Follow The Leader

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An idea I had about a heroine who doesn't get written about as much.

Part I - The Leader watched quietly as his prey battled the giant robot. For a man of the Leader's mental capacities, it was child's play to manipulate some unimportant second tier supervillian into sending his prize creation - a mechanical man of some modest destructive ability - thought Leader dismissively, knowing he could have done better had mere mayhem been his goal. No, the Leader's goal was more subtle - he sought to lure his greatest nemesis, the Incredible Hulk, to the scene so that he could test his latest creation, the Gamma Gem. The Leader had discovered the gem months ago, and had remained hidden away, working on its properties, until he had finally developed the technology needed to exploit it. With the gem set within the Leader's special projection belt, the gamma ray-infused villain could, at least in theory, alter the thoughts and feelings of another gamma-ray infused being. As far as the Leader knew, besides himself, there were two such beings on Earth. One, his prize, was the Hulk - arguably the most powerful being on the planet. With the Hulk's might under the control of the Leader's augmented intelligence, he could rule the world. Unfortunately, the rampage the Leader had staged had not drawn the Hulk's attention as he wished. Currently battling the renegade robot was instead the Hulk's cousin, the Sensational She-Hulk.

The Leader cast off his initial disappointment. After all, there had been no way to test the Gamma Gem's powers, and to try and fail to control the Hulk would likely prove fatal. And while the She-Hulk lacked her cousin's unmatchable physical strength, her destruction of the robot made it clear that she was a formidable weapon in her own right. Plus, thought the leader, observing She-Hulk's long, firm legs and toned body, a subservient She-Hulk could attend to more needs than just the ones that involved conquering the world. Yes, thought the Leader as he watched his new prey dispatch her adversary, She-Hulk would do nicely.

She-Hulk now stood victorious, the robot in pieces around her. Standing nearly seven feet stall, she looked like a supermodel save for her emerald green skin. Her long black hair flowed down to the small of her back, and her spandex bodysuit fit perfectly around her toned, athletic body. Calf-high, flat soled purple boots covered her feet as she stood victorious, hands on her hips. From his hiding place nearby, the Leader activated the Gamma Gem and began directing thoughts towards her, telling her that she needed to submit to the Leader, that her only hope was to surrender to him. He also began to implant thoughts that she was excited and aroused at the prospect of being the Leader's captive, that the more submissive she was, the better she would feel. He watched her closely, looking for any hint of a reaction. This was not how he would have approached She-Hulk's cousin, of course, but different targets required different rules. Besides, said the Leader, this one's captivity would be...different in nature.

She-Hulk at first looked confused - the first sign that Leader's powers were working on her. Then he saw her exhale deeply, saw her hands briefly caress her body before remembering that she was out in public, and he knew that his thoughts were becoming hers without her knowing where or why they appeared. She walked slowly, carefully, her breathing heavier than it was even in the heat of combat. The Leader reinforced his earlier messages, and he saw his victim's legs wobble just a little. Deciding that doubt was for lesser beings, he chose to test the limits of his new control, stepping out behind her and calling out to her.

"She-Hulk! Your Leader demands your surrender!" She did not turn right away. The Leader knew she would recognize his voice - they'd battled many times, with the heroine always, until now, coming out on top. This time, the Leader saw her shudder when she heard his command. Slowly, deliberately, she turned around to face him. A flash of fear and excitement raced across her face when she actually saw him. She took one tentative step towards him. The Leader knew fear as well - although the gamma rays that altered him gave him formidable intelligence, he was not given the great strength that She-Hulk and her cousin received. If he could not compel her to submit to him, she would thrash him easily. Watching her approach, it was clear that both thoughts were fighting for supremacy within her clouded mind. The Leader quietly reinforced his previous orders, hoping that the Gamma Gem's effects would be even more powerful the closer it was to its intended victim.

"" said She-Hulk, every word a struggle. Her arms tensed at her sides as she fought to raise them to smash her foe. To the Leader's relief and delight, his control seemed to be winning out, as She-Hulk stood in front of him, unable to raise a hand to stop him.

"I said surrender!" demanded the Leader with more bravado then he felt - his victory still in doubt. The Gamma Gem was glowing brightly on the Leader's waist, as his entire being was devoted to dominating the green giantess who stood before him. "Kneel!"

She-Hulk fought a moment longer - a moment that was an eternity to both participants in this battle - then, with a helpless moan, fell to her knees. The Leader exulted at the sight of the fearsome She-Hulk kneeling in submission before him, but he knew that her defeat may only be temporary, and he would need to move quickly to secure his victory.

"Well done, slave," he said, reaching out to caress her cheek. His thoughts beginning to take precedence in her mind, she leaned into his touch, her eyes closing, as a sigh of contentment escaped from her half-open lips. "Now sleep," he commanded, causing the heroine to slump over on her side. "Sleep and dream of obedience to your new master." She-Hulk sighed again as she lay helpless on the ground, her mind open and vulnerable. Pushing a button on a control panel on his wrist, the Leader summoned his transport vehicle, which to the unenlightened masses would look like an ordinary, albiet very large, SUV. Opening the rear door, a long metal tube slid out, which the Leader quickly moved to the ground. Designed to carry the Hulk, it would easily transport the Leader's captive to his base.

The Leader considered waiting to address She-Hulk's costume until he arrived at his lair, but decided that he could not wait to begin enjoying his new plaything. Lifting one of her feet, he unlaced her boot, and removed it, bareing a flawless (if green), foot with long, perfect toes and a smooth sole. Unable to resist, the Leader's hands explored She-Hulk's helpless foot from heel to toes, all the while the Gamma Gem sent thoughts to the unconscious heroine that caused her to moan and twitch with pleasure. With regret, he set her foot down and repeated the process on her other foot, leaving the helpless heroine barefoot and writhing in her sleep, as the Gamma Gem caused her to feel nothing but pleasure as her master played with her. Then the Leader pulled a small knife from his belt, and cut his captive's bodysuit away, revealing her firm, moderately sized (for her, anyway) breasts, which the Leader cupped and stroked, pinching her nipples as the Gamma Gem continued to condition the She-Hulk. When the costume was fully removed, revealing that She-Hulk's body was completely smooth, the Leader could not resist sliding his fingers between her legs, his fingers moving in easily as the now-aroused heroine offered him no resistance. He teased her briefly, but as much as he wanted to bring her to climax then and there, he was concerned that such overwhelming sensation could wake her, and he needed her unconscious for transport. So he withdrew with some reluctance, while the Gamma Gem promised She-Hulk all the pleasure she could desire, so long as she submitted to her Leader.

Attaching She-Hulk's bare feet to a clasp in the metal tube, the Leader pushed a button and the tube began to pull the She-Hulk inside. Designed to hold and transport the Hulk, the sleeping She-Hulk easily disappeared into her metal prison, after which the Leader activated the tube, causing it to elevate and disappear inside the vehicle's specially designed cargo hold. Getting into the driver's seat, he drove towards his hidden lair, with both captor and captive dreaming of the games to come next.

To be continued...
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Nice start! :D
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She-Hulk awoke with a start. Her last clear memory was battling a giant robot, a fight she recalled winning...then things became hazy. She recalled her old foe the Leader - a memory that caused an unexplained flush of excitement - but why she recalled him was unclear. She looked at her surroundings. She was lying on a bed in a small room with metal walls. Silk, purple sheets covered the bed, and it was with a gasp that She-Hulk looked down to find she was naked. Quickly gathering her bearings, she thought to herself - I've been captured (a thought that caused another wave of excitement to course through her body, followed by what almost felt like regret at not being bound and used by her mysterious captor), and I need to find out where I am, and who's holding me. Standing up, she saw a closet in the room that held a number of different outfits. Deciding to cover herself, she selected one that she told herself would give her body freedom to move (in case I need to move quickly or fight someone, she thought). The outfit fit perfectly - given She-Hulk's size, clearly this closet was filled with her in mind. On the floor were a number of shoes and boots, all seeming to fit She-Hulk's large, perfectly formed feet. She briefly tried on a number of them, then decided that since she was not familiar with the motives of the person who stocked the closet, she would go barefoot. (Also, it will be easier to sneak around, she told herself.)

She tried the door, preparing to rip it from its hinges, but she found it unlocked. The door opened into a long hallway, she looked to the left and right and saw no one, and no sign that one way was better than the other. For some reason, her mind told her she needed to go to the right, so to the right she turned. Surprisingly light on her bare feet, She-Hulk padded quietly to the end of the hall, where she instinctively felt she should turn left. At the end of this hallway was a metal door. She-Hulk took a deep breath, and prepared to try the door, but it opened of its own accord. On the other side stood two athletically built blonde women, clad in form-fitting purple leather jumpsuits and black high-heeled boots. By human standards the women were tall and formidable, but even barefoot, She-Hulk towered over them. She could have easily knocked both women unconscious, but when she saw them, she quietly waited until one of them spoke.

"Come this way. He's waiting for you." The two women turned on a high heel and walked away, clearly expecting She-Hulk to follow. Part of She-Hulk's mind told her she should grab both women and demand answers about where she was and who had taken her, but she quietly (almost meekly) followed, her mind rationalizing that doing so was the easiest way to meet the person who had kidnapped her. As she walked, an image of her on her knees, submissively licking the women's boots flashed in her mind. She flushed, and tried to banish the foreign, inappropriate thought, only to have it replaced by other images - each one of her being dominated, each one causing the green-skinned superheroine to shudder with excitement. Ahead of her, the two women exchanged a knowing glance. She-Hulk thought for a moment they knew what she was thinking - but that was impossible, right? Telling herself she had imagined it, she put the humiliating thought out of her head and followed her silent guides throughout the compound.

Finally, a door opened into a large room, with a high domed roof. Computer monitors covered the walls, and various weapons and unusual technology covered the floor. In the center of the room was a large chair, and sitting in that chair was She-Hulk's legendary enemy, the Leader. She-Hulk felt an inexplicable sense of fear - the Leader was nowhere near her physical equal - she was close enough to easily defeat him. Yet she found she could not move, her breath coming in hurried gasps as he leered at her. He was dressed in his usual costume, although She-Hulk did note one addition - a glowing gem on a belt on his waist.

"Finally, my slave awakens!" he said jovially. Hearing herself described as a slave should have offended She-Hulk to the point of uncontrollable violence, but all she did was stammer out a feeble sounding protest.

"I'm...I'm not your slave, Leader!" she said, almost for her own benefit as much as the Leader's.

"Really?" said the Leader, amused. "The explain a few things to me. First, I've captured you and stripped you, and now that the opportunity exists, you're not currently beating me about the head and shoulders. And it is such a target," he teased, referring to his gamma-ray enhanced cranium. "Also, take a look at yourself. Do you think you dressed that way for your convenience or for my pleasure?" The Leader pointed to his right, where She-Hulk saw herself in a mirror for the first time. The outfit she had chosen was a white babydoll negligee that barely cleared her hips. Her erect nipples practically broke through the thin fabric. Shrieking in embarassment, She-Hulk tried to cover herself with her hands.

"And where are your boots? I offered you all manner of footwear, but you stand before me in your bare feet? Did you tell yourself some silly story like it would be easier for you to move without them?" taunted the Leader. She-Hulk looked down dejectedly, having given herself that very rationalization. "Did you convince yourself you did that for your own purposes, and not because your master prefers you this way?"

She-Hulk nervously shifted her wait from foot to foot. For some reason, she was unable to attack him, and each taunt he delivered stung her worse than any blow she'd felt recently. Knowing she should say something, she struggled to sound defiant. "You...won't get away with this," she said uncertainly.

The Leader laughed as the gem on his waist glowed even more brightly. "I thought you were the smart one. That's the best you can do? I never expected you to compete with my intellect, but I did expect better from you, She-Hulk!" His mocking caused the superheroine to almost shrink before him. "Be honest with yourself, She-Hulk. You are here because you have been utterly defeated by me." As he spoke, the gem glowed even brighter. "Repeat it!" he commanded.

A short pause, then "I've been defeated by you," agreed She-Hulk.

"You have dressed this way because you hope to please me. Your only hope is to please me." The Leader stared hard at She-Hulk, who struggled to meet his gaze.

"My only hope is to please you," she whispered.

"Being barefoot in the presence of your captor reminds you of your helplessness." The gem continued to glow.

She-Hulk looked down at her feet. Her toes curled involuntarily. "Barefoot...helpless," she whispered, the two ideas now linked in her mind. Looking down at her slender feet, she was now incapable of summoning any thoughts of resistance, but still the Leader continued.

"Your master is very disappointed in you," he said sternly. She-Hulk looked up suddenly, a look of terror in her eyes. "Your obedience has been...unsatisfactory," he said, looking away. All the while, the gem at his waist glowed brightly.

She-Hulk fell to her knees in a panic. Her mind told her that she needed to please the Leader. "What can I do? Please, tell me!" she begged.

The Leader appeared to consider her pleas. Then, seeming to relent, he gestured towards a large metal table on one end of the room. "Go over there," he commanded. "Once you are there, allow my assistants to restrain you. When you are completely restrained, they will toy with you for my amusement. It should prove quite humiliating for you, and leave you even more vulnerable to my conditioning."

She-Hulk looked surprised at what sounded like honesty from the domineering villain. He essentially just told her of his plans to further weaken her and bring her more completely under his control. Even to She-Hulk's addled mind, this sounded like a bad idea. She stood up, hesitantly at first, then with more resolve. She looked to a far door, considering the possibility of escape. She looked at the table where she was supposed to willingly march to her own humiliation. And finally, she looked at the Leader, at first planning to gauge the distance between them, to knock him unconscious before he could try any further tricks. But when she looked at him, concentrating intently on her, she was reminded again of that powerful need to please him. She felt the cool metal floor beneath the soles of her bare feet, reminding her of her helplessness and sending a rush of arousal from the tips of her toes throughout her body. She waivered, unsure of herself...

"Of course, if you'd rather risk my displeasure..." said the Leader, arching an eyebrow.

Any resolve She-Hulk had vanished. With a soft whimper, she padded over to the Leader's table, where she obediently lay down. One of the Leader's henchwomen stood at her head, the other at her feet. First, the blonde woman at her head pointed to She-Hulk's left arm. Mindful of the disapproving gaze of the Leader, she quickly gave the woman her left wrist, which was quickly locked into a metal shackle above She-Hulk's head. Understanding what was expected, She-Hulk quickly surrendered her other wrist, which was locked next her left. Once her hands were secured, the woman at her feet took She-Hulk's right ankle and secured it in a similar fashion, followed quickly by her left. She-Hulk was now bound hand and foot, stretched out helplessly. A quick test of her bonds revealed that they were enough to contain even her massive strength.

"We'll be right back," said one of the blondes. She-Hulk couldn't help but notice how attractive they both were, their long blond hair framing beautiful, Nordic faces, and their toned bodies barely hidden in their leather outfits. As she watched them walk away, knowing they were planning her further humiliation, her only thought was a hope that whatever they were planning would restore her to the Leader's good graces.

And if the Leader's good graces required her complete defeat, well, then, so be it.
Elder Member
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Poor She-Hulk. :D :D :D
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Part III

She-Hulk whimped impatiently, squirming in her bonds. She had allowed herself to be bound helpless to the Leader's table, in the hopes that his henchwomen would punish her sufficiently to allow her to please him again. Her wrists were secured over her head, clasped together, and her bare feet were likewise shackled next to each other. Streched out completely, she arched her back and writhed from side to side, her body needing attention, no matter what form it came in. Her mind struggled to make sense of everything that occurred. On the one hand, she was a superheroine who was supposed to be bringing the Leader to justice, but those thoughts battled (and lost) with her all-consuming need to submit to the Leader. Her submissiveness was artificial, of course - brought about by the Leader's mysterious Gamma Gem, which allowed him to project his thoughts into the mind of another gamma-ray infused being, causing the source of She-Hulk's powers to, in this case, engineer her defeat.

She moaned with relief when the Leader's two henchwomen returned. The two blondes, while stunning and statuesque by human standards, paled in comparison to the She-Hulk, yet under his control, she trembled before them.

"It's funny," said the Leader, watching the entire spectacle from his command chair in the center of the room. "Your skin is nigh invulnerable. This limits somewhat what we can do to you. Given time, and rest assured, my pet, we will have plenty of time, I will invent ways to torment you that you have not dreamed of yet!" His promise caused a shudder to ripple through She-Hulk's bound body. "But, with a simple suggestion, I can affect certain...reactions. Ladies?"

With that, one of the Leader's henchwomen stood at She-Hulk's head. Placing her fingertips on the smooth skin of the captive's armpits, she slowly slid her fingers across the She-Hulk's skin. She-Hulk's eyes widened at the surprising sensation, then she slowly started to giggle. With a steady pace, the woman teasing She-Hulk's armpits continued her gentle tickling, causing the helpless heroine to squirm and giggle. The tickling was soft, almost gentle - enough to keep She-Hulk laughing and wriggling - while the other woman moved to the helpless victim's side, where she struck suddenly, giving She-Hulk's ribs a squeeze. This caused the captive herione to squeal in surprised laughter, before returning to the soft giggles produced by the steady teasing of her underarms.

"Seems almost comical, doesn't it?" asked the Leader, as his minions continued to tease She-Hulk, one slowly and gently teasing her underarms while the other would catch her off balance with a sudden burst of tickling on her sides or belly button. "You could face down an army and not blink, but in my grasp a few tickles leave you helpless and under my control. You act like a mighty heroine, but here we see you for the pathetic plaything you truly are!"

She-Hulk tried to respond to her captor's taunting, but the two henchwomen toying with her continually prevented her from being able to form words by increasing the intensity of She-Hulk's torment whenever she appeared about to speak.

"That's a good girl," said the Leader, as She-Hulk gave up trying to respond, allowing herself to be controlled by her tormentors' wiggling fingers. "The only way is obedience. Your only desire is submission," he said, as the gem glowed brightly. As he spoke, one of the two women teasing She-Hulk started to tickle her thighs, then moved down to her knees, where she caused the helpless She-Hulk to twitch and shriek as she revealed new ticklish spots.

"You're doing somewhat better," said the Leader, taking the tone of disappointment his captive had come to fear. "But my assistants don't seem to think that you're giving them all of your body to play with. There appears to be some part you're holding back." Having planted the seed (with a little help from the Gamma Gem), the Leader sat back to watch the show.

She-Hulk knew that the only part of her body her tormentors had yet to play with was her feet. As unbearable as the tickling was, she also knew that to please her master, she would have to convince the two women tickling her to attend to her feet. She tried to speak again, but once again, harder tickling prevented her from speaking. She made eye contact with the woman tickling the tender area under She-Hulk's knees, and began to flex her feet, pointing her long toes and trying to draw attention to them. At first, the henchwoman simply laughed and continued to tickle She-Hulk's knees, causing the dominated heroine to thrash about, while laughing more hysterically now. Then, suddenly, the previously fierce tickling slowed to the gentle teasing it started out as. She-Hulk lay in her bonds, lightly twitching and giggling. One of the women then looked down at She-Hulk's bare feet, arching an eyebrow at the captive heroine. By this time, She-Hulk knew better than to speak - she nodded meekly and pointed her toes, doing her best to beg without words.

The Leader's henchwoman gave the prisoner an indulgent smile, and placed her fingertips on the heels of She-Hulk's bare feet, slowing tracing up her sole, across her arches, under the base of her toes, then finally tracing up She-Hulk's long toes. The captive heroine shuddered in her bonds as a mixture of sensations battled for control - relief at finally getting what she'd asked for, arousal as she was played with in a manner pleasing to her master, and agony, as her feet were by far the most ticklish part of her body. Her tormentor worked her feet over slowly - sliding one finger the length of She-Hulk's arch, while the other danced across the tips of her toes. Then she would gently stroke the soles of both of She-Hulk's feet, while the helpess victim whimpered and giggled.

"It's really quite silly, isn't it," said the woman playing with She-Hulk's feet. Meanwhile, the other woman had moved from She-Hulk's armpits to the tops of her breasts. She-Hulk continued to giggle and squirm, her body helplessly under the women's control. "Not only are you being defeated by being tied up and having your feet played with, you're actually enjoying it! Tell the truth, you are, aren't you?" she asked, tickling between She-Hulk's toes for emphasis. Unable to respond, the tittering heroine could only nod, incapable of anything but complete agreement. Her entire body shuddered as her neck, breasts, and soles were teased by the skilled fingers of the Leader's henchmen. Her voice raspy with forced laughter, she shook as her sensual torment continued. Finally, at a signal from the Leader, her torture subsided to soft fingertips stroking her neck and her arches. Lying weakly in her bonds, the dominated heroine giggled softly, her toes twitching slightly with each touch.

"Did we win?" asked the woman toying with She-Hulk's bare feet. Tittering softly, the dominated heroine nodded weakly. "You're completely defeated?" she asked, prompting another humiliating nod from the vanquished heroine. "The so-called mighty She-Hulk, turned into a submissive little toy with a few tickles on her pretty feet?" teased the henchwoman. Again, She-Hulk nodded, all previous thoughts of resistance gone from her mind. "And who is it who controls you?" she asked. "You may speak," she continued, and suddenly She-Hulk's tickling torment ceased.

"The Leader," She-Hulk quickly replied. "The Leader defeated me," she said, her voice tinged with embarassment and need. "The Leader controls me."

"Right you are," said the heroine's blonde torturer. "And your master is pleased with your progress...almost."

"What more do you want from me?" pleaded She-Hulk.

Instead of responding, the two women looked to the Leader, looking triumphant from his vantage point. He pressed a button on the control panel on his chair, and She-Hulk gasped as the bonds on her wrists and ankles suddenly moved apart, leaving the helpless heroine stretched taut in a spread eagle. Unable to stop herself, the formerly proud heroine began to whimper as her two torturers approached her, evil grins on both their faces.
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Part IV

"Do you know what this is?" said the Leader's henchwoman, holding the silver rod in front of the helpless She-Hulk's eyes. Meanwhile, the other blonde was slowly tracing her fingers up the captive's thigh, causing the helpless heroine to shiver in her bonds. Her arms and legs spread and restrained, her mind enthralled by the power of the Leader's Gamma Gem, the formerly powerful heroine could only whimper, her eyes widening when the other woman pushed a button on the base of the toy, and it began to hum and vibrate.

"Do you know what we're going to do with it? With you?" she teased, sliding the vibrator down towards She-Hulk's spread legs. With excruciating deliberation, she continued to tease She-Hulk, moving the toy slowly between She-Hulk's legs. "Whatever. We. Want." With the last word, She-Hulk groaned as the vibrator finally found its target. She arched her back, moving her hips in sync with her captor's gentle teasing, sliding it in and out easily as she moaned, offering no resistance as she lost herself in pleasure. While one of the Leader's two nameless minions used the vibrator on the quivering She-Hulk, the other took She-Hulk's left foot in her hands. Slowly stroking her sole with her thumbs, the lascivious blonde slowly slid her lips over She-Hulk's big toe. Fully under the control of the Leader's conditioning, She-Hulk moaned and bucked to the limit of her bonds, twisting and pleading wordlessly, incapable of anything other than her great need.

"Have you figured it out yet?" asked the blonde using the vibrator, while her partner continued to suck on She-Hulk's hypersensitive toes. "You want it so badly, don't you?" she teased, as She-Hulk nodded eagerly. "But you belong to the Leader, mind and body, and you can't...not unless he gives the word," She-Hulk whimpered as her body shuddered, feeling the effects as her body was worked over. As she worked the vibrator, sliding it in and out more quickly, she slid her free hand under the captive's delicate top and quickly found an erect nipple. Softly pinching and twisting as she slid the toy in and out of the writhing heroine, she continued to taunt her captive. "The only way is his way, and his way is only open if he's sure you completely belong to him."

She-Hulk looked past her tormentor, to the leering face of the Leader. Her slender bare feet twitched as the woman at her feet licked her sole, the movements of her tongue both torturous and exciting. The Leader said nothing as she whimpered in her bonds, his face a mask of triumph as he waited for her. At an unseen cue, both blondes slowed down their torment of the emerald Avenger, the swift movements of the vibrator slowing to a gentle teasing, and the stimulation of her sensitive feet slowing to soft, pleasant kisses. She-Hulk sighed, but the overwhelming need that had taken over her body was still driving her, with the lighter touches an implied promise she was desperate to have fulfuilled.

"Please," she whimpered.

"Please what?" said the Leader, his voice soft and mocking.

"Please let me come," pleaded She-Hulk.

"And why should I do that?" asked the Leader, reveling in his victory as his powerful foe was reduced to a quivering wreck pleading desprately for his favor.

"I've been good," said the helpless heroine in response. "I've done what you asked - I'll do anything you want," she begged, writhing as best she could in her bonds. "You don't have to torture me anymore - I'm yours," she whispered, completely defeated.

The Leader closed his eyes, savoring the exquisite sound of his enemy's complete surrender. "And what if I want torture you, She-Hulk? What if I wanted to pay you back for all the schemes you've foiled? What if I were bitter about the fact that I would probably be ruling the world right now if it had not been for you? What if my greatest joy in life now came from the sight of you helpless and groveling for my approval? What should I do then?" he asked, the gem at his waist beginning to glow again.

She-Hulk mewed softly, her mind focused on finding an answer that would please him. "I'm your what you want with me." She dropped her eyes, defeated. She looked at the woman playing with her feet, who placed soft kisses on her arch and smiled at her sympathetically.

The Leader appeared lost in thought for several minutes, as She-Hulk mewed quietly while the Leader's minions gently toyed with her, their soft touches reminding She-Hulk of the only thing her enthralled mind needed, the one thing that rested entirely within her captor's grasp to give or withhold. Finally, the Leader looked at She-Hulk, and smiled benevolently.

"I do so enjoy humiliating you, She-Hulk. And you understand that if I were to grant this one request, that you are still mine," he said. She-Hulk nodded sincerely, the glowing gem on her captor's waist making her incapable on anything other than complete agreement. "You are mine to command, to experiment upon, to play with, to defeat over and over again, in retribution for all the times you've foiled me." She-Hulk nodded again.

"Very well," said the Leader. Nodding to his assistants, he said "You may come, slave."

With that, the hand stroking She-Hulk's nipple gave her a firm squeeze, and the soft kisses on She-Hulk's twitching feet became hard, firm licks, causing the sensitive superheroine to shiver with every stroke. Meanwhile, the vibrator that was slowly and gently teasing, was roughly and firmly plunged in to the hilt. She-Hulk bucked hard, arching her back as she let out a loud moan of pleasure, her climax beginning almost immediately with her master's permission. Her nipples were tweaked and twisted, each time bringing a reaction from the captive heroine, her entire body responding, reacting within the limits of her bondage. Her toes curled and flexed, as her right foot was seized and the nameless blond henchwoman began to bite and suck on She-Hulk's toes, every nip adding to her arousal and bringing her off with ease. She climaxed over and over, screaming in relief and ecstacy as she was brought over the edge repeatedly, finally collapsing, laying weakly on the table, her voice reduced to a raspy moan and her wild bucking reduced to an occasional twitch.

At a nod from the Leader, his henchwomen ceased their stimulation of the overworked herione, pushing a button on the table that released the bonds on She-Hulk's wrists and ankles. The barely conscious heroine rolled off the table, collapsing in a heap on the floor, the formerly mighty avenger whimpering in a ball, until a nudge from a boot caused her to look up at the Leader's triumphant face.

"Remember what I said," said the Leader. "You're mine," continued, with She-Hulk nodding weakly. "Now come with me, slave - your master has need of you." Incapable of resisting, She-Hulk pulled herself to her knees, and was about to try and rise to her feet, but the Leader stopped her. "I like you in this position. Now come with me," he said, turning on his heel.

With his back turned to her, there was nothing stopping She-Hulk from rising to her feet, smashing the Leader and his assistants, and wrecking his entire lair. Nothing, that is, but the hypnotic conditioning that had put her under his complete control, and that gave her no choice but to crawl after him on her hands and knees on her way to her next humiliation.
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Joined: 18 years ago

Part V

The Leader's command center was mostly quiet. His two blond henchwomen quietly manned stations in front of a series of computer screens, keeping up with one of the many myriad tasks the Leader needed to fulfill his various evil plans. In the center of it all, in a large leather chair, sat the Leader himself, quietly reviewing design plans and chemical formulas for the numerous insidious plans he was always working on. In front on him, posed parallel to his chair, was the symbol of his greatest victory - the Sensational She-Hulk, who had foiled the Leader countless times, had finally been defeated and brought under his mental control through the use of the Gamma Gem. The powerful superheroine was now a docile pet incapable of doing anything that might displease the Leader. Her costume had been replaced with a practically clear nightie that barely covered her, and her long, slender feet were bare, reminding her of her submission with every step on the cool metal floor.

Right now, however, She-Hulk was on her hands and knees in front of the Leader. Her feet and legs were pressed together, her ass raised high in the air, and her head down, her long black hair covering her face. The Leader had his feet up on her back, his face the picture of triumph. Everything about She-Hulk's pose was dictated by her captor, from the position of her feet to the bowing of her head, and the heroine who had faced down alien invasions now devoted all her strength and determination to obeying her master, her body the perfect picture of submission.

"Comfortable?" asked the Leader casually, in between calculations.

"Yes, sir," whispered She-Hulk.

"I'm sure you're curious what I've been working on instead of playing with you. I assure you, I have not lost my taste for humiliating you, but I do have work to do. I appreciate your willingness to wait for me," he said, chuckling softly at his joke. He worked in silence for another few minutes, then promptly stood up, lifting his feet from She-Hulk's back. No longer in contact with her master, She-Hulk whimpered softly, her only thought concern that she had somehow displeased him.

The Leader gave his prisoner a cursory glance, but concentrating on his work, went to a nearby monitor where one of his henchwomen had called up something that caught his interest. There was a brief technical discussion while the Leader consulted the computer tablet he held in his hand. At his request, one of his henchmen brought him a printout. As he reviewed the readings, she looked curiously at the kneeling heroine.

"So, are we ever going know, actually have her do anything for us?"

"She is doing something," said the Leader curtly. "I needed another piece of furniture." With a slow smile, he continued. "Oh, you mean have her go out and put her powers to work for us? Destroy our enemies, steal the resources we need? Perhaps later. The sooner she goes out into the world, the sooner the world follows us back here. Besides, after all the times she's thwarted me, having her groveling helplessly is currently the best use to which she can be put. Speaking of which...," he said, turning his attention towards the kneeling She-Hulk.

"Come here, slave," he commanded. She-Hulk began to rise, but a raised eyebrow put a stop to that, and the defeated heroine crawled slowly on her hands and knees, her lowered head only rising to confirm when she had reached her master's side. Without looking down, the Leader placed the tablet on the She-Hulk's back. She-Hulk did her best to remain still, not wanting to drop the tablet and displease the Leader.

"Excellent," said the Leader, referring to the computations taking place on the screen. "That should take a few hours, which gives us plenty of time to run a few experiments on our helpless little She-Hulk," he said, turning his attention to the cowering captive kneeling at his feet. Reaching down, he placed his hand on She-Hulk's chin and lifted her up.

"I've designed a number of things that should overcome even the mighty She-Hulk, and I would simply love to test them out. Of course you realize, if you participate in my wicked little games, and my inventions actually affect you, your defeat will be even more complete, my conquest of you total. Would you like to help me place you even more under my control?" he taunted, the gem glowing as it worked its will on She-Hulk's enthralled mind.

"Yes, sir," said She-Hulk softly.

"Once this happens, you won't be a superheroine anymore. You'll be nothing more than my plaything, your Avengers uniform replaced with whatever provocative dress strikes my fancy that day. You'll spend your time in one bondage pose after another, all to satisfy my twisted desires, toyed with my minions for my amusement. Is that what you want, She-Hulk? To be transformed from a powerful warrior into a barefoot pleasure slave?"

The gem glowed brightly as somewhere deep within, She-Hulk struggled to respond the way a heroine should. Unfortunately for her, this internal struggle worked out no better than the others because her response was a simple, defeated, "Yes, master."

And with that, she crawled after the Leader, not wanting to make him wait to put the next phase of her domination into action.
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