Wunder Woman milks Toxicor (Red MILF Productions, Inc.)

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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

Plot: Wunder Woman has captured a notorious fiend named Toxicor who has developed a nasty poison with which he plans to use on the community if his demands are not met. But Wunder Woman demands to know where the poison is and how he plans to use it on the public and when he reveals where it is and what his intentions are, the Amazonian heroine will have to violate her own code of sexual ethics in order to remove it from Toxicor’s possession…
Wunder Woman milks Toxicor wmv_snapshot_01.21_[2015.08.17_23.33.30].jpg
Wunder Woman milks Toxicor wmv_snapshot_01.21_[2015.08.17_23.33.30].jpg (48.31 KiB) Viewed 2687 times
-Well, I must say, red-haired A.V. star Rachel Steele has her own creative storylines for the Wonder Woman parody series and this one happens to be one of my favorites. I’ve seen many of her vids before she delved into the superheroine parody side of things and they were all fun to watch. But her portrayal of Wonder Woman has been fascinating (when she’s in control of the situation that is). And she’s in complete control here and stays in control until the end of the story and that’s what I love most about this one.
-Absolutely loved the verbal jousting between her and Toxicor at the beginning of the story. And the best part is she gets to use her lasso of truth to make Toxicor tell her where the poison is that he has in his possession. Toxicor was totally at Wunder Woman’s mercy and did his best to be defiant, but Rachel wasn’t having any back lip from him whatsoever. She even hand smothers him early on to let him know that she’s in control and that he has no choice but to comply with her.
-Rachel’s reaction when she learns where Toxicor’s poison is and what he planned to do with it was funny. She almost looked like she wanted to hurl when Toxicor tells her where the poison is hidden on him and you can’t really blame her. I won’t say where he has it, but use your imagination. :shifty:
-Rachel blows Toxicor and forces him to orgasm against his will with a nice sensual handjob? (Things don’t get much hotter and sensual than that, folks). That’s mostly what made me want to purchase this vid…gotta love a story where the superheroine forces the villain to blow his wad against his will. You don’t see much of that nowadays in superheroine porn parodies. Truth be told, I think that's what some of these vids need more of nowadays.
-Rachel flashes her lovely, lovely lady lumps at Toxicor also and taunts him with the fact that he can’t reach her cause she has him tied to a cross. She even talks down to him too, really getting him amped up and frustrated. That’s good tease and denial right there. She even threatens to kick him in his tennis balls when he refuses to comply with her and when she kicks the cross right between his legs and misses intentionally, Toxicor learns quickly that pissing Wunder Woman off is an unhealthy thing to do…downright hazardous, some might say.
-Another fun part is that Rachel acts repulsed at first about what she must do to collect the poison (but deep down, she actually enjoyed it and I’m sure Toxicor did too).

-Not too many to list here. Toxicor was an interesting villain but they should’ve given the actor playing him a better costume to wear though. I wasn’t feeling that Phantasm mask or that crummy makeup on the right hand side of his face…that just didn’t make him look intimidating enough.
-Rachel probably should’ve shown how she caught Toxicor in this vid. They just skip straight to her holding him captive and questioning him on his evil intentions.
-The forced male orgasm scene didn’t need a slow-motion part, but if so, cut the audio out when that part is played. That slow-motion groaning almost killed the sensuality part of that scene, but thankfully they showed the first part of it in its regular play of motion.

Final Outcome
Well, I must say, I was thoroughly impressed with Rachel Steele’s portrayal of the Amazonian princess of justice here and she showed that as a superheroine, one must do the extreme in order to protect the population. Rachel wasn’t shy at all about doing what she had to do in order to stop Toxicor’s plan and that hands down is what made this vid all the more enjoyable for me. When the superheroine gets to be in control, the possibilities of sensual arousal are endless.

Final Score for ‘Wunder Woman milks Toxicor’: 9 ½ out of 10. As a doctor, I highly prescribe this vid for those who love a superheroine in control scenario with a little sensual pleasure for the villain thrown into the mix.
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