Commander Marvelous

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Philo Hunter's Revengers story inspired me to do an alt universe character. Maybe at some point there will be a cross over into Philo's story, lt's see how we go.

Also, thanks to batgirl_brandy_wayne for proof reading and spotting my typos.

Also, if you make it to the end then you might spot the character concept art to help you visualise the good Commander.


The harsh clack of heels echoed in the almost empty corridors of the Office of Naval Intelligence betraying the presence of a lone woman. The heels were part of a set of nondescript black shoes encasing feet which were, like the toned legs attached to them, clad in regulation sheer stockings. A tight white skirt joined the ensemble at exactly knee level. A pristine white uniform jacket met the skirt at the woman's waist. A clutch of medal ribbons, many of which would be a source of bafflement to any but the most ardent military memorabilia enthusiast, were pinned to the left side of the woman's chest just above her generous bust. Looped bands of gold ribbon on her jacket wrists and shoulder epaulets indicated the rank of a naval commander. A thick mass of shining blonde hair was ruthlessly pulled back into a netted bun behind her head the remainder being tucked snugly under a white naval peaked cap. A pair of icy blue eyes stared directly ahead as the woman continued to clack through the corridors, her lush red lips pressed firmly together in a mask of determination.

The woman finally reached her destination halting before a heavy brown door. She took a long breath, cursed for the millionth time the harsh white strip lights of the windowless corridor, then rapped heavily on the door. A muffled voice came from the other side of the door which the woman chose to interpret as "Enter". She twisted the fading brass knob and pushed open the heavy wood.

Like most offices in buildings built in the 1970s the room was effectively just a brick lined box. A few windows filled the long wall opposite the door. A generic picture of galleons blasting merry hell out of each other was hung squarely in the middle of the otherwise blank white wall to her right. A man was sat to her left behind a large ornate desk, a mess of papers scattered in front of him. He stared over the sheaf he was holding.

"Ah Kate" said the man "I was told you wouldn't be back in Maryland until Wednesday"

"I got a message that you wanted an urgent meeting so I cut it short Admiral" said Kate “I was getting a bit bored anyway”

The Admiral raised an eyebrow "Commander Sanders" he stressed "You didn't need to shave 3 days off your holiday for this, even if it is always good to see you around the place. Please, take a seat"

Kate sat down across from the Admiral crossing her legs tightly in front of her. The Admiral's eyes rested for a moment on the toned, stocking wrapped flesh before he returned his attention to his desk. He rummaged briefly then reached down into a drawer and drew out a dark green folder before passing it across the desk. Kate took the dossier glancing at the obligatory stamped 'Top Secret' on the cover. She sighed inwardly and wondered if Top Secret had ever actually meant something. It seemed to Kate that the most mundane trivia that the military could produce would nevertheless be stamped Top Secret. She flipped open the cover and was confronted almost immediately by the picture of a handsome navy captain.

"Captain Laurey Walters" said the Admiral sitting back in his chair and folding his arms "A rather senior member of the Office's Farragut centre with a doctorate in advanced engineering. Dr Walters has been involved in a number of top secret breakthroughs. His involvement appears to have coincided with the sudden acceleration of a number of initiatives with projects completing in some cases years ahead of schedule,

Kate almost rolled her eyes at the mention of Top Secret breakthroughs "And you think he's what? Leaking information? drawing on outside help?" she asked

"We don't know" said the Admiral with a sigh "He could be an honest to goodness genius, but these are strange times and it pays to cover one's pampered backside these days. So we will assign you to Farragut as a senior information analyst"

“By any chance does he have a weakness for blondes” said Kate glancing up from the dossier.

“Well that would certainly be quite helpful” said the Admiral “Though he’s shown very little interest in the honey pots we’ve thrown at him already so that’s not really part of the plan here. We really just need you to dig into his methods”

"Sir, my skills aren't so much tech development as signals analysis and field work" said Kate "I'm not sure I'll even fit in at Farragut"

"You're a damn sight smarter than you let on Kate, but don't worry about it. Your position is essentially as a sort of manager of the intelligence staff analysing the effects of the foreign weapons that Walters is studying" said the Admiral "Dr Walters findings from his experiments and works to reverse engineer will be going through your team and your intel background should help you to pick out if anything is wrong"

"You hope" said Kate sceptically

"Look Commander, you're our best chance to get to the bottom of whether something is going on or not with Walters" said the Admiral “I know you won’t let me down on this”


"And this is the main research office for Dr Walters’ team, there are some analytical labs down at that end" said the researcher waving vaguely to one end of the long office "And this is Dr Walters himself, err doctor?"

Walters turned away from the table and the computer he had been frantically typing at. He was slightly taller than Kate maybe 6.6 or 6.7 and his blue coveralls did little to conceal his powerful build. Soft brown eyes stared out of his weathered face and contrasted with the speckles of grey that were beginning to appear at his temples.

"So, you're the new team leader for the analysts" said Dr Walters "I'm sorry, they didn't give me your name in advance just promised they'd rotate someone in"

"Commander Kate Sanders, pleased to meet you Captain Walters" said Kate smiling widely and sticking out her hand.

Dr Walters seemed to hesitate a moment, glancing at Kate's researcher guide "Please, call me Laurey, I hate to stand on ceremony outside of an active tour, it's not really the done thing over here in Farragut" he said as he shook the offered hand.

Kate flashed another grin "Well we’re a bit more formal across the quad but, tell you what, I'll meet you halfway, does Dr Walters work"

Dr Walters gave Kate a long appraising look "You're quite a bit more senior than your predecessor, is there some reason you got landed with this assignment that I should know about?"

Kate fought to keep her surprise at the blunt question hidden and frantically wracked her mind for a plausible story. She settled for a half truth "Well, to be honest, I'm at the end of my tour at ONI, I think I'm just a stop gap while they try to find someone a bit more permanent for you"

"Oh, you're rotating out of the intelligence staff?" Said Dr Walters with some surprise "But it's always good for the career and lot of people seem to get hooked on the cloak and dagger"

"Oh, I've enjoyed it" said Kate quickly "But to be completely honest fast jets are my passion. I joined the navy straight out of high school, the day I turned 18. My family was pretty dysfunctional and I thought the military was the only way to pay for college”

“I think I hear a but” said Dr Walters grinning

Kate laughed “But they put me in the co-pilot chair for a training flight and I was hooked right away. I'm never happier than when I'm flying"

She stopped as she registered the curious look that Walters was giving her.

"Sorry" she said sheepishly "I understand if you want to request someone who's a bit more grounded and going to stick around a bit longer"

"I won't hear of it Commander Sanders" said Dr Walters waving his hand and grinning widely "You're exactly the sort of person this stuffy, isolated place needs!"

"So, what are you working on?" Said Kate trying to steer the conversation back to work.

"Ah, this" said Walters turning back to the slowly rotating image on his screen "it is an odd little device, frankly I have no idea what it is for but it is certainly part of the megatron, the engineering and materials link it as surely as your dna would link a hair follicle"

"And what's the megatron?" Asked Kate her eyes glues to the screen.

"Oh right, it’s Top Secret, they wouldn’t have briefed you on it. It’s right through here" said Dr Walters waving his hand towards the end of the room.

Dr Walters dismissed Kate's guide then purposefully began to stride across the room towards the adjoining door. Kate took a moment to watch him move. She frowned at his gait. He didn’t move like a lab rat but rather with the confident smoothness of a battle veteran. She realised suddenly that she had fallen behind and hurried after him frowning at his arrogant assumption that she would surely follow him. He vanished through the door at the far side of the office. Kate slipped through moments later. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the machine in front of her. The room was about half the size of an aircraft hangar. Bright yellow gantries were erected around the machine that dominated the space. The machine itself filled about 3 quarters of the room. In essence it seemed to be a sort of cylinder with numerous square sections branching out of it. The dull grey metal was studded with black, glossy tubes that erupted and disappeared back into it at random intervals. Numerous control panels were set along its length and blinked in some sort of unfathomable rhythm.

Kate blew out a low whistle.

"Well what do you think?" Asked Dr Walters

"These are not the droids you're looking for" muttered Kate waving her hand while her eyes remained fixed on the contraption.

"What?" Said Dr Walters

"Sorry, first thing that came to mind" she joked turning to look at the Doctor.

Walters returned another vaguely confused, vaguely amused look.

"I mean of course, what does it do?" said Kate

"It's a cappuccino machine" said Dr Walters

"What?" Blurted Kate

"Well, it might be, so that's what I tell everyone" said Dr Walters grinning "We really don't know at this stage. It’s somewhat second hand. It was, erm, salvaged from a shipwreck in the Caribbean"

Kate stared at the Dr for a long moment "Was the ship by any chance Russian and wrecked suspiciously close to Cuba and therefore impossible for the US to salvage?"

"When you say impossible do you mean legally impossible or physically impossible, because I am 100% certain it would be physically possible" said Dr Walters "ah, hypothetically of course"

"You managed to track the transport of a machine with an unknown purpose and salvage it from coastal waters hostile to the US" said Kate "and you think the Russians won't guess that we snagged it?"

"I'm almost certain they won't" said Dr Walters confidently staring at the odd machine.

"And what makes you so certain" said Kate

"Because it's alien" said Dr Walters offhandedly

Kate stared at the Doctor her mouth agape.

"The Russians will think that it just went home, or was collected or whatever these aliens do, beamed it up and sunk their transport" said Dr Walters

"Alien?" Said Kate

"Keep up Commander Sanders, you were doing so well, the composition is of unknown elements, the build is unlike anything we've seen here before, we have no idea what it does or any idea how to power it, though it does appear to be leeching power from electrical devices around it" said Dr Walters "and of course there is the small matter of the carbon dating which puts its age at over 200,000 years old"

"I thought Earth had only had a couple of minor and very recent alien experiences because we're such an out of the way backwater" said Kate "You're telling me that aliens were hiding, their, their...."

"Cappuccino makers" said Dr Walters grinning

"I'm not calling it a Cappuccino maker" muttered Kate "You don't go light years out of the way to dump just anything. This is probably some horrible doomsday bomb that got hidden away and forgotten"

"I know!" Said Dr Walters excitedly "It's fascinating isn't it. This is a one of a kind and we've got it!"

"How do you know it's one of a kind?" Said Kate

"Educated guess” said Dr Walters quickly “I think you're right, it probably is some kind of weapon that got hidden away. That probably also means either whoever made it didn't make any more, because it was so terrible or whoever made it made a lot more, used them and wiped their race out"

"Wait, did you say you this is absorbing energy?" Said Kate in a worried tone

"Yes, but, Commander" said Dr Walters "Nobody makes a doomsday bomb that just goes off. Even if this thing is a weapon and even if it does power up there will surely be some sort of complicated arming mechanism. It's very unlikely we would set it off by accident"

"Unlikely is not really good enough Doctor" said Kate looking at the blinking machine “Not when you’re dealing with a doomsday bomb!”

"Well, apparently it is enough for the powers that be because they want to know everything about this especially if it can give us a military edge" said Doctor Walters

Kate just stared at the dull and suddenly menacing metal.


Kate watched the accusatory blinking of her cursor on her computer screen. Thirty-two pages of meandering, rehashed research reports that hadn't really gotten past the "we still don't know what this is" stage of research demanded some sort of conclusion. What's more Admiral Lehman would no doubt be looking out for an update on Dr Walters.

"Commander Sanders?"

Kate glanced up to see 3 of her analysts looking sheepishly at her.

"Yes Ted?" She acknowledged

"We're gonna swing by a bar, grab a couple of brewskis, you want to come" asked Ted, a portly forty something civilian contractor.

Kate's work ethic and desire to get closer to her team warred in her head for a few long moments. Ted’s inability to drag his eyes from her chest swung it.

"I've got to get this finished or it will haunt me all weekend" she said watching the team deflate and cursing inwardly "but I'll swing by once I'm done, where are you going?"

"McStaggers" replied Dave pausing to let her get her bearings "it’s on Silverhill road, you know where the Louisiana kitchen is? About 2 doors past that"

"Ok guys, I'll see you down there in an hour or so" said Kate

The group moved off and Kate returned to staring at her screen. The cursor continued to blink.

"Coffee Sanders, coffee is your friend" she muttered to herself as she stood up and felt her back click "And posturepedic furniture too, damn, really thought I was doing well at not getting old"

She walked across the room to the small kitchen her team's office shared with another two research divisions. She swiped a mug from a cupboard chuckling at the picture of a frowning cat printed on it.

“You and me both buddy” she muttered

She reached out and grabbed the coffee pot. She hesitated before pouring it out. Gingerly she placed the pot on the side and touched it with her outstretched fingers. It was stone cold.

"Come on great and powerful military industrial complex, I bet Russia has tons of coffee" she muttered

Kate slipped out of the kitchen her head now set on a mission to find and liberate some, at least semi fresh and warm, coffee.

"And Vodka, they probably have a whole third tap for it" she recited quietly as she walked down the hall towards the labs.

"Or are they more of a tea crowd? I'd take tea right now, from one of those big fancy urns" she muttered "Damn, what are they called, it's not Smolensk, that's a city. Sure it starts with an S"

She pushed open the office door that Dr Walters team used and walked to the end of the room where a small break room was situated.

"Samovar! Russian tea pot is a samovar" she suddenly blurted "damn, that was killing me"

Her eyes came to rest on a three quarters full pot of coffee. Almost invisible streamers of steam drifted from it. She touched it gingerly and snatched her hand back from the hot pot. Grinning she filled her mug with the hot, dark liquid. She turned and walked crisply out of the break room and back into the office. She swung left past some empty desks, heading back the way she had come and stopped. The lab was deserted. It was after 6 on a Friday, but the coffee in the break room was red hot. Kate frowned then turned around. She walked past the break room and headed to the hanger access on the other side of the lab. She pushed open the door to the hanger and stepped inside.

"Dr Walters? Are you still here?" she shouted

Silence rolled back from the room. She glanced up registering that the lights were all still on. The megatron sat quietly in front of her.

"Err, I'm going to catch my guys for a beer in about an hour" she shouted "Open invite?"

Metal clanged in the shadows at the end of the room. Kate's hand snapped to her waist and flipped the holster of her sidearm.

"Calm down Sanders, nobody makes coffee before robbing a naval base" she murmured as she placed her mug on a table.

Kate pulled her gun and flipped the safety before cocking it.

"Is someone still in here?" she shouted in her best commander's voice "Step into the light slowly, I'm armed"

Dr Walters stumbled out of the shadows and fell forwards onto his face. Kate gasped at his bedraggled state. His left eye was swollen and bruised. Dried blood spattered his uniform. He glanced up and stretched out a hand.

"Kate, run, get out of here" he mumbled through swollen and split lips.

"Laurey, what happened to...." she stopped mid-sentence as a second figure stepped out of the shadows.

It was a man, or at least it was man shaped, Kate hurriedly corrected herself. It was wearing a form fitting body suit of some dark purple material. Cream coloured armour plates were fitted across its thighs, arms and chest. A matching cream coloured helmet similar to that of a classical Greek or roman soldier sat on its head. Kate could see the grey, green skin of its face around the mouth and eyes. The eyes were green and soulless. It seemed bored by the whole situation.

"Honestly Pher Los, is this why you picked this miserable backwater to hide on?" he laughed in a surprisingly harsh nasal whine of a voice

"Stay where you are!" barked Kate "This is a United States military facility and you are trespassing! Get on your knees and put your hands behind your head"

The man grinned a wolfish grin and turned his gaze on Kate.

"Spirited, if I had the time to spare to house train you, you might make a halfway decent pet" he said quietly "Wouldn't that be a hoot Pher Los? Eh? An ape creature that can dance for dinner guests or balance a ball"

"Ur Gonn, please" struggled Dr Walters "Leave the humans, they are not a threat to us, they don't know what the megatron is and they could never hope to recreate it"

The alien identified as Ur Gonn aimed a vicious kick into Dr Walter's ribs.

"I am a Marr in the Ruul Supreme Guard, as you were before you deserted your post to come and hide out here" snarled Ur Gonn "You will address me by my title or I will pull the arms from your pet while you watch!"

"Move again, I dare you creature" shouted Kate

"Kate, run you idiot" mumbled Dr Walters

Ur Gonn turned back towards Kate.

"It seems that your pet needs to learn some discipline" he growled

Ur Gonn took a step forwards. The sound of the gun going off sounded incredibly loud in the quiet lab. The heavy slug crossed the few meters between Kate and Ur Gonn in micro seconds. It deformed and squashed on the alien's broad chest before spinning away into a corner of the lab. Kate's eyes widened in horror. She squeezed the trigger again and again.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In moments she had burned through her magazine and the hammer fell on an empty chamber. The alien kept its evil snarl as it took a second step forward.

"Really ape? Gunpowder propelled lead? Do you honestly think this could do anything more than try my patience?" said Ur Gonn as he stepped forward

Kate glanced at the battered Dr Walter, Velos, whatever the alien had called him and came to a decision. As Ur Gonn reached towards her she swung the butt of her gun around and brought it down across his unarmoured face. She followed up with vicious kick to his knee. Her pistol looped back around as she captured the momentum and drove it in a thunderous uppercut into his chin. She spun away, cursing the lack of mobility her skirt gave her and stopped to inspect the damage she had inflicted. Ur Gonn was on her in an instant. He drove a balled fist into her stomach driving the wind from her and forcing her to double up retching. She realised to her horror, as she choked for breath, that he had pulled the punch.

"This stupidity has gone far enough" snarled Ur Gonn "You're spirited for a savage, but any beast can be broken"

"Marr Ur Gonn, please, just take the megatron, it's a wreck, it doesn't work" croaked Dr Walters "Just don't hurt the human, she's innocent in this"

Ur Gonn grabbed Kate's hair and yanked her up out of her crouch. She blinked away stinging tears and snapped an elbow into his face.

"You don't understand at all Pher Los" said Ur Gonn as he casually back handed Kate splitting her lip "Something has changed, something has happened to the very fabric of reality. Things that were immutable rules have been altered. We can either hide like you, the great hero! Marr Pher Los of the Explorator Corps who ran away from the empire when duty became a burden. Who tried to hide his pathetic pets from his own people. Or we can embrace these changes, the megatron will let me do just that. Our people will endure this change and emerge stronger than ever. But first, I'll teach your pet here her place in my universe"

He dragged Kate by her hair towards a work station. With a wave of his free arm he swept the laptop, coffee mug and desk lap on the desk onto the floor and thumped the woman down on her back. Dr Walters pushed himself forward and tried to rise. Ur Gonn turned and looked at his defeated foe.

"Why do you even care?" he sneered "Such heroic nonsense!"

Ur Gonn drove a kick into Walters' face that sent him rolling away. Kate managed to turn her head and glance at the battered doctor. To her horror she saw a huge tear had opened across his cheek and head exposing the same grey, green skin as Ur Gonn beneath.

"Now, ape, your first lesson as a Ruul house pet" Ur Gonn warned menacingly "How to please the master of the house"

Kate's head felt as if she had repeated her passing out parade hangover. She struggled against the ringing in her skull and lifted it just enough to focus on the malevolent alien. She forced her eyes to glare at the creature then hawked a gob of spit into his sneering face. The look of absolute shock on the alien sent her into a spasm of giggles. Abruptly she stopped laughing as the alien grabbed her throat and squeezed her windpipe shut.

"You like that ape? You look as if you like it? You don't really need oxygen do you?" Shouted the alien

With his free hand he grabbed the front of Kate's white blouse and ripped it open. A thin trickle of spit ran over his lips as he admired Kate's full bust barely contained by the black lace bra.

"Do you match ape?" he sneered “Do you things even have a rudimentary sense of style”

He ran his hand up Kate's thigh forcing the slit in her skirt to tear along the seam. He continued to push his hand up her firm thigh and across her hip until the garment fell away. He released Kate's throat and stood back to view the gasping woman. Her face was tinged blue from strangulation but her body was hard and honed by hours in the gym and on exercise. The black bra matched her black lace briefs. The alien chuckled to himself as he viewed the dark hold ups that covered Kate's legs to the mid thigh.

"Times are changing" he murmured to himself as lent back down over his prone victim.

Kate finally felt the effects of her near strangulation lessen. She opened her crystal blue eyes and looked into the cold malevolent stare of her attacker. He smelled wrong. An alien scent of crushed mint and soured milk. She searched her mind desperately for something to stop the alien but came up blank. She realised what was about to happen to her and she screamed inside her mind. She ranged around helplessly inside her head like a caged beast desperate for the strength to throw this creature off of her and subdue him. The cold fingers of his suit traced across her stomach and up to her bra. She felt a moment of resistance as the fabric warred against the alien's strength before it was ripped to shreds. Her large, firm breasts burst free and she blushed furiously as the alien chuckled.

"Quite a set of teats you have ape" he said “One need never go thirsty with you around”

Ur Gonn drew his fingers across her breasts savouring the soft flesh. his fingers traced around her nipple. Kate turned her head away as her nipple stiffened in the cool air of the hanger. The alien continued to chuckle, convinced that her reaction was as a result of his clumsy handling. His hand retraced its steps back down her stomach and brushed across her black knickers. Kate flinched as the strong fingers pressed the fabric against her cunt.

"Please, don't" she whispered

Ur Gonn tore his eyes for Kate's body and looked up at her. He stared at her terrified face, watching as tears began to snake across her cheeks. His cold laugh hit Kate like another punch. He pushed his fingers under the crotch of her knickers and ripped the delicate lace away. Kate twisted her hips trying to close her legs but Ur Gonn pushed them open with no more effort than he would open a door. He drew his hand down Kate's slit forcing a shiver through her battered body. With a surprising delicateness he slipped a finger inside Kate's womanhood. Kate screwed her eyes shut and tried to force her mind away from the horrible situation. She imagined being in a fighter jet, a tumble in her bunk on the USS Hopper, her first intelligence field exercise ending in a shoot out in Cairo. Every distraction fell apart and she was dragged back to the terrible defilement currently being visited upon her. Kate gasped as Ur Gonn drew his thick digit around inside her. She grit her teeth and shook her head in frustration as he lowered his head to her breast and sucked on her hard nipple. She could feel his finger sliding in and out of her with less and less friction and raged at her body's betrayal.

"There's a good pet" said Ur Gonn standing up and pushing himself between Kate's legs

The defeated woman looked up from the desk and watched in resigned horror as the front of the alien's suit seemed to melt away from his crotch to reveal a thick grey green member. She twitched a leg, trying desperately to kick the alien, but the blow landed on his bicep and he barely noticed. His thick strong hands clamped down on her hips. She tried to grip the table and prevent him from pulling her forwards but again he simply ignored her feeble resistance. The alien's grunt was drowned out by Kate's shriek as he pulled her brutally onto his erect shaft. Her back arched as the alien's thick cock drove deep into her. Ur Gonn began to slide back and forth ploughing the defenceless woman mercilessly. Each stab seemed t reach deeper into her, defiling her further with every stroke.

Kate raged against the attacker. His pounding thrusts were hard and rhythmic. To her horror she began to feel heat building though her body. The throbbing shaft of the alien was bigger than anything she had experienced before and her helplessness seemed to be conspiring against her usual preference for dominance. She barely realised that her hand had drifted to her breast until she felt her fingers pinch her own nipple. She desperately warred against the sensation washing over her. The constant pounding of the alien was eroding her resistance by the second. Her back began to arch and she felt her hips begin to traitorously push against her assailant. The alien said something but she didn't catch it. Her whole world was focused on the heat and pressure building within her. She felt the alien being to push harder against her. His strength was so much greater than hers and his hard slamming bruised her thighs. A wave built unstoppably in her now, she felt it lifting her and carrying her forward. She gasped for air. Her hands became claws racking at her breasts. A shriek of anguish tore from her throat, echoing around the hanger. A sudden cold stabbing in her gut and the ferocious tightening of Ur Gonn’s grip announced that her assailant had completed his defilement. The sensation broke Kate's wave and she shrieked as she came. She bucked violently and kicked out as the wave washed through her.

Ur Gonn pulled himself free from Kate's still twitching body. A thick stream of cum dripped from her, pooling on the edge of the table before splashing onto the floor. The alien brushed himself down and concentrated briefly to reseal his purple suit. Kate had rolled into a ball the magnitude of the situation hitting her as her orgasm passed. She clutched the tatters of her blouse around her and tried to slide off the table.

"No, you don't go anywhere ape" said Ur Gonn shove her backwards

Kate clipped the table and tumbled backward slamming her head against the megatron and sliding down the side of it to land in a heap of twisted limbs and pooling cum that continued to dribble from her. Tears ran down her face as a feeling of complete helplessness filled her. She realised she was nothing more than an ant to the vicious alien. She watched as Ur Gonn drew a dagger from under the armour plate on his arm and advanced on Dr Walters.

"Pher Los, former Marr of the Ruul Explorator Corps! I judge you guilty of treason against the Ruul Imperium" said Ur Gonn "You never should have tried to hide this place from us. I think I'll make this into a prison planet, or maybe I'll quench the sun"

He stooped suddenly and drove the blade into Dr Walters neck. Blue fluid spurted from the wound. Ur Gonn twisted and sawed with the blade as the blue gore gushed from the spasaming Dr Walters. Finally, he pulled the blade free and watched the subsiding twitches.

"Rest poorly traitor" he muttered as he turned back to Kate

He cocked his head as he looked at the broken human.

"What are you doing ape?" he asked curiously

Kate barely heard him. All of her humiliation, hate and fear boiled in her and she wanted nothing more than to crush this alien like a bug, like the bug she was to him. The megatron felt hot behind her and the world in front of her was spinning. She watched Ur Gonn cock his head and look at her. She felt more heat from the megatron and saw the sudden panic register in his eyes as he suddenly lurched forward with the dagger.

The world went white.

Ur Gonn pushed a sheet of metal off himself and winced. A shard from the exploded megatron had pierced his shoulder between the armour plates. He gripped the metal and gingerly pulled it out. A spurt of blue blood followed it out but congealed quickly. Alarms were blaring somewhere and small fires were burning in the hanger. He cursed Pher Los, the megatron would have made him Imperator if he had recovered it. Now his prize was just scrap and shrapnel. He staggered to his feet and fumbled in his belt pouch for his communicator. His ship, the glorious frigate Helion, could teleport him aboard and get the rest of this metal out of him before he had to fight any humans that might come looking for the source of the explosion. The communicator buzzed and beeped either damaged or scrambled by the explosion

Something moved in the fog of smoke and sprinkler. He glanced around and strained his ears. The humans would come running with buckets of water or blankets he supposed not sneak up. He sat up and peered into the smoky gloom trying to see. He looked back down at the communicator and thumped it in frustration.

A bolt of purple energy hit him in the chest shattering his armour and burning through the suit beneath. He screamed as his skin blackened and boiled away. He rolled onto his side coughing. He could feel something wrong with his left lung as he tried to suck in some of the accursedly weak earth air. He glanced down at his chest and glimpsed blackened bone along his left side. He wiped his mouth, blue blood was congealing in the corner. He looked around in panic. Pher Los couldn't have survived having his throat cut and blown up and the humans didn’t have energy rifles did they?

A shadow hovered out of the smoke. He thought for a moment it might be a ghost or a hallucination.

"No" he murmured

"You didn’t take much notice of me when I said no" said Kate "You look a bit worse for wear now though, not so much of a master of the house"

She floated in the air. Deep red boots covered her legs to the mid thigh. A blue leotard covered her torso and a gold band looped around her chest and shoulders height and red covered the leotard above the band to her neck. A bright gold star sat in the middle of her voluptuous breasts. Red gloves covered her hands and forearms. A glowing nimbus of purple light shone around her hands.

"How, how could you, a lowly ape activate the megatron?" said Ur Gonn

Kate scowled and raised her hand. A blot of purple energy flashed out and hit Ur Gonn in the knee exploding the joint.

"You don’t call me ape anymore, it's..." said Kate, she hesitated for a moment then grinned "Mar Ve lous, Commander Marvelous, after the colleague you murdered"

Ur Gonn rolled on the ground clutching the stump of his leg.

"You aren't even saying it right!" he shrieked in agony

"Well, I guess that's just one more thing to add to the list of things that make it a sucky day to be you then" said Commander Marvelous as she pointed her hand at his head
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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Great story, loved reading it while I edited it for Lion! Hope he continues with the story, would love to see what is next for Commander!
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Episode 2

"You've put us in a bit of a bind Kate" said Admiral Lehman

"Sorry that my getting raped by an alien warlord has inconvenienced you admiral" said Kate coldly

The admiral flushed scarlet "Kate that's not what I meant, I've told you if you need leave or counselling, an armed guard at your door, anything, just say the word, the navy is here for you"

"It's alright sir, I feel like I should be angry or shaken or just something, anything but I just feel nothing. Maybe the blast did something to my mind" said Kate quietly

"Which brings us to the problem at hand" said the admiral fumbling to change the subject "We cracked Dr Walters notes. Seems that the megatron was basically, well the best we've got is a sort of wishing machine. It was created to be sent with colonists so they could call up any tools or medicine they needed. The problem is that someone realised pretty quickly that it could be used for weaponry too. The Ruul lost it in some big civil war and it ended up here. Probably someone thought to hide it"

"So when I wanted the strength to fight back" said Kate "When I felt like an ant and I just wanted to be strong enough to swat Ur Gonn"

"The damaged megatron granted your wish, with interest" said the admiral "As best we can fathom you're soaking up energy and kicking it back tenfold"

"As best you can fathom?" She said

"Yes. X-rays, MRIs, and Cat scans you've absorbed them all. We can't tell what's going on inside you other than what we have from a few patchy ultra sounds" he said

"Is this permanent?" She asked

"We don't know, hell we don't even know what we don't know about you" said the admiral with a sigh

"Then I guess I have no choice but to just take this a day at a time" said Kate fixing the admiral with a determined stare "You said you'd rotate me back out to the fleet after Dr Walters"

"I can't put you on an active post Kate and I damn sure can't put you in a jet without knowing how this change has affected you" said the admiral

"Sir, you can't do that! I've earned CAG" said Kate "I should be on a carrier leading the air group"

"Look, I don't want to ground you but there are a lot of worried heads here about what you might do in the field. A lot of people want to keep you here and observe you for the next twenty years" he said standing up "But that would kill you, inside at least. So I have a compromise"

Kate watched him move from behind his desk and walk over to the window. He seemed to have aged 10 years in the last few days.

"Have you heard of SPEAR?" He asked

"Not the pointy stick?" Kate asked the joke falling flat

"It's an acronym for Sentient Planet Exploration, Analysis & Retaliation" said the admiral "It’s fairly new and it's supposed to be protecting us from the kind of incident you recently suffered, it's a bit understaffed from what I gather"

"You want me to transfer to SPEAR?" Asked Kate

"It’s a new initiative and it's short of good officers, especially good officers that are trained in field work" he said still staring out of the window "Plus I'm pretty sure that they'll be more than happy to let you try out these powers of yours. And they'd let you fly"

"Are you asking or telling" she said

"I want you here, I can see you going career intelligence" said the admiral "You could fill my chair in a couple of years. You'd keep us safe Kate, I have no doubt that you have what it takes to make the tough calls. But this, shut up in an office, it's not what you want. If you stay with the navy in conventional operations you'll be grounded, poked and prodded for years and end up hating us. This is the only path I see for you where you don't wither"

"I see" said Kate standing up, she hesitated for a moment "Then I'll trust your judgment sir. I'll take the transfer"


"Sorry it's not a battleship" said a voice dryly

Kate turned away from the window and the view of the huge Vehicle Assembly Building. Her crystal blue eyes settled on grey suited man. Thin spectacles framed his eyes and thinning brown hair covered his head. His body was slim but lacked definition. He walked towards Kate stiffly and extended a hand.

"Harry Gorvich, co commander of SPEAR" he said sourly

"Commander Kate Sanders, United States Navy" replied Kate brightly taking his hand.

"Really? It says here they've all but discharged you" said Gorvich waving a buff coloured file "Oh don't worry, this, erm, Admiral Lehman, dresses it up as a transfer request but it's pretty clear to me that they just want to dump another problem on SPEAR. So what did you do Commander, sleep with your line manager, leave national secrets on the bus, marry a Russian spy?"

"I foolishly got myself raped by an alien warlord and acquired what are colloquially referred to as super powers" said Kate acid dripping from each word "The navy panicked and wanted to side-line me, study me, but admiral Lehman thought that would be a waste of my talents and recommended a transfer to SPEAR"

Gorvich looked momentarily taken aback, then frowned "It doesn’t say anything about that here Commander, don't think you can mess me around just because I'm part of the civilian administration.  I've seen plenty of parlour tricks passed off as so called super powers"

Kate sighed. Gorvich had glossed over how she got the powers to hide his own embarrassment. She resolved that a little theatre was in order to show him who he was dealing with. Out of nothing a glowing halo of crackling energy surrounded her black heeled feet. The halo quickly rose up her body. As it passed over Kate's feet and stockinged legs the material changed to deep red thigh high boots. As the energy continued up her body the dark grey skirt and blazer were replaced by a deep blue leotard a band of shining gold wrapping around the top of her chest and shoulders. Red gloves appeared on her forearms and the collar of her shirt became the deep red halter top of her leotard.

"Commander Marvelous, pleased to meet you" said Kate dryly

Gorvich's mouth hung open in surprise as he took in the transformation. He watched in shock as Kate gently rose a foot into the air and pirouetted in front of him. His eyes flicked to her toned ass, accentuated by the cut of the leotard then back up to her eyes. She raised her hand in front of her and made a pistol motion, pointing at a discarded coffee mug. A blot of shimmering purple light streaked from her fingertip and exploded the ceramic mug before punching a fist sized hole in the plasterboard wall behind it.

"Sorry, still getting the hang of these" she said gently touching back down on the brown carpet "So I think you were saying that you didn't want me in SPEAR and that I should go back to the Navy?"

Gorvich finally shook off his shocked expression. He scowled derisively at the woman in front of him before muttering "Your transfer is accepted Commander Sanders, report to room 6 in the Aldrin building at 08.00 tomorrow morning for assignment"

Kate smiled and stretched out her red gloved hand "Thank you Mr Gorvich"

Gorvich looked at the proffered limb like it was a viper ready to bite him. He sneered once more then turned and walked out of the room.


"Knock knock" said Kate loudly peering around the open door of briefing room 6.

A head appeared from below the table at the front of the room before being quickly followed by a wiry middle aged man. Wispy brown hair covered his head and watery grey eyes stared out of his triangular face. A faded brown sweater vest covered his pigeon chest and the equally faded blue shirt below it. He ambled across the room to peer closely at Kate, his head barely reaching her shoulder. Kate frowned at the little man as he stood uncomfortably close for a long moment.

"My, my, Ruul energy contained by a human?" he finally said in a thin reedy voice "Commander Sanders I presume?"

"Er yes, pleased to meet you, Mr?" Replied Kate

"Benedict Cidren, but please, just call me Cidren, everyone here does" he said still standing uncomfortably close to Kate his watery eyes darting over her body and lingering on her curves.

"O. K., Mr Cidren" said Kate slowly

"Just Cidren, please, I'm trying to make it a mononym" said the small man as he finally turned and ambled back towards the table "Please take a seat Commander"

Kate hesitated for a moment considering the odd little man. After a few seconds she walked across the room and slid into the dark wooden bench before resting her hands on the desk in front of her.

"We have something in common Commander" said Cidran offhandedly as he prodded a projector "We've both been prisoners of the Ruul"

"You were abducted?" Said Kate sceptically

"No, I'm a Drazeen. Please don't let this fool you" he said waving around himself in vague circles "My physiology is reptilian rather than mammalian"

"You're an alien?" Said Kate

"Yes, you're not the first person on Earth to encounter the Ruul Imperium. It's quite a story, which I may be persuaded to tell you sometime, but suffice to say when SPEAR defeated my erstwhile masters they made me an offer I couldn't refuse" he said tapping at his open laptop "But, as ever, business before pleasure"

Kate grimaced as the overhead projector whirred into life blasting a hazy image onto the wall behind Cidran. The image sharpened as the projector warmed up. It revealed an image of a woman or at least a female shaped alien. White skin tight fabric covered her from throat to knee. A pair of white and blue knee high boots, the top ringed with feathers covered her legs and ended in wicked yellow talons. The motif was repeated on her elbow length gloves and their taloned fingers. A huge pair of white and blue feathered wings sprung from behind her shoulders. Her face was buried in a white hood but the inhumanly cruel yellow eyes and snarling, fang filled mouth were just visible.

"Extinction Angel" said Cidran "She was once the Aquillan Matriarch but for reasons that do not concern us just now she was deposed. She has roamed the galaxy since as a mercenary making enemies almost as fast as she makes corpses and occasionally trying to depose the current Aquillan ruler. Now she's here on earth with at least one high profile killing linked to her and that makes her SPEAR's problem. Which in short makes her your problem"

"Question" said Kate "Who are the Aquillans?"

"They are one of the 3 major races, you've already met the Ruul, who inhabit the galaxy and who are thankfully not currently concerned with this back water" said Cidran "How to explain them, the Aquillans themselves are relatively few but their empire has conquered numerous other races and cultures and welded them together. Extinction Angel is an actual Aquillan. They evolved from birds, as you may have gleaned from her image. Their bones are light and hollow but incredibly strong. They are not to be trifled with lightly"

"Ok, and do we know where she is?" Asked Kate

"I was coming to that" said Cidran irritably "her last known location was your home town, Boston. I suggest you start there"


The cool air whipped past Kate's face and sent her long blonde hair streaming behind her. Her red gloved arms stretched out in front of her and sun glinted off the shining gold bar around her chest and shoulders. She grinned at the sensation of speed as office buildings flashed past her, hundreds of sorties in fighter jets couldn't compare to the experience of solo flight. The sound of sirens suddenly filled the air and Kate decelerated to get a better view. Two police cruisers raced past below her followed by a fire engine and ambulance. Kate glanced east following their direction of travel and saw a thin wisp of smoke rising.

"Salt shaker bridge" murmured Kate. She made a snap decision and turned east following the screaming emergency vehicles.

Kate swooped out of the city and across the river. The bridge was a mess. Thick black smoke was billowing from a burning truck that had lost control and collided with a train on the line that ran up the centre of the old bridge. Cars had smashed into the rear of the truck and carriages had derailed across the carriage way boxing in cars and causing secondary collisions. Red and blue flashed at both ends as fire engines and other emergency vehicles tried to get close enough to douse the blazing vehicles at the centre of the smash.

Kate hung in the air surveying the carnage "Ok Commander Marvelous time to see what these powers can really do"

Kate dropped into the middle of the crush. The front of the initial truck was crumpled into the side of the commuter train and the unconscious driver was pinned to his seat. She grabbed the edges of the door and pulled. The door tore away like paper revealing the pinned driver. She considered trying to push the shattered dashboard off the driver but decided that it might cause him more injury. She fretted for a moment then lifted her left hand in front of her face. A glowing nimbus of deep purple light flashed into existence around her red gloved digits. She concentrated hard focusing the corona of energy into a tight beam then swept it down. The purple light sheared through the edge of the truck and the shattered remains of the windshield before blazing through the steering column. She grabbed the crumpled section of vehicle and flipped it away and out of the windshield. The driver released a soft sigh and slumped sideways. Kate saw a silvery white shard of metal buried in the man's hip. Blood slicked it and was pooling on the seat. She reached over to pull it free then stopped, the shard might be keeping him from bleeding out, better to let the medics deal with it. She scooped the portly driver into her arms and jumped into the air. In a few moments she had crossed to the end of the bridge and deposited the driver unceremoniously onto a stretcher.

"This man needs medical attention" she declared to the stunned paramedics

The two uniformed EMTs gawped at her and she noticed that their eyes were straying down her costume.

"Jump to it medic!" She snapped in her best commander's voice

"Yes err" began one of the paramedics

"Commander Marvelous" she replied quickly realising she had almost said "Sanders".

"I think, I think they said on the radio that some people are trapped on the north carriageway" said one of the paramedics glancing up from the injured driver.

"I'm on it" replied Kate snapping a salute.

She spun on her red booted heel, drawing an unseen smile from the paramedic as he took in her pert ass, then sprung into the air and darted back into the middle of the bridge. She hovered over the buckled commuter train. It looked empty, the passengers had probably been able to scramble through the upturned carriages and out of the shattered mess. A minivan however was pinned against the north carriageway barrier by the derailed carriage. A woman was frantically beating on the window, hysterical with fear but unable to push out the lacquered glass. Kate dropped down landing in a crouch on the bonnet of the van. She rapped smartly on the glass drawing a look of surprise from the occupant.

"Stand back miss, I'll have you out of there in a minute" said Kate loudly

She drew back her hand to punch through the glass then paused. A full force punch would fill the van with shards of shattered glass. Instead she pushed against the edge of the wind-shield deforming the metal around it and making a space for her to slip her red gloved hand around. Her long, strong fingers hooked around the edge of the glass. With a single pull she tore the windshield out of the van and tossed it over the side of the bridge. She admonished herself briefly for littering then reached a hand into the vehicle to pull the woman out. A car seat was unceremoniously pushed into her hand.

"My baby, save him, save my baby!" Screamed the woman

"I've got him miss" Kate replied "Now take my hand and I'll get you both out of this mess"

The woman blinked then grabbed the proffered glove and scrambled onto the bonnet.

"Thank you, thank you miss?" Stammered the woman

"Commander" replied Kate "Commander Marvelous"

"Thank you Commander Marvelous, thank you" she panted as the panic and adrenalin began to subside and she fussed around the sleeping baby

"Well, we still need to get you two out of this" replied Kate glancing around "I think I can carry you both back to the south end"

"I don't think you can pretty pretty" cackled a singsong voice

Kate turned, her golden hair whipping out behind her. The creature could only be Extinction Angel. It crouched on the barrier railing like a vulture. Its wings were draped around it but Kate could clearly see the talons of its hands and feet. A malevolent sneer and sharp chin were the only features not obscured by its hood.

"Get out of here, I'll deal with the KFC escapee" whispered Kate to the woman she had pulled from the van.

The woman glanced at the winged creature then back at Kate "Thank you, kick its ass Commander!" She yelped as she ran off down the carriageway.

Extinction Angel turned its head lazily to follow the sprinting woman. In the blink of an eye its wing snapped out sending a hail of silvery white quivers towards the woman. Kate's hands immediately flashed purple as she sent bolts of blazing purple photons streaking across the bridge to intercept the quills. The speeding slivers of chitin and feather vaporised in the hail of purple light. Kate pulled her hands back and mockingly blew the tips of her fingers.

"Extinction Angel" she barked in her best navy parade voice, placing her hands on her hips "I am Commander Marvelous from SPEAR. You are under arrest on suspicion of murder"

"A jumped up security guard" hissed Angel unfolding to stand at her full height on the barrier "Are there no warriors on this miserable world?"

"That's pretty funny coming from a cosplay chicken" Replied Kate

Yellow light blazed in the depths of Angel's hood as her eyes flashed hate and rage at her opponent "You will die a thousand deaths for that human!"

"Last chance, surrender Extinction Angel" said Kate

With a raptor's shriek of rage she launched herself off the barrier, her talons leaving long tears in the metal rail. She darted forward, gliding on her outstretched wings. The talons on her hands were spread out in front of her to drive into the silken flesh of Commander Marvelous. Kate reacted quickly to the attack. Her hands came up and she launched a blast of crackling purple energy into Angel's face. The purple photon bolts exploded in the villainess' face and washed over her thin Aquillan frame. The energy blast knocked her into the concrete of the carriageway, her head gouging a furrow as she crumpled to a stop. Kate smiled and strode forward on her red high heeled boots. 3 steps took her to the crumpled villainess. Angel's blue and white feathered wings were twitching as she struggled to recover from the photon blast. She pulled her arms under her and started to push herself up. Commander Marvelous' red gloved fist slammed into Angel's head like a steam hammer snapping it sideways and sending her crumpling onto her side.

"Had enough?" Said Kate cheerily squatting to look at the battered Aquillan.

Pain bloomed in Commander Marvelous' shoulder and left bicep. She glanced at her arm and saw a clutch of diamond hard feather quills buried in her arm. Thin trickles of red ran down her arm. She grimaced and reached up to pull the quills from her violated flesh. She grunted in pain as she drew each of the blue white shards.

"Guess not" she muttered as she turned back to Extinction Angel.

The Aquillan warrior had managed to get back onto her clawed feet. The hood continued to obscure Angel's face but Kate felt the malevolent gaze of the alien. A wing snapped up but Commander Marvelous was ready this time. She pirouetted sideways and the hail of quivers flashed past. As she turned back to face her enemy Angel was on her. Talons raked down at her face and Kate barely managed to halt the blow. Angel hissed and shrieked at her before twisting away. Kate followed up and moved straight into a vicious kick from the Aquillan. The clawed foot slammed into her ribs knocking her sideways into the minivan she had recently released the trapped civilians from. She gasped and tried to draw a breath. The kick had knocked the wind from her. Angel refused to give Commander Marvelous any chance recover however. She dove back in with a flurry of blows. Kate ducked and blocked as best she could but the alien was too fast. She glimpsed an opening and snapped a fist towards Angel's stomach. The Aquillan grabbed the wrist like a vice and glanced up into Kate's grinning face. Too late the Aquillan realised her mistake. A bright purple photon blast caught her full in the gut throwing her back against the crash barrier.

Kate gasped and gripped her wrist. Her glove was in tatters where Angel's claws had raked down it. Bright red blood welled up through the rents to spatter on the ground. Kate watched the flow quickly slow and the wounds begin to heal. She thanked the megatron for giving her a healing factor even if it wasn't as fast as she would have liked.

"Maybe you are a warrior after all" hissed Extinction Angel as she regained her feet and circled Commander Marvelous.

"I'm a soldier" the red, blue and gold heroine shouted back

"A soldier obeys, a warrior choses!" Mocked Angel "I wonder little soldier, will you obey me?"

Commander Marvelous ignored the comment and launched a further barrage of photon bolts at the vicious alien. Angel dodged and spun, evading the blasts of purple light until a stray bolt caught a fuel tank and she disappeared in a ball of thick black smoke. Kate stepped forward cautiously, her arms up and braced defensively. She peered into the murky cloud of soot trying to see if Angel was still alive.

A clawed foot snapped out of the murk and swept Commander Marvelous' legs out from under her. She went down hard, her head bouncing on the concrete. Angel was on her in a moment. She sprang nimbly onto Commander Marvelous' chest straddling her. Her taloned hands came up and grabbed the heroine's golden hair before slamming her spinning head down into the concrete. Stars exploded in her vision as the vicious alien slammed her skull again and again into the ground. Finally Angel sprung to her feet, dragging Kate up and onto all fours, her hair still gripped tightly. Kate's cheeks burned red at the humiliation but she needed time for her battered head to recover. Angel refused to give her the time however. Pausing for a moment to consider her battered foe she grinned under her hood then drew back her leg and kicked Commander Marvelous squarely in the gut. The kick lifted Kate off the ground and sent her spinning into the wrecked windshield of the minivan. She lay on the shattered bonnet, her body aching. Her blue eyes flickered open to find Angel again perched on her chest looking down at her. A taloned hand suddenly cupped Commander Marvelous' breast before squeezing it almost playfully.

"Succulent" whispered Angel "Are you ready to obey me yet soldier?"

"Are you ready for your date with a baster yet turkey girl" Kate spat back as she tried to push herself out from under Extinction Angel.

"How are you even conscious human? You should have given up and died thrice since we met" said Angel "If you could just be tamed, oh what you could be!"

"Go to hell" hissed Kate in reply she had the horrible impression that Angel was grinning under her hood.

Commander Marvelous could feel her body healing slowly. Now that she had stopped loosing off photon blasts her energy levels were recovering and her body was diverting that energy to healing her. Unfortunately Angel noticed it too.

"Oh no pretty, I am not done with you" she murmured

In one fluid movement she drew a pair of the diamond hard feather quills from her wings. She caught Kate's sudden look of panic but before the prone heroine could react she drove the quills through Commander Marvelous' bare shoulders immobilising her and pining her painfully to the minivan bonnet. Kate shrieked in pain as her body was violated.

"Are you ready to be tamed pretty?" Said Angel still sat straddling Commander Marvelous' chest.

She drew her taloned hand down the heroine's chest massaging the generous breast. Commander Marvelous struggled weakly but her pinned shoulders held her fast to the minivan. Angel's other hand snaked behind her and slid between the heroine's legs. Her wings draped forward and around them wrapping them both in a feathery cocoon. Kate gasped as the Aquillan villainess' clawed hands brushed roughly over her mound.

"You like that soldier girl?" Said Extinction Angel leaning forward to whisper into Commander Marvelous' ear, her sharp teeth clamping onto the heroine's ear lobe "Then you're going to love this"

Commander Marvelous continued to struggle as she watched the alien slide down her body. She tried to focus and lift an arm. If she could lose off a photon blast then she might be able to get free. Her arms refused to move. She realised that Angel had placed the quills perfectly to numb the nerves and paralyse her arms. The caress of sharp talons on the soft flesh of her thighs suddenly drew her attention. She lifted her head as far as she could. Angel's white hood was between her thighs.

"No! You can't" shouted Commander Marvelous desperately

"Relax pretty, you'll feel a lot better once you lose some of that tension" replied Angel

The malevolent alien ran her talons across Kate's thighs and over her hips. She flicked a finger under the leg hole of Commander Marvelous' costume and brought it back down towards her crotch. As her finger approached Kate's slit she pushed left and exposed the heroine's pussy to the air. Slowly she drew 3 taloned fingers down the well-groomed mound.

"No" murmured Commander Marvelous softly, she felt odd, like she was viewing the world in a haze, her thoughts felt heavy and slow "Your claws, not the claws"

Angel glanced up "You want this don't you hero" she chuckled "Well don't worry slut" she held up her taloned hands. Carefully she removed the taloned gloves to reveal surprisingly thin fingers.

Angel's thin willowy fingers stroked Commander Marvelous' silken thigh flesh. Her head dipped down and she kissed her way up the heroine's left leg. Her rough little tongue darted out as she reached the girl's crotch sliding up the edge of the swollen lips. She leaned in closer spreading Commander Marvelous' moistening lips with her fingers. Her sharp teeth drew along an edge teasing the restrained heroine. Her tongue snaked out again as she reached the top of Kates now wet cunt encircling her rapidly swelling clit. As she teased the mewling heroine with her tongue she slid a digit into the aching slit.

Commander Marvelous moaned as Angel's finger slid into her. A second digit quickly followed it teasing her. She felt drunk and sluggish. She opened her eyes to try to look at her assailant but had to force them shut as the world swam in front of her. Her body felt hot and heavy and the sensation was building as Angel quietly molested her on the minivan bonnet.

Angel nibbled at Kate's now swollen clit as she pumped her digits into the heroine. She couldn't believe the human's reaction to her sexual assault. The little soldier had surrendered completely to her. She wondered idly if Commander Marvelous' mind would survive her being forced to orgasm or if it would shatter under the assault leaving her a drooling mindless vegetable. She grinned at the idea. She slid her right hand off of Kate's thigh and brought it up under her. Her questing fingers finally found their prize. The delicate digits began to slowly circle the heroine's puckered asshole. A tremor ran through the heroine and the wetness in her pussy increased. She moaned feebly. Angel grinned as she lapped mercilessly at the heavily swollen cunt and simultaneously slid a finger into her victim's ass.

Kate was almost delirious. A monstrous orgasm was building in her. Through her foggy thoughts she wondered why she was still desperately holding herself back. She should just give in. She heard herself moan and felt shame burn deep inside her. Her skin tingled and the heat inside her chest and head was almost unbearable. Through the confused fog she felt Angel's fingers on her asshole. She moaned loudly again her resolve failing. She felt the last embers of her resistance collapse as Angel's fingers forced their way into her ass. She shrieked as she came and felt her hips jerk forward forcefully. Her juices squirted from her abused pussy in a flood. Her vision went white and her back arched hard as she bucked uncontrollably. She felt the orgasm peak with every nerve vibrating through her. She felt like she had be plunged underwater sensations were distant and her ears felt blocked. The orgasm seemed to strain her like an overfilled balloon then mercifully it began to ebb. The pleasure began to subside and she felt her mind clearing. Her body suddenly felt cooler. She opened her sparkling blue eyes and looked up at the sky. She felt weak but the heavy drunken feeling was gone.

"Enough, round two you turkey bitch" she growled

Commander Marvelous tried again to work her arms free and was amazed as her arms moved unencumbered. She pushed herself up ready to spring off the minivan bonnet. She stopped as she sat up and took in the scene around her. The minivan was little more than a molten puddle of slag. The effect was mirrored on the upturned carriage a few feet away. She glanced around and realised that she was the epicentre of a rapidly cooling molten puddle. The concrete pinged as it cooled. She realised suddenly that the blackened shape at the edge of the decimated circle was a body. A body with wings. She pushed herself to her feet and walked across the pinging concrete.

"Damn girl" she muttered to herself "no more Kate's special alone time for you"

She reached the blacked creature. Its hands were wrapped around its face. The hood and fine white costume were either gone or burned onto the flesh. She reached down to touch Angel's shoulder. The Aquillan twitched and shrieked in pain. It threw out an arm and Commander Marvelous stepped back in horror. Angel's face was burned to little more than a skull. The eye sockets were dark and empty and only a hole remained where her nose should have been. Shrieks rose from the ruined throat and cooked lungs below it. Kate felt a sudden stab of guilt as she compared the smell of the charred alien to barbequed chicken. She set her face in a frown and stabbed forward.

"Sorry Angel, you brought that on yourself" said Commander Marvelous "On the authority of SPEAR, you are under arrest"


Harry Gorvich sat in his dark office his oversized leather chair almost drowning him. A single desk lamp provided illumination. He shuffled the photographs and flicked his eyes over the report. His revere was broken suddenly by his phone. Wearily he reached out to pick it up. His secretary glanced up from his lap to catch his eye before his other hand pushed her head back down.

"Gorvich" he said lifting the phone "Yes, yes sir. She survived the test. I'd say borderline, possibly not ruthless enough for your purposes. Yes, I think we have found a way to neutralise her if she refuses. It will need some further investigation before I can confirm. Of course. I understand. Goodnight Mr Osborn"
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