Superheroines, Science, and Villains. Oh My!

The Dark Side Of Superheroine Peril Discussion - 18 and older.
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The Image is a commission from AlucardsSpirit.

This is a story I wrote for S14 (that's her handle on Discord). She asked me to write a story on the origin of her special costume material. It's set in her, somewhat different, version of the Marvel Universe. Best that I let her explain:

"In my alternate reality, Dr. Amelia is the daughter of Emma Frost White Queen, at a time when Emma Frost White Queen and her sexy friend Jean Gray Black Queen run the new version of Hellfire Club, transformed into Burlesque Hellfire BDSM Sex Club, for superheroines wanting to experience erotic sensations With elements of BDSM and bondage."

Also Dr. Amelia Frost/White Baroness has the powers of telepathy and telekinesis.

Now the story of superheroines, science, and villains.

“Ok, I'm here. Why the big summons?” Dr. Amelia Frost asked her friend Gwen Stacy as she walked into Gwen's lab. Gwen's lab was a typical chemistry lab, with test tubes, flasks, and long benches topped with tiny mirrors to guide her laser, and pipes running along the ceiling. One of the pipes was thick glass filled with very pretty colored liquid. Amelia knew that despite its beauty the contents of the glass pipeline was toxic waste headed for the secure disposal and recycling room.

Gwen broke out in a big smile as she saw her friend and fellow scientist. “Amelia! Welcome to my lab-o-ra-tory!” She said the last with her best exaggerated Vincent Price evil villain voice. They both laughed then hugged.

“Did you bring your White Baroness costume? Hand it over, I want to show you what a good use I put your nanobots to.”

Amelia was an engineer (a Doctor of Engineering actually), and her experiments rarely connected with Gwen's, but Gwen got really excited about Amelia's nanobots, so she gifted some of them to her.

“So this is going to be the big reveal? Do I get to say Eureka, or do you?” she asked, handing Gwen her costume.

Gwen just gave her a fake grimace, hung Amelia's White Baroness costume up and pulled out what looked like a paint sprayer. She dramatically held up the attachment for it, waved it in front of Amelia for a second and screwed it into the sprayer. She positioned Amelia's costume so that it was hanging fully open.

Without a word she began spraying the costume. “It better not stain--” Amelia could see the spray, but the only effect on the costume seemed to be to make it shinier, but it didn't seem to be wet, just slick.

“It dries on contact,” Gwen said as if she had been reading Amelia's thoughts. After carefully coating the uniform, she hung it in a man-sized circular cylinder. The cylinder was made of very thick glass. Amelia had flashbacks of villains turning superheroines into naked mannequins and displaying their costumes next to them to humiliate the helpless heroines ... -933228904.

Gwen closed the sliding door to the cylinder, so it sealed itself seamlessly, then inserted a handgun into a small hole in the cylinder.

“What are you doing? That's a new outfit!”

Gwen just smiled and fired the gun. The bullet bounced off the costume, rebounding hard and banging into the cylinder wall. Then Gwen fired again, three times in quick succession with the same result.

“What in the world did you do girl?”

Gwen took the shiny, unblemished costume out of the cylinder to let Amelia inspect it.

“The nanotech makes it impenetrable, and the intelligent nanobots distribute the force harmlessly.”

“What about ricochets?”

“Well, if you're wearing it, they won't hit you, will they? Besides it's adjustable as to letting you and the suit absorb more, so the bounce is less. I still have to play with that to get the optimum.”

“Put it on and let's try it.”

“This is safe, right?”

“You just saw the test. Go ahead. Don't be a little scaredy-mouse.”

Amelia sighed, “Turn around.”

“The great and powerful White Baroness is shy?” came Gwen's snarky reply, then, “OK,” and turned around to let her friend disrobe and redress herself.

“Your turn in the booth,” and she shoved her into the glass cylinder, sliding the curved door closed after her.

Gwen took up the gun again.

“Wait, you're not...”

“Better wrap the cape around your face and upper arms. This only aims at your midsection, but no sense taking any chances.”

“You're not the one getting shot at!” she exclaimed as she hastily did so. Her cape was thin enough to be nearly see-through, and that really worried her. As if there was nothing else about getting shot at point blank by her best friend that worried her. If I live through this, she's going to pay.

Gwen didn't give her much time to worry as first one, then two shots rang out. Amelia didn't feel any impact, but her entire costume seemed to momentarily gently squeeze her at each bullet's impact.

Amazed, she unwrapped herself from the cape and examined the still pristine, but now shiny costume. Her eyes widened at the possibilities. “What do you call this stuff?”

“Shiny rubber-nano gloss!” Gwen pronounced proudly.

“Wow, you're really bad at naming things. How am I even supposed to say that? How about power gloss? Sounds good, and doesn't give too much away about how it's made.”

“But power gloss is so vague. It might as well be laundry detergent!”

“Exactly! Why do you think they pay those advertising guys so much money. Stick to the chemistry and trust me on this.”

Gwen sighed, “Power gloss it is then. After all, the smart nanobots do most of the work, so I guess you deserve to be in on the naming. Now get out of there. I've got another experiment to run.”

Amelia stepped out of the cylinder, and before she could say anything, Gwen doffed her lab coat and revealed she was totally naked underneath it. Amelia's mouth dropped open in admiration at her friend's delicious curves, making her doubly speechless as Gwen took out her Spider Gwen costume and started putting it on.

Amelia couldn't stop imagining herself removing the costume Gwen was wriggling into. Yeah, she'll pay for experimenting on me. “So now, you're invulnerable. What's next?”

“I want to test the tuning,” she said, stepping into the cylinder. “You didn't think I'd let you try something where I'm not sure of the effects? I want to play with the settings to see how much I can get it to absorb impacts rather than bounce them off at high speed.” She didn't need a cape. Her costume covered her head to toe.

“Go ahead and fire one bullet,” Gwen said, posing in a very unspiderlike but cliched hands on hips power stance.

Amelia fired one shot through the hole in the cylinder and watched it bounce off her chest and then the wall of the cylinder without Gwen even flinching. This time Amelia was getting to see it from the other side of the glass.

Gwen twisted, apparently adjusting something, then said, “OK fire another.”

Amelia fired again, and the bullet bounced off, but more slowly. Slowly enough that its ricochet path was actually visible now like fancy movie special effects.

“Oooh, interesting. I actually felt that one,” Gwen said and pushed her shoulders up a little as if it had sent a tingle through her body. “Don't worry, I'm recording all this for more detailed scrutiny,” she added and duplicated her earlier contortion. That made Amelia wonder where exactly the control mechanism was, not only on Gwen's but also on her own costume. Hers had just been sprayed on, so that couldn't have embedded a control, could it? Maybe Gwen's spider suit was outfitted differently? But her reverie was interrupted as Gwen asked for another shot.

This time the bullet hit Gwen and just dropped harmlessly to the floor. Amelia could see Gwen's body tense up and squeeze itself together accompanied by a quick intake of breath by Gwen.

“Are you all right?” Amelia asked her friend worried after a few seconds of silence.

“Ooooh, yes! That was amazing!”

Amelia remembered the gentle, almost imperceptible squeezing her costume had done in reaction to the bullets' impact, trying to understand what Gwen was feeling. Clearly, she had tuned the suit to absorb almost all of the force of the bullet rather than reflecting it away. Momentum must be conserved after all.

“Shoot again, three times in rapid succession,” Gwen commanded eagerly.

Amelia did so, and this time, as the bullets dropped off Gwen's spider costume, Amelia could see the reaction from her, even as completely covered as she was.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” Gwen cried, throwing her head back.

“You're getting off on this!”

“That was amazing! The way it felt! Every inch of me was firmly squeezed at once, my toes, my feet my calves and thighs, my pussy and ass, my stomach, my breasts and nipples at the same time...even my shoulders and face felt like a lover was holding them firmly.” She dropped to her knees, gasping.

“You slut! You've invented something that gets you off while being shot! That's so twisted!” She pursed her lips realizing that she could have used her telepathy to feel what Gwen had felt. She was so used to not using it to pry...damn.

“Not...what I...expected,” Gwen haltingly replied, dropping to all fours to support herself while she tried to slow her breathing.

Amelia had been so absorbed in the implications of her friend's invention that her telepathic senses hadn't alerted her to the group entering the lab until she heard them.

“It looks like it's time to profit from my little investment,” said the woman, who entered, followed by a half-dozen rough looking men. Two men had Uzis, one was holding a coiled rope, one was holding a whip, and she couldn't see what the others might be carrying. The woman's commanding presence drew Amelia's attention of course. She had long black hair in wide curls that cascaded over her shoulders. Her black dress had sleeves that went all the way to her wrists and a plunging v-neck that showed off a generous amount of cleavage between her large breasts. The dress was ankle-length but with a wide slit on both sides that exposed her sleek black leather knee-high boots and continued all the way up her sexy legs to over her hips, somehow not showing any signs of panty straps despite the absurdly high rise. Was she not wearing any underwear?

“Vulpina!” Gwen exclaimed, struggling to stand up. “How do you know about this? What do you mean investment?”

“Who funds your research?” Vulpina replied.

“I've got a grant from the Fox Foundation,” Gwen replied, trying to finish collecting herself.

Vulpina smiled, “And who do you think runs the 'Fox' Foundation? What better name for my charity, funded by my investments? Grab that sprayer,” she added to one of her minions.

“Investments! Is that how you launder your ill-gotten gains?” Gwen replied, starting to finally collect herself.

Amelia was so stunned by this turn of events, she felt paralyzed.

“You're so high and mighty that you might not have taken the grant if you knew it was my foundation funding it? Keep telling yourself that if you like. Now, any other containers of your marvelous...”

“Power Gloss.” Amelia finished, so proud of the name she'd come up with that it was out of her mouth before she thought.

Aside from the man who had grabbed the Power Gloss sprayer, one had positioned himself blocking the sliding door to the glass cylinder Gwen was in, and the rest had come closer but spread out, surrounding the two heroines.

Amelia tried to use her telepathy to get the villains' intentions, but there were too many of them. She kept getting flashes from each of them but they each were interrupted by another whose thoughts were louder. She tried focusing on one at a time, but they kept moving. She was just getting a montage of images, some of them grabbing her and pulling her clothes off. It was all too disjointed and distracting. Not only wasn't it working, it was giving her a headache.

Maybe she should concentrate on using her telekinesis to disarm the two thugs with the Uzis. Their grips are too tight. If she tried to pull the Uzis out of their hands, all she'd do is make them start shooting uncontrollably around the lab. She looked around for something to slam into their heads. Crap, everything in this lab that was loose might be dangerous…. Her plans were interrupted by a rope suddenly tightening around her neck.

“Ahhhh!” was all she could get out before she was yanked onto her tiptoes by her neck even as she desperately grabbed at the rope that was starting to strangle her. She turned to see the man behind her had tossed the rope over the glass hazardous waste pipe near the ceiling and pulled it so taut she could barely breathe even on her toes. The thug easily grabbed her hands away from her neck by a vice-like grip on her wrists and started binding them behind her. Within 20 seconds her wrists were bound behind her by the rope that went over the pipe to her neck, making her into her own prisoner. Even painfully lifting her bound wrists caused her upper torso to bend forward, forcing the noose even tighter around her neck. As she tried to find a position to get some relief, somebody snapped a set of VR goggles over her eyes.

At first it just acted as a blindfold, but after about 15 seconds it apparently turned transparent. She could see everyone. Gwen was failing to open the cylinder's door against the burly thug holding it closed. She backed off and started aiming her spider silk wrist shooters at the hole in the cylinder. Then Amelia heard rapid gunfire! Somebody was shooting one of the Uzis! The shots were followed by loud deep moans. That was Gwen! Despite the pain, she whirled her head around to see who was shooting Gwen was OK, and both thugs were just holding their submachine guns at the ready. Then she saw one of the thugs force the gun barrel into the glass hold and rapid fire a couple of dozen bullets at Gwen. But there was no sound.

Amelia's eyes went wide as she realized what was happening. She was seeing the scene as it was 15 seconds ago, and hearing it in real time. She saw all those bullets hit Gwen and just fall off. Oh crap, Gwen hadn't had time to reset the suit's settings. That's why the moans were being followed by, an “Oh fuuuuuck,” then a scream, not of pain but of one hell of an orgasm taking her friend. It was disorienting to see her just start to writhe on the floor only after she'd heard the ecstatic screams.

At that she just closed her eyes and felt tears forming in them. There was no way for her to effectively use telekinesis when everything she was seeing was 15 seconds behind. And there was no point in even keeping her eyes open, but she heard Vulpina.

“Well, that is unexpected.”

It was just too disorienting to hear somebody and then see them open their mouth 15 seconds later, like the world's worst dubbed movie. She just kept her eyes tightly closed and tried to ignore the tears forming in them. Both she and Gwen were totally helpless.

Her despairing thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain on her nipples. Long fingers of feminine hands were twisting her nipples through her suit as she heard Vulpina's voice almost in her ear.

“So, tell me. Is there more of this stuff?”

“Aaaagh, please! I...don't… think so. She would have only had enough nanobots for that one container.

“Where's her formula?”

“I don't know,” then “Aaaagh, please no,” in response to another painful twist of her nipples as she struggled to breathe. “Really..., I hadn't even seen this…until just a couple of minutes ago. I've never been in her lab before.”

“Hey, boss, I think I've got it,” a masculine voice interrupted as Vulpina released her grip on Amelia's very sore tits.

“Did she use this on your costume?” Vulpina asked, cupping her face in her hand.

“Yes!” Amelia was too taken and tortured to lie as she heard her friend still moaning in ecstasy. If one bullet had gotten the reaction she saw from Gwen, A dozen or more rapidly fired into her must be driving her absolutely nuts, and she sounded like it.

“Shoot her in the thigh,” she heard Vulpina say. She stifled her objection, realizing she was safe from bullets in her Power Gloss coated suit. She heard the gunshot and then a man's scream as she felt the soft squeezing of the suit.

“Owww! I'm fucking shot!”

Gwen couldn't help a stifled smile. The ricochet had done exactly what Gwen was worried about.

“It's just a scratch, you baby,” she heard Vulpina say, “You'll live. You might even have a manly scar to show off.” Then to Amelia, “How many suits did she coat?”

“Just...hers and...mine. Please, I can...hardly...breathe.”

The deadly danger, her helplessness, and the sexy moans of Gwen that she was still hearing, plus the nipple torture she'd just gone through was making Amelia wet, she realized. So wet that when Vulpina gripped her in the crotch possessively, she almost came on the spot. That move spread her legs, causing her stance to widen and her noose to tighten. This was too much for poor Amelia. She moaned in bliss.

“Why didn't you react like Spider Gwen when the shot hit you?”

“I...please...ohhhh…. She tuned her suit absorb more...of the...bullets' momentum..not bounce…them away.”


“I...please...I...don't know….. She...hadn't shown me yet…. Please, I can't….oh fuck…stop that! ...please!”

Vulpina kept toying so seductively with her snatch, “Are you going to be a good little girl and do everything I say?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Just...oh fuck…. I'm a good girl. I'll do everything you tell me to. Please!!” With that Amelia came, hard, strong, and uncontrollably. Fortunately a pair of hands held her up, or she might have strangled herself in her bliss.

“Let her down, and strip her. Better give our Doctor Stacy another round of shots, then take her out of there and strip her as well. We'll need her uniform too.”

“Thank you Mistress,” I heard myself say as if it were someone else talking.
Everything was a blur of being stipped and manhandled until those distracting VR goggles were finally removed. Amelia only caught a glimpse of Vulpina and her crew leaving and was finally able to take in what had happened.

She and Gwen were lying together naked, actually tied together in a tight embrace inside the cylinder. The cylinder door had been locked closed with what looked like a formidable combination padlock. She was embracing Gwen from behind. Her right hand was held on Gwen's left breast by a rope around her wrist that went around their backs to Gwen's upper arm, so she couldn't move it horizontally. She couldn't move her hand up or down either as her wrist was also tied to a loop around her neck, and the other end of the rope led down to and was looped around her first two fingers. Those were pulled inside Gwen's vagina as the rope led back underneath Amelia's own cunt and split her ass crack back up to loop around her neck.

It was all so devilish, forcing her to play with Gwen's tit and inside her pussy at the risk of strangling herself. Even more devilish, there was a dildo inside Amelia that pushed deeper into her as Gwen struggled. At the same time as the dildo forced its way further into Amelia, Gwen gave a little shriek. OMG, Amelia realized, the other end of the dildo was shoved deep into Gwen's ass! Every time Gwen clenched or wriggled in her bondage, she was fucking both of them.

Amelia could do nothing but gently kiss the back of Gwen's neck as her eyes rolled up in her head from the forced ecstasy of fucking her friend and being fucked by her at the same time.
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thank you for posting this great story
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
Posts: 2462
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Many thanks!!! And thank you for adding the Double Dildo Challenge!!! Twice the fun....twice the pleasure!!! Everyone needs to take the challenge!
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 216
Joined: 1 year ago

Thank you. Interesting premise.
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