Strong Hawk: My Sister's Keeper (Tubi, 2022)

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Unexpectedly, I've found what might just be my favorite superheroine movie of 2022!

I think I stumbled upon this title randomly upon a search about six hours, and the title "Strong Hawk" caught my eye, because it reminded me of the Hawk Heroines series by Alex Bettinger (which was also the title of his superheroine video website before it was changed to Superheroine World. How come nobody talks about those videos on here, by the way? He's still making them.)

The title card (see below) also looked very powerful, and I knew right away, having linked to Tubi, that I'd found a secret world of recently-produced black superheroine movies. Hey, if you don't see what you want in the mainstream, make it yourself, and that's exactly what producer/director Ramesses T. Head (probably not his government name) did. In fact, I see other similar movies on Tubi that I'll want to check out, too, all made in the past few years, it seems.
strong hawk title card.jpg
strong hawk title card.jpg (111.29 KiB) Viewed 1371 times
But back to Strong Hawk: it's a movie about a secret clan / tribe of super powerful beings who have a lineage of thousands of years and mostly hide themselves away from the world (so, a bit like Wakanda, but more multi-ethnic). A woman named Eva was supposed to be the next leader of the clan, but for some reason instead went into exile with her sister, and instead had three children with a human male, and apparently the sister had at least one, as well.

Thus, we have Eva - the mother, who is super-strong and can blast people. She was apparently killed in the beginning of the film along with her brother.
Tammy - the auntie, who has flame powers.
the daughters Liv - who has super strength and invulnerability (like Thunder from the Black Lightning family, except she doesn't take breaths).
Vin (Vengeance) - who can teleport.
Ella (Elegance) - who can read minds, control people's minds, and possibly has some telekinesis ability.
the cousin Keisha - who can talk the languages of computers and re-program them. Plus, there are hints that she is most powerful of them all.

I'm assuming, then, that since some of this content is quite similar to what was presented in Black Panther and Black Lightning, that Mr. Ramesses wanted to go several steps further and present his story with extra aspects that felt those series did not cover. Also, you can easily detect influences from the 1970s and 1990s superhero action shows which we know and love: 1) the segment where the ladies are in the warehouse is rather similar to sequences from Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman, while 2) their training sequence (you gotta have one of those!) soundtrack is a hip-hop reworking of the Six Million Dollar Man theme. And man, that title card looks a lot like Cleopatra 2525, doesn't it?

The writing also doesn't downplay the sexy: there are many lines from the film acknowledging how beautiful the characters are, which is fun to see.
(for example, a lecherous gym member who keeps staring at Liv's tight ass as she's working out, tries to make a pass, and has to be set straight and ejected by the trainer who runs the gym...who of course then asks Liv out on a date.)

There are even a couple of lesbian moments: Ella is clearly in a lesbian relationship with a woman who looks almost exactly like her, and Vin gets a come-on from a girl named Kitty who is always trying to invite her to lesbian dive bars.
Both of these lesbian characters turn out to be traitorous villainesses, which is certainly not PC. Love it.
I would say what makes this the best superheroine movie of 2022 is that it's so well put-together, so well-edited, and very decently acted for the small amount I'm sure that Ramesses Head spent making this all happen. Plus it has excellent local flavor, being entirely filmed in his homebase of Oakland CA with hometown acting talent.

The three Strong Hawk ladies are hot. You'll enjoy watching them throughout the entire movie, but the best part is of course when they don their tight and shiny Kevlar superheroine outfits with about 15 minutes left in the picture (the sequence of them putting on the outfits is of course another highlight). You don't want to miss any part of the climactic battle in the underground facility (under the corporate headquarters of the evil Brimstone Clan), and you'll probably want to play a few parts several times.

Peril? Yes, there is some. Liv gets pinned down to a bed by her traitorous boyfriend Assad, who is wearing power cuffs that make him super strong.
One of the Brimstone villains has a power which increases everyone's gravity, pinning the Strong Hawks to the floor so they can't get up to fight.
But admittedly, there's a hell of a lot more girl power in this than the peril. And this leads to a couple of my nitpicky complaints about the story.

1) Liv is shown as being so 'strong' that she almost always knocks out any thug with one punch. This leads to mostly simplistic combat situations
where there is hardly any substantial back-and-forth punching exchange in the movie (Vin has the longest one, with a couple punches and kicks).
Ella just usually uses her mind control powers right away, so there's no resistance from her foes. It would have been nice to see a couple of longer
'Kung Fu in a warehouse' style fights like we've seen in Black Lightning, Arrow and other CW shows (it's evident that Ramesses watched them).

2) There's something about Eva that I don't understand
which is what near the end of the movie, she is revealed to be not killed, but actually was held as a prisoner by the Brimstones for 15 years. Not only is it questionable how someone can survive such imprisonment without going crazy, especially if they can't access their powers, but I don't see why it would make sense for Brimstone to keep her rather than just killing her, since everyone thought Eva was long dead.
3) Keisha is the wild card, as indicated by the mid-credits scene, if there's a sequel. But I just wish
she'd been made a bit more sexy. All the other Strong Hawk wear tight shiny costumes, and give themselves attractive and fancy heroine makeup. The actress playing Keisha is attractive enough to get gussied up. So Keisha should have done that as well - shed her "nerdy" persona and gone hotter, like a Velma transformation. Maybe she'll get to do that if a sequel is made.
4) Ms. Brimstone, who is white as snow,
is clearly noted to be the Strong Hawks' 'cousin'. That seems highly unlikely, and is jarring to the plot.
5) I'm also somewhat disappointed by the ending.
After a ferocious battle sequence, they get to the 'final boss', as it were. But instead of having a few tricks up her sleeve and putting up a fantastic fight to keep her empire, Ms. Brimstone simply rolls over, and the director says cut. Next thing we know, the Strong Hawks are suddenly in charge of everything and masters of their own fate.
The stakes just didn't seem high enough after the whole struggle which takes place throughout the movie.

Otherwise than that, I'm pretty happy with Strong Hawk" My SIster's Keeper. It shows everything that can be done when you just set your mind to accomplish it. No Marvel, no Warner, no Netflix, no Amazon, no Apple, and no European producer (after what I've heard about the terrible 2nd season of Barbarians, I wouldn't trust anyone from Germany, either). Just a guy from Oakland with grit and determination and about two dozen people, and you've got an epic powerful and sexy superheroine movie that could be the start of a whole franchise. These three lead actresses are all possible stars in the making, especially Sierra Mora (as Vin) with her intense looks and her tight abs.

Good work, Ramesses.

Simple enough to see the movie. Just click here: ... r-s-keeper
vin, liv, eva, ella, keisha, tammy.jpg
vin, liv, eva, ella, keisha, tammy.jpg (99.3 KiB) Viewed 1371 times
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vin, liv.jpg (86.13 KiB) Viewed 1371 times
vin, ella, tammy, liv.jpg
vin, ella, tammy, liv.jpg (132.59 KiB) Viewed 1371 times
vin, ella, keisha, tammy, liv.jpg
vin, ella, keisha, tammy, liv.jpg (80.4 KiB) Viewed 1371 times
strong hawk poster.jpg
strong hawk poster.jpg (88.12 KiB) Viewed 1371 times
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Good find... Tubi link doesn't work for me (being outside USA), but here's the youtube one
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helstar wrote:
1 year ago
Good find... Tubi link doesn't work for me (being outside USA), but here's the youtube one
Great - I didn't realize it was also on Youtube. Thanks for the link!

I jumped to the middle of the movie and re-watched the scene where Ella uses her powers to convince an angry dude not to beat on his girlfriend.
In it, Ella pretty much has the same power as The Rumor from Umbrella Academy - she can get anyone to do anything she wants them to do. That's way scarier than super-strength, and imagine if such a power was abused. The person who has it could probably rule the world within a few months.

Also...after watching this and looking at the Tubi links, I was convinced that there was a new underground of black superhero films that I was about to discover. I was a bit premature. There is a very large contingent of black superhero comics at this point, so large that there are entire Facebook groups about it, and entire conventions just for that content in cities like DC and Detroit. But the movies haven't quite come out yet from all of those properties (not even from the biggest companies, like Black Sands, Godhood, Second Sight, or Rippaverse).

This movie is the only one, and Ramesses is way ahead of the game. The other four movies that Tubi suggested turned out not to be superhero movies, but films about teens with freaky powers, or a woman that comes back from the dead to avenge herself on her murderers, etc. They weren't very watchable, either - Strong Hawk is way more polished.

Then Tubi jumped me over to some films produced in Africa. I watched some segments of a Nollywood action flick about an ancient war of Ashantis vs Guans. There were lots of mega-chad battle scenes of guys with swords and spears going at it in slow motion, which was a nice change from Hollywood's Talking About Feelings in Hallways. But overall, I just couldn't take the production style for more than about 20 minutes. And no superhero movies there, either (the only African one I've ever seen is the hilariously under-produced Nigerian Spider-Girl, you can find it on Youtube still, I think).

So, this offering "Strong Hawk" is fairly unique, for now. Hope that it gains enough traction to get a franchise going!
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Hello there shevek,

This is Ramasses .T Head and yes it is my government name . First and foremost, I want to thank you for this post about my film. I found it today on a google search and it made me really happy to read it. Your viewpoint and perspective was wonderful to read. You were spot on about almost everything you wrote. I can also appreciate your comparisons and critiques.

This film was very much an independent labor of love passion project. Everyone involved put their all into it for the love of the craft and they all believed in it. We rehearsed for months, then we shot the film in 24 days averaging 15 hours a day on weekends for a few months. Our budget was extremely limited and yes it was self funded, but that didn't stop our 14 crew members, Core cast and many background actors/extras from putting their heart and soul into the project. Reading your post truly made my day and I shared it with my cast and crew on facebook. I greatly appreciate the support and hopefully one day we can continue the journey of the Strong Hawks.


You can check out more about the cast and crew at or
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Ramesses - When's the sequel coming out? Can't wait to see these superheroines kicking more butt!!

Also, who's your favorite Strong Hawk sister? Mine is by far Liv. Except for the fact that she's way stronger and sexier than him, she's like the female version of Aubrey Graham's glow up between playing Jimmy Brooks in the wheelchair to superstar rapper Drake.
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StrongHawkLivFan wrote:
1 year ago
Ramesses - When's the sequel coming out? Can't wait to see these superheroines kicking more butt!!

Also, who's your favorite Strong Hawk sister? Mine is by far Liv. Except for the fact that she's way stronger and sexier than him, she's like the female version of Aubrey Graham's glow up between playing Jimmy Brooks in the wheelchair to superstar rapper Drake.
Hey StrongHawkLivFan,

I would love to release a sequel, The film will have to get the attention of the right audience and producers to get the type of funding we need to due justice to the franchise. I'm hoping this will happen, self financing wasn't easy.

All the StrongHawks are like me Children, I can't choose one over the other. They are all special to me.
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