Love Bite: A Vampiress' Tale

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Hey guys!

I know what you might be thinking, and shame on you for using such language! :wink: Anyway, here's something that's been on my mind for a while now. It's kinda superheroine-like, but you be the judge. I'll only continue this if there's enough demand so let me hear from ya! 8)


Part I – The Truth Revealed

If you ask most horror fans, there was no better author, especially when it came to vampire lore, than Peter Bishop. His long running series featuring his main character, the beautiful vampiress Sonja and her eternal nemesis Dagmar, had made him one of the genre’s most read and best paid authors. Two feature length movies had already been made based on his books, “Sonja’s Homecoming” and “Nowhere But The Grave”, with another being planned by a major studio. Peter’s success was at its height, yet he was still unhappy.

Peter personal life was going just the opposite of his professional life. He had just ended his 3rd marriage in divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences”. The truth was, as Patty his ex-wife said before the judge, “No woman alive can truly satisfy him! His heart belongs to that fanged creation of his, Sonja!” As Peter sat in his 1.5 million dollar home, alone in his study, he realized that Patty was right. The reason that his romances usually ended up in dismal failure was that the one woman he truly loved didn’t really exist. He’d look for someone who resembled her: Long golden hair, sparkling green eyes, full pouting red lips, fair and flawless complexion, skin as soft as velvet, and a voice that sounded like tiny silver bells ringing on the wind.

His descriptions of her voluptuously curvaceous body in his books had even his closest friends asking where he’d seen the woman who inspired his character, and did she have a sister! Sonja was the product of Peter’s young fertile imagination. When he was 13, he’d asked dozens of girls to go out with him, but none seemed to like him enough to say yes. Pete was good in school, especially in English. His teacher, Miss Thompson, told him he had a real talent for writing and encouraged him to enter an essay contest at the local library. He didn’t win, which really didn’t bother him as much as when the judge, a local celebrity of sorts in literary circles, in a fit of jealousy, called him a “no talent hack and plagiarist” when he forgot to give proper credit when using an idea from one of his books.

Young Peter was devastated and humiliated, as most teens would be, and because he was already severely depressed, planned to commit suicide. The night of the Halloween Dance at James Monroe Junior High, he locked himself in his room with his only real friend, his computer, and a bottle of his mom’s sleeping pills. He typed a letter on his computer to his mom and dad, saying he was sorry for being such a failure in life and asked forgiveness for messing up their lives by ever being born. Pete finished the letter, printed it, signed it and left it on his night stand. Pete wept the whole time he was taking the pills and actually swallowed enough to kill 2 people.

By some miracle, he didn’t die; he just seemed to pass out. He woke up in the Queen of Angels General Hospital with his Mom, Dad and Uncle Terry by his bedside. “Peter Allen Bishop, don’t you ever do something like that again!” yelled his mother, Connie, “You scared us near to death!” His father, Ray, simply asked, “Pete, you know we all love you son. Why on earth would you do this to yourself and to us? Are you really that unhappy?” “I don’t know, Dad” replied Peter sleepily, “I just thought things would be better if I wasn’t around. It’s not that you and Mom aren’t great parents, it’s just…well…I don’t know.” “Kid, you’re not supposed to know!” said his Uncle Terry with a smile, “You’re 13, for God’s sake! I’m 39 and I’m just barely starting to scratch the surface of the meaning of life! Give yourself a chance, boy! Things are gonna start to get better! Just you wait and see!”

Peter almost started to think his uncle was a prophet. Soon after he left the hospital, the author, Jim Bailey, who lambasted him in public, wrote him a letter of apology and asked to meet with him. Mr. Bailey told him that the comment was based on jealousy of his phenomenal writing ability and he wanted to make it up to Pete by taking some kind of manuscript to his own publisher, if Pete could come up with something quickly. Pete said he’d see what he could do. He went home and told his parents who were happy for him and sent him to his room to write.

Unfortunately, nothing was coming to him. After 4 hours of consternation, Pete decided to take a nap and rest his mind. As he slept, he dreamed. It was like he was watching a TV show unfold in his mind. When he awoke, to his utter amazement, he could remember every detail of his dream with crystal clarity. He sat at his computer and banged out a 125 page manuscript in less than 5 hours. Mr. Bailey was absolutely floored and so was his agent. That was the start of Peter’s writing career. Now at the age of 26, he had penned over 60 paperbacks, 15 hardbacks, and 3 screenplays. He was at the top of his game.

After the final divorce hearing, Pete decided to take a little vacation. Instead of going to some exotic destination, he went home to Riverton, Indiana to visit his folks and stay with them for a couple of weeks. His Mom and Dad were overjoyed to see him and immediately called his Uncle Terry to come by as soon as he arrived. Connie laid out an awesome spread and the family sat eating and talking about just about everything. Then they got to the subject of Patty and the divorce.

“Patty seemed so nice.” said Ray, “I don’t understand it, Petey. Why can’t you maintain a relationship longer than a couple of years? Your mother and I have been married for going on, what Honey, 35 years?” “37, dear.” replied Connie, “Ray, don’t badger him! He just got home! Let it wait for another time, OK?” “Yeah, Ray. Let’s have some good family time before you lay into him!” said Terry laughing. Ray smiled and said, “You’re right, Terry. I’m sorry, Petey. We just want you to be happy, son.” “I know Dad.” said Pete solemnly, “And I love you for it, I just need to rest and get my head together. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” “Take your time, son.” said Ray, “I know you’ve had a rough go of it. We’ll talk when you’re ready.” “Thanks, Dad!” said Pete yawning, “I’m beat. If you guys don’t mind I’m going to bed. See you in the morning. G’Night, Mom, Dad, Uncle Terry!” “’Night, kiddo!” said Terry. “Good Night, Petey! “said Connie, “Pleasant dreams!”

Pete headed upstairs to his old room. His mom kept it as it was when he lived there except for his writing awards and prizes and a complete set of his books. Surprisingly enough, his mom was the one who really enjoyed reading his books. His dad enjoyed the movies more, but they were both equally proud of him. Pete unpacked his suitcase and put everything away in the chest near the window. His folks still lived on the farm he grew up on just outside the town of Riverton, although his dad hadn’t planted crops on it since he was about 19. Since then, Pete had supported them in grand style and his dad didn’t have to work the crops, even though he helped others in the community with their farms, just to keep busy.

He looked out the window and saw a night sky peppered with stars. With no street lights and tall buildings to hide them, he could really enjoy the night in all its celestial splendor. Pete undressed down to his t-shirt and boxers, lay down on the bed and went to sleep, unaware that a pair of green glowing eyes were watching him all the while. Pete started to dream almost immediately. He was still in his old room, when suddenly a thick, white mist began seeping under his door. It coalesced into a familiar shapely form. It was the vision of Sonja.

“Hey, Petey.” she said smiling warmly. “Well, Hi there, stranger!” said Pete moving to embrace her. He grasped her hand and looked into her lovely green eyes. “So I see you’ve come full circle.” said Sonja gazing deep into his eyes. “What do you mean?” asked Pete. “I mean this is where we first met, sweetie!” said Sonja, “Right here in this room.” Pete let go of her hand and replied, “Man, this feels weird! It’s not like any dream I’ve ever had before!” “Of course it is silly boy!” said Sonja with a grin, “Its how we always meet to talk about the stories you write! It’s just that when you wake up you don’t remember our little consultations!” Pete looked at his gorgeous femme fatale character and replied, “I don’t understand Sonja. I’m confused!”

“It’s time you knew what’s really going on, Petey. It’s time you knew the truth.” said Sonja, “Your life is in danger, my sweet. Wake up!” Pete half way awoke. A voice in his room said, “Petey, come on sweetheart. Wake up!” He opened his eyes and saw a female figure in his room. Startled, Pete said, “Who are you? What do you want?” “What I want is you, Peter Bishop.” said the woman, with giggle in her voice, “Why don’t you turn on the lamp and see who I am.” “OK, I’ll do just that!” said Pete, reaching for the switch. He flipped it on and got the shock of his life. There standing before him in a nearly translucent garment, cinched at the waist by a leather tie on sash was the woman of his dreams…Sonja!

“Hello Peter, my sweet!” Sonja greeted with bright smile. “S…Sonja?” Pete stammered, “No, it…it can’t be! You’re not real! I made you up! You’re just a fictional character! You don’t really exist!” “Don’t be silly, Petey!” she said with a smile, “Of course, I exist! I’m as real you are!” “I must still be dreaming!” said Pete, “Although if I am, looking at you now, I don’t want to wake up anytime soon!” Sonja slinked toward him and sat on the bed next to him. “Pete, you’re not dreaming.” said Sonja, kicking of her sexy high heeled silver mules, “I’m very real, I’m right here next to you and I’ll prove it to you. Touch my legs.” Pete looked down at her shapely lower extremities. They were adorned in a nude colored hose which matched her skin tone so perfectly, it almost appeared that she wore nothing on them at all. The only tell-tale sign was the shimmer that appeared under the feeble light from the lamp on his nightstand. “Go on, touch them.” she coaxed, bringing her legs up onto the bed, sliding her feet up into his lap, smiling as she did so.

Pete couldn’t help but want to touch her. He gazed at her model perfect toes, her beautiful foot with its high arch, meaty ball and sensuous heel, all covered in a sleek, shimmering, sheer hose. He touched her marvelous leg and he felt shivers go up and down his spine. Sonja bit her lip and sighed softly as his hand traveled up her leg, from her foot and arch, past her luscious calf and up to her thigh. He recognized the material immediately. It was the most luxuriant grade of silk he had ever felt. Pete stopped his caress and looked into the beautiful green eyes of his nocturnal visitor. She was breathless as tears came streaming down her cheeks. There was only one woman he knew of that was so susceptible to leg fondling in silken hose. Somehow, someway it was true! This was indeed Sonja!

With Pete’s expression of deep shock combined with unbridled joy, Sonja knew he recognized her now. She grinned widely, her fangs glistening. He started to speak, but she put her finger over his mouth and silenced him. She stood from the bed and untied the leather sash from her waist, letting it drop to the floor. The shimmering garment that seemed to be made of translucent silver-grey material hung loose on her gorgeously curvaceous form. She raised her arms toward the ceiling and the garment lifted upward and off her body as if grasped by a pair of unseen hands. The sight that met Pete’s eyes was enough to stop a man’s heart. There was his Sonja standing on the balls of her feet like a feline, her lovely nude body covered in the same silken smoothness as her incredible legs. Her body glistened as she slinked the few steps it took to reach the bed again.

Sonja mounted him, straddling his hips. She placed her hands on either side of his head and brought her sensuous mouth down to his. The kiss was a mind scrambler. Pete threw his arms around her as she probed his mouth with her tongue and he held on tight. He felt her body tremble with excitement as the passionate embrace continued, his hands caressing every curvaceous inch of her that he could reach. The kiss finally ended and Sonja sat back still straddling him, still not speaking a word. She smiled and hissed softly, spreading the fingers of her right hand and then curling them toward him. Pete smiled because he knew what was coming next. Razor-sharp 2 inch claws bared from her fingertips and she carefully ripped off his t-shirt and boxers, leaving him as nude as she was. The final job for her claws was to tear a hole in her sleek, shimmering bodystocking for Pete’s eager and erect manhood to enter her softness. She opened her charms to him and their tender, passionate lovemaking began.

Time became irrelevant. Their bodies merged in a way that neither one of them had ever experienced. Pete had been married 3 times in the past 5 years, but none of his wives or any of his girlfriends had taken him to the heights of bliss he was reaching now. Sonja had existed as one of the undead for five and a half centuries and none of her lovers, mortal or vampire had bought her to such ecstasy as this. At first, Pete was afraid that Sonja’s screams of passion would bring his parents up the stairs to investigate, but after a while, he just didn’t care anymore. They were both lost in each other’s embrace, carried to another world where the only thing that existed was their powerful passion and desire.

When it was finally over, they were both exhausted. Even Sonja’s vampiric strength and stamina was nearly gone. Pete fell asleep almost instantly, enfolded in the complete and utter rapture of Sonja’s soft, silken embrace. She gently nuzzled him awake and he opened his eyes with a smile. Sonja caressed his face and said, “So Peter, my darling, am I all that you dreamed I would be?” “Oh yes, my Sonja!” he answered quickly, “All that I could ever hope for and more…much more! Mere words are not enough to describe your beauty, your grace or your sex, my love! I am ruined for any other woman! I have been for many years! That’s why no other woman has ever been able to satisfy me. You and you alone, Sonja, complete me. There is not now, nor ever will there be another woman for me! I love you, Sonja!”

Sonja pulled him close and wept on his shoulder. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that, Peter, my love!” she said, “I’ve loved you since you were 13, when I saved you from ending your life!” “You saved me?” he asked puzzled, “How did you do that?” “I removed the sleeping drug overdose from your body, my precious one.” Sonja replied, gently caressing his face, “I…bit you.” “But why don’t I remember??” he asked in shock and surprise, “Why didn’t I exhibit any changes??” Sonja laughed and said, “You did change, my love. You became a better man than you ever were. I visited you in your dreams and we talked about lots of different things. I think the reason you started writing these stories about me was because your subconscious mind missed me between our visits and brought back the things we spoke of.”

“So all this time I’ve been just regurgitating the things you told me about yourself?” Peter asked, “I didn’t create any of it?” “Oh yes, my love!” responded Sonja, “You created much of what you wrote about me, sweetheart! My life isn’t nearly as interesting or exciting as you made it in the novels! In fact some of my friends want me to thank you for making a vampire’s dull existence more palatable than it actually is!” “You mean being an immortal undead being isn’t very exciting?” asked Peter with a grin. “Honey, sometimes it’s downright boring!” said Sonja. They both laughed out loud. When the laughter died down, they looked at each other, staring into each other’s eyes. Peter broke the silent stare with a question.

“Sonja, the conflict between you and Dagmar, was that true to life?” he asked. “Oh, yes!” she replied, “That’s part of the reason I’m here now!” “I wondered when we’d get to that part!” said Pete, “I was also kinda wondering why you decided to come to me now!” “Well Petey, something’s come to my attention recently that made my coming forth necessary.” explained Sonja, “There’s been a serious development in my ongoing blood feud with Dagmar. Somehow she’s become chieftain of Sebastian’s vampire clan and she now has the power to reach you! As you know Dagmar’s never been able to defeat me these past 500 years, no matter what diabolical schemes she’s concocted, and I’ve been able to protect you from her. But with the strength of the clan to back her, she’s sure to come after you!” “Me? What did I do? Why’s she after me?” asked Pete. Sonja shot him a stern look and he got it. “Because you love me, now she wants to kill me so you can suffer like she did when you killed Sebastian, right?” he asked.

“Precisely. Dagmar intends to use every means at her disposal to capture, torture and eventually kill you, my love.” said Sonja. “Great! First, I get divorced for the third time, then I finally meet the woman of my dreams and now her arch-enemy wants to kill me!” said Pete with exasperation, “So how do we stop her?” “We don’t. We get my clan to intervene on your behalf.” said Sonja. “They’d do that?” Pete asked incredulously, “Man, that’s awfully nice of them!” “Welll…not exactly.” said Sonja, “There’s one teensy, weensy, little catch, baby!” “What is it?” he asked. “Umm, well…you have to…join the clan.” said Sonja sheepishly. “That doesn’t sound so…OH NO!” he shouted, “You don’t mean I gotta…” “Uh-huh.” said Sonja with a smile.

“Aw, man!” said Pete rolling over to face the ceiling, covering his eyes with his hands, “You gotta be kidding me! This just isn’t fair!” Sonja smiled, nuzzled Pete’s neck and replied, “Life is seldom fair, sweetiekins! The question is what are you going to do? I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, baby, especially to her! Please let me turn you and be with me forever! I promise you thousands more nights like this one; every night if you want, but please don’t turn me away!” Pete looked into her eyes again and said, “Sonja, I love you more than my own life! Of course I’ll come with you! Besides, how did you think I’d answer you when you’re wearing that silken thing?”

“Why do you think I wore it, silly boy?” said Sonja with a wicked grin, “I know how much you love tight, shiny things on me, baby! You write such vivid descriptions of it in your books!” “Nothing I’ve ever written could describe what I see with my own eyes!” he replied, “Were you always this beautiful or is it just the vampire magic?” Sonja burst out laughing and literally cried. When she composed herself she replied, “You’ve been watching too much TV, kiddo! If you’re ugly when you’re turned, you’re ugly forever! That is unless you have some work done, then you heal really fast so you can have an almost instant transformation! To answer your question, yes, I looked this way even when I was alive. I suppose that’s why Sebastian wanted me.”

“He stole me from my parent’s home while I slept.” she explained, “500 years ago, if you were a girl, you didn’t leave home ‘til you were married! When I awoke, Sebastian told me I was his and no one else’s, that I was going to be his for all eternity! I tried to escape, but he toyed with me for hours. He finally fell on me, drained me and turned me. When I opened my eyes again, I was an immortal vampire. He tried force me to feed on a young girl that he locked in the room with me, but I refused. He left her in there with me for 3 days and nights. Finally, the hunger within me took over and I…I…”

Sonja burst into tears and Pete took her in his arms to console her. “Even after 500 years!” he thought holding her close, “She still feels the guilt over her first and only innocent victim!” Pete knew the rest of her story only too well. Sonja regained her senses, but it was too late. The girl was dead. Sonja snapped her neck, severing her central nervous system. Somehow she knew this would keep her from rising as one of the undead, like herself. She vowed that she would never again take an innocent life and refused to stay with Sebastian. He was incensed and had her locked in her crypt to remain unfed until she swore to take blood from whoever she came in contact with.

Sonja remained locked in the crypt for nearly a year. Finally, in a fit of bloodlust she agreed to kill whoever would bestride her path to feed herself. With an evil smile trilling his aristocratic lips, Sebastian released Sonja from her entombment. Dagmar, then Sebastian’s favorite, tried to help her escape, seeing that her lover’s attentions were being turned. He found out what she had planned and punished her harshly, beating her severely. Sonja then told him that she was ready to feed. Sebastian smiled and she ran into his arms. Sonja kissed him passionately over and over again. She then started licking his neck. Unfortunately for him, he figured out too late who it was that she intended to feed upon: HIM!

She bared her claws and ripped his throat ferociously. Sebastian tried to fight her off and nearly succeeded, but her strength was born out of desperation and hunger for blood. He finally lost enough blood for her to gain the advantage and she drank deeply of his life essence. Because Sebastian was a Master Vampire, in line to be his clan’s chieftain in fact, Sonia gained great strength and vitality from her feeding. Dagmar discovered Sonja feeding upon her lover and attacked her. Dagmar’s weakened condition from Sebastian’s abuse left her without enough strength to defeat Sonja. Dagmar threw herself onto Sebastian to keep Sonja from taking anymore of him, but it was already too late. Sonja’s blood thirst was satisfied and she fled into the night. From that moment on Dagmar swore an oath to wage a blood feud against Sonja for the rest of her immortal life. From that day to this, Dagmar was Sonja’s mortal enemy and never ceased trying to kill her and not only claim her blood, but to make her suffer as she had from the death of her lover, Sebastian.

Sonja lifted her head up from Pete’s chest, where she had been weeping and looked into his face. “Are you ready, my love?” she asked caressing his cheek softly. Pete swallowed hard and replied, “I suppose so. Will it hurt much?” Sonja smiled and said, “No, my sweet. I’ll put you to sleep and when you awake, you’ll be immortal, like me.” “Very well, Sonja.” he said steeling himself, “I’m ready.” Sonja straddled him and kissed his lips tenderly. “Now, Petey, I want you to relax.” she said softly, “Look at me. Look in my eyes, my darling. Deeply into my eyes.”

She felt him begin to relax a bit. “That’s it.” she admonished, “Just keep looking deeper and deeper into my beautiful…green…eyes!” Her eyes began to glow with an inner light. Pete’s eyes went wide for a moment and then started to close. “That’s right, Petey. Close your eyes, my love.” she said, “Sleep, sleep. You feel calm, warm and safe, don’t you?” “Yes.” said Pete, his eyes closed. “Good. Stay in that place, baby.” Sonja said, “In this place there is no pain. Only safety and pleasure, do you understand me?” “I…understand.” “I’m going to kiss your neck now, Petey.” she said, “A very special kiss. All you’ll feel are my lips and my tongue on your neck; no pain, only pleasure.” “Only…pleasure.” Pete repeated.

Sonja smiled and bared her needle-sharp fangs. She hissed softly and kissed the area over his jugular vein and licked it gently. Pete said it tickled and she giggled to herself. She started toward his throat with her fangs, her eyes changing from luminous glowing green to lurid red. Suddenly, the window shattered into a thousand pieces. The noise snapped Pete out of his trance-like state. A look of horror came over his face as he saw a curvaceous woman float through the casement where the window once stood.

As she landed, two huge males appeared with her, one on either side. Sonja hissed loudly and leaped toward the dark beauty, but the two huge men grabbed her arms and slammed her into the wall near the bed, holding her at bay, unable to move. The gorgeous raven haired female looked at Pete and smiled revealing a wicked set of fangs, confirming in Pete’s mind who she was. She held out her hand, moving aside her cloak. Pete’s sky clad body flew toward her and she caught him by his throat in a grip like a pneumatic vise.

She held him off the floor and pulled him close and said, “Mmmm, I see why Sonja likes you so much, my little stud muffin! Oh, where are my manners! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Dagmar and you, Peter Bishop, are about to die! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Last edited by superpics4les 18 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Absolutely!!!! Please, please, PLEASE continue. This looks like yet another masterpiece in the making. How are Sonja and Peter going to escape from THIS?
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Wow! Three times in five years and he's only 26, Ole' Petey must have a world class divorce attorney and serious ducketts...but seriously, this story must continue. Good to have you back in the mix.
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This little yarn is seriously flowing so here's Part 2! Enjoy! 8)


Part II – The Things We Do For Love

Still holding Peter by his neck, Dagmar pulled him close, hissing loudly, preparing to sink her fangs into the soft flesh of his throat. “NOOOOO! DAGMAR DON’T!!” shrieked Sonja, “I’ll do anything you want just don’t hurt him! PLEASE!” “Oh, but Sonja I must hurt someone in this room, my dearest enemy!” Dagmar purred, “If not him, then on whom shall I inflict unforgettable harm, hmm?” “Me, Dagmar!” said Sonja defiantly, “Take me in his place!” Dagmar smiled wickedly and replied, “Very well my dear, if that’s what you really want…” “Yes.” said Sonja, her head held down to her ample bosom. Dagmar tossed Pete onto the bed, gasping for breath. She slinked over to where Sonja was being held fast against the wall by the two massive vampire males.

Dagmar bared her claws that were 2 inches longer that Sonja’s, and without another word, raked them across Sonja’s abdomen. Sonja screamed and cursed Dagmar. Only her vampiric physique prevented her from being eviscerated. Dagmar put her arms around Sonja, resting her head on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, darling. I’m not going to bite…yet!” Dagmar whispered. She sank her claws into Sonja’s back, near her shoulder blades and raked downward toward her sexy derriere. Sonja shrieked in agony once again. “Ah, music to my ears!” laughed Dagmar, “Sonja darling, sing some more for me!” Dagmar was about to tear into her nether regions when Pete shouted, “My lady, please stay your hand, I beg you!”

Dagmar turned toward to Peter, her eyes glowing red. Peter had put his jeans on and fallen to his knees before Dagmar. When she saw him in such a humble position, it amused her and her eyes changed back to their beautiful blue coloring. “And what is it you want little man?” asked Dagmar, licking Sonja’s blood from her 4 inch claws. “Just to make an observation, my lady.” replied Pete. “An observation? What about?” she asked raising an eyebrow. “Just that the descriptions Sonja gave me of you never did justice to your loveliness, Dagmar!” he said with an admiring glance.

Dagmar, despite her evil, sadistic nature, truly was one of the most beautiful women Pete had ever seen. She was statuesque at 5’10” tall. Her skin was not as pale as most vampires that Peter had envisioned, but essentially flawless, except for a mole in the center of her chest between her perfectly shaped breasts. She wore a black cloak with a high collar that appeared to be made of satin or silk, that was fastened to her neck by a gold chain. Around her neck she wore a gold medallion with the crest of the clan embossed on it; the symbol of her authority as chieftain. The cloak opened to reveal her gorgeous body covered in a black Lycra-like, skin-tight, footless catsuit. Her hair cascaded down her back and also down her chest, reaching to the sensuous curve of her breast. The neckline of the catsuit was cut in a deep V, almost to her navel. Her waist was adorned by a golden belt studded with what looked like diamonds. On her wrists, almost to the elbows and her legs, from the knee to the ankle, she wore thick metal bands that looked like they were made of ribbed gold. Her feet were covered in a sheer, glistening stocking and she wore no shoes to cover the sensual loveliness of her perfect peds. Her toenails as well as her fingertip claws were perfectly polished in a shiny gold color.

Dagmar continued coming toward Pete, walking on the balls of her feet like a cat. When she finally reached him she smiled and said, “Stand up, Peter Bishop.” Pete got up and stood in front of her, but refused to look in her eyes. “If I am so beautiful to your eyes, why do you not look upon me?” asked Dagmar. “Because I know your power, my lady.” he said humbly, “No one may look at you without being enthralled, especially your beautiful eyes!” Sonja wondered why Pete was acting so strangely, but she thought it was a ruse of some sort to gain an advantage over Dagmar at a later time. She would watch for her opportunity.

The raven haired temptress smiled widely showing her fangs. “Come Peter Bishop, look at me.” she purred, “No harm will come to you. You have my word!” “Forgive me if I don’t believe you, my lady, but your reputation precedes you!” said Pete, “Did you forget that I’ve written about you? Not to offend, but you don’t have the most wonderful history of keeping your word, Dagmar!” Dagmar laughed and replied, “Mr. Bishop, if Sonja’s descriptions of me did not do me justice, as you say, then could it be that my penchant for, shall we say, dubious promises might be a bit…exaggerated?”

“No, Peter! Don’t believe her, she’ll kill you!” shouted Sonja. “Silence that blonde trollop!” commanded Dagmar, pointing a clawed finger at Sonja. One of the huge vampire men clamped his slab-like hand over Sonja’s mouth, while the other slammed her in the stomach. “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, couldn’t you be mistaken?” Dagmar asked, “After all, Sonja’s far from impartial!” “I have to admit, your argument has merit.” said Pete, “But how can I really know if you’re telling me the truth?” “I swear by the blood of my clan that I will not take possession of your mind in any way. Your will shall remain your own, you have my word.” “Very well, I accept your promise.” replied Peter, “On one condition.” “And that is?” she asked. “That you call me Peter.”

Dagmar smiled and replied, “You have a deal, Peter. Now, look at me.” Pete’s eyes traveled slowly up her gorgeous form, from her shiny, black stockinged feet, up her sleek, catsuited curvaceous body, her rounded, magnificent bosom, and finally to her lovely face. A smile was on her red, full pouting lips, revealing her needle-sharp fangs. Her baby blue eyes seemed to glow faintly with an inner light that appealed to him. She was indeed a stunning woman. “So were your suspicions right?” asked Dagmar. “My lady, you don’t need vampiric power to thrall men!” said Pete with an overwhelmed look in his eyes, “Your visage is all that is needed to inspire deep desire for you!”

“Oooh, you are a sweet boy, Peter!” said Dagmar, “It is unfortunate that I have to kill you!” “But you said…” began Pete. “I said no harm would come to you from my thralling you, my dear!” she interrupted, “I said nothing about changing my mind about ending your mortal existence!” “Surely there must be something we can work out between us that would be mutually beneficial besides my death!” said Pete. “I’m afraid not, juicy boy.” replied Dagmar giggling, “You see, our dear Sonja loves you and I must destroy her lover as she did mine. She must suffer your loss as I suffered Sebastian’s.” Pete started to speak, but Dagmar put her right index finger over his mouth and said, “Peter, there’s nothing more to be said. However, I’m not ungrateful for your comments and compliments about my loveliness. Tell you what; I’ll let you choose how you will die, how’s that?”

“Great.” said Pete with a note of sarcasm, “I choose…old age!” Dagmar burst out laughing and said, “You’re so funny! Sorry, Peter. Not an option, sweetie. Try again.” “Rats!” said Peter, “I was hoping that was on the list, but I doubted it. Hey, you can’t blame a guy for trying!” “I suppose not.” she said with an evil grin, “You know it’s quite stuffy in this mortal house. Let’s go back to my place so we can talk. It’ll clear your head so you can make your decision.” Dagmar waved her hand imperiously and there was an explosion of bright light.

When his vision cleared, Pete could see that they definitely weren’t in Indiana anymore. He was dressed as well. Everything he wore was black except his shirt which was made of purple silk. “Well at least she’s got good taste in clothes!” he thought. He found himself in a large chamber with rough hewn stone block walls and a huge ornately decorated wooden 4 poster bed in it. The bed was covered in damask, satin and silk. The four sides of the bed all had thick gold lame curtains on them, lined with gold satin. A sitting area with two large red leather wing back chairs and an ancient looking wooden “coffee” table atop a red, purple and gold Oriental rug sat in front of a stone hearth, with a cheerful fire crackling in it. Over the hearth hung a large oil painting of Dagmar that looked a century old, her incredible beauty captured on canvas. A gilded dressing table with no mirror, sat near an old stained glass window. Pete went to the door and pulled on the ancient handle, it was locked. He knocked on the door. Solid oak. No way out there. He went to window and peered out of it.

He appeared to be in a castle. A fortress really, probably located in one of the Slavic countries, judging by the architecture. The castle was on the edge of a precipice which looked to be about a hundred feet above the surf pounded crags beneath. He was trapped. Pete thought about Sonja and wished he knew how she fared after Dagmar’s unmerciful attack. “Oh brother! How Draculaesque can you get!” he thought out loud, “Castles, moats, high cliffs. The next thing you know Dagmar’ll pop up and tell me we’re in Transylvania!” “No, actually we’re in a little place near Yugoslavia you’ve probably never even heard of!” said a familiar sexy voice. “Dagmar? Where are you?” asked Pete.

“I’m right here, Peter.” she said, her voice coming from a darkened corner behind him. Pete turned and saw the beautiful vampiress emerging from the shadowy corner as if she was part of the darkness herself. “How long have you been standing there watching me?” asked Pete with a wry grin. “Long enough to appreciate the way those tight leather pants fit that nice little rear end of yours!” she replied, licking her full red lips. “Hey, I didn’t choose the haute couture here, but I can’t say it’s a bad fit.” said Pete, “But I did think the pants were just a tad on the tight side!” Dagmar laughed and said, “A girl’s gotta have fun somehow, my pretty one!” She unclasped her cloak allowing it to fall to the floor. Dagmar slowly crossed the large room, padding toward Pete, allowing him to fully take in her dark exotic loveliness.

When she reached him, she caressed his handsome face and said, “It really is a pity that we couldn’t have met under better circumstances, Peter. If only you didn’t love Sonja so much I’d…well, nevermind!” Dagmar turned away from him facing the window and walked to it. “You’d what?” he asked following her to the window. “I…watched you and Sonja tonight, Peter.” replied Dagmar, “I’ve seen her take lovers to her bed before, but she’s never screamed like that with any man, mortal or vampire! You must really be something!” Pete blushed and said, “I don’t know about that, Dagmar! My wives all said I was good, but none of them ever did that either! Maybe it was just the newness of her finally being in my arms, I don’t know.”

“It was more than that, Peter.” said Dagmar turning to him, “I touched her mind while you were together. It was like you were one person! Tell me, has Sonja ever…tasted you before?” “No, she was about to when you crashed through the window.” replied Pete, “She didn’t get the…wait a minute! She did! 13 years ago, Sonja saved my life by draining out an overdose of sleeping medication I’d taken!” “Sleeping pills? Did you try to kill yourself, Peter?” she asked looking amused. Pete held his head down and answered, “Yeah. It was a pretty bad time in my life, but that was no excuse! It was a stupid thing to do!” Dagmar smiled and held up his head with her finger and said, “I know. I did something similar myself!”

“You?” asked Pete, his eyes wide with surprise, “When did you do that?” “The night Sebastian found me.” she replied, “That’s how he located me. You see, there’s something about suicide that draws vampires. It’s like a light in a dark room. If it’s near us we come to watch and sometimes to feed. I had been dishonored and rejected by the man I loved because he made me pregnant. He accused me of having sex with another man and to avoid scandal on himself, he slandered me and sullied my family name. My father believed him and not me, so he threw me out into the streets of my village. I had no other place to go and no skills to live on, so I resolved to kill myself, not being able to bear the shame I had brought to myself and my family. I went to a high cliff that overlooked the sea near the village and sat there contemplating what I was about to do. I finally got up the courage and walked to the edge. I spread my arms, asked the Holy Mother’s forgiveness and leaped! Mid-way down Sebastian swooped down and caught me. I fainted on the way down, so when I woke up I was lying on his bed.”

Dagmar continued, “I woke with a start and Sebastian told me who and what he was. I recoiled in fear, but he said he meant me no harm and that in fact he wanted to give me a gift. He wanted to give me the power to take my revenge on not only the young nobleman who had shamed me, but also on my father who, as it turned out, had been paid a substantial sum to keep quiet about my innocence and throw me into the streets.” “Couldn’t your mother have stood up to him?” asked Pete, “Why didn’t she defend you?” “Peter, the 16th century was not a place where a woman had much, if any power or influence!” replied Dagmar, “She dared not defy my father or she could have suffered my fate or worse!” Pete put his hand on her shoulder and she placed her hand on his, looking at him and smiled warmly.

“Anyway,” she continued, “When I heard that, something inside me snapped! I wanted them both dead! I wanted revenge for what they did to me, so I accepted his offer. Sebastian put me under his thrall and turned me. That very night, I flew to the nobleman’s home and slaughtered his entire family. I spared no one, not even the women or children! I then went to my father’s house and before my mother’s eyes I slew my father, ripping his throat out and draining every last drop of blood from him. I gave my mother the gold I had taken from the nobleman’s house, helped her pack and watched her leave. After she left, I killed one of the neighbors, a woman who lied about my reputation to seal my fate, and put her body in the house near my father’s. I burned the house to the ground and left. I returned to Sebastian and became his favorite until Sonja came.”

“Dagmar, I had no idea you had been through so much!” said Pete, “So I guess you and Sebastian were happy weren’t you?” Dagmar smiled and said, “For a good while, yes we were. Then he started to get bored with me. As a Master Vampire and the chieftain of his clan, he had a harem of sorts. They or should I say , we were his wives, or so he said. I was his favorite for about 2 or 3 years, then he wanted something new and different.” “But Dagmar, you’re a walking dream!” said Pete, “How could he be bored with you?” “Because he wanted a blonde, my dear Peter, and what Sebastian wants he gets!” she answered, smiling at yet another complement from Pete, “He spotted Sonja and the rest of us could have been a pile of dung, as far as he was concerned! Even before he found Sonja, he had already begun abusing me, verbally, mentally and physically, so it wasn’t a real stretch to see that I was being replaced as the favorite. But for some reason I still wanted him. I guess I just liked the idea of being anybody’s favorite anything and I didn’t like being replaced!”

“Well, I’ll tell you one thing, if you and I had met under different circumstances, you’d definitely be my favorite, Dagmar!” said Pete. “Even if one day you met Sonja?” she asked raising an eyebrow. “Dagmar, I’m a one woman man!” he replied, “Any of my ex-wives would tell you, I am nothing if not faithful. I may look, but I never touch, especially if I put a ring on your finger!” Dagmar smiled and said, “Let me ask you something, Peter. Do you truly love Sonja?” “Yes, I do, Dagmar.” he replied looking at her curiously, “You know I do.” “No sweetie, I knew she loved you, I suspected the reverse!” she said with a smile, “Another question, my dear: What would you do to save Sonja from certain, final death?” “Anything, Dagmar.” said Pete, “Anything you want.” Dagmar smiled showing her fangs, slinked over to the bed and sat down.

“Peter, come here and sit down beside me.” she purred, “I promise I won’t bite you…unless you ask me to.” Pete thought, “Yeah, fat chance of that!” He went over to the bed and sat next to her. “You said you’d do anything to save Sonja’s life, didn’t you?” asked Dagmar. Pete gulped and said, “Yes, anything.” “Would you give your life to save the woman you love?” she asked staring at his neck, licking her lips. Pete closed his eyes and said, “Yes.” He opened his eyes and Dagmar had changed her clothing. Her skin tight catsuit was gone and had been replaced by something that made his member stand at attention. Dagmar now wore a full neck-to-toe bodystocking made of the same sheer, shimmering black material that covered her feet. “Dare I ask what it is you want?” said Pete.

“You don’t have to ask, I’ll tell you, stud muffin. I want you, Peter.” said Dagmar, her beautiful blue eyes beginning to glow softly, “I want you, body and soul. I want you to make love to me the way you did her. Satisfy my desire and I’ll set her free, unharmed.” “So one night of passion and we’re free to go?” asked Pete, almost knowing what the answer would be. Dagmar laughed and said, “Not quite, my handsome one. I let her go free, but you stay with me for the rest of your life, without trying to escape.” “And if you’re not pleased with my performance, my lady?” asked Pete. “Doesn’t even enter into the equation.” she said stroking his crotch, making his erection almost burst through his zipper. “Besides, “ she purred, “I think you’ll…rise to meet my challenge, don’t you?”

Before Pete could answer, Dagmar threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, her tongue exploring his mouth softly and slowly. When she finished she asked, “Well, what do you say?” “I say that I’ll give you my body and my mind, but my heart still belongs to Sonja.” said Pete. “We’ll just see about that, my little sex slave, we’ll see!” said Dagmar with a smile. The raven-haired vampiress waved her hand over him and his clothing vanished. Just before Dagmar mounted him to engulf his throbbing manhood in her warm, moist softness, she stopped and said, “Oh yes, there is one more thing. In order to ‘rock my world’, you have to prime the pump as it were. I have to taste your essence, Peter, just as Sonja did so long ago.” “Oh I see.” said Pete. He held Dagmar’s face in his hands and said, “My lady, please taste of my essence, if you will.”

“Why, thank you, kind sir.” she said with a smile, “I don’t mind if I do!” Dagmar kissed him passionately again, working her way from his lips to his neck. She hissed gently and sank her fangs into his jugular and drank deeply of his fresh warm blood for a few seconds. Pete thought, “Hmm, that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would!” She then licked the wound closed and it healed, leaving no trace. Then their lovemaking began. Unseen by Dagmar, Pete shed one tear and thought, “Sonja, my darling, forgive me.”

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Wow! Talk about bitter-sweet! While I have compassion for Dagmar, Peter truly belongs with Sonja. You've truly become a master at the "cliff-hanger" endings here!
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I apologize for taking so long with this one folks! It wasn't meant to take this long! Here is the final part of the story! 8)


Part III – Love On Trial

To Dagmar, the sex was as perfect as it had ever been in her experience. As she rested, lying in Peter’s arms, she thought, “This should have changed his feelings for Sonja! I’ll make him forget her completely! That will be my ultimate revenge! I’ll take the man she loves and make him love me! After that, she’ll beg me to kill her!”

Unbeknownst to Dagmar, Peter’s heart and mind were still on Sonja. He longed for her embrace again. While sex with Dagmar was fantastic, he still didn’t love her. His heart was Sonja’s alone. Suddenly, he swore he could hear Sonja speaking to him! “Peter, are you there, darling?” she thought to him. “Yes!” he replied, “Sonja, my love, are you alright?” “Yes, Petey, but my heart is broken!” she said, “I felt you loving Dagmar! How could you??” “Sonja, I only did it to save you, my darling!” he replied earnestly, “My heart has been yours since I was 13! You alone are my love! No one could ever take me from you! You must believe that!”

“But she screamed like I did!” Sonja thought to him, “How could that be!” “Because she tasted me, Sonja dearest.” he replied, “The pump was primed as she called it. Apparently, that’s the only way that a male can truly give ultimate pleasure to a female vampire. Once she’s tasted him, there can be a coupling like no other! She can be truly sexually satisfied!” “You let her bite you??” asked Sonja loudly, “But I didn’t get the chance to do that! How did we have such earth-moving copulation??” “Ah, but you did taste me, beloved!” Pete replied, “The night you saved my life, Sonja. The night I tried kill myself, remember?”

“Oh, I’d completely forgotten about that!” said Sonja with a giggle, “You’re right! You’d think the potency would have worn off after 13 years, but I guess it didn’t, did it?” “Nope! Not at all!” said Pete with a smile, “I miss you, my love! Dagmar is evil; hollow and empty! I feel compassion for her, but I don’t love her! I want you and you alone, my darling! The only reason I did this was to keep her from harming you further and to gain her confidence! I think I’ve discovered something else as well. I know how Sebastian really died!” “Baby, I killed Sebastian!” said Sonja, “I drained his blood!” “Yes, you did, but you didn’t kill him!” said Pete.

“Sonja, tomorrow night, Dagmar will set you free. When she does, you need to demand a trial by council to prove your innocence!” explained Pete. “How can I prove that?” asked Sonja, “I attacked and killed him! They’ll find me guilty!” “Trust me, sweet-fangs, they won’t!” said Pete mentally, “Now listen to me, Sonja. Listen to me very carefully…”

The next night…

Dagmar called an assembly of the clan to declare her intention to set Sonja free. Atalurah, the Chancellor of the High Council and the second most powerful member of the Clan, called the meeting to order. When Dagmar announced her edict to set aside the death sentence and release Sonja, the whole assembly erupted in protest. They wanted the murderer of Sebastian to pay; they wanted blood. Atalurah stood and struck the floor with her gold plated staff that was topped with the clan coat of arms. The assembly came to order.

“It is the right of the Chieftain to rescind the death penalty and extend clemency if she so chooses!” declared Atalurah, “It is done!” “My Lady Atalurah, may I speak?” asked Sonja respectfully. Atalurah nodded, taking her seat in the center of the 12 members of the High Council. “Thank you, Chancellor Atalurah.“ replied Sonja, “With all due respect and gratitude to the Chieftain of this illustrious Clan, I cannot accept the clemency she offers!” “WHAT??” shouted Dagmar, standing to her sleek hosed feet, “How dare you??” “You are out of order, Chieftain Dagmar!” said Atalurah, striking her staff on the floor twice, her red eyes glowing brightly, “Be seated, at once!”

Dagmar glowered at her and replied, “Forgive my outburst, Chancellor. I don’t understand this turn of events!” “I’m sure Sonja will explain herself in due time, Chieftain Dagmar!” said Atalurah, “For now, however, take your seat!” “Yes, of course, Chancellor!” Dagmar replied, sitting down. “Sonja, explain yourself!” commanded Atalurah. “Yes, My Lady!” said Sonja, with a polite bow, “For 500 years, I have been accused of the murder of Sebastian, Chieftain of this Clan. I stand before you now, having been forgiven, in a manner of speaking, for that crime. But I tell you that I cannot accept that forgiveness for one reason…I AM INNOCENT!

The hall of assembly again went nearly insane with protestation. Atalurah raised the Staff of Authority and shouted, “SILENCE!!!” A clap of thunder echoed throughout the vast chamber and all was still enough to hear a pin drop. “Any more outbursts like that and all but the council will be removed from this chamber!” shouted Atalurah, “IS THAT CLEAR??” Silence. “Sonja, we have blood sworn eye-witness accounts that say that you attacked, drained and killed Sebastian! Do you deny this now after 500 years?” “No, My Lady Chancellor!” she replied, “I did attack and drain Sebastian, but I did not cause his death and I can prove it! I exercise my rights as a Clan member and demand Trial-by- Council!”

“Preposterous!” said Dagmar, “You are not a member of this Clan and as such have no right to demand such a thing!” “Chieftain Dagmar!” shouted Atalurah, “This is your second outburst! A 3rd cannot be tolerated, even by you! Once more and you will held in contempt of the Council! The penalties are quite…severe! Understood??” Dagmar knew Atalurah already disliked her because she felt that Dagmar did not deserve to be Chieftain and would gladly punish her most severely. “Again, I ask forgiveness, Chancellor!” said Dagmar, retaking her seat in her ornately decorated, throne-like, gilded chair. “For the last time, it is granted, Chieftain Dagmar!” said Atalurah, “Sonja, because you were turned by Sebastian himself, you do have this right. However, I must advise you that since you rejected Chieftain Dagmar’s offer of clemency, it is no longer valid. If this Council finds you guilty of the transgression for which you are accused, you will die! Are you sure you wish to pursue this course?”

“Yes, My Lady Chancellor, I do!” said Sonja. “As you wish.” said the Chancellor, “This Council will reconvene in one hour to try the accused. Return her to her cell!” The guards seized Sonja by her arms and took her back to the dungeon. “The Assembly is dismissed!” ordered Chancellor Atalurah. As the great hall began to clear, Dagmar sat perplexed by Sonja’s behavior. “Does she really know?” Dagmar thought wildly, “How can she??”

One hour later…

Chancellor Atalurah reconvened the Council amid the sound of hisses from the Clan members when Sonja was brought in by her guards. Sonja was dressed in the traditional black hooded robe of The Accused, but had no advocate dressed in red to defend her. She had chosen to defend herself, having studied the laws of the Clans very carefully in case something of this nature would occur. She looked to her left and saw Dagmar and Pete enter the chamber. Sonja smiled at Peter and Dagmar growled at him, her eyes glowing red. Pete winked and Sonja giggled. Seeing the intense hostility running rampant throughout the Council chamber, Sonja thought, “Petey, I hope you’re right about this!” Atalurah called the Assembly to order striking the ground 3 times. The chamber went silent.

“Sonja Auberge, you stand accused of the murder of Sebastian Talurek, our Clan’s chieftain!” announced the Chancellor, “How plead you??” “Not guilty, My Lady!” said Sonja defiantly. The Assembly roared with rage and disapproval. Atalurah restored order quickly. “Very well, stand in the Circle of Truth, Sonja, and present your defense!” said Atalurah. Sonja bowed respectfully and walked into a large, raised golden metal circle on the floor directly in front of the 12 members of the Council. Chancellor Atalurah cautioned, “Sonja, The Circle will reach into your thoughts and those you call in your defense, showing clearly the actual memories stored therein. If you or your witnesses resist The Circle’s power, the result will be extremely painful and will be held in evidence against you during the Council’s deliberation. Do you understand this?”

“Perfectly, My Lady Chancellor.” replied Sonja. “Very well.” said Atalurah, “Let the Circle of Truth be engaged!” The metal ring began glowing with an unearthly blue-white light. Sonja felt the psionic power of the Circle enter her mind. “Sonja, are you ready to proceed?” asked Atalurah. “Yes, My Lady.” she answered. “Present your evidence.” Atalurah ordered. In the area above Sonja’s head, the air shimmered slightly and then glowed. Pete looked with amazement as the story of the night Sebastian died was played out. The Assembly watched as Sonja attacked him and fought him for his blood. Sonja’s eyes closed and she wept as she tore his throat with her claws and began feeding on Sebastian. Dagmar rushed in and attacked Sonja and drove her off him. She placed herself over him to protect him and Sonja escaped.

Atalurah spoke with an eyebrow raised, “Sonja, this only serves to give us more detail of your guilt, my dear girl!” “Please wait, My Lady, there is more to my defense!” said Sonja. Atalurah sat back and said, “Continue, then.” Sonja sent a mental message to Pete and said, “OK genius, now what?” “Now, my beautiful Sonja, call Dagmar to the Circle as a hostile witness!” said Pete. Sonja turned and looked at him as if he were out of his mind! “Trust me!” he sent telepathically. She shrugged and announced, “I call Chieftain Dagmar as a hostile witness!” Dagmar stood and shouted, “WHAT!?!? YOU CAN’T DO THAT!! I WON’T DO IT!” Sonja was shocked at Dagmar’s response to a simple request like this! Could it be that Pete really knew what he was doing? Pete looked at Sonja and winked again.

“Chieftain Dagmar! You have been called to the Circle of Truth as a hostile witness by she who stands accused by your own testimony!” said Atalurah, “She has this right by the law of the Clan! You must appear or be held in contempt by this Council!” All 12 members of the Ruling Council glared at Dagmar with glowing red eyes. Dagmar gulped, levitated to the floor and stood in the Circle with Sonja. “I’ll get you for this, I swear it!” whispered Dagmar, “You’re ruining everything!!” Sonja truly wondered what she was talking about. She hadn’t long to wait.

Dagmar stiffened as the power of the Circle accessed her memories. Her memories were similar to that of Sonja’s…until Sonja’s escape from the castle! After the scene where Dagmar was left alone with Sebastian, the images slowed down. Dagmar was trembling and sweating. She was fighting the Circle’s awesome psionic power…and losing! Finally, Dagmar could take no more and dropped to her knees holding her head and screamed, “NOOOOO!” The final scene which came from Dagmar’s mind captivated the entire Assembly and kept them in absolute silence. The image showed Dagmar lying on Sebastian’s chest weeping. Then Sebastian moved his hand to touch her lovely raven locks. He was alive! The exsanguination by Sonja had weakened him to the point of death, but not killed him!

“Dagmar…help me.” Sebastian pleaded. Dagmar raised her head and stared in to his eyes. Suddenly, her eyes changed from their beautiful blue to blood red. “Help you?” she replied, “You beat me near to death and were going to replace me with that…that blonde strumpet! Oh yes, my Chieftain, I’ll help you…INTO OBLIVION!” With that, Dagmar hissed loudly and finished the feeding that Sonja had begun, draining Sebastian completely, making sure he was dead. Just then, the guards reached the Chieftain’s chamber. Out of their sight, Dagmar tore her own throat and accused Sonja of trying to kill her while attempting to save Sebastian. The guards flew off in pursuit through the window that Sonja had obliterated. Dagmar smiled as she left the chamber. The image faded after that.

“GUARDS, SEIZE HER!!” shouted Chancellor Atalurah. They rushed forward and grabbed Sonja. “No, not her you fools, Dagmar!” Atalurah said in disgust. The 2 huge guards immediately released Sonja and went to lay hands on Dagmar, who rushed forward and ripped both their throats. She continued to run at unbelievable speed until she ran into Sonja’s outstretched arm. The clothesline knocked her to the ground and Sonja quickly pounced on her, pinning her arms to the floor of the Circle. “YOU!!” Sonja growled, “For 500 years you and the Clan chased me across the globe, and all the time it was you who killed him! YOU! YOU!! YOU!!!” Sonja reared back and hissed loudly, baring her fangs. Atalurah smiled as she watched Sonja sink her needle sharp teeth deep into Dagmar’s waiting throat. Dagmar screamed as Sonja ripped her throat open and drained her completely.

When Sonja had finished filling her belly with Dagmar’s blood, she rose and walked over to the side of the Circle nearest the Council. She knelt and said, “I took matters into my own hands, instead of waiting for the Council’s deliberations, My Lady. I submit myself to your justice.” Atalurah rose from her seat, struck the ground 3 times with the end of her staff and said, “Hear me all who are assembled here this night: Let it be known that Sonja Auberge is adjudged innocent of the death of Sebastian Talurek and that she is declared by this Council, Heroine of the Clan Talurek for finding and executing the one responsible for this shameful deed! This Council stands adjourned!” The Assembly rose up in a cheer. Pete jumped over the railing and ran to Sonja. They held each other tightly for a long time, and then kissed even longer.

Sonja said her farewells to the Clan and whisked Pete back to Indiana. His parents were waiting and had been worried sick since he disappeared. After finding his bedroom in a shambles, they didn’t know what to think. Both of them smiled when he introduced them to Sonja. Her presence captivated them completely and they seemed to forget all about the disappearance and trashing of his old bedroom. The next day he and Sonja slept in, keeping the windows tightly covered and that night left for Pete’s manor home. Pete decided to keep his promise and, after another heavenly session of lovemaking, allowed Sonja to turn him. Sonja and Pete shared many other adventures during their immortal life together. Pete wrote most of them down and made a whole other fortune from it. Just pick up a few of them in your local bookstore and you’ll begin to see the effect of a little…Love Bite!

Last edited by superpics4les 17 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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As usual, the ending was TOTALLY worth the wait! Thanks again for sharing another brilliant story with us.
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