Star Trek Strange New Worlds

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Looks like first two episodes are at least screened. Has anyone seen them? Are they any good? I saw a review but it wasn't very elaborate.
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I LOVE Jess Bush as Nurse Chapel, my God....what a sexy creature she is in her all white jumpsuit plus she is 6 feet tall and blonde!!!!!!
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This is it. This is Star Trek's last f'kn chance for me. Either Strange New Worlds is the optimistic Stat TREK through space that is the series... or I'm burning it down! They've been PISSING on Star Trek's legacy for years now and I'm sick of it! Star Trek has inspired SCIENTISTS to pioneer REAL technologies because it was inspirational and forward thinking. This kind of backwards ass 'examinations' of how shit the world is right now through the faux lens of science fiction inspires NOTHING but nihilism.

Fuck you Paramount!
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Femina wrote:
2 years ago
This is it. This is Star Trek's last f'kn chance for me. Either Strange New Worlds is the optimistic Stat TREK through space that is the series... or I'm burning it down! They've been PISSING on Star Trek's legacy for years now and I'm sick of it! Star Trek has inspired SCIENTISTS to pioneer REAL technologies because it was inspirational and forward thinking. This kind of backwards ass 'examinations' of how shit the world is right now through the faux lens of science fiction inspires NOTHING but nihilism.

Fuck you Paramount!
So well said
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Maybe it's partly rose tinted glasses, but the Star Trek I grew up watching at around dinner time felt so pleasant and welcoming. Perhaps there was existential threat from "outside", but generally the people on the ship got along happily, and things usually ended happily ever after. A bit part of the cosy feeling came, i think, from the bridge design. Lots of plush beige velour and wood trim, like the interior of a Rover 800. Nowadays it's all poorly lit sharp angles and people being dicks. The new show looks like it has some of the edge rounded off, which is nice. It might be good.
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The thing about TOS for me was that the world GETS BETTER. Things PROGRESS BETTER. Humanity does do some proud, noble and grand things. Humans grow up.

Then along comes the new trek and the future is just as crappy as the past but with pew pew guns. NOTHING gets better. In fact some of the new trek delves into the "thin veneer of politeness" concept that everyone is an evil, greedy scum bag hiding it under a thin layer of politeness. Everything is sinister. Nobody ever gets better.

TOS was hope, a better world, a solution for mass hunger and poverty, most disease is cured, a world where everyone got along be it russian, black, white, woman, man, india, scottish, asian. TOS had the most diverse cast ever and that was 1964. That's almost 60 years ago.

But sadly the same people who wrote Picard, Discovery and the same people who produce and direct those shows are making this show. How is this show going to be different if management doesn't change.

The fact they start off the first episode with each character having some dark, secret crappy past is a bad sign. Those are great plot points to explore as the show progresses and you discover these characters. This seems more like an action figure collection or trading card collection. It would be far better to slowly discover these things over time as side content.
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I'm not nearly as mad at NuTrek as some others here, but the premiere episode of SNW is good. More shoehorning-in of Familiar Names than I'd like -- for my money, you have everything you need with Pike, Spock, and Number One -- but that's a minor gripe. Everyone does good work and the story feels a lot like TOS Trek with an actual effects budget. If you've been looking forward to something with the old episodic TV feel, it has you covered. (I can't speak to whether it's "optimistic" enough because that seems to mean completely different things depending on the observer, but it was largely upbeat and fun.)

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I thought the first episode was a bit slow-paced and boring, but on the positive side of things, it was a solid first contact story
which violated the interference policy and (if I understand the story right) created the need for the Federation's Prime Directive.
Plus for those who remember and revere TOS, there are lots of references and casting recalls.

It felt weird watching Anson Mount in two things yesterday (he also plays Earth-838's alternate version of Black Bolt, in the new Dr Strange 2) but not as weird as seeing his perfectly sculpted hair. I supposed that's going to become a thing that gets commented on.

Mr. X is right, of course, that TOS did diversity before it was ever thought of as a priority, but in the new series, you have the same female-dominated cast that we've seen recently in TV shows - every one on the bridge except the lead character (Pike) and the science nerd (Spock) is female, and represents every possible identity, just like Star Labs in The Flash. The only other prominent male in the series fills out the sensitive black male role - the return of Dr. M'Benga from the TOS.

I was disappointed with the casting choice of Celia Rose Gooding as Uhura. In no way, shape, or form is she as beautiful or watchable as either Nichelle Nichols or Zoe Saldana. Sorry but that's just how it is. Rumour has it that after the "under-development" of the Uhura character in both TOS and the Star Trek movies, Uhura is going to get a lot more time in this new series to show off her genius linguistic skills (The first thing Pike says to her is, "Ah, the prodigy!"). Let's see if the writers devise a language-based episode as cool as "Darmok" from TNG, where Uhura can flex her chops, and the audience can warm up to her.

One thing that I thought was fun, was bringing back Spock's romantic love interest T'Pring, showing how his relationship develops before the "Amok Time" episode of TOS (which is also famous for the stirring fight music). And actress Gia Sandhu is definitely one of the three breakout hotties of the show. She is easily as beautiful as the original actress from TOS, and fills the "South Asian" casting slot. Hoping that we'll see her in some sexy Vulcan dresses and in love scenes with the Spock actor Ethan Peck.
gia sandhu t'pring.jpg
gia sandhu t'pring.jpg (63.37 KiB) Viewed 2513 times
The other two ladies of note are Jess Bush, which Batgirl1969 noted above. She indeed looks very cute in her tight white jumpsuit - her face has an austere model-like beauty to it, somewhat like Cara DeLevingne.
jess bush nurse chapel.jpg
jess bush nurse chapel.jpg (180.57 KiB) Viewed 2513 times
And then finally there is the classically beautiful actress Rebecca Romijn (Don't you miss the days when you could exclaim "Stamos!" with jealous anger? I do) who at 49 fulfills the same kind of statuesque MILFy role which Adrianne Palicki does so well on The Orville. We'll see if Romijn has the same great sense of humour, playing Number One (the role from the TOS pilot). Hope they give her some decent scenes, and maybe a love interest.
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I would have fun exploring Jess's world lol!!
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Now Number One beaming down to the tentacle planet would be a good episode.
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The new uniforms episode where they "update" to Star Trek: TOS costumes.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
2 years ago
I would have fun exploring Jess's world lol!!
Do you reckon shes hiding the crotch zip on that white suit with her strategically placed hands? :giggle:
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Mr. X wrote:
2 years ago
Now Number One beaming down to the tentacle planet would be a good episode.
I would be willing to boldly go where hopefully no man has gone before! Being the first woman to beam her to another planet of delight!!
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Episode 3 focuses on the character of Number One, revealing a secret about her that will probably endear her to members of this Forum (since she displays certain 'powers').

Is Rebecca Romijn hot in this? You betcha. Two scenes you need to look for:
1) There is a 'transformation' scene where she moans in ecstasy and exhibits an emotional blend of pain and pleasure while enduring
her change, even ripping her uniform a bit. Good effects, too. You're going to want to slow that one down and watch it again.
2) Then there's a female-on-female fight scene which is intense, both women using extraordinary strength. Romijn's character goes up against a mind-addled Christina Chong, who looks pretty good playing La'an Noonien Singh (a descendant of Khan). The fight hearkens back to the fisticuffs Captain Kirk used to regularly experience on his missions. They want to give the women a shot to really duke it out, and that's fine.

This random tweet I found explains things perfectly.

I can't say whether the series itself will keep me glued, but this episode is definitely worth a look.
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Looks like a lot of people are liking this show with episode 4 being nearly a perfect, true Star Trek episode. I've seen two of these and they are pretty good. It seems they are following the 4 step plot rise and 5th plot point resolution pattern of classic series. Episode 2 seems nearly 100% Trek with them encountering something new. My gripe would too many member berries too soon. It is OK to encounter new things. If all episodes are of this kind I think the series might catch on with older fans.
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Well I don't have to burn anything down I guess. SNW's is actually GOOD.

I have some nitpicks with it... but none that come anywhere close to trumping what's here... and what's here, at least four episodes in, is a show that seems to finally GET it, while providing the kinds of updates to the series that make it feel a little more realistic in places where budgeting is no longer a concern. I honestly don't think any Star Trek series has had a better START... so if this is the rocky first season of the show... I'm optimistic for the season 2-4 glory yaers!

Don't screw it up Paramount!
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True. TNG and Enterprise first seasons were awful. #4 is considered near perfect by a lot of old fans.
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Mr. X wrote:
2 years ago
True. TNG and Enterprise first seasons were awful. #4 is considered near perfect by a lot of old fans.
TNG really got a lot better after Roddenberry had to step away from it a bit. Season 2 was remarkably better and 3 onwards was great.
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OK, so having seen EP5, who wants to bet that Chapel and Ortegas will be in a relationship by the end of Season 1?

Also..having checked Gia Sandhu's IMDB, it looks like we are in for a lot more T'Pring, not only in Season 1, but even more
T'Pring is planned for the already greenlit Season 2. She's very pleasant to look at, so I'm fine with that. Too bad we don't get
to see her and Spock actually doing anything (they cut away from the scene the moment the 'pon farr' begins).
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Episode 6: Captain Pike finally gets some nookie!

But more importantly, the writers ripped off the Ursula K LeGuin story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas". Wholesale.
Some might also recall the pyramid scene from Apocalypto. Or perhaps the "Sunrise" episode from the 2002 Twilight Zone revival.
Point is, this trope isn't used a lot, so it's quite distinctive and recognizable. Anyone would have seen it coming a mile away as soon as they heard both the word "sacrifice" and then the words "ceremony" or "ascension".
Anyway...with the visuals and the strong sci-fi tribute theme, it was quite a good watch.
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shevek wrote:
2 years ago
OK, so having seen EP5, who wants to bet that Chapel and Ortegas will be in a relationship by the end of Season 1?
I can live with that!! Given the attitudes of each however, I see Chapel actually as the Dominant lesbian of the 2....Not how I would prefer it but how she acts I can see it!
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Jesse James Keitel will be guest starring in episode 107 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds as Dr. Aspen!

Awesome!!!! Look her up...what a kinky freaky trans woman, my favorite pic of her is where she has a shirt on that says girls without a dick is like an angel without wings!!! Hopefully she will totally slay Nurse Chapel, banging her brains out!!! She is like the best of both worlds!
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batgirl1969 wrote:
2 years ago
Jesse James Keitel will be guest starring in episode 107 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds as Dr. Aspen!

Awesome!!!! Look her up...what a kinky freaky trans woman, my favorite pic of her is where she has a shirt on that says girls without a dick is like an angel without wings!!! Hopefully she will totally slay Nurse Chapel, banging her brains out!!! She is like the best of both worlds!

Well, Jesse's character actually went after Spock, not Christine. And was also in love in Sybok. Both males. So, 0 for 2, sorry! :)

The whole theme of Episode 7 surprised me. It was probably one of the most ham-fisted messages (the idea that Spock's dual human/Vulcan nature is analogous to being sexually non-binary) that I've ever seen in a science fiction show.

Also, think about the motivation of the trans villain: boils down to "love is love". Really? The writers were too chicken to create a truly evil villain who just happens to be trans. Don't want to get ratioed on Twitter.
Did you enjoy watching Jesse in that tight bodysuit, Batgirl1969? It was several times more kinky than imagining what's going on with, say, Dreamer from Supergirl. I'm sure the kink element was the director's intention - it's the reason they cast Jesse in the role.
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shevek wrote:
1 year ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
2 years ago
Jesse James Keitel will be guest starring in episode 107 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds as Dr. Aspen!

Awesome!!!! Look her up...what a kinky freaky trans woman, my favorite pic of her is where she has a shirt on that says girls without a dick is like an angel without wings!!! Hopefully she will totally slay Nurse Chapel, banging her brains out!!! She is like the best of both worlds!

Well, Jesse's character actually went after Spock, not Christine. And was also in love in Sybok. Both males. So, 0 for 2, sorry! :)

The whole theme of Episode 7 surprised me. It was probably one of the most ham-fisted messages (the idea that Spock's dual human/Vulcan nature is analogous to being sexually non-binary) that I've ever seen in a science fiction show.

Also, think about the motivation of the trans villain: boils down to "love is love". Really? The writers were too chicken to create a truly evil villain who just happens to be trans. Don't want to get ratioed on Twitter.
Did you enjoy watching Jesse in that tight bodysuit, Batgirl1969? It was several times more kinky than imagining what's going on with, say, Dreamer from Supergirl. I'm sure the kink element was the director's intention - it's the reason they cast Jesse in the role.
I have not watched it yet but given what I have seen it looks so fucking kinky yes!!! She is a perfect dominatrix villain/villainess, capable of probably putting a severe fucking on anyone, given that she still has a dick, I would assume she wanted to stick it to Spock?? I love her shirt she wore in Queer as folk that says "a girl without a dick is like an angel without wings" that tells me she prefers to fuck other people...guys....girls...who knows...either way it is kinky as fuck!!! I need that shirt but instead of dick I could use that would raise some eyebrows like Spock did she get some Spock cock or did Spock get the sorry sorry just too many fun rhymes with this one!!
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shevek wrote:
1 year ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
2 years ago
Jesse James Keitel will be guest starring in episode 107 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds as Dr. Aspen!

Awesome!!!! Look her up...what a kinky freaky trans woman, my favorite pic of her is where she has a shirt on that says girls without a dick is like an angel without wings!!! Hopefully she will totally slay Nurse Chapel, banging her brains out!!! She is like the best of both worlds!

Well, Jesse's character actually went after Spock, not Christine. And was also in love in Sybok. Both males. So, 0 for 2, sorry! :)

The whole theme of Episode 7 surprised me. It was probably one of the most ham-fisted messages (the idea that Spock's dual human/Vulcan nature is analogous to being sexually non-binary) that I've ever seen in a science fiction show.

Also, think about the motivation of the trans villain: boils down to "love is love". Really? The writers were too chicken to create a truly evil villain who just happens to be trans. Don't want to get ratioed on Twitter.
Did you enjoy watching Jesse in that tight bodysuit, Batgirl1969? It was several times more kinky than imagining what's going on with, say, Dreamer from Supergirl. I'm sure the kink element was the director's intention - it's the reason they cast Jesse in the role.
She wasn't evil, all the bad stuff she said that pirates do was part of the ruse to get Pike to take the Enterprise out of Federation space. The pirate crew weren't even particularly bad dudes, they'd never sold slaves before that much was obvious. She's trying to get Sybok out of jail, and Sybok isn't a particularly bad dude either. He's a political prisoner on Vulcan because apparently if you're not super into logic they lock you up until you are.

So is like, sure she's an antagonist, but she's no Khan.

I suspect the whole thing about her chatting to Spock about this and that was less the theme of the episode and more she's curious about her man's nerdy half brother so invented a pretext to chat him up.
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Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
[Angel] wasn't evil

Concocted a deceptive plan, commandeered a starship, took the crew hostage, delivered ultimatum to T'Pring.

The pirate crew weren't even particularly bad dudes

Known for many acts of piracy in that sector (again, commandeering starships, taking crews hostage, and stealing their stuff).

Sybok isn't a particularly bad dude either.

In Star Trek V, he kidnapped three Federation ambassadors to gain access to a starship, so he could show his brainwashed (if grateful) followers where Sha Ka Ree was. He was the main antagonist of that story.

I suspect the whole thing about her chatting to Spock about this and that was less the theme of the episode and more she's curious about her man's nerdy half brother so invented a pretext to chat him up.

I doubt that suspicion. As previously noted, Angel donned a kinky tight bodysuit for her convo with Spock, in order to emphasize the similarity between her nonbinary status and his bi-racial one. But we can disagree on the importance of that, it's fine.
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This week's episode was pretty great too. Notable for the fact that apparently the scary security officer is secretly really hot if you stick her in a big princess type dress.

Also for this little callback.
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Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
This week's episode was pretty great too. Notable for the fact that apparently the scary security officer is secretly really hot if you stick her in a big princess type dress.

Also for this little callback.

There were multiple cleavages due to the fairy-tale costuming, actually (the Uhura actress got one, too).
Plus an imaginary lesbian romance (attributed to the change in the story brought about by M'Benga's daughter, who of course makes the narrative better with her precociousness). It was all very "Once Upon A Time".

As for the Benny Russell Easter Egg, perhaps you were aware that the writers of Deep Space Nine came *this close* to making the entire Star Trek Universe nothing but a *dream* in the mind of 1950s black sci-fi author Benny Russell. Luckily they stepped back from the idea (it would have invalidated the whole franchise) but instead they kind of scratched that itch 20 years later by making this entire SNW episode nothing but a fairytale fantasy from the mind of the aforementioned author (with some alterations injected by the girl).
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The last two episodes were 'soso' Trek... but about in the vein of what I think of when I consider OLDSCHOOL so so trek... and not in the way I think of in Picard and Discoveries new tendency to just crap all over the stuff that makes Star Trek what it is. Make no mistake, just cause Star Trek occasionally has stellar tentpole episodes that we think about as the backbone of what Star Trek is... it's ALWAYS had filler episodes and even outright BAD ones. Just think about how often Bejoran religious magic resolves everything in DS9!

Concerning episode 7, I'm not sure how I feel about the show utilizing a trans actress for the 'duplicitous two faced character' trope as I consider that a BAD LOOK sterotype for trans people in general. It's too like how we would treat a trans character in the 90's or something... but I'll give it a pass this time as Trek, even new trek, already has other trans characters in various roles. She WAS a lot of fun as well and clearly enjoying herself in the role.

The latest episode was something 'like' the old 'holodeck goes bananas' episodes which are great fun, but generally pretty empty and that's what I took from it. The conclusion also quite TRIPELY resolves a problem that the series has been building up with a crappy 'magical' solution instead of a cool science one... and even is insulting enough as to THEN insert the 'oh you did the right thing!!!!' scene from an INSTANTLY adult version of his daughter SECONDS later xD... it was TOO much... but overall the episode was enough silly fun that so be it. I just wish that we'd gotten a better resolution to the 'sick daughter in the transporter' storyline than this... I mean f'k it was like... TWO episodes ago that he was talking to actual medical people about a REAL sci-fi solution... two episodes is all it took to devolve into fairy tales.
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So, the Season 1 finale.

It's great that they wrote a long, drawn-out space confrontation with plenty of shooting and strategery gambits.

The only problem is
It never happened. Over 2/3 of the episode was a hypothetical situation.
Realizing at the end that all the glorious action and tense First Contact was contingent entirely on one thing that Pike either did or didn't do (writing that letter to that kid who wanted to join Starfleet)
made the whole conclusion a bit of a downer. But we did get to see some of Rebecca Romijn at the end, and maybe she'll get into peril next season in her predicament.

That's just my two cents, though. The season overall was mostly watchable. What did everyone think?
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I hope they don't bring back Kirk. They'll just Starbuck him. That guy they got is a 2d cardboard cut out.
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I loved that they ended with a Trials And Tribble-ations style twist on a TOS episode, even down to the music and camera angles. They did a great job of it too, and it was cool to see Pike, who is by every measure a great captain, ending up being completely the wrong man for the job and paving a road to a brand new hell with his good intentions.

I didn't think the new Kirk was bad, but I don't think they should be featuring characters overlapping with existing episodes if they can help it. Is like, everybody in SNW now, is a younger version of what they will become in TOS, and so it's fine, when SNW ends we see them become the characters we know from TOS, nobody is being replaced.

In this instance it was an alternate time-line Kirk, so that can cover some of the differences, he's not been in command of the Enterprise in Pike's nightmare future, so he's in a different place in his life. Perhaps a bit like Picard's alternate history where he didn't get stabbed and he ended up being a house cat of an officer and not a hero.

SNW has been great though. Having a captain who is a lynch-pin of Star Trek history because he's going to get himself horrifically maimed, and he's going to see it coming the whole time, is a fantastic bit of tragedy. Everybody loves a tragic back story, even if the horse has a silly name, but a tragic destiny? That's gotta hurt. Especially finding out that if he doesn't embrace his fate he's going to fuck up the Balance of Terror and provoke a war.

Also Spock's recognition at the end, he seems to realise that Pike is making the sacrifice in part for him, it was quite moving, and it really does lay the groundwork for Spock's actions in The Menagerie. It fills in why Spock is willing to risk everything for his old captain.
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Dogfish wrote:
1 year ago
I loved that they ended with a Trials And Tribble-ations style twist on a TOS episode, even down to the music and camera angles. They did a great job of it too, and it was cool to see Pike, who is by every measure a great captain, ending up being completely the wrong man for the job and paving a road to a brand new hell with his good intentions.

I didn't think the new Kirk was bad, but I don't think they should be featuring characters overlapping with existing episodes if they can help it. Is like, everybody in SNW now, is a younger version of what they will become in TOS, and so it's fine, when SNW ends we see them become the characters we know from TOS, nobody is being replaced.

In this instance it was an alternate time-line Kirk, so that can cover some of the differences, he's not been in command of the Enterprise in Pike's nightmare future, so he's in a different place in his life. Perhaps a bit like Picard's alternate history where he didn't get stabbed and he ended up being a house cat of an officer and not a hero.

SNW has been great though. Having a captain who is a lynch-pin of Star Trek history because he's going to get himself horrifically maimed, and he's going to see it coming the whole time, is a fantastic bit of tragedy. Everybody loves a tragic back story, even if the horse has a silly name, but a tragic destiny? That's gotta hurt. Especially finding out that if he doesn't embrace his fate he's going to fuck up the Balance of Terror and provoke a war.

Also Spock's recognition at the end, he seems to realise that Pike is making the sacrifice in part for him, it was quite moving, and it really does lay the groundwork for Spock's actions in The Menagerie. It fills in why Spock is willing to risk everything for his old captain.
If I remember my ST:TOS history correctly, Kirk was the captain of the Farragut before he became the captain of the Enterprise in the normal history(fuck Kelvin-verse's BS!). With Pike's accident, a slot opens up, and there Kirk assume the captaincy of NCC-1701!

My 2 cents.
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Yeah it's something along those lines. And if Pike dodges his date with destiny, even if he saves all the cadets, it all goes horribly wrong for everybody.
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