Some help with my Zi Xu concept...

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Elder Member
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I have been a member of this forum for some time, but until recently i've been on hiatus taking care of things. I still have some personal issues limiting my free time, but i have been away long enough that i feel that a return to the genre might be okay.

*My Problem*
I have a concept 'world' i want to script for, and would like some forum input on story and direction. I can't promise that I'll take every notion to action, but i can promise i'll read and consider everything and will act where i think an time and interest of something interesting intersects. At the immediate moment, I have a character i really want to create some content for.

It's actually a heroine with a background nationality from communist China. I have received some really harsh comments about being an 'ignorant yankee' about this which while initially stunning and hurt, has at this point made me irritate and motivated me to action to put out content on this concept in defiance of this narrow minded person's criticism. Really, he puts out contents of gangsters molesting and torturing American heroines, so it's not your typical out of genre person who doesn't understand the genre, which made me more irritated at the hypocritical nature of the comments.

This is however a 'whim' concept so I'm afraid i haven't properly thought through plots, motivations, and stories. So i'm putting it out there on an open forum and hoping for some help on this concept.

*What i have so far*
So it started with this render and a name. Zi Xu, which in chinese means noble and elegant.
That's it. The result of which was a multi paragraph hate rant.

It took two months for the sting to convert to angry outrage and i have since fleshed out the character and produced a sort of Dossier for her noted here.

The grand overstory takes inspirations makes use of some old concepts i was working on as well inspiration from various places.

The concept starts with the title of an old book that i found amusing. "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus".

So i took this to heart and made earth a sort of battleground where two aliens come to earth and bond with Humans to exert their influence on the planet. Venusians, appear as motes of light. Existing so close to the sun, they have evolved to absorbing sunlight, and have a tend to 'hibernate/sleep' in the absence of light to conserve energy. They select compatible females to bond with and form a sort of Symbiotic relationship. The female host provides a physical body and womb to house and protect the Venusian. The female host in return is physically empowered. Stronger, Faster, and more durable {we're talking something like Super Soldier empowerment}. Universal weaknesses involve the symbiote being more active during the day (or in well lit areas) and potential trauma to the womb (low blows and sex?). In addition, a unique meta power often develops from the bonding, which tends to also develop unique weaknesses as well.

I have decided to insert Zi Xu into this concept as a young woman living in China that bonds with a Venusian Symbiote. Since China is known for it's high population count i thought it would be cool to give her the power to replicate her body. The bodies share a sort of hive mind so they can coordinate and act as a single entity. The weakness of this power is that as she replicates her Symbiote stretches her resources and the physical enhancements thin with each replication. Physical equipment also is shared. While the hive mind is great for coordination it also makes them all vulnerable, so with one of her bodies is rendered unconscious, all of them with 'flinch' a moment as the sensation ripples through all the replicants.

That's what i have at the moment. Originally i wanted to use her as an anti heroine, for heroines. A foil to play off against heroines, with ideology as the point of conflict. Now because of this jerk, i think i want to portray her as a good person, working in line in a corrupt system, sort of like the Superman 'Red Son' story line where he lands in Russia, and is raised as a loyal son of the soviet union. Eventually it might be nice to have her take issue with the CCP and discover that Martians (her natural enemy) has infiltrated their political ranks and take the story from there.

Anyways... this is more verbose than intended, and if you've read it all to this point, i thank you, and look for forward to your input. *Fingers Crossed* Hopefully i'm not going to get bullied and roasted on this forum.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 212
Joined: 1 year ago

Seems like a unique concept. Thank you for sharing.
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 22
Joined: 2 years ago

Nice work. I am Chinese and absolutely love your concept, don't be bothered by those nationalists.
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