Superheroine Forum Mock Election 2016

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Who Would You Vote For In 2016

Poll ended at 8 years ago

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Total votes: 50

tallyho wrote:
Lordofheroines17 wrote: Bernie Sanders was my hope for president. God Help us now....
Cheer up! He still makes great chicken! :D
Hahaha :lol:
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People we are at war the rules change you can't just let every tom dick and harry in here !!!!! Everybody thinks the dems will give you
everything and they will if you're the right color ! The republicans are for get off your ass and do it yourself !!!!!!
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loveit23 wrote:People we are at war the rules change you can't just let every tom dick and harry in here !!!!! Everybody thinks the dems will give you
everything and they will if you're the right color ! The republicans are for get off your ass and do it yourself !!!!!!
Not just low information voter, Nonsense information voter!
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Anybody who really believes that Hillary Clinton's open borders comment was in regards to energy policy is pretty gullible in my view. It's kind of funny how all of these celebrities and politicians call Trump a racist for wanting to put up a wall when a great many of them live in houses and mansions that have walls and gates. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, no pun intended. Did you know that in 2013 the U.S temporarily stopped Iraqi people from migrating to our country because we were afraid ISIS terrorists were sneaking in. Barring all Muslim immigrants from coming to America is not a good idea, I hardly think that allowing 500,000 people from Syria next year alone, which is what Mrs. Clinton wants to do is a better solution. In fact I think that it is downright irresponsible and will not make us a safer, more secure country which is the most important job our commander in chief has. What we should do is what Canada does, which is allow Muslim immigrant families into our country, not scores of single Muslim men. I see pictures of these poor unfortunate people on these rafts and I wonder where are the women and children? I mean, are we looking for legal immigrants or are we casting for the Syrian version of The bachelor. If you Clinton supporters really think bringing 500,000 immigrants from Syria to the U.S is a good idea, why don't you visit Cologne, Germany on New Years Eve and then get back to me. For those of you who do not know the Cologne, Germany reference, please google it.
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Oops, my numbers were off. Mrs. Clinton wants to increase immigration from Syria 500% not 500,000. She would like to add almost a million new immigrants from Syria in her first term alone. I did not mean to mislead anyone.
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Way to go people ! Let's see 30,000 e-mails deleted why oh why ?
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YOU'VE ALL GONE MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAD I TELL YOU! :)
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I am a very strong open minded lesbian woman....NOT voting for HRC for sure...she represents NOTHING I stand for. Sorry not sorry

batgirl1969 wrote:I am a very strong open minded lesbian woman....NOT voting for HRC for sure...she represents NOTHING I stand for. Sorry not sorry
She represents nothing anyone stands for, well with the exception of the corporate elitists who line her pocket. Shes represents very much what they stand for.

Would everyone agree that if either candidate were running against anyone else they would have no chance?

This is some coincidence. The perfect storm or well the perfect shit storm.
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Bert wrote:Politically correct language has become a factor in this election. Allow me to bypass PC talk and get straight to the point. And this isn't me, it's the demographics talking, I'm just eliminating the bafflegab. If you are a stupid person, you support Trump. If you are not a stupid person, you cannot support Trump. See, simple and clear.
Without a doubt. +1
the Scribbler

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theScribbler wrote:
Bert wrote:Politically correct language has become a factor in this election. Allow me to bypass PC talk and get straight to the point. And this isn't me, it's the demographics talking, I'm just eliminating the bafflegab. If you are a stupid person, you support Trump. If you are not a stupid person, you cannot support Trump. See, simple and clear.
Without a doubt. +1

I would supplement "stupid "with "ignorant"

Not many people really educate themselves on politics and what it actually means. They mostly just parrot what they hear on the news or on fb. There is also the select few that just cant stomach more of the same. Its the only reason trump has a chance. Pc is a factor because pc is a trait used by the same old politician that promise alot and give nothing.

Idk i think people should vote for Hilary for the safety of the world. But i cannot, knowing what i know, blame anyone for not supporting her.

My personal opinion. We go for the lesser of two evils and then after we avoid fascism we go back to focusing on the systemic corruption in the establishment. I think now more than ever people know that which is why she had to conspire to against sanders who she barely beat anyway and why a total buffoon like trump is neck and neck with her. This is how bad it has become. The dnc and the gop have themselves to blame.
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batgirl1969 wrote:I am a very strong open minded lesbian woman....NOT voting for HRC for sure...she represents NOTHING I stand for. Sorry not sorry
I guess it depends on whether you think your equality in the provision of employment, goods and services should be protected? Would you find it acceptable if establishments were to start asking you to leave because they don't serve lesbians? Would you find it acceptable if your employer were to fire you on grounds of sexual orientation?

Trump's running mate Mike Pence has campaigned hard for "religious liberty" laws which are basically a modern form of Jim Crow against homosexuals. He is also a strong advocate of unscientific and psychologically dangerous "conversion therapy" which claims to turn people straight, but is supported by zero credible evidence.

Trump plans to appoint very right-leaning justices to the Supreme Court. So when states bring in the modern equivalent of Jim Crow laws to allow discrimination against the LGBT community, these will be upheld as constitutional by SCOTUS.

Donald Trump will not protect the equality LGBT people have fought for and won in recent years. In fact, he has promised the exact opposite to get the support of the evangelicals. Hillary Clinton, however, will protect your rights. Are you really sure she stands for NOTHING you stand for?
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Heroine Addict wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:I am a very strong open minded lesbian woman....NOT voting for HRC for sure...she represents NOTHING I stand for. Sorry not sorry
I guess it depends on whether you think your equality in the provision of employment, goods and services should be protected? Would you find it acceptable if establishments were to start asking you to leave because they don't serve lesbians? Would you find it acceptable if your employer were to fire you on grounds of sexual orientation?

Trump's running mate Mike Pence has campaigned hard for "religious liberty" laws which are basically a modern form of Jim Crow against homosexuals. He is also a strong advocate of unscientific and psychologically dangerous "conversion therapy" which claims to turn people straight, but is supported by zero credible evidence.

Trump plans to appoint very right-leaning justices to the Supreme Court. So when states bring in the modern equivalent of Jim Crow laws to allow discrimination against the LGBT community, these will be upheld as constitutional by SCOTUS.

Donald Trump will not protect the equality LGBT people have fought for and won in recent years. In fact, he has promised the exact opposite to get the support of the evangelicals. Hillary Clinton, however, will protect your rights. Are you really sure she stands for NOTHING you stand for?
Ok...I am currently dating a girl who escaped the middle east and her family to attend college and pretty much live that she too is a lesbian...her family wants her dead...I will gladly take my chances of not having my wedding cake made or asked to not lez out my girlfriend in a private business over being stoned to death, thrown off a roof, my girlfriends father or famiy beheading or worse....THAT is what HRC will allow with her immigration and foreign policy...yes Both are not great choices....but HRC does NOT really support LGBT agendas or she would NOT allow this influx of people who want to kill lesbians....did you see the latest news of 2 girls that were kissing on their rooftop in libya and a neighbor saw them and turned them they face death or life in thanks!!
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I'll tread carefully here, as I really don't want this to come across as a personal attack. Do you think your girlfriend should be (or should have been if she's now a US citizen) allowed to stay in America?

You're clearly satisfied that she's a good person who would suffer persecution in her country of birth. So would you support a shutdown of all Muslims entering the US (or gaining US citizenship) which would condemn people in her situation to torture and death?

On the subject of violence, deporting 11 million illegal immigrants (who are mainly Catholic, not Muslim) is not going to be bloodless. Rounding that many people up at gunpoint and putting them in concentration camps while they await processing is going to be a mammoth task. With a huge amount of collateral damage.

Assuming there isn't a Final Solution situation and these people leave the camps alive, a bunch of countries would then have to tackle a sudden increase in the homeless population. So America would be causing an international humanitarian crisis by reversing decades of illegal immigration over a short period.

Along with tearing up trade deals, tearing up the Paris Accord on global warming and threatening to default on America's national debt, a Trump presidency could destroy the economies of several countries. But that's "winning" to him.
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It's interesting that Trump is likening his potential election to Brexit. A rushed and ill-conceived referendum which was caused by the rash election promise of a Prime Minister who didn't want his party to lose parliamentary seats to the upstart UK Independence Party. As it stands, his successor as Prime Minister is now awaiting a decision by the UK Supreme Court on whether she can legally start the process without a vote in parliament.

For reference, the overwhelming majority of sitting Members of Parliament oppose Britain leaving the European Union. So, if the UK Supreme Court rules that MPs must vote, there's a good chance the whole referendum will have been an illegal waste of time.

One MP has already been murdered in the street as a direct result of her opposition to Brexit. Death threats are currently being sent to anyone responsible for bringing forward the legal case. More death threats are likely to directed at all MPs with the "wrong" opinion if it comes down to a parliamentary vote.

It seems Trump's likening the prospect of his election to Brexit may inadvertently be more accurate than he knows. It has been a populist shitshow followed by a fucking shambles.
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And why should we in the US care about any opinions outside this country is..? :)
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Richpartist wrote:And why should we in the US care about any opinions outside this country is..? :)
^^^ This
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Richpartist wrote:And why should we in the US care about any opinions outside this country is..? :)
Because the election of Trump is likely to tank the global economy, perhaps?

The rest of the world is terrified of a Trump presidency. Except the Russians. They like him much more than Americans do. Funny, that. ... 67591.html
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Richpartist wrote:And why should we in the US care about any opinions outside this country is..? :)
I'm in the USA, and I +1 Heroine Addict's and tallyho's opinions. But you don't care about my opinion as I don't care about yours. :cap:

Yet we all get to voice our opinions anyways (until we're muzzled by fascist Trump).

over being stoned to death, thrown off a roof, my girlfriends father or famiy beheading or worse....THAT is what HRC will allow with her immigration and foreign policy...
Last part is 100% not true republican propaganda. First part is 99.999% plus not happening in USA.
but HRC does NOT really support LGBT agendas or she would NOT allow this influx of people who want to kill lesbians....
Just more republican propaganda. She does support LGBT far more than Trump (who is rhetoric only). There will be no influx of people who want to kill lesbians, that is not what kindness to refugees is about. No immigration vetting system can be perfect, but the amount of refugees that are evil that get in are infinitesimally small compared to the refugees that are good intentioned and just trying to get away from their current terrible situation.
did you see the latest news of 2 girls that were kissing on their rooftop in libya and a neighbor saw them and turned them they face death or life in thanks!!
This does not happen in the USA. And that neighbor is clearly republican equivalent in whatever land he/she's from.
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Richpartist wrote:And why should we in the US care about any opinions outside this country is..? :)
I can't actually reply to that sentence in a natural way because of the 'is' on the end :D (doesn't need the 'is' , or instead of 'why should' put 'the reason')

So I will say this - we are all on this planet together - everyone else's opinions are also important and in a world that is shrinking you need to be aware that you aren't the only people in it.
Americas Place in the world.jpg
Americas Place in the world.jpg (57.3 KiB) Viewed 5439 times
But I posted that merely because I thought it was amusing, to lighten up a thread that was meant to be a bit of fun.
The ad actually appeals to foreign based Americans to vote - who they vote for is up to them.

I don't expect crazy eyeballs to radically influence opinion given racist gaffes, sexist gaffes, shady business practices and actual sexual assaults plus no actual policies, seem to be persuading you. It is, after all, just a bus with crazy eyeball wheels. :laugh:

As I say, just a bit of fun on my part. For the avoidance of doubt, I am not suggesting you vote the way a bus implies that you should. ;)
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Wait you you're saying world maps sold to brits don't have Britain in the center of the map?
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^^^ Yes because our time zone starts it all off. GMT and all that old boy. :D

We're allowed to, its in the rules. (that we wrote! ;) )
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With so many accusations of metaphorical puppetry flying around, it is interesting that so many actual Puppet Americans have come out in support of Trump. While it's quite a novelty to have animatronic characters on serious news broadcasts (particularly the guest villain who sometimes wears a hood), the sight of their unreal rubbery skin and glassy eyes just sends me to Uncanny Valley.

Maybe it's all part of the media rigging the election against Trump by making everyone associate him with creepy puppets?

Update: It seems the Krauthammer puppet has a rogue voice artist who has been going off-message. Not sure if this is good or bad for Clinton?
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"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."

You know what? Im moving to skyrim. Much better place.

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Move to Westeros instead. More political stability and less backstabbing
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While nobody's mind will be changed here or anywhere else, I think the thing about Trump that is most troubling (and which gets the least attention) is the Putin love fest. Vladimir Putin is actively working to secure the American presidency for Donald Trump. Why? Because he likes him? Because he wants to be allies with the US? No. Trump has given us the clues, like not honoring the NATO pact. Putin wants America out of Russia's/his way so he can have his way on the world stage.

So why would Trump just roll over for Putin? Unlike Reagan, whose bread and butter was taking on the Soviet Union, Trump has gone out of his way to praise Putin about the way he handles the press and dissidents. There have been indications that Trump, in the words of a Western intelligence agent in a Mother Jones interview, has been "compromised" (blackmailed) the process beginning as long as five years ago. What could Russia have on Trump? There are no clear indicators here, only speculation. There are the rumors of being in deep with the Russian mob. Trump of course recently had the child rape civil suit against him dropped because the victim was (not surprisingly) receiving death threats. Maybe there's something to the rape allegations, maybe not - his history with his treatment of women is out there for all of us to see. One thing is certain - Trump, in a 2002 interview with New York magazine spoke very highly of convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. Yes, the same Jeffrey Epstein who had a relationship with Bill Clinton as his detractors fairly point out. In that interview Trump said: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life." So guilt only by association, as is the case with Clinton but a possibility for blackmail if anything happened. Notice by the way that Trump is unable to bring up Epstein against Clinton because of his own relationship with the man.

What else is Russia doing to get their man in office? They've hacked Democratic party emails. Perhaps they've also hacked Republican party emails but if so, they've obviously released nothing. Hard to believe there wouldn't be some interesting information there, no? As shown on Samantha Bee's show, Russian government employees are paid to troll social media posing as American citizens advocating for Trump. The one Russian woman even chuckling as she tells us her profile on Facebook is a housewife from Nebraska. It works, as those the agents themselves say because people are lazy and believe everything they read. Perhaps most disturbingly, Russian hackers have been and are no doubt right now desperately trying to hack into the electoral system.

Once again why go through all this trouble? Well these tactics the Russians are using on the US are the same they used in the Ukraine to start the civil unrest there. No need to go to war with America and lose millions of lives and damage valuable commodities. Let America destroy itself from within all thanks to the efforts of the Russian intelligence community and done largely from behind keyboards. Then there will be no one to stop Putin and Russia. Brilliant, really.

For this and all the other reasons he's given I don't want Trump to win. If he does, my only solace will be the knowledge that this will all start to bubble to the surface and hopefully take him down.

One last thing - I think we should all (myself included) just cut the moral high ground bullshit and admit that none of sexual, criminal or unethical behaviors matter. Forget the names; Trump, Clinton, candidate A 2020, candidate B 2020 - they could rape, kill, cook and eat a human baby on live television right in front of us and it would make no difference in our voting decision whatsoever. The only thing that matters anymore is that the candidate we hate loses. Sad that this is where we are but this is where we are.

tallyho wrote:Move to Westeros instead. More political stability and less backstabbing

Suggestion noted. :lol:
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FlyGuy - whos the heroine in you thumbnail? Is that a gigafreaks characters?
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Mr. X wrote:FlyGuy - whos the heroine in you thumbnail? Is that a gigafreaks characters?
You are correct sir! That would be my beloved Spandexer in Sexual Dynamite Heroine 09 Spandexer R. Not sure what the "R" stands for but this is from the PG Heroine site: ... ct_id=5067

The heroine and villainess in this one are on the meatier side - built a little more like wrestlers, which is alright by me and a nice change of pace.
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Tonight is a night to engage in the fetish not watching the returns

Trump is winning. God help america. Im actually really scared.
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God help us all. And I thought we were retarded over voting for a pack of lies with Brexit
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tallyho wrote:God help us all. And I thought we were retarded over voting for a pack of lies with Brexit

THis is a sad day for the world. The fucking DNC screwed us. Why conspire against an honest intelligent candidate with a real proven plan oh yeah because they are the establishment and corporatism. Money in politics has put the world in danger. Why in the world did they think a candidate with a history of corruption would beat Trump in this climate. With Bernie went the next 4-8 years.

Sorry i dont mean to rant. Im literally shaking. Im scared. Bush hurt us soo bad and this guy is much worse.
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Trump is absolutely sweeping all of the rural areas everywhere. Obama won quite a few in the last 2 elections, and Hillary isn't winning any of them.

The Canadian Citizenship and Immigration website has crashed.
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American voters (not collectively, but majority wise) have a history of choosing president based on which republican candidate or democratic candidate has the most charisma or stage presence. The best actor.

Reagan vs his opponents
George Bush vs his opponent
Bill Clinton vs his opponents
George W Bush vs his opponents
Barack Obama vs his opponents

And it's happening again. Trump is a lout but an entertaining lout, comfortable as a speaker. Hillary is smarter and knows more than Trump by miles, but her stage presence is uninspiring, cardboard like, a lot like Bob Dole. She should've taken acting classes, improv classes, starting like 20 years ago.

The DNC probably should've run George Clooney or Amy Schumer or Michelle Obama!

Elections not over, but looks pretty bad for USA.
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Just prepare yourselves for 4 to 8 years of Trump's pudgy smug racist,sexist, sociopath face. But even WORSE is that the Republicans will also control the senate, and the house of representatives, AND since they stonewalled Obama's RIGHT to pick a Judge they'll control the judiciary. Checks and Balances are out the window...

I think we may have to build a wall people.... and Mexico will NOT FUCKING PAY FOR IT!

Bert wrote:The Canadian Citizenship and Immigration website has crashed.

Sadly no matter where you go. Trump will effect the globe. We just gave this man the authority of the most powerful military in human history. Stocks are already down 750+ points. Dollar is plummeting.
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Extremely depressing just how much of America has voted for Trump. This is a huge vote against Washington insiders and their stagnant do-nothing approach. It's a groundswell of very angry people who think Trump will shake things up. Just how much he'll shake things up is the Holy Shit factor. Sure doesn't feel like Hillary is going to win.
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I voted for Hillary... but as an American, on behalf of America to all the countries of the world that this man will no doubt insult.

I'm sorry.
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This is just 2000 all over again. We'll get 4-8 years of Trump and Republicans, like we did with George W. Then, when we have 4 dollars per gallon for gas, terrible supreme court rulings, plummeting economy, high unemployment and a couple of wars, it'll switch back like it did in 2008. These next 4-8 years are gonna be really hard though.
Last edited by Ninja J. 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

Ninja J. wrote:This is just 2000 all over again. We'll get 4-8 years of Trump and Republicans, like we did with George W. Then, when we have 4 dollars per gallon for gas, terrible supreme court rulings, plummeting economy, high unemployment and a couple of wawa, it'll switch back like it did in 2008. These next 4-8 years are gonna be really hard though.
Hes worse than bush. Hes worse and he has ill selfish intention. Fuck this shit
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Bush actually CARED about things. He was bad at the job but he CARED. Trump is a literal sociopath. He's SULKED through this last half of the race, one of the last things he said was 'I'd better win, or this will have been the biggest waste of my money, life and time,'

That doesn't sound like the words of someone who cares about the SYSTEM or the people living in it. This is all to aggrandize himself, and we're fucking giving it to him!
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Oh it's gonna be horrible but people are too dumb to realize or remember. Unfortunately its gonna take at least 4-8 years of atrocious republican policies to once again show or remind everybody.
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I decided to remove this post. There is way too much irrational hyperbole going on here to have a rational discussion. Maybe its just people being emotional, I don't know. Lets just leave things as they are.
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It's never been about what the President alone could accomplish.

It's about what their supporters - the ugliest segment, at least - will feel emboldened to do.

They say there's every chance Brexit (which was a non-binding referendum anyhow) will be swept under the rug in a few months time. But that hasn't stopped hate crimes in the UK from jumping up what, four, five times?

Not everyone who voted for Brexit was a racist. But the racists wound up feeling they had half the country behind them.
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Mr. X wrote:Don't know why people are upset. Trump has been a democrat for years. I think he's always voted democrat. All you're getting is diet democrat instead of jolt cola democrat. Even Michael Moore thinks Trump maybe doing more dem things than repub things.

And historically dems have gotten more dem things under a republican than under democrats. Seriously what dem punch list items did dems get under Obama when the dems had all that power? Free college? Amnesty? Gay marriage passed through congress? Free abortions? Free birth control? Did the black community get better? Reinstate glass/steagal? Pass any meaningful gun legislation? Pass any of that global warming legislation?

If a tiny minority of repubs could block such a large majority of dems then why didn't a large minority of dems block the wars under Bush?

In fact look at all the anti-dem stuff the dems did. gave 2 tril to evil banks and wall street. Made the top banks richer and 100s of smaller banks collapsed creating a much stronger oligarchy of banks. MORE corporate fascism. MORE gov intertwined with corporations. 9 tril debt. Made us buy ins policies from evil corporations. Black community worse off. Just as much overseas intervention. didn't even close Ghitmo.

So for 8 years of Obama and 4 years of a large majority and 7 months of a super majority why did the dems get more anti-dem things done than positive dem things? How many years and how much power do the dems need?

And you should be proud of dems. How many dems decided NOT to vote, stand on their principles and not put a crook in office. Do you know how much egg the dems would have gotten on their face if Hillary got in and for years scandal after scandal popped up, more Clinton money exposed, more money traced back to rotten countries. It would have been a never ending shit show of scandals. It had to take a lot for dems to say NO and not vote in Hillary just to hold onto power. Those dems need an applause. That takes courage and integrity not to win in the moment. far better than to have to spend an infinite amount of weaseling defending a candidate.

You're getting a democrat anyway so what's the big deal. Trump has almost always been a democrat. I think you'll find you'll get those actual punch list items you wanted or get closer. Reagan passed amnesty. Nixon went to china, signed the peace accords and passed the clean air act.
There is so much wrong with this that I... I just can't...

No, I can't deal with you right now Mr. X Maybe another time.
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Staff Sargeant
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Go Donald Go !!!

Mr. X wrote:Don't know why people are upset. Trump has been a democrat for years. I think he's always voted democrat. All you're getting is diet democrat instead of jolt cola democrat. Even Michael Moore thinks Trump maybe doing more dem things than repub things.

And historically dems have gotten more dem things under a republican than under democrats. Seriously what dem punch list items did dems get under Obama when the dems had all that power? Free college? Amnesty? Gay marriage passed through congress? Free abortions? Free birth control? Did the black community get better? Reinstate glass/steagal? Pass any meaningful gun legislation? Pass any of that global warming legislation?

If a tiny minority of repubs could block such a large majority of dems then why didn't a large minority of dems block the wars under Bush?

In fact look at all the anti-dem stuff the dems did. gave 2 tril to evil banks and wall street. Made the top banks richer and 100s of smaller banks collapsed creating a much stronger oligarchy of banks. MORE corporate fascism. MORE gov intertwined with corporations. 9 tril debt. Made us buy ins policies from evil corporations. Black community worse off. Just as much overseas intervention. didn't even close Ghitmo.

So for 8 years of Obama and 4 years of a large majority and 7 months of a super majority why did the dems get more anti-dem things done than positive dem things? How many years and how much power do the dems need?

And you should be proud of dems. How many dems decided NOT to vote, stand on their principles and not put a crook in office. Do you know how much egg the dems would have gotten on their face if Hillary got in and for years scandal after scandal popped up, more Clinton money exposed, more money traced back to rotten countries. It would have been a never ending shit show of scandals. It had to take a lot for dems to say NO and not vote in Hillary just to hold onto power. Those dems need an applause. That takes courage and integrity not to win in the moment. far better than to have to spend an infinite amount of weaseling defending a candidate.

You're getting a democrat anyway so what's the big deal. Trump has almost always been a democrat. I think you'll find you'll get those actual punch list items you wanted or get closer. Reagan passed amnesty. Nixon went to china, signed the peace accords and passed the clean air act.
Your failing to see the point. Hes not intelligent. It has nothing to do with what party. Im scared of the choices hes going to make. Im angry because both democrats and republicans serve the interest of donors and they are the reason Trump is the president of the united states. He is the consequence and politicians like Hilary are the cause. Bernie was polling 15 points ahead of trump. But Clinton corruption and endless pockets fucked him over and america with it.

Btw your examples represent the opposite of trumps stances.

He , on video, said he wants to get rid of the epa. He literally said hes going to remove 8/10 water safety regulations. He literally proposed a plan that will give the rich even more tax breaks. hmm what does that include? oh yea trump hotels etc. Stupid voters who are tired of corrupt politicians just placed one of the corrupter in office.

People more and more need to break from labels, republican democrat its all the same. They are all bought and sold. Fucking hell.

I might of mentioned this before, but in my political science class my professor predicted this 2 years ago. When the government loses legitemacy and the military has the support of the people. It makes way for tyranny. God willing that wont happen but the patterns in history are evident. German Wiemar republic lost legitimacy of the people...we all know what party took over.

The us dollar just dropped. The stocks are down. "Were gonna beat china" we just handed over a brass knuckle economically. A more than one time over failed business man is not equipped to prevent a recession.

Btw the great depression was reversed by taxing the rich fairly and guess what happened?

For the next 50 years the united states saw a thriving sustained economy to the likes of which the world has never seen.

Its easy to be ignorant in a country where going to college puts you in a 6 foot hole of debt.

Neither of them deserve the presidency but one option was clearly worse then the other. Hes now the most powerful man alive.