'The Doctor is back in'...temporarily

For the new recruits! Come say hi!
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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: Wesker Laboratories

Hey forum members, producers and performers!

It's your girl, Doctor Outcome heeeeeeere!

Sorry that I've been in-communicado for the last couple of years, my roomie and I have been working through some monetary issues to keep things afloat and one of the things that we had to sacrifice was our Internet. Honestly, I wanted to cry like a baby when we sacrificed that. :weep:

First, to those who have been trying to contact me, just want you to know that I'm alive and well and will try to do my best to get back into the groove of things here on the forum but I won't be on here as much as I used to be as I'm working a little more often than usual. Once in a blue moon if I have a good review on something, I'll post it on here. Please note that if you don't hear from me in a while, I'm not ignoring you...just extremely busy with things.

Also, there's a few 'newcomers' that we've encountered and we're trying to coach them on doing 'custom requests' and who would be the best producer to go to for their desires (some have deep pockets but there are others who don't so we have to try and help them make what they have work with what little cash they've got) so that's one area that we've been trying to assist people in.

I also wanted to share a new review for what custom requester 'Nameless' had done in the past few years he's been out on his own (I think some of you may enjoy this next custom request that he had done. Goodness knows my roomie and I sure did and Nameless even shared some of his thoughts on what he encountered during his 'journey' into the realm of custom requesting)

Well, keep the party going on folks and I hope a lot of you are having fun on here as much as I have.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'

I'm glad you are well. I missed our chats about customs. I look forward to your future reviews.
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