Wondra 2

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Hey Guys,

Looking for input as to what you'd like to see in the next Wondra video. What types of fight scenes, perils, etc., do you want. We've secured an actress and will be bringing back Master Mace for this one. As you know, I took all of your suggestions from the poll posted here some time ago, and have since produced videos based on Batgirl (Darkwing), Black Widow (Dark Widow), Black Canary (Dark Canary), Catwoman (Catwarrior), and will soon be releasing videos based on Supergirl (Supernova) and The Huntress (Bountyhuntress). I am listening. So, let me know what you'd like to see in the next Wondra (Wonder Woman) video.

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At the risk of repeating myself...chloroform to unconsciousness (at least twice).
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I have suggestions for the Huntress one, but for Wondra 2 I'll leave it to the fellow forum members :)
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I would love to see some knockouts and some secret identity peril.
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I would like to see the villain of Wondra squeezing her nipples, playing with her ​​breasts
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Some nice bound and gagged.
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Would love to see a failed bullets and bracelets style scene where a bulet or an arrow pirces Wondra's perfect body weakening her
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I second bound and gagged. I'm also a fan of the OTS carry.
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I agree with Mr. X and Super123456
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Instead of bullets, gas pellets which surprise her and knock her out.
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A cool shot might be Master Mace standing over a defeated, bound and gagged Wondra with a henchman filming the scene which is going live on the internet. Then he slowly pulls down her top on video (or kills her or whatever).
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I like Blx's idea. She thinks she's use her bracelets to block bullets, but that just releases the gas that overwhelms her.
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One thing that I would like to see is a post beating death trap. The superheroine peril genre really doesn't do enough of these. The basic idea is that the villains beat/strangle the heroine into submission. Then the heroine is put into a slow moving death trap. Due to the beating they barely resist.

So examples that I'd like to see.

1. Slowly being lowered into a vat of acid.
2. Glass box filling up with water
3. Large trash compactor type thing.
4. Heavy object tied to heroine and thrown in pool.

This is something I'd pay to see properly done.

Also, give us supernova stills!!!!!!!!!
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Chloroforming is my favourite, with nice mmmph's, feisty struggle and a good soft eye roll as she looks at the chloroformer. I love an unconscious carry or an over-the-shoulder carry is good too.

Your first Wondra video was the best I've ever seen.
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Chloroforming is my favourite, with nice mmmph's, feisty struggle and a good soft eye roll as she looks at the chloroformer. I love an unconscious carry or an over-the-shoulder carry is good too.

Your first Wondra video was the best I've ever seen.
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some gas fills the room, she starts to lose consciousness , we hear her voice in her head telling her to stay awake, but the gas is too strong, slowly the camera shows a bad guy approaching her from behind, we see her becoming weaker, than we see the guy from behind hitting her on the base of the skull with a gun or anything like this. it has to be as real as possible to be good. she falls down completely unconscious, there are shots of her lying down, the guy says he knew it was her only weakness, then the guy turns her (she was with her stomach on the ground to show his body from the back), she moans and try to awake, the guy cant believe she is so strong, then he takes the rag and kos her definitely ;)
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Instead of the bullets & Bracelets I am a fan of electrical or bio weapon, one that might possible fuse those bracelets together, after that well that part I leave for others to possible fill in :)
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I posted this on MH's post looking for suggestions so I thought I would just copy and paste here. sorry if you've already seen it and sorry for the super girl references when this is Wonder woman...

As far as what I would like to see, I would like to see more desperate situations. I have mentioned this in many other posts but more peril. More torture, more exotic unique impending-death-traps (batman style). I feel there are too many "beatings" or "fights". Sure they often needed but I don't like them to be the focus or too long. They should be part of the reason the heroine go to the trap or torture, not the main focus. I also like the idea of a heroine (in this case Super girl, THE BEST IMO) going to rescue a hot civilian. Maybe she is being tortured on a rack or something and Super Girl comes to save her and gets caught and is tortured as well. then while Super girl takes a turn on the rack, the civilian gets whipped and Super girl screams for the villain to leave her alone even though she is getting her own punishment. Super Girl hears the screams and feels helpless while the woman she was supposed to be saving is tortured the same time she is. Maybe the girl is being racked and Super Girl is being whipped. Maybe Super Girl is being whipped or racked an the other girl is getting banged? I think you get the idea. LOL! I suppose it could also be hot to have that second girl be another heroine but I love the idea of a hot business woman getting the business in a hot dress suit with tights on.

Also, I always thought the HAN SOLO freezing scene could be parodied but with a Heroine instead of a dude. She knows she is helpless and she is scared but she has to be strong because someone she cares about is watching her possibly tortured or killed. She just stare at that person blankly while her doom awaits.

How about the idea of some sort of operation or experiment done on the heroine. this is another I mentioned before but there is an AWESOME scene in HEROES show on NBC where Sylar captures Claire and has her motionless on a coffee table. He has the top of her head chopped off while she is staring at the ceiling and twitching while he operates on her brain. Maybe the heroine is transformed not some kind of alien. strapped to a table Wonder woman Nazi style and some elixir or shot in her neck forces some kind of tentacle to rip through her costume and starts flailing about uncontrollably, and all she can do is stare at it and wonder what is happening to her body...

One more lol. I also thought it could be hot if the heroine was fairly dumb. She is tortured on a rack or something and she makes a cute, comical "ouch" or something and just stares off like WTF? She just kind of goes along with it even though it hurts. There is an old Laurel and Hardy movie where Stan is "shrunk" is some sort of device the opposite of the rack, and I always thought that could be hot if done with a woman, (skip to the very end of the movie. 1hour 3 mins there is also a decent scene of a girl being prepared to be whipped.)

I also like to keep most clothes/costumes left on. Tights! TIGHTS TIGHTS! Hose, Stockings whatever! I love them! that's usually not an issue with your vids though MH! Love your taste in costumes for the most part!

LOL I know I've said it all before but those are some things I've always wanted to see in these movies! can't wait to learn more about this project!
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Blue, what I like about your movies is that they're so different from what is typical to this genre. With a couple of exceptions (I like the water peril and electricity ideas) the bondage/chloro/OTS or cradle carry stuff is, to quote Dr. Evil, "...pretty standard stuff..."
EvilBilly :twisted:

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funkss wrote: 3. Large trash compactor type thing.
Other than being buried alive, this has always been my favorite death trap. I like to imagine a lost Lynda Carter episode. Wonder Woman is lured to a junk/scrapyard. Ambushed and beat up, she is thrown into a crusher. The villain watches as she frantically tries to halt the collapsing machine, entertained by her fruitless attempt. Her struggle turns to fear as the machine completes it's cycle. She reaches for the shrinking opening as the giant slabs of metal close on her, ending her desperate cries.

Of course moments later she would pry open her metal tomb and jump out untouched, and that is why I love this scenario. She could be seemingly destroyed, or escape unscathed.
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I think it is always very important to follow the classic script of: Heroine defiant and strong, who only later is overpowered by the bad guys; then she fights with all her efforts, but to no avail, and finally is totally defeated ((just as in Wondra 1).

After her first clear defeat, the villains should carry Wondra and hung her with her arms outstretched and her boots not even touching the ground. Time passes, and she wakes up. When they see she is recovering, one male villain takes a ladder, and approach her bustier and slowly (without uncovering her nipples nor taking out her breasts) began inspecting her left breast (just one of them, anyway). For a while. The Bad Guy informs her that the real, ancient amazons used to have one or her breasts cut off, so that they were able to throw the javeling and shoot arrows without obstruction. Maybe they should turn her into a real amazon. She is such a fake! Then the present her with a medical doctor, a surgeon, Dr. A-Minus, because that is his speciality, turn D breasts into A minus ones. The doctor approaches her and begans caressing her left breast. He produces a big syringe and whows it to her: she opnes her big eyes in terror. She knows she is unable to even protect herself with her arms, since they are fixed and outstrechted. She wonders if she is doomed.
A few foots away, one stooge asks the Really Bad Guy, in lower voice, not to be heard by Wondra:
A stooge: "Are you going to cut off her breast?"
Really Bad guy: "Not now; but the injection will surely make her breasts swell"

Then Dr A Minus punches her left breast with the syringe, and she sreams in pain. her face and her head going forward and backwards in pain. Her screams are so loud, that the villains have to left the room, their hands covering their ears.

"Are we going to kill Wondra?"

Then, the villains should protect their ears with wax or ear protectors, in anticipation of what is next for our heroine. They should take an ignite object and applied it to her inner thighs, a few inches below her Wondra panties, to mark her. “As if she were a cow”. “She very well might be one” At that moment her screams should be incredible loud. The mark on her bare skin should read I'M A SLUT.

Then they should released her and let her fall to the ground. She then tries to stand up, but is surrounded by many males who kick her and inflinct her more terrible damage, causing her mouth to bleed. Then they chained her to a wall, just one feet over the ground, strip her and fuck her -- one after the other. [This can be merely suggested, you don't need to show it].

Next day, she lies naked, chained and unconscious or half conscious on the ground. (Naked means she has her boots and bracelets on; never never show her without bracelets – she wouldn't be Wondra anymore.) The villains approach her with a tool box. The villains deboot her, only to attach a sharp object inside one of the boots, which they check is working with a wireless device. Then they wake her up, unchain her and force her to dress again. She starts dressing, and they tell her that they are letting her be a superheroine again. She puts her clothes again; when she is putting her left boot, she complains, but she can´t do anything -- "We don't have time to let you dress as if today you were going to marry or something". "You are going to be freed, hurry up!" She can barely walk.

Immediately, she is taked to another room and forced to fight a stooge, with the promise that if she wins the battle, they will let her go; the make the promise in front of TV cameras, with reporters who were called there to testify a "honest fight between the forces of good and the Wondra fake show". The stooge is a thin man or a normal woman, not very threating or strong, but in Wondra's weakened state (and with the sharp object hurting her feet) she may prove unable to even defeat this inferior enemy. One villain is helding the wireless device that injects her with some kind of venom thru her feet, so that when she has the opportunity to win, they weakened her thru the device. [All this is only being told and understood without the need to show her actual toes bleeding or anything like that].

The scene is being "taped" and shown to all the TV networks in streaming signal, so that when she cannot win over a claerly not powerful enemy, she looks like a total failure as a heroine, incapable of protecting herself, no to mention The Human Race. This would be like the ultimate humiliation, after which, she herself should start questioning her own paper and her own capabilities. [You should use her inner voice to let us know the state or her mind, just as in the comic books]. So she cant win and she is being told -- once the TV cameras are gone -- that she deserves to be a sexual slave for ever.

When she is about to be chained again, in the former room, she says something like "I am Wondra, I am not a slut, I can fight, I am a heroine", and then somehow recovers and fights back and star kicking ass off some stooges, including the one with the wireless device, but then, when she is about to face the really Bad Guy, he just takes some darts out of a box and throws them at her, punching her in one leg and then in one arm, damaging and stopping her... Again, we can see terror in Wondra's eyes. Then the Bad Guy takes a weapon, inserts an arrow in it, and shoots it at poor Wondra left breast, just above her bustier. She collapses and bleeds. The Bad Guy takes the arrow off her, and says "I don't want you to die. I rather have you as my sex slave for the years to come".

This looks like an eternal trap for poor Wondra.


Man, I wish I would be paid to write scripts and stuff like this!

BTW, Blue, I am so eagerly looking forward for your Supernova and Wondra 2 videos!
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First of all, I'm ecstatic to hear about a follow-up Wondra video. The first one is easily one of my favorite peril videos of all time. The set design grounded the whole production in reality - nothing more distracting than filming an "epic showdown" in somebody's living room. The editing was superb, making the fights feel energetic and palpable. You really turned the stunning model into the strongest Wonder Woman next to Lynda Carter.

Second, I'm very curious how the story will unfold for the sequel. Will it be Wondra's abuse at the hands of Mace? Will she find the strength to escape, only to be recaptured again? Can I possibly hope for a female villain facing off against Wondra after she dispatches of Mace? Perhaps a Talia Al Ghul counterpart? My mind is swirling with possibilities!

I would love to see many elements from the original video utilized again. A great fight scene. Wondra building herself back up, making it sweeter when she falls. The original Wondra's bullet stopping sequence was quick and very well executed. Could we see that again, in addition to some lasso or tiara throwing action?
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Hi All,

Wondra 2 will indeed feature a female vs. female battle.

I am including another great fight scene, bullets and bracelets (not all which bullets are stopped), Wondra looking strong at times, but ultimately defeated, etc. Of course, we cannot afford a set that includes a metal crushing machine. Our budget is in the thousands, not the hundred thousands, but we will try to incorporate what has been suggested and is do-able within the financial constraints of these mini-productions.

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This is awesome news Blue.
Having your take on a bullets nad bracelets "failure" will be intense and I am hoping this will just be a part of Wondra's wearing down if it features before the final scenes.

With this in the owrks and Supernova on the way we are set for good things this summer!
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I still like the "lower into vat of acid" idea. Only because it hasn't really been done. I saw one video do it, but she was not a bluestone level model.
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Bluestone wrote:Of course, we cannot afford a set that includes a metal crushing machine. Our budget is in the thousands, not the hundred thousands,
Well I would hope if you did have a massive budget, you still wouldn't place an actress into an actual metal crushing machine! :P

I'm no set designer, but I would imagine rigging something together out of a box/crate and wood perhaps. Made to look like a smaller machine you'd find in a warehouse. I totally understand if that seems like too much trouble. I'm just glad I finally had an excuse to share that image/scenario.
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jjy wrote:
Bluestone wrote:Of course, we cannot afford a set that includes a metal crushing machine. Our budget is in the thousands, not the hundred thousands,
Well I would hope if you did have a massive budget, you still wouldn't place an actress into an actual metal crushing machine! :P

I'm no set designer, but I would imagine rigging something together out of a box/crate and wood perhaps. Made to look like a smaller machine you'd find in a warehouse. I totally understand if that seems like too much trouble. I'm just glad I finally had an excuse to share that image/scenario.
It's to make it look real that would be the challenge. Plus, we rent studio space as opposed to having a site where we can build and test the props before the shoot day. It's not out of the realm of possibility, but it's not as easy as putting some cartons together and rigging them to look like a metal crushing machine. To be effective, it should actually be crushing fake metal while the heroine tries to hold it back. I could see easily putting most of the budget into this one scene which would make for a very short video. :laugh:

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jjy wrote:
Bluestone wrote:Of course, we cannot afford a set that includes a metal crushing machine. Our budget is in the thousands, not the hundred thousands,
Well I would hope if you did have a massive budget, you still wouldn't place an actress into an actual metal crushing machine! :P

I'm no set designer, but I would imagine rigging something together out of a box/crate and wood perhaps. Made to look like a smaller machine you'd find in a warehouse. I totally understand if that seems like too much trouble. I'm just glad I finally had an excuse to share that image/scenario.
You can often find waste compactors at the back of large retail outlets. If you can get permission to shoot a very brief establishing shot on location, you could have Wondra being frogmarched or carried towards the compactor and then cut to the mocked-up interior with her landing on some cardboard.

Then you can cut back to a shot of the compactor in action as we hear the sound of Wondra's screams. Most of the action would be suggested, rather than shown.
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How about having the villain taunt Wondra about her uniform. Maybe have Wondra tied up and then asked and forced to admit that she gets off on wearing a sexy though impractical outfit to fight crime. Have her admit she likes the way guys leer at her but can't get with her. Then have the villain fondle her, causing her to admit how she is getting turned on.
As for peril, I really liked the overhead hold on Wondra in the first video. Perhaps also being yanked and pulled by her uniform as well.
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1. super HOT and sexy young actress.
2. Chloro scene as previously mentioned.
3. A ball gagged scene?
4. belt removal and taunting.
5. some sort of peril scene.....60's style Batgirl. :cool:
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hey jjy, that is an awesome pic of WW in the compactor! where did you find it?
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avenger wrote:hey jjy, that is an awesome pic of WW in the compactor! where did you find it?
I made it, thanks! :)
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jjy, do you have a place to showcase your work? man, that was such a great pic; it looked real! looks like someone took a pic of WW in the compactor! imagine all the episodes you can re-tell! you do great work, man! hope to see more!
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avenger wrote:jjy, do you have a place to showcase your work? man, that was such a great pic; it looked real! looks like someone took a pic of WW in the compactor! imagine all the episodes you can re-tell! you do great work, man! hope to see more!
I tend not to finish things, let alone post them, but other than my yahoogroup I have a deviantart.
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sugarcoater wrote:How about having the villain taunt Wondra about her uniform. Maybe have Wondra tied up and then asked and forced to admit that she gets off on wearing a sexy though impractical outfit to fight crime. Have her admit she likes the way guys leer at her but can't get with her. Then have the villain fondle her, causing her to admit how she is getting turned on.
As for peril, I really liked the overhead hold on Wondra in the first video. Perhaps also being yanked and pulled by her uniform as well.
Yes to all of this. If you have an extended costume humiliation sequence where Wondra is made to feel shame for wearing such an impractical and sexualized costume into battle then it's an automatic buy from me.
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Okay, All,

It's time to start to get excited!

Here is the first teaser poster for the next Wondra episodes.

Episodes 2 & 3 have now been filmed!

We'll advise of a release date for Wondra 2 as soon as we set one!

Is she wearing pantyhose? I ain't telling. She's wearing whatever you want her to be wearing. :laugh:

Wondra teaser poster 3SM.jpg
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Bluestone wrote:Okay, All,

It's time to start to get excited!

Here is the first teaser poster for the next Wondra episodes.

Episodes 2 & 3 have now been filmed!

We'll advise of a release date for Wondra 2 as soon as we set one!

Is she wearing pantyhose? I ain't telling. She's wearing whatever you want her to be wearing. :laugh:

If it's pantyhose, then it's just the RIGHT pantyhose, Blue! Great job!
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Bluestone wrote:Okay, All,

It's time to start to get excited!

Here is the first teaser poster for the next Wondra episodes.

Episodes 2 & 3 have now been filmed!

We'll advise of a release date for Wondra 2 as soon as we set one!

Is she wearing pantyhose? I ain't telling. She's wearing whatever you want her to be wearing. :laugh:

Bloody Hell Blue!
You are just showing off now LOL! Wondra looks awesome.

Will both parts e made available at Genre like Supernova? Have to say I found buying from there was very simple and effective.

I enjoyed Supernova but WW is my fave, I can't wait for this.
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Rayman wrote: Bloody Hell Blue!
You are just showing off now LOL! Wondra looks awesome.

Will both parts e made available at Genre like Supernova? Have to say I found buying from there was very simple and effective.

I enjoyed Supernova but WW is my fave, I can't wait for this.
Hi Rayman,

Well, I have to decide on that one, because these were filmed as separate episodes moreso than Supernova which was definately Part 1 & 2 of the same storyline, even though there is a thread running through all of the Wondra episodes. It will be available at both locations though.

To All,

Editing has commenced on Wondra 2, but I still have not set a release date. More teaser posters will be posted in the meantime. The actress will also be revealed soon. Get ready for that one!

Wondra 2 will be subtitled "Resurrection"!

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who ever wondra is, she looks very fetching in that teaser photo....<my guess is bare legs>
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here are my thoughts: I've always enjoyed it when the villain taunts the hero/ine and explains what they're going to do to them before it happens....some examples that come to mind are the Wonder Woman 'Fine Art of Crime' episode when the sculptor Henry Roberts tells Wonder Woman (very matter-of-factly) what he plans on doing with her, and how he plans on 'putting you in a state of suspended animation....forever' and the look on WW's face sums it up; she appears a little disgusted and disturbed by it. Another example is in the Batman episode with the Mad Hatter and he has Batman and Robin at gunpoint and describes to Batman (in somewhat graphic and gory detail) the process that he is going to be put through, ie, shorn, sliced and skinned, etc., 'before you lose consciousnes' and that scene works well because you see Batman's reaction, and he's held at gunpoint and somewhat helpless. I think too often the hero/ine is lured to a location, a trap is sprung, and the hero/ine is knocked out and wakes up already in the death trap/peril. I think it would be a change of pace by having the heroine stopped in her tracks, surrounded by the goons, calmly approached by the main villain/ess and told of the impending predicament. This gives the heroine a chance to visually react, whether it be by a deep sigh, a deep breath or a look of fear or all of it. For a moment we get to savor the helplessness of the heroine while she's told in detail what's about to happen to her, or what process she's about to undergo. It focuses on the moment of complete helplessness for the heroine and total control for the villain. Not only does it give a different take on the erotic moment of being captured, but it builds to the actual peril or death trap or contraption. Perhaps Wondra thinks she has the upper hand for the moment until she's surrounded by several goons, or she's surprised by goons at gun point and she realizes she's outnumbered and outpowered, and the villain/ess can make his/her grand entrance and calmly taunt her with what he/she plans to do to her....the vivid details of how much it will hurt, or how good it will feel, etc., and this opens the door for some good dialogue and then the death trap/peril can be described and we see the reaction of the heroine as she realizes she's doomed. This also sets up the introduction to the peril; the villain can say "start the machine" or "start the process" while the heroine has to see and hear the device or machinery start up, or the villain directs the heroine to another room where her peril awaits, "after you" and he leads the heroine to her peril....didn't mean to ramble on, but I'd really like to see someone do something a little different where the heroine doesn't wake up in the peril already. It would be hot to see the heroine forced to watch it or hear it start up, or told in vivid detail what it will be like for her. Just would be nice to see the capture explored in length with the peril described to the heroine and then the heroine is either forced to put herself into it, or walk in to the room where it awaits. Build up the suspense and erotic value of it.
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...and I second the above statement: if it's pantyhose, it's the right pantyhose, and that's coming from someone who prefers bare legs! so far this has my interest!
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Its clearly bare legs. Highly disappointing honestly. But thats just my view.
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Bluestone wrote:She certainly has nice legs! Hopefully, we can agree on that. :D

Most definitely,she is gorgeous :yahoo:
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Rayman wrote:
Bluestone wrote:She certainly has nice legs! Hopefully, we can agree on that. :D

Most definitely,she is gorgeous :yahoo:
She looks awesome and great costume!!

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I wondered that too, Rayman. And who is the prone Wondie?

Back on topic, I think Wondra looks gorgeous, great legs in or out of hose.
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Supergirl is mine wrote:
Rayman wrote:
Bluestone wrote:She certainly has nice legs! Hopefully, we can agree on that. :D

Most definitely,she is gorgeous :yahoo:
She looks awesome and great costume!!

Rayman...where is your avatar from???
Sent you a pm to save cluttering up Blues thread :cool:
Creator of - Cobalt - Swiftstrike - Lady Death and more
Posts: 545
Joined: 12 years ago

well not to start a riot, but i feel like i must say i wont be buying due to the bare legs. big bummer in my view
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