Xena: Return of the Prodigal

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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 216
Joined: 1 year ago

Return of the Prodigal

By Vega Taxeca

This story does contain graphic descriptions of sex between women.

I do not own Xena - the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I do not make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.

The story takes place at the end of the season one episode “The Prodigal”. It starts, when Gabrielle made her pole vault over the cart with logs, but then takes a completely different route (assuming somebody other than Xena met her there).

Pride welled up in Gabrielle. She had just managed to vault over the cart with logs and avoided to be maimed by it. Suddenly she remembered the thugs were still there. But just as she whirled around, she heard a war cry and the sounds of fighting. A female warrior had come to her rescue and attacked the whole group of thugs at once. The bard could see long blond hair and a dark leather-armor, which revealed quite a lot of her toned, slender body. The woman fought ferociously. Before Gabrielle could help her, she had killed all her opponents with quick, brutal sword strikes. The bard could not really fault her for it, they were criminals, but decided to maybe later question her about it. With her skill, she surely could have caught at least some of them alive.

The warrior turned to her.

“Hi, Gabrielle, is everything okay?”

Gabrielle could now see a beautiful, elven-like face and brown eyes. Though she thought she detected a cruel streak in them.

“Yes, thank you. Do I know you?”

“No, but I do know a certain Warrior Princess. She would have checked on you herself, but there were some problems further east with an army, pillaging the villages and so on, so she had to go there quickly. Therefore, I get the pleasure to meet you. My name is Callisto.”

“Nice to meet you, Callisto.”

Gabrielle was pleased to learn that Xena had wanted to check on her. Of course, she would have preferred to meet her now, but she completely understood the Warrior Princess. She could not leave those villages undefended; Gabrielle would not have wanted her to do anything else. And it would be a good chance to meet somebody from Xena’s past. This woman seemed genuinely pleased to see the bard. So much so, it almost seemed to Gabrielle as if she had checked her out. Gabrielle was well aware of the possibility of women loving each other. Not only was she an amazon princess (and you could not stay for any length of time in their village without noticing it), but she had exchanged some fumbling kisses with girls from her own village. She had liked those kisses more than any she had shared with her fiancée, Perdicas, which was one of the reasons for leaving. Gabrielle was also well on her way to develop a major crush on Xena, if not more. But she had not found a way yet to share her feelings with the Warrior Princess. She really did not want to risk their friendship.

In the meantime, Callisto had cleaned her sword and was now ready to move on.

“I have got a horse behind the ridge. Let’s get it and move on. There is still a bit of daylight left we can use for travelling.”

Of course, the bard was soon bombarding the other woman with questions, while they walked together. Callisto was not as monosyllabic as Xena, but she did not talk too much about their past. She only mentioned a skirmish on a village, where she had met Xena for the first time, so she obviously knew her from her time as a warlord. She also asked Gabrielle several questions about her family and her relationship with Xena, as well as giving praise for her jump over the cart. Gabrielle blushed, but she was also quite proud. It felt good to be acknowledged by such an accomplished warrior.

“Yeah, well, it was a sudden idea. I am glad it worked out.”

“So, do you feel a bit buzzed from the excitement? You still look a little bit flushed.”

Gabrielle blushed a bit deeper. It was true. She was still feeling it, and somehow it felt even more pronounced in the company of this beautiful woman. She nodded shyly, without looking at the other woman.

“Don’t worry, that’s natural. I feel it myself as well after the fight. It’s nothing that can’t be taken care of one way or the other.”

When the bard looked at Callisto, she winked at her with a slight smirk. Gabrielle decided not to acknowledge it, but she felt suddenly a bit warmer inside. It almost seemed as if Callisto was flirting with her. Later, when they found the horse, Callisto started to ride next to the walking Gabrielle. She was not as stoical as Xena, but she had the same natural authority and took the lead without question. Gabrielle did not mind though. Xena’s pride and confidence were a big part of why she admired the Warrior Princess, so it was not much different in this situation. And while Callisto left no doubt that she was the boss, she still acknowledged Gabrielle’s skills. For example, she trusted the bard to defend herself, when she rode ahead to scout for a resting place. After her return, she led Gabrielle a bit deeper into the forest, while she explained the situation.

“There is a small spring nearby, so we have fresh water. It’s sheltered, but just in case we will keep watch, since there might be more bandits around. I’ll take the first half of the night. You will do the rest. Are you any good with cooking?”

“Yes, actually I am quite good with it.” Again, the bard felt proud that Callisto would trust her enough to share the watch duty.

“That’s great, since it isn’t really my forte. Use whatever provisions we have, tomorrow we can hunt for fresh stuff. I will check the perimeter, to make sure we are safe here.”

Soon Gabrielle had a little fire going and prepared a stew for them. While she was stirring it with a spoon, she thought she heard some noises, carried over by the light wind. It almost seemed like a voice or like moaning. But she decided to stay with the food. If anybody was out there, Callisto would find them. The warrior seemed to be quite good in what she did. Not long after, the warrior returned. She arrived from that direction and funnily enough, she was sucking on her middle finger. Gabrielle almost asked if she had wounded herself, when suddenly she got the real picture. Callisto looked kind of disheveled, and a bit flushed, she was sucking on her finger and there had been moaning. As she had said earlier, she had taken care of that buzz. She had masturbated! Gabrielle’s own buzz was suddenly back like a vengeance. Images of the beautiful blonde warrior, with her finger up her pussy, invaded her mind. For a moment, she was speechless.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?”

Callisto smirked at Gabrielle and softly closed her open mouth. The bard blushed.

“Erh, nothing, nothing. Erh, dinner is ready.”

“Great, I am suddenly famished.”

More thoughts what activities might be the cause for this popped up in Gabrielle’s mind. And then she had a sudden realization: Callisto had touched her chin with the same finger she had sucked on. So, it was probably also the one, which had been buried in her pussy mere moments before. The bard was now seriously aroused. She wanted to smack herself for not thinking about it earlier. With Callisto now back she could not really do anything about it. Her agitated state had Gabrielle too distracted, so she decided to sleep early. She would need the sleep anyway, since with Xena she was not used to guard duties. After midnight, Callisto woke her up and then disappeared in her own bedroll.

Since nothing else happened, guard duty was rather boring and it did not take long for Gabrielle’s thoughts to return to the evening before. And of course, with those thoughts her arousal was immediately back as well. For a while, the bard tried to suppress her feelings, but it did not work. Images of the beautiful warrior were invading her mind. Callisto’s outfit was very revealing anyway, showing off her great body, so for a bard it was not hard to imagine her completely naked. She would have her legs opened wide, with her finger buried in her pussy. Next followed images of Gabrielle kneeling between those legs, touching the pussy, maybe even tasting it. The bard could not suppress a soft moan. She was now so aroused, she simply had to do something, take matters in her own hands. A quick look made sure Callisto had not moved. She was still asleep. Good, then she would do it, she would get herself off. She would not be a good guard anyway, while she was so distracted.

Slowly Gabrielle pulled her skirt up over her hips. Next, she pushed her right hand under her breeches. She tried to conjure up images of Xena, but her traitorous mind would not cooperate. Again, it was a picture of the blonde warrior that had her blood racing. The slender middle finger, still wet with her juices, was the focus. It moved towards Gabrielle’s mouth, but this time not to close it, but to enter it. Inwardly the bard gave in. She was not in a relationship with Xena, after all, and nobody would ever know it anyway. She imagined to close her lips around the finger and to softly suck on it. She wondered what it might taste like. Her index finger slowly teased her own labia. She dipped it between the lips for a moment, then she pulled it back completely. Gabrielle brought the glistening finger to her mouth and licked it clean. In her fantasy, it was Callisto’s finger. And in her fantasy, it was also Callisto’s finger moving back to her pussy.

Gabrielle opened her eyes and looked at the blonde warrior to use the image in her fantasy. But the moment her eyes locked on Callisto, she gasped and stopped all her movements. The blonde had her eyes open and was watching the bard with a filthy smirk. Gabrielle blushed deep red and quickly pulled her hand back before dropping the skirt.

“Nice show. You don’t have to stop on my account. I was enjoying it.”

Gabrielle blushed even deeper, although that seemed almost impossible. She did not say a word and hid her face behind her strawberry blonde hair. Callisto laughed and turned around.

“Okay, I understand, no more show. It’s a pity, but good night.”

Gabrielle only mumbled an answer. It took her a while to recover enough from her mortification to look up. It seemed the warrior was already asleep again. But the bard was no longer in the mood for some pleasure, despite having missed out on a release. The embarrassment had simply been too much. The rest of the night passed without incident. Early next morning, Callisto woke up and joined the bard. Gabrielle’s embarrassment returned, but the warrior managed to ease it. She patted the bard lightly on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay. As I said yesterday, this is completely natural. But if it helps, I will give you some privacy when you feel the need. I still think it is a pity, since you were beautiful last night, even more beautiful than usual. But I understand and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable in my company.”

These soothing words had the bard calm down. She reminded herself that Callisto could not know she had been the star in her fantasy. She was also pleased with the compliment Callisto had paid her. Again, the warrior had been quite genuine with her praise. Gabrielle thanked her and soon they had a light breakfast cooking. After the meal they returned to the road. Again, Callisto was riding. Sometimes she left the bard behind to scout the area, but mostly they were moving side by side and talking. Of course, it was mostly the bard talking. Gabrielle did not realize how much she revealed about herself and Xena, without getting much information back. Shortly after noon Callisto stopped and turned to Gabrielle.

“There is a little lake behind that hill. There should be some easy game to replenish our provisions. I think we should stop there for a lunch break. We could even go for a little swim. It should be warm enough.”

The bard agreed happily. The cold spring had not been the best place to really wash herself this morning. A warm lake would be ideal. Soon they were eating a rabbit Callisto had caught. Gabrielle used a second one for a stew they could take with them and warm up tonight. Afterwards she cleaned the cooking utensils and put them away. A voice made her turn around.

“Okay, so let’s get wet.”

Callisto had shed all her clothes and moved towards the water line. Gabrielle could just stare. Her bardic imagination had not been too far off, but still it had not really captured the gloriousness of a naked Callisto. The blonde warrior was truly awesome, her nakedness revealing the perfect proportions of her athletic body. The beautiful mounds of her breasts stood proudly erect. They were more than a handful, but not so large to look silly on her slender frame. Her pussy was covered by a light down, just a slightly darker blonde than the rest of her hair. The bard kept watching her till she had reached deeper water. Those feelings from last night were back and blood was rushing towards her nether regions. She quickly shed her own clothes and ran towards the water. She wanted to hide both her arousal as well as her confusion. Callisto simply swam some laps back and forth and the bard followed suit. She was almost disappointed the warrior was not as playful in the water as Xena, who despite her otherwise stoical nature could be quite childlike in or around the water.

After a while, Callisto left the water to climb on a large rock close to the water’s edge. Gabrielle, who just stood in slightly deeper than waste high water, watched her intently. For a few seconds, the warrior stood straight, as if to present her body to an audience. Then she jumped with a perfect header into the water. Gabrielle blinked slowly. The vision of that perfect body had burned itself into her memory. Suddenly Callisto surfaced just a few feet away from her. She looked at Gabrielle and her lips turned up in a grin. She focused pointedly at the bard’s breasts.

“It seems the water is colder than I thought.”

Her voice was almost a purr and her predatory look made it quite clear, she knew Gabrielle’s nipples were not stiff from any cold water. And the attention they were getting made them even harder. Gabrielle held her breath when Callisto stepped closer. She lifted her hand and slowly moved it towards the bard. Finally, she closed two fingers around Gabrielle’s left nipple and rolled it softly around. The bard did not dare to move until Callisto started to speak.

“Nice and hard. When the time is right, I will taste them.”

She dropped it and moved around Gabrielle to leave the water. Only now could the bard breathe again. She did not know what to think. On the one hand, she was disappointed, but on the other she felt relieved. She thought of Xena and how much she loved the Warrior Princess, but she was not sure she could have said no. It did not help that she was not sure about Xena’s inclinations. With Helena she had a feeling of some kind of history between the two of them, but otherwise all her lovers or possible love interests they had met during the past year had been men. Most of them were of the “tall, dark and dangerous” category. So, it was rather doubtful if she could ever love Gabrielle. This was one of the main reasons for the bard to hide her feelings. She awoke from her reverie and realized she still stood in the water. While she moved towards the shore, she saw Callisto watching her unashamedly, while she was drying herself. Soon Gabrielle joined. Despite all the shyness and confusion she still felt, she looked at Callisto. She just had to capture one more glimpse of that beautiful pussy, before it was covered again. She knew it would fuel her buzz even more, but it was almost a need to do so. Gabrielle did not know what the future might hold. But she wanted to be sure to remember it for the rest of her life, just in case.

Soon they were on the road again. Outwardly, nothing had changed. They were still talking animatedly – especially Gabrielle – only interrupted by short scouting trips by the warrior. But Gabrielle was well aware of the change in atmosphere. Every now and then the warrior would shoot her a look that was completely predatory. ‘You are mine, soon I will eat you,’ it said. And Gabrielle shivered by the thought of being eaten by Callisto. What would it feel like to have that lascivious mouth touch her pussy? The bard was now in a state of constant arousal, especially since she still had not got any release. In her conscious mind she tried to deny the inevitable, but it was futile. If Callisto asked her, she would open her legs without hesitation, despite all the feelings she harbored for Xena.

At night, they made camp in another forest. Once a fire was crackling, Gabrielle prepared their leftovers for dinner while Callisto scouted the area. On her return she stated that they should be quite safe and soon they were eating. After they had finished Gabrielle cleaned their bowls and other utensils in a nearby creek. On her return, Callisto stood in the middle of their camp, obviously waiting. She looked at Gabrielle and gave a command, which had the bard’s heart racing.

“Remove my armor, then strip me!”

Gabrielle only hesitated for a few seconds. She stepped closer and did as she was told, starting with the wrist guards. Gabrielle often helped Xena, so she knew how to handle armor. Quickly she had removed it. Next, she helped the blonde warrior with the clothes. Her usually nimble fingers were shaking slightly, which slowed her down a bit, but finally Callisto stood before her, completely naked. The warrior sat down on a log they had used as a seat, before she gave her next command.

“Now it’s your turn. Strip!”

The bard complied only too happily. The situation had her very much aroused, with Callisto’s dominating commands adding to the thrill. Piece by piece Gabrielle shed her clothes, with her usual shyness quickly replaced by an eagerness to please her watcher. She felt desire well up inside her and was only too happy to submit to the blonde warrior. Finally, they both were naked. Gabrielle was aware of the erotic display they would provide. It was enough to start her nipple getting stiff. Callisto looked her up and down, taking in her nakedness. A predatory smile shone on her face. At last, another command followed.

“Kneel between my legs. We will test if your tongue is good for more than just talking. Have you ever tasted a pussy?”

Gabrielle blushed and shyly shook her head no.

“Don’t worry, you will like it. I’ve got a feeling that servicing a strong warrior is just what you were made for. Here, kneel down. I will guide you till you get the hang of it.”

The bard did not hesitate any longer. Soon she was on all four, with her face just inches from Callisto’s pussy. In this position she could smell the warrior’s juices. She liked the distinct aroma. Callisto gripped her hair and pulled the head closer.

“Just lick up and down to get your first taste.”

Gabrielle did as she was told. Slowly she licked up and down several times. She stopped for a few seconds to analyze the taste and realized she loved it even more than the smell. It was a bit salty, but great. She picked up licking again. Callisto started to shift slightly. Obviously, she liked the feeling of the tongue on her pussy. On the warrior’s next instruction, she concentrated on the clit, not only licking it, but also lightly sucking on it. Finally, Callisto ordered her to stiffen her tongue and to push it between the pussy lips.

“Yes, push it inside. Push your tongue deep inside my pussy. There you will find the source of my juices. Try to suck as much of them as possible.”

Gabrielle tried to do just that. She sucked as hard as possible. Callisto was obviously pleased.

“Yes, good girl, use your tongue! You are a natural, just as I thought. Now that you know the basics, go at it! Concentrate all your energy on pleasing me. Even if you drown in my juices, your only thought shall be my pleasure.”

Callisto kept her grip in Gabrielle’s hair, but otherwise let her have free reign. The bard licked, sucked, and sometimes even nibbled. She used her imagination to do as good a job as possible, and as a bard, she had a very vivid imagination. Soon the warrior was writhing from her ministrations. Gabrielle would have never thought she could derive that much pleasure just from giving pleasure. She was extremely wet herself. She had pushed her tongue once again deep inside the neither hole, when suddenly the warrior’s whole body stiffened. Her pussy held Gabrielle’s tongue in a strong grip and a fresh flood of juices washed over the bard. The bard was proud that she had given Callisto not just an orgasm, but such a strong one. After her pussy had let the tongue go, the blonde also released the grip on Gabrielle’s hair. Looking down at the bard with a satisfied smirk, she complemented her.

“Good job, you have a natural talent as a pussy licker.”

The bard blushed. Before she could answer, Callisto had gripped her hair again and pulled her up and closer. The warrior licked across Gabrielle’s face to get a taste of her own juices. Then she kissed her. Her tongue pushed between Gabrielle’s lips and invaded her oral orifice. It was a kiss of possession with which she completely owned the bard. Only lack of oxygen pulled them apart again. Gabrielle had to breathe in deeply several times to recover. She had never been kissed like this before. This was the most sexual moment of her life and she had not even come yet. But as it seemed, Callisto wanted to take care of that point right now. She looked at the bard with that same predatory smile she had shown her before.

“Lay down on the bedroll. It’s time I’ll make you scream.”

Gabrielle quickly followed suit. Her heart was racing; the blood was rushing through her veins, though most seemed to move just in one direction – towards her loins. Callisto joined her on the bedroll. She kissed the bard once more, plundering her mouth again and again. Her right hand slowly moved down along Gabrielle’s side till it reached her thigh. For long moments she simply caressed it, sometimes alternating with a stronger grip. The bard was aflame in anticipation. She knew where this hand was aimed at and could not wait for it to reach its destination. Next, the warrior had her open first one leg and then the other. Gabrielle’s pussy was now openly presented. But instead of reaching for it, Callisto stopped her kisses. She moved her mouth along Gabrielle’s skin till she could taste the breasts – just as she had promised earlier today. The bard had problems to keep up with all the different sensations. But warm lips closing around her stiff nipple, sucking on it, had her almost come.

She was still trying to get used to it, when fingers softly sliding across her pussy had her jump. Her pussy, her breast, the taste of Callisto’s juices still on her lips: it was a sensual overload. It was the finger now slowly entering her pussy which she tried to concentrate on. Her wetness made its entrance quite easy, so that it soon reached the natural barrier. The sucking on her nipple stopped and Gabrielle heard a husky voice whispering in her ear.

“You are still a virgin?”


“Don’t worry. It will only sting for a second. The pleasure will erase the pain quickly.”

Gabrielle simply nodded. She was so aroused; all coherent speech had left her. And the lips back on her nipple had her moan and almost forget everything else. Callisto’s index finger in her pussy was replaced by the middle finger. For several moments she moved it in and out, almost stopping just before the hymen. Gabrielle was now writhing around. She was consumed by lust. Suddenly the finger in her pussy broke through. There was a moment of immense pain, but it was quickly overridden by the pleasure. Callisto resumed pumping and soon the bard was overwhelmed by the strongest orgasm she had ever felt.


The bard screamed in ecstasy. She was just calming down a bit, when she felt the finger move again. And just as fast her arousal was rising. Callisto changed her position and kissed her way down Gabrielle’s abs. Soon her mouth joined her hand at the bard’s pussy and she started to suck on the clitoris. When the juices were flowing even faster, she added a second finger. Still her lips kept sucking on the clit, while she fucked the bard even harder. The strength of her movements had a slight sting return, but in this situation, it was only added fuel for the bard’s desire. Moments later the pleasure overwhelmed her and Gabrielle was in the throes of a second, even stronger climax.

“Yes Callisto! Fuck me, please!”

The bard forgot everything around her. It took several minutes till she regained her senses. Callisto had been lapping her juices as well as some droplets of blood. When she felt Gabrielle stir, she moved back up. She held her right hand close to Gabrielle’s mouth.

“Here, taste yourself. Taste the girl you once were and the woman you have just become.”

The warrior pushed her fingers between Gabrielle’s willing lips. The bard tasted a mixture of her sweet juices and the coppery saltiness of her blood. It gave her an inexplicable thrill. Soon the two women were kissing again, giving Gabrielle another taste of this combo. They simply kept kissing for a while, with the warrior once again dominating their interaction. After a while Callisto pushed the bard on her back. She finally stopped kissing and knelt above Gabrielle’s head.

“It’s time to pay a tribute to the woman who took you. Show me how much you have learned by now. Suck my pussy!”

Once again, the bard felt an extra thrill from the proud confidence, with which the blonde warrior was dominating her. Eager to get another taste of her juices, she started to lick at Callisto’s pussy. Soon she was pushing her tongue as deep inside as possible, tonguefucking the blonde warrior. Every so often she switched to sucking on the clitoris, rolling the little nub between her lips. When Callisto started to buck on her face, she returned to licking, trying to keep as much contact as possible. Finally, the warrior came with a strong orgasm, which had her cry out in pleasure. She rubbed her pussy several times over Gabrielle’s face, almost drowning the bard with her juices. The bard was very proud with her success. Finally, Callisto stopped and looked down at the bard.

“Very good. You really know how to wag your tongue. I think this will be a fun night.”

Gabrielle beamed with pride at the compliment. For several more hours they kept going, with either Gabrielle sucking Callisto’s pussy or the warrior fucking the bard, until the latter had to stop. She was completely exhausted. Her mouth was aching and her pussy was sore. She had lost count how many times she had come. Once again, the warrior was kneeling above her face. When Gabrielle did not move to lick the pussy, Callisto looked down on her and smirked.

“What’s the matter girl, tired?”

Gabrielle simply nodded.

“Well, too bad, I am not as weak as you and I want more. But don’t worry; I will take care of it myself. You will simply provide me with a fuckpad I can ride on.”

Callisto lowered her pussy down and rubbed it all over Gabrielle’s face. Faster and faster, she moved it and soon she came with another strong climax. Still, the bard did not feel any humiliation at being a simple instrument for Callisto’s pleasure. On the contrary, she was turned on by this show of Callisto’s strength and domination. But she was too exhausted to get going again. When she was finished, Callisto lay down next to the bard. Lazily she drew a finger through the juices on her face. She sucked it clean with a smile.

“It was fun, fucking with you. You are very responsive and have a talented tongue. I’d like to keep you as a fucktoy, but we both know it’s not meant to be. But I am sure you will never forget the night I had you scream my name in pleasure, again and again.”

“It was great. Thank you for teaching me how to give pleasure and for making me come so hard.”

“You are welcome. But let’s sleep now.”

Gabrielle mumbled a ‘good night’ and was asleep in seconds. The blonde warrior had completely worn her out. The next day saw them travelling again. The soreness between her legs slowed the bard down a bit, but they were able to cover some ground anyway. Around noon they reached a fork in the road. The warrior stopped and turned to Gabrielle. She bent down and gave her another one of her possessive kisses. The bard opened her mouth willingly for Callisto’s tongue. When the warrior ended the kiss, Gabrielle felt weak in her knees. Again, she saw that filthy smirk on Callisto’s face and was hoping for a repeat performance of last night. But the warrior had something else in mind.

“It’s time to part. I have to move south here. You will follow the other road further east and later today you should meet the Warrior Princes. It’s her you want to be your lover anyway, isn’t it?”

Gabrielle quickly forgot any carnal thoughts and responded honestly.

“Yes, it’s true. But I am not sure if she could love me the way I love her. I am not sure, if she is into women. Her type seems to be mostly ‘tall, dark, and dangerous’ and that’s not really me, isn’t it?”

Callisto laughed out loud.

“Not exactly, no. But I can assure you, Xena likes women as well as men. Since I have known her, she has fucked plenty of women, even more than men.”

Gabrielle slightly winced at the ‘plenty’ comment. Callisto continued.

“But you are correct. ‘Tall, dark, and dangerous’ is one of her favorite types. But there is one type she loves even more. She is drawn by innocence. Therefore, the one type she loves most is a sweet virgin. She loves to deflower them and then slowly train them to pleasure her just the right way. So, if you were still a virgin, you would have a great chance to make the Warrior Princess your lover.”

With a cruel laugh, Callisto kicked her horse and quickly rode away. It took Gabrielle several moments to process these last words. The warrior was already far away, when she understood the situation. If Callisto had told the truth, the bard had just lost the one chance she would have got to become Xena’s lover. And the blonde warrior had destroyed it by fucking Gabrielle. The bard burst out in tears of desperations. She was torn apart by a feeling of great loss, but also by memories of those moments of greatest pleasure she had known last night.
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