Some sexy comic campaigns running right now! Zombie Tramp, Bunny Goes to Space, Rayne of Ages, Firebitch 3

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I was just modding on POPXP as usual, and it just so happens there were four sexy bad-girl comic book campaigns all being featured tonight!

If you don't want to watch the video (it's over an hour), we'll cut to the chase:

1) Zombie Tramp #57 by Dan Mendoza. After spending several years wresting his unique creation Zombie Tramp from the jaws of
the irresponsible Action Lab Comics (secretly based just south of Pittsburgh in Washington County, I believe), Mendoza now has complete rights to publish the character under his own studio Still Ill Princess, and also has possession of something like a thousand action statues of Zombie Tramp, as well.

He picks up right where Zombie Tramp 56 left off several years ago, so if you're a fan of this sexy undeadie, check out his campaign right now on Kickstarter, and back the new comic, as well as plenty of perks and add-ons.

2) Bunny Goes to Space #1 is the newest title from Alton Simpson, indie comics creator of Vampires of New Jersey, Werewolves of Brooklyn, and Witches of Westchester. Alton is super nice, and helped us get Heroineburgh in several stores in the general New Jersey and Philly area with his contact list.

The story is that "Bunny" is a super sexy astrophysicist (looking hot in that retro-70s kind of way) whose boyfriend runs a spaceship
company like Elon Musk. Together they have adventures in outer space. The elevator pitch is "Harley Quinn meets Barbarella", but it might also remind you of Buck Rogers and Wilma Deering. I'm also getting a bit of a Pamela Anderson vibe.

There are lots of great variant covers here, and also a series of four cosplay covers from Cara Nicole.

3) The third offering is Rayne of Ages #1, a sexy sword and sorcery book by W.S Quinton, creator of the rodent-samurai series 47 Furious Tails. "Rayne" is a super-cute pink-haired elven warrior who wears a very tight costume. Quinton's pitch is "Elfquest meets Lady Death", but I'm also feeling a bit of Tarot Witch of the Black Rose. Artist Nick Caponi is really into 90s bad-girl books. The interior is black-and-white as a tip of the hat to classic 80s b&w books like Love & Rockets.

Lots of great add-ons and variants here, as well.

4) And finally, Cara Nicole has rolled over her Kickstarter for Firebitch #3 into an Indiegogo campaign. If you didn't back her on KS,
it's not too late to jump in. One of the sexiest comic book creators (along with husband Alfred) in the indie biz. Firebitch is about a social media darling from Earth who gets transported to a planet far away, and obtains fire powers. She's hot!

For some reason, this forum doesn't embed Indiegogo links (as you can see from above, it does do it with Kickstarter).
So here's the link:

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Just got my Firebitch #3 package yesterday!

Cara Nicole packs a lot of goodies into the box, including collector cards, stickers, bookmarks and a challenge coin. See the photo below.

The comic itself has a story which is a bit confusing because of some disjointed writing - it took my reading it twice through to get the forward gist of the story, which is that the warlike race of aliens (Meeho) are being opposed by the peaceful matriarchy of the home planet (Roj'r) with Firebitch stuck in the middle. She has the powers of flight, strength, and shooting fire bolts. and is trying to figure out the right side to fight on, even as she also wants to get back home to her social media followers on Earth.

The good news about the book is that art is great, as it's all done by Cara's husband Alfred Trujillo, with Cara doing the coloring.

I could take or leave the various depictions of the aliens, but there are two characters which are very sexy. The main one is, of course, Firebitch herself. She is held in peril constraints for several pages, and loses her tight bodysuit costume (which is is stolen by the villainess), so when she escapes, she runs through the alien spaceship basically naked for several more pages, her nipples and pussy strategically blocked by strands of her long blonde hair. Eventually, she gets the costume back, and then there are some pages of action and combat where she fights the main bad guy. She tries valiantly, but he gives her quite a throat-choking and an ass-whooping, and that's where the story leaves off, on a cliffhanger where she is plummeting back to the ground.

The second sexy character is the evil selfish alien princess, who has a ugly face but a voluptuous body, and is also super-strong. She has quite a sexual drive, throwing herself on top of the main bad guy, and ultimately he demeans her by making her suck him off (this is shown off screen to keep things rated R). Later on, she displays her great strength by picking up and cracking the spine of the Roj'r saboteur (whose nickname is "Dummy") like Bane did to Batman. Rather ruthless, but hot!

Overall, as I said, some of the writing was rather confusing and disjointed, but the comic and all the accessories are certainly worth the backing money. Looks like there'll be a Firebitch #4, where we'll find out what happened to Firebitch and if she ever gets back home to Earth.

Backing campaigns like this is fun, because you get a lot for your money, and you get the quirky creativity of an individual creator and their (hopefully sexy superheroine) vision rather than the soulless churnings of a megacorporation.

If you've also backed Cara's latest campaign (or any of the other three campaigns listed in the video above), post a review and let us know what you think!
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