Minerva, Millionaires and Murder…

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Chpt 1 of 3? The Perils of Miss Pinkston
By S. Sneakly

Batgirl lowered her binoculars. There was Commodore Schmidlap coming out of Minerva’s Mineral Spa for Millionaires. She ducked down behind the parapet. The Commodore was putting a fresh cigarette into his holder and scanning up and down the street before pulling out his lighter and with an unsteady hand, lighting the cigarette. After a few moments of reflection, he started down the street, stopped and turned around and headed to his waiting limousine.

Schmidlap was the fifth millionaire to have been robbed in less than two weeks. Barbara watched his unsteady gait as he moved to his waiting car. Something was going on in that spa, but what? Barbara knew Minerva’s Spa was the hot new thing amongst the Gotham millionaires since it opened only a few months ago and within just a few weeks, millionaires were reporting huge amounts of money disappearing from their accounts then with a few more weeks they were withdrawing their police reports saying that nothing was amiss.

Barbara’s father, Commissioner Gordon, was perplexed by these weird turns of events as were the Bankers, who were seeing large withdrawals, but unable to do anything once the crime reports were canceled. Even Batman was near apoplectic for a week trying to solve the crime, but then lost almost all interest.

As Batgirl, there was only so much she could do. Minerva’s sudden and meteoric rise in Gotham was not surprising, she was a beautiful platinum blond with a thick Hungarian accent. Barbara found her very attractive just as had the millionaire playboys of Gotham. They were a competitive bunch. For them, the most important thing was winning. Most of the time success was measured in having the most money or the fastest boat, or the prettiest woman. In this case, the prize was who would win the Hungarian lottery, or at least that was what Barbara thought.

In the six hours Barbara Gordon, in her guise as Batgirl had seen a veritable who’s who of Gotham elites coming and going from Minerva’s Mineral Spa for Millionaires. They were all exclusive and by appointment only. The more she watched, the more suspicious she became. Each Millionaire went in in a purposeful gait, but upon exiting an hour later they seemed dazed and mildly confused.

Barbara wrapped up her surveillance and headed back to her apartment.

“Hello Charlie!” Barbara quipped, addressing her parakeet, she came into her apartment from the Bedroom where her secret entrance was located.

“Oh God, Oh God… Catwoman! Stop! Brahhh” Barbara looked at the bird as it used its beak to dismember yet another Robin chew toy.

Barbara sighed, unlearning a phrase was not something parrots were good at and Barbara thought briefly about borrowing her father’s cat…

“Charlie, you are going to get yourself brazed with a lemon glaze if you don’t unlearn that.” Selina thought it was fucking hilarious.

“Come here, Charlie. If I wanted to know what was happening inside Minerva’s Spa, how would I go about it?” Charlie applied his can-opener like beak to the green crotch of the Robin doll. “Brahhh,” he followed with a quick whistle.

“As Batgirl, I can’t get anywhere near the place. Minerva has spared no expense on security. Cameras all around and not to mention her muscle laden goons, Apollo and Adonis.” Barbara fed the bird slice of apple from the food tray. The bird dropped the now genderless Robin to take the fruit.

“Maybe, I am looking at this the wrong way? What if, instead of trying to get Batgirl in, I just try to listen in?” Barbara smiled to herself as she spun around and headed back to her Batgirl utility room to see what was in stock.
“Dahling, I have a customer coming in for a back alignment,” Minerva took the slip from Apollo, who was sitting at the reception desk and handed it to Adonis.

“Is she going to get an Eggplant Jelly Vitamin Scalp Massage?”

“No, Dahling, she isn’t worth the trouble. Her sister might be worth it, but this one is just a client.”

“We are blowing town in a couple of days, Minerva. Why bother with regular business?”

Dahling, We have stolen ten million dollars from the richest scions of Gotham, people may become suspicious… We had best keep up appearances until the last moment.”

“Penelope PInkston? The Pinkstons of Genital Electric?” Adonis asked.

“Pinky Pinkston, this is her sister.” Minerva put on her gold lamee clinic jacket over her evening gown. “Penelope is her near-do-well little sister. She won’t be worth calibrating the Deepest Secret Extractor, but turning her away as a client will ring too many alarm bells.”
Barbara checked her make-up in the tiny gold compact mirror while she briefly waited to be rung into Minerva’s Mineral Spa for Millionaires. She smiled to herself, Pinky was always into a bit of subterfuge, If she had known her old college girlfriend was actually Batgirl and she was pretending to be Penelope to plant bugs in an elitist health spa that was fleecing millionaires left and right, she would be tickled pink. That Millionaire Bruce Wayne was one of the biggest marks, Pinky would have told Barbara to let Minerva get away with it.

Unfortunately for Pinky, Barbara just wasn’t the type of girl that would turn a blind eye to an arch criminal (except, maybe Catwoman). That’s probably why they didn’t stay a couple…

“Miss PInkston?” The door opened and Barbara was met with the exquisitely coiffed blond in pearls, garish diamond earrings and evening gown under a gold clinic blazer.

“Yes.” Barbara extended her hand in a dainty shake that could well have been accompanied by a slight curtsey. “I am so glad you were able to make some time for me today.”

“But of course, Dahling” Minerva returned the gesture with a practiced smile and ushered Barbara into the salon. “Anything for an heir to the vaste Genital Electric fortune….”

“Can I offer you some champagne? Chateau Marmot, 1954.”

“That would be very kind of you,” Barbara looked around the gauche decor. Lavender and pink with baroque furniture that had been gilded with gold and silver. Two hulking men sat behind the clinic’s counter.

Barbara was relieved that she hadn’t tried to enter as Batgirl. The two men were tall and extremely muscular, their physiques befit the names on their stretched white t-shirts, Apollo and Adonis. They were not the typical Gotham thugs Batgirl was used to encountering. Her usual Bat-kicks would be hard pressed to lay either of these men out.

“So what can we do for you today Miss Pinkston?” Adonis asked as he prepared his paperwork. “I fell off my Polo pony the other day and my back has just not been right ever since. I have a flight to Londinium tomorrow and the thought of sitting in first class for six hours is just more than I think my back can take.”

“I quite understand, Miss Pinkston.” Adonis slid a silver clipboard to her as Apollo got up and followed Minerva to get the champagne.

Once Apollo was outside of earshot of the front desk, he caught up with Minerva.

“Minerva, I don’t think that woman is Penelope Pinkston.”

“Why Dahling, would you think that?” Minerva pulled a bottle of Champagne from the ice bucket.

“I saw her in the Gotham Public Library yesterday when you had me researching Lord Easystreet. She wasn’t even wearing pearls. Would a Pinkston be caught in a public library book stack? And she wasn’t even wearing pearls…”

“That is suspicious. We knew that someone might be getting close to figuring out we were the ones extracting bank numbers and the locations of valuables from the elites of Gotham… but I was hoping we would have a little more time…” Minerva put the bottle of Chateau Marmot, 1954 back into the ice and went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of California sparkling wine and filled a glass.

“When Miss Pinkston changes for her massage, go through her purse, and see what you can find.” Minerva sniffed the wine. “Ugh, domestic.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Barbara finished her paperwork and accepted a large and plush terry robes to wear into the massage clinic.

She felt a smallish bump on the underside of the counter and peeled it off. As the ersatz millionairess disappeared in the dressing room, Minerva looked at the small black and yellow button with a tiny aerial sticking from it.

Minerva had everything she needed, except the answer of who was pretending to be Penelope Pinkston and why.

Apollo looked at the tiny device. “Shall I prepare a Eggplant Jelly Scap Massage for our guest?”

“No Dahling, Deepest Secret Extractor won’t work on an unwilling participant, that is why spend so much time relaxing the millionaires.” Minerva looked at the door Barbara had just exited through. “I think we will need to use more traditional methods on the lovely Miss Pinkston. We’ll need to sweat the answers out of her. Make sure the Steam system is warmed up…. And come to think of it, make sure it has the Dragon’s Tongue in it…”

“Are you sure Minerva? That thing was recalled…It’s inhumane..”

“Precisely why I want it, Dahling.”
Barbara opened the door to the Massage therapy suite. She was wrapped in one the clinic’s luxurious terrycloth robes. It was short and barely covered her naked behind, but the fabric was a stark white and tied in the front. If she weren’t on a case, she would be looking forward to an expensive spa treatment. Her life as Batgirl left her with more than the usual aches and pains associated with a career in the library sciences. She had one last Bat-bug palmed in her hand as she entered the room.

“Well, are you ready to have your back fixed?” Minerva motioned her over to the massage table in the corner of the room.

Just as Barbara reached the table and was about to drop her rope, Apollo and Adonis slipped into the room. Adonis gave a knowing nod to his boss. Apollo stepped in behind Barbara. It was only when the two men were in such close proximity that Barbara realized just how massively out matched she was compared to the body builders. Both were easily a foot taller than her and must have weighed an easy hundred pounds more than her.

“Or should I say ‘have your wagon fixed,’ Dahling?” No sooner had she heard the words, Barbara felt the massive arms of Apollo closing around her.

“What’s the meaning of this!” Barbara demanded with as much command as she could muster.

“Dahling, that was going to be one of my first Questions also…” Adonis handed Barbrara’s clutch purse to Minerva. “I know that you are just pretending to be Penelope Pinkston, Which begs the question, Who are you and What are you doing in my Spa?”

Minerva opened the purse and started pulling a handful of Barbara’s listening bugs out of the bottom along with a small hand held receiver. Minerva looked at them in her hand and dropped the ones she had already found into her collection.

Barbara pushed back with her legs against Apollo and gave Adonis a hard bat-kick. Her bare foot made contact with the slab of muscle that his stomach and he barely flinched. She simply didn’t have enough mass in her bare feet to accomplish anything.

“What have you been doing to all the multimillionaires of Gotham?” Barbara felt like the jig was partially up and giving up a little information might get Minerva talking.

“Why nothing at all… I just give them deliciously regenerative massages and I get paid quite handsomely for it.” Minerva waved at the garish decor. “I am but a humble Hungarian emigree trying to find my way in this new and strange land.”

“Are you some sort of reporter, looking for a scoop or a detective trying to unfairly tie my business to the unfortunate and somewhat scandalous activities of Gotham’s elites?” She walked over to a blender on the counter that sat next to a bowl of carrots, citrus and assorted vegetables. She dumped the collection of bugs and the mini receiver into the blender and covered it and proceeded to blend the custom electronics into a fine grit, that she then poured into the trash basket.

“Apollo, Adonis, make sure our guest is suitably comfortable while we get to the bottom of this mystery” Minerva picked up Barbara’s forgotten Champagne flute and after a momentary debate, wrinkled her nose and swilled it down quickly. “Ugh, domestic.”

Apollo and Adonis grabbed Barbara, stripping her of her spa robe. Now naked Barbara struggled against the two men. If she could only get out their grips, she could start trying to use her agility and speed against their size. Barbara was an expert in the martial arts, but wrestling the two muscle bound men in close quarters was an impossible task.

Adonis flung Barbara face down on the massage table pulling both her arms behind her while Apollo looped a rope around Barbara’s wrists. He threaded the length of onto the wrist tightly, Barbara’s fist clenched in a defiant fist, looking for and opportunity that would never come.

As soon as the wrist was secured, Apollo anchored it with what was left of the struggling woman’s other arm, just above the elbow. Barbara could barely breathe as the two men put all of their weight into pinning her to the massage table, which creaked and groaned under the weight of the heroine pinned beneath hulking men. Once Barbara’s first wrist was secured, the two men set upon her other arm. When they were finally done, both of Babara’s wrists were tightly tied behind her back to the opposite elbow.

Pressed face down on the table, Barbara could do little more than flail with her legs, hoping to unseat or at least destabilize them. The fight was much more one sided than she was used to. Normally Barbara was meeting attackers head on and could use her speed and agility against them. Two big men like these were seldom faster than Batgirl and she could use their speed and momentum against them, flipping and kicking them into walls or sending them crashing into each other.

This was a wrestling match and she was naked against men with a combined weight of close to four times her lithe 115 lbs. Barbara kept fighting, hoping against hope that the Her endurance might wear the two down.

At first she thought they would just try to pin her legs together to subdue her. Binding them together would, by far, be the easiest way to end the fight. But, that wasn’t what the did.

While Adonis lay across Barbara’s upper body, planting her securely face down on the massage table, Apollo used grabbed another length of rope and looped it around Barbara’s kinking foot. Once her ankle was securely wrapped, he bent her leg back on itself.

Barbara was able to use her free foot to plant her heel solidly into Apollo’s right eye.

He grunted and cussed but stayed focused on securing her leg. He wrapped her ankle rope around her upper thigh twice and tied it off. Effectively pinning her foot. Robbed of all leverage, Barbara kicked her free foot back at the man for a second time and managed to kick him in the face a second time with her heel.

Without even reacting to the second kick, Apollo Grabbed her ankle and forced it back onto her thigh, effectively ending the fight. Apollo struggled slightly to hold her leg while tying it back to the thigh.

The entire time the two men were wrestling the heroine she was screaming and shouting in defiance. Adonis, having the easier task of pinning her upper body to the table was reaching over and grabbing what he could of from the massage supplies.

He gripped a folded washcloth and, balling it up, managed to force it into Barbara's mouth. While not enough to neutralize her screams, it was enough to keep her voice from escaping the sound proofed room.

“Dahlings, take her to the Persimmons Pressurizer… We’ll use it to extract the truth from her.” Minerva dug through Barbara’s purse. “Adonis, Miss Pinkston didn’t walk here. Find her car and bring it around back. We’ll Drop it off at the airport on our way out of town.”

“You got it, Minerva.”

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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Absolutely delicious. Barbara steamed and aroused, the temperature and the nake librarian will become hotter than hell soon.
I really did enjoy the capture, being too confident will send her in big troubles again.

I hope you will write another chapter of this story wich such a great start. Bravo!
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MaryAnn wrote:
2 months ago
Absolutely delicious. Barbara steamed and aroused, the temperature and the nake librarian will become hotter than hell soon.
I really did enjoy the capture, being too confident will send her in big troubles again.

I hope you will write another chapter of this story wich such a great start. Bravo!
The story is mostly finished. I need to fix a few things and finish the escape, but mostly complete
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sneakly wrote:
2 months ago

The story is mostly finished. I need to fix a few things and finish the escape, but mostly complete
Great news. Can't wait to find out how you will get rid of that little nuisance (Penelope) once for all.

I wrote a water peril for the delicious purple Bat last week. The picture is almost done and I should post it tonight.
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Minerva had some of the toughest henchmen on the show. They easily overwhelmed Batman and Robin in their first confrontation. The rematch went to the Terrific Trio because it wasn’t fought in such close quarters.
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By S.Sneakly

Apollo carried the naked and bound Barbara Gordon through a door labeled “Secret Spa Room” in the Basement of Minvera’s Mineral Spa.

Barbara was still struggling mightily, desperate to escape the tight bindings, forcing her arms across her back and her legs spread wide in savage frog tie that exposed her naked womanhood. Apollo dumped her onto an over-built massage table. While it was padded with black leather, like other therapy tables Barbara had seen, it was longer and broader and had manacles extending from the four corners of the table and belts and strap stationed at different points, hinting its purpose might exceed traditional traction therapy.

“Don’t worry, Miss Pinkston. This isn’t for you, Minerva has something much worse planned for you…”

“Yes, Dahling, much worse.” Minerva came into the room followed by Adonis. “But I think you already expected that, didn’t you, Miss Gordon?” Minerva tossed the folder Adonis had taken from the glove box of Barbara’s car on the table next to her. “It seems that Barbara Gordon, daughter of the Police Commissioner, paid us a visit with the intention of planting listening devices all over the spa.”

“We better get out of Gotham quick, Minerva” Apollo was close to panic. “GPD will be here any minute once they realize she isn’t coming out.”

“Relax, Dahling, Miss Gordon isn’t here in any official capacity. She’s a librarian, not a policewoman. When you saw her yesterday, she was at work.” Minerva Lifted Barbara’s chin with a silver gloved hand. “But , that still leaves us with the question, What are you doing here with a purse full of bugs pretending to be Penelope Pinkston?” Minerva removed her gloves. Picking up a squeeze bottle of labelled “Minerva’s Organic Food Grade Mineral Oil Substitute” she filled her palm.

“Miss Gordon, Dahling, I would very much like to know what you learned about my humble spa that made you want to listen in on our business?” She motioned over to a large lavender box in the corner of the room. “I had that built in case Batgirl tried to infiltrate my spa, I call it the Persimmons Pressurizer.” Minerva started rubbing her hands together. ‘It will work just as well on you as it would the purple princess.” Minerva motioned to her muscled minions, “Boys.”

Adonis and Apollo went over to the cabinet and opened the front. The box was mounted on sturdy legs. It had double doors going up the front of the box. Rather than having a flat face, it sloped up to what was obviously a head hole. Barbara realized instantly what was inside. It was Sybian manufactured by Pinky Pinkston’s Genital Electric. A smooth black naugahyde leather saddle with a purple phallus rising from the center.

She also recognized the device immediately as the infamous “Dragon’s Tongue.” It was the most expensive and powerful sex toy Pinky’s company ever produced. Barbara had ridden one of the early prototypes. Even being the adrenaline addict she was, the ride had frightened her.

Genital Electric had them recalled to avoid several lawsuits. Few of them were returned, and the secondary market exploded and made them extremely sought after and expensive. Barbara tried not to let her recognition show.

“Ungag her” Minerva looked at Barbara. “Tell me why you came to my spa!”

“You’ll never get away with this, Minerva.” Barbara's mouth was dry and her jaw ached from the thick stuff gag. “Batman and Robin will hunt you down.”

“Possibly, Dahling, but they haven't yet. Who were you planting those bugs for?”

“You’ll find out when the police get here.” Barbara knew Minerva was calling her bluff. The Hungarian villainess stepped up to the Dragon’s Tongue and started lubricating it with the mineral oil.

“This should get you talking, Dahling,” Minerva was enthusiastically jacking off the purple phallus as she explained. “This oil might ruin this dick, but it’s better than the dick ruining you…Don’t you think, Dahling?”

“You might recognize this Persimmons Pressurized as similar to a traditional sweat box you’ve seen in other spas, but this one is very special…”

“Aside from the giant dildo?” Barbara was not feeling very compliant as she watched Minerva blond hair bouncing up and down as she enthusiastically lubricated the device with unnecessary enthusiasm.

“Ha! Such defiance! Dahling, enjoy it while you can, because it won’t last long” Minerva pointed to the stand next to the steam box. It has a curve top with a switch mounted on it, much like the round mounting of a ship's telegraph. The handle was pushed all the way forward as Minerva wiped her hands with a towel. “I had this specially built in case Batgirl should have stumbled onto our operation. But since she seems to have overlooked our clever ruse, I will still get to try it out on you, Dahling.”

“This is no ordinary steam box. Notice that I have a variety of settings from Questioning, to Interrogation, torture, eventual death and Instant Death” Minerva reached for the handle to demonstrate. As she pulled it to the first setting, the dragon’s tongue started to move. There was light hiss of steam released, as she moved it interrogation, there was a ding and the Sybian started to rattle as the machine’s plastic dick moved up and down in a more rapid motion, spraying the it’s lubricant across the room. “You get the idea, I am sure, Dahling…”

When steam cleared, Minerva motioned for her two henchmen to put their captive into the box. Apollo and Adonis lifted teh struggling Barbara and lowered her onto the machine, Minerva guiding the purple phallus home.

Barbara winced as she felt the greasy studded cock slide into her body. The fear and danger had excited to the point where she was embarrassed at how readily her body accepted it. She let out a fake groan to hide her excitement. She had no intention of letting Minerva or her men realize this wasn’t the first fuckmachine she was going to be left to die on.

“Dahling, I need to know why you were trying to plant listening devices in my spa….” Minerva was pouring out more of the mineral oil and rubbing it liberally onto Barbara’s naked body. “This oil will help stop you from sweating, making the heat all the more deadly.” Minerva threw the empty bottle on the counter and closed the doors to the sweat box, sealing her into the hot box.

“Tell me now, Dahling and I will make sure the police find you after we leave…” Barbara knew intuitively Minerva meant found dead.

Barbara’ s head was the only thing sticking out of Minerva’s trap. A rubber collar sealed around her neck.

“Oil isn’t good for rubber” Barbara quipped defiantly.

“Don’t worry, Dahling. I am not planning on using it a second time….” Minerva went to the controller and squeezed the handle and pulled it from off straight to Interrogation.

Barbara groaned in ecstasy. She was a freak of nature in the way danger and sex intertwined in her psyche. The blond criminal was pushing her buttons. The sybians were the centerpiece of Pinky Pinston’s Genital Electric company and the Dragon’s Tongue would have been the crown jewel of the product line, if only it hadn’t been so dangerous. The sensation of the mechanical dick moving inside her so intense Barbara came almost at once. She closed her eyes an moaned.

“Miss Gordon, I vant to know who sent you here!” Minerva’s accent was getting more pronounced. Barbara could feel the steam entering the box. It was getting hot. She could feel the heat and sweat coming from her skin

“You know, Dahling, The Dragon’s Tongue isn’t there to kill you. It’s there to keep you from focusing on escape….” Minerva gripped Barbara’s chin between her fingers. “Death will come from dehydration and heat stroke.” She gave Barbara one of her most insincere smiles, gloating over her victims slow, but inevitable fate. “While I am jetting out over the Atlantic, you will be in this Secret Spa Room experiencing a slow death.”

“You’re not getting anything from me, but testimony at your trial.” Barbara was already soaked in greasy mixture of sweat, oil and cum.

“Well, Dahling, let’s turn up the heat shall we?” Minerva gave a nod and Apollo moved the lever from ‘Interogation’ to ‘Torture’.

Barbara could feel the heat rise in the cabinet. It was intense and the sybian, well lubricated inside her body kept her well stimulated. The bondage, heat and continuous thrum of powerful sex toy pushed Barbara to the brink of unconsciousness. Minerva, though delighting in the sadism of the moment, was slowly realizing that Barbara wasn’t going to answer her questions.

“Dahling, I would love to personally watch your slow and ultimately agonizingly orgasmic death. But, the boys and I have a plane to catch.” She motioned to Apollo to switch the lever From Interrogation to ‘eventual Death.’ Barbara, in her half twilight of consciousness, was worried the sexual assault of the machine would rip her apart, to her surprise, the Dragon’s Tongue let up on the intensity. The rotation of the phallus slowed and the vibration moderated, as if to draw the process out as long as possible.

Minerva got up from her interrogation stool and looked at Apollo. “Make sure she gets plenty of water. Then seal the room and come upstairs.”

“Miss Gordon, Dahling, once this room is sealed, so is your fate. In the unlikely event that any one finds this room while you are still alive, opening the door will lead to automatically switching the Persimmons Pressurizer to ‘Instant Death.’”

Minerva picked up the rest of her belongings, which included a large,loot filled duffle bag. She tossed what treasures were still in the room into the bag, which included some bundles of cash, several jewelry boxes and a bank portfolio with the Wayne Enterprises insignia embossed in gold.

“Oh, and Apollo, Dahling, make sure the cork is in the champaign…” and she tossed large purple ball gag over to him. “The better to keep it fresh…”

Apollo watched his boss leave and gave Barbara a bottle of water, which she drank greedily. He gave her a second bottle.

When she was done, Apollo grabbed Barbara by the hair and forced the purple ball gag into her mouth. “That’ll keep you quiet.” He stepped back for a last look at Barbara.

“This is only going to slow the inevitable, but that’s what the boss wants.” He looked at Barbara, “she can be an absolute cunt when dealing with other women, especially ones who are younger and better looking.” He leaned into her, “don’t tell her I said that.”

“That gag looks even better on you than it would on Batgirl,” He nodded towards the control leaver.

“Unfortunately, ‘instant death’ isn’t quite accurate. It actually will take a minute or two of truly horrific agony….” Apollo rubbed the portion of his face Barbara had landed her last kick. Too bad there are no cameras, I would love to see that….”

Apollo went to the door. “See you in the next life, kiddo.” Barbara could hear a vault-like mechanism closing after him.

Barbara glanced at the control for the steam box. It clicked halfway between ‘Eventual Death’ and ‘Instant Death.’ More steamed hissed into the box.

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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Wow, already one of your most thrilling story and it's not over yet!

Love the line telling Miss Gordon head is the only thing sticking out of the trap. I could watch her dealing with the giant dildo and trying to escape at the same time for hours!

I hope she will escape and... maybe... send Minerva (Zsa Zsa Gabor) in her inescapable trap.
I'm loving every chapter of your story.

Thanks! :)
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MaryAnn wrote:
2 months ago
Wow, already one of your most thrilling story and it's not over yet!

Love the line telling Miss Gordon head is the only thing sticking out of the trap. I could watch her dealing with the giant dildo and trying to escape at the same time for hours!

I hope she will escape and... maybe... send Minerva (Zsa Zsa Gabor) in her inescapable trap.
I'm loving every chapter of your story.

Thanks! :)
I am glad you are enjoying it. The Gabor sisters were very campy in real life and Zsa Zsa was perfect for a Batvillain, I just wish they had come up with a better episode than the one she got, especially since it was the last of the series.
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Minerva's Heat Barbara Massage 3/3

By S Sneakly
Barbara’s head was lolling backwards and forwards. The heat inside the sweat box was unbearable. The water that Apollo had given her had revived her, but only so that she was more aware of the Dragon’s tongue assaulting her from within. She was still being forced to climax but after so many and so brutally she was becoming immune to the sensations.

The purple ball gag was hard rubber and it was forcing her jaw open to an uncomfortable degree, and her saliva dribbled out of her mouth as she tried futilely to make herself more comfortable.

The physical demands of the sweatbox were brutal, just trying to focus her mind on her predicament was all she could muster. Barbara was trying to remember all about how saunas worked. Her mind was foggy, but she remembered the rule of 200. Temperature and Humidity ideally would add up to 200. Barbara knew with the oil coating her skin, covering her pores and the moist hot air circulating inside the box, Humidity was effectively 100%. The air inside the box would only need to be somewhere between 100. Unfortunately, the purpose was not to help her exfoliate, it was to kill her. As slowly as possible.

Barbara struggled with her arms, she had been caught unawares by villains before, being naked physically overwhelmed so easily by two men was not a sensation she would want to repeat. She hadn’t appreciated the extra advantages the thin armor of her gloves and boots gave her when fighting.

Pulling at her wrists, Barbara tried to clear her mind. She went back to the brief fight with Apollo and Adonis as they manhandled her into the ropes. She thought about all that she had trained for such occasions. The tricks that could give every slight advantage in a battle…

Barbara flexed her hand, fortunately, she had held a fist while getting tied up. She had learned long ago that a clenched fist made her wrist wider and handcuffs easier to escape. If only Apollo and Adonis had come at her with metal bracelets, they were much easier to slip out of than rope…

She could feel that the ropes had softened from the steam, the oil and her sweat. Barbara moved her hands inside the rope loops. How the knots had been applied to her couldn’t really tell. They were knotted above her elbows and to her opposite wrist.

Apollo and Adonis apparently had not been using their considerable strength advantage in this scheme. They hadn’t gotten over enthusiastic with the tight bondage. Inexperienced thugs would either tie too tight or poorly. Minerva was normally relying on brainwashing victims using her Deepest Secret Extractor during her patented Eggplant Jelly Vitamin Scalp Massage. Her two thugs, not sure what Minerva was planning, opted to not leave marks.

Barbara wondered briefly how many of Minerva’s victims needed to be restrained. With the surety of the bondage, she knew she wasn’t the first one.

Barbara gasped at the cool room air, the only way to fight the life threatening heat of the steam box was to take advantage of the heat lost to the relatively cool room. Somewhat rejuvenated by the water she had been given to draw out her eventual death, Barbara explored the rope work with her fingers. Wet knots in natural rope fibers would make the undoing the knots a hopeless exercise.

Barbara was still riding the soft rubber dildo, and it’s motion continued to stimulate her,but she had escaped fuck machines before and she rode the cock while working at the ropes.

She focused on moving what little slack she had from her wrists to the rope above the elbow. Left elbow was the least tight. With a couple of minutes of work, she was able to slide therope off her elbow.

Once it was over her elbow, she slipped the ropes down to her wrist. Now she had her two wrists together at her right elbow.

She shifted her weight on the top of the sybian, The Dragon’s Tongue pushed deep into her pussy as she tried to get her right wrist free.

Her hand slipped free of the rope and once able to straighten her right arm, Barbara was able to slide the loops from above her and release her other hand.

The first thing Babara did was to try to get herself off the dildo. She couldn’t move her head forward because of the hole in the box and she couldn’t raise her body because of the shape of the box. Prevented her shoulders from going up.

She did manage to raise herself off it a smidgeon, which was a small relief..

With her hands free inside the box, Barbara felt around inside the box. Her heart sank a bit as she realized there was no latch mechanism inside the box. Barbara hadn’t really expected Minerva to have made it so easy to escape. This was a purpose made deathtrap and putting a latch mechanism inside it would have been an egregious design error, not that it hadn’t happened in the past…

Barbara looked at the control lever, it still sat perched between “Eventual Death” and “Instant Death.” She wondered whether the cabinet doors were connected to the same booby trap activation as the secret room door.

She gave an experimental push on the front door lid of the cabinet and it didn’t budge. Barbara wanted out of that box desperately. Feeling the top lid, it was not as solid as the front of the cabinet, but the ergonomics of applying a force upward was just not going to work.

She thought about her options. Her brain was foggy and the heat would exhaust her soon enough. She thought of some of the ways she could force the cabinet open.

Her mind went back into all of her martial arts training over the years. Batman was a brawler and relied on metal backing in his gloves to make his punches more devastating. She wondered if her father ever realized that Batman had brass knuckles sewn into his gloves. Robin was not as big and had to rely more on finesse, but was getting punch drunk from the beatings.

She thought about martial artist that she had know, Kato came to mind. He had been amazing. He was far faster than any crime fighter, or any fighter, for that matter than she had ever seen.

He had given her many useful suggestions that made her all the more effective. The only skill he had tried to teach her that she was never able to truly master was the one inch punch.

“No time like the present,” Barbara thought. She cleared her mind. Her thoughts focused down onto the fist the positioning of her hand… the chain of muscle contractions that would lead her through the punch. Kato was so much faster than she ever hoped to be, but she couldn’t stay where she was… in another twenty minutes she was as good as dead.
Barbara, pulled back her hand. There was so little room in the box, the maneuver was near impossible. She focused her breathing and ran through the motion several times slowly. When she felt like her chi was focused, her fist shot forward…


That hurt like fucking hell, she cursed into her purple ball gag. The bare knuckles against the wooden death trap made a thud. The years of training had given her fist some resilience, but the moist heat had also softened them.

Barbara refocused. She knew kato would be toweling himself off after his first try… She fired a second punch and the door bounced back at her with a loud “clack.”

Her third and fourth punches were similarly ineffective. She was getting tired and she tried hard to make the fifth one count. Her hand was smarting, but she was starting to feel her center returning as she lined knuckles up.

Using her straightened fingers as a spacer she closed her eyes and made a fist, “crack.” she felt the wood break longitudinally from the top of the door down.

She could feel a breath of cold air burst in briefly. The wood was split, but did not come apart.

She lined up another punch and the bottom of the door broke away. She couldn’t see it but she could feel 2x4 that was holding the box shut.

Barbara managed to push the board aside and opened the cabinet.

Barbara tumbled onto the floor of the sp’s secret room. She lay gasping naked and wet on the floor. Her legs were still tightly bound a tangle of rope hung from her arms, but she was alive and no longer being raped by Minerva’s machine. The floor was wonderfully cool and she thought about drifting to sleep. The ordeal was over, but she wanted Minerva in the worst way.

Minerva and her gang were going to fly out after dumping Barbara’s car in the airport parking lot. Knowing time was of the essence, Barbara started to work on the ropes binding her legs. With her heel pulled back on her thighs, she had lost all feeling in them. At first it was slow going, but like her wrists, she was able to work a bit of slack into the ropes. She pulled herself over to the counter and started going through the drawers. Most of them were stocked with towels and robes. She did come across a small first aid kit that had a pair of medical shears.

Within a few minutes, Barbara was laying on the floor with her legs extended straight and massaging the blood back into them. The pins and needles sensation was agony at first as she tried to regain sensation, but told her that Apollo and Adonis had failed to cause her any permanent damage.

A brief exploration of the room gave her a case of water bottles and a partial case of sports drinks. After hydrating with several bottles, Barbara started looking at how to escape the room. Minerva’s death trap turned out to be surprisingly easy to neutralize if you were free in the room with it. Unplugged from the wall the Dragon’s Tongue slowed to a halt and the steam box belched a final cloud of steam and died. Barbara made quick work of the door’s lock, seeing that it was designed to prevent someone from breaking in and not breaking out…

Barbara grabbed her dress and threw it on over her dried sweat and whatever was left of the coating of Minerva’s Mineral Oil. She left through the back door of the spa and walked a half block down the back alley until she reached her Batgirl-cycle. She lifted the lid to the fiberglass saddle bag. A reel to reel tape recorder was still turning slowly recording whatever the sounds were being picked up by the two or three bugs she planted that Minerva and her thugs never found. Barbara turned the recorder off and opened the other saddle bag and pulled out her spare Batgirl uniform.

Barbara was too tired to care if she was spotted naked in the alley, unlikely as it was. She pulled the fresh uniform over her crusty body. She thanked her stars that her cowl had her signature red wig permanently attached. Her natural hair was steamed and matted almost flat on her head.

As soon as she was in full costume, Barbara started listening to the tape. It had all the evidence she needed.

Barbara wolfed down some of the energy bars Alfred had given her for just such occasions, straddled the bike and headed off for Gotham Airport.

Barbara was debating where to go… Minerva was planning on dumping Barbara’s car in the long term lot, where it might take a week to be found. But, that duffle bag of money and jewelry wasn't going as carry on or checked baggage.

Barbara was sure Minerva was going to leave on a private plane, but how would she know which one?

As she rounded the edge of the airfield Barbara saw the Wayne Enterprise jet rolling out of the hangar. That’s odd, Barbara thought, the Wayne jet was supposed to be impounded as collateral for one of Bruce's many lawsuits.

Barbara popped the bike into a higher gear and poured on the gas. She raced down the road, passing the fence to reach the far gate. Sitting in the copilot’s seat was a big head of blond hair and jewelry.

The idea of stopping and alerting the gate guard that an Arch Criminal was making an escape occurred to Barbara, but stopping the plane would be impossible once it was airborne.

“He’ll get the idea” was all that she thought as blew past the gate at just over 70 mph. The thin wooden barrier flew into the air as the Batgirl cycle whizzed past.

Barbara popped the clutch into it’s highest gear and took off down the tarmac. The jet was taxiing to the take off run way and the bike was straining to catch up. Minerva must have realized that Batgirl was there for her and they need to get airborne.

Fortunately, for Barbara, her bike was already going over 100 mph while the jet was still spinning up the power on its engine. Barbara was pulling up on the port side of the plane as it approached take off speed. Barbara pulled her Bat-grapple from a holster below the gas tank and pointed it down range towards the plane’s landing gear. She only had one shot and it needed to count.

She aimed for the center of the gear and pulled the trigger. The Grapple shot straight out, towing the leader cable from the feed mounted on the bike. The spike was designed to penetrate concrete and she was gratified to see it blowout one of the tires. The spiked tire continued to spin and was quickly winding up the steel cable. By the time all 100 feet had played out, the mess of cable was fouling the landing gear. The gun, which was still attached to the cable, was jerked out Barbara’s hand.

Barbara let up on the throttle of her Batgirl cycle and let the airplane pull ahead. As it did, the tangled wheel seized up and the plane lurched to the left and the landing gear twisted and collapsed. The wing tip hit the ground and the plane started to skid on the tarmac. The pilot, realizing the plane was never going to take off, killed the engine and the plane spun and skidded as the remaining landing gear collapsed.

Letting her bike coast behind the plane Barbara could see the shocked faces of Apollo and Minerva swing into view and then out of view as the plane continued its spinning skid.

As the plane came to a rest, airport police and fire rescue were streaming down the runway. Barbara pulled her Batgirl cycle up to the cabin door just as Minerva and her two henchmen popped the door to make their escape. Minerva carrying her duffel bag.

“You’re under arrest Minerva, and so are your lackeys,” Barbara stepped in front of Apollo and Adonis. The two brutes didn’t think twice about attacking a Batgirl, she was a fraction of their size.

Barbara smiled with satisfaction as her spin kink hit Apollo in the ear and immediately laid him flat on the ground. She followed up with a right cross to Adonis’ chin. Titanium is such an awesome metal, she thought. Never leave home without it…

“If you are here, then Dahling, you’ll be sad to hear that Miss Gordon, the daughter of Commissioner Gordon is already dead…” Minerva wasn’t quite ready to give up despite the loss of her two henchmen and her escape jet. Minerva pulled out nickel plated pistol and started to raise toward’s the Dominoes Dare Doll.

“Not so fast Minerva,” Barbara grabbed the slide of the gun in a lightning move, pushing it down and away with speed that left Minerva dumb struck. Barbara released that hammer on the pistol just as the first police cruiser pulled up and several a pair of Gotham’s Finest covered Minerva and her goons.

“I have you on tape conspiring to extort money from Gotham’s millionaires and the attempted murder of Barbara Gordon.” Barbara motioned to the saddle bag of her Batgirl-cycle. You didn’t find all the microphones Miss Gordon was kind enough to hide.

“Those tapes won’t be admissible in court, Dahling.” Minerva was starting to realize how cornered she really was. Typical Batman evidence was often thrown out. Secret tape recordings by Batman were consistently made fun of by the Arch Criminals that seldom were sentenced to more than a few months at a time.

“They will be with this, Dahhhlinnnng” Barbara said mockingly. “This a warrant from Judge Juliano. You remember him, don’t you?” Barbara pointed to the duffel bag. “Isn’t that the Tiara he wore for the Governor’s Command Performance of ‘Hello Molly’?”

“He seemed to remember a fair amount of His Eggplant Jelly Vitamin Scalp Massage when I prompted him a little. Fortunately, his follow up visit wasn’t until next week.”

“Barbara Gordon is at home, resting after I release her from the death trap you abandoned her in.” Batgirl snapped her Bat-cuffs on Minerva. “Tomorrow she will be at Police Headquarters filing a statement and certifying the authenticity of the recordings.”

Chief O’Hara pulled and climbed out of one of the late arriving squad car with a confused look on his face.

“Begorrah, what happened here?” He looked around, “where did Batman go?”
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Sargeant 1st Class
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I had a great time reading this.

I really love when you describe how they tied and gagged her. Same as the devilish death-trap. Her thoughts when they are tying her, her thinking and her body sensations she's trying to control when struggling in the trap.

Your story kept me on the edge of my seat, hoping she will find a way to escape but not too fast and you check all the box in my list.

Well written, very creative and a pleasure to read. Another one from you going into my favorite list.

Thank you!
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Excellent story thanks for sharing!!
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MaryAnn wrote:
2 months ago
I had a great time reading this.

I really love when you describe how they tied and gagged her. Same as the devilish death-trap. Her thoughts when they are tying her, her thinking and her body sensations she's trying to control when struggling in the trap.

Your story kept me on the edge of my seat, hoping she will find a way to escape but not too fast and you check all the box in my list.

Well written, very creative and a pleasure to read. Another one from you going into my favorite list.

Thank you!
It was a fun project. I enjoyed changing it up a bit with Barbara Gordon getting herself into a BatTrap. The Steam box was something I've toyed with in the past. There was a TV movie called "S.H.E." with Cornelia Sharpe as female James Bond character where the tortured/interrogated her in a Steam box. Stripped of her leather catsuit, she is put naked the steam box, but not bound(?). for a 1980 TV film it was pretty good, It was probably an unsold pilot.

My Friend Amanda Kingston mentioned in a chat that she was liking the steam box idea and said I could use it, so much of the credit goes to her for getting the ball rolling on this one.

Using Barbara Gordon as the Heroine goes back to two things. First was "Enter Batgirl Exit the Pennguin." That was one of the best female bondage scenes in the entire series, Except for the kneeling hog tie/deathtrap Batman finds the (non-Barbara) librarian in in "Unkindest Tut of All"
Batman-UnkindestTut03.jpg (70.51 KiB) Viewed 2439 times
The second were the Bondage Cafe Barbara Gordon Quicksand peril.
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Hi sneakly, for fun I gave a shot at doing this on 3D. Hope you like it!
Batgirl - Pressurizer.jpg
Batgirl - Pressurizer.jpg (1.44 MiB) Viewed 2370 times
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MaryAnn wrote:
1 month ago
Hi sneakly, for fun I gave a shot at doing this on 3D. Hope you like it!
Damn... that is a hot picture....
Is it okay if I put that with my deviant are page? I will need to put a little heart over her maidenhood....

You really got the scene spot on. The bondage was exactly as I had envisioned it.

It is amazing that Batgirl can survive and escape from what is certain death. If I were Minerva I would have been certain of her demise.
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sneakly wrote:
1 month ago

Damn... that is a hot picture....
Is it okay if I put that with my deviant are page? I will need to put a little heart over her maidenhood....

You really got the scene spot on. The bondage was exactly as I had envisioned it.

It is amazing that Batgirl can survive and escape from what is certain death. If I were Minerva I would have been certain of her demise.
This picture is a gift to you, use it the way you like, it's fine with me!
Be careful, I got banned more than once for pictures like that on DA.
Glad you love it!
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MaryAnn wrote:
1 month ago
sneakly wrote:
1 month ago

Damn... that is a hot picture....
Is it okay if I put that with my deviant are page? I will need to put a little heart over her maidenhood....

You really got the scene spot on. The bondage was exactly as I had envisioned it.

It is amazing that Batgirl can survive and escape from what is certain death. If I were Minerva I would have been certain of her demise.
This picture is a gift to you, use it the way you like, it's fine with me!
Be careful, I got banned more than once for pictures like that on DA.
Glad you love it!
Oh wow, they miss you on DeviantArt. I posted your pic with story and you have 1600 views and 35 Favorites in just two days, triple the number of views of the story it was based on.

If anyone is interested, I just posted the first chapter in a all new Peril's of Penelope Pitstop story on my DA account. Does anyone think that should be cross posted to this site? She wears a costume has a villain an gets in endless amounts of trouble.
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sneakly wrote:
1 month ago
If anyone is interested, I just posted the first chapter in a all new Peril's of Penelope Pitstop story on my DA account. Does anyone think that should be cross posted to this site? She wears a costume has a villain an gets in endless amounts of trouble.

Don't forget this is a superheroines forum, so I wouldn't bet on this, try to ask the moderators first. ;)

Maybe you should create a new superheroine, something like the Pink Patriot (her real name would be Penelope) wearing almost the same outfit but tighter and sexier. Fighting the same villains and her power could be to read other minds but wont be able to read the mind of hypnotizers as a weakness!
Last edited by MaryAnn 1 month ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Penelope Pitstop had her racing uniform!!!
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tmon wrote:
1 month ago
Penelope Pitstop had her racing uniform!!!
I posted the resto the Penelope Pitstop story on my Deviant Arts page, since a couple of people here asked about it
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