Making Sweet Music

A darker, full bodied blend.
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A short superhero erotica story by Tara Richards ([email protected])

Marina Lyle dropped from the rooftop and landed soundlessly in the darkness of the alley below.

Few knew her by that name, of course – to most, she was Alley Cat, Metro City’s premiere jewel thief, and pin-up girl for the entire criminal underworld. She wasn’t sure which she liked most, although the former was certainly more profitable.

And tonight had been more profitable than most nights – she’d just stolen the legendary Purple Puma diamond, a haul that would net her millions when she sold it on. Her cybernetic tail flickered in response to the pleasure that thought gave her.

Her costume was a night-black catsuit (she loved the irony of that) that rendered her almost invisible in the shadows. Nevertheless, she was a cautious feline; crouched in the darkness she used her cybernetic earpieces to listen for trouble.

And found it.

The low rumble of an all-too-familiar motorcycle. Within seconds, the alley was flooded with lights from the motorcycle’s headlamps.

Alley Cat strode forward to confront the rider.

She was in every way a counter-point to Alley Cat; platinum blonde to her dark tresses; dressed in a silver and white catsuit in contrast to her dark one; a heroine to match her villainy.

Only their curvaceous bodies and raw sex appeal were comparable.

‘White Star,’ Alley Cat said, with mock-affection. ‘Darling White Star. Have you come to bring me to justice?’

White Star swung one of her long legs across her motorcycle as she dismounted, and walked slowly across to face Alley Cat.

‘Do I need to read you your rights or can I assume you know them?’ she asked flatly.

Alley Cat’s pale grey eyes narrowed behind her black mask.

‘Oh babe. Are you still angry with me for snogging your boyfriend?’

White Star’s pale blue eyes narrowed behind her white mask.

This was a reference to an incident last year when White Star’s boyfriend, Dark Star had captured Alley Cat. Some photo’s had been published in the tabloids showing the two of them kissing, she with her hands cuffed behind her; he with his hands firmly grabbing her ass. It was some kind of mind-control, he’d told White Star in the furious argument that had followed.....

‘Do me a favour, bitch,’ White Star said. ‘Don’t surrender without a fight.’

Alley Cat smiled thinly.

‘Deal,’ she said.


White Star lashed out with a straight punch but Alley Cat had already started to drop into a low stance, throwing a powerful kick at her enemy’s knee. White Star stepped over the kick, but she’d missed the movement of Alley Cat’s cybernetic tail, which had snatched up a garbage can lid and flung it at her.

White Star ducked to avoid it but took a glancing backhand from Alley Cat as she did so.

The two women stood back from each other, breathing heavily.

‘You know, I think it was the tail that did it for him,’ Alley Cat smiled. ‘Your boyfriend, I mean.’

White Star lashed out so quickly and violently that Alley Cat was caught by surprise; a white boot drove a re-inforced heel into her stomach, winding her.

She dropped back to avoid White Star’s follow-up spinning kick and swept her supporting leg, dropping the superheroine to the ground.

‘Or maybe it was the fine ass it was attached to,’ she continued her taunting.

White Star kicked out at her but she skipped back, grinning.

‘He certainly couldn’t keep his hands off it.....’

White Star flipped back to her feet and Alley Cat started an elaborate series of flips towards her, converting her momentum into a huge spinning kick. Focusing her kiai to strike, she realised in horror that White Star had grabbed hold of her tail, in mid air.

White Star got both hands onto it and dragged with all her might, spinning Alley Cat hard into the ground.

Alley Cat shook herself, trying to clear her head when she felt the weight as White Star dropped onto her from behind; the superheroine slipped her long legs over her enemy’s shoulders, clamping her toned thighs hard around her neck.

Alley Cat gasped for air as the powerful choke-hold took effect. Pinned to the ground by her enemy’s full body weight, she could only make a few desperate attempts to dislodge her.

‘Uh uh, bitch, not this time,’ White Star shouted triumphantly. She wriggled her thighs, enjoying her enemy’s helpless struggles.

‘Cheap fucking slut,’ she spat. ‘And don’t think everyone doesn’t know you had implants, you....’

Alley Cat felt the pressure on her neck suddenly release. Gasping for breath, she struggled to all fours. White Star lay unconscious, a small dart protruding from her neck.

Dimly she became aware of boots approaching; bright yellow boots.

Above them, red and green striped trousers.

And above that, a spotted waistcoat over a plain white shirt.

Alley Cat finished looking up at her saviour. A mane of dishevelled purple hair framed a nightmare clown’s make-up.

‘Man, I am glad to see you,’ Alley Cat said, accepting the hand he offered (and noting the dart gun he carried in his other hand).

The Clown pulled her to her feet, grinning broadly.

‘Well,’ he cackled cheerily. ‘A villain’s gotta help another villain when he can, huh?’

Alley Cat smiled agreement.

Then she bent over to inspect her fallen adversary, fully aware that in doing so she was presenting the Clown with a good view of her curvy ass. Sure he was insane but he was a man, after all. She didn’t know why he’d intervened to help her but she certainly wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to gloat.

‘Now then,’ she smiled. ‘I wonder what the two of us could think of to do with an unconscious superheroine....’

And then she yelped and her hand darted reflexively to her ass. She pulled out a tiny dart, like the one that had felled White Star.

She turned to face the Clown, but just as her mouth started to form a question, the powerful sedative hit her system and she slumped, falling on top of her equally tranquilised enemy.

The Clown beamed down at them both, a pronounced bulge now jutting out in the front of his trousers.

‘Ok ladies,’ he chirped. ‘Lets make some music....’


Consciousness returned slowly for White Star.

The first thing she felt was the bonds; she’d been tied up while she was unconscious. That was nothing new! Gradually she became aware that she was lying on something soft and warm; she felt breasts against her breasts; arms against her arms; thighs against her thighs.

As realisation dawned, she raised her head to find herself looking down into Alley Cat’s face.

‘Awake at last,’ she sneered.

Both women had been secured on a solid frame, facing each other; Alley Cat below; White Star on top. Their long legs had been stretched to full splits position so that their bound bodies formed a capital T shape.

Both were naked apart from their masks.

White Star blew irritably at the strands of their entangled hair that were in her face.

‘So sorry,’Alley Cat said sarcastically. ‘Because of course this is exactly the position I wanted to wake up and find myself in....’

‘What’s happened to us?’ White Star asked her, shortly. ‘Who’s responsible for this?’

‘At a wild guess, I’d say it was the Clown’ Alley Cat replied, twisting her head to look as a door to their right swung open.

The Clown entered, much changed from before; his wild purple hair had been dragged back into a ponytail and he was wearing a facsimile of a concert conductor’s outfit. He was pushing a trolley laden with a variety of dildo’s and vibrators, along with a series of jars and tubs.

The two women watched him in a mixture of curiousity and horror.

‘Well do something!’ Alley Cat told her.

‘What do you suggest?’ White Star asked her, drily.

‘You’re the superheroine,’ Alley Cat smirked. ‘Don’t you have an emergency transmitter or something?’

‘In my utility belt. Which I’m not wearing. And which I couldn’t reach even I was. Anyway, you’re the master thief and escapologist; I thought you could get out of any bind....?’

‘Normally I would,’ Alley Cat huffed. ‘If I didn’t have your fat body weighing me down!’

‘Fat?!?! Listen, you cheap slut, I.....’ White Star spat.

Then both women became aware of the Clown looming over them, watching.

He spread his arms in appreciation of them.

‘Its good to hear that you are both in good voice,’ he started, with a whimsical smile. ‘Since you are, together, my musical project.’

‘Oh this is bad,’ Alley Cat said slowly. ‘He’s finally gone completely crazy....’

‘Not at all,’ the Clown chirped. ‘Don’t you get it? Equal parts good and evil, the two of you bound together constitute the perfect instrument.’

And with this, the Clown ran his hand appreciatively along White Star’s upper thigh, as if he were stroking a fine piano.

‘Get your filthy hands off me!’ she shouted, angrily, struggling against the white ropes that expertly held her in place.

‘Clown, baby,’ Alley Cat called out, with a seductive smile. ‘You know you don’t need to tie me up to make me purr. Untie me and I’ll give you a fantastic blow-job! Then I’ll be on my way and leave you to do whatever you like to the princess here....’

White Star glared at her.

‘No deal!’ the Clown snapped. ‘I have my artistic integrity to think of!’

And with that, he wheeled his trolley around them so that he was positioned between their spread legs.

‘Clown!’ White Star shouted nervously. ‘Don’t do something you’ll regret!’

With a sense of formal ceremony, the Clown erected a music stand and placed a few sheets of score paper on it.

‘Brilliant strategy,’ Alley Cat observed drily. ‘Telling a madman to be sensible....’

The Clown unbuttoned his trousers and let them drop around his ankles, started fumbling inside his huge underpants.

‘Shut up, you stupid bitch!’ White Star shouted at Alley Cat. ‘I’m trying to save us both!’

Suddenly both women screeched and convulsed in unison.

The Clown held a purple duster in his hand, which he had just used to tickle the exposed soles of their feet. He shot a warning look at both silenced women.

Then he took a deep breath and composed himself.

Leaning forward he put a hand on each of White Star’s buttocks, with the air of a conductor at his podium. His erection bobbed in front of him like a baton.

‘Now then,’ he said. ‘Lets see if we can find middle C.....’

White Star and Alley Cat looked into each other faces nervously, neither knowing what was coming next.

Then White Star’s eyes opened wide as the arch fiend penetrated her from behind.

Despite her attempts to stifle it, a low moan escaped from her throat as the Clown started to fuck her.

Alley Cat watched in amusement as her adversary moved backwards and forwards above her, in time with the Clown’s thrusts.

‘Ha!’ Alley Cat sneered. ‘You slut, you’re enjoying it! I always knew you....’

Alley Cat stopped abruptly and bit her lower lip.

The Clown had pushed a thick vibrator deep into her pussy. He craned his head around so that he could see her face, and grinned madly at her.

Alley Cat scowled back at him, stubbornly.

‘You may be able to make this cheap slut on top of me sing for you but I won’t give you the satisfaction. Do you hear meeeeEEEEOOOOWWWWW!!!!!’

Alley Cat’s rant turned into a screech as the Clown turned the vibrator suddenly up to full power.

‘Who’s enjoying it now?’ White Star asked her, sarcastically.

Alley Cat flung her head back and gritted her teeth, moaning despite herself.

The Clown changed the angle and the setting of the vibrator, and scribbled on his score paper with scholarly interest when Alley Cat’s moans changed as a result.

Then he turned his attentions back to his other captive.

White Star’s eyes opened wide as the Clown moved abruptly from her pussy to her ass, noting with interest the change in her moaning. A far deeper huskier noise, fascinating....

‘Hmmmmm,’ the Clown mused. ‘I think that White Star is almost fully tuned now, but you, Alley Cat, we still don’t seem to be getting the best out of you.....’

The Clown started to search around on his trolley, humming distractedly to himself as he moved things about.

‘Fuck you, you lunatic!’ Alley Cat screamed at him, struggling to see what he was doing. When she did catch sight of him, she wished she hadn’t. He was applying generous quantities of a hot sauce to a huge dildo.

‘Oh no!’ she breathed. ‘No, no, no, please Clown, I’ll make whatever noises you want, just don’t put that in me!!!!’

The Clown frowned, considered, then shook his head.

‘Wouldn’t sound right if it wasn’t genuine....’ he concluded and slid the dildo fully into her ass.

Alley Cat screeched and thrashed so wildly that she accidentally head-butted White Star, adding a yelp of surprised pain to her gasping and groaning.

‘Much better!’ the Clown beamed, strapping the dildo securely into place. Then he slid his own, ‘baton’ into her pussy to see what effect that would have on her cries....

With both of Alley Cat’s holes filled, the Clown turned his attentions back to White Star. Without ceasing his deep thrusts into Alley Cat, he perused the collection of phalluses on the trolley and selected a matching pair of black thickly-ridged dildo’s.

With the delicate precision of a master craftsman, he carefully placed the tip of one against White Star’s asshole and the other against her pussy.

‘Ohmygod,’ she gasped in anticipation, ‘No, please, no, no noooooohhhhhhhhHHHH!!!!’

Her protests turned into a squeal as he simulataneously forced both of them all the way into their respective holes.

The Clown started loudly humming some manic composition he seemed to be composing as he fucked.

Cackling madly, as his loins rolled frantically into Alley Cat, his arms pumped backwards and forwards, alternately thrusting pulsing vibrators in and out of White Star’s ass and pussy, as if working the levers of a machine.

The two women’s moans mixed into a cacophony of sound even as their writhing bodies became slick with sweat.

The Clown’s thrusting became more fervent, as did his insane humming; clearly his concerto was reaching its crescendo.

Alley Cat and White Star could feel from his frenzy that he was close to coming and for a brief instant shared a moment of unspoken mutual relief.

The end of their ordeal was near!

With one last triumphant thrust, the Clown came, ejaculating powerfully inside Alley Cat’s pussy.

Then he stumbled back, spent, freeing the strap that had held the dildo in Alley Cat’s ass.

‘Ow ow ow ow ow,’ Alley Cat whimpered as the huge dildo slid out of her.

‘Thank God its over,’ White Star panted. She was still impaled on a pair of vibrators but at least they were still now.....

The Clown waddled around the frame towards them with a contended air, a pair of ball-gags in his hand.

‘Clown, wait, I....,’ Alley Cat started, but the Clown pressed the bulb of one of the ball gags into her open mouth.

‘That’s enough out of you,’ he snapped at her as he secured the gag’s strps behind her head. ‘Save your breath for tonight’s performance!’

White Star caught those words and stared at him in horror.

‘Tonight? What....?’ she started.

Then the Clown forced a ball-gag into her mouth too, silencing her.

Bound and ball-gagged, both women watched helplessly as the Clown started arranging rows of chairs in front of them.


Later that night, the Clown stood in a spotlight and magnanimously received the applause of his audience.

His Henchmen had been given tuxedos to wear and waited expectantly.

Alley Cat and White Star were still naked, bound together, exposed and helpless. The Clown had added throat mikes to each woman’s neck and connected them to two large speakers that faced the audience.

The Clown’s Concerto was about to begin and they were the instrument.....
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Welcome to the forum, Tara21.

Delightful little story. Hit's the perfect note.
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