Original Panther Woman

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The Original Panther Woman

Cajamarca, Peru

The great doors to the throne room of the Great Inca King Capac opened to allow a messenger to enter. Nearly out of breath..the native fell to his knees before the throne of the Inca King..who sat on the throne..wearing his elaborate gold and feathery crown..and his flowing robes. To his right...sat his 18 year old daughter..the Princess Rima...wearing a thin gold tiara..huge gold earrings..and a flowing gown of golden fabric which hugged every curve of her body. "Speak...What news do you bring?" demanded King Capac. "Invaders my King...They come in great wooden boats with white wings...their bodies shine like the sun...they attack our villages...kill many..make rest their prisoners...You must help us Great King.." gasped the native.

The Inca King rose to his feet..and gestured with his right hand...causing a warrior to beat a large gong nearby. "I will confer with my Council...Go my daughter...These are not matters for the ears of females..." said Capac to Rima. "Yes Father..." replied the Princess with a bow..as the elderly female shaman Ula stepped forward. "Come my Princess...Your Father commands it.." said the shaman as she escorted the 18-year old Inca princess out of the throne room and down a corridor. "The tale the messenger tells...it is incredible...I have not heard of such invaders...Father commands a mighty army...they have won many battles..." remarked Rima as they walked down the corridor.

"Yes My Princess...but these strangers are different...their coming has long been foretold...as has that of a mighty champion to defeat them...Come My Princess...There is much you must learn...." said Ula as she led the 18-year old Inca princess into her chambers and closed the stone door behind them. "What is it O wise one?" asked Rima to the shaman who had been a surrogate mother to her since her own mother died during childbirth. Rima knew that while her father loved her..he silently regretted that she was not a boy...who would become a warrior.

"The strangers are powerful...your father's army cannot defeat them..they will destroy our people...unless you stop them..." said Ula. Rima's brown eyes widened in surprise at these words. "How can I defeat these strangers when Father's army cannot?...I am no warrior..." said the princess. "O but you are My Princess...from the moment you were born...you were chosen by the Gods to fulfill a great destiny..." explained Ula as she opened a golden chest and pulled out a strapless black silk bra..which had the silver emblem of a panther's head between its cups. "What is it?" asked Rima...who found herself mesmerised by the strange garment.

"Behold My Princess...the sacred Panther Bra.." said the female shaman as she offered it to the 18 year old Inca princess..who removed her tiara and then her gown...leting it fall to around her ankles...at her sandal-clad feet..to reveal a shapely bronze body underneath..including a pair of small but well defined breasts. "I do not understand..but it is as if it is speaking to me...commanding me to put it on.." said Rima as she accepted the black silk garment from Ula and slipped it over her small, pert breasts. The female shaman smiled as the 18-year old Inca princess..pressed the silver panther emblem..between her breasts..and was immediately engulfed in an aura of brilliant light

When the light faded...Princess Rima was amazed to witness the outcome of the startling transformation she had just undergone. Her bronze body had become more curvaceous and muscular. She wore gleaming silver bracelets which covered most of her lower arms. A loincloth made of fine black silk similar to the Panther Bra hugged the space between her large muscular thighs. Her small breasts had swelled to massive proportions...the bra barely able to contain them. Rima was amazed that even her golden brown nipples and areolas had grown and become more defined.

Her feet were bare and erotic to the eye. Raising her hands to her head...Rima..covered she was wearing huge silver earrings and a cat like mask which covered most of her head..save the lower part of her nose and her full red lips. Rima's black hair..became long thick and shiny...flowing from the back of the cat mask on to her broad shoulders and reaching the middle of her back. Her brown eyes stared with surprise and delight..from behind the white slits of the mask. "I...I am no longer Rima...Princess of the Incas...I..I..am...PANTHER WOMAN!!"
declared the mighty Inca superwoman as she assumed her heroic pose for the first time.

Her hands resting on either side of her small curvy waist...her long muscular legs slightly apart..her erotic bare feet resting flat on the stone floor...her massive breasts thrust forward. Ula pressed a hidden panel on the wall..opening a secret passageway. "This will allow you to leave and enter the city unseen Panther Woman...Your instincts will allow you to find the strangers...your great strength and speed will help you to defeat them...but be wary of their treachery...let no one remove the Panther Bra from your mighty chest...let it not be touched by evil..for you shall quickly succumb to its lure..." cautioned Ula. "I will not fail our people!..This I promise!" declared the beautehous Heroine of the Incas..as she entered the hidden passageway..which closed quickly behind her.

A cloud of dust streaked west across the plains of Peru. At the middle of it...the curvaceous and muscular form of the Panther Woman. Her enormous breasts bobbing and swaying sexily underneath her skimpy black silk bra. Her mane of shiny black hair flowing in the breeze behind her as her muscular arms and legs worked in tandem as she ran at blistering speed. Behind the white slits of her mask..Rima's brown eyes glared angrily as she entered a small village where she saw the strangers Ula spoke about for the first time. Their skins were pale..their upper torsos were partially covered by a gleaming surfaces..which they also wore on their heads. They wielded several long and short gleaming objects..terrorising the peasants...many of whom lay dead or wounded on the ground.

Flexing her large thighs...Panther Woman leapt at one Spaniard..driving her right fist into his jaw as he prepared to strike an old man with his sword. In a fluid motion...the mighty Inca superwoman planted the ball of her erotic right foot solidly into the space between the legs of another Spaniard and he fell to the ground..spewing expletives in a tongue which she did not understand. The villagers were amazed as they watched the mysterous masked woman sweep through the ranks of the Spanish soldiers like a mighty wind...felling them with kicks, punches and throws. They cheered as the Spaniards lost their courage and ran away..screaming in terror. As they fled...Rima continued on at rapid speed towards another village nearby..where again she easily bested her enemies who outnumbered her and were better armed.

"The Shaman worries for no reason...Panther Woman can look after herself..." mused Rima as she raced off towards another village where she sensed the presence of the Spaniards. In this case...several huts were ablaze from torches wielded by the foreign invaders..with smoke filling the air. Leaping into action...the mighty Inca superwoman..drove the ball of her erotic left foot into the middle of the gleaming surface which covered the chest and gut of one soldier. "Your attire is strange!" quipped Rima as the force of her kick knocked the Spaniard down to the ground. Sensing movement behind her...Panther Woman whirled round and used her right bracelet to block the sword of another soldier.

Still startled by the swiftness of her reflexes...he did nothing to stop her from felling him with a left hand strike. Moving nimbly on the balls of her erotic bare feet.. Panther Woman..punched..kicked and tossed the well-armed Spaniards aside as if they were pebbles. "Send word to those you serve!!...Panther Woman vows she will protect the Inca from all who would harm them!!" declared the 18-year old warrior princess as she continued the trend she started in the other two villages. Effortlessly beating the Spanish soldiers..and simultaneously leaving them shocked by her amazing strength and speed. Once again..the Spaniards..hobbled to their feet...running away..shouting in fear.

The villagers chanted "Panther Cat!!..Panther Cat!!" in jubilation as the invaders ran away..and she walked through the smoke-filled village of natives who were loyal subjects to her father the King of the Incas. "These strangers are no match for my strength..my swiftness...My victory over them is assured...Father need not order the army to war...I will..." thought the beauteous Heroine of the Incas to herself as she lapped up the praise of the villagers. Naive and overconfident...the mighty Inca superwoman made the grave mistake of lowering her guard. Seeing this..her more experienced opponents...hastily prepared the only weapon they felt was able to stop this strange she devil.

"Ehh??...Sounds of thunder reach my ears...but there is no rain.." thought Panther Woman as she heard the sound of a distant boom. Lulled into complacency..Rima...Princess of the Incas...was taken completely by surprise by the rapid sequence of events which took place. The villagers were startled as the ground exploded before their sexy saviour and when the dust settled..she was gone. The Spaniards cheered now and charged into the village..brandishing their swords...forcing the villagers to flee in all directions...looking for refuge. They believed the cannon had vanquished the strange female devil who had appeared out of thin air and was making light work of them.

They would have thought differently..were they able to see a shapely figure...streaking through the air in a blur of motion. Behind the white slits of her cat mask...the beauteous Panther Woman could think about nothing..save of course for the huge lead cannonball which had lodged itself between her huge bronze breasts...sending her hurtling over the vast lands of her father's kingdom. Her muscular arms and legs were spread wide apart...as she hurtled through the air...her cry
of..."UUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echoing across the landscape..as she admitted her total inability to do anything to save herself.

Her unexpected flight ended as badly as it began...as the curvaceous and muscular body of the mighty Incan superheroine...crashed into the side of a cliff at terrific speed. The cannonball was dislodged but Panther Woman was helpless as she plummeted 20 feet down into a nearby gorge...with more unfortunate results...as her enormous breasts took the brunt of the impact..as she landed on her chest. Rima rolled slowly on to her back..her long muscular legs spreading themselves wide apart..her erotic bare feet twitching sexily..as reality slowly sunk in.

"Unnnhh...By the Gods...Pain..Pain in my breasts...as I have never felt before..."groaned the sexy Inca superwoman as her left hand reached towards her massive chest. The thumb and index finger of her left hand..gently pressing the silver panther head emblem..between her enormous cleavage. There was a slight click and the flimsy black silk bra..slid off Rima's broad chest...exposing her throbbing bronze mounds..as well as the large golden brown nipples and areolas which capped their summits. Instinctively...the young Inca warrior princess..tried to bring relief..only to be taught another unfortunate lesson.

"Ooooh..My nipples...sensitive...to touch...I...I..feel..myself...weakening...cannot stop touching them...making myself weaker...sleepier..going to...I am going
to..Uuh..Uuh..Uuh..Uuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.." moaned Panther Woman as she succeeded in fondling herself into unconsciousness

To be continued.
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Joined: 9 years ago

The Original Panther Woman 2

The Original Panther Woman 2

Peru, 1500.

It was close to sunset when an 18 year old peasant boy named Paco made his discovery. He had been foraging the sparse vegetation in the hills near the village where he lived..when he spotted something gleaming in the distance from amongst some rocks. This led the young boy to come across the body of a woman. His brown eyes opened in shock and his jaw dropped open in shock because she was like no other woman he had ever seen before in his life.

Her skin was smooth..and the colour of bronze as she lay flat on her back before him. Her feet were bare and erotic to the eye. Travelling up from her feet...Paco took note of her strong calves and large thighs...in between which was a tight fitting black silk loin cloth to conceal her genitals. Her abdomen was flat and rippled with muscules...her slender arms which lay limp on either side of her curvy upper body...were muscular in their own right. Silver bracelets covered the lower parts of her arms.

Paco was especially in awe of the huge bronze mounds of her expansive naked chest..which rose and fell slowly before him. He marvelled at her huge golden brown nipples and areolas which occupied the summits of her massive breasts. They were as hard..if not harder than any of the rocks which dominated this terrain..reckoned Paco as he walked closer to her. He noticed the large silver earrings she wore on either side of her head which was pillowed by a long mane of shiny black hair. On the ground..lay a flimsy black silk bra..with a shiny silver emblem in the middle.

Paco studied the cat like mask which covered most of her head..except for the lower part of her nose and all of her full red lips. The white slits of the mask made it unclear to him whether the woman was asleep or not...though judging by the way her huge bronze bust rose and fell...Paco reckoned her to be asleep. Uncertain who this woman was...Paco picked up a long stick which was lying in the dirt nearby. Holding it in his right hand..he extended towards the naked chest. "Wake up Big Sister...Wake up.." said Paco as he poked the defeated Superwoman of the Incas in her huge nipples with one end of the stick.

As the wooden splinters at the end of the stick...poked her in her enlarged nipples which were erect and hard as rocks...it causes the sexy masked warrior woman to begin to stir. "Uuuuh...Uuuuh.." moaned Panther Woman..her brown eyes beginning to flutter behind the white slits of her cat like mask. "Big sister...Praise the Gods that you live..." said Paco as he continued poking her in the nipples with the stick..seeing that this was having an effect on her. As she felt her nipples being poked..Rima..Princess of the Incas...slowly became aware or her surroundings and Paco's presence.

"Uunh..My nipples...Who dares to touch the nipples of Panther Woman?...Uunh..Speak...Uunh" groaned the broad chested heroine as her long muscular legs stretched back and forth below her small curvy waist. The toes of her erotic bare feet twitching as her senses came back to her. "Do not be angry Big Sister...You are safe from the strangers..." replied Paco as he continued to use the stick to poke Rima in her large golden brown nipples. The words of the young boy..combing with the action of the stick poking her in the nipples..had the effect of stirring up memories in the mind of the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas.

"Ooohh..Who touches the nipples of Panther Woman?..Uunh...I remember...palefaced men...with hair on their faces...Uunh..in clothes that shine..I remember...fighting them...Uunh..until sound of thunder...great pain in my breasts..Uunh..my breasts..Uunh..cannot be seen..must not be touched...my Panther Bra...I need my Panther Bra..Uunh..Uunh" sighed Rima. Hearing the voice of its distressed mistress...the silver panther head clasp of the thin black silk bra glowed...and flew from the ground where it lay. It startled Paco long enough to stop drop the stick and it fit itself into place over the broad chest of the beauteous Incan superwoman.

As the Panther Bra barely covered her huge breasts again...Rima felt her huge golden brown nipples begin to soften..strength flowing from her chest to the rest of her body. Paco was startled as the curvaceous Superwoman of the Incas suddenly leapt off the ground and landed on the balls of her erotic bare feet. From behind the white slits of her black cat-like mask...Panther Woman watched as Paco fled screaming..fearing that she would be angry with him. Glancing up at the setting sun...the big breasted heroine knew what she had to do. "Somehow the strangers bested me..

I will have to understand how...but the sun sets...I must return to the palace..before my absence is missing.." resolved Princess Rima as she stood up..turned on the balls of her erotic bare feet and ran away at amazing speed.

Hours later after nightfall...Paco was being laughed at by his 28 year old friend..Santos..the village blacksmith as he related the tale of how he encountered the mysterious masked woman. "That will be enough from you my young friend...No woman has breasts the size you speak of...it is another one of your day dreams...Go home now.." said Santos as he ushered the 18-year old out of his small shed. Santos had heard tales of men wearing clothes of metal..wielding weapons like no Inca possessed..and was concerned about where and when they would attack next. He was too concerned with that to bother himself with Paco's tales of a large breasted masked woman. "No such person exists" he thought.

Santos would not have thought so..were he able to see Panther Woman emerge in the secrets quarters of the female shaman Ula..who entered in time to see her unclip the silver panther clasp head between her huge breasts and remove the Panther Bra..to change immediately back into Princess Rima who stood naked before the female shaman Ula. "Oooh...my breasts hurt Ula...I awoke after fighting the pale ones...they brought the sound of thunder..which made me go to sleep...I do not understand why this happened to me...but I must return and battle them..their intentions are truly evil.." said Rima as she rubbed her throbbing breasts with her right hand.

"Princess..I would speak with you..." began Ula. "Hold your tongue...prepare a bath for me with your herbs of healing...I must regain my strength to battle these strangers once again" said Rima as she curtly interrupted the elderly female shaman who was trying to warn her of the secret of the bra..which when removed..would leave its wearer very vulnerable to attack once removed. "Yes..as you wish Princess" replied Ula..as she prepared the bra as requested by the Inca king's daughter..who still believed herself to be invincible when she wore the bra as Panther Woman. Princess Rima never gave Ula a chance to warn her of something very important which would cause her to fall prey to her enemies as the mighty Inca Superwoman.

As Rima slipped into the steaming bath to soothe the aching parts of her body in preparation for her new mission as Panther Woman..miles away on the coast...someone else prepared for his mission. At a military stockade on the coast...commander of the invading Spaniards...General Humberto Ortiz...examined the credentials of the handsome, athletic officer who stood before him. "Captain Raul Francisco...You come highly recommended by the Royal Court..." remarked the stocky general. "I am here to serve General...as commanded by His Majesty..." replied Francisco.

"Indeed...I have a special mission for you Captain...since our troops landed here..word has reached of a wild savage that has come to the aid of the natives...combat tested soldiers..easily defeated by it...Your mission is to capture it and learn its secrets.." said the general. "As you command sir" replied Francisco with a salute. As he left the general's quarters...Francisco was joined by his deputy...Lieutenant Boaz. "Your orders sir.." asked the lieutenant with a salute. "Assemble the men..Boaz..We have a special mission for the King.." replied Francisco as they mounted their horses. Within the hour..a troop of Spanish soldiers under the command of the 30 year old Captain Francisco rode out of the stockade into the wilderness to seek out the wild savage which General Ortiz spoke about.

The coming of dawn at the village where Santos and Paco lived was heralded by the sounds of the mounted Spanish soldiers as they rode into the village..brandishing their gleaming steel swords and long sharp lances at the natives. Running out of his shed wielding an axe...Santos managed to cover the retreat of Paco and some other villagers..knocking two soldiers off their horses in the process. However this left him open to another soldier who came charging on horseback from behind..his lance poised to strike the 28 year old blacksmith down. As Santos turned to see the mounted soldier approaching him..and feeling certain this was his end..he saw something else that he would never forget.

Before the lance could strike him...a beauteous, muscular woman with bronze skin..clad in a flimsy black silk bra which barely concealed her huge breasts...thin black silk loin cloth between her large thighs...silver bracelets on her lower arms..her identity concealed by a cat-like mask..large silver earrings on her ears...a long mane of shiny black hair flowing out from behind her mask..came leaping out of nowhere...the balls of her erotic bare feet..striking the mounted soldier with tremendous force in the middle of his armored chest plate..that it knocked him off his horse..sending him rolling in the dirt. She turned to him briefly as she landed on her powerful haunches..the white slits of her mask briefly looking into his eyes before she resumed her battle with the Spaniards.

Equally amazed was the leader of the invading force...Captain Raul Francisco...who watched with great interest as Panther Woman waded almost effortlessly through the ranks of his startled cavalry...knocking many off their mounts with a series of well timed kicks, punches or throws. He watched keenly as the muscles flexed on the curvaceous bronze body of the mighty Superwoman of the Incas..as she used her silver bracelets to block or parry the attempts by his men to fell her with their swords or lances..before countering with unbridled savage fury....making wide sweeps with her muscular arms and legs..which sent several of his better armed soldiers..either flying through the air..or rolling along the ground.

However..being the strategist which this masked savage he believed was not...Francisco took particular notice of her amazing chest...her huge bronze breasts barely contained within the strapless black bra which garbed it..offering him a glimpse at the largest nipples and areolas..golden brown in color..which he had ever seen on any woman in his life. The Spanish captain noted that she took special care while in combat..not to let any of his men get within close range of her chest...and immediately realised there was a way to quell the savage fire of the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas.

As several Spaniards lay dazed in the dirt around Panther Woman and others prepared to attack...the sound of a trumpet was heard...and the soldiers who previously were about to attack..immediately lowered their weapons. Her curiousity aroused by the sudden decision by her foes to cease their attack...caused the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas to stand her ground..her muscles tensed for action...as Captain Francisco approached her on horseback..with Lieutenant Boaz following behind him. "Hold your hand warrior woman...You fight with courage and honor against such overwhelming numbers...I beg for your forgiveness for the actions of my soldiers...but you must understand that we were only following orders...I am Captain Raul Francisco" said Francisco as he sought to appeal to his female adversary's gentle nature.

Behind her mask...Rima..Princess of the Incas..was impressed by the level of respect which the foreign soldier was paying to her. Assuming her heroic stance before Francisco...her hands resting on either side of her small curvy waist..her muscular legs slightly apart..her erotic bare feet resting flat on the ground...her huge bronze bust thrust towards her opponent..she gave her reply. "Hear me well Captain...I am Panther Woman...Protector of the Incas...You have witnessed but a small offering of my powers..which are great and which no army can conquer..You must leave our lands at once and return to where you came from!!" declared Rima and the villagers cheered at her words. Impressed that the masked she savage could understand him and speak with such clarity...Francisco made his reply.

"I heed your words mighty Panther Woman...I request that you come to my camp...located on the ridge to the west of here...where we can continue to discuss an arrangement that will be to our mutual benefit...You have my word as a gentleman that my men shall not attack your people while we parley..Shall we confer there within the hour?" suggested Francisco. "I agree to your terms Captain...Go now..I shall join you for our meeting..." replied the mighty Inca Superwoman. Within a matter of minutes...the Spaniards rode out of the village just as quickly as they had come. The villagers were amazed at the scenes they had just witnessed..and were especially amazed at their sexy saviour. None moreso than Santos the blacksmith.

Just as he was about to approach the busty heroine to talk to her..she turned and addressed the villagers. "You are safe now my friends...I go now to the camp of the foreigners...No harm shall befall you while I am there..." said Princess Rima in a firm but reassuring tone before she turned on the balls of her erotic bare feet and raced off in a blur of motion. "See I told you she was real!..She will protect us!" blurted Paco. "Yes Paco...but my concern is not for us..." said Santos as they walked back to his workshed. The blacksmith could not help but feel that something was terribly amiss.

A cloud of dust kicked up across the rocky terrain...as Panther Woman sped towards her rendezvous with the Spaniards. Her huge bronze breasts bobbed and swayed sexily from side to side...as her muscular arms moved in tandem with her muscular legs..her long mane of shiny black hair flailing in the breeze behind her as she ran. Within record time...the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas..arrived at the Spaniards camp..and strolled straight past the soldiers...who could not help but gawk at her curvaceous and muscular bronze body...especially her massive bronze bust..as she made her way straight towards the huge tent in the middle of the camp. Rima did not hesitate and went inside of the tent.

Her brown eyes widened behind the white slits of her cat mask..as she saw Francisco was wearing leather boots..casual trousers and a light cotton shirt which was unbuttoned..offering a glimpse of his smooth flat chest. The Inca Superwoman tried not to let on that she was taken by surprise..having expected to see the handsome captain...still wearing his military uniform. "Ohh..The attire of the foreigner is strange..I can feel my nipples grow hard under my Panther Bra..that makes me feel strange..but I must concentrate on the matter..at hand.." thought Princess Rima..unwilling to admit that the sight of Francisco slightly aroused her and lowered her defenses somewhat.

"Ah..Panther Woman...I am glad you accepted my invitation...Please sit...may I offer you some refreshment while we talk..." said Francisco as he gestured with his right hand towards a table in the middle of the tent. On the table was a black bottle and two goblets of fine crystal..containing a liquid which was as golden brown in color as were the enlarged nipples and areolas of the mighty Superwoman of the Incas. "Yes...My code as a warrior dictates that I honor the terms of our meeting..." replied Panther Woman as she allowed Francisco to escort her to the table and seat her.

As he took his seat...he picked up his goblet and raised it to her. "To a successful parley" said the Spanish captain. Panther Woman smiled briefly as she picked up her goblet and clinked it against Francisco's. Rima placed the goblet to her full red lips and took a long sip of the cool liquid inside of it..as her host did the same. "Why have you come here Captain Francisco?..Why are you here in the Kingdom of the Incas?" asked Panther Woman as she took another long sip of this strange beverage which she found surprisingly enjoyable. "My King has ordered us here to bring back the riches of this land...the precious stones..the shiny rocks which my people call gold...We thought we could convince the locals to help us" replied Francisco as he set his goblet down on the table.

"That does not excuse the actions of your soldiers against unarmed peasants...seeking to enslave them..or killing them if they resist..I do not condone your actions Captain...I will not allow you to oppress my people..so that your king may have the riches of this land.." said Panther Woman as she took another sip of her drink. "Thus the reason why I invited you here to my camp Panther Woman...I quickly realised that engaging you in open and fair combat was the wrong strategy..." smirked Francisco. "I do not care for your tone of voice Captain..Our meeting is at an end..." said Princess Rima as she finished her drink..set the goblet on the table and started to get to her erotic bare feet. "Indeed it is..female fool!" quipped the Spanish captain..as he also stood up.

Before Rima could respond to him...she suddenly felt her large golden brown nipples shoot to attention underneath her skimpy black silk Panther Bra..threatening to burst through its thin fabric. "Ooooh...My nipples...they harden under my Panther Bra...I...I...feel..strange..." moaned the startled Superwoman of the Incas..as her brown eyes fluttered behind the white slits of her cat mask..her vision beginning to blur as she felt waves of growing dizziness and fatigue wash over her curvaceous and muscular bronze body..causing her once strong legs to turn to rubber below her small curvy waist...causing her to stagger from side to side on the balls of her erotic bare feet. "I'm a reasonable man Panther Woman...I am certain that once we parley..we will come to an understanding.." sneered Francisco as he made his move.

Stepping behind his disoriented guest...he thrust his arms under hers...each of his hands grabbing hold of her huge bronze mounds which the skimpy black silk Panther Bra..struggled to contain. "Uuhuunn...Your hands...on my breasts Captain...Uuunnh...Your fingers...playing with my nipples...Uhuunn...it...feels...good...Uuuuh..that makes me tired...I have no will..to resist...my strength...useless against such treachery...You must not..take off...my Panther Bra..." blurted the Superwoman of the Incas..unable to raise her muscular arms to defend the pride of her womanhood..
as she unwittingly handed Captain Francisco his victory on a silver platter.

Heeding the busty heroine's words..Francisco's right hand reached for the silver panther head emblem nestled between Rima's massive cleavage. "Nooo...My Panther Bra...You have taken it off...my breasts..exposed...I cannot stop you from...Uhhunn..Uhhunn..Uuhunn..Uhhun..Uhhun..Uhhun"
moaned the beauteous Inca Superwoman as the Spanish captain deftly fondled her enlarged golden brown nipples and areolas in a circular fashion..quickly stroking them into hardness...weakening his female adversary even more..her muscular legs flailing helplessly..her erotic bare feet twitching in futility...as she became aware for the first time of what was happening. "Uhhunnh..I am very stupid...You have tricked me...You placed something in my drink...it has a strange effect on my nipples...which I cannot resist...I have fallen into...a trap..Uhuh..Uhuh..." moaned Rima.

"Correct foolish one!...I placed a special herb in your drink...it is designed to makes its victim very tired...but also has the ability to arouse one as inexperienced as you Panther Woman...something none of your impressive powers can counter.." gloated Francisco as he continued to tease Rima's huge nipples with his fingers while dragging her to the rear of his huge tent..where his sleeping quarters were. "Yes...Uuuuh..my body..has never been touched...Uuuh..by a man..Unnh...the way you touch my nipples Captain...I..I have no choice...something is commanding me...to obey you...by the law of the Gods...when the Panther Woman loses her bra..and evil touches her big nipples...she is compelled to tell...the truth..Uuuh..Ask me what you will Captain...You have outsmarted me...will answer whatever you ask me...Uuuh..Uuuh"" cooed the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas...whose overconfidence a naivete..had placed her in a most dire predicament.

To be continued
Last edited by BC2014 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 9 years ago

The Original Panther Woman 3

The Original Panther Woman 3

Peru, 1500.

Spanish Captain Raul Francisco...pressed home his advantage..as his fingers continued stroking the large golden brown nipples of his helpless adversary...the beauteous Panther Woman...Champion of the Incas...into hardness...lullling her into sleepy submission..and she could do nothing but allow him to have his way with her. As this was the first time she had ever been touched this way...either as Panther Woman or in her regular identity of Rima..Princess of the Incas..she was confused. While knowing the actions of the handsome Spaniard were not permitted...the feelings he created when he touched her huge bronze breasts and the enlarged golden brown nipples and areolas which capped their summits..were so good...that she had no desire to fight back...but to do everything he wanted her to do..especially once her nipples and areolas..were touched and caressed...becoming hard and erect at an alarming rate.

Her head sagged between her massive breasts. Behind the white slits of her cat mask... Rima was struggling to keep her brown eyes open..as every brush..every caress of the Spanish captain's skilled hands over her naked bust..especially her nipples made her feel weaker and sleepier with each passing second. Her muscular arms dangled limply.. the strength evaporated from her muscular legs..causing them to stretch uselessly below her small curvy waist...the toes of her erotic bare feet twitching slower and slower..as Francisco dragged her towards the bunk at the rear of the tent. "Panther Woman..." said Francisco as his thumbs brushed the huge, hard and erect golden brown nipples of his curvaceous captive.

"Yes...." sighed the Inca Superwoman in sleepy response. "You are under my control and must do as I say.." stated the Spanish captain. "Uhhunn..Yes...Nipples of the Panther Woman...when touched by evil..she is sleepy and slave to the evil that touches them..."cooed Princess Rima in a sleepy voice..admitting to Francisco that she was just putty in his hands. "You told me that when your nipples are touched that you have no choice but to tell the truth?" asked Francisco rhetorically. "Uuh..Yes..it is the Law of the The Gods...Uuuh" sighed Panther Woman as she felt the soldier's thumbs rub her large golden brown nipples in a circular fashion compelling her to do whatever he commanded her to do.

"Then tell me about your mighty powers.." said Francisco..fondling Rima's large golden brown nipples as he dragged her to his bed . "Uuuuuuuuh..have strength of 50 missing persons....can run as the wind...." confessed the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas. "What is the source of your mighty powers and how I can always defeat you?" asked Francisco as he fondled Rima's large golden brown nipples.. "Remove...My Panther Bra...." sighed the helpless Superwoman of the Incas. "Your bra?..Is that the key to your strength?" asked the Spanish captain rhetorically as he stroked her huge golden brown nipples which were erect and hard as rocks.

"Yes...it has..Uuuh..magical powers...which give me great strength...speed..and..Uuuh..agility...lose all of this..when my Panther Bra is taken off..." confessed Rima. Her brown eyes now barely open behind the white slits of her cat mask...her head sagging between her huge bronze breasts as Captain Francisco lulled her into an erotic stupor by teasing her large golden brown nipples into hardness. "This is not your main weakness..is it..Panther Woman?" asked Francisco rhetorically. "Nooo..." cooed the sleepy Inca Superwoman as she hung limp in the grasp of the handsome Spanish officer...his hands cupping her massive breasts in front of Francisco's bunk.

"Tell me your ultimate weakness Panther Woman..and all the other ways you can be subdued...Speak..." quipped the Spanish captain as his thumbs stroked the hard and erect golden brown nipples of the huge bronze breasts of the sleepy and sexually aroused Superwoman of the Incas. "Uuuuh..have no choice...you play with my nipples...must tell..the truth...I am..inexperienced...in the ways of men...my body never been touched by them...my virginity..is precious to me...my breasts...my nipples..must never..be touched this way..Uuuuh..when that happens...I must stay...weak...and..tired....until..my nipples..are made soft again..." admitted the sleepy and turned on Panther Woman as Francisco lowered her slowly on her back to the bunk. Rima was too out of it to protest or offer any resistance.

Captain Raul Francisco stood over the bunk..gazing upon the half naked Superwoman of the Incas..who lay sprawled out on the bunk before him. Her head pillowed by her long mane of shiny black hair..rolling slowly from side to side..trying in futility to clear her mind of overwhelming thoughts of sex and sleep which filled it. He muscular arms lay limp and useless on either side of her shapely upper body.

Her muscular legs were spread wide open below her small curvy waist. Francisco grinned as he watched the secret spot between Princess Rima's large thighs..garbed by a flimsy black silk loin cloth throbbing ever so slightly..while the toes of her erotic bare feet twitched slower and slower..as her will to fight was sapped..being replaced by the desire to remain captured.

"Uuuuh...my nipples...they have never felt so hard...no man..has ever touched them...Uuuuh..hardness in my nipples...makes me feel so tired....no need to bind me Captain Francisco...I am very helpless...I cannot fight back...without my Panther Bra..." sighed the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas..giving her enemy more information to use against her. Francisco smiled as he heard those words and looked at the heroine's flimsy black silk bra which he held in his hands...admiring the silver panther head clasp which linked its cups. He tucked it into the left side pocket of his trousers and opened a leather bound chest which was located close to the bunk. He extracted a small bottle containing a dark brown liquid and walked over to the bunk where the beauteous Panther Woman lay helpless and at his mercy.

Pulling up a wooden stool...the handsome, fiendish Spanish military officer...watched the large bronze breasts of Rima...Princess of the Incas...the woman behind the cat mask of the Panther Woman...rise and fall slowly before him in all their naked glory. The huge golden brown nipples and areolas which crowned their massive peaks...erect and stone hard. "Your breasts are the largest I have ever seen Panther Woman...your nipples and areolas...so exquisite...it is incredible to believe that things of such beauty...possess such great power.. that your greatest strength...is also..your greatest weakness..." gloated Francisco as he slowly opened the bottle in his hands.

"Yes...Uuuh..You do not fight with honor...I am defeated Captain Francisco...but you shall suffer my vengeance..when I awaken.." sighed the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas..fighting hard to keep her brown eyes open behind the white slits of her cat mask. "Defiant to the last eh foolish female...This shall calm your savage fury..." quipped Francisco as he tipped the bottle gently over the broad chest of the helpless Inca Superwoman. Drops of a clear liquid fell slowly from the lip of the bottle..landing directly on each of the huge golden brown nipples and areolas which occupied the summits of Panther Woman's enormous bronze breasts.

"Uhhunnnn...My nipples...they feel strange..they become weak...I am becoming...tired...Captain Francisco..Uuuh..so tired....What manner of magic are you using against my breasts...it is very effective on my nipples.....I will be defeated...every time you use this on my nipples...Uunnh..I must know its name...Uuunhh.." moaned the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas as drop after drop of the liquid soaked into her large golden brown nipples and areolas. "It is called vino...Panther Woman...a raw and potent wine from my country...powerful enough to subdue one with overconfidence...as large as her breasts and nipples..." gloated Francisco as he continued to administer the vino..drop by drop to the big chested warrior woman's large nipples and areolas.

"Uhuhnn...Yes...I must concede defeat..I have no answer for such treachery..You fight without honor...Uuuh..my nipples...they become harder..the vino...Uunnnh...too powerful...never felt...so tired...in my breasts...it is becoming...Uuuh...more difficult...for me...to remain awake..Captain Francisco...the advantage is yours...Uuuh..Uuuh." moaned Panther Woman as more drops of the potent, raw wine seeped into her large golden brown nipples...causing fatigue to build unbreakable chains in her huge bronze breasts...her eyelids barely open behind the white slits of her cat mask which now caught the attention of the Spanish captain.

Temporarily pausing his drugging of his curvaceous captive's enlarged nipples...Francisco lightly touched her cat mask with the fingers of his left hand. Even in her drugged and sexually aroused state...the Superwoman of the Incas...quickly realised what his intentions were. "Nooo...Not my mask...too weak...too tired to stop you...I beg you Captain..I must not be unmasked...my true identity...must not be known..." pleaded Princess Rima as Francisco's fingers glided across her mask..trying to figure out a way to remove it. "I am not without compassion Panther Woman..and I am a man of honor when circumstances dictate it...therefore...I shall not unmask you...but you must vow Panther Woman..that whenever I place my hands on your breasts...whenever I touch your large nipples...You must become helpless..and you will let me make you unconscious.." replied Francisco.

Behind the white slits of her black cat mask...Rima's brown eyes...heavy with fatigue..flickered briefly as the meaning of her captor's words sunk in. "No!...I am Panther Woman...Superwoman of the Incas...I cannot agree to your terms...I will stop you..when I awaken..." quipped the Inca Princess. "Very well female!..Then you leave me with no alternative!" declared Francisco as he set the bottle of vino down on to small table...placed his hands on either side of the sleepy Inca Superwoman's head...and started to lift the cat mask off the top of her head. Realising that her identity as Rima..Princess of the Incas...would be revealed to Spaniard and Inca alike once her mask was removed..made Panther Woman very afraid..and assured Francisco that victory was his.

"No!!..Do not unmask me!!...You have won Captain Francisco...I promise by the Gods...that I shall allow myself to be defeated...every time my breasts..and my nipples are touched by your hand!!" blurted the Superwoman of the Incas..who was ready to do anything Francisco wanted. "You have made a wise decision Panther Woman..Now you will agree to allow me to place more vino on your large nipples...to tame you into submission..." said Francisco as he picked up the bottle containing the raw wine..which was a potent anaesthetic..and held it over the huge bronze mounds of her broad chest..so she could see it. Behind the white slits of her cat mask..Princess Rima's brown eyes were barely open but they stared at the Spanish captain with sleepiness and with fear..knowing that he would reveal her identity unless she obeyed.

"Fiend!..I do not want to...but my code of honor forbids me from resisting you...My nipples are virgin..as are my breasts...I know I can never resist your vino...it has made me very tired...place more on my nipples...and I shall go to sleep for a long time...once I do not have my Panther Bra on my chest...I shall remain helpless as your prisoner.." sighed the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas...who knew she had no choice but to do nothing as she watched him tip the bottle over her broad chest once more. "Another wise decision Panther Woman...Just relax...make no effort to resist.." grinned Captain Francisco as he tipped the bottle he held in his right hand ever so slightly...sending drops of the potent vino..falling gently atop each of Rima's large golden brown nipples and areolas...which were hard and erect..soaking into them and staturating the muscles within each of her large bronze breasts.

As the potent, raw Spanish wine seeped into her large golden brown nipples and areolas...working its way through her huge bronze breasts to every muscle and sinew in her her curvaceous body...the once mighty Superwoman of the Incas...knew she had no choice but to allow herself to give him to the feelings of sleepiness and submission which were registering in her her hard and erect golden brown nipples and areolas. "Surrender to the power of the vino Panther Woman...You know it is useless for you to resist!" gloated Francisco as he let the powerful raw wine fall on to the summits of her naked massive bronze breasts...one drop at a time...as they rose and fell slowly before him.

"Uuuunh...Yes...my code of honor commands it...Uuuunh...your vino..is mighty magic...my nipples fall under its power easily...I am becoming..so weak...so tired Captain Francisco..never feel this way...in my breasts..in my nipples...before...Uunnnh..I..have no wish...no will..to fight...my nipples..you have made them..become...so..hard...that makes me feel..very weak...very tired...in my breasts...I...I am...helpless..without my Panther Bra...only its magic...Uuuunh...can restore..my mighty powers...which are useless...against...the treachery of men...I have...no knowledge about this...Uuuunh...you deceived me...tricked me to come here...made me drink your beverage of sleep...I suspected nothing...the villagers...they are helpless..without me to protect them...Uuuuh" moaned the helpless Inca Superwoman as Francisco's plan became evident to her..as the vino drugged her in the nipples..pushing her slowly but surely to inevitable defeat.

Behind the white slits of her cat mask..Rima..Princess of the Incas...felt her eyelids becoming heavier and heavier with sleep...as drop after drop of the vino...fell on to the top of her huge golden brown nipples and areolas..which were shiny from the vino which saturated them...making them become harder and harder...making become her weaker and sleepier which each passing second. "That is correct savage!...With you as my captive..there is no one to stand in my way to conquer these lands for the glory of His Majesty...the King of Spain!!" gloated Francisco as he moved the bottle of vino over the expansive chest of the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas. The Spanish captain took great pleasure as he watched drops of vino fall from the open lid of the bottle on to the huge golden brown nipples and areolas of his topless and curvaceous captive..which become harder and more erect..as each drop of the potent raw wine seeped into them.

"There is no escape for you now Panther Woman!...Your mighty strength subdued by the touch of a man's hands and drops of vino..on your big beautiful nipples!..You were foolish and now you have fallen into my trap!!" gloated Francisco as he continued to gently pour drops of the raw wine on to the huge golden brown nipples and areolas of the helpless Superwoman of the Incas. "Uuuuh...You are right Captain Francisco...I am no match..for the treachery...of a man...You know my weakness...in my nipples...before I did...By law of the Gods...Panther Woman is defeated...when her nipples are...corrupted...by evil...they are so hard...they make me so tired...it is so difficult...to stay awake..."
cooed Rima... as the increasing hardness in her large golden brown nipples and areolas..made her more disoriented and obedient.

Seeing how hard, shiny and erect the helpless Inca Superwoman's huge golden brown nipples and areolas were from the vino...Francisco set the bottle aside..gently cupped her massive bronze breasts in his hands...and rubbed their hardened summits with his thumbs. "Do not resist any longer Panther Woman...your big nipples are tired...too tired to keep you awake...Sleep..sleep..sleep..." said Francisco in a firm but gentle voice as he fondled her nipples and areolas. "Uuunh..Your fingers...feel good..on my nipples Captain...it will make me sleep..for a long time...I..have no choice....I must let you touch them...Uuuh...so you do..not...remove...my mask..while I sleep...to reveal..my...true identity.....Uuuh..the villagers..Uuuh..what will happen to them...Uuuh.."sighed Panther Woman..knowing full well that once the handsome Spanish captain got his hands on her big breasts...she was finished.

"That is the least of your concerns savage!..For all of your mighty strength...You are powerless when a man touches a your big nipples..You have clearly led a sheltered life...where no man has ever seen them..let alone touch them as I am doing right now..." sneered Captain Francisco as he continued to toy with Rima's large golden brown nipples and areolas... stroking them to keep them in a constant state of arousal..whilst massaging the powerful vino into them...to drug her into sleepy submission. "Uunnnh...You are right Captain...Uuuuuh..You know me...better than I know myself...I must concede defeat...You have outsmarted me...cannot resist..the touch of a man's hands on my breasts..never felt...so weak..so tired..." moaned Panther Woman.

"Then surrender savage female!..Submit to me now...or I shall remove your mask!..You will go to sleep now...and remember nothing that you have told me!" warned the Spanish captain. "Uuuh..Yes...I have no choice...by my honour...by the law of the Gods...I promise...to allow myself...to be defeated by you..Captain Francisco...whenever you touch my breasts..and my nipples...as you touch them...now...cannot resist.. any longer...I must..I must...sleep...now....Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.." moaned the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas as her head rolled against her right shoulder.

Behind the white slits of her cat mask...Rima's brown eyes finally closed as she succumbed to unconsciousness..lying defeated on the bunk inside of the Spanish captain's tent. Captain Francisco stood in triumph..watching her huge bronze breasts...capped at their respective peaks by large golden brown nipples and areolas...which were hard, erect and gleaming from the powerful vino which saturated them...against which the beauteous Inca Superwoman repeatedly confessed she could not resist and its use on her breasts and nipples would defeat her every time. As he watched Rima...Princess of the Incas...the woman behind the mask of the Panther Woman...Francisco also admired the flimsy black silk loin cloth between her huge thighs..which were wide open...the toes of her erotic bare feet twitching slower and slower..as the fight was taken out of her..and she fell into a deep sleep.

As the mighty Panther Woman faded into unconsciousness...she had no idea that the young boy named Paco..had infiltrated the Spaniards' camp..was hiding in some nearby bushes...and had overheard every word she had said. Startled by what he had heard..and by the fact the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas was so easily outwitted and defeated by the Spanish invaders...Paco made his way out of the camp undetected..and ran back towards the village to tell what he had heard...and to get help for Panther Woman..who he suspected the Spaniards had special plans for.
Posts: 4
Joined: 9 years ago

The Original Panther Woman 4

The Original Panther Woman 4

Peru, 1500.

The stocky Lieutennant Boaz entered the tent of his commanding officer Captain Raul Francisco...bearing urgent news. "Captain!..Captain!" blurted Boaz as he entered the tent almost breathless..seeing Francisco standing with his back to him. He did not understand why his commanding officer did not turn around to acknowledge his presence...until he got closer to him. The portly officer noticed that Francisco was standing in front of his bunk...atop which lay the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her skin was smooth and bronze in colour. Her body was powerfully muscular and extremely curvaceous at the same time. She was naked save for a tight fitting black loin cloth which fi snugly in the space between her large thighs.

Boaz could not stop staring at her erotic bare feet which had perfectly rounded toes with gleaming toenails..her strong calves..large thighs..her firm, toned abdomen..and particularly..her huge bronze breasts...exposed in all their naked glory..capped at their respective peaks by large golden brown nipples and areolas which were hard and erect...and gleamed with a hazy aura...as they rose and fell before him. Her identity was concealed by a black cat mask which covered most of her head..except the lower part of her nose..and her full red lips. She wore large silver earrings on either side of her head which was pillowed by a long mane of shiny black hair. Silver bracelets adorned her wrists

He was only snapped out of his stupor by the sound of his captain's voice. "What is it Boaz?!" snapped Francisco as he turned to face his deputy. Wiping away a trickle of drool running down the right side of his mouth..the lieutennant snapped to attention and saluted Francisco.

"Word from General Ortiz...He shall arrive at the camp after nightfall...he will want to question the savage senorita...the one the natives call..PANTHER WOMAN" said Boaz. Francisco stepped aside allowing Boaz to get another look at the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas..who lay in a deep sleep on the bunk before them. "Then prepare a tent for the General...I was able to "persuade" Panther Woman to remain as our guest...she is resting now...and will awaken by the time the General arrives.." smirked Francisco.

"By your command Captain" replied Boaz as he rushed off to do as Francisco ordered him. While Boaz knew that Francisco was an intelligent man and a brave soldier...he wondered to himself how was Francisco able to capture Panther Woman so easily..after seeing how easily she defeated a contingent of well-armed Spanish soldiers. Alone again in his tent..the Spanish captain turned back gaze upon the beauteous features of his curvaceous captive's incredible body. "Sleep peacefully foolish savage..You are defeated...bested by a superior man...Only I know now of the secrets of your mighty strength, speed and skill...and how easily your big breasts can be corrupted and turned against you"
grinned Francisco as he stood over the helpless Inca Superwoman who lay unconscious on the bunk before him...holding her black silk Panther Bra in his hands.

Miles away in her private chambers in the sprawling palace of the Great Inca King Capac...the sorceress known as Ula looked on with concern at the images in her mystic looking pool of Panther Woman lying topless, defeated and unconscious..in the camp of the Spaniards. She was the only person who knew what the clever Captain Francisco knew about the powers of the mighty Panther Woman. However Ula had one other bit of knowledge which no one else knew about the Superwoman of the Incas. She knew that behind the cat mask of the mighty heroine was none other than Rima...the 18 year old daughter of the King.

"Without the magic of the Panther Bra...your big nipples shall remain hard my Princess..and you cannot help but sleep..the one called Francisco is a clever man...and you are unwise to their ways...I can only pray the Gods find a way to send the boy named Paco..who heard you speak as you were defeated...to find help before..it is too late..." said Ula as she gazed upon the face of the Panther Woman...the masked face of Rima...Princess of the Incas.

Back at the village which had been saved thanks to the timely intervention of Panther Woman...the blacksmith Santos was in his workshed..trying to make sense of the mysterious heroine whom his young friend Paco had told him about. Knowing Paco's penchant for tall tales...the 28 year old Santos had dismissed Paco's utterances about the Inca Superwoman until he saw her with his own eyes and how easily she had bested the troop of well armed Spaniards that had invaded the village. Santos was snapped out of his thoughts by the sounds of a woman's voice. Santos turned to see a 24-year old woman with shoulder length black hair..clad in a white dress and sandals. "Elena..What brings you here?" asked the blacksmith of the most beautiful woman in the village...at least prior to the appearance of Panther Woman.

"I came to see you Santos...I was in the valley..gathering herbs...on my return, I was told of strange men..with weapons never seen before..who attacked our village...and of a masked woman...who defeated them with ease...I want to know what happened..I want to know who is this woman" said Elena in a charming voice. Her brown eyes staring intently into those of the handsome, strong blacksmith. Santos always found Elena had a mystifying effect on him and other men in the village. She came and went as she pleased in the village...some villagers believing that she was skilled in the arts of magic. Santos never knew what to make of these rumours..and since Panther Woman's arrival..he strangely found himself being drawn to her.

"I know little about her myself...except that she called herself Panther Woman...and she was very brave to protect our people from the foreigners..." said Santos. Before he could say another word...18-year old Paco came running into his shed...and took a long sip from a bottle of water. "Paco?!..What is it?!" asked Santos as he knelt down in front of his young friend. "Santos!..You must come quickly!..The foreigners!..They have captured Panther Woman!" blurted Paco."What?!..Where?!" asked the blacksmith with concern in his voice. "She went to their camp...the leader...he took off her top...rub strange water on her chest...she says it make her nipples hard..and she goes to sleep..
They will kill her by nightfall.." replied Paco.

In an instant...Santos made up his mind about what he had to do. "Show me where this camp is Paco...Panther Woman saved our village..We must help her now..." said Santos as he followed Paco out of the shed. As Santos and Paco left...they completely forgotten that Elena was there and had heard everything which they had said. "So...the masked woman's weakness is in her breasts...I must learn more about this..." thought Elena to herself as she walked out of the blacksmith's shed and went home.

Meanwhile back at the Spaniards' camp...inside the tent of Captain Raul Francisco...the golden brown nipples and areolas of the captive Panther Woman were beginning to soften as the effects of the potent vino which he had used on them...were beginning to wear off. "Uuuuh..My nipples...I feel..tired...Where am I..How did I come to be here?" moaned Rima..Princess of the Incas as her brown eyes opened behind the white slits of her black feline mask. Then it all started to come back to her..as she felt the coolness of the evening air..brush against her naked chest...tickling her huge golden brown nipples and areolas ever so slightly.

"I remember..Captain Francisco...tricked me...He took off my Panther Bra...used something he called vino on my breasts..on my nipples...it made me sleep...but he has made a mistake not to bind me..and to leave me unguarded.." said the sexy Inca Superwoman as she got off the bunk..her erotic bare feet touching the ground. "I must find my Panther Bra...and put it on my chest...so that I will regain my powers again.." said Princess Rima as she started to look around the interior of the tent for her special garb. As she searched...Lieutennant Boaz entered the tent to check on the prisoner. "Hold savage!..Make no sudden move!" yelled Boaz as he reached for his sword. However what the Spaniards did not know was that even without her magic bra...Rima was a skilled warrior..having been taught by her father..the King of the Incas..to fight.

Distracted by the gentle swaying of her large bronze breasts..capped at their summits by huge golden brown nipples and areolas...Boaz hesitated in drawing his weapon. Panther Woman took advantage of his distraction...thrusting her right leg forward..the ball of her erotic right foot striking the portly Spaniard in his nether regions. As he dropped to the ground writhing in agony...Rima spotted a silver gleam out of the corner of her right eye. It came from the silver panther head clasp of her black silk Panther Bra which lay atop a trunk nearby. "Praise the Gods...My Panther Bra...Once I put it on...I shall exact my vengeance on these foreigners..and especially Captain Francisco..!" resolved the Superwoman of the Incas as she took a step in the direction where her magic bra lay waiting for her.

Unfortunately for the broad chested heroine...her Panther Bra was left as bait..and as she moved to reclaim it...the trap was sprung. Her new nemesis..Captain Raul Francisco..snuck up behind her...thrust his arms under Rima's raised muscular arms...and applied a pair of small steel devices which he held in his hands to the spots he knew would hurt her the most. "Aaahhh!!!..My nipples!!!...Aaarghhh!!!!..Something squeezes them!!!...Pain!!!..Aaieee!!..I am becoming weak!!!...I am becoming tired!!!..I..cannot..fight...back...Aaiieeee!!!...cannot get...Aaieeeee!!!!...my Panther Bra...Aaaieeeeee!!!!!!..fallen into another trap..Aaaieeeee!!!!...Captain Francisco....Aaieeee!!!!...has outsmarted me...Aaaieeee!!!...again...Aaaieeee!!!..Aaaieeee!!!!" cried Panther Woman..her muscular arms falling limp at her sides...her erotic bare feet flat on the ground as Francisco painfully pinched her in her huge golden brown nipples with a pair of small steel tweezers.

"Correct Panther Woman!!...You promised to allow yourself to be defeated anytime I touch your big breasts and your huge nipples...witness how these tiny tweezers...can easily tame your savage fury!!" gloated Francisco as he applied more pressure to Rima's enormous golden brown nipples by pinching them with his tweezers. "Uunnh...Yes Captain...Uuunnh...My nipples hurt....so tired...cannot get my Panther Bra...Uuunh...You have captured me...Uuh..again"cooed the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas as her curvaceous and muscular body sagged against the strong athletic frame of the Spanish captain..her head bowed in submission between her massive cleavage...as he dragged her back to the bunks she had been lying upon. "Uunh" groaned Princess Rima..her arms and legs flailing briefly in the air as she landed on her back atop the bunk.

"Uuuh...My nipples...burn like fire...Uuuh...pain...too tired to think..too weak...to move..." confessed Panther Woman as she lay helpless atop the bunk as Francisco took out the infamous darkened bottle and a thick cloth...which was soaked with the liquid contents of the bottle. Kneeling beside the dazed and disoriented Superwoman of the Incas...Francisco dabbed the cloth over the summits of each of her throbbing huge bronze breasts. "Uuuuuh...vino..on my nipples...again...Uuuuuh..it eases the pain...but..Uuuh...it also puts me...to sleep...I..I...I am...defeated..again...Uuuh..Uuuh..Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh.." cooed Panther Woman as behind the white slits of her cat mask...her brown eyes rolled up in her head..and slowly closed again..as she had no choice but to succumb to unconsciousness. "Sleep Panther Woman...There is no hope for you now.." gloated Francisco as he stood triumphantly over her once again.

Using the bushes and rocks that littered the terrain around the Spaniards camp for cover...Santos and his young friend Paco made their way closer to the camp as they came to rescue the captive Superwoman of the Incas. Down in the camp below them...the blacksmith and the young boy saw a frenzy of activity taking place in the camp...as if the Spaniards were preparing for some kind of event. "What is happening Santos?" asked Paco as they watched some soldiers hastily putting up a large tent in the middle of the camp while other soldiers took up guard positions around it. The duo then heard the sounds of approaching horses and a trumpet fanfare sound..to herald the arrival of commander of the Spanish Army...General Humberto Ortiz and a small contingent of Spaniards at the camp.

They watched as Ortiz dismounted and was greeted by Captain Francisco. "He is the one who tamed Panther Woman...He put something on her big breasts...it made her tired...and she went to sleep..." said Paco as he pointed to the Spanish officer as he escorted the general into the tent. Santos was about to reply when he saw movement coming from the direction of Francisco's tent. He watched in awe as a pair of Spaniards...led a dazed and disoriented Panther Woman towards the big tent where General Ortiz and Captain Francisco awaited her. Santos' keen eyes saw the Superwoman of the Incas was far from her usual powerful self...her muscular legs seeming like rubber and the two soldiers holding her muscular arms on either side of her body to prevent her from collapsing.

Despite the distance of their vantage point...Santos and Paco were able to hear the beauteous Inca Superwoman speaking to her captors. "Uuuh...You will not prevail Spaniards...You have tamed me...but only for a moment....Uuh..will get free...will defeat you..." they heard the brave Panther Woman tell her captors in defiance. "Silence chica!" snarled one Spaniard as he pulled out a small wooden club and lashed Rima..Princess of the Incas..hard across the huge bronze mounds of her naked chest. "Uunnh" groaned Panther Woman..her head sagging between her awesome cleavage...the force of the blow enough to stun her and still her fiery tongue for the moment. The beauteous Superwoman of the Incas would have surely fell to the ground had the Spaniards not been holding on to her arms. "The General shall deal with you now!" snarled the other Spaniard as they carried her inside of the tent.

Santos felt pity for the busty masked woman who had risked her life to save his village and was now being abused this way by the Spaniards. The way he saw them beat her across her beauteous breasts angered him more than he ever thought possible. "The Spaniards are many Santos...How are we going to help Panther Woman?" asked Paco...despair creeping into the voice of the 12-year old boy. "Panther Woman alone has defeated the Spaniards...We can do no less for her..." replied the 28-year old blacksmith as he looked around the camp. Finally his eyes set on a campfire that was burning close to a tent where the soldiers kept their weapons and some of their horses were grazing. "Stay close to me Paco..I have an idea that will help us to free Panther Woman.." said Santos as they watched some of the soldiers leave the camp to go on missions to scout the terrain to the north of the camp for other targets.

As the brave duo set about to infiltrate the camp to execute their daring plan...Panther Woman was brought before General Humberto Ortiz. Her hands tied behind her back with strong ropes...her naked huge bronze breasts rising and falling slowly as she stood before the short, balding 60 year old Spanish general who sat on a chair in front of her. Two soldiers stood beside her...four others stood behind Ortiz and to the right of the captive Superwoman of Incas...stood her captor...Captain Raul Francisco and his loyal deputy Lieutennant Boaz. Having receiving his military commission from the King of Spain by bribery from his noble family..Ortiz was not a very able officer and had never seen the frontline of any battle..large or small.

As the masked, topless Panther Woman stood before him in a half sleepy state...Ortiz could not help but stare at her huge bronze breasts that were crowned at their summits by huge golden brown nipples and areolas which were in a state of semi-hardness. "You expect me to believe that this...this..woman..is the terror of my superior soldiers?!..It is little wonder that you take so much time to conquer the savages in these villages...if you use your soldiers to guard harmless women!" scoffed General Ortiz. "I would be fooled too by the size of the female's breasts...to be misled by such a notion General..but were not for my superior military training and experience...I have succeded in capturing her.." stated Francisco.

"I remain to be convinced how a woman..with such..large attributes...could easily defeat my soldiers..." snorted Ortiz. It was at this point the Spanish captain..pulled out the strapless black silk bra with the silver panther head emblem between its cups. "The explanation is simple General...I was able to successfully capture our enemy...the female who calls herself Panther Woman..by taking this garment off her chest..it appears to have a magical power which gives her powers beyond anything which our soldiers can defeat with their weapons.." said Francisco as he dangled it in front of his still unconvinced commanding officer. Behind the white slits of the cat mask which covered most of her head..save the lower part of her nose and her full red lips..Princess Rima's brown eyes widened with surprise at the words uttered by her first ever arch nemesis.

"Captain Francisco is not telling his General the truth about my super powers...He is not saying anything about my breasts and my nipples being my true weakness...Why?...I do not understand...Why?...Why?...Why?" pondered Panther Woman in her mind as General Ortiz finally jumped to his feet and stormed towards Francisco. "Do you take me for a fool Captain!!...You have fallen victim to the ramblings of the savages who live in this land!!" yelled Ortiz as he grabbed the Panther Bra out of Francisco's hands. "This woman is no warrior...her body is one built for pleasuring my soldiers...I shall no longer listen to such rabble from one of my most experienced officers..." snorted Ortiz as he placed the Panther Bra back over Rima's broad bronze chest.

This caused the Superwoman of the Incas to smile..as she felt the silver panther head emblem make a clicking noise between her mighty cleavage..as her magical bra..barely covered her huge bronze mounds once again. Rima felt her huge golden brown nipples and areolas immediately become soft underneath her black silk bra once more. "My thanks to you General Ortiz!!..Now I shall thank you and Captain Francisco for treating me with such hospitality as a 'guest' in your camp!" quipped Panther Woman as she flexed her muscular arms...easily breaking the ropes binding her wrists as if they were made of paper. Spinning around..the sexy Superwoman of the Incas..dropped the two soldiers standing behind her with simultaneous chops to their necks. "The woman is free!! Capture her at once!!" yelled Ortiz to the four soldiers standing behind him..and to Francisco and Boaz who stood to her right

Panther Woman raised her muscular arms and spread her muscular legs slightly apart in a fighting stance as she prepared to face them in combat. However before Francisco, Boaz and the other soldiers in the tent could draw their swords and attack their curvaceous adversary...an alarm was raised outside of the tent. "The armoury is on fire!!..The horses are stampeding!!..We are under attack!!..To arms!!..To arms!!" came shouts from outside. Panther Woman relaxed her fighting stance and smiled as the soldiers who formed Ortiz's bodyguards..rushed out of the tent to combat the new threat to the camp. "Stop her!!..Stop her!!" yelled Ortiz to Francisco and Boaz..who drew their swords and charged towards the buxom masked heroine. Evading the lunge of the portly Boaz and grabbing his right wrist.. Panther Woman twisted her curvaceous and muscular body as she effortlessly flung him backwards into Captain Francisco..knocking the wind out of both officers..and they fell to the ground.

Nervously drawing his sword...General Ortiz...advanced hestitatingly towards the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas. He swung his sword at her and was startled as she spun around..and disarmed him of his weapon by striking his right wrist with the ball of her erotic right foot...sending his sword flying out of his hand. Ortiz was too distracted by the tight fitting black silk loin cloth between the heroine's large thighs that he never saw the ball of her erotic left foot until it blotted out his vision as it connected solidly with the middle of his face. The Spanish general groaned in pain as he collapsed to the ground in a heap. Panther Woman turned to leave..pausing briefly to look at the dazed Captain Raul Francisco..who was lying a few feet away from her..with his deputy Boaz pinning him down. He watched as she picked up his sword. "I am at your mercy Panther Woman..Kill me..Kill me now!" he dared her.

The beauteous Superwoman of the Incas responded by bending the steel shaft in her hands and tossing it away..leaving no scars on the palms of her hands. "I do not take lives Captain Francisco...Not even of enemies who take advantage of me when I am at my weakest...Tell your superiors of me..and know that I shall not rest until you leave the land of the Incas..." said Princess Rima as she sprinted out of the tent in a blur of motion. Panther Woman's swift departure from the Spaniards' camp went unnoticed by the rest of the soldiers..who were too busy trying to put out the fire in the tent which housed their weapons and recapture the horses who had run away because of the fire. Despite the darkness...Panther Woman was able to make out the figures of the blacksmith Santos and young Paco making their way unseen across a nearby hill back to their village. Rima resolved to thank them properly..but for now...she knew she had to return to the Inca Palace before she was missed.

The following day...Inca King Capac and his daughter Princess Rima walked through the lush gardens of the Palace in the Inca capital city of Cajamarca...far removed from the invading Spanish army. "These are troubled times my daughter...the invaders...the ones called Spaniards...are a formidable foe...but the Gods have shown favour..and sent a champion warrior to defend our people.." said the King. "Really Father?" asked Rima..who was wearing her thin gold tiara..and a flowing gold gown which highlighted the curves of her sexy body..especially her huge breasts and nipples which were highlighted by the partially translucent nature of her dress. "Yes...Though I am baffled by the reports our messenger brings us...they say this warrior..is..a WOMAN...and she calls herself....PANTHER WOMAN...They say she reveals much of her body in combat...it is distracting to the enemy.." replied the King. Rima continued listening to her father speak about her sexy, super-powered alter-ego...longing for night to fall..so she could don the magic Panther Bra..and become the Superwoman of the Incas once again.

Later that same night in the village..Santos was tending to some work in his shed...when he had an unexpected visitor. "You are the blacksmith known as Santos?" asked a female voice. The 28 year old blacksmith turned around to see the curvaceous and muscular form of Panther Woman..stroll slowly into his shed. He marvelled at the features of her incredible bronze body..barely garbed by her strapless black silk bra..a silver panther emblem..nestled between her awesome cleavage..a tight-fitting black loin cloth covering the space between her large muscular thighs..her identity concealed by a black cat mask which covered most of her head..save the lower part of her nose and her full red lips. Her long mane of shiny black hair flowed out of the back of her mask and reached the middle of her back. She wore large silver earrings on either side of her head.

"Yes...You are the Panther Woman...I have seen you before..when you saved our village..." said Santos as he set his tools aside and walked towards the heroine. The sexy Superwoman of the Incas..assumed a heroic pose in front of him Her hands balled into fists resting lightly on either side of her small curvy waist..her muscular legs slightly apart..her erotic bare feet flat on the ground..and her huge bust pushed towards the blacksmith who was ten years older than her. "I know...and I have seen you too Santos...I came to thank you for coming to help me...when I was taken prisoner by the Spaniards...You and your young friend..Paco...I want you to tell him I thank him as well..." replied Rima...who could not help but notice the blacksmith's muscular upper torso under his shirt. Having been surrounded by wimpy suitors who were eager to win her hand in marriage...the Inca Princess was fascinated by a man like Santos. Handsome..strong and brave.

Distracted by these thoughts...Panther Woman allowed Santos to get close to her and place his hand on her broad left shoulder. "Who are you Panther Woman?..Where did you come from?..Why are you here?" asked Santos as he stared at the white slits of the heroine's cat mask which were emotionless. Behind them...Rima was having a difficult time concentrating..as she felt her huge golden brown nipples and areolas starting to harden underneath her flimsy..tight-fitting Panther Bra...the source of her incredible powers as Panther Woman...as she felt the warmth of his hand on her shoulder. "I..I..Uh..I cannot answer your questions Santos...but I thank you for helping me...I must go now..but I shall never be far away..." replied the Superwoman of the Incas as she gently removed the blacksmith's hand from her left shoulder..with her right hand..turned..an sprinted off into the night like a flash.

A brief gust of air was all Santos had to remind him of her visit...which left him more intrigued about the mysterious masked woman. He wanted to know more about her..and why he could not help but be attracted to her incredible beauty as much as to her bravery. Behind the mask of the Panther Woman..Rima..Princess of the Incas pondered her attraction for the handsome blacksmith. "Santos is a strange man...My makes my nipples harden when he touches me...but different to the way that Captain Francisco touched them...I must consult with Ula about these feelings I have..Now I must return to the Palace..where I shall..." thought the busty masked heroine as she raced through the darkened terrain as she departed the village..with lingering thoughts of Santos in her mind.

Whatever plans the beautiful Inca Princess was contemplating..were dashed in the cruellest of ways. Preoccupied by thoughts of the handsome blacksmith named Santos...and her strange feelings for him...the beauteous Panther Woman was taken completely by surprise as she felt something slash her across her tremendous bust as she sprinted through the darkened terrain not far from the villge where Santos lived. "Aaarghhh!!!!..My nipples are hurt!!!..Who dares to attack Panther Woman?!!" cried the sexy Superwoman of the Incas..as the hateful blow across her broad chest was enough to send her sprawling along the ground. Her attacker moved in swiftly determined not to give her any chance to use her mighty powers.

Princess Rima was slow in getting to her erotic bare feet...still reeling from the throbbing pain in her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...when she became alarmed at the sound of a familiar clicking noise... and cool night air brushing against the suddenly exposed summits of her large bronze breasts "No!!..My Panther Bra has been taken off!!..Whoever you are..Prepare to face my wrath!!" cried the beauteous Inca Superwoman..shocked by this new development..and slow to react. Her attacker had no such qualms and took advantage of her curvaceous adversary's slowness to action. "Be silent Panther Woman...This will soothe the savage she-beast.." sneered Elena as she cupped the massive bronze mounds of the heroine's naked chest in her hands. Rima's nipples and areolas were so large...finding them in the pitch darkness was an easy feat.

"Ooooh...Yes...You pinch me in my huge nipples....that makes me tired...Who are you?...You are a woman...Why do you do this?...Uuuh..Uuuh..Uuuuh" moaned Panther Woman as she felt Elena gently but firmly pinching her in her huge golden brown nipples and areolas..making them become hard as rocks within the space of seconds. Her head sagged between her awesome..exposed cleavage...her muscular arms falling limp at her sides..her muscular legs going limp below her small curvy waist. "Be silent Panther Woman...There is much you have to tell me..but for now...Sleep..sleep..sleep..sleep..sleep..."whispered Elena as she continued pinching the sexy Superwoman of the Incas in her huge nipples and areolas. "Uuuh..Uuuh.Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.."
cooed Panther Woman as her brown eyes closed behind the white slits of her cat mask..and she succumbed to unconsciousness.

To be continued
Last edited by BC2014 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Original Panther Woman 5

Peru, 1500

Under the cover of darkness...Elena made her way back towards her hut..located on the other side of the valley..far removed from the rest of the village...where Santos the blacksmith and his young friend Paco lived. The villagers thought Elena...who came to the village often...to be mysterious and many of the men were drawn to her beauty. That was until the arrived of a busty masked female in skimpy attire who called herself...PANTHER WOMAN. She had come out of nowhere to defend the Inca peasants from attack by an invading army of Spaniards who had come across the sea in great ships from a distant land to exploit the fabled riches from the domain of the Incas. While Panther Woman proved to be a formidable opponent for the heavily armed Spaniards with her mighty strength and amazing fighting prowess...Elena discovered a way to easy defeat the big breasted female and make her weak as a kitten.

Allowing herself to become distracted by strange feelings of attraction to the 28 year old blacksmith named Santos who had helped her to escape from the clutches of the Spaniards...the brave, beauteous and busty Panther Woman had allowed herself to fall into another predicament from which escape would be impossible. In her regular identity as Rima...daughter of the Great Inca King Capac and Princess of the Incas...she was not used to being around strong willed and independent thinking men. The only men Rima encountered were cowardly, subservient and greedy nobles and their underlings who would do anything to get her father's favour in order to win her hand in wedlock.

Despite the great powers and fighting abilities which were bestowed upon her when the Inca shaman Ula gave her the magical black silk Panther Bra as a gift...Rima's inexperience in the ways of men was a severe liability which she had not yet learnt to deal with. It had been clearly evident when she matched her wits against the devious but handsome Spanish military officer...Captain Raul Francisco..who learnt the most effective tactics and weapons to defeat the mighty Superwoman of the Incas were not ones regularly utilised by the Spaniards against their standard foes. For indeed...Panther Woman was far from any regular foe they ever faced.

However Santos and Paco thwarted those plans..helping Panther Woman to regain her advantage and defeat the Spaniards once again. Elena had gotten hint of the sole, sure weakness of the busty Inca Superwoman..when young Paco actually blurted it out when he came to Santos' blacksmith shed in the village to tell of Panther Woman's capture by the Spaniards. She confirmed it in her mind when she observed a certain reaction from the heroine when she paid a late night visit to Santos for whom she had a crush on. Determined that Panther Woman would not be an obstacle in her way...Elena lay in wait for the unsuspecting heroine..as she took the only route out of the village that was closest to Santos' home..that would keep her from being detected.

Knowing she could not match her female rival's incredible powers...Elena knew her only chance to subdue the big breasted masked woman was through treachery and hoping her suspicions that the heroine was inexperienced in the ways of men were correct. They were...as Panther Woman was instantly stunned when Elena slashed her across her tremendous chest with her fingernails...allowing her to remove the magical Panther Bra from the heroine's chest...depriving her of access to her super powers. All of these memories as well as her plans swirled around in her head as she dragged the helpless Superwoman of the Incas towards her hut.

Elena kept her arms around Panther Woman's torso...her hands firmly on the heroine's her large bronze breasts...her fingers slowly rubbing the heroine's huge golden brown nipples which were hard and erect from the unexpected erotic attack from Elena. Panther Woman's muscular arms hung limp...her muscular legs were spread apart below her small shapely waist...a flimsy black silk loin cloth barely covering the space in between her large thighs...her sexy bare feet...pointing away from each other as Elena got closer to her hut. Behind the cat mask which covered most of her head...except the lower part of her nose..all of her full red lips...a plume of her mane of shiny black hair flowing out from the back of her mask...Rima..Princess of the Incas..began to stir.

"Uuuuh...My nipples...Uuuuh...who pinches them...Uuuuuh...You make me weak....Uuuuh...I am tired....so...tired...Uuuuuh....Uuuuuuh" confessed the beauteous Inca Superwoman unwittingly..confirming to Elena that she was totally helpless. "Be silent big breasted one!" snarled Elena and gave Rima's large golden brown nipples a sharp twist with her fingers...as she dragged the helpless heroine inside of her hut. "Uuhuunnnnh!!!" groaned Panther Woman in pain...as Elena's pinch to her huge nipples proved sufficient to keep her sleepy, dazed and disoriented. Elena laid the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas on to a wooden cot and made her way to a wooden table where she kept certain paraphenalia.

"You...You are a woman...and...an Inca...Why do you do this to me?...I...must be strong..to protect our people...against...the Spaniards..You..must not...touch my breasts....or my nipples....I..cannot defeat the Spaniards...when that is done....Uuuuuh...did not know...I could get weak...get tired...when a woman...touches my breasts..touches my nipples...Uuunnh...they hurt...so much...Uuuunnh" moaned the helpless Panther Woman who felt too sexy and too sleepy to move. Elena grinned as she walked back towards her curvaceous captive with a damp cloth in her hand. "Then allow me to ease your discomfort o mighty Panther Woman..." sneered Elena as she slowly lowered the damp cloth on to the throbbing summits of the Inca heroine's tremendous bronze bust..exposed in all its naked glory.

"Uuuuuuuuh...My nipples....Uuuuuuh..they..feel....Uuuuuuh...so strange...pain...leaving them..but...Uuuuuuuh...they...are staying....hard...Uuuuuuuuh...tired....Uuuuuuuh...I am..becoming...so tired.....I....cannot resist...without...my Panther Bra...Uuuuuuh...give it to me...Uuuuuh"
moaned Princess Rima as she found it was becoming harder to keep her brown eyes open behind the white slits of her cat mask. She could not move her muscular arms and legs to defend herself..as Elena slowly drugged her into sleepy, sexy submission. "You cannot resist the power of the teeta herb...crushed and made into liquid...feel its power as it soaks into your huge nipples Panther Woman.." gloated Elena as she rubbed the cloth over the summits of each of the heroine's huge bronze breasts.

"Uuuuuh...Yes...You are right....my huge nipples...never been touched by a man...I am unwise to their ways...the Inca Gods command that when the Panther Woman loses her Panther Bra...and her nipples are touched by wicked men...she must become weak...and tired...Uuuh...You are very clever...this teeta herb...makes my nipples think...they are being touched by an evil man....Uuuuuuh...I become so tired..
so weak...I...cannot resist you....Why do you do this to me...Uuuuh...Uuuuh.." moaned Rima as she knew she was fighting a losing battle to remain awake. "You think you can possess the man I love...the blacksmith...Santos.." sneered Elena...dabbing the cloth over each of Panther Woman's huge golden brown nipples which were hard, erect and gleaming from the application of the damp cloth.

"Santos?...Uuuuh...I...am grateful to him...saved me...from the Spaniards...I...have strange feelings...when I am with him....I do not...Uuunn...derstand...them....You must believe me...this is...a...mis...Uuunn...derstanding..." sighed Panther Woman..rolling her head from side to side as she struggled to keep her brown eyes open behind the white slits of her cat mask..as Elena skillfully applied her cloth to her broad chest...where it was most vulnerable. "You lie Panther Woman...I saw you together with him...teasing him with your large breasts...they are the biggest anyone has seen in this land...they define you somehow...He was captivated by them...they place him under your spell.." quipped Elena.

"Uuuuuh...Please...You must stop this....Spaniards...will attack again...will not be able to defeat them...if you use your magic on my big breasts...on my huge nipples....Stop...I command you...to stop...Uuuuh..Uuuuh..Uuuuh.." moaned Panther Woman as Elena ignored her words. "Oh no my annoying rival...I want you to be tired...I want you never to be close to the man I love...I want you to be far..far away from him...and I know just how to make that happen..." sneered Elena as she draped the damp cloth over Rima's enormous bronze breasts...effectively smothering her huge golden brown nipples..which unsuccessfully tried to poke through it. "

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Teeta herb...Uuuuuuuh..it works like the Spaniards vino....Uuuuuuuh..nipples...breasts...so tired..again...going to..going to...Uuuuh..Uuuuh..Uuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" cooed the beauteous Inca Superwoman as her brown eyes slammed shut behind the white slits of her cat mask..her head rolling against her left shoulder as she succumbed to unconsciousness.

To be continued

To be continued.
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Joined: 9 years ago

The Original Panther Woman 6

Peru, 1500.

Once again..in her chambers in the Royal Palace in the Inca capital city of Cajamarca...the shaman named Ula looked on which concern at the images in her mystic looking pool. Ula watched images of PANTHER WOMAN...Champion heroine of the Incas..lying topless and unconscious in the home of a woman named Elena. Ula was the only person who knew that Princess Rima..daughter of the Great Inca King Capac...was secretly Panther Woman. "By the Gods...Rima has been bested once again...My Princess lies unconscious at the hands of this clever and treacherous woman....She will not return to the palace before daybreak...once her huge nipples remain under the spell of the teeta herb...There must be a way I can help Panther Woman.." thought Ula as she consulted her ancient books.

Elsewhere...the Spaniards were mobilising their troops to mount another offensive against the Incas. Captain Raul Francisco and his deputy..Lieutennant Boaz were summoned to the tent of their commanding officer...General Humberto Diaz...as the soldiers donned their battle garb...armed themselves and started marching out of the camp. Ortiz...who gained his post by favoritism and not by virtue of combat experience scowled at the two officers as they entered..saluted and stood at attention before him. "Captain!..The Army of his Majesty..the King of Spain shall not be defeated by a large breasted woman in a mask and the barest of attire!!" declared Ortiz...referring to Panther Woman..Superwoman of the Incas..who had been captured by Francisco..only to escape and cause damage to the camp as she did so.

Francisco smiled to himself...knowing that he had not told Ortiz all he knew about the big breasted masked woman. Especially the fact that her large breasts and huge nipples were key to her strength and her weakness. "I want that woman found and recaptured at all costs!!" declared the General before dismissing the two officers. "What are we to do Capitan?" asked Boaz as they walked out of Ortiz's tent.

"Fear not Boaz...We have an advantage...I know the weakness of the she savage the natives call Panther Woman..and as the so called protector of the Incas...we need only attack these natives..and she will be drawn into our trap..." replied the Spanish captain in an arrogant tone of voice as they mounted their horses and rode off to join the column of departing soldiers.

Miles away..in the Royal Palace in the Inca capital city of Cajamarca..high in the mountains.. the Great Inca King Capac...conferred with the generals of his War Council. "What news have you of these invaders?...The ones called the Spaniards!" asked the King to the assembly of stocky middle aged men who served as the commanders of his army. "The Spaniards are yet to enter the inner realm of the kingdom O Great King...The Council does not advise the Army be prepared for war..." said one general. "The outer realm is filled with peasants...and other lower subjects of the Kingdom...They are not able to defeat such a powerful enemy...What keeps them there?" asked the King.

His generals gazed at each other and murmured amongst themselves. "Speak!..I demand a reason why the Spaniards have not crossed into the inner realm of my kingdom!" declared the Inca King. "Messages from our scouts tell us that the Spaniards have encountered an unusual enemy....a masked woman...with large breasts...who possesses great strength and speed....it is said that she has defeated many of their soldiers...who possess weapons which our soldiers do not have...the Spaniards have directed their attention towards capturing and defeating this female....who the peasants say call herself....PANTHER WOMAN!!" replied one general.

"I am yet to be convinced that a lone warrior...let alone a woman....can succeed against the Spaniards...who are thousands strong...but perhaps if the Spaniards' attention is directed on this...Panther Woman...then we need not be concerned at this time... Have the message sent to all corners of the Kingdom...the Army will mobilise once the Spaniards enter the inner realm...no assistance is to come from the Army to this...female called Panther Woman!" declared the Inca King as he got to his feet. His generals rising and bowing as he left the council chambers.

In the shadows...the loyal shaman Ula had been listening with concern. "My King must never know that Panther Woman is his own daughter.. the Princess Rima...Who even now has been subdued by a cunning female who has outwitted my Princess..who is naive in the ways of men..I can only pray to the Gods that they help Panther Woman to regain her strength before it is too late..." thought Ula as she made her way back to her chambers in the palace..to continue trying to find a way to help the captured Superwoman of the Incas.

Far away from her home of privilege and wealth in the Royal Palace....Princess Rima...in her secret identity of Panther Woman...Champion of the Incas...lay totally helpless on a wooden cot in the hut of a woman called Elena..who had so expertly ambushed and defeated her hours earlier. So comprehensive was Panther Woman's defeat...Elena saw no need to bind her hands and feet to the cot...because she knew the busty heroine was too helpless to escape. Elena sat down beside her curvaceous captive..watching as her large bronze breasts...rose and fell slowly before her as she slept. She was amazed at the size and texture of the heroine's huge golden brown nipples and areolas which occupied all of the respective summits of her massive bronze mounds.

Elena heard Panther Woman sigh...."Uuuh..Uuuh"...and watched the Inca Superwoman's head..pillowed by her thick mane of shiny black hair which flowed out of the back of her cat mask..which covered most of her head...save the lower part of her nose and her full lips...rolling slowly from side to side...as she began to regain consciousness. Determined to keep the mighty Panther Woman tamed....Elena picked up a cluster of thorns which she had ingenously shaped into a pad which she could hold in her hands without being scratched by the thorns. She smiled as she lowered the thorny pad slowly towards...Panther Woman's huge golden brown nipples...which were hard and erect. Their sheer thickness and width...coupled with their state of arousal...made them an impossible target to miss.

"UUUHH!!!...My..huge nipples...UUHNN!!!..Sharp objects scratch them...UUUHUNNN!!!!....That makes me so tired...UUNNH!!!...Too tired to think....Too tired...to move....UNNHH!!!....Who has captured me??....UNNNH!!!....I must escape..UNNNH!!!" groaned Rima...her brown eyes fluttering behind the white slits of her cat mask...unable to focus on the blurry images which swirled around in front of them. "You shall go nowhere you foolish big breasted woman!!" snarled Elena as she rubbed the pad of thorns over each of Panther Woman's huge golden brown nipples and areolas.. to keep her feeling sexy and sleepy.

"UNNNH... Your voice...the voice of a woman...an Inca...Not a Spaniard...Why do you do this to me...I am Panther Woman...Superwoman of the Incas....I command you to....UNNNH!!!...UNNNH!!!...UNNNNH!!!!" cried the helpless Inca Princess as the pad of thorns was brushed across her huge hardened and erect nipples. Elena then slowed the movement of her strokes across the helpless heroine's massive nipples and areolas. Moving the pad of thorns in a slow circular motion..such that some thorns gently scratched Rima's extra sensitive areolas..while other thorns..simultaneously jabbed her in her super sensitive nipples. "It is I who give the orders Panther Woman...Is that understood?" asked Elena in a firm yet soft, soothing voice.

"Y...Y....Y...esssss...." cooed Panther Woman in sleepy submission. "You will answer all of my questions...then forget what you have revealed to me...." said Elena as she rubbed the thorny pad over the summits of the heroine's large bronze breasts. "Y...Y..Y...Y...ess.." agreed Rima as she was lulled into a stupor of sex and sleep. "Tell me how do you feel Panther Woman?" asked Elena. "Uuunh....Tired....weak...helpless...My huge nipples....they are in so much pain...must get back my Panther Bra...it has magical powers...that grant me...my strength..." confessed the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas to her captor.

"That I cannot allow Panther Woman...but there is something about your nipples...they are the largest I have ever seen on any Inca woman...Are they important to your great strength and speed?" asked Elena..as the thorns passed over and over Rima's vulnerable nipples and areolas. "UNNNNH....The Gods play cruel tricks on me....UNNNNH...My enemies know more about my huge nipples than I do...UNNNH
..UNNNNH..." blurted Panther Woman as the thornes continued to stroke and poke her in her most erogenous zones. "You must obey my commands Panther Woman...Tell me about those huge nipples of yours...Tell me what is their secret!!" demanded Elena..as she applied the pad over the peaks of Rima's massive bronze breasts...over..and over..and over..again.

"UNNNNNNH....Yes...must obey...tell you everything...then forget...what I have said to you..." cooed Panther Woman..as the toes of her sexy bare feet twitched helplessly in response to the thorns stroking and poking her in the nipples and areolas. "Tell me the secret of your nipples Panther Woman!" pressed Elena. "UUUUUH....My nipples...must never be touched...by...a man...once they are made hard...the Gods punish me....They deny me the powers of the Panther Bra...which give me my strength...my speed....UUUUH...UUUUH....UUUUH" moaned Rima in response.

"Good...and what of Santos?...What are you desires for him?" asked Elena. As the thorns passed over her huge golden brown nipples and areolas repeatedly...images of the handsome..28 year old blacksmith..with a toned muscular body...flashed through the mind of the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas. "UNNNH...I...I feel strange...when I am close to him...when he stands close to me...when he speaks...my huge nipples..become hard under my Panther Bra...Have never known a man...like him...UUUH...He is in danger...from the Spaniards...I...I command you...to..UNNNH...stop stroking my huge nipples...UNNNH...I cannot defeat the Spaniards...when you do this to me...I am..so...tired..." cooed Panther Woman.

Elena ignored the pleas of the hlepless Inca Princess but quickened the length and depth of the strokes of the pad of thorns over her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...having for--d Rima to tell her all she needed to know to defeat her. "Oh no my annoying enemy...I want you to stay tired...I want you far away from my love Santos...You shall not interfere again...and I know how to make this happen!!" cried Elena as she vigorously rubbed the pad of thorns over Panther Woman's huge golden brown nipples and areolas.

"N..N...N..NOOO!!!.......UUNNNNNNH!!!!!...Do not do this!!!....UNNNNNH!!!!...PAIN!!!....PAIN IN MY HUGE NIPPLES!!!!...I...I AM..BEING PUT TO SLEEP!!!!!....YOU DO NOT FIGHT WITH HONOR!!!...AAARGHHH!!!!...THORNS!!!...MERE THORNS ON MY HUGE NIPPLES ARE ENOUGH TO SUBDUE THE MIGHTY PANTHER WOMAN!!!!..I HAVE MUCH TO LEARN ABOUT THE WORLD OUTSIDE OF THE ROYAL PALACE!!!.. I WAS GOING THERE WHEN YOU ATTACKED ME!!!...SO WEAK NOW...SO TIRED...THOUGHTS OF SANTOS IN MY MIND!!!...GOING TO..GOING TO...GOING TO...UUUH...UUUH..UUUH...UU...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Rima as s massive orgasm exploded under the flimsy black silk loin cloth which hugged the space between her large thighs and she faded into unconsciousness..again.

To be continued.
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Millenium Member
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To Start with, some (hopefully) constructive criticism. The formatting is weird, there's a lot of repetition, for some reason you use two periods sometimes where a comma should be and the villains are totally omniscient... but hot damn and who the hell cares cause something about this one got me totally fired up.

I found this one incredibly hot and the concept behind the heroine original (originality is good), Incan Superwoman ftw! I like to put myself in the place of the heroine when I read stuff like this, and she's just the perfect amount of cocky, arrogant and naive at full strength, I love how chatty she is when weak (and what MAKES her weak), and that the source of her powers seem to force her to blurt out secrets when she is weak also a la the lasso of truth.

I don't usually feel inspired by stuff anymore but whatever the reason, this one got me. I went ahead and made a picture.
I was too lazy to put a background or anything on it this late at night, and I'm not a huge fan of barefeet so I compromised and gave her some heroic sandals (I hope they look heroic anyway) Hope you like it.

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This picture is great. Pretty much how I envisioned Original Panther Woman. Could you maybe do a couple more of her...maybe fighting...or sleepy...topless and about to pass out?

Here's another chapter in her adventures

Original Panther Woman 7

Peru. 1500

Elena smiled wickedly to herself as she stood triumphantly over the topless..curvaceous..muscular bronze body of her captive...PANTHER WOMAN...Superwoman of the Incas...who she had twice outwitted and knocked unconscious in the space of a few hours that night. As she watched the large bronze mounds of the heroine's exposed chest rise and fall slowly before her...with huge golden brown nipples..which were hard and erect...throbbing painfully at their respective summits...Elena marvelled at how easy it was to subdue the mighty Panther Woman who was said to possess the strength of 20 men and could run faster than the wind...who had easily defeated battalions of Spaniards...who boasted an arsenal..the likes of which her people..the Incas did not have.

"Nnnnn...Nnnn...Nnnnn" cooed the sexy Superwoman of the Incas softly in sleepy defeat as Elena gently brushed her pad of thorns over each of her huge golden brown nipples and areolas..which were hard and erect..as her large bronze breasts..rose and fell in their naked splendor before her. "Yes...Panther Woman...You shall not reach your destination of the Royal Palace...You shall remain here..where you will sleep...You will sleep long and deep...You will not use your big breasts to make Santos fall under your spell...for he belongs to me..." sneered Elena as she glided the thorny pad over the naked bronze bust of the helpless heroine. As she marvelled at the hardness of the Inca Superwoman's huge golden brown nipples and areolas..Elena reflected on her words before she fell asleep.

"Why were you going to the Royal Palace big breasted one?...Are you an emissary of the Great King?...Did he send you to fight the Spaniards?...That matters little now...for while you do not wear you Panther Bra...and while your huge nipples remain hard as the rocks...You shall remain asleep Panther Woman...and I will see to it that you never go near to Santos again!" vowed Elena. Grabbing the busty Inca Heroine...who was secretly Rima...Princess of the Incas...daughter to the Great King Capac... under her muscular arms...Elena dragged her out of the hut and away into the darkness.

Some time later...Panther Woman moaned..."Uuuuh..Uuuuh" as her brown eyes opened behind the white slits of her black cat mask as she slowly regained consciousness..becoming aware of a few realities. "Ooooh...My huge nipples...They hurt...make me feel so tired...feel so weak....my Panther Bra...is gone...I do not remember what happened...or..Uuuuh..who did this to me..." cooed Princess Rima as she tried to get up. However she soon discovered that she could not because her hands were tied behind her back at the wrists..while her ankles were tied together..both with strong ropes.

"Ohh..Someone captured me...inflicted pain on my huge nipples..to make me go to sleep...my Panther Bra has been taken off while I was asleep...my hands and feet bound...must get free..I have to return to the Palace before..." said the beauteous Superwoman of the Incas. She never finished her sentence as she was interrupted by a menacing hissing sound. Looking in the direction of the hissing noise....Rima's brown eyes widened behind the white slits of her black cat mask as she saw a large snake coiled up in the corner of the pit which she was lying in.

"Ohh!!..I am in some kind of earthen pit with a poisonous snake!!..Unnh!!..I cannot break these ropes withour my Panther Bra!!..I have to get away before the snake fully awakens!!..Gods of the Incas!!..Help me!!" cried Panther Woman as she writhed frantically to break the ropes binding her wrists and ankles to no avail...as the large snake focused its attention on her. "Uuuh..My huge nippes..They are so dizzy...I cannot think clearly...I cannot summon my Panther Bra to my chest...I cannot break these ropes without my Panther Bra..Gods of the Incas...Help me!!..Help me!!" cried Rima..writhing frantically on the floor of the pit as the large snake got closer.

The Inca Gods answered the call of their curvaceous champion as young Paco happened to be passing close by the pit where she was seemingly at the mercy of the large snake..and his attention was caught by a shinning object in a nearby tree. Paco gasped in surprise as he realised it was the silver panther emblem..in the middle of the flimsy black silk bra..which belonged on the huge chest of the Panther Woman. Hearing her cries from inside the pit...the young boy knew the Superwoman of the Incas was in grave peril and needed her magic bra to save her.

Without a second thought for his own safety...Paco grabbed the Panther Bra off the low hanging branch of the tree..and leapt down into the pit. As he landed on the ground beside Panther Woman..who lay topless, tied and helpless before the advancing snake...the big breasted heroine remembered him and more importantly saw that he had her bra in his right hand. Forgiving him mentally for poking her in her huge golden brown nipples when they first met...Princess Rima called out to him. "Paco!!..Quickly!!...You must put my Panther Bra over my large breasts!!...It is the only way I can save us both from the snake!!" cried the beauteous Inca Superwoman.

Paco could not help but stare at the heroine's large bronze breasts..capped at their summits by huge golden brown nipples...swaying sexily before his eyes. They were the most beautiful breasts he had ever seen and he wondered what they felt like to touch..especially her huge golden brown nipples. However the words of Panther Woman and the meancing hiss of the huge reptile as it slithered closer towards to them..spurred him into action. "Yes big sister!..I do as you say!" said Paco as he leaned forward and gently fitted the strapless black silk Panther Bra over the large bronze mounds of Rima's naked chest.

He was amazed as the silver panther emblem..which linked the cups of the bra together...glowed as the Panther Bra secured itself around the broad chest of its mistress...and its magic purged her huge golden brown nipples of the weakness inflicted upon them earlier by Elena. Rima smiled as she felt her huge golden brown nipples become soft and her mighty strength flow through her curvaceous and muscular brown body once more. Paco watched in awe as he beauteous Superwoman of the Incas flexed her muscular arms and legs..effortlessly snapping the ropes which bound her hands behind her back and her erotic bare feet together.

He watched as she leapt off the ground...landing on the balls of her erotic bare feet. So mesmerised was young Paco that he did not realise that the snake had turned its attention away from the busty Inca heroine and was now bearing down on him. Fortunately for him...Panther Woman realised the danger to her young rescuer and acted swiftly. "Look out Paco!!" cried Rima as she drove her clenched right fist decisively into the head of the snake as it moved to strike the unsuspecting boy. The force of the blow was enough to incapacitate the snake.

Grabbing Paco around his waist..Panther Woman flexed her large thighs...and carried them out of the pit in a single bound. Paco watched in awe as the busty Superwoman of the Incas effortlessly rolled a large boulder over the top of the pit to seal it permanently so that it would not endanger anyone else. The young boy watched the massive bronze breasts of the mighty Inca heroine sway sexily from side to side underneath her thin black silk bra which did little to cover them..offering a glimpse of her huge golden brown nipples..as she walked over to him. Taking his hands in her own...Panther Woman helped Paco to his feet.

Paco watched as the masked heroine...who was secretly Rima...Princess of the Incas...assumed her heroic pose before him. Hands balled into fists resting lightly on either side of her small curvy waist. Her muscular legs slightly apart...her erotic bare feet resting flat on the ground..and her massive bronze bust pushed towards him with confidence. "Thank you for helping me Paco...The Inca Gods be praised that they guided you here and that you found my Panther Bra...I do not remember how I came to be in that pit...but I am in your debt..." replied the sexy Superwoman of the Incas.

"I was looking for you Panther Woman!...Santos and some of the other men from my village have gone to fight the Spaniards...who are attacking another village...close by...in that valley...the Spaniards are angry that you have defeated them..they seek revenge on our people" said Paco as he pointed in the direction of some nearby hills. Rima felt her big golden brown nipples stiffen slightly underneath her flimsy black silk bra at the mere mention of Santos' name..as feelings of warmth welled up in her broad chest...as she gazed off into the direction which Paco pointed her in.

"Do not worry Paco...I am strong again...I shall save Santos and the other men from the Spaniards...Go back to your village where you will be safe...I know you care for Santos...He is your friend...like you...I also care for him..." said Panther Woman as she briefly rested her hand in reassurance on Paco's left shoulder before sprinting away in a blur of motion. "You care for him more than I do big sister..You do not know how much..." said Paco to himself after she had gone. He did as she told him and made his way back to the village.

As the wind rippled past her curvaceous and muscular bronze body...through her shiny black hair which flowed out of her black cat mask...all Princess Rima could think about was Santos..getting to him..and making sure he was safe. The sounds of fighting caught the attention of the beauteous Inca superwoman and she ran as fast as she could towards them. As she ran over the top of a bluff...Panther Woman saw a group of Inca peasants..engaged in battle with a contingent of Spaniards.

The battle was uneven with the peasants' sling shots, clubs, spears and axes..making little difference against the Spaniards with their large swords and their armour plated uniforms. In the midst of the battle...Rima spotted Santos. The 28 year old blacksmith..bravely swinging away with his axe...having felled two Spaniards but found himself surrounded by six more. Her brown eyes widening with concern behind the white slits of her black cat mask..for the safety of this young man who she was now developing feelings for...the Inca Princess flexed her large thighs and leapt into the midst of the battle.

"Stand brave Santos!!" cried Panther Woman as she drove the ball of her erotic left foot solidly into the jaw of a Spaniard as he tried to strike the blacksmith from behind with a cowardly blow. "What?!..Panther Woman!!" cried Santos..his voice a combination of joy and relief..to see the busty warrior woman come to his aid and the aid of the other villagers. They had been ambushed on the way to help their neighbouring villagers who were under attack from the Spaniards. "Have no fear Santos!!..I have come to help you defeat the Spaniards!!..They shall know the fury of Panther Woman this day!!" declared Rima as she waded into the ranks of the Spaniards.

Startled by the sudden appearance of the buxom masked champion of the Incas...the Spaniards were no match for her as she effortlessly scattered them with her great strength..and expert fighting prowess as demonstrated by a flurry of punches, chops, kicks and throws. Inspired by her courage..the other Incas fought with renewed vigor and purpose. The Spaniards found themselves on the receiving end of punishing club strikes...stones fired from slingshots..finding the weak spots in their armoured uniforms and several falling to well timed axe blows.

As he hacked down the foreign invaders with broad swings of his axe..Santos could not help but admire the beauteous Panther Woman as she battled the Spaniards. He admired the way the muscles of her arms and legs flexed as she engaged her foes...the rhythmic sway of her huge bronze breasts which were barely contained within her thin black silk bra...the curves on her erotic bare feet..the gleam of her toenails..as her feet made contact with the vulnerable parts of the Spaniards' bodies. Realising they could not defeat the mighty Superwoman of the Incas in a fair fight...the Spaniards sounded their retreat with a trumpet blast..

They ran away..carried their wounded comrades.. while leaving the dead behind...with some of the Inca peasants chasing after them..while others tended to members of their group who had been wounded in the battle. As she assumed her heroic pose in triumph of her victory over the Spaniards...Santos approached her. "Ohhh..I feel strangeness in my huge nipples as Santos draws near...I want him to touch them...No...I must think clearly..." resolved Princess Rima as Santos stood before her. "Thank you for saving us Panther Woman!..We owe you our lives...but I have to know..." began Santos before the big breasted heroine raised her right hand to interrupt his speech.

"Fare well for now Santos!...I must tell you that I admire your courage...and I swear to you by the Gods of the Incas...I shall never be far away whenever the Spaniards threaten...I shall see again..." said Panther Woman before she turned and ran off in a cloud of dust before the young blacksmith could utter another word.

Two days later
Royal Palace, Cajamarca

The Great King Capac and his daughter..the Princess Rima..enjoyed a quiet stroll in the lush green gardens of the Palace...with the Royal Guards standing in safe proximity to provide security and give them privacy. The King looked at his 18 year old daughter and heiress to his throne...who was wearing a thin golden braided gown which hugged every contour of her shapely body..particularly her large brown breasts..and translucent enough to see her huge dark brown nipples..and the neatly trimmed patch of black pubic hair between her large thighs. She wore gold bracelets on her wrists..a thin gold tiara on her head..her shiny black hair flowing on to her broad shoulders..gold braided sandals on her feet.

"I hear tales my daughter...Our emissiaries from the outer kingdom...say the foreign invaders...the ones who call themselves Spaniards...are being kept in check by a woman...with large breasts..who wears a mask and scanty clothes...the peasants say she is called Panther Woman.." said Capac. "I have heard the tales too Father...She sounds like a brave woman..protecting our people from the evil that are these Spaniards.." replied Rima with a hint of pride in her voice..seeing that she was secretly the Panther Woman.

"I find it difficult to believe one woman can do as is being told...She clearly stands little chance of finding a husband...exposing her body to strangers as she does..." remarked the King. This caused the Inca Princess to feel a little irritated by her father's insinuations. "Father...I think this woman warrior is proud of her body and exposed it to her enemies to demonstrate that her strength and beauty are one and the same..." said Rima. The King inhaled deeply before turning to his daughter.

"That you could utter those words daughter..cause me concern...it is time that you find a husband...I shall send word out for suitors to present themselves to the Palace over the next two days...I command you to make yourself available to them.." said Capac. Though her mind rebelled at the very thought of not being able to change into Panther Woman for the next two days...Rima knew her duties as Princess of the Incas. "Yes Father...I will do as you wish.." replied Rima with a small bow to the King before he left her to continue walking in the gardens alone.

However as Rima pondered what this meant for her and for Panther Woman..she had no idea that other eyes were upon her.

To be continued.
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Original Panther Woman 8

Cajamarca, Peru.

From amongst the shadows of some pillars in a nearby corridor in the Royal Palace...Elena watched the daughter of the Great King Capac...Princess Rima walk through the Palace's lush green gardens...the Royal Guards and servants bowing as she strolled past them..seemingly in a world of her own. Elena was on a personal mission and had easily managed to infiltrate the Palace...posing as a servant girl..with the intention of getting close to the unsuspecting Inca Princess..whose mind was preoccupied with thoughts about her emerging feelings for the 28 year old blacksmith Santos who Elena desired...her father's desire to find her a suitor for marriage..and her responsibilities to the Inca people in her secret identity of PANTHER WOMAN.

Talk amongst the servants at the Palace...caused Elena to be aware that apart from being the King's daughter...Princess Rima was well known for her sexy body..especially her large breasts and huge nipples....which somehow enforced the belief amongst many that ordinary Inca men were unworthy of her attention. This was why some believed the 18 year old Inca Princess had no male companion in her life...who the King prayed to the Inca Gods would ensure he had a grandson worthy enough to sit on the throne. His two sons..Rima's older brothers..were gone. One dying in battle with a rival Inca tribe..the other disappeared on journey to a remote part of the Inca Kingdom and long presumed dead...the King loved his daughter but was silently uncomfortable at the thought of her ruling as queen without a male consort.

As she watched Rima's large brown breasts bob and sway sexily underneath her form-fitting gold braided gown as she walked...Elena reflected upon her recent encounter with another similarly endowed female...the mysterious masked heroine....who called herself Panther Woman. Elena remembered that while Panther Woman possessed incredible strength, speed, stamina and fighting abilities..she was able to easily subdue her by wounding her in her huge golden brown nipples..and keep her tamed by stripping her of her special bra...and keeping her nipples in a state of arousal. She remembered how Panther Woman offered no resistance..constantly complaining of how her breasts and nipples were her weakness..and how weak and sleepy she became when men touched them.

Elena also remembered that before Panther Woman passed out when she was her captive...she blurted something about going to the Royal Palace. This prompted her to wonder what was the connection between the large breasted warrior woman and the Palace. Watching the Inca Princess exit the gardens and make her way back to her quarters..Elena strongly suspected there was a connection between Princess Rima and Panther Woman.

She was determined to find out what it was and sever it..so that Panther Woman would not be a rival for the affections of Santos. Unaware of what the evil Elena was planning for her sexy, super-powered alter-ego..Princess Rima sought out the female shaman Ula for counsel. Rima found Ula in her quarters..mixing some of her special potions. The elderly shaman spoke as the busty 18 year old princess entered. "I sense that you are deeply troubled Princess...Many thoughts on your mind..." stated Ula.

"Yes....Father wishes me to me married...and is arranging for suitors to come to the Palace...but I have no wish for any of them...." said Rima as she watched the shaman continue with her work. "For you desire another..." added Ula. "You are wise Ula....I have feelings for a peasant...a blacksmith named Santos...I have saved his life in my role as Panther Woman...when I am in his presence...I get warm feelings in my huge nipples...." said the Inca Princess. "You must be cautious my Princess...for your nipples are your weakness as Panther Woman..." cautioned Ula.

"The Spaniards know this well Ula....I am no match for their treachery...They have outwitted me several times...succeeded in removing my Panther Bra...they even have a strange liquid called vino...it has strange powers over my huge nipples...it makes them hard...I have no choice to become tired...and go to sleep...How can I prevent this?" asked Rima. The shaman Ula turned to face the 18 year old Princess of the Incas...looking at at curvaceous body with admiration..especially her massive bust and large nipples. "You cannot...the Gods command Panther Woman to become weak and tired at the hands of evil men...once her Panther Bra is removed...and evil touches her breasts and her nipples...Panther Woman can only prevail..once she can keep this evil away from her breasts and nipples." explained Ula.

"I understand Ula....if this is the will of the Gods....then I have no choice but to obey...and let happen what must happen..." said Rima with a tone of resignation...knowing there would be many more times that she would have the magic Panther Bra taken off her broad chest..and have her large bronze breasts and huge golden brown nipples manipulated into submission to knock her unconscious. "Now that you understand..I give you this....it is a special pouch...visible only to the eyes of Panther Woman...wear this around your waist...inside is the Panther Bra...it will always be close at hand...whenever Panther Woman is needed..." explained Ula as she handed the small leather pouch to Rima.

"Thank you Ula" replied Princess Rima as she accepted the pouch from the elderly shaman with a smile. "Be careful my Princess...Evil takes many forms...Panther Woman must not be tamed...or the Incas will be in danger...I give you this advice before I leave for my ritual in the mountains at sunrise...I return in four moons time..."said Ula. "I understand Ula...and I thank you again.." replied Rima as she briefly hugged the elderly Shaman and walked out of the chamber into the dimly lit corridor. Unknown to the Inca Princess...Elena had been wandering around the palace corridors. Drawn to the sound of voices...and hearing only the words of "Panther Bra" and "tired"...she followed them..hoping they would lead her to her sworn enemy...Panther Woman.

She arrived in time to see Princess Rima depart the chamber of Ula the shaman and walk down the dimly lit corridors back towards her own chambers. Elena was thinking about the voices she heard...when a guard spotted her. "You!...Servant!..You are forbidden to be here..Why are you here?" asked the guard as he advanced towards her. "Pardons my lord...I was lost..." said Elena feigning ignorance.

"Then begone with you....suitors arrive tomorrow to seek the hand of the Princess...there is much work to be done..." said the guard. "Yes...I go" replied Elena as she hustled off down the corridor. She realised this could allow her to get close to the Inca princess and find out how close she was to Panther Woman.

The following day....Princess Rima watched from the balcony of her chambers in the palace as the suitors were escorted by the guards into the palace..where they would make their offering to her father the King...hoping they would be granted the opportunity to seek her hand in marriage. Clad in loose fitting crimson robes which did little to conceal her curvaceous body..the Inca Princess watched the suitors...accompanied by their servants bearing gifts to the King...enter the palace compound. She silently prayed for a chance to become Panther Woman in order to escape the ritual feast which was to take place later as the sun set.

Rima's thoughts were interrupted as she felt her nipples tingle under her loose crimson robes and then heard the sound of an a commotion in the courtyard down below. To her shock and surprise...the 18 year old Inca Princess saw that some of the palace guards..for some unknown reason had gone made and were wildly brandishing their weapons at the visiting nobles..who had come to present themselves as suitors to her..and their servants.

"This could cause division between Father and the nobles....I do not care for any of them to be my husband...but I cannot allow a civil war to take place...not when the Spaniards have entered our lands...The Inca Gods have granted me my wish...I must become Panther Woman and stop this madness from taking place..." resolved Rima with a smile on her face as she raced inside of her chambers...letting her robe fall to the ground..leaving her clad in only sandals as she reached for the pouch that the Shaman Ula had given her.

Reaching inside...she pulled out the strapless black silk Panther Bra from the pouch and immediately slipped it on to her already large bronze breasts..and clicked the silver panther clasp between her huge cleavage to secure the magic bra in place. Pressing the silver panther emblem..between her breasts..and the Inca Princess was immediately engulfed in an aura of brilliant light. When the light faded..Rima's bronze body had become more curvaceous and muscular. She wore gleaming silver bracelets which covered most of her lower arms.

A loincloth made of fine black silk similar to the Panther Bra hugged the space between her large muscular thighs. Her large breasts had swelled to massive proportions...the bra barely able to contain them. Rima was amazed that even her golden brown nipples and areolas had grown and become more defined. Her feet were bare and erotic to the eye. Raising her hands to her head...Rima..covered she was wearing huge silver earrings and a cat like mask which covered most of her head..save the lower part of her nose and her full red lips.

Rima's black hair..became long thick and shiny...flowing from the back of the black Panther Mask on to her broad shoulders and reaching the middle of her back. Her brown eyes were filled with steely resolve behind the white slits of the mask..completing her transformation into the mighty Inca Superwoman..who was quickly becoming a legend amongst the villagers who lived in the outer realms of the Inca Kingdom.

Her huge breasts bobbing and swaying under her Panther Bra which struggled to contain them..her muscular arms and legs working in tandem...her mane of shiny black hair flowing out from the back of her black Panther Mask which covered most of her head... the mighty Incan Superwoman raced into action to avert a crisis which could split the Inca Kingdom into warring factions if she did not act.

Screams and shouts filled the air in the courtyard of the Inca Palace as the group of ten soldiers wildly brandished their weapons..lashing out wildly in all directions..causing the nobles who had come from far and wide to present themselves as husbands to the King's daughter...the Princess Rima...destroying some of the gifts which their servants were bearing to convince the King they should earn the right to marry the Princess.

Courage however was not the strong suit of any of the nobles who were to be considered as husbands for Princess Rima..as the dozen of them who had come to the Palace...all ran for safety...leaving their servants to fend form themselves...against the ten soldiers who wildly swung their clubs, axes and spears at them..as they chased them through the courtyard..trying to kill them. As as servant of one of the nobles fell to the ground...he lay paralysed with fear as a soldier thrust his spear towards him..death seemed certain.

However both he and the crazed soldier were surprised by the sudden appearance of the big breasted Inca heroine known as Panther Woman as she leapt on to the scene..shattering his spear in two with a chop of her right hand. Before the soldier could use his club against the servant...Panther Woman raised her muscular right leg and thrust it towards him. He was distracted by a flash of the thick forest of black public hair under her black silk loin cloth...that he did not see the ball of her bare right foot rising towards him until it blotted out his vision and its impact against his face...sent him rolling along the ground.

As this soldier fell to the ground...the other nine Inca soldiers forgot about attacking the nobles and their servants..and turned their attention to attacking the busty Superwoman of the Incas. "Kill!!..Kill!!..Kill!!" chanted the soldiers..with a wild look in their eyes as they charged towards Panther Woman..who bravely stood her ground...her muscular arms raised on either side of her shapely upper body..her muscular legs spread slightly apart...her bare feet flat on the ground...poised for imminent action.

Grabbing hold of a spear that was thrust towards her huge chest with both hands...Rima turned the tables on the soldier who was holding it...lifting him off the ground and effortlessly hurling him into two more soldiers who came rushing forward..armed with axes made of copper. Leaping over their fallen forms...Panther Woman drove the ball of her left foot hard into the gut of another soldier who tried to strike her with a club...knocking the wind out of him. By this time...a large number of servants and guards from the Palace had gathered in the courtyard..riveted to the raging battle between the big breasted Inca heroine and the remaining five soldiers.

Using her amazing feline agility...Panther Woman dodged the wild swings of the macana wielded by a soldier. After evading the star-shaped stone tip of his weapon...the crowd of onlookers were amazed as she shattered it with her right fist which continued on to connect to the jaw of the soldier..who collapsed to the ground at her bare feet. Spinning around...the curvaceous Champion of the Incas...drove the ball of her right foot into the groin of another soldier armed with a stone axe..and he groaned in agony as he slumped to the ground. Panther Woman made light work of the remaining three soldiers with a flurry of punches.

The sound of a gong...and the arrival of other Inca soldiers in the courtyard to arrest the crazed soldiers...told the big breasted Inca superwoman that she needed to make a swift departure.. as the Great Inca King Capac was on his way to the courtyard to find out what was happening..and she could not allow him to find out that behind her Panther Mask..she was really his 18-year old daughter..the Princess Rima. Flexing her large thighs...the muscles on her curvaceous bronze body accentuated...the beauteous Panther Woman leapt on to a nearby rooftop and sprinted out of sight as the King arrived in the courtyard and the crazed soldiers were brought before him.

"Father will be preoccupied for some time...calming the nobles' fears...before the feast begins...What would cause those soldiers to act in this way?...Ula would know what to do if she were here...but for now...I need to get back to my chambers and change back into Princess Rima..so I can be at the feast..as the ritual demands..." thought the big breasted Inca superwoman as she walked briskly down a passageway...far removed from the action that was taking place in the courtyard...her large bust bobbing and swaying sexily under her flimsy Panther Bra which strained to contain it.

Delighted at being victorious yet again as Panther Woman...the Princess of Incas...was unaware that she was not alone as she walked through the deep shadows of the passageway...but that a pair of evil eyes. were watching her from within the shadows. As the unsuspecting Superwoman of the Incas..prepared to turn a corner into another passageway which would take her to a hidden entrance to her royal chambers...the malevolent female figure who had been waiting patiently the arrival of the busty heroine...sprung her trap.

Having just bested some of her father's well-trained and well armed soldiers in hand to hand combat...it was not expected that the mighty Inca heroine could be easily defeated. However...the big breasted Superwoman of the Incas was in fact very easy prey for the most unlikely of opponents and the most unlikely tactics and weapons. As she strolled through the deep, dark shadows of the passage way...a bitter enemy who had been waiting there for her..quickly stepped into the path of the unsuspecting heroine and unlike the male soldiers she had just faced...reminded Panther Woman how vulnerable she really was.

"Aaaaarrrgh!!!!!..My huge nipples!!!!...Aaaaargh!!!!!...A clever enemy!!!!...Aaaaaargh!!!!!...Waiting for me in the darkness!!!!....Aaaaaaaargh!!!!!...Sharp objects scratching my huge nipples!!!!...Through my magic Panther Bra!!!!....Aaaaaaargh!!!!...I am becoming very, very tired!!!!....
Aaaaaaargh!!!!!...You attack without warning!!!!...Aaaaargh!!!!!...I have no choice!!!!....Aaaaaargh!!!!!...but to let you attack my huge nipples!!!Aaaaaaaargh!!!!!!...Aaaaaaaargh!!!!!!.....Aaaaaaaargh!!!!!!" groaned the mighty Superwoman of the Incas..standing with her sexy bare feet flat on the stone floor of the passageway...her muscular arms limp on either side of her upper torso..allowing her massive breasts to be abused in the darkness.

Behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask...the Princess Rima's brown eyes were fluttering...becoming heavy with fatigue..as she had no desire to defend herself as she felt several sharp objects being brushed with impunity across her huge chest. "We meet again foolish big breasted one!!" gloated Elena as she continued to brush the huge golden brown nipples and areolas of the mighty Panther Woman with her special cactus brush.

Rendered sexy and sleepy by the repeated assault of the thick sharp bristles of Elena's cactuc brush....Rima was helpless for what happened next and she heard a familiar clicking as Elena grabbed hold of the silver panther emblem located between her big bronze breasts..and she was alarmed as she felt her thin Panther Bra being slipped off of her expansive chest. "My Panther Bra!!!..Taken off me!!!..Give it back to me!!!!...I must....Aaaaaaargh!!!!!...My huge nipples!!!!!....By the Inca Gods!!!!!...Pain!!!!...You know how to hurt them!!!!..Aaaaaaargh!!!!...I become weak...Aaaaaaargh!!!!!....I become very tired...Aaaaaargh!!!!!" cried the busty Superwoman of the Incas as the cactus brush was rubbed across her naked chest.

Literally stripped of her thin black silk Panther Bra which granted her superhuman strength and abilities... Princess Rima could offer absolutely no resistance as Elena expertly and relentlessly assaulted her huge golden brown nipples and areolas which capped the summits of her big bronze breasts...making them as hard stone. "Aaaaaaah...My huge nipples...Your weapon makes them know pain...Uuuuuuh...I become very tired...very weak....want to sleep..Who dares to tame the Panther Woman...Uuuuuuuh.." moaned the big breasted Inca heroine as her muscular legs gave way below her shapely waist.

Elena grabbed the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas around her toned six-pack abdoment with her left arm..and dragged her into a darkened corner of the passageway...while using her right hand to hold the cactus-bristled brush and pass it back and forth over the golden brown nipples and areolas of the helpless Panther Woman's big brown breasts. "Uuuuuuuunh...Uuuuuuuuunh..Uuuuuuuuuuunh" moaned Rima as she became weaker and sleepier..every time the sharp bristles passed over the tender flesh of her big bronze breasts..especially her enormous nipples and areolas.

As Elena lowered the defeated Panther Woman to the ground...all the once mighty heroine could do was continue to moan..."Uuuuh...Uuuuh..Uuuuuh.." as her huge golden brown nipples and areolas were kept..sexy, stunned and sleepy..her muscular legs gliding back and forth over the stone floor...the sexy toes of her bare feet..twitching slower and slower..as she was lulled closer and closer towards unconsciousness. However Elena was not about to grant her big breasted enemy that comfort..at least not just yet.

"No big breasted one...before you go to sleep..You shall tell me who you are!!" demanded Elena..moving the cactus bristled brush over each of Rima's huge golden brown nipples and areolas..which were hard and erect...transmitting pain and fatigue to every muscle in her curvaceous body. "No...Uuuuuunh....Will never tell....Uuuuuunh...Pain...Uuuuuuuunh..so much...in my huge nipples..Uuuuuuuunh..making me so tired..." moaned Panther Woman rolling her head from side to side..her brown eyes fluttering behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask..as the sharp bristles of the cactus brush over each of her hard and erect golden brown nipples and areolas.

Paralysed and weakened by the pain in her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...the busty Superwoman of the Incas made no attempt to defend herself or escape...as Elena took out a small bottle containing a green goo...a special potion which she had made herself. "Then let me relieve the pain in your huge nipples Panther Woman...Let me bring you pleasure...Pleasure beyond your wildest dreams..." sneered Elena as she opened the bottle..letting two drops of the green goo fall on each of Rima's throbbing, hard and erect golden brown nipples and areolas.

"Oooooooh...My huge nipples....Ahhhhhhhhhhh...What manner of magic?.....They become tired....Ooooooooh..They fall under a spell...I...I cannot resist...thoughts of men...touching my great breasts...stroking my huge nipples....so tired now...so weak...cannot fight...must go to sleep....Uuuuuuh..Uuuuuuuh" moaned the busty Inca heroine. "Sleep you shall big breasted one..." said Elena..as she meticulously lifted the heroine's black silk loin cloth..and let a few drops of the green goo fall on the middle of her thick patch of black pubic hair..finding her already aroused and virgin clit.

"Noooooo...Uuuuuuuh...Stop...Uuuuuuuuuh..Uuuuuuuuh" cooed Panther Woman..rolling her head from side to side as Elena rubbed the goo into her huge golden brown nipples and areolas with the fingers of her left hand...while the fingers of her right hand..stroked the swollen clit between her thighs...causing pressure to build there. "I have conquered your huge nipples and your cunt Panther Woman..You are tamed..defeated...I command you to tell me who you are!!" demanded Elena as she rubbed the heroine's aroused nipples and clit even more.

"Uuuuuuuh...too much..Uuuuuuh..cannot resist...Uuuuuuuh...must obey...Uuuuuuh..will tell all...Uuuuuuuuh..Uuuuuuh..Uuuuuh..Uuuuuuuuh.." moaned Panther Woman unable to do anything to prevent Elena from arousing her further in her large breasts and in her super senstive genitals."Uuuuuuh..You have beaten me...Uuuuuuuuh..concede defeat to you...Uuuuuuuh..must tell you..Uuuuuuuuuh..my true identity...I...Uuuuuh..am..Uuuuuh...Princess...Uuuh..Uuuh....Uuuh..Uuuh..Uuuh...Rimaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.." cooed the big breasted Superwoman of the Incas as a powerful orgasm exploded between her huge thighs..knocking her unconscious.

To be continued.
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The Original Panther Woman 9

Cajamarca, Peru


Elena was in shock as she knelt beside the voluptuous and muscular bronze body of the celebrated Superwoman of the Incas...known throughout the Kingdom of the Incas as...PANTHER WOMAN. Though granted the strength of 40 men...feline agility....speed and stamina...through the magic of the strapless....black silk Panther Bra which barely contained her massive bronze breasts...the beauteous Inca superwoman was easily deceived by cunning foes like Elena....who had come to the Inca Capital to seek revenge on Panther Woman who had caught the eye of a peasant blacksmith named Santos who she desired.

Disguising herself as a servant in the Royal Palace...as suitors came from all parts of the Kingdom to compete in a tournament where the prize was the hand in marriage of the King's daughter...the Princess Rima...Elena used her knowledge of black magic to cause a situation which lured the Panther Woman out of hiding. Then when the busty Superwoman of the Incas least expected it...Elena sprung her trap.

Using a simple brush of cactus thorns..she brushed them all over the large bronze mounds of Panther Woman's chest...stabbing her in her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...which were exposed after she stripped her of her bra. The festivities inside of the palace diverting all attention away from what she was doing...Elena used a special green goo on Panther Woman's huge golden brown nipples and areolas...as well as her throbbing clitoris...until she cummed...and became unconscious.

As she knelt beside the defeated Panther Woman..the upper part of her face hidden behind a black leather cat mask...her head resting upon a shiny mane of long black hair....her large bronze breasts rising and falling slowly....capped at their peaks by her huge golden brown nipples and areolas which were erect and hard as rocks..her muscular arms...with silver bracelets on her wrists..limp on either side of her upper torso...her muscular legs spread wide open...her erotic bare feet..with their hard and glossy toenails..angled away from each other....she was hardly prepared for Panther Woman's confession before passing out.

"So this is the secret that you hide big breasted one...Behind the mask of the Panther Woman...is Rima...Daughter of King Capac...Princess of the Incas..." gloated Elena in triumph as she fondled the huge...hard and erect golden brown nipples and areolas of the Superwoman of the Incas..as she lay unconscious on the ground before her.

Though she could easily kill the helpless Panther Woman right now...and rid herself of the rival for the blacksmith Santos...who the heroine had an attraction for...Elena realised death was too good for her busty opponent. "Rest now Princess...You shall remember nothing....It will make the fate I have planned for you all the better...." sneered Elena as she petted the huge hard and erect golden brown nipples of the unconscious Panther Woman before making good her exit.

In the days that followed...the Inca capital of Cajamarca...witnessed the Suitor Games taking place....as nobles from different parts of the Inca empire had their servants competing in a variety of tests of strength, skill and stamina. The noble whose servants won the majority of these events...would earn the right by Inca law to the hand of the King's daughter...the Princess Rima...in marriage.

The 18 year old Inca Princess..sat on her throne next to her father King Capac....watching the Games take place. Wearing a gold tiara and a form fitting gold dress..which highlighted her voluptuous body...especially her huge breasts...Princess Rima..was seen as a woman who was unattainable..and all men were unworthy of her notice. Having no desire to be married to any of the suitors chosen by her father..the busty Inca Princess decided to do something about it..and departed while the Games continued.

"Inca law says I must marry the suitor whose servants win the Games....Therefore to avoid that....I must have my own representative win the Games for me...." resolved the Inca Princess with a smile as she undid the straps of her dress...allowing her huge bronze breasts to sway freely.

Reaching into the special pouch given to her by the Shaman Ula....she pulled out the strapless black silk Panther Bra from the pouch and immediately slipped it on to her already large bronze breasts..and clicked the silver panther clasp between her huge cleavage to secure the magic bra in place.

Pressing the silver panther emblem..between her breasts..and the Inca Princess was immediately engulfed in an aura of brilliant light. When the light faded....Rima's bronze body had become more curvaceous and muscular. She wore gleaming silver bracelets which covered most of her lower arms.

A loincloth made of fine black silk similar to the Panther Bra hugged the space between her large muscular thighs. Her large breasts had swelled to massive proportions...the bra barely able to contain them. Rima's golden brown nipples and areolas had grown and become more defined. Her feet were bare and erotic to the eye...with glossy toenails.

Raising her hands to her head...Rima..ensured her huge silver earrings and a cat like mask which covered most of her head..save the lower part of her nose and her full red lips. Rima's black hair..became long thick and shiny...flowing from the back of the black Panther Mask on to her broad shoulders and reaching the middle of her back.

Her brown eyes were filled with steely resolve behind the white slits of the mask..completing her transformation into PANTHER WOMAN...the mighty Inca Superwoman..who was quickly becoming a legend amongst the villagers who lived in the outer realms of the Inca Kingdom. "Now to win the Games and end the hopes of the nobles who want to marry me" resolved the Superwoman of the Incas.

The sudden arrival of the big breasted....scantily clad...Heroine of the Incas... into the arena of competition...initially took the crowds of citizens...as well as the King and the gathering of nobles who were watching from their places of privilege. They were all amazed...as they watched Panther Woman best all of her male competitors with feats of incredible strength...speed...stamina... and skill.

So convincing were her displays...that the other competitors....all conceded defeat to her one by one...to the delight of the thousands of Inca citizens who had come to see the Games. The King himself was on his feet as the buxom Superwoman of the Incas approached him...her huge bronze breasts..barely contained in her thin black silk Panther Bra...bobbing and swaying sexily before him.

"Who are you?...No female has ever done what you have done..." said King Capac in total awe. "I am Panther Woman...O Great King....and I have come to contest these Games as the servant of the Princess Rima...By law...I am the victor...and the Princess is not bound to marry any of the suitors..." said the Inca Superwoman...who unknown to the King was actually his own daughter.

"Indeed....That is our law..." said the King as he reached for a gold medallion which was given to the winner of the Games. "I declare you victor of the Suitor Games...Accept this honour Panther Woman...as champion.." said King Capac as he hung the medallion around her neck..and it dangled between her massive mammaries.

"The honour is mine O Great King" replied Panther Woman before turning on the balls of her erotic bare feet and leaping away like a cat..to the delight of the cheering crowds before disappearing out of sight. "Father does not know that Panther Woman is his own daughter...Now that I have won the Games...The nobles shall leave....and I shall not marry any of them..." thought the beauteous Heroine of the Incas...as she walked through a secluded passage way.. removed from the cheering crowds.

However Panther Woman's triumph was short lived. "Oooooh...My huge nipples....they become hard under my Panther Bra...for no reason....feel strange...feel tired....feel weak..." moaned Princess Rima...her eyelids becoming heavy behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask...as her muscular legs suddenly started to feel rubbery.... causing her to stagger from side to side through the passage way...as her huge golden brown nipples...swiftly became hard and erect under her thin black silk Panther Bra.

Her sexy moans caught the attention of some male figures who had been silently following her through the shadows....waiting for the right moment to strike. That time was now...and they swiftly rushed the disoriented Panther Woman. "Ehh??!...A trap...Who dares to attack the Panther Woman....I shall..." declared the busty Inca Superwoman...as she felt strong male hands grab hold of her wrists and pull her muscular arms behind her back.

However before she could use her mighty strength to break free of her foes...Panther Woman was startled when she heard a familiar clicking sound. "No!!..My....Panther Bra!!...You are taking it off me!!...How dare you reveal my large breasts??!!..My huge nipples!!!...They are vulnerable now!!!" blurted the sexy Heroine of the Incas......unwittingly to her attackers...as she prepared to defend herself.

They used her untimely admission to their full advantage....reaching under their cloaks for their weapons of choice. "AHHAAAARH!!!!...My huge nipples....AAAAAAARH!!!!...Sharp objects scratch them......AAHAAAAARH!!!!!....PAIN....AAAAAAAARH!!!!..." groaned Panther Woman...as she writhed helplessly in the gripped of her unknown male attackers. The mighty Inca Superwoman knew that once her Panther Bra was taken off of her broad chest...she only had the strength of a normal woman against her stronger male foes.

They were merciless...giving her no quarter..as they worked their weapons over every inch of Panther Woman's massive mammaries....paying particular and meticulous attention to her huge golden brown nipples which covered their respective summits. Her head spinning from a strange scent...which also caused her huge golden brown nipples to become aroused...Princess Rima could barely keep her brown eyes open behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask.

"UUUHH!!!...My..huge nipples...UUHNN!!!..Sharp objects scratch them...UUUHUNNN!!!!....That makes me so tired...UUNNH!!!...Too tired to think....Too tired...to move....UNNHH!!!....Who has captured me??....UNNNH!!!....I must escape..UNNNH!!!" groaned Rima...her brown eyes fluttering behind the white slits of her cat mask...unable to focus on the blurry images which swirled around in front of them

"You know of my weakness....AAAAARH!!!!...I have fallen into your clever trap...AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!.....AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!.....AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" cried the buxom Inca Superwoman..alone and helpless in the shadows of the Royal Palace...aware of the real danger she was facing and there was no escape for her.

To be continued.
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Original Panther Woman 10

Cajamarca, Peru


From their place in the crowds that had come to witness the Suitor Games...the 20 year old blacksmith..and his young friend Paco...had watched in awe as the beauteous and busty Superwoman of the Incas....the PANTHER WOMAN...had made a sudden appearance...at the Games...defeated all of the male servants of the nobles...who were competing so that their masters would win the right to marry the Princess Rima...daughter of the Inca King Capac...then disappear as fast as she had appeared.

Santos and Paco knew her well...having been saved by her...and helping her a few times...to defeat the Spaniards....invaders from a distant land...who had come to conquer all that now belonged to the Inca. They were in awe of her feats of strength, skill and agility...which bested all of the male slaves of the Inca nobles....leaving them to return to their estates in disgrace...while she vanished as mysteriously as she always did..after saving the lives of Inca peasants..who were threatened by the Spaniards.

"Where did she go? asked Paco as they made their way out of the city..through the crowds and back towards their village. " I don't know...maybe she was needed elsewhere...Panther Woman has great powers...She does not need anyone's help...I'm sure we shall see her again..." said Santos to his young friend as they made their departure.

However...little did either Santos or Paco realise that when the big breasted Heroine of the Incas made her exit after winning the Suitor Games...she had fallen into the hands of enemies who were lying in wait for her. Far away from the celebrations...and the cheering crowds...in the shadows of a secluded passage way..which led back to the Royal Palace..where she lived as the Princess Rima...Panther Woman was being subdued.

Her muscular arms at full stretch on either side of her voluptuous upper body...her muscular legs spread wide open...the toes of her erotic bare feet...with their glossy toenails...twitching slower and slower.....her mighty chest exposed by her foes....removing her magic Panther Bra..the buxom Superwoman of the Incas was the victim of a most devious and clever trap.

Behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask....Princess Rima's eyelids were heavy and she could barely keep her brown eyes open. "Aaaahaaarah....Well done my Incas brothers....Aaaah.....Aaaaahaarhh...You wound me in my huge nipples....with your devious weapons...You weaken me...I am helpless without my Panther Bra....cannot escape....Aaaaaarh....Who are you....Why have you captured me???..Aaaaah .....Aaaaaaah" groaned the busty Inca Superwoman as her huge hard and erect golden brown nipples were cruelly probed by sharp objects wielded by her attackers.

At that moment....her new arch enemy...Elena stepped out of the shadows and stood in front of her. "Once again big breasted fool...You have fallen into my trap...This time there will be no escape for you... .....I know who you are....and if you come near to Santos again....I shall reveal your secret..." threatened Elena. "Aaaaaarh....That is a lie....Aaaaaaarh" groaned Panther Woman as sharp objects continued to jab and poke her in her hard and erect golden brown nipples...making her weaker...sexier and sleepier with each passing second.

Elena then leaned towards the left ear of the helpless Heroine of the Incas. "If you say so....Princess Rima..."whispered Elena. Rima's brown eyes flickered briefly behind the white slits of her Panther Mask as she realised the advantage her enemy had over her. Her distraction with this thought and all the implications attached to it...prevented Panther Woman from doing anything to stop Elena from doing what she next planned to do.

Taking a candle out from a pouch she was carrying...Elena lit it..and then brought it in close proximity to the Inca Superwoman's massive bronze breasts...holding the lighted flame inches away from her hardened golden brown nipples. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!

...AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!......AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" screamed Panther Woman as drops of hot wax fell on to her hard and aroused golden brown nipples...burning them and inflicting excruciating pain in the process.

Elena took pleasure in watching the busty Panther Woman writhing in pain as the hot wax dripped from the candle on to each of her hardened and erect....huge golden brown nipples...encasing them in a waxy prison...of sex...and of sleep. She shifted the candle from the heaving huge bronze breasts of the helpless Heroine of the Incas...and hovered it over the middle of the thin black silk loin cloth between her large thighs. "Ahaieeee!!!!!....Aahaieeeeee!!!!...Ahieeeeee!!!!!" screamed Princess Rima in absolute agony.

As Panther Woman's senses reeled from the feelings of pain and pleasure which flooded every muscle and sinew of her voluptuous and muscular bronze body....her crafty adversary Elena....delivered the coup de grace....slipping her right hand under her black silk loin cloth.. finding her throbbing clitoris within the forest of curly black pubic hair between her large thighs..and rubbing the hot wax vigorously on to it.

"Aaaarh...Aaaarh...Aaaarh...Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh" panted Rima until Elena for--d her to orgasm....her cum mixing with the hot wax...was too much for the mighty Superwoman of the Incas to resist...and her entire voluptuous and muscular brown body went limp in the grips of her male attackers. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuh...the medallion...it gives off a strange scent...which casts an evil spell on my huge nipples....They cannot resist its power....Making me think...think..about.....Santos...." confessed Panther Woman as images of the handsome blacksmith filled her mind...as Elena continued rubbing her wet and aching clitoris under her loin cloth.

"Pain in my huge nipples....Hot candle wax....covers them...in my genitals too...Uuuuuuuuh....Outwitted.....betrayed....by my own people....Uuuuuuuuuh....You have defeated me...Uuuuh..I congratulate you.....Will stay helpless...Will stay docile...without my Panther Bra....Weak.....Uuuuuuuh....Tired....Uuuuuuuh....So tired....I am defeated....I am captured....Sannn...tossss...Paaa..co...Help me...Uuuh..Uuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" sighed the sleepy Superwoman of the Incas as her head sagged between her massive breasts..her brown eyes closed behind the white slits of her Panther Mask..as she surrendered to unconsciousness.

Elena smiled as she watched Panther Woman....who she knew to be Rima...Princess of the Incas...laid on the ground at her feet. Her great bronze breasts rising and falling slowly before her. The heroine's huge golden brown nipples..hard and erect..encased in hot wax...ensuring she would stay asleep for a long time.

"Here is payment...as the Master agreed" said one of the male Inca servants..who Panther Woman had bested in fair competition. He was only too glad to play a role in her capture...as he handed Elena a bag full of gold coins. "Good...Once you keep the Panther Bra off her chest...Panther Woman shall remain helpless..Tell your master to abuse her breasts...her genitals...and she shall always be tamed..." ordered Elena.

Panther Woman...Princess Rima...lay unconscious before them as plans were made for her. All she could do...was dream of the handsome blacksmith Santos...and his young friend Paco...only hoping they could rescue her.

To be continued.
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
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Back, with a few more pictures! I like the history of this one I think. The idea of a superheroine of the Incan tribe... also knowing that the Spanish won historically it'll be fun to see if history changes due to Panther Woman's involvement... or if she winds up a Spanish captive or something, but the idea of superheroines in past ages has always been a great idea to me. Hope to see more soon!

Without further ado! (warning due to these being potentially NSFW images I've linked to the pictures

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ubxYd2gA828/V ... uprise.png
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CVqGPeRsAmY/V ... feated.png
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z_o-hNf2pn8/V ... pples!.png
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Great pics. Thanks for more of them. Sending you a couple more chapters. Please feel free to do as many pics of the Inca Superwoman as you wish. You're free to do pics of her as Princess Rima...or the other characters in the story...such as Santos and Paco...the villainess Elena...the Shaman Ula...or the Spaniard Captain Francisco.

Action...KO...peril...unconscious...all these pics help me to visualise her and develop the stories. Sending you two more chapters of Original Panther Woman.

If you like heroines from a different time period...I also have Shazzan and the Tigress of India..if you're interested.


Original Panther Woman 11

Cajamarca, Peru


Under the cover of huge celebrations and the feast taking place inside of the Royal Palace following the end of the Suitor Games....a group of Inca slaves quietly made their way out of the grounds of the palace...past the unsuspecting guards...with their precious cargo. The crowds of Incas from the surrounding villages had come to the capital city to see the male slaves of nobles compete against one another so their masters could win the right to marry the Princess Rima....daughter of the Inca King Capac.

However they instead witnessed a spectacle they had never seen before. They saw a beautiful woman..with a voluptuous and muscular bronze body...wearing a strapless black silk bra...with a silver panther emblem....between her massive breasts...barely covering them.. gleaming silver bracelets which covered most of her lower arms...a loincloth made of fine black silk between her large muscular thighs....strong hands...erotic bare feet...huge silver earrings and a cat like mask which covered most of her head...save the lower part of her nose and her full red lips. Her long shiny black hair.flowing from the back of the black Panther Mask on to her broad shoulders and reaching the middle of her back.

She was the PANTHER WOMAN...the mysterious masked warrior woman...whose exploits against the Spaniards...foreign invaders to the lands of the Incas...were told throughout the realm of the Incas. They were amazed at her feats of strength, speed and agility...as she easily bested the slaves of the Inca nobles...winning the Suitor Games...and declaring herself as champion of the Princess Rima...denying victory to any of the slaves...depriving their masters of becoming an heir to the Inca Kingdom through marriage to the King's daughter.

The King himself was amazed by the feats of the beauteous masked heroine and awarded her a large gold medallion...given to the winner of the Suitor Games as dictated by Inca law...before she departed as mysteriously as she had come. Engaging in the festivities which followed the end of the Suitor Games....many of them spoke about the Panther Woman..marvelling at her displays of strength, speed and agility...believing her to be invincible.

However nothing could be further from the truth. None of them suspected that despite her amazing abilities...Panther Woman was naïve about the cunning and resourcefulness of men... that she could be easily tricked...and her greatest strengths be converted into her greatest weaknesses...to make her helpless at the hands of her enemies. They did not know that after defeating her male competitors in open and fair game...the big breasted Superwoman of the Incas...had herself been defeated when she was caught in a devious trap designed to capture her.

Her huge bronze breasts...exposed by the removal of her magic Panther Bra...which granted her amazing super powers....swayed freely from side to side as a slave held her under her arms...another held her by her shapely ankles...and two other slaves accompanied them..as they carried her through the deep dark shadows of the narrow passageways which carried them..and their curvaceous captive...away from the Royal Palace where she was going...and out of the city.

As they moved...they heard Panther Woman moaning..."Uuuuh.....Uuuuh" and paused their journey....lest they be seen by anyone during the city wide celebrations in the aftermath of the Suitor Games. They laid the helpless Heroine of the Incas on the ground..on her wide buttocks....watching her big bronze breasts heaving up and down..her head rolling slowly from side to side...as she attempted to shake herself out of the sexy and sleepy stupor that she was in.

"Where...Where am I?....Who dares...to take the Panther Woman....prisoner...Release me...or... face...my..wrath..." quipped the beauteous Inca Superwoman weakly...her brown eyes barely open behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask. The slaves watched her great chest...and noticed that some of the candle wax on the big golden brown nipples and areolas which capped her mighty bronze mounds....was starting to fall off...and exposure to air...was causing them to soften.

Remembering what the villainess Elena had told them when she had captured the unsuspecting Inca heroine...and seeing the silver panther clasp on her Panther Bra.. glowing...they realised that her words would be no idle threat if she was allowed to put on her magic bra....and regain her mighty powers. One of the slaves took out the gold medallion which the King had given Panther Woman....from the pouch which was attached to his belt.

His fellow slaves grinned and watched as he slowly lowered the gold medallion towards the huge bronze breasts of their curvaceous captive. "Oooooh...Coldness touches my huge nipples....Uuuh....I am becoming tired....Must summon my Panther Bra..." sighed the sleepy Inca Superwoman...who unknown to the slaves....was Rima...Princess of the Incas...as the gold medallion was rubbed around each of her well defined golden brown nipples and areolas...causing them to harden again.

Having been given their orders by Elena..they were not about to give the heroine a chance to regain her powers and escape. Ignoring her sleepy utterances..the slave..pressed the medallion flat on the her huge golden brown nipples and areolas..in turn...one..and then the other.

"Uuuhhhh....You are in control...You have beaten me..My Panther Bra..source of my powers...helpless without it...Ooohhh...pleasure too much in my huge nipples...in my breasts.. making me..so tired...want..to sleep..." confessed Rima...tapping the sexy toes of her erotic bare feet on the ground.

The slaves grinned to themselves as they heard the sleepy confessions of the Inca Princess...and they nodded to the slave holding the medallion to taunt their helpless captive some more. He obliged...continuously stroking her rock solid huge golden brown nipples and areolas with the gold medallion...as her big bronze breasts heaved slowly up and down in their naked glory

"Uuuuuuh....What are you putting on my huge nipples?...Strange scent...it makes them...so hard...my huge nipples...are key to my powers....when they experience...pain...pleasure...the Inca Gods...deny me the powers of my Panther Bra..." confessed Princess Rima unwisely.

Her captors were emboldened even further...each of them taking turns...holding her arms and legs....and then fondling her big bronze breasts...attacking her in her huge golden brown nipples and areolas....tickling....rubbing... pinching them at will. "Not so strong now...are you big breasted wench!" sneered a slave as he took great pleasure in pinching Rima's hard and erect huge golden brown nipples with his calloused fingers.

"N..N...No.....Aaaarh....You abuse my huge nipples....Aaaaarh....You fight without honor......

Aaaaarh....No man....Aaaaarh....must touch the breasts....Aaaaaarh...the huge nipples...Aaaarh

...of the Panther Woman.....Aaaaaarh...This makes me helpless....Ahaaaarh....I....I...I command you....Aaaaaaaaarh....to stop...Aaaaaaarh" groaned the Princess of the Incas...her head rolling from side to side...her brown eyes fluttering behind the white slits of her Panther Mask. She could do nothing to stop her massive mammaries....from being erotically tortured by her slave captors.

"You cannot command us to do anything female fool!!" snarled another slave as he took his turn with the captive Superwoman of the Incas. He took out a brush fashioned from cactus thorns...nodding to the slaves who were restraining Panther Woman. One who was holding her hands behind her back at the wrists.. while another held her erotic bare feet together by holding on to her shapely ankles.

They held her steady as he slowly lowered his weapon on to her naked wide chest which was vulnerable to him. "Ahaaaaaaaarh!!!!....Aaaaaaarh!!!!....Ahaaaaaaaaaarh!!!!!" groaned Panther Woman...her head rolling from side to side...her brown eyes fluttering behind the slits of her black Panther Mask...the sexy toes of her erotic bare feet curling...as the brush of cactus thorns was crudely rubbed over each of her huge golden brown nipples and areolas....keeping them hard and erect.

With only the strength of a normal woman..the busty Heroine of the Incas...knew she could not break the strong grips of the male slaves... who held her firmly by her wrists and ankles...they erotically tortured her big bronze breasts....especially the huge golden brown nipples and areolas atop their expansive summits...with the cactus thorn brush...which glided back and forth...up and down...and round and round their super sensitive surface. It was too much for Princess Rima to bear and she was honour bound to admit this.

"Aaaaaaaah.....I am so weak.....Aaaaaaaah...Pain....Pain in my huge nipples...Aaaaaaaah..You know my weak spot my brothers.....Aaaaaaaaah....You have defeated me...Aaaaaaaah....with your male treachery....Aaaaaaah....I become so tired.....Aaaaaarh...Pain in my huge nipples..weakens me....I am helpless....Aaaaaaaah...You have defeated me...." moaned Panther Woman as her head sagged between her big bronze breasts..which rose and fell raggedly...as the cactus brush was worked over her huge golden brown nipples...over...and over...and over.

The slaves nodded in agreement amongst themselves that the once mighty Superwoman of the Incas was now...by her own unwitting confession...would give them no further trouble..as they transported her out of the city to their intended destination. Two slaves brought forward a thick wooden coffin and laid it on the ground in front of the helpless Heroine of the Incas...who was continuing to have her naked big bronze breasts brushed by the cactus brush...which was going a great job of keeping her weak...sleepy and helpless.

"Aaaaaaarh....Who are you??....Aaaaaarh....Why are you doing this??...Aaaaaarh....Aaaaaaarh" groaned Princess Rima..as her head sagged against her right shoulder...her brown eyes barely open behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask...as she felt the sharp thorns of the cactus brush... poke and probe her huge golden brown nipples and areolas into hardness...ensuring she stayed helpless. The Inca Superwoman's question was answered by the slaves opening the coffin...then grabbing her under her arms and by her ankles...as they carried her towards it.

"Where are you taking me??....Release me....Release me" sighed Panther Woman...struggling weakly in the grips of her slave captors. Through her sleepy brown eyes behind the white slits of her Panther Mask...Princess Rima saw the interior of the coffin into which she was about to be placed. "No!...No!..No!...No!" pleaded the helpless Inca Superwoman...wiggling weakly in the grips of the slaves carrying her as they lowered her slowly into the coffin...on her back.

Rima felt the straps of her black silk loin cloth being untied by the hands of the slave...then felt it yanked away....exposing her neatly trimmed clump of black pubic hair between her huge thighs."Nooo!!!...Nooo!!!...Nooo!!!" cried Panther Woman continuing to wiggle but powerless to escape as the slaves placed her inside of the coffin.

Her muscular arms were pinned against her sides inside of the tight interior of the coffin as the slaves put her inside of it. Similarly....she felt her muscular legs cramped against the narrow interior of the coffin. However the Inca Superwoman was taken by surprise by what happened next. "AAAARGH!!!!" cried Rima...Princes of the Incas..as she felt the top of a large wooden log...which fit snugly between her legs...pressing firmly...painfully against her exposed clitoris.

Dazed by the sensation of the smooth wood rubbing against her throbbing clitoris...unable to move within the tight confines of the coffin....the big breasted Heroine of the Incas...could do nothing but watch as the lid was slowly lowered into place. "No!!!...Release me!!!...I cannot get out!!!!....You have trapped me!!!....No!!!..No!!!!" cried Panther Woman..as she saw a series of wooden spikes on the inside of the coffin.

The slaves laughed at the once mighty Inca Superwoman who bested them in fair competition....now totally helpless to escape from the coffin they had placed her inside. "No!!!..I must have my Panther Bra!!!...I must regain my strength!!!...I must escape before...." cried Princess Rima...her final words lost as the lid of the coffin was sealed into place. The thick wood from which the coffin was made muffled virtually all noise from inside where the big breasted Heroine of the Incas had been placed.

The slaves laughed as they heard the sounds of tapping coming from inside of the coffin. "The wench shall soon realise there is no escape for her" said one slave. "Yes...We must return to the Master...He is expecting his newest possession" agreed another slave. Four of the slaves...lifted the coffin on to their broad shoulders...while the other two... walked ahead of them..to clear a path through the thick crowds of peasants who were celebrating the end of the Suitor Games.

As they made their way through the crowds....none of the celebrating Incas...realising that their female champion was in grave danger...and in need of help. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH!!!!!!...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHRRGH!!!!..AAAAAAARGH!!!!...AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" cried Panther Woman from inside of the coffin...but no one could hear her cries..as she tried to get free. "AAAAAHRRRR.....HELP ME INCAS....AAAAAAAAHRR....SHARP...SHARP OBJECTS....AAAAAAAR.....AAAAAAAAAHRRR....STAB ME IN MY HUGE NIPPLES.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR...." cried Princess Rima inside of the coffin.

The wooden spikes which lined the inner part of the wooden coffin's lid were long and while not sharp enough to penetrate her skin...they were sharp enough to hurt the beauteous Inca Superwoman....by bringing pain and discomfort to the erogenous parts of her broad chest. Panther Woman had no option but to help these wooden spikes do their job. Unable to move her voluptuous body within the tight wooden coffin...every time her big bronze breasts rose and fell as she struggled....she repeatedly jabbed them against the spikes...which delivered excruciating pain especially to her huge golden brown nipples and areolas..as the wooden spikes repeatedly poked them.

"AAAAAAAAAARR.....AAAAAAAAAAAARRR....AAAAAAAAAAAARR" groaned Princess Rima in pain...the sounds of her cries muffled inside of the coffin. As her big bronze breasts rose and fell within the tight confines of the coffin...the wooden spikes jabbing her repeatedly in her huge golden brown nipples and areolas....her struggles....combined with the movement of the coffin borne on the shoulders of the slaves...caused the wooden log between her muscular legs..to rub against her throbbing clitoris.

"AAAAAHAAARRR....AHAAAAAARR...AAAAAAAAARHAH..." groaned Panther Woman..as she made herself become excited and wet. The helpless Heroine of the Incas tapping the balls of her erotic bare feet against the bottom of the coffin...trying to alert someone to her plight...but succeeding only in making the wooden log grind against the sensitive spot between her huge thighs. The wooden spikes poking every inch of her big bronze breasts...combined with the wooden log pressing hard against...her aching clitoris...the friction...making its lips swollen and hard...were impossible for her to resist..

As the slaves made their way towards the exit to the capital city of the Inca Empire...through the crowds of celebrating peasants....they encountered a young boy who was curious about why they were carrying a coffin out of the city. "What is in the box? asked the boy. "A special gift for the master we serve!!...Now get out of the way boy!!" gruffly replied one of the slaves who was clearing a path through the crowd for the slaves carrying the coffin.

The sounds of the boy's voice filtered through the thick wood of the coffin...reaching the ears of the Inca Superwoman who was trapped inside of it...and she recognised the voice. "PACO!!!...HEAR MY VOICE!!!...IT IS PANTHER WOMAN!!!....AAAAAAHAAAR....I AM A CAPTIVE INSIDE THIS WOODEN BOXAAAAAAAHAAAAR....SHARP OBJECTS ARE STABBING ME IN MY HUGE NIPPLES....AAAAAAAHAAAAAR..YOU KNOW THIS WEAKENS ME.....AAAAAAHAAAAR....LARGE OBJECT RUBS AGAINST MY GENITALS...
UURRRHHHH....PAIN....PLEASURE....IMPOSSIBLE TO RESIST...HELP ME LITTLE BROTHER..AAAAAAARR"cried Panther Woman from inside of the coffin...wiggling frantically... tapping the balls of her erotic bare feet against the bottom of the coffin ..trying to get the attention of the young friend of the blacksmith Santos who she was growing to love.

However Paco could not hear her pleas through the thick wood of the coffin..and amidst the noise of the celebrations around her. "Be gone boy...or we shall flog you!" said another slave as he blocked Paco..allowing the other slaves to continue on through the crowds...and out of the exit to Cajamarca...holding the sealed wooden coffin on their shoulders. Inside of the coffin...all was lost for the busty Princess of the Incas...who continued to struggle in vain to get Paco's attention.

"AAAAAARRR....PACO.....AAAAAAAHAAAR.....HELP ME....AAAAAAARRRRH....MY HUGE NIPPLES....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAR.....SHARP OBJECTS HURT THEM......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH....I AM BECOMING WEAK.....TIRED....AS I STRUGGLE....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH....PAIN IN MY GENITALS...AS...AAUUUUNNNN....WOOD RUBS AGAINST THEM....HELP ME....AAAAAAAAAAAR....AAAAAAAAAAAAAR"groaned the big breasted Panther Woman from inside of the coffin...the wooden spikes lining the inside of the lid of the coffin...stabbing every inch of her big bronze breasts...poking hard into the tender flesh of her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...while she could not help but rub her own clitoris against the wooden log between her muscular legs...causing a great pressure to build.

The beauteous and big breasted Superwoman of the Incas...had no way of knowing that not only had Paco...her young friend not heard her cries for help from deep inside of the thick wooden coffin...but the slaves were now making their way out of the gates of the Inca capital city...and there was no one to help her now. Panther Woman's struggles inside of the tight wooden coffin began to slow as she accepted the hopelessness of her situation.

"Uuuuuuuh.....My huge nipples.....Uuuuuuuh.....I become sleepy....Uuuuuuh...as sharp objects...poke them....Uuuuuuuuuh.....becoming...Uuuuuuuuh....so weak.....My captors....Uuuuuuuuh...know my weakness.....Uuuuuuuh....too intelligent for me.....Uuuuuuuuh...wood pressing against my genitals...Uuuuuuuuuh....Pain...Uuuuuuuuh....Pleasure....cannot resist....Uuuuuuuuuh....Paco....Uuuuuuuuuhget Santos....Uuuuuuuuuh...need help...going to...going to...Uuuuh...Uuuuh...Uuuuh....Uuuuh...Uuuuuh....Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"groaned the big breasted Inca Superwoman as a massive orgasm exploded between her thighs...knocking her unconscious.

To be continued.
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Joined: 9 years ago

Original Panther Woman 12

Peru 1500

"Uuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuh" sighed PANTHER WOMAN....the beauteous... big breasted Heroine of the Incas...her head pillowed atop her long mane of shiny black hair...rolling slowly from side to side as she stirred. Behind the white slits of her cat-like Panther Mask....covered most of her head...except the lower part of her nose and her full red lips...Rima...the 18-year old Princess of the Incas...and the daughter of Inca King Capac...slowly opened her brown eyes...as her mind recalled events which led to this point.

Her father the King had decreed that she marry the noble whose slaves were victorious in the Suitor Games. However the Inca Princess had no desire to marry any of the old, fat nobles who were members of her father's court...but had secret desires for a young blacksmith named Santos who she had encountered in her adventures as Panther Woman. Slipping away while the Games were in progress...Rima donned the magic black silk Panther Bra and changed into the scantily clad...super strong Inca Superwoman.

She easily bested all the slaves in the Games and was given a golden medallion from her father in recognition of her victory...which denied any of the old fat greedy nobles who see saw at her father's court from becoming her husband. However distracted by her victory and thoughts of venturing into the outer realm of the Inca Kingdom...to battle the Spaniards and see Santos again...Princess Rima had no idea that her enemies as Panther Woman had set a clever trap for her.

She was on her way back to the Royal Palace...to transform back from Panther Woman into Princess Rima...when she was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of dizziness and weakness...caused by the sudden hardening of her huge golden brown nipples which were barely covered by her thin black silk Panther Bra...which was magic and granted her super powers...once her mind and body were free from sex or thoughts of sex.

The busty Inca Superwoman was quickly held down by strong male hands...stripped of her Panther Bra...and could only groan in ecstasy and agony...as brushes of cactus thorns were applied to her naked big bronze breasts...inflicting pain and causing the sexual arousal of her huge golden brown nipples. All Panther Woman could do was complain and confess her weakness to her enemies.

She came face to face again with the evil Elena...an Inca woman skilled in the dark arts...who had an obsession with humiliating and defeating her....to keep her away from the blacksmith Santos. Panther Woman was utterly helpless...to prevent her huge golden brown nipples and her virgin clitoris to be tortured with hot candle wax....then placed inside of a thick wooden coffin...which had thorns on the inner lid...that stabbed her repeatedly in her big breasts and huge nipples...and a wooden log that rubbed against her clitoris...until she cummed and lost consciousness.

Now...as her brown eyes opened slowly behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask...Princess Rima had no idea where she was...or how long she had been unconscious. She felt cool air blowing over her voluptuous and muscular bronze body...which told her that her mask...large silver earrings and long silver bracelets...were the only items of her battle garb that she still wore.

"Uuuuh...Uuuuuh" sighed Panther Woman...flexing her muscular arms and legs...unable to move. She felt a firm but soft surface below her back....ropes tied to her wrists and ankles....keeping her shapely, strong limbs at full stretch. Through her blurry vision...she saw the face of an old man....hovering over her...and she felt his stubby, coarse, wrinkled fingers touching her in a way she knew would keep her weak.

"So female you awaken....You have much to answer for..." declared the old Inca man...who was clad in a crimson robe and tunic..befitting someone who attended the Royal Court of the Inca King Capac...as his fingers stroked the big bronze breasts of the helpless Superwoman of the Incas....fondling her huge hard and erect golden brown nipples and areolas in a circular motion.

Despite her state of physical weakness and disorientation common with her big bronze breasts being drugged and abused....Panther Woman was able to see who her captor was....and it was a face she had often seen at the Royal Palace of her father King Capac...in her regular identity as Rima...Princess of the Incas. "Uuuuuuuh....My...My huge nipples....being touched...by Lord Hecton...of the House...of Uaxca.......Uuuuuuh....that makes me weak...tired....need my Panther Bra...to regain my strength..." she sighed.

The 60 year old Inca noble was amused by the utterances of the 18 year old Superwoman of the Incas as he fondled her big bronze breasts...examining the thickness and texture of her huge golden brown nipples. He had never seen any woman in the Inca Kingdom with breasts this size...and summits so amazing. The only such woman was Princess Rima...the daughter of the King...who was known by the size of her breasts... which were key aspects to her legendary beauty.

The Princess of the Incas would surely have been his bride...Hecton thought...had this mysterious masked woman not interfered and humiliated his best slaves before hundreds of Incas during the Suitor Games in Cajamarca. Hecton had paid a fortune in gold and jewels to the villainess Elena who had promised him she would capture the big breasted Inca Superwoman for him.

Now that he had the Panther Woman as his captive....Hecton was determined to get answers out of the busty Heroine of the Incas....and to make her pay for his humiliation...for dishonouring him...and denying him the prize which he believed to have been his. "So you are the Panther Woman...the protector of peasants against the foreigners...the ones called the Spaniards... Why did you disrupt the Suitor Games?!" demanded Hecton.

"I will not tell you....I command you to return my Panther Bra to me...if you do this...You shall not suffer my wrath" quipped Princess Rima as she glared angrily at the old Inca noble through the white slits of her black Panther Mask...her muscular arms and legs tense as she strained in futility to break the ropes which bound her to the bed inside of the mansion of Lord Hecton. He laughed in response.

"You are in no position to make demands impertinent female!!...Your tongue has fire!!...Your spirit needs to be tamed!!...You shall be taught to obey!!" snarled the old Inca noble as he reached for a clay bowl which rested on a nearby table. Through the slits of her mask....Panther Woman watched as Hecton dipped his right hand inside of the bowl...and saw it was covered with a strange green goo. A gasp escaped from her lips...which did not go unnoticed by the old Inca noble.

"What...What is that?!...Whatever it is...You must not put it on my big breasts!!....It must not be put on my huge nipples!!.....I command it!!" blurted the Princess of the Incas as she writhed helplessly before Lord Hecton...who was emboldened by her ill-timed utterance. "Silence female!!...You shall learn your place!!" snarled the old Inca noble as he smeared both of Rima's big bronze breasts with the green goo.

Slowly and meticulously....Lord Hecton began to rub the goo deep into every inch of the broad chest of the beauteous Inca Superwoman. She was utterly powerless to defend her big bronze breasts...as she felt Hecton's wrinkled coarse fingers...massaging the goo into her expansive chest...placing special emphasis on her huge golden brown nipples...in defiance of her command.

"Uuuuuunh....A man's hands....playing with my huge nipples....They are the source of my strength...Stop...Uuuuunh...I am becoming so weak...tired...dizzy...." complained Panther Woman as she flexed her muscular arms and legs in a futile effort to snap the ropes binding her to the bed...as Lord Hecton massaged the goo deep into her big bronze breasts.

Her ill advised and untimely admission of the source of her strength and her weakness...directed the old Inca noble as to what he needed to do to keep the big breasted Inca Superwoman subdued and subject to his will. "Uuuuuuuunh.....My huge nipples...Uuuuuuuuunh....They become....aroused....Uuuuuuuuuunh.....cannot resist....touch of man....Uuuuuuuuuunh...Uuuuuuuuuh" complained Princess Rima as the green goo coated her golden brown nipples keeping them hard and erect.

Hecton grinned as he kept rubbing more of the green goo....all over the broad naked chest of the helpless Panther Woman....who unknown to him was secretly the Princess of the Incas...despite her protestations...and her weak struggles atop the bed...unable to break free of the ropes binding her...or protect her big bronze breasts from being abused by the old Inca noble.

Rima's head spun with dizziness as she felt Hecton's wrinkled coarse fingers touching her huge golden brown nipples and areolas....as they massaged the green goo into them...keeping them hard and erect. The old Inca noble smiled wickedly as he heard Panther Woman moaning...

"Uuuuuuuh....Uuuuuuuh"...her big bronze breasts heaving slowly....up and down before him as he massaged the green goo...which Elena said would subdue her...deeper into her wide chest.

"Do not resist female....You know you cannot...You know you yearn to be tamed...to be enslaved...." gloated Lord Hecton as he rubbed Princess Rima's hard and erect...huge golden brown nipples and areolas in a circular motion...polishing them to a glossy shine with the green goo. He saw his words were being accepted as truth by the Superwoman of the Incas...as the movements of her voluptuous and muscular bronze body slowed atop the bed.

Behind the slits of her black Panther Mask...Rima....Princess of the Incas..could barely keep her brown eyes open...as her head spun with dizziness and unbearable fatigue. Her breathing became increasingly labored....her big bronze breasts heaving....slowly up and down...as Hecton continued to rub green goo into them...ensuring that her huge golden brown nipples and areolas were heavily coated with the goo....which she knew would always be able to defeat her.

Hecton grinned as he saw Panther Woman's head...pillowed atop her long mane of shiny black hair...rolling slowly from side to side...as if in denial of what was happening to her...the sexy toes of her erotic bare feet...with their glossy claw like toenails...twitching slower...and slower....and slower as the goo sapped her strength...her resistance crumbling...slowly but surely.

"Uuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuh" moaned the Heroine of the Incas in a slow...sleepy...sexy voice as the combination of Hecton's coarse fingers....and the green goo being rubbed all over and into her big bronze breasts....her hard and erect huge golden brown nipples and areolas....drained her resistance....quelled her fiery spirit ....lulling her into sleepy submission. "Can you hear me...my big breasted slave...? asked Hecton as he fondled Panther Woman's nipples and areolas.

"Y...Y...Yes...." sighed Rima...Princess of the Incas...in a sleepy, sexy voice. "Now you shall obey me without question....You shall answer the questions I ask of you....Do you understand?" asked the old Inca noble rhetorically...as he rotated the heroine's huge golden brown nipples...first clockwise and then anti-clockwise...giving her absolutely no option...but to answer him.

"Unh....Y...Y...Y...Yes...Unh...By law of the Inca Gods....I am helpless...when a man...even a young boy...plays with my huge nipples...Unh...they must be pure...for me...Unh...to receive...super powers...of the Panther Bra...I am so tired Lord Hecton...Ask of me...what you will..." sighed the Inca Superwoman as she surrendered to her captor.

"Excellent my big breasted slave....Now you shall tell me why you disrupted the Suitor Games...Why did you deny me the right to take the Princess Rima as my bride..." demanded Hecton as he rubbed more green goo into the hard and erect huge golden brown nipples of the helpless Heroine of the Incas...who knew she had no choice but to do as she was told by the 60 year old Inca noble...as he rubbed the green goo into the source of her strength.

"Uuuuuh....Princess...did not want....Uuuuuuh....to marry...nobles... defeated them...so they could not..." moaned Panther Woman in response....revealing her reasons...without revealing to the old Inca noble...the truth that she was really Rima....Princess of the Incas. "You have achieved nothing big breasted one...With you as my slave...I shall advise the King that the tournament must be held again...and you shall remain here to be punished for your interference..." snarled Hecton as he dipped his left hand into the bowl of green goo.

Locating the throbbing excited clitoris of the big breasted Inca Superwoman....who unknown to him was the daughter of the Inca King....Hecton angrily rubbed the goo all over her virgin clitoris. "AAAAAAAAARH!!!!...NOOOOOO!!!!.....AAAAAAAARH!!!!!.....AAAAHAAARRRH!!!!!......AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" screamed Panther Woman as she thrashed helplessly atop the bed...as Hecton rubbed the goo all over her clitoris... causing its lips to slowly part. Seeing his opening....he thrust his fingers inside.

"AAAAAAAUUU!!!!!.....AAAAAAAAUUU!!!!.....AAAAAAAAAU!!!.....AAAAAAAAAAU!!!!" cried the big breasted Superwoman of the Incas....utterly and completely helpless to prevent herself from being defiled in the most cruellest of manners she could imagine. Hecton...took sadistic pleasures as he watched Princess Rima's voluptuous and muscular bronze body...wiggle like a snake before him...unable to escape...unable to stop the inevitable from happening.


Hecton smiled as he watched the head of the helpless Heroine of the Incas roll against her right shoulder...her voluptuous and muscular bronze body go limp atop the bed...and her big bronze breasts rise and fall...slower and slower...with each breath becoming deeper and more relaxed...the sexy toes of her erotic bare feet....with their glossy and claw like toenails... spreading themselves wide open...signalling her surrender.

Behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask....Rima....Princess of the Incas...could barely keep her brown eyes open...her eyelids were very heavy with fatigue...and the desire to sleep was irresistible. Placing his thumbs atop each of the Inca Superwoman's huge hard and erect golden brown nipples...which gleamed from the several layers of green goo which he had pasted over them...Lord Hecton...gently rotated them in a slow circular motion...letting the sensation of the coarseness of his thumbs...against Rima's extremely sensitive tits....carry out the final act.

"You can do nothing big breasted wench!...You cannot command me!...You cannot command even your own feelings....as they make you my prisoner....You can do nothing to stop me...I shall have the Princess Rima...and the Inca throne shall be mine!!" vowed Hecton as he stroked the hard and erect....huge golden brown nipples and areolas of the helpless Superwoman of the Incas...not knowing she was in fact the 18-year old daughter of the Inca King.

"Uuuuuuuh.....Yes....Master.....You have made...my huge nipples....Uuuuuuh...your captives...They are now slaves....to your treachery.....I am no match....for the treachery...of men....You have outwitted me....have no choice...must remain...your captive...You fight without honour...By law of the Inca Gods...Panther Woman is defeated when her huge nipples...her genitals...are touched by evil...I must....I must...Uuh..Uuh..Uuh..Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..." sighed Rima as her brown eyes closed behind the white slits of her mask and she succumbed to unconsciousness...thinking all was lost. Little did she know that an ally had been watching.

To be continued
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Joined: 9 years ago

Original Panther Woman 13

Peru. 1500

Paco ran as fast as he could across the rugged terrain of the countryside. He was startled by what he had just witnessed. As he ran...he remembered being inside the capital city of Cajamarca for the Suitor Games...where he had seen the beautiful big breasted masked adventuress....known throughout the Kingdom of the Incas as PANTHER WOMAN...easily best some slaves in fair competition.

He remembered encountering some of the same slaves carrying a wooden coffin out of the city after the Games and something told him to follow them. Paco followed them to the estate of their master..the Inca noble Hecton...and snuck inside of his mansion. He was shocked to see that inside of the coffin...which had wooden spikes on its inner lining...was the Panther Woman...except for cat mask which covered most of her head...large silver earrings on her ears and silver bracelets on her wrists.

He watched as Hecton abused the big breasted Inca Superwoman in her wondrous chest...rubbing a green goo all over her big bronze breasts... ensuring her huge golden brown nipples and areolas were kept hard and erect...before stroking her between her large thighs until she blacked out. Paco remembered when Panther Woman rescued him in one of her adventures...she told him her breasts were her weak spot... and men could trick her to exploit them and knock her out.

"I must get Santos...Big sister needs help" thought Paco as he ran back to his village. Back at the mansion of Lord Hecton...four of his maids...carried the unconscious Panther Woman...hand and erotic bare foot.. into another room where four other maids were preparing a bath. "The master wishes this big breasted wench be prepared for his evening pleasure" said one of the maids carrying the helpless Heroine of the Incas.

"The bath is ready...Bring her..." said one of the maids close to the bath as the others sprinkled herbs into the warm water. Slowly... Panther Woman was lowered into the water...until it covered her up to her broad shoulders. Her muscular arms were kept outside of the bath. The maids could not help but marvel at the incredible voluptuous bronze body of the Superwoman of the Incas.

"So this is the woman who the peasants speak about..." said a maid as the sexy toes of the heroine's erotic bare feet...with their hard and glossy claw like nails slipped under the warm water. "She is as beautiful as the tales say...No other woman in the kingdom has a body like her own..." said another maid as the water slowly covered the Superwoman of the Incas up to her wide curvy waist.

"They say she has the strength of 20 men...can run great distances...and is agile like a panther..." said another maid as the water slowly covered the heroine's six pack abdomen...rising slowly under her big bronze breasts. As the water covered her chest...making contact with her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...it was enough to make Panther Woman. "Uuuuuuh" she sighed...telling the maids she was waking up.

"Remember the commands of our Master...the big breasted one is not to regain her strength" said the most senior of the maids...as she directed the other maids to perform their assigned tasks. "Uuuuuh...Where....Where am I....My huge nipples...feel strange..." confessed the Inca Superwoman unwittingly to the maids...confirming to them this was the source of her strength and this was the key to keeping her subdued.

As she uttered these words...Rima...Princess of the Incas....was surprised as she felt female hands caressing her naked chest. "Uuuuuuuh....My huge nipples....Who dares to touch them....Uuuuuuuh...I am becoming....Uuuuuuuh....Tired....Uuuuuuuh...So tired....Must get my Panther Bra....Escape...Uuuuuuuuh....Defeat Lord Hecton.....Uuuuuuuuuuh.....Uuuuuuuuuh" sighed Rima...her brown eyes fluttering behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask...which covered most of her head...except for the lower part of her nose and her full red lips...a plume of her long shiny mane of black hair flowing out from the back of the mask.

"There is no escape from the Master....You are tired Panther Woman...You must rest" sneered the head maid...as two of the other maids caressed the naked chest of the helpless Heroine of the Incas. Each maid cupped one of the Inca Superwoman's big bronze breasts in their hands...gently stroking their fingers over the smooth terrain of the heroine's chest. The expert skill with which their fingernails scraped her huge hard and erect golden brown nipples and areolas...made it impossible for Panther Woman to offer any resistance. All she could do was complain.

"Uuuuuuh....Stop....You must not....Uuuuuuuh...touch my huge nipples...Uuuuuuuh...like this....Uuuuuuuuuh....You are making me....Uuuuuuuh...so tired....must not...Uuuuuuuuuh...fall asleep....Uuuuuuuh....Return to Royal Palace.....Uuuuuuuuh....then....Uuuuuuuuuuh.....must stop Spaniards.....Uuuuuuuuh....You must....Uuuuuuuuh...set me free....Uuuuh............Uuuuuuuh" sighed Princess Rima as her head rolled slowly from side to side...and she struggled to keep her brown eyes open behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask as the two maids...expertly exploited her in her huge hard and erect golden brown nipples and areolas. The sexy toes of her erotic bare feet...with their hard and glossy claw like toenails....twitching helplessly under the bath water.

"You are very beautiful Panther Woman..." said the maid who was stroking her big left bronze breast. "We have heard many tales of your beauty...and your mighty powers...but the Master has discovered how to make you helpless...You are powerless now...when your big breasts are touched...they are the biggest in the kingdom...your nipples are the biggest any woman has...except for the Princess Rima....Daughter of the King" sneered the maid who was stroking the big right bronze breast of the Inca Superwoman.

Both maids giggled as their fingers deftly fondled the heroine's huge golden brown nipples and areolas...keeping them hard and erect.. dabbing the warm water...laced with special herbs over her broad chest. "Uuuuuuuunh....Yes....You are very clever...Uuuuuuunh...You know about my big breasts...Uuuuuh... I must confess to you......Uuuuuuh....My huge nipples....Uuuuuuuuh....Something in the water....weakens them....Evil magic...keeps them hard....makes me so tired....hard to stay...awake....Uuuuuuh....must fight........Uuuuuuh....Uuuuuuuh...Must get my Panther Bra" sighed Panther Woman...who unknown to the maids... was Rima....Princess of the Incas...in an unconvincing attempt at defiance.

The head maid grinned as she watched her two charges skilfully caress the big bronze breasts of the helpless Heroine of the Incas...ensuring copious amounts of the herb-laced bath water... washed over her naked chest....especially her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...which by her own admission...were the keys to her strength.

"Uuuuuuuuh.....Tired....Water...washing my huge nipples....making me...so tired...You must listen....Uuuuuuuh....You must set me free...Uuuuuuuuh...Give me my Panther Bra...Let me.....Uuuuuuh....regain...Uuuuuuuuh...my powers....Uuuuuuuuh" pleaded Rima to the maids...as she tried to keep thoughts of Santos out of her head. However every time the fingers of the maids...stroked the smooth sensitive surface of her big bronze breasts...and caressed her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...Panther Woman found it difficult to resist thinking about the handsome blacksmith.

"Uuuuuuuh....Santos...Uuuuuuuh...Santos...Help me....Uuuuuh....Uuuuuh" moaned Princess Rima as she allowed her fantasies about Santos to slowly filter into her mind...as the maids skilfully fondled her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...keeping them hard and erect....weakening the mighty Inca Superwoman even more. Panther Woman saw his handsome face...his rugged muscular body...and his strong hands...which she silently wished would take command of her big bronze breasts ...and make them slaves to his desires.

The head maid laughed at the pathetic utterances of the famed Superwoman of the Incas as she was made weak by the fondling of her big bronze breasts and the caressing of her hard and erect huge golden brown nipples and areolas. However she noticed something else as well. As her breasts were being rubbed and fondled by her junior maids....Panther Woman was trying her best to keep her large thighs closed underneath the water. The head maid knew instantly what had to be done.

"Unmask the big breasted wench....Let us see who she is" declared the head maid. Her words filtered into Rima's head and she felt another maid's fingers starting to explore her black Panther Mask...trying to find a way to remove it. Panther Woman was instantly filled with fear...as she realised that the maids and Lord Hecton would find out her secret identity. "No....You must not...Uuuuuh...Remove my mask....Uuuuuh...I beg you...Uuuuuuh" pleaded the sleepy Inca Superwoman.

"Then open your legs wench...Open them so we may bring pleasure to your aching loins....Open your legs....or we shall remove your mask!!" threatened the head maid. Rima knew she had no choice but to obey the head maid and do what she was told...knowing fully well what the consequences would be for her. "Uuuuuh...Yes....I must...obey you...." sighed Panther Woman and spread her muscular legs wide open below her curvy waist...under the herb filled bath water.

The head maid nodded to the junior maids. Two of them kept fondling the big bronze breasts of helpless Panther Woman... continuing to stroke her huge golden brown nipples and areolas with their fingers...keeping them hard and erect....and damp with the special bath water that was designed to weaken them. "Uuuuuuuuuh.....Santos.....Help me....Uuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned the helpless Inca Superwoman.

Two other maids slipped their hands between the large thighs of the big breasted Heroine of the Incas. One of them located Rima's clitoris amongst the submerged patch of black pubic hair nestled between her large thighs....and began to rub it vigorously to excite her. The other maid found her anus and started probing it with her fingers. "No one can help you now big breasted one...There is no escape for you!!" gloated the head maid as she directed the junior maids to exploit the helpless Superwoman of the Incas in her most erogenous areas.

"Aaaaaaarh......Ahaaaaarrah...Aaaaaaar......Aaaaaaaaar...Aaaauuuh....Aaaaaaaauh....Aaaaaaaauh" moaned Panther Woman..throwing her head back... her brown eyes fluttering rapidly behind the white slits of her black Panther Mask...as she was utterly powerless to defend the most erogenous areas of her incredible body...her breasts...nipples...areolas...clitoris and anus..from simultaneous....multiple erotic attacks...from the skilled fingers of the maids of Lord Hecton. Over and over... the maids exploited her in these places.

Her muscular arms...heavy as lead....extended on either side of her voluptuous bronze body by two maids as two other maids...massaged her big bronze breasts...especially her huge golden brown nipples and areolas which were shiny...hard and erect....Panther Woman could not defend her massive mammaries against the skilled hands of the maids which massaged them.

Her muscular legs wide open underneath the bath water...for fear of being unmasked....the Superwoman of the Incas....had no choice but to let other maids...rub her clitoris and probe her anus. To make matters worse for the Panther Woman...the maids who had been massaging her big bronze breasts with their hands...now started kissing and sucking her hard huge golden brown nipples and areolas.

"Uuuuuuuuunh.....Tired.....Uuuuuuuuuuuunh.....Weak...Uuuuuuuuuuuuunh...Santos...Uuuuuuuuuh.... Help....Uuuuuuuuuuuh....Uuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Princess Rima as she felt the tongues of the maids licking her huge golden brown nipples and areolas....while fingers probed deep inside of her cunt...through her open clitoris....and deep inside of her anus as well.

Over and over and over again...the big breasted Inca Superwoman was abused in all of these erogenous areas of her voluptuous and muscular bronze body by the maids of Lord Hecton. Her huge golden brown nipples and areolas...kissed...licked...fondled by the mouths and hands of the maids. Her cunt and anus..probed several times over by the fingers of the maids.

Her voluptuous and muscular bronze body unable to withstand the relentless erotic torture of her highly erogenous zones....Rima....Princess of the Incas....who was secretly the Panther Woman...who was completely powerless...once her big bronze breasts were not garbed by her magic black silk Panther Bra....could hold out no longer.

"Uuuuuh...Santos....Uuuuuuh...I have been captured...Uuuuuuuh...by Lord Hecton....Uuuuuuuh...his servants.....Uuuuuuuh...make me weak...Uuuuuuuuh...in my huge nipples...Uuuuh...and...Uuuuuuuuh...inside of my loins...Need my Panther Bra...Uuuuuuuh...to regain my strength...You must...Need you to...Uuuh....Uuuh..Uuuuh....Uuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..." groaned Panther Woman
as a giant orgasm exploded between her large thighs...her voluptuous and muscular bronze body going limp immediately as it knocked her unconscious.

The hand maids laughed at the defeated Superwoman of the Incas as they continued to caress her big bronze breasts...fondle her hard and erect huge golden brown nipples and areolas...and probe her cunt and her anus. "She is helpless now...Prepare the big breasted wench for the Master's pleasure...There is no escape for you now...Panther Woman..." boasted the head maid at the unconscious Inca Superwoman who had no reply.

To be continued.
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