Xena: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - And How They Get It

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – And How They Get It

By Vega Taxeca

This story does contain graphic descriptions of sex between women. Some of it might be non-consensual.

I do not own Xena - the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I don't make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.

The story takes place during the season two episode “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”. It contains spoilers for this episode. It explores a different ending. Without knowing the show, some references might be slightly confusing.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – And How They Get It

Bacchus was dead.

They had killed the evil god. An earthquake shook the cave and thunder roared. Finally, everything quieted down. As always Xena’s first instinct was to check for her bard’s safety. Gabrielle stood next to her, looking mostly confused, but seemed otherwise okay. The same could be said about the other women in the cave. The Warrior Princess relaxed slightly and turned to Bacchus next. She confirmed that he was really dead and would stay dead. She simply nodded when she saw Gabrielle’s questioning look. She gave her a quick hug.

“It’s over.”

The bard returned the hug.

“Thank the gods.”

A now once again complete Orpheus came over to thank Xena and say sorry for his earlier suspicions. Xena just waved him off.

“That’s okay. I understand the circumstances. And if you ask Joxer to lead you home and keep him off our backs for a few days, we are definitely even. We will take care of these women.”

“Okay, it’s a deal.”

Orpheus laughed and when the warrior wannabe stumbled over, he persuaded him to be his guide. Joxer was happy to be needed and soon they were off after a quick goodbye. Now only the women were left, but they were mostly standing in small groups or pairs and talking with each other. Xena turned her attention back to the bard, who had kept close contact ever since their hug.

“Hey, everything okay?”

“Oh yes, I just want to feel you. You see, as a bacchae, I wanted you even more than usual. It kind of still affects me. Even just your smell turns me on at the moment.”

Xena smirked.

“Hm, now that you mention it, I can actually smell that you are. And it also explains why I would love to fuck you right now. It’s the after effects of being a bacchae. It was such a short moment for me, I couldn’t really notice my own feelings.”

“Oh yes, you really must have felt it. I seriously loved the expression on your face when I bit you. You seemed to enjoy it quite a lot.”

“Yeah, I did. I almost came actually. Only the thought of killing Bacchus helped me with keeping control.”

“Well, he is dead now, so why don’t you get rid of that pesky control. You did say something about fucking me, didn’t you?”

Xena felt surprisingly tempted to give in and take her lover right here in front of all these women. But the thought of her audience gave her the strength to pull back.

“Not yet, my love. First, we have to take care of the others.”

She looked around and finally realised something odd. None of the women had come to talk to them, to ask what had happened. They still stood or sat in small groups or mostly pairs now, and talked or cuddled. Or rather...? And finally, it dawned on the warrior. They were not just talking, many were kissing. They obviously felt similar after effects as the bard and her, or at least some of them. And not all of them had the self-control of a Warrior Princess. Xena watched one arm move under a skirt and somebody else had her hands on a pair of – very nice – breasts. She looked down at Gabrielle rather sheepishly.

“Well, that might be slightly more ... delicate than I thought.”

Gabrielle smiled. She obviously had made similar observations.

“Since they seem to take care of each other, maybe we can have a moment for ourselves? We don’t have to go all the way, but I really want to kiss you.”

The warrior felt her resistance crumble. Somehow, she seemed to have fewer inhibitions than usual, but she would think about it later.

“Okay, why not? A taste of your rosy lips sounds very good right now.”

Xena bent her head to meet the lips of her lover with her own. They quickly opened and their tongues began a happy dance. It was an electric feeling, better than any kiss before. And they had already exchanged many great ones. But even that glorious first one could not compare. The warrior felt her arousal rise instantly. She kept that kiss going as long as possible, with her lover being equally responsive. When oxygen finally became an issue, they pulled apart reluctantly. And Xena looked into the shocked yellow eyes of her bard, only to realise seconds later that her own teeth had changed into fangs. They both still were bacchae!

“What does this mean?”

Gabrielle’s eyes turned towards the spot where Bacchus had fallen. Xena’s eyes followed hers, but the god still seemed to be dead. She quickly stepped closer and checked him thoroughly. Then she turned back to the bard.

“He is dead, definitely.”

“But we are still bacchae?”

“Yes. It seems we weren’t changed back into humans, but just the human form of a bacchae.”

“Hm, but somehow it doesn’t feel the same as before.”

“What do you mean?”

A quick look around showed Xena that several other women were now in bacchae form as well. But this did not seem to stop them in their carnal activities. All of the ‘open’ bacchae were busy with their respective partner, kissing them or often even fucking them. She looked back at the bard who tried to explain the difference.

“I feel free. Before, I always had Bacchus’s oppressive presence in my mind. I knew I had to do his evil bidding. Now that part is completely gone. But I don’t think it’s completely like it was before.”

“No, you are right. I don’t know so much about being a bacchae, but I can see the differences to before. All my feelings and instincts are stronger and my senses as well. It’s harder to control myself. And I actually feel less inclination to do so.”

“Yes, my feelings are stronger as well. And you know, that kiss felt really sensational. Why don’t we kiss again to make sure it stays that way?”

Xena tried to protest, but the bard pushed her back with surprising strength and trapped her against the altar. The warrior opened her mouth, but was immediately silenced by a pair of sweet lips. The tongue followed and pushed into her mouth aggressively. Xena forgot any protests and returned the kiss enthusiastically. And then it was as if a damn had burst. She was aflame with desire, turned on beyond belief. With one sudden move she turned them around, lifted Gabrielle onto the edge of the altar and pushed her legs open. Lifting the skirt, ripping away the breeches and pushing one finger into the wet hole was another one. The bard cried out in pleasure.


She closed her legs behind Xena’s back to pull her closer. She wanted to be fucked as deep as possible. The warrior had added another finger and pumped them steadily into the vagina. By standing slightly sideways to get a better angle for her movements, she offered Gabrielle the same side of her neck as before her turning, though this time while facing her. And the bard turned bacchae accepted the offer. While Xena’s finger penetrated her deepest core, she penetrated the warrior’s skin with her fangs. Xena moaned when her lover started to suck. Soon they were exchanging their life fluids. The bard drank Xena’s blood, while the latter kept Gabrielle’s juices flowing with her pumping hand. Being bitten by her lover was as much of an orgasmic feeling for Xena as any fucking she had done before. It did not take long and they exploded in simultaneous climaxes.

And they did not stop there. They climbed onto the altar and shed their clothes. Xena positioned herself on all four so that the bard could fuck her from behind. Gabrielle entered her vagina with one finger; then added a second and even a third one. Soon she was pumping deep into the warrior’s hot inner core. Xena loved it to be taken so aggressively by her lover. She threw her head back and could not suppress ecstatic moans. Her pleasure was all she concentrated on. Therefore, it took her some time to notice a commotion in one of the corners. Some of the more aggressive bacchae had surrounded the few women not taking part in any action. Probably they were the only completely straight ones. But now the aggressors forced them to strip naked. And soon they were taking them, fucking them against their will. Usually Xena would have intervened, helping the innocent. But right now, she simply could not care enough. Not while Gabrielle was fucking her with such wonderful slow strokes, entering her vagina so very deep.

Xena’s arousal was constantly rising while she watched transfixed the other group. Two bacchae held the arms and upper body of their victim, while two more held her legs wide open. This presented her pussy to the leader of the pack, who fucked her hard and very fast. It seemed she had noticed her watcher, since she looked at Xena and now timed her strokes with Gabrielle’s. This erotic show turned the warrior on even more. Simultaneously with the rape victim she came with a cry of pleasure. While she slowly came down from her orgasm, the other bacchae winked at her.

Moments later the bacchae pack leader stood up and came over. When she drew nearer Xena recognised her as Morla, one of the two bacchae who had turned Gabrielle. She greeted them and thanked them for killing Bacchus, since it had set them free. She also apologised for attacking them earlier, but the Warrior Princess waved it away. She knew it had been done under the evil god’s influence. They chatted a moment and Morla began to caress the bard’s naked ass absentmindedly. When she realised it, she did not stop or react embarrassed. Instead, she complimented the bard.

“You really have a fine ass, Gabrielle. I’d like to get a piece of it later, since I didn’t really have the time for it during our first meeting.”


Gabrielle almost purred when she said it. Morla turned to Xena.

“Did she tell you about our first meeting? I was holding her and sucking her blood, while Beria was sucking her pussy. She was such an easy target; she really wanted to be taken by us.”

Xena was a bit taken aback by this description. Her usual jealousy regarding the bard reared its head. But it warred with other feelings, since the story also turned her on. Before Gabrielle, she had never been monogamous. She had simply fucked whomever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Finally, she answered the question.

“No, we didn’t talk about it. There wasn’t time yet. But it seems you had quite some fun together.”

“Oh yes, we did. And I’d really love a repeat performance. What do you say, Gabrielle? Shall I fuck you right here?”

“Yes, please. Take me!”

The bard answered enthusiastically. She turned around and opened her legs in invitation. Xena was astonished to see the hunger in her eyes. Her lover really wanted to be fucked by this woman. She could not know that Morla made use of the special bond between a newly turned bacchae and the one who bit her. The same bond existed between the warrior and the bard, but they had been deeply in love anyway. Therefore, they did not recognise the bond for what it was. Morla joined them on the altar and took up position between Gabrielle’s legs. One more time she looked at Xena.

“I’m sure you won’t mind. Somebody like her simply exists to be fucked, don’t you agree?”

For a few moments, the Warrior Princess was about to deny it. But then an image of the confident and beautiful Morla fucking her lover sprang to her mind. And she realised, deep down she would enjoy it. And so the new uninhibited bacchae side of her persona won out again. She opened her own legs and prepared to masturbate while watching the show.

“Oh yes, I do actually. Tell you what, make her scream and as a reward I’ll lick your pussy good.”

Morla laughed huskily.

“I didn’t really need an extra incentive. But it’s a deal, since I am sure I’ll love it.”

Finally, Morla turned to Gabrielle. She started with licking her pussy. The bard bucked her hips to increase the contact. Now the bacchae concentrated her efforts on Gabrielle’s clit. She licked it and sucked on it. The bard moaned in ecstasy. And it felt even better when a finger entered her vagina. Soon there was another finger and a third one added to fuck Gabrielle with even more force. All the while she kept sucking on the clit. Only when she felt Gabrielle getting closer did she change her position. Now she sucked on a nipple while still fucking the bard. Suddenly she opened her mouth and bit Gabrielle in the tender flesh of the breast just above the areola. The contrast of pain and pleasure pushed the bard over the edge and she came with a long and loud cry of ecstasy. Morla sucked Gabrielle’s blood for a few moments. She wanted to make sure to leave a scar and mark the bard as hers with it.

Xena had watched the whole show while pumping two fingers into her own vagina. Only moments after her lover had climaxed she came as well. The warrior recovered faster than the bard and crawled seductively over towards Morla.

“You have kept your part of the deal. Gabrielle was definitely screaming. May I take care of my part now and lick your pussy.”

This came out more devote than she had planned. But for some reason she felt almost submissive towards the beautiful bacchae. This feeling was actually caused by her love for the bard. Since the bard had turned her, she had the same special bond towards her as Gabrielle had to Morla. But because she already loved her so deeply, Xena trusted subconsciously in the bard’s feelings. Therefore, she took the bard’s bond as her own and submitted also to the bacchae who had turned her lover. Both of them were still unaware of these bonds, while Morla on the other hand understood the situation perfectly. After all she had been a bacchae for a long time already. And since she was very dominant by nature, she decided to use the situation to her advantage.

First, she ordered Xena to stay on all four while she licked her. This would underline the submissive nature of the warrior’s service. At this moment several bacchae of Morla’s pack came over to ask for instructions. Morla gave them sharp orders.

“Just continue to rape those women. Get them off as often as possible till you have broken any last bit of resistance. Stuff their cunts again and again.”

Then she patted Gabrielle’s head. The bard had been cuddling contentedly with her.

“Hey, Gabby, what do you say? Do you want to lick a juicy snatch as well?”

The bard nodded eagerly. Morla turned back towards the other bacchae.

“Okay, bring one of the women over and force her pussy onto the bard’s mouth. Let’s see if the little one here can suck pussy hard enough to make a straight woman come. And one of you will come over with her strap-on.”

The bard was too far gone to realise she would actually take part in a gang rape. She was just happy to lick the pussy Morla had chosen for her. And Xena did not really listen anyway. She was solely concentrating on her task of licking Morla’s pussy. She was also completely unaware of her involvement in the other part of Morla’s plan. When the bacchae with the strap-on stood in attention, Morla turned to the Warrior Princess.

“Hey Xena, you are a good pussy licker. But I want to feel you real deep. To make it possible, you have to be pushed from behind. Therefore, my bacchae here will fuck your asshole hard. Do you like that idea?”

Xena nodded once, since she could not speak with her tongue buried deep in Morla’s vagina. She was in a submissive haze and would have agreed to any suggestion of the bacchae leader. The latter was quite happy how easily she had corrupted the two heroes. Xena was licking her pussy submissively, while another bacchae fucked her asshole. And while she was close to coming from the warrior’s services, Morla watched Gabrielle suck the pussy of another woman, who was not her soulmate. And this was even done against the woman’s will, which made the bard be a rapist. When the woman came, Morla came as well and covered Xena’s face with her juices.

The end
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