I want your opinion...

General discussions about superheroines!
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Elder Member
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So... for those of you that don't know i am a render artist, and i have some modest attempts at fiction here and there.

I have a new concept i want to explore, probably for rendering, but i am indecisive on some of the finer points so I thought I'd ask the general community for their opinions on these finer points.

So first... some background...
The notion of 'Isekai', I believe it started with the Japanese. The notion of a pretty normal person, often dying as a catalyst, and being reborn in another world different from the one they were born in. Common tropes would be to reborn with a 'cheat power', or into a hostile environment (like being the villainess destined to die), or in the body of a monster, and so forth. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples around to look at.

So second... My Isekai Premise...
As many Isekai stories are there are around, there has been a decided lack (to my knowledge) addressing the interest of myself and people likely to read this here. So I wanted to render a storyline where the 'normal person', is perhaps someone 'here'. Just a normal person with an interest (fetish?) in Superheroine Peril, being Isekai'd into a 'Comic Book' world of some sort (nothing trademarked like DC/Marvel)?

Now the first thing i wanted your opinion on...
Is it more interesting for this person to reincarnate as a bad guy or a good girl?

If a bad guy, what are the circumstances of this bad guy? What sort of powers do they have and how powerful are they? Are they fated to a tragic death, to rule the world, quiet retirement? Obviously this guy will have inside knowledge on the world, and how the Superheroines work, as well as their secret identities and weaknesses, so regardless the story will unfold from the point of view of how he avoids the pitfalls of his new life, and indulging in his favorite fetish.

If a good girl, if they were originally a guy, they deal with the trauma of being gender swapped, now they're a superheroine, they know everything there is to know about this world but is that a good thing or bad. How do they use this knowledge. Is being Superheroine Periled not as fun as they imagined, or is it maybe more fun than they thought and they have new kinky adventures he never read about but only got to imagine?

The last thought i had on this were the finer details.

What sort of powers they had... what sort of powers their arch foes had... the general thoughts on how you think a story like this might unfold. I have my own thoughts on this but i thought it might be fun to hear what the community thinks about this premise.
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This is something I toyed with off and on for the last two or three years. I just haven't come up with a plot I like. The last iteration had the "player" enter the world as a bad guy looking for the girl he has the hots for, who got trapped in the game world as a super heroine.

Gamelit, not LitRPG.
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Elder Member
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Sounds like a variation of sword art online, but in a city of heroes setting...

I approve, i'm sure you'll get the kinks out of it eventually.
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