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Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 5:51 pm
by Mr. Pantyhose Lover
This story seems to be very interesting. This should be made into a movie for mature viewers with graphics violence and explicit sex scenes.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:06 pm
by DrDominator9
Mr. Pantyhose Lover wrote:This story seems to be very interesting. This should be made into a movie for mature viewers with graphics violence and explicit sex scenes.
Don't I wish, Mr. PL. I'd love to see some of my favorite scenes translated into film or video. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it and thanks for taking the time to write in! Always glad to hear from readers.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:18 am
by Mr. Pantyhose Lover
DrDominator9 wrote:
Mr. Pantyhose Lover wrote:This story seems to be very interesting. This should be made into a movie for mature viewers with graphics violence and explicit sex scenes.
Don't I wish, Mr. PL. I'd love to see some of my favorite scenes translated into film or video. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it and thanks for taking the time to write in! Always glad to hear from readers.
Thanks for your response, Dr. Dominator. Not only that I'd like to see heroine videos with graphic violence and explicit sex scenes, I would also like to see them die in their shiny, shimmery, glossy, or opaque sheer to waist pantyhosed feet by a real ruthless and perverted supervillain. In fact, I'd even like to see heroines get their pantyhose pulled down below their buttocks just to see them get sodomized. :yes:

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:05 pm
by DrDominator9
Coming Back to the World
Part 23 - A

“Read ‘em and weep, gentlemen. Three ladies!” Bruno smiles, laying down his trio of queens. “I guess they kind of kick the crap out of your two gay jacks over there, huh, Gino?”

“Marone. How da’ fuck do you get such good cards all the time, Bruno? If I didn’t know better, I’d say this was a marked deck. You did pull them out of your pocket as I recall.” The short, stocky Gino with a head full of curly black hair looks at Bruno with a glare that is returned in kind.

“You’re accusing me of cheating to my face now, Gino. Is that where you want to go with this?”

“Come on, Gino,” says Fredo, a short, swarthy man with a pencil moustache who was sweating even more than he normally had been all night. “Let it go.”

“Yeah, Gino. It’s just not your night,” Big Paulie urges. At 6' 3" and 312 pounds, his nickname fits like a glove. It’s the only thing that does. Every item of clothing on the other hand are stretched to the breaking point. “Hey. I lost more’n you and I ain’t gettin’ sore.”

Bruno’s dark gray-blue eyes survey Gino carefully for threatening gestures. There’s a lot of angry tension there but he doesn’t think Gino will make a move, even though Bruno had just bested his jacks to the tune of $355. And the odd thing was, Bruno actually hadn’t cheated. His luck was simply running hot.

“No, Bruno. I take that back,” Gino sulks. “I’m just angry. And fed up.
When the fuck can we get out of...”

“Uuuuggnnnhhh....ohhh.....” Superman groans loudly and the discussion comes to a halt instantly as the table of men all turn to look at the mighty Man of Steel laid out like a stiff on the floor to their left. His body is coated in glowing green slime and dried kryptonite crystals. Only his face, neck, arms and lower legs are not coated, having hung over the side of the tub and not been submerged in the liquid death. The man’s face is just the palest green and his breathing, while a touch wheezy from the damaged adam’s apple, is somewhat more relaxed than before. It’s definitely time to get the big guy back in the tub. Past time actually, since the mighty Man of Steel actually opens his eyes and puts his palm on his forehead with a groan.

“ the flame trees of Zyria...what’s happened to me...?...” I don’t ever remember feeling so tired and weak! He struggles to lift his shoulders off the floor. Leaning heavily on his left side, one arm is draped against the floor, his other with the elbow bent, palm down on the floor, is steadying himself. He notices five men sitting around a card table. He only recognizes two of them, the guy called Jerry from the van and his boss in the red sneakers who’d led the ambush against Diana. He can see the sneakers under the table even as his eyes drift with a bit of confusion due to the kryptonite glaze coating most of his body. His dazed reverie is broken by Jerry who swears loudly in the heavy silence.

Shouting desperately, Jerry pulls his Glock 9mm off the tabletop and aims it right at the Man of Steel. “Fuck a duck! Take him out!” Panicked, he shoots the disoriented hero in the chest, the boom from his Glock reverberating with an echo around the warehouse.

“Huunhh!” Superman grunts and falls onto his back from the stunning force of the bullet. It doesn’t penetrate his chest but the dark haired hero’s grunt and grimace tells all the men facing him that he’s definitely not back to near his normal super strength yet. That’s good, because it means they may not all be wrapped up in a light pole as Superman is known to do before sending a group of crooks to jail. Bruno whips his favorite lightweight .45 caliber Smith and Wesson pistol out off the table and fires a round into Superman’s stomach.

“Oooohffff!” Superman’s body jolts and he doubles in half on the floor. The tiny click of the compressed bullet falling on the concrete floor tells Bruno that his bullet didn’t penetrate either but the distress that the blue and red costumed hero is feeling is significant based on his groaning. The three unarmed truck drivers just look on in fear at this nasty development.

“Damn,” Bruno curses. We got to get this guy back in the tub fast. He’s hurting now but he may get strong enough to do some damage. Superman unfolds after a wheezing gasp, puts two palms down on the floor and starts to slowly attempt to stand up.

Gino stands up and picks up his metal folding chair without waiting for Jerry or Bruno to take another shot. He closes it down to a flat weapon and swings the chair, backrest first in a low trajectory that is sweeping up with a vengeance right as it makes contact with Superman’s chin as the unwary hero reaches mid-crouch.


“WHUUNGHHHH!” The black-haired hero falls hard on his ass, his arms actually draped over the edge of the stainless steel tub, his fingers inches away from the surface of the slime. “...uhhh....” he moans loudly in pained distress.

Superman’s hands are tingling and he glances behind him to see the glowing green gel sending out its deadly shimmer of death and quickly pulls his hands down off the tub’s rim and puts them on the floor to begin another effort to stand up. He still has a load of kryptonite slime in his trunks but maybe half of it has run down through the gap in the leg band onto the floor of the warehouse. Consequently, he feels slightly stronger, even with the deadly coating of slime crystalized all over him.

“...can’t kill me...guys....haven’t you....heard..? I’m Superman...”

Once again he’s in a half-crouch, trying to stand up when one of the truck drivers, the new hire, Fredo shouts out, “Fuck this, I’m out of here. I didn’t get paid for this shit.” He runs for exit door. He never makes it. Bruno turns, takes careful aim and shoots Fredo in the back. The deserting driver seems to dive forward onto the floor without a second’s thought. Then a blooming red stain spreads across his back and the new hire dies on his first day on the job. Spinning around, Bruno takes aim at Superman’s crotch and fires.

“Ohhh....hgnnhhhhh.....(cough, cough)...heeeeze ...” Superman falls to his knees as if he’d been kicked in the balls. The power of the .45 caliber bullet hitting his nuts certainly feels like he has taken a shot to his cojones. Once again his hand finds the rim of the steel tub and he uses it to steady himself while he fights the nausea caused by the large caliber bullet hitting his nuts.

Motioning to Jerry to circle behind the tall grunting, wheezing hero, Bruno slowly concocts a plan. They’ve got to bully this mighty prick into this tub using any and every means possible. That means they have to hit the dazed hero hard from all sides without let up. He nods at Big Paulie and then motions toward the groaning hero trying to regain his wind.

“Punch him, Big Paulie. Hard.”

The tall man quickly walks over toward the stunned and weakened Superman. He stands over the champion who’s bracing himself against the tub and just starting to look up. It’s a big windup from Big Paulie and his meaty fist catches Superman right in the jaw


“Ouch!” Big Paulie yelps as he pulls his throbbing fist back. Still, he’s done some damage.

“Huunngghhhhh.” Superman’s whole face clenches in horrific pain from this massive blow to his dislocated jaw. It feels a branding iron has been pressed against his jaw. “.uuhhhh ....stuphhh....don’t....” he actually pleads. His chin is hanging against chest, his eyes teary, blinded by a blistering white glow of pain. He can’t remember being in such torment from a punch before. Big Paulie steps back several paces and watches as Gino now steps in, taking a wide sideways swing with the folding chair at the grimacing Superman. With his head bowed in an effort to block out the pain with his mind, the unwary hero doesn’t even see the chair coming. Gino connects with the face of the mightiest male protector of the planet and knocks it to the left with a walloping follow-through.

“Whuuuunnnfff!” Superman hangs onto the tub side, his mouth dripping blood slightly from his bloody skewed lips. Fortunately for the mighty hero, the full force of the chair had smashed into his cheek, between his damaged eye sockets and his wounded mouth so he didn’t black out from the pain of the smashing metal against his face.

Swinging his face back to the front, the blue and red clad figure and growls with thick anger in his wounded throat. Incredibly, he says, “..still....takes take me down....guys...” He then looks directly at Gino. “ turn......”

Glaring at the curly-haired driver, Superman is actually able to send a short burst of heat vision toward the metal chair which turns hot in seconds. Gino drops the chair with a yelp and Superman suddenly backhands the grimacing thug with a lucky reach. It’s nowhere near his usual strength but Superman’s lesser effort still manages to send the surprised thug spinning off into the poker table and sending it crashing to the floor, bills, change and drinks scattering everywhere. Gino lies on the flat, crashed table trying unsuccessfully to regain his senses. It will take time for that to occur.

Superman nods, pleased he’s been able to take one of his assailants out of the fight. The satisfaction doesn’t last long though. From behind him a length of heavy steel chain whips around Superman’s neck like a bolo, the final loose link slapping him painfully in his smashed mouth.

“Yeoww...uhhhh!” Superman head wobbles yet again in a cloud of agony as his hands reach up to try to pull the choking chain off his neck. But Jerry is a step ahead of the confounded and woozy champion. He yanks with all his might and Superman totters back helplessly toward the tub. The back of his calves bump against the stainless steel and Superman can’t stop himself from tripping backward and falling toward the deadly slime pool. His back hits the opposite side of the tub and the Man of Steel lies draped sideways over the noxious slime, it’s radiation flowing up toward his awkwardly positioned form. With his thighs balanced on one edge of the tub and his back on the other, Superman is weakened by the radiation and fearful about the close proximity of the slime. If he can’t regain his feet without dipping his butt into this deadly brew, he’s done for. He has no leverage however, with Jerry pulling on the chain wrapped around his neck with all his might. If he shifts his weight too radically, Superman thinks, he could end up falling into the tub.

Pulling at the bright chrome steel links, Superman tries to loosen them but his fingertips can’t get under the circled steel links due to Jerry’s constant pressure. With his hands straining at the chain and weakened by the glowing slime six inches below his back, the Man of Steel sees Bruno take aim at his face with his pistol. Superman puts his hands out to block the shot, covering his wounded face only to have Bruno’s hand angle down in a sudden change of direction. Bruno shoots Superman with another round to his groin.

“UUNGHH!” Another “kick” in his balls from the large caliber bullet takes much of the breath away from the Earth’s mightiest champion. Jerry gives another harsh yank on the steel chain. But still Superman is able to hold onto the edge of the tub with a desperate steadying hand. Until Big Paulie steps up and gives the completely exposed body of the defenseless hero a thundering shot to the abdomen with his left hand.


“Unnh,” Paulie grunts. Both his hands are now sore from punching Superman, but he’s done his job.

“Huuuuuuughhhhhhhh” Superman’s eyes bulge out in a gasping breathless grunt of pain. He has no air, no energy, no hope. And Jerry gives a final vicious yank on the chain. “GRAGK!.. ....NO!” rasps the horrified Man of Steel. Off balance, he can do nothing as his feet fly up and his ass drops with a splash into the thick glowing green slime. “Oohhhhh...uhhh.. ..nuh..nuh.. ...ohhhhhhhhhhhh..” The struggling superhero is too weak to even crawl his way out of the tub.

Motioning to Jerry, Bruno commands, “Walk him around Jerry so he’s facing the long way in that shit.” Jerry does this, pulling hard on the chain as the gasping and choking hero is swivelled on his butt inside the tub until he’s once again lying deeply within the devastating deutronium-kryptonite death slime. Even his arms and legs go limp, completely submerged now. Bruno walks directly over to the tub, places his palm on Superman’s head and pushes him completely underneath the deadly gunk. He holds his head firmly and waits. After ten seconds the helpless blue and red costumed man begins to thrash for his life underneath the slime.

“Take this, you stupid, overconfident fuck!” Once capable of changing the orbits of small planets, Superman is so completely drained of all his mighty strength that he can’t fight off this single stiff arm keeping him away from the air he so desperately needs. His bright red boots kick and splash, sending the slippery gel flying in all directions, but the defenseless hero cannot escape the firmly relentless hand pinning him below the surface of the glowing green poison. Bruno looks at his watch with grim determination as he holds the dark haired hero’s head in his grip. Thirty-eight seconds. The thrashing boots kick one last time against the base of the tub and then go limp, sinking below the surface to rest on the floor of the tub.

“What the fuck is going on in here?” Stevie shouts, crossing the floor towards the tub. “Pull his head up now, Bruno.”

“Look, buddy, Stevie is it? You don’t know....”

“Pull him up now or lose your fee. All of it! And this guy too,” Stevie indicates Jerry.

“Do it, Bruno,” Jerry urges. “I can’t lose this payday.”

Bruno grabs Superman’s hair and pulls his head up out of the slime and the Earth’s mightiest hero comes up wheezing, sputtering, gagging and coughing. But alive!


“Bruno, knock him out and shackle him down with those manacles, now,” Stevie directs, “and get that chain off his neck. I need you and Jerry to wrap it around his waist and then around his armpits and shoulders so I can attach the winch and pull him out when he’s overdosing.”

Bruno walks over to the tub and clobbers Superman with the butt of his gun. Without fanfare, the weakened, dazed and helpless Man of Steel slumps into total unconsciousness for now. The hired assassin pulls Superman’s arms out of the tub and motions for Jerry to get his legs. Superman’s limp limbs are placed inside the unbreakable metal manacles and clicked shut as Stevie continues to give directions.

“When you’re done chaining him properly, you guys can go. If he had died, you’d be answering to Carmine about your fee and the slim likelihood of working for any Mob family in North America. You did a good job with Wonder Woman, but this could have been a major fuckup. It’s just lucky I got here when I did.”

“Lucky for him,” Bruno sneers at the inert Man of Steel as he finishes locking up his arms and legs. Jerry unwraps the chain from Superman’s neck and the two of them begin chaining his waist and shoulders as instructed.

“Who’s that guy groaning on the card table?” Stevie nods toward Gino.

“That’s one of the truck drivers. Name’s Gino. Got a backhand from Supes here and lived to tell about it. The other guys is Fredo. I shot him for desertion in the face of the enemy.” Bruno nods at Superman. “Oh, and this is Big Paulie, also a truck driver for Carmine. Packs a hell of a whollop!”

Shaking Big Paulie’s hand, Stevie says, “Thanks for the help, Paulie. Where’s Wonder Woman, Bruno?” He has his priorities in mind.

“She’s out cold in the recovery room through those doors. There’s a nurse in there staying with her til morning, I’m told,” Bruno says.

“So what happened,” Stevie inquires. “How close a call was it with Superman? I respect you Bruno and I want to put the best spin on this for Carmine. Lay it all out for me.”

“Alright, Stevie. Carmine says you’re a straight shooter. I’ll fill you in completely. You got my money?”

“It’s in my briefcase by the door. I dropped in the second I came in and saw what was going on.”

“Jerry,” Bruno says, and nods at the door. The accomplice goes to retrieve the briefcase full of cash. Then Bruno’s cell phone rings.

“Yeah,” he answers. “Oh, fuck! What time is it? 8:30 already? I’m sorry Danny. I forgot to call you. Things got crazy after you split. I’m still tied up with Carmine’s guy. Yeah, we just got to the money. Yes, your share is safe.” He raises an eyebrow to Stevie who gives him the thumbs up. “Yeah, I’m not sure how much more time it’ll be. Hold on.” Putting his hand over the phone, he says to Stevie, “One of my shooters. He’s at my place for the split. I forgot to call him about the change of plans. He’s a little nervous, but he’s a young guy. I just got to assure him he’s not getting stiffed. How much longer you need me?”

“How long for you to tell me the story of what the hell happened?” Stevie turns and takes the briefcase from Jerry and holds it tightly.

“Ten minutes, tops.”

It’s up to you what you tell him. I won’t need you here the rest of the night. Your extra cash is in here, too for babysitting Superman, including yours, Jerry. I’ll take out the extra split for the drivers that I put in here for their troubles and you can be on your way.”

“Danny?” Bruno talks into his cell. “I can be there in an hour or we can meet tomorrow at the arcade where we first met. It’s up to you. Your money is safe. It’s all yours. There were just some changes I had to deal with. Everybody’s happy with your work. How do you want to do it? Great. Tomorrow at the arcade at 11 a.m. That alright with you? Fabulous. See you then, Danny. Again, good work. Have a dinner on me, out of my share, for your troubles. Anywhere you want. You earned it. Right. See you, hawkeye!” Clicking the phone shut, Bruno says, “Good kid, and a good shot. Nice to see young talent come along!”

“Okay, Bruno. Talk to me,” Stevie says. And Bruno does for the full ten minutes.

And after the explanation and the division of the money, Bruno and the drivers head off to their separate destinations, leaving Stevie with Superman. Stevie walks over to the tub and unlocks the manacles, then walks to the wall where the winch control is mounted and lowers the steel cable with the hook at its end. Working between the tub and the winch control, he slides the hook under the chains around Superman’s chest and then tests it, raising the limp unconscious form easily with the red and black control buttons. Superman’s body hangs by his heavily-chained upper torso in mid-air, his back arched, swaying on the end of the hook as his arms and legs dangle limply below him, dripping glowing green slime into the tub with loud splats. The Man of Steel is still completely unconscious and absolutely defenseless. With a satisfied smile, Stevie lowers him back into the tub and re-shackles the arms and legs of the mightiest male on the planet while whistling “That’s Armore.”

It would be a cinch to keep Superman out of commission for the evening and far beyond that as far as he could tell. Stevie heads toward the double doors to check on Wonder Woman. Everything was, fortunately, going pretty much to plan. Tony would be pleased.

* * *

George Cosmopolis is following Carmine through the living area of the penthouse suite in the Pleasure Dome building in the South Bronx. It is 9:45 at night and the sandy-haired, stout psychiatrist with male pattern baldness is looking at the luxury surrounding him as he passes through the suite.

“Nice digs, Carmine. This your place?”

“It’s kind of like a share in a beach house. I’m a part owner. She’s in here.” He extends his hand and pushes open the door to the bedroom. Stevie has cleaned everything up and the teenager, though still curled up in a fetal position and sucking her thumb, is now dressed in a bright yellow silk pajama top and matching pajama pants. She is lying on a clear plastic sheet on top of the pink bedcover. She is also wearing a short brunette-colored wig to change her appearance.

“You say this girl worked for you, Carmine?” Cosmopolis walks over to the silent thumb sucking blonde and begins to examine her.


“She’s quite pretty. What did she do? What was her job?” He takes out a penlight and looks into her open irises closely, watching them contract.

“She was an escort for out of town guests. Name’s Linda Dan...Danbury, I think. Yeah, Danbury,” Carmine catches himself before he makes a stupid mistake. “She was out with two new clients of mine, rough characters who beat her up and raped her and left her in her apartment.”

“She took them back to her apartment?” He’s holding her wrist and clocking her pulse using his elegant blue-faced Seiko watch.

“Yeah. That’s where my guys found her. Sucking her thumb just like that.”

“Mmm hmmm. You sent guys to her place, not women?”

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t sure if the two guys would still be hanging around, you know.”

“And they found her like this? Catatonic?”


“How’d you find out about the rape then? Who told you she was raped?”

“Oh, well, that was, uh, her. She’d called me early in the morning. I could barely make sense of what she was saying. She was talking a mile a minute and not being clear. ‘They raped me,’ she said. ‘Held me down and raped me.’ I asked her if she was hurt but she didn’t answer that. I told her I’d send some people over immediately and when they got there, she was, you know, out to lunch.”

“Hmm.” He puts his hand on her forehead. Cool and dry. “Why is this plastic sheet here?”

“She pissed herself.”


“ was a few hours ago I think. One of my guys was watching her.”

“He around?”

“The guy. Umm. No. He went home. Won’t be back until tomorrow.”

“Too bad.”

“Why, George? What’s the problem?”

“I just thought it would be good to talk to him. Ask him a few questions about her movements or behaviors for the last few hours or so. Might help me figure this out.”

“He told me she didn’t move for like all day until he left the room to use the john and he came back and she had curled up like this.”


“Yeah. Why’s that surprise you?”

“It gives an indication of awareness of outside influences. She’s in an extremely self-protective mode right now. Blanking out the world, almost like an autistic child. But I think she’s reachable. It could just be a coincidence she retreated into this mode when he left the room, but my gut says differently. She have any reason not to trust this guy who was watching her? What’s his name?”

“Stevie. Well, uhh...maybe. I...uh...think they may have had a thing...a while back...and.. uh it may have ended badly....”

“Right. You know the names of the rapists by any chance?”

“Actually, yeah. It was Sal and Mario Minetti.”

“Okay, Linda, sweetie. I’m Doctor Cosmopolis,” the sandy-haired shrink says with soothing tones. “You can call me Doctor George. I’m here to help you, Linda. Now I need you to listen to me carefully, Linda. All the bad men have gone, Linda. They’re all gone and...”

The blonde’s gaze shifts to Carmine behind Cosmopolis and she sucks even harder on her thumb. The psychiatrist’s eyebrows go up at this and he turns to look up at Carmine standing behind him.

“You have any negative history with this young lady, Carmine?”

“Well, George. Uh, not any more than any employer has with someone who works... ah..below them. You know how resentment sometimes can build up without any, you know, real cause.”

“Mm hmm. Yes, well, I’m going to need you to leave us alone for a minute. She’s got to feel completely safe, and with you here, I don’t think she does. Would you mind?”

“Well, uh, are you sure?”

“Positive. It’ll just be a couple of minutes. But do not come in here until I come out to get you. That’s critical.”

“Fine. I’ll be having a drink in the living room.”

“Okay. Would you close the door on the way out?” He watches him expectantly and the reluctant Carmine turns and walks out of the room, shutting the door with exaggerated care. Turning back to the blonde, Cosmopolis once again begins to talk with gentle tones.

“Listen to me carefully, Linda. All the bad men are gone. You are completely safe now. No one in this room will hurt you. You can relax. Stevie is gone. Carmine is gone. Those very bad men, Sal and Mario, they’re gone, too. Everyone has left you alone and you are safe, Linda. Completely safe for the first time in many, many hours. You can trust, Dr. George, Linda. I am your friend. You can tell me anything and you will be safe. If you believe me, nod your head.”

Supergirl merely looks straight ahead, sucking her thumb, and then her eyes begin to roll around in her sockets seemingly to search the room from corner to corner, only meeting Cosmopolis’ searching eyes briefly in their pass around the room. She does nothing like a head shake at all.

“Do you believe you are safe, Linda?” The doctor puts his hand on her shoulder. “Nod your head if you feel secure.” More eye movement but no head shake.

“Hmmm. You’re pretty deep in there, huh, sweetie?” Thumb sucking and nothing more. “Okay, let’s try one last thing. I’m going to give you a little shot of adrenaline to get your heart rate going a little and maybe to help you focus, Linda. It’ll feel like a little pinch but that’s all. Dr. George is trying to help you get better. Do you believe me, Linda? Nod your head for yes or shake it for no, Linda.” The blonde’s eyes merely look at the bed cover seemingly tracing the pattern of the stitching.

“Okay then, let’s try the adrenaline, Linda. As I said, it’ll just feel like a tiny pinch in your arm.” Taking the wrist of the hand with the thumb that’s she’s not sucking, Dr. Cosmopolis rolls up the yellow silk sleeve. Then he takes out a small sealed alcohol swab, a capped syringe, and a small bottle of adrenaline from his pocket that he’d brought just for such a probability. After cleaning the inside of her elbow with the swab, he then fills the syringe carefully. Finally he puts the needle against her skin and presses down to sink the needle into the exposed blue vein. Except the needle doesn’t sink in but, rather, snaps off and the adrenaline leaks down her arm onto the plastic sheet.

“What the hell?” He sees the broken needle lying on the plastic sheet. He’ll have to use the spare needle. He was lucky he’d grabbed two on the way out of his office. “Damn, what a time for a lousy manufacturing defect.” He goes through the procedure again, using the last of the adrenaline from the tiny bottle. Taking careful aim, he centers the needle at the middle of the vein and gently pushes. The skin barely indents. “You’re pretty thick skinned for such a frail little lady, Linda.” He pushes a bit harder and once more the needle breaks. “Shit!”

Pulling the arm closer, the middle-aged doctor peers at the vein but doesn’t even see the hint of a puncture from the needle. “Nobody’s that thick skinned. Who the hell are....YLLGKK!”

Without warning, the arm Dr. Cosmopolis is holding thrusts upward and the gentle girl’s hand surrounds his throat and squeezes his airway shut. “LHEGGHHKO...LEGGHHKO...” he rasps softly. The pressure doesn’t let up however and the good doctor’s eyes roll up into his head quite quickly.

The thumb sucking brunette’s eyes look over at the limp, red-faced man slouching in her grip and begin to focus. Slowly, the girl’s face takes on a look that’s a mix of confusion and concern. She pulls the thumb out of her mouth and releases her grip, letting the unconscious man flop forward onto the bed.

“Oh gosh, who is this guy. What’s going on? What the heck happened to me?”

Almost 24 hours after the cock-choking attempt on her life, Supergirl is finally fully awake and aware, albeit quite confused. Since Tony had ordered the kryptonite collar and all forms of kryptonite restraints removed from her person to help aid her recovery during her near coma state, the mighty teenage heroine is back to maximum strength for the first time since her capture. The Maid of Steel stands up and checks the man’s pulse. He’s alive but unconscious.

Supergirl tries to sort things out. She remembered drinking with two guys she had been entertaining. Sal and Mario Minetti. She remembered the kiss from Mario and then some sex play and then feeling dizzy. Everything was foggy after that. She had to find Tony and ask him what was going on. And she had to get him to give her a big dose of crack. She can’t begin to recall how long it had been since the last time she had smoked a pipe. Rao, did she need one now! She looks herself over and sees the yellow silk pajamas and wonders what that was about. She certainly didn’t remember putting them on. And why was there a plastic sheet on the bed? So many questions!

Walking to the bedroom door, she sees the brunette wig in the mirror as she goes to open the door and pulls it off her head, tossing it back on the bed next to the prone form of Dr. Cosmopolis. She opens the door and walks down the hallway toward the living area.

“How’d it go, Doc? You think she’ll come out of.....Supergirl!”

“Hello, Carmine. Is Tony around?” She watches him knock back two fingers worth of scotch with a quick gulp.

“How are you feeling?” He looks at her with complete shock.

“Feeling? What do you mean? How should I feel?”

“You’ve been out of it for a full day. We were all worried about you.”

The Maid of Steel walks up to Carmine and pats his cheek. “Aren’t you sweet. Fix a girl a rum and coke would you?”

“Sure. Sure thing.” Carmen walks quickly over to the kitchenette for a can of coke from the fridge and heads back to the bar.

“So, is Tony around or not?” Supergirl flops down on the couch without thinking about her super powers and the resulting groan of wood, steel and leather raises Carmine’s eyebrows instantly. Supergirl is too anxious and wired to notice. She pops up and begins to pace the living room. “I could really use some of that crack. Like now!”

“Tony’s downstairs in the casino restaurant with Sergei. Let me tell him the good news. The doc really came through.”


“The doctor. Dr. Cosmopolis. George? What happened to George?”

“You talking about the guy in the bedroom?”

“Shit, yeah. What happened. Why didn’t he come out with you?”

“He’s old cold. I think I probably choked him a little too much.”

“Choked...but...what? Is he alive?”

“Sure Carmine. He’ll have a headache when he wakes up, but he’ll be fine.”

“What did he do? Why’d you choke him? How did he snap you out of it?”

“Snap me out of what? What are you talking about Carmine?”

“How much do you remember about last night?”

“I remember Sal and Mario fixing me a drink. A kiss from Mario and then they started playing with my body, stimulating me every way possible. They were very good at it. So good I couldn’t seem to resist. But I also remember them making me feel guilty about getting off while innocent people could be in trouble. And I remember they got me so hot I came. And after that one of them, Sal, pulled me up on the couch so my head hung over the arm. Mario came back and went at me with a dildo. It was out of control sex. And...oh, Rao, then I got so dizzy and they....they tried to choke me to death with Sal’s cock! Those bastards!” Supergirl punches the back of the couch and her fist smashes through the leather, the padding, the inner coils and the back of the leather couch.

“Do you remember anything since you passed out?” Carmine is worried about a vengeful Maid of Steel with no kryptonite in the room. What the hell am I supposed to do here? Should I flood the room with the emergency kryptonite gas?

Pulling her fist out from the couch, Supergirl actually gives Carmine a sheepish look at the destruction. “Sorry about that,” she says. “I was just letting off a little steam. No, I don’t remember anything until I woke up choking your doctor friend in there,” she waves a dismissive hand toward the bedroom. Must have been a reflex action or something. You going to mix that rum in my coke or not?”

“Huh? Oh, sure. Sorry. Here.” He twirls in the rum with a swizzle stick and hands it to the blonde clad in yellow silk.

“Who had the honor of putting these pajamas on me?”

“That would have been Stevie.” Carmine glances sideways at her, hoping to god she wasn’t pissed.

“I’m sure he enjoyed that,” Supergirl says with a smirk as she takes a long pull on her rum and coke. She smacks her lips and lets out a tiny belch. “Urpp. Oops. Sorry,” she giggles.

Carmine flips his cell phone open and clicks the speed talk function.

“Hey, Tony,” he says after only a moment. “you’ll never guess who I’m talking to,” Carmine winks at the blonde who’s taking yet another long drink of her cocktail. “No, not Doctor Cosmopolis. His pa...”

Snatching the phone from Carmine’s grasp, Supergirl barks into the unit, “Come upstairs with a pipe full of your best crack, Bonano. It’s been way too long and I need it now!”
She looks at Carmine who’s shaking his head and pouring himself a second scotch in celebration. It had been a hell of a day!

“Yeah, he’s here. The doctor’s indisposed right now. Oh Tony, just get up here with the crack and we’ll talk when you get here!” She slaps the phone shut and tosses it at Carmine, then sits down more demurely on the couch and gulps the last of her drink, her thoughts on nothing but getting back to that sweet crack high she loved so much!

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:47 pm
by DrDominator9
Coming Back to the World
Part 23 - B

In Secaucus, Stevie has his hands full with two superheroes at the moment. He’s been steadily monitoring the condition of a sickly, green-faced Superman in the warehouse section. Currently the Man of Steel is moaning in a helpless sweating delirium brought on by his immersion in a tub of deutronium-kryptonite slime. He’ll have to be hoisted out by winch in about 15 minutes to prevent his death from overexposure.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman is breathing steadily in a deep sleep brought on by a steady Vicodin drip after her four-hour surgery from multiple gunshot wounds. Stevie has relieved the nurse for now, sending her out to dinner for a couple of hours. Deciding he will stay for a while, Stevie stands by her bed in the recovery area and looks at the monitors hooked up to the unconscious heroine. Everything seems to be okay. The heart monitor shows a slow, steady beat. Nothing’s in the red zone. She’s alive and her color looks good.

Lifting up the sheet, Stevie sees that the doctor had operated on Wonder Woman with her costume still on. That was strange. Stevie had seen the video of the ambush at Bryant Park and remembered she took a hit near her hip. He gingerly lifts up the bottom edge of the bustier that had been pulled out of her famous starred panties and sees a large bandage taped to her side. Pulling the sheet down to her calves, Stevie discovers her body is covered in a variety of bandages in almost a dozen places. Bruno had been relentless, that was obvious from the news video, but until now Stevie hadn’t quite realized what it must have been like to be subjected to such a devastating hail of bullets.

He was amazed that this beautiful black haired Amazon was still alive! How could that even be possible? Stevie recalled the news stories about Wonder Woman’s incredible strength. Did it come from her costume? Is that why the doctor didn’t remove it? If she woke up and was somehow strong enough to escape, all their planning would be a waste of time. He should probably try to remove her outfit while she was under the sedative. She might not even wake up while he tried.

Pulling the sheet completely off the female figure and tossing it on a nearby chair, Stevie sees that only Wonder Woman’s boots had been removed. He checks and sees that they are standing side by side under the bed. Peering down at her, Stevie examines the bustier first. There were ragged holes cut into the underside of each breast through which white bandages poked. Wonder Woman’s ample breasts rose and fell in a deep rhythm, the bustier barely contained her. He thought he might be able to stick his entire hand down the cleavage of her massive chest if he were inclined to fondle this gorgeous woman. He wasn’t into unconscious sex attacks though. What was the fun in that? Plus, he had a job he had to focus on anyway.

This bustier had to come off somehow. Of course, the belt had to come off first before he could even try to pry this eagle off her tits! He’d have to roll her onto her side to take a look at the back of the belt. Gingerly he does just that, slowly rolling the deep-breathing beauty onto her side. She was lighter than he expected her to be. Her skin to his touch felt velvety smooth. He was getting hot just rolling this babe onto her side! The softest little moan whispers between the parted red lips of the Amazon as Stevie examines the back of the belt. He pulls on it slowly but it does not release. Another groan, this one slightly louder from the unconscious woman.

After three attempts, Stevie finally manages to release the belt with a combination of movements that unhooks the belt like a bra. He slowly pulls the golden belt from under the woman’s waist and drops it on the floor. He’s sees a seam that probably hides a zipper when a third moan, this one much louder seeps out of Wonder Woman. One of the monitors beeps and Stevie sees the respiration rate has increased, which he realizes is her soft panting.

Shit! I can’t let her die but I can’t let her be so strong that she escapes.

He doesn’t have a second pair of adamantium manacles. Superman had to have that pair to keep him restrained. Or did he? He was so weak from the slime, Stevie thought, that he might be able to use those manacles for Wonder Woman. As he’s pondering this, the monitor showing Wonder Woman’s respiration rate gives off a soft tone and Stevie sees she’s calming down, getting back to a normal deep sleep. That was good. If he only knew more about this bitch, he could figure out how to handle this. Supergirl might know something but she was off in Never Never Land. Unless the doctor had snapped her out of it. Stevie makes a decision and rolls Wonder Woman back to her prone position on the bed.

Then, pulling the cell phone out of his pocket, the young mafia hood calls Carmine even as he walks into the warehouse section and over to the winch control. Superman’s face is a bright green and he’s groaning with a raspy rattle. Stevie pushes the Up button as Carmine answers the phone.

“Yeah, Stevie, what’s happening over there? Everything quiet?”

“For now, I’m just trying to figure out how to handle our wonderful young black- haired friend.” They try to talk very generically against the possibility of any eavesdropping Feds.

“What’s that noise, I can’t hear you very well.”

“It’s the winch. I’m using it to raise our other guest out of the bath.”

“How’s he look?”

“Like somebody frosted his face like a St. Patty’s Day cake. He’s not the problem. His weak as a lamb. Even Mr. I’m All-Powerful can’t handle being submerged in this stuff for hours at a time. No, it’s the girl I’m worried about. The sedative is working but what happens when she wakes up with all her strength in tact?”

“Stevie, we talked about this. T and his Russian pal will be there in the morning way before she wakes up. They’ll handle her.”

“Did he tell you how?”

“Actually he didn’t.”

“Hmmm. Well, what happened with blondie? The doc able to help her out at all?”

“Blondie’s wide awake and ready to take on the world. She punched out the couch when she remembered last night with the brothers.”

“You’re shitting me!. She’s feeling like her old self then, huh? Where is she now?”

“She’s waiting for T to come up in a sec,” Carmine relates. “She’s scarfing down a leftover pizza. Wait a sec. Yeah it is Stevie. She says hello.”

“I wanted to ask her if she knows if this wonderful lady gets her powers from her outfit but I’m not sure how to go about asking her.”

“Tell him I’m not telling him squat, Carmine,” Supergirl says wiping her mouth with a napkin in the kitchenette.

“Uh, Stevie, blondie says she ain’t telling you squat about your friend over there. Guess we forgot how well she hears, huh?”

“Yup,” Stevie says dejectedly. “Alright, I guess I’ll have to leave it to T and S and let them worry about it.”

“I’ll call you back if T has any ideas,” Carmine promises. “Stay cool and make sure Mr. Big Blue doesn’t go down for the count. That’s not in the plan.”

“We’re good. He’s just hanging out right now. Dripping goo and moaning for his mommy.” Stevie shuts the phone and looks up at the swaying figure in the glow of the overhead lighting. The famous Superman is tightly chained and suspended in mid-air. He is dangling helplessly over a tub of slime into which he will be lowered once again for hours more of deadly radioactive saturation.

“You Kryptonians really aren’t worth much when there’s kryptonite around, are you?” Stevie says. He watches as the groaning hero limply swings in small circles, his mouth slack, his eyes rolled up in his head in a defenseless, stupefied daze. His once powerful body is covered in a drippy kryptonite glaze that is keeping him powerless in a Mafia-owned warehouse in Secaucus. The mighty Man of Steel has no hope of escaping on his own.

* * *

“I’ve got two questions for you, Tony!” Supergirl confronts Tony Bonano the moment he and Sergei walk into the suite from the elevator. “And the answers better be good. First, do you have my crack with you and second, where are you holding Wonder Woman and Superman?”

Sergei gives Supergirl a menacing glare and starts to move toward her when Tony raises his arm up and blocks him from taking another step.

“Calm yourself, Sergei. Supergirl is upset about things and I don’t think you’d like her taking out her frustration on you. Isn’t that right, Linda?” Tony looks at the girl with her hands on her hips confronting him in loose-fitting yellow silk pajamas. Her classic heroic pose is a little less imposing without the famous uniform but considering she’s at full strength, only slightly less so in Tony’s mind. He had to get this situation under control quickly. The fact that Supergirl had asked about the crack before she asked about her probably two closet friends in the world gives him all the edge he will need.

“Of course I don’t have the crack on me,” Tony smiles serenely. That would be suicidal given your present state of mind. But I can get it for you in mere moments if you cooperate. As to where your two super compatriots are located, that will have to remain my secret for the moment. Now I have a couple of questions of my own.”

“Me, too,” says Carmine.

“Shoot,” the defiant blonde heroine continues her stance and looks at Tony with a smoldering anger.

“First off. Why did you choke the doctor. Did he assault you?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I came to and my hand was at his throat. He may have tried. I’m not sure.”

“Second question: Do you think he knows who you are?”

“Again, I’m just not sure. He certainly might suspect something since I choked him into unconsciousness using only one hand in about four or five seconds. Anyway, why don’t you ask him, I hear him walking out of the bedroom right now. If you have any aspirin, I would suggest you find them for him.”

“Please keep quiet for the doctor’s sake, Linda,” Tony whispers. “His life depends on it.”

“Will I get my crack?”

“A man’s life is in your hands, sweetheart,” Tony murmurs. “Ah, Doctor Cosmopolis, Tony Bonano. I’m an associate of Carmine’s. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I can’t thank you enough for getting our young lady here up and about. You’re a genius and I want to pay you for your trouble.” Tony strides over to the ambling man who’s slowly massaging his temple with his fingers.

“Can’t say I did all that much to help. The young lady came out of her withdrawn state when I tried to give her a shot of adrenaline.”

“Tried?” Tony’s calm appraising look at the doctor would chill his bones if he knew how his life was being weighed in the balance by his words right now.

“Damndest thing. I broke a, two needles trying to inject her with a little adrenaline to help stimulate her senses and bring her out of her autistic state.”

“That a fact?” Tony nods thoughtfully.

“Um. Where did you try to give me a shot, doctor?” Supergirl asks.

“Your arm. Inside the elbow.”

“That would explain it. I was injured as a child. A fluke accident on a swingset. Broke my arm. They had to insert a metal plate for structural integrity.”

“But I didn’t see any puncture hole in the vein,” the doctor persists.

“Well, that’s unlikely,” Supergirl says brightly. “The plate’s quite close to the surface. You probably just missed it. A trick of the light in there. But look, it’s late and I’m feeling very tired now. It’s been a long day. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going into the bedroom to rest. Thank you so much for your assistance, Dr. Cosmopolis.”

“Miss Danbury, if you ever need to talk about your experience with the two men who accosted you I would be happy to try to help you sort out your feelings on the matter,” He hands her his business card.

“Thank you, doctor. You’re very kind but my feelings are quite definite about those two men and do not need sorting out of any kind, I assure you. If I ever see them again, I will surely kill them. Good night. Tony, can I see you for a moment after the doctor leaves?”

“Of course, Linda. I’ll be right in,” Tony smiles as the blonde walks toward the bedroom. Turning to the doctor, he puts his arm around the man’s shoulder and leads him toward the elevator. “Please send me your bill, Doctor Cosmopolis, and double your usual fee. Linda is a valued employee of Carmine’s and mine and I couldn’t be more pleased with how you conducted yourself tonight. Your professionalism and your discretion have been exemplary as I’m sure it will continue to be for Linda’s sake.”

“She may not be on such solid ground as you think, Mr. Bonano. The anger in her is quite evident. And why was she wearing a wig, if I may ask?”

“She wears it occasionally for her job as an escort,” Carmine says moving next to his friend and edging him toward the elevator door. “Does it to throw some spice into her relationships with the clients who see her on a regular basis. Her idea actually. She’s a favorite among my girls.”

Opening the door to the elevator, the doctor shakes his head, “Seems to me that girl could use a lot less spice in her life. She reminds me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it.”

“You know, a lot of people say that about her,” Carmine interjects. “Let me ride down with you and we can set up a golf day for next week, George. I can’t thank you enough.....”

The elevator door closes and Carmine looks at Sergei who’s been standing in the kitchenette all this time, listening and drinking vodka shots from a bottle of Grey Goose kept in the freezer.

“What do you think, Sergei?”

“Ice him. He is a loose cannon and will probably be putting two and two together if he sees her face on the TV. I could do this for you, should you want it so.”

“Carmine’s going to be pissed about it.”

“It’s business. Not personal, Tony. Carmine, he’s been in the business for many years, da? He will understand. He will have to fill in his foursome with somebody else from that country club.”

“Tony!” Supergirl calls loudly from the bedroom. If she wanted to, she could shatter plaster with her voice. So she’s being polite.

“Do it. I’ll tell Carmine.” Tony then heads toward the bedroom, figuring the angles on how to play this most dangerous game with the Maid of Steel without getting his balls fried.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:20 pm
by Abductorenmadrid
You've crafted a dangerous balance of power between the players, its all on a knife edge !

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:47 pm
by DrDominator9
What’s the Difference?
Part 24

When Tony walks into the bedroom of Supergirl’s suite in the Pleasure Dome building he has a rough game plan of how he wants the conversation to go. Whether this super powered girl will let it go his way is something he’s a bit concerned about.

“So where’s the crack and when do I get it?” The teenage heroine is pacing the bedroom with a frantic look that alters Tony’s opening gambit before he even says a word. He goes from mollifying big brother to deal maker in a heartbeat. It’s his best play anyway.

“I have a proposition for you I think you’ll like, Linda, my dear.”

“The only proposition I’m interested in is a pipe full of your best stuff – make that two pipes full – right here, right now or I redecorate your face and then go downstairs and trash your casino.”

“And you could do that, although there might be ways I could stop you. I’ve done it before and you fucking well know it, Supergirl! Don’t think I don’t have ways to take you out even with your super powers back. And there’s still Sergei to consider if I do get the upper hand. He won’t be happy with you at all and you know what that means if you don’t succeed. You want to put that to the test. You that confident that I don’t have an ace up my sleeve that could take you down in two seconds?”

Supergirl has stopped in her tracks and is looking at Tony with a powerful cocktail of anger, fear, suspicion and confusion in her face. Is he bluffing?

“But don’t even answer that, because I really don’t want to go down that road. You can have your crack in three minutes from now. Just hear me out, okay?”

“Fine,” she sulks, sitting on the edge of the four-poster bed and drawing her knees up to her chin. “What is it?”

“I want you to keep your super powers. I don’t want to weaken you anymore with kryptonite. You’re too valuable for me right now and I want to reward you with a steady supply of crack if you do a few things for me. Some of these things are actually ideas that you yourself suggested just a week ago or so.”

“I’m still listening.” Supergirl chews on her thumbnail as Tony talks.

“I want you to rob a bank for me, like you suggested. And I want you to continue to “entertain” clients occasionally. Only the biggest, most important ones though. And I want you to be my bodyguard. I can’t trust all my Mafia brethren as I get more powerful, some of them will get jealous. What better protection than the Maid of Steel watching my back. Do this for me and you will have a steady supply of the best crack on the planet.”

“And why shouldn’t I just take you to jail and then go back to my regular life as a superhero, Mr. Bonano?”

“Supergirl, sweetie. You silly girl, you don’t even know it. You’re regular life is gone! Kaput! Toast!”

“Right, I’m supposed to believe that?”

“Let me tick off a few facts for you that you may not be aware of since you’ve been kept out of the loop of the media. First of all, your secret identity is blown to smithereens since the tape of your capture showed Linda Danvers exposed as Supergirl and then completely humiliated with kryptonite slime. That video, edited of course for family viewing, has been shown on every television station across the globe by now. People in Fiji know your little secret by now. So that part of your life is done.”

The blonde teen’s eyes go wide with shock at this news.

“Fact number two,” Tony continues, gaining momentum. “The unedited full color version of your capture has
racked up 6 million bucks in sales to date and still selling nicely, thank you. Subsequent episodes that show you giving long, slow, magnificent blowjobs, being lustily penetrated with your panties down around your knees and taking it up the ass while squealing with orgasmic delight time and time again are doing very well, too. Now that’s not exactly the image of a superheroine the world wants beamed into its living rooms is it? That’s another eight million in sales by the way and I haven’t even released a third of all the sessions you and I and my crew enjoyed. You’re very popular on the internet and in the video stores. You’re flying off the shelves, Supergirl, if you excuse the pun. Are you with me so far, beautiful?”

“Yeah,” Supergirl has nibbled her left hand nails down to nothing. She starts on the right hand.

“Fact three: Now, maybe people will figure out you were drugged and maybe they’ll assume you’re just a nasty slut who seems to really, really enjoy being violated in every single orifice as forcefully as possible, with and without your consent. But your shameful, less-than-heroic stature will cause you to be a pariah it would be my guess in just about every country around the globe. Imagine it. You come swooping in to, say, Indonesia, offering help. ‘Want me to save that island from a tidal wave?’ you ask. ‘No thanks, Superslut. We don’t want you corrupting our youth. We’ll call one of the other superheroes. Take a hike, whore!’ and you’re left with egg on your face and no one to save. Tch, tch. What a shame. ‘And she showed such promise as a young teen,’ they’ll say. ‘Who could have dreamed she’d grow up to be such a cocksucking, low-life disappointment? Who could have imagined that the pure, innocent Supergirl would end up as the poster girl for a super libido gone bad?”

“I can explain it all.”

“Right and maybe 25% will listen and believe. And 75% snicker behind your back every time you come into a landing with your little skirt blowing up. ‘Oh, Supergirl is here. Lock up the teenage boys’ or maybe while you’re trying to protect their lives they’ll be thinking ‘Did you see that tape of her bobbing her head up and down in that man’s lap like a chicken pecking at its feed?’ Really, Supergirl, you think you’ve got a normal life to go back to now?”

“I...i...can make them understand. Wonder Woman would help me. Where is she, by the way.”

“Oh, she’s safe and so’s your cousin Superman. For now. But that’s another fact I wanted to point out. Ms. Diana Prince is less than happy with you right now since you blew up her identity that led her into a trap that almost killed her. I don’t think she’ll be your best PR agent right now.”

“Oh, dear Rao, no!” Supergirl blanches white at this news. She thought she might have let something slip a while back but she was so disoriented from the crack she couldn’t be sure. Washed by her own tidal wave of guilt, Supergirl draws her knees up tighter, lowers her head and actually begins to weep. For Diana, for her lost life, her lost innocence and her need for this heinous drug that had created such havoc in her life.

Pulling a new red glass pipe filled with crack from a secret lead-lined compartment in the false back of her night table beside her bed, Tony hands her the implement and the blonde heroine takes it without a hint of irony at what she’d just been weeping about. The drug was king with her and Tony knew it. The kryptonite wouldn’t be necessary anymore, except for when she was entertaining and had to be penetrable. Supergirl was a crack addict now and forever. It was just a matter of spinning it so she would be complacent enough to do his bidding.

He holds the lighter's flame out and Supergirl draws deeply on the pipe, creating that familiar crackling noise and the gray cloud of euphoria that she takes deeply into her lungs. In less than 15 seconds, the depressed teenage heroine is lifted to the very heights of pleasure as the drug inundates her brain and fogs her reason with stunning ease.

“I know it’s a hard world, Linda,” Tony consoles in soothing tones. “But I can make it easier on you from now on: crack this good almost whenever you want it and all your superpowers for you to enjoy. Plus a little pleasure like this as well.” Tony takes the pipe from her drooping hand, easily slips his hand past the waistband of Supergirl’s yellow silk pajamas and his fingers quickly find her soft, downy crotch. Within moments, his fingers have stroked and excited her labia and gotten her moist enough to slide up her slippery twat and caress her clit. The mighty teenage heroine gives a breathy gasp as she falls back onto the bed and willingly lets the man who has orchestrated her complete obliteration as a champion fuck her cunt with his fingers.

“What do you say, Supergirl? You gonna work with me?” His other hand fondles her breast beneath the soft yellow silk, slowly squeezing the fleshy tit and then rubbing the nipple between folds of delicious silk. “It’s really your best option at this point.” His other fingers caress the swollen slippery clit as Supergirl moans with delight. He brings her right to the edge with his fast and expert fingerplay but not over it. He’s waiting for his answer.

“Please...please...make me cum...Tony...” she pleads.

“Do we have a deal?” He slows his fingers down in both erogenous zones. Playing with her feelings and her body at will.

“Please give me release....please....” she whimpers as his hands keep her at the frustrating edge of an orgasm he refuses to deliver.

“Please give me my answer,” he says in her ear.

“...yes...okay...yes...I’ll be your bodyguard...your prostitute...your thief...whatever you say, my life is yours as long as you keep me in crack and bring me to a climax now!”

“Your wish is my command, my lady. Let’s seal it with a kiss.” Closing in and leaning over the prostrate blonde heroine, Tony seals his lips on the eager mouth of the delirious Maid of Steel and kisses her deeply even as his magic fingers transport her to precipice of a white shining blazing orgasm.

“Mmmff....whlffff....” She pulls her mouth away from his and buries her head in his chest. “Yes.....yes....dear Rao....YESSSSSS!” The overwhelmed young champion darkens her pajama bottoms with a strongly scented flow of sweet cum that she can no sooner hold back than the tide itself.

“Ooohhhhhh,” she moans in ecstasy as his hands continue to explore, degrade and bewilder. Supergirl climaxes again, her juices wetting his hand, her sweat outlining her breasts now within the yellow silk pajama top. The crack and his skilled manipulation continue to work their magic on the panting teen. Tony saws his fingers in and out of her vagina with all possible speed, even as he kisses the sensitive spot on her neck and he holds her breast tightly in his palm and squeezes it rhythmically.


The third orgasm brings Supergirl to tears. Her legs flop apart on the bed and she weeps deeply with all the emotions she’s been suppressing for so long. Everything was too much. She was going to simplify her life. Whatever Tony wanted at this point, she’d do. She didn’t care about anything anymore. She holds his arm tightly, pulling it around her waist as she curls up with her back against his as he positions himself next to her, holding her in his arms.

“Shhhh,” he coos in her ear. “Tony’s here for you now. Nobody will hurt you again. You’re my girl.”

“Yes,” she sighs. “I am.” And the famous heroine slips off to sleep in absolute confusion and yet total relief at all the responsibility she was now able to let go.

At 4 am, Tony slips his arm out from under a peacefully sleeping Supergirl’s shoulders and quietly retreats from the bedroom, taking the crack pipe with him. In the living room, Sergei is sleeping on the couch, snoring from his over-indulgence in Vodka shots. Carmine is gone, having left with Dr. Cosmopolis and Stevie is in Secaucus, New Jersey riding herd on a green-faced Superman lying in a tub of green death and Wonder Woman drugged with Vicodin and healing from a devastating ambush. Things were going perfectly!

He slips on the shoes he’d carried out in his hands from the bedroom and then taps Sergei on the shoulder.

“Yo, Sergei, beauty sleep’s over. We’ve got to get to the warehouse to deal with Wonder Woman and Superman. And after that, you’ve got a certain psychologist to whack.”

“Da, Tony. Da. Let me wash my face and I’ll be right with you.”

“Do it downstairs in my place, I don’t want you waking up our blonde friend.” Tony goes to a second secret compartment within a lead art sculpture on one of the end tables and removes a stash of crack in a zippered plastic bag. There’s a months supply in there for even a serious junkie.

“What was to be happening in there? I fell asleep while waiting for you to come out or be dead. I see she didn’t kill you, which is good.”

“Let’s just say, she’s ours for the duration. We keep her in crack, she keeps her powers and runs our errands.” Tony has removed two white crystal pellets and replaced the stash in the art piece.

“This is the truth? What about her whoring?”

“She’s in for the whole deal.” He writes Supergirl a note and leaves it under the pipe with the two pellets wrapped in aluminum foil on the dining room table for her to see when she wakes up.

Sergei is shaking his head with wonder at the talents of his young boss. “A smooth talking son of a bitch, you are, Tony Bonano. I would have handled it differently and not as well!”

“I just explained the facts of life to her. And then I helped her clearly understand them from the perspective of a teenage slut on crack. It was a slam dunk!” Now let’s go explain them to Wonder Woman. She’ll be a harder sell, I’m afraid.”

* * *

Princess Diana of Themyscira takes a long time coming out of the deep, deep well of black unconsciousness she’d been so expertly lowered into by Doctor Gyldenhall and his nurses. The Vicodin drip bag has been empty since around 4:30 a.m. but the shock of the bullets, the strain of the operation and the loss of her power belt has all taken its toll on the mighty Amazon woman. She had slept on for two more hours before the hint of consciousness appeared in the change from REM sleep to borderline awareness. She certainly hadn’t sensed, heard or felt in any real sense Tony, Sergei and Stevie manipulating her body in the last hour. That would have given her a chance to react or defend herself, albeit weakly, if she had. Now, of course, she had no chance.

With considerable effort, Wonder Woman pulls herself up from the vestiges of her drugged sleep and listens to mumbled whispers for a few minutes before she opens her eyes. Still sleepy, she drifts in and out, catching only phrases.

“...her belt and she started breathing faster...”

“...the rope on the chair for now..”

“...cuffs should hold her.....he sure doesn’t need them....”.

“...monitor shows increased activity. I think she’s awake and just faking sleep.”

“Diana? Won’t you join us? You can’t fool the machines.”

Coming to the conclusion that there was nothing more to be gained feigning sleep, Wonder Woman finally opens her eyes. Three men in business suits she had never seen before surround her bed, staring down at her. Two hard faces and one younger one who might be exploitable. Glancing down at her body, the mighty Amazon is glad to see she’s still wearing most of her costume at least, though the boots, her lasso and her power belt were missing. She knew the power belt would be gone simply by how weak she felt. The weight she’d felt on her wrists and ankles while pretending to sleep were, in fact, the manacles she had feared. They ran from her wrists off to either side of the bed and were chained to something sturdy on the underside of the bed no doubt. The leg manacles disappeared below the end of the bed as well.

Chained by a man and no power belt! This would be an uphill battle with these severe men to be sure.

“There you are, princess.. Nice of you to grant us with your presence,” Tony says with a trace of sarcasm.

“And you would be?”

“Tony Bonano. Businessman and your humble servant. I am Carmine’s boss.”

“Charmed to meet you, Mr. Banana,” Diana says with a soft murmur and gives him her phoniest smile possible.

“Ah, we’re playing it for humor then?” Tony nods and pokes the bandage at her side with a stiff finger.

“Aaahhh!” Wonder Woman’s face contorts in severe pain at this nasty prod.

“Got any more jokes, Diana? I’d love to hear them. Why not get a few more off your ample chest.” Tony’s two thumbs press against the bandages covering the BB wounds at the undersides of Wonder Woman’s breasts and he squeezes the large fleshy orbs roughly.

“Owww....ohhhhhh....” The mighty heroine yelps and groans helplessly, her body jerking harshly as she pulls on the manacles that chain her to the bed.

“It’s not just your tits that are in my hands, Wonder Woman,” Tony looks down at her coldly, even as he continues to hold her breasts tightly. “It’s your life. Try to remember that as we discuss your options here today, okay?” He relaxes his grip, gently pats the wobbling jugs and pulls his hands away. He slowly folds his arms together across his chest as he appraises her reaction.

Wonder Woman is appalled at this treatment. It had been a while since she had been so cavalierly molested and she did not like the feeling, the disrespect or the tone of this approach. He was out to demean and demoralize her, of course. He would have to be shown he was dealing with a will of metal, not clay. Wonder Woman composes herself.

“You can, no doubt, abuse my body, Mr. Bonano. You will find my will is not so easily malleable.”

“Who needs a soft squeezable mind when you have tits like these to play with?” Tony unfolds his arms and once again reaches down and fondles Wonder Woman’s breasts. This time more gently but with steady rolling motions that shift her costume bustier up and down and around with complete disregard for this mighty Amazon’s royal heritage. Diana winces slightly from the discomfort of her wounded breasts being squeezed and manhandled but maintains a steely cold look at Tony as he fondles and jiggles and rolls Wonder Woman’s breasts with impunity.

“You are like a foolish boy who has no respect for himself or his world,” Diana says with perfect calmness even as Tony lifts her tits from underneath and shakes his hands back and forth rapidly, causing Wonder Woman’s breasts to quiver like dual gelatin molds within her constraining top.

“And you are an uptight cunt who’s too dumb to know who has the upper hand. Literally and figuratively, princess.” With that, Tony grasps the fabric eagle’s wings and pulls down on Wonder Woman’s bustier, freeing her bosom to bounce and sway in the open air before the three wide-eyed men. All of them stare at the Amazon beauty, entranced and bewitched.

These breasts were magnificent. Confined by her famous costume bustier, they certainly had suggested impressive attributes. The cleavage, the buxom roundness, the promise of well endowed firmness; it all coalesced into the impression of rare beauty. But freed and unrestrained, Diana’s breasts truly shined with the aura of a goddess. Even with their small, matching bandages, Wonder Woman’s breasts were stunning. Uplifted and seemingly unfettered by the laws of gravity, these fulsome orbs were the ultimate expression of grace, elegance and the very artfulness of god brought to life in flesh. The areolae were beautiful, dark raised rings of sensitive silk that served as stages for incomparable nipples; nipples so smooth, so soft, so brown and dimpled that they begged for touching. The curves of her chest, the play of light on the shining Mediterranean skin and the sheen of healthy young vibrancy of this incredible woman brought a sigh to the heart and a jolt of pure lust to the brain.

“What knockers!” Stevie blurts.

“Most impressive, da,” Sergei nods.

“These are breasts that are made to be enjoyed by men everywhere; whenever and however they desire,” Tony says, immediately attacking Wonder Woman’s ego and feminist ideology with a nasty vehemence that actually lifts Diana’s pretty mouth into a nasty sneer. The attempt to undermine her psyche, her self-esteem and her confidence is now fully underway.

“Typical garbage spewed by a man of low class,” Diana lifts her chin, unbowed by her bared bosom. Looking all three men in their eyes, individually. Challenging their boorishness with her royal demeanor.

“Hmmm. What was that princess? I missed what you were saying. I was just fantasizing what you’d look like with a pair of pink stripper tassels that you were expertly twirling during your act on a strip pole. You ever done that?”

“Scoff at me and my body, Mr. Banana. It will not affect me in the least.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t think scoffing would do it either. Let’s see what your twat looks like, shall we, princess?”

With a sudden quick strike, Tony grabs Wonder Woman’s famous blue panties at their waistband and jerks the starred briefs all the way down to her knees.

“Unhh,” the raven-haired beauty grunts briefly as the material jars past the bandage on her thigh. Other than that, however, she shows no emotion, except maybe bored disappointment at the man who had stripped her. She makes herself stare into the Mafia Don’s eyes without blinking as she lies on the bed with her crotch completely exposed.

“Your new toy doesn’t function the way you think it does, Mr. Banana,” Diana says with calm assurance. “You will have to learn to deal with disappointment in this regard.”

Tony bends over and whispers in Wonder Woman’s ear, “Mr. Bonano’s new toy doesn’t have a clue about what she’s up against. Let’s not forget, I broke down the famous Supergirl who’s even stronger than you, princess.” Tony’s fingers slowly trace a circle around Wonder Woman’s pubic hair.

“So you admit it. You were behind her capture.”

“For all the good it will do you, bitch.” Now Tony’s fingers slowly twirl the soft curls of the Amazon’s dark patch of pubic fur.

Seemingly oblivious of the man’s actions, Diana continues to converse calmly with her captor. “Supergirl is a dear friend and a beautiful girl but she is not a true warrior. She is not an Amazon. You are dealing with a different breed of woman, Banana Man.”

“Well, we shall see. Say, you’re not frigid, are you, Wonder Woman. Or do you just prefer to have women petting your pussy?”

“I prefer someone who doesn’t gorge himself on the garbage of life like a rat in a sewer as my companion, Banana Boy. What is it that you want anyway, Banana Boat?”

“What do I want? Well, for starters I’d love a long, slow, luxuriously wet blowjob. Then maybe you’d let a few of my friends gangbang you for a few hours? You into that at all, Ms. Prince?”

“Ask your Russian friend. He looks like he’d be willing to do anything to please you. Including sucking on know...banana.” She calmly looks at Sergei who seethes with anger but does nothing. He starts planning his revenge though.

“I can see we’re going to have to teach you better manners, Diana. Tell me, have you seen any of the tapes of the degrading acts your dear friend Supergirl has been performing under my continued training?”

“Your filth may have stained her skin like a tattoo but I know the girl’s soul. She will be what she was before. You and your drugs may have taken the battle but they will not win the war.”

“You may be quite surprised how deeply tattoo ink can stain, my pretty bare-titted cow. It should be an interesting learning experience for you. I look forward to comparing notes on how a properly applied conditioning program can effect true change in an individual. You and your friend Supergirl may be written up in psychology case journals for years before I’m done with you, Diana!”

“Aberrant psychology being your specialty, no doubt.” Diana gives no quarter in her steely determination to fight his erosive verbal barrage.

“Very cute. Oh, and one more thing to be aware of, Ms. Prince. I haven’t just taken you down, I’ve also captured your other good friend, Superman. Right now, in fact, he is soaking right in the next room there in a bath of the deadliest kryptonite solution he has ever endured, Wonder Woman. He’s out of the picture until I say so. A pasty, green-faced slab of super beefcake that is too weak and helpless to do anything but moan for help. So you can flash your holier-than-thou attitude all you like, but the fact is, I have three of the most powerful superheroes on the planet under my control and that has to say something about my determination, intelligence and strategic capabilities. Think that through, Wonder Woman while you are sucking down my mixture of heroin and a very potent aphrodisiac over the next day or so. It may change your mind about just how strong a breed of woman you are! Sergei,” He nods at the Russian mobster who leans forward with a unique looking ball gag.

“You are nothing but a low-class pig, Banana Man. You will not succeed. I will beat...Arrgghhhhh.....”

Sergei viciously squeezes Diana’s shoulder wound causing her to gasp in pain. With her mouth agape in agony, the blonde Russian easily stuffs a wide purple ball into Wonder Woman’s mouth.

“Waulkk....mmmmffff....” And then Sergei efficiently pulls the leather harness tight and secures the straps behind the champion’s head. Wonder Woman’s eyes follow along from the hose attached to the rubber ball over to the large clear plastic bag to which the hose is connected. Stevie is hanging the bag next to the empty Vicodin drip bag off behind her right shoulder. It is filled with a viscous brown gravy-like substance that make the heroine’s eyes widen in dismay.

“Brown Mexican heroin, Wonder Woman. Only the best potency for you. And, as I said, mixed with a very powerful aphrodisiac. This little gizmo here at the bottom of the bag is a tiny electric pump that will send a carefully measured dose of my privately brewed concoction from the bag here through the hose and into you mouth. The power of this NASA-engineered pump combined with the consistency of the heroin solution will make it feel like a large man is cumming in your mouth every 40 minutes or so. You will have to swallow the stuff, Diana. It will numb your throat even if you manage to not swallow it. And then you won’t be able to control your throat very well if you try that route. Anyway, it probably won’t be a concern since the ball gag will ensure most of it will go down your gullet anyway. By the way, I call this stuff Mexicali Cum Juice.”

Wonder Woman’s eyes move off the bag of heroin to Tony’s. They burn with anger. Not fear. Just a cold unwavering look of such despising hate that Tony is a bit taken aback.

“Hmm. Well, anyway, after a couple of spurts worth, when the sexual drug has time to take effect, someone will come in and heavily stimulate you with all manner of depraved sexual devices and procedures. They will return on a regular basis throughout the day. Forcing you to orgasm many, many, many times, I would imagine. This will go on for a full day. Maybe two. I haven’t quite decided yet. When I return at the end of your long ordeal, we can discuss your superior Amazon willpower, tattoos, rats or any other topic you choose. For myself, I will be interested to see how your royal bearing holds up under my low-class techniques, Wonder Woman. Before I go, I have the honor of turning on this little pump and seeing how you handle the first ejaculation of my brew down your pretty little throat!”

After turning a tiny knob on the pump, Tony leans toward the bag and hears a small whining noise and then a click and a whoosh. He stands up straight and watches the woman on the bed with eager anticipation. The hose from the bag to the gag ball quickly fills with brown sludge and Wonder Woman’s eyes go wide with her first actual display of shock in Tony’s presence.

“Hwaugk.....huullppp.” A small brown rivulet of the mixture flushes out of the corners of Wonder Woman’s mouth and down her chin. This is the very small amount she had tried not to swallow. The beautiful blue eyes flutter slightly as Wonder Woman helplessly swallows the bulk of the noxious brew; her first massive dose of Mexicali Cum Juice.

“Surprised at how strong that little motor is, aren’t you, Diana? Really shoots that stuff down the old cocksucking hole doesn’t it, champ?”

Diana shakes her head slightly and composes herself. She stares once again at Tony with undisguised hate.

“Boy, how embarrassing for such a famous feminist hero to be forced to suck cum like this ten times a day, huh?” Tony leans down toward the mighty Amazon warrior trussed up in manacles with a bright purple ball gag stretching out her pretty ruby red lips. Even with her top pulled down, her breasts and pussy exposed and her panties sagging loosely around her thighs, Wonder Woman continues to stare Tony down with a glaring look of superior strength and courage.

“Well, don’t worry about being compromised in how you look, Diana. Even with your big impressive titties on display and your smooth, tight tasty twat exposed to the world,” Tony trails his fingers up and down Diana’s labia as speaks, “you’re an Amazon princess; you’re not going to let a little nudity bother you – even with TV cameras capturing every sweaty pore of your body for posterity.” Wonder Woman’s eyes dart to the corners of ceiling and her head tilts in resignation at what she should have expected.

Tony smiles down on her, his tone dripping with mock sincerity. “And I certainly don’t expect you’ll even think about letting a combination of brown heroin, sexual joy juice and a dozen or so vibrators get the better of you, will you now? Of course, any time you want to agree to start whoring for me on a regular basis according to my terms, I’ll be willing to talk. Until the moment when you agree to do that, however, I’ll just have to let you suffer the training program I’ve designed for you. Come on, gentlemen. Let’s see if Superman is the color of pea soup yet. See you later, princess.”

As the men walk out of the recovery room, Wonder Woman pulls with all her strength on the manacles that hold her to the bed. They give about six inches in each direction and that is all. They are thick, cumbersome and seem to be very strong. They had been designed for Superman she suspected based on what she overheard earlier. And they had been chained to her by a man, so breaking the shackles would not be a possible avenue for her. She shifts her mouth to relieve a little of the pressure, and resents the nasty taste in her mouth already from the potent brew. The Banana man is right, it does numb her throat a little. She was in for a long day. In fact, in 10 minutes when the heroin kicks in and twenty minutes after that when the aphrodisiac does also, her day will become endless!

* * *

At 9:30 on Wednesday morning in early June, Dr. George Cosmopolis is waiting alone on the practice driving range of the Ridgewood Country Club for Carmine Vega. It’s a beautiful sunny day and they have a 10:15 tee time. Carmine said he’d be here to shoot a bucket of practice balls around 9:30. George decides he might as well start on his bucket and he drives the small white balls with consistent accuracy about 260 yards every time.

“That’s a nice swing you’ve got there,” says a young red-headed man behind him. George turns and smiles at the young man. He doesn’t recognize him but he’s dressed like a caddy.

“Thanks. You new to the club?”

“Just in for the day.”

“You caddying just for the day? What is it, like a job interview.”

“No, more like a hit,” the man says, suddenly pulling a long-barreled gun from behind his back. He aims at the startled doctor and pulls the trigger. A soft thump of the bullet entering George Cosmopolis’ heart is the only sound on the practice range. The middle-aged doctor collapses to the ground in a heap. Danny casually walks ten yards away, around a hedge of bushes that shield the driving range from the parking area and over to the valet, handing him his ticket for the rental car. When it comes, Danny gives the valet a five dollar tip and drives off. George isn’t discovered until 10:20 when the foursome behind his tee time complain about the delay.

* * *

Yawning and stretching her lithe powerful arms over her head, Supergirl wakes up in her bedroom suite on top of the covers of her four-poster bed still wearing her yellow pajamas. She’d been asleep a long time for her. But she feels her superpowers coursing through her and that’s always been a steadying, calming influence that she takes particular delight in: now more than ever since those powers had been missing for such a long time.

The need for crack however burns through her layer of self-esteem like sunlight through thick fog and she rises to see if there’s any of the drug in the suite. She is shaking and twitching slightly but she realizes she feels a second calmness within her that’s new. She doesn’t have to answer to anybody for her actions. She won’t have to explain herself away to news media or her friends or anybody. She is Tony’s girl now and everything she has done or will do is fine with him. She feels wonderfully giddy at the release from moral judgements she’d been internalizing. She had super powers, she could do what she wanted and nobody was going to tell her differently. It was wonderful to be alive. She also realized she had a giant appetite and went looking for vanilla pudding in the morning. It was kind of wrong, but who cared about that. She was done with rules for now!
Out in the main room, Supergirl quickly spots Tony’s note and the crack he’d left and smiles. The man provides!

Thanks for being so sweet about everything. Here’s a few hours supply of your magic pebbles. I’ll be back around noon or so. We can spend the day any way you want. You’re free!

Smiling even wider, Supergirl decides she’ll do the crack after some sweet breakfast and a shower. She did have some self-control after all! Halfway through the delicious pudding that she’s eagerly licking off the spoon, the need for the crack hits her harder than expected. Oh well, I’ll take my shower after the crack pipe. What’s the difference!

* * *

“What’s the difference between a Man of Steel and a Man of Sponge, Sergei?” Tony is appraising the poor health of the slack jawed, green-faced soundly defeated hero suspended in chains helplessly before him.

“This I don’t know, Tony. What is the difference?”

Taking Superman’s jaw in his hand, Tony turns the face to the left and the right examining the deep purple bruises around his eyes and the badly battered mouth. Scarlett sure did a number on this poor bastard. The hero’s eyes have rolled back into his head and his skewed mouth is drooling saliva and thin green rivulets of krypto-slime.

“Uuuhhh.” Groaning with the barest hold on consciousness, Superman tries to rally as he hears a man talking in his face.

“Well, Sergei, the Man of Steel is a powerful unyielding force for good that nobody can bend or shape or break through. The Man of Sponge lies in a tub of green slime and soaks it all up until it fills him with a helplessness and hopelessness that permeates his entire being. I’m looking at this pitiful husk of a man and I’m thinking that the Man of Steel has definitely left the building. What we have here is the Man of Sponge. Isn’t that right, Supie old man, old pal?” Tony’s grip on Superman’s jaw tightens and he makes him nod his head up and down.

“....oww...dun’t...” he mumbles.

“You say something, Super Schmuck?”


“Name’s Bonano. Tony Bonano. I’m your worst nightmare.”


“Hmm. Okay. Yes. It’s a deal. You’re eloquent argument and charming manner have completely disarmed me, Superman. I will let you go. I can see I can’t win against you.” Tony releases the grimacing champions chin and leans closer to him. “You’re much too powerful and smart for me to try to get the better of you, eh, Superman?”

“...friends will...find’ll pay...”

“Oh my gosh, you’re right! Why hadn’t I thought of that. Again, I have been outmaneuvered by Superman’s lightning fast brain and superior strategy. How could I have hoped to compete with you?”

“...slime ball....” Superman grunts and his eyes flutter with an exhausting wave of weakness from the heavy layer of crystalized kryptonite surrounding his body.

“Dear lord, you’re right. I am a slime ball. I’ll never be able to look in a mirror again without feeling shame.
But then again, neither will you, Super Sponge. Have you seen your face? Somebody beat the crap out of you with an ugly stick!” He grabs the insignia on Superman’s chest and balls it in his fist. “You’re not the amazing superhero anymore, fella. I’ve knocked you off that pedestal for good. And to make sure of it I am going to let you go but not before I humiliate you so thoroughly you won’t be able to show yourself in public anymore. I’ve already got a video of you being raped by your girlfriend Scarlett plus the beating you took from my five guys in this warehouse. And that’s just the beginning. They’ll be more depravity and sexually compromised behavior on your part before I release you, Supes, I assure you that. Yup, I’ve got big plans for you before I release you back to your adoring public. You will not like them!”


“And you can’t take a punch anymore, Superman.” Tony slams his balled fist directly into Superman’s stomach and the slime has weakened his super powers so much that the fist easily drives deeply into the exposed abdomen of the helpless champion.

“Hooooofff” All the wind blasts out of the defenseless hero’s mouth in a rush and he spins around slowly before Tony Bonano gasping and wheezing for breath. “..heeezz.....uuulgghhh....ohhhhhh...”

“You’re pathetic, Superman. It’ll be easy to humiliate you. I’m looking forward to watching you beg for the next day or two.”


“Don’t bet on it, butch! You don’t know what I have planned.”

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:17 am
by Bronson881
Excellent! So now Supergirl has surrendered herself to Tony and is now his property. The bodyguard angle is good. Who better to protect you than a former superheroine.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:03 pm
by DrDominator9
Fuck It!

Part 25

When Tony arrives back at Supergirl’s suite just after noon, he finds her spreadeagled on the couch openly masturbating in the same yellow silk pajamas that he’d left her sleeping in. With her leg thrown over the top edge of the sofa, one of the beautiful blonde’s hands is stuffed down the front of her pants moving around under the silk, rapidly jiggling her fingers against her clitoris. The other is clutching her breast through the bright yellow pajama top, rolling her fingers back and forth over her nipple, using the silk material along with a new domination fantasy she’d been introduced to over the past week to help stimulate herself to higher thresholds of satisfaction.

“Aahhh.....oooh.....ohhhhhh....noohh...please....don’t do that...oh no..anywhere but there... oh...stop you brute..ahhh...can’t fight you off...ooohhhhhh....”

“Is this a private party or can anyone join in?” Tony asks, not the least bit surprised that the famous teen heroine is abusing herself and is no doubt enjoying the rippling eddies of crack smoke drifting through her brain. After all, the addicted heroine had been carefully conditioned to associate sex with crack. So when she got high, her first inclination was now to incorporate sexual activity with it.

“...ohhh..hi..Ton...ooooh...ahhh...just finishing” Supergirl calls out in a shrill climax that, in her high state, she’s not the least bit embarrassed about, the rattling pictures and tipsy lampshades from her super shriek notwithstanding.

Stevie stands at the elevator door wincing in pain and slightly stunned at the blatant display of Supergirl’s raging libido. He moves into the kitchen area and snaps open a can of Heineken and takes a long satisfying pull at it. Sergei would have enjoyed that little scene, he thinks, as the girl lolls on the couch panting and sighing in release.

But the “Russian Bear”was left back in Secaucus with a set of instructions from Tony to oversee the humiliation of Wonder Woman. He was also in charge of preparing the drugged heroine’s transfer that evening to the jail cell in which they had successfully tamed Supergirl. There was much more equipment and many more sophisticated devices and tools at Tony’s headquarters, not to mention all that recording technology they’d used with Supergirl. Located in a low-rent area of Brooklyn, Tony’s site was also a more secure location than Carmine’s Secaucus warehouse which was used too much as a regular transport depot for drugs and such. Tony’s Brooklyn facility wasn’t nearly as busy.

Tony walks over to the couch and sits down next to the sighing girl and palms her breast, seizing it gently through the yellow silk and fondling her fullness with a slow rolling motion. She writhes in feline pleasure under his hand, licking her lips and opening her bright blues with drowsy delight.

“Come to help?” she purrs, taking his hand and placing it between her thighs. Her pajama pants are damp and strongly scented from her self-satisfaction.

“Well, I was going to suggest we take a walk but there’s time for a little early ‘afternoon delight’ I suppose.”

“That’s the can-do attitude I was hoping for,” the beautiful blonde smiles with a new and boldly lustful look that actually takes Tony by surprise. “Let’s get you ready for action!”

The famous Maid of Steel had definitely bought into the whole “no rules” attitude it seemed since her capitulation last night. She certainly was for now anyway, while under the influence of very high grade crack. Tony wondered how long it would hold when she came down. But in the mean time he was going up, quite quickly in fact as Supergirl rubs one hand against the crotch of his suit pants and uses the other to grab Tony behind the neck and pull his face down to her bosom.

Tony eagerly finds and nibbles at her sensitive nipple through the smooth yellow fabric even as he whips off his suit jacket and throws it over the back of the couch. And then the couple is all arms and legs, pulling and tugging to undress as quickly as possible. Tony’s tie is flung over a table lamp and his shirt is tossed halfway across the room. Linda’s silky yellow pj bottoms hit the coffee table and slide off in frictionless rush to the carpet. Her top is tossed high in the air and over the couch like a flag of surrender. Tony’s pants get the heave ho and his shoes thump in opposite directions. and finally the naked pair are lying on the couch in the 69 position, Tony kissing and licking Supergirl’s moist pussy while she holds his 8" cock and slides her mouth over the tip with a happy moan.

“Well, I guess I’m out of here,” Stevie says, thinking to head for the control room hidden behind the mirror and gear up the recording equipment to capture a few editable scenes of sex between his boss and the cocksucking teenage superheroine.

“Whearhh do yhoo thinngk yhurrr gwohin?” Supergirl calls out through a mouthful of stiff prick. She slides her mouth slowly off Tony’s spit-lubed penis, lifts her head above the arm of the couch and smiles at Stevie. “Come join the party, Stevarino. If that’s okay with you, Mr. Bonano?” She gives Tony her 1000 watt smile and who can resist that?

“Sure, fuck it. It’s fine, Stevie.”

“Yeah, Stevie,” Supergirl says, slowly swaying her beautiful, naked bottom back and forth in a come-hither motion, “fuck it.”

Stevie probably sets a new world record for undressing from a standing start and is over by the couch before Supergirl has begun to fully explore Tony’s cock and balls with her lips, tongue and warm, wet mouth. Tony’s stiff cock stands at full attention as her right hand slowly slides up and down the shaft. Her other hand cups his balls as the beautiful blonde teen begins licking the junction where his “twig and berries” meet with slow, fat lapping strokes.

“Uuhhh....whoa....ahhhhh,” Tony moans with pleasure at her all-out attack on his crotch. Lifting her eyes, Supergirl sees Stevie standing naked beside the couch looking down with a bright, hard gleam in his eyes. His prick points at face her like a compass showing True North.

“Don’t be shy, Stevie. Kneel down here on the couch so I can reach you,” the drug-addled teen coos. Being every inch the gentleman his mother raised, Stevie sticks his dick in front of Supergirl’s face as directed. She leans forward and licks the tip of his cock, sending it bobbing up and down with pleasure. On the second downward pass, the lovely teen catches the bouncing bad boy with her soft plush lips and moves her face forward to take fully half of Stevie’s penis in her eager warm mouth. In the meantime, she continues to steadily stroke Tony.

“Mmmm,” she murmurs as she begins to move her head back and forth, wetly slathering the fully hard prick with her saliva.

“Huughnn,” Stevie grunts and takes her head in his palms and pulls her face tightly against his crotch. She doesn’t protest. She’s fully enjoying the feel of Stevie’s warm hard staff filling her mouth and now pressing deeply into her throat. He begins to move it back and forth, fucking Supergirl’s face with a steady, relaxed stroke that has her eyes rolling up under her lids with pleasure. That and Tony’s relentless tonguing and nipping of her labia and his frequent attention to the swollen nub of her bright pink clit. Her hips are bucking with spastic jerks of excitement as his arms tightly wrap around her legs and pin her in place. This was just about as sexually thrilling as the rape fantasy she’d been enjoying when these two magnificent specimens entered the suite. Riding the high of the crack and the delights of the flesh that her mouth and pussy are being inundated with, Supergirl begins ascending the ladder of sexual fulfillment she’s climbed so often over the past two weeks since her capture.

Stevie’s long penis in her face picks up the tempo, driving in and out of her mouth with long, deep quick repetitive strokes that graze and tickle the insides of her cheeks, her larynx and the back of her tongue. The hands holding her head pull and push with masterly control that is too much for the dazed blonde to even think about resisting if she wanted to. Her brain and body were lighting up like a pinball machine as Tony’s lips suckle at her throbbing clit and his hands go on the prowl. One palm finds and squeezes her left breast, plying it like fresh dough. The other hand strokes gently between her butt cheeks before a wet long forefinger pokes deeply into her asshole.

“MMFFF!” She squeaks with delight. Barely able to concentrate under this relentless barrage of oral and vaginal stimulation, the famous Maid of Steel uses her now limited resources to try to continue to please Tony by gently stroking his dick with her fist at an incredible speed.

None of the three participants can handle the sexual pressure wave they’ve built up so rapidly. Stevie cock jerks up and freezes before filling Supergirl’s mouth with a thick stream of salty jism that she swallows without hesitation, only a little of it running out of her mouth in a thin white drizzle. Tony blows his wad all over Supergirl’s naked tits, spraying the dangling, pendulous breasts with ropes of dripping cum. For her part, the climaxing blonde superheroine provides Tony’s face with a shiny mask of her sweet pussy nectar from his nose to his chin. Stevie unexpectedly sends out a second jerking clot of cum into the blonde beauty’s mouth. Pulling away harshly, a surprised and sickened Supergirl gags out a fat, stringy strand of white jism onto Tony’s bare thigh, where it puddles up before draining down to the leather cushion below.

“Oh, damn. I’m sorry, Supergirl. I’ve never cummed so hard in my life!”

“..aacgkk...ohh.....don’t...don’t worry.....bout it, Stevie.....” She wheezes softly and then composes herself
quickly. “You just shot a bigger load than I expected. Tony, how are you doing?”

“Huh? Ohhhhh. Fine....just fine...” He smiles widely, the glistening cum-shiny grin of a man completely satisfied with a job well done to him and by him. Idly, Tony smears his cum over the round satiny surface of Supergirl’s breasts before she gives out a loud whooshing sigh and collapses onto Tony’s sprawled body. Stevie staggers off to get dressed as Tony and Supergirl lie on the couch enjoying the afterglow of a thrilling three-way fucking.

* * *

Diana Prince is experiencing no such glowing delight. In fact, she is not registering any emotion at all. She is deep into an emotional stasis of her own doing. She knew that the combination of heroin and a powerful aphrodisiac were going to be nearly impossible to resist without her belt and she didn’t want to give these thugs the pleasure of seeing her grovel for mercy which she knew they would not give. So, mere moments after Tony had left her alone in the recovery room and she’d tested the unrelenting resistance of the adamantian manacles, she’d reluctantly decided to take the Amazonian “Vow of Impetus Denego”, which roughly translated to “passion denied.”

This was a obscure, rarely-used rite originated by an early high priestess of Themyscira during the time a few years before Hercules had invaded the homeland of Paradise Island, as it was also called. The rite of taking the Vow had originated when a old woman seer had told the priestess of her vision that the Amazons would be defeated and humiliated by men in a few years hence. Great sorrow and incredibly brutal sexual conquests were foretold by the monotone voice of the old crone in her prophetic trance. The priestess with her three disciples set about creating a self-hypnotic procedure that would create a virtually impenetrable shell of cold reason around the emotional soul of an amazon.

It took months for the Priestess and her disciples to perfect the trance state. They’d practiced it religiously, forcing themselves into mystically deep self-imposed emotional prisons and then having each other poke needles into the skin of their breasts or flail their legs and backs with studded whips. When any pain or torment could be withstood, they knew they had accomplished their goal. It was a severe talent inasmuch as the trance state could be reversed in about 10 minutes but the capability to feel emotions would be lost for a month or more, depending on the willpower of that Amazon who took the vow. Very often, an Amazon would be kept apart during the rare occasions when the Vow of Impetus Denego had been taken and then reversed since the coldest, most hurtful things would be said without a thought to the reaction of the listener. Cold reason without compassion could be as painful as a short sword to the thigh, with the verbal wound smarting long after the physical one would have healed.

Only select members of the royal family and other high officials and their families were taught the Vow so its use and its power was not generally known even among the Amazons. When she was just a teenager on Paradise Island, Diana herself had taken a few weeks to develop the ability. In fact, the priestess felt the young princess was better at the Vow than most trainees who learned the technique. With practice, the daughter of Hyppolita could put herself in a near-perfect trance in about 10 minutes. Near perfect was good enough and, when reversed, the hardship of the emotional shell dissipated in just a week or so rather than the usual month. Diana had been instructed by her mother and the high priestess never to tell a soul about the Vow and she never had.

But now she had to use it and she virtually completes the process when Sergei comes charging back into the recovery room area, shouting something at her in unintelligible Russian and slamming his fist hard into her jaw with brutal ferocity. Virtually completed was not absolutely completed but it appears to be enough. Diana feels her face jolt sideways with the blow but feels no pain. Above her ball gag, Diana’s eyes look at Sergei with icy blueness without the hint of distress or pain. This angers the “Russian Bear” so much he belts her again on the other side of her jaw, sending her face rocketing sideways again with an ugly thump. When she turns back to give him the same unabashed stare of cold placidity, he blurts out, “So, you are stronger than even I expected, Wonder Woman. Good I like a challenge. Especially one from a stuck up bitch who doesn’t know how to hold her tongue in the presence of her torturer.” He loosens Wonder Woman’s ball gag for a moment and pulls it down to her chin.

“But Tony gave me free reign to be breaking your spirit however I am seeing fit! What do you think of that, eh?”

“You will not,” she states as a hard fact.

“This we shall be seeing. You do not know the toys I have.”

“You and the Banana do not understand your adversary. It will probably mean your death and maybe his.”

“Hmmph. Pretty sure of yourself for a person who’s got her tits and pussy on display and is strapped to a table with unbreakable chains,” Sergei mocks, fondling her left tit with his palm as he looks into her face for the wince of disgust and shame he expects. It doesn’t come. Not even close.

“This is a temporary condition. Your death will not be.”

“Yeah, well, let’s see how confident you are when the heroin and the aphrodisiac kick in in a few minutes, princess.”

“It will probably make me tired and somewhat irritable but no more than that.”

You obviously have never enjoyed Mexicali Cum Juice, Wonder Woman. You will be having a totally different attitude when it hits, I think, dah?”

“No. I won’t.”

“Shut up, you dumb cunt,” He jams the ball-gag back into Wonder Woman’s mouth and tightens the buckle again. “We will see how you will be liking it when I violate your precious womanhood with my cock, you frigid bitch!”

The raven haired beauty looks up at the ceiling without even acknowledging Sergei’s threat and he punches her hard in the stomach. Her body jerks and air whistles out through the sides of the ball gag but this is simply an autonomic wheeze from her lungs. No whimpering. No tears. No nothing.

“What is it with you, woman? Have you no fear at all? No anger? No sense of shame?” Sergei is genuinely frustrated at her complete lack of response to his presence or his violent assault. “Perhaps you will be more fearful of my wire cutters, Wonder Woman.” He takes them off a table he’d set up yesterday prior to her arrival. Waving them in front of Diana, he puts his face in front of hers and intones with severe coldness “I have removed nipples from many women with this tool you see before you. Such scarring is not pretty, Diana Prince. I assure you, not pretty at all!”

She moves her gaze from the ceiling to his face and assesses his snarling visage with calm, careful judgement and then looks back up at the ceiling without any expression whatsoever.

Sergei’s pale Russian face goes red as a beet at her implacable resolve to not engage him. Placing the blades immediately around the sides of her left nipple, he squeezes the handle closed slightly, drawing thin lines of blood from the tender buds. Diana does not even turn her head. The tiniest sigh issues out from the edges of the ball gag, which what must be the coldest resignation to fate a person will ever hear. Sergei searches the half-naked heroine’s face for any other crack, any break in her stony intransigence. None is forthcoming.

“FUCK IT!” Throwing the wire cutters across the room, Sergei stalks out to the warehouse area. “I will be coming back after I check on Superman, bitch.” More likely, he’s going out to compose himself. Tony had given him orders that no permanent disfiguring was to be handed out to Wonder Woman since he wanted her to be attractive to his clientele when she started whoring for him. Did she know this or somehow sense this directive in his attitude or anything he said. He didn’t think so, but no woman he’d ever known had ever shown such resolve in the face of this tactic before. He did not usually bluff and was pissed that the one time he had tried it, he’d been called on it by a half-naked woman who had ice-water in her veins.

He wanders over to the helplessly inert Man of Steel half-submerged in the steel tub filled with glowing green poison.

“What do you think is going on with this over-endowed black-haired bitch, eh, Superman? Is the heroin not working or the aphrodisiac?”

“....pull me.....out....p...please...” Superman groans, his eyes searching Sergei for mercy as he weakly sloshes in the tub, pulling pitifully on the newly wrapped nylon cords around his wrists and ankles. He was even too weak to break out of them, since the Adamantian manacles had been transferred over to Wonder Woman’s restraints.

“Oh, stop whining, you pathetic wimp. Show a little backbone like your girlfriend in there. She’s a true superhero. You are an overrated blowhard, Superman. And of no consequence.”

The sloshing stops and Superman’s face sets hard with a cold look for the first time in hours. “...don’t bet....on... that...” He turns his head to the side and exhales with a loud focused pant and steels himself to withstand this horrific slime as long as he has a breath in his body.

Sergei doesn’t acknowledge the exchange. He merely looks down at his watch. It’s been about 15 minutes since Wonder Woman had been forced to swallow the Mexicali Cum Juice. It should be working but maybe her strong constitution has slowed things down a bit. And the aphrodisiac would take even longer than the heroin. He had to calm down and be more patient. Very hard for “The Russian Bear.” He expends his frustration by going over and punching Superman in the jaw which sends the helpless champion into unconsciousness with a loud, breathy grunt.

Inside the recovery room, Wonder Woman is grunting herself, as well as taking slow measured breaths as she finally feels the rush of heroin sweeping into her brain. Her irises drift slightly and her eyelids lower somewhat sleepily but there’s no overwhelming sense of euphoria, no loss of judgement, no irrepressible giddiness or loose morals involved here. Her hypnotic shell of “Impetus Denego” remains intact. Her resolve undiminished. Now she had to wait for the aphrodisiac which should be a bit easier, she supposes. She calmly waits to see. She also wondered if Superman was still alive. She suspected he might be dead or perilously close to it already. That, eventually, would be sad.

* * *

Supergirl- is dressed in disguise for her little walk through the South Bronx with Tony. Sporting a short-cropped red-headed wig Tony has purchased, the beautiful teen won’t be recognized as herself or as Linda Danvers. Not that she won’t be noticed since she’s wearing a short denim miniskirt and simple baby blue cotton tank top that show off her killer body to its best advantage. White leather sandals and a matching white leather fanny pack filled with gum, basic makeup and other feminine accessories complete her outfit.

Filled with youthful exuberance of a kid on a school vacation, the gorgeous blue-eyed beauty puts her arm in Tony’s as they head down the elevator to the basement level for a surreptitious exit. He didn’t want to walk through the casino main room with Supergirl. It would create too much of a stir, and generate too much talk and could lead to trouble he didn’t need. A quiet walk around the surrounding few blocks shouldn’t be as much of a problem as long as he spirited her in and out of the place through a little used doorway in the side of the building.

When they walk out into the bright June sunshine, Supergirl digs into her small bag and pulls out a pair of sunglasses.

“Let’s walk this way,” Tony steers her to the left and after a couple of blocks of government-built low-income projects, the neighborhood starts to get nasty. Empty lots become more frequent with rubble strewn about and mangy stray dogs prowling here and there.

“Welcome to the neighborhood of Morrisania, Linda. You’re walking through one of the poorest areas of the entire country.” He points out a shell of a building that had been badly burnt a year ago that the landlord had never repaired or replaced. “Nice place, huh?”

“It’s shocking actually,” Supergirl was always upset when she’d flown over such areas of unrelenting poverty and decay, be it the South Bronx or shanty towns in the Deep South or the cardboard slums that were filled with disease, drugs and despair surrounding cities from South America to the Far East. There was no way for her to clean up the economic conditions that created such pockets of poverty but it saddened her to think of how people must feel living in such squalor and hopelessness. Now she was getting a first-hand look at it from street level rather than from the lofty heights of a super-powered flyover on the way to some heroic mission.

“Why don’t people fix this place up? The mayor or the Bronx city council?” Supergirl is appalled at the eyesore this area had become. Occasionally she saw an effort to start a garden or fence a vacant lot and protect a house with fencing and such, but much more often she saw cracked pavement with weeds growing through it, smashed beer bottles piled high and scattered litter and lost clothing hanging over broken foundations, burnt out husks of buildings and nodding figures wearing greasy clothing and peering out from under dirty wool caps with hard looks that actually unnerved her a bit.

“Doesn’t pay in many cases. Property values prohibit normal rebuilding efforts in so many cases. It’s been like this for over the past two decades, more in some areas. Some areas are trying to come back. But this neighborhood isn’t exactly ripe for gentrification as they say. That was why my building is so inexpensive for me to run and operate. Low taxes, cost almost nothing to buy the lots that I put together. It was a steal.”

The extra capital he’d been generating as a smart Mob businessman had gone into buying a few lots over the years at sacrifice prices. It was Tony’s brainchild to build “The Pleasure Dome,” a powerful draw in the community. It offered the fun of an unlicensed casino and strip club behind barricaded steel doors. Passwords were required for entrance and the place was usually busy, filled with local mob soldiers and their bosses, privileged high rollers from the five boroughs, local precinct cops on the payroll and many others. Between the casino, the bar and his twenty five whores who worked the four floors above it in spacious, uniquely-themed bedrooms, Tony cleared about twenty grand easy on weeknights and more than double that on weekends. In a half-way decent neighborhood, it would be twice that, but then so would the rent. Of course none of these calculations included his prime star on his arm, Super Whore, who was earning more than double a weekend’s night take with just one session.

As Tony and Linda turn a corner, the young Mafia Don sees Jimmy, a Jamaican hustler he knows selling bootleg DVDs off a hastily thrown blanket on the sidewalk. There’s actually a small crowd around him of about 15 people, some teenagers, twenty-something gangbanger types and even a few middle-aged men forking over money to a fast moving Jimmy.

“No, I sold out of those, mon. I woon’t be gettin’ dem back in for a mebby a week or so, mon. Sorry. Pick sumthin’ else and be quick, ‘cause you see I got customers waitin’ on you!”

“Shit,” says a tall thin black teen who wearing a red -shirt with nothing but the picture of a black hand flipping the finger. “Well, have you got the one where Supergirl is fucking the two guys at once with a dildo in her ass?”

Over dere, in the pile at the end,” Jimmy points. “It’s called “Double Trouble.”

“Great! I’ll take it!”

“Thirty dollars each or two for $42,” Jimmy says. The kid just buys the one DVD and saunters off reading the DVD cover through the clear plastic. Passing by the crowd, Linda is shocked to see a man in a suit come out of the crowd holding a DVD case with a close-up photo of herself wearing her famous uniform and sucking eagerly on a cock as her eyes roll up in her head with absolute pleasure. The title reads, “Super Suck-Off!” The renowned S diamond emblem is in the upper left-hand corner of the cover with the words, “Supergirl’s Downfall: The Series.”

Stopping short so suddenly that she almost yanks Tony off his feet, Linda stands on the edge of the crowd and tries to look past the bodies crowding Jimmy’s selling area to the surface of the blanket itself. Pushing a particularly large youth to the side with an easy shove of her incredible strength, Supergirl’s mouth drops open in shock as she finally sees three rows of six different DVD cases showcasing the famous Maid of Steel in a wide variety of positions doing the most degrading sex acts, acts that she has only a dim memory of committing since she was first captured by the Mob. With titles such as “Taking It Super Hard,” “Sucking On a Fat One”, “Glowing, Glowing, Gone!”, “Humiliating Heroine Humping” and “Supergirl Assfucked at Last!” the horrified Maid of Steel slowly backs away from the crowd in its buying frenzy.

“God, what a slut this Supergirl turned out to be, huh?” A man in his mid-twenties or so wearing a stained Mets jersey says to no one in particular but the crowd takes up the theme eagerly.

“Get her high and the sleazy cunt will fuck anything in pants,” a young man with baggy silver shorts chimes in. “What I wouldn’t give to put my cock in her!”

“I have one where she gives some guy a blowjob. You never see his face but you sure see hers! She not only loves sucking cock, she’s fucking amazin’ at it! I wish my old lady gave head like this super-powered mouth. Wow!”

Supergirl goes white and sways in place, stunned and shocked by the crowd of energized men and boys that doesn’t even see her standing behind them. Tony takes hold of her arm and just stands there with her as the filthy conversation sinks in, reinforcing precisely the scenario he’d described the night before. She is wavering in place, just listening to herself being disparaged like the foulest, most common hooker alive! Her reputation was undeniably obliterated. She is dirt to these people. These people who’s planet she has saved countless times.

Meanwhile the sales of DVDs continue at a brisk pace.

“I love how she talks with a dick in her mouth,” says a teen, continuing the banter as he paws over the various stacks of DVD cases looking for his best choice. “Such a pretty mouth and so eager to please. Ten minutes with her and I’d have her sucking my nuts like candied almonds!”

“You know,” says a middle-aged man in a suit who Tony recognizes as a councilman from the Bronx who frequents “The Pleasure Dome” after he’s scammed a bribe from a local contractor, “I always thought of Supergirl as a modest, almost prissy girl. Too good for the rest of us. A hero above us all who would help the city out when she felt it was appropriate. Now, come to find out, the stuck up bitch is nothing but a cocksucking low-life tramp who puts out like a whore at the drop of a hat. Guess you never know who’s pure and who’s pure filth!”

“But you don’t know....” Linda whispers, with her head bowed.

“Hey guy, give me two DVDs would you, the councilman asks. “I’ll take ‘Gagging It Up for Good’and that mixed edit DVD in that pile there, yeah, the one called ‘Heroic Blowjobs on Parade.’ Thanks, here’s a fifty!”

“T’ank you, mon. Tis a pleasure doin’ business with you.”

“You people are ignorant morons!” Linda is shouting furiously. “You have no idea what she probably went through.”

“Yeah, she looks very upset, lady,” the teen in the silver shorts responds. “Take a look at this picture,” he holds up the picture of Supergirl lovingly sucking a cock on the cover of ‘Heroic Blowjobs on Parade.’ He thrusts it almost in her face. “Now I ask you, does the bitch look upset or does she look likes she’s about to juice her pants?”

“...she....looks excited, yes....But, but you have no idea what led her to that situation. You couldn’t know how....”

“Lady,” interrupts the teen, “whatever the hell led her to that situation, she is supposed to be a superhero. She is supposed to suck it up and fight the bad guys. Here, it looks to me like she’s just too busy sucking! With that expression, I know chicks, she’s into this BJ like its her last meal and being a superhero is the last thing on her mind. She don’t respect herself. I got no respect for her. Might as well buy the show that proves Supergirl is nothing more than street trash. No better than the rest of us.”

“....i...can’t.....that is....i....don’t....”

“Hey don’t take it so hard, mama. It’s life. Especially around here. Why would we expect anything different?”
Jimmy finishes making change with the last customer even as Supergirl stands there in a frustrated funk. She sees that every DVD on the blanket has been sold in less than seven minutes. Jimmy folds up his blanket, puts it in his now empty cardboard box and walks off toward Tony’s Pleasure Dome to enjoy himself with his quick several hundred dollars he just made. Tony knows ‘cause Jimmy is one of his bigger street vendors that Tony favors with a slightly lower rate than others.

“...they....bought them all....” she stammers in disbelief, shaking her head, her eyes starting to well up. “Like tubes of toothpaste or Playstation games burgers...”

“You’re very popular and they’ve never seen anything like this,” Tony says, watching her carefully. The crowd has completely dispersed now, moving off to parts unknown.

“But...but it’s so wrong. This is me...this is a superhero who’s been protecting the planet from Rao knows what kind of disasters and evil for more than three years now! Don’t they respect that?”

“No. Not really. It’s just entertainment to them. They’re not really affected by....”

“That asteroid I stopped last year while Superman was away,” she interrupts. “That would have ended life on this fucking planet if I hadn’t knocked it off a collision course with earth! They gave me a key to the city.”

“The bigger they are...” Tony says calmly. “Hey, it’s human nature. You’re the famous and pure Maid of Steel. You’re beautiful and sexy in your famous costume. You’re everyone’s wet dream. So when it comes to life on DVD, yeah it sells out! Why wouldn’t it?”

“It’s immoral. It’s cheap. It’s disgusting. It appeals to the worst in people. You want me to go on?”

“I wouldn’t let it get to you, Linda. They don’t know you.”

“Where else is this sold?”

“Everywhere. All over the city. All over the country.”

“...the country...the whole country....?”


“ I....i...need to....go back, Tony. I don’t feel well. I need some more crack. A lot more. Can we just go back to the suite. I so need a pipe right now.”

“Sure, Linda. Sure.” He starts leading them back to his building.

“ I just found out that I’ve lost the trust of the planet...” Supergirl mumbles as she walks in an emotional limbo. “and ... and... nobody gives a shit about me. Nobody gives a damn. It’s all about how many penises I’ve put in my mouth now. How often I’ve fucked or been fucked. The whole country has seen me at my worst....They think! Well wait til they catch me when I’m not saving their putrid lives, when I’m not coming to the rescue. Wait til they see what I’m like when I don’t give a damn about them. When they all can go to hell when the next asteroid shows up or the next super villain is about to crush their miserable lives to dust and they see me do nothing and with all their pleading all they hear from me is ‘FUCK IT! And FUCK YOU, WORLD!”

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:37 pm
by Bronson881
Good addition. I wondered why Tony took Supergirl out and I see it now. Its for her too see that no one respects her anymore so why not go and be Tony's bodyguard, prosititute, and thief. Now he has broken Supergirl..

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:12 pm
by DrDominator9
Precisely. Bronson881, and thanks for noticing and commenting.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:30 pm
by DrDominator9
That Old Devil Love

Part 26

Carmine Vega sits in a booth in the corner of a brightly-lit family-owned trattoria in Little Italy. He knows the owner well. In fact, he put the owner’s competition across the street out of business last year with a sudden case of arson. The grateful owner hasn’t let Carmine buy a meal since. Between satisfied swigs from the glass of a nice $25 Chianti that the waiter has de-corked and served, Carmine digs into his lunch of eggplant parmesan with gusto. He’s waiting for a visitor that could be very helpful or very counter-productive for Tony Bonano’s ultimate plans. As he enjoys his meal, Carmine sees a short, stocky man with two taller and very beefy accomplices walk through the front door. Don Gino Lupenzo has arrived precisely at 2:30 p.m.

Walking up to the table, the elegantly dressed Don waits with a smile as Carmine tosses down his napkin, stands, and kisses the shorter man on both cheeks and then gives him a burly hug.

“Don Lupenzo. It is a pleasure to see you. How long has it been since we’ve broken bread together?”

“Too long, my friend, Don Vega. Far too long. You have come far since the last time we did so. I am pleased for your success.”

“Please, sit and order something. Everything on the menu is excellent. Not fancy but the chef knows his way around the tomato patch.”

“Thank you, Carmine. Tino, Basso, enjoy the sunshine outside while Don Vega and I discuss matters.” The two beefsteaks leave without a word and proceed to stand with arms crossed in front of the restaurant and talk between themselves.

Before they begin to talk, Don Lupenzo turns to the approaching tall young waiter and places his order. After the lad fills the Don’s water glass and pours a measure of wine into the wine glass he materializes from behind his back, the waiter disappears into the kitchen. The two men are left to talk privately. The lunch crowd has left and it’s hours
before the dinner crowd will begin to arrive.

“So, Gino, what is on your mind. Why did you want to see me today?”

“Carmine, there are far too many years between us not to speak plainly, so I will do so. But without rancor you must understand. I speak as a concerned member of your family, and the family of Tony Bonano, I should add.”

“Of course.”

The mobster addresses Carmine with a grave face. “Carmine, two things I have to discuss with you today. The first is the disquieting fact that two members, brothers, who are part of my crew have disappeared. Sal and Mario Minetti. I believe you have met them, and so has Tony, on more than one occasion. Do you know anything about these two young men?”

Carmine was ready for this question. He and Tony had discussed it at length by cell phone yesterday, after they had discussed the hit on Cosmopolis. While Carmine was upset at the need to whack his golf partner, he understood the necessity of it. In fact, Carmine had even set him up for it. But the death of the Minetti brothers was trickier and he and Tony had brain-stormed about how to handle it. Don Lupenzo was a key player in Mafia politics and he had to be handled extremely carefully.

“Don Lupenzo. The news I have is grave regarding Sal and Mario. The boys are dead. Killed by members of Tony’s crew.”

“I suspected as much.” A somber head nod and steady eyes from the short grim-faced Don.

“As you know, Tony and I have recently acquired an asset that has been paying rich dividends, even to the general fund of the families as you are no doubt aware.”

“Very substantial in a very short time. I am given to understand also that the brothers paid with their own money into that fund for a ‘good time,’ let us say, with that asset. I did not expect them to have to pay also with their lives. Nor, I am sure, did they.”

“And never, never would they have done so,” Carmine answers with quick assurance, “but for the fact that they tried to put a final end to that asset through the most barbaric of acts.”

“Is this so?” Don Lupenzo’s eyebrows rise with a hint of consternation and then he gets an angry look about him. “How do I know this is true?”

“Gino, we have a video that shows it all.” Carmine slides a silvery DVD out from under a napkin from a place setting beside his own and pushes it toward the musing Don before him. “I must be blunt, Gino.” Carmine lowers his voice and whispers to the Don across the table. “They drugged the girl and tried to choke her to death. Sal had pushed his...well, himself, into her throat while Mario held her legs. It was brilliant and it was stupid. The video shows the drugging of her drink. There is no doubt.” Carmine pulls back and talks a bit louder now. “Now, such an asset as this cannot be tampered with in such a manner, you must agree.” He waits for the head of the Minetti brothers crew to respond. It all came down to this.

Drumming his fingers on the red and white checkered cloth, Don Lupenzo hems and haws with a grand display of bluster but, as expected, he relents. “No, of course not. Millions are at stake I realize. If what you say is true and proved on this disk, well, what can be said?”

The men break from their talk as the tall, young waiter sweeps in and settles a plate of chicken parmesan before Don Lupenzo and slides away after a mumbled thank you from Lupenzo.

“Tony has been keeping the boys until this matter could be settled,” Carmine says. “He will release the bodies to you however you choose. He wants only your respect and your understanding that he is deeply sorry about the events that have transpired. It was never his intention to create disharmony among the families. He seeks only to strengthen the power of the families in these difficult times. Tony knows the ways of the Cosa Nostra, Don Lupenzo, and while he does seem unnecessarily brash at times, he is very effective in his skills, his plans and his results. You have seen this to be true. He is a good leader for trying times.”

“Let me be clear, Don Vega. As for the Minetti boys, they were bound to end up the way they have. I am not surprised they have come to such bad ends.” Don Lupenzo leans forward, and, with a conspiratorial whisper, says, “Truth be known, Carmine. I would have whacked them myself within a year. They were drawing far too much attention to the activities of my full crew!” Don Lupenzo pulls back and digs into the chicken parmesan before him, savoring the flavor for a moment while Carmine waits for his reaction to the food.

“You are right, Carmine. This is the best chicken parmesan I’ve had in years. I will be back to this place often I believe.”

“The owner will be delighted. Call ahead on Saturday nights for reservations. Otherwise, there’s usually a table or two available. Anyway, the Minetti’s mother will have their bodies to cry over and hopefully, you can dry her tears with some of the financial restitution Tony will provide as tribute.”

“Really? This is unexpectedly generous for someone not in his crew or even his family! How much restitution does he feel he wants to give?”

“Two hundred thousand.”

Lupenzo almost drops his fork. And Carmine’s eyes twinkle with pleasure at this. Tony was right on the money again about how to handle this. The man was uncanny in how to handle the politics of this for one so young.

“That is sincerely generous. I am sure the mother’s grief will be assuaged somewhat by such largesse. Especially since I think she felt her evil cubs would not live a long and peaceful life either!”

“Than that is settled. What was the second item that you wanted to talk to me about, Gino?” Carmine looks directly at Don Lupenzo who is back to fidgeting somewhat, pushing his chicken around the plate and then stopping, taking a sip of wine and then exhaling deeply.

“Well, Carmine. Considering Tony’s appreciation for the ways of the family as you have just indicated with such a generous gesture, it is still incumbent upon me to relay the uneasy feeling of many of the other members regarding the disturbing attention that he has brought upon the family with the attainment of this asset. And there is more. The bold daylight assassination of a second female asset that has set the city on its ear. Not to mention the shocking beating and capture of the prime hero of the entire planet. This is too much, Carmine. Even you have to admit, he has overstepped his bounds. We rewarded him with an unheard of promotion for one so young as he for the capture of the blonde. But these other two have created a firestorm of controversy in every media outlet in the world. He has to cool things down. Immediately! Carmine I say this with all sincerity. They will not bear the heat of this much longer.” Having said he piece, Don Lupenzo returns to attacking the chicken while Carmine settles back in his chair to think.

“Nobody has legally connected the families to any of these events,” Carmine says cautiously.

“Not yet. That is true. But the shooters involved know and the story is too big to settle down without a full investigation, Carmine. You and Tony must realize that? How do you plan to proceed?”

“The Amazon asset is not dead.”

“What? Really? I... How can this be? The news footage was pure carnage. How did she live through that?”

“It looked bloodier than it was. Half the shots taken were simply painful tiny pellets. The others were precisely placed in non-lethal parts of her body. She lives to become a second asset for the families general fund. A very valuable one as well. And you can tell them that. As for the Man of Steel as he is known, I believe Tony will be releasing him quite soon. Fully alive if not somewhat humbled by his stay with us. As I said, Tony is brash but very intelligent. When the male hero is released things should calm down somewhat.”

“Perhaps.” Don Lupenzo takes a large gulp of the Chianti and twirls his glass, looking at it with thoughtful consideration as he speaks. “The loss of the second woman to such a devastating attack in the middle of the biggest city on American soil, a city that has seen more than its fair share of terror, will still create an immense amount of heat. I’m not sure it was necessary to garner two such assets. While profitable, it comes across as a slap in the face to the police and the entire judicial system, Carmine. I feel, as do the families, that he overstepped himself in this matter. It is wonderful news that she is still alive. I would council you to try to convince him to bend his plan with her. Let him and the families live off the treasures of the young girl and, like the man, throw back the Amazon to the public. It will settle all affairs I would think. I cannot say that officially, of course. But I feel that is the case.”

“Thank you, Gino, Don Lupenzo. As always, you are a treasured source of wisdom and reason. I will talk to Don Bonano about what we have discussed here today and will give you his answer as soon as possible. Now I must go. Stay and finish your meal and do not worry about the check. The owner will not let me pay.”

“Especially since the nasty fire at Tivoli Gardens, eh, Carmine?”

“Especially since then, Gino.”

“Carmine. Take care with your dealings with Don Bonano. As brilliant as he was, Julius Caesar came to a bad end on the senate stairs.”

“I will not be a Brutus to his Caesar, Don Lupenzo. I trust you do not think that I will!”

“You take the analogy too far, my friend. Much too far.” Don Lupenzo digs back into his Chicken parmesan as Don Carmine Vega leaves the trattoria, nodding at the two men who then walk back in to the restaurant to collect their boss.

“Can you wrap the rest of this to go?” Don Lupenzo asks the tall waiter who nods politely in the affirmative. He’s beyond thrilled there hasn’t been a shootout!

* * *

Wonder Woman’s eyes flutter with a tiredness borne of a body still weakened by surgery and her recovery from the barrage of bullets she’d taken just yesterday. She is also strained by the heavy chains pulling at her wrists and ankles. Then there’s the slight lack of oxygen due to the continued presence of the purple ball gag stuffed in her mouth and blocking her airway. It is 3:30 in the afternoon and she’s already had to swallow five or six doses of Mexicali Cum Juice. She’s lost count. As she expected, the noxious sludge does not penetrate to her emotional core thanks to the Vow of Impetus Denego. There is no frenzied need for sex from the aphrodisiac or high floating ecstacy from the powerful heroine, but it does still keep her tired and she would like to sleep. Unfortunately the Russian mobster Sergei is busy trying to stimulate her breasts with constant flicking of her nipples and mauling of her fleshy fullness.

Sergei is incredibly frustrated by now. He’s been at her body for hours using every kind of device he can think of, including huge dildos, two different styles of nipple clamps, painful and pleasurable, enormous butt plugs, pleasure whips and a variety of ball gags, mouth rings and butterfly vibrators. He’s tied up her breasts with nylon rope, choked her to near unconsciousness with a silk cord and threatened her with everything from burning hot wax to actual fire from his lighter. Her reactions were aggravating and consistent. She would blink, dismiss him with a cursory word or, more often than not, just ignore his ranting, his abuse and his hissed threats. Of course, he repeatedly attempted to force her into sucking his cock. But despite all his efforts, his dick would lie in her mouth and she would not even gag much, even when he went deep. It was infuriating!

He also tried to rape her ass without success and, after a vicious beating, even achieved brief vaginal penetration, but in the face of her utter emotional vacuum he had difficultly maintaining an erection so those attempts had been more embarrassing for him than for her. He thought he might have seen a smile at one point during a failed attempt to face-fuck her but it could just have been a minor muscle twinge from the residual pain that she was so thoroughly blocking. Still he belted her face back and forth for several hard whacks just to be sure he knocked any semblance of a victory smile off her face. Now she was as bruised as he dared take it with Tony’s directive not to leave permanent scars.

In the interim times, when he wasn’t trying to get a rise out of the soft-spoken, lethargic beauty, Sergei would stomp out of the room and yell at Superman. She heard him scream his name in anger a few times over the course of the day. That meant he was still alive, but the sound of a fist hitting flesh was repeated regularly during the day, with grunts, gasps, wheezing and moans floating into her room and giving her information that the Man of Steel, though still alive, was getting more and more overwhelmed by Sergei’s beatings.

In the last hour, she had heard what she believed was Superman scream. Then she heard Sergei’s loud cursing and a particularly nasty laugh and then silence. Sergei walked into the recovery room after that while wiping blood off his fist and smiling in a way that meant no good for Kal. Diana was waiting patiently for something to tip the balance, some act or event that would cause Sergei try something new that would move her incarceration along to some kind of conclusion.

Finally, after a growling Sergei gets off his cell phone, he walks up to Wonder Woman, loosens the ball gag, pulls it out of her mouth and snarls, “Well, Wonder Woman, do you agree to work as our whore yet?”

“Certainly not, rodent”

“Of course not! Why would I expect differently. You are a formidable foe, Ms. Prince.

“I wish I could say the same.”

“Yes, well, we will be moving you shortly to a new facility with many more tools to make you more susceptible to our persuasion. We have automated fucking machines that will invade your cunt and drive into your sensitive pussy with untiring, constant thrusts that will take your breath away.”

“I hope you will be taking notes on technique.”

Sergei’s hand explodes across Wonder Woman’s face in violent anger with a smack of flesh against flesh that reverberates in the sudden silence. Leaning over and putting his face inches from the Amazon beauty’s, he sneers with a cold vehemence, “I do not think you will be tolerating these new devices and new accommodations so well as you have up to now. You will be broken.”

“That will not happen. However, if it makes your penis harder, it may be slightly more of a challenge. But I suspect it won’t.”

“You would taunt me like this? Listen, you cold-hearted bitch, I swear, before this week is over, you will bend to me, Diana Prince. I assure you that!”

“As opposed to your bending in me, you mean?”

“Fuck you, Wonder Cunt. Your time is coming.”

“At least something will be coming. You have not.” Her tiredness may be leading the mighty Amazon to interact unnecessarily with Sergei but her shell of reason while bending at the moment to allow a semblance of her sarcasm through the cold facts she is stating, has not broken all day. She remains strong in her protective cocoon.

Sergei punches the heroine hard in the gut and though she expels a blast of air, she barely blinks. An angry, muttering Sergei re-attaches the purple ball gag and then stomps out of the room to check on Superman’s condition.

Raised in the air for the past half hour, the slowly dripping Man of Steel is nodding and mumbling to himself. He is feverish from kryptonite radiation and his face is bright green, even though he has been pulled out of the slime tub and suspended for about 30 minutes. Sergei believes this overrated hero will die unless he extends the time that Superman is left out of the deadly gunk. The crystalized shell of jagged dried kryptonite shards clinging to the limp, dangling body of the delirious champion prevents him from recuperating as he had been earlier when pulled from the slime.

Sergei flips open his cell phone and dials Stevie who is back at the Pleasure Dome with Tony and Carmine.

“Sergei, my man,” Stevie answers his phone, noting the caller ID, “how goes it with the beautiful Amazon princess, you lucky, lucky dog. How many times have you fucked her and in how many places?”

“That is not the purpose of this call,” Sergei says brusquely.

“Well, has she agreed to become a whore for us yet?”

“Nyet. I will be needing to talk to Tony about her after I am done with you.”

“You don’t sound happy, Sergei.”

“I am not and neither would you be if you were here. The bitch is an iceberg. But I called to ask you about Superman. He is not looking good. He is wheezing and hot to the touch and his face is bright green. I am also not sure but I think he has pissed himself. Most important, though, Stevie, is his body which is covered with crystals of the slime. So, when he is pulled out of the tub, he is still suffering the same as inside the tub now. There is little difference. What should I do. I am fearing he will be dying any moment.”

“That’s a tough call, Sergei. Tony and Carmine are talking right now about him. I think they’re going to release him but I’m not sure of the timing. My suggestion is that you try to knock the crystals off his body and extend the time out of the tub by 10 minutes, then if he seems stronger, lower him back in. Call me back and let me know if that helps.”

“Da, I will. Is Tony available to talk?”

“Sure, you want me to hand him the phone or you want to call him back on his?”

“You know, I think I will be calling him back. Right now I probably should be knocking off the crystals from his body before he gets worse. I’ll call back in a few minutes.”

“I’ll tell Tony. So, Wonder Woman’s pussy. What’s it like?”

“Like trying to fuck a fish! Supergirl was much more fun.”

“You don’t have to convince me. I got a blow job this morning that I’ll never forget.”

“Bastard!” Sergei hangs up in disgust even as Stevie cracks up back at the hidden room behind the mirror of Supergirl’s suite. He is editing scenes for yet another DVD in the extensive series that’s pulling in millions in revenue for the mob.

In the warehouse, a sullen Sergei takes a broom handle, unscrews it from the brush head and proceeds to angrily wail away at the chained, suspended Man of Steel with heavy, thumping arcs of hard wood against the defenseless hero’s legs, torso and back. The groaning, swaying Superman’s body shakes and rotates slowly under the steady assault even as a shower of bright glowing green crystals clicks and clatters to the floor beneath his dangling form. Superman grunts again and again as he takes a nasty bruising from the broom handle. As the shards fall away, however, he actually begins to feel himself pull away from the horrific wheezing death he was sure he would succumb to within minutes. He hangs helplessly in the air after Sergei’s energetic de-crystalizing comes to an end. He is numb and confused from two thumping clouts that had struck his shoulders and head at the same time. But, with the crystals gone, he is out of danger for the moment.

Sergei walks over to the card table he had set back up and swigs a drink of coke from a can he’d gotten from a machine in lunch room.

“What a fuckin’ day,” he says, shaking his head. At least he was being paid well. The transfer of Wonder Woman would take place in an hour and then he’d start back up on that ice queen with a full set of tools. Someone had to relieve him in their watch on Superman. He wasn’t sure who that would be.

After 8 minutes of thinking about new torments he can try on Wonder Woman in the jail cell over in Brooklyn, he walks over to the famous mighty male hero again and sees that his face has lost the bright green glow and settled into a much less troubling dull green pallor that affirms Stevie’s judgement for now. The wheezing has stopped and while his forehead is warm, he’s much less feverish.

“...whadju....people...want....?” Superman rasps.

“Is not for me to say, Superman. I just am keeping you ‘under wraps’ as they say til they decide what to do.”

“...release I will tell the judge you...helped me...can get your sentence... reduced....”

“This is quite an offer from a helpless American hero chump who has lost all his powers.” Sergei walks over to the winch control and begins to lower the chained champion back into the tub of green slime. “Let me think about it.”

“No! Don’t put me... in the kryptonite sludge again. It’s killing me.!”

Sergei stops the winch and calls out to the rapidly breathing hero. “Are you begging me, Superman?”


“What? I didn’t hear you.”


“Yes, you are begging me?”

“Yes. Don’t make me lie in this horrible gunk again. I...i...can’t take it...anymore...”

“That is what I thought you said,” Sergei smiles and pushes the down button. The camera has caught the entire scene for later release to the press.

Once again, the mighty Man of Steel is lowered by chain and submerged into the poisonous green brew like a marinating side of beef. Sergei binds his limp arms and legs to the nylon restraints. He is a pathetically defenseless figure as he groans in nauseous pain from the enervating solution. He quivers and gasps, his breathing rate increasing with the anxiety of another 30 to 40 minutes in this slop. He feels every ounce of his powers slipping out of him again, drawn off into the surrounding bath of warm, glowing green energy-sucking slime.

“...uughhh....ohhhh.....don’t.....” he pleads to no avail. Sergei walks over to the steel tub and grabs Superman by a hefty hunk of his hair. He pushes the weakly resisting head underneath the surface of the sludge with ease and holds it there for twenty seconds. Then he pulls it up.

The gasping, choking, wheezing Superman spits out a thick stream of green gunk and tries to catch his ragged breath.


“Tell me once more, Superman, how you can get my sentence reduced by your judge friend. I could use a laugh about now, you weak, helpless, whining, stupid and spineless excuse for a man. I do not even believe you are a superhero!” And with that, Sergei jabs the broom handle into Superman’s forehead with a harsh hard jolt, sending the famous hero back into a dark pit of unconscious hell on earth. At least the Russian Bear can get some satisfaction out of his torments of this pathetic blue and red-caped clown. The woman inside is a far more difficult case.

* * *

“I’m warning you, Tony. The families are upset with the way things have gone. You are pushing them too hard. You are pushing the entire situation too hard.”

“Warning me, Carmine? I hope Don Lupenzo hasn’t filled you with fears or promises that are giving you second thoughts about our future together.” Tony gives Carmine a long hard look to gauge his partner’s resolve. They are facing each other in matching armchairs in the living room area of Tony’s suite in the Pleasure Dome. The layout is the same as Supergirl’s suite on the floor above. Here, however, earth tones of soft brown, muted reds and forest greens meld into a manly decor complete with photos of rushing rapids, serene waterfalls and a Fredrick Remington painting of two men in a canoe with a dog alertly looking off into the distance. The room feels like a great old hunting lodge without the animal heads.

Carmine sips his scotch for a moment, calming himself down. He had to play this right to assure Tony of his loyalty and to stop him from going off half-cocked in anger at Lupenzo. “Look, Tony, it’s not fear or promises. It’s reason. You’ve seen the news. They’re the ones who are broadcasting fear and suspicion and unsubstantiated rumors to the public, night and day. News, talk shows, call in radio, you name it, they’re all discussing the captures of Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Superman. Some are saying its some alien planetary takeover. Others are saying the Mafia is behind it all. They don’t have proof but nobody’s taken credit for anything since we captured Supergirl and many groups have publicly denied any connection to the captures, so they’re going by process of elimination. You know that the council of the five families has never liked publicity and this is a firestorm which is pointing in their direction more and more. Don Lupenzo has a suggestion and it’s not a bad one...”

“Yeah, what has Gino proposed, that prick?”

“Tony, cool down. Gino is not as bad as others. We can work with him. Your idea about the two hundred g’s of tribute worked like a charm, by the way. The Minetti Brothers are no longer an issue. I’ll be talking to Gino about the details of releasing the two shithead stiffs. He expects some kind of answer from you about how you’re going to proceed. His idea is to release Superman...”

“Which I told you I was going to do,” Tony interjects.

“And which I told him would happen, without specifying the timing. He also thinks the families will be okay with you releasing Wonder Woman and just keeping Supergirl to do with as you want.

“The families will be okay with that, will they?” Tony’s voice is thick with scorn. “They haven’t done shit about generating any new revenue during this economic slowdown and they’re dictating to me!” Tony stands up and begins to pace the suite, alive with nervous energy. Upstairs, Supergirl has stuffed her brain into her crack pipe and pitched her disturbed soul into a cloud of narcotic bliss.

“Tony, you gotta calm down,” Carmine sips his scotch and looks with concern at his pacing partner who stops and turns to Carmine with his arms spread wide.

“And what, they’re not interested in how many millions that Amazon cunt can bring into the general fund? Since when don’t they like money?”

“Since it comes tied into a media circus that points at them.”

“Even without direct proof?”

“Ton, I don’t have to tell you how they think. They’re afraid of a smoking gun somehow tying you or me to all this. Some undeniable link from a shooter, some kind of CSI hair follicle bullshit that was overlooked or something like that. They’re afraid of such a situation blowing all their police protection, while the media spotlight sends their judges, councilmen and congressmen scurrying to issue statements distancing themselves from mob influence. They’re not entirely wrong, Tony. We always knew we were playing a high-stakes game. We can still walk away with a shitload of money, you know. We just have to fold a hand or two and calm things down. Let’s give up the Amazon as well as Superman as soon as possible. Keep the blonde bimbo, she’s a lost cause and everyone knows it, thanks to your series of DVDs sending her reputation into a tailspin that ended up in a swamp of filth. Let’s follow your original plan, Tony, huh? Keep Supergirl for a year, use her as you like within reason and cash in on her alone. Let’s give up Wonder Woman and Superman today if we can. What do you say?”

“Carmine, we spent over two and a half million if not more to capture that Amazon cunt. That’s not a small investment.”

“But, Ton, you gotta look at the big picture. It could wreck the whole operation. The Supergirl DVD series is worth millions more if we keep her for a year or so. The down side of keeping Wonder Woman for the same purpose could blow up in our faces, from any number of possible reasons.”

Tony ponders this when his cell phone rings. It is Sergei.

“Hello, Sergei. What’s the good news with Wonder Woman? She’s not? Isn’t the Mexicali Cum Juice breaking her down for you? She’s what? For how long? All day? What kind of things have you tried? Really? Uh huh. Right. She actually was able to ignore that? And no reaction to that either? That’s amazing! No, yeah I know I kind of tied your hands with that but I thought it was important how she looked down the road. I’m sure you must be. I guess she is. Yeah, much harder. I’m just as surprised. Has the transfer team shown up yet? Good. Be sure the adamantium cuffs and chains are secure in the transfer. No, it shouldn’t take that long. I’d say put her on the bondage table, face up when you get there. I just had a wicked idea that might help the situation. Plus, there are machines there that you can use that will help, too. Well, stay with her and I’ll meet you in Brooklyn at the building. No, don’t sweat it, Sergei. It’s not you. The bitch has resources we didn’t know about. But hey, we’ve got resources, too.”

Tony shakes his head at Carmine indicating unexpected troubles. But Tony still seems calm about it. He even gives Carmine a thumbs up gesture.

“Say, how’s the big lug doing?” That’s interesting. Yeah, well, Stevie’s proven himself big time though this whole thing. Better than I’d hoped. Well, I’m glad it worked. What did he do? Really? The camera get him saying it? Fabulous. The pretentious prick won’t come off so well with that on his resume! No, Sergei, that’s not true. You’re invaluable to me. Look, I still need you for our blonde friend and, if things go right, you may have a chance yet to teach Ms. Prince a lesson as well. I will see you in Brooklyn. Oh, I decided I want the team to take “Mr. All Muscle No Brains” to Brooklyn, too, for now. Put him in my bedroom with a kryptonite control disk behind his back the way we did with Supergirl. But also cuff his arms and legs to the corners. There’s a set of kryptonite cuffs in the bondage table in the jail cell where Wonder Woman’s going. Yeah, we will, but I’m working out a few things regarding his release with Carmine here. Hah! Yeah, I’ll tell him that. Okay, Sergei, good work. We’ll solve it. Don’t worry. See you later.”

Closing his phone, Tony looks at Carmine thoughtfully. “Wonder Woman is resisting all attempts to break her down. The juice isn’t working, the dildos aren’t working, the beatings and the stimulation...all nada!”

“You’re fucking kidding me!” Carmine shakes his head.

“Neither are any threats.” Tony sits down across from Carmine, grabs the glass of scotch off the coffee table and takes two big gulps of it. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Tony continues, “Of course, I did tell him he couldn’t scare her so that limits his options and maybe the bitch clued into that somehow. These super types can surprise you with the shit they can pull. By the way, Sergei says he wishes you were the one assigned to her, maybe your huge cock could do better than his!”

Carmine chuckles, sips his scotch and then gets serious. “You gotta think this is busting his nuts not to be able to get through to her. He’s pretty proud of his rep and this won’t sit well with him. I’m surprised he hasn’t killed her in frustration yet. Even him admitting he wishes it were me there shows he’s at a loss over there. I wonder how that Amazon bitch is resisting all this. But you know, Tony, maybe it’s kind of a sign that we should give her up. If we can’t break her anyway...”

“I have an idea about how to handle Wonder Woman that may just break through her resistance. I’m not sure it will work but it’s worth a try.”

“But Tony, not to beat a dead horse, but the families aren’t going to like it if you don’t give her up.”

“I may have an idea about that, too. A deflection to buy us time.”

“Well, what am I supposed to tell Gino?”

“You can tell him that Superman will be released tomorrow night. Just between you and me, I have a little final humiliating scene for the cameras that I want to subject the famous Man of Steel to. Kind of an insurance policy. Then I’m letting him go.”

“You want to tell me what that might be?”

“Nope. I want to surprise everybody on this one. You’ll enjoy it though. But don’t tell Lupenzo when you talk to him later.”

“And what do I tell Gino about Wonder Woman. You letting her go anytime soon? Is there anything I can tell them that will help resolve this or at least calm them down?”

“It kind of depends on how things go tonight with my idea about how to break Wonder Woman’s spirit. Hmm. Okay, tell Gino that I will not be letting Wonder Woman go just yet, but that I will shift all attention away from the mob. A media slight of hand that will buy the families about two weeks time at least, during which time I will, if things go as expected, be increasing their general fund by five million dollars. See how he reacts to that.”

“Can you give me any details to tell him. That’s pretty thin.”

“Tell Gino that a cell of Islamic terrorists will be taking responsibility for the capture of Wonder Woman and will be issuing a list of demands for the release of fundamentalist freedom fighters and five million dollars ransom for the return of Wonder Woman. They will issue a deadline of two weeks.”

“How you going to pull that off?”

“I have a few contacts with underpaid Muslim friends who will play the part for a nice profit. It’ll be an hour or two of their time for a hundred g’s each.”

“You think that’ll work, take the heat off, I mean?”

“I think it will put the public into an already established frame of mind. They’ve experienced hostage scenarios before. They will be nervous, but with a deadline and a known enemy, the people will acclimate and wait in hope for a resolution. There will be prayer vigils, police work, Feds searching for Islamic cells and radio talk shows about the growth of extremism and such. It will be a difficult time for us all. But it will not be about the mob!”

“Okay, Ton. I can go to him with that. I think he’ll buy it. He’ll still be nervous....”

“Gino’s an old lady!”

“An old lady who’s speaks for a lot of other worse old ladies. With guns. Let’s not forget that, Tony, okay?”

“Okay, Carmine. I hear you. But we’re still ahead of the curve on this. And if my idea works out with Ms. Prince tonight, we’ll not only be ahead of the curve, we’ll be riding the damn big beautiful wave all the way to the beach in the ride of our lives!” Tony drinks the last of his scotch and pats Carmine on the shoulder. “So let’s enjoy the ride instead of worrying about falling off the surfboard, huh?”

“I hate the fucking ocean, you sick prick!”

Tony laughs hard and long while Carmine gives him the shadow of a smile, then asks, “You gonna tell me your idea for knocking the pins out from under Wonder Woman?”

“Another surprise,” Tony winks. “But now, I’ve got to go upstairs and check on our blonde friend.”

“How’s she doing these days. I haven’t seen her in a while.”

“She’s angry at the world. We took a walk this morning and she saw Jimmy, that Jamaican hustler. You’ve seen around the casino downstairs...”

“Yeah, I know him.”

“Well, he was selling our Supergirl DVDs in an impromptu street sale. Sold his whole supply in about ten minutes, ‘bout 20 or 25 of them.

“No shit. That’s good. We got several hundred Jimmys all around the country. You think they’re all selling that well?”
“No doubt. Reorders have been coming in to the distributors at a record pace. We can’t push the supply out the door fast enough. Stevie’s working on new edits every day. But we’ve got to get her back on her back. so to speak. We’re running out of original material.”

“She gonna do it for us?”

“I told her no more run-of-the-mill guys. Just heavyweights like sheiks, millionaires or key people of influence. And we can get them, too. I think I’ve got one lined up already for one million bucks cash.

“Really, who?”

“When it’s a done deal, I’ll let you know. I don’t want to get your hopes up. It’s a friend of ours. But anyway, we’re at Jimmy’s little sidewalk sale....”

“Oh, right.”

“...and she sees a guy come out of this crowd holding the DVD cover showing her sucking cock with her eyes rolled back, you know...”

“I love that photo. That’s my cock she’s sucking if you remember!”

“Of course I do. Well, Supergirl gets pretty bent out of shape, as you’d expect. And she had her superpowers at the time. She showed incredible restraint not roasting the whole lot of them. Got to give her credit for that.”

“Nobody recognized her?”

“She was wearing a red wig.”

“Ahh. Well, what did she do?”

“She argued with them. And lost! Guy shoves a the photo in her face of her sucking cock and tell her she looks like she’s loving it and to back off. Tells her superheroes aren’t supposed to act like this. And she just caves. Asked to come rushing back here so she could do a pipe and calm her shit down.

“And she had her superpowers?!”


“Wow, she’s really fucked up,” Carmine declares.

“You have no idea. I talked to her before she lit up the crack and then for a little bit while she was high. She’s robbing a bank for me tomorrow.”

“No fucking way!” Carmine is shocked.

“Believe it. Just a small local branch. I’m simply setting up the moral precedent for bigger stuff down the road. Hey, it was her idea back when she was pleading not to be hurt again, remember?”

“Yeah, sure, but I didn’t think she meant it,” responds Carmine.

“At the time, she might have just been using it as a stall tactic, sure. But I called her on it today and she is just pissed enough at the world to agree to it. I coerced her into promising to do it and these super heroes always try to keep their promises.”

“God, Ton. Won’t that just bring more heat down? Do we need this right now? And what if something happens? Jeez, you really don’t know how to live except on the fucking edge. You’re killing me here, Ton!”

“You might be right. The timing’s not great. I’ll think about it. It would sink more hooks into her to keep her tight with us and no options.”

“The crack seems to be doing a good enough job in that respect. She got the shakes yet?”

“More and more. She’s no different than any other crackhead I’ve ever met. Twitchy, irritable, self-delusional and desperate when they need it. The superpowers temper it a lot, but if you know the signs, you can tell she’s deeply, deeply hooked. Just the way I told her she would be when we captured her and chained her to the floor.”

“Yeah, you certainly did what you promised.”

“I’m no superhero, but I do my best.”

* * *

Upstairs, Supergirl is still wearing her denim skirt and baby blue cotton tank top. The red wig and sandals have been tossed to the side by now. She is deep into her second high of the afternoon. Curled up on the floor of the bathroom, the mighty teenage heroine is panting rapidly. The tank top has been pulled up all the way revealing her breasts and her flowered yellow panties are pulled down to her thighs. One hand is busy stimulating her tits, alternating between roughing up her fleshy softness and rolling her nipple between her wet thumb and forefinger. The other hand holds a short, fat motorized vibrator to her pussy. She is rolling the curved humming edge all around, over and through the soft lips of her labia, delving it deeply into her pink crevices, exciting her sensitive tissues more and more. Her legs rub slowly against the cool tile floor as she takes full delight in her battery-powered friend. Next, guiding it up to her extended clitoris, Supergirl holds the smooth buzzing plastic surface against her g-spot to the point of thrilling ecstacy.

“...ohhhh....ahh....oooohhhh....hahhhh....ohhh yess....yesss....ohhhhh...”

Hampered somewhat by her underpants, Supergirl tugs at them momentarily with the tiniest surge of her phenomenal strength and they shred like tissue paper. Now she spreads her legs wide apart until her knees come to touch the cool tile as she pleasures herself to greater and greater heights. With her eyes closed and her mouth open in breathy gasps of joy, the mightiest female heroine on earth is a helpless victim to her own addiction and the exquisite delights that two D-cell batteries can provide. Finally at the peak, with the vibrator singing its lovesong to her soul and her head now curled into her chest as her palms cup and slowly caress her flopping breasts, Supergirl brain floods with overwhelming delight.

“Rao....Yesss.....Aieeeeyaahhhhh” Delirious, the young girl barely feels a thick drizzle of cum as it slides down her twitching thighs and onto the cool tile.

“Ooooohhhhhhhhh.....huhhhh.....nnnniiiiiiccceeee,”she whispers in a never-ending sigh. “Sooo gooooooddd....” She licks her lips and breathes out heavily. And then, with the desperation of one who is trying to block out all the pain in her world, the famous Maid of Steel presses the buzzing toy directly against her twitching clitoris and, after about 30 seconds of rubbing, tickling and cornering her most delicate bud into an irrepressible state of torment, brings herself to another climax. This is a floor thumping thriller that actually breaks the tile with a resounding crack. She rasps and pants with loud woofing gusts afterwards, slowly writhing in a slippery sheen of her own juices and showered in a glow of erotic bliss that her eyes cannot see through.

After a minute, she finally focuses on the light blue ceiling. And then she proceeds to do herself one more time. Her hand returns to her breasts, to love them with all the attention they could ever desire. Nipples are stretched, tickled, stroked and flicked. Soft curves are fondled, slapped, glided over and squeezed. And, her clitoris is yet again teased, haunted, explored and engorged beyond restraint until at the end, Supergirl’s body surrenders to her unrelenting hands and tools in an epic orgasm that has the immobile, blonde teenage beauty curled on her side, frozen in ecstacy and spraying droplets of her cum almost a foot across the tile floor. Drool drains out the side of her mouth and drips to the floor as she drops the vibrator from her weak and spasming hand. It rolls away from her limp form even as the overwhelmingly satiated blonde heroine drifts off into the depths of unconscious relief that she has so desperately sought.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:11 pm
by Abductorenmadrid
Gangland issues, superhero(ine) captive management problems and a loose cannon SG who could end up doing who knows's all converging gradually.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:14 pm
by DrDominator9
Yeah, very gradually. But the pace picks up soon.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:04 am
by Bronson881
Very good. Tony has gotten power so it makes sense there would be those fellow mobsters who would want to take him down hence he needing a super bodyguard. The story is getting better and better.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:56 am
by DrDominator9
Deceived, Deluded and Devastated

Part 27

When Tony arrives at Supergirl’s suite around 6:30 pm on that warm, early Wednesday evening in June, it is his hope to be able to convince Supergirl to destroy her friend and fellow superheroine Wonder Woman. He has an idea how to do it but he has to be clever about it, even with a blonde as naive and as impressionable as she was becoming under the ever-increasing burden of her crack addiction and her demoralizing understanding of her position in life.

For now, he just wanted to alert her to the fact that she would be reunited with Diana. He would have to play things by ear, depending on how Diana reacted to her when they met. But for now he’s simply trying to find the blonde teenager. She wasn’t answering his calls of “Hello, Linda” “Are you decent?” “Anybody home,” or “Come out, come out wherever you are.”

When he finally notices a pair of legs on the floor of the bathroom through the slightly ajar door, he is startled and frightened. Had she overdosed? That was hard to do with crack, especially since he’d only given her three moderate-sized pellets. In fact, there was still one left on the dining room table that he had noted in his search for her. Leaning hard against the door, Tony manages to push Supergirl’s limp body enough so he can squeeze through. Squatting down beside her he takes her pulse and is relieved to find it’s pretty strong. In fact, with her wrist in his hand, she begins to stir, her eyelids fluttering open in drowsy confusion. Tony notices a vibrator has rolled against the base of the toilet and grasps the situation fully. He smiles at the indoctrination he has so successfully employed with this girl. She almost couldn’t get high anymore without having to get off in some way.

“Ohhhh....whew....what happened?” She mutters sleepily, her mouth smacking with the taste of bad breath from deep sleep and crack smoke.

“You happened, apparently. Looks like you gave yourself a little party in here.” He nods at the vibrator.

“Huh? Oh! Uhh....oops. Heh, heh....Well, yeah, I guess I did. But I needed to,” she justifies herself. “It’s been a hard day.” Supergirl starts to stand and Tony helps her up. Then he bends down and picks up the vibrator and some shredded scraps of yellow material that used to be Supergirl’s panties and hands them to her.

“Looks like it was a hard day for these things, too.” Supergirl goes crimson at the sight of the obliterated panties and bows her head, unable to look the Mafia don in the eyes for the moment. Moving on, a smiling Tony offers, “Maybe I can make things better. I have a friend of yours I think you’ll be happy to see.”

“Really?” Supergirl keeps her head down and quickly strides toward the bedroom and the dresser’s underwear drawer. Tony follows for five steps before she closes the door in his face. “Sorry, girls only right now!” She picks out a pair of dark blue panties and puts them on, talking through the door in the meantime as she slides the soft blue lycra underwear up her endless legs and snaps them tightly around her beautiful teenage ass. “Who are we talking about anyway? What friend?”

“Diana Prince.”

“EEEEKK!” The door flings open and Supergirl stands there with her 1000 watt smile virtually glowing on her face as she straightens her skirt, tugging on the hem to hide the crotch of the blue panties that Tony gets a quick glimpse of despite her efforts. “Are you for real? Tell me you’re busting me?”

“I bust you not. We’re going to see her right now.”

“Ohmygod. I am so stoked! Let me just take care of a few necessities in the bathroom.”

“Certainly.” After two minutes she comes out refreshed, brushed, combed and beautiful.

“Shall we go,” he says, offering his arm for the second time that day toward a confrontation she will not enjoy.

In the Escalade, behind tinted windows on the way to Brooklyn from the South Bronx, Supergirl even expresses her apprehension to Tony about seeing Diana. The nervous Maid of Steel knows that she had revealed Diana’s secret identity to Tony under the influence of crack and a high-powered sexual attack. Tony had said Diana had been upset with her, but was that the truth?

Completely in the dark about the savage ambush that Wonder Woman had endured, Supergirl is concerned about her friend’s attitude about her indiscretion. She has no concept that Wonder Woman would be harboring deep anger about the results of her slip.

For his part, Tony’s wondering how the Amazon princess would respond to Supergirl’s presence considering everything that had happened. It was actually kind of thrilling for him, to see what the hell would happen when they met. So much was at stake. Could he manage the situation to the conclusion he had conceived?

“Do you think she’ll hate me?” Supergirl chews her lower lip and looks at Tony with puppy-dog blues.

“I honestly don’t know. She was badly hurt in that attack.”

“What attack?” She turns toward him with a jerk.

“You remember, I told you she was attacked. They think Islamic extremists did it.”

“You never told me about this. I don’t remember you saying anything about terrorists shooting her.”

“They just found out who was behind it.”

“What happened? How badly hurt is she?” Supergirl is wringing her hands and beginning to twitch with anxiety. It’s too early for her to need any crack right now. This is a straight-from-her-gut fear that her dearest friend would never talk to her again.

“She took a barrage of bullets in Bryant Park...”

“What?” Supergirl goes pale white at the news.

“..but she’s okay considering. She’s recuperating in my care. I paid the extremists their demands. Two million dollars.”

“Why?” Supergirl’s eyes narrow suspiciously.

“Why what?” Tony responds, facing her scepticism straight on.

“Why would you pay that much. She’s probably been as much of a bother to your operations as to be.” She concludes with a tiny shudder of self-hate.

“Linda. I’ve told you before. I am a businessman. It is my hope that Wonder Woman will join you and agree to offer herself to my clients just as you have promised.”

“There’s no fucking way she will agree to that, Tony.”

“Well, they thought you wouldn’t agree to it either, but look how far we’ve come.”

“Diana’s different than me. Much different as you’ll find out.” Supergirl lifts her jaw, proudly declaring the virtues of her friend while diminishing her own. “Her willpower is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. She is strong in ways I can only dream about. would take...a lot more than you break her.” Supergirl’s tears flush down her cheeks as if she’d been caught in a sudden summer drizzle. Wiping her damp cheek, she goes silent, staring through the tinted windows at the Brooklyn Bridge on which they are crossing even now.

* * *

“Foolish child, did you truly reveal my identity to this maggot?”

Supergirl is facing Wonder Woman in the jail cell she herself once resided in. Bound to the table with manacles and with her power belt, tiara and golden lasso nowhere to be seen, Linda realizes what Diana is in for. She sees the bandages and has used her superior vision to see that none of the wounds were life threatening. Her faith in her friends willpower, however, is rock solid. In fact, that willpower has never seemed stronger or more brutal. She didn’t remember Diana ever being so cold in her tone.

“Diana, I....i...think...I may have..revealed mistake...I was high...on crack the time...and they...they were confusing me....stimulating me...sexually.... I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” Holding onto Tony’s arm, her head is bowed, her voice broken and low.

“You’re sorry excuse for your ineptitude does me little good, Kara.” Diana looks directly at the shamed blonde with deep blue eyes the color of arctic ice. “Was the pleasure worth your friend’s freedom? Do you not see how you’ve condemned me to their filthy torments. Will your ‘sorry’ break these chains? Will your ‘sorry’ bring back my virtue?”

“No, but...”

“Are you here to free me or just to console yourself with pathetic self-pity?”

“Now wait a minute, Diana...” Supergirl shakes off Tony’s arm and walks closer to the raven-haired beauty bound to the same table she endured such horrific torments. Her emotions are at full boil and she is a shell of her once heroic self. And still the crack habit obscures and fouls her reason like a poisoned well.

“Which is it, Kara?”

“I can’ you.”

“Why can you not?”

“They’ve...we’ve...there’s an agreement...Tony wouldn’t understand...”

“You are not who I thought you were, Kara. You are weak and worse than foolish, you are dangerously stupid.”

“You pretentious cow!” Supergirl’s face reddens deeply as she blurts out her anger and frustration. “You have no idea what I’ve been through. In this very room I was forced into addiction to crack and repeatedly raped!”

“My situation is little different. But it is clear now that we are obviously different. But be gone, Kara. We have no use for each other right now.”


“You would do well to leave. Neither of us will profit from this conversation further.”

“You’re dismissing me? Is that all, your highness?”

“For now, that is the best course.”

“Well, who shoved a royal scepter up your ass?” Supergirl leans over Wonder Woman and sneers at her. Frustration has turned to anger in the petulant, young woman. Her heroic soul has been deeply corrupted by Tony’s training through limitless crack and relentless sexual debasement. The Maid of Steel is helpless to fight this corruption and so, blindly lashes out at her friend in anger. Transferring her self-loathing onto her friend’s cold, emotionless attitude, Supergirl almost spits in Diana’s face. “You have appointed yourself judge, jury and executioner, Diana? Is that it?”

Diana, staring at the ceiling now, simply replies, “That you have done yourself. I had no hand in it, Kara.”

“Girls! Girls, please, let’s not fight,” Tony intercedes. “Supergirl has come to offer her compassion to you, Diana, not to argue.”

“She has come to assuage her guilt and nothing more.” Facts from a friend.

Blustering, Supergirl balls her fists and shakes with anger. “You are being such a bitch right now, Diana. I’ve seen this haughty side of yours but forgave it as a cultural difference. But it’s really pissing me off!”

“Supergirl, come here and talk with me a moment.” Tony puts his hand on her shoulder and draws her back from the stone-faced beauty on the bondage table.

“What’s with Diana? She’s so cold and hurtful,” the beautiful blonde sulks, looking back at the statuesque Amazon.

“Sergei has been trying to bring her out of some kind of state she’s put herself in. I’m worried she won’t be able to come out of it. You see how she is. That isn’t how you want your friend to be the rest of her life, do you, Kara. Is that what she called you?”

“It’s my Kryptonian name.”

“Hmm. Well, do you want to help Wonder Woman get back to being her true self, the Diana you love? Would you be willing to try something to achieve that?”

“Like what?”

“I think she’s frozen out human contact, to protect herself. But you can see she’s so removed that she’s barely human now. That can’t be good for her. If she stays like this too long, she may never be the caring Diana you remember. You have to share your love with her to bring her back, Kara. Only you can do it.”

“Share my love?”

“Kiss her. Stroke her. Touch her most inner self. Reach out to her with your heart. Use your heart to kindle hers again. Her soul has gone dark, Kara. If you kiss the bud of her soul flower, it may bloom again.”

“...possibly...” Kara looks at the rigid face of the friend she’s known and loved for years. Despite the cruel things Diana and she have exchanged, she does love the Amazon.

“I will try.”

“Don’t be discouraged. She will try to ward you off with her words. They will slice and stab. I would ignore them. Reach her with your best self by any means possible. Lips, caressing, soft love that only you can....”

“I get it, Tony!” Supergirl hisses. Then she slowly walks up to Diana on the bondage table and gently takes the hand of the Amazon princess, the manacles clinking loudly as she does.

“What new disloyalty have you come to perpetrate?”

“Oh, Diana. It’s not like that. I love you, sweetie. I’m trying to help.” Her hand caresses the Amazon’s wrist and moves up her arm, gently passing over the bandage covering the bullet wound that nullified her defense on her right side.

“Do not touch me, Kara. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

“Shhhh. I’m going to make you feel better, Diana. The way friends are meant to help each other.”

“Can you undo your treachery? That is the only way you can help now. But instead, you are compounding it. Leave me be, you simple child.” Diana looks into her blonde friend’s eyes and sees them clouded with slow thoughts, delusion and the veined indications of significant drug use. She has seen this before in crack addicts. Is this how they control the most powerful woman on earth now. With drugs? I cannot avoid this sorry truth!

“I will not. I have a mission to help you rekindle your soul.”

“Utter nonsense. You are being used, Kara. You have been drugged and confused. Stop this for your own soul’s sake.”

“I will not.” Continuing to stroke Diana’s arm and gently plying her good shoulder to release the intense pressure in her neck, Supergirl begins her attempt to reach her dearest friend, to find the light in the darkness Wonder Woman has created around her. This may be the last good deed she does in the world. It’s her most amazing strength, her love and willingness to sacrifice for others. She will do whatever she has to in order to reach the shining center of her friend’s true nature, no matter what she says or how she tries to fight it.

“Why are you working with this killer, Kara. What thrall does he have over you? It is the drugs, is it not?”

“Let’s talk about you, Diana. I can help you. Where does it hurt?” She continues to massage Diana’s neck and shoulders and she does feel a slight lessening of the tension. She continues to knead the muscles on both sides of her neck, careful to avoid getting to close to the shoulder wound.

“It hurts me that you are so ignorant that you do not appreciate how much of this Banana man’s tool you have become. He wields you like an axe, Kara. Fight the need for the drugs and leave me be.”

“I will not. I treasure you too much to leave this task undone.” Supergirl begins to massage Diana’s temples now.

“The task to destroy me? Do not do that, girl.” The loving, caressing fingertips on her temples annoys Diana. It is the tiniest warp in the Vow. But then the Vow was meant to retard attacks not loving tributes.

“The task to save you.” The circling, massaging fingertips continue.

“You are clueless.” Wonder Woman concentrates despite Kara’s fingers and steels her resolve, focusing her mind.

“You are my friend.” Supergirl sees she has to be more direct. She’s not making much of a dent yet.

“No longer, Kara. Consider that as past. It is as a flower crushed under a soldier’s boot.”

“I don’t believe you, Diana. Besides, flowers are renewed every spring. Like new young lovers hearts entwined.” Supergirl leans over and kisses the soft expanse of Wonder Woman’s breast above the wings of the eagle on her tunic.

“What in hades would possess you to kiss me now? Am I a new drug to you, fool? Take your whorish lips away from me. You disgust me, Kara.”

“I only kiss you to remind you of your sisters on Themyscira and the love from which you sprung.” Supergirl continues to kiss the top of Diana’s breast, smothering the sensitive flesh with the soft caress of her full lips.

“You foul yourself and my home with the very word on your tongue. Do you not even understand the callowness of what you do?”

“If love is callow, may I always be a lowly tramp as this.” And with that, Supergirl peels the top of Wonder Woman’s tunic away, bending it over and pulling it low enough to expose the flat bud of her nipple. She lowers her face to it and slowly rotates her tongue on the little pink nub.

“A tramp you most certainly are. And low as they come. Stop yourself, Kara. You play the whore too, too well.”

“Perhaps a whore with a heart of gold then, my dear, dear friend.” Supergirl’s tongue begins to wind around the nipple now, fluttering lightly as it circles it with the deftest of tiny licks. The nub is wet and unmoved as of yet.
“A heart of gold and a mind of the dullest lead I have ever encountered. Even you with your wondrous vision are too blind to see the stupidity of your actions. If your mind were gold and your heart lead, perhaps then we could make some progress here.”

“If progress is to find your soul, I will be strong.” the fluttering continues to no seeming effect.

“Strong as an ox and just as dumb.” Wonder Woman’s face is immobile now as she looks at the ceiling with a look of ageless stone.

Without warning, Supergirl begins to lick at Wonder Woman’s nipple with super speed licks that touch and disappear against the sensitive tissue with such incredible rapidity and consistency that the tender bud does begin to blossom. This is a sensation that Diana has never felt before and it does more than warp her Vow, it downright cracks it.

“Ohh!” Diana gasps softly as her head shakes and her hips twitch sharply.

“That is a feeling of love you are responding to, Diana. Let it spread within you.” Supergirl proceeds to Wonder Woman’s other breast and, without waiting, peels down that side of her tunic to reveal the other nipple.

“As you would spread your legs for any man it seems. Kara, you forget yourself and throw me into the maelstrom with you. For everyone’s sake, take your love and your lips and suck on a rock someplace else. It will do you just as much good.” Diana stares at the ceiling and begins to reestablish the sphere of resolve around the heart of her emotions. She concentrates fiercely on The Vow of Impetus Denego. But there is this tender repetitive nibbling at her breast to distract her. She puts it out of her mind with every effort and almost forms the full sphere around her tender soul when, once again, the super speed licking occurs and this time, without the full sphere in place, the effect is even greater.

“OHH! Hera, what a force you are!” Wonder Woman’s body jolts up to its limits with a gasp, pulling at her manacles on all four limbs. She then collapses back on the table in wincing pain from the strain to all her wounds. Her forearm bandage shows a tiny flower of red blood through the gauze.

“Oh, have I hurt you, my sweet Diana?” Supergirl looks into a panting Wonder Woman’s face and sees, momentarily, her friend’s familiar look. A suggestion of deep care masked by a regal pride. Then the cold hardness of anger takes over and Diana responds bluntly.

“You have absolutely no idea of how much you have hurt me, Kara. It is the only wound that I fear I will not survive. If you do not go now, you might as well have shot me with those guns yourself. BE GONE!”

Startled, upset and frustrated, Supergirl turns to Tony, ready to give up and go. He looks her in the eye, cocks his head as if to imply where are you going and says simply and softly, “Be stronger than her in your will, Kara. It’s the only way. Use your love. It’s your strongest weapon against her fear of caring for her loved ones.”

“He has the devils tongue, Kara. Ignore him. You must ignore him.”

“No, he speaks the truth, Diana. Do not be afraid to love me as deeply as I love you.” The blonde heroine walks back over to Diana, palms her right breast and kisses the shocked Amazon on the mouth.

“Mmmmffff!” Diana clamps her mouth shut as tightly as possible even while Kara’s full lips press against hers. After just a few moments of this firm resistence, the tiniest scratch of Kara’s tooth causes just enough pain for Wonder Woman to gasp a bit and Kara’s tongue is inside her mouth. And beyond that, Supergirl surprisingly inhales deeply, drawing out every ounce of air out of Wonder Woman’s lungs. This makes the raven-haired Amazon extremely light-headed and that is when the blonde superheroine slides her hands into Wonder Woman’s starred panties and caresses her clit with incredible speed. And the fingertip at the exposed right nipple is circling the hard, extended nub at an equally amazing speed.


It is over almost in less than a minute. What had been an resolute tower of Amazonian will has crumbled to a shambles of emotional wreckage. Tears are flowing down Wonder Woman’s face even as her mouth drops open in helpless ecstacy. Her body shakes and trembles, her boots knock against the end of the table even as the heavy chains rattle and clang like steeple bells on July 4th. Supergirl releases her mouth from Wonder Woman’s but her fingers continue their undeniable dance of delight.


Despite all her will, all her efforts, all her plans, Wonder Woman cums and cums and cums again. She is a writhing, boiling tangle of shaking breasts, spasming arms, flailing legs and everlasting sensual aftershocks that continue to jerk her body like a rag doll. These helpless paroxysms send drool and sweat flying in all directions, while smearing her strongly scented womanly oils all over the bondage table. Supergirl has finally backed off, waiting for Diana to catch her breath and open her eyes. Finally, after two minutes, she finally does.

“Welcome back,” Supergirl says, smiling in Wonder Woman’s face.

“If you are expecting a ‘thank you’ you will be waiting until your death, my young friend. But you are who you are, and I’m afraid I will have to love you until that very same death.” And Diana smiles warmly at her blonde cohort, knowing she has lost the battle. With a warrior’s honor she carries herself proudly, knowing she did her best against the most impossible of odds. The Vow of Impetus Denego is no match for friendship and the loving fingers of a Kryptonian whose heart is in the right place, even if her brain isn’t. That is for certain.

Kara in the meantime is a bit of an emotional wreck herself. She is crying softly now, her lips against the back of Diana’s hands, her tears wetting the Amazon’s wrists and sliding down the silvery bright manacles.

“I’m so glad you don’t hate me,” Kara whispers.

“I could never,” Diana replies and then gives a long, long sigh.

“Why not let her rest now, Kara,” Tony says, walking up and putting his arm around Supergirl’s shoulders. “She’s been through a lot as have you. We’ll come back tomorrow.”

Reluctantly, Supergirl lets go of Diana’s hand and, stunned into emotional exhaustion, the two women really have no energy to say anything else. No warnings from Diana. No promises from Kara. Simply a wan smile across the room as the blonde heroine is led away by Tony.

And after two minutes, out of the door to the control room walks Sergei Zhukovia, the Russian Bear. He smiles a wide, wolfish grin at his captive who’s face fills with genuine fear for the first time that day. A deep, horrific feeling of doom fills the Amazon’s soul as she looks at the blonde man’s eyes for mercy, knowing it will not be there.

“Welcome back, princess,” he says with cold glee. “Now we can begin again.”

Diana thrusts her chin out in a show of will but she and Sergei both know it’s an empty gesture. From behind his back, Sergei produces the purple ball gag and harness in one hand and a fat clear plastic bag of brown Mexicali Cum Juice in the other. He approaches her with calm deliberation.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:32 pm
by Bronson881
Wow That was great. So Supergirl is completely Tony's instrument to do whatever he wishes. This story is getting better and better.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:01 pm
by DrDominator9
Thanks for your loyal support, Bronson. It's about to take an interesting turn in the next few chapters. Glad you're on board.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:02 pm
by gbanneriii
Nice seeing Supergirl being used to assist in Wonder Woman's humiliating destruction! Will she be using a strap-on to help Tony create a video parting gift for her cousin titled: The REAMING of Superman?

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:17 pm
by DrDominator9
I assure you that Superman will have his own issues of humiliation to deal with before he sees the light of freedom.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:35 pm
by Abductorenmadrid
WW noble to the last, at least something can be relied on unlike SG who seems completely lost. Can anyone bring her back to the light?


Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:37 pm
by DrDominator9
Superman and the Young Ladies

Part 28

It would seem like an easy task to wake up. Just flip up the old eyelids and look out on a new day with a fresh perspective and new hope. But that is not the case for Kal El, for Superman, for Clark Kent or the Man of Steel. Call him by any name you like but for this man, on this day, the simple act of opening his eyes at 7:30 on this early Thursday morning takes a tremendous effort. Eventually, he gathers the minuscule amount of energy at his disposal and forces himself up from the depths of near total exhaustion and finally opens his eyes.

“Whuhhh....” he moans, tired and drawn. And he realizes that, at last, he has been removed from the hellish tub of slime in which he’s spent untold hours. More surprising, making the huge effort to look down, he sees that his costume is completely clean and dry, unwrinkled and fully accounted for, boots, cape and everything.

At last, the hellish, depleting, power-sucking green sludge no longer surrounds him, no longer torments him with the warm, constant draining sensation of unrelenting weakness seeping out from the depth of his being. No longer does the green soupy bath draw off all his will and fill him with frightening despair.

However, even though there is no slime present, he is still powerless and helpless in his captivity. His arms and legs are shackled to the four corners of a surprisingly comfortable bed with bright green kryptonite handcuffs. And while they are nastily sucking away his strength, something more sinister and definitely more depleting is working on him. He doesn’t know if it’s kryptonite rocks distributed within the mattress or a ray of some kind from an unseen source or something stuck to his uniform. What he does know is that he still feels weak and helpless and totally at the mercy of whomever holds the reins of his captivity.

“ anybody....monitoring me.....” he says, his voice coarse from sleep as well as the agonized scream he made from that last savage beating from that frustrated Russian thug, Sergei. Should he ever encounter him with his powers restored, Superman is quite unsure whether he would be able to hold to his code of not intentionally killing anybody. It would be a harsh test of his character, he knows that!

Having received no response to his rasping call for attention, Superman tries again. “ keeping tabs....on the superhero in the bedroom...?”

There is no response and Kal weakly rattles the chains of the handcuffs knowing it is a futile effort. He is too weak to snap dental floss, much less forged steel-link cuffs. He sighs and waits for developments.

Ten minutes later, the dark-haired hero stirs from his exhausted, fitful dozing as he hears someone opening the door. A young bearded man comes in to the room. “...uh...i..know were....dunking me in the slime tub... back at...that warehouse...”

“That’s me. Name’s Stevie, Superman. I’m actually the one who’s kept you alive as long at this. If it weren’t for me, you’d be a green-faced corpse by now!” Stevie walks over to the side of the bed and tests the handcuff chain on the nearest wrist, giving it a quick hard tug.

“Pardon me....if....I don’t” Superman murmurs softly.

“Jokes! Wow, you heroes sure know how to banter,” Stevie smiles as walks around the bed testing the links for the other three sets of cuffs. “They teach a course in that at the Superhero College?”

“...usually a good distract enemies....just before you beat them to a pulp.” Superman suddenly lurches forward, straining at each cuff with all his might, knowing it won’t work but hoping to throw a scare into the young thug. Stevie jumps back as if facing a roaring flame-thrower, his face filled with shock and fear. Superman smiles and settles back down having made a small point.

“Heh, good one, Superman. Got me on that one. Jokes and games. Well, we love jokes and games here. In fact, I’ve got one for you now.” Stevie reaches into the drawer in the night table beside the prone, muscular champion with the famous red and yellow S insignia on his chest. He pulls out a syringe and two tiny bottles. “While the kryptonite is keeping you nice and helpless, we thought you might like a little chemical brew to liven up your morning.”

“What are you giving me, Stevie?” Superman looks directly at the needle and the bottle that Stevie is drawing a clear liquid from.

“That would be telling. Now hold still.”

“And if I don’t,” Superman slides his forearm slowly back and forth within the small amount of slack in the cuffs, just to make Stevie nervous, throw him off his game.

“More games, huh, pal? I don’t remember you being so fun-loving when your sorry ass was soaking in a tub of kryptonite death slime. In fact, I believe I just saw a fascinating video of you actually begging Sergei to release you. You weren’t so cavalier then, were you, stud?”

“I’m feeling slightly better, I suppose.” Superman doesn’t rise to the bait.

“I can take care of that. Carmine, can you give me 7.5 on the control disc.”

“No problem, Stevie,” a voice from an overhead speaker in the corner of the ceiling replies.

“Aaaarrgghhhhhh.....Owww..oww....ohhhhhhh......” Superman’s body spasms badly from the agonizing pain he’s suddenly experiencing. His back arches, his eyes go wide in shock and his hips and buttocks actually rise off the bed before he collapses back, panting and sweating in torment. His eyes flutter weakly under his lids now as all of Superman’s energy is eliminated by some unseen source of deadly kryptonite radiation. Stevie easily grasps the limp hero’s forearm and shoots Superman up with the first bottle’s contents. He fills the same syringe from the second bottle, holding it aloft and ready to give the famous Man of Steel his second shot as the sweating champion lies on the bed groaning between deep rasping breaths. He’s completely lost every ounce of energy from this horrific dosing of kryptonite.

“You want to play some more fun power games or you going to cooperate?” Stevie looks down on the grimacing face of the world’s mightiest man as he is humbled and chagrined.


“Good boy! Carmine, back down to 3.5.”

“3.5, Roger that, Stevie.”

Superman’s sweaty face fills with a flush of relief as the deadly radiation drops down to manageable levels. His head nods up and down slightly on the mattress as he recovers. Stevie waits for two minutes until Superman’s breathing becomes more regular and his eyes focus.

“Back with us, champ,” he asks.

“Yes,” the sullen Man of Steel responds.

“Excellent.” Stevie finds a vein right next to the one he just used and injects Superman with his second drug.

“That will make you feel better real fast, Superman. Thanks for the jokes and games. I had a good time. And now, so will you. You’re in for quite a treat. Consider it a reward for all the hard times you’ve endured. See you later.”

Even as Stevie walks out the door of the bedroom, the heroin from the second bottle kicks in with a jolt.

“’s name...did he.....” Superman’s tongue feels so thick and heavy in his mouth, he can’t even finish his sentence. All his mental sharpness floats away with the tide of powerful drugs filling his system. The mighty champion from Krypton succumbs to an all-encompassing fog of pure, peaceful joy. His head nods weakly and slumps to the left as he is bathed in the warmth of a heroin high from the most pure stock that Tony owns. He gave orders that the Man of Steel be totally fucked up and that has been achieved without a doubt. Superman drools stupidly as every possible defensive capability is overwhelmed by the immensely powerful narcotic. Coupled with the kryptonite restraints and the unrelenting radioactive control disk inundating him with weakness, the red and blue-caped hero bound and drugged on the bed in Tony’s headquarters will be susceptible to whatever the Mob boss has planned.

Only a minute later, the bedroom door opens and two very pretty, very young girls enter giggling. They could be over 16. But it’s not very likely.

“Hello, Superman,” they say in unison. One of the girls is a cute, short Hispanic beauty with full lips, dark short hair framing her face and well-rounded breasts that are tightly wrapped in a high collar black leather top that zips up all the way to the middle of her neck. She has a short red leather skirt and pale black pantyhose over strong, beautiful legs. She kicks off her red sandals and hops up on the bed without a thought and strokes Superman’s face with her soft palm.

“You’re a stud and a half, you cute hero you!” Superman’s eyes aim at her but can barely focus through the drugged fog he is suspended in right now.

“Wow. Look at these amazing abs and pecs,” the second girl squeals, also kicking off her blue pumps and popping onto the bed. She immediately rubs her palm over Superman’s washboard abs. This fresh-faced blonde angel with a thin face, button nose and a wide, bright, amazingly infectious smile is wearing a glimmering blue silk blouse over a black latex skirt that shows off an incredibly shapely figure. While not as large on top as the hispanic girl, the silk and latex hug the blonde’s curves like a Ferrari on a mountain road: sweet, smooth and fast, and no looking back. She, too, is wearing stockings, deep blue that accent smooth, flawless legs.

Gliding her hand up to his wide chest and sweeping it over his famous emblem with a sigh and a smile, the blonde temptress softly whispers in Superman’s ear,“What a huge, powerful hunk of testosterone you are. I can see why they call you the Man of Steel.”

Drugged to the gills, the finest male specimen on earth simply smiles stupidly at the attention of these two gorgeous honeys. And then the blonde removes her hand from Superman’s slowly rising and falling chest and puts it right on his crotch and squeezes the soft package within his red trunks. It doesn’t stay soft long. In fact, running on basic autonomic functions at the moment, Superman’s penis knows more about what to do than his dulled brain. He gets stiff quickly, enlarging to obviously lengthy proportions within the red fabric in a way that raises the eyebrows of both females immediately.

“Oye! Look what you did, Judy,” squeals the Hispanic cutie. “You gave him a hard on!”

Squeezing the full-sized shaft under the tightly-stretched red briefs, the blonde Judy sighs loudly. “Did somebody order this cock to be super-sized? Oh, and was this order to go? Or were we going to eat it here, Yolanda?”

Looking at each other, with their hands all over the doped, motionless stooge on the bed, they squeal together with girlish glee, “Eat it here!”

Together, the two girls grab the waistband of Superman’s bright red briefs and his blue tights and begin pulling and pushing down on them, giggling and laughing about his size and width as they yank with a lusty purpose.

“..nuhh....w..w..wait....duhhnt....d...don’t.....” Trying to fight through the drugs, Superman resists with a grumbling stammer.

“Calmate, Superman,” Yolanda says, “Tony said to give you a good time and that’s what we’re doing. Don’t be a party pooper. Just lie back and let Yolanda and Judy give you the best time ever!” They’ve pulled Superman’s briefs and tights down to mid-thigh now, exposing his long, engorged cock for every camera in the room. Superman’s video will be going national in just a few days! The girls, in the meantime are back to playing with his huge cock. Both of the pretty girls are squeezing it slowly, pulsing their fists all along its remarkable length.

“!....shtop....too young..ahhh.....not....right...ohh.huh...huh.....” Slurring through the heroin, Superman really does try to resist. He’s wasting his time and energy.

“Oh we don’t care,” Judy replies. “What do adults know anyway about having fun. Besides, you can’t tell me all this doesn’t feel good.” Both girls have one hand on his dick, stroking him up and down. Judy’s other hand is cupping his nuts and gently rolling them in her palm. Yolanda’s other hand is sweeping back and forth against his chest, rubbing the massive pectoral muscles on which the famous red and yellow S insignia is stretched. Concentrating now, she holds his prick upright as she coats the top of his cock with warm, slippery spit, then works her warm tongue slowly all around his glans in lazy, luxurious circles.

“OH!...AHH...YES...BUT..NO...OHH!....WHOA....” Inundated with the heroin and the overwhelming, pleasurable attention to his cock, Superman’s eyes blink and flutter helplessly as his back arches on the bed.

“Besides, even Superman deserves to get his cock waxed once in a while,” Judy says as her hand continues to briskly stroke the sliding warm skin of the Man of Steel’s hard throbbing shaft. “I mean, it’s not like a crime or anything?”

“Mmmmmm!” Yolanda agrees between strokes as her mouth moves rapidly and tightly up and down around the top third of Superman’s thirteen inches of rigid male anatomy.

“ a..crime!...” He groans. “”

“You’re so into labels, big guy,” Judy chides. “Just relax and enjoy the feel of your cock being sucked and stroked by two girls who know a great thing when they see it bobbing and throbbing before their eyes.” Her fist continues to move up and down the lower part of the long hard shaft without slowing a bit.

“Besides, I never met a man yet who didn’t get off on this little maneuver,” Yolanda grins and rotates her palm around the tip of Superman’s penis then licks the underside of his member with fast, flicking up and down strokes. She repeats this two-step arousal technique more than ten times to great effect. The male hero groans and twists and pants and sweats in unbridled ecstacy as his body twists and writhes on the bed in helpless pleasure. When she finally stops, Superman’s dark black hair is matted against his forehead, his eyes are drifting lazily in unfocused delight and his breathing is ragged and loud.

“Don’t hog his hog, Yo! Let me have a mouthful of his tube steak before he blasts,” Judy whines. Go kiss his mouth. Touch his soul while I suck the shit out of his dong!”

“Don’t be giving orders to me, Judy. We’re partners in giving this big old lug his ceremonial fuck before he gets his walking papers.” Yolanda, despite her reprimand to the blonde, does proceed to slide her body all the way up to Superman’s face and then plants on the drugged man’s lips a soft, open-mouthed deeply earnest soul kiss.

“..whu..mmff.....mmmmmmm” he starts to resist but the kiss is so soft and the tongue is so swift in entangling his own with such a pleasurable searching delight that he acquiesces to not just the kiss but the entire situation. He gives up the fight against the drugs, the underage girls, the mobsters, everyone. He just swims in the warm pool of the here and now, unable to resist the overwhelming odds against him. The feeling of his cock being powerfully sucked by the tender blonde’s mouth is unbelievably erotic. She is up and down on him with unrelenting strokes of her mouth. She is taking so much of his length in her mouth that he wonders briefly how she can even breathe. Even as she commands his steel rod with unrelenting oral precision, her fingers and palm caress the feathery hairs of his balls and stroke around the base of his cock and the juncture of his thighs to bring his full attention to every sensation in and around his cock. A surge of erotic tension sweeps through his brain as he feels himself about to lose control.

Smothered in a breathless unending soul kiss as Yolanda’s holds his slightly sensitive dislocated jaw and keeps his face gently in place, Superman is completely conquered by the two young Lolitas in training.

“...whullgk ...whullgk ...whullgk ...whullgk ...whullgk ...whullgk...” Judy’s head bobs up and down with piston-like deftness and easily brings Superman to a rushing climax of incredible pleasure.


Superman fills Judy’s mouth with a huge, gushing white rush of cum that she is far too young to control or accept. It sprays out of the sides of her mouth in all directions, splattering all over her blue silk blouse and black latex skirt in fat white clots that resemble nothing less than a map of Micronesia. Yolanda’s red leather skirt has not been spared, her hips having laid across Superman’s upper body, her legs sprawled across the lower half of the bed. The camera even catches the soft curve of Yolanda’s shiny black silk panties peeking out from under the disheveled hem of her red leather skirt.

“Aye, Judy! What the fuck,” Yolanda scowls, “ If you can’t handle his load, why don’t you say something? Look at this mess.”

“Yo. You clue...Oh....raulkkk....” The blonde starts to speak then spits out a sudden thick white rope of cum onto Superman’s thigh. She takes a breath and continues, “He shot more cum than fuckin’ Old Faithful, girlfriend. I don’t think you could do better.”

“Okay,” Yolanda apologies, “I’m sorry, Jude. I just bought this outfit, is all, and now its got super spunk all over it!”

“Well, me, too. We’re talking a gallon of Spray and Wash. Duhhhh!” Both girls break out in giggles and then laughter as Superman floats in an blissfully unaware featherbed of pure sexual ecstacy. A thin line of clear drool slides down his chin as his face looks off into nowhere as his long, hard cock bounces against his naked pelvis once and begins to soften.

“So, that was good, right, big guy?” Yolanda lightly pats Superman’s cheek, trying to draw him back to the world.

“...ghud....” He slurs, smiling with a twisted, goofy, very un-Superman-like grin.

“How long since you got your rocks off, Thunder Fuck,” Judy asks, smearing the cum she spit up all over his thighs and penis. “This looks like a month’s supply of Elmer’s Glue for a daycare center!”


“Well, we’re here to make sure you go home happy, chief,” Judy says. “So right now we’re going to roll you over, give you a nice massage and see where things go from there. But to roll you over we gotta call Mr. Stevie in to help.”

“Yo! Hey, STEVIE,” Yolanda bellows. “He’s ready for Side Two!”

In less than 30 seconds, Stevie reappears complete with his needle. He looks at the drifting, smiling Man of Steel and grins widely. The famous uniform pants and shorts have been pulled down exposing his groin in humiliating fashion.

“Nice size package, Superman. Having a good time?”

“” Superman is starting to come down from his heroin high and regain his awareness.

“Not just yet. The ladies have a little more time left and would like to give you even more pleasure, Superman. You’re quite lucky. These two sweet young things asked for you specifically because they want to be able to say they fucked the Man of Steel himself. By the looks of things, you three are getting along beautifully.”

“Stevie, could you cut the chatter. We don’t want him to lose his buzz,” Yolanda says brusquely.

“Don’t you worry, darling. The stuff in this syringe will keep him buzzed for the rest of your session. Enjoy it, Super Stud. You’ve earned every minute of this gift from Tony.”

“...nuh...dhun’” Superman slurs, pulling weakly on the chains as the girls watch with nervous glances at his straining arms. “..will...overdose....”

“I wouldn’t do that to you, Superman. You’re too valuable to kill. Relax, it’ll be just like before. Only better.” Bending over, Stevie presses Superman’s arm to the mattress and fills a vein with another hit of the purest, most powerful heroin available. Just enough to send the Man of Steel up into another cloud of erotic drug-addled pleasure.

“...ohhh....whaa.....soo.....strong......” His chin drops to his chest and then flops sideways.

“Yie, Stevie. You gave him too much!”

“No, I measured it precisely, Judy. Relax. I’ll unlock the cuffs, you girls roll him over if you can. He’s heavy.”

With a lot of grunting and shoving, the two ladies manage to roll the inert form onto his stomach and Stevie locks Superman into a face down position on the bed.

“Do we need the cape?” Yolanda wants better access to Superman’s body.

“Yeah, we need the cape. Just push it to the side, like this. Stevie gives the cape a hard heave and it flaps over the side of the bed away from the three people standing over the male hero.

“Okay, I guess that’ll work. Judy, you want his top or his bottom?”

“Well, I had his bottom before. You should have the pleasure. I’ll keep his mouth busy.”

“Have a good time, ladies,” Stevie says with a snicker and walks out of the bedroom to go back to the control booth to record the second half of Superman’s rape by the underage girls.

This DVD would add millions to their revenue stream and be no end of humiliation to the famous Man of Steel. Tony would be thrilled when he saw the tape. Right now he was busy working with a crew and a team of Muslim hirees to make a tape of his own about Islamic Extremists to cover the Wonder Woman ambush. The guy sure had his bases covered! Stevie had never enjoyed a job or a boss more. Whistling he heads back to the control room and his work.

“Okay, Supercock, we’re going to start with a slow, full body massage to relax you and get you in the mood for love,” Judy says, bending down and whispering in Superman’s ear. The two girls walk over to the dresser and pull out all sorts of equipment that the face-down drug-dazed hero does not see: hand held motors to make a human hand vibrate at incredible speeds, nipple clamps, a couple of strap-on dildos and candy cocks. A similar line-up as that’s in the bondage table that even now an unconscious Wonder Woman lies on elsewhere in Tony’s headquarters.

The two girls strap one powerful motor each onto the backs of their right hands and start to give Superman a deep massage, Judy is working on Superman’s shoulders, neck and upper back while Yolanda is working on the tall hero’s calves, thighs, glutes and lower back. The two young teen beauties get into their work with all their heart, rubbing up against the powerful champion’s body with theirs, digging their fingers deeply into powerful muscles that have been strained and stressed horribly over the past two days. Superman is blissfully floating along in unencumbered delight at this attention. With the powerful heroin blanketing his emotions with a befuddling, thick syrup of pleasurable well-being, the kryptonite reducing his strength to nothing and the massage working its magic to soothe and relax him, Superman is completely susceptible to all the physical sensations he’s being bombarded with. Especially since the drug he was initially injected with is now irrevocably circulating through his bloodstream. The aphrodisiac from Tony’s friend The Chemist is taking control of Superman’s inclinations. The two young nymphs rubbing their breasts all over his body as they ply his muscles are arousing him to a stiffness that his large even for him.


“Yeah, I’ll bet that feels good, Superman,” Yolanda says, rubbing her tits against the back of his calves as she digs her long fingers into the lower crease of his glutes where they meet his thighs. “You were tense all over, big man.” The motorized fingers stimulate Superman’s ass with a buzzing headiness that makes his ass shiver. “That feels like you’re starting to loosen up, tiger.”

At his head, Judy has her tits surrounding his face as she works his upper back muscles with the motorized device strapped to her hand. Her technique is excellent and his back feels incredibly relaxed now. But the perfume-scented silk-covered breasts wobbling in his face and brushing his cheek are giving him wood like a fresh Sequoia at the lumber yard.

“Ohhh....whuhhh....e..nuff....” he moans. He fears he will cum again under all this sexual tension. And that is precisely the time that Yolanda does a reach around. She slides her hand under Superman’s pelvis and grasps his huge cock and begins to stroke him rapidly. The other hand she places on his ass, her thumb pressed against his anus and the rest of the hand gripping his cheek and vibrating it rapidly with the motorized device strapped on the back of her hand.

“UUHHN!” Superman grunts with stunned satisfaction at this surprising foray into sexual pleasure. Yolanda nods at Judy who backs off from tantalizing him with her heavily-perfumed breasts and kisses him wetly on the mouth. Her skills at oral stimulation apply as well to his mouth as it had to his dick earlier on. She battles his tongue with feints, parries and thrusts that have his eyes rolling back into his head. Between the pair of these two jezebels teasing and stimulating him to a drugged sexual frenzy, Superman is eagerly accepting all sensual pleasures without resistance. In fact, he’s egging them on. In the break between the extreme soulful kisses from Judy, he pants, “More!”

“Okay, tiger,” says Yolanda behind him. I’m going to put my finger into your rectum and stimulate your prostate. Men love it! That okay?”

“...uh..huh....sure....” he moans.

“Great!” Yolanda gently pushes her thumb against his anus but he’s far too tight. “You gotta relax, big fella or there’s no way your riding this pleasure train.”

Superman feels her thumb and wills his glutes and all the muscle groups there to ease up. Slowly, the finger advances and Superman feels a new pleasure he’s never experienced before. As the finger goes deeper, he decides he enjoys it. After a minute, with Yolanda’s finger all the way in, she moves it around slightly and Superman’s excitement is increased significantly.

“’s....nice....” he murmurs, his face once again buried in perfume breasts as Judy clutches his hair tightly and holds his face in the depths of her blouse, filling the Kryptonian’s head with pheremone-laced perfume that works with the aphrodisiac to confuse and overwhelm the Man of Steel with desire for higher and greater sexual satisfaction.

“....muhhhr...more......” he pleads though the valley of silk and sweet-smelling flesh.

“Alrighty, Superman. I’ve got a special wider, smooth probe that I can put on that will stimulate your rear while I stroke you to completion,” Yolanda says. “May I do that?”

“...yes....please....” he answers as she slowly strokes his cock, not wanting him to lose control too soon.

After walking away for just a moment, Yolanda returns behind the Man of Steel and immediately he feels the probe press up against his rear. He can feel it is wider than the finger and slightly smoother.

“It feels warm,” he sighs.

“That’s a special built-in heating element. It’s the latest model. I’m glad you like it. Relax again, Superman, so I can push it in deeper.”

“....kay.....” he mumbles, once more willing his rear to relax. The probe is slowly pushed forward, deeper and deeper. It feels very enjoyable and the Man of Steel smiles as Judy massages his temples in slow circles.

“You’re really relaxing now, Superman. I’m glad. You were so tense before. Isn’t this so much better?” Judy soothingly purrs.

The drugged, overstimulated champion rests his head on the mattress and sighs, “Yesss.”

Looking back toward Yolanda, he sees her pressing her hips against his rear. The probe is all the way in now and she smiles at him broadly. Her hand is beginning to stroke his cock faster now with true intent.

“You having fun, hero?”

“...yuh....feels....great....” he says. Then he feels the probe withdrawing quickly and then deeply pushed in again. And the stroke pace on his cock increases even more.

“Uughnn. Whoa....good....with...that thing....”

“Thanks, Superman. I’ve had a lot of practice.”

Looking more closely at her hips he looks for the strap that holds the probe onto her body. But there is none. None?

Raising his tired neck up, Superman cranes around to look directly at Yolanda’s hips. He sees her pull back and his brain freezes. Yolanda has a dick! His eyes go wide and his mouth drops open in shock. And Yolanda pushes hard back into him and Superman grunts in a horrified blast of sickened breath.

“UUNGGH...OHH....Rao, what the...fuck?” He never swears, but really, what the fuck!

“Carmine. Seven point five, please,” Judy yells as she was taught by Tony to say at this point.

“7.5. Roger!”

“NOOOOO!” Superman screams in anger, horror and shame. And then in pain as the radiation from the kryptonite control disk in his cape opens up wide, bathing him in deadly green radiation that sickens him instantly to the core. His body jerks once, pulling his ass off of Yolanda’s stiff cock and then the mighty hero collapses helplessly on the bed in a sweating, panting nauseated heap of useless muscle and tight fabric.

“...ohhhh....argh.....uhhhhh......stop....the...pain......” he gasps in agony, unable to move, his famous red and blue uniform pants are draped unceremoniously around his thighs, his ass fully exposed, his body defenseless. Yolanda/Roland centers his cock at Superman’s ass and pushes it in without any meaningful resistance from the weak, shackled, totally vulnerable Kryptonian. The grinning, giddy shemale shoves the penis deeply into the Earth’s once greatest champion.


“What’s the matter, Superman,” Yolanda/Roland giggles, “can’t protect your ass from being fucked by a cute little 15-year-old tranny?” She/he withdraws slightly and thrusts hard again. And again. And again, building up a rhythm now as the limp form of Superman takes it up the ass over and over and over.

“OHH....Stopppp......don’!” His face turned around, too weak to move, Superman can’t help but watch himself get reamed by a freak who’s face is filled with ugly lust as she/he pounds away at his rear end, the dick sliding in and out in endless humiliation.

“Hey, Superman, let me see those gorgeous baby blues up front,” Judy barks. She grabs his hair and twists his head around to see her standing right before him. Her black latex skirt has been undone and dropped on the floor and before his eyes, Judy pulls a long, swollen cock out of her lacy blue panties and shoves it in his shocked, gaping mouth.

“Whaullphhh!” Judy/Jude holds Superman’s head tightly by his sweaty black hair and presses the long cock deep into the hero’s throat. “Aackkghh”

Judy eagerly begins to face-fuck the famous Man of Steel. In and out, in and out, sweeping against his cheeks and poking against his larynx, the large penis dominates the Kryptonian’s mouth even as his ass is savaged over and over as well. Far too drained by the wide open control disc to resist at all, the mighty male hero is butt-fucked and face-fucked for a steady two minutes by the laughing two transexuals in a riot of sexual humiliation that Superman will never ever live down. The cameras catch it all, the wobbling ass cheeks, the rolled-back eyes, the twitching helpless arms and legs and the groaning cries of a man’s soul being demolished.

Horrified, Superman suddenly feels Yolanda/Roland’s dick throb large and freeze.

“Yess....yesss.....take that Superman!” She/he ejaculates a thick stream of jism into the hero’s rear end, laughing hysterically as he does. A mere 40 seconds later, aroused by seeing Yolanda/Roland blow his wad, Judy/Jude’s cock can do no less.

“Sweet mother of god.....yesss.....we are there!!” She throws her head back with this yell and shoots a stream of warm, salty spew into Superman’s waiting mouth. It shoots down his throat and pour out the sides of his mouth and even a bit plops out through his nose. The Man of Steel’s eyes go wide and his face gets bright red as he helplessly chokes on the cum and cock filling his mouth. Fighting for his life, his body strains at the manacles at all four limbs but can do nothing. Finally, Judy/Jude yanks her dick out of Superman’s mouth and he gags and retches loudly, spewing white clots and drops and threads of semen all over the mattress under his face.

“....illllggkk....aakk.....hacckkghhh.....ohhh....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh....” Exhausted and defeated by any standard on any planet in the universe, the Man of Steel is a shell of his former self. His head is turned away from Judy/Jude, his irises are unfocused traveling vagabonds under drugged, sheltering lids. There’s nobody home here right now as cum drains out of Superman’s mouth and ass while the two trannies gather up their lost skirts and head on out the bedroom door giggling together like two schoolgirls at recess, their job done at a cool two-hundred g’s a piece. They would have done it for free! The camera closes in on Superman’s face, a blank slate of psychological withdrawal not unlike his cousins mere days ago.

“Now how long is he going to be like this?” Stevie stares at the monitor, wondering.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:29 am
by Bronson881
Can't wait for Superman and Supergirl to see each other. That was good

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:40 pm
by DrDominator9
Domination is the Name of the Game
Part 29-A

The editing room in Tony’s headquarters in Brooklyn is one floor below the jail cell that holds Wonder Woman. The room is dark and soundless with the audio turned off for the moment. Three faces watch the monitors with rapt attention. All three are wincing a bit through their smiles at the scene being played before them: Superman is being raped in the mouth and ass by two underage trannies.

“Tony, “Carmine says, breaking the silence, “you gotta be the sickest fuck on the planet.” He shakes his head as he sees the Man of Steel’s eyes bulge with horror. “Who thinks up shit like this?”

“I’m seeing it but I don’t believe it,” Stevie adds. “I mean, I was in the room with them and I didn’t have a clue they were shemales! I kinda expected them to, you know, give him a drilling in the ass...but with strap-ons, not fucking meat poles of their own! Christ, that sorry bastard won’t be able to look in a mirror for the rest of his life if he has an ounce of self-respect! How does he face the public after we share this with the networks?”

“I’d say that’s his problem, Stevie,” Tony replies. “As long as he stays out of my hair, I don’t give a rat’s ass! The girls, excuse the expression, did a great job, didn’t they?”

Ignoring that remark, Carmine asks,“You don’t think he’ll come back after us once you let him go?”

“I don’t think he will,” Tony says. “He doesn’t know what kind of nasty things we can still throw at him, which I will impress upon him before we let him go. Plus, his ego’s got to be totally fucked up after all he’s been through. Should take him a while to pull his shit together if he ever does. Plus, he’s got one more humiliation to go through before he gets freed.”

“Another one?” Stevie can’t believe it as he watches the face of Yolanda as it beams with utter delight as he/she climaxes inside Superman’s butt. Got to remember to go to a zoom on that and then cut to Superman’s face of horror with the next shot.

“Yeah, Lex Luthor is coming by in two hours for a session with Supergirl and Wonder Woman and Superman.”

“Lex Luthor is going to fuck Superman?” Carmine knows the criminal mastermind was a sick bastard but he didn’t thing he swung that way, even to get revenge on Superman. Of course, he wouldn’t totally put it past him either.

“In a manner of speaking, Carmine, but not the way you’re thinking,” Tony replies. “He explained a little bit about how he wanted to play it and I don’t foresee any problems with it.”

“You think Wonder Woman is ready?” Stevie’s seen what Sergei’s been doing to the Amazon princess and while it was brutally relentless, he wasn’t sure the raven-haired princess was completely broken yet. “And is Supergirl going to go along with this, too? That seems pretty chancy, Ton.” Stevie knows she’s been smoking crack this morning but he’s not sure how she’ll react to a scene with Wonder Woman, Superman and Lex, her cousin’s worst nemesis.

“It could be a bit dicey, but I’ll be there and I’ll be packing,” he brings his gun out from the holster at the small of his back and holds it aloft. “Besides, as I said, Luthor explained what he wanted to do and both girls should cooperate. Not only that, but he’s bringing a little gift for me that can definitely help our business in the long run, big time.”

“Like what?” Carmine, as usual, doesn’t like the way Tony always seems compelled to rock the boat when things are going along at least somewhat smoothly.

“An aphrodisiac,” Tony answers.

“We got the most powerful one around, Tony,” Carmine grumbles. “from The Chemist. Why do you need another one?”

“This one works in less than 30 seconds, Luthor claims and he promised a demonstration. Ours takes 30 minutes or so. Think how many more johns we could get moved through our stable of girls with that kind of motivational push. We could double our prostitution take in less than a year. And that doesn’t include dosing celebrities and politicians and such for blackmail purposes. That would amp up our bank accounts plenty. Times are tough, gentlemen. We have to stay ahead of the curve!”

Stevie and Carmine look at each other and shrug. The man wasn’t wrong, but as always, the risk factor was high. Tony Bonano was like one of those huge Las Vegas slot machines in the lobbies of the casino hotels. Huge payoffs, lots of noise and action and very attention-getting. Carmine knew that Tony was skating on thin ice with the families as it was, and he had yet to hear from Don Lupenzo regarding the families’ reaction to letting Superman go and the terrorist tape he’d made to shift the attention away from the Mob regarding the Wonder Woman ambush. That ought to be breaking anytime.

The tape, made this morning, had then been quickly edited by Stevie and was due to be anonymously delivered to three New York TV stations fifteen minutes ago. Once all the high-powered station executives and network folks fought their turf wars over who got credit for getting it aired versus getting it aired before their rivals, they’d break into regular programming any time now. Another monitor was switched onto one of the local channels just to know when that happened.

“That look on Superman’s face. It reminds me of Supergirl’s after the Minetti’s attack on her. How’s he look now, Stefano?” Tony asks.

“Let me key up his room camera and audio.” Stevie presses a few buttons, twists a knob and Superman’s face pops up on the front editing monitor. The zoom in shows Superman’s face turned sideways on the bed, but the eyes are no longer blankly staring ahead into the distance. Instead, they are filled with confusion now, darting back and forth, with a hint of fear. He even turns his head and looks at the ceiling and lets out a long rushing blow of a sigh. After that there’s the hint of a lip tremble and then a severe gritting of the teeth and a narrowing of the eyes. Finally, a half-hearted yank on the clinking chains as the 3.5 setting on the control disk and the kryptonite handcuffs ensure his continued captivity. Then he sets his jaw and sighs loudly again through tight teeth.

“Looks like pounded shit but he seems normal enough considering the circumstances,” Tony says. “Stevie, I know you’re busy now with the Wonder Woman edits from last night plus the Superman stuff from this morning, but just keep tabs on blue boy in there to make sure he doesn’t go too green on us. When Luthor arrives at 2:00, Superman has to be set up in that bondage chair we used with Supergirl. More secure chains than the zip ties, please, but they don’t have to be Adamantium. The control disk will keep him subdued. Get Pete and Ernesto to help you. Oh, and Luthor wants him set up in the basement away from all the people in the headquarters. Pete and Ernesto are setting up the cameras in the empty storage locker right now, that’s plenty big enough. Make sure you like the angles. You can test them from upstairs in the control room. They’re running the feed up to there. I’ll want you there with the recording equipment, Stevie, during Luthor’s session with the girls. We’ll take Supergirl and Wonder Woman down there in my private elevator so no one sees. Sergei will bring Ms. Prince. Linda and I will come together shortly after.”

“Did Luthor say why he wanted the basement?” Carmine is scowling.

“I suggested the basement. He just demanded privacy. He is on the lam so the fewer people that spot him, the better he likes it. That’s his call since he’s paying us three million bucks for the privilege.”

“Holy shit,” Stevie exclaims, then whistles a long descending note.

“Plus, he’s throwing in the aphrodisiac for free,” Tony adds.

“Tony..... he wants something...else,” Carmine says slowly, thinking. The set up is too sweet for us. He’s got an angle. Knowing how he feels about Superman, my guess is, he wants to kill him. This ain’t good.”

“You don’t think I thought about that, Carmine? Give me some credit. He’ll be searched high and low before he gets a mile from Superman. I’m doing it myself.”

“Shit....mutherfucking..cocksucking...damn-it-to-hell...sonabitch...lord fuck a duck!” Carmine is red in the face now. “You’re gonna give me a fuckin’ stroke, Bonano! I swear to god. Right here, right here,” he points to the floor for affect. “I’m gonna drop like a rock and be a certified dribbling idiot for the rest of my fucking days on earth unable to enjoy a fucking red cent of the millions of dollars you’re going to be bringing in to us.”

“Carmine....” Tony interrupts.

“Shut the fuck up, Tony, and let me have my say. I don’t know if you’re aware of it or, if you are, whether you even care about it, but you are walking a line between life and death right now. Life and death, Tony! And you’re taking Stevie and me along with you on this little walk in case you care about that. Look, Tony, I respect you like a sonofabitch. Truly! I’m proud of you for all you’ve accomplished in the last month and even before this whole Supergirl thing went down, I have to say I admired your talents. You’ve come a long, long way in a short time in a business that usually takes ten times longer and three or four deaths in the ranks to move up like the way you have. You’re a fucking magician and a brilliant tactician and sometimes it seems like there’s nothing you can’t do. But what you can’t do is play it safe. And I’m just afraid it’s going to get us all killed. And then what’s all this good for? I ask you?”

Carmine walks off to the opposite side of the room, taking deep breaths and composing himself as Tony looks at Stevie with a touch of surprise. Then he asks the bearded young protege, “You think he’s right, Stefano? You think I’m playing with fire here.”

“Tony....of course you are,” Stevie says softly. “You always do. You don’t know any other way. And yes, you’re putting our lives on the line. Now Carmine, excuse me for saying it, Carm, but he’s older, he’s paid his dues for a long time now and I’m guessing he probably wants to enjoy the success you’ve brought all of us. Eat out at fancy restaurants. Fuck supermodels. Get courtside seats next to Spike Lee at Knick games. Enjoy all the wealth that your scheming and living on the edge have brought to this crew. Me, I’m younger. I accept the risks to get the rewards, rewards I would never get close to with any other crew, any other profession, hell... any another life! Now I’m not saying I want to be killed which is about 50-50 at the moment I’d say given the risks you’re playing with and the family reaction and all, which Carmine probably knows better than me. But hell, I love this fucking job and the way you’re running this fucking crew and whatever happens, I’m in. Sorry, Carmine.”

“No problem, kid. You spoke your piece. I respect that,” the stocky don nods.

“Carmine,” Tony looks at him with quiet calm. “You want out?”

“I’d prefer you calm things down. Take less risks rather than getting out, if that’s your question,” Carmine says, also calmer now.

“Not sure that’s in my genes, Carm. You said it yourself. So I can’t make promises. If you want your share right up to this moment, it’s yours. No hard feelings. My word on my mother’s grave.”

Carmine gives Tony a long slow look of appraisal. “Tony, I gotta...”

“Hey, it’s on!” Stevie blurts, dialing up the sound on the local station TV.

“Thank you, Jim,” says Heather Wells, a pretty blonde reporter holding a microphone and standing in front of a large embossed logo of the TV station to amp up the prestige and ratings factor. “Moments ago, Channel Four News received a videotape from a terrorist group called Afghan Jihad claiming responsibility for the recent shooting and ambush in Bryant Park against Wonder Woman. Incredibly, this group has indicated that Wonder Woman is not dead and that they are keeping her captive until their demands are met. This is a stunning development in as much as most experts believed that the Amazon Princess had been killed in the attack based on the visual evidence. They also had thought that there might have been a connection to the Mafia when the attack was analyzed based on the methods employed. That theory has been “back-burnered” according to the New York Office of the FBI. The tape, crudely made according to a bureau official...”

“Fuck you, FBI,. I was going for realism,” Stevie barks.

“...includes demands from the leader of the group, Abdul Nafir. The FBI as well as the Office of the Homeland Security state that this terrorist cell has been on their radar for a while but was thought to be inactive...”

“On their radar?” Tony scoffs, adding a loud, “Hmmphh! I just made the fucking cell up this morning! What a pack of lying pricks! They’re trying to make the public feel like they’ve got a handle on things!”

“On the tape we’re about to show you, the leader, Abdul Nafir, is in disguise,” Heather is reporting, “but we’ve increased the audio volume and provided subtitles to help you understand his statement.”

“Wonder Woman represents everything that is wrong with America!” The screen has cut to the tape and a shot of an angry young man with a scorpion tattoo on his arm. He’s wearing an armless black t-shirt, a black eye mask, an obviously fake beard and a fake black wig that looks like bad bowl cut. He is standing in front of a brick wall with no other identifying features. As he talks, subtitles appear to help viewers understand his thick Middle-Eastern accent. “This half-naked brazen whore parades around New York spouting peace while helping the U.S. keep its enemies under its thumb. Where is her peace when U.S. bombs indiscriminately kill Afghan children in an offensive thrust against a people trying to live within religious doctrines of their own? Until the United States withdraws from Afghanistan, Wonder Woman will be considered a prisoner of war. We have bandaged her wounds and are helping her to heal from our attack but she will be disciplined severely until the President agrees to withdraw from our beloved country. If he agrees to that and to pay us five million dollars for her safe return as well, we will release her upon the withdrawal from Afghanistan. We will give you two weeks before our next communication. Afghan Jihad out!”

Before the tape ends, there is a crude cut edit and a picture of a grimacing Wonder Woman is shown. She is lying in shackles on a padded table in her famous uniform under the glare of a harsh spotlight moaning in pain. The tape ends with the lights dimming out and the scene shifts back to the blonde doing her stand-up in front of the station logo again.

“The White House has issued a statement saying they have no intention of withdrawing from Afghanistan at this time and does not negotiate with terrorists. They do, however, ask that the cell adhere to the standards of the Geneva Convention regarding treatment of POWs. We’ll have more about this story during our regular newscast at five o’clock and updates, if necessary, as they occur. I’m Heather Wells for Channel Four News.”

Stevie switches the sound off as the director switches the scene back to the news desk
and the next story.

“Well, that should buy us some time with the families,” Tony says. Then he looks at Carmine. “What do you think, Carm? You still want out?”

“Tony....I don’t know.” The stocky older man looks straight into his protege’s eyes and shrugs. Then puts out his hand to shake Tony’s. “ I will work with you another 24 hours while I think about it. Until then, I’m yours.”

“Well. I can live with that, I guess,” Tony shakes with Carmine. “Why don’t we see how the families react to our little misdirection ploy of Afghan Jihad. Talk to Don Lupenzo and let me know.”

“Sure thing, Ton. Hey, sorry about the blow up, but this thing with Luthor seems like a lot of trouble.”

“You want to be there while we do the security check?”

“Does a duck fart in the water?”

* * *

Supergirl takes a deep hit of the crack pipe as she sits slumped within the deep leather cushions on the couch in her luxury suite in the Pleasure Dome building. It is her second pipe for the morning and Tony had left her with several pellets of crack before he had to leave for business, so she was carefree for the morning at least. The wafting smoke rises before her, covering her face momentarily before it drifts to the ceiling...and all her intelligence with it. A beatific smile spreads across her face and she leans forward and carefully puts the pipe on the coffee table before slumping back into the cushion and letting her eyes wander to the painting of a Paris café on the opposite wall. She gets lost in it for 15 minutes, leisurely daydreaming about her and Diana sipping espresso and rating the handsome Parisian men in their tight trousers as they walk by on the sidewalk.

She was just so thrilled that Diana did not hate her even though she gave away her secret identity. She hoped she would see her again today. Tony said she would. And Tony seemed to be keeping his word about keeping her in crack so why wouldn’t he about that, too? She hadn’t even been required to entertain any of his guests lately. Although he did say that she would be seeing someone special that afternoon. She wondered if Tony would be trying even now to get Diana to work for him the way he had handled her? If he was, he had no idea how strong Diana’s willpower was. She certainly was capable of withstanding the kind of treatment they’d put her through. I wish I was as strong as Diana.

The blonde sighs heavily and then gets lost in a different painting, one of a beautiful Italian landscape on a separate wall. She drifts in another daydream of a gorgeous hunk of an Italian man stopping on that winding road in the picture asking her for directions before they go back to his huge villa to make beautiful, passionate love. Her hand slides into the pink cotton panties under her pink t-shirt and, after just a moment, the fabric begins to darken with her feminine secretions as her forefinger circles her clit and she pants roughly in the silence of her beautiful prison suite, lost in her addiction.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:36 pm
by Bronson881
Very good. I am loving this story. So now they have not only Supergirl but Superman and Wonder Woman as well. As Tony gets more powerful however i can't imagine the other mobsters will be happy and will try and take him down.

As for the Superhero trio, is this their end or will they overcome this?

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:58 pm
by DrDominator9
They may prevail physically, Bronson, but psychologically...? That will take quite some time to recover-- if any of them ever does.

Thank you and thanks one and all for your continued support through this year and years past. Here's wishing everyone at this forum a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016. See you soon.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:39 pm
by Abductorenmadrid
The villains certainly seem to be capable of keeping the reins of power firmly in their grasp. Will it be an error on their part or a moment of determination from the heroes that will upset the current balance of power I wonder!

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:52 pm
by gbanneriii
Tony has shown that he is an expert in psychological manipulation! I wonder though if he has considered some of the more undesirable outcomes of destroying a hero's dignity and self-worth. With nothing to lose and vengeance to gain I would half expect Superman to abandon his 'hero's code' and laser-vision sniper him some mob ass after he's released. Maybe Tony's deal with Luthor involves a process that will render the boy in blue PERMANENTLY powerless!??!

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:59 pm
by Bronson881
That is certainly a possibility gbanneriii...I had not thought about that but you are right. Superman has held back but now he could feel he has nothing to lose.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:01 am
by DrDominator9
That's quite true, guys, and when he does get his powers back, that's certainly something I'll consider.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:07 pm
by DrDominator9
Domination is the Name of the Game
Part 29-B

Wonder Woman looks nothing like the magnificent heroine who has gallantly faced down countless foes with an air of superiority and noble grace. The beauty of her incredible figure so often displayed while standing with her hands on her hips in jaw-thrusting defiance is difficult to imagine right now. She doesn’t even look as bold or courageous as when she withstood the horrific assault in the park. The heroic gesture of her defiantly spitting on the sneaker of the mastermind of the attack even while bleeding out in her bullet-pocked costume on the stone terrace is eons away from the female who she now was.

In fact, now she is nothing more than a tightly trussed, bruised and naked female figure with sweaty black hair plastered to her face. While you could see she has a pretty decent body, it is devoid of energy and completely empty of spirit. Bound securely to a six-foot-high wide round wooden pole, the once stunning beauty is now a waxy-looking, defeated figure with fleshy thighs and naked, drooping tits who is helplessly slouched in limp futility. A shortened, smoothed and polyurethaned oak telephone pole had been installed in the jail cell where Supergirl’s training had taken place. Wonder Woman has been secured halfway up its length.

The pole is securely bolted with steel plates to the ceiling and floor. Elaborate rope work had been used, tying the Amazon’s legs, torso and arms in such a way that she is held rigidly in place with her arms and legs wrapped around the pole so her wrists meet and the soles of her bare feet can touch if she strains to make the effort. Crisscrossed lines of smooth blue nylon rope ingeniously support her body so that there’s no undue strain on her arms or legs. Fleshy mounds of her skin bulge between the tight ropes all along her sagging body. A simple separate winding of rope around the pole and the Amazon princess’ neck keeps Diana’s face pressed against the pole so that her mouth is forced to surround a short, fat plastic dildo that can double as a feeding tube. There’s only an inch or two of slack in this rope. Between her thighs another tube extends deep into her vagina. Curved and shaped in rigid, lifelike rubber, the dildo has a metal collar around the shaft just below the mushroom shaped tip that is capable of carrying an electric current of varying voltages. There’s also a hole in the end of the dildo for lubricants and other liquids to be released.

Currently Wonder Woman is dozing, half-asleep in her bondage, moaning slightly from the tension in her muscles from a hellish night with Sergei the Mad Russian Bear. It is 9:45 in the morning, though she is certainly oblivious to the time herself. His treatment of the red and blue clad champion from the moment Supergirl had left after breaking through the shell of her Vow of Impetus Denego had been, in turns, violent, mocking, angry, bestial and humiliating. The ball gag had been forced into her mouth and strapped to her head as she lay helplessly chained to the bondage table. The Mexicali Cum Juice bag had been suspended from a steel pole attached to the corner of the table beside her and the noxious, debilitating brew of heroin and aphrodisiac had been forced down her throat in gag-inducing, thick, foul, jetting doses every 40 minutes over the last ten hours with only a few breaks.

Every time, before the potent sludge would be released in a thick stream into her mouth, a loud, annoying razzing buzzer would sound to confirm with nasty dominance that the dosing would occur and that there was nothing Wonder Woman could do to prevent it. She almost came to despise the buzzer more than the sickening brown liquorice-tasting cream itself. The Pavlovian effect of the buzzer itself was almost enough to make the mighty heroine gag helplessly. Her throat would constrict in fear, her eyes widen in alarm, her pores empty a sickening moist sweat that stank of despair. And her body would tremble despite her efforts to restrain it. The actual splurging stream always hit her right at the back of the throat, causing her to gag in reflex before she was obligated by the very volume of the thick muck to swallow it to avoid choking to death. Often the excess of the huge dose would spray out of the sides of her mouth and drain down her chin or her cheeks depending on the position in which she was bound.

After every dosing, the mighty heroine had been posed the same question throughout the night by the blonde Russian bastard, “Will you agree to be a whore for Tony Bonano?” The constantly negative head-shaking responses from the drugged but defiant warrior princess were expected by Sergei. So too were his nasty reciprocations by Diana. But it had been getting harder and harder to resist the urge to just give in and relent to the siren call of sweet surrender. She had considered biding her time and looking for a chance to escape while pretending to be a whore as she built up her strength. It wasn’t the worst of plans, but her ego would not bear such a humiliating capitulation to this animal. So she resisted and got weaker and more confused with every hour as the relentless assault by the sagging plastic bag of drugs worked its evil ways upon her system in concert with the humiliations applied by Sergei.

For four hours during the endless night she had been strapped on her back held rigidly in place on the bondage table with no slack, her famous starred panties pulled down to her thighs, her knees secured tightly in stirrups and her long powerful legs spread wide in the air by steel leg rests as a motorized fucking machine stroked away at her exposed vagina with unending stimulation. In combination with the aphrodisiac and the heroin, the helpless Champion of Women had been unable to collect her wits, her will or her energy to prevent her body from responding to the machines.

Defenseless in her bondage, Wonder Woman experienced innumerable thundering, body-thrashing orgasms of unimaginable gasping length. Breathless and hopeless, the mighty champion writhed and strained and sweated and climaxed over and over and over until she had fainted completely. She’d then be slapped awake and posed The Question and, upon refusal had been punched and beaten until she lost consciousness again. Within four hours, this cycle of torment happened six times. Unbeknownst to her, while unconscious, Wonder Woman’s power belt had been strapped around her. This helped her regain her strength and, as a by-product, rapidly healed the gunshot and steel pellet wounds sustained in her attack. Consequently, Sergei was able to repeat the cycle of violence without her slipping into death’s embrace. He was even able to remove the bandages and note that the scars were slowly fading each time the belt was secured around the unconscious woman’s body.

Another three hours of the night were spent shackled to the floor, face down with her ass raised high in the air, still hooked up to the bag of Mexicali Cum Juice. Again, the relentless fucking machine slid back and forth, back and forth at her exposed pussy. A separate battery-powered extra-wide dildo vibrated deeply within her ass at the same time, enhancing the stimulation. The ball gag had remained shooting its mix of brain-dulling heroin and body-sensitizing aphrodisiac down her throat in regular intervals. Reduced to a bewildered, helpless, quivering mass of aroused flesh and feelings, the mighty Amazon warrior had wept, screamed, pleaded through the gag and cried as slobbering, gasping orgasms overtook her time after time after time. Drugged and drooling puddles of saliva, the once indomitable female hero was forced to succumb to body-wracking, ecstatic fits of pure sexual delirium that she did not want but could in no way resist. And again, The Question was posed, “Will you agree to be a whore for Tony Bonano?” With the ball gag slackened and pulled out of her mouth, the thin, whispered voice of the exhausted champion answered simply, “No.” And the beatings commenced again.

For yet another two hours and forty minutes, the defiant Amazon beauty had been suspended from the ceiling in a painful hogtie using smooth, blue nylon rope. Her arms were securely tied behind her back, her legs were bent at the knees and also tied behind her back to arms and, as before, the ball gag with it’s attached plastic bag of drugs hung nearby were there administering the potent solution every 40 minutes in measured drenching jets down her throat. In between dosings, monstrous-sized dildos of immense power were inserted into her vagina and ass and kept at a constant low speed that kept her on the frenzied edge of orgasm without pushing her over. Every time she got close, some sort of biofeedback chip must have kicked in because both dildos would shut down until her breathing returned to acceptable stress levels and then they would start up again. Wonder Woman was angry enough to bite through the rope, the ball gag and the cement block wall by the time that session was over. She had wept deeply and long during that particular session, blubbering like a baby when the dildos shut down every time she was at the precipice of delight.

Now, as Wonder Woman becomes more aware within her doped lethargy, she opens her eyes and sees her terrible predicament. Her arms and legs have been strapped around a pole with her mouth and vagina filled with fat dildos. She moans loudly, her groan blowing around the plastic dong. Slowly, the naked, haggard heroine regains her equilibrium and pieces together her memory. For now there is no blissful heroin-induced cloud of serene pleasure, but merely a thinly-drugged, faltering bewilderment from almost twelve hours of forced heroin use and sexual obliteration.

There had been a fight with Sergei, she blearily recalls. Yes, that’s right. After the fucking machines had driven her to the heights of sexual madness and then soul-draining exhaustion, and after the torture of the non-climaxing hogtie suspension, she had been released from her chains. As she was lying on the bondage table in inert dumbfounded silence, the hated buzzer sounded yet again, she had tensed in horror and disgust and the pump on the bag of Mexicali Cum Juice had jetted its thick foul-tasting load of confusion, crazed bliss and desperate sexual desire down her throat. She’d swallowed this devil’s soup in gagging nausea as some of it slithered down the sides of her mouth onto her neck and then to the table. Sergei then disconnected the feed line to the ball gag from the plastic bag of hellish drugs and dragged Wonder Woman, still in her costume, off the table and dropped her unceremoniously to the floor. As the potent heroin filled her brain and she nodded dully in a heap of tired muscle and smooth satin, her gag was unbuckled, pulled away and tossed in a corner. Sergei had commanded her to get up. To fight! She thinks back to the scene, sickened by her humiliation as the brutal truth of that horrible battle withers her soul.

“Let us see how the powerful Amazon princess handles herself now, eh?” Sergei smiles wolfishly as he circles the crumpled heroine with a dancing, energetic boxing style, feinting and shuffling with gleeful anticipation of the drubbing he is about to unload on his heavily handicapped opponent. How she had taunted him under that hypnotic state she’d put herself in. So dispassionate yet so bitingly nasty in the devastating truths she had uttered with such toneless conviction. But that was all done with now. Now she’d been taught a whole new attitude over the past ten hours by Sergei. He’d loved every minute of it.

Between sessions, he’d gone into the control room where Stevie was handling the camera feeds. Yes, he’d gotten the cries of orgasmic delight on record Stevie had assured him. Certainly there were plenty of closeups of her tears, her stupid expressions of drugged confusion, her sweating desperation and horror with every sound of the buzzer. It was all on digital record. Stevie affirmed with a smile that he’d collected every excruciating moment of this night of endless humiliation for Wonder Woman. And Sergei beamed with delight. He was the one who’d designed the entire sequence, deciding how to apply the psychic and physical pressure to control, to dominate, to subdue and to overwhelm this proud symbol of womanly power. True, she had not agreed to The Question yet. But this fight might turn the tide. And if not, he had plenty of time. Wonder Woman wasn’t going anywhere for at least two weeks according to Tony. He could afford to be patient in his training. But for now he was going to beat the crap out of her, humiliate her completely and force her to fuck him right in her famous costume. For himself, for the cameras, for his cock, he would draw out her misery for as long as he could before handing Wonder Woman her shameful defeat.

“Come on there, princess,” Sergei prods her with his toe. “Get to your feet. I’m giving you a chance for revenge against all the degrading abuse you have suffered this night. Come and get me, Diana.”

“...nuhh....fair....” she mumbles, as she awkwardly disentangles her arms and legs until finally she’s on her hands and knees with her head wobbling low in a heavily drugged stupor.

“I’d say is as fair as someone as powerful as you taking on a lone street thug. What chance would he have had against the mighty Amazon princess in her full-breasted glory, eh? So, now it is you who are the one that is outclassed and too weak to put up a good fight. But let’s see how you do, Wonder Woman, when the tables are turned.”

Lurching forward without warning, Wonder Woman drives her body against Sergei’s legs, using her sluggish weight to knock him off his feet. He falls backward in an ungainly sprawl, his back thumping painfully against the bondage table. This keeps him from falling over completely and gives him back a semblance of balance. Raising his clasped hands over his head, he brings them down in a hammer blow against Wonder Woman’s lower skull with a vicious thud.

“Uuunghhh!” Collapsing on her belly, painfully disoriented and too drugged to think clearly enough to form a suitable response, an incapacitated Wonder Woman feels Sergei yank his legs out of her grasp and walk three steps away in a direction she cannot see. Slowly turning her head toward the sound of his boot heels, the shocked Diana sees, in fact, one of those black boot heels coming straight at her face. Lowering her head just in time, the Amazon warrior takes the shock of the powerful smashing heel directly on her forehead. This yanks her body sideways and sends her head flying backward until it meets the steel base of the bondage table. The nasty clang of metal does the damage you’d expect. Without her magical power belt providing her with superhuman strength, Wonder Woman is badly stunned by the impact with the unyielding metal. Her eyes flutter in semi-consciousness as her body sags against the base of the table, inertly helpless. Sergei reaches down, grabs the heroic icon by the hair and yanks her to her knees. Wobbling in a dazed fog of pain and drugs, her arms limp at her sides, Wonder Woman’s face is tilted up in half-lidded, slack-jawed confusion as Sergei sneers at her effort in contempt.

“Sneaky bitch! That is the best you can do?” He soundly delivers two ringing bitch slaps to her face, one for each cheek. After clutching her hair tightly and turning her head to face forward, Sergei picks up Wonder Woman’s chin with his forefinger and looks at her expression after the bitch slaps to see their effect. Stupidity, shock and desperation. He sees that she is trying to formulate a plan of attack without the mental tools to do it. The heroin forms a unyielding wall between her warrior skills and her muscles. Hauling the mighty female off her knees and onto wobbling, unsteady legs, Sergei pushes her back against the bondage table with the weight of his body and brings his hand up to her bosom.

“Don’t trouble that pretty head of yours about how to be defending yourself, Wonder Woman. You can’t do it so why bother? Just let Sergei squeeze these glorious tits of yours and relax.” His palm holds her breast firmly within the red satin bustier and Wonder Woman’s eyes widen in alarm, registering through the haze, this offensive manhandling. Instinctive reaction makes her bring her knee rapidly to give Sergei a nasty shot to the balls, but he’s way ahead of the sluggish heroine and the half-twist of his hips simply brings her kneecap against his thigh.

A thundering punch to Diana’s solar plexus from the angry Russian blasts all the air out of the young woman’s lungs in a rushing wheeze of hot fetid breath. Pinned to the table, she cannot collapse forward but merely sags backward bending her spine in a twinge of pain.


“Silly cunt. I told you that you couldn’t defend yourself. Do you believe me now?”


“Another one. By all means!” A second massive blow to her belly devastates Wonder Woman’s composure and tears spring to her eyes as she tries to draw a breath. Ten seconds tick off before she has the strength to even inhale and then the wheeze is monstrously loud and rasping. Bent backwards and pinned by the big Russian’s body and brutally deprived of her energy by the two powerful belly blows, Wonder Woman cannot prevent Sergei from pulling down the fabric eagle’s wing at the top of her famous bustier to reveal her wide, beautiful left breast in all its glory. With her arms dangling defenselessly at her sides, panting in desperate heaves for air that is only sluggishly filling her lungs, the feminist heroine has her nipple sucked greedily by the smiling Russian thug. She can do nothing to stop him.

“I am thinking the aphrodisiac should be working its magic in your brain by now, slut. Is this true? Does this sucking excite your sensuous body?”

Too weak to resist, Wonder Woman is also in too much pain for her nipple to provide the pleasure Sergei is hoping for. It does not protrude or extend in excitement in the least, even under several sucking draws and several swiping wet licks at it. All she does is wheeze and moan until finally she feels as though her lungs have enough air.

“No? Nothing? Fine. Then we shall proceed with the fight,” Sergei grins. He backs off and lets Diana bring herself upright. She quickly pulls up the flap of her bustier, covering her exposed breast.

“” Wonder Woman slowly declares, barely believing her own words. Determinedly, she gets herself into a defensive stance, arms up, body turned sideways toward her opponent to lessen her profile against attacks. She stands there on shaky legs waiting for his assault. The heroin still smothers her brain with its foggy elixir of confusion. She feels the snake of fear winding around in her stomach. But she sets her jaw and waits.

Sergei smiles at her. “Well, are you waiting for your monthly flow, female? Attack me!” He, too, assumes a similar defensive stance.

“ defend...instead. Do...your worst...Russian sloth!”

“Oh, I insist. Ladies first. You are the weaker sex, after all, so we have to be making allowances for that,” Sergei mocks her with a nod, a smile and a beckoning wave of his hands. Diana grimaces but does not take the bait.

“ our taste... for cruelty.....You soul... Sergei....You know that I s’ppose.”

“I know I can probably take the mighty Wonder Woman with only one hand. Come at me, vixen. One hand is all I need.” He drops his left arm and lets it dangle at his side, facing her with his right upheld in a fist.

“To please yourself, I’m sure. But not to win a battle with me. Even with your drugs.”

“Prove your mettle, whore. You are to be growing tiresome in your prattle. Or has all that supposed Amazon courage completely eroded away from your long night of weeping, helpless orgasmic humiliation that I so thoughtfully provided?”

“Heeeeyaahhhh!” Foolishly goaded into fury at last, Diana charges at him with an Amazon yell on her lips, vengeful destruction in her eyes and a hard swinging fist aimed at his face. Sergei immediately ducks his head to the right and using his right arm, easily deflects Wonder Woman’s tightly fisted left hand away with a simple blocking maneuver. Exactly as she intended, for her right hand and right knee drive up inside Sergei’s defenses in a fierce blow to his stomach from her fist and his inner thigh from her knee.

Again, unfortunately, the heroin has dulled her reaction time just enough for him to twist away from the crippling damage she had intended for his groin. Nevertheless, her punch had landed cleanly and Sergei collapses to one knee in a wheezing gust of air, stunned and off-balance. Diana is a bit off balance, too, having used a tactic that, while fantastically clever considering her drugged state, required her to shift her weight radically to make it work. She does regain her balance before Sergei, though, and comes at his head with a hard overhand left. Bringing his right arm up quickly over his head, Sergei is able to successfully block this knock-out blow by taking a painful shot to his right forearm. His left hand immediately swings under Diana’s defenses now with an uppercut aimed at her chin. Still a bit weak from the blow to his stomach, Sergei nevertheless connects soundly with this uppercut. Diana’s mouth snaps shut with a shocking click of her bright white teeth. Her eyes lose all focus and the stunned heroine falls back four awkward steps, her fists loosely hanging at her sides, her head lowered in a blurry daze, a thin drip of blood seeping from her mouth and her knees wobbling noticeably. The raven-haired champion is almost out on her feet.

Sergei slowly stands and looks at his badly-disoriented opponent as he straightens up and regains his own composure. This would be too easy. He will let her get her senses back while he taunts her again.

“Well, okay, Diana, it did take two hands for me to be repelling you. I will be giving you that. But you are, after all, a great Amazon warrior,” he says with obvious sarcasm. As he says this, the great Amazon warrior tries to stop drooling and lift up her head. Yea! She succeeds. Now to remember her name. Oh, yeah, the Russian just said it. Diana.

“Let me know when you are ready to fight. I don’t like taking advantage of women,” Sergei says, grinning hugely at his joke. He’d been taking advantage of her all night.

“...f’I...don’t...d’feat you...Shhergei...shomeone....will...i...promishe you.....that....” Diana slurs messily through a sore jaw and a bruised tongue.

“You are so cute when you’re angry and helpless, Wonder Woman. People have told you this before, yes?”

“Bashtard!” Angry again, Wonder Woman rushes at Sergei with both fists flying. When she gets within three feet of him, she stops her fists and goes for his head with a bent-leg, power-style kick strike with all the Amazonian might at her command. Which is just not enough. Once again, the drugs and the beatings and the endless night of strength-sapping torment have left Wonder Woman without the skill, energy or speed to succeed at what her heroin laced brain had conjured up as an effective attack. Sergei grabs Diana’s supple red leather boot around the ankle and simply holds it tightly in place, stopping her attack instantly and completely unbalancing her on one shaky leg.

“Stupid slut,” Sergei says, shaking his head and without warning, punches Wonder Woman hard in the face, driving her head ten inches backward, and then, using the same fist, delivers a stunning punch to Diana’s crotch, his knuckle driving into the cleft of her crotch with a sickening, squashing slap of bone on flesh.

“Oww! Uhhhhnnn.....ohhhhh....” Backing off, Sergei releases the ankle and allows the bulge-eyed beauty to collapse to the floor like a marionette who’s strings have all been cut. She curls into a fetal position with both hands at her crotch, crying in pain and begging for the first time in nine hours.

“Ohhhhh....oww.....don’’t.....” The accumulation of brutality has finally
found its limits in Wonder Woman’s lioness heart. She has to do something different. She can’t fight this monster in her present condition. The heroin’s effect has dissipated somewhat in the violence of this attack and even that works against Wonder Woman since the pain is no longer shielded by the morphine effect of the drug.

“Ah the famous champion is truly beginning to realize she is not going to resist her punishments forever, yes?”

“ more hitting.....” Grasping her crotch and rubbing it to ease the agony, Wonder Woman is beginning to get her breath back, but not her warrior spirit.

Sergei reaches down with his hand and offers it to her, to help her up. Grabbing it weakly with embarrassment at having to need this man’s help, Wonder Woman pulls herself to her knees and ultimately to a tenuously weak standing position.

“So you see how nice and helpful I can be when you cooperate, Diana.”

“...yes...” she murmurs, putting her hand on the bondage table to steady herself.

“Da, I can be this way for you all the time. But not yet, bitch.” His fat fist rockets straight into Wonder Woman’s chest and knocks her back three steps before she bends forward clasping both palms to her breasts in groaning agony. Striding forward without hesitation, Sergei launches a massive uppercut at Wonder Woman’s lowered chin. Unlike the first, this one has his full power behind it. Distracted by the pain in her breast, she never sees it coming. The heavy, rock-hard fist connects with her jaw and the beautiful woman hero flies backward off her feet into the air for three feet before coming down hard on her ass and hitting her head on the hard stone floor in a nasty whiplash.

“....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....” Barely conscious from the huge blow from the fist and the unyielding stone, Wonder Woman is sprawled on the floor on her back with her legs splayed wide open and her panties in disarray from Sergei’s previous punch. You can see the sheen of pink pussy lips revealed by the wrinkled folds of the disheveled blue-starred fabric that only half cover her crotch. The nodding punch-drunk woman has no clue that cameras all over the room are zooming in to capture this disgrace in full color detail.

Sergei himself enjoys the view for a moment before continuing his attack. The world-famous feminist’s pussy is crudely displayed and she’s stupidly, senselessly clueless about it.

“But, in truth, you have been so nasty to me that I find myself having a hard time feeling sorry for you, Wonder Bitch! I probably shouldn’t even bother to tell you your cunt is showing!” He laughs with scorn as the mortified beauty swipes clumsily at her crotch and covers her sex with shaky fingers. Sergei walks up to Wonder Woman and stands over her, his shadow casting darkness and fear across her dazed expression.

“...wha....d’you...whant....?...” she slurs in weary desperation, her senses barely regained.

“I want you to agree to be Tony Bonano’s whore. The same as I have all night.”

Slowly, her lip trembling, Wonder Woman finally asks the question she had refused to contemplate all night. “”

“Do what you are told, whore!” Sergei yells and kicks Diana in the kneecap with a brutally hard swing of his foot, landing a pointed jab right on the top surface of the knee with the toe of his boot. She yelps in pain, rising up from her back and doubling over her knee to hold it in agony while Sergei circles around her.

While she weeps over her knee, Wonder Woman feels her kidney explode in a sheer white curtain of pain. Sergei pulls his boot back from her lower back as the defenseless warrior flops backward in an arching spasm that raises the raven-haired woman’s entire body off the floor for a second before it comes crashing down with a thump. Both hands fly to her lower back and in doing so, leave her front completely unprotected. Without warning, Sergei stomps on her stomach and immediately withdraws his boot and walks a step back. Wonder Woman’s breath once more explodes from her body, her eyes bulge and she goes absolutely fetal, crying loudly, wheezing desperately for oxygen, sniveling with tears and snot running out of her nose and down her chin as she lies there in excruciating pain. She writhes and groans and weeps pitifully for two minutes while Sergei simply stands over her watching her with satisfaction. The Amazon princess’ entire body shakes and trembles as the warrior discovers the acrid taste of her defeat.

“” She acquiesces in a humbled, shaky whisper.

“That’s right, cunt. No more refusals. No more questions. No more resistance. Now you are mine and Tony’s and you will do as you are told. So, are you now a whore for Tony Bonano or not?”


“You are what, you bloated overconfident sow?”

“ Bonano’s whore....”

“Good. At last. Now take off your panties. I am to be fucking you in the ass!”

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:20 am
by Bronson881
So Wonder Woman has been broken. This story is excellent. First Supergirl and now Wonder Woman.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:19 pm
by DrDominator9
In the Realm of Passion

Part 30

“What?” Wonder Woman’s eyes go wide in horror and sickened disgust.

“I told you, I am fucking you in the ass now!” Sergei draws his foot back behind the grimacing beauty, but she does not see this. “There is to be no hesitation, Wonder Cunt!” He kicks her severely in the kidney he had not kicked before. Once again, the mighty Amazon warrior arches her back and cries out in agony, flopping backward on the floor and trying to reach her lower back with both hands. His brutality is as efficient as it is demeaning.

“’” she begs in a sniveling, weeping rush of more clear, dripping snot, more hot tears. She is a degraded, defenseless mess.

“Remove the panties, whore.”

Slowly, in painful movements and in complete disgrace, the beaten Princess Diana suffers one of the most dreadful indignities of her life as she obediently slides her panties off her hips at the demand of her sworn enemy. In a grimace of shame and wincing torment, both physical and psychological, Wonder Woman pulls her panties all the way down her legs and pulls her boots out of them in a breathy gasp of twisting pain from one of her kidneys. With the panties dangling from her fingers, she is about to put them aside when Sergei commands, “No! Give them to me!”

Reluctantly she hands him the famous blue panties with the bright white stars. He puts his face in the crotch of the damp briefs and breathes deeply. “Ahhh....yes. I definitely smell fear in these....and perhaps a touch of urine, you unworthy cunt.” He holds them before her, her face downcast.

“Look at me, Wonder Whore!” She does, bringing her eyes up with trepidation. “These are the symbol of your feminine strength and power and they are now mine, you arrogant bitch! Never forget the shame of it. Your Amazon sisters will not think so loftily of you now, princess, once they see the video of this great disgrace of yours: stripping yourself willingly for your conqueror. No one on earth will think of you the same, Wonder Woman. You have chosen to relinquish your royal underpants to me, slut, rather than die a warrior. Get used to the mocking indignity of it, you pathetic trollop! Now roll over on your stomach, Diana, and put your ass in the air. I am going to take my pleasure from you.” He tosses the panties across a five-foot distance onto the bondage table without even looking.

Wonder Woman painfully rolls onto her stomach, her eyes filling with tears as Stevie zooms in on her crushing emotional collapse. Her lips tremble, her sobs begin to wrack her body and jiggle her heavy breasts dangling beneath her. She told herself she was sacrificing one battle so she could win the war, but this felt more like absolute annihilation than that. That battle of Custer’s Last Stand came to mind. Sure, the American Indians were eventually beaten by the American Army and forced onto reservations, but the Battle of Little Big Horn remains a beacon of failure in the history books for all time. That’s what this felt like to Diana as she bows her head and slowly raises her rear end so it can be violated by Sergei Zhukovia. From behind a camera zooms in to capture Wonder Woman’s pussy and anus in clear detail while from the front her weeping, mortified, flushed-red face is captured for posterity as well. A third camera focuses on Sergei’s rigid cock as he pulls it out of his pants, spits on his hand and coats his dick with a thin bright sheen of saliva. Placing his hands on a trembling Wonder Woman’s hips, the wildly grinning blonde Russian centers his cock on her balloon knot and readies himself for a thrust into the asshole of the Champion of All Women. He has succeeded at dominating this bitch at last!

“So, it appears even a famous Amazon princess will agree to a humiliating assfucking when she’s asked in the appropriate manner. I would have thought you’d put up some real resistance, Diana. Going soft are you?”

“Soft? You raped and brutalized me for TEN HOURS, YOU SON OF A B....UUNGGH!”

Sergei’s steely cock has driven deeply into Wonder Woman’s asshole with a rushing thump. Tears of pain spring to Diana’s eyes as she feels the length and width of his barely lubricated cock violating her anal cavity, filling it with his loathsome hot maleness. I am forever disgraced. To lose like this, to accept this indignity is my everlasting shame. Why did I not fight to my death? The drug...the pain....i....i...don’t know....i...don’t...

“Aaaghhhh!” The mostly dry penis slides back and forth inside her, scraping her inner cavity with horrible pinching tightness. Sergei reaches under her with his arms and palms both her breasts in his two large hands and squeezes.

“I am guessing the beautiful Wonder Woman doesn’t get much anal sex in her work as a superheroine, nyet?” He pulls out halfway and drives his cock forward again even as his palms fondle, maul and rub the breasts beneath the smooth red satin with unencumbered ease.

“Oww.....owww......ohh.....owwww.....” Wonder Woman lowers her forehead against the stone floor and bares her teeth in a rictus of pain from this unspeakable anal violation. And then her bruised knee flares in a bright searing flash of agony as Sergei leans forward and puts his weight on it. “Aiiyyee...ow....ahhh....oww.....ohhh..”

“This is not right, my miserable young temptress. I want this to be pleasurable for you as it is for me,” Sergei whispers in her ear.

“....never...” the raven-haired beauty moans.

“And yet, I know a way. A few tricks, a slight of hand,” Sergei removes one hand off her breast while still squeezing and fondling her with the other. “And suddenly you are to be feeling much better.”

“It won’t happ...EHHNN!” Sergei has stuck a pointed object hard into the back of her quivering thigh.

“Ah, but you see, already, you are wrong, princess. That is a double dose of morphine. It is the type you would find in a medic’s battlefield pack. Very fast-acting, you will discover.”


“And me willing to give you such pleasure. So little gratitude, my pretty young whore.”

Sergei drops the morphine dose packet and slides his hand between Wonder Woman’s thighs, rubbing his palm slowly up the length of her exposed pussy.

“...uh....” The disoriented, drugged feminist heroine’s hips buck slightly in surprised sensitivity, forcing Sergei’s cock back and forth a bit within her ass. “Yaagghh.”

“ still, my soft treasure. Sergei will see to your needs.”


“Of course you will, Diana. You are, after all, only a woman...and therefore weak.”

Taking his hand off her pussy with a slow, sliding withdrawal that has his fingers grazing all along her labia, Sergei then pulls a small squirt container of KY lubricant from his pocket. It is the size of a contact lense fluid bottle. He squeezes out a large puddle on the stone floor and then rubs his fingertips all around the thick little pool.

“Besides, let us not forget the powerful aphrodisiac circulating through your blood, my lovely prize, just waiting for the right stimulation to fully express itself in your libido. Like so...”

His fingers press quickly against her fleshy, rubbery pussy, swiping all along its length with slippery deftness, coating her inner pink labia with delicate, rapid strokes of the warming solution. The dazed female champion hisses in anger at this brash new indignity and, even though heavily drugged with the morphine, begins to struggle against the arm wrapped around her body, trying to shake off the hand that fondles her breast.

Sergei’s hand instantly withdraws from her crotch while the hand around her breast clenches it tightly and the arm restrains her body firmly. “Do not fight or I can make it extremely painful for you, Diana, as you recall.” The tone of Sergei’s voice acts like an ice cube at the back of the tight-jawed heroine’s neck. “And that is not what either of us wants.” Diana forces her body to relax. And before she takes another breath, Sergei’s forefinger, newly coated with more lubricant from the puddle slides deeply into her vagina swiping along its inner walls with wide circling passes that cause the sensitized nerves to twitch with a spike of pleasure and Wonder Woman’s hips to buck and jerk again. The rigid cock in her ass moves back and forth with the motion, still dry but with very little pain under the influence of the morphine.


“Was that a gasp of pleasure I heard, Diana?”

“” she grunts.

“Well, then, why do we not explore those hair-trigger Amazon reflexes of yours.” His fingers pull out of her vagina for a moment then return, pushing up to the apex of her loins where her clitoris hides within its hood. Two thickly-coated lubricated fingers delve deep, find the pink soft nub and press and slide against the rubbery button with gentle tickling movements. Diana gasps noticeably now.

“Ah! We have a definite reflex there, eh, cutie?” With his thumb and forefinger, Sergei rubs the pink nob back and forth between his fingers rapidly. The warmth of the lubricant, the absence of pain thanks to the morphine, the deft motion of Sergei’s fingers and the potent circulating aphrodisiac combine like a car ignition within Diana’s body. A hot blooming rush of sensation from clitoris charges through her nervous system all the way to Wonder Woman’s brain. She jerks her head back with a jolt and a panting gasp at the sudden irresistible pleasure

“” the confused beauty whispers with raspy coarseness.

“Well, Hera is not here but I will gladly help you find your deepest pleasures.” His fingers play slowly around Wonder Woman’s love nub with gentle circling passes.

“...ohhh....don’t....” she gasps with a feathery plea.

“But you seem to be enjoying it so, sweet Diana.” His fingertips at her breast pull and stretch at her nipple now and the aphrodisiac comes into full effect within the befuddled heroine.

“...uuuhhh!” The nipple responds with a rapid hardening as it extends against the tickling tips of Sergei’s fingers. So, too, does Diana’s clitoris which the Russian mobster is now playing like an instrument. The ingenious fingers stroke, circle, tickle and caress in slow teasing rhythms, in quick slippery rubbings, and in relentless twiddling pleasure that finally creates a seeping flow of Diana’s own lubrication. The erotic sensations flooding her body and mind release fluids that inundate her pussy and even coat the anal passage in which Sergei’s warm hard prick continues to thrust.

“Ohhh...ahhhhh....” The cock jumps deeply into her and retreats. “...huhhhh...”

“So, the lubricant works nicely, nyet? I did not use it on my penis, you see, because I wanted you to feel the shame of my cock fucking your ass with all its heat and heartbreak. But now that we are more familiar, Wonder Woman, I want you to enjoy all the sensations a slut such as yourself will no doubt enjoy.” Sergei’s fingers dally against her clit, slowly circling it as he begins a rhythmic pumping of his hips, driving his prick deeply in and out between the wobbling cheeks of the helpless heroine.

“...aahhh....huhhh....ohhhh....don’t....ohhhh...” Diana’s face is pressed against the cold stone as Sergei’s body dominates her completely, rubbing against her naked upper back with his black silk shirt, squeezing and rubbing her breast in slow circles, tickling her clit with his relentless fingers and whispering behind her with gloating satisfaction.

“Are you so surprised you are to be feeling such great pleasure, Wonder Whore? Why should you be? This is what a woman’s body is meant for. To feel the thrill of your sex while you give a man his pleasure in any way he chooses. Is this not so?” He pushes into her with a particularly harsh thrust to drive home his point in every way.

“” a frustrated Wonder Woman grunts in reply.

“No? But of course, yes, you mean. Look at the facts, Diana. Obviously the gods have made women to be merely vessels for a man’s pleasure. You are the bearers of such receptive warm, fleshy caverns designed to accommodate a man’s thrusting rod. Like so!”

With malicious joy, Sergei lifts up Diana’s upper body and holds her in place, up straight on her knees. And he begins to pump his hips with abandon now while he plays with the limp woman’s clit and tickles her nipples. In and out, in and out, the driving cock plows the recesses of the famous champion’s ass. The delirious Amazon, inundated with sensations too powerful to resist, gasps in full-throated excitement. Again and again the hard, pulsing shaft fills Diana’s butt even as the lubricated fingers stroke and excite her clit to impossible levels of sensitivity. With her body now held upright against Sergei’s chest, the drugged beauty’s body jerks and shakes, her arms flopping here and there as the aphrodisiac fulfills it function in concert with Sergei’s unending stimulation of all her most sensitive places.

“” Diana is completely lost in a fog of morphine and absolute sexual delight as the rigid pole and constant fingers destroy her will.

“You will cum now for Sergei, yes?” He holds his captive tightly and gives her several more driving thrusts of his long warm prick and intensely rapid fingering of her clit to finish her off.


Helpless to stop her blinding overwhelming orgasm, the eyes of the mighty raven-haired beauty roll back under her eyelids, her body freezes in place, her knees splay wide open, her heart goes a mile a minute. Wonder Woman cums despite herself. A rushing flood of sexual bliss drains out from her loins, trickling thickly down her thighs and dripping onto the stone floor where Supergirl, too, had lost her battle against these unrelenting demons in their hellish lair. The unblinking cameras have recorded the impossible vision of Wonder Woman’s overflowing pleasure at her anal rape.

“I would think you mean ‘Yes,’ Wonder Slut!”

Held in place by Sergei’s bearish grip, Diana moans in limp, drooling delight. Completely bested by the drugs, the endless night of sexual domination and Sergei’s unlimited lust for revenge, Wonder Woman sags in her conqueror’s arms, her ass impaled on his large, unyielding and unmoving cock, drained of her power and her spirit. Sexually humiliated. A very lost soul.

And it gets even worse. Still unfulfilled in his own needs, Sergei takes his hand off Wonder Woman’s KY-stained silky red bustier and suddenly yanks down on the golden fabric eagle shielding her chest. This immediately frees the ample breasts to wobble in the open air.

“...uhhhhhhhh....” the satiated Champion of All Women merely moans in bleary bliss as Sergei palms her naked breasts and begins to squeeze and fondle them slowly as his cock starts to move up and down once more within her ass.

“So, now for the man’s pleasure. You should be grateful that I am so thoughtful to allow you your pleasure first, whore.” Sergei’s hand withdraws from her damp, warm pussy and the wet palm comes up and smears the heroine’s own juices all over her breasts in wide slippery passes of his groping, unrestrained hand.

“” breathes Diana as the sensations of his mauling hands begin to heat up her passions again. Her nipples, already hard, extend slightly more as her body is encompassed by Sergei’s powerful arms and caressed by his smooth, constantly moving hands.

“More is what I demand, so more is what you give and get, Wonder Woman.” Reaching down to get a final swipe of lubricant from the now slippery spot on the floor where the puddle had been, Sergei rubs his thumb and forefinger together to disperse the slippery gel evenly and then puts his hand against Diana’s pussy and fingers her clit with the slippery digits once again.

“AAHH!” She gasps loudly, helplessly thrilled. The sensations from her body build quickly again, aroused by the caressing hands and enveloping arms, besotted by the powerful all-encompassing aphrodisiac at full strength. These delightful sensations are now multiplied ten-fold by Sergei’s invasive, practiced fingers moving over the highly-sensitized surface of the most sensitive spot in Diana’s body. “OHHH!”

“More pleasure, more stroking, more tickling your hot, desperate cunt. More full thrusting cock in your wide, yielding ass. This is what you get, what you deserve, what you so obviously want, what you so clearly must have, Wonder Woman.”


“Nothing more than what you always were. A sloppy, breathless slut who cannot fight her true nature.” He thrusts his cock up into her rear and withdraws. She yelps in delight as he now enfolds his arm around her chest and holds her sagging, weary body against his own.

“...cannot deny the pleasure she craves...” He thrusts and withdraws coupled with rapid clit rubbing. Diana arches her back with a long moaning sound of absolute joy. Sergei is panting hard himself now.

“...cannot refuse her feminine need for a man’s cock to complete her...” He breathes harshly in her ear. Another thrust matched with a breathy gasping cry of pleasure from the flush-faced heroine.

“...a man’s cock to make her whole...” Yet more panting from Sergei with his thrusting and retreating and rapid clit teasing. Writhing helplessly in Sergei’s hold, Diana feels herself losing all control again. The rushing wave of sexual ecstacy sweeps toward her dull, unfocused eyes, her gaping, orgasmic face.

“...a man’s cock to fill her hole...with his seed. Nyet?” Sergei freezes, gasping out his last words. Diana and he cum simultaneously, a mutual frozen statue of orgasmic passion. Both faces strain with unbelievable joy as both bodies express their ecstacy in a rushing gush of slippery cum between them. Sergei’s semen shoots high up into Wonder Woman’s ass, flooding against her anal walls with sizzling liquid heat that stimulates the Amazon beauty even more. The warm stream of her own cum rushes over and around Sergei’s hot stiffness, runs out of her vagina and slides down her legs in a heavy trickle of glistening pleasure that coalesces into a puddle between both of their knees.

“.....ohhhhh....” she moans in joyous, helpless delight.

“....uuhhhnnnn...” he moans in joyous, helpless delight.

Together the two people sway slowly in their gasping, heaving aftermath of their sexual union. Savoring the glow. Diana despite all her being, all she is and all she represents, sighs in delirious pleasure. Sergei just sighs like the satiated animal he is: triumphant and completed.

After a minute of this frenzied lust, Diana and Sergei both relax onto all fours and Sergei finally softens. He pulls his cock out of Wonder Woman’s butt and puts himself away into his underpants and zips up his black dress pants. Diana’s head hangs low from her shoulders as she faces away from her Russian vanquisher. She slowly begins to regain her senses. She moans weakly and then coughs. From her anus plops out a thick white dollop of cum that splurts to the floor right between the calves of her shiny red boots. Multiple cameras quickly zoom in on her rear end as a fat, slow, lumpy flow of white semen oozes out from between the dazed and weakly wobbling heroine’s buttocks. Sergei admires the view from behind. He had fucked this Amazon princess up royally! The supposedly undefeatable Wonder Woman had his very own cum draining out of her ample, naked ass! What’s more, he had even made her climax when he shot it into her! She has learned to fear and respect me now!

“Take off the rest of your costume, Wonder Woman,” the blonde Russian barks. “You do not deserve to wear it any more...unless I grant you permission.”

Silently, her eyes filled with despair, Diana reaches behind her and undoes the clasps of the bustier top and pulls it down and away from her torso. As she lays it on the floor the movement of her body causes more thick cum to dribble out of her ass. Another cough issues from the torpid Diana and a sudden heavy stream of the clotted semen flushes out of Wonder Woman’s rectum into a tiny thick puddle between her knees.

“Are you done expelling my seed, Wonder Woman?” Sergei mocks her with a sneer.

“What?...i...don’t...” Looking down, the dazed heroine sees the glop on the floor and realizes what’s happened. Too drugged and numb to have felt it oozing out of her, she sees with horror the shame of her absolute debasement puddled like an accusatory finger beneath her.

“Ohh...Hera...No....i...oh....god....i...i...c..c..can’t...take this.....” Tears fill her eyes and Wonder Woman turns her hips under her and sits on the stone floor with her knees between her encircling arms and her weeping face buried there as well. All she has on are her boots.

“Shut up and stop sniveling, you pathetic whore!” Sergei barks again. “Remove the boots.”

Slowly, the mortified champion slides off her bright leather boots and sets them off to the side, whimpering with short little gasps, though trying not to.

“Climb onto the table, whore, face down and spread your legs and arms out.” Bowed and absolutely defeated, Wonder Woman does as she is commanded without delay. Sergei walks around the four sides of the table, clicking shut the bright steel cuffs around her wrists and ankles.

“Good,” Sergei says after she’s fully shackled to the table. “I will be giving you a sleeping potion, although I doubt if you need one, since you’re so exhausted. But I want to get you ready for our next training session. It will be your final one before becoming a full-fledged whore for Tony Bonano. I will be your pimp, Wonder Whore. It’s a pleasure to be working with you! Behave and I can be most pleasant. Disobey and it will be my sincere pleasure to fuck you up!”

* * *

So now, having woken up this morning to find herself totally naked and her legs and arms wrapped around this pole while two of her three major orifices are stuffed with dildos, Wonder Woman had relived her memory of the previous evening’s horror show and come up with her present mood of black despair and overwhelming anxiety regarding whatever further humiliation Sergei had planned for her.

Ultimately, Wonder Woman realizes she has to take hold of herself if there’s to be any hope whatsoever, of which she doubts. Nevertheless, she proceeds to settle her heart rate down from near attack levels to merely frightened enough to piss herself. That achieved, she next works on trying to slow her breathing. Next she will attempt to calm her nerves and, if possible to delve inside and try to discover the smallest sliver of courage somewhere within the shambled ruins of her soul.

Upstairs, Superman is trying to settle his heart down, too, from the unimaginable sexual humiliation he had just undergone. Finding his courage was down his list of objectives for the moment.

Across town, Supergirl’s heart is beating like a drum as she cums with her hand in her panties for the third time in her drug-besotted fantasy of the Italian landowner in his fantastic villa...with his gallon of olive oil and his leather harness hanging from the ceiling in which she is suspended while looking out the lovely arched window at the exquisite view of the lovely Tuscan countryside while she is eaten out by a man with a very talented tongue.

* * *

When 10:15 rolls around that morning, Diana is as calm as she can be under the circumstances. At the moment she looks and feels as much like a super heroine as some housewife in curlers pushing a cart down an aisle at WalMart. Her phenomenal Amazon strength has been totally stripped away; she’s had about two hours of sleep over the past 24 hours; she’s so weak and humiliated and beaten and sexually compromised and humbled that she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to look her Amazon sisters in the eyes; and to top it all off, she’s completely naked and trussed up like a Christmas turkey complete with a thick dildo stuffing! That about covers it! Oh, yeah, and I’ve agreed to be a whore!

When Sergei walks in to the jail cell at that moment, his threats might as well be kisses for all the reaction he will get out of the dull-eyed, pasty-faced, sweating raven-haired wreck of a female tied to the pole before him. She looks like a pathetic drug-dazed reject from a bad porn movie. Whether he suspects his threats will be pointless or he’s just going with his own pre-planned schedule, seems irrelevant. Either way, the buzzer sounds before Sergei even says a word. The buzzer! Diana’s eyes widen in Pavlovian fear and every muscle in her body tenses as she waits for the nasty Mexicali Cum Juice to be released into her widened, dildo-filled mouth. She had thought she was done with this shit! He’s overwhelmed all her calming procedures, all her mental preparation, all her crude, patch-worked courage in less than one second. And he knows it! Her whole body trembles like a mouse cornered by a very large cat.

“Well, Ms. Prince, how are we doing this morning?” Sergei walks up behind the tightly bound champion and palms the sides of her naked tits, the fronts being too tightly compressed against the pole to get to. She quivers at his touch, her eyes in full panic mode waiting for the brew to be shot down her throat. After a moment when it doesn’t happen and she feels nothing but Sergie’s tickling fingertips along her compressed boobs, she shifts her eyes to him in confusion.

“What? Oh, the drug sludge? You were to be expecting a dose of it down your throat? Ah, yes. I can see why you’d think that would happen,” Sergei says with a smile. “Well, I don’t want to be too, predictable, my pet.”

Diana’s body relaxes, the shoulder and facial muscles soften and she doesn’t look twice her age anymore, just one and a half times older. Her once radiant skin, her lustrous hair, her vibrant blue eyes, the regal bearing: all those unforgettable traits of anyone who met Wonder Woman were nowhere to be seen. Her lackluster pallor, her stringy, flyaway dull black hair and her vacant flat blue irises filled with fear and submission testified to a heroine who’d had her heroic inner core knocked out of her like a punch press knocking out holes in dull sheet metal. Wonder Woman did not exist in this face or this body at the moment. And the Ms. Prince who remained looked very much the worse for wear. Sergei wasn’t even sure he wanted to fuck this sorry excuse for a woman. Maybe if he got her angry, she’d show some fire that would be worth putting his cock into.

“It’s a shame you don’t have that emotionless shell to protect you anymore, Diana. But I guess your friend Supergirl took care of that. Maybe you can return the favor someday. I’d love to be seeing you munch Super carpet. I’m sure you Amazon lezzies love to work the pussy, yes?”


“What I want? I want to fuck you but you’re so pathetic I am not sure I can be getting it up for you, my haggard fleshy bound up carp!” Sergei walks around the pole, surveying her body. “Maybe if I rubbed against this ass I could get excited, but the butt, it is looking like a container of old cottage cheese so I don’t think this will be happening.”


“Prick? You’re begging for prick already?” Sergei smiles. “Well, if you insist.” He pushes a button on a remote he pulls from his pocket and the metal collar around the rubber dildo inside Diana’s vagina begins to send out pulsing slow vibrations that raise her eyebrows in shock. It was a pleasant feeling that makes her neck crick with a noticeable ease of tension.

“Oh, and that is just one of the many functions this special dildo is to be having, my dear. Here’s another,” he announces as he pushes a second button. The entire dildo begins to vibrate now within her loins and Diana’s eyes shift over to Sergei’s face with resignation.

“Yes, I know. You’ve been through so much sexual torment, why would I make you live through even more?” Her expression seems to indicate, “yeah, why?” although her face is contorted around the feeding dildo stuck in her mouth so it’s hard to be sure.

“Well, this is your send-off training session, just to reinforce everything that went down last night and early this morning. You are our property and will do what we say whenever we say it and whatever it requires you to do. I have had this talk with your friend Linda and she is completely on board with this. If you agree that you are on board as well then give me a thumbs up with your right thumb.” Sergei looks at her thumb closely and slowly it rises in the air in agreement to the terms. “Excellent, so the training session is not necessary, I suppose.”

Diana’s body, warm with the dildo vibrating inside her and the pulsing harmonic wave from the metal ring sending her pleasurable humming sensations through her pelvis couldn’t agree more. She waits for him to press the button on the remote, her eyes shifting down to watch. He pushes a button. But it’s a different one than he’d pushed before. She doesn’t know that. All she knows is that a sudden hard jetting stream of Mexicali Cum Juice is spearing against the back of her throat making her gag horribly.

“Whhruuulgggkkkk!.....haulgkkkkk.....aaakkkk....akkkkk...” The depth of the dildo in her mouth is much farther back than the ball gag ever was and the champion in heavy bondage has absolutely no chance to swallow all of this huge dose in one swallow. It sprays out of the sides of her mouth in a sudden brown mist that coats the pole before her, her wide tightly roped white thighs and a cone of spatter trail on the floor around her. Nearly choking to death, she manages to swallow a second gulp of the stuff to prevent her own asphyxiation. And the dreaded heroin kicks in right after that.

“...Ullhhhhh...uhhhggkk.....uuuuuurrgghhhh...” Diana’s head nods forward slightly and her body goes slack within the bright blue nylon ropes.

“Don’t want to be too predictable but do want you to fully appreciate your condition, Ms. Prince. You are ours until we say so. Now, let’s see how much fun we can be having with these toys.” He turns a tiny knob on the remote and the vibrator begins to hum louder and shake more. Diana’s hips squirm in pleasure at this. Sergei takes a second remote out of his other pocket and pushes a button on that one. The dildo in the once mighty Amazon’s mouth begins to pulse from a bladder hidden beneath the plastic surface. This expands the semi-rigid plastic just enough to provide a pleasing oral stimulation to the drugged Diana’s mouth. With the push of another button, the dildo releases a thick mouthful of cherry-flavored syrup. In fact it continues to flow slowly into her mouth until a confused, heroin-addled Diana is forced to swallow a full measure of this intoxicating, sweet nectar.

“If you suck on the dildo, it will slow down the release of the syrup, my dear. I suggest you do that. Don’t want to choke or get fat, do you?” Diana is much too loopy from the initial bliss of the heroin high to comprehend the instructions. She almost chokes again before swallowing a huge mouthful of the syrup. Sergei sees this and shakes his head and says loudly to the famous heroine woman who’s gone simple on him, “Suck on it, Diana! Every few seconds! Suck on the dildo!”

After a moment of deep thought by the stupefied heroine, she does suck on the dildo and indeed the syrup flow drops considerably. With practice over 30 seconds time, she gets it into her brain that she has to suck once every five or six seconds to keep her mouth free of excess cherry gloop. So she does this and the oral stimulation is most gratifying to the pleasure centers in her brain, just as Tony’s friend, The Chemist, had designed. The cherry syrup itself was a simple concoction of corn starch, water, milk, cherry flavoring, red dye and 190 proof rum. By the end of this session, the once famous Champion of All Women would be nothing less than a drugged up, drunken, sex-crazed, floozy.

As the vibrator steadily hums away inside Diana’s pussy, Sergei walks behind her and, unseen by the steadily sucking, ever-so-slowly aroused heroine, pulls open a drawer in the bondage table. From inside it, he pulls out a string of five jellied anal beads the size of ping pong balls. Walking back over to the woman engrossed in her new toys, the blonde Russian thug pats the befuddled Diana on her rump, saying, “I’m going to provide you with a new and unique pleasure, my young whore-in-training. They are called anal beads. They are inserted into your ass, as many as you, or, more to the point, I desire. At the time of climax, I pull them out and you experience the pleasure. This is what I do for you. And, if I am to be inside your vagina at the time which I expect, together we will be feeling very much pleasure I am thinking.”

Within the slight slack of her neck rope, Diana’s head is swaying slightly now as the rum syrup begins to work in tandem with the heroin. Likewise, her hips are wriggling and rotating as the vibrators slow steady motion works with the electrical collar around its tip to build Diana’s sexual appetite higher and higher. It will be a while before the aphrodisiac kicks in, but Sergei’s not sure he’ll need it on this one anyway.

“...uhhhhmmmm....whuhh.....ohhhhh...” The moaning heroine strains helplessly against the ropes as her passions build and she can do nothing to slow or stop them. And suddenly, behind her, Sergei is pulling her buttocks apart and smearing her anus with a cool gel. That felt good! But then he starts pushing one of those beady things into her rear.

“...emmmffff....” she protests. It’s a bit large but then it pops into her rear and doesn’t bother her anymore. She takes a breath and reminds herself to suck on the dildo. There’s so much going on and she’s having trouble concentrating with all the sensations pulsing and shaking and pressing within her. And then another beady thing is being pushed into her butt!

“...eennhhhh!....eennhhhh!” This was too much! She twists and strains in feeble anger and then, without warning, the metal collar on the tip of the dildo buried in her snatch jolts her with a sudden harsh shock of painful current.

“EEEENNFFFF!” Her entire figure spasms within the tight, unforgiving blue nylon ropes. And she pants roughly around the edge of the mouth dildo until her mouth fills with cherry syrup and she is forced to swallow an unusually large amount of the thick sweet potion.

“Calm down about the beads, Diana,” Sergei warns. “There are only three more and we’re done. Now we have to start the pleasure cycle over again.” Pushing several buttons, he resets the dildo within her crotch. There’s a sudden spray of lubricant from the dildo and that immediately soothes her sore pussy. And then the vibrator begins to hum at a new level that is a steadier more insistent vibration, less shaking movement but more power somehow. It thrums inside her and feels very good after that shock. And the metal coil is reset as well and this too is more powerful somehow.

“Mmmmhh,” Diana moans in delight at these powerful new settings that take a bit of her breath away. She has to remind herself to suck on the dildo again and does. And then it, too, starts to expand a little wider within her mouth, filling it more but not releasing any more syrup than before. It too is more pleasurable and Diana feels a bit woozy from all of this action.

Before she barely realizes it, in fact, a third anal bead is pushed against her anus and pops inside her poop shoot without any fuss. The fourth one goes only a little less easily, but with her body beginning to shimmy with excitement from both dildos working on her, she doesn’t even grunt.

Sergei is rubbing her lower back in slow massaging circles now, and that actually relieves some pressure from the anal beads and some tension from the nasty kidney shots he’d given her during the previous training session. She exhales with a rush of relaxation from his smooth hard pressure massage and, he whispers in her ear, “Just one more bead, Diana.”

The Russian pushes the last one in the string against her anus and she arches her back as much as possible within the ropes. There’s definite pressure there and she can feel the beads forced higher up into her cavity before the last one finally is accepted inside the tight alleyway within her buttocks. She feels her rectum close over the final ball and can feel the pressure against her anus to expel it. Sergei’s final quick massage of her lower back seems to make room somehow and the beads move around slightly and settle within her without undue pressure to be expelled. Diana lets out a blowing blast of air and a spray of red syrup mates with the thick brown sludge she’s sprayed out before, on the pole, her thighs and the floor. That was disgusting. But the pump in the mouth dildo continues and she begins to suck again on the wide, pleasing shape filling her mouth.

Within her loins, the vibrator has reached a level that has Diana panting between sucks. Her heart rate is elevated and she is woozier than ever. She feels like she’s drunk. The blissful high from the heroin has dissipated but the heady wonderfulness of her body feeding her all these incredible sensations is beginning to make her sweat. Naked in the ropes, with a room temperature that’s comfortable, Diana feels the coolness of her sweat as it dries in the air. Everything feels good to her suddenly, her mouth is filled with cock and candy syrup, her vagina is quivering with the effects of the powerful vibrator and the metal collar is buzzing in a way that makes her clit hum with pleasure. It all makes her lose control. Her feet shake and tremble, her hands flop back and forth and her eyes flutter in a mini-shudder of what is a minor orgasm. Sweet smelling cum drains from between Diana’s legs and slides down the pole.

“Ahh, you have reached a small peak of pleasure I see, my dear. Excellent. Now I will be putting my cock into you, whore,” Sergei walks around to the front of the wide pole where Diana’s feet come together, nearly touching. “I just have to loosen two leg ropes to give us a little more slack so I can enter you easily.”

The Amazon heroine is too dazed by the drugs, the rum and the stimulation to resist. And far too cowed by the threat of Sergei’s displeasure to even complain at this point. She feels her leg ropes loosen as Sergei pulls on a slip knot on the opposite side of the pole and the strain of the vibrator inside her loins as the angle shifts lower actually causes a bit of discomfort.

“..eemfff...” she whimpers in surprise before sucking again on the dildo. Sergei moves quickly to the base of the vibrator and twists a tiny knob that releases the device from the pole. Sliding it slowly out of the Amazon’s vagina, Sergei walks over to the bondage table and puts it in the drawer that the anal beads came out of.

Diana is actually quite sorry to feel the loss of the wide, pleasant tool from within her warm, eager pussy. She is very worked up. So when Sergei returns and pulls her rear toward him, she is not displeased or resentful or shamed to have the warmth and length of his hard cock slide deeply inside her vagina.

Subdued by drugs, overwhelmed by pleasure, inebriated to three times the normal alcohol consumption by the potent rum, and battered into submission by a unyielding regimen of brutality and unrelenting sex, Wonder Woman has been converted into a sex-hungry slut by Sergei Zhukovia over the shocking course of one evening! If you don’t count the time of her Vow of Impetus Denego, Sergei has beaten Tony Bonano’s record with Supergirl. As he strokes away eagerly at the haggard but receptive woman strapped to the pole before him, Sergei is satisfied in so many ways. And Diana, with a mouthful of pulsing cherry cock, a head dizzy with rum and aphrodisiac, and a wet and slippery snatch filled with a warm, thrusting prick, well, she’s fucking thrilled herself with the confines of her confused and overwhelmed brain.

The sensations continue to build for both the big blonde Russian and the naked, tightly bound black-haired heroine for another five full minutes, with Tony holding Diana’s arms and pumping away at her bush from his standing position. Their panting gets louder and louder and Sergei is distracted for just a moment as he is forced to turn off the cherry syrup dispenser so his captive doesn’t choke to death in the throes of her passion. A quick push of a button and the two adults return to their sport, giving and receiving the fat, rigid warmth of Sergei’s cock within Diana’s eager, pulsing pussy while Diana continues to suck on the pleasing, steadily pulsing plastic cock in her mouth.

The long purposeful strokes fill her liquor-soaked brain with the joy of completeness that Diana is only beginning to accept through the training of the past night. And Sergei is starting appreciate the lusty pleasures that a vigorous Amazon woman might do given the chance of her own volition. Should it come to that he would be thrilled but he knows this is a momentary respite in his war with Wonder Woman. Her submission under the mighty influences he has inflicted upon her is temporary. So he enjoys her acquiescence all the more because of its brevity.

With all the strength of his powerful physique, he drives himself into the Amazon with a frenzied mix of sexual desperation and control. And she loves the feeling of it right now and together they approach the summit of another climax in unison. At the very peak, just before that final spiraling plunge, Sergei pulls the string of anal beads out of Wonder Woman’s ass and the two of them are blinded equally by their rushing orgasms. Each bead builds on the other and Wonder Woman thrashes and flails and struggles in violent ecstasy from the slowly exiting globes pulled from her throbbing rear. This milks every drop of semen from a gasping moaning Sergei and together this odd couple for this one moment in time share their deepest, most impossible hopes that this could be something more than incredible, blissful sex. The fluids come and cum and come. And after a while, Sergei pulls out, unties the exhausted Amazon and straps her to the cushioned bondage table before they both seek the sleep of the dead.

* * *

At 1:00 p.m., Carmine gets off the cell phone with Don Lupenzo with a sigh. He is on the deep leather couch in Tony’s apartment in the Pleasure Dome building. Upstairs, Supergirl is coming off her fourth high of the day and Tony’s about to retrieve her for the Lex Luthor appointment down in Brooklyn. Tony is sipping a scotch and relaxing in a comfortable matching leather armchair across from Carmine. Based on Carmine’s end of the conversation, things appeared to be under control with the Mafia’s upper echelon in New York.

Carmine looks over at Tony’s raised eyebrows. “Yeah, they’re satisfied for now about the Wonder Woman situation but Gino’s upset that you haven’t released Superman yet. When I told him there was one more thing to be done to be sure the big hero wouldn’t retaliate he grumbled and warned about dire results if it didn’t happen by the end of today. I told him he would be released and that more money would be flowing into the general fund from video sales of Superman’s captivity. He accepted that and told me to try to calm you down.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. The guy wouldn’t know how to generate new income if it hit him in the face, Carmine. It’s whores, drugs and numbers. No variations. Oh yeah, olive oil as his legit front. How fucking Old World can you get?”

“Yeah, he’s old style Sicilian, no doubt about that. It’s worked since the late 1800s, might as well go with what works.”

“So he’s cool for now then?”

“As long as Superman hits the streets by 11:00 p.m. he is.”

“Well then, let’s get Mr. Luthor’s appointment out of the way so we can release the big guy.” He and Carmine drain the last of their drinks, rise as one and head upstairs to retrieve the dope-soaked Maid of Steel.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:32 am
by Abductorenmadrid
A deftly handled breaking of the Amazon, they certainly figured which buttons to press with her! I can only wonder though, with the villain's grip ever tightening on the heroes, which one is going to slip through their grasp first?

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:54 am
by Bronson881
Wonder Woman is totally broken. Tony and his men certainly are good at this.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:08 pm
by DrDominator9
Lex’s Big Day
Part 31-A

Supergirl sits in the back seat of one of four limousines Tony owns. She and Carmine and Tony are heading down the FDR Drive on the way to Tony’s headquarters in Brooklyn. She is looking at the skyline of the south tip of Manhattan, missing, like everyone, the two tall towers that no longer grace the beautiful view. She sighs for the many sorrowful changes that life holds. For herself, for the United States, for the world. She yearns for an innocence that seems to have drifted away with the ozone layer.

This is the second time on the FDR Drive today for Tony and Carmine. They’d come up from his Brooklyn place to the Pleasure Dome building to collect the completely zonked Maid of Steel for the appointment with Lex Luthor. Carmine had gone into his bedroom to change clothes and freshen up, Tony proceeded up to see about Supergirl.

Upon his arrival in the suite, Tony found the stoned blonde teen sprawled on the leather couch asleep with her hands in her underpants. Maybe he’d done too good a job connecting the crack with her desire for sexual stimulation. The bitch couldn’t keep her hands out of her cooze! I guess there’s nothing wrong with a whore who likes sex....a lot.

He roused the lethargic girl, dragged her almost bodily into the shower which got her brain functioning again. After Kara stepped out of the shower, she’d grabbed a towel and headed into the bedroom after drying off. Immediately, she had spotted her full, original Supergirl costume that Tony had laid on the bed while she was in the shower. Everything was in perfect condition, clean and ready for her to slip into. Seeing this, Kara began to tear up badly. It seemed like ages since she had seen these clothes, this amazing blouse and cape and boots and skirt; this inspiring Kryptonian symbol of her heritage and her role as a heroine. She had gulped and then gone quiet. And then, in the softest voice, one Tony had to strain to hear, said, “I....can’t wear that....take it away.”

“What are you talking about? This is your original stuff! I thought you’d be thrilled,” he had replied.

“...I...can’t...wear it. I don’t....want put it on. I’ll wear the fake costume instead. I don’t mind.”

“Lu.....Your client wants you in this, Linda. So be a good girl and please put it on.”


“Why the fuck not?” Tony’s anger had built quickly. He had a schedule to keep and suspected that Lex Luthor would not look kindly on lateness.

“..I can’t....I...shouldn’t....I...don’t.....i......don’t......deserve to wear it.....anymore.” With a choked gasp, with her heart in her throat, the blonde teenager had run out of the bedroom and into the bathroom and slammed the door.

“I fuckin’ need this shit right now. I absolutely need to have this happen! SHIT! This fucking cunt! I can’t fuckin’ believe it!” Tony stormed out of the bedroom and pounded on the locked bathroom door. Why did he put a lock on the damn thing? That was going!

“Linda. Supergirl. Kara. Whatever the fuck you want to be called, if you don’t come out here in ten seconds and put on that uniform you will rediscover Sergei’s skill at gaining cooperation from reluctant beautiful women. I’m counting now.” He had actually reached the number four before the door opened before the red-eyed, tear-stained face of Supergirl poked out. “Thank you,” he had said. Walking the towel-clad girl her into the bedroom with his arm around her bare shoulder, he directed her gently, “Just put it on. You’ll feel better when you do, I’m sure. I’ll be in the hall...waiting.” He had added pointedly.

And, in fact, she had felt better, despite her shame. The soft, luxurious fabric fit her body like a glove. It shimmered slightly in the light as she pulled her blouse over her head and then straightened the famous emblem across her chest. She felt the small tingling thrill as she zipped up her boots so they hugged her calves tightly. She felt the simple joy as she attached the cape and felt the gentle weight of it brush against her rear. The muscle memory of having donned this heroic garb for years came back like an old friend and she felt a searing, bright spark of true, non-drug-related delight that she hadn’t felt since she could remember.

Glancing in the mirror as she turned to head out, Supergirl saw her reflection for the first time in weeks wearing this uniform. She froze at the image. Her body looked thinner. There were slight wrinkles across her belly where none had existed before. But she couldn’t get over the face that looked back at her. It was drawn and tired and older looking. The eyes were haunted and scared and were filled with a world-weariness that shocked her deeply. The petal-soft rose of her youth was absent and in its place was a harder, angrier person who she did not recognize...or like. But then Tony had lost patience, burst through the door, grabbed her arm and hustled her out of the suite, down the elevator and into the limo and that was that.

“Is everything ready, Stevie?” Tony glances out the deeply-tinted window at the South Street Seaport sliding behind them as he talks on the cell phone. “Um hmm. Yeah, that’s good. No eight should be fine.” Tony looks at his watch: 1:42 and they were just halfway across the Brooklyn Bridge. It would be tight to get to the 2:00 appointment. “Has our guest arrived yet? Has he called? Well, don’t sweat it. We’re running a bit late ourselves, so I’m happy he’s not there yet. What about Sergei’s new girl?” Supergirl turns her head and looks at Tony. Diana? Is he talking about Diana? What did he mean by Sergei’s new girl?

“Well, keep them upstairs until I say so. I want to go over our guest with a fine tooth comb. As does Carmine” he says as the stocky Don besides him nods quickly. “If he gets there before I do, bring him into my study. No strike that. I don’t want him poking his nose into my desk. Bring him to the conference room and offer him anything from the bar. Stall him, nicely, Stevie, until I arrive. I’ll bring Supergirl up to my bedroom. She can wait there while Carmine and I check over our guest. Then you’ll come down to the locker in pairs. You’ll take down my lovely blonde friend here and Sergei will bring his friend. Right. See you then.” Closing the phone with a click, Tony slips it into the outside pocket of his blue suit jacket. His dark blue shirt and bright blue tie accented his strong physique nicely and Supergirl had to admit that Tony sure did dress well.

“So, you heard the arrangements. You’ll be in my bedroom suite until I call for Stevie to bring you down.”

“It sounds like this guest is pretty important. And dangerous, too, judging by how nervous you and Carmine look,” Supergirl says matter-of-factly.

“Bright girl,” Carmine grunts.

“Yes, well, I am a reporter. I get paid to notice things.” She smiles wanly at Carmine who just shrugs. He’s thinking about Luthor and his scheming mind.

“Did you notice,” Tony snaps, “that you haven’t filed a story in a few weeks, smartass?”

“Maybe I’m working deep background, undercover, waiting for the right moment to get away and write a Pulitzer Prize-winning series about today’s Mob.”

“If that were the case, it wouldn’t be deep background and undercover, sweetie,” Tony says with a cold smile. “It would be deep underground, about six feet I’d say, with a ground cover. If you catch my drift.”

“Subtle,” the blonde in tight red and blue says with a sigh, tapping her fingernails on the calves of her bright red boots as she turns and looks out the window again.

* * *

Diana’s beautiful blonde friend Artemis is gently stroking the dark-haired Amazon’s cheek. Cradling the frazzled champion in her arms, the two of them lie on a couch in the middle of the great hall in the Temple of Aphrodite.

“There, there Diana. Be at peace. Your troubles are near an end. I am sure of it.”

“It’s been so hard, Artemis. So brutal. So endless. I....i..could not...withstand the torment ...the pain. I’”

“Shhhhh. There was nothing you could do.”

“I could have fought harder. I could have died trying. I could have....”

“No one fights harder than you, Diana. I know. You have bested me too many times in tournaments for me not to know. I am sure you fought your best.”

“But I let him...take me. He forced his member rear...”

“Hera! How horrible for you.”

“Yes. He stimulated me and drugged me and...and I experienced full pleasure.”

“Full pleasure?”

“Yes. I could not fight it. He had abused me for over 10 hours and....”

“Full pleasure!”

“Yes. He was relentless, you see, and had kicked me in the...”

“SLUT!” Artemis slaps her cheek hard with her open hand. The same cheek she’d been caressing mere moments before.

“You don’t understand, Artemis! He was so bru...”

Whack! Another harsh slap. This time the other cheek. “SLUT. YOU FILTHY WHORE!”

“...please...don’ mad, Artemis. I....i... couldn’t stand it...i....”

Whack! “Come on whore, wake up!” The harsh male voice sounds strange coming out of Artemis’ pretty mouth and then Diana comes out of the nasty nightmare to see Sergei with his hand drawn back ready to swing his palm once more against her face.

“Stop! I am awake!” Wonder Woman is lying on her back chained to the cushioned bondage table. Still naked.

“At last. You were snoring, woman. Not very lady-like of you.” Sergei looks down at her slap-reddened face, checking her eyes for aggression. He sees none. Simply tired resignation and a bit of confusion.

“I was exhausted. I still am. I need to sleep more.”

“I am just as exhausted as you, slut.”

Wonder Woman looks at Sergei’s face and notices the dark circles under his cold ice-blue eyes. But there is a gloating triumph in there that fuels him deeply from within. She has no such fuel within her right now. In fact, her soul feels empty of all energy and hope.

“But there are things to be done," Sergei chides. "We can sleep when we’re dead. Your first customer has arrived, Wonder Whore. You must to get ready. I have your costume. Your client wishes for you to wear it for him. You will to be doing exactly as he says or I will be punishing you without mercy. Understand?”

“Yes,” Diana nods her head with tight-lipped begrudging agreement.

“Good. Now I will unlock the handcuffs so you can get dressed. No tricks. This taser gun I am holding will stun you into sudden stupidity in seconds if you give me trouble.”

He unlocks all four cuffs and stands back with the high-voltage taser in his hand, arms crossed as he stands by and watches the naked Wonder Woman tiredly sit up, wrap her famous bustier around herself and fix the clasps behind her back, all the time looking down in cowed resignation. The nightmare had been a clear and strong reinforcement of her deep sense of shame. Reaching for the blue and white starred briefs, she realizes they are not her original panties. What she picks up from the vinyl padded surface of the bondage table are faded, well-worn blue panties with white stars that obviously come from some cheesy knock-off Wonder Woman Halloween costume. The inside of the waistband is unraveling, showing a tired, yellowed elastic band. The faded blue is not even the proper color and Diana sees the lining of the crotch is stiff and spotted with wide rings of faded yellow and pale pink stains.

“What are these?” Diana holds the panties up with the tip of her forefinger, not even wanting to hold the disgusting things.

“Those are your new costume panties you are to be wearing,” Sergei says with a harsh affirmative nod.

“Where are my own? I will not wear these abominations.”

Sergei circles the defiant Amazon beauty, slowly walking around the table now as he talks. “You surrendered your own panties to me when you agreed to be a whore, bitch. Recall your shame. Relive the pain of your defeat.” Diana nervously turns her head to watch him as he crosses behind her. “Remember your promise to me to obey. Now put on the fucking panties!” He stands beside her now, glowering.

“But these panties have been worn many times before,” she protests. “They are so unsanitary. I certainly will not pu....uunnghh!” The black taser presses to her right side, just below her ribs, against smooth red satin even as Wonder Woman’s body jerks, her head snaps back and her eyes roll up under her lids. The stunned heroine flops over backward onto the bondage table and lies there with her legs hanging over one edge, her head over another and her wrists, draped beside either thigh, twitching sporadically as she drools helplessly in a dazed semi-conscious haze of misfiring neurons. “...g..g...guuuuhh...uhhhh.....”

“I had thought you to be smarter, Wonder Woman.” Sergei looks down at the white skim of froth lining the inside right edge of the champion’s mouth as is forms a small drop and then slowly slides out of her mouth and hangs in a thin drooling line out in a swaying glimmer until it disconnects and falls to the floor. “I guess not. So, I will have to be putting your new panties on you myself. And your boots.” Squatting down, Sergei pushes her dangling feet through the leg holes of the disgusting briefs that had been used by countless whores in fantasy scenarios back at the Pleasure Dome building. The cum, urine and menstrual stains make the crotch fabric stiff but Sergei manages, after lifting the stunned heroine’s hips up off the table with effort, to pull the panties up enough so they fit around Wonder Woman’s body and cover her crotch completely though not very tightly.

Lying in twitching helplessness on the table, trying to clear her head, Wonder Woman’s shame is captured by multiple cameras. The obvious mismatch of her discolored, slack and wrinkled panties clearly displays, yet again, her defeat and disgrace. Anybody casually looking at the mighty Amazon princess will know instantly that she is not the heroine she purports to be. No one wearing these clownish, ill-fitting costume castoffs could try to pull off any kind of heroic attitude without being laughed at and denigrated with insulting catcalls and snide verbal abuse. And so, the magnificent aura of the once mighty Wonder Woman is, once more, severely diminished, her royal heritage and her noble bearing completely undermined by Sergei’s simple but shrewd substitution of these loathsome, pathetically ridiculous panties. As the dazed, limp beauty drapes over the table in twitching helpless confusion, Sergei fits both feet into her bright red leather boots and zips them up, securing the shapely calves within the hugging shiny fabric.

Finally, after pocketing the taser, Sergei puts his arm around the lethargic woman’s shoulders and hefts Wonder Woman up to an upright sitting position, holding her there while she collects her wits.

“Now you’re not to be giving me any more trouble, Ms. Prince, will you?”

“” she mumbles, wavering in place as her eyes begin to focus. “i...won’t.”

“Excellent. Now stand up, slowly, there, that is good. Now walk around a bit to get your mind working again. We will wait for the call to meet your first client. You will do precisely as he asks or I will beat you to death, yes?”

Her eyes widen in alarm at this even as her senses return. Diana looks down and sees that she is wearing the hideously demeaning costume knock-off panties. She even feels the stiffness of the crotch material scratching annoyingly at her inner thigh as she walks around the bondage table and regains her equilibrium. She shakes her head glumly and nods with a mortified grunt, “Yes.”

“Good,” Sergei grins and gives a very sullen Wonder Woman a couple of humiliating pats on her ridiculously-clad right buttock as she passes him in her ambling shuffle around the bondage table as she tries to get her mental capabilities back.

* * *

Lex Luthor stands calmly before Tony Bonano in a very expensive dark brown suit with his socks sticking out from under his cuffs. His cordovan shoes are in a rubber bin set on the top of a nearby table.

“If you would put your arms out to the side, Mr. Luthor,” Tony asks with full courtesy, “we can finish this search without unnecessary delay.”

“Certainly, Mr. Bonano. I don’t want to delay my appointment with your charges a moment longer than necessary.” Tony pats him down thoroughly, even carefully moving his hand all around Lex Luthor’s crotch to check for hidden weapons and sharp surfaces that shouldn’t be there.

“Please, call me Tony.”

“With your hand on my groin, how could I do less?” Luthor looks into Tony’s startled eyes as they glance up from his search. There’s no mirth in Luthor’s eyes, just the calm appraisal of a predator.

“Well,” Tony continues on in order to break the awkward silence. “That formula you sent me for deutronium-enhanced kryptonite worked like a charm, as you probably already know.”

“Yes. It took me twelve years to perfect it. Your payment was negligible compared to the satisfaction I got knowing it helped you take down Supergirl and keep Superman in a helpless, weak, pathetic stupor for two days. Thank you for sending the DVD of his capture and captivity. I bought the Supergirl video myself on-line from one of your distributor’s I would presume.”

“If you liked the first DVD, you’ll love the next one in which he gets it up the ass!” Tony finishes his pat down, having found no weapons of any kind. He straightens out and looks Luthor in the eye with a twinkle. “From two transexuals that he thought were girls. Here’s the disc.” Tony hands it to Lex who slides the case and DVD into his inside jacket pocket.

“Is that a fact?” Luthor shows no familiar emotion here to Tony. “How did the Man of Steel react to that?”

“He was in shock and quite uncomfortable. It’s all on there.” Tony says with little enthusiasm. Luthor was impossible to read on this topic.

“I will enjoy watching it on a slow news day.” He is saying this just to be polite thinks Tony.

“You know, Lex, I feel like I know you from all I’ve heard about you over the years,” Tony says, trying to find common ground with Luthor.

“Do you? How unfortunate that you should feel that way. I assure you the media’s portrayal of me has been so consistently incorrect and so libelous it would be worth pursuing in the courts if I thought for a second I could get a fair hearing.”

“Yeah, I guess the press is clueless most of the time, but if you know how to manipulate them, they can serve a purpose.”

“Are you saying I am incapable of manipulating the press?” Luthor asks while Tony finishes up his search by walking over to the shoes in the rectangular rubber bin and searching them for hidden compartments.

“Of course not,” Tony turns back quickly, startled that Luthor thought he was insulting him. “I was simply indicating that....”

“...that your little manipulation with the phony Muslim terrorist group had worked to your satisfaction. Yes, I applaud the simple effectiveness of your scheme.”

How the fuck does he know about that! “Mr. Luthor, I don’t know what you think you’ve heard but I....i...didn’t....”

“Of course you did, Tony. Let’s not start underestimating each other’s skills sets, shall we? And yes, you may call me Lex. As I said, I applaud you. It was well done and efficient, though perhaps a bit obvious. I do hope the FBI doesn’t pick up the slight mistake in the dialect your Muslim friend used for a word or two. It was a bit more American than someone who’d been raised in Afghanistan would have pronounced it, but if the man were an true American-born Muslim, he might have said the words the way he did. I’m sure it was not even noticed.”

“You speak Afghani?” This is just one more aspect of Luthor’s brilliance that was being revealed so remarkably here. But, naturally, the thing that unnerves Tony and Carmine more is this possible flaw in his plan. The two don’s look at each other.

“As a purveyor of armaments with unique tactical capabilities,” Luthor continues, “I have found the need to speak many languages well to ensure smooth transactions and less bloodshed. You should try the Rosetta Stone software. It really is quite good for basic round-the-country type phrases. A local man or woman is necessary of course to learn the subtleties of properly insinuating, for instance, that a person’s behavior has been questionable but not larcenous if you want to avoid an out and out firefight with some of these moodier terrorist types, you understand.”

“Of course, Lex.” Tony tries not to show his concern or his excessive admiration for a man of such remarkable talents: masterful engineer, brilliant inventor, cunning tactician, conversant in multiple languages and who knows what else. Tony realizes he is out of his league here, but he’s pleased to be learning powerful tips on subtle intimidation from a master. He’s certainly under the man’s spell. Having completed his inspection of Luthor’s shoes, he hands them back to the bald genius.

“But you, Tony, have definitely escaped the full furor and dazzling exposure that the media can bring to bear.” Luthor sits on a nearby chair and slips on his loafers. “So for that I envy you your freedom to move unhindered. I thank you for your kind concession to using a less conspicuous venue for this appointment.”

“My pleasure, Lex..”

“Is your search complete?” Luthor asks.

“Just one more thing and we’re done. Would you stand up please.” Tony steps aside and Carmine wands the now standing Lex with an airport security metal detector. He moves it up, down and all around the quietly standing six-foot bald-headed man with the only reaction being the soft electronic yowl that occurs when the wand comes near Lex’s watch.

“Would you remove that watch, Mr. Luthor, please,” Carmine asks. “Just set it on the table there. Thank you.”

“And you are?”

“Carmine Vega, Mr. Luthor.” He wands Luthor again without any reaction from the detector this time.

“Ah, yes. I’ve heard of you, Mr. Vega. We have a mutual friend, I believe. Don Lupenzo.”

“How do you know Gino? If you don’t mind me asking?” Carmine looks at Luthor steadily and calmly.

“Business interactions.” Luthor nods at the watch and raises his eyebrows. Carmine waves him on without concern and Luthor snaps the metal watch band in place back on his wrist.

“Is that so?” Carmine looks at the bald master criminal. He can’t figure his angle yet but he sure knows there is one. But without a reason to complain, Carmine just stands there and watches and ponders the possibilities of the moment.

“That is so, Mr. Vega. I have my fingers in a great many pies in this country and in this city. It multiplies my options logarithmically. I’d say it’s the essence of my success. Networking with people on the way up.” Luthor turns to Tony with a friendly smile and puts his arm genially around Bonano’s shoulder, “like my new friend Tony here.”

“You are too kind, Mr. Luthor.” Tony smiles and simply watches the interaction between Luthor and Carmine. Friction, very slight. Not dangerous yet.

“Call me Lex, please, Tony. After all, it’s not everyone I sell one of my best inventions to and give away another. But then not everyone captures Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Superman in the same month! So, are you looking forward to the demonstration of the “instant aphrodisiac?”

“Most certainly, Lex. If you’re ready, I will have the ladies brought down now. Carmine, we all good?”

“You bet, Tony,” Carmine nods briskly.

“I’m afraid your associate does not trust me, Tony,” Lex smiles thinly at Carmine.

“Lex, Carmine still sits with his back to the wall even when he sits down to Thanksgiving dinner with his mom. I wouldn’t take his suspicions personally,” Tony jests to lighten the mood. Although he knew this was, in fact, true about Carmine’s seating arrangements. Would you like another drink before we head down to meet the girls, Lex?”

“No, I prefer to keep a sharp mind when dealing with superheroines. I recommend you do as well, Tony. They can do some very unexpected things, I assure you.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Lex. They’re a handful.” Tony motions with his outstretched arm toward the elevators and the trio starts out of the conference room toward the elevators at a leisurely pace.

“I expect that the Amazon will be even more than that, from what I’ve heard,” Lex jokes.

“You will have the pleasure of feeling that situation up or out for yourself, Lex,” Tony comes back with. He flips open his phone to notify Stevie and Sergei to bring the girls down to the storage locker in the basement now.

“Ah, yes. Very good, Tony. Indeed I will,” Lex shows his teeth in a obviously phony smile as the elevator door slides shut with a soft thump and they head down to the basement.

Five minutes later, Stevie is descending in the same elevator with Supergirl, her arm hooked in his as she shakes and twitches noticeably as her need for more crack begins to build up again, although it’s only been 90 minutes since her last hit. After being called by Tony, Stevie had brought a laggardly, whining Supergirl as directed from Tony’s bedroom to the single elevator and jabbed the call button repeatedly with impatience. She had pressed him for crack repeatedly as soon as he got to the room and it had taken her several minutes to pull her act together: lipstick, arranging her hair and more pleading for crack. Now Stevie’s annoyed because the elevator has stopped on the second floor for another passenger. It had to be somebody important enough to be carrying a by-pass key, since he had turned his own key to express mode from the upper floor where Tony’s suite was located. Only five or six people at most, beside he and Tony, had by-pass keys to the elevator in this twelve story converted factory building. That included Tony’s lead accountant; Carmine Vega as Tony’s key mob associate, Rudy the security chief and Joey, the head of maintenance, plus one or two others Stevie couldn’t recall.

As the doors slide open, Stevie sees the by-pass has been initiated by Sergei who shoves a stumbling, disoriented Wonder Woman into the elevator car ahead of him.

“Diana?” Supergirl gasps in shock at the shell of the woman before her. The Amazon warrior she’d seen less than 24 hours ago was now a dazed, beaten figure, completely cowed by a grinning Sergei. The slack-faced beauty shuffles toward Supergirl with a wincing, faltering step. Her uniform panties are totally wrong, an embarrassing pair of cheap look-alike panties with an elastic waistband that was barely doing its job. The sagging panties had slipped down her hips and Wonder Woman even now has to pull them up so they don’t eventually creep down to her thighs and expose her crotch for everyone to see.

“...ohh..h’’re ya doin?” Wonder Woman mumbles with dazed concern for her blonde young friend.

“Me? Dear Rao, Diana, what has happened to you? Why are you wearing those atrocious panties?”

“I happened to her Supergirl!” Sergei snaps, stepping into the crowded little elevator and immediately into Supergirl’s face. “I have tamed her, fucked her and put her in her place. Those panties simply confirm her subservience to me and Tony. I can get you a pair of similar shoddy, heavily soiled Supergirl costume panties for you if you ask nicely, my little davooshka.”

“Careful, Sergei. I’ve got all my super powers at the moment. I’d hate to have to hurt you by accident.”

“How quickly you have forgotten your place, Super Slut. Before this day is out, I plan to be reminding you who you serve.”

“Why is Diana like this now. What have you done to her, you thug?”

“She got much too feisty, as have you, slut. So I had to be tasering her twice to keep her in line. Once at full power, this most recent time at quarter power mode. So, now she’s nice and cooperative. It seems like you could use a bit of tasering yourself, Supergirl. Did you miss me, Super Cunt?” Sergei grins at the blonde-haired beauty even as the raven-haired champion slumps weakly against him as she tries hard not to sway as the elevator descends to the basement.

“Sergei,” Stevie says with an exasperated sigh. “Let it go for now. We have bigger fish to fry, right?” Stevie notices the canvas tote slung over Sergei’s shoulder. Things were coming to a head.

“Yes, of course, Stevie. You are right. Supergirl’s reinforcement training can wait. Speaking of which, Supergirl, you look a little strung out and twitchy. Need another hit on the pretty little blue glass crack pipe of yours, do you?”

Supergirl lowers her head and murmurs, “I’m fine” but nobody in the small descending room is convinced. Not even a dazed and swaying Wonder Woman who looks at the chagrined blonde and shakes her head back and forth, primarily in doubt about Kara’s mental and physical health and secondarily as an effort to clarify her muddled, taser-stunned thoughts.

When the elevator door opens on the basement level, Stevie and Sergei prod the two ladies and they hesitantly step forward out of the elevator. Both men take their female charges by their arms and lead them off to the left and down a long cinder block hallway painted a dirty industrial beige. Mini steel cages enclose every small light fixture on long thin poles that are spaced the entire length of the hallway. Pooled cones of light and dark draw the foursome forward as they head through the cool air of the basement toward the storage locker where Tony, Carmine, Lex Luthor and Superman are waiting.

“My goodness, Superman, what has happened to the most powerful man on earth?” Luthor gloats as he looks down at the drained and befuddled blue and red clad champion chained securely in the bondage chair before him. “Take a nasty fall from stupid arrogance to humiliated chump, did we?”

With his hands and wrists tightly cuffed to the arms and legs of the heavy, articulated bondage chair and the kryptonite control disc at his back set to 4.5, the helpless Man of Steel can only lift his head slowly and peer at his greatest foe with tired concern. “Lex? Should have would... eventually end this party.”

“Well, my old pal, one of my inventions had been used to keep all those amazing super powers of yours neutralized,” Luthor declares, “so, I just had to come and confirm its effectiveness in the field. Just good quality control procedures to ensure complete customer satisfaction.”

“...your...invention...?” Superman frowns with anger at this.

“Yes, of course mine. I noticed in the television coverage of your unfortunate mishap in Bryant Park that my deutronium-enhanced kryptonite slime was very effective in knocking you out of the sky when used in a mini-bomb. Can you describe how weak and helpless you felt when your shorts imploded with all that slime covering your crotch? Was there a moment of shock or did you immediately black out and crash to the ground like a dead duck?”

“Slime was yours?”

“Naturally. Tony contacted me through back channels and said Supergirl had been tracking his friend Carmine as Linda Danvers and he needed to be able to dispatch her quickly and effectively. So I sold him my deutronium formula and a generous starter batch of kryptonite slime which he put to most effective use against your naive young cousin. See the videos? The regular kryptonite slime works damn quickly, as that video showed. However, when deutronium is added, well, there’s just no fighting that overwhelming wave of debilitating weakness that drops you in your tracks on contact, is there? I understand you were soaking in a pool of it for two days, Superman. That must have been excruciating for you. I look forward to discussing that with you in the future.”

“Kara. Is she here?” Superman looks up at Tony, ignoring Lex’s long-winded gloat.

“Oh yes,” Lex replies before Tony can reply. “She’s coming to see you with a special friend of yours as well. Wonder Woman, whom you so gallantly tried to save from that nasty ambush and failed at so pathetically. We’re all going to have ourselves a regular kegger-quality blow-out here, as we used to say back in college.”

“....more....stupid...frat boy pranks.....Lex?” Superman tries to goad his adversary into a stupid mistake. But Luthor is beyond falling for such an obvious ploy.

“More degrading punishment for the famous Man of Steel certainly. And his two female friends,” Lex smiles at the thought and Superman frowns. This is not good.

The sound of women in heels on hard tile slowly increases as Luthor and Superman eye each other with disdain and Tony and Carmine simply wait and watch the enemies glare at each other -- although Superman’s glare has very little energy to it. Lex’s, on the other hand, is a thing of hard brightness that makes Tony look away, not wanting to get in the way of the cold fire flaring in those eyes.

“Kal!” Supergirl has just rounded the corner and entered the storage locker. Upon seeing her cousin cuffed to the same bondage chair in which she had suffered many sexual indignities, she rushes toward him without thinking. Carmine sticks his leg out immediately and the unwary blonde heroine trips awkwardly and falls on her hands and knees. Tony, the remote already in his hand at the ready dials up the control disc under Supergirl’s cape to 3.5 immediately.

“UUNGHH!” The mighty female champion grunts in pain as the severe dose of kryptonite stuns her and quickly drains her powers away in a wave of nausea and overpowering weakness.

“Kara!” Superman calls in alarm. Stevie turns up his remote as planned and Superman’s control disc is suddenly elevated to 5.75. “Owww!....whuuuhh......uuuugghhhh......” The heavily restrained hero bucks in agony and then groans loudly as his body absorbs the deadly rush of glowing green destruction.

Diana’s jaw drops in horror at the sudden punishing effects of some sort of kryptonite control devices used against her two closest friends. She takes one step forward herself toward the blonde heroine swaying weakly on all fours on the floor before her when Sergei presses the taser into her side and hits her with a quarter-power shock level.

“HUUNNGHH!” Diana’s face contorts in a grimace of shock and agony before quickly slackening to a drooling senseless slow-wittedness as she slumps in Sergei’s tight grasp. One of Sergei’s arms firmly holds Wonder Woman around her waist, his other arm drapes over her shoulders while his hand clutches a handful of dark hair. He raises up the face of the slack-jawed Amazon. Her blue eyes are flat, dull and halfway under her lids with tasered helplessness.

“Okay, everyone. Let’s just calm the fuck down now and appreciate our positions,” Tony barks with sure command over the situation he had fully anticipated. “Supergirl and Wonder Woman, you two have been paid for by Lex here to be his whores for this session. Both of you have consented to perform these sexual duties when necessary so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it is now required. Correct?”

“..what..!..” Superman blurts in shock. “...that can’t be true...” he groans, shaking his head trying to clear the pain of the radiation and bring his senses back.

“Oh, yes it is, Kal, old pal,” Luthor smiles like an African crocodile. “So sorry but it’s my understanding that your two lovely female companions here have agreed, albeit under duress, to use their bodies to please anybody Tony here tells them to in any way that client requests. And right now, that client happens to be lucky old me!”

“” Supergirl gasps out in desperation as she wavers on her hands and knees in shaky, nauseous instability. “Luthor is can’t...let this....”

“Hush now, sweet Kara,” Luthor says with oily slickness as he steps over to her. “You are a key part of my pleasurable little game here. Now let’s get you up and in position.” Grabbing Supergirl by the hair, Lex Luthor pulls her up so she’s wavering on her knees before him, her face at his crotch, her palms weakly pushing against his thighs, trying to resist.

“I do believe we need a slight increase in radiation for this pretty little slut to make her just a touch more compliant, Tony,” Luthor says looking down at the grimacing blonde kneeling before him, feebly trying to push away the looming form before her face.

“Don’” Superman pleads in harsh whisper through his pain.

Ignoring the shackled champion completely, Tony makes the adjustment with the remote, nudging it up to 4.1 on the dial.

“..Ow..Ow...Ohhhh...uuuuggghhhhhhh.....” Supergirl’s hands fall away from Luthor’s side and she hangs by her hair in his grip, the backs of her hands scraping the floor, her face now slumped against Luthor’s crotch, a line of her drool slowly sliding down his fly.

“Much better. Now,” Luthor pulls up the cushioned mahogany armchair behind him and sits down on it as he talks, “I need Wonder Woman to come over here along with ah...Sergei, I believe your name is, correct?”

“Da,” Sergei responds,” slowly pulling the dazed and stumbling Diana forward towards Luthor.

“You have what I requested in that canvas tote, I presume,” Luthor says as he adjusts the helplessly limp blonde teenager’s face flush against his crotch, her knees bowing together slightly, her gaping mouth drooling onto the dark brown suit pants, darkening his crotch with her saliva.

“Da,” the Russian answers again, guiding the wobbling Wonder Woman around chairs and legs and bodies toward Luthor. When the pair finally reach Lex, he holds out his hand and Sergei delivers the canvas tote to him.

“Excellent,” Luthor beams as reaches into the canvas tote with eager anticipation. Smiling broadly, he slowly pulls out Wonder Woman’s gold, glowing mystical rope and admires the shimmering coil he dangles before his evil, grinning face.

“’cal....lasso....” Wonder Woman mumbles.

“Precisely,” answers the bald-headed genius. With Supergirl’s face helplessly buried in his crotch, Wonder Woman swaying in tasered confusion before him and Superman impotently shackled in a bondage chair and reduced to groaning agony by toxic levels of kryptonite radiation, Lex Luthor has everyone exactly where he wants them. Wonder Woman looks dazedly at the eyes of this smiling man and it comes to her through her fog that she has seen this look before, this predatory glare of absolute confidence and reptilian will. It was in the eyes of a King Cobra in an Indian bazaar once. Just before it killed its distracted owner.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:55 pm
by DrDominator9
Lex’s Big Day - Part 2
Part 32

A quick apology: I had a numbering error on the chapters. The last one was labelled Part 31-A but there is no Part 31-B. The story continues below correctly as Part 32. And thanks to all who've been commenting here about this work. Anyone else who wants to chime in their thoughts, I'd love to hear them. :thumbup: And now, without further delay, the continuation of Supergirl Captured by the Mob.

“Stevie,” Tony says, motioning to the blonde bearded protege he’s come to trust. “I need you to go up to the control room and work the recording equipment. I’m sure everything that’s happened here so far has been saved to disk but I want your practiced eye up there for the close-ups, the lighting adjustments and all that magic wizardry of yours, okay?”

“Sure thing, Ton. Carmine, I could use your help with the audio feed and such, if you don’t mind.” Carmine nods in agreement and turns to head back to the elevator. “Mr. Luthor," Stevie says, "I’ll be up there in five minutes if you want to hold off for just a bit... just so I can get you and the ladies performance in the best light.”

Luthor turns his head toward Stevie, breaking his gaze from the shining rope he holds aloft. It’s like watching a lizard turn its head to size you up, the young blonde thinks. “Well, certainly Stevie. I can wait, although it looks like Supergirl here is dying to suck my cock,” he nods at the blonde teen collapsed between his knees as he calmly sits there. “So you should hurry off.” Stevie does.

Supergirl’s muffled moans escape faintly from Lex’s lap. Her red cape is draped over her ass, defining its gentle round shape in soft curves of fabric. Her helpless hands lie beside his brown shoes, resting limply on their sides. Her thick mane of beautiful blonde hair spreads against his thighs, partially obscuring the slackened, dazed face that lies half-buried in Luthor’s crotch, her mouth agape and drooling into the bald villain’s lap in numbed senselessness from the powerful effects of the radioactive green energy bathing her from the control disc.

“...stop...this...lex...” groans Superman, trying to distract Luthor as he weakly tugs on the chains that secure him tightly to the chair. “...too low....even”

“Low? Superman? I think not. No, I think this is a perfectly wonderful situation. You, your Amazonian girlfriend and your pretty young cousin helpless at my command. Not low at all, Superman, but the very height of genius! I have my new friend Tony here to thank for the arrangements, naturally, but when I heard what had happened in Bryant Park and saw the videos of Supergirl being fondled and easily disabled with kryptonite slime, well, I put two and two together and came up with four: you, me and the super sluts here. It was meant to be, my old nemesis. It was meant to be! Anyway, you should relax and enjoy yourself, Superman. You and I are going to have a great time in the next hour or so. Courtesy of these lovely, heroic courtesans. Isn’t that right, Supergirl?” Luthor lifts the feeble, dazed Supergirl’s head by a clump of hair and bounces it up and down in his lap several times.

“Why yes, Lex,” Luthor mimics in a falsetto. “I’m just thrilled and honored to be the one you chose to polish your knob with my mouth.”

“....noohhh...” Off to the right, Wonder Woman protests with a weak moan of her own and Sergei gives her a hard, sudden shot to her belly. “HOOOOFFFFFF!” Her knees knock together and she falls forward to a fully bent position before being yanked upright again by Sergei, grimacing and gasping for air.

“Oh, don’t worry, Wonder Woman,” Luthor turns his head to his right and smiles at her, “you’re going to play a major role in the fun here today. Say, what’s with the low-rent panties you’re sporting there, champ? They make you look cheap and pathetic, my dear. Lose your good ones in the laundromat, did you?”

“...noo..” she gasps weakly, still trying to catch her breath.

“Let’s hear it, princess. Why are you wearing such demeaning underwear?”

“Sergei’s decision.” Her wind is finally coming back to her.

“Be specific, Wonder Woman,” Lex barks.

“...i...gave...Sergei my original costume...briefs. He....made me...wear these.”

“So the famous Wonder Woman, superheroine beyond compare, the Champion of All Women has been forced to wear cheap, second hand, worn out, stained, old, battered costume panties because she handed over her true ones to her captor? That about it, hero?”

“...yes...” Diana murmurs softly.

“Good work, Sergei! Quite a clever bit of humiliation there. If Tony doesn’t pay you well enough, talk to me. I could use a man of your skills in my organization.”

“Thank you, Mr. Luthor. I am happy where I am right now.”

“Suit yourself, Sergei. Suit yourself. Well now, would you be kind enough to tie this magical lasso around Wonder Woman’s waist. Tight enough so it cannot slip off, thank you.”

Sergei takes the lasso from Lex and carefully secures the glowing gold rope around Wonder Woman’s waist, making sure there’s no slack in the knot.

“I’ll take that now, Sergei,” Luthor says, taking the end of the golden rope. Diana’s eyes widen in shock as she feels the powerful will course in her direction from the man holding the other end of her magical lasso. No commands have been given but Wonder Woman can sense the massive intellect and dominating willpower she is about to have to endure. It shakes her to her soul even as she tries to battle through the pain, breathlessness and tasered confusion she’s been subjected to over the past few minutes.

“Tony, what’s the status of your man Stevie? Is he in position yet to record this lovely tableau we have here?”

Tony flips open his phone and uses the walkie-talkie feature. “Stevie? You set to go?”

“Ready in one minute, Tony. I’m just adjusting the lighting and angles slightly.” The bulbs in the corners of the large storage locker brighten slightly and motorized cameras whine softly into position.

“Do you need Sergei and myself here for security, Lex? Or would you prefer we leave?”

“Tony, my friend, you can do as you wish. You are the responsible contractor on site. I am merely the architect whose plans you have so perfectly executed.”

“I will stay, then,” Tony says and then turns to the Russian. “Sergei?”

“I will stay as well.”

“Excellent,” Luthor grins. “You have admiring fans, girls! Well, if Stevie’s ready, everything’s good to go here.”

“Stevie?” Tony asks.

“We’re good to go here, too.” Stevie responds through a speaker rigged up for the occasion.

“Alright!” Luthor exclaims. “Now Diana, Wonder Woman. With this rope in my hold, I understand that you must follow my commands, true?”

“Yes. I am compelled to obey the commands of the holder of the magic lasso.”

“Well, aren’t we the formal royal princess?”

“You are not the royal princess. I am.”

“That’s a figure of speech, nimrod. I was told you didn’t have much of a sense of humor. Nevertheless, here is my command. You are to experience the emotional and physical sensations that flow from the wearer of this rope through its fibers to your waist. They will inundate you and you will be compelled to repeat the actions of the wearer, to experience the same emotions and to feel the same physical sensations as the wearer. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mr. Luthor. I will feel the wearer’s physical and emotional sensations and repeat the actions of the wearer.”

“Precisely. Now I remind you, Wonder Woman, that you have agreed to be a whore and that these sensations should be right in line with what’s expected of you. Nevertheless, on your honor, you have given your word to Sergei here that you will perform as a whore and you will do so. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Mr. Luthor.”

“Good. Now walk over to Superman there.”

“What?” She had expected to have to please Lex. This was a nasty twist she did not want to comply with, but the command had been given. She slowly turns and walks up to the chained blue and red hero sitting in the bondage chair who looks up at her in painful resignation.

“Now,” Lex says, “put your face in his lap just like Supergirl has hers in mine.”

“Lex! No!” Superman shouts. “You can’t...”

“Chill, Superstud. You’re about to get a royal blowjob by your dear friend and Princess of the Amazons, Wonder Woman.”

“...but...” Wonder Woman hesitates for a moment. Lex shakes the rope and the wave of fiber arcs along its length right to her body. So does his indomitable will.

“Diana! Fight him.” Superman growls in desperate anger as she kneels before him.

“Kal. There is no way I can.” She replies and, leaning forward puts her mouth on the bulge in his shorts and rests her hands on her sides by his boots, in precise mimicry of Kara’s posture. With the beautiful raven-haired heroine’s soft, wet mouth pressed against his member, Superman desperately tries to think of horrific images from his vast experience to prevent himself from getting hard from this sensation. He is focused on the tragic death of a beheaded young male suicide on the rail bed of a commuter train track that he was one second late from saving. Still, the feeling of her warm breath pulsing on his penis is impossible not to feel through the soft fabric of his uniform. He feels himself stiffen slightly despite himself. The cameras catch it, of course.

“Feels pretty good, huh, Superman? Beautiful woman with her mouth on your cock, her hair tickling against your thighs, the weight of that luscious body pressed so close to yours. Virtually impossible not to grow wood from such terrific sensations, am I right, pal?

“ sick...bastard.”

“Got a boner over there yet, boyscout?”


“Yeah, yeah. Let’s amp up the fun, shall we?” Luthor takes his end of the rope and ties it around the waist of the weak, helpless blonde heroine slouched between his knees. He too makes sure that it has no slack in the knot.

Tony and Sergei look at each other, shaking their heads in wonder. The guy was a fucking genius. Supergirl was going to give Lex Luthor a hummer and Wonder Woman would be forced to give one to Superman, too. The look of embarrassment on Superman’s face as he gets harder despite himself is priceless already. The whining little motor on the camera mount tells Tony that a closeup angle of something is being taken. His faith in Stevie’s skills is paramount and they have eight cameras at all different locations working here. This DVD is going to be a monster hit!

“Alrighty, Supergirl,” Luthor commands, “I want you to give me the best blow job you ever have! I’ve paid a very tidy sum of money to Tony over there and I expect quality for what I pay for. Understand?”

“” she murmurs into Luthor’s crotch as he leans down to hear her.

“Tony, Supergirl claims she’s too weak. This control device is yours. You know it better than I do. Is she faking?”

“I don’t think so, Lex. How about it, Stevie?” Tony calls out, knowing the microphones stationed around the room can pick him up better than the cell phone at this point.

“She’s probably not faking, Tony,” blares a speaker set up in an upper corner of the locker. “I’m taking her down to 3.0.”

“Tony, you should ask Stevie to take Superman’s level down also,” suggests Luthor, “so he’s not helpless with pain. I do want him to feel the physical joy of fucking and being fucked by his good friend Wonder Woman.”

“ of..shi....” Supergirl starts to lift her head, mumbling into the bald man’s lap.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Luthor yanks up on Supergirl’s hair and slaps her face hard, stunning the blonde champion into pained silence. “Well, she’s feeling feistier already, that’s clear. But that’s certainly no way to talk to a customer, Superwhore.”

Diana’s face comes up out of Superman’s crotch and she winces in pain and shock and awe! That slap she’d just heard had hurt her! I was across the room from that slap and it felt like it was done directly to me. Not only that but the shame, anger and horrible weakness that Kara is experiencing is now surging through Diana’s body like a fever. She moans in obvious distress.

“Feeling Supergirl’s pain, are you, Wonder Woman? Well, don’t worry, it’ll feel much better in a while, I assure you!”

Is this what Kara feels like every time kryptonite is used on her? Hera help me! It is nauseating...and draining...and completely overwhelming me...No strength in me. No wonder Kryptonian’s hate this stuff. It’s like passing a kidney stone and having the flu at the same time. How could anyone fight against such sickening, debilitating glowing death? Did Kara or Kal get use to these sensations over time? Was that even possible? This is going to be virtually impossible to resist!

“Okay, Supergirl. Pull open my zipper, take out my cock and start sucking, blondie.”

“..don’t....make this...” she begs.

“Linda, this is your customer,” Tony calls out. "You know the rules. Please obey them for your sake. Sergei is watching.”

Diana is flooded with such a sense of such unrelenting fear through the golden rope that she almost loses control of her bladder. Squeezing her thighs together, she concentrates on keeping herself from pissing in her panties. Good god! Kara is completely terrorized by Sergei! I know what he’s capable of , but what in Zeus’ name must he have done to her?

The blonde heroine obediently pulls down Luthor’s zipper, reaches into his pants and pulls out the fleshy snake she finds within. Unable to help herself, Diana reaches up and pulls down on the waistband of Superman’s trunks, shooting him a mortified glance as she does so. He is looking down on her in stunned horror at what is happening and then quickly turns his head to spare her feelings but the damage is done. Diana burns with shame, going red in the face as she looks at the large semi-erect penis of the Man of Steel before her. Kara’s shame flows into her as well. The blonde heroine holds the penis upright and brings her face close to Luthor’s rock hard prick. Compelled to repeat the action, Diana takes Kal’s rod in her soft hand and, unable to resist, the Man of Steel’s cock quickly grows to massive proportions: 13" long and almost 3" wide.

“..uuughh....” Superman groans, feeling the sexual thrill of his penis held by the beautiful woman he’s felt love and desire for since he first met her.

“I...i’” she whispers.

Supergirl puts her lips against the tip of Luthor’s penis and kisses it softly. His eyebrows go up and he waits. Wonder Woman feels Kara’s disgust and shame even as she too is obliged to kiss Superman’s cock with a gentle kiss. His pelvis quivers and he continues to look away.

“Let’s go, Supergirl,” Luthor snaps. “You’ve got to do about 3 million times better than that sorry excuse for foreplay! Put your mouth around me and suck it, hero! I know you know how. I’ve seen your DVD. You can do amazing things when you’re motivated.”

“..that was under....the e..e..effects...of crack...” she stammers.

“Tony? You got any crack on you?” Luthor looks over at the mob boss.

“Actually, no I don’t, Lex. Did you want me to get some. It’s just upstairs.”

“Yes! Please!” Supergirl pleads. It has been too long since her last pipe and she needs to get high desperately to get through this.

“Whoa!” Diana blurts out. Kara’s raw animal need for drugged satisfaction just jolted through her like lightning and she was stunned by it. This girl has been bitten by the dragon. Diana’s not sure where she heard the expression but the thought that popped into her mind certainly seemed deadly accurate. Kara was a crack junkie in the worst way! The craving almost overrode the effects of the kryptonite. Almost. There was no way Kara could live a very long life with this addiction. Diana vows she has to help her friend kick this habit if and when they ever escape.

“No. I don’t think we’ll go for the crack just yet, Supergirl,” Luthor states with calm authority. “I want you to experience this little session without losing yourself in an artificial high. I want you to feel the full measure of your shame as you suck me off. After that, I have something that will make things better for you. Now get to work, bitch! Suck it like you love it or your friend Sergei will have to discipline you.” Luthor was no fool. He had seen Kara’s face when Tony had mentioned Sergei. So he pushed her button and it was that easy. The beautiful Maid of Steel leans forward, purposefully lets a thick dollop of drool drop onto Luthor’s prick and then uses her warm pink tongue to slather the slippery saliva all over the tip of Lex Luthor’s cock.

“Mmm. Yes! Much better!” Luthor smiles widely as Supergirl begins to tongue his glans swiftly while slowly beginning to stroke his shaft. “Now that’s how a beautiful super heroine starts a blowjob. Am I right over there, Superman?”

The dark-haired man chained to the chair has his eyes wide open, his mouth agape and his hands and legs straining against his chains as Wonder Woman’s mouth, lips and tongue caress his penis even as her fist takes his member and begins to slowly stroke him up and down.

“Great moons of Krypton! Diana, you can’ mustn’t...”

“Nuh..thoice,” Diana says with her mouth surrounding Superman’s cock. All her dignity is blasted to smithereens. She’s being forced to suck on the penis of her good friend Kal against both of their wills. What’s more, while she was ashamed to be forced into such a disrespectful position for an Amazon princess, kneeling and pleasing a man this way, deep inside, the sensation of him in her mouth is not disgusting as Kara now feels, but sensual and heady. Diana is humiliated, weak, sexually titillated and, most of all, confused. So many emotions were pouring into her head. Hers and Kara’s and they were matching in some ways and divergent in others. Still, compelled by the magic lasso, she continues to suck on Superman’s penis with the deep drawing sucking motion that Kara has chosen to use on Luthor.

“Uugghhhnnnn.” Superman groans with sexual delight as Diana works him over with her mouth, mimicking Supergirl’s expertise. Diana’s experience sucking men off is minimal at best, but with Kara leading her technique, the Man of Steel won’t have a chance. Even Luthor is beginning to pant as Kara’s mouth grips him tightly while her pretty face bobs up and down on his 9" penis with grim determination now. She might as well get this over as fast as possible for everyone’s benefit, she thinks.

“Don’t shoot too early there, Superman. There’s only so much humiliation your reputation can withstand, you know!”

“Diana. down...?” Superman whispers in strained agony from trying to fight the joy pulsing through him. “.. I...can’t...fight...the...pressure..”

Can’t....Kara’s leading this...thing...” she replies softly between mouthings of his cock. “and she’s trying to get....thwew it ath fatht ath pothible.” The last part of Diana’s response is garbled with her mouth surrounding Kal’s glans again as Kara sucks tightly on Luthor’s cock and then skitters her tongue all up and down his shaft.

“Man, this bitch is really good!!” Luthor cries out loudly as his prick bobs and jerks in Supergirl’s fist now as she works her tongue over him with slippery assurance.

“OHH....Hahhh....don’t....” Superman groans in pure pleasure.

“Just go with it, Kal,” murmurs Diana. “We’ll worry about our feelings later. Don’t hurt yourself fighting it.”

“...oh...Diana....” he whimpers, half in shame, half in thanks.

“You know, Supie, old friend,” Luthor calls over. “All the sensations you’re feeling in your cock are your cousin’s doing. You realize that right? She’s the one who’s sucking you off in reality. Your cute little cousin from Argo City is giving you the best blow job of your life. Diana’s just the mouthpiece. Think about the indecency of your cousin blowing you, Superman.”

The mighty champion blanches white at the thought of this, and his cock shrinks a bit in response. Young Kara is this good at fellatio? How did my cousin learn such things?

And then, to try to bring Luthor to a climax, Supergirl goes down deeply on him, her mouth surrounding the long shaft until it reached the back of her throat and she tightened down and began sucking hard, moving her head up and down with as rapid a stroke as possible.

“Yeah!” Luthor shouts in joy at this new technique. “Kara is the one you should be thanking, Superman, when you cum in Wonder Woman’s mouth. It’s more like you’ll be blowing your wad in pretty little Kara’s mouth. Ohh! I’m....I’m sure your cousin is thinking just that right now, aren’t you, Kara?” Luthor is panting heavily now as Supergirl continues to pump the top third of his cock with her mouth and stroke it with every upstroke.


“Aaahhhh!” Superman gasps in another spasm of joy as this new technique brings him back to full stiffness and flood his brain with rapid, tight pleasure that is indescribably sensual.

“Aalgkkk...hauwgkk.....akkkk....aaaggkkkk....” Diana, unworldly in the ways of blowjobs is gagging helplessly as she tries to copy the actions of her blonde friend. But what is pure sexual bliss for Superman and Lex Luthor is nothing less than a choking, gagging, nauseous impossibility for Wonder Woman. And then she feels Superman’s penis swell, bob and freeze in place. Oh, Hera, Kal is going to cum!

Luthor is not quite near the erotic heights Superman has reached and Supergirl continues to work over Lex’s member with her constantly rising and falling face now. So Diana is forced to act accordingly and, as Superman’s eyes roll back under his lids and he shoots a massive flushing jet of white cum into Wonder Woman’s mouth. She is still sucking and stroking his cock as though he weren’t. This causes a huge amount of jism to shoot down Wonder Woman’s throat, but since she’s still forced to copy Supergirl’s actions, her throat is out of sync with the reality. She can’t begin to handle the load and much of it sprays out the sides of her mouth and all over the front of her bustier and all over Superman’s trunks. Ultimately, half of the load has collected on Superman’s groin and with her body still tight against his crotch in duplication of Kara’s current pose, Wonder Woman’s face is smeared all over with thick sticky jism that blinds her and sickens her. Pulling away, Wonder Woman hangs her head weakly between the blue-clad thighs as thick, ropy strands of Superman’s cum drain out of her mouth and nose as Diana’s hands brace against Superman’s thighs and she tries desperately not to vomit up the contents of her stomach.

In the meantime, Supergirl has succeeded in bringing Lex to his own climax and, with his eyes rolling up in blissful satisfaction, the notorious bald villian blows his nut into a waiting Supergirl’s mouth, filling it with a rush of white love juice that she takes with practiced ease, swallowing it as expected. Diana immediately and involuntarily swallows the remaining thick cum load still lodged in her throat and begins to hack and wheeze from the disgusting slime trickling down her throat.


“Lick my prick nice and clean, Supergirl.” Chagrined but subservient, Supergirl proceeds to lick Lex Luthor’s cock with her tongue, slowly cleaning off the thin strands of cum and leaving a sheening glaze of saliva on the man’s dick as she does.

Horrified, Diana is forced to do the same with Superman’s cock, a much messier affair. Wonder Woman rolls her tongue around Superman’s red engorged penis, swiping large strings of dangling cum up with her tongue and swallowing them in choking disgust until finally she has cleaned the penis of all its sticky residue.

“...i’” Diana whimpers in broken despair.

“I...i....can’t....I don’t....I’m so sorry, Diana....” Superman whispers.

“Shut up, Kal. Just shut up!”

“What are you whispering about over there, you two?” Luthor demands to know.

“I will kill you, Lex Luthor,” snarls Wonder Woman. “I vow this now and forever for what you have done here today.”

“But Diana, my dear,” Luthor replies, unfazed by the vehemence of her anger. “we’re only one third of the way through my program. Why not wait til it’s all over and then decide how you feel, okay, Little Miss Putrid Panties?”

Diana’s face goes pale and her eyes widen in anguish. What else does this bastard have planned?

“Now Supergirl, I want you to give me a little lap dance to entice me for a few minutes and let me get hard again.”

“You are a true pig, Luthor,” Supergirl growls in a low menacing tone.

“Don’t make me discipline you, cunt. Just be glad you only have to deal with my playful side,” he replies as he takes her face in his hands and leans into her with a cold hard look. “You wouldn’t like me when I get out of sorts. I tend to destroy things. And you have such a pretty face and body, it would be a shame to fuck them up so much you wouldn’t recognize yourself in a mirror.” He lets that sink in a minute and then brightly calls out, “Ready over there, Wonder Woman?”

“Luthor. Stop this....I’m pleading to your better nature,” Superman groans out in desperation.

“Oh, come on, sport. You know you’d love to have Wonder Woman’s big beautiful tits bobbing in front of you for your amusement, Superman. Just sit back in your bondage chair and let her show you all her generous assets. Unfortunately, chained as you are, you’re not going to be able to fondle Diana’s bodacious boobs like I will be doing to Supergirl, but that should make you all the more hotter for the next act, don’t you think so, Superman?”

“You are vile scum, Lex. Always have been,” Superman spits out.

“Remind me to kick the crap out of you when this session is done Superman. You’re the most ungrateful prick I’ve ever met. I’ve arranged a wonderful blowjob, a fabulous lap dance and a world-class fucking by the one and only Wonder Woman and all you can do is call me names. What a putz you are, Superman. Well, Supergirl, what are you waiting for? Get up and give me my lap dance, pretty lady.”

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:33 pm
by Bronson881
Very good. You have a talent for this.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:10 pm
by Abductorenmadrid
If Lex were a cat he would be in danger of cashing in his nine lives at this point, a vow of deadly revenge from WW is not what you want in your life!

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:05 am
by Bronson881
Lex's problem is that he lets his arrogance overrule good judgment.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:18 pm
by DrDominator9
And yet the evil genius hasn't done so bad for himself. Besides a revenue stream from over 385 separate patents, he's just gotten a great bj from the Maid of Steel with a lap dance and even more to follow. Admit it, guys. you gotta be at least a little bit envious? :sneaky:

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:41 am
by Bronson881
Yes Lex is on top of the world isn't he? Looking forward to more of this.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:44 pm
by DrDominator9
A Desperate Need For Love. Or Something Close To It.
Part 33

A nervous Supergirl gently bites her lower lip and looks up at Lex Luthor’s expectant face from between his knees. Giving this bastard a lap dance would be like teasing a rattlesnake by pulling on its tail! One wrong move and who knows how badly he might react, what kind of physical abuse he would heap upon her. But he’d already asked her twice to start the dance and if she didn’t begin now, he would probably give Sergei license to do something painful and permanent to her.

So the frightened Maid of Steel rises up slowly, her lithe young body sensuously unbending and stretching up before the smiling bald genius calmly sitting on the small padded mahogany chair below her. He surveys her beautiful form with eager anticipation, noting the rapid swelling and contracting of her young breasts beneath her famous diamond-shaped “S” emblem as they pass his eye level. He licks his lips watching her loom over him now. She bears an anxious look of combined fear and disgust as she lowers her pelvis close to his exposed manhood and grazes it lightly with the softest touch of her panties.

“Stop right there, Supergirl,” Luthor commands as her body curves in toward him and freezes in place. The gentle heat of her simmers against him in the coolness of the basement storage unit. “I’m going to pull down these panties of yours to enhance the sensations that I’m so looking forward to. I would appreciate it if you would at least try to look sexy and eager while you give me this lap dance instead of terrified and disgusted. Could you do that for me, Super Whore?” Luthor slaps Supergirl’s face with a quick, unexpected backhand that jerks her face sideways. Diana’s eyes blink as she winces from the pain transferred through the magic lasso that connects the two heroines.

“Oh, and Sergei, please be a pal,” Luthor says, “and pull down our Amazon beauty’s crusty wonder pants for her. We don’t want her to scrape a layer of skin off poor old Superman’s dick now, do we?”

Forced to imitate Kara’s actions by having the golden magic lasso tied between them while Luthor gives the blonde champion her commands, Diana now looms over Superman as he sits mortified in chains in the bondage chair, his dick exposed with his costume trunks pulled down and stretched tightly over his thighs. He helplessly pulls against the heavy clinking chains securing him beneath the raven-haired beauty. She too leans into the body of the man sitting below her, with her pelvis rubbing against Superman’s half-stiff cock. Already he is beginning to harden even though he’d just cummed like a firehose into Wonder Woman’s mouth just a few minutes before. The grimacing hero is looking off to the side, not meeting the eyes of the humiliated Amazon beauty who sways over him with her back arched, her mouth set in a hard line and her eyes pointed at the ceiling to avoid having to peer into Superman’s eyes as well.

“Diana,” whispers the embarrassed Kryptonian, “Do not despair. This is just a pebble in the river of time. It will wash away soon enough and Luthor will pay dearly. We are friends and can survive this inhuman cruelty.”

“Is it so cruel to have my body touch yours, Kal?”

“ not....mean it....that way, Diana.”

“Again, Kal. Shut up!” She snaps in a waspish whisper and he looks up to see her angry blue eyes glaring down at him. He has no idea of what she’s feeling, but he falls silent under her steely blue gaze and gives an apologetic half-smile that lessens the fierceness of gaze somewhat.

“You two having a little tiff over there?” Luthor calls out loudly. “Two friends with unexpected benefits not enjoying yourselves as much as Supergirl and I, huh? What’s the matter, Diana? Having Superman blow his wad in your royal Amazonian princess mouth a little too machismo for you? You’d prefer to be sucking up Supergirl’s sweet pussy juices, I suppose but we can’t always get what we want, can we? Well, I can. But you have to settle for super spunk in the face and all over those famous feminist tits I guess. Well, let’s proceed, shall we?” Luthor grins widely as his fingertips now ease under the waistband of Supergirl’s panties and slowly pull them down.

Tony Bonano takes a deep breath as he watches Lex Luthor pull down Supergirl’s underpants with ease, her frozen figure poised over him, her arms stiffly holding herself up as her palms wrap around the arms of the chair in which Luthor sits. The blonde’s legs are squeezed together all the way to her ankles in a pure gymnastic-style arch. Her magnificent body is beautiful in this graceful pose, Tony notes.

The bright red fabric is eased over the blonde’s protruding rear end and pulled slowly down below the hem of her short skirt and lazily down her powerful thighs. Luthor lets the panties go at this point and the slippery red costume panties slide down her smooth young legs and pool in a soft clump at the ankles of her shiny red boots.

“Step out of them, Supergirl, and wait a moment,” Luthor commands. “I want you and your Amazon warrior girlfriend over there on the same page.”

Sergei has stepped up behind Wonder Woman by now and his sweaty palms hold the beautiful Amazon’s waist for a moment, the warmth of his hands bring a hard anger to Diana’s face even before the large blonde Russian mobster speaks to the mortified couple.

“Even these pathetic whorish panties are too good for you, Wonder Bitch! You are not deserving to wear any protective clothing over this all-too-easily fucked twat of yours. It has been violated more times than I can even be remembering, princess. Can you even count the number of orgasms you screamed and whimpered through, Wonder Woman? For the Champion of All Women, you sure enjoy spreading your legs for anything stiff enough to be giving you a good time, Ms. Prince. Oh, and I’m sorry you are to be getting sloppy seconds, Superman, but seeing what a pathetic loser you turned out to be, I guess that’s all you’re used to, huh, tranny-fucker?”

“I will see you in jail yet, Sergei,” Superman snarls up at the Russian.

“Only if you’re the one behind bars, chump.”

“Sometime today, Sergei!” Luthor calls out impatiently. He had been enjoying the Russian’s taunting of the embarrassed super couple across the way but it had run its course. “Time is money, my good man.”

“Da. Sorry, Mr. Luthor.” He grabs two clumps of fabric at the lower curve of Wonder Woman’s ass and snaps the panties down her thighs with a hard, sudden yank. “There you go, bitch. Your slippery Amazon cunt is, yet again, ready for the whore’s work you’ve agreed to perform. So do it!” Sergei pulls the panties all the way down and off of Wonder Woman’s ankles, sticks them in his pocket and walks back toward Tony with a knowing nod between them. Tony was pleased with Sergei’s performance, thinking it would be a memorable little highlight on the DVD.

Diana lets out a long, exasperated breath slowly through her mouth, damping her anger as much as she can. These men just seemed to have a nasty talent for humiliating her with their words and their behavior that cut right to her sense of self-esteem. She had certainly agreed to perform the duties of a whore after the torturous night with Sergei. Even if she didn’t have the magic lasso tied around her waist, she’d still be obligated to do the mortifying things Luthor was about to put her through. The worst part was having to also experience what poor Kara was feeling at the same time. The sensation of guilt and fear and shame and horror all had mixed together during the previous session when Superman’s cock virtually exploded with gushing semen in her mouth. But under all the shame and disgust, she had felt a sexual charge just before he came. And that troubled her deeply. What kind of feminist hero am I if I get off on sucking a man’s penis so much?

Suddenly a sharp twinge of Kara’s guilt fills Diana’s head, followed by a wash of weakness from the kryptonite and then a flooding impulse to grind her hips. She looks over to see Supergirl grinding her pussy against Lex Luthor’s prick. The lap dance has resumed and Wonder Woman is forced to mimic the motion. Her ample womanly hips rotate in a large circle even as her dark pubic hair brushes over a wide-eyed Superman’s twitching shaft.

“Uuuhhhhhnn.” The tightly bound Man of Steel groans with helpless pleasure as the soft hairs of Wonder Woman’s bush comb against his cock, the curly muff tickling the center of his shaft with erotic accuracy that brings a deeper sigh from the depths of the champion’s soul.

Supergirl’s soft blonde pussy nestles tightly against Lex Luthor’s cock and she switches from a circular motion to a straight up and down approach, the cleft of her labia sliding ever so gently along Luthor’s throbbing member.

“Oh boy! Goddamn this girl has talent!” Luthor barks with delight, his cock jerking up against Supergirl’s warm clamping twat with a helpless erotic spasm that draws a small gasp from the looming blonde above him. “Now let’s see how that talent can be maximized for my ultimate pleasure, not to mention Superjerk’s enjoyment over there.”

Luthor’s hand dips into the pocket of his suit pants and he draws out what looks like a wide, round flesh-colored sticker. Tony’s eyes widen and he nudges Sergei, whispering, “That’s probably the aphrodisiac.” Tony looks at his watch to time just how long it takes for the fast-acting drug to take effect. With Supergirl already giving a lap dance, it might be hard to actually tell precisely when she starts getting hot. I may just have to estimate.

Luthor peels off the paper backing from the round patch, palms the outer side of the patch in his cupped right hand and slowly slides the thin side of his hand over and around the curve of Supergirl’s bare ass, caressing it gently as he leers at the trembling blonde champion he so clearly enjoys dominating. Her buttocks quiver with tension and she nervously looks down at Luthor as she remains poised in her arched pose above him.

“Ah, ah, ah. Where’s my smiling look of adoration, Supergirl? I want to see it beaming down on me with love and respect, just like I asked.”

The famous red and blue-clad heroine flashes a nervous, tentative smile down at the bald man whose cock is pressed into the cleft of her sensitive lower lips.

“...i’m...sorry...Mr. Luthor...i...i...guess...i’m a...little....nervous...”

“Perfectly understandable, my dear. But not to worry you’re in good hands!” Saying that, Lex slaps the patch against Supergirl’s left buttock adhering it firmly to its shapely curve. She jerks at this harsh whacking spank and yelps softly. Across the way, Diana shudders a bit, too; more from the shock of the slap than the actual pain from it.

“I know you’re badly weakened by kryptonite, Supergirl, but that couldn’t really have hurt that much, could it?”

“No,” she whispers. “I was....just surprised.”

“Well, don’t worry. My Nympho-Patch is not habit forming, doesn’t last too long and will fill you with feelings of love, passion, and lust in ways I’m guessing that you’ve never felt before. Not that you’d know anything about the scientific formulation but basically this drug is a Tryptamine derivative of my own design. A pretty small dose actually, but it sure packs a wallop. You won’t be able to keep your hands off me girl! And I suspect that you, Wonder Woman, are going to give that sorry excuse for a superhero beneath you the humping of his life.”

“Luthor, you sadistic thug,” shouts Superman, “You will regret the day you....WHOAA!”

Unseen by Superman, Wonder Woman’s eyes had suddenly gone so wide that the whites around each iris were completely revealed. And then her head had shaken back and forth and dropped to her chest with a bellowing grunt of unsuppressed desire. Superman had glanced up at Diana just as he began to speak, unnerved by her unexpected behavior. The mighty Amazon beauty had endured a hard spastic shudder throughout her entire body that sent her breasts into quivering tremors beneath the gold fabric eagle of her famous blouse. And she had begun firmly and desperately rubbing the cleft of her pussy up and down the length of Superman’s cock with deep groaning gasps before he could finish his sentence.

“!” She breathes in deeply, her nostrils quivering as she inhales Superman’s excited scent. This heightened pheromone kicker drives Wonder Woman on, filling her with even more desire.

Superman’s cock is now rock hard and the leering look of pure, uninhibited sexual satisfaction on Diana’s face shocks the Man of Steel to his core.


“Oh...Kal....Fuck me! Fuck me now!” Diana pleads with Superman, her words coming in lustful gasping breaths, her eyes locked now on his, hungrily searching for the love she feels to be returned in his gaze. The shock in his grimacing face is mixed with agonized sexual hunger and Diana feeds on this need within him, leaning down and rubbing her body against the emblem on his chest, manhandling his physique with her roaming hands. Kara’s lust from the Nympho-Patch is like a direct current to her brain. Locked in and vibrating at a frequency that’s impossible to ignore.

“Lex. Oh, Lex...please...give me your cock!” Supergirl, too, is rubbing her twat against Luthor’s hard penis in rapid up and down strokes, the cleft of her pussy already getting moist from her unbridled desire. “Ohhhh...I need you inside me. Lexxy...PLLEAASSE!”

Tony’s mouth has actually dropped open and Sergei’s eyes bulge with stunned disbelief. Tony looks at his watch in shock. 40 seconds! It took a just a bit more than a mere half-minute for Supergirl and Wonder Woman to be raging, cock-crazed sluts! Nympho-Patch indeed! Lex Luthor’s brilliance was without peer.

Luthor looks over at Tony and gives him a huge, obvious wink even as his hands fondle the soft curves of Supergirl’s breasts. He squeezes the fleshy mounds beneath the famous emblem and the blonde heroine moans with absolute delight at this wonderful attention.

“Oh yes...yess.....Lexxie...yesss....ohhhh...more...harder..good....sooo...soooo....good....” The blonde’s hands removed from the arms of the chair, now stroke Luthor’s chest, his face, his thighs. They grab his hair and Supergirl goes in for a deep, desperate kiss with her tongue searching every inch of his mouth, filling his head with sexual joy as she tries to possess him body and soul. Even as she kisses Luthor, Supergirl’s hips bob repeatedly and her pussy continues to rub up and down against his member, her wetness gradually making Lex’s penis shine with her juicy lust.

Superman’s eyes roll back under his lids even as Diana’s body clamps against his. Her mouth is sealed against Kal’s mouth, the crevice of her loins smothers his cock with alternating wispy and hard, delightful strokes that bring his penis to a steely hardness that Wonder Woman’s sexual fury delights in even as her moist cavern slides back and forth against the massive tool, slathering it with her dripping lust in unending repetition. When she comes up for air, Superman rasps out an angry command.

“....uhhhh.....Wonder Woman...get...yourself..under....control....” Kal pants roughly.

“Fuck control, Superman. Put your shaft in me like a real man for Hera’s sake, why don’t you?”

“...this isn’t’t..right...”

“I love you, Kal. Won’t you love me like a real woman for once in your life? Stop thinking and start feeling for a change! Be a man, Superman. Take me now. Give me your love! Give me your cock!” Reaching down, Wonder Woman stops begging and finally starts acting with purpose. She raises her hips, grabs Superman’s penis and, holding it tightly in her palm, pushes the tip of his prick into the moist opening of her vagina. Lowering her hips with a sudden dip, she impales herself on Kal’s long, hard penis, driving it within her a full 10 inches.

“WHHUFFF!” She grunts and smiles widely at last. Squirming closer, she receives the final few inches of his cock and hugs his body tightly as he sits helplessly in the chair, his neck arched back as he, too, grunts with huge sexual pleasure.

“..diana.....sweet...sweet....diana....” he mumbles. He can’t fight this crazed woman and he certainly can’t resist the luxurious sensation of her warm wet vagina encompassing his penis, her muscles contracting along the full length of his manhood, squeezing him with a pulsing joy that fills his brain with numbing stupidity. Between the kryptonite, the exhaustion of his long captivity and the exquisite tightness of Wonder Woman’s vagina as it begins to slide up and down the full length of his penis, Superman slumps in the chair a beaten man with a dazed, beatific smile on his face as the Amazon beauty fucks his brains out. She picks up her pace, governed by Kara who’s busy riding Lex Luthor’s cock with a bumping, rapid urgency that surges through Wonder Woman’s body and flushes through her soul.

“Yeeeeeaaaahhhh!” Supergirl squeals with delight as she fills her own yawning cavity with Luthor’s cock again and again. Luthor’s hands continue to squeeze and maul Supergirl’s tits as he delights in the sensual overload of Supergirl humping him like a rodeo bull. She presses herself into every crevice on Luthor’s body now, feeling his wide muscular legs on the outside of her thighs, his firm belly against her own, his powerful hands compressing her tits, tickling her nipples and rubbing her chest in wide sweeping arcs that send shivers down her spine.

“I heard you loved sex, Super Slut. But I’m surprised how advanced your technique is. Been fucking hero friends on the side, have you, lassie?”

“Ohhh....Lexxie....sweetie....” murmurs the deliriously drugged blonde heroine. “..just.. ...shut up and bring me to a climax like the man I know you are!” She resumes kissing Luthor on the mouth and then on his neck and ear even as the bald genius begins to thrust his hips up and down, driving his cock deeply into Supergirl’s loins. Panting between kisses, Kara unashamedly blurts out her admiration for Luthor’s skill. “..aahhh....that’s....the masterful...stroke.. I..expect.. ..from!”

“Kal....please...give yourself to your tool in me...hold me and thrust into me,” Wonder Woman begs aloud. Superman looks deeply into her blue eyes, relenting at last to give himself to his dearest friend, to offer his love no matter what the cost between them when its over. He slowly begins to jerk his hips up and down beneath Diana, sliding his huge tool back and forth within the tight confines of her pussy.

Poised over the chained Man of Steel, Wonder Woman throws her head back and howls with delight as she finally feels Superman give her the effort she’s so desperately yearned for; not just for this session but for years. The joy of having this wonderful Kryptonian’s penis finally thrusting into her, filling every inch of her womanly cavern again and again and again with his throbbing member is a joyous moment of total bliss for Diana. She reaches into every nerve ending of her vagina with her mind, delighting in Superman’s now zealous pounding of her loins. He is furiously wonderful as he thrusts himself into her with abandon, letting go of all his inhibition and getting off on the slick warm tunnel that his cock surges into and withdraws in constant urgency. Superman loses himself in the moment, burying his rock hard prick within Wonder Woman’s pussy over and over now, a fucking machine without reason.

Filled with the sensation of love from the Nympho-Patch, inundated with not just her own lust but that of Supergirl’s as well, Wonder Woman loses herself in the absolute pleasure of her singular existence, of the rigidity of this huge penis dominating every fiber of her being, drilling into her without pause, without stopping, without a prayer of compassion any longer.

Lost in a blinding white flash of an unstoppable orgasm, the mighty Amazon screams out loud with a lusty roar. “KAL....MY KAL....MY LOVELY HARD KAL...I...AM....YOUR WOMAN....AND... YOU...YOU...ARE...MY...LORD..!”

“UUUUGHHHHNNNN....DIANA.....OHHHHHHH!” Superman joins her in an orgasm mere seconds after her own. Together the couple cums in virtual unison. A rushing flow of feminine fluids, and sticky white semen floods within Wonder Woman’s vagina. The super couple cling to each other in panting passion, their necks, limbs and hearts entwined with blinding need even as Superman’s cum squirts repeatedly into Wonder Woman’s receptive channel. Clutching each other, they tremble and shake with joy, with sighing delight, with a total sense of completion.

“So much for the feminist heroine, eh?” Sergei snorts. “All talk until she gets her cunt filled by a man, then the Amazon twat shows her true colors, no?”

“Can’t fight nature, Sergei. Shouldn’t even bother trying,” Tony replies with a grin. He’s made millions here tonight. This DVD will ruin Wonder Woman’s reputation for good. This and the dozen or so captured DVD hours that Sergei had so masterfully orchestrated earlier on.

Once again, Supergirl and Lex Luthor have a bit more sexual stamina than Kal and Diana. But they too have just about found the crest of the wave that is sending them to the shore of lustful oblivion. Luthor’s cock is driving in and out of Supergirl’s slippery vagina with a piston-like energy that sweeps through the lovely Kryptonian girl’s mind like a tornado in a one
room schoolhouse.

“...uhhhnn....uhhhnn....uhhhnn....uhhhnn....” Supergirl grunts with gasping pleasure as Lex Luthor’s cock dominates all her reason, obliterates her shame, and defiles her heroic body with her full consent, her eager participation. Blasted by the sensation of Lex’s wide, hard penis rubbing incessantly within her pussy, his firm fingers gently twisting her nipples and his tongue running up and down the sensitive side of her neck, Kara is completely undone in her lust. She gives a short helpless squeal, clings to his upper torso and gasps in unrestrained, blind joy as she feels his own passion release within her even as Luthor’s penis shoots a heavy stream of cum against her sensitized vaginal wall. At this, Supergirl yelps aloud in unbounded delight and Luthor grunts in victorious rapture as the two impassioned figures cum together as one.

“AAIYEE!” Supergirl’s ecstacy is obvious.

“WHHUGHH!” Luthor’s joy knows no bounds. He grips the beautiful blonde champion tightly, owning her body and soul.

“Patch seems to work nicely,” says Tony.

“Should help business considerably,” Sergei agrees, watching Supergirl and Luthor cling to each other in rasping sighs of spent energy and dribbling fluids. Nearby, Wonder Woman and Superman are still locked in rocking, quiet repose, their breathing calmed now, easing out in lazy sighs as they exult in the afterglow of their rutting delight. Even with that Diana begins to feel a randy lust building within her from the lasso still cinched around her waist. The Nympho-Patch stuck to Supergirl’s ass is not yet done with the blonde champion’s libido. Kara’s heat, though quelled, is not quenched. The ember glows and the passion will build. Diana feels this as surely as she feels Superman’s penis begin to soften within her.

Before the fire ignites however, Diana looks into Kal’s eyes and sees a fleeting shame mixed with desire there. Diana blushes a deep scarlet and buries her head in the troubled hero’s neck, clinging so hard he cannot separate from her to look her in the eye. She will not let him and he is much to weak from the kryptonite and his sexual release to break her grip.

“Diana....i...i...Thank you.”

“...sshhhhhh....” she breathes softly into his ear. “Be still, Kal. Just be still for now.”

* * *

Twirling a large fork until it is heavy with fat spaghetti, Don Lupenzo is enjoying his late afternoon meal at his favorite restaurant. Beside him sits Basso, the tall dark associate he had brought to the meeting with Carmine earlier in the week. After raising and lowering the fork to shake off the excess sauce, Don Lupenzo takes in the delightful pasta, savoring it with his eyes half closed. Food was one of his passions. So, too, were orders well followed. After swallowing, the elderly don asks Basso the question the younger man knew was coming.

“So, any word about Superman’s release on the news yet?”

“No, Don Lupenzo. Not yet,” the frowning mafia muscle responds.

“Fungool!” The older don swears and then resumes his meal.

* * *

With the pause in the action, Stevie is upstairs in the control room racking up a new set of blank DVD discs in the three computers linked to the sophisticated equipment. He is sweating heavily even with the air conditioning set on super cool. With all the camera angles he was covering on two separate couples going at it like fucking rabbits in heat, it was all he could do just to keep up. Choosing the best shots, keying the zooms, punching up the audio volume if he thought it was necessary, Stevie had been a blur of motion in his directing chair. He breathes out a huge sigh as he zooms in on Camera #4 covering Lex Luthor who is speaking to Tony.

“What do you think of my new invention, Tony? Think it will help your whores build up your business?”

“Does it work as well on men?” Tony asks, trying to quell his enthusiasm for negotiating purposes. He was getting a free week’s worth of patches according to his earlier discussions with Luthor. And of course he would buy a shitload of these things for long-term use but he was trying to keep the price under some ridiculous number he thought Luthor might ask.

Stevie tracks the camera in on Luthor, closing in until his wide, hard face fills the screen. He looks right up at the camera, having heard its motor in the silent room. “I haven’t tried it on men yet, Tony. Would you like to be a test subject?” The scientist’s eyes twinkle as he says this, shifting his head and looking over at Tony now, even as he holds Supergirl’s body close to his in a firm embrace. She is panting softly, draped around his body, her libido slowly building within her again.

“Maybe later, Lex. How much do you want per patch? Beyond the free sample I mean?”

“What do you think is fair, Tony?” Luthor has negotiated with fanatical terrorists in an obscure Farsi dialect while riding on god-forsaken roads in a bouncing jeep under blistering Arabian heat. This was a walk in the park. He lets Tony commit himself first.

“Something like this is hard to put a price on, Lex. So many variables. How long does the drug last per use?” No stranger to negotiating, Tony stalls, trying to draw out Luthor’s thinking, to gauge his mood.

“About an hour. It’s specially formulated for fast release, as you so clearly saw, and short duration. Normally this stuff could work for six hours or more. But we don’t want your customers keeling over with heart attacks and your girls’ poor, tired cunts worn down to raw skin, do we?”

Luthor has cleverly upped the value of his product with his answer. Tony smiles back at the broad grin Luthor gives him. He’d better name a price before Luthor gave him some more scientific doublespeak that raised the price.

“Well, Lex. I like what I’ve seen and I’m thinking ten bucks per patch would be...”

“Hah! Tony, you amuse me,” Luthor guffaws, cutting off the young Don. “Truly. But let’s be realistic. Your customers would pay fifty dollars a patch without batting an eye.”

“Not all my customers are that well off, Lex. And I still have to make a profit on these things. These will be a specialty item above and beyond the normal john’s fee. Now I can use a sliding scale somewhat but I have to start at a figure that makes it worth my while. I do have an aphrodisiac that’s more powerful than this...”

“But the release time is 20 to 30 minutes, not seconds, Tony.”

“If my customers can’t afford it, I can’t sell it and we can’t close this deal, Lex. Fifteen dollars a patch,” Tony says.

“Thirty,” responds Luthor.


“Twenty five or I walk,” Lex states calmly, slowly caressing Supergirl’s breast once again in tight, gentle circles.

“Fine. Done,” Tony agrees. “I’d shake your hand but it seems better occupied,” Tony smiles.

“Our word is our bond, Tony. We must trust each other now that we’re business partners.”

“Of course, Lex. Are we done here?” Tony spreads his arms indicated the two couples clinging is the suffused bliss that is the aftermath of great sex.

“Not quite,” Lex says. “I believe Supergirl here would appreciate a nice assfucking for a truly complete sexual experience with Lex Luthor. Isn’t that right, sweet girl?”

“Ohhh....Lexxie....would you?” she coos loudly.

“Hang on, Kal,” Diana murmurs into the ear of a wide-eyed Superman. “There’s a third act!”

“Sweet mother of all that’s unholy,” Stevie blurts, “we’re going around again!”

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:17 pm
by Abductorenmadrid
Why do I get the feeling that our villains are too confident that control of their possessions is a done deal? There they are squabbling over mere dollars and they have really powerful enemies in their midst's that could really mess things up big style if any of them were to gain a moments freedom!

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:56 pm
by Bronson881
I agree that is what happens to villains. They do get overconfident.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:40 pm
by DrDominator9
Their over-confidence may not affect them for quite a while, but there are other villians coming soon that will pay dearly, I assure you.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:21 pm
by DrDominator9
That’s One Hell Of A Party Favor
Part 34

“Tony,” Lex Luthor says with a smile, “would you please be a sport and provide those items I had arranged with you to be put aside in case I felt they were necessary? I believe I’d like to put them to use now.”

“Of course, Lex.” Tony walks directly over to a black plastics storage container shoved into the corner of the locker. Bending down he lifts off the wide plastic lid and reaches in with both hands, gathering up a variety of items in his arms. Straightening up, he turns around with several sex toys cradled in his arms and strides rapidly over to Lex.

A dazed and weakened Supergirl is draped over the seated bald genius, her eyes half open, her arms limp against his sides. Lex’s prick is slowly softening within her but she is squeezing the deflating penis with her inner muscles even as it withdraws from her. Supergirl’s legs dangle over Luthor’s, her boot tips just grazing the floor, her bright red cape draped off to the side hanging down off her neck like a shiny red towel. She and Lex had thoroughly screwed each other’s brains out. Her, under the influence of his powerful drug-filled Nympho Patch. Him, under the influence of a malevolent genius for mayhem and an insatiable desire to use and humiliate meta-humans.

“Excellent,” beams Luthor, reaching up. “I’ll take that battery-operated dildo, the green one, yes, and that red candy dildo. The pink dildo and the blue candy one you can give to our friend Sergei to use on the lovely Amazon princess over there.” Tony nods, standing there now with the remaining dildos, one in each hand.

Supergirl turns her head dreamily and then her eyes go wide. She licks her lips with anticipation as she sees Lex take the two large sex toys from Tony. The Nympho-Patch is still juicing her system with a regulated dose of the aphrodisiac that she has no strength to resist. With the steady low level of kryptonite radiation maintaining her in a powerless state of weary low-grade pain as well as a dazed lightheadedness from her recent orgasm, the mighty Maid of Steel is completely defenseless against Lex’s plans for her total sexual domination. She does feel a mild rush of energy from her lustful need to have these big fat dildos filling her orifices and she makes that feeling known right away.

“Ohh, Lexxie,” Supergirl murmurs softly, the drugs converting all her heroic qualities to lust-filled, bubble-headed desire, “are those for me?” Her eyes, locking onto the toys, are bright with hope.

“Absolutely, my dear. Only the best for you so you can reach new heights of sexual bliss under my caring, loving touch. Oh, Tony,” Luthor stops the young Don in mid-turn even as Sergei approaches him to take the sex toys over to Wonder Woman. Turning back to Luthor, Tony’s eyebrows rise in question. Luthor rests the green dildo on the floor and puts the candy dildo in his pocket. And then he withdraws a second Nympho-Patch from the same pocket and hands it over to Tony. “Give that to Sergei, too. There’s no reason, Wonder Woman shouldn’t enjoy herself just as much as my young blonde friend here. I realize she’s feeling Supergirl’s emotions through the magic lasso but there’s nothing like truly feeling the effects of my wonderful new drug directly to make a woman go weak in the knees. And slutty in the head! Am I right over there, Princess?”

“You’ll pay for this Luthor,” grunts Diana who is getting a bit of her energy back after her powerful orgasm with Superman. Even now she is trying to separate herself from the silent, mortified champion in blue as she lifts her body away from his. She slowly backs off from Superman’s sweaty chained body, pulling herself off of his half-erect penis. She sits back on her calves, her knees spread, her pussy gleaming wetly with his semen and her own cum as it seeps out between her thighs. Superman looks up at her with a confused mix of chagrin and concern. With his penis bobbing and deflating between his thighs, he has nothing to say. She immediately looks away with flustered, scarlet shame spreading over her beautiful face and the top of her breasts.

Diana already feels Kara’s blossoming need within her and is nearly panicked about the possible effects of the patch when it’s applied directly to her own skin. She couldn’t resist its effects through the lasso before. What in Hera’s name would she do with its heinous poisoned lust directly flowing through her veins? And on top of Kara’s own reactions, how in Zeus’ name would she behave? I am in Hades’ realm now. That is for sure!

“Oh, my dear, Wonder Woman,” Luthor responds to her raspy pledge, “I have paid. Millions of dollars to be precise. Just so we could spend this lovely time together with lovely Kara here.” He picks the green dildo off the floor and slowly rubs the smooth rounded tip up and down in the crease of her bright red costume skirt. The green dildo has no kryptonite in it but the color is reminiscent of the element and having Lex rubbing it along the silky covered crack of her ass adds to the heroine's humiliation for the cameras positioned everywhere. Lex continues his erotic assault, pushing the tip firmly into the crease right above where her anus is, then deeper around to the soft nether regions where her womanhood lies barely protected by the softly glistening red fabric. He presses the tip harder against Supergirl’s bright red skirt, eliciting a gasp from both Kara and Diana.

“By the way,” Luthor mocks, “I do hope you and Super Stud over there aren’t feeling awkward about your sweaty, grunting, slippery, cum-blasted fuckfest. I could barely hear myself think with the groaning, gasping, heaving sounds of skin slapping against skin over there. You two certainly seemed to enjoy humping like first-time, randy, pimple-faced teenagers. Did that rigid steel tool of Superman’s stretch your pretty Amazon snatch to your satisfaction, Diana? It sure sounded like it did from over here.”

“For Rao’s sake, Luthor. Have some...common...decency,” the mortified Man of Steel calls out loudly.

“Suck it up, you pathetic chump,” snarls Luthor. “The lady’s not complaining much. She has more balls than you do! Anyway, we’re about to enjoy each other’s company again. Let’s get started shall we? Sergei, you can slap that patch on Wonder Woman’s big bad boobies any time you like, and please insert the dildos exactly when I do with Supergirl. I want their two bodies coordinated in blinding, overheated lust.”

“Yessir” Sergei had taken the sex toys from Tony and now stands behind Wonder Woman with an eager glint in his eye, ready to respond to Luthor’s direction immediately. He strokes the black, lustrous hair with his palm and Diana flinches like a nervous filly.

“Poor little Amazon,” Sergei mocks, “forced to enjoy all the powerful, erotic sensations that are to be pouring through her. Her body not her own. Her brain on fire for a man’s cock. Such a horrible torment for a woman claiming to be so superior to men, nyet? To have her own pussy dripping with a man’s seed despite herself and to find herself wanting to be violated so much, so often, so completely.”

Diana’s head shakes slowly back and forth in denial but Sergei’s words bite deep, especially with the heady sensations that Kara is now exuding through the lasso. Luthor’s work with the dildo, now moving under her skirt, lightly grazes the lips of her pink labia. With no panties in the way, the Maid of Steel’s pussy is an easy target. The roaming dildo excites the young Kryptonian’s desires to a sudden fever pitch that breaks Wonder Woman into a light perspiring flush in response.

“...uhhh....” Diana moans softly as Luthor reaches his arm all the way behind Supergirl’s back and presses the tip of the dildo into Supergirl’s moist vagina, teasing it around the outer ring of the sensitive tissue of her all too eager channel of love. Lying over Lex in a trembling, sighing stupor, the Maid of Steel’s eyes stare out in half-lidded doped bliss, her mouth slack, her tongue hanging over her bottom teeth in an expression of quivering, befuddled delight.

“Ohhhh....feels....gooood....” she whispers breathily, slowly beginning to grind her body against Lex, swiveling her hips to magnify the sensation of the dildo.

“I’m sure, my dear. Now stand up, please, for a moment and turn around. I want you to put your cute little rear end on my lap. Wonder Woman, stand up and do the same. I want your big naked ass nestling Superman’s limp dick so you can get him excited again. After she sits down, Sergei, you can slap that patch on either one of her tits. Your choice.”

Supergirl stands up willingly, although slowly and unsteadily from the steady, weakening radiation from the kryptonite control disc in her cape. She pushes the cape aside and dizzily squats down, lowering her naked ass onto Luthor’s lap. The cleft of her warm cheeks surrounds his now flaccid penis. Squirming her butt against the soft, unresisting lump, Supergirl frowns in disappointment. She is ready for more thrusting and Lexxie is soft! She gives off a disgruntled “hmmmf”

“Not to worry, Supergirl. You’ll have more cock in just a couple of minutes. I’m not that young a man, you know. But what I lack in rapid recovery I more than make up for in ingenuity. We’ll pass the time with a little oral, vaginal and clitoral stimulation while we’re waiting, sugar. But first, let’s let your girlfriend over there catch up with us, okay?”

“Yes, Lexxie,” the heavily-doped heroine replies quietly.

“Good. You can apply the patch now, Sergei,” Luthor commands.

“Da, Mr. Luthor.” Reaching down to Wonder Woman, who has turned around like Supergirl and is now sitting in Superman’s lap, Sergei looks deep into the dark, stormy blue eyes of the Champion of All Women. Seeing the fighting spirit in them, Sergei pulls out his taser and waves it in Wonder Woman’s face.

“Any trouble, bitch, and you’re back to drooling and shaking like a Parkinson’s patient!” Still looking steadily into her frowning face, Sergei reaches over with his right hand and pulls on the fabric eagle of her bustier. With his left hand holding the taser against her neck, Sergei pulls down on the golden fabric with deliberate delight, slowly revealing the wide, soft swell of Wonder Woman’s breast. Pulling steadily, he reveals more and more of her breast as she helplessly sits on Superman’s naked soft penis and is humiliated beyond belief. Finally the nipple is revealed and Sergei pulls the fabric down all the way with a final harsh tug. The soft pale skin of Wonder Woman’s breast is completely exposed, the weighty teat bobbing gently from the hard yank of the fabric.

“Once again, your tit is on display for all the men in this room to admire and memorize, slut. And I am thinking it is just perfect. A perfect nipple to be tickled, rubbed and squeezed...” Sergei’s fingertips reach down and caress the pale brown nipple lightly at first and then more roughly until finally he compresses the nipple between his white, straining fingertips until the Amazon warrior squeaks in pain. “...a perfect size to be fondled and mauled...” Sergei’s palm opens and holds the fleshy, soft orb now and his large hand roams over its surface smoothly as he plays with the ample bosom, lifting it, mauling it and squeezing it tightly until, once again, Wonder Woman lets out a pained squeak. “...and a perfect place to be wearing Mr. Luthor’s new Nympho-Patch.”

Quickly peeling off the backing, Sergei slaps the adhesive side of the round patch onto the wide expanse of Wonder Woman’s left breast. The lower edge of the patch just brushes against the top edge of the Amazon’s exposed nipple, irritating it slightly. With the sensation of the dildo caressing Supergirl’s vaginal wall to deal with as well as Sergei’s manipulation of her breast, the warrior princess is feeling a confusing storm of pleasure and pain in her mind. She sways forward slightly, dazed by the influx of sensations, wavering in confusion. Sergei smiles at the nodding, groggy beauty and then quickly pulls up on the folds of the golden fabric eagle, covering up the patch with the famous costume and smiling smarmily down at the distracted beauty. He pats her breast lightly and withdraws a few steps, waiting for the powerful aphrodisiac to work its magic on the mighty heroine. He’s anxious to see how Wonder Woman responds. Even she won’t be able to handle this much stimulation, he thinks. Not with the lasso and the patch. This slut would be howling at the moon and riding Superman’s dick like a cat in heat, he suspected.

“Thank you, Sergei. I believe you should now insert the pink dildo into Wonder Woman’s snatch as well. She’ll be desperately wanting it there in less than a minute anyway, right, Diana?”

“Screw you, Luthor!” Diana blurts out the curse in soft-voiced frustration.

“No, screw you, Wonder Woman. Just the way I planned it.” With a grinning, superior smile Lex Luthor thrusts the dildo deeply into Supergirl’s vagina.

“HUUNGHH!” The beautiful, horny Maid of Steel gasps in delight at this wonderful invasion beneath her skirt, her eyes rolling up under her lids momentarily as the aphrodisiac heightens the sensation of this delightful, drilling rod. And then Luthor turns on the small switch on the bottom of the dildo and the buzzing vibrations take the superheroine’s breath away. “Whuhh....ohhh....yess....that’s....just....great...” she pants greedily, her hips jerking with delight as the penetrating rod buzzes heavily within her tight pussy.

Diana jerks in sudden pleasure, too, her body thrilled with the sudden impalement of Kara by Luthor’s dildo. As the blonde beauty savors the sensation of the smooth green plastic dildo humming deep within her loins, the Princess of Themyscira feels the erotic surge from the helpless Maid of Steel like a huge rock thrown into a pond. Circled waves of joy rush out from within her in all directions, emanating from the golden lasso stretched across the eight feet from Supergirl.

“Ohhh!” Wonder Woman moans softly trying not to enjoy the ripples passing through her body, trying to be heroic in her resolve to fight the sensations flowing through her mind. And then, without warning, the delightful ripples grow in size into wild, huge waves like a crashing storm lashing a rocky coast. As Supergirl’s pussy is stimulated by the buzzing vibrator shoved deep inside her, Diana’s head is rocked back by the rushing, thrilling amplified sensation generated by the patch plastered to her tit. It multiplies the sensation of the dildo in Supergirl’s snatch by some unknown multiple and she shouts out a throaty “OHH! HERA...YES!”

“Oh, Diana, what have they done to you now?” Superman bemoans his friend’s helpless, lusty frenzy even as she squirms against his limp prick in unconscious hope for an erection to rub against. Sergei, under Luthor’s direction, has what she craves however and he steps forward with a lecherous smile, enjoying the sight of the famous Wonder Woman succumbing helplessly to this powerful erotic stimulation. He is only too happy to provide more grist for the mill, so to speak. Leaning over, he swiftly grasps Wonder Woman’s ankle and lifts it high in the air even as he squats before her. There is no need for threats now, no tasers brandished either. He simply angles her leg off to the side with one hand and pushes on it so Wonder Woman's body is bent back slightly, her vagina tilted away from Superman's cock. Sergei easily slides the pink dildo into the dripping opening of her pussy with his other hand and then thrusts the pink tool firmly and deeply into Wonder Woman’s vagina.

“GHHUUHH!” Diana grunts, her hips jerking with a spasm of pleasure as Sergei thrusts the long tool as far as he can into the yearning, wet crevice of the Amazon slut. “OHHHH!”

Inundated by the sensations of the buzzing vibrator between Kara’s thighs and the hard, slick plastic rod filling her own vagina, Wonder Woman is overwhelmed with pleasure. She bucks and moans in slobbering delirium. “ me....OHHHH....HUUHH...Too.. much...stop.... ohhhhhhhhhh..... huuhhhh.... whooooaaaahhhh.....!”

“Didn’t I tell you I was going to screw you, Wonder Woman,” Luthor crows in laughing delight at the sound of Wonder Woman grunting, moaning and gasping from across the room. “And that’s even before that dildo is turned on. Go ahead, Sergei, make her day!”

Sergei turns on the vibrating pink dildo and now begins to slowly push and pull on it so it thrusts in and out of Diana’s pussy with patient, continuous strokes that fill the Amazon’s head with waves of pleasure that sweep away all her reason. She rocks her hips in time with the thrusts, slavishly tuned to the rhythms of Sergei’s slow and steady stimulation. Superman’s penis begins to grow larger with all the gyrations of the beautiful woman resting against his upper thighs. His groans however can barely be heard over Wonder Woman’s louder grunts and moans from Sergei’s work with the buzzing vibrating pink rod of joy. On top of that, Lex’s work with Kara’s bedeviled snatch doubles Wonder Woman’s pleasure and she shakes her head violently back and forth in gasping, pleading denial, her raven hair showering sweat in all directions.

“What’s the matter, Wonder Woman,” Sergei taunts, “can’t handle a little stimulation?”


“Perhaps now would be a good time to plug Wonder Woman’s mouth with that candy dildo to shut her up and increase her pleasure at the same time,” Luthor says, pulling out the red candy dildo from his pocket and holding it aloft, waiting for Sergei to get his blue candy sex toy ready. “Want something tasty, my little Kara?”

“Lexxie....i..i..I’m a little dizzy...right now....” Supergirl mumbles.

“I know, but it’ll pass. I think. But if it doesn’t, so what. Open wide!” Supergirl starts to protest again but the moment she opens her mouth to speak, Lex forces the red candy rod into her mouth until half of it disappears down Supergirl’s throat.

“Waauulkkh!” she gags, her eyes bulging momentarily. After only a few seconds however, she breathes deeply through her nose and fights the instinctive gag reflex. Lex slowly rubs the candy cock around on Supergirl’s tongue, giving her a chance to savor the sweet cherry flavor as it seeps through her mouth. He rolls it in her mouth with a twist of his fingers back and forth. “Mmmmmmm.” The blonde beauty murmurs with complete satisfaction from this tasty treat that accompanies the relentless vibrations in her damp pussy. Slowly Lex pulls the candy prick out of Supergirl’s mouth and then slowly pushes it back in. The Maid of Steel’s eyes drift lazily as she luxuriates in the oral stimulation of the sweet fat cock filling her mouth. The liquified candy in her mouth dribbles like blood from both sides of her mouth but Supergirl is too buzzed with pleasure to notice or care.

Wonder Woman is not so accomplished at handling anything this big in her mouth. Sergei has left the dildo in between her thighs buzzing away steadily and has shoved the blue candy dildo deep into Diana’s mouth so that it touches the back of her tongue. She gags heavily, choking and fighting to breathe. Her hands come up quickly and grab Sergei’s wrists, trying to pry them away, to force them to withdraw the long blue rod stealing her very breath. Without her power belt and with the dildo buzzing away deep inside her vagina, Wonder Woman is too weak and disoriented to fight back effectively. Sergei has one hand behind her head and the other on the blue candy dildo trying to keep it in her mouth, Wonder Woman is getting extremely lightheaded from all the sensations. Even as she fights and squirms for air, she feels Superman’s cock growing hugely beneath her, now pressing hard within her ass crack, filling its length with his manly heat.

Now he’s hard? I’m fighting to breathe and now the bastard’s ready to go? Every man on Earth and every man even beyond Earth is a damn prick! Every single male of the species. I loathe them all! Them and all their rock hard penises!

“Let up on the poor girl, Sergei,” Luthor shouts. “I don’t want her choked to death. Ease up, man! EASE THE FUCK UP!”

Sergei yanks the candy dildo out of Wonder Woman’s mouth in fear. This is the first time Luthor had shown anger and the Russian is deeply frightened he’d gone too far in his eagerness to dominate the Amazon. He had definite issues here. And he had to control them. Maybe Tony should be controlling the bitch. I am too involved, too emotional.

Wonder Woman gags and wheezes and leans forward with her head bowed low between her now widely-splayed thighs. After about half a minute, she regains her breath and her wheezing slows down to simple fast panting, her breasts rising and falling rapidly within her red bustier. Luthor has shut off the vibrating dildo and withdrawn the cherry-flavored dildo from Supergirl’s mouth to stop all stimulation through the lasso so that Wonder Woman can compose herself. The vibrator in Wonder Woman’s pussy is still humming away but with the stimulation levels from the lasso reduced to simply Supergirl’s steady pulsing horniness, Diana can control her libido for now.

“Oh, Lexxie, it was just getting good,” she says to Luthor, pouting sulkily.

“By Zeus’s beard, Kara, I almost choked to death over here!” Wonder Woman’s raspy voice crackles like heat lightning in the room, ionizing it with her anger. “And all you care about is getting your cunt and pie-hole filled!”

Supergirl’s eyes go wide in shock, she is stunned back to reality for the moment by Diana’s brutal comment. She blushes a deep red and skews her head around to look at her friend.

“Diana....I’m so in...”

“Yeah, yeah. You girls will have to kiss and make up later, I’ve got a schedule to keep,” Luthor barks and shoves the dildo back in Supergirl’s open mouth. “And Sergei, not so fucking deep, okay?”

“DA! Mr. Luthor. Da.” Carefully now, Sergei pinches Wonder Woman’s jaw with enough force at the pressure point to cause her to open her mouth. “Open wide like a good little girl, Wonder Woman,” jeers Sergei, “Your man has a tasty blueberry cock for you to suck on.”

“...huck...on...’” Wonder Woman says through her pained, gaping mouth as she grabs his wrists again and suddenly tries to jam Sergei in the nuts with a quick jerk of her knee. Addled by the throbbing dildo deep within her vagina as well as Kara’s sudden rush of excitement as Luthor flips the switch on the vibrating green dildo, Diana misses Sergei’s crotch by just a couple of inches.

Reacting angrily, Sergei pushes her face back hard and Wonder Woman back is pressed roughly against Superman’s body, his penis jammed tightly into her ass crack. He pushes the candy cock into Wonder Woman’s mouth and withdraws his hand quickly breaking the grasp she has on his wrist. Whipping out the taser, Sergei dials the control down and presses the unit up under Wonder Woman’s breast and shocks her with a one-eighth power jolt.

“Ghuunhhh!” The mighty Amazon warrior’s necks snaps back knocking into Superman’s jaw and dazing him slightly. Her own eyes lose all their focus and her body jerks and shakes for three seconds before going completely slack against the stunned Man of Steel. Her body is draped over Superman’s form, her legs sprawled out in opposite directions and her listless mouth filled with a dangling blue candy cock.

Tony Bonano watches his security chief carefully. The heroine had been an escape threat, albeit slight. So he isn’t particularly upset at how Sergei had reacted. Tony just hoped Luthor wouldn’t have a problem with it. He continued to watch both Sergei and Luthor. Neither one seems overly concerned.

“Can’t say I didn’t warn you, bitch!” Sergei snarls and then realizes that Wonder Woman is panting heavily as she lies in helpless disarray on top of a groaning Superman. With her brain stunned by the taser shock, all Wonder Woman can process at the moment are the sensual feelings of Kara’s erotic bliss from Luthor’s steady hand pumping the dildo in and out of her pussy, Diana’s own thrill from the vibrating dildo in her snatch and the sweet sensation of her mouth half-filled with a satisfying wide candy shaft.

“Whhhuuuhhhh......oohhhhhh.......nnuhhhhhhh.....” The Amazon princess moans through the delicious candy cock. She is dazed and bewildered by the rushing river of sexual bliss that floods into her brain now. All the anger, all the fight, all her resistance has drained out of her, replaced by a gigantic yawning need for satisfaction in every single orifice. The taser has obliterated her defiance and in the vacuum of her mind rushes the drug-based lust of Lex Luthor’s Nympho Patch. Sergei sees the lusty look in Wonder Woman’s eyes and takes hold of the dildo buzzing away between her thighs. He pushes and pulls on the pink device rapidly thrusting it in and out of the now damp cavern of love as Wonder Woman moans with delight. She actually takes hold of the candy dildo and rolls it around in her mouth by herself, enjoying the taste, the width and the depth of the candy shaft now that she is controlling it. “Mmmmm!”

Lex in the meantime has the green dildo buried deep within Kara’s vagina and his fingers are playing with her clit, rolling it softly and bringing it to a hard nub. “Ohhh....Lex...ohhhh...” Supergirl is panting with wanton desire now and Lex’s cock shows definite signs of life as she squirms and rubs against him. The warmth of her ass spread over his dick hardens him more and more now even as his fingers bring a wet flush of even more lubrication to her warm hole. Rubbing his hand in the damp pussy, Luthor moves it around and strokes his slick hand against the blonde champion’s anus. To further moisten it, he spits in his hand and applies that to Kara’s balloon knot. She quivers in his lap, moaning with delight as she savors all the sensations of the humming dildo, the fat candy cock, and the sensitized thrill of her anal cavity being probed by Luthor’s wet finger.

“Ohhh....phuut yoar cock in my wheer end, Wexxie. Phuut it in now,” Supergirl begs through the candy dildo.

“You read my mind, little lady.” Lex Luthor lifts up Supergirl’s hips, centers his engorged penis on her anus and pushes himself slowly and deeply into the sex-crazed superheroine’s ass with a huge smile on his face. The tightness is not too bad at all since the famous teen champion from Krypton is so high on the Nympho Patch that she is more than eager to be butt fucked by her enemy. Lex removes the candy dildo momentarily.

“How does that feel, Supergirl?”

“’re so nice...and so big,” Kara moans in unashamed delight.

“So it is true after all,” Luthor gloats. “The famous Supergirl actually does like taking it up the ass.”
Luthor starts to slowly rotate his hips and then to gently thrust his penis deep into Supergirl’s ass.

“ it...faster....”

Lex picks up the pace, replaces the candy dildo and, leaving no stone unturned, reaches around to Supergirl’s breasts to fondle them as he fucks her rear with a now steadily increasing tempo. She grinds her body against his lap as his hands stretch, maul and squeeze the ample breasts beneath the famous logo on her chest.

Wonder Woman is a lost soul. Like Luthor, Sergei is also fondling her tits, rubbing and mauling them through her bustier. With his other hand, he pulls and pushes the vibrating dildo inside Wonder Woman’s clamping pussy. And like Supergirl, Wonder Woman now has a huge cock in her ass!

Just before, Sergei had helped lift the delirious Amazon’s ass when the famous heroine eagerly reached back and held Superman’s huge cock aloft. Lowering herself down with an eager smile, she impaled her own well-lubricated anus on his manly shaft. Now Wonder Woman was energetically bobbing her body up and down, riding Superman’s generous dick in her ass with a loopy expression of unbridled lust on her face.

She eagerly sucks on the blueberry cock and actually howls with delight through the wide candy cock, not just from her own sexual bliss but from the large rushing flow moving from Kara through the magic lasso. The Nympho Patch has totally obliterated Wonder Woman’s sense of right and wrong for now. All she needed, all she cared about, all she was focused on was her own satisfaction. And it was building to a incredible climax even as she rides Superman’s cock with gusto. Beneath her, the blasted, sex-stunned Man of Steel was proving his anatomy to be exactly that: a steel rod of astonishing proportion and aptitude as Wonder Woman’s rear end rises and falls, rises and falls on his large member in a frenzy of lust neither of them has ever experienced before.

Cameras all over the room are focusing on the fast-paced action, some automatically zooming in via infared guidance, others at Stevie’s expert touch. This would be a monster DVD when all was said and done. The famous superheroines were sweating and moaning and thrusting and jerking like wildcats in heat. There was no reserved sense of decorum, no halting, angry shows of defiance now. Both women were riding their men like cowgirls at the rodeo and both having the time of their lives. And the cameras were catching every moment of the shameless exhibition with cold, clear detail.

Supergirl’s moans take on a more strident tone now as she nears her peak. Every single erotic spot on her body is being stimulated it seemed. Her mouth is filled with sweet fat delight. Her pussy is throbbing with ecstacy as the green dildo unrelentingly buzzes within her vagina, filling her mind with howling, swirling gales of lust. Lex’s cock is pumping away in her rear end, thrusting in and out of her tight rectum like a hot, driving piston. Even Lex’s fingers are busy. One hand teases her nipples, stretching, pulling and twisting them to distraction even as the fingers on his other hand are doing the same to her clit, sending her into complete sexual overload. It is far too much pleasure to withstand and the famous blonde teenage wonder arches her neck, her mouth frozen in a mindless grin of joy. Her eyes are clamped closed and her mouth gapes open with the pure rounded shape of untold bliss. She cums hard, yelling with abandon now as Luthor, too, succumbs to his own pleasure and shoots his semen deep into her rear in a spasm of total satisfaction. He pulls the syrupy cherry cock out of Supergirl’s mouth just as she begins to yell with the total release of her soul

“AAAIIIEEEYYEEAAAHHH!” Supergirl wails with pure joy.

“WOWWWWWW!” Lex Luthor shouts almost simultaneously.

The famous bald criminal has buttfucked the famous Supergirl to perfection and she was screaming with delight about it. And the camera doesn’t lie.

Across the room, Wonder Woman’s mind is blasted to smithereens as Kara’s orgasm floods through her system even as she continues to squat on Superman’s lap and jerk up and down, filling her own ass over and over with his thrusting rod of steel. Tipping forward, bewildered, unbalanced, blinded by her own sexual bliss as well as the rushing wall of feeling coursing through the lasso, she almost falls off Superman’s lap. Sergei’s firm push on her tits rocks her back all the way down to the base of the Kryptonian hero’s cock. Wonder Woman’s eyes bulge at this total penetration of her anal cavity even as she howls like a wolf in the Alaskan wilderness at this final surge of Superman’s dick. Diana is helpless in her ecstasy as this massive rod fills her body to its fullest. Inundated with the sensations of all her erogenous zones satisfied to the utmost, the Amazon beauty’s head is deluged with a white rushing wall of blinding bliss.

“AAAWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” With her eyes open, her mouth open, her soul opened to the core, Wonder Woman simply exists in this moment, a victim of her own lust, beaten, bewildered and blasted into blithering confusion. She collapses back onto Superman’s body even as he cums within her rear. Together the two heroes jerk and twitch and moan as their fluids release and drip down their sweaty thighs.

A full minute passes with both couples moaning and sighing in blurry bliss. Lex Luthor has fucked Supergirl over big time. And Wonder Woman as well. He sighs one final time in pure delight at his double victory. The Nympho Patch was a huge success, like he knew it would be. His plan to abuse, humiliate and dominate his three most hated enemies had succeeded beautifully. There was only one more little item to make his day complete.

Stroking Supergirl’s neck with one hand, he brings up his other from off her heaving breast and pulls on the small winding stem on his watch. A long length of thin glowing green wire stretches outward and Luthor immediately circles this razor thin wire around the Maid of Steel’s neck and pulls it tight.

“WRAUUGKK!” Supergirl’s eyes bulge with fear as she lies draped over Lex’s body in exhausted helplessness.

“Okay, everybody, heads up,” Luthor announces in a loud, clear voice. “It’s been a joy and a thrill to have so totally fucked over my three super friends here, but the party’s come to an end and I’ve decided I’d like to take home a party favor. So, Tony, if you would be so kind, please help pull Wonder Slut there off of Superman’s dick because I’m taking him with me.”

“Lex, you can’t be serious,” Tony says, stalling for time.

“About Superman I never joke, Tony,” Luthor says calmly. “Please don’t make things difficult. As you can hear for yourself from her wheezing and gagging, Supergirl here is getting quite low on oxygen and seeing how played out she is from all the exertions over the last couple of hours, I don’t think she’s long for this world. Should I yank this wire tight in her present state, even if you do dial her control disc down to zero, she'll probably die. Especially with the kryptonite glazing on this wire. Now no sudden moves, gentlemen. Move it, Tony. Sergei, stand up slowly, pull the dildo out of the princess there and keep your hands up. Turn around now please. And put the taser on the floor and kick it over to me.”

Sergei does as he is told, his arm holding the shining pink dildo aloft, its surface glistening with Wonder Woman’s cum. Tony briskly walks over to the dazed and limp Wonder Woman and grabs her by her forearms, lifting her up and off of a nodding, sleepy Superman. There is a wet slurping pop of sexual separation as Superman’s penis is pulled out of Wonder Woman’s ass. The mighty Amazon heroine slumps against Tony’s side as he holds her up for a moment. Between her legs, down her thighs flows a thin mixed stream of Superman’s thick white semen oozing from her ass and her own cum draining out of her pussy. The two fluids mix and form a puddle between her boots as Diana sways in a stupefied funk in Tony’s arms.

“Alright, Petrov and Mohammed,” Luthor speaks into the watch face, “Tony will give his men the okay for you to come on in with the board. Right, Tony?”

“Stevie, make it happen,” Tony snaps loudly in the tense room.

“You guys know where to find us,” Luthor says. “I expect you here in two minutes.”

“Heeellkkkk.....Lex.....stup...can’t....breathe.....” Kara’s face is red, her hands weakly pulling at Luthor’s forearms to no effect.

“Yes, I know, sweetie. It’s a condition we have to maintain to ensure cooperation from your employer. It won’t last much longer, will it, Tony?”

“Loosen the wire, Lex. You can have Superman. I need these two women unharmed.”

“Haauugkkk,” Even Wonder Woman is gasping and choking, the magic lasso is still transmitting Kara’s sensations to Diana. The raven-haired beauty’s face matches Supergirl’s beet red color. Both heroines are gasping with raw, harsh wheezes in their desperate fight for oxygen that will not come.

“Don’t look so gloomy, Tony,” Luthor smiles widely. “You did earn quite a payday with these two lovely ladies. I’m not reneging on my deal. And I’m still planning to provide you with the Nympho Patches as discussed at the price we agreed upon. I’m just taking Superman here as, well, call it collateral for your first payment. You see, my two associates are not only bringing your free supply, they’re also bringing the first month’s shipment of patches as well. I didn’t want there to be any hard feelings. Hey, I understood you were going to release the big lug anyway tonight. No big deal, right?”

“Yeah, well, I have people even I mus answer to, Lex, and they won’t be too happy if Superman is not released.”

“Ah, well, the best laid plans of mice and men, eh?” Lex does loosen the wire slightly and Supergirl’s wheezing breath can be heard whistling through her still constrained airway. Diana’s face loses a little of its redness as well.

Upstairs, Stevie decides it would be unwise to turn the control disc all the way off but he does lessen it to 2.5 so that Supergirl won’t choke to death. She still will be incapable of sudden moves that might startle Lex into any unplanned drastic actions.

“I’m going to sit Wonder Woman down against the wall, if that’s alright with you, Lex,” Tony states. “She seems like she’s about to pass out.”

“Slowly, Tony. Hands visible at all times please. Sergei, you can help.” Together the two men carefully situate Wonder Woman so she is sitting down with her back against the wall. She sits in a slumped, exhausted daze, her legs stretched out, her breasts heaving powerfully and her eyes closed. The Nympho Patch is still juicing her system. Kara’s has finally played itself out, so the Amazon warrior, while edgy with sexual frustration is too tired to do or demand anything.

After a minute of silence with all parties staring each other down, except for a slumbering Man of Steel, there is a noise in the distance. Down the hall, the sound of heavy footsteps are heard and Lex looks steadily at Tony and Sergei standing on either side of the slouching Wonder Woman. Checking on Superman, Lex sees the nodding, tired blue and red-clad hero has slipped completely into sleep from his own exhaustion from sex and heavy doses of kryptonite.

Two large men in blue blazers round the corner and enter the room side by side. Both are over six feet tall with barrel chests. Between them is a long board made from some dull gray metal. There’s a large brown cardboard box centered on the board but what’s astounding is that the two men don’t seem to be holding the board but merely guiding it. It seems to be floating.

“Tony,” Luthor says, “if you would hand the keys over to Superman’s bondage chains, my two associates here will load him onto my anti-grav Gurney. Slowly and carefully, sir.”

Tony reaches into his jacket pocket and holds out the key. The big Arab Mohammed flips a switch on the anti-grav Gurney and it slowly lowers to the floor. Petrov lifts the cardboard box off the board and easily slides it across the floor so it comes to rest in the corner by the big plastic storage box. Mohamamed reaches out and takes the chrome key from Tony and puts it in his pocket. He then takes out of the same pocket a flashlight that he hands to the big Russian Petrov. Petrov shines the flashlight on Superman and the bright green cone of light from the face of the flashlight bathes Superman in a eerie, deadly glow that causes the Man of Steel to moan loudly.

“Stevie,” Tony calls aloud, “I think you can lower the control disc to zero on Superman. Mr. Luthor seems to have everything under control.”

“As always, Tony,” Luthor gives him a smile and a nod.

“Control disc to zero,” the speaker in the ceiling responds.

After unlocking and unwinding the chains of the bondage chair, Mohammed hoists Superman out of the chair and lays him out flat onto his back while Petrov keeps the flashlight trained on the helpless son of Krypton all the time. Mohammed rolls Superman onto his side and Petrov pushes the board underneath the Man of Steel. Mohammed rolls Superman over onto his back again and flips the switch on the anti-grav Gurney. Slowly it rises into the air. Petrov takes a bright green cord out of his jacket pocket. He efficiently wraps Superman’s body tightly with this thin cord, binding him to the board. After he completes that task, Petrov removes a bright green leather mask from the side pocket of his jacket and pulls this over Superman’s head. He pulls the zipper down the middle of the mask which tightly encloses the Man of Steel’s face in heavy kryptonite impregnated leather. Through the small eye holes, a bewildered, fearful Superman’s eyes have opened to a terror that he cannot control.

A muffled groan escapes from within the mask and Supergirl’s eyes begin to water. She had never seen her cousin so completely overwhelmed and in such pain. “Lutha...please...don’t.. hurt him....”

“No promises, little girl. No promises. Well, I think that just about does it for my visit. I thank you, Tony, for all your hospitality. I regret the final slight of hand but I couldn’t resist my old nemesis so wonderfully packaged and ready for me, as you so kindly provided. I hope you won’t take this setback personally, Tony, and that we can continue to do business with my patches for many years to come.”

“If I’m around,” Tony frowns.

“Oh, you seem pretty resourceful, Tony. I’m sure you’ll end up on your feet. Petrov, Mohammed, if you would cover my retreat, we can leave these charming people to their own devices and be on our way.”

The two burly men both pull large .357 magnum pistols from underneath their jackets and point them at Tony and Sergei, with a small wave in the direction of the dully nodding Wonder Woman. Lex slowly and carefully unwinds the razor wire from around Supergirl’s neck and lets it retract back into his watch.

“Your search was pretty damn thorough, Tony. Just not quite thorough enough.” Lex pushes Supergirl off his lap and leaps off to the side even as she goes sprawling face forward on the hard floor.

“Uhnnff.” The famous blonde is splayed over the floor in ungainly confusion. From her cute round bottom sprays a thick white clot of Lex Luthor’s cum. It splatters on the floor between her thighs as Supergirl’s hand reaches back and pushes her skirt down over her rear in shame. Slowly, the humiliated heroine gets herself weakly onto her hands and knees.

“Sorry, Kara, but there was no sure safe way to execute that maneuver without taking the chance of you doing some silly heroic thing. But I certainly enjoyed our time together, my dear. You are a woman of deep passion. I look forward to seeing and coupling with you again.”

Weakly standing up and pulling herself together with an embarrassed brushing of her skirt and blouse, Supergirl looks chagrined as she looks at a frowning Tony and Sergei. Luthor has had his way with all of them. As he usually did.

“I will be coming for Kal, Luthor. I promise you that,” Supergirl mutters, wobbling unsteadily as, upstairs, Stevie checks the levels on her control disc. He raises it to 2.75 to ensure she is incapable of causing any trouble before or after Lex leaves. She sways heavily, putting her hand to her forehead and trying not to stagger to her knees.

“Thanks for the heads up, my dear. I’ll be sure to arrange something nice for your reception. Will we be fucking again, do you think?”

“I’ll be coming, Luthor.”

“No pun intended, I trust?” Luthor laughs out loud as Supergirl realizes what she’s said and blushes deeply. The bald genius motions to his two accomplices and they back out of the room carefully, guns trained on the foursome as they make their way down the hall with a helpless Superman bound to the anti-grav Gurney floating between them. Tony, Sergei, Supergirl and Wonder Woman all hear Lex Luthor’s laughter echoing off the basement walls as he retreats. “I’ll be coming,” he shouts back. “I love that!”

Tony looks at his watch. It’s almost 5:00 p.m. and Lex Luthor had just carried off Superman. He was in trouble with all the Mafia families now and he knew it. Big trouble.

If you like this series or have feedback that you’d like to share, you can respond here or contact me at [email protected]. Thanks.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:37 pm
by FallOutDweller
Another Mob Job perfectly hand made by the true double D himself. And by DD I mean the one with a Phd in anesthetics and knock out procedures, mostly humanely applied of course. ;-)

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:42 pm
by DrDominator9
A Long Night’s Journey Into Day
Part 35-A

“... I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. But I always thought that I'd see you again.”

Supergirl weeps quietly to the strains of James Taylor on the stereo as she lies cuddled up with a chocolate brown throw pillow clutched in her twisting hands. She is wearing an oversized pale yellow T-shirt emblazoned with bright red type reading “The Pleasure Dome: Nothing’s Off Limits.” Underneath the untucked hem of the shirt, khaki shorts peek out, accenting her long, limber legs curled up beneath her. She’d thrown on the outfit without a thought, grabbing the first thing she found in the bureau after a long, hot shower. Around her neck is the small kryptonite maintenance collar Tony had placed there to keep her powers negated before he left with Carmine and Sergei to talk things over.

Now, nestled in the corner of the sectional couch in her living room suite back in the Pleasure Dome, the red-eyed heroine thinks of all that has gone so horribly wrong in her life over the last month or more. She’d been captured, badly beaten, stabbed, forced into a serious crack addiction and sexually abused countless times. She’d also been humiliated beyond any possible repair through all the media outlets, Internet and millions of water cooler conversations everywhere as the entire world discussed, reviewed and smirked at her exploits on the best-selling DVD series ever to hit the shelves.

On top of that she was responsible for her cousin being abducted by Lex Luthor and carried back to some god-forsaken hideout that nobody knew the location of and that was probably protected by enough death traps to take out the entire Justice League!

To make matters even worse, her best friend Wonder Woman wasn’t even speaking to her. When they’d been brought back in chains to the suite by Tony, Carmine and Sergei, Wonder Woman had purposely stayed on the opposite side of the apartment from her, not saying a word and not even looking at her. After Kara had tried to talk to her once the two of them had taken long separate showers, the grim-faced Amazon had simply walked into the bedroom of the suite and slammed the door in Kara’s face, even as she had chased after Diana trying to reason with her. Maybe she’d cool down after she slept a while. Tony promised to have a second bed brought in so the two women could share the suite for a day or two until he decided how to handle his mob connections and various other pressing business matters.

It was the abduction of Superman that gnawed at Kara’s insides the most, however, making her sick to her stomach, queasy and depressed. The look on his face that she had glimpsed through that horrible kryptonite-imbued leather mask was shockingly terrified. She’d never seen her cousin look like that before in her life. She’d seen worry, strain, anger and even a touch of fear now and then, but never the wide-eyed terror accented by the greenish tinge of the skin around his eyes.

She hadn’t any idea of what he’d been through before she’d seen him chained to the bondage chair when she and Diana were brought into that hellish chamber of sexual depravity, but it must have been terrible. She hadn’t been very focused during the whole time Luthor had been having his way with her, but even she could tell that Kal hardly seemed like himself the entire time he was in that chair. It was more than just the kryptonite bearing down on him. It was like he had given up all his hope. His protests were strident and insecure, his responses to Luthor’s nasty jibes were muted, pathetic mumbles if he even responded at all. Most of the time, she’d seen him simply lower his head and frown, even sigh. And now he was in the clutches of his arch enemy without much hope of escape.

If she could escape, Kara mused, she might be able to find Superman, but her own escape seemed unlikely given that Tony was likely to keep a more vigilant eye on his two remaining prizes. With Diana in the same suite, they might be able to double team him and his brutal Russian muscle and get away. But that wasn’t going to happen unless she and Diana worked out their differences first. Poor, poor Kal.

“But I always thought that I'd see you again.” Under the influence of James Taylor and her own morose self-pity, Kara wept quietly for her cousin, for herself and even for Diana. And beneath the tears lies the waiting face of the dragon as her need for crack begins to grow stronger now that the stimulants in the Nympho Patch have worked their way through her system. She shakes her head at the mountain she had to climb while carrying such a heavy burden.

Inside the bedroom, a very angry Amazon princess lies on the large bed wearing a pale blue oversized t-shirt with a bright multi-colored parrot with a comic-style word balloon coming out of its beak with the words inside the balloon reading “Polly wants his crack (or ecstacy)!” Beneath the shirt are black skin-tight nylon shorts, the only other thing she found in the dresser that fit her.

But Diana isn’t worried about her limited wardrobe right now. She is staring at the ceiling, fuming at her relentless memories as they swirl through her mind like unwelcome guests. Her hands are tight clutching claws of steel at the bedspread by her side. The length of chain links between her wrists are thin titanium, hard enough so they can’t be broken but light enough and long enough to barely be an incumbrance. They ensure Wonder Woman’s incredible powers are nullified to that of a normal woman. A woman seething with anger and despair! Superman had cum in her own ass! Cum? He had virtually erupted within her. And in her vagina. And in her mouth! She had liked the feelings! All of them! The mouth: Even though she had almost gagged on his ejaculation, the taste and width of that warm tool in her mouth was exciting, sensuous, salty and strangely satisfying. Oh, and that beautiful hard tool: when it filled her most sacred channel, stretching it and rubbing against its walls with hard heat that would not be denied. How it filled with the sense of completion she had never so appreciated before.

Diana, you are a total slut! How can you call yourself the Champion of Women when you so obviously crave only that which a man can give? How can you look in a mirror or face poor Kara or, Hera, help me, my mother’s trusting eyes ever again?

That is why the Amazon warrior is so furious, why she seeks the blood of Lex Luthor. He had forced her to face a weakness she only suspected she harbored. He had known and he had made it damn certain that now she did too. She was furious at herself for this core of need that she carried within her. That Luthor and Sergei had so effectively tapped! Oh, yes, that pig Sergei was also to blame. She would save some of her anger for him. Yes, she would secure away a healthy portion in her heart for that disgusting Russian slimeball and repay him with interest when the moment presented itself.

Even Kara had angered her with her desperate need for pleasure while Diana was gagging on that damn candy dildo! But Kara she would forgive. Must forgive. Despite all her naivety, the blonde Kryptonian was a good person and a true champion. My god, the horrible sickening sensation of just wanting to lie down and give up when she first had felt the rushing flow through the magic lasso of what the kryptonite did to poor Kara was almost too much for Diana to bear. And the girl had stood up to that and to Tony for over a week, she believed, before Kara had caved and agreed to be the whore to Tony’s pimp. I lasted but a mere dozen hours, if that, before I agreed to be his whore! No, Kara would be forgiven and together they might be able to end this nightmare somehow, some way. Too jazzed to even think about sleep even though she is exhausted from the unending sex with Kal, Diana decides to go out and talk to Kara. She would apologize and together they would plan together to try to save poor Kal from the clutches of that fucking bald madman!

* * *

“Tony, we’re in the shithouse and the stink ain’t goin’ away!” Carmine settles back on the couch in Tony’s living room and takes a long hard pull on his scotch, the ice clinking against the heavy crystal tumbler.

“Tell me somethin’ I don’t know, Carmine,” Tony scowls. “Got any ideas how to deal with your friend Don Lupenzo? I mean, we have at least four or five hours. Maybe we can track down Luthor and get Superman back. Ask nicely. Whaddaya think?” It’s a sign of Tony’s anxiety that he actually slips into the slurred slang of his youth in Brooklyn, something he’s spent considerable time and effort trying to erase from his persona.

“Can you be tracking him somehow with a GPS locator?” Sergei asks. “Superman I am referring to.”

“That would have required foresight, my Russian friend. Something I pay you for as my security chief!” Tony’s spewing his anger in all directions. He takes a gulp of his own scotch and tries to settle down. Yelling and blaming isn’t going to solve anything. He’s got to cool down and think hard about how to handle this situation. Think real hard, because so far, from his headquarters in Brooklyn all the way up to The Pleasure Dome in the South Bronx he had come up with zilch! Luthor had blind-sided him. Tony had been warned by Carmine but he thought he had covered all the angles. But with Lex Luthor that was, apparently, impossible. Fucking kryptonite choke wire in the lead-shielded watch. It had even set off the metal detector and he’d missed it! FUCK!

“I’m sorry, Sergei, it’s not your fault,” Tony murmurs. “Luthor’s a criminal genius and I thought I was in his league. Clearly, I’m not. But remind me to attach a device to Supergirl and Wonder Woman’s costumes first thing tomorrow. I don’t want to lose my meal tickets!”

“Consider it done.” Sergei tips his beer can back and takes a large finishing swallow. He then crushes the aluminum can flat between his palms, angry as well, and heads into the kitchen area for another beer. He tosses the flat aluminum pancake into the trash, pulls the refrigerator door open and swipes out another brew. Then his head comes up and he says, “Hey, Tony, maybe if you are showing the DVD of what Luthor did, this Lupenzo sees it is not your fault and gives you some...slack, is how you say it.”

“Haah, right,” Tony snorts. “Not much chance of that working. I was the one who let Luthor waltz in and steal Superman from under my nose. It was on my watch. It goes on my account, believe me. No, Don Lupenzo is not the forgiving type. We may have to go to the mattresses on this one boys.”

“You really think Lupenzo would start a war over this?” Carmine asks.

“You know him better than I do, Carm. You tell me.”

“Well, I know he’s thrilled with all the extra money coming into the general family fund thanks to those DVD sales. Gotta be eight million in that fund from our work there. And nobody loves a buck more than Gino. On the other hand, he’s really pissed about your high profile. He hates drawing any attention to the families and while we dodged a bullet on Wonder Woman with your and Stevie’s terrorist video, I don’t think you’re gonna get a pass on Superman not flyin’ around protecting the U.S. Especially since you got everybody nervous about terrorism again, seein’ how they were so successful takin’ out Wonder Woman and Superman.”

“There’s nothing on the tape about Superman and the terrorists,” Tony replies with a frown.

“True enough,” Carmine notes, “but the same team took them both out. And if they got Wonder Woman, stands to reason that Superman is with them unless people hear different. Listen to talk radio, Ton. Most people think the big guy’s dead ‘cause there’s nothin’ said about him and he ain’t showed since that attack.”

“We screwed ourselves you’re saying,” Tony looks at Carmine with a hollow feeling in his gut.

“Right up the ass!” The burly Don grimaces and takes a final swallow of his scotch.

Sergei walks over and sits down in a plush armchair across from the two men. “Maybe we are to be substituting one of the women for Superman to take the heat off us. What do you think about that, Tony?”

“That’s a great idea Sergei. Really! But, man, I’d hate to do that. The girls are a gold mine. Plus, they’re out of our hair so profits are up in all our businesses since they’re not stopping our drug deals, our gambling or our prostitution rings. What if I give Luthor’s fee directly to Don Lupenzo, you think he’d go for that, Carmine?”

“Not a chance. Much as he likes money, Gino’s got Old World honor and he’s got the families watchin’ him close how he handles this. He won’t put his own neck in the noose. Not even for three million bucks.”

“Tony. Excuse me please, but I am getting back to giving up one of the girls again. This Supergirl, she has earned us millions with the sales of her DVDs. Perhaps, I am thinking, she has, how you say, run her course? Give the blonde one back to the world. The Amazon can be earning her way just as well and it could make the families to be less angry, nyet?”

“And what about when she comes back at us like an angry hornet protecting its nest, Sergei? You going to take her down? You literally pissed all over that girl, Serge. A superheroine who you urinated on like a public toilet. You don’t think she’s going to come after you hard if I let her go?”

“This is true. But there can be ways to lower her desire for revenge before we let her go. We could make her promise to leave us alone. These super heroes are known for keeping their promises, no?”

“Well, you make some good points, my Russian friend,” Tony says, holding the liquor glass to the light and searching the golden brown highlights within the ice cubes for answers to his dilemma. “You certainly do. Let me mull it over for a few hours. Don Lupenzo’s deadline is five hours from now. I’ll have an answer for you and for the families in a couple of hours. I’m going to lie down and sleep on it. Sergei, I suggest you check in on the ladies. My guess is that the two of them are getting a little anxious for their fixes: crack for Supergirl and heroin for Wonder Woman. Give ‘em a good dose so they don’t get into any trouble before this deadline passes. The last thing I need are more complications.” Tony slugs back the last of his scotch. Maybe the answers have to be drunk before they’ll come to him. He sets the tumbler on the cocktail table and rises with a sigh. As he heads into the bedroom for a rest and to think, he calls back to his two associates, offering a poor attempt at a joke, “Well, the families can only kill me once. There’s that silver lining to appreciate.”

Carmine and Sergei just look at each other, both heads shaking in shared disbelief at Tony and the fix they’re all in.

* * *

Don Lupenzo is walking through one of his underground bookie parlors in Queens. He’s there on a surprise visit to collect the receipts and check up on the action from the preseason football gambling and an upcoming PGA major tournament. There’s a Friday night match between San Francisco and the Giants. The action is light. Not anything like when the two teams met back in the ‘80s for a conference championship game. With Tiger Woods leading after two days, the bettors are staying away from that action, too. Woods was pure money when leading after 36 holes. Lupenzo sighs as he looks at the four bookies lazing around the phones hoping for bettors to call.

“Any word on the news about Superman showin’ up anywhere?” Don Lupenzo asks Basso as he walks the floor toward the back office.

“Not a ‘ting, boss. I ain’t hoid nuthin’.”

Lupenzo checks his watch. 7:30 p.m. He scowls and opens the door to the manager’s office. The manager sees the frowning Don and almost craps himself. What had he done now?

“Don Lupenzo. What an unexpected pleasure it is to see you tonight.”

“I’m sure, Vick. Good to see you. So how are things. Real quiet, huh?”

“Quiet. I wouldn’t say that. Not really. Maybe a little, yeah, I guess it is. But it’s preseason. No one gives a crap, ya’ know!” The sweat is already forming on Vick’s forehead.

* * *

Supergirl and Wonder Woman are locked in each other’s arms, their heads on each others shoulders, copious tears wetting the t-shirts the two women wear, wracking sobs emanating from both their bodies, the two of them lost in the watery deluge of sorrow and pity.

Finally Wonder Woman composes herself enough to speak. “Oh, Kara, I’m sorry about being a bitch. I was mad at myself more than you. You’re a real fighter, sweetheart. I never, ever realized all the pain you went through when exposed to kryptonite. It’s horrible: like you want to just lie down, give up and die in pain without hope. I felt it through my lasso. It was devastating.”

“ get...used to it...after it happens often enough...kind of...” Supergirl says through her sniffling attempt to pull herself together.

“I don’t know how you could. I couldn’t Kara. I swear I admire you so much for all you’ve gone through. I’ve seen some of the DVDs and, well, you are the most courageous person I know.”

“Oh, Rao, no, Diana, don’t say that. The things I’ve done...”

“You did them under incredible duress, sweetie. I mean, by Zeus’ beard, you were drugged and beaten and subjected to so much kryptonite so often. And the crack they made you take. We have to address that, Kara. But even with all that, you lasted far, far longer than anyone could have begun to expect. You’re my hero, Kara. I mean that.”

“But...but that’s crazy, Di! You’re the strongest person in the world to me. Truly I dream about your mental stamina. I envy your powerful sense of who you are.”

“Smoke and mirrors. That’s all it was when it came down to Sergei’s little program to bring me down. I caved in less than one night, Kara. I wasn’t even in your league. I wasn’t... even...close....” Diana begins to cry again and Kara puts her arms around the Amazon princess, letting her release all her pent up anger, frustration and sorrow into her soggy t-shirt yet again.

“Hush, Diana. Let’s just say no one could be expected to hold up under all that sadistic sexual torture we both underwent. We have to give ourselves some slack or we’ll never be able to function again. You know that. So do I. Let’s learn the lesson and move on, okay Diana? Okay?”

“I hate these men. I hate all men. They are beasts with no thoughts except for their own pleasure. Even Kal was getting hard under me while I almost choked to death on that damn candy dildo.”

“Diana, it’s just a physiological response. Stimulation brings blood flow and their peckers get hard.” Supergirl sighs heavily, waving her hands with a back and forth motion as she says, “Sometimes it’s mental stimulation. Sometimes it’s physical. Believe me, it doesn’t take much to get ‘em going!” Supergirl actually chuckles at this and Diana looks at her in shock. And then the Princess of Themyscira bursts into gales of laughter at Kara’s offhand slight of all men. She laughs hard and long and Kara quickly joins in, the two of them rolling on the bed, weeping with tears of happy release and total silliness. The pent up emotion of their long day with Lex Luthor and his sexual campaign of debasement seeps out of their systems like mist off a cold morning lake. As they laugh together at the absurdity of all the machinations Luthor had gone through to give them such incredible orgasms. Both women wonder why he did it. The humiliation factor must have been the biggest part. Obviously Diana’s overwrought sense of pride was in his cross-hairs the entire time. Kara he just simply enjoyed fucking as a power trip.

“...grunting, slippery, cum-blasted fuckfest...” Kara howls with laughter. “Are you kidding me? Really Lex? Really?”

“Don’t....don’t...Kara...I can’t breathe....” Diana is red from laughter. She barely can get out the words, “’m a little dizzy...right now....Shut up bitch, Take it!” And Kara is the one now red from embarrassment along with her squealing peals of laughter. The women bond like this for several minutes, sampling the ridiculous conversations between them and Lex and Sergei. It does the two of them a world of good to cry from laughing so hard. Their predicament is not one iota less dangerous, but the two of them are back on solid ground for the first time in weeks for Kara and days for Diana.

When they finally calm down and start talking, the two heroines sober up quickly, trying to come up with a way to escape and to try to find Superman without getting themselves killed. Between the two of them, they come up with a kind of crazed, desperate but possible plan. And that is when they hear a knock on the bedroom door and Sergei comes in with his usual wolfish, leering smile.

“Hello, ladies. Miss me?”

“We kind of didn’t,” Kara snaps back. All she missed actually was the crack but she tries to suppress that thought for the moment.

“Ah, yes, the smart-mouthed Supergirl. Don’t quite have your powers right at the moment, do you, bitch? Remember when we met in the elevator and I told you I would be reminding you who you serve. We’re there right now, cunt. Oh, and I have brought to use my trusty tazer with me just like I promised. Now please to move aside Wonder Woman, you already have had your tazering for the day. It’s this haughty bitch I have to remind who’s the boss. Besides she’s overdue for her crack pipe.” Sergei grins evilly and starts slowly toward the bed. Immediately the two women hop off the oversized mattress on opposite sides of it, getting into defensive stances against the oncoming Sergei.

Re: Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:45 am
by Abductorenmadrid
Uh oh - looks like the empire is showing a few cracks there and the heroines are looking a little resurgent. Time for some crisis management before things get out of hand, Tony!