Fuchsia Fox: "The Fox at the End of the World"

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[I was looking back over old stories and I realized that at the end of "Temptation Eyes", I had left a certain issue between Jennifer and Martin unresolved. At the time I had meant to return to it, plus explain how they got him back to Afghanistan in time to keep him from being charged with going AWOL -- but I got side-tracked by personal matters and forgot about it. So this story belatedly takes place right after the battle with Major Zennakova, as Ishtar and the Fuchsia Fox drop Martin off at his post, then go gallivanting across the galaxy, Barbarella-style, for a little "quality mother/daughter time".

The story is seven chapters, which I plan to post in four installments. If you're new to the Fox and don't care much about her back story, you may find the first one a little bit dull, but I tried to make it interesting in other ways. At any rate you can look forward to soft-core nudity, attacks by savage post-apocalyptic tribesmen and slimy-tentacled mutants, costumes being ripped and removed, light bondage, and so on.]


Fuchsia Fox: "The Fox at the End of the World"

Chapter 1 -- U.S. Army Compound, Kabul, Afghanistan

It was early morning, and the sun's light was just starting to grope above the mountains on the distant horizon. No one was stirring in the compound when a doorway suddenly seemed to open in the air itself, shedding a faint light.

Silhouetted in the doorway were two figures, a male and a female. The man, Captain Martin Fletcher, was dressed in U.S. Army desert fatigues, a duffel bag at his feet. Many of the events of the past few hours were a little fuzzy in his mind. He clearly remembered going AWOL from his unit, catching a cargo flight back to the United States to rescue his fiancée, Jennifer, who as the Fuchsia Fox had been captured by her arch-enemy, Major Ludmilla Zennakova.

He remembered the fight... or did he? Had he been captured by Zennakova? He seemed to recall being pummeled by her two goons, even though his injuries were gone now. Or had that been days ago? How else could he already be back in Afghanistan? Or had the whole thing been just a nightmare?

He definitely DID recall waking from sleep and finding Jennifer beside him. All confusion and uncertainty had been forgotten in an instant as his body, deprived of her for so many months while he had been on deployment, had moved of its own accord -- caressing her softness, kissing her supple little breasts, tasting her feminine sweetness. And her own body had responded just as eagerly, surrendering willingly as the two of them had joined together in the act of love-making.

Now she stood beside him, her gloved left hand entwined in his right, her head resting slightly against his shoulder as she so often did, her short brunette hair shining in the subdued light streaming through the doorway. She was dressed in her bright reddish-purple two-piece costume -- briefs hugging the tight curves of her pert little tail and above it a halter top with that famous fox-head emblem across her breathtakingly beautiful little rack.

"Are you okay, Martin?" the Fuchsia Fox said, squeezing his hand. "I mean, all healed up and everything?"

"Uh, yeah," he acknowledged, as memories swam into focus. "Thanks to Ishtar's rejuvenation machines, I'm as good as new."

"Good... that's good," she said awkwardly. After a slight pause, she gestured out the doorway at the compound. "See? Just like I promised. Mom did a relativistic jump through a sixth dimension q-space, so it's 48 hours ago. Nobody will even know you were gone."

"Uh... great," he said, glancing nervously through the portal. "You're sure nobody's going to detect her cloaking screen?"

They both heard an impatient scoffing noise behind them. Turning slightly, they could easily see the blue and white control center of Ishtar's starship. The beautiful Zumerian herself sat in the command chair, looking like an older, MILF version of Jennifer, but clad in a shimmering, sapphire blue full-body suit that left bare her right leg and her left arm and shoulder. Over her left breast was a gold three-pointed emblem that looked very similar to Jennifer's fox-head emblem. On her wrists were bracelets like the Fox's, although larger and more elaborate, while a small gold tiara sat on her forehead.

"Jennifer," Ishtar said haughtily, "please inform your talking ape that this ship uses nothing as laughably primitive as a 'cloaking screen'. There is no danger of it being detected on the surface because it is still in orbit. Although I wouldn't expect a mere man to begin to understand a quantum--"

"Mother...!" Jennifer warned. Ishtar sighed and lapsed into silence.

"I suppose that's my cue to beat it," Fletcher said, pulling Jennifer closer to him. "I just wish I didn't have to leave you again so soon."

"Me too," she said, her voice cracking a little as she pressed up close, her hands on his chest. "But it'll only be for a little while, and we'll be together again." Behind her, Ishtar silently rolled her eyes.

"Jen," Fletcher said. "Before I go, I've got to ask. What you said earlier about--"

She interrupted the thought by slipping her arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips, her right leg bending alluringly off the floor as his hands automatically encircled her slim, spandex-clad waist, enfolding her tightly. Heat surged through her body at his every touch, and the feel of his trouser snake growing tantalizingly larger as it pressed against her.

"Angel," he murmured, nuzzling her ear, "we need to talk about this."

"Darling, please," she groaned. "I had to stage an argument to distract the guards. I only said that to--"

"But how much of it did you mean?" he insisted. "I never gave it a thought before, but your mother has a point. You're a superheroine. You have to face villains like Zennakova all the time. Could I be a weakness your enemies can exploit? A distraction you don't need?"

The superheroine bit her lip. "Listen, you really need to go now, before someone spots the doorway. But we'll talk about this later. I promise."

"Okay," he conceded. "Just... just be careful."

She stood on tiptoe for one last parting kiss. Then Fletcher reluctantly picked up his duffel bag and stepped through the doorway into the compound. As he turned back for one final look, Ishtar pressed a control that caused the door to abruptly shut on him.

"Mother!" Jennifer scolded. "Why do you have to treat him like that?"

"Like what?" Ishtar replied absently, her attention apparently consumed with the starship's control instruments. Casually she crossed her exquisite, silken legs. "He's a quite typical Earth man. I really can't see what attracted you to him."

The Fox crossed her arms, cocking her slim hips. "What attracted you to daddy?"

"Let's leave your father out of this," Ishtar said, raising one flawless eyebrow, but otherwise keeping her attention firmly on the ship's controls.

"No, Mother, let's not!" Jennifer said, bridging the space between the two of them in a rush and placing her hands on the chair's armrests so that she couldn't be ignored. The chair was raised slightly off the deck, so the girl was looking up at Ishtar like a supplicant, leaning over the Zumerian's prim knees, one bare, one covered with shimmery blue tights. "You met daddy and fell in love with him, even though he's just a typical Earth man. You loved him enough to have ME!"

Ishtar's expression softened. Taking her hands from the control panel, she leaned forward and caressed the Fox's face. "Oh my daughter! You're so young, you hardly know what love is. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. And there is still so much about us that you do not understand."

"Then teach me!"

Ishtar smiled. "Very well. I've set a course for Sector Nine One Six. Assuming they can spare you from that silly Earth university you attend for a few days, I thought we could have some quality mother/daughter time together."


Chapter 2 --

Ishtar's starship sped through the space between the stars. Picture a perfectly smooth ovoid of gleaming, ice blue metal. From it a slender neck extended in a long, elegant curve backward and downward until it joined a larger body, rounded in front and tapering to a point at the stern. From the upper part of the body, a pair of wing-like extensions sweep outward and forward to either side, giving the whole ship the appearance of a stylized sculpture of a swan frozen in flight.

Inside the main cabin, Ishtar programmed several commands into the ship's instruments, then rose gracefully from her chair, which folded itself into a compact shape and moved unobtrusively aside. In its place a pair of soft foam couches extended from the blank wall. "Make yourself comfortable, daughter," the Zumerian said, removing her bracelets and her tiara. "It will be a long trip."

The Fuchsia Fox hesitated. The atmosphere inside the cabin was becoming perceptibly warmer and more humid, although she experienced no difficulty in breathing. Her exposed skin glistened like silk from the increasing moisture content as the heat rapidly rose past her own body temperature. It was like being inside a spa.

She watched with shock as Ishtar unfastened her body suit and removed it, allowing its shimmery fabric to fall to the floor. "Ooooh that's much better," she sighed. Jennifer stared at her mother's bare breasts, so firm and plump and round, pink nipples making slight peaks, then at the lush curves of her body and the supple sway of her gorgeous derrière as she strode naked and unashamed across the cabin.

"Honestly, daughter," Ishtar said, climbing onto one of the couches and stretching out languidly across its slightly raised back. "You've been living among men on that backward planet for too long." She reached across and patted the couch next to hers.

Jennifer felt flushed. The atmosphere was becoming uncomfortably warm with clothing on. Hesitantly she took off her power bracelets and gloves, then her ankle boots. Nervously she unfastened her halter top. After an awkward pause, she let the garment drop to the floor, exposing her own nubile young rosebuds to view. She felt better right away, as if being naked were the most natural state in the world. The feeling encouraged her to continue. Conscious of Ishtar's gaze, she peeled her briefs down her smooth legs and stepped out of them.

"That's better, isn't it?" Ishtar commented, looking her over appraisingly.

"Yes, it is," Jennifer admitted, quickly easing onto the other couch, where she shyly curled her legs underneath her. The top layer was a separate sheet of gossamer thin fabric, which she was tempted to wrap around her nudity only she was sure her mother would disapprove. "So..." she said, swallowing nervously, "Um... what do you want to talk about first?"

"Let's talk about your father," Ishtar said, lying on her left side propped up with her elbow. The other hand, draped across her lovely waist, began moving restlessly, caressing the smooth, moistly slippery skin of her hips and belly. "He's an amazing man, Jennifer. I was intrigued by him at first sight. His intelligence, his wit, his charm. The more time I spent with him, the closer the two of us became..."

She paused as if picking her way across a minefield, a tinge of red on her high cheekbones. "I found him stirring certain... feelings in me that I was unprepared for. Pleasant feelings. Emotions that ripped all my logic away from me..."

Jennifer watched the Zumerian run her tongue across her lips. If she didn't know better, she'd think that Ishtar was embarrassed! Quite suddenly it dawned on the girl that she WAS! Her nipples were hard little points now, her aureoles flushed. One bare leg was gliding sensuously up and down against the other while the fingers of that wandering hand moved quite unconsciously in between her parted thighs, gently massaging her cleft.

"Mother?" the Fox said, shocked. "Are you talking about sex?"

Ishtar blushed sheepishly. "Don't speak of it so casually! You must understand the price we Zumerians pay for our vast powers, our ultra-advanced civilization which is the envy of the entire galaxy..."

"But mother," Jennifer smiled, amused at the idea in spite of herself, "sex is so... so natural! Martin and I do it all the time..."

The Zumerian shivered, sitting upright and self-consciously pulling the sheet up to partly cover her marvelous bosoms. "You don't understand, daughter. It's so primitive! Among us, it's just not DONE! To be powerless before a mere male, to surrender, to WANT to be taken... Making love with him was the single most wonderful experience in my entire life. But when I first felt your father's seed growing inside me, I was ashamed of what I had done, that I had given in..."

Now Jennifer was the embarrassed one, hearing these disclosures that should remain secret. "Mother, please!" she said desperately. "You don't have to--"

Ishtar held up an imperious hand. "I did an ultra-scan," she said. Dewy with emotion, her brown eyes looked straight into Jennifer's nearly identical eyes. "When I saw you, so small and yet so beautiful... I knew that it was right, that sex couldn't possibly be something to be ashamed of..."

"Oh mom..." Jennifer gushed as the two women reached out and hugged one another, unheeding of the fact that they were both wearing nothing but their birthday suits. "But you don't have to worry," she sniffed, brushing at her tears, "about me getting pregnant, not right away. Some day, yes, we may have a baby, but right now I want--"

"WHAT?" Ishtar gasped, shocked in her turn. "Let your sweet young body serve as an incubator for that talking ape's... I mean that hairy man's grubby little ragamuffins? I won't have it!"

"Do you know of another way?" Jennifer said lightly.

"An Extra-uterine Development Pod, naturally," Ishtar said complacently. "The other way is not safe, it's not sanitary. And it's painful!"

"How would you--?" Jennifer began, but she was interrupted by a complicated musical tone which reverberated through the starship's cabin. The two couches shifted position, turning to bring them close to a flat screen upon which the image of a person's face was materializing.

Jennifer squeaked with alarm at the idea of a total stranger (for all she knew a man!) catching the two of them completely nude. Tugging at the sheet in a frantic attempt to cover herself, she managed to slide off the edge of the couch and land in an undignified heap on the floor. But Ishtar merely positioned her legs to make sure her knees were together as she faced the screen.

"Hail and long life to you, Shala," she said. "What news?"

The young woman whose face had appeared on the screen had long, blonde hair and green eyes. She was wearing a halter top that looked like gold tiger skin. "Hail and long life to you, Commander Ishtar," she said, with a slightly amused smile at Jennifer's skittishness. "Forgive me for interrupting, but there has been a Priority Three incident report at coordinate V844241n, in the sector you are currently passing through. Shall I pass it on to another agent?"

Ishtar took notice of the way Shala raised her right eyebrow fractionally, her lips curling suggestively as she looked sidelong at Jennifer again. "That will not be necessary," the commander said with dignity. "I will handle it myself."

"Very well, commander," Shala said. "Good fortune be yours."

"What was that about?" asked Jennifer sheepishly, as the screen went dark.

"A mission," Ishtar smiled, slipping gracefully into her command chair. "You'd better put your clothes on."
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This is a crude drawing, but it gives you an idea what the Fox's and Ishtar's costumes look like (when they're wearing them). Ishtar's is based on a costume worn by Cheryl Buchanan in the 1989 science fiction cheapie "Escape from Galaxy 3". If you Google it you can probably find photographs but I'm not very good at that kind of thing. It was all I could do to figure out how to post this picture.
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Chapter 3 --

The doorway opened. Ishtar, once again clad in her skin-tight, sapphire blue body suit, ankle boots, bracelets, and tiara, stepped through without hesitation. The Fuchsia Fox, nervously tugging her gloves into place, followed.

They were standing inside a perfectly round tunnel approximately twenty feet in diameter, and apparently made of steel. It seemed to be very, very old, rusted in many places. Light came from above where many of the ceiling panels had fallen in, allowing blue sky to show through. Masses of vines were growing around what had once been a window. To their left, the tunnel was blocked by an avalanche of rock, but it curved away unobstructed to their right. A jagged gap in the wall allowed them a view down at the surface of the sea fifty or so feet below. The dark water seemed to roll in a restless, oily way.

"What is this place?" Jennifer asked, shivering.

"Welcome to Dahl-Regg," Ishtar replied, her gorgeous tights-clad caboose swaying seductively as she strolled away along the curved tunnel. "It was quite an advanced civilization a thousand years ago. But naturally men couldn't control their petty squabbles, and that led to a nuclear war. The survivors, reduced to barbarism, live in these ruined cities."

"What are--?" The Fox scurried to keep up with her, high heels picking their way among the debris littering the floor. "Mother? What are we doing here?"

Almost as if in answer, they rounded a bend and found a dozen men armed with crude spears. To Jennifer they looked frighteningly primitive and ferocious -- hairy, dressed in ragged loincloths of animal hide that showed off their tanned, muscular chests and arms. She felt her heart pounding with apprehension, her nubile young body tensing for a confrontation.

But the moment they laid eyes on Ishtar, the men fell to their knees in awe. The stunning Zumerian strolled serenely into their midst without a care for the fact that they were two small women outnumbered by uncivilized men, until she came to one man who, in addition to his loincloth, wore a cape and a necklace of shells.

"Oh Great Goddess of the Evening Star!" he wailed. "You have heard my call!"

"Yes, Paro, I have heard," Ishtar said with a slight smile on her lips. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"A beast! A Thing!" the chieftain moaned. "It invaded the lower levels several days ago. Three of our bravest and strongest warriors are missing."

"What kind of a thing?" the Fox asked without thinking. All eyes turned to her, the savages raising their heads to get a good look at her sleek, slender frame. She felt their lewd stares follow her silken legs upward, take in the tight fuchsia briefs that clung so sensuously to her shapely butt, then admire the gentle curve of her trim, bare torso before lingering over the fragrant swell of her perky coconuts, safely encased in her halter top. Jennifer knew that the properties of her costume made her almost irresistibly sexy to men, and she could see the animalistic hunger in their eyes, a sensation that made her pulse race. "Er... I mean..." she added awkwardly, "what does it look like?"

The chieftain turned to her. "We know not, Little Fox Goddess," he said, which made Jennifer blush. "It comes from nowhere and returns to nowhere. We all fear to go into the lower levels."

"That's all right, Paro," Ishtar said, condescendingly laying one exquisite hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure that my daughter and I can handle it, whatever it is."

She haughtily spun around on her heel. The eyes of all the barbarians couldn't help being drawn to the captivating sight of her pleasantly rounded tail, the lithe curves of her classy gams as she undulated away.

The Fox hurried to catch up with her, leaving the men gawking. "What do you think it is?" she whispered.

"Probably a mutant that climbed out of the sea," Ishtar said offhandedly. "There's still a lot of excess background radiation out there."

Jennifer nodded (as if she knew anything about the subject). "I meant to ask... what kind of weapons do you have on you?"

Her mother indicated her power bracelets, slightly more ornate than the Fox's. "These are pretty much the same as yours," she smirked, "only twice as powerful. My tiara has the ability to exactly duplicate the powers of anyone I face in combat. I have heavier weapons on the ship, but I don't think we'll need them."

The two women found a tube leading downward at a steep slant. At the bottom, as before the tunnel curved away to the left and to the right. "This will go faster if we split up," Ishtar said. "Don't wander too far, and give a shout if you find anything."

"Are you sure we should..." the Fox began, but her mother had already pranced lightly away down the corridor to the right. With a sigh, she looked apprehensively at the tunnel as she picked her way to the left.

Ishtar couldn't have said why she had suggested they separate. Certainly she was enjoying her daughter's company, getting to know her, sharing secrets -- all the girl talk she had missed out on when Jennifer was growing up. But in another way, she was a little bit afraid. Their earlier intimacy had been nice, but it had lured her into confessing feelings which she had hardly ventured to acknowledge even to herself. She felt the need to be alone for a while...

Distracted by her thoughts, the alluring Zumerian had no idea how long she had been searching when she suddenly heard a noise. Something was moving in the tunnel ahead of her!

Around the next curve the tunnel widened into a room with piles of rusted machinery, brightly lit because of a vast, jagged tear in the steel wall. Pipes and bits of cable dangled from the ceiling. It was right down at sea level, and the ocean water was lapping at the opening in the wall. The floor underneath Ishtar's high heels was an inch or two deep in it. Her aristocratic nose wrinkled at the strong fishy smell in the air.

She considered caution, but loftily dismissed it. Surely no simple mutant could be a match for her superior technology! She strode boldly forward.

Without warning, a laser beam shot out from behind a hunk of metal wedged up high against the curved wall. The Zumerian beauty instantly raised her force shield and deflected the blast. A second shot followed, but the lissome lady had already sprung gracefully into the air, firing a mild energy blast from her bracelet at the source of the laser fire.

Ishtar smirked as she heard a frightened yelp followed by a clattering sound. A battered antique laser pistol came sliding down the curved wall as a male figure with long hair and dressed in animal skins tumbled out from his hiding place to land on his hands and knees. She immediately recognized him as a man who had been banished from Paro's tribe two years previously for trying to take over. Evidently he had found the laser pistol on one of the deeper levels and thought it would give him an edge.

"Skewo, isn't it?" the Zumerian said, hovering smugly in the air about five feet above him. "How pathetic! So you're the creature they're all afraid of?"

He glared up at her. "Not quite, my lady."

As he spoke, a long, slimy tentacle grabbed Ishtar from behind, snaking around both her long, elegant legs and yanking the stunning superwoman out of the air.


Chapter 4 --

Caught by surprise, Ishtar was helpless to resist as the tentacle slammed her body against the steel wall of the chamber before she could bring up her force shield. Dazed by the impact, the beautiful Zumerian struggled to concentrate as the tentacle seized her by the waist and picked her up like a doll.

She glanced behind her with horror. The mutant was a huge, shapeless hulk with six tentacles, its skin able to change color to blend in with the wall of the chamber, which was how it had managed to ambush her. At the center was a mouth studded with dozens of sharp teeth like knives.

"My, what big teeth you have," Ishtar commented. Power surged through her slender feminine body as she wrenched free of the slimy appendage around her waist and threw a punch at the creature. The blow smacked into its leathery hide and seemed to stagger it. But as she drew back her fist again, another tentacle entrapped her arm, winding around the clingy sleeve of her body suit. At the same time a second grabbed her exposed left arm, slithering glutinously over her bare skin.

A shiver ran through the Zumerian's alluring, azure-clad frame. It should have been child's play to break free, but somehow... Ishtar struggled desperately, trying to kick out at her captor, but within moments she felt faint, weak as a kitten. Some kind of drug in the creature's mucus... upsetting her hormones... draining her of her strength... her will to resist...

The tentacle that she earlier escaped from coiled around her rounded butt and snaked up her torso with an erotic sinuous motion, caressing her exquisite, sylph-like body and rubbing seductively against her plump, pliable breasts. No! She had to fight it! She had to...

Meanwhile a fourth appendage was entwining in and around her classy legs like a serpent. Oozing in between her thighs, it wormed its way through the leg hole of her body suit and into her moist, unprotected cleft.

"Uuuuhhhhhh," Ishtar moaned aloud as a wave of unwanted arousal flooded her body like a tide. The combination of weakness and euphoria left her feeling shaky and gasping for breath. Her nipples made hard little peaks against the front of her costume as the slimy intruder stiffened. Her struggles became weak and ineffectual. The Zumerian no longer had any power to resist as the other two tentacles plucked off her bracelets and tiara and threw them aside. "Please... you can't..." she panted, unaccustomed to feeling so defenseless. This couldn't be happening! She was the mighty Ishtar! She couldn't be defeated like this!

Now completely helpless in its clutches, Ishtar could only whimper like a frightened girl as it drew her relentlessly toward its open maw, where its razor-like teeth eagerly waited to feast on her tender flesh.

"HAH!" The exiled tribeman suddenly rushed forward, waving the laser pistol in the mutant's direction. It wavered and backed off, pulling in five of its tentacles but keeping one draped possessively around the pert tail of its delightfully feminine captive. "You see, Goddess?" Skewo said, as he picked up her weapons from the floor and put them in the homemade satchel that hung from his shoulder. "It fears the lightning stick of the Ancients. That is how I learned to control it."

The barbarian chased the creature further back, then before Ishtar could so much as move, he produced a coil of rough hempen rope and wound it several times around her wrists, binding them tightly and painfully together. Giving a jerk, he dragged the powerless Zumerian on her knees across the chamber. Submissively Ishtar let herself be led, anything to get away from that horrid mutant, which kept its place beside the wall. Then she sank cowering in helpless dejection.

"Not much of a goddess without your weapons, are you?" the man sneered, looking down at her. "Not nearly so arrogant, either. What will the other men do with you when they see you like this, just another feeble woman?" He looked over her bracelets and decided that they were too small to fit over his bulky wrists. He tucked them into the satchel. But the tiara...

"I overheard you telling the little one what this headband does," the savage said thoughtfully. "Gives you all the powers of your opponent?" He set the tiara on his forehead. "How long do you think she will last against a man every bit as powerful as she is?"

"Jennifer!" Ishtar gasped, looking up from her knees. "If you harm my daughter, Skewo, I swear by the Circle of Kuyun that I will make you pay!"

The renegade only laughed, her threat was so obviously empty.


Meanwhile, down the left hand tunnel, the Fuchsia Fox had come to a dead end against what looked like a massive sliding silo door. Bracing one high heel against the jamb, she gave it an experimental tug with only a fraction of her considerable strength. It slid maybe half an inch. But it was so rust-encrusted, the creature (whatever it was) obviously couldn't have come this way.

The gorgeous girl backtracked and found a straight lateral corridor, heading back at an angle to the way she had come. As she walked, Jennifer tried to think about what she was going to say to Martin. She had to admit that he had a point. If she wanted to seriously dedicate herself to being a superheroine, maybe it wasn't a good idea to have a long-term relationship. Her own mother, for goodness sakes, had only had a brief fling with her father and left him holding the baby.

On the other hand, could she marry Martin and just be the Fuchsia Fox part-time? Only on weekends? Only when the mood struck her? Could that work?

The Fox shook her head. She was spinning in circles and it was giving her a headache! Plus it wouldn't do to let herself get distracted while on this hunt for an unknown monster. What if it somehow got the better of her and she had to be rescued by her mother? Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

She found an intersection and turned left. Suddenly a loud noise seemed to reverberate down the corridor ahead. It sounded like something slamming against metal, followed by the shrill cry of a female voice!

"Ishtar?" the Fox whispered to herself. Heart thumping with alarm, the spunky superlady started running, high heels stumbling on obstructions as she called out, "Mother? Answer me! Moth-- OH!"

Part of the floor beneath her tilted, sending the gallant girl falling. The Fox grabbed at the ledge, but it gave way, dropping her into a nine foot deep pit. The superheroine landed flat on her butt, fortunately on something soft, but it still smarted like the dickens.

"Ow!" she exclaimed, rubbing her sassy little spandex-covered derrière. "That's using your head, Jennifer! Forgot you could fly, did you?" She looked up ruefully. Sunlight was shining straight down on her through what looked like a ventilation shaft that went up several levels. She could see blue sky high above. Flying out would be a cinch.

Suddenly something coiled around her shapely ankles. It was only then the Fox realized that she had fallen squarely on top of some kind of leafy plant with mobile, rope-like vines, dotted in places with bright yellow and red flowers. Tendrils quickly bound her arms and legs, tightening around the sexy superheroine's delicious young body.

"Choked to death by a rhododendron?" the Fox muttered, raising one flawless eyebrow. "I don't think so. I can snap these quite easily." But even as the stunning supergirl flexed her muscles to break free, the flowers dilated, spraying a cloud of soporific pollen. "No!" she gasped, caught off guard and catching a lungful. Immediately the fuchsia-clad damsel began to nod off, her eyelids too heavy to keep open. "Sleep... gassssss..."
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The two super women down so easily, loving it! Great job so far, Centurion. I look forward to reading more!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Thanks, Flirty! I appreciate the feedback!...

Chapter 5 --

The entire tribe was gathered together in the sacred "Food Court". The tribe held it sacred because it was a wide open space big enough for them all, located near the junction of several major corridors. There was a rectangular hole in the roof which let in plenty of life-giving sunlight and rain, as evidenced by the trees and plants which flourished there. Plus, scattered around were tables and chairs made of nearly indestructible polyresin complex, which the tribe regarded as miraculous artifacts left behind by the Ancients.

The chieftain Paro was sitting on one of these chairs now, watching the tribe work. There were about thirty of them altogether, not counting a handful of scrawny children. The women were busy crushing the husks of fruit fronds in preparation for the evening meal, while the men clustered in small groups repairing weapons and swapping stories of the hunt.

"Ho! Paro!" cried a strange voice suddenly. "I, Skewo, have returned! And look what I have brought!"

Paro squinted at the exile, standing at the head of the staircase that led down to the lower levels. Stuck into his belt was a curious L-shaped piece of metal, and on his head was a gold headband that looked oddly familiar. Many of the tribe's warriors seized weapons and advanced, ready to drive him off once more. But they all froze in place when they saw the prisoner he had in tow.

It was Ishtar! The Great Goddess of the Evening Star trudged submissively behind him, her hands tied with rope. Her lovely brunette tresses were tangled and in disarray, streaks of dirt marred her proud, beautiful face. Her shimmering blue leotard was stained with perspiration and torn across the right shoulder, but it was unmistakably she -- his enslaved and defenseless prisoner.

"What is the meaning of this, Skewo?" the chieftain demanded.

"I have defeated the Great Goddess," the exile said proudly, "beaten her and stolen her powers! By this, I claim leadership!"

The tribesmen murmured amongst themselves as they surrounded the bound and helpless Zumerian, crowding in on her, ogling her nubile body, sniffing her and poking her to make certain she was real. For as long as they could remember, Ishtar had been an idol to them, a superior being of unsurpassed beauty and arrogance. To see her humbled, tamed and docile like an ordinary woman, was far beyond their wildest imaginations. Some of the more aggressive barbarians grinned with delight as their calloused hands reached out to touch her silken curves, copping feels and pinching her supple, deliciously rounded ass cheeks.

Ishtar squirmed fearfully in her bonds, humiliated by the indignity of being pawed at like this. Like the Fox's, her costume was quantum-linked to her invincible power bracelets. She could summon them back to her in a heartbeat if only this stupid primitive hadn't tied her wrists so tightly! The bracelets had to materialize in contact with her skin, and these thick hemp ropes prevented them from doing that. Tied up like this, she was helpless!

"Get back!" Skewo commanded, drawing forth the L-shaped lightning stick from his belt. "I claim the Goddess as my mate! Prepare the feast! Dance the fertility dances! When the moon rises, I will strip her maiden's garments from her and use her as a husband should!" The men all around yelled and whistled approvingly.

Use her? Strip her garments from her? Ishtar thought with a frightened feeling in the pit of her stomach. To think that she, a superior woman, commander of a super-advanced civilization, should end up as the love-toy of some hairy, knuckle-dragging Neanderthal, spending the rest of her life barefoot and pregnant, made her feel queasy.

The chieftain nodded with some reluctance (possibly because for years he had secretly fantasized about getting a piece of that himself). "So be it!" he pronounced. "Prepare the feast to celebrate the mating! I have spoken!" The men of the tribe set up a blood-curdling cheer as they began dancing in a circle.

Stunned and trembling from head to foot with fear, Ishtar felt softer hands touching her as the females of the tribe surrounded her, cooing and clicking their tongues as they carried her to their part of the camp. But no one offered to untie her. Quite the contrary, she was set down in a place where she was the center of attention while the women fawned over her, trying to figure out where the seams of her body suit were, so that they could remove it.

The helpless Zumerian let out a groan of frustration. And yet she felt that she would gladly accept any humiliation inflicted upon her if only she knew what had become of Jennifer. Where was she? Why hadn't the Fuchsia Fox some looking for her? Had something terrible happened to her?


"Mmmmmartin..." the Fuchsia Fox slurred dreamily, dead asleep and lying in a bed of lush green foliage. "Cut it out darling 'm trying to ssleee..."

The living vines curled around the slumbering beauty had slowly shifted her body a few meters from her landing spot, turning her on her right side. A pair of creepers, blindly groping the superheroine's shapely form, had gotten entangled in the fasteners of her halter top. As they struggled to free themselves, it came undone and they inadvertently pulled the skimpy garment along with them.

The top of the Fox's costume came completely off, leaving both of her succulent, youthful nubbins thrusting proudly upwards, innocent of any covering at all. One of the rope-like vines snaked across her lissome torso, its leaves rubbing smoothly against the erect, rosy-pink nipple of her left boob.

"Tee-hee-hee..." she giggled, stirring ticklishly in her sleep, "I said stop it, Martin..."

Had the spunky superheroine been in a position to consult the library computer in Ishtar's ship, she would have learned that the lesser devil's snare was a harmless plant indigenous to several worlds in the V844 sub-sector. The species evolved to prey upon mice and small birds. Anything larger than about 300 grams (say a medium-sized chipmunk) it wouldn't know what to do with even if it had a brain, which it doesn't.

When it encounters anything very large, it spews pollen in self defense, and then has to painstakingly shift the tranquilized and blissfully unconscious victim out of its way. That was what it was doing with the Fox now, blindly and mindlessly. The fact that one of its crawling vines was investigating inside her pants was purely--

"EEK!" Jennifer screamed, suddenly sitting up, wide awake. She rapidly executed a sort of jiggling, gyrating dance which put some distance between her and the devil's snare. The sexy supergirl backed against the wall, her heartbeat racing and her breath coming in frightened gasps as she glared at the thing which had captured her and well-nigh taken her clothes off.

Now that it was free of her weight, the plant took no more notice of the girl. The vines settled back into dormancy while it waited for a victim it could handle.

After a few moments with no movement from it, the Fox timidly she reached forward and snatched up her halter top, clutching the skimpy garment protectively to her nubile breasts. By the time she had wiggled into her top, she realized that she had nothing to fear. Obviously this wasn't the horrifying monster they were searching for. It wasn't ferocious enough to abduct a bunny rabbit, let alone a man. The fact that it had managed to render her helpless was just an unfortunate mishap -- not to mention highly embarrassing.

"Well that's just great," the red-faced superheroine muttered. "I'd better run home to mommy and..." Suddenly she remembered the sounds of distress she had heard just before she had taken her tumble. "MOTHER!" she gasped, and took off flying, zooming straight up the ventilation shaft.

On the next level up, the Fox followed the curving tunnel until she came to the large chamber. Warily the valiant superheroine advanced into the room, eying with distrust the piles of machinery, the cables dangling from overhead. There were signs of a fight. But where was her mother?

In the shadows behind her, something moved!


Chapter 6 --

Evening was fast approaching. The sky through the long-shattered skylights overhead was still blue, but as the sun began to set, shadows had appeared inside the sacred "Food Court". Torches had been lit. Drums were beating.

In the middle of the court stood Ishtar, her wrists bound to a thick, upright metal pole some seven feet tall. The women of the tribe had removed her ankle boots and her body suit. When they had come to her sleeve, they had solved the problem without untying her by simply ripping the shimmering blue fabric, tearing her garment free.

Then they had dressed her -- leis of flowers falling loosely over her jiggling boobs but not quite hiding her rosy pink nipples, a headdress of feathers on her tousled brunette tresses, and a short, pitifully inadequate grass skirt slung around her wide hips which did nothing whatsoever to make her naked female slit feel any less unprotected.

One slim hope remained. She had learned of the tribe's problem in the first place because of a spy bug planted on an idol in the chieftain's possession. He kept the fetish in his private "cave", which he called the "Holy of Holies". When he had prayed to his gods about the creature that was ravaging them, it had been picked up by Shala at the Zumerian central authority and relayed to Ishtar. So there was the fragile possibility that if he prayed about the current situation, her fellow Zumerians would come to the rescue of both her and Jennifer.

Even so, she thought, squirming against her ropes, there would be the disgrace of being found trussed up and helpless like this...

A horn sounded. The women of the tribe began to lay out a feast in front of the pole where Ishtar was tied. There were various kinds of roasted animal flesh (disgusting, the Zumerian thought), fruits and vegetables, and pitchers full of the intoxicating beverage they brewed. The men made a line on either side, fidgeting restlessly as they looked expectantly up at the sky, waiting for the moon to rise.

Finally Skewo appeared. Still wearing Ishtar's tiara and carrying the satchel that held her bracelets slung across his shoulder, he had obtained from somewhere a clean loincloth and a necklace of fangs, had trimmed his beard and oiled his body. His broad, muscular chest and shoulders gleamed as he strode up to where his captive was bound. As he got close to her, Ishtar's pert little nose wrinkled as it became apparent that bathing had not been part of the ritual.

"It will not be long now, my pretty one," he grinned, reaching out to slap her possessively on the behind.

"Get your hands off of me!" the Zumerian beauty yelped, flushed with humiliation but helpless to stop him as his free hand reached across, grabbing her bare breasts and feeling her up. "No! Don't--"

He leaned closer, his tongue thrusting into her ear his fingers parted her brief little skirt and slid downward in between her pliant butt cheeks. Ishtar felt a rush of heat, her whole body seemed to tremble as his manhood pressed up against her thigh, hard and throbbing, while his fingers groped for her juicy snatch. "I am going to mount you from behind like an animal," he hissed in a low voice, "and when I am done with you, to show my generousity I will give you to the other men of the tribe to have their way with you as well."

Suddenly a proud female voice rang out. "All right just stop right where you are!"

Along one end of the court was a cliff edge that looked down two stories to an area littered with the decaying hulls of the strange box-like machines that the Ancients had seemed to make so many of. The Fuchsia Fox landed dramatically on the edge of this cliff, planting her long, gorgeous legs and adopting a defiant pose as all eyes turned to her.

Ishtar breathed a sigh of relief, but a mother's eyes noticed something slightly disheveled about Jennifer's appearance. Her short brunette hair was mussed, her adorable two piece costume looked a bit the worse for wear, and one elbow length glove was torn. She had obviously been in a desperate fight.

"I found your stupid monster," the Fox glowered, wiping a glob of slime from her left glove and tossing it disdainfully to the ground. "And I drove it back into the sea. Now what are you doing with Ishtar?"

Skewo set his satchel down on the ground and took two steps toward her, grinning broadly. "She is mine, Little Fox. Just as you will be mine after I have defeated you and humbled you. The tribe will watch as I enjoy you both... as I mount the two of you like a stallion, copulating with you until you collapse in exhaustion with my sperm gushing from every oriface!"

"Over my dead body, sport," the Fox smirked, charging forward.

Ishtar wanted to cry out a warning, but the words stuck in her throat. The cocky young heroine lunged at Skewo and let loose with a guaranteed knock-out punch straight to the arrogant man's jutting jaw. And she was totally astounded when the entire force of her blow was harmlessly deflected by a force shield... HER force shield!

"What in the--?" she gasped.

The former exile laughed as his left arm shot out in a backhanded slap that sent the Fox flying ten feet. As she wiped blood from her lip, the heroine's pretty brown eyes darted to the gold tiara on his head. Oh no! Ishtar's Tiara -- her mother's most powerful weapon! It gave him all of her powers! How could she possibly beat that?

As the Fox started to get up, he struck again, his foot arcing upward like a piston into her delicate ribcage. The breath gushed out of her lungs. Seeing stars, the lissome girl staggered to her feet only to get hit again. Her own force shield was now at full power, but it hardly made a difference as he was hitting her with her own strength, unfettered by her feminine inhibitions of empathy. Desperately she strove to parry his blows, but he had also duplicated her enhanced agility, and there was no evading him.

Across the courtyard they battled, while the rest of the tribe watched. In the center of the court, Ishtar's heart was fluttering as she darted desperate longing glances at the satchel Skewo had set down. Her power bracelets were in there! If only she could get to them! She tried rubbing her ropes against the rust on the metal pole, but it was no help. There had to be something she could do! She couldn't just stand here like a helpless girl and watch that barbarian thrash her daughter using her own powers! Desperately she began to bite at the rough knots with her perfect white teeth...

"You are pitiful!" Skewo sneered, as he blocked one of the young heroine's feeble blows and caught her in an arm lock. Jennifer cried out in pain. Her sleek, sylph-like body was perspiring freely from her exertions; it glistened alluringly on the exposed skin of her face and shoulders, her lissome legs, her midriff, trickling down her luscious cleavage.

She cried out again as his free hand grabbed a handful of her short brunette hair and yanked her head back. "I am a man," he gloated, "and you are my bitch! Admit that you are no goddess, nothing but a weak girl, and I will be merciful! Say it aloud so that everyone can hear! Say it!"

The Fox sucked air into her lungs in short gasps. Her lips trembled, teetering on the verge of giving in and saying it. But then her brown eyes latched onto the image of Ishtar, tied up and arrayed in that humiliating tribal outfit they had dressed her up in. Was this what their future was going to be? Both of them stranded on a planet hundreds of light-years from Earth, stripped of their powers and condemned to a life of captivity as love slaves of a barbarian chief?

If she had only known that it would lead to this when she had first put on the bracelets she had found in that archaeological dig, when she had first become the Fuchsia Fox...

Suddenly her pulse quickened. The heroine looked up at the man holding her prisoner, waiting for her answer. "Never!" she spat.
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... and I like to give feedback, especially when I am very much liking a story. Yet another exciting chapter, Centurion. Very arousing, the way Ishtar has become viewed by the whole tribe as now merely mortal. Even if the Fox and Ishtar prevail, the tribe has seen their vulnerability. However will the two super heroines reclaim their goddess-like status? It seems like these primitives might now all want to take their turns in trying to make the super heroines submit to them in turn. Very exciting stuff. Can't wait for more!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Stellar work as always, Centurian. The heroine peril scenes were very erotic and the use of their own technology against them was the icing on the cake. Eager for more. Love this series.
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I appreciate the comments. Good points, Flirty. I hope this final chapter sort of wraps them up...

Chapter 7 --

Skewo slapped the Fuchsia Fox with the back of his hand, making her drop face-down in the dirt. "I did not want to hurt you, little bitch," he said slowly. "But you must learn who is the master here. You must be taught respect."

"Yeah?" the heroine glared. "Tell someone who cares why don't you?" Quickly slipping through his clutches, the spunky girl spun around and sprinted for the cliff edge. Without a moment's hesitation, the Fox hurled herself upward toward freedom, soaring as gracefully as a swan, slender arms outstretched like wings, long elegant legs trailing behind her like a tail as the air glided smoothly over her lissome curves.

"Running away?" yelled Skewo, fuming at the edge of the cliff. "Just like a cowardly woman! Bring your ass back here so that I can punish you!"

The sexy superheroine pirouetted like a dancer as she circled back toward the court. Hovering twenty yards out, the Fox cocked her saucy little booty at him and laughed. "Nyah, nyah, you can't catch me! If you have all my powers, why don't you come out here and make me, LOSER? Or aren't you MAN enough?"

The barbarian looked down at the sheer two story drop with dread, but the other men jeered, taking up a chant and urging him on. He couldn't lose face. If a feeble girl could do it, so could a man! "So be it!" he fumed. Taking a running jump, he threw himself into the air in pursuit.

The Fox bit her lip apprehensively, but she held her ground. She hadn't done very well against him with her feet firmly planted; to fight him in mid-air was suicide unless her plan worked...

Here he came, flying at her like a missile with his greedy hands thrust out to grab her. She could see the arrogance in his face as he hurtled closer, see it change all at once to uncertainty as he looked down and realized that he was hanging far above ground with no visible means of support. He wobbled, caught himself, overcorrected wildly the other way. Then, with a gasp of pure terror, his forward motion abruptly trickled away and he dropped like a stone!

Jennifer felt her heart flutter with satisfaction as he landed with a thud on top of one of those rusty box-like machines (which looked to her like some kind of automobile). The very first time she had tried to fly had ended up exactly the same way. There was a big difference between having the power to do something and having the experience to get away with it. There was a lesson there somewhere...

Descending like an angel, the stunning superheroine lightly touched down beside him and stooped to pick up Ishtar's Tiara, which had fallen off as he knocked himself out. "Awww," she said, checking his pulse to make sure he wasn't critically injured. "The big bad badguy faww down and go boom!"

Angry shouts drew her attention back up the cliff face. The tribesmen did not sound at all happy about something. Suddenly a burst of radiance bloomed up there in the middle of the court like an explosion. The Fox threw herself into the air to see what it was.

It was Ishtar! Somehow her mother had managed to wriggle free of her ropes and get to her power bracelets. The resulting discharge of energy had completely disintegrated the native costume she had been forced to wear, leaving her with all her wondrous charms completely exposed to view. Somehow this has still not convinced the frenzied tribesmen that her power was back, and they brandished their weapons and charged.

Ishtar grabbed hold of the pole she had been bound to and uprooted it from the ground, concrete base and all! She stood there, legs braced, face flushed with anger, hefting it like an over-sized spear, looking for all the world like some naked, barbarian warrior goddess! The men threw down their weapons and prostrated themselves on the ground.

"Mom?" said the Fox, alighting next to her.

"Jennifer!" the Zumerian gushed, hugging her. "Are you all right?"

"Pretty much," the girl replied, snug against her bare bosom. She drew back and handed over her Tiara. "I think this belongs to you."

"Thank goodness!"

Jennifer looked around at the tribesmen worshiping at their feet, chanting pleas for forgiveness (while sometimes sneaking peeks up at Ishtar's bare snatch). "Well," she said, "you certainly seemed to have made an impression on THEM."

Ishtar suddenly seemed to notice that she was totally nude. "If they expect me to appear like this next time they call for my help, they can think again!"


Over the next few days, Ishtar and Jennifer spent time together, getting to know one another, but at last the girl had to return to Earth, to the life she had made there. "I still can't believe," Ishtar said, "that I tore off those ropes with my bare teeth. I suppose there's no telling the things you'll do when someone you love is in danger."

"I was thinking the same thing," the Fox said, her delicious booty leaning against the console in the starship's main cabin. "Maybe your loved ones can sometimes be used against you by unscrupulous people, but they can also be a powerful source of strength... something to keep you going when all seems lost."

Ishtar raised one flawless eyebrow. "Does that mean you still plan to marry your young man?" she said disapprovingly.

"Yes, mother," the girl sighed. "If he still wants me."

The Zumerian beauty reached up and minutely adjusted an errant strand in her daughter's short brunette hair. "Why wouldn't he want you, Jennifer? You're the most wonderful girl in the whole galaxy..."

The Fox smiled shyly.

"...and you look amazing with all your clothes off. Although you really should shave your--"

"MOTHER!" the Fox cried, blushing like a rose.

The women hugged, clutching one another tightly as if they never wanted it to end. With a final farewell, Jennifer stepped through the quantum doorway into her own apartment in Arlington, into a future filled with possibilities.

>>>>> THE END
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Very enjoyable. Thanks for the mini-vacation away from Earth. How'd you know I felt like a change of scenery?
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I liked it Centurion.

What I find very intriguing now, though, is for more adventures of Ishtar! A whole interesting spinoff of saucy adventures, perhaps. :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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I'm glad you both liked it; I certainly enjoyed writing it. More adventures of Ishtar? What a wonderful idea! I'll have to give that some thought.

Of course now this brings up an issue I've been avoiding for far too long anyway... namely what to do about Jennifer and Martin. I put it off temporarily by sending him off to Afghanistan, but it's time to bite the bullet. What do you guys think? Should they get married? Should they break up but stay friends so that she has a contact in the Army? Or should I just get rid of Martin permanently? (See I never planned ahead because I never really expected this to be a series. Honestly, every story I wrote I was thinking was probably going to be the last one. And here we are 20 stories later...)
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If you enjoy writing this series and still find it interesting to explore the characters' lives and interactions, than I feel marriage would be an interesting new dynamic.

It doesn't have to be pure wedded bliss but rather a comfortable new expression of closeness while still containing points of conflict that are both serious and comic.

People push each other's buttons all the time in marriage and stories that show that can be very entertaining.

And of course, the way you've set things up you have the ultimate mother-in-law joke at your beck and call. :laugh:

I say go for it. There are very few marriage scenarios in superheroine peril fiction and I think you'd do a superb job at depicting the pros and cons in an entertaining way.
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That would be my inclination too. It's just that when I was collaborating with Lady Jane on our team-up, she said that I should get rid of Martin. I think she believed that with him out of the way I'd be more inclined to write more X-rated stories. But since I haven't even had so much as an e-mail from her in almost six months, I've settled back into soft core, which is just the way I like it.

So that's what I'll probably work on next (if I don't get an Ishtar idea first). I just have to come up with a real slam-bang idea to make the wedding memorable. I'm thinking an alien invasion... or Major Z is long overdue for an appearance. If anybody has suggestions, feel free to PM me. The bad news is that it's looking like I'm going to be too busy again this summer to do much writing, so you may have a wait. :(
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Love the idea of an attack during the nuptials, as long as the marriage is legit by the end. Maybe under some makeshift shelter in the rubble with the minister saying "You may kiss the bride but you better make it quick 'cause we got incoming!" :D
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