The Seduction Of Diana Prince

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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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It's been a while but here is a new short story. It's a quick one and I hope that you find something to like. It's set around the seventies era and I apologize up front for any anachronisms. Read on.....

The Meeting

“Please Take a seat Senator Tremaine.”

“What’s this about Reardon? I thought you were still in prison.”

“What can I say, Senator, certain interests find that my freedom creates opportunities.”

“Even so I cannot be seen taking meetings with ex-convicts. I am a well thought of and influential Senator.”

“Perhaps. But your career has stalled somewhat since the Beiderbeck affair, wouldn’t you say?”

“Dammit Reardon! That was supposed to be kept under wraps. How did you…”

“How matters little Senator. But in the right circumstances and with the right incentive give you a path to some real power.”

“I can’t say I’m not intrigued. But I can tell you right up front I will not be doing anything against the national interest.”

“”Heaven forbid Senator. What I have in mind would go a long way to repairing your reputation as something of a womanizer.”

“Not interested, Reardon. Only interested in power. A seat on the defense committee or some such thing. The other thing is irrelevant.”

“Don’t you think the right wife would be as good a start as any?”

“Wife! Haven’t found a woman yet that would have me. Not even sure I want to look.”

“I said the right wife. Off the top of your head, who would be first on your shortlist?”

“Don’t have a damn shortlist.”

“PerhapsI could suggest a name for you.”

“Go for it. But she’d have to be…”

“Diana Prince.”

“Diana Prince? You have got to be joking. She wouldn’t spit on me if I was on fire. I couldn’t even get her to dinner and you are talking about marriage. What are you on Reardon?”

“Granted she would need a little help to come to the right decision.”

“A little help! That has to be the biggest understatement ever.”

“Bear with me Senator whilst I expand on my idea. It will be worth it.”

“”Knock yourself out. If nothing else I am intrigued.”

“What do you know of my background?”

“You were caught conditioning women and turning them into killers. You got caught by those angel babes from the Townsend agency.”

“Yes, not my finest hour. But before that I was a research chemist for Big Pharma did well but what I was most interested in was targeted pheromones. My early research went nowhere so they let me go.”

“Not filling me with good thoughts here Reardon.”

“I continued my research and made solid and significant progress, but it’s an expensive business. Hence my diversification into brainwashing and contract killing. Before I was caught I was able to make a breakthrough in my targeted pheromone project. I used some of my research to aid in the conditioning of my stable of young women. To cut a long story short I am now able to produce a serum which when ingested makes the subject male totally irresistible to the female target.”


“Perhaps a demonstration is in order. Let me call my assistant. Julie, will you come in please.”

“Yes Mr Reardon.”

“Julie, will you tell the Senator who you are and why you work for a man like me.”

“Of course Mr Reardon. My name is Julie Rogers and Iused to be one of the Townshend Agencies Angels. Charlie's Angels we were called. We were hired to investigate Mr Reardon. We had him arrested and he went to prison. A few months later he came to my apartment and invited me to dinner. I just couldn’t say no. We had a great time and we went back to his house and made mad passionate love the whole weekend.”

“What happened then Julie?”

“”Mr Reardon offered me a job. I couldn’t say no, he is just so gorgeous and dreamy. It’s so hard to keep my hands off of him. I would do anything for him. Just anything.”

“What was the first thing you did for me Julie?”

“I planted evidence and had Mr Townsend arrested for embezzlement. He so deserved it. Then I pretended I was helping to prove his innocence and used my friendship with the other girls to arrange their abduction and disappearance. The police think they were in on it as well.”


“Oh yeah, they were sold to some middle eastern guy for sex I gess. Good riddance. So there's just me and my wonderful Mr Readon and lots’ of yummy mind numbing sex.”

“Thank you Julie, Off you go.”

“That’s the one you put the whammy on. Bet she never got over that.”

“It was a factor, but the current version of my serum is totally self supporting and requires no other intervention to produce even better results.”

“So you’re saying that If I drink this serum I could get Diana Prince to be my fuckbuddy?”

“Stage one would just make you irresistibly attractive to her.”

“So I could fuck her at the drop of the hat?”

“First off you would need to play hard to get, let her run after you. For a day or two she might try to deny it, to fight it. To come up with a reasonable excuse why she is feeling so damned horny and why the only man she can think of is you.”

“Then what?”

“Then she’ll just run out of fight and make straight for your door.”

“Then what?”

“Then you can fuck hersenselss.”

“Great! I’m in.”

“Then I just need a small sample of your blood. Once the serum has been produced and activated with a sample I have already obtained of Diana Prince's DNA I will be in touch. In the meantime all you have to do is put your mind towards engineering a meeting with the woman in question. Then we will let nature and a judicious appliance of science run its course.”

“I damn well hope this works.”

“I assure you it will and in the event that it doesn’t all you have to take is rejection. That should not be a new experience now should it, Senator Tremaine?”

Pressing Flesh

This was exactly the sort of event he normally avoided. Pressing the flesh was a part of any Senatorial event so Greg Tremaine pasted on his best professional smile and worked the room. It took a few minutes before he spotted her and she spotted him at almost the same time. She hid the scowl well. Just not well enough to fool a pro like Greg Tremaine. He maneuvered around the room closing in on her whilst she sought to avoid him. She was wasting her time. Greg knew where she was going and who she was meeting with and he knew where she would be before she did.

He wondered why she always wore those awful glasses and the cocktail dress that looked like it wouldn’t be out of place on a fifty year old kindergarten teacher. If this thing played out right he would need to do something about that sort of stuff. His patience was rewarded as Diana turned to find him smiling across at her.

“Diana Prince, fancy meeting you here.”


“Could I have a few moments of your time?”

“Senator please..”

“Diana I have an apology to make.”

“An apology?”

“For my behavior, could we just move out of the flow for a moment? I would appreciate it.”

Greg gave the perfect look of contrition.


“A few moments. No more.”

“Thank you.”

“Over there I think.”

Greg pointed with one hand and took her arm with the other. He felt her tense at his touch. Hopefully she would not slap him too hard. Stood next to a convenient wall out of the reguler sea of movement he turned to look at her waiting for a pithy comment or erudite put down. What he got instead was a look of confusion.

“Is there something wrong Diana?”


“Should we perhaps go somewhere more quiet?”

He took her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes.

“I believe there is a room nearby.”

She mumbled something but allowed herself to be led away. It was a matter of a few seconds before they were alone in the room he had booked earlier.

“What’s wrong Diana?”

“I don’t know. You… you’re so attractive, so handsome. I feel strangely drawn to you.”

“You do?”

“I’ve never noticed before. Your touch makes me feel warm and tingly.”

“I didn’t think that you liked me.”

“I don’t. I mean I really don’t. My goodness this is….this is…..”

“Something new?”

“Yes, something new. I’ve never felt anything like this before.. Never!”

“Perhaps we should go somewhere and discuss it some more.”

“I have to go. This is so wrong,I shouldn’t feel like this.”

“But I can see you’re conflicted, let me give you a lift home. We can talk on the way”

“I shouldn’t.”

“But you will Diana. Deep down you know it’s what you want don’t you?”

“Oh dear!”

“What is it Diana?”

“I’m going to say yes. Just a lift though, nothing else.”

“Perish the thought my dear.”

Greg took her hand and guided through the crowd and outside to the waiting limo. He held her hand throughout the journey to her apartment; she didn’t make a single comment. She just kept fidgeting and if anything as the journey continued the hold on his hand strengthened. He could feel her pulse racing. What a pity he had to leave her hanging.


“How did it go Senator?”

“I would say that so far everything is going to plan.”

“You took her home?”

“Yes, I kept skin contact for as long and often as I could.”


“None. She just seemed confused and she was as uncomfortable as hell. It felt like her pulse was off the chart.”

“Yes I imagine her body was working overtime, trying totamp down her desire to rip your clothes off.”

“Damn I should have given her the opportunity. Relax. I did exactly as you said. Dropped her on the pavement outside and left her hanging. I could see her staring as I drove off. Didn’t give her so much as a peck on the cheek. Took some willpower I can tell you. What now?”

“Now you wait. It shouldn’t take too long. I’m sure she is missing you already.”

“I know what I’m getting out of this. What about you?”

“My employers are paying me to ensure that Diana Prince is permanently neutralized without going the messy route.”

“The messy route?”

“Without killing her Senator. Just removing her from the IADC without causing any suspicion.”

“OK, that makes sense.”

Mixed Emotions

Diana hung her head under the shower and slapped her hands against the wet tiles in frustration. In the limo the other night she’d been ready to jump on the senator and rip his clothes off and demand vociferously that he fuck her and fuck her hard. Until the night of the fundraiser she hadn’t even liked him, she still didn’t He was a vain misogynistic boring little swine. Nothing had changed, nothing but the way she looked at him. That had changed plenty. She couldn’t get his face out of her head or his body. His wonderfully muscular toned shoulders, the powerful hands that felt so good holding hers.


She cried out in frustration. He hadn’t even tried to kiss her. Has he noticed her at all? Diana stepped out of the shower and toweled herself dry until reaching between her legs she found something else to do instead. She fell onto her bed and fingered herself into oblivion. Throughout a dream filled sleep she could think of nothing more than the hunky Senator fucking her into glorious and eternal suubmission.

Diana put up with an impressive four days of this but in the end inevitably there could be only one outcome.

Diana Dialed the number.

“Hi Steve. Is it OK if I take a few days off? I have some personal stuff to take care of”

Diana knew Steve wouldn’t object. She barely took any time at all. She fell back onto the bed and screwed her eyes shut. She had to get herself together. She had to work through this. She let out a deep sigh. Diana got dressed. She had somewhere she needed to be.”

An Easy Lay

“Diana! This is a surprise. Do come in.”

Diana stormed past Greg and stood in his expansive hallway with her arms folded.

“What the hell have you done to me?”


“To make me want you like this.”

“Look Diana I’m flattered you think that what you are feeling is of my doing. But beyond the fact that I am an attractive man, what influence can I possibly have exerted over you?”

“I don’t know, curse you.”

Greg simply narrowed the distance between them, grabbed her hand and then before she could react pulled her into a strong embrace and locked his lips with hers. It was then the floodgates opened and Diana could do no more than give in to her overwhelming desire. She had no recollection of the journey to the bedroom or to how quickly she lost her clothes. She did remember being pushed onto the soft silk sheets of his overly large bed and she certainly remembered his rock hard cock lancing deep into her waiting hot and moist love grotto again and again. When the waves of pleasure finally overcame her she fell into a deep dreamless sleep with a warm and satisfied smile painted across the otherwise totally relaxed expression that signaled her surrender.

Progress Report

“Thank you for the samples Senator they are currently being processed.”

“What happens next?”

“Well, I assume that the last few days were a success?”

“Damn straight, that girl is insatiable. Couldn’t get enough of me. Although I have to admit I don’t think she likes me much. She puts out like a cheap whore but acts like she’s too good for me. Well she does until I threaten to restrict access to my big old cock.”

“Yes, which brings us on to stage 2. Even though she is not staying with you right now you can be assured that the time she spends away from you will grow shorter and shorter and by the time the new serum is ready like you are not her legs will be open for business pretty much full time.”

“Going to make it difficult for her to keep her job then.”

“Indeed, but stage 2 will mean that she won’t even want to.”

“I’m still not sure what stage 2 will change.”

“That’s simple. Once you have taken the serum and brought her to orgasm a few times the pure lust that she feels at the moment will become something much deeper, much more all encompassing. She will be hopelessly in love with you. She will be much more compliant and noticeably more submissive towards you. You will find that she seeks your company for things other than sex. She will want to be close to you, spend time with you.”

“Will she like me though?”

“I think that is a given.”
“So what exactly is stage 3?”

“First things first Senator.”


Diana opened her eyes to the morning light. That was the best night of sex ever in an increasingly long number of best nights of sex ever. This time however she knew that something had changed. Something important had happened and she couldn’t put her finger on quite what it was. She felt Greg’s touch as he ran his fingers down her back. She turned to look at him and gasped in amazement at the stunning realization that she loved him. She loved him with her whole being. Not liking the guy you had amazing mind numbing sex was one thing but this was a whole new experience. She watched as he smiled back at her and her heart did somersaults. How could she have not liked him, he was wonderful, he was just so perfect. Perfect in every way and she wanted nothing more than to spend as much time with him as she could.

Diana wanted to know everything about him. She wanted to know what he loved and what he hated. Was there anything he didn’t like about her? What if he didn’t love her like she loved him?
She’d have to find out exactly what she needed to do, who she needed to be to make him love her as much as she loved him. She already knew he liked the sound of his own gorgeous sexy voice and that he liked to be listened to. Listening to him would be no hardship at all. If he gave her advice she could take it. She loved him. She could trust him. She had a lot of work to do to become the best girlfriend ever.

Diana didn’t keep that train of thought for long as Greg pulled her towards him and did things to her that would make an Amazon Princess blush. She didn’t even find it slightly odd that it was the first time she’d even thought about her powerful alter ego in quite some time. It is after all very hard to concentrate when you are in the middle of your first lovegasm.

Appropriate Measures

“How are the wedding plans going Senator?”

“Good, thank you. She’s doing all the planning with minimal input from me.”

“I note that she has left government employment.”

“Seemed best given that she finds it hard to be apart from me.”

“Of course and it was the outcome we both desired albeit for different reasons.”

“I assume you are happy with how things are going”

“Completely. Is there actually any need for whatever stage 3 is?”

“Trust me, you will not be disappointed.”

“Is there any need to be so secretive about it though?”

“Until the serum is finished and validated I need to be careful.”

“Were the samples acceptable?”

“Yes they were,thank you.”

“When will I have it?”

“It will be a wedding gift for you, something to get the honeymoon off to a good start.”

“Not sure how you can make her any better than she is already.”

“Don’t be so sure.”

Here Comes The Bride

“I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.”

The kiss seemed to go on forever. At one point Steve Trevor actually looked at his watch. He had no idea how Diana had fallen so hard and so fast for someone who she had thought was a misogynistic dinosaur. But Steve had to admit that he had bever seen her so happy. Whatever it was the two of them had should be bottled and sold off the shelf. He shrugged and followed the bride and groom from the church.

“Congratulations Diana, Mrs Tremaine. Senator. I hope you’ll take good care of her.”

“Absolutely Trevor. Landed myself a peach.”

“Well anyway. Sorry you felt you had to leave the IADC Diana.”

“She’s a wife now Trevor. My wife! No wife of mine is working at anything but taking care of me isn’t that right Mrs Tremaine?”

“Of course my love. Taking care of you is certainly going to take all the timeI have.”

“The limo to the airport is here. Time to go.”

“Yes my love. Goodbye Steve.”

“When are you coming back?”

“Don’t be silly Steve, I’ll be living on Greg's estate in Louisiana.”


“Bye Steve, Greg is getting impatient. Coming, my love.”

Steve got a short view of Dana as she got into the limo without a backward glance or the slightest wave. He shook his head.

“Well goodbye to you too.”

Not for the first time Steve wondered where the hell Wonder Woman disappeared to. Hopefully Diana’s loss wouldn’t mean no more Wonder Woman. That would be a problem and he could not find an answer he liked.

Wedding Night

The dress was abandoned on the floor, her sexy underwear lay discarded where it had landed and Diana lay spreadeagled on the bed nailed firmly in position by Greg’s familiar cock. Deep down she knew something was happening to her but lost in the cascade leading to the inevitable erotic oblivion. She could do nothing but ride the wave of sexual pleasure to it’s rapidly approaching conclusion. Even if she had understood what was coming she could have done nothing but pass the point of no return screaming his name and pounding the bed in ecstasy.

When she woke Greg was staring at her intently.

“Diana? Are you OK?”

“Yes my love. I have never felt better.”

“Do you feel any different than you did yesterday?”

“Should I? How would you like me to feel?”

“How would I like you to feel?”

“Of course, I am your wifeI must obey you in all things. I must seek to please you in any way you desire.”

“In all things? In any way.”

“Of course, I have no will but your will. I am yours to command as you see fit.”

“But how did that happen?”

“My love, it has always been so, how could it be any other way. I am your wife. I love you without limit.”

“Hold that thought. Indeed to make a call.”

Then the doorbell rang

More Than A Wife

“So, you are saying that this last serum turned my hot, willing and submissive wife into some sort of love slave?”

“That about covers it.”

“How long will it last?”

“Have you ever heard the phrase, until death do us part?”

“Of course, I heard it recently in fact.”

“Well this lasts just as long.”

“But that’s, that’s… fucking awaesome!”

Told you you’d like it. Now I need to borrow your new wife for a couple of days.”

“Borrow? What the hell for?”

“My employers need me to extract some information from her.”

“Can’t I just ask her?”

“It’s not that simple, but I can assure you this is a one off and when I am done I will return your devoted wife to you unharmed and unchanged. Along with her return will come invitations to head a slew of projects and to join the defense committee.”


“A new wife and new responsibilities, real power. Exactly what you wanted.”

“A couple of days you say?”

“No more than three I promise you.”


End Game

“Good work Reardon. Perfect outcome.”

“You received the delivery?”

“Everything we expected”

“I returned the woman to that idiot Senator. She will spend the rest of her life pandering to whatever crap he can think of. Every shred of memory pertaining to Wonder Woman has been permanently erased. Everything she knew was on the hard drive.”

“Barely scratched the surface so far. But it looks to be a treasure trove. I understand that you have retained a measure of control over the good Senator's comely wife?”

“Indeed I have. I felt she would be able to provide insight into her husband's committee work.”

“So any information we require?”

“She will provide.”

“Another assignment perhaps Reardon?”

“Something interesting I hope?”

“I think you should find it rewarding. What do you know about bionics?”
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Very enjoyable tale! Diana fell hard and fast. Poor girl. Never knew what hit her. Thanks for sharing!
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Legendary Member
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I loved the story, from start to finish. Very well done. The one question I asked myself during this story is whether Diana wore her glasses all throughout the story, I was trying to visualize some of the scenes. Yes, while Wonder Woman was one of the most beautiful women in the world, I also found Lynda Carter's Diana Prince incredibly attractive as well. I have always loved that sexy librarian look, the babe with the glasses who was incredibly intelligent.
Elder Member
Elder Member
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Thanks for an excellent Diana Prince story!!
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Thank you, all three of you. Glad you enjoyed it.

bob I get the whole attractive women with glasses thing, I have similar thoughts myself. I didn't think about her glasses during the story, but imagining back I see her wearing the glasses at the party and the ride home and up until the shower scene. At that point I think she would have been to focused on other things and in too much of a hurry to get somewhere she needed to be.
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