Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness

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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness Part 1

A slithering tube of leathery slime coiled its way back into the depths of a swamp, and as Lady England awoke she witnessed this sight that cursed her eyes with its visual bile. She wondered where in the existence she was. Olivia Knight remembered her enduring battle with Darius the Dark Yogi. She remembered her triumph, her victory; his obliteration. Was he truly defeated, done and dead? She no longer seemed to care as her awareness was completely submerged in this captivatingly alien atmosphere.

As she slowly stood, her azure eyes cast down upon her body and attire. With her knowledge of magic, she assumed that before the Dark Yogi’s demise; his perverted imagination had cast her to this unknown dimension, and transforming her clothing as if she was his Barbie doll to toy with. She felt dressed like some reject from a sword and sorcery movie. Her boots were gone, standing on her barefeet she noticed bangles around her ankle, gold metal work decorated her body, sex and nipples cupped and her divine peach exposed, with the slender wrists rounded with bracelets and the forehead still adorned with a tiara. Her shoulders were also covered with pieces of decorative alloy, her swan neck displayed a choker with a red cape enfolded around her back.
“Did Darius intend for me to be a slave or a regal heroine in this world?” She thought to herself but then remembered that the demonic pervert enjoyed her as both.

Olivia was truly mesmerised by the vastness of the jungle vinery that surrounded her. It was Godly, the belly of a dragon. The thought of venturing into its darkness terrified her, and Lady England was not often terrified. It was a messy amalgamation of predominantly green, dark green, and grey, that was often disturbed by exotic tree and plant foliage, with bright star light glints of red, purple and yellow. She had almost forgotten the tentacle that descended into the bubbling swamp before her. Creatures inhabit this world, creatures that would be no doubt hostile to her warm flesh. Olivia couldn’t even tell if the swamp was boiling or generated heat. Its greenish brown, dense stickiness was greatly uninviting. She decided to step away from it. Even with her power as Lady England, she felt threatened.

The swamp was the least of her worries, when a cacophony of clicking began. The sound increased in volume as a crescendo of crickets. The melody was jarring, she saw them, the black shadowy figures stepping out of the foliage, countless numbers a distance from her. As she focused on them she noticed antennas from their heads, clear torsos and legs like a human but with multiple limbs that carried silvery weapons that appeared advanced tech. Perhaps this place is not so primitive, Olivia thought. Their skin was dark and coloured like this vast jungle, which enabled them to camouflage, and their presence brought with them not only the mind torturing music of clickity clicks; but an earthy smell, like wet soil yet sweeter. Two of the figures walked towards her. She was dwarfed by them. Some of the shorter ones were around 6 feet tall whilst others seemed 9 feet. Some gaunt, others bulking, and huge. Their bodies were clearly exo-skeleton in nature.
“They are insects!” There was no doubt in her mind.

Their intentions were made clear when they attempted to communicate to Olivia whilst nudging her to walk in a direction towards the jungle and the congregation of these insect men. Their language was a jumbled fusion of clicks, bubbling and gurgling. Our heroine was obstreperous to say the least. Ever defiant, she stood tall. One of the them lightly poked her with his cold metallic weapon, the other gestured with one of his many arms, another of his upper limbs took her by the elbow.
“Unhand me at once!” She commanded. The creature behind her responded by tearing off her red cloak.
“I think its time for these things to get the complete Lady England experience. They are in for a treat” an excited stream of conscious martial thoughts flooded Olivia’s mind as she smiled. The blow was perfectly timed, with the right amount of energy. With her superhuman strength she knew the creature would be sent on a one way ticket into the thickness of the swamp. Then her plan would be to fly away from this anthropod army. A plain, perfect and full proof plan. It would have been if it was not for her hand almost shattering to pieces the moment it impacted the creatures chest.
“uuuuugh” she shouted in pain holding her arms. She tried running and then attempted to fly. Springing into the air from the balls of her naked feet she found gravity dragging her back down to the earth. Olivia stumbled and had to prevent herself falling face first like a failed athlete.
“What is happening? My powers”!
She turned to face the creature. A behemoth in size, power and strength without her magically enhanced abilities.
“I need time to focus, maybe it’s something about this planet’s atmosphere?” She slowed her breathe, focusing her attention inwards as the two insect men closed in on her. Then suddenly, she could feel it return. All that was needed, was an inward focus. The four armed foe threw himself at her, like an angelic blur, she moved darting underneath his oafishness, flipping the creature as if he was made of straw and sticks. The second one got a taste of Lady England’s fist at full power, taking him into the air as if he had been thrown like a javelin. Olivia immediately took to the skies but noticed she couldn’t feel her usual command of the air. Instead she soared into the air at 20 feet before feeling the pull of gravity on her legs. At best it was a super human jump.
“Hmmm my powers are no yet at full strength”

Out of the crowd of clicking sounds, one of the largest insect male boorishly pushed his way towards the action. Lady England landed adjacent to him but the creature pulled out a metallic object that looked like a loudspeaker. He activated it and Olivia could feel a vibration massage her body. She paused for a moment as it pulsated strongly at her lower abdomen and then spread quakquaversally throughout her body towards her limbs. She thought nothing of it as she turned to face her enormous foe. Jumping forward she assumed that her limited flight ability would still propel her kick into this boss of a bug. As soon as she committed, she realised her mistake.
“no……no… powers are gone….again!” She could feel her mortal fragility all over her being. All it took was one punch from this would be general, his moist clenched mound crashed into her neck, chest and side of her jaw. Such was the enormity of his hand. As if she was a seven year old hit by a truck, Lady England was thrown 100 metres from her opponent. Her body crashed deep into a rocky mound, creating a deep outline of her body. Her eyes rolled backwards showing whites as if she had be taken by a mind wiped weakness. Her jaw went slack as she coughed up saliva. There was no movement in the heroine. The miscalculation had cost her.

Two things were clear. The creatures had utilised a strange technology that effected her magically enhanced powers. Furthermore, although her abilities and enhancements were gone, her body remained invulnerable enough to take a modicum of punishment from beings that imbue such physical primal savagery. Often when villains had weakened her before, she would maintain at least an immunity to major bruises, cuts or broken bones and tearing of muscle. The creatures swarmed around her, peeling her off the rocky mountain as if she was glued to it and then taking her into bondage. Lady England would soon learn what it is like to be a prisoner of the insectoids, inhabitants of this violent dark place, known only as the planet Kraxes!
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 24
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Was this re-imagined from a Wonder Woman story you did with insectoid?
Regardless, can't wait to see more
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Yes there is an inspiration from that story, it is possibly linked but not necessarily. We shall see :)

Part 2 is half done.
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 2

Had she been walking for hours, a day or more? She was in a fatigued trance, hands chained, and bound to another slave in front and one behind, a cold shackle, creating a centipede of human bodies. Humans, much like herself. This planet has humans, she thought to herself.
“Perhaps they are slaves of these hideous beasts” she wondered. The slaves were many but were bound together in groups of five. Olivia’s manacles were light but strong, inhibiting some kind of a frequency that was interfering with her powers. A weariness was claiming her senses and her muscles were exhausted. Although physically fit, she had not felt her body sapped of energy in this way, not since before she was given her powers and transformed into Lady England. Walking through the jungle was suffocating, it was as if the planet was trying to smother her. On this planet, Mother Nature was a devious dominatrix with a zest for punishment. Eventually the large group of slaves and their bug like masters, came to a ravine. The insectoids seemed aware of the softness of warm mammalian species. They themselves however were almost machine like. They thrusted their weapons into the stomaches and backs of the slaves forcing them to come to a standstill. Collectively the prisoners although unable to understand the insectoid language realised that it was time to rest, and many fell upon the earth, yielding themselves to it.

Olivia sat, admiring the sunset. A passing stream brought much relief to them all, and the former heroine was over joyed to drink from her palms, and sprinkle her half naked body with its refreshing coolness. Her mind wandered.
“I truly hope my friends on earth are doing well without me….I can only hope that they are searching for me….”
A voice interrupted her reverie. It was a man, sitting behind her. His body was large, with defined muscles, and a physique that was both coltish and heavy at the same time. His long black hair made him look crowlike, it was a mess and travelled beyond his shoulders. His words landed on her ears, but Olivia was unable to make any sense of his language.
“Why can’t it be like in the movies where everyone in the universe speaks English!” She said outloud half joking, laughing to herself as her face bowed to her hands, shaking her head. Like Olivia, the man’s wrists were also bound. He reached into his pants, which appeared to be made from the fur of some slain animal.
“Please don’t…” She said gesturing him to halt what appeared to her as a sexual advance. She assumed that he was about to pull out his cock.
“Even the humans on this planet are primitive and savage!” she thought. Instead, the man took out a small circular object made of metal. It was uncannily similar in aesthetic to the shackles that bound her and the rest of the slaves; they also echoed the tech vibe of the insect creatures’ weapons. The crow haired man, pressed a button on the device and expanded it around his forehead. Its sleek ergonomic structure bedazzled Olivia’s eyes. The wild man said a sentence in his language and then removed the device. He attempted to place it around Lady England’s Queenly forehead but noticed her tiara. Olivia had always prided herself on her intuition, she had a good sense of her surroundings and people. Perhaps it came from her experience. Her time as a British agent, battling Nazis during World War II, and the experience of immortality had bestowed upon her many skills when it came to analysing people. Body language seemed to be a constant across the universe, and so she decided to trust this man in this dangerously exotic world. He slowly removed her tiara, and placed the device upon her brow. Again he spoke, then slowly removed the device.
“You should be able to understand me now” He said in plain English. Olivia was fast in her deduction and could tell that the device transferred thoughts, experiences and knowledge from one brain to another. The two of them could either communicate in English or the language that the burly crow haired man spoke.
“My name is Arzon. I am Prince of the kingdom of Zeth Anoon, located in the Northern regions of this planet”
“What is this planet, where am I”
“You are not from here? This is the planet Kraxes, one of many that make up the Skroth empire. Lord Skroth is a powerful being who forged an intergalactic empire long ago. He has formed alliances with many species. Here the insectoid race known as the Xolath have been given regency and power over Kraxes. Although they are of Kraxes, they are also a violent conquering race that was given much technology to gain an advantage over the other species and races of that inhabit these lands. The device I used to transfer our languages; I stole that a while ago under the noses of the insect filth. It is easy to hide, but I wish I could have stolen a weapon to free myself and my people. We Kesh Anoonians are warm bloodied, mammalians like yourself. Our kingdom was destroyed and many of us have been enslaved due to our resistance to their imperial ambitions.”
“Do the Xolath have weaknesses?”
“On Kraxes, the most powerful weapon amongst the species was always magic and the manipulation of chaotic elemental energies. Unfortunately the technology that the Skroth gave the Xolath inhibits magic, and anyone seen practising the arcane arts is eliminated”
“That is why my powers have been iffy since I got here” Olivia thought to herself. “So you’re a prince?” She asked, enjoying the effortless interchanging she could initiate between the two languages.
“That I am” He smiled. “I intend to free my people, and take back my land.”
“You are going to need help, and I need to return home.”
“Let us join forces, word is spreading amongst the other slaves here of your ability to fight and your great power and prowess in battling the Xolach”
“I don’t know about that. I was defeated. Normally I am many times more powerful, but magic is the source of my abilities. We have to find another way to fight back for now.”

In a split second, the very earth beneath their feet began to shake, tremors reverberated strongly. A rumbling crescendo soon engulfed the party of slaves and their insectoid slave masters. The earth collapsed inwards like a black hole large enough to swallow a small group of Xolath. They disappeared into the suffocating sea of soil and stones. As they evaporated into the mud, something had decided to unearth itself and expose its skin to the sunlight, like a demon from hell, a hulking green hand pulled forth its visage into the world. A creature of such enormity, a human caricature wrapped in the scaly roughness of a reptile’s body, but with multiple patches of hair across its body, and an army of blades for teeth. Its tail sliced through the body of 7 insectoids, like a paintbrush, it dashed their purple blood upon the faces of the slaves, the rocks, the plant life and waters of this once peaceful ravine. It screamed its primal declaration of war, causing many of the Xolath to retreat. Its frightful face resembled a reptile and a rat at the same time. The general who earlier defeated Lady England was among those scattering like flies. Both Olivia, Arzon and the slaves were chained together and tried to take flight in a hope to find some sanctuary somewhere, but the shackles that enjoined them caused them to move like a clumsy snake, with the bodies of different ages and physical capabilities falling over one another like dominoes.

Arzon turned to Olivia. “It is a Raesh!! Perhaps we can use this to our advantage!” The heroine nodded in response. But before they could even communicate a plan, the Raesh’s mouth scooped the group of connected slaves that were enjoined to the two of them. Its fluidly moving yet crocodilian muzzle had taken a man at the back of the chain of bodies, reduced to pieces of flesh, muscle, a mere sack of blood tainting the creature’s canine weapons absorbing the prey into its gullet. It attempted to devour each one of them as they hung dangling from its jaw one by one, at the towering height of the creature as it stood upright on its hind legs.Olivia hung from Arzon’s wrist at the end of the line. She looked up and could see the line becoming shorter and shorter as the Raesh consumed more and more bodies. Stinking body parts and pieces of flesh showered their bloody red essence upon her and Arzon. The screams of pain above represented their fate. Olivia refused to be passive. She climbed Arzon’s body.
“What are you doing you fool?” confused was the crow prince indeed.
“use its teeth to break the chains!” vocalised Lady England’s commanding ingenuity. Arzon understood. As the two of them got higher and higher, death was upon them, staring into the abysm that was the monster’s orifice; a black hole gateway to its stomach. The heroine timed it perfectly. As the woman in front of Arzon was devoured, Olivia shattered the bonds upon of the guillotine fangs, freeing them to the pull of gravity as they were dragged back to the earth, landing strongly on their feet with feline precision.

The Insectoids were scattered. The Xolath general, abandoned his post and scurried to what was the tail end of their deployment of troops. He approached a large cube shaped prison, with glowing sapphire coloured energy fields. Something was moving inside, and it was clear that the cube was an incarceration for a creature most deadly. The general pressed his four fingers across a small panel and the field was disabled. It was like a spiralling pile of dog faeces, protoplastic and wormlike. As it made its way out of the cube, it was faceless. It followed the commands of the general who bellowed a snarling command in his insectoid language. The thing lengthened and slithered towards the Raesh, swimming on the jagged ground with a speed and mobility of an Eel underwater. The slimy adversary attacked the Raesh, with a serpentine coiling manoeuvre, wrapping itself around its body. Meanwhile weapons were littered across the ravine and in the disturbance Lady England could feel some of her power return. It was enough to boost her spirit and halt a retreat from this clash of the titans. Instead she ran with the speed of a cheetah and clasping her hands together launched a jumping hammer blow into the knee of the Raesh. The reptilian mole like monster collapsed making it easier for the insectoids’ pet to finish the job. Its faceless head suddenly revealed a mouth with long incisors. Even the tough squamous skin of the Raesh was no match for that behemoth of a carnivorous worm. The Raesh bled a river red, but the bloodthirsty orgy was not over. From a rocky cliff above, Arzon dived towards his target, sword in hand. As the worm was distracted with its feast, he plunged his blade into its head, then twisted and jumped, bailing his body to one side. Lady England took to the air to catch him, and landed swiftly with the manly damsel in her arms. She still could not fly but her superhuman spring was enough to save Arzon.

She helped him to the ground. Arzon smiled.
“Thank you…”
As their eyes met, distracted with a sense of victory, perhaps hope and an admiration for one another’s bravery; one of the Xolath pulled the trigger of its weapon. A pulse of electrical energy was released, whiplashing Arzon, stunning his body to an unconscious slumber. Lady England zoomed towards the guard, depriving him of the blaster. She devastated it between her hands, then proceeded to grab the Xolath by its gaunt neck. A heavy hand landed on her shoulder, the General was behind her. He grunted and spewed some words and Olivia assumed he was trying to command her to stop. Instead she threw the soldier upon him seeing an opportunity to escape. Too slow to carry Arzon from the floor, the General took a tuft of Olivia’s hair and chucked her to one side. The insectoid scum cheered with another symphony of clicking sounds.
“I have had quite enough of you bugs” she said as she linked hands with the General’s upper limbs. Both fighters heaving against one another, struggling to force the other one to their knees. Perhaps it was the adrenalin and fluctuation of her powers combined with her frustration that caused Lady England to use brawn over brain. It was idiocy over intelligence to say the least. The General let go of her hands from its upper limbs and she stumbled forward into his lower limbs. The arthropod boss unleashed a bearhug with all four of its upper arms and lifted her barefooted body off the ground. Olivia fought and fought but grew tired, and soon she realised that she was not at full power, whilst the General knew he was stronger. In moments she blacked out. Defeated again by this loathsome foe.

This savage orgy had come to an end, and soon the Xolath would have interesting plans for Olivia and Arzon as they were to be taken to the capital city of Krah.
Staff Sargeant
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 3

The fallen Lady England was soon to be encountered by the mighty capital city of the planet Kraxes. She lay senseless and unmoving on the ground of her prison, she was almost comatose. The very same energy field enforced cube that imprisoned the wormlike creature was now Lady England’s incarceration. Both Olivia and Arzon were shackled and chained inside as it hovered some metres above the ground, using some kind of anti gravity technology. A long line of soul deprived slaves walked in front and behind them, tired, exhausted, their eyes showed emptiness, hollowness and despair.

In the dream world Lady England could almost sense someone trying to reach out to her, a voice.
“Olivia…..speak to me……its me……Mada…..”
The vision was watery, airy, intangible. She couldn’t grasp on to it as any vividness seemed like a drunkard blur. Olivia was a child dressed in white, lost in the shadows of a forest. A white light spoke to her.
“I am your….friend…..”
But Lady England was unable to achieve lucidity in the dream and could not even remember who she was. The child screamed and ran, and slowly the heroine came around. Her limbs began to show life again, her naked toes twitched. As she sat herself up she noticed Arzon and then the enslaved march of bodies outside the pale blue energy field. She wondered how many had died on this arduous journey. Some Xolath walked on foot, marching with their weapons in hand. Olivia also saw that some groups of two insectoids were driving disc shaped vehicles that could take flight. Other groups of Xolath warriors rode dark elephant sized beetle like beasts. They looked formidable as they stamped their six legs into the earth.

“We are approaching the city of Krah” Arzon spoke.
“and what awaits us there?”
“pain…..and blood…The city was once a peaceful place, ruled by the warrior Queen Obalia. In fact the city was named Obalia. She was of the Zotzil tribe, a mammalian race like us but green in skin complexion. Their empire was strong and vast. Until the Skroth came. Obalia and her armies were crushed by their superior technology, she herself was beaten in combat by Skroth’s right hand, Krah, and so when he tortured and crucified the great Queen, he renamed the city after himself. The Skroth employed the Xolath to aid them in their war against the Zotzil. Back then, the Xolath were a weak tribe and race on Kraxes. But Skroth’s toys changed that. Krah led them to victory.”
“How long ago was this?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, what does time mean, when all you know is suffering”
“But how long have you been the Xolath’s captive?”
“It has been a few months….a few months since my tribe and kingdom of Kesh Anoon was vanquished. Much like the Zotzil our people are scattered throughout the planet. I did lead rebel cells against the Skroth…..fighting side by side with Kesh Anoonians and Zotzil. We failed as you can see…..what are swords and shields to their pulsar weapons……they even block our magic and execute our sorcerers and mages.”
“what became of this….Krah…..he sounds like a lovely gentleman….”
“he is doing errands for Skroth, throughout the galaxy. Skroth has a…..taste for blood and enjoys conquering the most powerful heroes and warriors in the universe…..especially if they are female. Many a warrior has been broken by Skroth and brought here to participate as mind controlled challengers in the blood games.”
“By the Fae! Such a cliche!” Lady England said, rolling her eyes in disgust.
“The ways of Kraxes have always been violent and competitive. But at least it was natural and fair. All races and tribes were equal, the victor was always the most intelligent and strongest”
“Sounds terrible…”
“why? what would be the point to life without competition, glory and war?”
“the point my dear Arzon……is to enrich yourself……to evolve…to become better.” Olivia’s blue eyes shined hope and idealism into Arzon’s being, the kind he had never before encountered. For a moment, it confused him and made him feel as though he had been exposed to a new colour that never existed before. A muddy vagueness of an idea crossed his unconscious. A revelation can easily become revolution.

The insectoid armada soon approached the towering invincibility of Krah’s walls. They seemed unwelcoming in their ingot plated impenetrability. Who knows what alloys were used to build such an architectural monstrosity. At the very top was a dome. It was difficult for Lady England’s eyes to detect if the dome was made of some kind of tangible material or whether it was another forcefield like the one that kept her captive. The General spoke his clicks and unpronounceable words into a panel, and the walls heaved open. A forcefield was in its place, but it slowly broke apart with the fragility of a spider’s cobweb allowing the victorious Xolath to return home with spoils. Slaves, the mighty rebel warrior Arzon in chains, and a mysterious woman from beyond the stars.
“The Grand Ogah, Rungda, will be most please’ Arzon said with disgust.
“I suppose I will meeting this Grand Ogah soon enough”.
In the meantime, Lady England’s senses were submerged in the utopian metropolis that was Krah. It was like a melting pot of the primal almost prehistoric aesthetic of Kraxes mixed with advanced engineering. It was clear to Olivia, that the Skroth had polluted this primitive war like culture with its exotic tinkering. Science and savagery, the two in unison, making love to one another; and Krah was a product of this all conquering orgasmic lust.

Olivia felt that she was being paraded through the city. Eyes were on her, Xolath soldiers patrolling, humanoids of varying skin complexions, green, white, black; walking and disappearing into dark corridors as clumsy hovering vehicles rattled and rumbled past the roof of her prison like motorbikes on steroids. Another machine was the size of a car, with four rowdy passengers and she noticed countless species that she had yet to encounter. It was obvious to her eyes that this was the informal sector, at every corner something was being sold in the shadows; slaves, drugs, sex. Neon lighted parlours and dens of who knows what kind of pleasures displayed themselves confidently. The starry night sky was out above them all, and so was the city’s most controversial denizens.
“This is the Vorda district, famous for its delights…” Arzon said. His elucidation however was not needed.
“yes I err…..gathered as much…” Olivia smiled.
“and here I thought you was a princess. Regal and yet not ignorant to the ways of the world”
Olivia responded with a wink and laughed inside herself at the fact that she could find humour in her predicament. As their journey continued, an interesting scene caught her eye. The sign outside of the building was in one of the languages of Kraxes so the writing system was beyond her. However, the entire establishment seemed to be oozing tendrils that snaked and wriggled very slowly and somewhat seductively, it was as if the building was dancing. As her moving prison past by, she noticed groups of women entering. Arzon laughed.
“I think you can imagine what those females have come for…..perhaps you would like to pay a visit yourself one day?”
“oooh silence yourself you dirty boy” she laughed.
“Don’t knock it…..I have heard that those tentacles can do things to a woman that no man can and….”
“I think that’s quite enough of that talk…..” Olivia interrupted with another cutting jest.

The route the General had chosen took the captives towards the centre of the city. The seedy muck of the Vorda district was left behind and replaced by a majesty the likes Olivia had never seen before. Nothing on earth could compare to the towering pillars and towering constructs of stone and metal. Colossal statues of warriors, Gods and monsters. The aesthetic was both ancient and pagan on the one hand; yet advanced technological architecture.
“Its like cyber punk in hyperborean clothing” Olivia thought to herself. She was well read. Even an immortal Goddess such as her often enjoyed a hot mug of cocoa and a good book to read. Krah was indeed a cyber metropolis trying to impose itself on something old; and its ancient barbarous strength refused to be snuffed out, coming back stronger than ever. The city of Krah was a mutation, and the palace of the Grand Ogah epitomised it. When finally the bound Arzon and Olivia were brought before his eminence, they were forced to knees, heads bowed. But when the heroine slowly raised eyes to catch a glimpse, she saw him. Earlier Arzon had explained to her that the Grand Ogah Rungda belonged to the Zorn, an Amphibian race of Kraxes which under his leadership, sided with Skroth and the Xolath. He had betrayed his own people and slayed many magic users amongst the Zorn as well as other races. Despite Arzon’s introduction, nothing could prepare Olivia for the sight. He was the fattest thing she had ever seen. A Toad of enormity, whose slimy visage was struggling to do its best to maintain some resemblance of a humanoid form. Rungda’s arms were short but his legs were hidden under his purple coloured regal attire. The attire of a Grand Ogah. His skin was green, with black and grey spots and patches of yellow. He sat upon a half sphere that hovered. Was he too fat to even move, Olivia wondered. Arzon could not hold himself.
“You vile traitorous toad! You still lack a shred of honour and choose to serve as Skroth’s lap dog! You’ve turned your back on the ways of Kraxes, I would kill you right here and now if I could!!” He spat. Two Xolath soldiers quickly beat him back to submission. Amazingly, unlike the Xolath, this Toad could form full sentences despite its long mouth and large bulging vocal sac. His voice was shockingly high pitched for something so imposing and oafish. His hovering sphere floated towards the mighty Prince of Kesh Anoon.
“Oh I honour our traditions. Under my rule we enjoy them even more and you shall help implement them. Our customs now are being realised in the blood games, and you shall be a contestant”
“bah! A caricature of our ways! Skroth mocks us! And you will die for all of those you have slain… have helped destroy our mystical traditions!” A blow to the back of his head cut his speech short. The great resistance leader was dragged to his cell, for he would soon have to prepare for his first battle in the Pits of Krah. Olivia could only watch as his would be friend was taken away. The Amphibian warlord’s bulging eyes turned their focus to Olivia.
“Lets have a closer look at you” He said.
“I think not” Lady England defied as she sprung into action, head butting one of the Xolath soldiers. Still bound in restraints she clasped her hands and hammer blowed the other insectoid. Although still weakened and depleted in power, Olivia still had enough enhanced strength to cause damage. She jumped with her too bare feet, upon the face of the floored Xolath. Purple blood spewed from its. As the second bug like oppressor raised his pulsar weapon on the shapely back of his former female captive, but Lady England could read his intentions. A small back step, and a thrusting straight Donkey kick as precise as an archer’s arrow was enough to knock the weapon from the Xolath’s face into its face. Olivia remembered the martial art of capoeira, a fighting method that was invented by African slaves, who were often bound and chained. She had studied many martial arts over the years, and her magically enhanced abilities allowed her body to absorb physical movements like a sponge. It knew what to do, as it swung around launching her second leg into another kick at the overgrown ant, and that ended the dance once and for all.

Olivia turned to face Rungda. He stretched his vocal sacs and opened his mouth wide enough to unleash a tongue across the room, shooting towards Lady England with the force of a whiplash. It was as thick and red as a fire fighter’s hose, and with a snake’s intelligence and versatility, it successfully ensnared the heroine, wrapping its strong girth around her body. This slithering aberration was strong, and Lady England could hear the amphibian slime ball laughing. Olivia could feel herself being pulled closer to Rungda, his tongue wrapped forcefully around her waist and arms.
“ugh uuuugh can’t…..get ……free!” she struggled. Before she knew it, she was in his arms, her body pressed against the clammy, wet glutinous skin of his belly. He released his tongue but the grip of his arms were powerful in keeping her immobile. He smothered her with his body, and then slurped her face with his moist tongue. He pulled off her metallic thong that protected her sex, and tore off one of her nipple studs and beautifully decorated gold adornments around her breasts.
“How dare you!! Unhand me at once!”
Instead Rungda’s tongue took a life of its own, as it traversed down and down, this lubricated rubbery tube proceeded to worm its way between her legs. The friction would expose her naked sex to his dirty perversions, as the torture began.
“uuuuuuuugh noooooooo”
But there was nothing she could do as she experienced cunnilingus from perhaps the largest tongue in the universe. Up and down it rubbed, in a saw like motion. Using its inhuman strength, it lifted Lady England from the ground, pressing into her naked clit, her thighs to the sides as if she was riding a horse. Olivia’s wrists were gripped by the Toad’s hands. He looked into her eyes as she wailed in agony as his lingua lapped.
“ugh…..feels…..good…….got to fight it….”
It was as if the creature’s intense lubricated tongue was designed for giving pleasure, even when she was clearly resisting. It was only a matter of time before Lady England would experience the little death, and how humiliating it would be to have a Toad defeat her so sensually. Being strong willed as ever, Olivia shook her head, jumped to her dainty toes upon the thick pole that was Rungda’s tongue. Using the leverage of his grip upon her wrists she jumped with her too feet, slamming her metatarsals into his football sized eyes.
“aaaaaaaargh” he yelped as he rolled off his floating disc, and crashed to the floor. She stepped back in all her sticky sexiness, covered in the Kraxen warlord’s slippery secretions from both his tongue and skin.

This was indeed a revel that Lady England would have liked to end quickly. Her peril however had yet to cease. A sharp ringing sound suddenly echoed through her ears. It was not jarring, but instead the sound was somewhat relaxing and soothing, a divine sound like a Tibetan bell back on earth. Slowly she felt all her senses descend into a sleepy meditative ooze. She became liquid, dizzying and wobbly.
“nooooo, oooooh, can’t …….focus”
Rungda’s skin was covered in a psychedelic venom substance much like the desert Toads on earth. The symptoms were gripping Olivia with full force as she began a trip of intergalactic proportions. Rungda finally stood to his long skinny legs as his robe fell to his flat webbed feet.
“you dumb alien whore! So sassy with your powers, but not too clever are you?!”
Lady England felt nauseous, and the hallucinations were aggressively colourful. Bright lights stung her eyes as she swayed from side to side in a trance. She was conscious enough to know that she still had to defeat the amphibian foe before her.
“what are these visions, I….am….hallucinating……its not real….but I have got to focus on my opponent or I am done for!” She thought to herself. She raised her guard in a failing attempt to be menacing. Rungda was unimpressed.
“You wish to fight?”
“I can’t let you win!”
“I have already won……in fact….you don’t really want to fight do you?”
“in fact you want to dance for me don’t you?”

Lady England felt his commands grasp her body like a puppet master wielding her strings. It was clear to her that his seductive secretions were hypnotic, a weapon that the vile Toad would use to enslave his victims.
“What the fuck am I doing?” Lady England said to herself as her body moved serpent like to his command. Her feminine flesh danced willingly, meandering like a stream to the source that was Rungda’s voice.
“Good girl….dance for you new master, dance I say!!”
“Ive got to do something!!” she said to herself. She began dancing closer and closer to Rungda. Like a stripper in a club she caressed his body with her hips and spinal movements. Grinding and grinding, inching closer and closer. Eventually it was close enough as she plunged the sharpness of her elbow into the protruding eye ball of Rungda.
Somehow Lady England gained control. A painful reality for Rungda as he rolled around on the floor. It was her chance to escape, but the hallucinations were paralysing..
“I….must escape…..but I can’t see…..cant…..” she thought as the room spun and the lavish furniture, colours and ornaments began to move like a lazy smoke. The villainous Toad slowly stood, his one hand holding his damaged eyeball as purple liquid spewed from it. He screamed like a banshee as his hind legs launched his entire form into a ball soaring towards the back of Lady England.
She was helpless as the force of his attack sent her though a wall. Olivia was no longer moving as her resistance was vanquished. The tongue was released from his orifice again, wrapping itself around Lady England’s limp and defeated body, lifting her towards him like a toy. Her limbs flayed as he dragged her along to ground. His tongue pulled her towards his mouth and he opened his large cavity slurping and sucking her body from her feet, devouring her entirety. The noise of the fight had alerted a group of five Xolath who arrived on the scene. They clicked and chirped at their master.
“All is fine Captain……as you can see…..the alien rebel is subdued. Lady England was unconscious, curled up inside his transparent vocal sac, below his lower lip. She was like a sleeping baby inside a womb. The insect guards continued to communicate with Rungda.
“Dont worry…..I have plans for this slut….she will be my slave!”

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Hello everyone, I shall begin work on the next part soon :)
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 4

The two suns of Kraxes burned brightly as midday came to the City of Krah. The rays transformed the arena into a baking pool of heat. With his lack of hydration, the breathe was all Arzon could rely on for sustenance as his feet burned in the hot sand. The portcullis doors opened and the announcer’s voice could be heard among the cheering, jeering crowd of bloodthirsty fans. A green skinned leviathan stepped into the arena. His body was stout with fat folds of skin that cascaded over one another. He showed a menacing face that was exacerbated by the redness of his eyes, the sharpness of his teeth and his ears were so pointy that they appeared as devil’s horns. Arzon’s opponent was near naked save for a cloth decorated with skulls across his lower extremities. The necklaced jewelry across his neck also displayed his taste in adorning his body with death.
“what an overgrown Orc, Arzon doesn’t stand a chance” Lady England thought to herself as she stood powerless, a mere ornament for the entertainment of Rungda. She was obedient and doll like. Her will was stolen from her by the firm grip that the collar of control wielded around her neck, keeping her responsive to the commands of the Grand Ogah. The mighty heroine was now a lowly servant for the slimy warlord. She stood behind him, holding a tray with a beverage, part of his entourage, that viewed the bloody event from a private podium high above the regular spectators.
“Bring me some fire juice slave!”
The once Lady England hastily brought her new amphibian master the tall blue bottle of orange liquid. He swiped it with his hand and took a quick swig. Even for someone as enormous as Rungda, the burning liquid caused him much effect as he coughed and belched.
“By the Gods of Dragmar! That was the most fiery vintage I have drunk in a long time”
The half drunk Rungda grabbed Olivia pulling her close causing her to drop her tray. She was unable to make speech, and although she was the Grand Ogah’s toy she still had the ability to maintain her thoughts internally. He had her body, but not her mind and consciousness, one of the main flaws of the collar of control, a tool that was invented and manufactured by the Vampire race of the planet Nosferatus. Often used by them to subdue their prey so that they would become a lifetime supply of blood . The collar was also clearly suitable in subduing the mighty heroine of Earth.

“Behold!! Beroth the Gloat!!” The announcer screamed referring to none other than Arzon's overweight and oversized opponent.
“Beroth is our reigning champion, a slayer of beasts with his mighty axe Bozorg!” With those words Beroth pulled out his weapon which was the size of Arzon himself, a true testimony of his Beroth’s behemoth build. The green skinned oaf opened his arms to the crowd as they greeted him with cheers. He was clearly a fan favourite.
“Today we have a new challenger, the rebel leader who has been a scourge of Skroth for many years! The great Arzon!!”
The warrior leader of Kesh Anoon, stood calm, holding his sword and shield. His head was covered with a horned helmet, whilst the rest of his body was naked, aside from his pants. His announcement was met with boos and insults. Arzon was clearly to be the villain today. He felt disappointed and angry at the sheer stupidity of the masses of Krah.
“But today will not be a one on one match! We have a surprise!”
They swooped down from the sky and landed in the arena with a loud thud, arrogantly making their presence heard. One was to the left of Arzon and Beroth, the other on the right.
“Just how many races exist on this planet?!” Lady England thought to herself as Rungda was momentarily distracted by the spectacle. They appeared to be creatures of an Avion race, but they were humanoid and intelligent at the same time. They possessed limbs and muscular torsos, but were covered in feathers with inspiring wings at their backs. Their eagle like faces were covered in armour. Pieces of gold metal and a breastplate also decorated their Godlike bodies. However the most terrifying attribute was their lethal talon shaped feet, additional weapons to the jagged maces and shields they brandished.
“Garuda and Varuda! Brothers in arms from the Tribe of Khost! Normally this match would involve four fighters battling one another to the death, however the two winged warriors have earned the right to fight side by side!” The Announcer said. Rungda smirked and snorted,
“I made a deal with Khost that I would free some of their prisoners if their warriors would compete”
The helpless Lady England was indeed worried for her newly acquired friend. There was nothing she could do. it was not only the power of the collar of control but the effects of Rungda’s psychedelic skin were still in full effect. Her senses were dulled and heightened at the same time as she felt high and slightly disorientated. The Toad hugged her close and placed her on his knees as she curled up and fell unconscious, succumbing once again to his secretions. She felt his wet hand rubbing her butt as her eyes closed shut and surrendered to sleep.

Meanwhile on the field of battle, Arzon was in trouble, facing Beroth and the Avian duo. The giant Gloat came at him with his axe. The oaf was slow and Arzon knew full well not to parry with his sword against such a gigantically devastating weapon. It cleaved the sandy ground and Garuda and Varuda retreated, enveloping their wings, taking them to safety. Arzon knew that retreating constantly would only lead to death. Instead he chose to run at Beroth, hoping to outsmart the great lug. His strategy was interrupted as Varuda attacked the Prince of Kesh Anoon from the side. He turned defending himself whilst Beroth jumped over the two of them proving to more nimble than his body should allow him. He used his head as a battering ram, thrusting it straight into Garuda’s chest. His mighty Bozorg came down to finish Khost’s finest warrior, but the floored Avian raised a shield. Varuda had taken to the sky, clawing at Arzon’s face with his talons, but the the Kesh Anoonian was skilled and clever in the unpredictable way he moved. As he danced, it was as if he had experience fighting an attacker from the sky. As Varuda came in for another attack, Arzon took the risk. It was a huge gamble. A sword hacking birdman’s left talon, a shield defending against the right one. It left him vulnerable to the Avian’s armed weapon in his hand. The mace came crashing down on Arzon’s helmet. He feinted his head to the left and took half the force of the blow. Any stronger than that, would have seen his puny human skull caved in completely. The distance had been closed. Arzon jumped upwards landing his knee into the lower abdomen of Varuda. The avian berserker let out a faint screech from his beak. Arzon showed no mercy as he continued his unorthodox barbaric onslaught, dropping his weapons to the side, he wrestled the Birdman to the ground, pulling him from the air with all his strength, python arms gripping around the feather covered body of Varuda. As they fell to the ground, Arzon was in the dominant mount position. But he was weaponless. This did not stop his fists from driving themselves into Varuda’s face like sledge hammers.

Rungda watched attentively, he was longing for Arzon’s death to be painful and slow and cursed the air. Lady England remained curled up like a ball on the Toad Lord’s lap, covered in his slime. In her tranceful slumber she began to drift. The voice returned.
“Olivia…..Olivia…..Its your friend…..Madame Nox……we have been trying to find you after your confrontation with Darius. A great surge of magic was released in that battle and I have been investigating. Thank Gods I managed to connect with you! You have to shake out of this sleepy state. I am barely able to maintain a connection to you with my astral projection magic. Something is blocking my ability to locate you”
“uuuuugh…….Madame Nox……the technology on this planet blocks magic….my powers are weakened here…..I am a captive…..send help”
“gladly……I just need your location then I can initiate a translocation spell…..”
“the tech is too strong….cant fight….”
“You’ve got to find a way Olivia…..You are Lady England!! We need your help…..things are getting hot for heroines here on Earth….The Texan Wonder was defeated a number of times and subjected to nefarious experiments…..something called Project Defeat, a union between governments and supervillains are threatening all superhumans, and there’s also something else about it….…
“I can’t…..too weak…the Grand Ogah….too strong”
“Look I am going to use this connection to send a spell that will give you access to your powers for a period. I do now know how long that would last but it has to be enough for you to destroy whatever technology they have to allow magical forces to flow throughout the planet Kraxes. Then I will get a team together to come and get you.”
“forget it…..I’m……defeated”
Olivia had given up…..her morale beaten. The combined strength of the collar and Rungda’s secretions had humbled the heroine, suffocating her under a blanket of doubt. She saw herself as a child in the darkness, a glowing sword appeared before her some 10 meters away.
“Reach for it Olivia……take the sword!” Said Madame Nox.
“I can’t!!” Olivia said weakly. Madame Nox was shocked at how beaten down the once great Lady England was. A shadow of her former self, and now she was food for her darkness, her traumas.
“Thats right……you are nothing Olivia…..” said a voice. Olivia cowered in the corner as a child, as a giant shadowy witchlike apparition came towards her. Eventually the shadows dissipated, giving way to a scene. A country mansion….in Cornwall, her childhood estate. So long ago. Her parents had died under mysterious circumstances and she was sent to be looked after by her aunt….her cruel abusive aunt. The memories crushed her. All she could hear was the words her Aunt rained down upon her, alongside the thunder strikes of her hand.
"You are useless…….pathetic….”
“No Olivia….don't give into the fear!” Said Madame Nox..
“These experiences don’t define you…..they are past……you have grown so much……you are Lady England……my friend and a hero to Earth…..we need you”

The child stood up defiantly, her eyes staunch and strong as another hand came down to connect with her face. But Olivia knew it wasn’t real and that her Aunt was long gone and could no longer hurt her. She was in her adult form. Darkness all as the mansion melted away in a mist. There was naught around her save for one shining light. The gift…..the sword from Madame Nox. Walking towards it she took it in her arms and her eyes opened to the real world, lying conscious and awake upon Rungda’s disgusting lap. The vile creature was stroking her butt in a circular motion.
“Release me!!” she cried as she struck Rungda to the floor, rolling to the side with feline agility ready for a second tussle with the perverted slime Lord, this time at full power.
“I am not sure how long I have, but I have to knock out the power relays that generate the magic inhibiting vibrations. Where could they be”
“curse you whore!!” Rungda screamed as his gaping wide mouth opened releasing his whiplash of a tongue once again. It rushed towards her like a Kraken’s tendril underwater. Lady England fully powered, grabbed it with both hands and dragged Rungda’s entered body towards her. Her fist ended the Toads fighting spirit as she connected, sending him flying and bouncing like a ball, from the podium into the arena. Arzon was done with Varuda. He could not believe his luck when he saw Rungda rolling in the sand, coughing and spluttering. The prince ran towards him with his sword in a hope to end his oppressive reign once and for all. Beroth cut in, mowing Arzon down with a charging headbutt, then continuing towards him with the thundering Bozorg. His death would have come quick, but Lady England saw to it that it was not so, soaring with a grace and precision, striking the Gloat like a missile. Olivia gave Arzon a smile.
“By the Gods of Dragmar where have you been!!” He said laughing.
“Help me!!” screamed the cowardly pampered fat Rungda
The insect powerhouse was quick to respond, jumping into the arena. Garuda continued to attack Arzon, cutting through his reunion with Olivia and consumed with anger after he saw his brother felled by the fists of the Kesh Annonian prince. His eyes were red as he came at Arzon with his talons. A mess of exotic looking bodies was decorating the arena and the crowd was going wild. Their blood lust would soon be satisfied further.

Lady England made quick work of the Gloat. As the green skinned Ogre brought his axe upon her head, she caught the blade between her palms as if it was made of cardboard. Swiftly removing his weapon from his hands, she twirled like a hurricane cracking the hilt of Bozorg into the giants jaw, as he fell to his knees she came around for another round this time with the blade. Beroth’s ugly head flew from his torso and rolled towards the feet of the General who stood before the heroine. It was a final chance to redeem herself at full power, surely she could beat this insect. Throwing the axe aside she was ready. But unlike the Gloat, the General was full of cleverness.
“Some help here please!” Arzon complained as he struggled to parry Garuda’s vengeful talons. Olivia smiled as she intervened. The tag team manoeuvres forced the Avian to retreat. In response he swooped towards to sky with tremendous speed, reversing his majestic body, dive bombing for a last attack. Unknown to both him and the General was Lady England’s ability to fly. She met him mid air which took him off guard. His hesitation was enough to end his own strategy, and Olivia hammered a blow into the side of his head. His winged carcass came crashing to the sandy ground, skimming the surface like a pebble on water. The General was all that was left, and although clearly outmatched and out numbered by the duo of Arzon and Lady England, he hid a devilish smile behind his expressionless insectoid face. The announcer spoke again.
“It seems as though this battle is getting out of hand…….we will have to call in the big guns! The elite fighters!”

The ground rumbled as the far side of the arena opened up like a trap door. Large familiar hands pulled forth the body of a screeching Raesh into the arena. Atop the body of the creature rode a woman. Three more warriors marched out with her. The one that rode the Raesh was clearly their leader. Lady England’s eyes met hers, as if a colossal battle of the ages was about to begin. The warriors hair was dark, her eyes blue. She wore a golden tiara upon her head, with golden bracelets and a lasso by her side. An armoured breastplate covered her breasts, her torso bare but much like Olivia, this warrior’s feminine sex was covered by a golden plated thong. Her waist proudly displayed a belt. Lady England sensed that the trinkets she wielded were part of her culture. Around the raven haired Amazon’s neck was a collar of control. The announcer continued to speak.
“Behold everyone!! The Wonder Woman!!”
The Crowd chanted her name over and over…..”Diana.”

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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 5

The Wonder Woman pulled on the reins of the beast as it lowered itself the earth. The Amazon jumped to the ground, her three warriors by her side. One was from a feline species, a lithe body with long snake like limbs. Her skin was orange, and striped like a Cheetah. She wield two curved swords, one in each of her clawed hands. As the announcer spoke her name she licked her blade to intimidate Lady England.
“Sharla of the tribe of Felinas….fighting once more, side by side with her Amazon slave commander!!”
On the other side of Diana were two male fighters. Ugthoth the Brave. An 8 foot green gloat giant much like his fellow tribe member, Beroth. Unlike Beroth, Ugthoth was more intimidating. He was pure muscle and fought completely naked. Lady England could not resist peering down at his green phallus, so hung it was possibly the largest and longest man sword her eyes had ever been blessed with…..or cursed. Much like Beroth, he held an axe in his hand, resting it behind him on his shoulder. Next to Ugthoth was a very tall yet gaunt creature. Humanoid, pale with snow skin with blood red eyes. His head was unusually large, and he flashed vampiric fangs. It complimented his tight black gothic attire.
“We are also lucky to have Zadrac again!! The bloodsucker from the vanquished planet, Nosferatus. He will be particularly hungry today, seeing as he has not been fed in a while!!” the announcer continued. The Xolath General walked to their side making their merry band five. Lady England’s heart sunk as the tables had turned.
“Arzon….who is this Diana?”
“She is well known in Krah…..they say she was a great and powerful super heroine like yourself…..from another universe….stranded on Kraxes, deep in Xolath territory she battled Krah himself….Skroth’s mightiest insectoid warrior. Krah had been subjected to many experiments and alterations by Skroth in the hope of becoming one of his greatest bodyguards. It proved successful as he crushed this Wonder Woman in both body and mind. She was then broken and tortured in more than one way. They say Skroth himself oversaw her destruction and enslavement which is testimony to her own power as a Goddess. For sometime now she has been a mindless killing machine for Skroth, serving his empire at times….other times exterminating rebels on Kraxes. I guess I am the latest revolutionary to be annihilated” he laughed.
“Just follow my lead…I am at full power but I do now know for how long…Tell me Arzon where are the magic inhibitors?”
“They exist all over the planet in various forms….however there should be drones flying a thousand of feet in the air. If you can knock out enough of them, magical energies should at least be allowed to flourish in the city….with your ability to fly it shouldn’t be difficult.”
“I have a plan…..I will focus on taking out the drones as fast as I can….then my friends will be able to come through a portal and lend us a hand…”
“That sounds good but while you are up there I fear that I will be torn to shreds…”
“Just stay close to me Arzon….”

The horde was silent as they poured themselves upon Lady England and Arzon. Diana held back watching her soon to be feminine opponent. Olivia flung Arzon like a projectile enabling him to crash his shield into the Xolath General’s face with superhuman force. He collapsed into a heap, seeping purple ooze from his face. Sharla sprung at Arzon, lashing her double sword attack, defending the fallen insectoid. Ugthoth went for Lady England as his axe crashed into the floor. She leapt, nimble footed, speedily running along his weapon, generating enough energy to shoot her entire body towards him, striking his jaw with her knee. She hovered above his fallen body tumbled lifeless like a felled tree. Zadrac was her next foe but it seemed that at full power she would make quick work of the elite fighters, but the so called Wonder Woman had yet to enter the fray.
“Its possible that when she enters the battle we could be outnumbered and out gunned especially when I do not know how much longer my power will last” She thought to herself.
“We need backup!”
The Vampire had taken a draw of blood from the felled Ugthoth’s arm. Lady England was repulsed and her reaction was exactly what Zadrac needed. He suddenly teleported in front of her. Lady England had underestimated him and showed her pure ignorance for the inhabitants of planet Nosferatus and their abilities. His arms wrapped themselves around her body and squeezed.
“aaaaaargh!!” she struggled. “I cannot…..believe how strong he is…..!!!” she thought to herself. She assumed his body was weak, but the recharge he got from Ugthoth’s blood had clearly given him the boost he needed.
“mmmm you will be my mate!!” he said in a soft whispering voice as he attempted to sink his fangs into her neck. Lady England resisted.
“I am not normally one for mixing blood…..hygiene and all that….sorry…” She quipped as she rammed her forehead between his eyes. As Zadrac fell to his knees, she took a run up and football kicked his head sending his entire body into the air like a Rugby ball. Lady England noticed Arzon. His hands were full with Sharla and the wounded General. He appeared to have them under control but she was not sure for how long. She needed to act quick as Wonder Woman stepped forward. Looking upwards, her superhuman vision honed in on a number of the magic inhibitor drones. Olivia thundered into the air, breaking the sound barrier. As the spectators and fighters in the arena looked up, they saw a flash of light. Lady England fell towards the arena, making a small crater.
“uuuugh nooo….she can fly…..” Olivia realised. Floating above her was the mind controlled Amazon. Olivia’s face was buried in the sand, as she pushed her body up from her shoulders, Diana stepped on the back of her head.
“so this is the emissary of the Fae? Pathetic!! The powers of Avalon are no match for Olympus and the Greek Gods. This is where you belong, under my foot…” She said as she grounded Lady England’s face further into the sand. Normally Olivia would be able release herself but she could feel her full power slowly fading away, like the effects of a good high, returning to the reality of weakness.
“CATCH!!” Shouted Arzon as he threw a small axe at Olivia. It slid along the ground and found its way to her hand.
“Enough!” She shouted as she swiped, her shoulder was open and flexible enabling the blade to come at the calf of Wonder Woman. The Amazon removed her foot from the back of Lady England’s head instantly. Her blade cut through the air, Diana’s legs stepping and dancing over its lethal intent. As Lady England closed in, inches away from Wonder Woman, she stood up launching an upper cut to Diana’s chin. The Amazon was stunned and Lady England dive into the air in one last attempt to destroy the magic inhibitors around the arena and City of Krah. As she rose higher and higher through the clouds, Olivia noticed that Wonder Woman was close behind her, hot on her tail. Like a boomerang she threw the axe at the drones as they hovered helplessly in the sky. She turned to confront her opponent once more, throwing blow after blow. Each one was more weaker than the other as her powers began to fade. Diana gave her a mocking stare as she took her strikes as if Lady England was a mere toddler. With one hand she grabbed the slowly de powered Lady England’s fist, with her other she unfastened her lasso from her star spangled pants. The rope was almost alive as it reached out to ensnare the axe that Lady England had thrown. The magic inhibitors were saved. Wonder Woman noticed that the champion of the Fae had lost her power of flight. Holding her by her forearm, dangling her body a thousand feet above ground.
“Now is your doom” said Diana. Despair consumed the Sceptred Isle’s once proud super heroine. Finally the lasso’s knot tightened, and Wonder Woman pulled the weapon away from the drones. As the blade came towards them Diana protected herself with her newly acquired human shield. The Amazon was ruthless with her intent. Lady England however was unaware as the axe cleaved open her back.
“uuuuugh aaaaaaaaaaargh”!

Olivia gasped and felt life slip away from her. Staring at her victorious opponent,
“I…..have failed…” she thought to herself as she let death take her. The so called Wonder Woman, threw her away like a worthless piece of trash. She plummeted towards the arena. There was nothing and no one to save her as she landed forcefully into the ground. The spectators went silent. The fighters paused. Arzon ran towards his fallen friend holding her in his arms, smothering himself with her blood. Wonder Woman soon joined her comrades as the mummering voices of the arena were drowned out by Rungda’s vile speech on the announcer’s speaker. He laughed excitedly as he spoke.
“Lady England has fallen……now you shall witness the execution of Arzon!! Let this be a lesson to all who believe they can rebel against the rule of Skroth!!”

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Very interesting with WW mind-controlled beating Lady E; hopefully we get to see how she gets back on her feet and find a way out of the conundrum. It seems to be a long long way going back to earth, and a even longer fight after arriving home.
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Lady England does seems to be having a hard time on this planet in her weakened state!
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 6

Lady England was dead. Even with her powers she would not be able to regenerate her body as the blade of the axe had sliced her through the back, burrowing itself deep into her torso. Blood spewed from her mouth as she lay in Arzons arms . The pack of wolves began to close in on them both. Wonder woman was the apex predator of this ravenous pack. 
“It is time to die now Arzon” 
The prince of Kesh Anoon removed the axe from Lady Englands body, and respectfully laid her to rest on the sand. He held the axe in his hand and smeared her blood in his face as it to perform a trial warrior ritual honouring his friend. 
“If I die…..I will take as many of you as I can!” 
All of the warriors had now gathered. Some licking their wounds form the beating that Lady England had given them. Arzon would not last 10 seconds without Lady Englands aid. It was a suicide attack as he screamed, running forward at Diana. Mere child’s play for the amazon dominatrix. Ducking, diving, swaying. The axe could not touch her, but her lasso could touch him. Releasing it again, Arzon was bound. His rebellion was finally over. 

Wonder Woman whistled and the sleeping Raesh she rode on earlier, awoke. It was clear as to what she was intending to do.
“Now we shall witness Arzons death, he will be food for the Raesh!!” Rungda shouted into his speaker. The crowd was a mix of cheers and jeers. Many of them showed a great admiration for Lady England, the super powered female from beyond the stars who defied the regime. The Raesh snarled as it walked slowly towards its meal. 
“Enjoy my pet” Diana said. As the creature revealed its deadly teeth. A strange environmental change interrupted the bloody performance. The temperature in and around the arena suddenly dropped. Grey Clouds gathered in the sky, and a bolt of lighting cut through them striking the Raesh through is back like an impaling sword. The juggernaut beast groaned and fell back causing Wonder Woman and her band to scatter. Arzon rolled to the side to get some distance. Something or someone had arrived. As the dust cleared a woman with golden hair, wearing white robes stood atop the slain Raesh. 
“Hera!” Wonder Woman said. 
“My time is limited my child. A friend of this Lady England contacted me. A sorceress named Madame Nox made a petition towards me. However the rules of the multiverse and reality give me limited time here. It is a tragedy child to see the guardian of the Fae defeated under such unfair circumstances”
“My Goddess I…”
“Silence child! It saddens me to see that you have given into the beserker fury. Although Ares’ essence exists inside you, so does the wisdom of Athena. You must resist the technology that has enslaved you. Are you not Wonder Woman ! Your will power is indestructible as an Amazon! You have the traits of all of the Olympian Gods!!”
Diana was speechless. She felt herself struggling, waging a war inside her mind. 
“Aaaaaaargh” she screamed as she fell to her knees in anguish. Her hands on her head as if she was enduring a terrible migraine attack. 

Meanwhile back on Earth, Madame Nox felt a great disturbance. She sat on the floor with Eliza Prince, the Texan Wonder in the sorceress’ sanctum. Sage and sandlewood burned through the air place adding a sense of calm, peace and meditation. She opened her eyes after sending her magical petition to the Gods of Olympus. She locked her gaze with the Texan Wonders ocean blues. 
“I can no longer sense Lady Englands life signs…..Olivia is….” 
Madame Nox placed her hand on Eliza’s shoulder who felt her eyes well with tears, unable to finish her sentence. Her friend, long lost and now dead in another dimension or planet. It seemed unfair to her that such a valiant woman would meet her fate, far away from those who loved her. 
“I was…..too late…” Madame Nox said to herself. 

Back on Kraxes, Hera walked towards the body of Lady England. She gazed upwards and With the Wave of her hand the drones obliterated in the sky, their debris descending towards the planet surface. 
“My time is almost done. The laws of existence do not permit me to be here any longer. I shall return to Olympus in my dimension”
Her body began to disintegrate into balls of light. Her voice continued to echo. 
“But before I go, Heroine of the Fae, Rise and redeem yourself!” 
She transformed to energy and consumed Lady England’s body. Olivia suddenly jerked and her spine arched violently. She inhaled a loud gasp of air as she returned to life now clad in her regular red and white costume. Her feet remained naked as she slowly stood up. The crowd went wild and began chanting her name. They were inspired so much that rebellion was firing up in their souls.
“Down with Rungda!!” Said one spectator.
“Death to Skroth!” Said another. The words were like a rallying cry as hundreds of them poured out of the stands and clashed with the Xolath guards. 

Madame Nox saw her chance with the magic inhibitor technology destroyed and opened a portal immediately. The gateway flamed blue as she stepped through dressed in black with long leather high heeled boots and a hood covering her raven eyes and raven coloured hair. She looked like a dominatrix with a strong witch aesthetic. To her right the Texan Wonder appeared. Her pants and bra were covered in her red, blue and white colours, a golden tiara, shined under her sunshine hair and cowgirl boots covered her feet. Behind the two stood three more heroines. Stardust, an intergalactic ranger; Mantis blade, an Asian woman dressed in green wielding two katana blades and finally a mysterious petite ebony skinned beauty, with short silver hair and silver eyes. It seemed like a feminine force to be reckoned with. 
“Olivia!” The Texan Wonder cried as the two embraced. 
“Ok ladies, we have some work to do!” She responded. 
“Wait!” Madame Nox said as she halted the charge. Wonder Woman stood as if awakened and almost free of her mind controlled slavery. Her hands grabbed at the collar in an attempt to break herself free. Out of nowhere, Rungdas tongue lashed towards her crotch area, tearing away her golden plated thong. The pink rubbery tendril then clamped itself around her sex and began sucking.
“Uuuuuugh no!” Diana said weakly. 
“You will submit, the collar is your life….! Rungda demanded. 
“Yes…..y…..yes….I obey….” Wonder woman yielded as the combined power of the collar and the Toads hypnotic juices were too much for her. 
“Now destroy those bitches!!” He screeched as his tongue released its vice like ownership of her sex. Diana charged forth with her comrades, her crotch bare, her pussy dripping with Rungdas ooze. Arzon stepped forward with his sword in hand. 
“My friends, it would be an honour to fight by your side” he said looking at Lady England who gifted him with a loving smiled. 

The Texan Wonder struck Ugthoth, the stampeding oaf was shocked by her power. She followed up with her lasso strangling the beast, eventually his hand went limp as he suffocated from the lack of oxygen. Wonder Woman eyed Eliza. She relished the opportunity to battle the blonde southern cowgirl pretender. Madame Nox stood before the vampire Zadrac. 
“Freeeessssh meat!” He said as he brought his hands to his head and unleashed his mind control attacks. 
“Uuuugh…..must focus……sorry fangs….but your telepathy is amateur at best” the sorceress said as she muttered some words in ancient Sumerian. Her hands flowed with a bright green energy which she threw like a volleyball at the pale skinned blood sucker. Zadrac vaporised himself with his teleportation technique appearing behind the confused Madame Nox. Grabbing her, he went in for the kill, fangs ready to drain her blood. 
“You will make a marvelous addition to our clan!!!” Zadrac would have succeeded had it not been for the slim silver haired heroine. The vampire was thrown aside with what was clearly a telekinetic attack. 
“How dare you! You witch! He snarled as he attempted to use his hypnosis this time on her. 
“Witch? That’s a compliment!” She said as she touch the side of her head and the two were locked in a battle of minds. 
“Uuuuugh his mind… dark….so strong….” The silver eyed beauty fell to one knee. 
“Heads up Tempest! Said a voice. It was Stardust. The short haired blonde wielded an energy blast from her hands which stunned the vampire. She walked towards him as he squirmed on the floor. Her revealing galactic rangers glowed silver and blue and her porcelain skin was adorned with Tattoos from her planets culture.
“Leave him to me….I know how to deal with his kind….”
“Aaaaah the slayer of Lord Necro, Stardusssssst” he hissed attempting to use his mind control again. The galactic ranger pulled a small device from her belt and placed it on her forehead. 
“I’m afraid this will make your powers a bit impotent Zadrac!” She said as she pulled out her energy blade and ran him through. The gleaming sword ripped through his solar plexus. The Nosferatun screamed, doing his best to cling onto life. As she unsheathed the weapon from his body, his skin melted away leaving nothing but his bones. Madame Nox and Seraph nodded with gratitude at Stardust. 

The battle between mantis blade and Sharla was a dance of great agility. There was almost admiration between them as their blades clashed. 
“Why do you continue to fight for this regime?” Mantis Blade demanded to know as she knocked one of the feline warriors swords out of her hand. Sharla kept silent, and drew first blood as her claws pierced through the jade coloured ninja’s arm. 
“You are weak!” She said as she thrusted forward with her blade. A parry and a twirl was all Mantis Blade needed to masterfully invert her position. Her blades’ deadly sharpness grazed lightly the neck of Sharla, squeezing a tear of blood from her skin. Mantis Blade was a member of the Mystic Dancers, an Eastern order who were trained in martial arts and magic. 
“Why do you fight? Look to your people! Will you be a slave all your life?” the jade coloured beauty said as she gestured towards a group of Feline spectators fighting against the Xolath guards. Mantis Blade released her and Sharla was in awe. 
“You have honour….I did what I did to survive. You have bested me…..I will serve Rungda no more!” She said as she ran towards the crowd, and began attacking the Xolath from behind. 

Lady England and Wonder Woman gazed at one another. They flew towards one another in what appeared to be the clash of the ages. The Xolath general interrupted, throwing himself at Lady England and wrapping his serpent arms around her body. Wonder Woman was angry, her dance partner and newly acquired nemesis had been taken from her. Looking for an opponent, the Texan Wonder stepped up striking the Amazon with a blow.  
“Howdy darling” she quipped. Her leg turned to a roundhouse kick which dug her cowgirl boot’s heel into wonder woman’s head . 
The Texan wonder saw her chance to end the battle, lunging into an elbow drop. The full power of the move was felt as her slender arm dug sharply into Diana’s bare crotch.
Eliza smiled. Dianas face went red. She raged with energy as she grappled the Texan Wonder locking her into a triangle choke. The blonde cowgirl powerhouse was startled and immediately felt herself gasp for air. Wonder Woman applied force on the back of Eliza’s head plunging her face first into her vagina area forcing her to taste her flesh. The Texan Wonder winced and struggled, her body squirmed as Wonder Woman forced her to suck her clit.
“NO!” Shouted the Texan Wonder as she took a strong bite of Diana’s sensitive folds. She screamed as she released the cowgirl beauty. The Texan Wonder smiled again at Wonder Woman. Then for a moment, a strange wooziness claimed Eliza’s mind and body.
“ugh what….is this?” she wondered. Diana smiled deviously back at her.
“Are you enjoying…..Rungda’s juices?” she asked.
“what?!” The Texan Wonder asked bewildered and confused. Little did she know, the Toad Lord’s psychedelic saliva had coated Wonder Woman’s sex. Its potent effects had now been transferred to Eliza.
“This is going to be an enjoyable beat down!” Wonder Woman said as she stared at the sunshine haired superheroine. It was as if the multiverse had made this match up possible, some force that wanted to see the ultimate battle of the Wonderous woman….the Texan Wonder vs Wonder Woman, a battle of epic proportions was about to begin.

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Epic battle indeed! So Lady E is also getting some power from Hera, making her hybrid powers? Happy to see Madame Nox making her combat debut although too short; also glad to see Stardust again, been a while.
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very good story, looking forward to the next chapter
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almost done :)

I think it will be 2-3 more parts.
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 7

The towering insectoid general barred Lady Englands movement. She knew that she would have to pass this war obsessed creature that had already defeated her twice when she was in her de powered state. The creature needed to be crushed once and for all she thought to herself. What of the Texan Wonder? Would she fare well against the Amazon powerhouse she wondered ? Her mental distraction and concern for her friend was cut short as the general lunged forward, attempting to take the head of English heroine clean off. The general was arrogant thinking he did not need a weapon and was ill prepared for Olivia at full power. Now he would experience the Guardian of the Fae as She covered and absorbed his blow despite the immensity of his size. Her feminine fragility was deceptive as she stood like an unwavering wall. Lady England flew around his long, thick, pole like arm, snaking around it using the leverage she needed to topple the general to ground, ending her attack with a bone crunching arm bar. The general let out a screech; the only comprehensible noise he had made since her introduction to him, one that clearly indicated pain. His arm snapped in two as she released him. He slithered to one side. Immediately , a swarm or Xolath soldiers advanced upon Lady England, firing their disruptors. The heroine had to back away, nimble footed as always yet unable to pass them all. She tried to look over this Barrier of leathery skinned soldiers hoping to catch a glimpse of the Texan Wonder, but to no avail. 

Eliza stood hands on hips , golden skinned with her blazing yellow hair boasting a beauty that was almost intimidating. Her flat torso exposed and the rest of her Clad in the proud colours of the Texan flag. Wonder Womans star spangled pants were torn and the gold plated thong had been removed by Rungdas ravaging. She did however wear her golden breastplate and her bracelets of power but she was barefoot like most gladiators of Rungda. In contrast to Eliza, her raven hair displayed the colour of her Grecian heritage. Both heroines were armed with a magical lasso. Diana’s was a gift of the Gods of Olympus, whilst Eliza’s was from the Goddesses of Elysium. Their sky blue eyes met as warriors. The collar of control around wonder woman’s neck flashed red, highlighting her enslavement. She was ready to kill. The Texan Wonder was feigning confidence as the effects of Rungdas poison were slightly effecting her body. It was mild but enough to put her off her game. Wonder Woman wasn’t stupid, she knew that her previous attack had enabled the poison to seep into the Texan Wonder via the forced kiss she made her endure upon the most southern point of her lower abdomen. “Did you enjoy tasting my pussy?” She taunted. “I can’t let her know I’m weakening….but it’s as if….the effects are getting stronger…” Eliza thought to herself. Wonder Woman knew she could use the psychedelic secretions to break the Texan Wonders will. 

The battle of the wondrous women was a colossal affair. The female wonder from Texas was fighting for her life against the female wonder of Themyscira. Both women traded blows, and both women stood toe to toe refusing the waver. The blows were parried by one another and it appeared as if these thunder clapping strikes would never connect. Eliza was slightly nauseous. A raindrop of sweat trickled down the side of her head and Diana noticed this with hawk like alertness for she was a warrior born. Eliza saw Diana’s image blur in front of her. She blinked, as one of Diana’s blows finally connected, lashing the blonde southern beauty across her jaw. Still her thigh muscles remained tight and her legs continued their rooted resolve, like a tree resisting a typhoon. The Heroine remained in close proximity to Wonder Woman. Eliza jabbed and also connected much to the frustration of Diana. She followed with a hook and the amazon ducked, flowing nicely into an uppercut to stun the Texan wonder. When the whiplash effect was complete, the cowgirl avengers head snapped back, her eyes were momentarily shut. She re opened them in a split second and no longer found Diana before her. It was Modesty Blaze! Her arch nemesis ! How was this possible she thought. She knew it was a hallucination as this image of Modesty began tearing into Eliza. The heroine winced and squirmed as Modesty Blaze, a woman that had beaten the Texan Wonder countless times back in earth; was tearing into the sides of the beautiful body of the confident cowgirl. “This can’t be real?!” She said as fear gripped her. But then she heard Modesty’s voice. “You are still weak, remember the times I defeated and dominated you…and you think you stand a chance against this Wonder Woman?! She’s a powerhouse! You are feeble. I was an ordinary woman with no powers and I crushed you!!” The Texan Wonder let down her guard as Wonder Woman pummelled her like a lifeless punching bag. The voices of doubt continued to pour into the mind of Eliza. Agent X, the Nerd, the Iron Jihadi….their voices were cutting her and chipping away at the strong marble stone that was her confidence and will power. But the southern All American Superheroine fought on. Wonder Woman was impressed by her resolve as she experienced the Texan Wonders fists of resistance. “But how long can I last?” Eliza thought. She noticed her body metabolising the psychedelics effect, and as she endured the negative voices became weaker and weaker. Her head began to clear as she sent Diana soaring into the air with a shattering hammer blow. Rungda was watching and decided to intervene with his tongue. Its long serpentine thickness wrapped itself around Elizas neck. Wonder Woman returned to confront her opponent, this time reluctant to continue the fight. It was as if she almost respected Eliza and refused to take part in an unfair confrontation. “Attack her you imbecile!!” Shouted Rungda. His words were muffled and unclear with his mouth wide open and his struggle to control the Texan Wonders body. The salivas secretions seeped into the skin of the courageous cowgirl, and Wonder Woman robotically reacted to Rungdas commands. Her fists instantaneously slammed into the bare flat torso of Eliza. With the assistance of the Toads chemical poison, the voices returned, polluting the clarity she had reclaimed. Her senses were obliterated once again by a sea of super villain defeats and the replaying of her failures. Her eyes began to flicker as the barrage of attacks continued and Rungdas toxic saliva was being pumped into her skin. The Texan Wonders eyes closed shut as her arms flapped to her sides motionless. Lady England caught a glimpse of what was happening as she battled an army of Xolath. “Damn….Eliza has always had issues with her will power….but Rungdas interference is clearly making the battle one sided. I’ve got to help her!!” She thought. “Wake up Eliza….you’re stronger than this!!” She shouted. It was like the calm sound of a Tibetan cymbal awakening her from a deep meditation. The Texan Wonder opened her eyes and her body became alive with energy again. She reached back with her arms, grabbing Rungdas tongue throwing him overhead and using his body as a weapon knocking Wonder Woman to the side. She pulled on his tongue again swingling him around like a whirlwind. She released him into the air sending him hurtling through the sky. His screams decreased as his body travelled further away from the arena. Wonder Woman flew after her master in a hope to save his worthless life. The Texan Wonder halted her mid air with her lasso, catching Dianas heels together bring her back to the ground face first, crashing into the Sandy floor. Rungda continued to hurtle towards his doom. It took a mere fives seconds and there was no sign of the Toad Warlord anymore.

The Texan Wonder felt exhausted. Her chest was like a blast furnace and the nauseousness had returned full force. The fight continued between the two wondrous females, with Diana as the superior. The Texan Wonder was beaten like never before, outmatched in every area. Wonder Woman used her magic lasso, trapping Eliza in its unbreakable bonds. She dragged the bruised and battered blonde beauty towards her and launched an uppercut sending her into space. Wonder Woman flew past Eliza’s weakened body, denying gravity the chance to pull the Texan Wonder back to earth. Instead, the Amazon princess became a bullet, diving into her and striking both fists into Eliza’s torso. The two bodies were a blur as they crashed into the earth leaving a crater. Wonder Woman’s bare foot was victoriously planted on the defeated Texan Wonder. Eliza’s face and body showed the markings of someone who had clearly lost a fight, her costume damaged and torn. The humiliation continued as Diana removed her cowgirl boots, throwing them aside. She lifted the Texan Wonders body overhead with one arm, her limbs dangling like that of a wooden string puppet. Wonder Woman starred down at Lady England so as to vex her, and vex her it did. 
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Are Stardust, Madame Nox & the other 2 done with their opponents? Can they jump in & gang up on WW?
Is there a plan for Princess Azaria & Jungle Queen (and maybe also Madame Nox) in the future stories? I thought they were mentioned as 2 among the most influential ones of the league in the Texas Wonder re-training story.
As villains, I like the toad & the vampire and hope see more of them using their powers.
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another very good chapter, looking forward to the next one
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I am just about to start the next part. Yes all will be answered soon enough. I was going to include Princess Azaria and the Jungle character in it, but I think I would like to do separate stories with a focus on them, one being an Aquatic based superheroine and the other a half naked Jungle based one. I do like outlandish and creative villains that push the boundaries of the perverted or what is acceptable. I think anime and manga does it very well, something you dont see in western popular fiction or the American comics tradition. Even in the mainstream of Japanese manga/anime, that isnt Hentai; but more Ecchi, its interested to see how the boundaries can be pushed, but I think I have a dark and weird imagination that can always come up with villains and scenarios for protagonists that are unique :)
cujo64 wrote:
1 year ago
Are Stardust, Madame Nox & the other 2 done with their opponents? Can they jump in & gang up on WW?
Is there a plan for Princess Azaria & Jungle Queen (and maybe also Madame Nox) in the future stories? I thought they were mentioned as 2 among the most influential ones of the league in the Texas Wonder re-training story.
As villains, I like the toad & the vampire and hope see more of them using their powers.
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 8

Arzon charged through the Xolath legions, sword and shield in hand with an army of rebels he had recruited from the spectating crowd. Lady England saw her chance as she burst through the distracted soldiers, there was nothing to halt her advance now. A rematch with Diana was all she desired, one fuelled by fire and revenge. Olivia was done with this savage planet, but it seemed as though the savage planet was not done with her. The Xolath covered her like a shroud. Lady England ripped them apart as if they were piles of jelly, delicate and feeble they were as she fought devoid of any true martial technique or strategy. Her fists where like machetes hacking through a thick jungle vinery, and the bodies came apart as her arms sliced through them. She was unable to fly over them, due to the sheer number of armed battalions. She would instantly be taken down by their disruptors, but Arzon had made the journey easier. Still they were relentless and the heat of their bodies, suffocated her, stealing away her oxygen. If not for her superhuman abilities who knows what would have happened. Her thoughts turned to Arzon, but her eyes could not find him. Arzon searched for her as she was swallowed up.

Diana watched as she saw Arzon and Lady England disappear into the battalion. Rungda’s exit and the General’s defeat had meant that she was in command. Her Amazonian experience kicked in as her vocal chords vibrated with the power of an off key Opera soprano, singing bloodcurdling chords and cries that commanded every last Xolath in the vicinity to come to her aid. They even came from outside the arena, pouring their lithe animated movements into the building, communicating amongst themselves with some kind of ant like telepathy. They were clearly focused on containing Lady England, to protect their fallen General. They mobilised as a hierarchical hive. Madame Nox was in awe at the discipline that this collective possessed. With her Lighting League sisters at hand, she sought to retrieve Lady England from this ravaging river of ghastly wriggling athropods.
“STOP” shouted Diana. The heroines turned and saw the Amazon. Standing in all her resplendent glory with the blonde haired trophy that was the Texan Wonder, raised over head with her one arm.
“Girls, I’m sure Olivia is fine. But together we can take this bitch down!” Madame Nox said taking charge. Stardust, Mantis blade and Tempest gathered around her. The four of them represented a chimera of tech, magic, martial prowess and mentalist abilities. Surely they can overwhelm the Amazon, Madame Nox thought to herself.
“Take me down?!” Wonder Woman mocked. “let me show you the power of a Goddess”

Madame Nox wasted no time, muttering words in Sumerian. Her hands danced with scintillating purple waves of ethereal streaks, like an artist’s brush strokes making the air her canvas. Before the spell could be cast, and before Madame Nox’s incantation could be completed, Eliza’s body was thrown like a discus, her solid muscular back clobbering the sorceress in the face. With the Texan Wonder defeated, Madame Nox now incapacitated and Lady England smothered by overgrown insects; the remaining lighting leaguers were raw rookie recruits, and a mind controlled Wonder Woman would normally be out of their league. This would be their ultimate test. Their attack lacked integration and connection.
“We must formulate a cohesive plan….I propose….” Tempest attempted to telepathically bond with her comrades. Unfortunately the team of rookies were unlike their Xolath adversaries when it came to collective expression. Mantis Blade threw a flurry of techniques at Wonder Wonder, her blades parried against the unbreakable bracelets. Diana was however immersed in the battle as the Jade coloured ninja, had enough martial ability to challenge her. Stardust’s stealth training was enough to dupe Diana. Her arms and legs hooked and grappled around the would be Goddess’ body from behind. Hailing from the planet Galatea gave Stardust her innate Astra Omega abilities. Her body was an offensive battery of light.
“Uuuuuuuugh!” Wonder Woman wailed as she was stunned by Stardusts attack.
“Hold her!” shouted Tempest. The new silver haired recruit entered Diana’s mind.
“Remember who you are!!” her words echoed in the cavernous depths of the former superheroine’s psyche. With Rungda gone, it seemed as though Wonder Woman would finally come to her senses as Tempest used all her mental might to unearth Diana’s true identity.
“Do not fight me….I am not your enemy….” But the stubborn Amazon would not yield.

The three heroines were occupied with the Hellenic Goddess who was keeping them at bay both physically and mentally but eventually a calm took her sense.
“I…..I…….what……have I done?” Said Diana in a bemused yet relaxed voice. Gone was the savage bloodlust.
“She’s coming to her senses…” Stardust said as Mantis Blade lowered her guard. The calm was short lived as the storm returned with a violence that saw Diana prize Stardust’s body away from its tightly locked backpack position. Mantis Blade was startled and took a few steps back as Wonder Woman pile drived the galactic ranger’s pretty head into the ground. The ninja vixen looked towards Tempest and saw that her comrade was unconscious on the ground. Standing over her was Sharla, the feline foe she faced earlier. Mantis Blade realised that her earlier words had failed to speak the sense of justice to this cat like enemy, she was clearly an opportunist. Regret stung Mantis like a scorpions tail.
“I should have ended her before……” She thought to herself.
“Sorry my dear…..I appreciated your words and sparring my life early, but with Rungda gone a vacancy for Regent and Lord of Kraxes has opened up. The Xolath prefer to serve instead of leading, and after speaking to my friend behind you I am happy to announce that you are now looking at the the new Grand Ogah!”
As the jade ninja turned around it was too late. The General’s remaining one arm wrapped itself around her neck squeezing the life from her. He clicked and chirped some words inside her ear. Earlier Madame Nox had cast a spell of comprehension before they entered the portal to Kraxes. Mantis Blade was probably the first person from Earth to fully understand the words of a Xolath this close.
“I could kill you if I want to….but I shall look forward to seeing you live a long life of pain…..a hell for you….a paradise for me!!” She struggled for around twenty seconds before losing the grip on her swords. The General’s strength was enough to subdue her, and his words stabbed her soul, causing her to bleed out all of her confidence. As his arm released her she collapsed atop the body of Stardust. Sharla dragged Tempest by her foot and slid her on top of Mantis Blade.
“A work of art! I love to see the hopes and spirit of such valiant fighters and heroes broken and desecrated, their resistance destroyed and their bodies humiliated and defeated…..It just turns me on so much! Let it be a lesson, never trust a cat!” she said to the unconscious Mantis Blade. She took a long lick of her the Oriental warrior’s cheek.
“mmmm I am going to have fun with you later….”

Sharla stood up and turned to Wonder Woman. She stroked her hair realising that there was a defect with her newly acquired weapon. Diana was stuttering and blinking frantically, as if she was trying to regain control. Tempest’s psychic attack had given the former heroine a taste of freedom. Memories returned. Memories of former battles, fighting side by side with other mighty superheroes on Earth, in another dimension. She was once part of a Justice League, a champion of all that is good and just, herself an ambassador from an Island of immortal female amazons. How could she have strayed so far from her true self she asked herself.
“I…..must…..resist….” she said as her body shivered, paralysed in a stationary statuesque position.
“With Rungda’s mind control secretions no longer an option, this is a problem General” Sharla said.
“I have a solution..” he clicked. Two Xolath soldiers walked towards him holding a capsule no larger than a small fish bowl. Inside it were two worm like creatures, the size of a human toddler’s forearm. They spiralled around the jar shaped capsule, spewing their stickiness on one another. One of the Xolath soldiers cautiously opened the capsule. The General swiftly caught the two of them in his one good arm.
“ugh……n….nooo!” Wonder Woman continued to fight as the General introduced freedom to the wiggling things. They enjoyed their new environment, the playground of her body. One shot like a bullet, extending itself to the size of 3 feet until it reach Diana’s shoulder. It then shrunk back to its original size as its tail end caught up with the rest of its body. Its elastic adaptability allowed the worm to slowly burrow itself into her ear.
“uuuugh……uuukkkk!” Diana gasped helplessly.
The second one squirmed its way up her thigh and found it easy to lodge itself forcefully inside her already exposed and naked vaginal hole. The Amazon moaned in a tone that was a mixture of horror and pleasure. It made her feminine cave its home, hooking itself onto her rubbery pad 2-3 inches deep. The remaining extension of its body wrapped around and clamped itself to her clit. The horrendous skulking thing almost appeared like a piece of clothing, a parasite shaped of a thong. Diana’s eyes rolled back and only the whites could be seen. She was gone.
“The Moz Ash worm will wrap itself around her brain making her mind ours to command. It wraps itself around her sex, making her body ours to command” The General clicked away bringing a smile to the feline face of the master schemer that was Sharla.
“It makes me wonder why didn’t you and Rungda use it before?” She inquired.
“Unfortunately the side effects can be devastating. The host can lose their mind altogether, and that can mean losing control of our pet! Still we had no choice as she was starting to regain control. If she goes wild and becomes a mindless monster, we will kill her immediately. For now she is obedient..”

Meanwhile Lady England was feeling the pressure of the Xolath. She was being crushed underneath an entire army’s weight. She became delirious as her mind and imagination travelled through time. She experienced her childhood. A time when she was no more than 12 years of age, a time when she was sent to a Catholic boarding school in the suburbs of London during the Great War. A time when her parents left her and disappeared. The bullies ate her up. Victoria her name was. She used Olivia’s body in the playground, to practice her wrestling moves. The blow from a Xolath weapon to her head caused her to see stars and all she could see and feel was the concrete of the school playground when the big bully kicked her head like a football. The Nuns did nothing about it. She was always reviled for her love of nature, and the way she would take notice of the old ways, the ways of herbs, and tinctures and spells. They called her the “pagan,” an insulting label, one to denigrate. The Xolath bodies that crushed Lady England reminded her of the time Victoria and her friends lay on top of her, squeezing the life out of her. She remembered gasping for life, gasping for breathe. Such a small frail child at the mercy of these larger torturers. She clawed at the grass of the school field to no avail. When her body stopped moving Victoria and her friends ran away in fear. But fate allowed her to live. Later in the hospital she vowed to herself never to allow that to happen again. It was this rage, this feeling of anger that pumped fire into her blood. That was the feeling of revenge. Her flashback combined with the more present flashback of Eliza’s crushing defeat at the hands of Wonder Woman. It was a shot of steroids and adrenalin, Lady England screamed, and like a desperate Lioness she ripped through the frenzied black bodies, finally greeted by cool air, body covered in purple ooze and pieces of insectoid meat. The Texan Wonder groaned as she finally awoke, her regenerative powers helped her recover from the beating Wonder Woman had given her. She noticed the unconscious Madame Nox next to her.
“Katrina!” She said as she attempted to wake her but the mighty sorceress’ magical fires had been blown out. She was never a physically offensive heroine.
“Lady E!” Eliza cried as she ran towards Olivia.
“What happened Tex?”
“I don’t know I was out….but our friends…”
The two of them noticed the defeated female bodies of their comrades. They quickly turned their focused towards Sharla, the General and the Frankenstein monster that Wonder Woman had become. Gone was her gloriously angelic visage, and in its place was a pale skinned psycho. It mortified the two heroines to see the veins pulsing from the Amazon’s body, her eyes completely white, devoid of any essence; and the sight of the slug that connected itself to her vagina with such strong snugness and tightness. The dreaded General tore off Diana’s breast plate. She was stripped of everything she had save her bracelets and tiara. Another Xolath soldier released two more Moz Ash worms from another capsule which latched onto her voluptuous breasts. Diana moaned with pleasure. It was as if she was constantly being stimulated by those dreadful looking things. Little did the heroines know, the one that was doing the most damage, was the worm that had made its home deep inside her skull, feeding on her brain. A Moz Ash worm that works its way into the head of a humanoid host will normally take years to consume the brain. Allowing it time to enjoy its new body. This particular worm had experienced a taming process at the hands of the Xolath. But even the insectoids found it difficult to completely control the obstreperous nature of this particular species of Kraxen parasite.

“We’re gonna have to double team her Olivia!” The Texan Wonder said. Lady England nodded.
“Kill them!” Sharla, the new Grand Ogah commanded, and Diana wailed like a banshee as she rushed towards her opponents leaving a sonic boom behind her from the sheer primal ferocity of her movement.

Last edited by sensualbarbarian 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Almost done lol. The characters seem to have a life of their own.
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Hey! Just wanted to say I love your writing :)
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Quellyboop wrote:
1 year ago
Hey! Just wanted to say I love your writing :)

And I just wanted to say that I appreciate your support :)
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Another great chapter, I was surprised by the choice of the new general
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 9

The violent threesome was underway with the Texan Wonder and Lady England alternating their attacks, using one another’s bodies as weapons. Wonder Woman appeared to be on the back foot, but the attacking duo failed to realise that the Amazon was patiently reading their movements. The symbiote creatures that were navigating her mind and body, did not simply enhance Diana’s body in power and strength. The Moz Ash were also clever in the way they could access a hosts mind and sift through what was useful for whatever situation. They were almost machine like. Her knowledge of combat and warlike prowess were to become useful assets in this battle.

Diana ducked and shot a fist into the Texan Wonder’s solar plexus instantly winding her. The strike continued with the direction of its force lifting Eliza off the ground as if her torso was glued to the clenched fist. Wonder Woman tossed her over head as she met Lady England. The two opponents were closely locked into a clench. Wonder Woman broke the aggressive embrace causing Olivia to lose her balance. The Amazon’s hands were like an orchestra’s cymbals crashing her opened palms into the sides of Lady England’s head. Olivia blacked out for 2 seconds and in that time Diana fired a chop to her neck causing the heroine to fall to her knees, unable to breathe. As the Texan Wonder returned to attack from behind, the Greek Goddess swept her legs. As Eliza fell, a hand yanked her hair and bludgeoned her head into Lady England’s skull. The duo clumsily fell atop one another and didn’t even have the time to recover. They were reduced to amateurs and it was as if Wonder Woman was moving on another plane or dimension. Her barefoot turned into a kick as she sent the two floored heroines flying.

Lady England moaned as she pushed herself to her knees. She looked up and noticed the proud sly face of Sharla.
“Yield….and we can make this quick….” the cat woman said mockingly. The General stood next to her with his unmoving emotionless face. But Olivia could see through it, she knew that the violent creature was happy.
“If Sharla and the General intervene, it’s over for both of us” she thought. She was not wrong, and had it not been for Arzon and his men, keeping back the Xolath soldiers they would have been dead long ago. In the meantime, Wonder Woman was taking her time. The symbiotes knew that Lady England and the Texan Wonder were no longer a threat. The worms steered Diana’s body away from them and turned their attention to the unconscious Madame Nox. She held the head of the Sorceress between her palms and began squeezing as if it was a watermelon. Madame Nox could hear her skull creaking and clicking as she awakened immediately.
“aaaaaaaaaargh……nooooooooooo…..please!!” she begged, but she was answered with a cackling laugh from the voice of Diana. There was no trace of mercy in her. Eliza whipped her lasso around the left hand of the psychotic Amazon, extending and stretching out the arm. Wonder Woman threw Madame Nox aside and began pulling on the magic rope. The Texan Wonder’s cowgirl boots dug into the sand, leaving a deep trail as she was slowly being hauled towards Diana. Eliza refused to give up and pulled back with all her strength.
The battered and weakened Lady England was prevented from helping her friend as Sharla and the General trapped her arms from behind.
“not so fast bitch!” Said the the feline empress. Olivia turned to face her captor, and in the blink of an eye, the cat woman’s head was cleaved off her shoulders with a swiftness that only a master sword wielder could perform. After finishing her life ending attack, Mantis Blade collapsed with fatigue as she drove her bloodied blade into the ground.
“I have redeemed myself….but I should have killed her earlier” she said and smiled at Olivia. The General responded, attacking with a force that would have ended the ninja had Lady England not intervened with deadly haste. A front kick was all she needed as the ball of her foot sent the anthropoid beast to the dust.

Diana was toying with the Texan Wonder as the heroic southern belle struggled to match the Amazon’s pulling strength. Eliza’s energy was being sapped, like the light from a star, sucked into the vacuum of a black hole. Lady England flew at Wonder Woman, but was swatted away like a fly.
“Olivia….take it….” a voice spoke inside her mind. A lasso hovered into her hand. The guardian of the Fae looked up and saw Tempest crawling on the floor, using her telepathy and telekinesis to aid the battle despite her the injury to her bloodied head.
“Its Wonder Woman’s lasso! She must have dropped it in all the chaos” Lady England realised. She nodded at Tempest. Nothing is faster than thought, and the silver haired mind maiden used this reality to transmit a plan of attack to Lady England and the Texan Wonder. The two power houses spiralled around Wonder Woman, tightening the grip the two lassos had upon her. The grip was like that of a vice enforced fist made of a diamond hardness not only binding her body, but her mind as well.
“Diana of Themyscira!! I command you to yield!!” Shouted Lady England activating the magic of the lasso.
“Wonder Woman! Yield and surrender now!!” cried the Texan Wonder. The combined power was overwhelming. One lasso was forged by the quantum technology of Elysium and the other constructed from the hands of the Olympian God Hephaestus. The mind dominating molluscs moved ever so slightly, releasing droplets of their ectoplasmic filth across her breasts. Down below, an ozzing wetness had gathered, but it was unknown to the Lighting Leaguers if it was Diana’s own erotic excretion or the slugs slimy essence. Diana screamed and yelled in a voice that was not her own. As if a demonic entity had taken control of her. But the exorcism had begun. The Moz Ash continued to resist the lasso. Tempest stepped forward and lashed at Wonder Woman with a psychic attack. The waspish attack stung her brain.
“Unhand her you vile…..ughh……worm”….!! She cried. Her telepathic tussle was with the Moz Ash itself.
“Keep attacking!” said Lady England.
“I…..I’m trying….but its strong…..I need Diana to reclaim herself…but….but she’s not responding…I can’t find her!!” Tempest pleaded. The former Justice Leaguer was lost. The three of them were moments away from failure. Madame Nox pulled through her pain and injury. She had acquired cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a concussion, as if she had been in a car crash. Who knows what ligaments or tendons were also torn. It was a crash indeed, not with a vehicle but rather with the Texan Wonder’s body, hurled at her like a bolting scaffold with a force to rival Hercules himself. Such were Diana’s celestial gifts. But Madame Nox had gifts of her own. Mastery of the arcane occult arts and the magical secrets of Sumeria.
“Don’t worry Tempest….telepathy and mentalism have their limits….magic on the other hand…..” the Sorceress cut her sentence short and then swiftly and softly began reciting some mutterings in a long dead language. Slowly her voice increased in a crescendo until she reached a fortissimo.
“ZI DINGIR KIA KANPA! ZI DINGIR ANNA KANPA!!” Almost as fast as she bellowed those words she found herself transported to a phantasmal astral plane. A Stygian blackness enveloped the entire environment but Madame Nox could see Diana’s body in a scintilla shade, shining her descent down a spiralling stone surfaced stairway. The sorceress decided to follow.

Down down down. Deeper and deeper into a cavenously
cold abyss. Madame Nox noticed that Wonder Woman was completely clothed in her normal attire as a superheroine. Her golden breastplate, her blue star spangled pants and red boots blazed with colour in the dark. She heard a voice.
“Come Diana…..come and meet her…..You are now in the realm of Ereshkigal….Queen of the underworld…..Empress of Irkalla. This is not your Hades……we are far older……abyssal creatures roam here and have been sleeping since the birth of the universe.” Madame Nox was clever enough to initiate a spell of cloaking. This meant that she was completely invisible to the denizens of this dreamlike vision. She was also familiar with Ereshkigal, the Sumerian Queen of the dead, enemy of the Goddess Ishtar. Much of Madame Nox’s magical learnings came from Sumeria. Another story for another time.

Finally they disembarked from the final step, walking towards an altar with bowls of dust and clay. Behind the altar was a tall humanoid entity, garbed in mystery, robed in black with a hood. His eyes shined like stars in the night sky. Wonder Woman spoke.
“Ninnghizhidda!! Horned serpent of the deep! Open the doors lest I break them down!!”
Madame Nox realised that this was the descent of Ishtar that was being played before her eyes like a piece of theatre. When Ishtar also known as Innana; found herself journeying into the land of the dead. Ninnghizhidda disrobed revealing a horned reptilian form. He stood at least 9 feet tall, but Wonder Woman as expected was not phased.
“I go now to inform my mistress…” he said as he morphed into an even larger horned serpent, slithering away with uncanny speed. After some moments the door’s bolt was loosened on the other side. Ninnghizhidda once again clad in his robe, welcomed Diana and Madame Nox slipped inside unnoticed. Suddenly a huge body of dark water engulfed the two of them. Sucking them helplessly. Madame Nox could hear Ninnghizhidda’s guffaw as enjoyed their suffering. They were pulled into a hole of light like flies washed down a drain. Then almost a few seconds later they were on the banks of a river, deep inside the night lands.
“That was nothing like the river Styx. I would have preferred the ferryman..” Wonder Woman thought. Madame Nox almost found her comparison amusing. There was a gate made of metal and bones. Ninnghizhidda was in front of the gate again.
“I remember now….there will be seven gates… depicted in the myth of Ishtar….did this mind controlling parasite search my mind for this imagery during all the chaos?” She wondered. The Serpent man spoke again.
“There is a price Diana….before you enter you must give me your tiara….”
“this is the rule set by the covenant old, before time….you must obey or you will have no meeting with my mistress Ereshkigal.”
Wonder Woman reluctantly gave up her tiara. The two heroines passed the gate, walking across a windy plane of wraith like faces wailing in pain. Finally they reached the second gate. The Serpent man stood before them again.
“The covenant of old, as laid down by Lady Kutu demands that you give up your lasso.” Again Wonder Woman surrendered. This time her weapon of magic and truth. The two walked through burning flames that scolded their skin which quickly healed as soon as they charred and screamed in pain. The walk to the third gate was short but arduous. Gasping for breathe and covered in sweat the two travellers faced Ninnghizhidda again.
“The Covenant of old requires that you surrender your ear rings..”
Diana yielded again. This time her journey with her invisible companion was one surrounded by bodies of pleasure. Gorgeous men and women fucking and sucking all around them. The path was scorched with sounds of passion and lust. The two of them had to push their way through this sea of arrousal. At the fourth gate, Ninnghizhidda demanded Wonder Woman give up her breastplate. She unclipped the armour and handed it over with two hands, her naked stacked bosom fully exposed, nipples hardened from her previous swim through the sea of sex, for her flesh caressed against the fully enflamed bodies, a distracting experience even for the primal proclivities of a Goddess like Diana. The fourth gate burst open and they walked through an arctic wasteland that became colder and colder as they progressed each step. A short path that seemed an eternity for both of them. They were overwhelmed with joy when they found the fifth gate. Madame Nox saw Diana and the Serpent converse again. This time she unfastened her golden belt and gave it willingly to Ninnghizhidda, whose tongue slithered from out of his hooded visage displaying a manipulative joy. For Madame Nox knew the myth so well, she knew what was Ishtar’s fate and what would become Wonder Woman’s if she allowed this myth to play out. The journey to the sixth gate was wrought with blood. They waded their way through a moat of thick redness, bodies floating, fallen warriors and soldiers from Earth’s history. The stench filled Madame Nox’s nose and lungs. She did not have Wonder Woman’s muscular disposition and gave into nauseousness, belching and vomiting to one side. When they reached the gate, Wonder Woman surrendered her magic bracelets. The final path took them through a vision of what seemed to be a future. A future on Earth. Madame Nox saw her comrades. Lady England, the Texan Wonder and many others, incarcerated inside cells, bowed heads and bodies wrapped in chains, their necks locked with collars not unlike the one Wonder Woman was wearing which enslaved her to Rungda. One thing baffled the sorceress. The imprisoned figures were all female members of the Lighting League. But what of the men? Then she remembered the Texan Wonder’s report about Project Defeat. Before she knew it, her reverie was interrupted with the arrival at the final gate. The same scene repeated itself. Ninnghizhidda stripped her star spangled pants, then asked her to remove her boots. Diana was completely naked and exposed.
“Enter the Land of Kur……the Mistress awaits!”

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Another great chapter curious about the next one
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Almost finished it. I think this will be the last one.
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Lady England and the Dimension of Darkness part 10

The final gate opened and a feeling of dread swallowed up Madame Nox. Like an ethereal ghost, she followed a naked and stripped Wonder Woman for the audience with Ereshkigal. The Sorceress knew that if Diana was occupying the role of Ishtar, then nothing but doom and pain awaited her. As they entered they found themselves walking carefully upon cold stone floor, cauldrons of flickering fire inspired dancing shadows upon the ground and the thick engraved pillars boasted carvings of long forgotten stories. Madame Nox could make out a long spiralling serpent that coiled around the pillars, it was Tiamat the Dragon, or perhaps the Moz Ash worm? At the end of this abandoned hallway sat the majesty of the mistress of death herself. She was a lithe skinny figure, with long limbs. Her skin was pale but her eyes that were viridescent much like her hair. Her form was youthful, almost childlike as if she was build like a scrap of cloth. Her body was uncannily robed in snakes, moving, morphing, worming around her seductively. Her visage was truly mesmerising but the look on her face was terrifyingly confrontational, as if she was about to scream.

“Why are you here?” the Lordess of Irkalla asked with a voice that sounded like a soft broken harpsichord. Next to her was her lackey, her vizier, the Sorcerer Nammtar. He lacked a face, devoid of eyes, a nose or ears. He only possessed a mouth and when he spoke his teeth were as sharp as his words.
“How dare you come here!” He shouted as he waved his arm forcefully through the air, his dark green robes making a harsh sound as they cut through the wind.
“I am come here to admit defeat and to……” Wonder Woman’s words were cut short. Madame Nox was saddened to see this mighty heroine give up so easily. Perhaps it was the state of her will power. She sensed that Diana was tired and weary. The Amazon no longer wanted to fight. The myth of Ishtar’s descent, as a metaphor was indeed suitable for the daughter of Themyscira in her current state.
“You are a failure Diana! Your mission has been a disaster… are no longer an Amazon….no longer a princess….no longer a Goddess… longer a warrior… longer a superheroine or Justice Leaguer!” Screamed Ereshkigal.
“You are just a slave……forever defeated…..and a slut….to be used and abused as we see fit…..anyone can take your body and have you…..”
“yes……I agree…..I submit……I am most unworthy…..I cannot fight anymore…….I have no strength, power or will to do so…….any man or woman can defile me if they wish……they have only to take me and will never resist….I can only obey those that master me…” Diana responded weakly.
“Nammtar! Take this thing away from me! Imprison her! Bind her in darkness! Chain her in the sea below seas!! Release the seven Annunnaki to defile and destroy her!!”
Nammtar made a blue flaming pentagram with his finger and phantasmic mists emerged from within its azure fire, shaped like beasts with long talons and baleful monstrous faces with malicious intent. There were seven of them and they each hacked at one part of her body, each one claiming it as their territory. Wonder Woman yelled with agony as the demons pulled her down into the ground as if it had become quicksand. As she disappeared, Madame Nox quickly revealed herself.
“ENOUGH!” she cried, launching attacks with her magic but she was too late. Dianas reaching hand from the ground was the last thing to be seen as the creatures pulled her towards her doom. Nammtar reacted creating glowing golden sigils in the air to protect his mistress. Madame Nox’s magical attacks were familiar to him.
“She knows our ways….” he said as Ereshkigal rose from her seat. 
“AWAY!” The Queen of Irkalla commanded. With a wave of her hand, Madame Nox was transported to a mountain range with a dark starless sky. The constant cacophony of thunder and lighting jarred and vibrated through her ears. Her intuition told her to climb. She removed her black high heeled boots and scaled the rocky cliffs. As she took the journey upwards, visions appeared all around her like floating portal screens from the heavens. She saw Diana. Wrapped helpless in a slippery tentacle grip. An appendage of one of the demons that took her. Time seemed to be meaningless as Madame Nox climbed higher and higher. Again she could see Diana at the mercy of another creature, its tongue licking her torso like a lollipop, enjoying her womanly orbs, causing her to moan with delight. The tongue continued up Diana’s neck, then retracted as a mouth met hers, a mouth so huge it engulfed her entire face.

The demons soaked her in their juices, and penetrating everyone of her orifices. In and out, they sheathed and unsheathed with phallic appendages superior to any human male. They could easily be destructive tendril like weapons let alone instruments of pleasure.
“NO!!” Shouted Madame Nox. She wanted to use her magic but her spells and incantations were of no use in this realm. She was deep in the night lands. When she reached the peak of mountain she could see Diana’s figure being tortured by the swirling misty creatures. They lacked any congruent shape as they swam around the air. Now and then the creatures would take a congealed form, revealing their solid ugliness, lashing Wonder Woman’s firm back with a spiked tendril. The Sorceress ran towards her but a biting wind slowed her advance. Her legs froze in the wind and a mist gathered before her blinding her.
“I must not give into fear…..I have not been able to gather my thoughts since I entered this dream space…….” Suddenly it dawned on her that she often surrounded with small dimensional pockets within her costume and cape. Diving her arm inside her cloak, her arm almost vaporised into a transparent obsidian nothingness. She pulled forth a dagger, engraved with sigils.
“Lady Ishtar….guide my hand….” she prayed as the tip of the blade became like a shining beacon of hope obliterating the mist and causing the seven demonic Annunnaki to retreat. They squealed like pigs as the light of Ishtar’s magic burned their essence. And then she felt it. Her magic returned. She saw Diana. Crucified upon a cross. It was erected some 30 feet in the air. Madame Nox levitated herself towards the broken Amazon. She removed her skin piercing bonds with an incantation. The barbed wires that were wrapped around Diana’s bloody wrist and ankles, were transformed to a chain of flowers. Another incantation enchanted the nails that were driven into Wonder Woman’s palms, morphing them into water. Madame Nox carried the defeated damsel that was once the mightiest of super heroines. She lowered her to the ground.
“Diana….we need you to fight”
“I…cannot fight anymore…I have failed”
The Sorceress realised this was the reason that Tempest could not find her inside the body and mind that was conquered by the worms. Like the Goddess Ishtar in the myth of her descent, Diana had lost all hope.
“No you beautiful woman… are a Goddess…..”
Madame Nox’s admiration for Diana increased tenfold. The dagger of Ishtar continued to glow brightly, and the sorceress felt a magnetic pull towards the woman she held in her arms. She quickly locked her lips with the fallen superheroine. Diana was unresponsive. Overcome by the primal forces that Ishtar’s magic was unleashing, the sorceress found herself compelled to worship Diana.

Both bodies were warm and submerged in the bliss of their sensual entanglement. Their minds gone, becoming one, a United consciousness that submitted to an otherworldly presence. Some call it universal love. Thinking was dissolved so that all that could remain was the wisdom of the body. Madame Nox glided her skin over Diana’s, kissing her neck and chest as if she was decorating her body with invisible artful markings made by the inkless imprint of her lips. As she sucked upon her nipples she was draining all despair from Diana’s being. 
“Let me heal you….let me transform you to what you once was….who you truly are” Madame Nox said intuitively as if she was possessed by the voice of her patron, the Goddess Ishtar. 
“N…nooo, you can’t….leave me be…..” Diana said unconvincingly. 
“Let me conquer you with love, dominate you with desire, enslave you to this medicine….be with me…..submit to love….” 
Tracing her lips down her torso, encircling her dancing tongue around her belly button; Diana arched and took a fast deep inhale. Exhaling with the sound of the ocean from the back of her throat, yielding more and more to waves of jouissance. Madame Nox knew that she was still resisting. She was still in the pits of defeat, the crushing destruction of her body and mind imposed upon her by the Xolath, Lord, Krah, then the perverted toad Rungda, and now the worms that enjoyed her flesh like a succubus. The sorceress knew she would have to use all her love making skills, and Ishtar guided her. As if by second nature, Madame Nox knew exactly what to do to Diana. Joining with her this way gave her a knowledge of what the amazon wanted and needed, to bring her to the brink. 

Stroking her saliva drenched tongue to her cluster of fleshy folds and nerves. Madame Nox had experience with women, as she used to hold sex parties and orgies in another life before she was blessed with the power. It could be said that she was very much a connoisseur of the feminine structure. Aesthetically Diana’s genitalia was the most beautiful organ of female lust she had ever laid her eyes upon. Clearly, perfection was in mind when she was created with the energy of the Olympian Gods as they blessed the clay figurine that was constructed by the hands of her mother. Her labia minora were wondrously symmetrical and inviting. Her clit was not too not too small, nor shy. It did not hide too easily inside the hood of flesh that would normally conceal it. It was effortless to go down on her, she didn’t need to fumble and find that red coloured button of yearning. Madame Nox placed her mouth over it, she sucked and licked without adjusting her position. It began so lightly and slowly, as if she was barely touching her clit, barely tantalising her own taste buds. When she gave Diana her first full lick the ripple of pleasure was strong. Her mouth opened wide to release a gasping moan as her face frowned with ecstasy. The body has its own language but not many realise that it extends to the movement of the face and the facial muscles. The ridges in Diana’s forehead told a story of melting resistance. When the sorceress increased her acceleration, the speed of her tongue was too much for Diana. The slow adagio beginning contrasted magnificently with the gradual speed and she reached deliciously sweet spot. Diana’s body convulsed as she was eaten so masterfully. 
“Now kill her with my love…” a voice said.
“No” replied Madame Nox. 
“Do you not trust me?” 
The sorceress held the dagger in her hand. 
“I will guide you…..strike her heart with the blade….give her to me as an offering….nothing given with love can lead to suffering” 
She plunged the dagger into Wonder Woman’s heart, piercing her flesh. The blade became light, like a star going nova, consuming both of them. 

As if she awoke from a sleep, Madame Nox found herself in a new surrounding. Wet walls of filamentous pink had enveloped all around her. Every now and then, silent electric bolts of light would strike around the new environment. In front of her was the behemoth sized Moz Ash, its body burrowed within the walls of the collagen thickness.
“This is Diana’s mind…..a manifestation of her brain even….” she thought to herself. Wonder Woman suddenly appeared in front of her, fully clad in her costume and healed of her wounds.
“Glad to see you’re back…”
“Its thanks to you….I will never forget what you have done for me….what your friends are currently trying to do for me…”
“Then its time…”
“I….I’m not sure….”
“YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE OF ME….YOU BODY IS MINE NOW!” said the echoing baritone voice that came from the worm.
“Why would you doubt yourself now after all that’s happened….you still have much to do…..” Madame Nox said whilst touching the shoulder of Diana. She smiled in response. The creature laughed.
“I….I……you are strong…..and I feel your grip on me…..I do not know if I have the strength” Diana said with fear looking deep into the eyes of her Sorceress friend. It was as if she had been known her for many years. The magic of Ishtar had created a bond between them.
“Listen Diana……its ok to be scared…….you have perhaps been through trials that you have never faced before. Normally you are victorious against the most impossible odds. You got used to that. But this time you lost….you failed….and that’s can’t win all the battles. This worm is like the dragon Tiamat in Sumerian myth. Mythology is full of serpent like creatures, representing an obstacle, a knowledge to be claimed. Tiamat was slain by the champion of the Gods, Marduk, much like the Kraken slain by Perseus or the Serpent Jormungandr slain by Thor. It’s as if Gods and demi Gods will always be the champions of mortals. This worm is your foe….take your place among the halls of ancient heroes and heroines for the magical energies of myth are what forged your essence…you must make your choice….my friends cannot hold out for long”
In the astral plane, time moved differently, meanwhile in the real world, Wonder Woman’s possessed body was like chaos unbound. Madame Nox’s astral self had returned to her body. She noticed that her injuries and wounds were completely healed by the magic of Ishtar. She looked around and saw Tempest on her knees, her mind growing more and more fatigue with the mental strain. The worm possessed form of Diana pulled on the two lassos that remained wrapped around her body. Lady England and the Texan Wonder struggled pathetically as they were heaved towards the clutches of this she beast. One hand wrapped around Eliza’s throat and the other arm locked around Olivia’s neck. But Diana had made her choice.
“It has dawned upon me, that you Moz Ash cannot survive for long without a host. It is why you have not killed me already. With that in mind…..and now that I feel my will power and self awareness return, you have no control over me…..I am Diana of Themyscira….Wonder Woman!” she cried as she struck her bracelets together which rung like a gong. The worm wailed in pain at the sound of her defiance. The combined power of Wonder Woman’s self control, the two lassos of truth, Tempest’s telepathy and Madame Nox’s magic; were a force to be reckoned with. In the real world the she beast wailed with the voice of the worm, falling to its knees. The pale lifeless form of chaos, was now filled with the warmth of Diana’s loving face as colour returned to her body.
“aaaaaaaaaaargh!!” she screeched as the worm slithered out of her ear. The other two worms dropped off her breasts. Panting and exhausted she wasted no time crushing the slugs beneath her bare feet. Her nightmare was over, and so was Lady England’s. Finally Olivia could return home.

“Thank you friends…..” Diana said.
“Well you did prove to be a pain in the arse…” jested Lady England.
“I truly apologise…..I…”
“There is no need darling. You was not yourself, we understand.” Lady England reassured holding Diana’s shoulders.
“you honour me, Guardian of the Fae”
“As do you…..Princess of the Amazons. I hope that we meet again and that I can battle side by side this time, comrades in arms with Wonder Woman. How will you return to your dimension?”
“I can help with that……I know a spell that can be performed on our Earth….” Said Madame Nox.
“No….” Diana’s words were strong.
“what do you mean no?” The sorceress inquired.
“I must redeem myself and right the wrongs I have committed as a tool of this Skroth”
“But we already made it clear that you was not blame yourself”
Diana peered into the eyes of Madame Nox.
“Kristina I must do this….”
Arzon interrupted as he approached Diana.
“The regime is gone, the Xolath have retreated, but Skroth will send more….he will consider this to be a great insult. Why don’t you join me? I need someone of your power to help recruit the tribes of Kraxes and perhaps other species throughout the galaxy. Together we can end the galactic despot’s terror!”
Diana was swift in her agreement.
“This is the only way my dear friend….” The naked amazon said. She then stepped close and took Madame Nox from her waist, kissing her lips long and deep with a gratitude that came from her heart. The sorceress moaned and returned the gesture, tongues fluttering like butterflies, enjoined in the warmth of their mouths. The other heroines were frozen, watching the two lovers enjoying one another, like silent hiding voyeurs. Lady England was over joyed to see that at least something beautiful came out of the violent, perilous, hellish gauntlet she had been through. Arzon approached her.
“That could be us too” he said with a smirk.
“I think the blows to your head have effected you too much” Olivia responded like a haute headmistress scolding a young boy.
“So this is the full power of Lady England? I should have taken you before, when you was depowered” he joked as he lightly caressed the white fabric of her pants. Lady England’s arms were crossed and she could do nothing but smile at the barbarian knave.
“Look after yourself friend, and thank you for saving my life” she said giving Arzon a final embrace.
“It is time we go Arzon” Diana commanded.
“what of your bracelets, armour and lasso?” he asked.
“I am not longer worthy of them…..I must earn them again. Like Hercules I must go through labours to attain them again. I do not feel they make me who I am. But perhaps one day” she said handing them to Madame Nox.
“Keep them for me. I would love to see your Earth….the day will come when I will take you up on your offer to help me return to my home, in my universe.”
“I will look forward to that. Goodbye my Wonder Woman”
“I don’t think you should call me that anymore…”
“Diana please…enough already with your defeat… may have given me your power items…..but please keep the mantle of Wonder Woman….with the Goddess given gifts you still possess within your body and mind. Remember you beat them all in the end”
“I suppose…”
Diana turned her bare back and walked off with Arzon. Adventure and peril would await them both.
“She was one tough girl. Wonder why she insists on being naked?” said the Texan Wonder.
“An Amazon like her is proud of her body. I am certain she will reclaim herself. I only experienced a fraction of what she went through on this wretched planet..” Lady England replied. “Let us return home…..there is much to attend to. Eliza, tell me of this Project Defeat.”

The heroines walked through a portal conjured by Madame Nox. Lady England felt release vibrate through her being. She was looking forward to indulge in one of her usual pastimes. Her mind wandered to a scene of her being soothed by the warm bubbles of her bath whilst drinking a glass of Elvish wine, the only kind that could make her tipsy and challenge her superhuman metabolism. Her experiences on Kraxes prompted her to consider the situation of Earth and how those of other realms and dimensions, that live in hiding should be allowed to manifest themselves more confidently. She was Guardian of the Fae, and sensed that hidden machinations were at play that would seek to control and suppress everything that is extraordinary or too primal. Her rumination was confirmed as the band of heroines returned home and more specifically the headquarters of the Lighting League; only to find it completely in ruins! Gone was its once regal architecture. The front of the building was completely obliterated and flames raged, tearing the structure away, reducing it slowly to a bare skeleton of scaffolding.
“What in the Gods!!” Lady England cried “Where are the others, and Captain Invincible, Dr Shadow?!” The heroines could do nothing as they stared at the the crumbling beacon of heroic hope, succumb to the licking flames, disintegrating it slowly into ashes.


Darius sat upon a chair, his bonds and chains were enchanted by magical tokens and sigils. A circle of protection made of salt was cast artfully around his body.
“Do you think you can hold me?” He said defiantly.
“perhaps not…..eventually you will find a way to break free, your mystical and occult powers are as great as mine” the man in the darkness said. “But I think it is in your interest to listen to what we have to offer.”
“We belong to a clandestine government funded initiative known as Project Defeat. It is an alliance, forged between your kind and those in power.”
“by “you kind” you refer to those that use their abilities for criminal activities?”
“And this alliance involves government intelligence agencies?”
“Why would I want to ally myself with the very thing I have sought to tear down to the ground? You people have often been in cahoots with the superhero community”
“That has ended……and it was always a facade…”
“How so?”
“governments have always secretly planned to control those with abilities and there are many villains that have already come to our side”
“I don’t care what those other simpletons do!”
“You will, soon enough…..because eventually there will be no alternative”
“what do you mean by that? Do you know who you speak with man!”
“The demon lord Shazarak and his woman Zolfina have already joined our cause….I myself recruited them…..I think you know them both…especially Zolfina.”
Darius was silent, and his silence indicated a clear connection to this woman. He knew that this mystery man had conducted his research intimately.
“Even so…….It doesn’t mean that I would join your little organisation. The heroes and heroines of Earth collectively possess enormous power…..”
“Well then perhaps we can level the playing field and even things out….” he said as he stepped out of the dark.
“You?! We communicated in the void…..when I was nothing but scraps and pieces of ethereal debris…”
“Yes it was I that retrieved you after Lady England defeated you… was I that reconstructed your body” The Occultist boasted. He wore his signature costume, robes of obsidian with a hood much like his protege Madame Nox. Two more figures stepped into the light. The legend himself, Captain Invincible and the notoriously violent Dr Shadow.
“We have already dealt with Princess Azaria and Valeria the Jungle Queen. They and other heroines are being held in an undisclosed location” Captain Invincible said.
“I see now….this all makes sense…..but why betray your comrades? And specifically only the female ones…..” Said Darius. Then he smiled.
“Ahhhhhh I understand. There is a flaw in your so called Project Defeat. Each faction is motivated by differing perspectives ad goals. You male heroes for example feel threatened by the reality that heroines are becoming more and more powerful. Those women born with abilities are acquiring more and more advanced omega level power. Furthermore other women are being chosen to be champions of humanity over men by otherworldly beings. Its as if the primal powers of the universe want to create balance here…..Or at least that is how I feel from my experience with the primordial”
“You would be right” Replied Captain Invincible.
“I do not share your misguided misogyny. The second faction, the super villain community; will only motivated by the reality that many of their arch enemies will be removed, but some will find it distasteful having to work with the likes of you Captain Invincible or you Dr Shadow. How many time have you hunted and beaten us bloody? Not me of course….none of you fools could ever find me…..”
“Until you met Lady England of course….and she more than just find you…” The Occultist interrupted. Darius felt the sting of his words. He smiled again and continued.
“The third faction….government agencies and the intelligence community. Clearly as you said, their main goal and motivation is to regulate those with power, and superheroes in general.”

Suddenly a view screen flashed and a woman peered through the digital window. She had a long face and was dressed in a handsomely tailored suit that morphed around the contours of her frame. Her hair was short and dark, as were her eyes…ebony pearls that gazed strongly at Darius.
“You would be right Dark Yogi. My name is Agent X” she said in a British with an accent that sounded as though she came from a privileged elitist Eaton education.
“This gets more and more interesting…” Darius mocked. “Your predecessor was disposed of most effectively by the Texan Wonder. So you people were behind the Iron Jihadi’s attack?”
“That would be right.”
“hmmm. So let me get this straight. Anti feminist Super hero machismo has joined forces with super villain criminality and the repressive state apparatus of the world?”
“No….You are forgetting corporations too. Mr John Marble and his corporation are very close to Project Defeat, he does have tight connections to the intelligence community”
Darius laughed. “capitalism is involved too….this will be a full proof plan then……an indestructible cabal…..or maybe a paper tiger waiting to melt”
“That depends on us doesn’t it ?”
“Yes….you know…..I think I shall join you people….getting my revenge on Lady England is my only interest here and at the least I think this will be……”

A dialectical cloud of unity and distrust filled the room. It was true that this new alliance was made up of friends and foes, manipulative power brokers, sociopaths and narcissists; but one thing was certain: Super heroines were about to face a threat, and it would be on Earth….their home. They would be confronted with an impending doom even more savage than anything they had faced on the Planet Kraxes!

The End
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 24
Joined: 8 years ago

This is a great ending.
Very interesting way of merging Sumerian myth in this whole story.
Does a small part of Diana or Ishtar get transfused into Madame Nox?
It may also be interesting to see Nox vs Occultist, protégé vs mentor.
Maybe another round of Lady E vs Dark Yogi is in play?
Will we see how Azaria & Jungle queen get dealt with & held?
So many more stories to go from here...
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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I do like Sumerian mythology, it is one that is often over looked and ignored, and yet it is the first civilisation on earth. Ishtar is Madame Nox's patron, and I shall perhaps explore that more. Diana will always have a bond with Madame Nox. I would like to explore Nox and the Occultist dynamic. The next story I would like to write is a prelude to Project Defeat which will involve Azaria and the Jungle Queen. However eventually I shall be creating a Patreon and I hope that you can all support me there when it is ready :)
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 159
Joined: 12 years ago

The story was very good, the ending was excellent and already gave an opening for a new great arc
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 180
Joined: 4 years ago

Thanks for that. I think next I shall finish the Singapore Swan Dark Energies story then I shall move onto the following:

1: Jungle Queen Hunted!
2: Princess Azaria: A fish out of water
3: Another Texan Wonder story

Some of these will be preludes to Project Defeat. Then I shall slowly move everything to patreon where there will be plenty or interesting things and I will be more active if you can support me :) I promise to continue the story arcs but also can have more interaction with you all and I can also do customs, alternate endings, bonus chapters. I shall play with visuals and some photography. I will take some of the content I have posted here and re edit them for patreon so you can re read them as one story :) I will still post stories here on the forum but the main arcs will be on patreon.
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