isn’t that…Supergirl’s alter-ego?!’ Batgirl thought to herself. But before she could open the email thread to investigate, she was startled by the sound of Nyessa’s voice.

“About time Batgirl.”

Batgirl whirled around. Nyessa stepped out from the darkness. Where had she been? She had searched everywhere!

“Do you always go through people’s private property when they aren’t around? Isn’t that illegal Batgirl?”

Batgirl was flustered. Where had she come from?! She was about to ask her when Nyessa continued.

“I’m going to need to punish you for breaking the law,” Nyessa smiled as she moved towards her. Batgirl saw she was holding a strange-looking rope in her hands. “Now shut my laptop and turn around.”

Batgirl complied. Nyessa placed the rope beside the laptop and began caressing Batgirl, moving her fingers gently up and down the superheroine’s body. She relished the feeling of the skin-tight fabric stretched tight over Batgirl’s tight body. She savored the sensation of the vibration caused by stroking the rubbery fabric of Batgirl’s costume. And she noticed Batgirl could not help enjoying the attention as well: her nipples pressed out against the fabric and Nyessa sensed a warmth began emanating from between her legs as she stroked Batgirl’s crotch.

Then Nyessa pulled Batgirl’s body firmly against hers and her lips ravaged Batgirl’s in a deep, passionate kiss. Nyessa groped and fondled Batgirl as she sucked on Batgirl’s luscious lips. Batgirl felt her hand pulled between Nyessa’s thighs.

“You know what I want,” whispered Nyessa.

The sensation of Batgirl’s gloved fingers slipping beneath her panties and pressing up into her was intensely erotic. And Batgirl knew how to stimulate and arouse her.

After she finished reveling in her Batgirl-induced orgasm, it was time to initiate the plan.

“Thank you Batgirl,” murmured Nyessa. “Now turn around.”

Batgirl was somewhat frustrated. Despite her anger, her body had been aroused to the point of climax. Now she wanted sexual satisfaction.

“What about—”

“I’m coming to that. But first we need to punish you for your invasion of my privacy. Now do as I say and turn around!”

Batgirl was startled by Nyessa’s commanding voice. She turned around, facing away from Nyessa and wondering what was meant by “punish you”. Her cape was removed and her skin-tight pants were pulled down to her ankles.

“Thank you for not wearing any underwear Batgirl. Now please lift up your foot.”

Nyessa removed Batgirl’s pants and toss them aside.

“Now lift up your arms.”

Batgirl’s top was quickly removed, leaving the superheroine naked save for her mask, gloves and boots.

“Now get down on all fours,” ordered Nyessa.

On her hands and knees, Batgirl felt ropes bound about her body. She shivered slightly as she felt the silky smooth ropes pulled tight between her crotch and firmly up her ass. The sleek texture felt powerfully arousing against her naked body. Then Nyessa pushed her to the ground and lifted up her feet. Her ankles were tied together, then her hands were pulled behind her back and tied together as well. Batgirl was helpless and hogtied.

Straining her head to see what Nyessa was up to, she saw the woman clicking through her smartphone. Then she placed the phone on the table, walked to the closet and returned with some sort of gym bag. She unzipped the bag and dropped it beside the restrained heroine.

“What are you doing?!”

“Shhh,” whispered Nyessa as she pressed a finger against Batgirl’s lips. “I’m going to need you to keep quiet now.”

Batgirl gasped as a gag was shoved into her mouth and tied about her head. She had but a moment to react to the gag before biting down hard on it as she felt an intense pain on her backside. Nyessa was brandishing a riding crop as she stood over the helpless heroine.

Batgirl’s punishment lasted a long five minutes. As she writhed and struggled in her restraints, Nyessa whipped Batgirl’s backside. Between the sharp pain from Nyessa’s small whip and the ropes erotically rubbing up against her womanhood, Batgirl felt both humiliation and arousal. The result was an unexpectedly powerful climax for the young heroine. Moaning into her gag, Batgirl felt herself soaking the ropes bound between her thighs as Nyessa continued slapping her exposed ass.

Finally Nyessa stepped back and looked at the restrained heroine. Batgirl was covered in sweat and her own fluids as she gasped for oxygen, which was restricted by the red ball gag in her mouth.

“You are quite the sight babe,” Nyessa smirked as she squatted down and squeezed Batgirl’s bright red ass.

Suddenly the door to the penthouse burst open!

“Don’t move!”

A policewoman was standing in the doorway, gun drawn. Two policemen stood behind her.

“Now slowly back away from Batgirl!”

Even as she ordered Nyessa to move away from Batgirl, the officer was stunned by the scene in front of her: a disheveled Batgirl, wearing only her mask, was hogtied on the floor with a ball gag in her mouth! A woman holding a small riding crop was standing over a bound, gagged and stripped Batgirl! The bright red marks across Batgirl’s ass indicated she had been whipping the helpless heroine.

“Cashman! Untie Batgirl. I’ve got this woman covered.”

One of the policemen rushed to Batgirl’s side. It took some doing to free Batgirl. Removing the ropes from between her thighs had been a bit awkward, no less so due to Batgirl soaking the ropes with an orgasm—she was unable to prevent herself from climaxing as the officer pulled and tugged at the smooth ropes wound about her most erogenous zones. When she was finally free, the heroine stumbled to her feet and removed the gag from her mouth. Her muscles were sore and her body ached.

“Thank you officer,” she murmured.

People had already gathered at the door. The lead officer was putting cuffs on Nyessa and the other two officers were too distracted by the distressed heroine to attend to crowd-control. The onlookers had a clear view of the scene: a bound and gagged Batgirl convulsing as a police officer clumsily worked to free her from the restraints. Smartphones glowing in poorly lit hallway recorded the spectacle.

Batgirl gathered her costume and quietly dressed. The rubbery material squeaked in the awkward silence as she pulled her skintight pants on, then her top, followed by her gloves and boots. The stillness was punctured by the quiet click of her utility belt snapped back around her waist.

“Are you okay?” asked the officer. She had cuffed Nyessa and was politely waiting for Batgirl to put her costume back on before addressing her.

“I’m fine.” Batgirl’s terse response belied her quiet, seething anger. “Can’t you get rid of those people?” She pointed at the crowd gathered at the door. It was one thing to be exposed in the pages of Penthouse, it was another thing to be captured in bondage on a police officer’s body cam, it was yet another thing to have no one preventing gawking onlookers record her humiliation on their smartphones!

“Cashman! Get that crowd back!” the officer shouted, indicating the masses gathered in the doorway. She turned back to Batgirl. “Can you tell me what happened here?”

Batgirl fumbled her way through an explanation of how she had been lured to the suite on the pretext of a photoshoot. Nyessa had drugged her, then taken advantage of her. She had been on the verge of escaping her bondage when the officer had arrived.

Batgirl glanced over to see how Nyessa was reacting to her story. She merely smiled back at her. Why was she only smiling? Was she planning on contradicting her story? Was she responsible for the police arriving?!

The police officers seemed to accept Batgirl’s version of what happened. The policewoman who seemed to be in charge took Batgirl’s statement and assured her Nyessa would be dealt with severely. After answering a few more questions, the woman handed Batgirl her card. “I’m Detective Ashleigh Kaine. Should you remember any other details, please feel free to call me any time, day or night.” As Batgirl took the card, Ashleigh’s fingers lingered on Batgirl’s. “I’m at your disposal,” she practically whispered to the heroine.

Batgirl watched as Detective Kaine moved to escort Nyessa from the premises. She was disturbed by Nyessa’s calm demeanor, and even more so when Nyessa looked back at Batgirl and winked as she blew her a kiss. What did she have in mind?!

Batgirl placed the card in one of her utility belt pockets. Looking over the room to make sure she had not left anything behind, she thanked the remaining two officers and walked out. On her ride home, she prayed the reports of the incident would be vague and imprecise. Unfortunately for her, the media was all-too-eager for any reports on the mysterious and provocative superheroine. Batgirl’s dignity was not spared; the reports were quite explicit.

* * *
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Newest section added as of March 28. Batgirl's second night with Nyessa ends in a most awkward manner...
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Hmmm...I liked that officer's name, LOL. Great story and I have no idea where this will end or how.
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bobcashman wrote:
3 years ago
Hmmm...I liked that officer's name, LOL. Great story and I have no idea where this will end or how.
You noticed that too, did you? Seemed like a good guy to play a roll in the story. Who knows, maybe he might pop up again, along with a few other people I’ve seen around here ;)
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* * *

Batgirl’s disappointment upon seeing the news report was matched only by Supergirl’s disgust. Supergirl had been shocked and dismayed upon seeing the early morning news report on Batgirl’s capture and subsequent ravishing. Part of her was bothered by the thought that her Batgirl had been touched and tasted by some mere woman; part of her was bothered by the thought that Batgirl may have let that woman touch and taste her. And what had Batgirl done for that woman?! Had Batgirl been sexing up other women?! She was Supergirl’s fuck toy!

Had Supergirl not been scheduled for her PSA, she would have flown to Batgirl’s and given the bitch a piece of her mind! The Superheroine Movement had to take precedent. However, the PSA could be used to properly address Batgirl and her indiscretions. Her PSA was being filmed today and the producers she had tabbed for the project, Alec and Ilya Saulkind, along with the director were waiting for her at Metropolis’ Stonestreet Studios. Batgirl would be directly dealt with later, but indirectly dealt with now. Supergirl shot off an email to the producers before flying over to the set.

“Meet our director, Mr. Bronson,” Ilya introduced the man standing beside the cameras: Robert “Cashman” Bronson, known in Metropolis as one of the better directors in the advertising game. He had been tabbed for the project due to the success of the advertising campaigns that had used his services. His reputation for eye-popping visuals and attention to details—the money shot, which had led to his nickname—made him the most logical choice for a PSA starring the Girl of Steel.

The two exchanged brief greetings. Supergirl was still distracted by the news report, but the incident only reinforced her conviction in the Superheroine Movement’s importance.

“I looked over your revised script Supergirl. I made a few alterations and wanted to run those by you,” Robert handed the script to Supergirl. “I changed a few words around a tried to make your message more accessible to your audience. Let me know what you think.”

Supergirl perused the edited script. The changes were mostly cosmetic: a few changes in the diction, some small word play and a slightly less formal tone.

“Are you sure you want to focus your message on Batgirl’s…incident? It may—”

“I do,” was Supergirl’s terse response.

Robert could see the superheroine had her mind set. He shrugged and let Supergirl finish reading over the script. When she finished, she handed the script back to him.

“Looks good to me. Shall we begin?”

After a brief dispute over the use of makeup and hair product, followed by 15 minutes of delicate administration of the two, Supergirl walked onto the set looking gorgeous and glamourous. Over the next two hours, Supergirl stood in front of a green screen and addressed various cameras as she read her script over and over and over again. But at long last, Robert signaled for the crew to take break.

“Come back in two hours Supergirl. By then I should have the outline of the PSA ready for your approval.”

Supergirl thanked Robert, said goodbye to the Saulkind brothers, and returned home to impatiently wait for the results. The file finally appeared in her inbox late in the evening. She watched herself in admiration: Mr. Bronson had accentuated her muscles and curves just enough to establish her power and femininity without making her a sex object. And his choice of background music underscored her words through a blend of patriotic melodies and dramatic notes.

The PSA played on practically every channel the following day. As none of the major networks would risk any negative publicity for not supporting Supergirl, they had agreed ahead of time to play Supergirl’s video. Airing the video of Supergirl appearing more glamorous than ever proved to be immensely possible. Social media lit up with comments surrounding the PSA, which led the networks to rerun the video multiple times throughout the day.

It was during a commercial break for her favorite sci-fi drama—The Battle for Planet Earth—when Batgirl saw the PSA. She gaped open-mouthed at her television. Supergirl was standing in her power pose with her cape flowing in a breeze behind her. Motivational music was playing in the background as Supergirl’s voice-over could be heard describing the meaningful and essential role of America’s superheroines. Shots of her in action were shown with an American flag in the background. Then the shot returned to a close-up of Supergirl, looking straight at the camera as her tone changed from inspirational to serious.

"Heroines and superheroines are the brave people who guard you against evil and immorality. But sometimes that comes at a cost. Up until now, it was just a cut, a bruise, a torn cape--nothing we couldn’t handle. But now some of you have seen a horrid photoshoot put out by a vile adult magazine that has taken full advantage of an innocent and naive heroine.

"What happened to Batgirl was not her fault. She was coerced and manipulated by some evil and lecherous woman who took advantage of her innocence and trust. I ask that you ignore the pathetic attempt by this evil woman to humiliate Batgirl, as well as those vile men and women whose lust drove them to record Batgirl’s humiliation and slather it online for all to see, to bring shame on her legacy. Batgirl deserves better. Please do not hold her to the standards you hold me. I am Supergirl. I am a SUPERheroine. I can withstand the trickery and treachery of those who would reduce a beautiful, intelligent and strong heroine like Batgirl to an objectified tart. But she is human and only a heroine; she is prone to the usual human frailties. 

"I ask you all, from the depth of my heart, to remember what I stand for: honesty, chastity, morality and liberty. Please abide by these principles and do not watch those disgusting videos. And for that matter, please do not purchase that vile rag of a magazine highlighting Batgirl’s impropriety. Ignore the videos and her photoshoot--that is not her. Batgirl is not a slut but simply a heroine who was used for her sexuality. She was not strong enough to avoid being manipulated by a clever woman and the lascivious men who run that disgusting adult magazine. Please do not hold her to the standard of a Supergirl.

"I thank you for your time and consideration. Batgirl, who is mentally recovering from this unfortunate ordeal at this moment, thanks you for your time and consideration. Be good and do the right thing, and remember all that we superheroines do for you."

The video ended with Supergirl waving to the camera, then taking to the air as the scene faded out. The final image was a Supergirl logo, and beneath in pink cursive the words "honesty, chastity, morality and liberty". 

“What the fuck was that?!” Batgirl stood transfixed by what she had just seen. She had figured the issue with the Penthouse spread was settled, and the incident with Nyessa was certainly not her fault! Her shock inevitably turned to anger as she replayed Supergirl’s public service announcement on her DVR. By the time she watched it a third time, Supergirl’s comeuppance was all but assured in Batgirl’s mind.

* * *
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New section added as of Monday, April 5.
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Another great chapter. Looking forward to see how Batgirl is going to show the world what Supergirl really stands for.....
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* * *

Batgirl had reached out to Supergirl with the pretext of confessing what had happened with the woman in the hotel room. Supergirl quickly agreed to meet: Batgirl needed to be given a piece of her mind, and in return give her a piece of ass. The image slathered on The Daily Planet of a woman standing over a dominated Batgirl infuriated the Girl of Steel! She could not help wondering what else the woman had done to Batgirl…or what Batgirl had done to her! Batgirl being sexually involved with another woman was entirely unacceptable.

But the moment she arrived at Barbara’s apartment, Supergirl sensed something was off. For one, Batgirl was in full costume. For another, Batgirl was not behaving in the same subservient manner as she had when they had talked earlier that day. In fact, she was advancing upon her with an all-too-familiar gem in her hand and a mysteriously devious look in her eye.

“Wha…what is that?!”

Batgirl held out the necklace Dr. Kinsey had given her. Supergirl stared in shock at the glowing green rock attached to it.

Batgirl smiled, “I think you know what it is.”

Supergirl stumbled back, away from the advancing Batgirl.

“How…how did you get that?!”

The kryptonite was already affecting on the Girl of Steel. She looked over her shoulder, trying to find the fastest escape from Batgirl’s apartment. Her head was spinning. What was going on here?!

‘The balcony…got to get to there before…’

Bracing herself against the wall to keep her balance, Supergirl moved toward the sliding glass door leading out onto the apartment’s balcony. Supergirl’s superior powers had given her a sense of invulnerability. The concern of tripping due to her desire to wear her sexy high-heeled boots had never occurred to her—how could she lose her balance when she had the ability to fly? Yet now she found herself desperately trying to keep her balance as she stumbled towards the sliding glass door.

Supergirl never made it to the balcony. Unaccustomed to the need to balance herself and the effects of the Kryptonite, she tripped over her cape and fell to the ground. As she tried to make it back to her feet, Batgirl came up from behind and placed the kryptonite pendant around her neck.

The Girl of Steel felt her powers rapidly draining from her. She desperately tried to lift it off her chest but the necklace had already become too painful for her to touch with her bare skin. “Please…take it off,” whimpered Supergirl.

“Oh come on now Supergirl, it looks so good on you!” Batgirl leaned over Supergirl. “And now it’s time to give you something you’ve been asking for these past few months."

For the next few minutes, Batgirl took out all her frustrations on the helpless Girl of Steel. She recalled how Supergirl had harangued her over her various indiscretions, how she had lectured her over the slightest gaffe, how she had reprimanded her for lapse in judgment. Who was Supergirl to judge her?!

Batgirl enjoyed the feeling of her fist smashing into Supergirl’s face; she reveled in the sensation of her knee slamming into Supergirl’s crotch; she savored the sight of Supergirl’s complete and utter helplessness. Each plea to stop only motivated Batgirl to further destroy the Girl of Steel. Though Supergirl was helpless, Batgirl found a deep satisfaction in continuing to pummel her.

Finally Batgirl relented. She smiled as she looked down at the moaning Supergirl. She was completely defenseless and powerless. But a beatdown would not suffice. Batgirl also needed to humiliate Supergirl, and she had a plan—courtesy of Dr. Kinsey—to do so in a way that had a certain poetic justice. She lifted the Girl of Steel to her feet and propped her against the wall. Unbuckling Supergirl’s belt, Batgirl removed Supergirl’s miniskirt and tossed it aside. She was somewhat surprised that merely removing the miniskirt altered Supergirl’s look from a sweet and innocent cheerleader to a sexy and seductive Maxim covergirl.

Batgirl dragged Supergirl to her living room and stretched her out on the couch. Then she removed her smartphone from her utility belt and began snapping photos of Supergirl. Spreading the Girl of Steel’s legs, Batgirl began taking more provocative photos. Rolling Supergirl onto her stomach, Batgirl lifted up Supergirl’s hips and pulled Supergirl’s unisuit up, wedging Supergirl’s thin blue fabric firmly up her ass. Then she took more photos.

Supergirl was barely aware of what was happening. She was mostly grateful Batgirl had stopped beating her. But after she was flipped onto her back and felt Batgirl grab ahold of her top and yank it down to her waist, Supergirl sensed what was going on.

Despite her bitterness, Batgirl had to admire Supergirl’s luscious breasts as they bounced free of the confining skintight fabric. She had to resist the urge to fondle them, there would be time for that later.

Supergirl tried to cover up, but Batgirl slapped her hands aside and proceeded to photograph the topless Girl of Steel.

Yet the humiliation would not stop there. Batgirl sat up Supergirl on the couch. After many more photos of the topless Supergirl, it was time for Supergirl’s “mature audience” pinups. Supergirl felt Batgirl tugging at the portion of her costume covering her crotch. Desperately she tried to stop Batgirl! Grabbing ahold of Batgirl’s wrists, she frantically struggled against Batgirl’s vile actions. But the kryptonite’s effect was too powerful and Batgirl was too strong. The thin blue strip covering Supergirl’s womanhood was rudely yanked aside.

The next series of photographs were as sensational as they were lurid. Supergirl’s exposed pussy and bare breasts contrasting beautifully with the bright S-logo, which had been pulled down to Supergirl’s midsection, were captured on Batgirl’s smartphone.

Yet this was only the penultimate humiliation of Supergirl. The final insult would be a video that guaranteed Supergirl would not retaliate against Batgirl. Setting her phone on record mode and placing it on her mantle facing the couch, Batgirl went to her bedroom and retrieved a toy Dr. Kinsey had given her after one of the earliest sexual breakthroughs.

“I’m thinking this recording will make a perfect sequel to your PSA Supergirl. We can use it to bring attention to that Superheroine Movement of yours.” Batgirl smiled, “I’m thinking we could call it ‘Superheroines Deserve a Good Fuck'.”

The video was of Batgirl, squatting behind the couch, repeatedly penetrating the Girl of Steel with a smooth rod in one hand as she fondled Supergirl’s breasts with her other hand. Batgirl began by gently pressing the rod into Supergirl’s tight pussy. Slowly, she pushed and pulled the sexual toy in and out of the Girl of Steel. As Batgirl gradually moved the rod faster and faster, Supergirl’s body began to betray Supergirl’s mind: an arousing sensation brought with it a wetness that allowed the rod to penetrate the superheroine deeper and deeper. Despite the complete humiliation and physical beatdown, Supergirl’s body was moving her to climax. Supergirl’s whimpering and groaning gradually changed to panting and moaning. With so little sexual experience, it did not take much effort from Batgirl to make Supergirl cum. Supergirl’s groans of “no…no…” soon changed to sensual moans of “oh…oh!” as an orgasm shuddered her body. Supergirl was on the verge of cumming when Batgirl grabbed the Girl of Steel by her hair and forcefully turned her head towards the recording smartphone.

“Now let’s show the people what Supergirl’s ‘O-face’ looks like. I’ll bet your fans have been dying to see what it looks like!”

Supergirl did not disappoint. Her beautiful eyes were wide open and her pouty lips were puckered in a seductive “O” as she moaned through her unexpected climax. Batgirl pulled out the rod from between Supergirl’s legs and allowed the Girl of Steel to savor the effects of her climax. She leaned back and watched as Supergirl was gently rubbing her erect nipples as she came onto the couch.

“Is this…Is this your first orgasm with a sex toy Supergirl?!” Batgirl was somewhat surprised. Granted, she had never considered Supergirl to have much of a sex life—she rightfully assumed the Girl of Steel was still a virgin—but she was beginning to think the superheroine had never allowed herself the pleasure of a good hard climax. Supergirl’s lack of any coherent response—she was still moaning in post-coital pleasure—served as an adequate response.

Batgirl thought about how nervous she had been when she had her first sexual experience with Supergirl in Dr. Kinsey’s office. “No wonder it’s so easy to make you cum!” she laughed as she cleaned the rod on Supergirl’s cape and set it on the coffee table. She walked over to her smartphone and reviewed the footage. Satisfied with the video, she uploaded the file to her cloud account. Then she turned off her phone, placed it into one of the pouches on her utility belt and walked back over to where Supergirl—barely aware of her surroundings—was slowly trying to pull her costume back over her large breasts.

“So how was it Supergirl?” asked Batgirl as watched the Girl of Steel attempt to regain her composure.

Supergirl was still in a daze. All she knew was that she had to pull her costume back on and get home. The humiliation of what was happening had yet to sink in.

“Let me help.” Batgirl withdrew the kryptonite necklace and placed it in the lead-lined pouch on her belt.

The removal of the necklace had a restorative effect on Supergirl. She tugged at the wet blue fabric that had been pulled aside until it once again covered her womanhood. But when she moved to stand up, she stumbled and fell back onto the couch.

“Here, give me your hand,” Batgirl offered a gloved hand, but Supergirl swatted it away.

“Get away from me you witch! How dare you do that to me?!”

Snapping open her pouch, Batgirl pulled out the kryptonite necklace and, holding it firmly in one hand, slapped Supergirl violently across her face.

“You still don’t seem to understand the situation Supergirl. Need I remind you who’s in charge here?”

The slap stunned Supergirl, but the hard left hook to her face rocked her world. She dropped to the floor. Batgirl leveled the Girl of Steel with a powerful kick to her midsection. As Supergirl rolled onto her back, Batgirl’s boot struck the side of Supergirl’s face and almost knocked her out cold.

Batgirl stood over the whimpering Girl of Steel.

“Please…no more… no more…” Supergirl moaned as she tried to crawl away. But her words fell on deaf ears. Shoving her head into the floor, Batgirl grabbed ahold of Supergirl’s cape and tore it from the superheroine’s costume. Crouching over her, Batgirl wound the cape around Supergirl’s neck and began to choke her.

Supergirl tried to gasp out one last plea, but Batgirl was not about to listen. This was merely the beginning of Supergirl’s defeat. She held the cape tightly around her neck until Supergirl was on the verge of passing out. Then she released the cape and let Supergirl’s limp body fall to the floor.

As the Girl of Steel coughed and gasped for air, Batgirl left the room to retrieve the box Dr. Kinsey had given her. Desperately, Supergirl tried to remove the kryptonite necklace. Her efforts were in vain—the chains were too heavy for the weakened superheroine.

“Let’s try this again,” said Batgirl as she removed the necklace and placed it on the floor. Then she picked up Supergirl and shoved her against a wall.

“You’re going to need to get wet again for this next step. Lucky for you I want another taste of the Girl of Steel.” Batgirl propped Supergirl firmly against the wall, then dropped to her knees. She pulled back the part of Supergirl’s unisuit covering her crotch. Then she pressed her lips to Supergirl’s womanhood. Kissing Supergirl’s pussy, Batgirl let her tongue explore deep inside the Girl of Steel.

“I love how you taste Supergirl,” Batgirl whispered between wet kisses.

Supergirl could barely make out Batgirl’s words. She was barely keeping her balance as her body betrayed her wanton lust. Then she looked down. Seeing Batgirl on her knees—her face pressed up against her womanhood—was so erotic she momentarily forgot what had happened to her.

“Oh Batgirl!”

Moaning in sexual ecstasy, Supergirl gave in to Batgirl’s advances and let herself cum.

‘That’s my girl,’ Batgirl smirked as she leaned back from the climaxing superheroine. She released Supergirl’s unisuit and it slapped against Supergirl’s sopping wet pussy.

“Now that you’re good and wet, I can give you your treat.” Batgirl opened one of the pouches on her utility belt and pulled out a small, familiar device. She flipped a miniature switch and the device began to vibrate in Batgirl’s hand. “You’re going to love this!”

Supergirl was oblivious to Batgirl’s intent. She felt a gloved hand slipping beneath her unisuit. Something was being pushed inside her womanhood, and it wasn’t Batgirl’s tongue! With Supergirl’s pussy properly lubricated by her cum, the vibrating device slipped in smoothly.

“What are you doing now?” mumbled Supergirl.

“Just something that’s going to help you relax Supergirl,” Batgirl assured the Girl of Steel as she snapped Supergirl’s skintight costume back into place. “And now it’s time for you to leave.”

Grabbing ahold of the top of Supergirl’s costume, Batgirl dragged the helpless heroine to the balcony’s sliding glass door. She opened the door, pulled the limp Supergirl to her feet and slammed her against the balcony fence.

“This is the last time you try to shame me you prissy bitch. If you ever try to embarrass or humiliate me again, I’m not going to to so easy on you.” Batgirl held the kryptonite necklace in front of Supergirl’s face to emphasize her threat before returning it to her utility belt. Then she lifted Supergirl over her head and tossed her off the balcony. “Now get the fuck out of here!” she shouted as she watched the Girl of Steel frantically trying to take flight as she fell from Batgirl’s high-rise apartment.

Supergirl crashed into the alley far below Batgirl’s apartment. Her invulnerability had partially returned, but the fall still knocked her out. Batgirl looked at Supergirl’s unconscious body lying in the alleyway and shrugged. “I’m guessing Superbitch won’t be messin’ with Batgirl anytime soon.”

Had Batgirl waited a bit longer, she would have seen something that may have softened her attitude towards the Girl of Steel. Though most Gotham citizens were fine law-abiding people, the city had its share of degenerates and criminals. Unfortunately for Supergirl, it was two of the latter who happened to stumble upon the incapacitated heroine.

* * *
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Newest section added as of April 9. Supergirl has her comeuppance at the hands of Batgirl...
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wow, interesting turn of events
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Mmmm, 2 of the city’s criminal degenerates that happen upon the incapacitated superheroine, what a deliciously intriguing cliffhanger! I can’t wait to read of how things go for SG.
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What's happened? I'm dying to see what happens to Supergirl at the mercy of a couple of Street thugs... And then what is the next phase of Dr Kinsey's plan? I can't believe her scheme for both Batgirl and Supergirl is over.. or even that we have seen the last of Nyessa...
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* * *

Far below Batgirl’s apartment, in a small crater in the pavement of a back alley, lay Supergirl—barely conscious and almost powerless. She lay there for what seemed an eternity until finally she became conscious enough to begin regaining her senses. Desperately she hoped no one would happen to walk down the alleyway. The Girl of Steel had never received such a beating, and she had now idea how long it would take for her to recover from both the Kryptonite’s effects and Batgirl’s beating. Despite the darkness, Supergirl’s bright blue and red costume gleamed in the ambient light of Gotham’s ritziest strip club—Superheroine Head Quarters—and could clearly be seen by anyone who looked down the alley. She had to get out of site.

Gradually Supergirl pushed herself to her hands and knees and slowly crawled between two large trash bins. She sat back and leaned against the brick wall: she was disheveled, disgraced, and her head was pounding.

As Supergirl impatiently waited for her powers to return, she abruptly sensed a pulsating sensation between her legs. Looking down, she was suddenly aware the midsection of her unisuit was soaked and the fabric was vibrating. Though she tried to convince herself it was wet from her sweat and the puddles in the alley, she knew most of the wetness was from her recent sexual arousal. And even then—weakly reclining against the wall of a dank and dismal alley between two foul dumpsters—she felt an erotic sensation building within her. She began to pull back her unisuit to remove the device, but then let the fabric snap back against her crotch and allowed the device to perform its function on her. Once more, Supergirl found herself in the sweet grips of another orgasm. Panting and moaning and reclining against the dingy brick wall of a dirty back alley, the Girl of Steel climaxed: she let herself cum, further drenching her sullied and smudged costume.

Once the effects of her most recent orgasm receded, Supergirl again became conscious of her predicament. Her moaning might have been heard from the street had the traffic been light. Thankfully, Batgirl’s apartment was located beside a major thoroughfare and the traffic was steady and loud.

Supergirl slowly began to recompose herself. The first step was removing the infernal contraption inside her womanhood. Yet even as she pulled out the vibrating device, the allure of another climax had begun to tempt her. The prim and proper part of Supergirl’s mind wanted to smash it right then and there; the nascent slutty part of Supergirl’s mind—the previously subconscious part of her that had found a strange and unexpected sensual stimulation from Batgirl slapping her around—was not quite ready to part with the device. Whether it was to use against Batgirl or on herself, she was not sure. She just knew the time had not yet come to dispose of it. She tucked away the device in the hidden pocket of her cape.

Stumbling to her feet, Supergirl tested her powers on one of the large dumpsters. Squeezing the container, she tried to bend the metal.


She tried simply moving the dumpster.


Supergirl began to panic—how long would she be powerless?!

As Supergirl continued to try and push the dumpster, hoping the exertion would speed up her recovery and desperately trying to feel some of her strength returning, she forgot to keep herself hidden from the view of people passing by on the main drag. The darkness typically brought out the criminal element in this part of Gotham, and tonight was no different from any other night. Two men had caught site of the bedraggled superheroine. Though they initially did not recognize the Girl of Steel, the bright shine of the costume and the hot blonde woman wearing it had to be checked out.

“Now this I like!”

Supergirl spun around, startled by the sudden appearance of the two men. She had been so focused on trying to regain her strength she had disregarded the risk of anyone seeing her. Supergirl found herself staring at the leering face of bearded man wearing a trucker's cap, a leather jacket, jeans and boots. She did not need some sort of super-smell to sense the man was inebriated; the whiskey on his breath made Supergirl gag.

“Check out the view from back here,” the second man smirked as he pulled back Supergirl’s cape. With her miniskirt still on the floor of Barbara’s apartment and her unisuit still tightly wedged up her ass (courtesy of Batgirl), the view was truly spectacular.

“Eddie and me were looking for some action tonight…and I think we just found it,” the first man said as he placed a grimy hand on Supergirl’s shoulder. She tried to swat his arm away, but without her strength she could only weakly slap his hand.

The man’s hand dropped from Supergirl’s shoulder to her chest. She clutched the man’s wrist and tried to wrench it away.

“No! Don’t touch me! Get away from me!”

Supergirl’s protests were as ineffectual as her slaps. The man cupped Supergirl’s breasts in his hands and smiled in genuine admiration. “Gotta admit, I don’t think I’ve seen such perfect tits.” He squeezed them firmly. “She may not be the real Supergirl, but these babies are real!”

“Why…why are you doing this?” Supergirl tried to back away from the man, but she bumped up against the second man standing behind her.

“It’s just the way we are,” grinned Eddie as grabbed Supergirl’s arms from behind and restrained her. “And it’s about time one of you stripping superheroine teases paid off.”

“What…what are you talking about?” gasped Supergirl. Then she looked down at the distorted S-logo being stretched out as her breasts were being fondled. This slimeball was feeling up the Girl of Steel! How could this be?!

Holding the weakened superheroine’s arms in one hand, he reached between Supergirl’s thighs and pulled back the bottom portion of her unisuit. “This is for all the money you strippers have taken from me over the years. Now let’s get you in the mood for a little fun.”

Supergirl’s relief for being mistaken for a stripper instead of superheroine was momentary—she felt a hand suddenly moving up her thigh. She had to get away! The humiliation of being fondled by two losers in an alley was mortifying.

But there was no way Supergirl was going to let some piece of trash touch her womanhood! She was the Girl of Steel. No common man could—

“Oh!” Supergirl yelped as two fingers slip inside her pussy! Her legs wobbled and she almost fell to the ground.

“Feels like you’re already in the mood! Check it out Billy, someone’s already wet,” Eddie grinned as he fingered Supergirl. “Busy night at the club babe?”

Billy licked his lips in anticipation of what he planned to do to this hot blonde bimbo in the Supergirl costume. Her top was yanked down and her tits sprang free from the skintight material. Billy’s grubby hands pawed and clutched at Supergirl’s gorgeous bouncing breasts while Eddie’s disgusting fingers probed and penetrated Supergirl’s previously chaste pussy.

The seconds seemed like hours for the humiliated superheroine. Her body bounced helplessly between the two men as Eddie repeatedly penetrated her pussy with his fingers while Billy other squeezed and groped her tits.

“Ready for a little motorboat?”

Billy grinned as buried his head in Supergirl’s breasts. Rubbing Supergirl’s luscious tits in his face aroused Billy to the point he had to forcibly take Supergirl.

“Pull out for a sec, I need to make a deposit."

Supergirl gasped in horror as Billy unbuckled his belt and began to unzip his pants. Despite Eddie’s fingers slipping in and out of her wet pussy—moving her closer and closer to another climax—her mind snapped into focus. This dirty and disgusting man was preparing to fuck her—the Girl of Steel—in some foul and filthy back alley! She had already been disgraced twice tonight, first Batgirl and now this despicable Eddie. But she was not about to be fucked for her first time by some common criminal! As Eddie’s pants dropped to his ankles, Supergirl felt a surge of adrenaline course through her body as she stared at the leering man approaching her with his cock in his hand.

“I’ve got her ready for y—”

“No!” Supergirl shouted. This would not be her first time with a man!

Eddie never finished his sentence. Supergirl’s boot struck him right between his legs. Eddie’s fingers pulled out of Supergirl’s pussy as he stumbled back a few steps, then fell writhing on the ground in pain.

Before the Billy could pull up his pants, Supergirl’s knee made sharp contact with his manhood. He dropped to his knees. Supergirl pulled back her leg and delivered a powerful kick to the man’s head.

The adrenaline coursing through the Girl of Steel had sped up her recovery from the Kryptonite. Feeling a sense of confidence, she marched to where Eddie was still on all fours and moaning in real pain.

“This will teach you to take advantage of women!” Supergirl kicked the man in his midsection, flipping him on his back. Another hard kick to his face rendered him nearly comatose.

Supergirl suddenly realized she could not let these men think she might be Supergirl! They had already fondled and fingered her! They could not be allowed to know they had fondled and fingered the Girl of Steel herself! Despite her desire to destroy the two creeps, she would have to resist using her powers in dispatching them both.

“You’re lucky I’m not Supergirl or I would seriously fuck you up!” Supergirl figured the added profanity would serve to further hide her true identity. Though she did not use her super strength to beat down the two men, she made sure both men would remember the night more for their beatdown than their sexual assault. Leaving the two men half-conscious and groveling in the alleyway, Supergirl swiftly walked out of the alley and turned the corner. Once out of the two men’s sight, she took to the air and streaked back to Metropolis, desperate to clean herself of the night’s sordid humiliation.

* * *
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Apologies for the delay in the update. Been a bit busy, but I'm still planning to continue the story as there is a lot more to come as a few plot lines intertwine in the near future.
Above is the newest section.
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* * *

“Here’s a copy of the video,” Batgirl handed Dr. Kinsey a small flash drive. She hesitated for a second, but could not resist asking, “Want to watch it now?”

Dr. Kinsey looked at the drive, then back at Batgirl. She absolutely wanted to watch it! But she needed to appear reluctant. Batgirl had to think she was fully responsible for the humiliation of Supergirl. If the Girl of Steel ever heard of her involvement in the humiliation, she might be in for some serious trouble.

“We probably should. I may need you to help me understand what happened, and you can fill in some further details perhaps.”

Flipping open her laptop, Dr. Kinsey connected the flash drive and opened up the file “”. Batgirl pulled off her cowl and walked around the desk to stand behind Dr. Kinsey. She had gotten into the habit of removing her mask during her sessions with Dr. Kinsey—it was more comfortable without the rubbery mask, especially in Dr. Kinsey’s warm office.

Batgirl was anxious to see Dr. Kinsey’s reaction to the video: she wanted to show off her dominance over the Girl of Steel, and Dr. Kinsey was the only person she could entrust to watch the video.

Dr. Kinsey had intentionally given Batgirl no instructions regarding Supergirl’s humiliation. Batgirl needed to act on her own to in order to reveal the true depth of her anger towards Supergirl. The video would dictate whether or not Dr. Kinsey could create the necessary rift—perhaps a permanent one—between the two superheroines.

Barbara Gordon’s tech experience served her well: Supergirl’s sexual humiliation was captured in high definition, leaving no doubt it was the Girl of Steel in the video. Dr. Kinsey suppressed her arousal at watching Batgirl’s complete dominance of Supergirl, but the final sequence left her with a wet sensation between her thighs. Supergirl’s O-face was incredibly hot, and Batgirl forcefully turning Supergirl’s face to look directly at the camera as she climaxed was a nice touch. ‘I’m going to see that O-face in-person,’ Dr. Kinsey promised herself.

Both women were suddenly aware of the awkward silence in the room. Dr. Kinsey caught site of Batgirl’s reflection in her laptop screen’s monitor. She was clearly anticipating her response. Could Batgirl sense how aroused she was? Was Batgirl aroused herself? Or was she questioning what she had done to Supergirl? Words had to be carefully chosen. If her reaction was too encouraging, Batgirl may suspect something; if her reaction was too sedated, Batgirl may regret her actions. And at no point could Batgirl suspicion she would be pleasuring herself later that night to the sight of Supergirl’s sexual humiliation.

Dr. Kinsey signaled for Batgirl to take her seat. Batgirl sat down and waited for Dr. Kinsey’s reaction.

“You were truly courageous to stand up for yourself Batgirl. I imagine it could not have been easy putting yourself at risk in this way.” Dr. Kinsey stood up and walked to where Batgirl continued to sit in eager anticipation. She placed a reassuring hand on Batgirl’s shoulder. “Supergirl can no longer look at you as anything less than an equal, and she clearly cannot treat you as disrespectfully as she has recently.”

Standing beside the seated heroine served to reinforce the subconscious power hierarchy between Batgirl and Dr. Kinsey. And the subtle stroking of Batgirl’s ego once more served to manipulate the precocious superheroine as well as promote Dr. Kinsey’s agenda. Batgirl smiled up at Dr. Kinsey’s reaction. She certainly had been courageous in standing up to the arrogant and presumptuous Girl of Steel! What other superheroine had ever or would ever do so?

“I’ll admit I was a bit nervous when Supergirl first showed up,” admitted Batgirl. “Guess she’ll be the nervous one now.”

Dr. Kinsey was amused by Batgirl’s tone. Barbara sounded like a slighted teen getting even her rival winning the homecoming queen title. The girl’s illusion needed to be supported. “I am truly impressed with you Batgirl! You certainly showed her who is in control.” Dr. Kinsey ejected the flash drive and set it beside her computer. Then she led Batgirl over to the leather couch. “But we need to talk about your incident with the woman at The Gotham Hotel.”

Batgirl needed to be kept off-balance. If she started to feel in control, she might start to regret beating and humiliating Supergirl. But if she were focused on another threat and enough time elapsed, the Supergirl Incident would become an irreparable rift between the two mighty superheroines. She had to separate the two before moving to fully dominate them both.

Batgirl reluctantly plopped down on the couch and waited for Dr. Kinsey to pull up her chair.

Setting her chair beside the couch, Dr. Kinsey shifted the conversation to the topic Batgirl was reluctant to discuss. “Tell me about Nyessa. What led to the unfortunate predicament at the hotel?”

After some initial deflection and digression, Batgirl proceeded to give the full background on Nyessa, everything from their first meeting at the photo shoot to the fateful night of bondage. As she recounted the last few details, Batgirl was reminded of the email she had seen on Nyessa’s laptop.

“Before she surprised me, I saw an email from Linda Danvers. That’s—”

Batgirl stopped herself. She wanted to pick Dr. Kinsey’s brain as to what the email might imply, but doing so would mean revealing Supergirl’s alter-ego.

“Continue Batgirl. What about the email?”

Batgirl hesitated. She just could not break Supergirl’s trust.

“I believe…uh…Linda Danvers is a reporter for CatCo Magazine. I just thought it was strange Nyessa had a contact with a reporter from Metropolis…” Batgirl’s voice trailed off. She knew her comment sounded lame—Dr. Kinsey clearly was not buying it. But she was shocked by what Dr. Kinsey said next.

“What you mean, Batgirl, is you thought it was strange Supergirl would be emailing Nyessa.”

“How…how did you know?” Batgirl stammered, stunned by Dr. Kinsey’s knowledge of Supergirl’s alter-ego.

“Relax Batgirl. Supergirl revealed to me her alter-ego during one of my recent sessions with her.

“She told you?!” Though Batgirl implicitly trusted Dr. Kinsey, she was surprised—even a little jealous—by the apparent intimacy of Dr. Kinsey’s relationship with Supergirl.

Dr. Kinsey had anticipated Batgirl’s reaction and was rewarded by the pouty look on Batgirl’s face. The superheroine had become easier to read ever since she had grown comfortable enough to remove her mask during the sessions. She placed a reassuring hand on Batgirl’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. Our sessions are completely confidential and nothing you say or do will ever be brought up in any of Supergirl’s sessions.”

Both women instinctively looked over at the laptop on Dr. Kinsey’s desk.

Dr. Kinsey quickly continued. “So what is your primary concern with Nyessa?”

Batgirl lay back on the couch and sighed. “I hate how she knows who I am! She can blackmail me into doing anything for her with that knowledge!”

Dr. Kinsey nodded.

“There’s go to be something I can do!” cried Batgirl.

“Maybe there is. But that depends on what you are willing to do. At least we know Nyessa is not going to reveal your secret without provocation. And based on what you have told me about her, she is not likely to reveal your secret to anyone else—she likes being privy to such valuable information.”

“But I don’t want her to feel she can manipulate me with my secret identity!”

Dr. Kinsey paused for a moment. She looked Batgirl directly in the eyes. “Then you need to show Nyessa she is not safe from you, even in prison.”

“How do I do that?” asked Batgirl.

Dr. Kinsey was surprised by Batgirl’s reaction. The superheroine did not consider the morality of breaking into the prison, she was already focused on the means of entry. Dr. Kinsey’s plan seemed to be easier to execute than she had anticipated.

“You need to find a way to break into Blackgate Penitentiary and intimidate her. If you can make it into her cell block—perhaps even into her cell—and let her know there is nowhere she is safe from you, Nyessa will realize you are not someone with whom she may trifle.”

Breaking into Blackgate Penitentiary was quite the feat! And breaking in and out without being seen was even more formidable a task!

Dr. Kinsey could see Batgirl’s concern.

“Correct me if I am wrong, but working at the Gotham Public Library gives you access to the blueprints of almost every government building in Gotham, including the prison. Perhaps you might find something in the blueprints—especially after the renovations from the earthquake—to help you get in and out unnoticed.”

Over the next few sessions, Dr. Kinsey managed to insinuate her plan for Batgirl to break into Blackgate and attempt to intimidate Nyessa. Batgirl’s confidence was building: Nyessa was at least temporarily out of the picture, Supergirl had been lying low and Batgirl’s recent success in taking out Gotham’s criminal element had given her an inflated sense of her abilities. As a result, Batgirl was susceptible to Dr. Kinsey’s gentle prodding and subtle coaxing into formulating a plan to make sure Nyessa knew better than to mess with the Batgirl.
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New section added. Batgirl is preparing for her break in to Blackgate Prison to have a reckoning with Nyessa once and for all.

As always, feedback is always appreciated. I have finished most of the prison sequence, but am kicking around a few extra details.
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If I may ask those of you who have kept up with my story, I wanted to see if I could have a few suggestions for a character Batgirl is going to take on a bit later in this story.
At the request of Dr. Kinsey--and it will take a bit of convincing--Batgirl is going to get a position at Gotham's most exclusive gentlemen's club: Superheroine Head Quarters. The strip club theme is superheroines, so Batgirl is going to create a stripper superheroine identity in order to work at the club (the reasons for working there will be given in an upcoming installment). What I was looking for are some names for Batgirl's stripper superheroine identity. And if interested, feel free to throw out her superheroine costume for her act. I have several ideas (some are an homage to superheroine characters from my favorite superheroine peril sites), but just wanted to pick the brain of those willing to share their ideas.

And, as always, thank you for reading my story.
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Batgirl parked her cycle a few blocks away from Blackgate Prison and made her way to the outskirts of the compound. She had committed the prison’s blueprints to memory. She went so far as to establish a book exchange program between the Gotham City Library and Blackgate’s prison’s library. Visiting the prison as Barbara Gordon allowed her ample access to the various wings of the prison, helped her conceptualize the blueprints, and gave her a clear idea of how to avoid being caught on the prison’s cameras if she could not manage to hack into the camera system.

Warden Gray had been generous in allowing Barbara Gordon to set up the book exchange program. As he had a good working relationship with Jim Gordon, he was not about to deny Gordon’s daughter the request. She had been so enthusiastic, and the fact that she was a redheaded bombshell may have influenced his granting of her request. The late hour was unconventional for visitors, but Barbara’s work schedule along with her college classes limited her availability to Tuesday and Friday nights.

Batgirl entered the prison as Barbara Gordon with her Batgirl costume under civilian attire. She wore the same clothes she had on in her most recent visit to Blackgate: tight jeans pulled over her yellow Batgirl boots and a blouse with a sweater worn over it. With two layers worn over her Batgirl outfit, there was no chance of someone spotting her skin-tight costume.

Batgirl would time her Friday night visit to take place during the changing of the guards. As the day shift went off-duty, she would sneak into the vent system—the night shift would assume she had left with the day shift, and the day shift would be more focused on their weekend plans than the aloof though sexy redhead who had consistently rebuffed their advances.

Once inside the vents, Barbara would activate her hack into the prison’s video feed and superimpose the previous Friday’s feed over the live feed. Then she would store her civilian clothes by the vent’s entrance and wait. The only real challenge would be the inevitable boredom until lights out.

When the camera feed would be transferred to her previous Friday’s visit—at precisely 8 PM—she would make her way through the new air conditioning vents to the prison block where Nyessa was kept. Thanks to the prison’s size, the vent system was huge and would offer Batgirl plenty of room to maneuver.

Batgirl’s plan almost went off without a hitch. She was almost surprised how everything had went precisely as she had planned. The one aspect she had not anticipated was the noise emitted by the rubbing of the rubbery material of her costume against the sheet metal. She had anticipated the possibility of the squeaking of her boots against the metal, but the noise from her costume as she crawled through the vent made her progress slow and tiring. But shortly after 9 PM, Batgirl had successfully made her way to Cell Block D. She unscrewed the vent cover and dropped down into the wing in which Nyessa was prisoner. Stealthily she crept along the hall until she stood in front of the door to Nyessa’s cell. Using the lock pick from her utility belt, Batgirl quietly unlocked the door and entered the cell. She felt a thrill of excitement as she moved to Nyessa’s bunk where the woman was sound asleep. Batgirl paused, relishing the moment. She had anticipated this moment for quite some time. Nyessa’s humiliation was about to be avenged!
Licking her lips, Batgirl leaned over the slumbering woman.

“Wake up Nyessa,” Batgirl whispered into Nyessa’s ear. “It’s time—”
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Ohhh wow, I like where this is going, i was thinking a identity for Batgirl at the stripclub could be Dominoed Daredol ( a reference to the 60's tv show)
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Dressed as Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman and be Catgirl.
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Very good. Looking forward to the next installment.
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Ooooh, VERY exciting, batgirl on the cusp of success in being manipulated into breaking into the prison, Nyessa’s cell. Somehow, though, I can’t help but want things to suddenly not go well for for little caped seductress! Can’t wait for the next part!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Batgirl parked her cycle a few blocks away from Blackgate Prison and made her way to the outskirts of the compound. She had committed the prison’s blueprints to memory. She went so far as to establish a book exchange program between the Gotham City Library and Blackgate’s prison’s library. Visiting the prison as Barbara Gordon allowed her ample access to the various wings of the prison, helped her conceptualize the blueprints, and gave her a clear idea of how to avoid being caught on the prison’s cameras if she could not manage to hack into the camera system.

Warden Gray had been generous in allowing Barbara Gordon to set up the book exchange program. As he had a good working relationship with Jim Gordon, he was not about to deny Gordon’s daughter the request. She had been so enthusiastic, and the fact that she was a redheaded bombshell may have influenced his granting of her request. The late hour was unconventional for visitors, but Barbara’s work schedule along with her college classes limited her availability to Tuesday and Friday nights.

Batgirl entered the prison as Barbara Gordon with her Batgirl costume under civilian attire. She wore the same clothes she had on in her most recent visit to Blackgate: tight jeans pulled over her yellow Batgirl boots and a blouse with a sweater worn over it. With two layers worn over her Batgirl outfit, there was no chance of someone spotting her skin-tight costume.

Batgirl would time her Friday night visit to take place during the changing of the guards. As the day shift went off-duty, she would sneak into the vent system—the night shift would assume she had left with the day shift, and the day shift would be more focused on their weekend plans than the aloof though sexy redhead who had consistently rebuffed their advances.

Once inside the vents, Barbara would activate her hack into the prison’s video feed and superimpose the previous Friday’s feed over the live feed. Then she would store her civilian clothes by the vent’s entrance and wait. The only real challenge would be the inevitable boredom until lights out.

When the camera feed would be transferred to her previous Friday’s visit—at precisely 8 PM—she would make her way through the new air conditioning vents to the prison block where Nyessa was kept. Thanks to the prison’s size, the vent system was huge and would offer Batgirl plenty of room to maneuver.

Batgirl’s plan almost went off without a hitch. She was almost surprised how everything had went precisely as she had planned. The one aspect she had not anticipated was the noise emitted by the rubbing of the rubbery material of her costume against the sheet metal. She had anticipated the possibility of the squeaking of her boots against the metal, but the noise from her costume as she crawled through the vent made her progress slow and tiring. But shortly after 9 PM, Batgirl had successfully made her way to Cell Block D. She unscrewed the vent cover and dropped down into the wing in which Nyessa was prisoner. Stealthily she crept along the hall until she stood in front of the door to Nyessa’s cell. Using the lock pick from her utility belt, Batgirl quietly unlocked the door and entered the cell. She felt a thrill of excitement as she moved to Nyessa’s bunk where the woman was sound asleep. Batgirl paused, relishing the moment. She had anticipated this moment for quite some time. Nyessa’s humiliation was about to be avenged!
Licking her lips, Batgirl leaned over the slumbering woman.

“Wake up Nyessa,” Batgirl smirked as she smugly whispered into Nyessa’s ear. “It’s time—”

Batgirl never finished her threat. A powerful electric pulse shuddered her body and she dropped to the floor, her body twitching. Bodies moved in the darkness and Batgirl was suddenly aware of four people standing over her. But before she could shake off the effect of the electrical current, she felt herself lifted off the ground with her arms restrained behind her back. Blows rained down on her. Despite the protective fabric of her mask, she was soon seeing stars. A knee to her gut dropped her to the floor where she was repeatedly kicked until she was on the verge of losing consciousness.

“That’s enough Brenda.” Batgirl could barely make out Nyessa’s voice. Her head was pounding and her body was aching. She felt herself dragged across the floor. Her hips were lifted in the air and her belt was torn off of her. Hands groped and fingered her body. Her breasts were squeezed so hard she felt they were about to burst. The hands clutching her butt pulled her cheeks aside and fingers pressed her skintight rubbery costume deep into her ass! But the pain in her breasts and the violation of her ass was mitigated by the stroking of her pussy. The contrast between the crushing grip on her breasts and the penetrating fingers up her ass with the gentle rubbing of the rubbery fabric pulled tight over her pussy was making Batgirl involuntarily aroused.

Then fingers began exploring her hips, moving over her midsection until they found the top of her skintight pants. A moment later, Batgirl’s pants were around her ankles and her thong was torn off.

“Give me her pants. I want to keep them for a souvenir.”

Nyessa yanked off Batgirl’s pants and tossed them to the large woman in a prison guard uniform standing over her. “Here you go Brenda.”

Another woman piped up. “What about her mask? I want to see what the Bat-bitch looks like!”

Nyessa held up her hand. “No! Batgirl keeps her mask on!”

“Aren’t you even curious?”

Nyessa shook her head. She liked the idea of being part of an exclusive club of women who knew of Batgirl’s secret identity. “Some things are better not knowing. And we’re here to fuck Batgirl, not sex up some chick wearing a skin-tight outfit who’s into BDSM. Leave her mask, gloves and boots on. But tear off that top and bend her over my cot.”

Batgirl felt hands grabbing and stretching her top until the rubbery material ripped apart and was peeled off her body. Her thong was yanked down and she was bent over Nyessa’s cot. As two of the prisoners held her arms stretched out in front of her, Nyessa positioned herself behind her and snapped on a leather belt with a firm rod affixed to it. Then she grabbed ahold of Batgirl’s naked hips and thrust herself against the helpless heroine. Batgirl squealed as the rod was shoved deep into her womanhood.

Batgirl would find no thrill of humiliation, no arousal at being taken, no pleasure from being sexually abused. She was in the stronghold of Blackgate Prison, stripped of her costume and captive to four female fiends who wanted to fuck her!

Gripping Batgirl by her shoulder, Nyessa rhythmically pumped her over and over with the rod. And Batgirl could do nothing more than squirm in her captors’ grip as Nyessa violated her repeatedly.

One of the women began smacking Batgirl’s head and taunting her. Between the beating, slapping and the fucking, Batgirl was incapable of putting up any resistance.

The larger woman named Brenda stared appreciatively as Nyessa continued fucking the heroine. “I still can’t believe you got Batgirl to come here! She is one hot piece of ass!”

“How sexy do you think she would be going down on you?” panted Nyessa between thrusts.

Brenda licked her lips in anticipation. As one of the most corrupt prison guards at Blackgate, she had manipulated prisoners to her own advantage and even taken a few liberties with some of the more attractive and willing inmates. But the deal she had made with Nyessa for a piece of Batgirl—a deal she seriously doubted Nyessa could pull off—was beyond anything she could have envisioned happening in all her years at Blackgate.

Nyessa pulled out of Batgirl’s pussy as Brenda pulled down her pants. She was winded and needed a break, and the other women were starting to become impatient waiting for their turn at the superheroine.

“Okay Batgirl, you’re going to show your appreciation for corrections officers and give Brenda the best head she’s ever had. If you don’t, I’m going to pull this mask off your head. You want to keep your secret? You take good care of Brenda.” Nyessa pulled Batgirl off the cot and pushed her to her knees in front of Brenda. A rough hand grabbed ahold of the back of her mask and pull her face up into Brenda’s awaiting pussy.

Batgirl hesitated. Brenda was nowhere near attractive. Going down on Eva or sexing up Supergirl was intensely arousing and hot; being forced to suck off this corrupt bitch was a repulsive and demeaning act.

“I’m not kidding Bar—Batgirl,” Nyessa taunted Batgirl as she began to peel back Batgirl’s mask.

In an instant, Batgirl’s tongue was exploring Brenda’s eagerly awaiting pussy. The thought of Barbara Gordon being exposed in such a sordid scenario was something Batgirl was not willing to risk. Batgirl already had a bit of a reputation for having an erotic side, but Barbara Gordon’s public reputation was pristine. Batgirl bent her will on giving Brenda the best sexual attention anyone might have given her.

Nyessa released Batgirl’s mask and joined the two other women who watched in awe as the masked sexpot energetically went to work sexing up Nyessa’s cellmate.

“Ohhhhh,” Brenda moaned. Her body had been aching for some proper sexual attention, and Batgirl did not disappoint. She almost squealed when she felt Batgirl’s gloved hands rubbing and massaging her butt, and she did squeal when Batgirl’s gloved fingers tickled and probed her ass!

“The secret identity shit is a powerful threat!” Brenda panted. She had to balance herself against the cell wall as her knees wobbled. A climax was working through her body, and Batgirl soon coaxed it out of her. As she felt Brenda’s body shudder, Batgirl gripped Brenda’s butt firmly and pulled her crotch forcefully against her face, pressing her tongue as deeply as she could inside the woman. A few quick flicks of the tongue and an abrupt poke up Brenda’s ass brought about the climax Brenda was desperately trying to delay. But looking down to see Batgirl’s head between her thighs and feeling herself so erotically penetrated by the superheroine on her knees was too arousing.

“Oh ffuucckk!” Brenda gasped. She stumbled backwards and leaned up against the wall.

“My turn!” One of the other women jumped from the cot and positioned herself where Batgirl was trying to clean herself from Brenda’s orgasm.

Nyessa rose from the cot and walked over to where Batgirl, still on her knees, was trying to rid herself of the taste of Brenda from her mouth. “You may want to hold off on cleaning up Batbabe,” she purred as she grabbed ahold of the back of Batgirl’s mask. “Kat deserves a little attention too. If she’s not satisfied, she may need to know your secret identity to look you up when she gets out.” Nyessa tugged a bit at the side of Batgirl’s mask, exposing a portion of Batgirl’s cheek, to drive home the threat. Batgirl quietly nodded in passive compliance.

“That’s my girl,” Nyessa cooed as she gestured for the woman with the pink mohawk and ornate arm tattoo to take her turn with Batgirl’s luscious lips and tantalizing tongue. Kat wasted on time in dropping her pants and positioning herself in front of the superheroine who was still on her knees.

Fortunately for Batgirl, Kat was already in a heightened state of arousal—it did not take much to bring her to climax: for the past few months she had pleasured herself to the Penthouse Magazine photos of Batgirl, courtesy of Nyessa’s connection outside of Blackgate. Having watched Nyessa fuck Batgirl and then Batgirl go down on Brenda, Kat’s pulse was racing and she was trembling in enthusiastic anticipation. She almost climaxed the moment she felt Batgirl’s warm breath between her thighs, and she bit down hard on her lip to keep from cumming when she felt Batgirl’s tongue slide into her wet pussy. But the moment she felt Batgirl’s gloved hands clutch her ass as Batgirl’s tongue tickled her clit, Kat’s body shuddered and she climaxed. Her legs wobbled as she panted for breath. She grasped Batgirl’s head to keep her balance.

“Oh god! This was so fucking hot!”

Nyessa helped Kat her pull up her pants and return to her seat on the cot. Batgirl lay on the ground catching her breath. Despite the threat of her secret identity being revealed, Nyessa could see Batgirl was exhausted from satisfying the women’s sexual hunger—the superheroine needed a little inspiration. She kneeled beside Batgirl.

“Here,” Nyessa whispered as she slipped her hand between Batgirl’s thighs, “Let me give you a little attention to help you find the inspiration to satisfy Alyce.” Two fingers slipped inside Batgirl’s pussy. A small moan escaped Batgirl’s lips as she felt her womanhood gently fondled by Nyessa.

Batgirl slowly moved in rhythm with Nyessa’s probing fingers, lifting herself up slightly—just enough to the point where Nyessa’s fingers almost pulled out from between her legs—then lowering herself down onto Nyessa’s fingers, allowing them deeper access into her aching pussy. Even in her exhausted and humiliated state, Batgirl began to bounce faster and faster, pumping Nyessa’s fingers in and out of her with more force.

“Slow down just a bit Batgirl, it’s not your turn yet.” Nyessa grabbed ahold of Batgirl’s shoulder with her free hand to slow down the superheroine. She looked over at the woman with the red ribbons in her hair who was staring intently at Batgirl. “Better get over here now. She’s just got her second wind.”

Batgirl felt a hand gently caress her face. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was puckered in a seductive O as she began lightly moaning in sexual ecstasy.

‘Please. Just a little longer,’ she pleaded in her mind for Nyessa to let her cum. And she almost did climax when she felt a hand suddenly rubbing her chest and tickling her nipples.

“Okay Batgirl, if you want me to continue, you need to show Alyce some appreciation.”

Batgirl desperately wanted—needed—to cum! Her climax was essential to retaining her sanity. If she could cum, she could rationalize the night’s twisted events. Batgirl kept her eyes closed and envisioned a combination of Eva and Supergirl as she went to work on Alyce.

“Don’t you dare cum before Alyce!” Nyessa barked as she felt Batgirl beginning to cum. “If you dare cum before Alyce cums, this is coming off!” Nyessa reached beneath Batgirl’s mask and tugged at it lightly.

“No! Please! I…I can’t…I can’t stop myself,” begged Batgirl as her face was pounded in and out of Alyce’s crotch.

“I’m warning you Batgirl!” Nyessa began to pull back the mask.

“Please don’t!” Batgirl’s mind raced. Nyessa was slowly peeling off her mask! Instinctively, Batgirl blurted out, “Quick…shove a finger up my ass!”

Despite the intensity of the moment, Nyessa was taken aback by Batgirl’s request. She was almost shocked by it. But when Batgirl pressed her hips back and spread her ass cheeks, Nyessa complied. Batgirl involuntarily squealed upon feeling Nyessa’s finger up her ass; in spite of the vigorous fingering of her pussy, Batgirl was able to delay the sweet release of her inexorably approaching climax.

Nyessa was still caught off-guard by Batgirl’s coarse request and the sudden revelation of the superheroine’s naughty side. She had assumed Batgirl’s initial sexual foray was due to the spiked drinks, and the subsequent sexual trysts were the result of blackmail. But apparently she had overlooked the possibility of Batgirl having a sexy, slutty side! How had she missed that?

Slightly annoyed, Nyessa began to penetrate Batgirl’s ass and pussy more and more forcefully. Batgirl felt herself beginning to lose her balance and control—her climax was fast approaching! She needed Nyessa to stop!

Batgirl pulled her head away from Alyce’s throbbing womanhood and tried to beg Nyessa not to remove her mask if she came. “Please don’t—!”

But she could not finish her plea as Alyce had smothered her face back into her crotch. “Shut up Batslut! Now finish me off you selfish bitch!”

As Nyessa felt the warmth of Batgirl’s wetness and began pulling up her mask, Batgirl’s fear of her secret identity being revealed shuddered through her body, mitigating the effect of Nyessa’s penetrating fingers. The young superheroine found herself in a delicate balance between fear and orgasm, and she was just barely able to maintain the balance long enough to coax a climax out of Alyce. When she finally tasted Alyce’s cum, she let her hips fall back and gave Nyessa’s fingers full access to her ass and womanhood.

“See Batgirl? You can exert some self-control when you want to. You can relax now and enjoy the moment.”

Batgirl was already relaxing. Her muscles, previously taut as she bent her will on holding back her orgasm, went limp and she fell upon Nyessa’s probing fingers.

Despite everything—despite the peril, the shame, the abuse—Batgirl could not help but unleash a full-throated moan of sexual bliss as Nyessa fingered her into ecstasy.

That night Batgirl came to realize a key difference between the sexual hungers of men and women: when she had made men cum, they became relaxed and satisfied—so much so she was either able to make her escape or overpower them; when she made these women cum, they become energized and overzealous—they wanted more! And what they really wanted was to humiliate the superheroine. As Batgirl tried to compose herself and assess the situation, the four women were deciding who would take Batgirl first.

A long hour later, each of the women in Nyessa’s cell was finally satisfied. All four had taken their turns using Nyessa’s sex belt to pump both Batgirl’s pussy and ass. Reclining on the two cots, the women watched Batgirl as she slowly crawled away from their leering eyes. It was a site to behold: Gotham’s enigmatic superheroine—the Batgirl—half naked and crawling on her hands and knees across a filthy prison cell after fulfilling each of the women’s superheroine sexual fantasies. Batgirl was exhausted, beaten, abused and utterly humiliated.

“We should introduce Batgirl to some of the girls,” said Alyce. “Just think about what she can get for us!”

Kat nodded. “We play this right and we’ll be running this place.”

“We can tie her up and hide her under the cot. Brenda can make sure no one goes near this cell while we see what we can get for a night with Batgirl.”

Despite being in a daze, Batgirl was able to make out what the women were discussing and she felt a cold terror flooding through her. Wasn’t one of them a prison guard? How could she let this happen to her?

Ironically, it was Nyessa who tried to come to Batgirl’s defense. Nyessa was not okay with the arrangement: Batgirl was her sex toy, and there was no guarantee the other inmates would abide by her request to let Batgirl keep her identity secret. If Barbara Gordon were exposed as the Batgirl, she would lose her control over the superheroine. It would most likely lead to the end of Batgirl’s career as a crimefighter. This last point was sure to encourage the other inmates to tear off Batgirl’s mask.

“No,” said Nyessa. “Batgirl is ours. If we share her with the others, our night with Batgirl becomes just another prison fuck story. She is exclusively ours.”

But Alyce and Kat were not so easy to convince.

“That’s fine for you because you’ve only got a two-year stay here, but I’m in for life. And Kat still has another ten years here. We could use the benefits of pimping out Batgirl.”

The argument persisted for several minutes. The women finally resolved to let Batgirl go, but only after unmasking her so they could share in Nyessa’s secret. Nyessa was not too keen on the arrangement, but she realized it was the best deal she could arrange. If she continued to hold out, it would only be a bit longer before the women would realize they could have their way: they had the superior numbers and strength to force Nyessa to give in to all their demands and desires.

Brenda walked over to where Batgirl was helplessly groveling on the ground. The site was almost embarrassing: the once powerful and mysterious Batgirl was pathetically begging the four women to let her keep her identity secret. She was lifted to her feet, her arms restrained behind her back. Alyce walked towards Batgirl, her wicked smile gleaming in the dim light of the prison cell. She licked her lips as she reached for the bottom of Batgirl’s mask. But just as she began to peel back the rubbery material, a voice came out of the darkness and froze Alyce in mid-unmasking.


A woman dressed in an all-black skintight body suit stepped out from the shadow of the cell. Even in her dazed state and in the pale light of the cell, Batgirl was awed by the woman’s presence. Batgirl could see she was stunningly beautiful and the body suit accentuated her remarkable curves and muscular physique. The mysterious woman exuded an aura of power. Alyce released Batgirl’s mask and slowly retreated to where Kat and Nyessa sat on the cot.

“Drop her.”

Brenda let go of Batgirl and the superheroine fell to the floor. Despite being a one of the senior guards on staff, Brenda was clearly intimidated by the woman and backed away from the imposing figure.

“Batgirl leaves without any further violations, and that includes her identity.”

Batgirl looked over her shoulder to see the women’s reaction to the order. Each of them seemed to acquiesce. When Batgirl looked back where the woman had been standing, she was gone.

The cell was silent save for the squeaking of Batgirl’s boots as she began to pull herself together.

Nyessa lit a cigarette and flicked the match across the cell, bouncing it off Batgirl’s bare ass. “You may go now Batgirl,” she said in an attempt to affect a sense of control.

Batgirl crawled her way to the cell door. She gripped the door’s iron bars and struggled to pull herself to her feet. Balanced against the bars, she looked around for her top and pants. Finding her top crumpled near the door, she limped over and picked up the torn garment and gingerly pulled it on. Despite the tears, it offered at least a modicum of cover. But as she reached down for her pants, Brenda stepped on them. “I think we already agreed that I’m keeping these as a souvenir. I want a memento of the time Batgirl went down on me.” She pushed Batgirl to the ground and shoved a finger up her ass. “And the time I fucked Batgirl in the ass! Now leave before I decide I want another souvenir.”

As Batgirl pulled herself to her feet, Nyessa walked over to her and whispered in her ear. “I imagine tonight makes our times together at the hotel seem like a dream. Now run along and don’t be a stranger.” Batgirl squealed as Nyessa slapped her bare ass and pushed her out of the cell.

The cat calls from the prisoners overwhelmed Batgirl as she limped down the corridor to the air vent she had eagerly used a few hours earlier to enter the prisoners’ wing of Blackgate Penitentiary. Her eyes were blurred with tears from the pain of being so forcefully taken by the four women. Somehow she managed to gingerly put on her civilian clothes and drop out of the vent system into the penitentiary’s library. How she managed to compose herself and make a discreet exit, Batgirl never knew. But she eventually made her way out of the prison and to her motorcycle. The ride home was emotionally and physically excruciating for the young heroine.

It was only the following day when she began to consider the presence of the mysterious woman. At the time, she had not considered the shear improbability of her good fortune. Had the woman appeared a minute later, her secret identity would have been revealed to Alyce, Kat and Brenda. She shuddered to think of what that might have meant. And who was that mysterious woman?!
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The newest section involving Batgirl in Blackgate has been added. I put the previous section into this one for context and continuity. One goal from this sequence is to expand the story a bit further by adding some new characters into the storyline.
As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome.
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wow, this addition was hot great work wasn't expecting that , i am interested to see who the woman in black is
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* * *

Batgirl managed to reschedule her session with Dr. Kinsey. She needed more time to open up about the events at Blackgate. A part of her hesitancy was a sense of having let Dr. Kinsey down. The psychologist had spent a significant amount of time strategizing her prison break-in and had been genuinely interested in helping her put Nyessa in her place. Now she had to admit her failure…and her sexual exploitation.

It took over 15 minutes for Batgirl to go through all the sordid details of her humiliation. Dr. Kinsey was sympathetic and showed no trace of disappointment in Batgirl’s failure. But once the superheroine finished, Dr. Kinsey remained silent for a good long time. Then she put forth a surprising suggestion.

“In light of what happened at the prison, we may assume Nyessa will keep your identity secret. We should move on to other matters for the time being. I have a suggestion which I want you to consider for a good long minute before responding.”

Dr. Kinsey’s suggestion shocked Batgirl, which was remarkable considering the various recommendations and instructions she had suggested to the superheroine over Batgirl’s sixteen months of therapy.

“I want you to take a job stripping at Superheroine HQ,” Dr. Kinsey proposed.


“You need to trust me on this Barbara,” Dr. Kinsey tried to soothe Batgirl. Using Batgirl’s real name had proven a subtle psychological tactic: “Barbara” was less confident and more willing to give in to the woman who knew her secrets; “Batgirl” was more arrogant and easier to manipulate when her ego was stroked.

“But I can’t just—”

“Yes you can Barbara,” Dr. Kinsey interrupted. “Naturally I understand your hesitancy. But understand why this is something you need to consider: First off, we need to continue decoupling your austere chastity and puritanical perspective on sexuality from your natural sex drive and healthy sexual appetite. So long as you remain conflicted between your unreasoning desire to restrain your sexual drive and your deep-seated lust to satisfy all your sexual needs, you are going to find yourself in a metaphorical version of your unfortunate experience at Blackgate Penitentiary: trapped by your vacillating sexual nature.

“Second, you need to consider how much information Batgirl can garner from her presence inside of Gotham’s most exclusive gentlemen’s club. You will be privy to powerful men and women in an exposed and susceptible state, a state in which they are easiest to seduce. With your skills and sexuality, you will be able to gleam their darkest secrets and most devious plans. You do still want to make a difference in Gotham, don’t you?”

Despite the obvious affirmative answer to the question, Batgirl was still put off by Dr. Kinsey’s suggestion. “But I’m Barbara Gordon! I have a certain standing in this community! I can’t be some stripper shaking my ass for degenerates in a titty bar!”

Dr. Kinsey shook her head. “Batgirl, I am not suggesting you strip at some mere ‘titty bar’, as you call it. I am suggesting you use your skill set and sexuality to go undercover at a proper gentlemen's club in order to shut down the white collar criminals who act with impunity knowing only their low-level criminal ‘employees’ will be caught.”

Batgirl was silent.

Dr. Kinsey continued. “And you can keep your identity secret. The Superheroine HQ theme is superheroines. Make yourself a mask and costume to use as part of your act. And we can use the role to further your sexual awakening—you will be able to create an identity which allows you free rein to explore more of your sexuality without the restrictions of Barbara or Batgirl.”

Batgirl remained silent. She needed time to process Dr. Kinsey’s points, which was precisely what Dr. Kinsey wanted. Batgirl needed to focus on looking forward, not reflecting back to her recent humiliations. By suggesting a shocking yet logical course of action, Batgirl would be distracted and subsequently prevented from obsessing over her failures. Dr. Kinsey needed Batgirl to maintain a healthy ego in order to move the superheroine closer to the abyss from which she would be unable to escape.

“Look, we don’t need to decide on anything tonight. Let’s plan on meeting at the club next week to look it over. You can give yourself a better idea of what this plan entails.” Dr. Kinsey rose and walked over to where Batgirl sat contemplating the proposal. She seductively caressed Batgirl’s shoulders as she cooed in her ear, “And then after, we can come back here and I can strip you down.”

Batgirl felt a sudden surge of desire. Dr. Kinsey had not given her much sexual attention over the past three sessions. And despite the extravagant attention she had both given and received in Blackgate, the attention was most definitely not as satisfying as Dr. Kinsey’s skillful manipulation of her body.

“Okay,” Batgirl murmured. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt just to check it out.”

Dr. Kinsey smiled. Then she reached down and playfully squeezed both of Batgirl’s breasts. “I’m looking forward to it,” she whispered seductively.
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A new section added here (and to the original post with the full story). The Blackgate sequence will definitely have a later impact on Batgirl, but for now Dr. Kinsey has a rather interesting proposition for Barbara Gordon.
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Sugarcoater, with this last chapter, now you’ve done it … flirting with the dark side of so many of my fantasies. I can’t wait to read of Batgirl’s adventures as a stripper!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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* * *

Barbara and Eva did not have to wait long to be admitted into Superheroine HQ. Despite the surprising amount of attractive women waiting in line, Barbara and Eva stood out from the rest of the crowd. The bouncers wasted no time ushering them into the club.

Barbara was initially apprehensive upon entering Superheroine HQ. The two sat at the bar for a bit, taking in the sites and sipping on their drinks, until they tired of unwanted advances. Eva tipped the bartender to clear out a booth along the side of the club where she and Barbara could have both some privacy and an unobstructed view of the club’s main stage. A bottle of expensive champagne was brought to the table and the two of them drank and watched the various performances. Barbara was impressed by the strippers’ athleticism. Having never before been in a strip club, she had assumed the women performing would be of average looks and hardly athletic. She marveled at the women’s fitness and flexibility, and she admired the women’s charisma and curves.

Noticing Barbara’s growing arousal, Eva excused herself to talk to one of the bartenders. Barbara assumed Eva was ordering a second bottle; what Eva ordered was much more intoxicating.

“I ordered something special for you Barbara,” said Eva upon returning to the booth.

“What is it?”

“Something to help you with your research,” Eva said as she looked over at the main stage. “It’s walking this way now.” Eva gestured at a stunning figure approaching their booth.

Barbara stared in awe and admiration at a woman wearing a shiny skin-tight black unisuit with a golden lightning bolt descending from her chest down to the thin strip of fabric covering her womanhood. The thigh-high black boots, arm-length black gloves and thin black mask over her eyes completed the superheroine stripper’s stunningly sexy outfit.

“Um…hi…” Barbara stuttered as the woman stood directly in front of her. She was suddenly self-conscious and unsure of how to behave.

The woman quickly assessed the situation; it was easy to get a read on Barbara, and she knew how to deal with an interested yet insecure patron. She straddled Barbara and placed a gloved finger on her lips. “Shhh, Ms. Marvelous is in charge here. You just sit back and relax.”

Between the commanding presence and commanding attitude, Barbara was rendered powerless and speechless…and intensely turned on! As Ms. Marvelous moved her body seductively against hers, Barbara caressed the superheroine stripper’s curves; the feeling of the rubbery fabric tightly covering the voluptuous body was powerfully arousing. And though the club’s rules were clear about touching the strippers, Ms. Marvelous let Barbara take a few liberties with her. Whether it was Barbara’s expensive clothing suggesting a chance to coax some serious cash out of her or the redhead’s beauty and innocence arousing a desire to take her backstage, Ms. Marvelous was not sure. She just knew she had to get this babe into the Gold Club.

Ms. Marvelous gave Barbara one of her better performances. It was a tipsy and titillated Barbara Gordon who almost climaxed as Ms. Marvelous rubbed her curvaceous body against her, and it was an animated and aroused Barbara who did climax when Ms. Marvelous surreptitiously slipped two fingers between Barbara’s thighs and stimulated her clit while pressing her sumptuous breasts in Barbara’s face.

When Ms. Marvelous felt a warm wetness between Barbara’s thighs, she murmured softly in her ear, “For three bills, I’ll take you into the Gold Club and fuck you properly.”

Barbara quickly looked over at Eva. “Um…can I…can I borrow three-hundred? I’ll hit up the ATM when we leave.”

Eva smiled back at Barbara and pulled three crisp hundred dollar bills from her purse. She leaned close to Barbara as she handed her the three bills and whispered, “For more research. Now have fun.”
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I wanted to post the beginning of Eva (Dr. Kinsey) and Barbara's trip to the strip club, as Eva is grooming Barbara for a role at the club.

This is a fairly brief section I am currently posting, but I have more already written and am looking it over to make sure it is properly written. Please feel free to share feedback and suggestions. Though I have a plan for the story, I always value ideas and suggestions and criticism.

@ flirty but nice, thank you for your interest in the current storyline. I hope this section is to your liking.
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* * *

Barbara and Eva did not have to wait long to be admitted into Superheroine HQ. Despite the surprising amount of attractive women waiting in line, Barbara and Eva stood out from the rest of the crowd. The bouncers wasted no time ushering them into the club.

Barbara was initially apprehensive upon entering Superheroine HQ. The two sat at the bar for a bit, taking in the sites and sipping on their drinks, until they tired of unwanted advances. Eva tipped the bartender to clear out a booth along the side of the club where she and Barbara could have both some privacy and an unobstructed view of the club’s main stage. A bottle of expensive champagne was brought to the table and the two of them drank and watched the various performances. Barbara was impressed by the strippers’ athleticism. Having never before been in a strip club, she had assumed the women performing would be of average looks and hardly athletic. She marveled at the women’s fitness and flexibility, and she admired the women’s charisma and curves.

Noticing Barbara’s growing arousal, Eva excused herself to talk to one of the bartenders. Barbara assumed Eva was ordering a second bottle; what Eva ordered was much more intoxicating.

“I ordered something special for you Barbara,” said Eva upon returning to the booth.

“What is it?”

“Something to help you with your research,” Eva said as she looked over at the main stage. “It’s walking this way now.” Eva gestured at a stunning figure approaching their booth.

Barbara stared in awe and admiration at a woman wearing a shiny skin-tight black unisuit with a golden lightning bolt descending from her chest down to the thin strip of fabric covering her womanhood. The thigh-high black boots, arm-length black gloves and thin black mask over her eyes completed the superheroine stripper’s stunningly sexy outfit.

“Um…hi…” Barbara stuttered as the woman stood directly in front of her. She was suddenly self-conscious and unsure of how to behave.

The woman quickly assessed the situation; it was easy to get a read on Barbara, and she knew how to deal with an interested yet insecure patron. She straddled Barbara and placed a gloved finger on her lips. “Shhh, Ms. Marvelous is in charge here. You just sit back and relax.”

Between the commanding presence and commanding attitude, Barbara was rendered powerless and speechless…and intensely turned on! As Ms. Marvelous moved her body seductively against hers, Barbara caressed the superheroine stripper’s curves; the feeling of the rubbery fabric tightly covering the voluptuous body was powerfully arousing. And though the club’s rules were clear about touching the strippers, Ms. Marvelous let Barbara take a few liberties with her. Whether it was Barbara’s expensive clothing suggesting a chance to coax some serious cash out of her or the redhead’s beauty and innocence arousing a desire to take her backstage, Ms. Marvelous was not sure. She just knew she had to get this babe into the Gold Club.

Ms. Marvelous gave Barbara one of her better performances. It was a tipsy and titillated Barbara Gordon who almost climaxed as Ms. Marvelous rubbed her curvaceous body against her, and it was an animated and aroused Barbara who did climax when Ms. Marvelous surreptitiously slipped two fingers between Barbara’s thighs and stimulated her clit while pressing her sumptuous breasts in Barbara’s face.

When Ms. Marvelous felt a warm wetness between Barbara’s thighs, she murmured softly in her ear, “For three bills, I’ll take you into the Gold Club and fuck you properly.”

Barbara quickly looked over at Eva. “Um…can I…can I borrow three-hundred? I’ll hit up the ATM when we leave.”

Eva smiled back at Barbara and pulled three crisp hundred dollar bills from her purse. She leaned close to Barbara as she handed her the three bills and whispered, “For more research. Now have fun.”

Barbara pulled back the top of Ms. Marvelous’ skin-tight top and slipped the three bills between Ms. Marvelous’ gorgeous breasts. With one last hip thrust against Barbara, Ms. Marvelous stood up, took Barbara’s hand and led her around the main stage to one of the exclusive rooms. Barbara almost spilled her drink in eager anticipation of what was to come. Eva also felt a subtle thrill of sexual excitement as she watched a giddy and stumbling Barbara Gordon being forcibly led by Ms. Marvelous into the Gold Club. She had a good idea of what Ms Marvelous would do to Barbara, which fed into Eva’s sexual lust for Barbara—the thought of another woman, an incredibly sexy woman, fucking Barbara brought forth an even more powerful desire to possess Barbara sexually.

Barbara was led behind the main stage. The men seated in front of the stage stared in appreciation as Ms. Marvelous led the young redhead backstage. A bouncer standing by the door nodded at Ms. Marvelous and opened the door. Ms. Marvelous squeezed Barbara’s ass as she prodded her through the doorway into a room with dim lighting and black walls on which large mirrors hung. A stripper pole on a small stage was in the middle of the room, with two red velvet couches on either side of the stage.

“So what’s your name sexy?” Ms. Marvelous asked. She led Barbara to one of the couches and sat her down.


“Are you a good girl Barbara?” Ms. Marvelous took the glass from Barbara and set it down on a coffee table beside the couch and began unzipping her jeans.

Barbara nodded, almost sheepishly.

“And this is your first time at Superheroine HQ?” Ms. Marvelous looked up at Barbara as she pulled down her jeans.

“Yes,” Barbara replied with a tremor in her voice as she lifted herself off the couch to help Ms. Marvelous remove her jeans.

Ms. Marvelous smiled and pulled back Barbara’s thong. “Then we need to make sure you come again.”

And Barbara did; she gasped as Ms. Marvelous’ gloved fingers slipped beneath her thong and into her wet pussy.

“This is just the start,” Ms. Marvelous teased Barbara as she fingered Barbara’s womanhood.

Ms. Marvelous managed to bring Barbara to climax several times over the next 20 minutes. After fingering her to orgasm on the couch, she knelt in front of the moaning Barbara and sucked a second orgasm from her. As a limp and languid Barbara Gordon reclined on the couch in sexual bliss, Ms. Marvelous picked up her utility belt from the table beside the couch.

Ms. Marvelous wanted to make a strong impression on Barbara. Despite having satisfied all sorts of men and women, there was something captivating about this gorgeous redhead with the irresistibly sexy body. With her experience, Ms. Marvelous suspected despite the woman’s seemingly innocent demeanor that she had plenty of sexual experiences. ‘She wants it rough, and I’m guessing she’s going to need the full-size experience,’ Ms. Marvelous thought to herself as she affixed the large rod to her utility belt.

Barbara was abruptly flipped onto her stomach and pulled down to her knees, her torso flopped onto the couch with her head dropping onto one of the throw pillows. Ms. Marvelous kneeled behind Barbara, yanked down Barbara’s panties and spread out Barbara’s thighs. Then, with a hard thrust, Ms. Marvelous shoved the rod affixed to her utility belt deep into Barbara’s welcoming pussy.

“Oh my god!” Barbara gasped.

“You sure you’re a good girl?” Ms. Marvelous asked between thrusts.

Barbara did not answer. She merely grunted and moaned as she was pounded by the superheroine stripper.

“I think you may be a bad girl Barbara, and you may need to be punished properly!” Ms. Marvelous began to taunt Barbara as her thrusts became faster and more forceful.

To her surprise, Ms. Marvelous felt herself approaching a climax as she continued to pound Barbara from behind. She began groping Barbara’s body with one hand while her other hand gripped Barbara’s hips for leverage.

In a rare moment of unprofessionalism, Ms. Marvelous let her mind lose itself in the pleasures of Barbara Gordon. She pulled out of Barbara and flipped her onto her back. “You are one hot piece of ass!” Ms. Marvelous exclaimed unexpectedly.

Barbara just smiled and pulled Ms. Marvelous down onto her. The superheroine stripper pulled Barbara’s face towards hers and she proceeded to break a self-imposed rule: her lips met Barbara’s. As she tasted Barbara, her other hand reached down for her belt and lined up the attached rod with Barbara’s pussy. Sucking deeply on Barbara’s delicious red lips, Ms. Marvelous thrust herself back into Barbara’s waiting womanhood.

When Ms. Marvelous felt Barbara’s hands start to explore her body, she lost any sense of professionalism—she pressed her body as tightly as she could against Barbara and let herself climax. Her timing was impeccable as she felt Barbara’s body shudder and relax from another orgasm.

The two women lay on the couch for a few minutes, basking in the glow of sexual bliss. Ms. Marvelous was the first to compose herself. She was suddenly conscious of having soaked her costume. Chiding herself for giving in to temptation, she surreptitiously began cleaning herself as Barbara lay on the couch touching herself.

Once she regained her composure, Ms. Marvelous helped Barbara pull herself together and the two women slowly made their way out of the Gold Club’s room. Barbara emerged from the room disheveled and disorientated but profoundly satisfied and, with Ms. Marvelous holding her hand, stumbled her way back to the booth and slumped into her chair.

“Your friend was spectacular,” Ms. Marvelous confided to Eva before returning backstage in preparation for her turn on the main stage.

“So how was it?” asked Eva.

“Oh my god!” That was about all Barbara could articulate. As Barbara Gordon, she was insecure in the strip club. The insecurity caused the fantasy of the strip club to come to life for her: in Barbara’s mind, Ms. Marvelous was no stripper, she was a superheroine. And the experience of being taken by a superheroine—not Supergirl but a superheroine with a healthy sexual appetite and a full repertoire of sexual tactics—was a new erotic flavor for Barbara. And Ms. Marvelous’ outfit added to the eroticism. The mask, the black costume, the thigh-high boots—her outfit added to the bad girl superheroine image. And Ms. Marvelous’ attitude enhanced the image; Barbara loved the way Ms. Marvelous took charge.

Eva wanted to hear the details, but the lights suddenly dimmed and the music was abruptly turned up.

A voice came over the loudspeaker: “Ladies and gentlemen, on the main stage: Ms. Marvelous!”

Strobe lights shone down on the main stage. Ms. Marvelous materialized from behind the stage’s curtain and strutted out on the stage.

Eva and Barbara watched in admiration as Ms. Marvelous performed her routine to the rhythm of the loud rock music blaring from the speakers. Barbara felt a thrill as she noticed Ms. Marvelous directing her attention towards her table as she performed on the pole. Was she eyeing her?! Barbara seductively licked her lips and winked at the superheroine.

After Ms. Marvelous’ performance, Eva and Barbara stuck around to watch a few more performances before preparing to leave. On their way out, one of the bartenders called over to Barbara.

“Hey! Miss! Someone wanted me to give you this.” He handed a business card to Barbara. On it was a sexy silhouette of Ms. Marvelous with her name in cursive over the silhouette. Written on the back with red ink was a phone number with the words “call me babe”.

Eva guessed what the card indicated. “You must have made quite the impression on Ms. Marvelous!”

Barbara smiled, “I guess so!” And she leaned over and kissed Eva.
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