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Xena: Gabrielle and the Amazons or A Necessary Sluttyness

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:15 pm
by VegaTaxeca
Gabrielle and the Amazons or A Necessary Sluttyness

by Vega Taxeca

This story does contain extremely graphic descriptions of sex between women (including BDSM), some of the scenes nc.

I do not own Xena - the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I do not make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story takes place at some point of time after the season two episode “A Necessary Evil” and probably, though no specific time is given, before the end of season three. It contains spoilers especially to the Amazon episodes (“Hooves and Harlots”, “The Quest”, “A Necessary Evil”), but events from other episodes in the given time frame might be mentioned as well.

Gabrielle moved stealthily through the forest. Some minutes ago, she had crossed the border into amazon land. A message had asked her to visit her nation rather urgently and since Xena had to prevent a war on the island of Potamos, the bard was on her own. Not that she was really worried or anything, even though the message was a bit vague and was not written by her regent, Ephiny. No, the main reason for her stealth was her pride. She wanted to try to surprise her scouts and to show them she was no longer the greenhorn from back when she visited them the first time. And she was successful so far, she had come further without detection than ever before.

Suddenly there was movement above in the trees and a group of scouts descended all around her. The leader stepped forward, a young amazon with long black hair, whose name Gabrielle remembered as Arianna. Not that she would have forgotten her; she was beautiful and had an especially impressive pair of breasts. Probably larger than Xena’s and hers together. Though they did not seem to disturb her balance, as Arianna had just entered the scout service last time Gabrielle was here, so she must be very good to have been promoted to group leader so quickly.

Arianna smiled openly and greeted her without any formality.

“Gabrielle, we are very happy you have arrived. Please follow us to the village. I have already sent a runner ahead.”

“Arianna, nice to see you too. And congratulations to your promotion to group leader.”

“Yes, things have been good lately, with changes not just for me.”

The bard smiled and continued chatting with the scout. Though truth be told she was a bit surprised with the lack of formalities. Gabrielle had always asked the amazons to treat her like one of them and not as royality, but during all her other visits they had steadfastly refused to change their attitude and only addressed her as their queen. Still, she was happy about it and mentioned as much to Arianna.

“The queen said to call you Gabrielle for now and only use your title later after the meeting. And of course, we follow such an order,” the scout answered her.

Gabrielle was slightly puzzled with the phrasing, but did not think too much of it. Maybe Ephiny had told them to do so, although usually the amazons refered to her regent by her correct title. Well, whatever, the amazons were obviously happy to have Gabrielle there. All the scouts were smiling and Arianna told the bard how much she was looking forward to have some time with her later that day. Gabrielle agreed that sure would be nice.

During their chat they had now reached the village. Gabrielle heard some noises from up ahead, but could not make out any distinct words. Moments later she saw a lot of amazons and now recognised the noise as cheering. It seemed the whole nation had come to greet her. When they entered the square, she realised something odd. The amazons were not looking at her, but at the center of the square. The bard was too small to see anything, so she kept following the scouts who paved a way through the cheering crowd. Only when they reached the free space in the middle, she got a first glimpse. And what she saw shocked her to the core. One woman was bound over a wooden log and getting whipped by an amazon, who was wearing a ceremonial mask! Gabrielle did not recognise the prisoner from her position, since she saw only her legs and back. But she blushed when she realised the woman was naked and she could see directly up her crotch.

Gabrielle now turned towards the other woman. She did not recognise her either, but she got furious when she realised, it was not just any mask. This woman was wearing Gabrielle’s amazon queen mask and full regalia.

“What are you doing?” the bard shouted angrily as she got nearer.

The woman stopped and looked in her direction.

“Gabrielle, how lovely of you to join us.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

A sudden terror gripped at Gabrielle’s heart. She knew this voice! It was Velasca’s! While she stopped short in shock the woman removed the mask and confirmed her fear. The flaming red hair, the cold green eyes, the beautiful, but arrogant face - it was her greatest enemy in all her glory. Suddenly Gabrielle cried out in pain. A stinging blow had hit her legs from behind and brought her down on her knees. Next, she heard Arianna’s spiteful voice.

“On your knees! You never stand in front of your queen without permission.”

From her new vantage point, Gabrielle suddenly recognised Ephiny as the woman who had been whipped. Velasca obviously saw her reaction.

“Yes, Ephiny was the only one with the audacity to try to resist me. After I got rid of the pesky lava, I nursed my powers and took back my rightful place as queen of this nation. At least Ephiny could provide us with some fun, while I waited for you. Yes, it was my message you got. I knew you wouldn’t even bother to check the handwriting, trusting fool that you are.”

Velasca told this a horrified bard, while she caressed Ephiny’s blood-covered back with her whip. Then she spoke again.

“Well, as I recall, Gabrielle, you had some crazy notion of being able to lead this nation. As the rightful queen, it is my pleasure to give you the chance of a challenge. I will even go as far as promising not to kill you, when I win. It seems only fair, seeing as you can’t really kill me, a goddess, at all. Therefore, I will also be using chobos against your staff. So, do you accept this fight, which will decide your position in my nation?”

Gabrielle knew that she had been hardly a match for Velasca before, while the amazon was still human. So now, against a goddess, she effectively would not have a chance at all. But it was the only option she got. Xena was too far away. Even if the Warrior Princess would have known of this and returned immediately, it would have taken her several weeks to arrive. Gabrielle had to hope that Velasca would keep her promise to spare Gabrielle’s life. And maybe at least some of their sisters would respect her for trying. Perhaps over time, she could make some allies. So, Gabrielle held her head high and tried to show strength, when she responded.

“I accept.”

Velasca laughed.

“Great, so let’s begin. You may stand up.”

Another amazon handed Velasca a pair of chobos in return for the whip. Gabrielle got up and positioned herself in a defensive fighting stance. Her staff gave her a longer reach than Velasca got with her chobos, so she had to use that to her advantage. The amazons cleared more space, while Velasca took position across from the bard. The goddess nodded once to signal Gabrielle the start of the fight. Then she crossed the space faster than Gabrielle could react and hit her left arm. Soon more stinging blows followed, mostly to her arms and legs. Gabrielle had to realise that she was no match for the incredible speed with which Velasca moved. This actually turned her weapon into a disadvantage, since at close range the chobos were much more effective.

Worst thing was that Velasca even went lightly on the bard. With her strength, she would have been able to shatter Gabrielle’s bones with one single forceful blow, but she pulled them. Everything she did was aimed at causing Gabrielle pain and humiliation, but not to really injure her. Gabrielle had now problems to keep even her weak defence in place. Her arms felt heavy and already hurt like tartaros. Velasca was obviously aware of this and now targeted Gabrielle’s torso as well. With one mighty left hand strike she swiped Gabrielle’s staff from her grasp and sent it flying. She followed this move with her right, swinging the chobo upwards and hitting Gabrielle with brutal force between her legs. The bard screamed in pain and went down. Still, she fought on and tried to get up again. But only to be met with a powerful kick to her chin, which send her several feet through the air. Gabrielle was now seriously dazed, but still she tried to go on. Velasca gave her a break to slowly get up. But once she stood, strike upon strike began rain down on her. Her arms, her thighs, her back, she was hit everywhere.

Finally, it was too much for the bard. She went down again, falling face first in the dust. There she stayed, groaning with pain. She did not really react, when Velasca used her right boot to turn Gabrielle on her back. But she cried out, when the goddess put one foot down on her breasts, squeezing them painfully.

“Do you yield?” Velasca asked her with an arrogant smirk.

“Yes.” Gabrielle nodded weakly.

“Louder! My nation can’t hear you.”

“I yield. You are the Queen.” The bard answered as loud as she could manage.

“Exactly. But let’s see, if there really is no fight left in you.”

Velasca knelt down next to the bard and began to tear off Gabrielle’s clothes.

“From now on, you will always be naked in my village. And you will always kneel, unless I give you the permission to stand.”

“Yes, My Queen.” At the moment, Gabrielle was in no position to object. She could be happy to still be alive, and to be honest, she had expected to lose.

What happened next, though, she did not expect. Velasca now held Gabrielle’s staff in her hands.

“You seemed rather clumsy with this. I will show you how to use it properly.” Velasca taunted the bard.

She pushed Gabrielle’s legs apart and pressed one end of the staff at her pussy. A horrified “No!” came from Gabrielle’s lips, but her feeble resistance did not even slow down her tormentor. With unstoppable force Velasca pushed the staff into Gabrielle’s vagina, until it was several inches deep. Gabrielle could only cry out in pain. Now the amazon started to move the staff back and force, fucking the bard with it. Slowly the pain subsided as she got used to it. Her inner walls also produced juices now, letting the staff move even easier. To her horror, Gabrielle realised she was getting aroused. But Velasca really looked very beautiful, so powerful and confident, and yes, she knew exactly how to use a staff for this purpose.

All the amazons were now surrounding them tightly. Everybody wanted to be as close as possible and watch their current queen fuck the old one. The arousal rose and rose inside Gabrielle. Velasca now pumped her faster. At last, the climax hit Gabrielle and her inner walls clamped down on the staff. Velasca waited a moment; then she pulled out the staff.

“See, that’s how it’s done.”

She smirked at Gabrielle and threw the staff aside carelessly, while she got up. The bard just panted and kept her eyes closed. She had just been completely humiliated, fucked with her own weapon, and even climaxed at the hand of her enemy. When she opened her eyes again, the amazons had moved back in their former positions, leaving only Gabrielle, Velasca and the bound Ephiny in the middle. The goddess was still not done with humiliating Gabrielle.

“To thank me for this lesson, you may kiss my boot,” she said to her.

The bard did not dare to resist this command. She bent forward and kissed Velasca’s left boot.

“Thank you, My Queen.”

“Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? But we still have unfinished business to attend to.”

With these words Velasca turned towards Ephiny and Gabrielle realised that she had picked up her whip again.

“Please, no!” Gabrielle cried out.

Velasca turned back to her and looked her up and down.

“So, you have given up on yourself, but you still try to fight for your friend. What would you do? Would you take her position instead?”

Gabrielle only hesitated a second.

“Yes, I would.”

“Interesting. But no, you are weaker than Ephiny and so you wouldn’t be able to take it.”

Gabrielle was slightly taken aback by these words, but she did not give up. She tried to plead as sincerely as possible.

“My Queen, please! I would do anything to help Ephiny.”

“Anything, hm. Okay, I have an idea. You won’t be able to get her away completely without further punishment, but you can help her to keep the number of strikes low. Do you accept it?”

Gabrielle had a feeling that there would be some kind of twist. But Velasca had kept her word so far and not killed Gabrielle, so she hoped to be able to get through this as well. She agreed and at the same time tried to appease Velasca with proper etiquette.

“Yes, My Queen, I will do as you command.”

“Good. It will be done like this: I will whip Ephiny with a steady pace. You will eat her out. The moment she reaches her climax, I will stop. But not one second earlier, so you better make sure to get her off or I will whip her to death. And remember, I am a goddess, so I will know exactly, if the orgasm was faked or not.”

Gabrielle was stunned for a moment. She did not expect this, but now, of course, she had to do it. Still, she was sure Xena would understand her situation, despite her jealous streak. Gabrielle could not know that all of this was part of Velasca’s devious plans. She had manipulated the events from the beginning to reach this situation. On the one hand, she knew it would put a tiny seed of doubt in Xena’s mind. Even if it was for the best of reasons, knowing that your wife had licked the pussy of her best friend had to be a low blow. And on the other hand, it would seriously mess with Ephiny. As a goddess, Velasca could read minds and so was aware, that Ephiny was deeply in love with the bard, almost from the first time they met. She had always suppressed her feelings because of the relationship between Gabrielle and Xena. But that had made those feelings only stronger and so it would really twist her that Velasca, her sworn enemy, had just made one of her greatest dreams come true. And above all, Velasca wanted to see how far she could manipulate Gabrielle to do her bidding, by making her think it was for the best or her only option at the time.

The goddess now took up position at Ephiny’s left side. Gabrielle just wanted to follow her, but realised she had gotten no permission to stand up. So, she had to take the humiliation and crawl. Once there, she knelt between Ephiny’s legs and waited for Velasca’s command. The goddess just nodded and gave Ephiny her first strike. Gabrielle bent forward and started to lick without hesitation. Because of Ephiny’s position, she had not got perfect access to her pussy, but it would do. First, she gave long licks up and down the whole pussy. Then she concentrated on the pussy lips, until she felt the first drops of pussy juice. Ephiny’s body reacted faster than she would have expected, so she turned to the clit next. First licking it with soft strokes, then nibbling on it. Secretly she was thrilled with how responsive Ephiny was. Already she seemed to react stronger to what Gabrielle did than to being whipped. The bard now stiffened her tongue and pushed between the nether lips, to reach as deep as possible.

Even the gag was no longer enough to completely silence Ephiny’s moans. She was so close to an orgasm now; she did not even feel the whip any longer. Finally, the climax overtook her. Gabrielle felt it as well by the way Ephiny’s inner walls were squeezing her tongue. Although she now had reached her goal and Velasca had stopped whipping the former regent, the bard did not cease her ministrations just yet. She just could not suppress her urge to drink every last drop of pussy juice, bringing Ephiny to a second climax along the way. Only then did the bard stop.

Of course, Velasca had watched every reaction very closely. She was actually quite impressed with Gabrielle’s technique. Either Xena had taught her well or all that tongue waggling as a bard was paying off. Well, just the better, since it fit nicely with her plans. She ordered some amazons to untie Ephiny and carry her back to her cell, where she was locked up. Then she looked down at the bard and smirked. Gabrielle’s face was covered in pussy juices; she still sat there looking dazed. At the same time, the goddess felt the anticipation in the crowd around her rise. A lot of them were aware of the next step in her plan. And those that were, were looking forward to it. After all, she had picked them for a reason. Especially one of her favourites, Arianna, was now standing close by. Velasca started to speak.

“Okay, Gabrielle, I think we now have clearly established that I am queen of the amazons. You are not strong enough nor worthy enough for such a position. Actually, there are not many positions you would be worthy for in this nation. Two, to be precise. And one of them, the whipping post, is already taken by Ephiny.”

Velasca smirked cruelly, then continued.

“So, I will be giving you the other position, one you just seem to be made for: The amazon nation whore. Your official title will be “slut”. You will always be naked, since I want you to be ready whenever I plan to use you. Tonight, I will start a proper training, but right now we want to celebrate. And since I am a fair queen, everybody should have a chance to take part. So, for the next few hours, you will satisfy each and every amazon in this nation, whichever way they want. Be it your pussy, mouth or ass, they may take you, fuck you or just have you eat them out. Or even humiliate you; there will be just one condition, no permanent damage on my property. Some droplets of blood won’t be a problem, but any serious injury and I will punish the offender personally.”

Velasca looked at every amazon around her, while Gabrielle gaped with an open mouth at her. The bard was completely stunned, could not believe this was happening. The goddess finally ended her speech with a triumphant shout.

“So let the gangbang begin!”

Velasca took a seat on her throne, while her captains organised the crowd. It had already been decided who would be first and in which order everyone else would get their go at the bard. Many amazons seemed almost as surprised as Gabrielle, but others were obviously prepared. Arianna was the first one to step towards the bard. Around her hips and thighs, she now had a harness with a big wooden phallus.

“Hi, slut! So now you know, why I was looking forward to our next meeting. How do you like my tool? I intend to bury all of its nine inches inside your dirty asshole.”

Gabrielle cringed at the words. Luckily her asshole at least was not virgin, of course not with a very creative and experienced lover like Xena. But this phallus would be the biggest object by far to ever have entered her backdoor, Xena most of the time just used a finger or something equally small. But there was no escape from it now. Gabrielle got up on all four on Arianna’s command. From her throne, Velasca watched the exchange with great amusement. She decided to add a further humiliation for the bard.

“Oh, Gabrielle, my slut, remember to thank each of your customers properly. After all, they are doing you a favour by allowing you to show your slutty nature.”

“Yes, My Queen, I will thank them.” Gabrielle answered blushing.

Arianna had now taken position behind Gabrielle. With her left, she lined up the phallus at Gabrielle’s asshole. The other arm she used to get a good grip around Gabrielle’s hips. Then she started pushing. The bard tried to relax her anus, but the phallus was so big, it just did not seem to fit. Arianna though was not to be denied. She increased her force and slowly, and also very painfully, the wooden phallus started to enter. Gabrielle felt like she was split open, but still she tried to relax. And the scout proved to be stronger than she looked. Almost two inches of the phallus were already buried in Gabrielle’s ass. But now the widest part of it had reached the ring of muscles. Arianna tensed and then pushed again with full force. Gabrielle cried out in pain, when at last the scout succeded and managed to advance almost three more inches. More than half of the phallus was now inside the bard. And while it was still painful, it was much easier to cope with than before. Arianna now met less resistance and with steady progress the phallus was soon buried to the hilt in Gabrielle’s ass.

Arianna took a very short break; then she leaned even closer into the bard and used her now free hand to fondle Gabrielle’s clit. Next, she slowly pulled the phallus back about one inch, before pushing in again. She repeated this motion, but with a slightly further range. That way, she slowly created a rhythm and was soon pumping the phallus steadily in and out. Gabrielle’s feelings started to change now as well. The fingers on her clit felt very good and the movement in her ass was no longer really painful. She was becoming aroused and the feeling of those big soft breasts pressed into her back was adding to it quite nicely. Even the knowledge of being fucked before an audience, in front of the whole amazon nation, added to the thrill. She was a bard, after all. Performing for an audience was in her blood. Maybe Velasca was right about Gabrielle being a slut. Most people would be embarrased in her situation, not excited.

And she was now very excited! Arianna still fucked her with those deep, steady strokes, while her fingers constantly switched between rubbing her clit and pinching it. Gabrielle’s arousal climbed higher and higher, till she fell over the peak and a massive climax washed through her body. Soon after, Arianna’s time was up and she let the phallus slip out of Gabrielle’s ass.

“Thank you, Arianna, for making me come.”

“Anytime, slut, anytime.”

Although she was rather exhausted, Gabrielle had remembered Velasca’s orders. She did blush though, while she said her thanks. She had held her head down, while she spoke, so she did not spot the reactions of the other amazons. Unlike Velasca, who was well aware of a mood shift. With her words the bard had shocked many of her former allies. They probably still adored her, but by admitting to have come she had been showing an incredible weakness. Gabrielle had been taken like a bitch in heat and yet she got off on it. A lot of the amazons now had to doubt her power and therefore her leadership abilities.

The next amazon stepping up to Gabrielle was wearing a phallus as well, but she went a more conventional route and fucked her in her pussy. She was neither as beautiful nor as good as Arianna, but with going for Gabrielle’s pussy she had no problem in getting her off as well. She got the same thanks as Arianna. The third one simply lifted her skirt and sat down in front of the bard. She wanted her to lick her pussy. Gabrielle complied thankfully, since this gave her the chance to recover a litle bit. And the pussy actually tasted very good, kind of salty. Gabrielle managed to give this amazon three orgasms in her alotted time slot.

“Thank you, for letting me have a taste of your pussy.”

Gabrielle’s words of thanks were meant quite truthfully. Another amazon stepped up and then another and another. Only short breaks were allowed to drink some water, since Gabrielle had to replace her fluids, and one slightly longer to eat, to keep up her strength. After a while, Gabrielle lost count of how many times she had come or how many amazons she had to service. Near the end, she had only very few little orgasms herself, though she almost always managed to give one, if that was her task.

All afternoon, Velasca had watched the spectacle, enjoying it immensely. She had seen Gabrielle being fucked in every hole several times and having to lick countless pussies. Twice, she even had to rim an asshole. The ones fucking Gabrielle were mostly her captains, while other amazons in general preferred to be eaten instead. Velasca was not surprised by this observation. She had been chosing her captains mostly for being aggressive and dominant. So naturally they went for a more active role with the slut as well. With a gesture she motioned a group of amazons with buckets full of water into the center. They all emptied them over the bard. Velasca rose to her feet.

“Now that the slut is clean, she may crawl to my hut. It’s my turn for having some fun again.”

“Thank you, My Queen,” Gabrielle said and followed Velasca on all four.

Inside, the goddess picked something up from the table and then sat down on her large bed. From her position down on the floor Gabrielle could not see it, but the evil glint in Velasca’s eyes made her weary. The amazon now addressed her.

“Okay, slut. Your first task every night will be to thank me for being your queen. You will kneel in front of me and properly kiss both my boots.”

“Yes, My Queen.”

Gabrielle crawled closer and knelt before the goddess. Then she bent down and kissed both boots near the tip, taking her time. She felt still weary and did not want to anger Velasca right now.

“Good. Tonight, you actually have another reason to thank me, since I have got a present for you. And it wasn’t cheap, I can tell you that.”

Velasca lifted the item in her hand and Gabrielle realised it was a collar, made from some kind of dark metal and with several shiny rings attached to it.

“This collar will mark you as my slut. Do you accept it?”

Gabrielle gulped. She had a very bad feeling about it, but she could not really see another option. Obviously Velasca wanted to humiliate her even further. But after all that had already happened that day, could it really be worse? Velasca could simply strike her down, after all, if she refused.

“Yes, My Queen. I accept it.”

“Beg me for it, slut.”

Gabrielle did not dare to hesitate.

“Please, My Queen. Please, make me your slut and put that collar around my neck. Please!”

A very dark smirk crossed Velasca’s face.

“Well, since you ask so nicely, slut, I will do it.”

Velasca opened the collar at one side and put it around Gabrielle’s neck. Then she laughed evilly.

“Have you looked at it closely? There in the front it says “Amazon Slut”.”

Gabrielle blushed. She could not really see it from this angle, but when she trailed the collar with her finger, she could at least feel the engraving.

“By the way, the necklace is made by Hephaistos, from his special metal. It is indestructable. No human being can break it or remove it. You will be marked as my slut for the rest of your life.”

Gabrielle’s heart sank, but more blows were soon to follow.

“And the best part is, even as a goddess, I couldn’t have forced this collar on you. A part of its magic is, you had to ask me for it yourself. But now that you did, it accepts my ownership over you and only opens, if I command it. And also, as your owner, I will always know exactly where the collar is and therefore, where you are. So, escape is no longer an option for you. And as I said, it wasn’t cheap. Only when I promised to keep you away from a certain Warrior Princess, did I manage to acquire it.”

Now utter despair flooded the bard. Of course, this meant Ares was involved and Xena would have big problems of her own. It could take a very long time till she would arrive for the rescue. Nobody else even knew she was here. And it was all her own fault. Velasca was right. Gabrielle had begged her to be her slut. And she really was a slut. Had she not been getting off all afternoon, she would not have been so exhausted and maybe alert enough to not fall for this trap.

Velasca looked at her miserable face and laughed in evil triumph. Even without her godly mindreading ablities she would have known exactly what the bard just thought. Though she did not bother to tell Gabrielle how the collar also increased those abilities. Even in some situations, where before she might have had problems reading Gabrielle’s mind, like when she was in a huge crowd or under the protection of another god, the message would now be clear and loud.

“Well, enough of all this talk, slut. From now on, you only have two purposes in life: One, to serve your queen and her nation. And two, to be fucked. Let’s start with number one, slut. You just got a present from your queen, so ...?”

A small gesture was enough for Gabrielle to understand. She bent forward and startet to kiss Velasca’s boots.

“It was a big present, so you might lick them clean all around, while you are it, slut.”

Gabrielle did not even hesitate. She opened her mouth further and started licking, first the left one from bottom to top, then the other one.

“That is enough, slut. Good job, but now you will need your tongue elsewhere.”

“Yes, My Queen, thank you.”

Velasca spread her legs further and revealed her bare pussy to Gabrielle.

“You may begin, slut.”

“Yes, My Queen.”

First, she brought her face close to the pussy and breathed in deeply. The smell was heavenly. She kissed the right thigh, then the left and repeated this, always moving a tiny bit closer. Once she had reached the outer parts of the vulva, she switched tactics. With one bold stroke, she licked the whole length of Velasca’s pussy, from deep in her crack to the very top. The taste of the pussy juice was even better than the smell. She almost felt rejuvinated from this experience. Gabrielle did not know that this feeling was real. Velasca was a goddess. Her godly essence was in every part of her. So even in her juices was a tiny bit of it. And even this tiny bit was enough to bring back a little of her strength. Velasca of course was aware of this, but she did not mind. Quite the opposite, actually. An always fit Gabrielle would make her a better sex toy and there was also a chance of the bard getting addicted to it. All the better to keep her in line.

Gabrielle meanwhile was sucking at Velasca’s pussy lips. She slurped at them noisily. The more juices Gabrielle drank, the fitter she felt. She switched her target and licked around Velasca’s clit. Around and around, first one way, then the other, constantly changing directions. Gabrielle felt the amazon buck up against her. The goddess was obviously already close to an orgasm. So, the bard now stiffened her tongue and tried to fuck Velasca as deep as possible with it. Only moments later the amazon tensed and a strong climax took her. Gabrielle was excited that she had been able to satisfy this powerful goddess.

“Really not bad, slut,” Velasca said moments later.

“Thank you, My Queen.”

Gabrielle was secretly thrilled with the praise.

“Don’t stop, slut. I am a goddess and have unlimited stamina.”

Gabrielle did not wait to get her next taste of the goddess. She really was good, so in no time she had Velasca going again. Soon the next orgasm was rolling through Velasca. All in all, Velasca only stopped her after her eighth climax. Every time, Gabrielle used a slightly different approach to it. Twice she had come herself, just from tasting the goddess and the whole erotic situation. But despite this workout, Gabrielle was now completely recovered and felt as fresh as after just getting up this morning. Of course, Velasca was also still at full strength. She looked down at Gabrielle.

“Let’s get to purpose number two, slut. It’s time for you to experience, what it is like to be fucked by a goddess.”

“Yes, My Queen.”

Gabrielle felt thrills running through her body. Now that she was no longer exhausted, she was sure the powerful goddess would bring her to new heights of pleasure. Of course, she was still aware that Velasca was her enemy and that she should not enjoy having sex with her. Especially while her soulmate and lover, Xena, was in danger, too. But then again, she did not really have a choice, did she? Neither did she ask for it. And was it not better to be fucked than to be whipped like Ephiny? With those thoughts Gabrielle managed to silence her conscience. A good bard is able to convince anybody, even herself.

Velasca chuckled inwardly, since she followed every thought. The bard could not know that she was in no danger at all of getting killed. Velasca was well aware that Gabrielle was a favourite of at least one other goddess, probably even more. Killing Gabrielle could alert them and Velasca did not want any intervention at this stage. Keeping the bard alive promised to be much more fun, anyway. And that part about asking? Well, she would see to that later.

Velasca now ordered Gabrielle to move onto the bed.

“I will start by fucking you doggy style. I think that position represents your personality quite nicely.”

Gabrielle blushed, but did not really reject the remark. And she could not hide her eagerness, either, as she took her position. When Velasca knelt behind her, she had her own strap-on phallus around her hips. The advantage of a goddess, she could put it on just using her magic. The bard looked back and gulped. The phallus was huge, almost 11 inches long and more than two inches wide at the thickest part. Velasca moved the phallus up and down Gabrielle’s pussy, lubricating it with her juices. Then she took a strong grip of the bard’s hair with her left, to use them as reins. With her other hand she took aim at Gabrielle’s pussy and simply pushed. And now came a show of her true strength. Breaking any resistance the bard’s body might pose without ever slowing down, Velasca forced the phallus in to the hilt with just one mighty push. Gabrielle cried out in ecstasy. The goddess had managed to hit all the right spots while entering her. And never before the bard had felt as deliciously full. It was incredible.

Velasca used her now free right hand to alternately fondle Gabrielle’s breasts and clit. She knew just the right mixture between strength and softness to push up Gabrielle’s pleasure even further. The bard was already so aroused, she felt close to climaxing. And the goddess had not even started fucking her. But now she did. First there came a number of short, hard strokes. Then she pumped her deeper and slower. Every so often she would change her rhythm and each time Gabrielle’s arousal would increase by another magnitude. She was now meeting each push with a backwards thrust of her own, at the same time praising the goddess with every stroke. And she was a beautifully erotic sight, her head pulled back, her eyes closed in ecstasy, her mouth slightly open, her skin glistening with sweat. When she wasn’t shouting Velasca’s name, she was moaning. The goddess now pinched her clit almost painfully, Gabrielle was so close, and her queen just - stopped any movement. The bard opened her eyes in surprise and shock. Then Velasca spoke with a very calm voice.

“You know, slut, we should think of Xena, your wife and lover. This is kind of a betrayal, isn’t it? So why don’t we just stop here and end the night? ... Or you could beg me to go on and fuck your brains out, just like the slut you are, all through the night. It is your decision, my lovely slut, and yours alone. You either beg me to fuck and own you or you can be faithful to your wife. No problem for me. I would just ask Arianna to come and fuck her right on this bed and in front of your eyes. She has beautiful breasts, hasn’t she? Maybe I would use my phallus, now coated with your juices, and push it between those breasts, while squeezing them with both hands.”

The first mention of Xena’s name had a wave of guilt rise up in the bard. But then each follwing sentence conjured up the most erotic images in her mind. Velasca’s deep seductive voice, her dark alluring power inflamed Gabrielle’s desire. She wanted to be taken by the goddess, submit to her completely, be owned by her. Of course, the bard still loved Xena, but at this moment, in her inner core she was a wanton slut, driven by her lust. Right now, she could not imagine any feeling ever to be better than the feeling of being fucked by Velasca. And if Xena really loved her, she would not deny her this feeling, would she? She would want Gabrielle to be fucked by the powerful goddess and experience elysia on earth, wouldn’t she? And of course, when Xena came to rescue her, the bard would make it up to her. With what she learned today alone, their sex would be so much better. The thoughts of everything she did today enhanced her arousal. Quickly the desire overrode any last feelings of guilt and she started begging.

“Please, My Queen, fuck me! I am yours, your slut, your toy. Do whatever you want with my body, but, please, fuck me.”

“So, slut, let me get this straight, you want to be fucked by me more than anything? Submitting to your queen is your deepest desire, even stronger than your love for Xena?”

“Yes, My Queen! Please take me with all your power.”

And Velasca did. Soon Gabrielle saw lights before her eyes, when she was crashed by one overwhelming climax after the other. There was nothing she could compare this experience to. It was as if her mind was blown away and just left her in a ball of pure lust and pleasure. And she knew, she wanted to feel it again, desperately. Luckily for her, this was also the plan of the goddess. This time, she had Gabrielle on her back, with her legs spread high in the air. It took even less time to bring Gabrielle to a series of powerful orgasms, which had her almost blackout from sheer ecstasy.

Afterwards the goddess blinked and wished aside the phallus and all her clothes. For the first time, Gabrielle saw her completely naked. The bard was in awe at this perfect body, toned and muscular, but still all woman. She was ordered to worship it with her mouth. The bard nipped, licked, and sucked on every square inch of naked skin. A quarter of a candlemark she just spent on the feet, especially sucking on every single toe, and licking between them. Half a candlemark she needed for the breasts. They were gorgeous; soft, but standing proud, with dark purple nipples. Gabrielle sucked on them more eagerly than a hungry baby. In the end, the nipples were as hard as pebbles. At last, she came to the center of Velasca’s beauty, her pussy. Reverently she thanked the goddess, then started to lick it. The taste seemed even better than the first time. Gabrielle used all her knowledge and techniques to please the goddess as much as possible. And she managed to bring Velasca to a whole series of orgasms, which had her shout in ecstasy. Again, she also came herself from just watching it.

Finally, Velasca stopped her. Gabrielle was now refreshed again, so she would be receptive again for more fucking from the goddess. Gabrielle lost count completely of how many times and how many ways she had come. She remembered afterwards that Velasca had also taken her in the ass and she had not just used the phallus. Several times she had her whole hand in Gabrielle’s pussy and fisted her. During their session, Gabrielle learned to accept a certain amount of pain, but it was always overridden with pleasure quite fast anyway. After they were finished, Velasca had her crawl into one corner of the room, where a chain was fastened to the wall, which Velasca attached to her collar. There the bard stayed for the rest of the night, completely soaked in sweat and cum. The goddess had one last message for her, before leaving.

“You have done well, slut. I was quite happy with the day, so I have decided to share this happiness with all my amazons. The gangbang you had today? We will repeat it tomorrow. It will be part of your daily routine from now on. So, what do you say?”

“Thank you, My Queen.”

One month later

Gabrielle could not suppress a moan. She was bent over a table, with two fingers of Solari’s right hand buried deep inside her pussy. The former head scout was fucking her expertly. Gabrielle had already climaxed once from her teasingly slow strokes, alternated with a hard, fast pumping motion, but she was sure she would be getting at least another orgasm from their session. Solari had always had a name as a womanizer, but this was the first time Gabrielle got to experience those skills on her own body. In all their other sessions before, it had been Gabrielle licking Solari’s pussy.

In her subconscious - as her conscious was too busy coping with all those pleasure signals right now - she was aware that this meant a turning point. Nobody had dared to challenge Velasca directly by completely refusing to participate in the daily gangbang sessions. But all her old friends had shown their support by not actively fucking Gabrielle, their former queen. Instead, they always made Gabrielle lick them. Velasca probably had been aware of this, but never mentioned it. After all, everybody agreed on her great oral skills. Even Arianna, now Velasca’s favourite and second in command, called Gabrielle the greatest pussy-licker in history. At first, the group of Gabrielle’s supporters had been quite large, but over the weeks it had thinned out. One by one, they had switched sides and fucked her one way or the other. After Eponin, the former weapons master, had taken her yesterday in an incredible display of her strength (she had been standing on a table, holding the bard in her powerful arms, and moving her up and down on her strap-on), Solari had been the last one left of Gabrielle’s supporters. But now this same Solari brought her to a glorious climax, washing even her sub-concious thoughts away and leaving only satisfaction in its wake.

All of this was also watched by Velasca. Her smile was very evil, since everything went exactly as she had expected and planned. At first, most amazons outside Velasca’s group of captains were shocked at the thought of a gangbang of their former queen. More so, even, than at the whipping of the regent. Only Velasca’s godly powers suppressed a stronger negative reaction then. But now, after weeks of doing it, the shockvalue had faded away for the most part. Secretly, many of them actually loved taking part in the gangbang. For two reasons, one, because they all adored Gabrielle and it was their only chance to fuck the gorgeous bard. And two, despite their love for the young queen, many had been a bit fed up with Gabrielle’s selfrightousness and holier-than-thou attitude. So, seeing her now like this, felt like a bit of cosmic karma.

One of Gabrielle’s former supporters, after fucking the bard for the first time, had said to a group of friends: “She was a great queen, but I have to admit, she is an even greater slut.”

At the time, Velasca did not show anyone she had heard it. But later that day she gave the amazon an extra promotion.

In the center, it was now Arianna’s time for a session with the bard. The order in which they took on Gabrielle was changed daily, to give everybody a chance to fuck her early, when she was still fresher and more receptive. Today Arianna had Gabrielle suck on her breasts. The whole audience was cheering, when she managed to make her come just from breastplay. That was another big sign of the changing attitude. Watching the gangbang had really become the fun part of the day for the amazons, where all members of the nation were united. It was a bit like the gladiator games those romans loved to stage, only much more erotic. And the audience was now always cheering when Gabrielle showed in great form or the amazon doing the session had an especially creative idea. Like the amazon who attached reins to Gabrielle’s collar and rode her like a pony. It was a real crowd pleaser and had been repeated several times since then. Or when Arianna had the bard kneel down before her and then pissed on her. That one was Velasca’s favourite session, not just since it was so extremely humilating, but also because she would have never thought of it herself. After all, as a goddess, she did not have to piss any longer or any of those other lower human body functions.

The gangbang was not the only part of the first day, which had become a routine. Velasca had kept almost all of it. First, she would have Gabrielle challenging her in a duel. Of course, it always ended the same way, with Velasca bringing her down and forcing her to yield. Afterwards, the goddess would also always fuck Gabrielle with her own staff. She just loved to take Gabrielle with the staff that symbolised her amazonian status. All of this was meant to constantly humiliate the bard and to destroy the confidence completely - her own, but also the confidence other amazons might still have in her. And it worked very well; her moment of yielding came faster each day, since she did no longer have the old will to fight. Of course, after a month the lack of training might also start to take its toll. Together with the special blow she planned to deliver to Gabrielle’s ego, or what was left of it, later today, Velasca was almost sure, tomorrow the bard would not even fight any more and yield directly.

The next part was also always the same, Gabrielle licking Ephiny’s pussy while she was whipped by Velasca. The main purpose here was to mess with the former regent. And she progressed just like the goddess had hoped. Her love for Gabrielle had been steadily rising, so much so, that the pain from the whipping was now mixed with the pleasure from her orgasms and both were deeply connected. She would have problems from now on to experience one without the other. Well, Velasca had always suspected her to be a secret pain slut, ever since she got that brat from a centaur. All of Ephiny’s thoughts were now constantly revolving around Gabrielle, the bard was her everything. She would do anything for her and her fall, once that connection was cut, would be even deeper. And of course, it had also an effect on her feelings for the person who ordered Gabrielle to lick her. Without Ephiny realising it herself, her hatred for Velasca had largely morphed into thankfulness.

After the whipping it was always the gangbang. The difference today was that Ephiny was not locked in her cell, but chained to the throne and forced to watch it with Velasca. Currently, one of Velasca’s captains was fucking Gabrielle doggy style in the asshole. She was one of the amazons who had now some more experience with fucking the bard, since Velasca had started to sometimes invite guests to her night sessions. Of course, this honor was only given to her favourites. The one joining them most regularly was Arianna, especially after that golden shower over the bard. Velasca liked to have them take Gabrielle from both sides, having her thrown back and forth from the power of their strokes. That worked also quite well, when she was fucked from behind, while she had to eat the other one’s pussy. Her tongue was driven extra deep in the vagina, when she got that push from behind. Once they even managed to bring the bard off by Arianna fucking her with one breast. The bard had her mouth busy with rimming Velasca’s asshole at that time, so her cries of pleasure were slightly muffled, but still impossible to overhear. Well, those breasts were gorgeous, even Velasca loved to suck on them, while her pussy was licked by the bard.

Five days ago, they even had a special captain’s night at Velasca’s hut. It was in celebration of her reigning as their queen for two months. They had been taking turns to fuck the bard, when Arianna came up with another of her great ideas. They had a speed fucking contest, the one who would get her off the in the shortest amount of time would win. To give them an equal playing field, Velasca was sitting on Gabrielle’s face and had her lick her pussy the whole time, so that her juices kept the bard constantly at full strength. Of course, Arianna won herself. She knew Gabrielle’s pussy so well by now, she always hit just the right spots. As her price, the bard had to lick her pussy. Everyone had agreed on that price, since Gabrielle was just so incredibly good at eating pussy. Next, Velasca herself gave a show, by fucking Gabrielle in her asshole and with the captains sitting around them and watching. They all were practically drooling at the end and most of them had come just from watching their queen in all her glory.

Since they were all so turned on, they tried to have Gabrielle get as many of them off at the same time as possible. Arianna fucked Gabrielle from below in her asshole, while another captain went for her pussy. Velasca knelt above Gabrielle to get her pussy licked again. The others stretched out Gabrielle’s arms and legs and used her fingers and toes as sort of living dildos to masturbate with. It took a bit of time until they got the coordination right, but in the end, everybody got at least one orgasm from it. Yes, having Gabrielle as their slut was great for the morale.

Velasca’s musings were interrupted by cheering. Her captain had just managed to grant Gabrielle a triple orgasm. She turned to Ephiny and talked to her in a low voice.

“You saw, what she just did to Gabrielle?”

Ephiny simply nodded, since she was still gagged, as always.

“If you think that is hard for the bard, wait till the end. After every one of these amazons has taken Gabrielle, I will whip her. I will whip her long and hard.”

Ephiny’s eyes widened and she shook her head vehemently.

“Relax, since I am in a good mood, I will give you a chance to help her, just like she helps you every day. Not the same way, since I believe, you would prefer to spare her the whipping completely.”

Ephiny nodded vigorously.

“Okay. You will fuck her with a strap-on, in her asshole. And I want to see you doing it with full force.”

Velasca saw how torn Ephiny was. She had to decide between causing Gabrielle a lot of pain herself or Velasca causing her an inhuman amount of pain. The former regent could not know how used Gabrielle was to all of this. After a month of being fucked constantly and in any conceivable way, her asshole and pussy were loosened considerably.

Velasca spoke again.

“Take your time, you don’t have to decide immediately. But when the last five amazons are through, I will look at you and ask. Then you can either refuse, or you can say that yes, you want to fuck her in the asshole. Understood?”

Ephiny nodded. Velasca removed the gag, but reminded her only to speak when she was asked. When the last amazons were finished, Velasca stood up and stepped next to the kneeling bard. She took a position which had Gabrielle with her back to the throne and Ephiny, while she faced her.

“Amazons, it is now one month since I made the former queen Gabrielle my slut; actually, all our slut. Today, there is one more sister I will ask: Ephiny, what do you want to do?”

It had not taken the former regent long to decide. She had to shield Gabrielle from the whipping, no matter the cost. Even if she had to cope with a furious Warrior Princess later, Gabrielle had to be protected. Her voice was steady.

“I want to fuck her in her asshole.”

The former regent had been isolated all this time. She was always locked up, except for the whippings, and gagged most of the time. The only ones guarding her were loyal supporters of Velasca. So Ephiny had no idea of the changes of the last month and what her words would mean to Gabrielle, who knew nothing about Velasca’s threat of whipping her. Her face fell instantly, while Ephiny moved closer with the strap-on Arianna had handed her. Velasca meanwhile looked on in utter amusement. For Gabrielle it now looked as if the one last person whom she could consider an ally in the village had just joined the gangbang willingly. And with Ephiny announcing she wanted to fuck Gabrielle in the asshole, it must seem to the bard as if her former regent had completely joined Velasca’s camp.

And even worse, this also made her one last selfless act meaningless. Even if it was a bit twisted, licking Ephiny’s pussy each day had been the one time she could help somebody else by her own decision. Accepting the challenge was for herself and everything else she did she was just ordered to do. Velasca watched all of this and smiled in inner triumph. The bard was somebody who always needed a purpose in life. For the last three years, that purpose had been to help people. With that taken away from her, there was only one option left. Soon her sole purpose in life would be to serve her queen. She would be a willing slut forever.

Completely unaware of all this, Ephiny fucked Gabrielle.