Wonder Woman — Hadron Collider Crisis and Origins

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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Hi Everyone! This is Part 1 of my own fanfic version of Wonder Woman, which I hope you'll enjoy. I'll try to post one chapter every week, if my office job and family time allows me. But before you go into the story let me give you a summary of what you can expect or not expect from reading the story.

What to expect:
* The superheroines always use skimpy suits (I just can't imagine a super heroine using much clothing)
* Lots of blood and violence.
* The superheroines face long perilous struggles, and although they will end up winning the war, they will be defeated in several bloody battles, perhaps to an inch of being killed.
* The superheoines side kicks, be it human or superhumans, will also use skimpy suits.

What NOT to expect:
* Sex violence.
* Groping or sexual harrasment .
* Nudity.

Hope you enjoy it!

This is my first contribution to the forum, so please leave your comments.

Part 1

The Large Hadron Collider X’s director steered Wonder Woman to the magnetic lift, that led them down to the immense laboratory, located deep underground for safety — and secrecy — reasons. She was wearing her suit, consisting of navy-blue briefs, over which the silvered symbol of an eagle clutching a hare brightened at the front, while the red corset with the golden eagle studded across the surface of the dark-red fabric at the chest height revealed a discrete décolletage. The shield hung on her back, and the sword remained kept inside its scabbard, fastened from her golden belt at the left flank, while Diana’s red boots, tiara, and shiny metallic bracelets shimmered with the lab’s lights reflected on them, making her bare and muscled thighs and toned arms outstand beautifully. Her golden lasso gleamed while hanging at her hip’s right.

After they stepped out of the lift, both passed the narrow alley’s entrance, and the sixty years old director, Dr. Montfort, who was wearing a cotton white coat, proceeded to introduce her to the prominent scientists that were working on the most recent discoveries. As Montfort had told her, those new results would finally reveal how her Golden Lasso really functioned, besides providing an explanation of the main physical source of her strength and self-healing power. This last one became particularly interesting for Diana within the last few days, since the most modern weapons fired faster and faster bullets as time passed concurrent with the improvement of ballistic technology, and it was becoming more often for some projectiles to make their way through her flesh, traversing it after the speed of her arms would fail to deflect them with the collision of her bracelets, especially when she was attacked from multiple angles. Diana would bleed when hit, but she’d be healed completely within few hours.

“Diana, this is Chang Tzu. Chang, this is Diana,” Montfort introduced the first scientist on sight, who was extremely focused playing with kids’ toys from a ‘farm’ package.

“It’s my pleasure!” Chang said excitedly, wheeling his chair and giggling. “Diana! What was first, the egg or the chicken? He asked, raising alternatingly his ‘farm’ toys held in each of his hands, an egg and a chicken, laughing uncontrollably while looking at her fixedly.

“I’ve lived for thousands of years and I’ve never figured it out!” Diana said amusingly, with a tender smile.

“Don’t listen to him,” Montfort said, taking Wonder Woman away from the mad scientist. “Chang Tzu is a great researcher. A genius! But he’s a little detached from the real world. Hadn’t it been for him, this lab wouldn’t have been possible, although we try to keep him apart into the back-office… way back-office,” he commented with a mocking tone.

Then they entered another room, larger — one fourth of a circular enclosure — and with lamps attached to a high ceiling from where the light drained over the place. The walls and floor gleamed to the metallic materials that composed them. In the middle of the room, there was a blue-greenish luminescence enclosed in a dome of translucent glass, out of which several tubes and circuits communicated to other circuits leading to computation ‘boxes’. The person in charge of that lab area was also there.

“This is Donna Troy, the Project Manager of this section of the Hadron Collider,” said Montfort, feeling comfortable for finding her occupied — he had thought she was already on her flight; however, her luggage was set at her side. She was seated on a chair, looking at a screen.

Donna, in her late twenties, and from who it could be appreciated that she had managed to quell long ago her natural leanings toward nerdiness at her appearance, turned immediately to Wonder Woman eagerly. The leatherette dark red knee-high-boots, below the rim of her short pleated white skirt, and some equally hued long gloves, gave Donna an elegant look despite the white coat almost covering it all. The hairstyle of her wavy and sleek black hair, similar to Diana’s, created an illustrious distinction to her white face and light brown eyes.

“Diana! It’s a great pleasure to meet you!” After jumping up from her chair, Donna approached speedily and hugged Wonder Woman. “I knew it’d be a sign of good luck when I was advised my flight was delayed!” She released Diana from her clutch and went on talking. “I’ve been a great fan of you since I was a child! I don’t have words to describe my surprise! And your fashion designs are my favorite! Actually, later today I’m going for vacations and most of my luggage comes from your store. Since I’m going to the beach, they are basically bikinis, hot-pants, crop tops, you know!”

“Great! It’s a great pleasure to meet you too! And it’s good to know that you’re going for a well-deserved trip, Donna!” Diana replied with joy, rubbing Donna’s arm. “Where are you going, if you don’t mind saying?”

“I’m going to Cancun! My friends are already there and are waiting for me. I’m going to tell them that I met Wonder Woman at last! It’s forbidden to take photos in here. But can we arrange some time for one picture please, somewhere public? ” Donna asked mirthfully, hopping slightly in amusement.

“Yes, I can give you my phone number!” Diana suggested.

Then Donna drew closer to Diana. “Let me tell you that I’m wearing below my clothes the sky-blue swimsuit of hipster-bottoms and the bandeau-top! The two golden WWs prints look…”

Doctor Montfort cut off. “Donna, I think Diana is in a little hurry and we should walk her through the results obtained so far. You know she’s been quite critical of this LHC construction,” he pointed out, teasing at Wonder Woman.

“Doctor, I don’t think it’s wrong to work on these advanced investigations. Actually, I don’t think there’s any greatest adventure than to explore the mysteries of the Universe. But, at the same time, I believe taxpayers’ money spent for setting this up could’ve been used for something more important for them. That’s all,” Diana clarified.

“Yes – well —“, Donna begun anxiously. “What we’ve achieved here — just to give you a contrast to other LHCs around the world — is that we’ve steadied the flow of hadron collisions, whereas in the other labs the collision of hadrons goes on in an experimental basis, so they’ve not been able yet to set up a constant flow of collisions.” Donna dragged air in to calm her nervousness. Then she exhaled and began to talk again. “These experiments brought some interesting results, as the configuration of a parallel world began to reveal itself, which in fact participates actively with ours… and particularly with someone like you… perhaps it’s what we’d call the Divine or Spiritual world.”

“That’s — that’s — I don’t know what to say. What do you mean by the ‘Spiritual’ world?” A strong pang of dread filled up Diana’s chest — although she was overly skeptic and rose her hand inadvertently right below her chin. “It’s just awesome what you’ve done here! But how did you find it out? I’d really like to know!” She pledged excitedly, approaching Donna.

“Let me show you. It’s better if you come over to the screen,” Troy suggested, and they neared the computer screen set on the desk. Montfort followed them, staying behind.

When they all sat down with linen chairs they had pulled from neighboring and empty desks, Donna leaned over and tilted the flat screen slightly to let everybody look at it. She started the app for processing the data retrieved from the high-tech sensors connected to the Collision Dome, as it was conventionally called, and several images began to appear on the screen after she typed specific commands.

“This is a graphic representation of the wave frequencies emitted by the atoms that conform to each of the objects we put inside the Collision Dome. Giving a quick introduction, we all understand that every object, from the superposing frequencies of the atoms composing it, has a resultant frequency — which is just the vectorial addition of the individual atomic frequencies — which ends up re-leveling a unique and specific frequency to the object in question, do you follow me so far?”

Diana nodded with unmoved attention.

“Well, if we introduce this stone into the Dome, which I chose for these experiments,” she begun to explain, picking up a pebble at the side of her computer, “then its resultant frequency will interact with the excited quantum fields from the hadrons colliding continuously. This interaction reveals a parallel shape formed with these same excited quantum fields and…” She started to applaud and giggle with joy as Diana and Montfort looked at the shapes being formed in the computer screen, where shadowy shapes seemed to wrap up the original figure. “This is when the thrilling thing comes! Once the stone interacts with it, the parallel object provides additional inertia to the original one. How did we know that? Well, it began to register a gain in momentum when thrown; beyond the momentum of the same stone before interacting with the quantum fields inside the Dome! And once it came out, we noticed that it was actually keeping its additional momentum, not coming from the stone itself, but rather — by the principle of Conservation of Energy — from the other parallel world!”

“Whoa!” Diana marveled with her explanation. “Are you saying that after the interaction with this field, the object ends up interacting with this other world permanently?”

“I’m not sure if ‘permanently’. But yes, at least for a length of time! I wouldn’t know yet of the existence of any decaying phenomenon occurring to the objects under experiment. Donna, still looking at the monitor, turned to Diana, “Isn’t this amazing! From this, we can hypothesize that you obtain your additional strength and speed from this parallelism! And this is just one result after three weeks since this lab entered into operation.” She wheeled her chair to get closer to Diana. “For example, your physical properties are normal, but when you fight certain provisions from the other world are given to you as you need them, isn’t it? Otherwise, your additional inertia would be manifesting permanently.”

“But when you talk about inertia, should I assume that I should weigh more?” Diana asked, still puzzled.

“No, this is something we discovered too,” Donna went on talking. “The gravitational force only acts on your original mass, the one of this world. It’s only when you ‘move’ that the additional inertia comes about. This is because the extra energy that you use comes solely from the other world. But this world wouldn’t influence the parallel one. It’s as if your additional strength came from within you as you move.”

With Donna’s elucidation, Diana remembered her first fight against Ares around 200 B.C., where he had delivered her a powerful punch in her abdomen from a high cliff, careening her down to the ground below it, which was broken down into chunks of rock after the stormy impact, while she kept the integrity of her body, mildly harmed with the force of the strike. She thought that had she had more mass, then the gravitational force would have acted upon her, and would have had killed her almost surely with the powerful thuds. She found herself now in an endeavor of reconstructing her own biography with this new knowledge.

“So, gravity wouldn’t interact with my additional inertia? Diana asked.

“Exactly!” Donna answered, amused. “The inertia to be added would be coming within you, as I said.”

“Wow!” Diana exclaimed to herself, still processing in her mind the news of her own nature.

“Therefore,” this time, Doctor Montfort took the floor. “The speed of your immune system also increases. Your hemostasis process also speeds up, which is why you heal your wounds faster. You name it.”

“And, what about my Lasso of Truth?” Diana asked, taking up the tip of the golden cord. “I mean, I would deduce from this information how my shield, sword and bracelets would be working. But the Lasso still seems a mystery for me.”

“Would you like to find out? If you don’t mind, we can put the Lasso into the Dome and see what results are retrieved,” Donna suggested recklessly.

“I don’t know, Donna.” Diana hesitated. “Being in contact with that world might be dangerous. What if one of the evil gods wants to come up to this one? Or, instead of themselves coming over, perhaps insufflate life upon something or someone for their purposes.” Diana was still doubtful.

“Sure, don’t worry. It would be just to fulfill your own curiosity,” Donna stated.

Diana mulled over the possibility of finding out how her lasso acted as it did, and thought about different possibilities. The gods could make an entrance to this world anyway out of their own will. But could the real danger come from the lab itself? Would this give an excuse to the evil gods to come? Anyhow what had all those questions to do with her Lasso?

“Okay, I agree. Let’s put the Lasso into the Dome,” Diana stated.

“Are you sure?” Donna inquired, bewildered. “I mean, are you aware of any risk, from your permanent interaction with that world? Sorry for changing my mind, but when I saw you hesitant I assumed I myself became overly thrilled.”

“There are risks, but anything related to the Lasso can only implicate me,” Diana assured.

“In that case, I should say: No. I don’t want to take responsibility for anything happening to you,” Donna said firmly.

“I’ll take it all! Neither of you should take responsibility for my decisions. I want to know how my Lasso works.”

“Diana,” Doctor Montfort mingled in. “As we advance further into our research, we’ll have a completely trained IA robot that might deduce how it works by looking at it. Just wait a couple of years for the training to be completed and —“

But Diana brought to her mind the future threats coming to the world, prophesized long ago by the Delphos oracle, and that have not yet been fulfilled. Those prophesies were visually blurry about the possibility of her victory, as she could only see herself entering a dark cloud full of destruction. Perhaps knowing more about herself could work in her favor, she thought.

“I want to know. It’s better to know now than later,” Diana affirmed, handing over the coiled rope to Donna. “Please!” she pleaded, softly, looking into Donna’s eyes.

“Okay, I will,” Donna concurred.

“What?” Doctor Montfort reacted alarmingly. He leaned over Donna, grabbing the Lasso, seeming worried.

Donna looked over at Montfort. “If Diana wants to do it then we should proceed. She has fought terrible dangers beyond our imagination. Destructive forces not of today or yesterday, but from a time going back to the invention of scripture,” she said firmly, pulling back the Lasso. “And if she wants to know, is because she’s thinking about our safety, not herself."

Both scientists looked at each other, opposing viewpoints revealed from their facial expressions, but the doctor finally conceded, releasing the rope.

“I won’t take part of this,” he claimed. “It’s dangerous!”

“The danger is on Diana’s shoulders. You heard her words,” Donna countered.

Montfort turned angry and retired from the room without excusing himself, and before slamming the door closed, stated, “I want a full report of this!”

With the tension still lingering in the air, Donna, with quivering hands, uncoiled the Lasso on the translation lane that would take it to the interior of the Dome. Troy switched on the system that put the gears and the sensors at work. Diana looked at the process earnestly, also unsettled about the possible result the app would bring afterward. Once the full rope was set down, Donna released it and the Lasso slowly entered the Dome, gleaming gold immediately, as if acting on providing a ‘truth’. The images on the Screen appeared, with the correlation results along with their statistical P-values.

As the application processed the data, Donna moved to another topic of conversation to soften the stress from the confrontation with her boss.

“You know, Diana hadn’t I become a scientist I would have loved to be in the MMA.” She commented while looking at the data as it was being retrieved in a matrix.

“Really! How come that it was your second option?” Wonder Woman asked intently.

“Well, long story. But since I was a child my parents took me to self-defense classes, like kick-boxing, mainly…” Donna trailed off. She looked at the screen and a certain fright took hold of her.

“What’s that?” she asked aloud for herself.

“What’s what?” Diana approached Donna fretfully.

“An anthropomorphic image popped up as if hammering something with its arms… weird… very weird,” Donna stated disconcerted. “I hadn’t seen something like this before.”

“It might be the case that the gods are aware of the Lasso entering the other world…” Diana speculated without paying much attention to her thoughts. “What are the results of the app?”

“Well, your Lasso is capable of detecting different and conflicting sets of frequencies from different ‘stories’, increasing in this way a heat reaction that grows up as the ‘lies’ produce more and more molecules interacting with the Lasso. That’s why it will burn the body of anyone lying, and the only way of reducing the pain is by saying the ‘truth’.”

“It’s interesting, but not very revealing,” Diana commented, disappointed.

“We’re still in diapers with this kind of experiment. Your Lasso is a peculiar instrument though,” Donna concluded and switched on the translation lane again to take the Lasso out of the Dome.

As it was coming out, Diana got shocked and gasped loudly when she looked at it. Donna turned and she grew immediately disturbed by what she saw.

“This can’t be true!” Donna said hysterically. “I can’t believe your Lasso was cut in half!”

“Can I see the anthropomorphic shape you saw in your screen?” Diana requested, losing her quietness.

They both huddled over the computer. Donna retrieved the images as Diana was heaving her chest rapidly and panting aloud.

“It’s Deva!” Diana exclaimed, stunned.

“Who’s Deva?” Donna wondered.

“It’s — like me — but born from Chronos…” Diana grew restless and looked over the place. “This room is only one-fourth of the circle. What are you doing in the other three sections?” she asked hurriedly.

Donna noted the urgency in Diana’s expression and heedlessly answered, feeling restless too.

“In the one right next to this, Montfort is doing experiments with animals. He brought two dissected cheetahs, one female and other male. In the following room doctor, Chang Tzu is working on a classified project of his own. And in the last one, Doctor Edgar Cizko is working on occultist rituals and objects of witchcraft…” Donna trailed off, and with wary eyes fixed on Diana, she asked disturbingly, “Do you think some of those experiments might be dangerous?”

“All of them are dangerous —“ Diana halted when an alarm rang intermittently and red bulbs alternated its luminescence. Electronic voices from loudspeakers attached high to the walls gave safety instructions, and filled up the room with their noise.

Then Doctor Montfort bolted in after banging the door open.

“Diana, please help me! Please! The Cheetahs! They are coming AFTER ME!” shouted the doctor, terrified.

Growls and hoarse hisses came in from the small alley, with heavy throbs that were becoming louder as they echoed in the room. The metallic enclosure of the alley dented with every thudding sound and Diana braced herself. She unsheathed her sword and brought her shield forward.

The two corpulent feline creatures surged from the entrance speedily; the male had darker fur than the female, both snarling at Diana when they squared their eyes upon her. The Amazon jumped up wielding her sword against the female — that had appeared first in the room — but it moved out to the right incredibly fast, as the male feline kicked Diana’s side, immediately pushing Diana with great force against the brass wall, which concaved with her silhouette after the resounding clash of her body. Diana moaned with pain, a pain she had not felt long ago, almost paralyzing. But she, enduring the effect of the hit, propped with one leg against the male, but the female crashed her down from a high bolting spring, smashing Wonder Woman to the ground, hollowing it, and the animal pinned Diana down with the strength of her towering legs.

The Cheetah rose her left foot and lashed it against Diana’s back, making her scream in a mounting agony whit each thundering stomp that dragged the air out of her lungs. With Diana almost dazed and having released her shield and sword involuntarily, the female Cheetah gripped Wonder Woman’s hair and pulled her up to her feet. Then with both of her arms she clutched Diana’s shoulders to cling Diana against its chest, exposing her front to any attack.

“It’s your turn,” commanded the female cheetah to her male companion.

While Montfort remained hidden, Donna looked in horror at how the male obeyed, so she pondered her options to help Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, the felines were faster in their movements than she was in her thoughts. The male expanded his sharp nails, extending his arms outward, and gave a strong diagonal strike against Diana, ripping her uniform in five parallel lines. The claws lacerated her skin, scratching deep down. Her blood splashed and trickled down, soaking her suit. She screamed with the burn that expanded all over her flesh. Then another five-nailed strike made its way from the opposite direction, stronger, more damaging, making her screech with the growing torment.

Suddenly a group of ten armed guards made their way into the lab’s section and shot against the pair of Cheetahs, who released Wonder Woman in the instant. The animals bounced across the place and with diabolic speed their sharp nails slit the throats of the uniformed men, dodging the bullets aimed at them, one by one as they were lined up from side to side. The bloody hustle allowed Diana to pick up her sword and shield, and although hurt, she wheeled around with the shield up. It chimed with a flying kick’s impact from the male feline, her soles slid back with the slippery floor, wet with blood, and the force made her collide with the wall.

Wonder Woman, while protecting herself with her aegis, clanging with the strikes from both Cheetahs, used her quick sight to look around and wondered where Donna could have gone, as she could only spot Doctor Montfort still trembling below a desk.

Aware that her arm panged with the force of the pounds connecting with her circled cover, Diana shrieked and lashed her sword against the female; it ducked back and roundhouse kicked the flat of the weapon, dropping it out of the Amazon’s hand, and landing on the ground. Diana squealed, and then, with a grunt, she unleashed her Lasso against the female big cat while still enduring the male’s hits on her shield. The golden rope successfully coiled and gleamed around the female Cheetah’s torso, though the snarling beast managed to pull in the Lasso with her strong limbs, making Diana slide helplessly and slowly toward the salivating and hungry animal, and the truth of the terrifying Cheetah’s ancient genealogy came to Wonder Woman’s mind in the swift of a thought that chilled her blood-soaked skin.

… Will continue in Part 2.
Last edited by BernaMich 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
Read my contribution - Wonder Woman - Large Hadron Collider Crisis
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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Hi Everyone! this is the second part of my Wonder Woman fanfic version.

Hope you enjoy it and whether you like it or not, please post a comment, it will very helpful for me

Part 2

A trinity of fiery females wearing blackened peplos filled up Diana’s imagination vividly, as the gleaming Lasso of Truth brought her brain into a time dilation effect. She recognized Alekto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, surrounded by a swirling and blistering steam, capable to set ablaze human flesh. The three deities outrageously looked down at her from a low cliff, which stood at the fore of higher rocky walls brimming down with lava; glitters spattered in the background. Their eyes looked reddened from their bloody endless tears, while their skin revealed itself burned from the engulfing flames of the underworld, and their tongues emerged as carbonized from the mists of fire their breathing drew in. Waving and hissing snakes took the place of each of their hairs and bat wings stood upright boastingly, supported and shooting from their spine. They spoke with a raspy voice, for those throats had been sored with the fierce smokes from the Tartarus since the early registries of time.

“You’ll be chastised, Diana, Princess of Themiscyra! We have been writing in the book of Rhadamanthus — he, of inflexible judgment — your crimes since the moment you were born, and today our long wait has come to an end! I, Alekto, daughter of Uranus, have against you that you have unleashed not just rampant anger against your enemies, but against the Gods! Especially the hatred you hold toward Zeus, your father, from whom you had freed yourself! And against Ares, whom you had killed viciously in his own realm! These crimes are punishable with DEATH! And today is the time for your sentence! Your blood will be spilled in this soil and your flesh will be reduced to ashes! The agony of your suffering in Tartarus will drive you to madness for ETERNITY!” The hoarse and high-pitched Alekto’s words resounded in Diana’s ears, echoing aloud about the region of the hot mountains.

“You’ll be castigated, Diana, Princess of Themiscyra! I, Megaera, daughter of Uranus, have against you your jealousy against Artemis, your sister! Who had defeated you in a fair contest and to whom you wickedly led to die at the hands of Ares! Because of you, he, the great God of War, vanquished, tortured, and destroyed the brave Artemis, who was dressed in the suit of the victor that you are now wearing! The title and uniform passed on to you, and you had the temerity to cut off the fringes of the mighty Greek skirt! These crimes are punishable with DEATH! Your bones will be crushed on this ground and your soul shall be chained on the pit of fire for ETERNITY!” Megaera said with a voice of such strength that made the dark fog and soring steam surrounding them quiver in outward swirls.

“You’ll be totally wrecked, Diana, Princess of Themiscyra! I, Tisiphone, daughter of Uranus, have against you your murderous treacheries against your mother and sisters, who looked after you since you were born, with love and tenderness. But as you grew older and after you were blessed with the mighty uniform you are now dressed in, you decided to betray them! And you, undeserving of the great name of Diana, killed them. You killed them ALL! You killed them ALL!! Those crimes are punishable with DEATH! Your human body will be slowly shattered, and your soul shall live the torments for each of the sufferings that you caused to those of your kinship for ETERNITY!” Tisiphone stated wrathfully, as her flesh contorted and folded with slight swells, giving sight of a demon lurking beneath her sored skin.

While the Furies spoke, old memories of Diana revived in companion with the chain of endeavors she had entered into since ancient times. Every course of action had its countering alternative with devastating consequences. Each one of them surfaced with the potential of giving her glory or disgrace. The amazons found themselves at war against multiple enemies and she had to split her energy into two, into three… chaos sprung everywhere at any place and at any time.

Ares and his hordes had defeated Artemis and her quad, killing all of them except Artemis. He captured, chained, and tormented her incessantly for weeks with the intention to call up the rest of the Amazons to his realm and destroy them all. Diana’s contingent had responded to the provocation as Themiscyra itself suffered an invasion of Gorgons led by Medusa, while Circe had plotted successfully against other advanced expedition of amazons meant to finish off her deadly spells, where Diana’s sisters Euryale and Glauce had been viciously betrayed.

During those difficult years, many of the amazons fell. And as they fell, Diana rose. Had it been her plan all along? As others sacrificed themselves, and with the difficult decisions faced, she didn’t let a crisis be wasted. “Am I really that evil?” she asked herself, as dread and shame overcame her soul, debilitating her.

Alekto took the floor again. “With the spirit of Lyssa, great Goddess of Rage, daughter of Uranus, and our sister, life has been insufflated to these savage felines to complete our ruling!” Then she pointed her finger at Diana. “You have given us a door to fulfill our longing desire for justice! Those Cheetahs will be your doom, at last! We’ll be attentively watching your painful and unavoidable destruction!” she stated, uncovering her gleaming fangs.

Diana spat out from the imagery driven by the Lasso and, filled with surprise, she found herself face to face with the big female animal, which had just stretched the last pull at the Lasso to have her close. Snarling, it fiercely scratched across Diana’s face with its claws, abrading her left cheek, unable to protect herself for having one arm occupied with her shield clanging with the male Cheetah’s punches, and the other arm tugging the lasso.

Wonder Woman leaned sideways with the sharp strike, allowing the male feline to connect a punch in her side when she waggled the shield. She flew out, spitting out blood. Diana collided hard with the metallic barrier, as her strength and energy slumbered; the Furies’ condemning power and ruling made her little by little accept the mounting suffering, although she still held a mild survival instinct. With unnatural celerity, both beasts drew close to her before affording her body to slide down, and, in synchronicity, they thwacked right in her abdomen. The air drew out of her lungs and more blood gushed out of her mouth, her throat rasped with a muffled moan of pain. Then the female cheetah pulled Diana’s hair and threw her out. Wonder Woman rolled on the ground, battered, weak and dizzy. Being in a prone position, she fought with her exhaustion and straightened her trembling arms to let her torso rise, with a dwindling will to fight, but another five knife-like cuts went across her upper back, the splashed blood staining the cheetah’s fur as its arm swept from side to side.

Diana wailed, the pain inflicted with savage anger worthy of Lyssa’s name; and which was becoming unbearable with so many instances of lacerating cuts in her skin. Then a pawed leg pushed her easily down to the floor, pinning her firmly to the bloody ground. Without resistance, the male picked up the sword from Diana’s debilitated and trembling grip and wielded it up, aiming at her neck.

Suddenly, a flying kick across the face of the male cheetah interrupted the trajectory of the deadly blade, making it fly out away from Diana. As the animal crashed against the wall, Donna, displaying now the bikini she had below her dress, although keeping her boots and long gloves, which were studded with the printed golden WW on both pieces of swimming clothes, turned and bolted against the female cheetah, which received an uppercut that pushed it out afar in an arch trajectory, colliding with a thud on the desks and the computers on it.

Despite being a scientist, it was evident that Donna’s body had endured hard training. Her bare and long thighs surfaced the lines of her muscles with fine proportions. Her visible abs and suggestive hips were firm and strong. And her biceps and triceps bulged with delicate and proud femininity.

With a mixture of horror and enlivening, Donna leaned over to Wonder Woman and pulled her up gently by her shoulder. Once on her feet — although badly hurt — Diana looked into Donna’s eyes.

“Diana! I know both of us can defeat them together. We can do it!” Diana felt a comforting cheer up from Donna’s invigorating energy, for she also knew that Donna had put herself in the Dome despite the technical risks involved. Her vivid eyes made her remember her sisters left long ago and, unaware, she didn’t need the Lasso of Truth to know deep in her heart that she had in front of her a young woman with sufficient bravery and talent to fight a full war. That woman was someone she could call, an Amazon.

“Take half of the Golden Lasso and my shield, I have the bracelets to fight these demons!” Diana stated firmly as she passed on both weapons to Donna’s hands. “Let’s split with each one.” Still feeling terribly weak, Wonder Woman sprinted against the male cheetah, while Donna went against the female.
Donna confidently lashed the lasso toward her cheetah, which found removing the crumbles of the splintered movables and scattered computers. The coil embraced the quick arm raised by the snarling feline, which managed to delineate an evil smile as it flung the lasso sideways. The pull swept Donna off the ground and the swing halted when she crashed against the towering flat barrier, whose metal chimed and dented with the hard strike. Troy experienced for the first time the strength of Lyssa’s wrath with hard pain at the instant of the impact, and with a moan of agony, a somatic confusion mingled with her senses, debilitating them.

After she instinctively shuck her head, a sudden vision of the cheetah in front of her filled her up with dread at the time that a burn of bladed nails extended over her belly. Donna caught a glimpse of her own blood splashed with the sweep of her foe’s arm, who stared at her earnestly through the pupils surrounded by her red-brown iris, with a visage of hateful and unblinking eyelids. She screamed as the suffering mounted with a roundhouse kick at her face that made her spit red and fly away. As Donna wheeled around with the strike, the cheetah scratched her naked back, pushing her forward with a force that staggered her steps that ended up making her fall, grunting with the burning blade-like cuts.

The feline still held coiled the lasso around her arm and taking the chance pulled her quarry in with the bend around Donna’s limb. Donna slid backward keeping the prone position, trying uselessly to change the strain’s direction with her palms pegged to the blood-wet floor. Face to face again, Donna jumped up with a punch to the beast’s head, but it dodged the hit by sidestepping and grabbed Donna’s arm, pulling it, and wheeling around made her raise her feet off the ground, making her fly in circles rapidly. The beast released her and thrashed her to the wall, then sprinted up and connected a fist into her belly, taking the air out of her lungs, and gushing out more blood.

Battered, Donna fell coughing and crunching on the ground. She groaned and whined in a painful effort to recover and go on fighting. That’s when she discovered the cheetah was not interested in killing her. The Cat determined that her obstacle ended up badly defeated and turned to Diana, who still kept a ferocious fight against her male counterpart.

Meanwhile, Diana fought against the male cat, which proved to be incredibly fast. Diana struck forward with her sword, and the enemy moved to the side dodging it. He swept his claw and Diana stopped it with her bracelet. Chimes echoed in the room with the progress of the battle involving the constant use of Diana’s defense. During the quarrel, Diana took her mind to the past, to revive the origin of her guilt.

In her thoughts, she brought up the moment in which Artemis laid on Diana’s arms, fatally wounded, expecting futilely that she could still be saved from the coming death. They were looking at each other, where Artemis had a peaceful, but at the same time, unsettling expression — the peace of those who know their time on earth has ended. Diana wanted eagerly to save her from her prison and achieved it, but in the Aeropagus, Ares’ realm, the god of war kept a final fight against both amazons. Diana beheaded him, but his spear had traversed her loved sister, provoking damage that the fast-healing power wouldn’t be able to repair quickly enough.

“Diana,” Artemis said softly, “I hadn’t noticed how beautiful you are.”

Diana stared at her thankfully, but mingled with her sorrow, puzzled too. They were wearing their respective uniforms. Artemis wore that of the championess, and Diana the Amazonian style but which they could modify slightly depending on their taste. Diana loved to display her legs, and as consequence usually chose very short skirts, at the brim of the hips, and equally short attached fringes; each one of them — as was the custom to decorate the fringes— with a sewn-in medallion for the gods they preached.

“You’re beautiful too!” Diana said tenderly, weeping. A half smile formed on her lips.

“What I mean is that…” Artemis struggled with herself to talk, her energy fading away. “Do you know what they say? That in your flesh is written a prophecy of your own, one that could never—bequeath any of the—known gods, but rather by the—unknown god, the god that lurks hidden in the maze created by the quarrels of the known gods. His sole purpose is to drain us with blessings. That’s why the known gods hate it when one of us radiates with beauty. They see it as a threat to their divinity.”

The clang of her bracelets interrupted Diana’s train of thought. The male cat hit her arm outward with the blow. Wonder Woman focused again and slid down and forth with one leg, wheeled around with her other leg pinned in the center, making her enemy tumble down by his feet. It growled with frustration and jumped straight to her, with its claws expanding. But Diana punched him right into his nozzle, sending him back to crash against the wall. As it bled profusely from its mouth, it propped from the wall and managed to dodge one of Diana’s sword swings, affording the Cat to connect his knee right into her sternum. Diana flew away with the blow. The pain of Lyssa’s wrath invaded her bones, paralyzing her momentarily. Within that short span of time, the male passed by her scratching her shoulder, the stark nails deep into her flesh.

Suddenly, filled up with pain, she caught a glimpse of Donna being battered by the other animal. She raged with it, as it made her remember Artemis again in the Areopagus, hearing her last words.

“Artemis! For Hera and the mighty Zeus! What are you saying?” Diana stated alarmingly but still showed softness and tenderness, caressing Artemis’ sleek and blond hair.

“Diana, do you remember? When we were little girls. When we loved to hunt down hares, do you remember? Everybody called you ‘Diana the Huntress’. You became famous after that,” Artemis asked, with eyes that brimmed with love.

Diana nodded, her chin trembling and tears running down her cheeks.

“Do you remember that we used to trap them in their own maze? After studying them for weeks and locating their hideouts… we just knew they had no chance… no matter what they did,” Artemis recalled.

“I do remember, my sister. I do,” Diana said, with a broken voice.

“Diana, don’t you see? Don’t you see that, with us, the Amazons? This war that we are fighting can’t just be won,” Artemis affirmed.

“You and I just killed Ares,” Diana stated passionately.

“Don’t you see, Diana? That this is just one part of the cunnings the gods brought us in? They have been playing with us all this time… under the power of their grip… they just thought that it was time for us to die…” Artemis trailed off, as her eyes turned stiff, and her voice faded with a last breath.

Focused again on the current battle, Wonder Woman bolted with a braced fist against her Cheetah, raging within her. She connected it right to its chin; it reeled backward with a long growl. Then Diana uncoiled the Lasso and embraced it around its neck as she wielded her sword while propping forth in a short and fast flight. The gleam of the Lasso produced the imagery of the Furies inside Diana’s visions, who looked at her with a visage of exploding anger from the hot mountain. Diana looked back at them, with a rage in her eyes that trembled the Fury’s bones and speeded up their heartbeat.

Diana said furiously in a tremulous scream, “YOU ARE LIARS!!”

Her sword struck the front of the male cheetah, burying it down until exiting its skull, a freezing face of terror that kept an open nozzle and bulging eyes. At the same time in her enduring vision, the Furies screamed from deep pain, pressing their eyes shut, enduring their agony, and blurting out blood from their burning throats. The view faded slowly as the life of the cheetah dissolved.

After retrieving her sword, Diana turned and clashed with the female Cheetah that had just closed in. It smashed a blow across Wonder Woman’s face from the left. As she wheeled in less than half of a spin, another strike went across to the right. Then another devastating smack broke three of her left ribs with a sounding crack. Diana grunted hoarsely, as she stumbled to the ground, releasing her sword. The amazon, lying down, filled with pain and unable to move, saw the Cheetah take up one of her ankles, and with a fling, it flew her off the ground in a semi-circle, until crashing down again, head first. Prone and while her body trembled, Wonder Woman felt paralyzed with the excruciating and mounting ache, as her nose bled and her mouth gushed out blood with soft coughs.

“You are done, Diana! I have finally defeated you! Now you will die!” the Cheetah shouted with a croaky voice, looking down at the battered heroine. “You will face now my real wrath! Lyssa’s WRATH!” it cried aloud.
It squatted and leaned over her, reached out, and removed the Tiara from Diana. With the wicked triumph, the animal put it on her head carefully without removing the red spots, giggling wickedly while reaching out for the sword.

Suddenly and before picking up the mighty weapon, the other half of the Golden Lasso entwined around the Cheetah’s waist. Irritated, the animal turned and discovered Donna exerting the remains of her strength to stop it from killing Wonder Woman. She knew not much could be done, but pulled her foe over with force, grunting lingeringly. Feeling the animal’s rough strain on the rope, and to avoid it from slipping off her grip, Donna hurried to tie up the lasso around her own midsection. Raging, the cheetah pulled Donna in with whirls until pinning her against its furry body, ending up face-to-face. The animal, exasperated, expanded its claws and, like rivets, cleaved them laterally into each of her bare flanks.

Donna screamed, the burning pain of the ten nails lacerating her flesh as the fingers buried in.

“You will die first!” shouted the cat, as Donna hit it with the same effects as hitting a pillow.

Abruptly, blood blurted out of the Cheetah’s nozzle. Wonder Woman, with the last reserve of her force, traversed the animal’s neck with a strong strike of her sword while panting heavily. The rivet’s strength inside Donna’s flesh lowered and the cheetah’s limbs dangled lifelessly as they remained tied together. Diana then kneeled down, the exhaustion taking hold of her; with an unfruitful struggle to remain straight, she slammed on the ground again at the time that Donna fell down too with a low thud. As the cheetah’s dead body was unleashed, with Donna trembling, supine, and bleeding from her scratched and flank wounds, an explosion from the Dome engulfed with smoke the whole room.

Overwhelmingly frightened, Doctor Montfort approached the badly thrashed women among the debris and blood, verifying with relief that they were still alive, and hurried to push the alarm to call out medics.

Suddenly a human shadow formed behind the cloud of the explosion’s smoke. Diana, with a blurry and wary vision, discovered - after the threatening taps of greaves up the knees left behind the dust of debris came to a halt - the uniform of an amazon-like style. The short fringed skirt let the whole length of the muscular thighs exposed, and the chest plate and gauntlets were carved and let bare her shoulders and arms. The hair was long, sleek and auburn, with a tiara that carried the emblems of her father, Chronos. Wonder Woman had not to doubt that she had in front of her Deva, known by others as Devastation, and that she had come for only one mission: kill her. But as it was widely known that Deva enjoyed the suffering of her enemies before taking away their lives, Diana also knew that her main personal purpose was also only one: torture her…

Will continue in part 3.
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Eagerly awaiting the next part!
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Hi Everyone! this is the third part of my Wonder Woman fanfic version.

Hope you enjoy it and whether you like it or not, please post a comment, it will very helpful for me.

I also noted some typos and grammar errors on my previous posts, so I will fix them asap

Part 3 – Encounter with Devastation

Deva approached Wonder Woman languidly, her pace revealing she was enjoying the encounter. Diana, although almost unable to move, gripped her sword. Her ancient enemy slowly scanned the battered amazon, from the bruised face, passing by the scratched and lacerated abdomen through the pierced corset, and the torn briefs, to the damaged bare thighs. Devastation smiled at her.

“I think you know why I’m here, Diana, Princess of Themyscyra. But after pondering your condition, you’re not giving me much room to enjoy the punishment I’ll inflict on you.” She paused and leisurely squatted down, leaning over Diana.

Wonder Woman swung the blade toward Deva, but she, with incredible speed, held Diana’s wrist with her grip.

“I can’t believe you still think you can defeat me, Diana,” Deva said as she began to squeeze gradually the wrist of the Amazon, who grunted with pain. “These cheetahs made a very red work on you,” stated Deva, exerting more force on her hold.

Diana rose her torso to hit Devastation with her other free arm, but Deva was faster and took it. She slammed Wonder Woman against the ground.

“Drop your sword,” Deva said as she cracked Diana’s wrist, making her release the weapon and yell in pain.
Although Donna Troy was also weak, she jumped up against Devastation. The daughter of Chronos quickly grabbed Donna by the neck, right after leaving the amazon lying on the ground and halting Donna’s attack. Deva’s hand immediately choked Troy’s throat.

Deva rose, and as she was standing, took Wonder Woman by the neck too and lift her off the ground.
Having both heroines tight to her strong arms, fighting for air and contemplating the blood that trickled down along their inner thighs engulfed her with pleasure. The fabric of their briefs and bikini leaked abundant unabsorbed blood.

“I won’t kill you.” She looked over at the amazon. “You will have time to recover, Diana. I want a fight worthy of my name of Devastation, one that will make my father Chronos proud of me. After that, I will first defeat you, then I will inflict the longest punishment your body is able to endure, and finally — " she then turned to Donna. “As for you, I will let you recover too. There is nothing I will enjoy more than destroying, little by little, two amazons in a single battle.” Deva fixed her eyes upon Donna’s. “I like your revealing suit, by the way. It lets me imagine what I will do to your tasty skin and delicious flesh. I hope you wear it to spur my inspiration on the day of your demise.”

Devastation released them from her grip and smacked them both on their skull with her elbow. Wonder Woman and Donna Troy fell unconscious. Finally, Deva left them as the medics led by Doctor Montfort passed her by.


Diana and Donna woke up. They lay on a cot, now fully recovered. The broken bones were in their place and their wounds completely healed. A young white man was sitting at Donna’s bedside, with worrisome, brown eyes and disheveled, brown hair, and holding Donna’s hand. He was wearing beach clothing, and a small piece of his luggage lay on a table.

“Henrik! What a surprise,” Troy stated when she acknowledged her boyfriend.

“You were in the news, so I took the first flight from Cancun… how are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m feeling great, actually.” She inspected her body with her palms and discovered that her wounds had disappeared. “I don’t find words on how to explain it, darling, but I feel like-like-like powerful,” Donna said, with a gesture of comfort. Then she turned to her side hurriedly, remembering something that alarmed her.

“Diana!” exclaimed Donna.

“I’m okay, Donna, don’t worry. Unfortunately, this is not the first time I find myself in this situation. But let me tell you that I’m glad you’re ok.” The amazon slid into a sitting position and looked over at Donna. “Donna, I want to express my gratitude for saving my life yesterday, you took many dangerous risks that were more than formidable. You’re a true warrior.”

“Don’t say that, Diana.”


“Because —” Donna made a little pause. Then she smiled. “Because we’re in the same team now. So please, don’t say ‘thanks’ as if my help came from a third party. We’ve work to do. Deva is for sure out there doing something horrible and we’re going to stop her.”

“What! No, Donna, that’s not what I meant. Fighting Deva is my job. I don’t want you to risk your life whatsoever for me,” Diana said, as Henrik seconded, also highly alarmed.

“It’s too late, Diana. I have one-half of your Golden Lasso, the powers, and the uniform.” She got off her bed and stood in front of Diana. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me. We’re in the same team from… since yesterday. And I will fight at your side you like it or not.”

“My love,” Henrik intervened. “I think Diana is right. Fighting enemies with supernatural powers is not your responsibility. You’re a researcher, it has nothing to do with —”

“Diana is a warrior with supernatural powers, and she has a fashion store. She’s not narrowing down her life to just fight, so I will not narrow down mine by just researching nature’s phenomena. I want to be a warrior too because I’m a scientist with powers now.”

“You’re overreacting, Donna! Your excitement is not letting you think out clearly,” Henrik exclaimed. “By the way, I don’t know what uniform you’re talking about, you have none. And without one, you’re not on Diana’s team. Teams have clothes that distinguish them from the rest, so you’re not part of it.”

“I got a uniform from Diana’s fashion store, it was the bikini studded with the double Us,” Donna countered. “Didn’t you see it in the news?"

“Bikinis are not uniforms.”

“And I had my knee high boots and my long gloves…”

“That’s just casual clothing,” Henrik said as he grabbed Donna’s arm. “It’s a very dangerous decision.”

“I took the decision yesterday.” Donna turned to Diana. “Do you think you could make a uniform for me?” she asked, her eyes gleaming.

“I’ll put myself on your boyfriend’s side. I don’t —”

Suddenly, the tv hanging from the ceiling transmitted breaking news. They showed Deva, destroying a building in the city of Chicago, causing terror, destruction, and death. A SWAT team had completely cornered her, but she, like a thunderbolt waved her sword, dodging the bullets and killing her attackers, slitting their throats with the quick blade. When finished the counterattack, she stood in front of the camera, strutting with her suit, waving her auburn hair, and portraying a smile at the camera.

“I’ll stop when Wonder Woman comes. I want the habitants of this city to understand that they’re a necessary casualty that will go on until Diana faces me,” she said and rushed against a bus that was passing close to the street building. She hauled it. People screamed inside it, with resonating yells filled with dread. She jumped, flung it aloft, and smashed it. The camera caught a river of blood coming out of the wreckage. Deva landed, kneeling slightly, and rose with a sly expression on her face.

“Diana, please. Let me go with you. Otherwise, I’ll go by myself and I will face more danger without a proper uniform.”

“Don’t do this more difficult. Perhaps your boyfriend is right, you are overexcited, Donna. And although you know how to fight, you have not yet the proper training for these challenges. You are the one who will make things more difficult for me if you go.”

“She’s right, darling,” Henrik intervened again. “Diana will be more worried about protecting you than about fighting this powerful woman.”

Donna remained quiet, as tears filled her eyes. When noticing her sadness, Diana got off the bed and hugged her tenderly.

“Donna, you’re very brave. You have a light in your soul that wants to burst out. But before making it explode, you need to listen to it first. What is that light really trying to tell you?”

“The light that is in me is no talking anymore. It’s screaming at me, with a pitch that trespasses the surface of my skin. You should listen to it too,” she said, sobbing, the arms of her boyfriend embracing her from behind. “In the news, they called me Wonder Girl. It means something.”

Diana disengaged and came close to Henrik’s ear. “Please, don’t let her go. Take her home and stay at her side,” she whispered. He nodded, holding Donna tight to him.

As Diana was retiring, Donna called her across the room, “The unknown God, Diana. I know I’m blessed by him.”

The amazon turned. “His blessings unfold in different ways, Donna. I’m sure yours is magnificent, but not for this war.” Wonder Woman finally left them.

A few minutes later, Doctor Montfort came into the room.

“Donna! why are you standing there? You should be resting,” he said.

“I’m ok. My healing process has sped up.” She turned.

“Are you fine?” Montfort asked when he saw tears running down Donna’s cheeks.

“She’s fine. The matter is that Donna wanted to be the new Wonder Woman,” Henrik said.

“Oh!” Montfort laughed. “That’s crazy.” He chuckled as if he had heard a joke.

“How is everybody in the lab? With the explosion…” Donna inquired.

“Everybody is fine, except for the guards who were killed by the Cheetahs.” He made a little pause. “As for doctors Chang Tzu and Edgar Cizco, they are nowhere to be found,” Montfort answered as he looked around the cots. “Where is Diana?”


Wonder Woman hurried up heading to Chicago, sporting her uniform. Her briefs and corset were made of a fabric that resisted being burned from the constant friction with the air around her. Also, in order to avoid any possible force of the air against the clothing, the fabric was of a material that clung smoothly to her skin. However, her shield, sword, bracelets, tiara and part of the boots, as well as the studded eagle in her chest and the hare in her briefs, were made of several metallic alloys, which glittered with the increase of heat from that same friction. When she halted after a bolting sprint, she seemed to be embedded in a bright, multicolored aura, which made the exposed skin of her thighs, arms and shoulders, shine.

On her way, Diana brought up very old memories of Deva. She betrayed her sisters Euryale and Glauce on their way to fight Circe. But more than that, Devastation was an impostor, whose presence became materialized through Circe’s magic, as the astral kingdom of Zeus had put the world born out of Chronos into darkness. But Circe had learned how to open it using the elements set up in Zeus’ realm.

Deva had grown up among the amazons, but alone and quiet. However, she amazed everybody with her fighting skills. She was faster, stronger, and smarter than anyone else. The only reason why she didn’t win the championship was that she didn’t arrive at the tournament and lost by default. In the aftermath of her betrayal, it became clear why Deva had different gods sewn into her skirt fringes. It wasn’t a joke, nor something out of childish rebellion. It was the seal of her birth — her soul invoked the genealogy of Chronos.
When Diana had arrived at the battlefield, several weeks had already passed. A starving and dirty amazon was held tied to a pole and left alive, with the purpose of telling the other Amazons how Deva had killed their quad.

Deva first had killed everybody except the storyteller, Glauce and Euryale, for she wanted to have fun.
The fight had lasted two weeks. Devastation first battered Glauce, and while waiting for her self-healing mechanism to complete, she battered Euryale, repeating the procedure each day. Many of the weapons she had used were not meant to kill: the spears had stoppers, the knives were short, and the arrows had a flattened section in the middle of the knife to avoid it going through the flesh. The purpose was to play as long as possible, to humiliate them, to feed the pleasure of her cruelty.

Diana saw her sisters’ bodies. Multiple wounds surged from their skin and their suits were torn. They ended up in a pulp. The final strike Deva executed on them was also slow. She had tied Glauce to a spiky rock, and Devastation clubbed her until she died. As for Euryale, Deva tied her to a tree and threw spears without stoppers, hitting non-fatal regions, until the loss of blood had killed her.

Diana was approaching Chicago, and she knew she had little chances to win. She had carefully watched Devastation on tv and the SWAT team didn’t cause the slightest scratch on her. Wonder Woman in a similar situation would have received some bullets across her, and she knew it. Devastation was a lot faster.

This is the end of the third part. Please be aware that in part 4 I will try to honor the cover from the issue 145. Wait for it.
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tmon wrote:
1 year ago
Eagerly awaiting the next part!
Thank you for reading the story! hope you're enjoying it.
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Very compelling battle scenes and intriguing mythological underpinnings as well. The language is a bit overly ornate in spots but overall a very solid read. Thanks for sharing.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
1 year ago
Very compelling battle scenes and intriguing mythological underpinnings as well. The language is a bit overly ornate in spots but overall a very solid read. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for taking your time to comment, DrDominator9. I hope you enjoyed reading it!
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