World's Finest: Supergirl and Batgirl

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Happy Holidays! Everyone here's a tale that's been sitting around for a while. Going to finish it up shortly but figured people would want to see it finished or otherwise. Thanks to Caniac89 for some brainstorming help!


“How does it feel Supergirl to finally meet your end?”

Kara grunted in response to the stupid question. She was down on her hands and knees, not feeling super at all. This was due to the green beam projecting from the cybernetic criminal, Metallo. The robot man was standing only a few feet away. He was disturbing to look at it, with pieces of ripped synthetic skin hanging onto his metal robotic body. With a cold machine stare he watched as Supergirl withered under his newest upgrade.

“I was hoping to use my new slow and low kryptonite beam on Superman. However it’s actually just as satisfying to use it on you.” Metallo laughed.

Supergirl sighed as she collapsed onto the floor. Metallo was powered by a chunk of kryptonite. Typically when fighting her or Kal, he would expose the core in his chest. Of course Supergirl would fly further away in that case but it was no surprise that Metallo had a counter. His chest could also fire a powerful kryptonite beam that could knock her right out of the sky. This new slow beam was unexpected though; of course Kara hadn’t been planning to run into one of her deadliest foes tonight.

She had spotted the Inter-Gang meeting with her X-Ray vision. So she blew through the roof of the warehouse and proceeded to start wiping the floor with the mobsters. Unfortunately Kara didn’t expect Metallo to be riding shotgun on the deal, not this quickly after his escape and rebuilding (which Batman had warned her about). Kara had thought she coped well with his unexpected appearance, avoiding his blasts and not getting too close. The low slow beam with a long wide range caught her by surprise though. Weakened slowly, Metallo just waited for Supergirl’s flight ability to give out. He then cranked up the power of his ray, getting ever closer to her.

Supergirl was in agony. If this kept up for much longer Kara wasn’t sure she could stay conscious. Metallo now stood over her. He looked up and down her body, enjoying the sight of her helpless and in pain. With a push of his foot he rolled Supergirl onto her back. Kara winced as her face was bathed in the deadly kryptonite rays. Metallo laughed. Kara’s leotard, belt, skirt, tights, and boots were exposed now. Her arm was draped across her stomach. Supergirl was breathing heavily.

“I’m saving all this to my hard drive; I’m going to enjoy watching this every night. Maybe I’ll email it to CNN, or better yet, throw your green corpse through the Daily Planet windows. How does that sound Supergirl?”

Kara managed to answer, “Never…going……happen, you….terminator reject…”

“Oh I think it will. You know Supergirl you look pretty pale, you need to spend some more time under some rays.” Metallo taunted.

With a hum the kryptonite beam increased in power and intensity. Supergirl moaned as the stronger rays quickly made her feel worse. Metallo was so enthralled with the spectacle he didn’t notice someone entering through the same hole Supergirl had created. They slid silently down a rope and their outfit matched the black surroundings. The intruder landed with the precision and skill of a ninja. They reached for a yellow belt that encircled their trim waist. Then with a flick of the wrist, they threw three small sticky objects at Metallo.

Kara heard Metallo scream as electricity shocked his body. He turned away from her to face the source of the attack. Supergirl, weak as a kitten still managed to smile as Metallo hissed the name, “Batgirl!”

“Hey metal head. You’re picking on a good friend of mine, and it tends to make me mad.” Batgirl answered.

“You think I’m afraid of you?” Metallo laughed, “You don’t even have super-strength. I’ve taken care of Supergirl; I’ll crush you like a bug and then wipe your costume off my feet.”

Batgirl smiled, “Nope, you’re not.”

“Why not?” Metallo answered.

“Because of the bomb I just placed on your chest.”

Metallo’s mechanical eyes widened and he looked down at his exposed kryptonite core. A small sphere was resting there, held in place by a black sticky substance. Batgirl had thrown it as Metallo turned around, still distracted by her electrical weapons. Before he could grab at it the small but powerful bomb exploded. Batgirl jumped and moved while the cyborg staggered from the explosion. Before the smoke had even cleared, she was on him.

A leaping kick knocked Metallo back. As he staggered still disoriented by the explosion, Batgirl pulled a small can from her belt. She pulled the trigger and a black spray shot out and covered the bomb damaged portion of Metallo’s chest. Batgirl was going to deliver another kick to take out his legs when Metallo lashed out and grabbed her leg. With a yell he threw her across the room.

Batgirl cried out as she hit the wall hard and fell to the ground. Before she could get up he was on her. A robotic hand grabbed the front of her uniform and lifted her off her feet. Batgirl’s yellow boots dangled in the air as she struggled. Metallo put his face close to hers and snarled, “I’m going to rip you apart but first I think I’ll take off the mask of yours, and find out which pretty redhead is under that cowl.”

“Not a chance.” The Dark Angel said.

Metallo shot back, “Oh yeah?”

With his free hand he reached for her cowl. Batgirl had a moment of fear as the metal fingers reached for her mask. Then she smiled as she saw who was behind her, “Yeah because Supergirl is right behind you dumbass.”

Metallo turned his head in time to be nailed by the Girl of Steel’s fist. Metallo was launched across the warehouse, landing in the side of a shipping container. Batgirl was snatched from his grip at super speed by Supergirl so she didn’t go flying with the metal monster. Metallo yelled and climbed out of the wreckage of the container. He ripped the steel sides apart and stood some distance away. He saw Supergirl was still a bit woozy on her feet. One good blast from his kryptonite heart would finish her.

“You’ll pay for that….” He charged up his beam only to realize he had no kryptonite to power it. Warnings singled in his head, he had less than a minute of power left. Panicking he ran towards them. Metallo reached for his chest hoping to take a kryptonite shard from it to stab Supergirl with. Then he saw he couldn’t. Batgirl’s spray has been an instant lead coating. His chest and the few bits of kryptonite inside were covered completely.

“No….” he managed to get out before shutting down and landing on his side in mid step. His body was frozen in mid stride of a run.

Batgirl and Supergirl both breathing heavily looked at each other. With smiles they slapped their hands together in a victory hive five. Supergirl however immediately lost strength in her legs and fell forwards. Batgirl caught her.

“Whoa, easy there girlfriend…you’re still a little wobbly.” Batgirl warned, helping Supergirl stand back up.

Leaning against her friend Kara smiled, “Thanks Babs, I’d say it was a good weekend for you to come and visit.”

“Hey tradition is tradition.” Batgirl eased her friend over to a crate. Together they sat down. Batgirl pulled a device off her belt and set it in front of her friend. A bright yellow light turned on and Kara closed her eyes and smiled. It was nice having a friend with a portable solar generator in her utility belt.

“That feels great, just a few minutes with this and I’ll be good to go.” Kara told Barbara.

“Cool, after all don’t want to miss our movie.” Batgirl smiled.

Supergirl shook her head, “I can go faster than a speeding bullet, trust me we’ll make it.”

“Not in time for previews, we always miss the previews Kara.”

Supergirl laughed, it was an old argument between the two of them. It had been just a few years since she first met Batgirl. Since then she wouldn’t trade a minute of their friendship. Yeah they had been in plenty of tough spots like tonight. There was the time Babs was locked in a container with Black Canary and Catwoman, and then tossed into Gotham Bay by the Riddler. Or the time she and Batgirl were abducted by aliens dumped on a planet where Kara had little to no powers, Babs saved her butt more than once then. She smiled as she thought of the first time they meet, back in Gotham.

Boy the trouble we caused that night, Kara thought with a smile.

Three Years Earlier

Barbara knew she was in trouble. It was a feeling she always got in the pit of her stomach, whenever it looked like she was in trouble. Happened when she got caught by her Dad coming in after curfew for the first time, or the time she missed the landing for GU at the national gymnastics meet, and the first time Catwoman got the better of her and knocked her out with her own gas bomb. She found herself in a similar situation at the moment, although Barbara knew that her current captors wouldn’t be as polite as Catwoman.

Barbara Gordon better known to the criminals holding her as Batgirl was currently in the grips of someone far stronger than her. She had on her black uniform a specially designed catsuit, with a black and yellow cape, gloves, and boots. Her utility belt around her waist held the tools of her crime fighting trade. The cowl with two pointy bat ears concealed her identity; of course that wasn’t quite a comfort at the moment. A painful squeeze by the monster holding her reminded Batgirl to stop with her random thoughts and focus on the here and now.

Two muscled arms squeezed her tightly just under her breasts. She was held from behind, so her back was up against the man’s chest. He was inhumanly strong thanks to the tubes sending a powerful steroid to his muscles. He wore a tight black suit that covered everything but his arms along with boots and a mask to hide his identity. The S&M look was effective for the monster of a man known as Bane. Batgirl’s struggles were useless in his grip. All it did was wear her out, Barbara knew she would need to save her strength for the time when a chance to escape presented itself.

“Well, this place is full of pests. I knew about the rats but no one told me there were bats as well.”

Batgirl looked at the brains of the operation. A beautiful redhead stood in front of her and Bane. She wore a sleeveless green leotard with faux leaves over the green fabric. Green tights with an Ivy pattern graced her legs with short dark green boots. Batgirl had had many run ins with Poison Ivy, proclaimed savor of ‘Mother Earth’ who used fauna and poison to achieve her goals.

“You should write a critical review of your relator Ivy, can’t let others suffer the same fate you did.” Batgirl quipped back.

Ivy smiled and nodded to Bane. Barbara winced as the super-strong steroid freak squeezed her. Batgirl coughed as she tried to regain the air forced out of her lungs. Poison Ivy stepped forward and smiled, “I’m thinking it’s not that much of a problem, I can deal with pests.”

Two other ladies walked into view, Poison Ivy’s henchwomen. Each one wore a bluish green leotard with v-necklines with matching colored boots. Grey tights covered their legs and thin belts encircled their waists. The blonde one was Lily and the brunette Tulip. Both according to Batman’s files on Ivy shared her vision of a ‘Green Earth’.

“Now would you mind telling me what you’re doing here? I must say we were all very careful arriving here.” Poison Ivy inquired.

“Come on Ivy? A girl can’t just stop by for a visit?” Batgirl responded.

In reality Barbara had no idea why either Poison Ivy or Bane was here. She had started her patrol tonight with a visit to a snitch of hers. Batgirl got good information from him usually and he was smart enough to know not to try and set her up. He told her about a lot of money changing hands between two parties near the old industrial area. Batgirl went with some surveillance gear and wanted to see what was going down before making a move. Something must have given her away because not long after showing up she was attacked by Bane. Before Batgirl knew it she was trapped in his bear hug.

“No in your case. Harley is of course always welcome, but you Bats not so much.” Poison Ivy answered.

Ivy moved forward and reached out for Batgirl. Barbara looked away, thinking Ivy was about to give her a special chemical kiss. Poison Ivy smiled and shook her head, “Oh not yet Batgirl, first I need to take this.”

Ivy’s hands went around Batgirl’s waist. The heroine winced as the sound of her belt being unclasped reached her ears. Poison Ivy slowly removed it, just to further humiliate Batgirl. She held it between her hands and admired the various gadgets and compartments on the yellow belt.

“I wonder where you keep those gas bombs of yours.” Poison Ivy asked with a smirk. Batgirl didn’t respond hoping not be knocked out with her tools.

Ivy handed the belt over to Tulip who slung it around her shoulder. Poison Ivy then looked at Barbara and said, “Don’t worry Batgirl there is time for that later. Now I want to know, what are you doing here?”

Batgirl shook her head, “Sorry I’m never very talkative when being held by a super-strong steroid addict.”

Bane grunted and squeezed her before getting the signal from Ivy. The redhead shook her head and then leaned forward. As Barbara took deep breathes the plant princess asked again, “What are you doing here?”

Batgirl shook her head. Poison Ivy sighed, “Oh well, Bane help Batgirl trim her figure.”

Barbara cried out loud as the super-strong criminal crushed her again. This time was stronger than any of the previous bear hugs. Batgirl struggled and pounded her boots against the big man’s legs. However it was all futile. Her strength was being sapped quickly. The pressure on her chest meant she couldn’t breathe; it wouldn’t be long before she passed out. Bane grunted with enjoyment at her helplessness but then suddenly he cried out in pain. Batgirl felt his grip loosen and she took a deep breath right before flying forward and landing on the ground.

A quick look behind her showed that Bane was also on the ground rubbing the back of his head. Poison Ivy and her help were stepping back. Ivy’s face and her henchwomen were locked in utter disbelief. Batgirl still woozy from Bane’s not so tender loving care didn’t know what they were staring at till she looked up. Hovering a few feet off the ground was a beautiful young woman with blonde hair which went down and slightly passed over her shoulders. Her outfit was a tight blue leotard with a universal symbol recognized around the world. A short red skirt was held in place with a yellow belt. A red cape, flesh tone tights, and red and yellow boots completed her uniform.

“Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?” The Last Daughter of Krypton, better known as Supergirl, asked the group.

Poison Ivy didn’t quite know what to do she just yelled, “Get her Bane!”

The drugged fueled fighter yelled and got up to his feet. Supergirl landed a stone’s throw away from him. Batgirl thought it looked comical; the blonde cheerleader looking girl in a bright costume versus a giant muscle bound man in black. He grunted and said, “I’m going to crush you.”

Supergirl raised an eyebrow and said, “Well it’s good to dream big.”

Bane roared a yell and charged. He threw a fist and Batgirl watched as Supergirl turned in the blink of an eye and moved out of the way. She grabbed his big arm and swung Bane across the room. Everyone watched with bug out eyes as the super-strong criminal slammed into the opposite wall cracking it and shaking the building. Supergirl looked like she hadn’t even broken a sweat. Poison Ivy turned to her henchwomen and said, “Shoot her!”

Both Tulip and Lily raised powerful looking crossbows. Lining them up on Supergirl they fired the medieval weapons with loud snaps. The bolts flew across the room and slammed into Supergirl’s famous S. They both shattered on impact. Supergirl looked down and shook her head, “Crossbows that’s a new one, although I do applaud your originality. Guns do get boring.”

Poison Ivy and her girls backed away from Supergirl. The redhead tried to play for some time, “Well Supergirl it’s a pleasure to meet you. I must say you know how to make an entrance.”

“I try my best Poison Ivy. Now care to surrender?” Supergirl answered walking forwards towards the eco-criminals.

Batgirl noticed Tulip had her hand behind her back. It was clear she pulled something from Barbara’s belt. Batgirl managed to shout a warning, “Supergirl look out!”

Before the heroine could react Tulip tossed a small sphere at Supergirl which exploded a few feet in front of her. A black net enveloped the Girl of Steel. Before the superheroine could rip it apart a powerful electric charge shocked Supergirl. She stumbled while trying to deal with the net. Poison Ivy and her partners ran for the exit. Batgirl got up and started running after them, she was confident Supergirl should be alright even in the stun net.

In a bid to distract them as they ran she yelled, “Ivy, I think you have something that belongs to me.”

“Sorry Bat, spoils of war.” Ivy responded.

Suddenly a blur moved past Batgirl and stopped in front of the retreating criminals. Supergirl, hands on her hips shook her head, “Sorry Poison Ivy but you’re not leaving yet.”

Poison Ivy cursed and didn’t know what to do. Trapped between Batgirl and Supergirl she didn’t like her chances. Batgirl was about to say something to Supergirl when suddenly she noticed Bane charging her. How the man had stayed quiet as he charged her was a mystery to the Dark Angel. Barbara was trying to decide what to do as Bane’s fist flew at her. Right before it was going to hit her Supergirl got in front of her. She took the blow meant for Batgirl, which sent her flying across the room. Bane shoved Batgirl out of the way and Barbara rolled across the floor.

Supergirl had gotten up just in time for Bane to hit her again. This time the blow just sent her to her knees. Bane took a meaty paw and wrapped it around Supergirl’s head. Her blonde locks running through his fingers. With a yell he slammed her head into the ground then he lifted his left foot into the air and slammed it down on top of her back. It looked like Supergirl was shoved into the earth as she disappeared through the floor. Batgirl was worried for only a moment. Bane had barely begun celebrating his victory when the floor exploded and Supergirl shot out like a missile. Her fists went up and pass Bane’s face. The blow was all she needed because Bane flipped over and landed on his back, out cold.

Supergirl landed next to him looking no worse for wear. She looked at Batgirl and asked, “Where can I dump him? Probably good to get him secured before he can wake up.”

“Arkham has the necessary equipment.” Barbara answered.

“Great, I’ll be right back.” Batgirl watched in amazement as Supergirl took Bane by the legs and easily lifted him into the air with her. She took off and flew away not faster than a speeding bullet, but fast none the less.

Barbara was looking at the roof when she heard something. Finally she remembered, “Ivy.”

A quick run outside showed that Poison Ivy hadn’t gotten far. Hiding behind the corner of the warehouse, Batgirl was able to see the redhead and her ladies loading up a small truck. Her utility belt was lying on a crate not far away. A stealthy approach could allow her to reach the belt and then use one of the batarangs or her gas bombs on the bunch. Her training with Batman had taught Barbara to be light on her feet and quiet. She dashed between the shadows and closed slowly on the unsuspecting villainess.

Batgirl was leaning against a second warehouse’s door, hidden by a large barrel. A quick glance over the top showed Ivy and her henchwomen remained oblivious of her presence. Her utility belt lay on the crate on the opposite side of the barrel. Carefully Barbara reached around the barrel, her yellow glove slowly closing the distance between her fingers and the belt. Just as her fingers brushed its metal she was grabbed from behind. Batgirl was spun around by her cape and brought face to face with a woman. She had a can in her hand and pressed a button on top. White gas shot out and went over Batgirl’s face.

Barbara gasped as the sudden attack first took her by surprised and then the shock of breathing in sleeping gas. It worked so fast, Batgirl was down and on her back in seconds. She sighed as the powerful substance went to work. The woman stepped out and dropped the canister at Batgirl’s side. Starting to fade Barbara focused trying to remember everything about her attacker. She was tall and athletic. Short brown hair framed her face. Cold blue eyes looked down at Batgirl for a moment then back to Ivy. As she walked towards the plant princess, Batgirl could see she wore a dark grey suit with a short skirt. Her strong legs were covered with sheer black pantyhose. Black heels clicked on the alleyway as she moved.

Batgirl only heard one part of the conversation before she passed out, “We’ve had enough distractions for one night Ms. Isley I expect no others.”

“Don’t worry Ms. G we will complete our transaction in short order I have everything in order at my garden.”


“Are you alright?”

Barbara woke up cradled in someone’s arms. They were warm and a sweet face filled with concern looked at her, “Batgirl, you with me?”

“Ohhh….yeah I’m hear Supergirl….” Barbara answered, slowly coming out of the gas induced haze. Supergirl helped her, easing Batgirl against the same barrel that she had been hiding behind. Sitting she let her mind and body recover as Supergirl kneeled next to her.

She saw the Girl of Steel’s eyes go bright white for a moment as Supergirl looked her up and down. Apparently finished her eyes returned to bright blue color, “I checked no injuries and your system seems normal.”

“Nice to know, how did you?”

Supergirl answered, “X-Ray vision…well technically it’s not x-rays since that would be bad for people, but I’m getting side tracked. How did you get like this?”

Batgirl explained, sneaking up on Ivy after Supergirl had left. She ended with the gas attack made by the unknown player, “A brunette wearing a suit, she wasn’t fazed at all by taking me out. Packing that knock out gas she was obviously here with Ivy. Plus I heard them talking, right before I passed out…ugh can’t quite remember.”

“It’s okay, sorry I left then.” Supergirl frowned. Batgirl shook her head.

“Not a problem, besides I owe you for the rescue.” Batgirl smiled, “Thanks a lot.”

Barbara stood up and walked back to the warehouse with Supergirl. She asked Supergirl, “What are you doing in Gotham?”

Supergirl explained that a few days earlier there had been a robbery at STAR Labs. The strange thing about this robbery had been the stolen items, genetically modified grain seeds. Whoever had pulled the job had been a professional. All the security systems and recording devices in the labs were shut down. Little to no trace evidence remained for the Met Police to investigate. A friend of Supergirl’s who worked at the lab asked for her help in solving the crime. Supergirl herself made little progress till she got some information this night from a friend of her cousin.

“Lois informed me that a professional Gotham thief pulled the job. So I came by to have a chat with them.” Supergirl finished.

“How did you find me then?” Batgirl was curious.

Supergirl touched her ears, “I heard you when that dude was using you as a plaything. I remember your voice from a time MGP called you last time when he was in Metropolis.”

Barbara was confused, “MGP?”

Supergirl snickered, “My nickname for your boss, Mr. Grumpy Pants.”

Batgirl cracked up right there, she hadn’t heard a better description of the Batman. After a few moments she regained her composure. Quickly she explained what she was doing down here before Supergirl arrived. It didn’t take long for them to figure out a connection between their activities.

“Poison Ivy might want to target genetically modified grain” Supergirl thought aloud, “But if she wanted the grain, why not just steal it herself?”

“Stealing isn’t quite her expertise, the few times she has they’ve been smash and grabs.” Batgirl answered, “To do the crime you told me about, she might have contracted the job out.”

“You think she was meeting the thief here?”

Barbara shook her head, “I don’t think so because I bet you’re looking for a specific thief, one I have had some experience with it. If she was here I’d have recognized her.”

Supergirl nodded in agreement, “You got it, so care to help me find Catwoman?”


A strong breeze blew over her body as she perched on the edge of the skyscraper. Below her was the building she was planning to zip line to. Selina Kyle, the Catwoman, smiled and raised her grapple rifle. The compact device was tucked tightly against her shoulder. A scope zoomed in on her target point on the other building. With the gun sighted in Catwoman squeezed the trigger. A puff of compressed air shot the grapple out and it flew straight and true right into the roof of the other building. Selina smiled as she locked the equipment down. With the zip-line locked in Selina stepped back and admired her handiwork.

Catwoman was wearing her aptly named catsuit. Made out of durable and comfortable material it hugged her every curve and showed off the athletic body of the expert thief. Colored in blacks and greys it blended in with the shadows of Gotham’s buildings. She wore a small equipment belt around her waist and tonight had a small conformal backpack on. Selina had designed her outfit for the practicality of her job. She had years earlier though made one atheistic addition to the outfit, a cowl with tiny shaped cat-ears, after all she was the Catwoman. She pulled a pair of goggles down over her eyes so that the wind during her trip down the line didn’t interfere with her vision.

She hooked herself to the zipline, the equipment built into her belt. Catwoman smiled, “Here we go.”

With a leap Catwoman jumped from the roof and slid down the line. Her heart beat faster as the rush of her trip went through her system. Selina didn’t really need the money from her long list of heists. No, it was about the rush. Getting past security, beating the guards and most fun of all getting the better of the Bat. Selina landed with ease and unhooked from the zip-line. As she dropped the extra equipment Catwoman heard someone come from behind her.

Selina whipped around and saw Batgirl, “Catwoman we meet again.”

It was one of Batman’s protégées. Catwoman smiled, “So we do Batgirl, is he out of town again?”

“As much as I’m sure you love to think Batman has nothing better to do than be your playmate Catwoman, he does have other criminals to look after.” The Dark Angel replied.

“Ohh now Batgirl don’t sell yourself short, I love our play dates as well…” Catwoman dashed forward.

Batgirl rolled in the opposite direction and that was just what Selina wanted. Quickly she changed her move to lash out with a sweeping kick. Catwoman’s boot connected with Batgirl’s ribs and knocked her down. Barbara was however back on her feet and making an attack of her own. She pealed a small Batarang from her belt and whipped the device at Catwoman. Selina ducked low avoiding the weapon and charged forwards throwing out a punch. The heroine avoiding the blow and grabbed Catwoman’s arm pulling the thief and throwing her right into the returning Batarang.

“Damn!” Catwoman cursed as the thing hit her in the back. The blow was enough to knock her to the roof on her hands and knees.

Batgirl caught her weapon returned it to her belt and pulled out her cuffs in a smooth motion. Barbara went in to slap them around Catwoman’s wrists. Selina wasn’t out of the fight yet, she had used her time on the ground to reach behind her back and pull out her whip. It cracked as she straightened it out then threw its line at Batgirl’s legs. Barbara had no time to react as the black whip wrapped around her yellow boots and tangled her legs. She went down face first and hit the roof. Catwoman moved taking her whip and moving to coil it up the caped crusader’s body. To add insult to injury Selina picked Batgirl’s cuffs from her hands and slapped them around the heroine’s own wrists!

“Ugh!” Batgirl grunted as she struggled in Catwoman’s grip.

Selina had the heroine tied tight in her whip and handcuffed. With one hand on her whip and her other arm wrapped around Batgirl’s chest, Catwoman’s face was right behind and next to the heroine’s.

“Well, seems I win again.” Catwoman spoke softly in Batgirl’s ear.

Barbara struggled but it was useless, “I didn’t come to fight…”

“Ohh? Well if you came for a sparring match I hope you learned a few things.” Catwoman snickered as she moved slowly backwards with Batgirl still in her grip.

“Let me go Catwoman, I just have some questions.”

Selina shook her head, even though Batgirl couldn’t see her doing it, “Sorry girl but I’m on a tight schedule, but you can just wait up here for me.”

Catwoman took a small military grade zip-tie from her belt and used it to bind Batgirl to a pipe sticking out of the roof of the building. A second larger tie went around Batgirl’s yellow boots, binding her feet together. Selina undid her whip and stepped back, admiring her handiwork. Batgirl struggled but was securely attached to the pipe, plus the redheaded crime fighter was still bound with her own handcuffs. Catwoman lifted her goggles, revealing the mask part of her black cowl.

“Now you be a good girl while I’m gone and maybe I’ll get you something from the gift shop.” Selina laughed.

Catwoman turned away and headed for the entry to the building located on the other side of the roof. Just as she reached the door the thief heard.

“I said I had some questions.”
Catwoman turned and saw Batgirl standing there. Selina was really confused actually; Batgirl could have freed herself from her improvised restraints, but not that quickly. Then she heard the voice above her and realized that the jig was up.

“You better answer, because I promised Batgirl I wouldn’t kick your butt even if she got into trouble, however now I’m considering going back on my promise.” Supergirl floating above the thief said.

Two minutes later Catwoman was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Batgirl’s handcuffs were now around her wrists. Supergirl and Batgirl stood in front of her. Selina figured out what they wanted before they even asked. Knew I should have thought twice before doing a job in Metropolis, Catwoman thought with a mental sigh, now I have primary color girl on my tail. She shook her head, “So I’m correct in assuming S-Gal there is miffed that I robbed her hometown and wants to know why I did it?”

Supergirl shook her head in agreement, “Pretty much.”

“Well it was a contracted job.”

“Poison Ivy?” Batgirl asked.

Catwoman raised an eyebrow, “Good guess but know. The plant princess and I aren’t friends on Facebook, Ivy would know better than to ask me for anything.”

Supergirl naturally curious asked why. Selina shook her head, “I’ll tell you this, mind control lipstick, and let you figure out the rest. Anyway I don’t work for or with that weirdo.”

Batgirl moved pass Catwoman’s bad blood with Ivy, “If she didn’t hire you to steal the seeds, then who?”

“Mercy Graves.”

Supergirl’s eyes widened at that, “Luthor’s right hand gal?”

“The one and the same, I assumed it was for corporate espionage. Graves contracted me, paid me, and I didn’t ask any questions.” Catwoman responded.

“Alright Catwoman, thanks.” Batgirl went over and released the cuffs. Supergirl was thrown off.

“Wait your letting her go?”

Catwoman smiled at the blonde, “What Supes? You think I would tell you all that without getting something out of it in return?” Selina shook her head, “You are too use to living by Metropolis rules, this is Gotham sweetheart.”

Supergirl frowned and looked at Batgirl. Barbara said nothing as the thief collected her gear and then stood on the ledge of the skyscraper. Before leaping off on her repelling line Catwoman said, “Till next time Bats.”

Once the cat was gone she looked at Supergirl, “Catwoman may be a thief but she’s not a trouble maker like Poison Ivy, the Joker, or Scarecrow. I know it looks wrong letting her go but like she said, we’ve got different rules here.”

Supergirl nodded, “Your city, your call.”

Batgirl moved onto their latest discovery, “So Mercy Graves, bad news?”

Kara explained what she knew about Lex Luthor’s right hand woman. Overseer of Lex’s various projects, both legal and otherwise she would only be here with the big baldies permission. What Supergirl couldn’t figure out is why she would take some genetically modified seeds to Poison Ivy.

“If it’s about money, why not just have LexCorp study them, why get Ivy involved?” Kara asked her new friend.

Batgirl pondered, “Ivy has got to be able to do something for Mercy that Lex’s company can’t. Ivy may be a wacko with this Earth stuff but she is a genius when it comes to botany, and plant genetics. The only way to find out is to find her, but that could be tricky. She likes to move around, plus she’s gotten smarter, no longer hiding in exclusive plant places. Ivy could be anywhere in the city.”

“Well we’ve got my sun enhanced senses, I can cover a lot of ground.” Supergirl offered.

Batgirl shook her head, “Still going to take time to find one person who doesn’t want to be found out of thirteen million people….unless.”

Kara asked Batgirl what she was thinking. Batgirl smiled, “We don’t need to find Ivy, because we know somebody who is going to lead us straight to her.”

Supergirl smiled as she figured out what Batgirl meant, “Got a cell in that belt of yours?”


Mercy Graves walked out of Gotham’s best hotel and took the keys for her car from the valet. The black powerful executive car had no driver, Mercy preferred to drive. She was dressed in a tight dark grey business suit with a black tight top under her jacket. The skirt was short but not enough to be considered trashy. Her powerful legs were covered with black nylon from a pair of expensive tights. Plain looking but comfortable heels completed the brunette’s outfit. Mercy had no idea she was under surveillance as she left the hotel.

Batgirl kept Mercy’s car in focus with her powered goggles. Increasing her own vision they also let her see in the dark. Supergirl of course could use her own baby blues, thanks to their amazing vision abilities.

“Great idea Batgirl, she’ll lead us right to them.” Kara complemented.

“Thanks, she’s moving fast, almost no traffic this hour at night.”

“Probably doing it now to see if she’s being followed.” Supergirl said. Batgirl nodded in agreement.
“Now we just need to follow her I’ll get my bike and…”

Supergirl looked at her with a smirk. Batgirl couldn’t figure out what was so strange about her statement so she just asked the Girl of Steel, “What?”

A few minutes later after Barbara had gotten over her shock; she loved flying through the air. Supergirl smiled seeing her fellow heroine’s enjoyment over the experience. Batgirl was hanging below her, Kara had lopped her arms under Batgirl’s and was letting her feel the full experience of flying through the air. The caped crusader laughed and yelled, “Alright I’m jealous that you can do this!”

“It is pretty cool after I mastered this power, spent hours flying around the planet and later space. It’s awesome to fly next to the sun.” Kara told her.

Thanks to her super-peepers Supergirl had easily followed Mercy as she left downtown Gotham for a fairly modern industrial building on Gotham’s west side. Batgirl explained this was actually one of the few still booming industrial sections of the city. It was thanks to a new employer, Lex Corp. Kara and Batgirl landed on a building opposite of the Lex Corp plant.

Shaking her head Supergirl said, “Of course if Ivy and Luthor are working together, why not lend her some space.”

“I’m surprised; Ivy usually prefers more ‘earthy’ hideouts.” Batgirl replied.

Supergirl snickered, “Maybe she has to pay extra for a ‘green’ work space.”

Batgirl smiled and then got back to business, “See anything?”

Supergirl focused her x-ray vision at the building then a few others. She cursed in kryptonian and then looked at Batgirl, “Luthor likes to build his stuff now with lead lining and soundproofing. Sorry I can’t see or hear anything in there.”

“Don’t worry; we do it the ‘Bat’ way.” Batgirl answered.


Mercy Graves was led into the chamber that had been given to Poison by Lily and Tulip. She saw that as usual Poison Ivy had let her plants start growing everywhere. Luckily she had anticipated this and ordered the plant princess to set up shop in one of the unused sections of the industrial park. Down for ‘renovations’ the section was not visited by any of the park’s usual staff. The large open area had trees and giant plants everywhere. Mercy was a bit impressed by how quickly Ivy was able to get her garden to grown. They had only established their partnership a week ago.

“Well Mercy so nice of you to visit us.”

Poison Ivy stepped into view. She was wearing a white lab coat over her green costume and tights. The one normal looking part of the building, a small laboratory was where she had walked out of. Mercy stopped and crossed her arms, “Mr. Luthor wants a progress report.”

“Mercy, you can’t rush art.” Ivy responded, putting her hands into the pockets of the lab coat.

Graves slowly stepped forwards to look intimidating, “Your inability to keep the capes in this town from finding you has him concerned. Bats were bad enough but the aliens poking their nose in is even worse.”

“I assure you Mercy I’ll be done before the night is over. Thanks to the equipment you provided I will be able to tell you that Luthor will get his modified crops, and thus win that contract from the Indian government from Agru-Tech.” Ivy reassured her business partner’s representative.

“You better be right. He also asks what you were going to do with your payment.” Mercy too was curious.

Poison Ivy smiled, “I’ve already put it to use, and assure him he’ll enjoy the result.”

The smart-phone at Mercy’s hip began to buzz. She snatched it up and started tapping its screen with practiced ease. She frowned, “The facility has been breached, we have visitors.”

Poison Ivy looked puzzled, “Tulip?”

The brunette grabbed a tablet computer from a desk and punched into it, “Boss I don’t have anything, no alarms triggered.”

“That’s because these are special sensors that only senior Lex Corps employees have access too. Supergirl and Batgirl are here, and you have failed to deliver Ivy.” Suddenly Mercy drew a small handgun from her suit and pointed it at Ivy. Lily and Tulip froze in place, they had no weapons close by to use.

“We searched her…” Lily stammered.

Mercy cocked an eyebrow, “Not well enough.”

Poison Ivy cursed in her head. Mercy was too far away for her to try and get at with her KO lipstick. Since she was working in the lab, Ivy had removed her crossbow from her forearm. She needed to think quickly, and luckily the villainess could.

“I can deliver your modified crops; we just need to deal with those two.” Poison Ivy suggested.

Mercy wasn’t impressed, “Deal with Supergirl? In case you’re such an eco-freak you don’t watch the news but dealing with a Super, man or girl, is quite difficult. My boss can testify to that.”

“Remember my payment that will help us deal with her. Batgirl well I’m not worried about her.”

Mercy still wasn’t ready to fight instead of flight, “What I gave you isn’t enough.”

“Oh but it is…” Poison Ivy explained. Mercy listened and then understood. Lowering her pistol Mercy said, “You better deliver Ivy.”

“Don’t worry I will, you can deal with Batgirl. Tulip, Lily, help her out.” Poison Ivy promised and then ordered her henchwomen.

Mercy took off her suit jacket and tossed it aside, “You two follow me.”


“This is it.” Batgirl said.

Supergirl landed next to the Dark Angel. A large steel door guarded the entrance to the only part of the industrial area they hadn’t looked at. Kara admired Batgirl’s stealth, and did her best to follow the redhead’s lead. Eventually they decided the place was deserted and they could move more freely. Thanks to the lead shielding and soundproofing Supergirl’s senses were nullified. However Batgirl’s detective knows how ensured they didn’t miss anything.

Batgirl put an ungloved hand on the door, “It’s warm, too warm compared to rest of the factory. I’d say this is the place.”

She slipped her glove back on and then turned to Supergirl, “So would you like the honors?”

“Your city.” Supergirl answered with a smile.

Batgirl indicated the door, “What kind of a host would I be if I didn’t let you do it?”

Supergirl chuckled. Stepping up to the door she pulled a fist back and then punched it. The heavy metal dented and crumpled from the impact and blew out of its frame. Together the superheroines walked through the broken door and into Ivy’s lair. It clearly was the villainess’s hideout, all the plants being the biggest give away. Batgirl offered a word of warning to Supergirl, the plants were dangerous.

“One tried to eat me before.” Batgirl finished.

Supergirl looked a bit naive, “Bane was worthy of some concern, but none of these things can hurt me. Relax Batgirl this will be cakewalk.”

Barbara looked at Supergirl for a moment. One of Batman’s lessons, never underestimate anyone. She almost said that to Supergirl but decided against it. After all this was Supergirl, who could slug off tank shells, Poison Ivy was clever but taking down Supergirl on short notice, not likely Batgirl decided. They were approaching a laboratory in the middle of all the plants. Here they found Poison Ivy.

“Well look what the cat dragged in. I assume that’s how you found me. I’m going to have to have a word with Catwoman after this.” The redheaded eco-fighter told the two superheroines.

Each of them assumed a power pose, “Give it up Ivy, Bane is under lock and key and unless you are making those ladies of yours taking venom, I don’t think we have much to worry about.” Supergirl did the talking.

“Oh Supergirl you don’t know me that well yet, but I’m a girl who likes to have fun.” Ivy smiled.

Batgirl tensed and readied herself for whatever Ivy had planned and said, “Fine then Ivy we do this the hard way.”

Barbara was going for her batarang when the entire place plunged into darkness. She was going to shout out for Supergirl to tell her where Ivy was, assuming correctly it wouldn’t affect Kara when she heard Supergirl cry out and the noise of things bursting through the ground. The lights flipped back on and Supergirl was being wrapped up in vines growing from the ground. She moved to help when suddenly she was snared by a net flying out of the plants. Batgirl was knocked off her feet and tangled up in the strong steel threads.

Mercy was now wearing a black leotard with equipment on her arms and around her belt. She was kneeling in her black tights holding the net launcher that had snared Batgirl. She triggered the retract option on the launcher. A strong steel line that connected the launcher to the net and this dragged Batgirl back into the plants and to the waiting Tulip and Lily. They were armed with large tank sprayers on their backs. Inside was a potent sleepy chemical which would render the Dark Damsel helpless. Mercy having brought Batgirl to them yelled, “Now!”

Meanwhile Supergirl was struggling with the incredibly strong plants. Ivy watched confident that her mutated fauna would subdue the Girl of Steel. Kara could rip free of the vines but found that more just grabbed her. It was a waste of time trying to break them all with her strength, so she decided to change the game. Poison Ivy watched in horror as Supergirl unleashed her heat-vision. Slashing red beams ripped into plants, burning and cutting them apart. Supergirl stood upon their remains and watched as Ivy fled into her lab area. Shaking her head she followed confident that she would nip Ivy in the bud and then could go and see if Batgirl needed help, based on her hearing of the fight over there, Batgirl was doing alright.

Batgirl was dragged over and saw Tulip and Lily waiting for her with their spray tanks. Figuring that something nasty was in them Barbara had no intention of letting the two henchgirls spray her. She managed to get a hand near her belt and pulled out a small bat shaped (of course) diamond cutter. She pushed it against the steel threads of the net and with little effort they began to snap. Mercy watched in annoyance as Batgirl cut free of the net and rolled out of it. Tulip and Lily tried to aim their spray guns at Batgirl but the nimble heroine avoided the sedative as it fired out. Quickly Barbara tossed two batarangs at the girls and they were both knocked down by the hits to their heads.

Mercy having dropped her weapon stood in a fighting stance ready to take on Batgirl. Babs did the same. First she offered a chance for the right hand of Luthor to surrender.

“You have a lot to learn little girl.” Mercy told the younger Batgirl and then she charged.

“It’s over Poison Ivy.” Supergirl told the redhead as she entered the lab.

Ivy snorted her contempt, “I think not Supergirl.”

Raising her wrist mounted crossbow Ivy fired off its small by deadly arrows at Supergirl. Kara shook her head in disappointment as the arrow harmlessly bounced off her skin and uniform. The normally poisoned tipped arrows were useless against her. Poison Ivy continued to back away till eventually her green spandex covered behind bounced into a table. Kara stood only a foot away from the plant princess. Supergirl grinned, “It’s over Ivy.”

Little did the Girl of Steel know was that this was exactly the position Poison Ivy wanted to be in. Cornered the villainess pushed her way onto the table and sat on it, legs hanging out in front of Supergirl. Her hands went to her sides and what Supergirl had failed to notice was a tall black canister hiding behind the table Ivy was on.

“Supergirl, I’m only doing what I have to so that this world is protected. You wouldn’t want to see another world destroyed now would you?” Poison Ivy asked in a pleading voice.

The subtle reference to Krypton had the affect Ivy hoped for. Supergirl’s eyes narrowed and she came very close. The heroine didn’t put her hands on Ivy or anything, knowing that there was nothing the villainess could do to her.

“Don’t you even think about trying that argument with me.” Kara hissed as she now looked into Ivy’s eyes.

While Supergirl allowed her emotions to get the better of her, Ivy’s hands had opened the black container behind the table she was sitting on. Inside were many small green items. Kara felt a moment of weakness before she realized what had happened it was too late. Ivy scooped up and handful of the green stuff and then blew it right in Supergirl’s face!

“AHAHAHH!” Supergirl cried out as it hit her. She staggered back, the glowing green flecks sticking to her face. Poison Ivy scooped up some more and landed on the ground off the table.

“Feeling a little touchy about your home Supergirl? Well then let me share some of it with you.” Ivy blew another handful of the green powder at the heroine.

Kara put her hands up but it was no use more of what she now knew was kryptonite coated her. A lot got stuck to her blue covered arms but some had gone into her face again where she breathed in the small green particles. Supergirl gagged and coughed as the deadly kryptonite entered her system. Poison Ivy, confident that Supergirl was subdued for the moment went back and pulled her black canister out. She explained what was now on and inside the Girl of Steel.

“Ms. Graves was quite helpful in my research. You see I learned that Kryptonite has unique mutagenic properties. With it I could create entire new species of plants with remarkable abilities, much like the famed ‘Meteor Freaks’ of Kansas.” Poison Ivy took some more kryptonite pollen into her hands casually walked over to Supergirl.

Kara was struggling to stay on her feet when Ivy dropped more of the kryptonite over her. It got in her hair, on her leotard, stuck to her skin where it burned. Supergirl fell to all fours, coughing and moaning from the deadly substance which now coated her body. Ivy continued her lecture, “So I took the small amount of kryptonite I had and spliced it with some pollen. These were meant to fertilize my latest experiments but your arrival has caused me to change my plans.”

Supergirl closed her eyes and struggled to stay on her hands and knees, my skin, feels like it’s on fire but there is none, she thought. Worse though was the pain coming from her lungs and throat, the kryptonite was stuck in both places leaving her in so much pain. Poison Ivy easily hauled the powerless Supergirl to her feet. Ivy enjoyed seeing the powerful superheroine at her mercy. She had the perfect place to leave the Last Daughter of Krypton as she and Mercy completed their transaction. Dragging Supergirl out of the lab she blew some of her pheromones out to the plants. Kara watched helplessly as a large flower lowered itself. She winced in pain as it opened its pedals and revealed the interior.

Poison Ivy used a hand in a sweeping introduction, “My krypto-flower which created the pollen you’re now coated in. I think you’ll find it most comfortable.”

Ivy laughed as she dumped Supergirl into the center of the flower. Kara moaned as she landed inside the plant resting in a small concentration of kryptonite pollen. The flower had small thin green stems inside the middle. These two glowed with kryptonite. Supergirl was almost passed out as they crisscrossed over her body and trapped her inside the flower. Poison Ivy enjoyed the sight of the defeated Maid of Might. With Supergirl out of the way she went to check on Mercy and Batgirl.

Batgirl was in one of the most difficult fights of her career as she traded kicks and punches with Mercy. She had no idea of the danger Supergirl was in. Mercy she would have to admit was one of the most skilled fighters she had ever come across. The brunette wouldn’t let Barbara use any of her utility belt items, attacking quick and leaving no time for Batgirl to go for the belt. Babs was finding it hard to get a kick or blow past Mercy’s defenses. With lighting quick reflexes Mercy blocked and avoided Batgirl’s attacks.

They paused, catching breath out of reach of one another. Mercy said, “You’re good Batgirl I could offer you a job if you were willing to take off the mask, you can keep the spandex.”

“We could use someone like you provided you were willing to testify against your boss.” Batgirl countered.

Mercy shook her head, “I guess we are at an impasse then.”

Batgirl nodded in agreement, “So let’s finish this.”

Mercy charged and tried to get Batgirl with a spin kick. Barbara ducked under it and got a blow of her own in, a punch to Mercy’s gut. As Batgirl’s fist sank into the black leotard, she followed it up with a kick neck chop. Staggered by both blows Mercy weakly threw a punch back at Batgirl. She easily avoided it and managed to sweep Mercy’s legs out from under her. Mercy landed on her side and tried to get up. Batgirl was quick to move behind Mercy and lock her in a sleeper hold.

The strong assistant grunted as Batgirl cut off the blood going to her brain. Batgirl squeezed tight and made sure that Mercy had no way to wiggle out of the lock Barbara had made with her arms. Weakly Mercy grabbed at Batgirl’s arms and tried to pull them off. It didn’t work.

Batgirl feeling like she had won said, “Sorry Mercy but I was trained by the best.”

“What…did…he say…about…cheating?” Mercy gasped as she weakened in the heroine’s grip.

“Huh?” Batgirl responded not sure what the woman was getting at.

Mercy plucked a small item from the equipment on her forearm. Batgirl was going to use one of her hands to reach for it when Mercy squeezed it in the Dark Damsel’s face. White gas hissed from the thing and Batgirl got a face full. She released Mercy and stumbled back coughing on the sleeping gas she had just inhaled.

Mercy took some breathes herself, and then straightened up. She looked at the weakening Batgirl and said, “Cheating, it’s often the most effective way to win. Wouldn’t you agree Ivy?”

Batgirl fell onto her side and was passing out as she looked up at Poison Ivy. With a sickening realization she knew something had happened to Supergirl. Poison Ivy strode over to Batgirl and rolled her onto her back with her green booted foot. The redhead then kneeled next to Batgirl and worked on removing her yellow belt from Batgirls trim waist.

“I’d say so Mercy, and this is the second time I’ve gotten to take this from you tonight Batgirl. However I do believe it will be the last, because you’re never going to wear this again.” Ivy taunted.

Batgirl couldn’t answer; the gas had done it work, knocking her out. Barbara lay on the ground her head rolled to once side as Mercy and Poison Ivy loomed over her.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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As always pictures!
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Mercy Graves
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Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Nice story! Love the belt removal scenes! Poison Ivy and Mercy seem rather intelligent in this story so I can only assume they will unmask Batgirl in your next post hopefully!!

Would love to see Supergirl escape her current predicament only to be taken out by Mercy ( who is dressed in Barbara's outfit, which they removed while she was unconcsious and debelted).
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Great stuff, I'm a lover of plausible dialogue and some nice buddy moments in there. Only small observation and it is a personal one is I wasn't quite convinced by Catwomans release, maybe you have covered it in an earlier story, but just seemed a bit easy that Batgirl let her go. Maybe if Catwoman had just saved her from falling in the rooftop fight and it was a quid pro quo ? That would have been more plausible for me, but its only mho.
Really liked it and the intitial fight with a flashback was a good device. Can't wait to read more!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Bravo sir, fantastic work!
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It was the sound of metal tapping together that brought Batgirl back to the land of the living. Barbara opened her green eyes and groaned, she was woozy from the aftereffects of the gas. She looked around and took in the scope of her current predicament. She was inside a small room somewhere inside the facility Ivy was using as a hideout. Her utility belt was gone from her waist (again, she thought annoyingly). Luckily her cowl, cape, gloves, and boots remained. She was on the toes of her boots however thanks to the chains that had been wrapped around her wrists and then suspended in the air, just enough to keep her on her tippy toes. Batgirl had been swinging on the metal bonds as she woke up. Supergirl was nowhere to be seen. It didn’t take the detective skills of Batman to know something had happened to the Girl of Steel. Batgirl began looking at her chains, trying to see a weakness in the setup she could exploit.

“So Tulip, looks like our prisoner is awake.”

Batgirl looked towards the entrance to see Poison Ivy’s henchwomen watching her. Batgirl tensed wondering what the two were going to do now t.

“How do you like your arrangements Batgirl?” Tulip asked.

Babs shook her head sarcastically answering, “Not the Ritz.”

“Funny girl eh?” Lily inquired. She came closer to the bound Batgirl, “I think it will be really funny to find out which ginger is under that mask.”

Batgirl would have cringed if she wasn’t suspended in the air. Lily’s hand got close to her mask, unable to stay stoic Batgirl moved her head, as if trying to keep her mask away would stop Lily. The henchwomen laughed at Batgirl. Tulip held Batgirl by the hair, “We don’t need to unmask you right now hero we can save that for after Supergirl is dead.”

“What?” Batgirl exclaimed.

Tulip smirked and took over, “Stupid-girl let our boss cover her with kryptonite pollen. She now is resting uncomfortably in the flower that made them. Mercy thinks she has only an hour left with that much kryptonite around her.”

Kryptonite, Batgirl knew it was the one fatal substance to a Kryptonian. Batgirl lowered her head in failure; she should have never let herself get separated from Kara. Barbara had to get out of here and save Supergirl! Tulip and Lily left her alone after laughing some more at her. To the outsider, it seemed things were bleak. Batgirl however wasn’t the bleak type. Barbara lifted her legs and took her boots off the ground. This increased the strain on her arms and shoulders, but she needed to get some room to work with. With her feet off the ground she proceeded to work on getting one of the boots off with only her feet. Luckily she had designed the tight yellow boots to actually slip off easily if needed.

It took a few minutes and a lot of rubbing of her feet together but she managed to slip the boot off. Batgirl then said aloud, “Okay now the hard part.”

Using her remaining booted foot and her black spandex covered foot, Batgirl picked up the removed footwear between them. Carefully she managed to flip her boot over so that the heel was facing up at her. Using her stocking foot Batgirl pressed on the heel of her boot. Inside the middle of the heel a small but powerful laser powered up. Barbara grinned as the blue beam shot up and began metaling the chains above her head. It took two minutes after which her boot-laser was drained but it worked. The chains broke and Batgirl landed back on two feet. Quickly she tossed the chains aside and with her shoes back on escaped.

Her little prison was located away from Poison Ivy’s garden and lab. Ahead of her was Ivy’s garden while off to the left and right were more of the facility. Babs was torn between her choices. On one hand she wanted to rush and help Supergirl. However to take on Ivy, Mercy, plus the henchwomen she needed to find her belt and its equipment.

“Please hold on Supergirl.” Batgirl whispered as she began to search for her utility belt.


Mercy Graves looked over the defeated Supergirl. The blonde alien was still trapped in Ivy’s kryptonite producing flower. Her body rested on a pile of glowing green pollen inside the plant. Additional pollen covered her body and if Ivy was to be believed, was inside the Girl of Steel’s lungs. The mutant plant further restrained her with green tendrils draped over Supergirl although they looked flimsy to Mercy. Part of her wondered if the plant knew it held Supergirl and that it was killing her. It wasn’t out of the question; Poison Ivy had plants that would, if given the chance, eat a person.

The right hand of Luthor was still wearing her tactical leotard and tights. She knew she should preserve the moment of Supergirl’s death for her boss. Too long the aliens with the S symbol on their chests had interfered with his plans. However she knew that could wait. More importantly she needed Ivy to finish her job. The arrival of the two superheroines had given Mercy the worries. How long would it be before their friends or their elders came looking for them.

“How much longer Ivy?” Mercy demanded as the redhead walked out of the lab.

“Not much, another hour and I’ll be done; you can take your seeds and leave.” Poison Ivy walked past Mercy and looked at the fallen Supergirl.

“Amazing isn’t it, she could destroy every army on the planet if she wanted, but here she is, helpless thanks to a little bit of the right radiation.” Ivy remarked. She leaned down and looked close at Supergirl.

Kara was in a blanket of pain, her strength gone, powers diminished, and sick as a dog. Poison Ivy brushed some hair out of Supergirl’s face. Small green glowing veins were appearing over her skin. Ivy decided she would need a blood sample of the kryptonian before Supergirl expired. Mercy apparently didn’t share her fascination with what was happening to Supergirl.

“I’m going to check on Batgirl, if she’s up I’ll make sure she returns to dreamland.” Mercy said.

“She’s no threat, besides Lily and Tulip are close by they can deal with her.” Ivy countered dismissing the threat of Batman’s protégée.

Mercy shook her head in frustration at Ivy’s disregard, “I’m going to check anyway.”

Poison Ivy didn’t actually mind Mercy leaving; she could get the blood sample from Supergirl and not have to share that with Luthor, “Very well I will finish the work on the seeds.”


Not long after starting her search Batgirl had found her belt, but there was a problem. It was inside a room with Lily and Tulip. The two henchwomen were lounging about, apparently waiting for someone to tell them to do something. Barbara was confident she could take on the two but need to get surprise on the two. Looking at the ground she saw some stray bolts lying about on the ground. Batgirl picked one up and shrugged her shoulders, it works in the movies, she thought. With a toss she sent the bolt into some metal supports built into the wall. It clanged loudly as it bounced off the side of the building.

Tulip exclaimed from inside, “What was that?”

She came out of the room and headed in the direction of the noise. Lily stood in the doorway looking in the same direction but not moving in support. Batgirl waiting in the shadows came slowly from the side. Lily only turned her to see her at the last moment. Batgirl wasted no time and threw out a snap kick which caught Lily in the gut. The blonde groaned from the blow and Barbara didn’t give her a minute to recover. Taking the henchwoman’s head in her grasp, Batgirl applied a sleeperhold. Lily struggled inside it trying to pry Batgirl’s arms from around her throat.

All this of course brought Tulip back who was running and yelling. Batgirl was still holding Lily but the stubborn blonde refused to go out. Barbara was forced to improvise. As Tulip charged, Batgirl used Lily as support as she jumped up and kicked with both her boots right into Tulip as she attacked. The blow knocked the brunette down and Lily dropped to her knees, the sleeperhold finally taking effect. As her partner groaned on the ground, Lily sighed and closed her eyes. Batgirl dropped the sleeping Lily to the floor and rushed to get her belt before Tulip got back up. Running into the room she was crossing the threshold when Tulip kicked out with one of her grey tights covered legs, tripping Batgirl.

Barbara tripped and landed face first on the ground. Before she could get up, Tulip was on her own feet and slammed one of them on Batgirl’s back, causing her to cry out in pain. Tulip kicked her in the side with another kick to head for good measure. The blows left Barbara stunned on the floor. This let Tulip rush ahead and grab the utility belt from where it was on a table.

She taunted the heroine dangling the belt in the air, “Hoping to get this Batgirl?”

The heroine was on a knee nursing her bruised side and the lump Barbara knew she would get on her head. Tulip ran her fingers on the compartments of the belt, “So what were you planning on using to stop me huh? One of your bat-weapons or some gadget? Well tough cookies bat-brain because you’re going back into bondage.”

“Alright” Batgirl put her hands up, “I’m surrendering.”

“Smart girl.” Tulip nodded at the belt, “Got some restraints in here I can use on you?”

Looking defeated Batgirl nodded, “The second compartment on the right of the buckle.”

Tulip was smug knowing that she had captured Batgirl without even breaking a sweat. She went for the compartment and opened it. She was shocked when instead of handcuffs she found a gas charge which went off in her face. The white gas spewed out and covered her face. Tulip coughed and dropped the utility belt as she tried to fight the effect of the gas. She became wobbly on her feet and as her eyes rolled up into her head. With a final defeated sounding sigh, she passed out. Batgirl smiled as Tulip landed on her side on the ground. She snatched up her belt and checked to make sure all her equipment was still there. With everything in place it was time to help Supergirl.

Batgirl rushed outside only to be kicked in her face. Falling to the ground she looked up and saw her attacker. Mercy Graves stood arms crossed and said, “Well looks like it’s time for round two.”


Poison Ivy was leaning over Supergirl. The heroine looked even worse than she had only a few minutes earlier. Her breathing was labored; skin a sickly shade of light green, and when Ivy checked her pulse the Girl of Steel’s heart was faint. She heard the yell from Tulip but decided that between them and Mercy Batgirl would be taken care of. Poison Ivy was too distracted by the prize in front of her. Returning her focus to Supergirl she prepared to get what she wanted. In the redhead’s hand was a syringe. She brushed some hair away from Supergirl’s neck and then with a push inserted the needle into what was once invincible skin. Poison Ivy spoke to the Girl of Steel as she took her sample.

“I bet you could rewrite genetic science Supergirl. Think about it this way, your death might be more beneficial than anything you were going to do in life. Imagine the secrets you will unlock for us.” Poison Ivy finished filling the syringe with blood. Taking the needle away she once again felt the heroine’s pulse.

“Oh your pretty weak there Supergirl, I imagine that this is the end.” Ivy looked into the face of the soon to be dead superheroine. Supergirl’s bright blue eyes were closed her lips had hint of green running through them. Ivy decided it was time to finish her off. Getting up from the flower she walked back to a bench and picked one of her deadly lipsticks. Selecting a ruby red color she applied the poison to her lips. She knew this formula would stop the Girl of Steel’s heart.. Ivy turned and walked back to Supergirl.

Kneeling at the heroine’s side she stroked the S symbol on Supergirl’s leotard, “It’s a shame to put you down so early in your run Supergirl.”

Ivy leaned in and with her lips only inches from Supergirl’s softly spoke, “But all things come to an end.”

As Poison Ivy leaned in to give the last kiss ever to Supergirl, Kara’s eyes opened and she slammed her head against the villainess’s. Poison Ivy cried out in pain and surprise. Supergirl shoved the plant princess off her and snapped the tendrils holding her. She rolled out of the flower. Landing hard on the dirt she struggled to get up on two legs. Kara had never been so weak, but she had tried to save her strength for a chance to escape. Batgirl had explained how Ivy liked to dispatch her victims. So when the villainess wanted to kiss her Kara knew she had only one chance. However the effort of getting out of the flower had drained what little strength she had left. She was still struggling to get up when Ivy shoved her into the dirt with a push of her foot.

“Well not as finished as I thought.” Ivy said standing above Supergirl.

She grabbed Kara by her cape. Lifting the heroine to her knees, Supergirl weakly tried to get Ivy’s hands off her. Poison Ivy laughed and dropped Supergirl to the ground just for fun. She pulled the heroine back up again and put her face next to Kara’s.

“You’ve got some spunk Supergirl I’ll give you that, but alas it’s time for you to die.” Poison Ivy dragged her over to the flower. Supergirl groaned over the kryptonite pollen, the renewed proximity hurting her more. Poison Ivy then shoved Supergirl’s head into it, “Just breathe it in Supergirl, and make your suffering short.”

Kara struggled as her face dove into the pollen, but Ivy held her in place knowing with each moment the Girl of Steel was getting closer to her end.


“I don’t have time for this!” Batgirl complained as she blocked a kick from Mercy.

Graves spun back and threw a punch catching Batgirl across the chin, “Sorry but my boss really wants her dead. You I can care less about, so I’ll settle for knocking you out again.”

Mercy went for her sleeping gas but Barbara was too quick this time. She knocked the device out of Mercy’s hand and then kicked the woman in the gut. Mercy doubled over and Batgirl slammed her fists down onto her back. She moved to end the fight but Graves wasn’t finished. She swept out with her leg and toppled the Dark Angel. She then moved to pin Batgirl, getting atop the heroine straddling her and holding down Batgirl’s arms. Barbara struggled but the older woman was stronger at the moment.

“Sorry Batgirl you’re a good fighter but I’m just better.”

“Guess so” Batgirl concluded, “But, remember what you told me?”

“Huh?” Mercy answered not understanding.

Batgirl summoned a new burst of strength and forced the two of them to roll over. When it was done she was now on top and Mercy was pinned on the bottom. Straddling the villainess she quickly reached into her belt and whipped out a small injector. Stunned by the sudden reversal Mercy was too slow to react and stop Batgirl. With a quick stab she pushed the injector into Mercy’s black tights covered thigh. The woman’s eyes widened and slowly began to close as the drug took effect.

Batgirl smirked and completed her earlier thought, “Cheating is more effective.”

Barbara sat atop Mercy long enough to make sure the woman was out from the drug. Once she was satisfied Mercy wasn’t getting up she handcuffed the assistant and left Mercy on the ground. Batgirl had wasted enough time, she had to find Supergirl! Sprinting through Ivy’s plants was the quickest way to get to her lab station. Several of the fauna tried to grab Batgirl as she moved through the garden. Finally though she made it to the edge of the clearing and gasped seeing Poison Ivy trying to suffocate Supergirl in the kryptonite flower.

Batgirl reached for a batarang and with a toss sent the weapon at Poison Ivy. The redhead was knocked aside by the impact and Barbara crossed the distance quickly and pulled Supergirl out of the green pollen.

“SUPERGIRL!” she said trying to see if there was still life in the Girl of Steel.

Ivy rubbed her head and laughed, “She’s finished Batgirl. No way could she avoid breathing in the pollen, Supergirl is dead!”

Batgirl lowered Supergirl gently to the ground. She then turned on Ivy giving the plant princess a kick across the head which knocked Ivy out, “Shut up.”

Going back to Supergirl she felt Kara’s neck for a heartbeat. At first Barbara was horrified that there was none. She was about to take away her fingers when Batgirl felt the pulse of a beating heart. Realizing Kara still had a chance, Batgirl rushed into action. First she was going to wash the kryptonite pollen off of Supergirl. It was no surprise Ivy had a water hose close by. Grabbing it Batgirl turned it on and gave Supergirl a wash. With relief Barbara watched the pollen wash off Supergirl. However there was still the material inside Kara. Babs had no idea what to do about that.

Lifting Kara into her arms she made sure to bring her away from the kryptonite flower. Once she was sure they were far enough away Batgirl tried to wake Supergirl, “Supergirl, Kara please wake up.”

The blonde kryptonian her costume and hair wet, sighed and coughed slightly. She was coming around, Batgirl encouraged by this asked, “Kara tell me how to help you, what can I do?”

“Sun…….sunlight…..” the Girl of Steel whispered still weak.

Batgirl thought, sunlight where do I find that? She looked around and realized whose lair she was in. Batgirl lifted Supergirl again and went inside Ivy’s lab. She smiled finding a large sunlamp inside. Resting Supergirl onto a table, Batgirl brought the light over and turned it on. Bright yellow rays covered Supergirl’s body. Nervously Barbara paced as she waited for the rays to restore Kara, if they could. Batgirl waited nearly a half hour before…

“Ohhhh my head….”


Kara turned her head and smiled, “Okay…as far as team ups went….not the smoothest start.”

Batgirl laughed and asked if Kara was doing okay. Supergirl shook her head, “Yeah, getting stronger, the pollen is going to hurt for a while more, but I think I can cough most of it out.”

“Sorry about all this.” Batgirl apologized.

Kara shook her head, “Don’t be…goes with the job…besides you saved me, I owe you one.”

“Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll get a chance to repay me.” Barbara responded.

Supergirl smiled, “I have the feeling were going to keep owing each other one for the foreseeable future.”

Supergirl recovered enough to be on her feet when the police arrived. Much to Batgirl’s frustration Mercy Graves somehow had recovered quicker from the gas than expected and broke out of the handcuffs, all she had been able to find of the woman. Ivy and the girls wouldn’t implicate her or her boss in the night’s events. Supergirl wasn’t upset, after all they were able to secure all the kryptonite pollen and she happily tossed the stuff in the sun. Batgirl and Supergirl watched Poison Ivy and her girls be led away by the police. Later on top of the factory they watched the coming sunrise.

“So what does the day bring for you?” Supergirl asked her new friend.

Barbara yawned, “Much to my disappointment, normal work. I’ve got to head back for a powernap before then.”

“School for me, probably shouldn’t skip a day, Met U professors do hate that.” Supergirl said.

Batgirl looked at Supergirl, “Trying to tell me something?”

“Yeah actually, if you’re ever in Metropolis, give this cell a call.” Batgirl looked at the note and her eyes opened a little wide. The note started with a name, Kara Kent.

“Kara….” Batgirl couldn’t really speak; Supergirl trusted her with Kara’s secret ID and basically the identity of her cousin.

“Batgirl, don’t worry about it, yeah it gives more than just me away but you’re my friend. A real friend I can share that I’m also Supergirl with…I don’t get to have many of those.” Kara explained.

Batgirl looked at her and smiled. With a pull of her hand she brought the cowl down, “Barbara Gordon.”

Supergirl’s eyes widened as if that was a bigger surprise than the fact her cousin Clark was Superman, “The commissioner’s daughter? Wow, how does that work?”

Babs laughed, “Very carefully, let’s just say I don’t talk much near him.”

Kara and Barbara continued talking for a little while more, and start of a beautiful friendship began.

Outside Gotham

In a very plain car Mercy Graves was leaving the annoying Gotham City behind. The brunette was wearing some plain street clothes trying to look as uninteresting as possible. She wasn’t quite outside the city yet, and didn’t want some GPD car pulling her over. In all her mission had been a failure. She lost the modified crop seeds and had Ivy finished the modified ones for Lex Corp. Mercy had explained as much to Mr. Luthor. However of all the people he could rant a rave at, she was never one of them. He was not pleased, that was for certain but there had been one small conciliation prize.

Resting in a box inside Grave’s handbag was a vial of blood collected by Poison Ivy. After escaping the handcuffs Batgirl had slapped on her, she had headed back towards the lab to see if she could collect the crop seeds. With Batgirl and Supergirl in the lab she was unable too. She did whisk away the vial of Supergirl’s blood from the unconscious Ivy.

She was sure Lex could find a use for it.

The End
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very good, enjoyed reading it.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Fantastic work as always sir.
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Fantastic work! It's really interesting!
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Henderson wrote:Fantastic work! It's really interesting!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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amazing like always
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Thanks for writing this! Ah, the Batgirl...
You can hide behind your mask...but not for long!
Female scuba divers in action!
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