Xena: A Rescue Mission Gone Wrong

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 216
Joined: 1 year ago

A Rescue Mission Gone Wrong
By Vega Taxeca

This story does contain graphic descriptions of sex between women, including scenes of BDSM and D/s, quite a lot of it with dubious consent.

I do not own Xena - the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I do not make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.

The story takes place at some point after the season four episode “A Tale of Two Muses”. It might contain spoilers up to that episode, but is not closely related to any specific episode. It should not be too confusing for somebody completely unfamiliar with the show.

The First Day in Jail
Gabrielle awoke with a groan. Her head hurt like hell. It took her a moment to realize why. She had been caught and hit over her head when she tried to rescue Tara. Xena had been on a solo mission and so the bard went in alone, as she did not dare to wait. Slowly she scanned her surroundings. She was in a dirty cell, with one leg chained to the wall. So, what was new?
She heard moaning from the next cell. That must have been the noise that woke her up. When she looked in the direction, she had to do a double take. Where she had expected to see somebody in pain, it was quite a different scenario. A person – a woman it seemed, but she could not see her clearly, only that she had black hair – was kneeling before one of the guards and servicing her. Gabrielle’s heart rate picked up as she watched the beautiful woman in the throes of passion. She remembered the guard as part of the group that had captured her. Even during the fight that luscious body had caught her attention.
Watching the scene sent a spark to her core. It was a forbidden thrill to enjoy the erotic show, with her eyes glued to the huge breasts of the guard juggling around while she rode the busy tongue of her lover. Gabrielle caught herself fingering her own pussy. She could not remember ever to have been aroused as much just by watching another woman. She blamed the knock to her head and the stunning beauty of the guard, completely unaware of the drugs coursing through her system. Immediately after capturing the bard, her enemies had administered a very potent aphrodisiac into her blood stream, one that had the side effects of relaxing the victim and weakening her willpower.
A cry of pleasure announced that the guard had come. Gabrielle watched her pussy getting cleaned by the tongue of her lover, before she stepped back and dropped her skirt. She bent down to pet her lover softly and whispered something to her. Then she straightened up and left the cell, locking it carefully. The bard did not really register her movements though, since she was distracted by the other prisoner. It was Tara! And the way she licked her lips, coupled with the blissful expression on her face, showed how much she had enjoyed servicing the guard. Gabrielle was still trying to process these revelations, when the door to her cell opened and the guard entered it.
“Hi, Gabrielle. I’m here to check your wounds.”
“Hi. Who are you?”
“My name is Arianna. As you might have guessed, I’m one of the jailors here. Your friend over there asked me to check on you and since she can be very convincing, I’ll have a look.”
“By convincing you, you mean she …”
A leer appeared on Arianna’s face.
“Yeah, she offered to lick my cunt. Of course, I accepted, and boy is she good at it.”
Gabrielle felt herself blushing. To cover it, she answered indignantly.
“So, you use your position of power to blackmail the inmates?”
“Hey, I did not blackmail her, she offered it freely. You should be happy to have such a good friend. And I think it is okay to accept such a deal, since I do take a risk myself. If the boss finds out, I’ll lose my job, or maybe even end up in a cell of my own. And if you do not need my help, I can leave right now.”
The bard immediately caved in.
“No, sorry, I did not want to blame you. I am probably still a bit out of it.”
“Okay, apology accepted. It’s not like I want to see such a beautiful woman in pain. Let’s check your head first. Mind you, I am not a healer, but I have some experience with first aid.”
Gabrielle reclined, while the guard knelt next to her cot. With Arianna bent over her body, it gave the bard an unrestricted view down her cleavage. And what a view it was. She saw the most luscious pair of breasts she had ever seen. They were larger even than Xena’s, despite their owner being not taller than Gabrielle, but they still seemed firm. The bard could not turn her eyes away, even when the guard hit a painful spot while probing around the wound. All in all, it took Arianna several minutes to check and clean the wound. The entire time Gabrielle was too busy ogling the woman to even think about trying to escape or maybe stealing some kind of tool or weapon. The guard finally stood up.
“I don’t think the wound is too bad. But it probably hurts, so you might want to drink this potion.”
Arianna pulled a little flask from her belt pocket.
“Thank you, yes please. That is very kind of you.”
“Thank your friend. As I said, it was just a deal. And remember, if you need something, I’d be open to dealing with you as well.”
Gabrielle blushed when she realized what that offer implied. And the blush turned even darker, when the guard bent forward again to hold the flask to the bard’s lips, thereby giving Gabrielle another peak at those incredible breasts. She drank the offered potion with large gulps, until the flask was empty. The bard felt heat rising from her core, which she simply attributed to the closeness of the beautiful guard. She was too distracted to realize that she had been duped, for she had been drugged once again. While the potion did have some healing properties as well, its main ingredient was another powerful aphrodisiac, again with the side effect of reducing the willpower as well. It would become even more difficult for Gabrielle to think rationally, instead of being controlled by her libido. When the guard had left, Gabrielle just lay on her cot, day dreaming about the beautiful guard and imagining the feel of those fabulous breasts.
It was Tara’s voice that finally pulled the bard from her dreams.
“Gabrielle! Shhh, Gabrielle, are you okay?”
“Yes, Tara, I’m fine.”
Gabrielle slowly got up and shuffled to the door. She waved at her young friend through the bars, which made up part of the cell door.
“I was a bit out of it for a moment, but now it is okay. Not the least thanks to that guard, Arianna. But, Tara, you really should not have prostituted yourself for that, just to help me.”
“Hey, isn’t it one of Xena’s teachings? ‘Use the weapons you have at hand.’ Survival is the only thing that matters. And it was really fun, anyway. Her pussy tastes so sweet. I just loved to bury my tongue in it.”
Gabrielle felt her arousal return at this vivid description. Slightly blushing, she decided to change the topic.
“Okay, well, what happened anyway? Why are you in jail?”
“Somebody must have framed me. They’ve jailed me for stealing, but I did not do it, honestly! We know that my past is a bit spotty, but I stopped all that when I met you. However, somehow, they found stolen jewelry in my luggage at the inn. I ended up in jail in record time, without a chance to really defend myself. Honestly, I’m glad the punishment for stealing here is jail. We both know that in many other towns I could have lost a hand.”
Gabrielle nodded gravely. Tara was correct. Her situation could have been much worse.
“Okay, do you know who might have framed you? And why?”
“Unfortunately, not. As I said, it wasn’t exactly a long trial. I only know that more stuff had been stolen. Therefore, I guess the real thief used me as a scapegoat, so that he got away safely with the rest.”
“Quite possible. You were an easy victim, a foreigner, traveling alone. Still, this makes me think, the real thief is somebody from around here, or at least somebody who comes through regularly. Otherwise, he could have simply left with the whole bounty, instead of taking the risk of framing you.”
Tara nodded eagerly.
“Hey, you are right. Good thinking. So how to tell Xena? Is she working on the outside right now, while you took the inside job?”
Gabrielle looked sheepishly at her friend.
“Well, about that. Xe is not here yet. She was working on another problem, raiders that were harassing some villages further north, when I got the message of your situation. Therefore, I came alone to rescue you.”
Tara’s eyes went wide.
“It was not a ploy, when they brought you in? They really captured you?”
“Unfortunately, yes. But don’t worry, we will find a way out.” Muttering under her breath, she added. “Hopefully, before Xena has to come and rescue both of us. I would never hear the end of it.”
Louder again, she continued.
“What have you found out so far about this place?”
“Not much. There are different sections, for the men and for the more serious criminals, like murderers. That gives us a certain leeway in how they treat us, though as you have noticed, they are still very thorough. We are not only locked behind bars, but chained within our cells. Arianna is in charge for this section. Usually, she is working through the day. As you know, I managed to gain a bit of trust with her. You should try to do the same. She is not so bad anyway, considering she honestly believes us to be criminals.”
Thinking about the beautiful guard and how Tara had managed to gain her trust, sent a shot of arousal through Gabrielle’s body. Absentmindedly, she nodded.
“Alright, that’s better than nothing.”
Moving her head, made her wince. The pain from her wound was slowly returning. And she was still weaker from the injury than she would have liked. Tara noticed the reaction of her friend.
“Gabrielle, are you really okay?”
“Don’t worry, just a little bump on the head. In a few hours I will be as good as new.”
The younger woman looked worried.
“Gabrielle, I hate being separated from you. I know, Arianna checked on you, and I am glad she did. But she is no healer. I would feel much better, if we could share a cell, so that I could keep an eye on you. Especially, since it is my fault that you are here in the first place.”
“Tara, don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault that I’m here. However, it is true, it would be better, if we would share the same cell, not just because of my wound, but also, because it would make escape much easier.”
Tara agreed.
“You are right. You know, Arianna will return later with dinner. Why don’t you try to convince her to move you over to my cell? And if words are not enough, you can always try to convince her my way.”
“You mean, I …”
Gabrielle choked on the words. Tara simply shrugged.
“I already did it for you. You should be willing to do the same.”
The bard found no way to counter that argument. She nodded slowly.
“I will think about it. However, for now, I need to lie down a bit.”
Deep in thought, Gabrielle returned to her cot. Tara was not wrong. She had been willing to go down on the guard to help Gabrielle. It would be quite hypocritical to accept this help, but not be willing to give the same sacrifice. On the other hand, there was Xena to think about. Technically, they were not in a relationship at the moment. After the disaster that was the rift, they had put their relationship on hiatus, instead deciding to regain their mutual trust and friendship first. Still, reclaiming their relationship was her goal in the end, so it would feel like betraying Xena, if the bard had sex with somebody else. Even though Xena probably was not as celibate. The sex drive of the Warrior Princess was legendary. Going without for several months would be virtually impossible for Xena. All the thoughts about Xena, Arianna and sex began to distract the bard. Heat waves ran through her body, while erotic images invaded her mind. Finally, she dozed off, with the same erotic images now entering her dreams.
The bard awoke, when Arianna entered her cell with a small tray. Gabrielle sat up and the guard placed the tray on her lap.
“Here, you can start eating, while I quickly check your wound.”
To have the beautiful woman sit next to her, gave the bard goosebumps. She started to eat her stew, simply to distract herself. It tasted okay for prison food, but unfortunately it was not a large portion. For the bard with her healthy appetite, it left her still hungry. But even worse than the hunger was the sudden overwhelming feel of horniness. It took all of Gabrielle’s willpower, not to touch herself, with the guard sitting right next to her. Seemingly oblivious Arianna hummed.
“Okay, so far it seems to be healing just fine. What about you, everything okay otherwise?”
The guard smiled at Gabrielle, hiding her true feelings. She watched the fidgeting woman. The stew had contained another dose of the powerful aphrodisiac. The bard’s pussy had to be steaming by now. Arianna was sure that their victim would break down soon. And she was right. Avoiding eye contact and playing with her spoon, Gabrielle began to talk.
“Arianna, you know Tara and I are friends. Why don’t you move me to her cell? It should not be a problem, I mean, there are still the chains.”
The guard looked at her through hooded eyes. Slowly she picked up the tray and placed it out of the way.
“Maybe that could be arranged, if you ask real nicely. You know, what I mean, don’t you?”
Gabrielle gulped.
“Y..e..s, you, … you want me to …”
Her eyes zeroed in on Arianna’s crotch. The guard grinned.
“Clever girl. Get down on your knees and lick my cunt. And if you do a good job servicing me, I will transfer you to Tara’s cell.”
The bard moaned. With her willpower diminished by the drug, she had no resistance left to withstand the boiling inferno in her pussy. She dropped to her knees and crawled between Arianna’s open legs. Gabrielle’s excitement grew when she noticed that the guard was not wearing any panties. Her look fell directly on the bare pussy, covered in a soft black down. Arianna pulled up her skirt, allowing her to open the legs even wider. Without further delay Gabrielle bent forward and pressed a kiss on her lover’s mound. She relished the sweet taste of the succulent pussy. Her tongue was busy working through all the nooks and crevices. With slow, deliberate movements, she licked up one side of the slit and down the other. Then she took turns, sucking on one pussy lip and then the other. Next, she searched for the clit and closed her lips around the little nub. Gentle sucking made it grow in size. Gabrielle felt hands grip her hair.
“Oh yes, good girl, push your tongue into my cunt, you little sex monster. I love it, how eager you are for my juices.”
Arianna groaned and pulled the bard’s face into her crotch. Gabrielle did not disappoint and pushed her tongue deep into the love tunnel. She moaned when she found an even richer source of the sweet nectar. The bard felt the strong thighs, which encased her head, tremble. She knew her lover was close and pumped even faster. Her own pussy was dripping wet by now, but all she cared about at this moment was her lover. She showed off all the expertise she has gained from her time with the amazons, and of course from many long nights with Xena. Suddenly those thighs gripped her even tighter, while a fresh gush of juices announced Arianna’s orgasm. The guard moaned loudly, but managed to keep herself from calling out. After several moments, Arianna had calmed down enough to speak. She petted Gabrielle and sat back.
“Girl, that was great. You are a fantastic cunt-licker.”
The bard blushed and sat down on her hunches. Arianna continued.
“Okay, please understand that I have to stay careful, even with a good girl like you. Therefore, you will have to wait a bit. In a candle mark or two the night guard will arrive. Then I will have back-up and will allow you to transfer to your friend’s cell. Okay?”
Gabrielle nodded.
“Okay, I understand. No problem. I trust you.”
Which was true, but even more importantly, the bard desperately needed some alone time at this point. She was close to coming herself by now and did not want to give her young friend a show. The moment Arianna had left the cell with the empty tray, the bard reclined on her cot. She quickly removed her skirt and panties, before shoving two fingers into her dripping vagina. Gabrielle spent more than a candle mark masturbating furiously. She came three times, mostly fantasizing about the beautiful guard she had just serviced.
Only a few minutes later, Arianna returned with a second guard, whom she introduced as Rayna. The exotic beauty smirked when she entered the bard’s cell. Belatedly Gabrielle realized that the smell in the small room had to be quite obvious. Therefore, she blushed when the guards opened her chain and then led her across to Tara’s cell. There she was chained again to the wall. The bard was so spent from her little sex marathon, that she did not even think about escape. Once the guards had left, Tara hugged her tightly.
“Thanks for coming to my rescue.”
Tara pulled back, scrunched her nose and then grinned.
“But it seems as if you have enjoyed your time so far.”
Gabrielle blushed once again. She was drained from her day and soon fell asleep on her new cot. Her night was littered with erotic dreams.

Day Two
Early afternoon the next day, Gabrielle came to a realization. The food in this jail was okay taste wise, but it was not enough. Last night she had been too distracted to notice, but today she felt her stomach growl, despite that they just had lunch. And she had not even done that much. She and Tara had decided to use this day for rest, so that the bard could completely recover from her head wound. If Xena was here, she would have a field day. She loved to make fun of Gabrielle’s voracious appetite. She would just laugh at seeing the bard so fidgety after just one day in jail.
To keep her thoughts away from her empty stomach, Gabrielle watched her cell mate, who was just doing a stretching routine. Unfortunately, this reminded her of the other reason she was so fidgety: She was once again incredibly horny. She had felt it already this morning, but it had gotten worse after lunch, when Arianna had taken the empty trays away. The bard could only assume that it was caused by seeing the beautiful guard, since it reminded her of last night. She still had no clue that all their meals were drugged with the same powerful aphrodisiac. And with the constant level of arousal coursing through her body, watching her beautiful young friend turned into an erotic show.
Tara sat on the floor, with both legs stretched in a ninety-degree angle. First, she bent over the left leg, until her hands could grip her foot. Then she sat back up, before bending over the other leg. The movements showed off her incredible body, having the watching bard almost mesmerized. Gabrielle had admired her friend’s beauty from the beginning, though back then she was still a bit young and seemed to be only interested in boys. When did that change, anyway? Ever the inquisitive bard (Xena would tease “nosy”), Gabrielle decided to ask.
“Hey, Tara, since when do you like girls as well? Back when we met, you only seemed to be into boys.”
Tara grunted, before she took a short break from her exercise.
“Probably from the beginning, but it took me a lot of time to realize it. Love between women was unheard of in my village.”
“I understand. Back home in Poteideia it was the same. Of course, becoming an amazon princess opened my eyes very quickly.”
Tara snorted.
“Yeah, I guess. It was you actually, who opened my eyes, or more precisely you and Xena. Watching you two interact so intimately showed me that love between women is possible and just as natural as love between man and woman.”
Now it was Gabrielle’s turn to snort.
“That’s rather ironic. While yes, Xena and I have once been lovers, it had stopped before you met us.”
“You are shitting me. You two are not together?”
“Not at the moment, no. You know a bit about what happened during our rift. We decided to repair our friendship first, before we become lovers once more.”
“Wow, and here I thought I simply never heard you at night because you were so considerate. You really seemed so close. I was sure you were lovers.”
“Well, I am glad to hear that. I take as a sign that we are on a good way.”
Feeling that their talk had become too serious, Gabrielle decided to change the topic.
“Tell me, Tara, are the food portions always so small here?”
The younger woman nodded.
“Unfortunately, yes.”
Gabrielle’s face turned into a frown.
“That’s not good. I am feeling constantly hungry. And my body needs nourishment to heal properly.”
Tara turned to her and shrugged.
“Well, you know how to get an extra serving, just ask Arianna nicely.”
The bard’s eyes widened.
“You mean I should offer to service her?”
“Yeah, why not? You should ask her tonight. It should be stew again. That would make it easier for Arianna to take a bit more, since it is not something you can count.” Tara smirked. “And it sounds fair. You offer to eat her, and in return you get something to eat.”
Gabrielle could not suppress a chuckle at the cheeky joke, but she still felt uncomfortable about the suggestion.
“You really think it is okay to service her, just for some food. Wouldn’t that be degrading?”
“Of course not. Have you seen that woman and how gorgeous she is? You have licked her pussy. Tell me honestly, you would not love another taste of her sweet juices.”
Gabrielle blushed. She could not deny the truth. She had fucked herself for more than a candle mark, after her first taste of Arianna’s pussy. Quite obviously she had enjoyed servicing the guard and yes, she would also love another go at it. Still, her conscience did not allow her to give in just yet.
“Maybe, but that does not make it automatically right. However, I will think about it.”
“No problem, it’s your decision.”
Tara returned to her stretching exercises, while the bard turned in for a little nap. Sleep did not come for a long time though, because she was still on edge from the arousal coursing through her body.
Later that day, the guard made her round to hand out dinner. Gabrielle and Tara stood near the door, waiting for their turn. Watching the beautiful woman made the bard’s heart beat speed up. All day she had felt a constant buzz in her core. Seeing Arianna gave her a visual reminder of last night’s activities, of the time she spent kneeling between those gorgeous thighs and servicing the other woman. Just thinking about it was almost too much. She had to press her thighs together to keep herself from touching her pussy. So distracted, she did not notice the knowing look exchanged between Tara and the guard, who had now arrived at their cell. The two prisoners watched Arianna ladle some stew from a bucket into two bowls. Again, the portions were rather small. Tara bent closer to the bard and whispered in her ear, with one hand almost accidentally resting on her bottom.
“Remember what you wanted to offer.”
Her mind clouded by the powerful drugs in her system and additionally being distracted by the hand fondling her rear end, Gabrielle simply nodded and then spoke up.
“Arianna, please, could we have a bit more stew? We are very hungry.”
The guard looked at her with a predatory grin.
“You do know what you have to offer in exchange?”
“Yes, I will do it.”
“Say it out loud.”
Gabrielle blushed, equally embarrassed and turned on by the command.
“Please, may we have more stew? In exchange I offer to lick your pussy.”
“Good girl, you are a quick study. I will return later to collect my payment.”
Arianna added more stew to both bowls, then pushed them through the small opening designed to feed the inmates. While she left, Tara turned to the bard.
“Good decision.”
She squeezed Gabrielle’s ass, then picked up a bowl and returned to her cot. The bard followed her a moment later almost on automatic. Gabrielle was so confused; she did not realize she agreed to solely pay for a deal that benefitted Tara just as much. They started their meal in silence, but the time spent eating did not help to clear the bard’s mind. While it helped to sate one hunger, it increased the other one ten-fold. Eating a bigger portion of stew of course meant that the bard also consumed a bigger dose of the aphrodisiac. It felt like liquid desire coursing through her veins, with her arousal on a constant rise. It got even worse when she noticed the predatory looks Tara sent her way. It seemed her friend had developed some very carnal thoughts about her. But before Gabrielle could make sense of the situation in her muddled brain, a sound at the cell door caught her attention. Arianna had returned.
“It’s time to pay the tribute you owe me, Gabrielle. Get down on your knees.”
A stroke of lust shot directly to the bard’s center when she heard the confident voice. Without hesitation she knelt down on the floor, while the guard entered the cell and sat down on Gabrielle’s cot. The bard crawled in position. She was just bending forward to start, when another command stopped her.
“No touching without permission. You will always ask first before you may service me.”
Almost out of her mind with desire, Gabrielle did not hesitate.
“Please, Arianna, may I touch you to service you?”
“Good girl, permission granted. And I expect a good job.”
Soon the bard’s tongue was buried deep in the dominant woman’s pussy. Tasting the sweet juices spurred her on to pump even faster. Arianna had curled one leg around the bard’s shoulder, pulling her in even closer. Gabrielle loved how responsive her lover was to being pleasured. She drank copious amounts of juices from the hot source. Servicing the gorgeous guard had pushed Gabrielle’s own honey pot up into a boiling inferno. She just had to do something about it. Therefore, she pushed two fingers into her own pussy, while still working her tongue over Arianna’s. Suddenly the bard’s head was pulled up forcefully and a powerful slap hit her cheek. A shocked Gabrielle looked at the angry face of her lover, who reprimanded her immediately.
“Stop fingering yourself without permission! Your sole purpose here is to service me. Only when you have finished that job to my satisfaction, you may play with yourself. Do you understand?”
In her dazed state, Gabrielle understood only one thing. She needed to come desperately, but she was only allowed after servicing Arianna. Therefore, she needed to do everything to satisfy the other woman. She did not realize how warped her thinking had already become, nor did she notice the evil grin exchanged between the guard and her friend Tara. For it had been the latter who watched the sexy show closely and who warned the guard of Gabrielle’s little indiscretion. Weakened by two days of drug consumption, the bard had fallen more and more under the single control of her libido, losing her once rebellious spirit and allowing the stronger women to manipulate her. Therefore, she did not defend herself against being hit and instead begged for forgiveness.
“I am sorry, Arianna! Please allow me to keep servicing you. I promise, I will focus everything on your pleasure.”
“Okay, little bard, but understand this: The only thing of value you have got is your body. In here, that’s a cheap commodity, but I am generous enough to accept it as payment. As long as you work hard to service me, I will stay generous, but I expect total obedience, while you do it.”
Deeply distressed, Gabrielle nodded.
“I am really sorry. And I promise to obey.”
“Then get back to work.”
Arianna pushed the bard’s face back into her crotch, rubbing it several times over her pussy.
“And now start licking.”
Soon, the bard was again busy pleasuring the other woman. Despite her raging arousal, she focused all her concentration on the body of her lover, trying to please her with every fiber of her being. It did not take long and Arianna came with a loud grunt. But she did not stop and forced the bard to keep servicing her until she reached a second orgasm. Finally, she let go and stood up. By now Gabrielle was almost consumed by lust. The moment the guard had left, she pushed down her skirt and panties, not even caring about Tara witnessing it. But before she could start, the younger woman pulled her down on her cot.
“Get down on all four. I will take care of you.”
Eager for the touch of her beautiful friend, Gabrielle obeyed and took up the position. Seconds later she felt an experienced finger glide along her labia. She heard Tara whisper dirty comments.
“You are so wet. I bet you just love to eat Arianna’s pussy. And you look so beautiful when you service another woman. I think it is what you were born to do.”
The bard moaned. She was already too far off to really understand the words, but that soft voice added another thrill to her pleasure-seeking mind. From behind, Tara slowly pushed a finger into her vagina. It went in easily, so she pulled back and added a second finger. Gabrielle moaned even louder, when she felt them enter her together. They filled her vagina so wonderfully. First slowly, then with increasing speed Tara began to move them back and forth. She understood that the bard needed her release desperately. And she was right. It took less than a minute to bring Gabrielle her first climax. Tara chuckled.
“Okay, that is out of the way. Now I can really start to fuck you. Enjoy the ride.”
Now that the ice was broken, Tara took her time. With slow, deliberate movements she pulled out her fingers and circled the tips around the bard’s clit. She leant closer now, so that she could reach around the bard with her other hand and start playing with her breasts. Soon Gabrielle was mewling in pleasure at this added stimulation, only to cry out when Tara pinched a nipple. The bard’s pussy was once again dripping with juices, so the younger woman decided it was time to enter her again. Knowing how wet Gabrielle was, she directly used two fingers to penetrate her core. In, out did she pump her fingers, giving Gabrielle the fucking of a lifetime. Every so often she curled her fingers to hit the g-spot, making the bard see stars. Gabrielle whimpered in need while she pushed back against those wonderful fingers, trying to be impaled as deep as possible.
On and on Tara fucked the bard with one hand, while the other kneaded those voluptuous breasts. Gabrielle could no longer keep her pleasure quiet. She was shouting so loud, that every inmate of this section would know what was happening here. But she was not even aware of her shouts, since she was consumed by lust. The arousal in her body was constantly rising, pushing her towards an enormous orgasm. And this orgasm was all that mattered to her right now; not being in prison, not her soulmate Xena, the only thing she cared about was to come. Tara noticed the signs of the bard’s impending climax: the trembling thighs, the walls of the vagina clenching her fingers and the juices now flowing freely. She increased the speed of her pumping hand, while milking the breasts with her other one. When she felt Gabrielle was just on the brink, she bent forward and bit in her shoulder, hard, to mark her. With a keening noise, the bard exploded in ecstasy, overwhelmed by a tremendous climax.
While Tara watched the bard come down from her high, she was tempted to fuck her again, but she managed to restrain herself. This was not about her pleasure – or the bard’s, for that regard – but to push Gabrielle further into sexual servitude. They wanted to make her accept, that for anything she wanted or needed she had to pay with sex and that she would start to do it willingly. They used the same mixture of deception, seduction and drugs they had used on Tara, although they had molded her into a slightly different persona, since they intended her to be one of the weapons to turn Gabrielle. Yet even though Tara was more confident than the bard would be in the end, her mind was completely theirs – especially Hers, the one she now considered her Mistress. For Her, she was willing to betray her good friend Gabrielle and to help turning her into a sex slave.
The bard’s inner walls had finally relaxed enough for Tara to remove her fingers. She licked them clean and then gave Gabrielle a slap on the ass, before she shifted to sit on the edge of the cot.
“Okay, time for payback. Get down here.”
“Huh, what?”
The bard was still out of it. Tara slapped her again.
“I said, get down here. It’s your turn to lick my pussy now.”
Controlled by the drugs in her system, Gabrielle followed the command and knelt down on the floor. Tara opened her legs and invited the bard to come closer. Gabrielle did not hesitate and crawled in position. Seeing a completely shaved pussy stoked the fire in her loins. Even after just two days, she was trained well enough to ask for permission, before she touched Tara with her lips. Once she had the go-ahead from the younger woman, she bent forward and placed a reverent kiss on a creamy thigh. Switching between both legs, she found Tara’s thighs muscular, but still soft to the touch. Slowly she moved higher with her kisses, closer and closer to her ultimate goal. Her nose twitched when she caught the musky odor of the dripping pussy.
Finally, she placed a first kiss on the soft mound. The taste was not as sweet as that of Arianna’s juices, but just as arousing. Obviously, Tara did no longer want to wait and used both hands, to press the bard’s head deeper into her crotch. Gabrielle took this as a sign to switch from kissing to licking. With her agile tongue, she discovered every nook and cranny of the overflowing folds. Fully devoted to her task of servicing Tara, the bard started to lick between the protruding lips, not for a moment questioning, why she would accept so easily the dominance of the younger woman. Large chunks of her once very head-strong personality had already been eroded by the powerful drugs. Gabrielle spent more than a candle mark to worship her lover’s pussy, enjoying it to be showered in juices. Tara forced the bard to lick her to three consecutive orgasms, before she allowed her to rest, but without returning the favor.

Day Three
The next morning, the bard quickly learned that servicing Arianna last night had only brought her extra food for that one meal. To get a bigger portion at breakfast, she had to lick the guard’s pussy again. So soon she found herself once more between Arianna’s thighs, with her tongue busy working through her folds. Gabrielle enjoyed the sweet taste of her lover’s juices. She sucked on the guard’s clit, but there was one thing distracting her from her task, or rather two things. Even the guard’s uniform could not stop Arianna’s massive breasts from bouncing. Gabrielle could not stop herself. Without stopping her tongue, she snaked one arm upwards to get a feel of one of the mounds. Suddenly a strong hand grabbed her wrist, while a painful slap hit her cheek.
“Who has told you to touch my tits? You do what I say and nothing else! Understood?”
“Yes, sorry Arianna. It‘s just …”
“I, …, I just love your gorgeous breasts.”
“That’s understandable, but you have to learn to ask for permission. If I’m in a good mood, I might allow it, but you have to pay the price. First, you will finish your job of servicing me. To punish you for your disobedience, Tara will spank you, while you do it. So, you better do a good job, or your ass will be really sore afterwards. Oh, and no matter how much you might enjoy to service me and to be spanked, you are not allowed to come.”
Gabrielle bent obediently closer and returned to her former task. Meanwhile the guard’s words took hold of her subconscious. She had never thought of a spanking as something erotic, but now the idea took hold. The bard’s body shook lightly in anticipation, while Tara lifted her skirt out of the way. Next, she removed the panties. When her first strike hit Gabrielle’s bare bottom, a mixture of pain and thrill run through the bard’s body. For long minutes Tara kept spanking the bard, while the latter serviced Arianna. Just a few days ago, Gabrielle would not have believed it, but she became increasingly aroused from getting spanked. Together with the sweet taste of Arianna’s juices, it sent waves of pleasure through her. The bard actually had to fight not to come, before she gave Arianna first one and then a second orgasm. At a sign of the guard, Tara finally stopped. Arianna stood up slowly, towering over the kneeling bard.
“And now it is time to pay the price. You will rim my asshole until I come. And as a reward, Tara will fuck you while you do it. You are allowed to come, but make no mistake, my pleasure is more important than yours. Repeat it, to show that you understand this fact!”
Desperate for release and pumped up on drugs, Gabrielle did not hesitate. Even the thought of touching another person’s asshole with her tongue for the first time in her life could not suppress her desire to obey.
“Your pleasure is more important than mine, Arianna.”
“Good girl. Remember this for the rest of your life. Your job is to service other women; therefore, their pleasure is always more important that yours. But now it’s time for you to do your job.”
Arianna knelt on the cot, facing the headboard. Gabrielle got up and took up position behind her. She had not really understood Arianna’s words, but the message wormed its way into her subconscious. Finally, Tara sat down next to the bard. Allowing Gabrielle to find release, while rimming the guard’s asshole, was part of the devious plan of her enemies. In her vulnerable state, in her mind it would connect the humiliating task of rimming an asshole with the pleasure she would feel. Gabrielle pulled the cheeks apart with her hands and licked tentatively along the crack. She repeated the move several times, before she centered her attention on the little rosebud. She licked slowly around the ring of muscles. A finger entering her vagina distracted Gabrielle from the dank taste.
Emboldened she started to push her tongue against the rosebud. The ring of muscles slowly yielded, allowing the tip of her tongue inside. With renewed purpose she pushed even stronger, at the same time when a second finger entered her core. She pushed her tongue as deep as possible, and then began to pump it in and out, while the fingers in her pussy moved with increasing speed inside her. Soon they were acting in synch, Gabrielle tongue-fucking the guard’s asshole and Tara fucking the bard in return. Gabrielle, who had already been close before, felt the pleasure rise inside her towards an inevitable climax. Still, she needed to give as much pleasure as she received and increased her efforts to bring Arianna off. Despite her inexperience at rimming an asshole, Gabrielle made an excellent job, motivated by her burning need to please Arianna. It took only a couple more minutes of this intense three-way fuck, before first Gabrielle and then the guard exploded in an unstoppable orgasm.
Afterwards, Arianna returned to her duties, while Gabrielle slowly recovered in the arms of her friend.
Gabrielle had really planned to talk with Tara after breakfast about ways to escape. But then her friend’s hands had begun roaming her body and she had forgotten all about talking. Those hands soon discovered her pussy and had her writhing in pleasure. And of course, the bard had to thank Tara for fucking her by licking her pussy. She had accepted by now that it was her duty to repay every favor done to her by sexually servicing the other woman. Gabrielle had knelt between her lover’s legs for more than an hour, her mouth working on Tara’s hot core. Afterwards, both were worn out and had to rest until lunch.
After lunch, Gabrielle found herself again busy eating a pussy, this time once more the sweet pussy of their guard, Arianna. Oh, how the bard loved the taste of her juices. A sudden thought had Gabrielle almost giggle, despite her position. She really had been eating all day, either food or pussies. Life was surprisingly good in prison, she realized, and turned her full attention back to her task of pleasuring Arianna. This time the guard had allowed her to play with her breasts first, as a reward for Gabrielle’s services in the morning. And the bard had to admit, it was absolutely worth licking an asshole, if the reward was touching these wonderful soft mounds. Arianna had been in a generous mood, this time also allowing Tara to fuck the bard simultaneously. With her tongue buried deep in the guard’s succulent pussy, Gabrielle felt her friend fucking her with lots of enthusiasm. She heard her friend praise her.
“It’s so much fun fucking you, Gabrielle, but your cunt is so greedy, I think I will need something bigger than just my fingers. Why don’t you ask Arianna very politely to help us? I bet she can get us a nice toy.”
The bard in her pleasure-seeking mood liked this suggestion so much, that she almost stopped to ask immediately. Only at the last moment did she remember the lesson she had been taught earlier. Arianna’s pleasure was more important than her own. She had to finish tongue-fucking her before she could ask about a sex toy. Her former strong personality had already been eroded to a point where she accepted this logic and happily agreed with Tara’s suggestion. With even more fervor than before she licked the guard’s pussy. It did not take long, before she was showered in Arianna’s juices, when the guard came with a loud grunt. After the bard had cleaned her with her tongue, Arianna pulled back.
“Good job. See you tonight.”
Gabrielle spoke quickly.
“Uhm, Arianna, before you go, do you think you could get us a sex toy?”
“That should be possible, but probably not before tomorrow. You do know the cost, do you?”
“Yes, Arianna. I will service you any way you want.”
“Good, it seems you do start to understand your position. I will take you tonight.”
Shortly after dinner, Arianna reappeared. Not a minute later, the bard knelt before her and licked her pussy. Once again, the drugs in her meal had done their job and Gabrielle was horny as hell. She tried to do her best at servicing the guard, in the hopes of being allowed an orgasm of her own. Her tongue was busy running through her lover’s folds, before she stiffened it to enter the slit. For several minutes she pumped it inside, with Arianna’s hands wrapped in her hair. When the guard finally came, she pressed Gabrielle’s face into her crotch, making it difficult for the bard to breath. She almost saw stars by the time she was released. Then, Arianna shoved her away almost casually.
“You are getting better at it. Later tonight, you will service Rayna, the night guard. I owe her one from our last dice game.”
Gabrielle felt humiliated at the thought of being traded like a cheap commodity, but at the same time she was thrilled at the thought of the exotic beauty she had first met two days ago. Therefore, she simply nodded.
“Of course, Arianna, as you wish.”
After the guard had left, Tara began to play with the bard’s body. Gabrielle was putty in her hands, since she desperately needed to come by now. Yet, just when she was close, Tara stopped. At Gabrielle’s searching look, she pointed towards the door.
“Rayna is here. It is time to do your job.”
Something in Gabrielle protested that this was not her “job”. She was not a prostitute, but just one look at the beautiful guard was enough to quell any resistance before it could even arise. Rayna looked at her with an evil grin, before she stepped closer to the cell door.
“I heard your mouth is quite useful. Since I won your services, let’s see if those rumors are true.”
“Yes, Rayna, I am at your service tonight. What do you want me to do?”
Gabrielle was a bit confused, since the guard still waited outside.
“You will kneel right here and then lick my pussy.”
Rayna pointed to a spot in the cell, directly in front of her.
The bard followed the instructions.
“As you wish, but how …?”
“You will lick me through the bars, obviously. Show some effort, slut! It is your job to please women.”
In her drugged state, the bard accepted these words as truth. It was another step into becoming the sexual plaything her enemies wanted to turn her into.
“Of course, Rayna.”
Gabrielle bent forward and pressed her face between the bars to reach as far as possible with her tongue. It was a thrilling contrast between the cold metal pressed against her cheeks and the hot pussy she got to taste. Since she was limited in her movements to the sides, the bard licked up and down the slit. An increased flow of juices showed her that she had an effect. For a moment, she tried to concentrate on the clit, although it was difficult in the circumstances. The prison guard looked down at her through hooded eyes and praised her oral skills.
“That’s a good slut. Your tongue is talented. Tara, show her the reward for obedience.”
Moments later, Gabrielle felt fingers explore her pussy. She doubled her effort, for she understood by now that she should not come before the guard. The other woman’s pleasure was more important. The whole evening, Gabrielle had been on the brink of an orgasm. Therefore, it was one of the hardest things she ever did, but she managed to suppress her own climax until she had made the guard come. With juices flooding her face and mouth, the pleasure exploded from her core. Strong hands gripping her hair forced the bard to keep licking, until Rayna had come again. Tara had kept fucking her, causing another climax. Before she left, the night guard pulled Gabrielle’s long hair through the bars and used it to wipe her crotch.
Gabrielle had no time to think about it, because her friend fucked her to another climax. Despite her exhaustion, the bard knew what was expected of her. She turned around and licked Tara’s pussy until both of them fell asleep.

Days Four and Five
The next morning found the bard once again licking Arianna’s pussy as payment for a bigger portion of the bread and cheese they had for breakfast. It had been days since she had last thought about escape. Instead, her mind was filled with images of the tool the guard had handed to Tara and how her friend would use it later. Gabrielle’s goal was to thank the guard for her generosity. She had even kissed Arianna’s boot in reference, before she started on servicing the woman. The whole time, the guard held Gabrielle’s head with strong hands, to show her who was in command. Only when the bard had brought her to climax twice, did Arianna let her go. Soon after, she left.
The rest of the day and the next was a never-ending sex-trip. Tara fucked the bard with her new dildo, again and again. Gabrielle just loved the way the dildo filled her cunt so thoroughly. The tool was made of polished wood, heavy and shiny. When Tara was not fucking the bard, Gabrielle was on her knees, servicing her friend as a thank you, or servicing Arianna as payment for extra portions of food. Both inmates needed the additional nourishment desperately to keep up with their sex-marathon. The constant mixture of sex and drugs had further eroded Gabrielle’s personality. More and more she accepted that her role in life was to service other women and to be used by them.
Late in the afternoon of day five, Tara turned to her friend and sniffed her.
“You are starting to stink. Our little wash basin is not enough, but there is a communal bath room for the prisoners. When Arianna is here, you will ask her for permission that we may go there tomorrow.”
Gabrielle easily agreed, once again accepting that she alone would pay with her body for something that benefitted her friend as well. Later, when she had serviced Arianna as payment for their extra food, she asked her.
“Arianna, I have heard there is a communal bath room. May Tara and I use it tomorrow?”
The guard sniffed.
“Yeah, I can smell why that might be necessary. Still, for something so big I expect you to ask more nicely.”
For a moment, Gabrielle was confused, until she saw the guard’s pointed look down. She quickly bent down and kissed Arianna’s boot. By now, the humiliating gesture almost seemed natural to her.
“Please, Arianna, may we use the communal bath? My body is yours.”
“Okay, it seems you understand that you are just a convenient cunt. Still, it is a big favor you ask for. Therefore, Rayna will join me tonight, when we play with you.”
Once again, Gabrielle did not consciously register the insult. All she understood was the yes and that she would have sex with both guards, each one of them a beautiful woman. She begged Tara to fuck her some more, to take the edge of off her arousal.
“Please, Tara. Fuck me! I need to come before I service our guards, otherwise I will be too distracted to do a good job.”
“It seems you haven’t learned your position. When you service a woman, your sole purpose is her pleasure. Nothing else matters. Let’s teach you some more. Suck my cunt and maybe I will grant you your relief afterwards.”
Gabrielle quickly followed the command and knelt before her friend. After spending almost one hour with her tongue in her pussy, Tara finally showed mercy. She pushed the bard onto her cot and entered her cunt with the dildo. It took less than two minutes to make Gabrielle come. Afterwards she allowed the bard some much needed rest. About two hours later, Arianna and Rayna entered the cell. A shiver ran over Gabrielle’s body, upon seeing those two powerful women coming towards her. She was aroused just from the thought of servicing them. It was Arianna, who spoke.
“It is time to pay the price, slut. Beg for it!”
Gabrielle obeyed eagerly. She let herself slide from the cot and knelt before them, to then lean forward and kiss both their boots.
“Please, may I service you in exchange for permission to use the communal bath?”
With a sneer, Rayna looked down at her.
“Going by your smell, you need it. Well, it is your lucky day. You may not only service us, we will fuck you for the rest of the night.”
The bard thanked them earnestly, while Rayna sat down on the cot. The guard lifted her skirt and Gabrielle crawled between her legs. From up close, the pussy looked beautiful, with bright pink lips shining in contrast to the dark bronze skin around them, partly covered by nicely trimmed black hair. She kissed the mons lovingly to show her gratitude for being allowed to service the beautiful night guard. From there she licked through the folds to gather droplets of Rayna’s delicious sexual secretions. She slurped them in noisily. While Gabrielle was busy licking the tasty pussy, she felt movement behind her and seconds later strong hands gripped her hips. She heard the husky voice of the other guard in her ear.
“Remember, Rayna’s pleasure is more important than yours. Climax before her and you get punished.”
The bard moaned in anticipation.
“Of course, Arianna, I understand.”
Gabrielle quickly resumed her work of licking pussy, while she felt something hard tease her entrance. Since Arianna’s hands were still on her hips, she realized that the guard used some kind of strap-on phallus. She had seen such toys before when visiting the amazons. Moments later it entered her vagina, causing Gabrielle to moan. Remembering her task, she resumed licking Rayna’s pussy, drawing her tongue up and down the slit. Soon she was on fire from the tool gliding in and out of her. Realizing how close she already was, Gabrielle upped her speed of licking, before concentrating on Rayna’s clit. Her attention to the growing bundle of nerves helped her get the job done and a rush of new juices announced the night guard’s climax. It was not long after that that the bard came as well, but their night was far from over.
Arianna kept fucking the bard with unrelenting force, while her tongue was buried in Rayna’s cunt. From the other cot, Tara was watching the show with hooded eyes. One hand was stuffed in her pussy, while the other teased her nipples. For the last few months, she had been trained to enjoy other women being degraded. This gave her the motivation to betray her friend Gabrielle. Now she was rewarded with the thrill of seeing the bard getting fucked senseless. She had already come twice just from watching and touching herself, but she exploded again when the guard’s traded places and Rayna now aimed for the bard’s asshole. Seeing Gabrielle being taken anally was just so good. It was two hours later, when the guards left, leaving a completely fucked out bard behind.

Day Six
Shortly after the bard had serviced Arianna the next morning in exchange for extra breakfast, the guard came back to lead them to the communal bath. Gabrielle did not even think of escape, despite being free of her leg chain for once. She was just eager to clean herself with more than the one bucket of water in their cell. When they reached another door, Arianna shoved them through and began to close it behind them.
“I will be back in about an hour. Make sure to be finished by then.”
Gabrielle said a quick thank you, when she heard Tara curse softly. She turned to her.
“What is it?”
Her friend pointed ahead, where a group of powerfully build women were using the facilities. A tall and muscular redhead stood out even among them.
“Maja and her gang are here. She considers herself the queen of the prisoners and has gathered enough muscles to enforce it in her section with the serious criminals. Make sure to do anything she asks. Otherwise, she could end our lives or at least make this a hell for us.”
The old Gabrielle would have never bowed to a bully, but she had been drugged and manipulated for many days and it had taken its toll. Therefore, she simply nodded.
“Okay, what do we do?”
“You go to Maja and ask her very nicely, if it is okay for us to use the bath as well. Do everything she says.”
Following the advice, Gabrielle went ahead. She felt the heat in her body increase, when she neared the imposing woman, who was naked, as were most women of the group. Because of the drugs, she was constantly horny. Therefore, seeing this statuesque body was incredibly arousing. When she was close, she stopped and meekly asked the leader.
“Excuse me, Maja, may we use the bath?”
The woman looked her up and down, before she answered.
“First, we need to know, who is asking. Show your body!”
Gabrielle did not even hesitate to strip in front of these women. The leader took in her muscular frame.
“Not bad. What do you think, Bruna?”
A stocky black woman stepped behind the bard. She let a hand glide along Gabrielle’s shoulder. Then she moved it to the front and began to fondle the bard’s breasts. After a moment of playing with them, the woman turned to her leader.
“Nice tits. Yeah, I think she might be fun.”
Gabrielle had accepted this treatment passively. She felt herself getting wet at these words. She could imagine what kind of fun Bruna referred to, but she waited for the leader’s decision. The tall woman looked at her for a moment; then nodded.
“You want to use the facilities? That can be arranged, but first we will use you for some fun. Let’s start with you showing gratitude for our generosity.”
Gabrielle understood and willingly accepted the implied message. She knelt down and kissed Maja’s feet, while the rest of the gang surrounded them. Afterwards she turned around and kissed the feet of all the other women as well. When she was finished, she was kneeling again before the leader, who looked down at her with a smirk.
“Okay, good start. Next you will service me and suck my cunt. If you are doing a good job, we will play a little game, where all of us will fuck you together.”
The bard beamed at the idea of getting fucked by all of these athletic women. Without hesitation she crawled closer towards Maja and buried her tongue in her pussy. She relished in the slightly salty taste of her juices. She licked along the slit, before she sucked on one of the fleshy nether lips. While the bard kept servicing Maja, she felt movement behind her. Moments later, hands began to explore her body. When one of them found her pussy, she stopped her oral ministrations for a second to moan loudly. The reaction was immediate. Several hard blows rained down on her backside while Bruna reprimanded her.
“You have just one task and you fail? Get your tongue back into Maja’s cunt. Her pleasure is all that matters to you while you service her. She is a Goddess compared to a slut like you. It is an honor that you are allowed to touch her.”
Gabrielle immediately got back to work. She did not dare to hesitate the second it would cost to thank Bruna for the reminder. Doing her job was too important. The bard’s strong spirit had been shattered so hard that she accepted her role as a sex toy for a group of brutal criminals. It was such a thrill to service the powerful gang leader Gabrielle had problems to keep her arousal contained. After Maja had climaxed and bathed the bard with her sexual juices, the real fun had begun. All the women took turns to fuck Gabrielle or forced her to service them. The bard was almost delirious with pleasure. She was much too distracted to notice Tara leaving the room.
The young woman had slipped through a partially hidden door and went up to the room of the prison warden, to service her. The warden, Liara, was her Mistress. She had trained Tara personally to turn her not just into a sex slave, but also the traitor who would deliver the bard to them. It had not been her own idea, but a favor for an old friend. Still with the talented tongue in her pussy, she knew it had been a very good deal. After she had flooded her slave’s face with her juices, she stopped her.
“Good job, pet, but now it is time for you to go back. Don’t worry. I will visit you soon.”
Tara was disappointed that she had to leave her beautiful Mistress, but of course she obeyed without hesitation. Only good pets got wonderful rewards like today. When she returned to the baths, she was just in time to watch Gabrielle climax from being fucked in all three major orifices. Seeing the bard’s blissful face assured Tara that she did her friend a huge favor by helping to turn her into a sex slave. There was no better life than one spent worshipping stronger women. That she got to sample the bard’s charms several times was just a nice bonus for faithful service. Tara got wet again, while watching the criminals have their way with the bard. At the moment, two were fucking the bard in the cunt and the asshole with two fingers each, while the muscular thighs of Bruna were wrapped around Gabrielle’s head, forcing her to service the black woman. After several minutes, Bruna came and pushed the bard away. Maja, the leader, took control of the situation.
“Okay, girls, gather around, she came here to use the facilities. We can do better though and give her a shower.”
Gabrielle looked up in confusion from her kneeling position. All the women had surrounded her closely. Suddenly Maja began to piss on her, quickly followed by the other women. Too shocked to do anything else, the bard simply accepted the humiliation. It was the last straw needed to break the rest of Gabrielle’s formerly strong personality. The once headstrong young woman was now completely turned into a meek submissive, accepting that her role in life was to service stronger women. When the golden shower had finally stopped, the bard simply bent down and kissed the feet of her attackers, actually thanking them for the humiliating treatment. Maja just laughed cruelly and left with her gang. When they were alone, Tara pushed the bard towards one of the bathtubs and began to wash her briskly.
“You did a good job, but – puh – do you stink. I’ll help you wash up. You can pay me back later in the cell and suck my cunt.”
“Of course, Tara, anything you want.”
Before they had finished, Arianna appeared and reprimanded them immediately.
“You are still here? I told you, you had one hour.”
Gabrielle shuffled nervously.
“I’m sorry, Arianna. I did not …”
“Stop it! We will go back right now and then you will apologize the only way a slut like you understands. You will service me all afternoon. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Arianna. Thank you for your generosity.”
Once they were back in the cell, Gabrielle spent the rest of the day on her knees. First, she had to service Arianna, then Tara, but she did it gladly. It just felt right.

Day Seven
The next day, Gabrielle was busy servicing her friend, when she heard the loud voice of the guard.
“Everyone, get ready for inspection. Anyone who disrespects our warden will be punished.”
Hearing the announcement, Tara turned to the bard.
“When the warden reaches our cell, you have to do everything in your power to please her. Do you understand? In this prison, the warden is a Goddess. Well, from her looks, she could be a Goddess anywhere.”
Gabrielle was impressed by her friend’s earnestness.
“Okay, what do you want me to do?”
“You will show her respect and you will obey her commands without hesitation. Otherwise, follow my lead.”
Moments later, the door to their cell was opened and Arianna entered together with a beautiful brunette. The warden was a statuesque woman in her late thirties, tall and powerful. Tara immediately dropped to her knees and bowed her head, with the bard quickly following her lead. The warden smirked at the submissive gesture. She stopped directly in front of the kneeling women.
“It’s filthy in here. Even my boots are dirty.”
Without looking up, Tara offered to help.
“Mistress, may we clean them for you?”
“Perhaps, if you know how.”
“Of course, Mistress. It is my goal in life to serve you.”
Tara bent further down and began to lick the nearest boot. Once again, the bard followed her lead and took care of the other boot. Soon her tongue was busy gliding along the dark leather, making sure the boots were clean and shiny. Gabrielle had not even hesitated to take on this humiliating task. She had been broken and accepted that it was her duty to serve stronger women. The warden smiled darkly at seeing the submissive eagerness of her captives, once again satisfied with the effects of her drugs. For years now she had perfected the business of breaking women and of turning them into sex slaves. It was time to tell her victim what her future would look like.
“So, this is the new girl. I decided to make her our new prison whore.”
Tara answered for her friend.
“Thank you, Mistress. This slut will love your generosity.”
“Does she understand this role and accepts it willingly?”
“Yes, Mistress. She has to serve all the guards, whenever they want her, and she also has to serve every inmate who has earned a reward. She belongs to you and as a thank you she offers her body to the prison.”
In her submissive haze, Gabrielle had not really listened and instead continued to lick the warden’s boot. When the powerful woman addressed her directly, she quickly agreed and then returned to her boot service.
“Yes, Mistress. I do whatever you want.”
The warden’s smirk got even wider.
“Then I will test you, if you are even worthy to be called a whore. Kneel on the bed and offer your asshole! Now!”
Gabrielle quickly complied. She knelt on the bed with her face pressed down and the ass in the air. This allowed her the freedom to use her hands. She reached behind her back and pulled her ass cheeks apart. With her dark hole revealed in invitation, she begged the warden to take her, although her words were slightly muffled by the cushion she was pressed into.
“Please, Mistress, my asshole is yours, just as my whole body is yours. Take me any way you want.”
Only moments later the bard was rewarded by movement behind her on the bed and a strap-on cock entered her backdoor. Gabrielle moaned in delight at being sodomized once again. The warden turned out to be an expert in handling her tool. In no time at all she had brought the bard to the brink of climax. Just when Gabrielle felt the first waves of heat race through her body, her lover suddenly slowed down. She groaned in frustration, but they turned into moans when the warden picked up the force of her thrusting. Soon the bard was close again, but once more she was not allowed to come. Through the sexual haze in her brain, she suddenly realized the reason. Of course, she was just a slave. She was not allowed to come without permission from her owner. Without shame she started to beg.
“Please, Mistress, may I come? I need it so desperately.”
“Who needs it?”
“Your slave! Your whore!”
“Do you swear eternal loyalty?”
“Yes, Mistress, I will be yours forever.”
“That’s right. You are mine. But enough talking. Arianna, stuff her mouth.”
Moments later, the guard knelt before Gabrielle and pushed her own strap-on in the bard’s mouth. The bard was now spit-roasted between the two powerful women. They fucked her brutally without regards for her pleasure, but Gabrielle loved to be taken so forcefully. When the warden finally gave her permission to come, she climaxed violently, although her screams of pleasure were muffled by the strap-on in her mouth. Afterwards, Gabrielle was forced to service the warden for almost an hour, followed by having to lick Arianna’s pussy as well. The warden watched the show with an evil smile, before she turned to Tara.
“You have served me well, slave. As a reward, you will become my personal slave.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Tara bowed in respect, while the warden continued.
“Nevertheless, for the time being you will stay here with the whore. Soon, there will be another victim for you to bait, together with Gabrielle, and I want everything in place. As consolation, the whore is yours whenever she is not busy with her other duties. As long as she isn’t damaged, you can fuck her any way you want. Or maybe you can use her as your toilet. I guess it is more convenient to piss in her mouth than to crouch over the bucket.”
“Mistress, you are very generous. May I thank you?”
“Yes, slave, you may lick my cunt.”
Soon Tara was busy as well. She did her job happily, for everything was as it should be. Two worthless slaves were servicing their beautiful Mistresses.

Epilog – The Visitor
Three weeks later, Gabrielle had completely settled into her new life. She spent most of her time on her knees or on her back, either servicing other women or being fucked by them. She almost never wore clothes anymore, since she did not need them for her duties. By now, she could recognize her regular customers by the taste of their juices. Sexual juices had practically become part of her daily diet.
All these thoughts crossed her mind, while the bard serviced her friend Tara. She felt privileged that her friend still used her. After all Tara was the personal slave of their owner. The young woman was absolutely submissive and loyal to the warden, but had no problems dominating Gabrielle when it was just the two of them. After more than a month of training, the bard had no will of her own left. She was just a fucktoy for the women who wanted to use her. Her thoughts were interrupted by Tara’s shouts of pleasure. The other slave had just come, flooding the bard’s mouth with her juices.
Gabrielle stayed in place, with her face pressed into her friend’s crotch, since she knew what would come next. Tara had taken her owner’s suggestion as gospel. After a good orgasm, she often felt the need to pee and for that, she used the bard as her personal toilet. As always, Gabrielle acted as the obedient whore she was and opened her lips wide. Moments later, a strong stream of piss rushed into her mouth, forcing her to gulp it down quickly. Once, when the bard had been too slow, Tara had forced her to lick it off the floor. She tried to avoid it happening again, not because it was so humiliating, but she did not want to disappoint the other woman. It was Gabrielle’s duty to serve other women, therefore she had to try her best to follow their commands. Tara had just finished and ordered the bard to clean any droplets left, when somebody approached the cell. The raven-haired woman quickly dropped to her knees and motioned Gabrielle to follow her example.
“Get down! It is our owner.”
The bard immediately obeyed and got in position, with her head bent down. She hoped this meant she would be allowed to service the warden. It had happened only two more times after that first day, since usually Tara would be her fucktoy of the day, and Gabrielle really desired another chance to show her devotion. She knew as the prison whore she should not want anything. It simply was her job to service stronger women. But her Mistress was the strongest of them all, therefore it was the most fulfilling to service her or even just to be used by her. Even cleaning her boots with her tongue had been a most stimulating experience. Her Mistress had not only shown Gabrielle her true place in life, she had also released her inner slut, allowing her to revel in being the prison whore. It brought an almost unearthly pleasure to the bard to be taken and debased in the most humiliating ways. Therefore, she was overjoyed when she heard the voice of her owner.
“Slaves, today I have brought a very special guest. I expect the whore to serve her as if it was me. And she travelled far, therefore you will clean her boots first.”
Gabrielle bowed even deeper.
“Of course, Mistress. Thank you for allowing me to serve your guest. It is an honor.”
At that moment, the woman stepped closer and a pair of dusty boots appeared in Gabrielle’s line of sight. She recognized them immediately. The woman was none other than Callisto! In the past, Gabrielle would have recoiled in fear, but she had been completely broken. Obediently she bent forwards and started to lick the dirty boots. Soon she felt heat collect in her loins. She still remembered how strong the Warrior Queen had always been. Being allowed to serve such a powerful woman was immensely thrilling for the slutty persona she now was. It aroused her to touch the dusty leather with her tongue. When she was finished, the warden spoke up.
“In case you have to relieve yourself after your travels, this slut is also a well-trained toilet slave.”
At hearing this, Callisto grinned wickedly.
“Is that so? Well then open up, slave!”
The warrior removed her panties and then mounted Gabrielle’s now upturned face. Moments later, a strong stream of hot piss gushed out and rushed into the bard’s waiting mouth. She chuckled at the look of bliss on the bard’s face. Her former enemy was now devoted to serving as her personal, living toilet. It was always fascinating to see how completely the warden’s treatment changed her victims. Callisto did have many dealings with her in the past, delivering young women to be turned into slaves. It had helped her to earn the money she had needed to raise her first army. In this case, with it being Xena’s soulmate, it was also turning her on, knowing how much it would hurt her enemy to watch this. After she was finished, Callisto made sure that the bard cleaned every last droplet before she stepped back.
“You really have found your place in life, haven’t you, slut? Now crawl to the bucket over there and wash your face.”
Gabrielle meekly followed the command. While she had reached it and looked into the bucket, she suddenly felt a heavy boot press down on her head. Her face was slammed under water, making it impossible to breath. She felt panic rise inside of her, but at the same time she was thrilled at the demonstration of Callisto’s power. Before too long, the warrior released her and let her up. With a strong hand in the hair, she pulled the bard’s head around and kissed her on the mouth. Gabrielle immediately opened up to allow the invading tongue in. Callisto plundered the submissive bard’s mouth for several minutes, before she stopped and shoved the other woman carelessly away.
“I had to make sure you were clean, before I gave you something to dream about at night. Now it is time for you to worship me.”
Callisto turned and went to sit on the edge of the bed. Like the obedient whore she was, the bard crawled to her and knelt between her slender legs. Soon she was busy servicing the powerful warrior. After she had licked Callisto to her second orgasm, the blonde stopped her and looked down on her in satisfaction.
“You are a useful little slut. Soon you will help me to break that other slut, Xena, and turn her into my personal sex slave.”
Gabrielle beamed.
“Of course, if it is what my Mistress wants.”
The warden had the last words, before Gabrielle was busy again with her duties as a whore.
“You can bet that I want it, slave. It will earn me a lot of money.”
The rest of the night, Callisto and the warden fucked the slaves. It had been a very satisfying business meeting for both of them.
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