Wonder Woman Vs. Power Girl

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Warning: Story contains sexual themes (bondage and spanking) and for ADULTS ONLY.

Wonder Woman and Power Girl gets in a heated argument after stopping a renegade Amazon that tried to enslave all the men in the world. The villainess badly hurt the Huntress during the fight. The Huntress is one of the few friends that Power Girl had, due to her always keeping a distance from others. She's had a reputation of being a bit hot-headed and cranky for years, although she's actually one of the nicest people in the world, if anyone is lucky enough to get to know her. Therefore, Power Girl wanted to make sure that this villainess pays for what she did and serve whatever judicial punishment she receives here in the United States, since this is where she committed her crimes.

Wonder Woman, on the other hand, is bound by Amazon Law. And by its decree, she had no choice but to bring the renegade Amazon back to her homeland, Themyscira, so that she is first judged as an Amazon, by the Amazons, since they vowed to never be bound by man's law ever again. As an Amazon Princess, it was her duty to follow out such an act. And in her mind, she felt that it didn't make any difference where she was judged, as long as she was rightfully punished.

Power Girl saw a huge difference and it mattered where this criminal was punished. This was personal for her. Her best friend nearly died and looks like she is still suffering from severe injuries, not to mention all the innocent people that got harmed and the collateral damage caused to the city. Power Girl felt a sense of jurisdiction and was only logical for this villain to pay for the crimes at the place it was committed.

Unfortunately for Wonder Woman, there was no logic for her to follow, it was Amazon Law that had priority over her. They both made their arguments, but neither of them were persuaded by the other. Words continued to be exchanged as emotions began to flare. Then things started to escalate even further as angry words were used until things started to get physical with little shoves.

Power Girl always admired Wonder Woman from the moment she saw her, but once she got to know her a bit better, there was something she didn't like about her. She felt Wonder Woman can come off a bit fake sometimes trying to act perfect all the time, always saying what the right thing to say and never saying what she actually feels. She didn't actually knew Wonder Woman well enough to know that Wonder Woman never tried to act fake, but was raised as a princess so always has some regality to her mannerisms.

For Wonder Woman, she may be royalty but she always tried to act humble and try to treat all equally, especially out in the man's world. She made sure she never to make others feel looked down upon or treat anyone condescendingly. But she did have pride as a princess and an Amazon, which were never tested among her allies before until now. She knew things were getting heated and never wanted things to get out of hand, but even she couldn't help get frustrated at Power Girl for not understanding and not even trying to compromise by having her tried and judge by both Paradise Island and the US.

After couple of shoves from each upset heroines as they continued to argue, Power Girl starts to reach her limit of frustration since she was ready to just put the runaway Amazon behind bars then go to the hospital to check up on her friend. She puts a finger on Wonder Woman's forehead right under her tiara, then disrespectfully shoves her head as she says,
"I'm done arguing! Go back to your precious island, princess!"

Wonder Woman was agitated as is, but this shove to her head kind of crossed the line. Never has she been so disrespected by a colleague or an ally. This was the first time Wonder Woman lost her composure and crossed the line as she almost reacted instinctively, and swung her right hand to gave Power Girl a slap, square on Power Girl's left cheek as she responded,
"How dare you?!?"

Wonder Woman immediately regretted slapping Power Girl. She knew she overreacted and was definitely out of line for physically harming an ally or an acquaintance. She wanted to apologize for the slap and quickly extinguish this quarrel before it got any worse.

Power Girl was seeing red as she couldn't help but feel the hot sting on her cheek. This and all the negative things she felt about Wonder Woman, like she acted like she was always right and had a bit of a superiority complex, pissed her off as she thought to herself,
'who the fuck does she think she is?!?'

Power Girl's hot-headed, "punch first and ask later" personality kicked in and threw the first punch that sent Wonder Woman flying backwards into a wall.

Wonder Woman quickly gets back up and the catfight between the 2 of the strongest superheroines in the world begins. Punches and kicks are thrown. As the brawl progresses, it looked like Wonder Woman had the upper hand because of her Amazon training. For every punch that Power Girl connected, she received 2 punches or kicks from Wonder Woman. This lopsided exchanges of blows foreshadowed how this fight was going to end. Until finally, Wonder Woman gets the tips of her fingertips inside while throwing a punch that was barely dodged, Wonder Woman rips Power Girl's costume accidently during the catfight.

This humiliates and infuriates Power Girl as her breasts are now displayed in public and for the world media to see. In that very moment, Wonder Woman is apprehensive just for a split second with regret and guilt since she never meant things to get this out of hand. This hesitation was just enough time for Power Girl to sneak in a super speed knee to Wonder Woman's stomach. Wonder Woman gets stunned as her breath is knock out of her and tries to gasp for air. Power Girl takes advantage of the situation as she yanks Wonder Woman's golden lasso off her belt, and quickly binds Wonder Woman's arms behind her back with it.

As Wonder Woman recovers, she struggles in her own lasso and begins to panic as she realizes that she is completely helpless and in the verge tasting her most humiliating defeat ever since coming to man's world. Power Girl doesn't hesitate to haul the bound Wonder Woman over her shoulder to the nearest seat she can find. On top of a pile of rubble created from their fight, Power Girl quickly sits down and slams Wonder Woman down on her laps. She secures Wonder Woman's upper body down with her left hand, raises her right hand high up in the air, and growls,
"You're going to pay for this!"

Everything was moving too fast for Wonder Woman and couldn't react fast enough to escape. While struggling to get loose, she just realized what's about to happen to her. Wonder Woman was mortified that she was about to be spanked like a naughty girl. This was insulting to her and was on the verge of passing the line of friendship between her and Power Girl.

Wonder Woman had never been spanked in her entire life. She had seen spanking used countless times in her native island, Themyscira, before. Spanking and many other types of corporal punishment have been used in the Amazon culture from the very beginning. There was a dark reason why such methods were used as their penal system from the start.

When Hera created the Amazons, they were created as a wedding gift for her husband, Zeus. They were created to be female slaves that can do all the labor of the strong male slaves but also had the beauty to serve as sex slaves. But Hera wanted to make sure that these female slaves wouldn't get too strong and rebel against their creators. Therefore, the amazons were created with a weakness to any types of corporal punishments or torture to make sure that they can easily subjugate any disobedient slave that's out of line rather than making them too weak to even do any hard labor.

This meant that an amazon, no matter how strong she may be, would feel excruciating pain when such punishment is administered on them no matter how weak and feeble the spanker may be. In other words, spanking for Wonder Woman is exactly like Kryptonite for Superman. A sound spanking can eventually make any Amazon docile and submissive, and will stay submissive as long as the pain from the spanking lasts.

This was the dark reason why the queen of the Amazons and Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta, kept this as a secret from her daughter and never allowed her to be punished with corporal punishment. Most of the reasoning to keep this a secret were because of shame and pride. Even after gaining their freedom, they were still ashamed of their past and origin as Amazon slaves. Now, they were proud of they've become as Amazon warriors. And to top it off, Wonder Woman was usually a well behaved princess, and on the rare occasions when she did misbehave, a spanking was never required since a good lecture was always sufficient enough. But now, this secret will backfire as Wonder Woman will have to figure out herself why this fight ended as soon as Power Girl decided to spank Wonder Woman rather than beat her up with punches.

Little did Wonder Woman know nor ever crossed her mind, that Wonder Woman's costume even gave clues to her weaknesses. Her bottoms of her costume were basically, high quality spandex that didn't give any protections to her buttocks. The panties even had white stars printed all over them like targets. The upper part of her costume was backless and all Amazons wore their bracelets of submission to remind them of their past as slaves so that none them would ever be enslaved again. She never even realized or caught on, yet, as to why she always got butterflies in her stomach and felt an immense amount of anxiety whenever she faced an enemy using any whip like weapons or how she tends to get startled whenever she hears the crack of the whip.

Fortunately for the sake of Wonder Woman and all Amazons, their weakness is still a secret to the world. For the reason that, if any of her enemies knew about such an adverse weakness, then all of the Amazons' freedom and their well being would be in jeopardy.

As the calculated warrior that Wonder Woman is, she tries to calm herself down and look at all the options she has left. She decides to try and calm Power Girl down by convincing her that it was an accident, then if needed, she would let down her amazon pride and apologize to her before things got worse for her. Wonder Woman actually wasn't too worried about a spanking, she just felt this situation was getting too humiliating to handle and wanted to get out of this before it got any worse. She didn't think a childish punishment couldn't hurt her much and was confident she can tolerate or endure the pain. With a tone of sincerity and a hint of desperation, Wonder Woman pleads,
"Wait, Power Girl. It was an accident. Please, stop! Let me..." *SPANK* AHHH!"

Wonder Woman didn't have time, Power Girl was too eager to get revenge on Wonder Woman. She never felt such humiliation in her entire life, this was the first time in her life her breasts were displayed in public, and she wanted to make sure Wonder Woman was humiliated at least twice as much and learn to never cross her again. Her raised right arm comes down in a flurry as it begins Wonder Woman's spanking in public. There wasn't any hesitation to Power Girl, Wonder Woman's words were ignored, and Power Girl was filled with rage as her arms came raining down on Wonder Woman's vulnerable, star spangled buttocks relentlessly. There wasn't a warning or a warm up, the spanks came down fast and hard as the deafening slaps sounded like a machine gun from the very first spank.


This surprised Wonder Woman, and she let out a loud yelp as she was cut off from her sentence. Wonder Woman quickly clenched her eyes and teeth trying to tolerated the hot, scalding pain on her butt as she tried to not let out another scream to show Power Girl that it hurts and to reduce her sense of humiliation. The pain was beyond what she expected but her pride was fighting deep inside her, and was still very upset at Power Girl for doing this to her. This was unreasonable, unacceptable, and most of all, disrespectful. Even thoughts of revenge started to spring up.

As the spanking continued, Wonder Woman yells in frustration,
"POWER GIRL, STOP!" Then she lets out a loud growl in anger and frustration, "AWWW...DAMN IT, POWER GIRL! STOP THIS, NOW!"


This had the opposite effect on Power Girl, and made Power Girl spank faster and harder. Wonder Woman quickly tenses up her entire body, bites her tongue as she felt that trying to speak might let out another humiliating yelp, and clenches her butt really tight so that the spanking didn't hurt as much. Tightening her ass muscles helped lessen the pain of each smack, but also encouraged Power Girl to spank even more faster and harder. As seconds go by, which already feels like minutes to Wonder Woman, she begins to tire since clenching her entire body takes a lot of energy out of her. She was already breathing heavier and faster before she knew it.

In a moment of desperation, as the pain in her butt was building up quickly to a level of pain she couldn't handle, Wonder Woman starts to desperately kick her legs, squirm erratically, and wiggle her ass everywhere so that it was harder for Power Girl to spank her, and curtail the pain level with inaccurate smacks to her bottom. This worked for awhile until Power Girl was too agitated to continue and stopped the spanking to make an adjustment.

Wonder Woman took deep breaths to recover a bit, thinking that this was finally over and that Power Girl has calmed down to her senses. She was exhausted trying to endure such overbearing amount of pain and humiliation. But to Wonder Woman's bewilderment, her weakness started taking effect as soon as she felt the first spank, and her strength has been sapping out of her ever since. She thought she was just getting weak from spending so much energy trying to endure and absorb the pain of her spanking, but it was her Kryptonite that was the biggest contributor to her powerlessness. This spanking was breaking her down physically, psychologically, and emotionally.

Wonder Woman was utterly surprised and a bit confused as to how a slap of the bare hand that's applied to her posterior can hurt so much. She imagined it would hurt to some extent but never this much. Wonder Woman assumed the spanking hurt this much because of Power Girl's strength as a Kryptonian, who is actually a bit stronger than her in terms of raw strength as she was about to learn this by 1st hand experience. But her assumptions were only partially right as both heroines were still ignorant about Wonder Woman's true weakness and only by chance through cause and effect that Wonder Woman is experiencing her weakness without actually knowing about it. Therefore, due to her ignorance, she still had hopes that she will somehow get out of this situation and somehow turn things around on Power Girl.

Unfortunately for Wonder Woman, while she was distracted by her inner thoughts in those brief seconds, Power Girl was expertly tying couple knots on the loose end of the golden lasso binding her arms behind her back then pulled the lasso down Wonder Woman's back and toward her vulnerable ass. She shockingly realized why Power Girl stopped spanking her for that brief moment as she felt her golden lasso sliding deep into her spandex, wedgied buttocks. Wonder Woman desperately clenched her buttocks to stop the rope from sliding in all the way, but it was too late. Power Girl tugged hard over and over until the rope was biting into Wonder Woman ass crack and crotch. Wonder Woman was helpless to stop Power Girl as she ties the tightened loose end to the front of Wonder Woman's belt.

Wonder Woman didn't realize Power Girl tied knots in her lasso until it was too late and felt each knot uncomfortably pressing into Wonder Woman's anus and clit. The star spangled panties didn't give her any protection and felt each knot dig painfully into her sensitive spots whenever she tried to move or wiggle. This also made Wonder Woman's bound arms even more immobile as she felt the knots painfully sawed against her sensitive spots.

To finalize Wonder Woman's defeat, Power Girl pulls out her right leg from underneath Wonder Woman, then locks it over both of Wonder Woman's legs. Now, Wonder Woman was completely trapped and completely immobilized. She can still wiggle and squirm, but she quickly realized that the more she moved, the more harder the knots were digging into her anus and clitoris. She also realized that clenching her butt muscles made the knots dig in even more painfully than just wiggling her butt. Wonder Woman was completely incapacitated, helpless, and humiliated. She didn't quite realize the reality of the situation, and she still had hopes to resist the pain of the spanking and outlast Power Girl until she is too tired to spank her anymore, so that she may find an opportunity to escape. But it was checkmate the moment Power Girl tied the lasso to her belt.

The panic from before begins to come back inside Wonder Woman but it didn't matter anymore. Wonder Woman was completely debilitated and on the verge of being completely defeated and broken. After the final adjustments, Power Girl was finally ready to teach Wonder Woman a lesson that she would never forget. She held Wonder Woman's bound wrists with her left hand, and resumed the punishment with her right hand.


Wonder Woman, forgetting how painful the spanking is for the brief moment, gets another shocking surprise and an embarrassing yelp of pain escapes her before she could recompose herself to tolerate the stinging spanking,


Power Girl was spanking Wonder Woman so hard that each spank made Wonder Woman's body thrust forward, making the knots rhythmically bite into her sensitive spots. It was even pinching into her and chaffing her. Her shoulders started to feel stiff with her arms tied so tightly behind her and worst of all, her butt felt like it was on fire. It was already glowing red and not long after, it began to swell a bit as her butt seemed slightly bigger than usual.

Wonder Woman's star spangled butt was a sight to see. Her buns were 2 perfectly round spheres. And as the shade of red continued to darken, her spanked butt really resembled the colors of the American flag. She couldn't tightened her butt cheeks anymore, so the 2 round balls looked like they were bouncing from the impacts of each slaps. Each cheek would flatten during each impact then immediately spring back to its perfectly round shape. They jiggled like rubber balls rather than jello since they were perfectly toned and firm. In a hypnotic way, there were times during the spanking when the 2 bodies were in impeccable rhythm as they synced in a looping relationship of cause and effect.


No matter how hard she tried to resist adding to her humiliating situation by making a sound and showing pain, Wonder Woman couldn't help herself anymore, and started letting out yelps and moans of pain with every other slaps or so to her reddened ass cheeks. She couldn't even stop her butt from wiggling and squirming as each spank sent painful shockwaves throughout her body as it jerked forward from the impact of each powerful spanks.


What seemed like hours to Wonder Woman, only minutes have gone by since the spanking resumed. The sounds of the slaps to her perfectly round bottoms were resoundingly loud and went out for miles. The scared crowd in the area that dispersed during the fight earlier, began to get curious. The machine gun-like sounds were scary at first, but it just seemed too consistent and constant for them to sense much danger. Even Wonder Woman's moans of pain were getting louder as the super spanking continued and made the crowd even more curious.

Cautiously, people started creeping towards to sound to investigate what it was. For the people that had the courage to come back and take a peek got a very shocking surprise. The sounds they were frightful of were the sounds of Power Girl spanking a bound Wonder Woman over her knees. The crowd's sense of horror and dismay began to evaporate as more and more people began to gather around. Soon, people started to take pictures, record videos, and call others to spread the news.

As the crowd continued to grow massively, Wonder Woman realized her humiliation just got worse than she could have ever imagined. She glanced up and around to see people's faces with many different reactions from being shocked to laughing hysterically. Some were even cheering and encouraging Power Girl on. Wonder Woman blushed in complete embarrassment and tried to hide her face by lowering her head. But Power Girl, who was still very much full of violent rage to realize her breasts were still out in plain sight bouncing and jiggling around with every swing, sees Wonder Woman's futile attempt to hide her shame, grabs a hand full of Wonder Woman's hair and pulls her head back so that anyone watching could see her humiliating facial expressions during her punishment. Wonder Woman lets out a whimper in shock and discomfort as her head is pulled back, then immediately tries to plead to Power Girl to stop spanking her by finally apologizing,
"Ahhh...w...wait, Power Girl. Please, I'm sorry! Please, stop!"

Power Girl ignored Wonder Woman until she was finally ready to resume Wonder Woman's spanking, and responds by turning Wonder Woman's head around to look deep into her eyes and growl,
"Too late for that, bitch!"

The look in Power Girl's eyes terrified Wonder Woman. She never seen Power Girl so angry before, even when fighting horrible villains that physically harmed her and tried to kill her. The fear and anxiety swelled up inside her. Not only did she finally realize her defeat the moment she saw Power Girl's overwhelming rage through her eyes, she knew she was in serious trouble, and was genuinely scared like a little girl knowing how severely she's about to be punished. It was written all over her face as her jaw dropped in horror the moment their eyes engaged.

Power Girl raises her right arm high in the air, then begins spanking Wonder Woman as fast and hard as she can.


The spanks were raining down so fast and hard that she couldn't even scream to each one. Power Girl was spanking Wonder Woman at a rate of about 200 spanks per minute or around 3 to 4 slaps every second. Each powerful slaps continued to build up the pain level in Wonder Woman's beaten flesh. Power Girl didn't give Wonder Woman the slightest chance to rest or relax. Flashes of hot, scalding pain were ferocious and it never waned.

The effort to not make a sound was becoming a losing battle. She did everything she could from clenching her teeth to biting her lower lip, but eventually, the pain was getting more and more unbearable. Once Power Girl started using every strength she had to administer a spanking Wonder Woman would never forget, the pain built up to a level that was untolerable, even for one of the strongest superheroines of all time. The pain level passed beyond anything she ever felt before in her life. She had been beaten by supervillains before and felt pain she thought could never be worse than, but this spanking was undoubtedly the worst pain she ever felt in her life. She starts screaming uncontrollably at the top of her lungs, as loud and long as she could. She hysterically begs for the spanking to stop. The sense of pain completely overpowered her sense of humiliation and there was nothing but horrible pain for the moment her spanking resumed,

As soon as Wonder Woman lets out her ear piercing scream of agony, most of the people in the crowd bursts into a cheer as if they were at some sporting event and their home team makes the winning point at the final minute. The image of Wonder Woman being spanked over the knee like a naughty brat made the people jump to the conclusion that all the damage to the city caused in the fight was all Wonder Woman's fault and she deserved every stinging slap to her star spangled bottoms. The crowd didn't stop cheering and only seemed to get louder as more people joined to see the one sided fray.

Even in her dilemma, Wonder Woman couldn't help but hear the crowd cheering louder than ever as she screamed loudly in pain while writhing in agony, and this took a huge blow to her psychologically and especially emotionally. She felt betrayed by the people she vowed to protect and felt very ashamed that she is being so utterly humiliated in front of them. This spanking not only opened the door to the worst pain Wonder Woman ever felt in her life, but it also opened the door to the worst humiliation she ever experienced in her life. It was way beyond what she could handle and tears started welting up in her eyes. She tried so hard and so long to hold back her tears, but now, the 1st tear rolled down the side of her blushed cheeks. She couldn't hide her tears and her expressions of pain as it was written all over her face and it was humiliatingly lifted high in display for the world to witness and even record into history.

The tears of an Amazon are the physical proof and symbol of an Amazon's submission. She was still ignorant to her secret weakness, but her conscious thought did follow her subconscious as her hope to win or get revenge on Power Girl dissipated. She just wanted this spanking to stop.


The impacts of the spanks continued to make her body thrust forward and made the knots bite into her sensitive spots each time, adding to her agony and humiliation. Wonder Woman got desperate for the spanking to end. She was ready to accept her defeat and concede to Power Girl, even though her body already had accepted defeat as it just laid over Power Girl's leg without any protest. After more hour-like minutes go by, Wonder Woman begins pleading with every breath between her yelps of agony,
"Ahh...Please...K...Karen...I'm sorry...Ahh...Ahh...Please...ohh...I'm really sorry! Ahh...Ahh...Ahh..."

Power Girl stops just for a moment to respond,
"Oh, I'm not going to stop until you're my bitch!"

Wonder Woman gasps in shock and her final pleas before Power Girl resumed spanking her again was,
"Wh...what? You can't! Please, Karen!"


Wonder Woman's pleas fell on deaf ears and only added to her embarrassing situation as she was begging for mercy in public. But unfortunately, Power Girl couldn't see, hear, or feel anything at the moment because she was still in a tunnel vision of rage and was far from being satisfied with Wonder Woman.


The spanking continued as news choppers and news vans began to gather and started broadcasting Wonder Woman's spanking live on breaking news. Power Girl and Wonder Woman were in their own respective worlds to even notice the developing situation.


As more hour-like minutes passed, Wonder Woman's buttocks were on fire. The bottom sides of her ass cheeks that were uncovered by her star-spangled, spandex panties were turning into a dark shade of red. Wonder Woman's butt was starting to get bruised. Wonder Woman's screams of pain and agony began to sound more like sobs. Slowly but surely, the spanking was breaking Wonder Woman. She even gave up apologizing and begging Power Girl to stop spanking her. Wonder Woman just cried out and whimpered to each bruising spanks to her well spanked buttocks. Tears started to freely flow down Wonder Woman's blushed cheeks as she was now, completely broken by an old fashioned, over the knee spanking. The champion of the Amazons was spanked to tears.

With a final plea after over an hour of super powered spanking, Wonder Woman begs in a defeated whisper with sobs and moans of agony,
"P...Please...I'm very...sorry...ugh..."

Wonder Woman's final pleas and efforts to stop her nightmare were finally heard by her spanker. But her pleas had the opposite effect. Her begging got Power Girl riled up. This annoyed her because she felt Wonder Woman was only selfishly begging for the spanking to stop because she was in so much pain, and not because she was genuinely felt guilt and regret for her actions from the start.

To make sure all this effort doesn't go to waste, Power Girl slows down the pace of the spanking only to spank much harder with each swing and begins lecturing Wonder Woman as she follows each spoken word with an earthshattering swat to Wonder Woman's aching behind to add emphasis on every word,
"No! You had this coming for a long, long time! You are such a spoiled princess! You think you are always right! You think you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want! Not anymore, princess! No! No! No! You're going to learn a lesson to respect others and never to look down on them! You are no better than anyone else! Got that! And from now on, you will not bark orders around like you own the place. That runaway Amazon of yours is going to jail here and stand trial. You are not going to take her anywhere until she is punished here first. You will also apologize to the Huntress for being so selfish. AND DON'T YOU EVER, I MEAN EVER, LAY A FINGER ON ME, AGAIN! I swear, I am going to spank you every morning until you learn your lesson! And I'll do it in the Tower's meeting room in front of everyone in the Justice League! YOU...ARE...A...VERY...VERY...BAD...GIRL!"

The crowd giggled and laughed as they observed Power Girl spanking and scolding Wonder Woman. While all Wonder Woman could do was weep and moan from each thunderous smacks and acknowledge every word Power Girl declared with an answer appropriate to the context,
"Ahh...yes, I'm sorry...Power Girl...uhh...I will...please...ugh...I understand...I...I won't do it again, please...ahh..I learned my lesson...ahh..."

On account of Wonder Woman's secret weakness, she was utterly compliant to every word Power Girl said while spanking her. She didn't act like she acknowledged what was being said just to brush everything off in hopes of moving on, she actually took heart to every word. It was like she was being programmed by Power Girl to act the way Power Girl wants her to act from now on. When Power Girl finished letting out everything she wanted to get across Wonder Woman, she returned to the pace of spanking her fastest and hardest she can.

By this time, Wonder Woman's butt is battered and swelled up twice her normal size. She lost all sense of self awareness. She was so weakened and exhausted by the spanking that her whimpers and moans of pain got quieter while tears still freely flowed down her cheeks. All she can do is just submit to the spanking that she earned and wait until her spanker was satisfied with her punishment.

After almost another hour of spanking, Power Girl finally starts slowing down, and after several final hard and slow spanks, she finally felt satisfied looking down at the swollen ass covered in star spangled spandex. Power Girl slaps Wonder Woman's right butt cheek, squeezes it really hard, then looks into Wonder Woman's tear filled eyes by turning Wonder Woman's head with the hair that's still in Power Girl's left hand and asks,
"Now, are you sorry for what you did?

Wonder Woman moans in discomfort as she feels her very sore butt cheek getting squeezed and got her very attentive to every word Power Girl had to say to her.

"Then are you ready to be my little bitch, now?" Power Girl inquired.

Wonder Woman hesitates but nods her head up and down the best her twisted neck can. Power Girl angrily lets go of the butt cheek, gives it a really hard smack that made Wonder Woman's entire body jolt forward then asks,

Wonder Woman responds with a loud yelp then mumbles,
"AHHH...y...yes, I'll be your bitch."

Power Girl smacks the right butt cheek twice really hard then asks in a bit of annoyance as she tugs on Wonder Woman's hair,
"I can't hear you."

Wonder Woman clenches her eyes a bit harder to the hard spanks as more whimpers escape her, then musters all the strength she has left to yell,

The crowd laughed as they heard Wonder Woman yell out her response, yet, Wonder Woman was too crushed to care. All she cared about was pleasing her spanker. That's the only thing that mattered to her in that moment.

Another hard smack, but this time to Wonder Woman's left butt cheek and demands,
"You'll be my bitch, WHAT?!?" *SMACK*

The conquered Wonder Woman yelps in pain then instinctively responds by yelling out,

The crowd bursts into laughter and cheer, again. The crowd and all the people in the world watching at home got entertained witnessing Wonder Woman get tamed by Power Girl with a spanking.

Wonder Woman closes her eyes in thorough defeat. The princess of the Amazons was spanked into unconditional submission. Power Girl grins in satisfaction and starts patting Wonder Woman's sore and bruised buttocks as she says in delight,
"Good girl."

Wonder Woman lets out a soft whimper of discomfort as her sore bottoms are patted sternly.

Power Girl slowly gets the bound and well spanked Wonder Woman on her feet, stands up herself, then lifts Wonder Woman over her left shoulder. Power Girl was carrying Wonder Woman like a prized trophy she hunted and captured. Power Girl surprisingly gives a hard spank to each of Wonder Woman's right ass cheek as it's in plain sight and yells as loud as she can into the crowd watching,

"AHHH!" Wonder Woman helplessly yelps in response to the final public spanks while over the shoulder of her spanker. This made Wonder Woman blush again with embarrassment. Power Girl made a mockery out of her with the final two slaps to her battered behind with a victory cry while flashes of camera lights sparkled. Power Girl posterized Wonder Woman in the worst way possible as she posed in front of the crowd with her prize over her shoulder.

"Ok, bitch. I'm far from done with you, yet." Power Girl says with a smirk.

Then Power Girl suddenly takes off into the air with Wonder Woman lifelessly draped over her shoulder and takes off into somewhere more private. Wonder Woman's heart drops as she fears Power Girl will continue to spank her more somewhere or anything worse. Her mind races all over the place as anxiety overwhelms her, yet she is unable to protest and in complete submission to Power Girl. Unfortunately, Power Girl definitely felt Wonder Woman's punishment was far from over.

Until the day Wonder Woman learns the truth about her weakness, she won't realize why she will always be unconditionally submissive to Power Girl until her wounded butt is fully healed.

Fortuitously, after all that's been said and done, the Amazon's biggest weakness remained their biggest secret. No one suspected that the spanking was so effective on Wonder Woman because it was her Kryptonite. The world, including Wonder Woman and Power Girl, assumed the spanking rendered Wonder Woman helpless because of Power Girl's super strength and possibly, the golden lasso's magic. Wonder Woman experienced humiliation and defeat beyond any measure, it was truly her worst day ever, yet, she is ignorant to how lucky she and her Amazon sisters are this day.
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That was AMAZING!
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Valleyvixin wrote:
1 year ago
That was AMAZING!
Thank you very much for the compliment! :lynda1:
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