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Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:02 am
by Centurion
[If you thought having her picture printed in a sleazy tabloid was bad, that's nothing compared to what happens to the Fox in this one. Expect superheroine perils, deathtraps, partial nudity and mild to moderate sexual content.]

Chapter 1 -- Washington, D.C.

"Alley Cat Strikes Again!" the headline said.

Herbert Palmer was sitting on a bench at the edge of Mt. Vernon Park. It being a warm spring morning, his tie was loosened and his suit jacket was draped over the back of the bench while he glanced through the latest news on his laptop.

Suddenly he heard the squeal of automobile tires. A silver/gray Volvo was racing towards him down K Street, swerving dangerously back and forth across the traffic. As it tried to turn onto 7th, the driver lost control and slammed through the park's fence at about 70 miles an hour! Herb jumped to his feet by pure reflex, but there was no time to get out of the way! He was a dead man!

Two hands grabbed him underneath his armpits and lifted him a dozen feet into the air, just as the Volvo plowed through the place he had been standing. "Just remain calm, sir," said a soft angelic voice in his ear. "I've got you."

It was the Fuchsia Fox! His heart already thumping like mad from the adrenalin of his close call, Herb felt his testicles tighten with arousal as the sexy young superheroine flew him several yards and set him down. Her slender body was as smooth and flawless as a lingerie supermodel's, crowned with a halo of brunette hair. She was dressed in a costume that was already famous -- a reddish purple halter top with a fox head chest emblem caressing the sweet contours of her two perky breasts, matching briefs, and elbow length gloves. Her long legs were sheathed in silky tan pantyhose and ankle boots to match her costume.

Herb just stared at the stunning supergirl, dumbfounded. "Stay clear, okay?" she said. "It's not over yet."

The car had come to a shattering halt against a big oak tree, it's engine smoking. Three men wearing identical green coveralls tumbled out, each carrying a canvas bag with "Bladensburg Credit Union" stenciled on it. They were bank robbers!

"Drop your guns, boys," the Fox said, planting her hands on her shapely hips. "The party is over as of right now!"

"No pussy in spandex is going to stop me!" boasted the largest and brawniest of the three, as he charged at her, swinging his massive fist.

The Fox ducked his roundhouse with ease and brought her own fist up into his stomach so hard it lifted his feet momentarily off the ground. "Do me a favor, pumpkin," she smirked, raising one perfect eyebrow. "Don't call me a pussy." Nabbing him by the collar, she turned and flung him twenty feet across the lawn, where he lay there, stunned and gasping for breath.

The other two men pulled their guns and opened fire, shooting wildly. The superheroine wasn't so much worried about herself as about the innocent bystander, frozen with shock. Spinning around, she made a grab for Herb, throwing him to the ground and diving protectively on top of him as the bullets sprayed the area. Seconds later, the sound of police sirens was in the air. Glancing around, the Fox could see the bank robbers running straight into the hands of the four police officers who had just pulled up.

Then the alluring superlady realized that her silken body was still lying on top of the man she had rescued. His arms were around her waist, his hands clenching her round little bottom. She could also feel the throbbing bulge of his third leg rising upright against her cleft. But she could hardly blame the poor guy for that, since she had landed with his face pressing against her chest emblem, nestled right in between her two nubile breasts. "Sorry about that, sir," she said, blushing rosily. "Um... you can let go of me now."

Herbert Palmer's eyes traveled slowly from the Fuchsia Fox's delicious bust, along her graceful, swanlike neck, to her beautiful face. "Do I have to?"

"I'm afraid so," she said, smiling.

Herb reluctantly took his hands off of her. The superheroine sprang to her feet and helped him to stand up. "You can tell the police what happened, right?" the Fox said. "I'd stick around, but I'm giving my first television interview, and I don't want to be late."

Across the lawn, the police were handcuffing the three bank robbers. "And if I had the choice," she added, "I'd rather fight ten more badguys like that!" Then she kicked off from the ground and soared away into the sky.


"Good morning, Washington," said the perky TV hostess, tossing her fiery red hair. "I'm Keri Keller. We're in the studio today with the hottest new superheroine in the country, D.C.s own Fuchsia Fox. Good morning. May I call you the Fox?"

The beautiful young superlady sat upright in her chair and nervously crossed her gorgeous legs as she tried not to stare at the television cameras. "Um... sure."

"Fox, according to an Air Force press release, you've just returned from out west, where you and Supergirl single-handedly saved the world. Tell us all the juicy details!"

The Fox squirmed a little as she looked at the cameras, imagining thousands of people gawking at her and her skimpy costume on their television screens. "Er... I probably shouldn't add anything to what they said in the press release. Supergirl probably exaggerated how much help I was."

"Now Fox, you're being too modest!" Keri gushed, leaning over to pat her silken knee. "we've all seen action shots of you on the news. And let me say you look amazing!"

"Thank you," said the Fox, wishing she could stop blushing.

"And I'm sure the main thing our viewers are interested in is... What gives you your super powers?"

The Fox was within a whisker of blurting out, "My bracelets of Ishtar," but thankfully caught herself in the nick of time. "I'm... not sure I should say much about that," she said, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. "Telling everyone about my powers or my weaknesses wouldn't make a lot of sense, would it?"

"I guess not," Keri conceded, turning the full force of her lip gloss toward her closeup camera. "I wouldn't want to be responsible for some supervillain knowing exactly how to render the Fuchsia Fox helpless, would I? Speaking of which..." Reaching for the little table behind her, the perky reporter brought out a tabloid newspaper and held it for the camera. The name of the tabloid had been covered with a strip of cardboard. The major headline read: "Ghost of Roswell Alien Haunts Area 51!", but she pointed at one of the lesser headlines that said, "Fushia Fox Skunked! Photos on Pg. 4!"

"We can't actually show the article or the photos on camera," Keri said, "but it says you were defeated and captured. Have you any comment?"

The Fox felt her cheeks burning. Her smile faltered. Her boyfriend Martin had warned her that this would probably come up, but she hadn't expected the interviewer to be so BLUNT about it! During that tussle with the Centurion a few weeks ago, she had been overpowered and tied up with her own halter top! What was worse, a bystander had taken pictures of her in that state and sold them to the tabloid! Trying to act unconcerned, she leaned back in her chair, uncrossed her legs, and crossed them the other way. "I'm... um... actually glad you brought that up, Ms. Keller. I don't know how they make this stuff up."

"You mean you weren't captured, stripped of all your super powers, and left trussed up like a prize turkey?" the reporter pressed, noticing her embarrassment and trying to milk it for all it was worth. "You didn't have to be rescued by American servicemen?"

"I did assist the Navy in recovering something. But I wasn't defeated and I certainly wasn't rescued." That was 100% true. The Centurion had temporarily caught her at a disadvantage, but while she had struggled out of her bonds, she hadn't gotten ANY help at all from that sailor, who had just gawked at her bare breasts while taking those humiliating photos!

"But the pictures?" Keri pressed on mercilessly. "Are you telling me that the girl in these pictures isn't you?"

This was a tricky one. How could she dodge the question without actually lying? The Fox tried to act casual as she leaned back in her chair. "Does she look like me?"

Keri leaned closer to scrutinize her face. The comparison seemed to go on for ages. The Fox had to rely on her costume's aura, which subtly altered her features to greatly enhance her beauty. If it didn't work, she was sunk! "No," Keri said reluctantly. "I'd have to say she doesn't." Looking a little disappointed, she tossed the tabloid away.

when she turned back to the superheroine, she was holding up a photograph. It was taken from a security camera, showing an attractive blond woman wearing a black leather bustier studded with straps and buckles, fishnet stockings, and a mask. "Lately there has been a rash of burglaries by a criminal who calls herself the Alley Cat. Why haven't you been able to stop her? Is she that good she keeps giving you the slip?"

"I wouldn't know," the Fox replied. "Look, I'm not Batgirl. I don't spend every night out on patrol, looking for trouble. I'm just a person like you. If I see somebody that needs help, I help just like any public spirited citizen would do. I just so happen to have these extra powers that most people don't have."

The reporter leaned over with a bright smile to pat the Fox's silken knee again. "And we're all so glad that you do, Fox!" Turning back to face the camera, she said, "Next up, Bob Webster with this weekend's weather. Stay with us."


In her fashionable Georgetown apartment, 24-year-old heiress Catherine Alessandro muted the television set. Having just finished her morning Brazilian butt-toning workout, she was still dressed in her sweaty exercise shorts and sports bra, her cornsilk blond hair tied back in a ponytail. "Ohhhh, so the precious Fox isn't Batgirl?" she said quietly to herself. "That's why you're not interested in coming after the Alley Cat?" Her blue eyes narrowed. "We'll just have to MAKE you interested then, won't we?"

Kicking off her sneakers, Catherine stood up, peeling off her sports bra and letting it fall to the floor. She stripped off her shorts on the way to the shower, calling over her shoulder, "Hilton, get the car ready! We're going shopping!"

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:04 am
by Centurion
This is a crude sketch of what the heroine and main villain look like.

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:09 pm
by dravatar
A great beginning. I like how we get to actually see a fight scene!

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:31 pm
by tallyho
Nicely done Mr. C.!

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:52 am
by Centurion
I appreciate the comments. And now...

Chapter 2 --

A few days later, as Jennifer Traylor was leaving an afternoon class at American University, her phone trilled. She waved her friends Sharon and Liz on ahead as she stopped to answer it. "Hi, Angel," her boyfriend's voice said. "Looks like you're in the clear."

"About what?" she asked, brushing her fingers through her short brunette hair as she stood balanced on one leg, crossing her shapely ankles. She was wearing a sleeveless orange V-neck dress with a sewn-in belt. The flaring skirt ended about three inches above the knee and the border was patterned with spring flowers.

"That interview is all over the Internet," Martin's voice replied. "Everybody seems convinced the tabloid tried to pull a fast one. I don't know how you did it, but you dodged the bullet."

"I owe it all to clean living and a healthy sex life."

"I can't help you with the first one," he said, "but if I can pick you up at seven tonight, I just might be able to do something about the second one."

"It's a date. See you then, hon." Jennifer hung up the phone and pensively dropped it into her shoulder bag., feeling a little uncomfortable. After all, the picture didn't lie... the Fuchsia Fox HAD been overpowered and tied up. But in her mind, the rest of the story WAS a lie. She hadn't been "defeated" and she hadn't been "rescued". She also couldn't find it in her heart to feel very sorry for the photographer. A reasonable person would have helped her instead of just taking pictures! Did common, ordinary consideration not apply because she was a superheroine? Was she fair game just because she wore a sexy costume?

Sharon and Liz were waiting a few yards ahead. Although they had only heard her side of the conversation, they could tell by her tone of voice that she had been talking to her boyfriend, and they were a little giggly as they waited to find out what he had said. Jennifer smiled. Thank goodness her friends didn't know about her double life. They accepted her for who she really was, not for what her secret identity sometimes forced her to be.


At about that same time, Keri Keller was leaving the television studio, dressed in a lavender blouse and a black skirt. Her designer high heels clicked briskly on the sidewalk as she flicked out her phone and dialed without breaking stride. It rang four times before the man at the other end answered. "Talk to me, Lionel," she said.

"Er... It's a no go, Miss Keller," the man replied, keeping his voice down as if he didn't want to be overheard.

"There were five pictures on the zip drive I gave you," the beautiful redhead said, turning the corner towards the parking garage where she had left her car. "I went to a lot of trouble to get hold of them. Do you mean none of them was usable?"

"The pictures were fine," he said. "The face recognition software worked like a charm. The girl in the pictures just doesn't have a driver's license in the District of Columbia, Virginia, or Maryland."

Keri stopped and stood tapping her foot. The girl in the pictures looked to be in her early twenties. "Can you check the student IDs of the colleges and universities in the area?"

"Listen, Miss Keller," he said nervously. "This database is confidential, for law enforcement only. If they catch me--"

"Lionel, sweetie," Keri said, in a much warmer, more flirtatious tone of voice. "They're not going to catch you. But I really NEED to know who this girl is! Can't you do this tiny little favor for me? Please?"

"But... well, okay," he said at last. "I'll check it."

"Good. I'll meet you tonight at Michael's. Eight o'clock. I promise I'll make it worth your while, sweetie." Keri clicked off the phone irritably. This was an annoying setback. If this didn't pan out, what could she try next? One thing was for sure, she was willing to do anything. Keri had no intention of staying a cohost of the local morning show, one step up from the weather girl, for her entire career. And she felt in her bones that finding that girl who had impersonated the Fuchsia Fox was her ticket out of here!

She was so busy thinking about this, she didn't pay attention to the gray van as it slowed to a stop on the street beside her. She didn't notice the two men rush up behind her until it was too late. While one of her attackers grabbed her and held her prisoner, the other pressed a soft cloth to her face. Keri smelled the sharp medicine scent of chloroform, the fumes going straight to her head and making everything seem to spin.

The girl struggled, but two men were much too strong for her. Her arms were quickly pinned behind her. As sleep overwhelmed her, she felt gloved hands capturing her bare legs, the pressure of another hand copping a feel of her breast as the men scooped up her slim body like it was nothing and hustled her helplessly into the waiting van.

The vehicle was already rolling as they slammed the door shut. The men held Keri long enough to make certain she was completely under. Besides, they rather enjoyed groping her while she was unconscious and unable to resist.


It was a large room with a high ceiling and a gray tile floor. The walls seemed to be covered by dark curtains. It was dimly lit except for three small spotlights mounted on tracks near the ceiling, trained on a cot. At the edge of the light could be seen stacks of tables and chairs, and a big wooden crate. A little to one side was a video camera on a tripod.

Three men swept aside the curtains and entered. One of them was carrying Keri Keller draped across his arms, unconscious and limp as a ragdoll.

Alley Cat walked slinkily out of the shadows and checked her pulse on her neck. As usual, the female villain looked sexy and just a little sleazy in her steampunk bustier and fishnets, knee high boots and mask. She let her hand slide sensuously long the hills and valleys of the unconscious girl's shapely body, all the way down her legs. She took off Keri's designer high heels and looked at them appreciatively as she stepped back. "All right, boys. Strip her!"

The man holding the reporter let her legs slip from his arms and held her upright while the others undressed her. One of them unzipped her skirt and let it fall down her legs. While he dropped to one knee and slipped it over her ankles, the other took his time unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her leopard-print underwear.

"Hey look! A thong!" said the henchman on his knee, grinning as he slipped one finger into the waistband of Keri's panties and gave the elastic a snap. "Who would have guessed a straight-laced TV reporter would be wearing one of these?"

"I can do without the editorial comments," Alley Cat said icily. "Get on with it!"

Leaving her underclothing in place, the henchmen tied Keri up and laid her on the cot. "Now get to your stations and keep a good lookout!" Alley Cat ordered. The three men reluctantly did as they were told, tossing Keri's clothing into a corner behind the crate. Ignoring them, Alley Cat casually strolled over and squatted beside Keri with a bottle of smelling salts. A few seconds later, the television reporter shook her head irritably as she came around. "Now," the villainess said, smiling as she put down the bottle and picked up a black riding crop, "let's get acquainted, shall we?"

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:30 pm
by Caniac89
Nice, the Fuchsia Fox is back! Can't wait to see what kind of trouble Jennifer gets herself into this time.

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:53 pm
by valugi
the story is unfolding very well, so while waiting for the next chapter

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:43 am
by Centurion
Chapter 3 --

"What's going on?" Keri asked, trying groggily to sit up. "Where am I?" About then she realized that her outer clothing had been taken off, and she gasped with alarm. What kind of pervert was this? Was she some kind of stalker? At the same time, she noticed the video camera with its recording light on. "Are... are you FILMING this?"

"Yes I am," Alley Cat said sweetly. "Good thing you wore clean underwear, right? I realize you're a little uncomfortable, but I'm planning to post this on the Internet later, and you know better than anyone how the entertainment industry works! What better way to grab people's attention than with a half naked chick and bondage? Which reminds me..." She reached down to her belt and took out a leather gag.

Keri's instinct was to shrink away, but lying on a cot with her wrists and her ankles tied, there was simply no way to resist. "W-wait a second," she whimpered. "Please! Don't hurt me! The station will pay any ransom you name!"

"I'm not interested in money," Alley Cat said, as she caressed the smooth skin of Keri's bare neck. "You tried to embarrass the Fuchsia Fox in that interview, didn't you? Don't deny it. If you could have revealed the secrets of her powers, or even her true identity right there on television, you would have done it, wouldn't you?"

The reporter wriggled in her bonds, taken aback by the topic. "I... well, I'm a journalist. I give people what they want to see. Did you see the way I wiped that smug little smirk off her face? People are fascinated by superheroines, prancing around in those flashy little costumes. But at the same time, it's titillating to watch them squirm, or even get captured. It reassures people to see that they're not as high and mighty as they think they are."

"Fascinating," said Alley Cat without much feeling, as she secured the gag over Keri's mouth. "Well, ask yourself this, Ms. Journalist. Given a choice, do you think the Fox would lift a finger to rescue you? Because she has that choice tonight."

Strolling over to the crate, the sexy female villain pried loose the front panel and let it fall. Inside was a metal cylinder with ceramic insulators on top. She picked up a remote control device. "Make absolutely certain you're not touching the floor!"

Keri looked down and saw that the floor all around the cot was covered by what looked like a gray tarp, about fifteen feet by fifteen, hardly noticeable against the gray tiled floor. Alley Cat pushed a button on her remote. There was a chirp as the device activated, and a red light on the transformer came on. "Let me just demonstrate this for you, so you'll get the idea." Reaching for the table, she picked up a little clockwork mouse and wound the key. Squatting down, she aimed the toy and let it go. With a tinny whirring sound the mouse rolled across the corner of the tarp. It hadn't gone more than a foot before a bright blue spark of electricity shot upwards and obliterated it! There was nothing left but a wisp of smoke and the stench of ozone.

"I hope that is clear," said Alley Cat, purring with satisfaction. "The area directly under the cot is safe, but anything that touches that superconductor mesh gets skragged! When the Fox turns up to rescue you, she won't know what hit her!"

Keri struggled frantically in her ropes, making muffled sounds of protest.

"Oh, don't worry," the villainess said. "The power dial is only turned up to about a third. I want to stun her, not KILL her!" She went over to make doubly certain the camera was aimed on the cot. "I'm going to capture her, and this time the whole city is going to know it!"


Since they all had the rest of the afternoon free, Jennifer, Sharon and Liz planned on going shopping, but stopped by the gym for a workout first. Jennifer and Sharon were still naked in the shower together when Liz came running back from the locker room with her little portable television set. "Hey guys! Look at this!"

"We interrupt this program for a special bulletin. The station has received this message from the criminal known as Alley Cat, with instructions to broadcast it without comment. After consulting with police, the station manager has decided to comply with her wishes."

The video showed a dark room, with spotlights shining on a cot in front of a backdrop of curtains. A woman with flaming red hair woman was recognizable, lying tied up on the cot, dressed only in her leopard print panties and bra. "Hi, Fox!" said Alley Cat brightly, thrusting her masked face in front of the camera. "If you're watching this, you can see that I have Keri Keller as my hostage. At six o'clock, I'm going to get rid of her. Of course, the Fuchsia Fox is such a goody two shoes, I'm sure you'll want to try and stop me. To make it easy for you, come to the place we fought once before. But come alone! You know how nervous I get when police are around." She playfully scratched at the air. "Meow!"

Dripping wet, Jennifer clutched her towel to her. Could this be real? It certainly looked like Alley Cat, and Keri Keller was not the type to go in for publicity stunts.

"Oh god," Sharon breathed. "Is this real?"

"They wouldn't interrupt Ellen Degeneres if it wasn't," Liz said.

"It's obviously a trap," blurted Sharon. "What do you think the Fox is going to do?"

Jennifer shivered. As the Fuchsia Fox, she had put herself in dangerous situations before, but this was different. This was a deliberate case of someone kidnapped and threatened just to lure her out. It was frightening. When she thought about how Keri Keller had treated her in the interview, she was very tempted to keep her distance. She could make an anonymous call to the police and tell them about the warehouse on Jefferson Street where she had last encountered Alley Cat. But would they believe her? And what would Alley Cat do if the Fox didn't appear?

"Golly," she said out loud. "I just remembered something I've got to do. I've got to run."

"But we were going shopping--" protested Sharon, as the girls followed her to the locker room.

"I'm really sorry," said Jennifer, as she quickly toweled herself off and got dressed. "I'll make it up to you guys, I promise."


It was getting on towards 4:30 when the Fuchsia Fox landed next to the warehouse. At first she thought she had the wrong place, because there were a dozen men hard at work loading trucks on the dock, watched over by a gruff older man holding a clipboard stuffed with papers and invoices. It all looked so normal. Surely a supervillain couldn't have traipsed through here with a hostage in broad daylight?

The stunning superheroine strolled across the loading dock. At sight of her elegant bare legs and enticing bosom, the workers literally dropped whatever they were doing, and within seconds the Fox was surrounded by sweaty men, ogling with all too obvious pleasure her sleek, feminine body sheathed in her clingy two piece costume and gloves. "Okay guys," she said, planting her hands on her luscious hips. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"Make a hole there!" the supervisor shouted, pushing his way through the crowd. The old man paused, gaping in astonishment. "It really is HER!" he gulped in an awestruck voice. Rifling through his clipboard, he handed her a plain white envelope.

"What's this?" the Fox asked, turning it over in her hands.

"Beats me," he replied. "All I know is a guy in a black suit comes up two hours ago. Gives me fifty dollars if I'll hold that and give it to the Fuchsia Fox when she turns up. I thought it was a joke."

The Fox felt relieved that she hadn't had to fight these guys at the same time she felt let down that Alley Cat wasn't here. She tore open the seal and found a single sheet of paper. "The Cat's Meow" was printed on it, along with an address. Nothing else.


Without access to her watch, Keri couldn't tell how much time had passed, but it felt like hours. She could see Alley Cat impatiently checking the time.

Suddenly a ring tone came from the black belt on Alley Cat's slim waist. The villainess parked her delicious little booty on a table as she answered the phone, absently stroking her stocking-clad legs. "She's there at the warehouse? Excellent! Get back here." She hung up her phone with a little grin of satisfaction. "That was my lookout," she said to Keri. It won't be long now."

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:41 pm
by tallyho
Nicely done, as always. Liked the fact that the warehouse was just a drop to lead to another place. Keep it up Mr C.!

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:27 am
by krispin
Finally a slender lovely superheroine with perky but not huge tit and butt!!!
I hope she will wrestle and fight against some buxom stronger villainess. Without her superpowers she looks weak and she should be easy dominated.
Of course that's only my fetish. Go on as you like.

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:37 am
by Centurion
tallyho wrote:Nicely done, as always. Liked the fact that the warehouse was just a drop to lead to another place. Keep it up Mr C.!
Fortunate happenstance, milord. The last time Alley Cat used this warehouse was the middle of the night, but this time it's the middle of the afternoon. That's what gave me the delicious mental image of the Fox surrounded by sweating, ogling dock workers! Then it dawned on me that it using it as a drop would make sense, seeing as how the police know that Alley Cat kidnapped Keri Keller and are looking for her.

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:40 am
by Centurion
krispin wrote:Great!
Finally a slender lovely superheroine with perky but not huge tit and butt!!!
I hope she will wrestle and fight against some buxom stronger villainess. Without her superpowers she looks weak and she should be easy dominated.
Of course that's only my fetish. Go on as you like.
Yes, I get tired of huge bazoongas, and thought I would fly the flag for the more natural look. A "buxom stronger villainess"? Hmm. I do need to create some more villains. I'll think about it.

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:41 am
by Centurion
Chapter 4 --

In an empty strip mall near Coral Hills, there was an abandoned night club. The sign had long since been taken down, but on the peeling stucco wall you could still make out faded lettering that said "The Cat's Meow".

The Fox found herself wishing she had payed more attention to the action movies that Martin liked, which always seemed to involve rugged heroes stealthily infiltrating villains' lairs. Obviously just strolling through the front door was probably not a good idea, so she touched down in the rear. There was a cinder block storage shed back here beside the rear door, and parked inside it was a gray van.

Suddenly a man dressed in black Kevlar body armor pounced from out of hiding, swinging a heavy police truncheon at her. The Fox barely ducked in time as the weapon whizzed through the air just over her head and thudded off the side of the van with a resounding THONK! Caught in the narrow space between the van and the wall, the beautiful heroine retreated as the thug pressed his attack, striking again and again, his blows deflected by her skin tight force shield. That was when the second badguy appeared behind her, cutting off her escape.

The second one had a small machine gun. Martin could have told her exactly what kind it was, but to Jennifer it was just a black thing with a long, ugly snout. She could see both men grinning behind the Plexiglas face shields of their helmets as the gun opened fire with a staccato coughing sound.

The Fox's bracelets of Ishtar glowed faintly as she increased the power to her force shield, deflecting the bullets harmlessly away from her. Charging, she plowed into the thug like a slender, spandex-clad missile, knocking the gun out of his hands as he went flying backward into the parking lot. A moment later, she felt the strong arms of the first thug wrap around her slim, supple body as he jumped her from behind.

Twisting to her left, she slammed her elbow into his abdomen, but the impact was absorbed by his body armor. "Isn't this nice?" the man grunted, one gloved hand fondling the Fox's exquisite breast as the other hand pressed the rigid shaft of his truncheon crosswise against her swanlike neck. "You can save yourself some trouble and give up any time now. You're no match for a real man!"

"In your dreams," the Fox replied, kicking off from the ground. The man being taller than her, his head took the brunt of the impact as the two of them crashed through the wooden roof of the shed. The superheroine soared straight upwards about thirty feet, at which point she had no trouble breaking the dazed man's grip. He plummeted through the roof again, enlarging the hole he had made on the way up, then slammed into the hood of the van, flipped, and hit the asphalt face first. Even with his body armor, he just lay there on the ground, groaning.

The other badguy had retrieved his machine gun, but Jennifer didn't give him much chance to use it. Landing in front of him, she ducked and spun with a kick that sent the weapon flying again. One solid punch tore his helmet off while a second into his stomach knocked the breath out of him. Grabbing him by the collar, she turned and threw him into the front of the van, where he collapsed next to his partner. "well, that was easy enough," the Fox said, brushing her hands. Then she slipped through the door and into the night club.


The rear entrance opened into a little hallway, where there were storage rooms and offices, all empty and full of dust. At the end of the hall was a heavy curtain. Pushing through it, the Fox found herself on the dance floor of the night club. It was the room from the video, dimly lit and full of shadows, with tables and chairs stacked around the walls and a couple of wooden crates. In about the center of the room, three spotlights illuminated the cot with Keri Keller tied up on it. There was the camera, still recording, but no sign of Alley Cat.

When Keri caught sight of the gorgeous superheroine, she squirmed urgently in her ropes, her scantily dressed body sliding sensuously up and down against the cot as she made frantic noises through the gag around her mouth. "Just be calm, Ms. Keller," the Fox said as she strode smugly towards her. "You're safe now. I'll have you out of this in a second."

Keri struggled even more desperately to warn her, but it was no use. Eyes wide with dread, she stared at the superheroine's alluring legs, especially on her high heeled ankle boot only inches from stepping on the superconductor mesh!

The Fox froze in mid step. Wasn't this just a little too easy?

She looked closely at the floor in front of her. Wasn't that square patch just a hair lighter than the rest of the gray tile? Casting her eyes around, the spunky superheroine alit on the crate back in the shadows. Prying open the front revealed a big electrical transformer, humming faintly. She flicked the manual switch and the little red light on it went out. Then she turned back towards the tied-up reporter.

"Stop right there, Fox!" said Alley Cat, stepping out from behind the curtains. Her hips swayed seductively as she walked closer, uncoiling a black bullwhip. "I must say, you don't disappoint me!"

"That was the same trap you used last time, remember?" the Fox smirked, as she confidently planted her hands on her hips. "I've already taken out your henchmen, Alley Cat. Don't make me hurt you."

"Hurt moi?" the villainess laughed, giving the whip a flick. "You're the one who's going to be hurt!" Like lightning, she sprang forward and struck. The Fox took a cautious step backwards, putting up her arm as a shield as the whip snapped in the air. Alley Cat's supple body arched forward in a somersault, aiming a kick that the heroine managed to sidestep. The Fox twisted around to grab her, but the badgirl spun around and slashed the whip again, letting it wrap around the superheroine's wrist like a snake.

"Looks like you've been taking lessons," the Fox commented, taking hold of the whip and giving it a mighty jerk. "Too bad it's not going to help you much," she added as Alley Cat stumbled into her waiting arms. The Fox grabbed the villainess by the front of her costume and lifted, a move that nearly made her boobs pop out the top of her tight leather bustier.

Alley Cat didn't seem at all fazed. "Best two out of three falls?" she purred, smiling as she sensuously rubbed her slinky legs up and down against the Fox's body.

Just then, the Fox squeaked with surprise as something sharp stung her on the right buttock. Another man had slipped out from behind the curtains, only this one wasn't dressed in Kevlar. He was wearing a simple black suit and a domino mask, and carrying a dart pistol. Gray hair could be seen peeking out from under his chauffeur's cap. "I'm so sorry about this, miss," he said apologetically as he calmly and methodically loaded a second dart.

The stunning superheroine gasped as she felt the tranquilizer take effect. She felt so stupid! Knowing that Alley Cat was just a woman without any special powers, she had let herself be lulled into complacency and hadn't bothered to keep her force shield up!

"Say hello to Kato," Alley Cat sneered. "You didn't really think I'd put all my kittens in one basket, did you?"

The Fox's head was swimming. The only thing she could think of was trying to escape outside. The superheroine stumbled back in the direction of the hallway, but the man stepped in her way. The Fox struggled to summon her power aura, but her nubile young body felt numb all over. She could feel herself falling asleep on her feet. The man seized her, holding her forearms with irresistible strength as her coltish legs started to buckle.

"Please..." the heroine whispered, as her eyes fluttered and she sagged, limp and helpless, into his clutches. The man gathered her slim, silken body into his arms as Alley Cat came running.

"Quick, Hilton!" the villain smirked. "Let's get her chained up before she comes around."

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:22 pm
by tallyho
Ooooo, that Alley Cat is such a rotter!

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:21 pm
by valugi
I've read almost all stories Fuchsia Fox that was posted here in this section, for me and one of the best fanfics of super heroines who already read. And the alley cat and the best villain of fuchsia.

congratulations for optimal history centurion

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:21 am
by Centurion
valugi wrote:I've read almost all stories Fuchsia Fox that was posted here in this section, for me and one of the best fanfics of super heroines who already read. And the alley cat and the best villain of fuchsia.

congratulations for optimal history centurion
Thank you so much, Valugi!

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:21 am
by Centurion
And now here's a cliffhanger to think about over the weekend...

Chapter 5 --

The Fuchsia Fox opened her eyes. Wincing a little from the headache the tranquilizer had given her, she tried to sit up, and found that she was lying flat on her back on the cot. Her arms were down by her sides. Metal shackles had been clamped on each of her wrists, right over her bracelets of Ishtar, and chained to the floor. There was enough slack to let her raise each wrist maybe three or four inches. She tried shifting her legs, and found her exquisite ankles had been manacled as well.

"That's vibranium, in case you're wondering," said Alley Cat pleasantly, making an adjustment to the video camera. "My supplier told me that Supergirl could probably break it, but not many other people."

"That's comforting to know," the Fox said. She was lying on the same cot that Keri had been on. The redhead had been untied and was clutching her clothes in front of her, looking very frightened under the eye of one of Alley Cat's henchmen. The two Kevlar-clad goons were sitting off to the left (both still looking very sore, the superheroine was glad to see). The man in the chauffeur's cap, the one who had shot her, was in the background, looking a little distressed by the whole thing. "So what happens now?"

"I've already uploaded the video of your capture over the Internet," the sexy villainess purred, as she finished fiddling with the camera. She walked closer, and her henchmen couldn't help staring at her smooth feminine curves, the seductive sway of her body, the roundness of her gorgeous ass as she squatted down close to the helpless superheroine. "Now... we get just a teensy bit more intimate."

The Fox tried to struggle, but her restraints didn't give her a lot of leeway. Alley Cat leaned forward, careful not to block the view of the camera any more than necessary as she kissed the stunning superlady on the lips, her fingers brushing the front of her fox head chest emblem. Jennifer drew back, but there was only so far she could go. Against her will, she felt her body responding, her nipples tightening as the villainess fondled her breasts.

"That's right, Fox! I know you can do better than that!" Alley Cat panted, as she stood up to straddle her captive's body, hands slipping behind her to undo her halter top. Jennifer couldn't suppress a gulp of embarrassment as the garment came off, leaving her pert, naked coconuts completely exposed and vulnerable. Her nipples were hard little points. Alley Cat cupped both her breasts in her hands, leaned over to brush them lightly with her lips and tongue. Jennifer could see the henchmen move closer for a better view (all but the chauffeur, who just looked more distressed).

The Fox squirmed against her restraints, her heart thumping and her tail rubbing up and down against the cot as her body quivered with sensual pleasure. The sexy villainess squeezed her soft, pliant tatas, stroking and kneading, while her own body rocked back and forth on top of her in an enticing rhythm of pure lust. "No..." the Fox hissed, her satin skin tingling with arousal as Alley Cat's mouth caressed her. Desperately the heroine tried to stay strong, tried to keep her eyes on the camera, realizing that it would even more humiliating to ineffectually plead or struggle and still have to endure this.

Just when she thought she couldn't resist a second longer, Alley Cat stopped. Her own face was flushed with desire as she hovered over her prisoner in a dominating position. "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did," she said, letting her hands slide downward along the heroine's smooth, defenseless body. She stopped at the waist of her briefs and lifted the thin fabric slightly away from her skin. Jennifer couldn't hold back a gasp of alarm. The male henchmen edged even closer, eager for a glimpse of the Fox's delicious muff...

"Not just yet," the villainess said impishly. "We'll save that for our next installment, shall we?" Mercifully, she got up and wiggled her rear end as she strolled back to the camera. Taking out the recording disc, she slipped in a fresh one and turned to Keri. "Here you go, my dear. Here's your story. I'll e-mail you updates as they occur."

The reporter looked stunned. "Huh? You're... you're letting me go?"

"Naturally! What do I need you for, now that I have the Fox?" As Keri accepted the disc, Alley Cat snapped her fingers imperiously at her henchmen. "Two of you blindfold her and take her back to the television studio."

Keri began to get dressed, awkwardly with the men watching her. Part of the awkwardness was because she was afraid to let go of the disc. It was dawning on her that this was the story of a lifetime! There was no question that her producer would run it. They might have to issue a disclaimer and put those little pixel blurs over the Fox's nipples, but people were going to eat it up! And it was HER exclusive, Keri Keller's! She was going to be famous!

And yet... was that something nagging at her conscience? "What are you going to do with her?" Keri asked, gesturing towards the helpless superheroine.

"What do you care?" Alley Cat said carelessly. "As long as you get your story?"

"But..." Keri began, struggling to put her feelings into words. "But she's..."

"Get out of here before I change my mind," Alley Cat snapped. "And one other thing... tell your producer if that video isn't broadcast, I still know where to find you!"


It was just after five when Captain Martin Fletcher got back to Fort Myer from a meeting in the Pentagon. He hung his hat on rack by the door, wearily noticing that four enlisted men were huddled around Lt. Oscar Jenkins' computer on the desk next to his, apparently watching a youtube. "Gentlemen," he said disapprovingly, "haven't we got anything better to do?"

"Fletch, you've got to see this," Jenkins blurted out. "This went up half an hour ago, and it's going viral!"

Some of the men reluctantly made room so that Fletcher could glance at it, without much interest. The video seemed to show a catfight between two attractive young women in skimpy costumes. One was carrying a whip and dressed in a black steampunk bustier, and the other was-- Fletcher's mouth dropped open. "Is that the Fuchsia Fox?"

"Yeah!" Jenkins gushed, grinning. "This looks like the real thing! And that's not all!" As they continued to watch, the fight came to a sudden end as a tranquilizer dart jabbed the Fox right in her pert little patootie. The enlisted men groaned with pleasure and made lewd comments as the sexy superlady staggered and fell limp into the arms of a man in some kind of black uniform. The woman in the bustier rushed over and at that point the video abruptly ended. "Here, let me click it again," Jenkins said, but Martin wasn't listening.

He had snatched up his hat and was out the door, his hand already on his phone. He meant to call Jennifer, but there was a text message from her already waiting for him.


The Fox strained against her bonds, but the vibranium chains wouldn't budge. Keri Keller took as much time as she dared getting dressed, but as the thugs got impatient, she caught the shapely superheroine's eye one last time before the blindfold was placed over her face. Clutching the disc to her breast, she gave her a look that clearly said, "I know, but what can I do?" before the men hustled her away. Alley Cat had gone into the next room. That left one remaining henchman to sit staring at the Fox's mouth-watering nude rack.

Alley Cat returned a few seconds later with the man in the chauffeur's cap. "Miss Aless--" he began. "I mean, Miss Alley Cat. Please, there is time to stop this before it goes too far."

She turned to him incredulously. "Lighten up, Hilton. I'm not going to hurt her. I'm just going to... play with her."

"But Miss--"

"That's enough!" the villainess in black snapped. "I'm surprised at you! I forbid you to speak to me this way again!"

He backed off immediately and dropped his face. "Yes, Miss."

Alley Cat turned to the Fox. "Now! Who's ready for Part 3: Superheroine Loses Her Panties?"

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:52 pm
by valugi
another good chapter on hold so the next

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:14 am
by Centurion
Chapter 6 --

The two thugs moved a little gingerly as they led the blindfolded woman outside and put her in back of the van. Then they took a couple of minutes to remove their body armor, since they weren't going to be needing it. "This bites!" one of them grumbled. "We're the ones who took on the Fox! Why do we miss all the good stuff?"

"Shut up and drive!" the other one groaned, rubbing his aching back. "At least she didn't throw you through the damn roof!"

As they drove across the deserted parking lot, they argued whether to take Benning Road or Pennsylvania back into the city, since it was getting toward five fifteen and the traffic would be murder. As they slowed to a stop next to the billboard overgrown with weeds at the entrance to the strip mall, suddenly they heard the click of pistol being cocked and the next thing they knew they were looking into the business end of a US Army Colt 45.

The man who was standing at the passenger window holding the gun on them was wearing a green class 1 army uniform and he did not look at all happy. The thugs slowly raised their hands.

Fletcher gave a short whistle, and two uniformed police officers and a man in a brown suit surrounded the van. The plainclothesman opened the back door. "Everything is all right now, Ms. Keller," he said soothingly, as he unblindfolded and untied the reporter. "I'm Detective Lieutenant Caldwell of the Washington P.D. You're safe now."

"Oh thank goodness!" Keri gushed, shivering with fright as she hugged him. "That woman! She's crazy! And... and she has the Fuchsia Fox captive!"


Alley Cat made sure the camera was all set and recording. "Now, Fox," she smirked, "let's have a big smile for all your fans out there on the Internet. I promised an update within the hour, and we don't want to disappoint them, do we?"

"Yeah, well... sorry to disappoint you, Alley Cat," the Fox replied, flexing her lissome arms until her chains were taut, "but it's time to turn off the lights on your little ego trip." Closing her eyes, the spunky superheroine stretched her muscles to their utmost as she concentrated on her power aura. Now that Keri Keller was out of harm's way, it was safe to try to break free in earnest. She hadn't really tried earlier because once she began breaking chains, the reporter could have been too easily used as a hostage against her.

"Don't be silly!" Alley Cat scoffed. "You can't--"

The Fox could feel the metal links grinding against one another, straining. She soon passed the point where iron or steel would have shattered. "Please, Ishtar," she whispered, as she clenched her eyes shut and pushed herself to the utmost, "please don't abandon me." The creaking sound of overstressed vibranium whined in the stillness.

"You can't do this! I forbid you!" Alley Cat snarled, running over and leaping astraddle the slender superheroine, drumming her fists against her soft bare shoulders.

Just then the vibranium chains on both arms snapped simultaneously! The Fuchsia Fox sat up, sending the leather clad villainess tumbling rudely across the floor. With a mighty wrench, she tore loose the chain from her right ankle and stood up. Hilton and the other thug just stood there gawking at the devastating superheroine with awe.

Alley Cat scrambled for the transformer and threw the manual switch. The Fox quickly hopped back onto the cot as sparks flew from the superconductor mesh surrounding the cot, leaving a stink of ozone. Her left leg was still caught, but thank goodness the attachment point of that chain was inside the safe area or she would already be fried. "Whew!" the leather-clad villain breathed. "You almost had me there, I admit! But let's see you get out of THIS!" Grinning, Alley Cat cranked the power dial all the way up to FULL! The transformer hummed.

The Fox thought it over. Shackled like this, she couldn't fly. And standing on top of the cot, she didn't have the leverage to break free! The cot would collapse first and topple her onto the mesh! She was trapped!

But if experience had taught the Fox one thing, it was that there was more than one way to skin a cat. The shackles were still attached to her wrists, each dangling a few links of vibranium chain. Rapping them smartly together smashed the locking mechanisms and tore them loose. Now she had two ten pound missiles!

"Now wait just a minute--" Alley Cat started to say. "STOP HER!"

The Fox wound up and threw. With all her strength behind it, the first caught the transformer on the side and put a big dent in the casing. It began to smoke and spit sparks. The second toppled it with a crash, smashing the ceramic insulators. Fire spread to the wooden crate and raced up the curtains.

As smoke began to fill the room, the Fox cautiously eased her dainty foot to the floor to make certain the power was dead. Next she took a handful of chain and braced herself to give it a good yank. At this point, Alley Cat's henchman surprised her by jumping her from behind, his arms encircling her slim body and his hands cupping her firm, naked nubbins. "Oh, I don't have time for this!" the stunning superheroine snapped, wresting herself out of the man's grasp and flipping him over her shoulder into a stack of tables.

Thanks to the dusty curtains, the decrepit old building was going up like a tinderbox! The heat was incredible! Coughing in the thick roiling smoke, the Fox could see Alley Cat and her chauffeur escape down a staircase, probably into the sewer system, slamming a steel trapdoor shut behind them. They would have to wait. Willing her force shield to repel the smoke so that she wouldn't inhale it, she took hold of the vibranium chain and pulled. Come on, you stubborn so-and-so! Give! GIVE!!!

With a snap the chain broke. The Fox crouched there looking for a safe route through the burning building, but there didn't seem to be one. Her first order of business was to snatch up her halter top and put it back on. Then she picked up Alley Cat's henchman, already passed out from smoke inhalation, and carried him to safety. The cool, fresh air outside had never felt better.


The old night club was soon surrounded by police cars, firetrucks, EMTs and, of course, a television crew. Keri Keller was in her element, seizing the microphone and narrating the basic facts of the story for the benefit of her viewers. The Fox didn't even bother to listen.

Jennifer positively ACHED to curl up into Martin's strong arms, but with so many people around, it couldn't be done. When he had called in the police, he had told them that he was the Fox's "unofficial liaison" and that apart from one secret mission together, he barely knew her. That was the only safe story to tell, so they had to act like they were total strangers.

When they had a quiet moment, Martin told her about the video on the Internet. "It only shows you getting... er... captured," he assured her. "Don't take it hard. There's no shame in getting caught as long you don't STAY caught, and you didn't. Nobody's going to hold that against you. Nobody who matters at least."

But the Fox was glum. Martin didn't know about the second recording Alley Cat had made and given to Keri Keller. The one showing her halter top getting removed, the seductive villainess fondling her naked breasts and kissing her! And even worse, on the recording the Fox wasn't even resisting! She felt tears welling up in her eyes. How could she ever show her face again once that hit the airwaves?

"I saw what you look like without your halter top on," said Keri Keller's voice suddenly, right behind them. "I have one question to ask you, and I want a straight answer." The Fox looked up at her warily. Off to the side, Martin flexed his fists as if he wanted to punch her.

"You could have broken free at any time," the reporter said flatly. "You lay there and you LET that woman... do that to you... because you were afraid of what she would do to ME?" The Fox nodded. "My question is: WHY? You don't even know me! Why would you do that?"

Jennifer thought about it. If she were Wonder Woman, she'd probably give a speech about Sisterhood and the honor of Athena and how the strong must always protect the weak and so on. But she was just too tired. She looked straight into Keri Keller's eyes. "That's what superheroines DO, Ms. Keller," she said, and lowered her face again.

There was total silence for the space of perhaps thirty seconds. Long enough for the world to spin a little ways on its axis, long enough for 40 billion neutrinos to pass through the eye of a needle. Keri slowly took the disc out of her pocket. "Here. I think you should have this."

Jennifer looked up cautiously. "Are you sure?" she said, not daring to hope it could be true.

"I'm not sure of anything right now, Fox, except one thing." Keri smiled. "After what I saw in there, I'd rather have you as a friend than as an enemy."

The Fox threw her arms around the other woman's neck and embraced her. "Thank you," she gasped, brushing tears from her eyes. "Thank you!"

Keri warmly hugged her back for a minute or two. "Do you realize that you reek of smoke?" she said suddenly, wrinkling her nose. The Fox laughed and pulled away.

When the reporter hurried back to the television van, a phone call was waiting for her. The man on the other end said, "Good news, Miss Keller! I found her! The girl in the photographs! She goes to American University, and her name is--"

"Save it, Lionel!" Keri snapped, watching out the corner of her eye as the Fox and that good-looking army liaison officer talked animatedly together. "I don't need it anymore."

>>>>>>>>>>THE END

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:15 pm
by valugi
another great story of fuchsia fox, by the way remains to be seen more alley cat in the future

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:42 pm
by tallyho
Tidy stuff, Mr. C.
Little disappointed Keri Keller didn't evolve into a Mr Mcgee character, maybe in cahoots with Alley Cat, faking the kidnapping , striving to expose FF then playing along with the rescue when the game is up only to try again at a future date, thereby forcing her (FF) to handle villainy and an aggressive, hostile media in future stories but that's just me and my devious mind!
Good job.

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:48 am
by Centurion
I appreciate the responses. My feeling was that Keri was never "hostile" towards the Fox, she was just eager to use a sexy girl in spandex to further her career. There's no reason she wouldn't still feel that way, up to a point.

I'm temporarily feeling a little tapped out of ideas right now. If either of you has suggestions, I wouldn't mind getting a PM on the subject.

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:59 am
by Caniac89
Hey sorry for being so late on the feedback, but another good Fuchsia Fox story there Centurion!

Re: Fuchsia Fox: "What's Up, Alley Cat?"

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:39 am
by Centurion
Thanks a lot!

I did think of a devious idea yesterday. What if Catherine Alessandro invited the Fox to a dinner party? She could send the invitation by way of Detective Caldwell, because the Fox would probably keep in touch about the Keri Keller abduction.

Now... the obvious thing to happen at the dinner party would be for the villainess to make sure a drug was slipped into the heroine's drink. Knockout drops, or even worse, truth serum. Then you'd have the poor Fox spilling her guts about her powers and weaknesses in front of everybody. Awwww but while this might make a good fetish story, it doen't leave much for follow through. What would happen THEN? Does anybody have a better idea?