SHADOW vs CLAW - The Battle Begins

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Hey All:

This is my first story, but I've been inspried by the great authors on this site. As I said, this is my first effort so please be kind.


SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part I

Deputy Minister Leonid Sklarov returned late to his estate home outside St. Petersburg. Since the free market economy had begun, this had been a regular occurrence. He greeted Nikolai the security man at the front gate and the driver took him to the large oak door at the front entrance. “Good Night, Comrade Minister” said Misha, his driver, “Sleep quickly, you have a 8 a.m. meeting with the Premier!” I know, Misha, he replied, but thank you for reminding me, borscht for brains!” Misha smiled at the name Leonid had called him since they were children. They were the last words he would ever hear from him.

“Olga! I’m home!” he called out. No response. That’s strange, he thought to himself, its nearly 11:00 o’clock and how could she not be here? “Olga, are you here?” he called again more loudly. After again receiving no response to his greeting, he hung his suit jacket on the back of one the 4 chairs at the glass-top table in the breakfast nook of the large kitchen, and walked over to the phone to call Nikolai at the front gate.

He asked him, “Has Mrs. Sklarov returned home yet?” “Da, Comrade Minister, he replied, she has not left the estate since she returned from shopping late this afternoon at 3:10 pm.” "Is there something wrong Comrade Minister? Shall I alert the rest of the security staff?” Sklarov smiled and thought “I can always depend on Nikolai for accurate reports and the typical concern for our safety.” He replied, “No, thank you, Nikolai. She’s probably trying on all the outfits she bought earlier and can’t be bothered to respond. Well, there goes my retirement. Good Night, Nikolai.” He hung up hearing the big security man’s usual deep belly laugh.

Sklarov walked down the long perfectly kept hallway and stopped to check on his children, Alexei and Ludmila. He looked in and saw them, and closed the door. In the darkness, he didn’t notice that both of his children’s eyes were wide open, their mouths contorted in a silent scream. Both of them dead from mauling and exsanguination.

Leonid continued down the hallway to the master suite, opened the double doors, entered and closed the doors behind him. He saw his wife sitting on her favorite piece of furniture, the over sewn burgundy and gold satin settee, imported from India for her last birthday, with the brass reading floor lamp lit, her perfectly styled silver gray hair peeking over the back of the headrest. She’s probably fallen asleep reading one of those decadent romance novels she likes so much, he thought to himself. I’ll just wake her with a kiss. He crossed the ornate Persian rug to the settee. The sight that met his eyes caused his blood to freeze.

His beautiful Olga, his wife of 15 years, was dead. Her lovely blue eyes were open wide, her face ripped across one side and then the other as if by claws. Her mouth, like her children’s, was open in the same silent scream. Her throat had been torn, not by claws, by sharp fangs. She too had been exsanguinated. The final violation to her body was that her torso had been torn open and her heart was gone.

Sklarov backed up, stumbled and fell, weeping. He turned and trembling, picked up the receiver to dial Nikolai, but there was no dial tone. Suddenly, he heard a deep growl behind him and a low, sexy female voice said, “I’m afraid it’s dead, and unfortunately so are you.”Leonid looked down slowly toward the nightstand and knew that the small automatic pistol that Nikolai had given him was still there in the drawer. He put the receiver down on the cradle and said, “How can another human being do this to another? I take it you are responsible for this?” “Yes” the voice replied with a definite smile, “How do you like my handiwork, Comrade?” “Well, someone may choose to reward you with gold, he replied, but I have another metal in mind!”

With a sudden movement, Sklarov quickly extracted the gun from its hiding place and whirled to point it in the direction of the taunting female voice. He hesitated for only a split second. The woman raised her hands in surrender. She was absolutely breathtaking. She wore a two-tone purple bodystocking that covered her from neck to toe, even her hands. The sleek garment fit so tightly it was difficult to distinguish if the woman was indeed wearing a stocking or some kind of body paint.

A purple circlet type belt hung low on her shapely hips and the yellow inserts on it seemed to glow. A mask covered what appeared to be one of the loveliest faces Leonid had ever seen, with openings for her beautiful green eyes, which also seemed to glow dimly with an eerie light, and purple lipstick covered mouth. Her hair was a very dark iron-grey color and was styled in the front as if she had horns. She didn’t seem to have any weapons that he could see. All these observations took a fraction of a second, and Sklarov quickly snapped back to reality.

“Whoever, whatever you are”, Sklarov declared, “now you will pay for my wife’s death!” “Oh, don’t forget the kids, they’re dead too.” the woman replied. She then showed a wicked smile; enjoying the mental torture she was putting him through. Tears welled up in Leonid’s eyes. “Who are you that you could do this? How could you kill 2 innocent children?” “I thought they’d taste good, she replied, “and I was right, they were sooo delicious, mmmmmm.” “You’re insane!” he shouted. “No, she replied, “I’m hungry.” The wicked smile broadened and revealed razor sharp fangs.

The rage he then felt, he’d never experienced before in his life. “Well, then how about a little snack?” He said through his teeth, "How do they say it in the American westerns, ‘Eat lead, sucker!’” Then he pulled the trigger. About 4 or 5 empty clicks later he realized he’d been outwitted. “Comrade Minister, do you really think I wouldn’t have had all the time in the world to search this room and unload your gun?” she asked laughing. “Then why didn’t you kill me when I came in?” he asked.

“And miss the fun of you discovering the aftermath of my feeding, and watching your pain, sorrow and then rage at the fact that there’s nothing you can do about it? Oh no, I couldn’t miss that!” She lowered her hands and stood on the balls of her Lycra covered feet. “Now I think its time for that snack you offered me earlier” she said licking her ample purple lips.

A low purring growl came from deep within her shapely body as she slowly circled him. She backed him toward the bed. Leonid stood nearly a full head taller than she did. She may be a skilled assassin, he thought to himself, but I am Leonid Alexei Sklarov, Deputy Defense Minister of Mother Russia and I’m not going down without a fight! He punched her several times in the face, putting his whole 200-pound weight behind it, but it did no good.

She grasped him by the throat and effortlessly lifted him into the air. “A man in his late fifties and still so feisty? I’m going to enjoy feasting on you!” She threw him 10 feet through the air and into middle of the bed. She then clenched her fists and foot and a half long, razor sharp metal claws unsheathed themselves from the backs of her hands. She then crouched to leap upon him and stopped for an instant and said, “You asked me earlier who I am, call me, Purple Puma and, oh yes, I’m still hungry.” With that she uttered a puma-like scream and pounced on him. Leonid didn’t get the chance to scream.


Please give me any feedback you like. Thanks!
Purple Puma.JPG
Rendering of the Purple Puma on Hero Machine 2.0
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I haven't received any feedback on this story, but here's part 2 anyway:

SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part 2

2 months later….

Tom Densmore stood up from his heavy oak desk and walked to the window to look out on the beautiful view he had of the DC landscape. “I’ve been here 7 months”, he said to himself, “and I still don’t get enough of this view”. His intercom buzzed. “Yes, Joyce?” he answered. “The Chairman is here to see you.” “Jack Grayson? Send him in, by all means, send him in.” Jack walked in the office. He was a distinguished looking black man in his early to mid-fifties, about 6’4”, weighing in at a muscular 225 lbs.

He offered Tom Densmore his hand and said, “Mister President”. President Thomas Quincy Densmore crossed the Oval Office from the window he was gazing out of and greeted Admiral John Henry Grayson, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, by standing at attention and giving a smart salute. “Mr. President, you don’t salute me anymore. I’m no longer your CO,” said Jack smiling. “I know, but old habits die hard” the President said laughing, “Have a seat, Jack”. “Thank you, Sir”. Both men sat.

“We’re alone now, Jack, you can call me Tom. I promise I won’t tell”, the President said with a grin. “I guess I ought to be able to, you were my wingman for 5 years. Saved your butt quite a few times as I recall.” “Excuse me, Admiral, but I think it was I who saved your butt, not the other way around, thank you very much!” Both men chuckled. Then Jack asked, “So how are Sarah Jane and the kids? Are they getting used to being in the White House?” “Yeah, they’re settling in fine. But, I don’t think that’s the reason you came all the way here from the Pentagon to visit me, and unannounced at that, is it?”

“No, Sir its not” said Admiral Grayson solemnly. “Nelson Greenberg is dead.” “Senator Greenberg? How??” the President asked. “That’s the reason I came by. He was murdered, he and his family. The most brutal mutilation I’ve ever seen, and you know I’ve seen plenty” “Who did it?” “I don’t know, but we’ve had to keep it under wraps ‘til I could see you. Here, take a look at this.” said Jack, handing Tom a legal sized folder. As President Densmore opened the folder, he quickly scanned the reports of several murders. Each had taken place in a different country. France, Italy, Japan, England, Germany, Russia and others, all had been hit, and all within the last 6 months. Nine men and their families savagely ripped apart by some kind of animal. The coroner’s reports said that in each case, although specific methods differed, all of the victims were severely clawed and then exsanguinated.

“This makes no sense, Jack. This can’t be the work of an animal, and yet I can’t see how any human being could do this. I mean, Greenberg was no saint, but he didn’t deserve this, and neither did his family.” “I agree with you”, said Jack “but that’s not really the part that bugs me. It’s the fact that every one of these men and their families were under the tightest security their country could offer and yet nobody heard a sound, not a single scream was heard, no shots fired, and no alarms or panic buttons were triggered. What kind of an animal does that?”

“The kind that walks on 2 legs, Jack. The kind that gets pleasure as well as sustenance out of this type of brutality.” Jack looked at Tom quizzically. “Sustenance? You sound like that young Lieutenant I knew that gave up flying F-14s to go over to Naval Intelligence and solve mysteries. What do you mean by ‘sustenance’?” Tom took off his reading glasses and set them on the desk. “Jack”, he said, “Whoever or whatever this is took the time and trouble to drain every last drop of blood from these bodies. These people were fed upon, Admiral.”

The President continued, “Now, as interesting a puzzle as this is, as you so aptly pointed out, I’m not an intelligence officer anymore. Why bring this to me?” “Why, indeed”, Jack said cryptically. “Take a look at this.” The Admiral pulled a small cellophane bag from his pocket and tossed it on the President’s desk. Inside the bag was a business card which had the word “CLAW’ embossed on it with 4 red diagonal lines appearing as if they were actual claw marks. On the reverse side there was a date printed in ink as red as blood.

The President laid the small bag down and said, “Where did you get this?” “It was in the White House mail. The Secret Service picked it out. That date is almost exactly 1 month from today.” Jack continued, “What isn’t in that file is that every one of these political figures received a card like this and on the date printed on it, on that very night, they and their families were murdered.” “And this is what you’re afraid is going to happen to me and my family?” Tom asked. “In a word, yes, Mr. President.” “What can we do?” the President asked as he rose from his chair and look toward the window.

“Mr. President, Tom, have you ever heard of SHADOW?” Tom turned toward his old friend and raised his right eyebrow. “SHADOW? No, what’s that? Beyond the general meaning, of course.” Admiral Grayson went on to explain that SHADOW was, of course, an acronym. It stood for Super Heroine Advanced Defense Operations Worldwide. Presidential Executive Order organized SHADOW, 4 to 5 administrations before he took office and was only known to exist by the President and the Joint Chiefs. SHADOW recruited only women with meta-human or superhuman abilities, honed those abilities, provided them with technologies not known or available to the rest of the world, and sent them on missions to ascertain, observe and determine existing threats and take whatever action is necessary to disable or eliminate these threats to national, global and galactic security.

“Galactic?? You mean we have ETs working for us??” “Yes, we do Mr. President.” “Who’s in charge of this operation?” the President demanded. “Brigadier General Ken Hawkins.” “You mean crazy ‘Hawk’ Hawkins?? The guy who went nuts after he was shot down over the coast of Peru and insisted he was attacked by a ….cat-woman?” The President’s voice trailed off. Jack raised his eyebrow and smirked.

“So you don’t think Hawkins is crazy, do you?” “No, Mr. President, I don’t. I think that the only people who can save your family from certain death on the date on that card, are Ken Hawkins and SHADOW.” “How do I find him?” asked President Densmore. The Admiral pointed toward the phone on the President’s wide oak desk. “See that black button on your phone? Pickup the handset and push that button.” “You know, I was wondering what that one was for, but I hadn't tried it yet. So, if I want SHADOW all I have to do is pickup the ‘bat-phone’ is that it?” Tom said with a smile. “Yep, that’s it”, Jack replied. “What the heck, what do I have to lose?” the President said. The Admiral replied, placing a hand the President’s shoulder, “Your life and the lives of those whom you hold most dear.” “Point taken.” President Thomas Densmore picked up the receiver and pressed the ominous black button.

TO BE CONTINUED.... (if it so please the board and The Mighty Hypnotic!)
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The Great Dutch Ninja
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Digging the theme so far. Looking forward to seeing what direction you take this.
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Cthulhu and Ninja:

Thanks to you both for the comments! And C special thanks for reminding me about the paragraphs. I knew I forgot something.... #-o

The next installment will be easier to read, I promise. Coming from you both, it means a lot to me. Thanks again! :smt045

Oh, and C, no more kid stuff. You had it pegged. She will get hers, and then some!
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Here's latest installment. Enjoy!

SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part 3

“I’ll leave you two to talk, Mr. President”, said Admiral Grayson, “I think you have a lot of catching up to do. Call me at the Pentagon when you’re done.” The President gave a thumbs-up, indicating he would. The Admiral saluted with a smile and left the Oval Office.
President Thomas Densmore waited while secured lines connected and voice scrambling devices activated. After a few seconds of silence, a pleasant female voice came on the line.

“ Hello, Mr. President, how are you today?” “Fine, I suppose. Who is this?” the President inquired. “My name is CELIA. I am an artificial intelligence interface for the main computer system. I came on line to verify your identity by voice print ID.” “But, you called me ‘Mr. President’ before I spoke. How do you know I’m the President?”

“I needed you to speak to use my method of identification, whether you were or weren’t the President. Besides, Sir, I do have Caller ID. The General said you would try to ‘sting’ me. No wonder he still calls you ‘Yellowjacket’.” “That’s my old call sign from when I was in the Navy.” “I know Sir. The General speaks very highly of you. Please hold the line, I’ll get him for you.” “Thank you, CELIA.” “You’re quite welcome, Mr. President.”

After a few more seconds, a gruff voice answered the line. “ Mister President, it’s good to finally hear your voice after so many years.” “Yours too, General Hawkins. Or is it still just Hawk?” “You can call me that if you want to, Sir, or Sigma One, is fine. It really doesn’t matter.”

“I assume you’re calling about CLAW?” Hawkins asked. “Yes, Hawk. Who are these people, and why do they want to kill me?” the President replied, anxiously. “The first question, I can answer with 90% certainty, the second still remains to seen, Sir. From the info we’ve been able to piece together, they seem to be a group of genetically altered female humans and clones used as assassins. CLAW is an acronym meaning Cat Like Assassins Worldwide. It may sound like a bad joke, Sir, but as you may have already realized, these chicks are deadly serious.” “I know”, said the President, “I guess I and my family are next on the menu.”

“My God, Sir. When’s the date on the card?” Hawkins asked. “About 31 days from today.” Densmore answered. “Then we’ve got to work fast. Let me finish briefing you a little more and I’ll get on this immediately.” “OK, shoot.” said the President. Hawkins continued. “Do you remember the mission over Peru that cost me my career? Well, I believe that ties in with CLAW. The DEA wanted the Air Force to do some high altitude picture taking along the coast of Peru to locate a cocaine factory and distribution point that the Peruvian government couldn’t seem to spot from the ground and nobody wanted to squeal on. The head of the little cartel was a Dr. Emile Korva. Ever hear of him?”

“I vaguely remember the name” Densmore commented “didn’t he do genetic research at Johns Hopkins, Harvard and UCLA?” “Correct, Sir” replied Hawkins, “in fact he holds 4 different doctorates including an MD, a PhD in nuclear medicine, and one in genetics. The guy’s a certified genius. He even turned down membership at MENSA, because he said they wouldn’t be able t keep up with him.” The President whistled. “Yeah, tell me about it” continued Hawkins, “Anyway, Korva was frustrated by the fact that the Human Experimentation Board wouldn’t let him perform research on people. He said he needed test subjects who could speak and tell him how they felt. Lab animals just wouldn’t do anymore, he said. He secretly injected a terminal patient at UCLA Medical Center with an experimental concoction that was supposed to reverse heart disease by repairing the scarred muscle at the genetic level.”

“Did it work?” asked Densmore. “And how!", siad Hawkins," The old lady actually recovered! Two weeks later, however, she started growing younger. This she didn’t mind, but her body began rejecting the new tissues and she died the week following. Dr. Korva fled the country to Peru and began a more efficient process for not only growing larger, more potent coca plants, but improved the refining process to make the cocaine 20 times more potent than normal!”

“Why would Korva turn to dealing drugs?” asked Densmore. “Money.” replied Hawkins, “It takes a whopping load of cash to do genetic research on the scale Korva was working at. We’re talking billions of dollars. Anyway, Korva had somehow dropped below the radar. The DEA and the Peruvians went to bust him where they had him spotted and found nothing. Just a couple of empty buildings.”

“I hate to rush you, Hawk, but what has this to do with CLAW?” the President asked. “Right, sorry, Sir. My point is just this. When I did my recon flight, there was something I wasn’t supposed to see, because somebody fired Stinger missiles at me that didn’t show on my threat system, even when they hit me! If I hadn’t seen them coming up at me with my own eyes, I wouldn’t be having this conversation with you today!”

Hawkins continued, “When I ejected, I floated toward the open ocean, no land under me at all. All of a sudden, I’m breaking through trees. One moment nothing, the next an island! I cut myself down and looked around a little. I saw the wreckage from my plane and the smoke rising from it. As I followed the smoke with my eyes, it reached a certain point in the sky and it vanished! I’m talking Sigfried & Roy here!

Suddenly, I heard some moving in the trees. I turned and saw nothing. Then, I heard the growl. Whatever it was, it was circling me. It sounded like a large cat of some kind. I remember thinking, what kind of big cat could be on island in the Pacific? I hadn’t long to wait to find out.

“It slinked out of the foliage”, Hawkins said, “not even trying to hide from me. It was walking upright like a human, but with a slight crouch. It looked me up and down licking its lips. I guess it was trying to decide what part to eat first. She was big, about 6 foot or more. Her head was topped by mane of very dark gray hair, somewhat matted. Her cat like green eyes almost glowed. Her skin was a dusky gray and she wasn’t really furry, but thin, long wispy hairs on her arms, legs, chest and the tops of her feet. She actually had a decent figure on her, come to think of it!” “Hawk, focus.” said the President, wanting to move on. “Sorry, Sir”

Hawkins continued. “She had a feline snout with whiskers and 2 large sabretooth like fangs on her bottom jaw. She had paw like hands and feet with black razor sharp claws and a long gray tail. She actually was wearing some kind of loincloth/bikini get-up, like something from a Tarzan movie.”

“Then” Hawkins said, ”the attack began.” “She leaped and roared simultaneously like a lion or a tiger. I sidestepped the full clawing onslaught, but she caught my left shoulder. She cut me deep, near to the bone, in one swipe. I turned to face her and she was tasting me from her fingers. I pulled my sidearm, but she was on me before I could fire. Luckily I put my feet up just in time or she would have had my throat. She swiped at me twice more and took out my right eye and clawed my chest. Then it happened. I was trying to defend myself with my left arm enough to get off a shot. She decided that was the limb she wanted first. She sank her teeth and those god-awful fangs into my arm and ripped it right off!”

“My God, Hawk! What did you do?” asked President Densmore. “Sir, to this day I don’t know how I did it, but I used those few precious seconds to empty my sidearm at her. She howled in pain and ran off, with my arm in her mouth. I somehow managed to get to the nearest beach and stopped the profuse bleeding by stuffing the hot sands into it.
God A’ mighty! It hurts to even think about it! I don’t know how long I lay there thinking I was done for. Then I heard her coming toward the beach. She sounded really, really pissed. That was all the incentive I needed! I got up somehow and jumped in the water, kicking and paddling with my one arm. I saw the CatThing emerge from the jungle. She spread her arms and roared with all her might.”

“I kept swimming until I couldn’t move anymore” Hawkins said, “I was exhausted. I inflated my life vest and turned to look at the island so I’d remember where it was, but….” “But, what, Hawk?” asked Densmore insistently. “There was no island. It was gone! No sound of water, no beach, no murderous cat-woman, nothing. That’s why you all called me crazy all these years. But now I know that Korva’s genetic meddling has something to do with the cat-monster, why this island is invisible and even CLAW itself.”

“Now, I’m gonna find that blasted island, Dr. Korva, and stop these crazy cat-women from murdering whole families just for kicks! And you have my word, Mr. President, if any one of them wants to get to you, they’re gonna have to go through the entire combined forces of SHADOW to do it!!!”

Rendering of The Cat-Thing on Hero Machine
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Sorry, I forgot to post this pic up of General Hawkins when I posted the last installment. I think I'll make one for President Densmore also.
Brig Gen Ken Hawkins_Sigma1.JPG
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Here's President Densmore.
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Excellent story so far. I like the realism for it without being overly serious, pleae update soon.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part 4

BOCA RATON, FL – A large villa just outside of the metro area.

Amethyste Foxxe looked at her watch. It was 10:30 p.m. “I watched these guys for 5 months, and tonight they decide to be late!” she thought to herself. Foxxe had been undercover helping the DEA, FBI and CIA combined task force to take down a drug dealer named Armando Batista. Since SHADOW is only known to exist by the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Foxxe was just another pretty face in the drug dealer’s entourage. SHADOW wasn’t extremely concerned about the dope smuggling per se, but how he was getting it past customs, the Border Patrols, and everyone else, sight unseen. The authorities would follow the trucks suspected of carrying the drugs and then, at a seemingly pre-determined point, they would simply vanish without a trace. The General suspected advanced technology at work and dispatched Major Amethyste Foxxe, codenamed ShadowFox, to check into it. Her orders were simple: Destroy his operation, or destroy HIM.

Tonight, she was undercover at a party to search a secret underground location, discovered by the specially designed scanning sensors of SHADOW, approximately half a mile under the villa. Foxxe was looking for any evidence she could locate as to the existence of highly advanced technology.

About 5 months earlier she had devised a way to meet Batista at a club in Miami. It was love at first sight, for Batista anyway. They had been dating ever since. The party was the perfect chance for Foxxe to investigate the underground area. She had the guard’s rotation schedule pegged and Batista, well, he was wrapped around her little finger. It wasn’t difficult to see why. Foxxe was an incredibly attractive woman. She had eyes like light green jade, flawless medium brown skin, full luscious lips that begged to be kissed, and a cute little nose that wiggled when she laughed. Her hair was as red as a fox’s coat and had the sheen of the finest silk. Her shapely body was slim and athletic, and unbeknownst to most, one of the deadliest weapons in SHADOW’s secret arsenal.

ShadowFox had been waiting for an opportunity to slip away from the party, and had planned to be part way down the elevator shaft leading to the subterranean area by 10:15 p.m., but for some strange reason the guards were moving about differently. The rotation and replacement didn’t take place as usually scheduled. Foxxe thought she’d better move quickly.

As she was starting for the door at the rear of the grand ballroom, she heard a voice call out over the cacophonous din of loud music, “CANDICE!!” This was her cover name, so she turned to see Armando beckoning for her to come to his table. “Oh, great!” she thought, “I’m never gonna get this assignment finished!” ShadowFox went over to Armando’s table. She noticed at lot of men looking her over as she crossed the large dance floor. Foxxe smiled and thought, “Maybe I should have chosen something more demure.” She was showing a pink and fuchsia top, a matching circlet type link belt with yellow centers that almost seemed to have a dim glow, and an ankle length skirt with 2 mid-thigh slits in the front showing off her shiny pink pantyhosed legs and mid-calf pinkish fuchsia PVC boots. Armando acknowledged his approval when she got to the table.

“Candy baby, you got to be the finest lookin’ woman in this whole place!” said Armando. “You so crazy!” said Foxxe, giving him a long kiss and playing the best ‘hoochie mama’ role she could muster. “You ain’t leavin’ yet are you? The party’s just gettin’ started!!” said Armando, with a laugh. “Oh no, honey! I jus’ need to go to the ladies room. I’ll be right back!” Foxxe replied. “You betta! Don’t make me send ma boys afta ya!” Armando said, smiling his 24-karat gold-toothed smile. “Ooooh, we wouldn’t want that, now would we?” she replied with wink. As she walked toward the door to the main hallway, she exaggerated the swing of her hips and turned to blow Armando a kiss as she walked out. Armando leaned in to one of his lieutenants and said, “Follow her, she a good lay but I still don’t trus’ her jus’ yet. She almos’ too good to be true!”

As soon as she got to the lavish bathroom, ShadowFox wiped her mouth, and spit on the floor. “That’s the last time I’ll kiss that filthy poison monger!” she thought to herself. In an effort to gain Armando’s favor, over the last 5 months Foxxe had slept with him 3 times. It was a gut-wrenching affair for the young super-heroine, but it got her closer than any of the operatives from the DEA, FBI or CIA. Due to her hypersensitive hearing, she had heard Armando’s command to Luis, his top goon, to follow her. “Time to lose the frock.” she said.

Foxxe turned one of links in her belt a quarter turn clockwise. The links changed from fuchsia and yellow, to purple and yellow. Then her whole appearance shimmered, then sparkled. The party dress had disappeared. In its place was the uniform of SHADOW’s top operative, Major Amethyste Foxxe.

The uniform consisted of a sleek deep purple leotard, which had lavender side panels, under the arms and covering the sides of the breasts. The leotard had gloves integrated in to it for convenience and a seamless look. The sheer, glistening purple pantyhose which covered her shapely legs were specially treated to be absolutely frictionless, a gift from the ETs, as the President called them. Because of the element of near silence it provided, SHADOW operative wore no shoes, but the superbly made hose were made to be as supple as silk, and as hard as diamond. The soles of the hose could be electronically adjusted by the wearer to be as frictionless as the legs, or as sure footed as a pair of basketball shoes. On top of the leotard, she wore a shoulder holster with her silenced 9mm 15 shot semi-auto pistol on the left and 2 extra clips on the right. She placed her comm. headset on and made sure her purple mask was in place. She was ready to go to work.

“God, it feels good to be back in uniform!” said ShadowFox, as she wiggled her shiny, hose covered toes. ShadowFox pressed an area just below the collarbone, but above her breast on her left side. She felt the subcutaneous activation switch engage. As she watched in the full-length mirror, her image disappeared. Her cloak was active. She walked to the door and peeked out to see where Luis was spying from. She spotted him over by a large planter across the large marble floored hallway, trying to be inconspicuous. ShadowFox reached into a small compartment on her belt and pulled out a gold coin. “This should be fun.” she said smiling to herself.

She rolled the coin down the hallway past where Luis was hiding. He looked at the ladies’ room door and then jumped out after the coin. Luis didn’t notice the door’s mysterious opening and closing while distracted by the coin. ShadowFox continued down the hallway and around the corner. She checked the hall for hidden surveillance equipment with the penetrator lenses in her mask. Finding none, she deactivated the cloaking device. Further using the scanning equipment cleverly hidden in the identity-covering mask, she located the secret elevator shaft, which led to the subterranean chamber. ShadowFox’s shimmering, enhanced nylon-covered feet silently padded down the adjacent hall to a locked door.

Extending her left index finger, a special universal electronic lock-pick device emerged, and in seconds the door was unlocked. Checking for alarms, ShadowFox discovered a hidden trip that would have set off an alarm if the door had been opened. She extended the two middle fingers of her right hand, and the 10,000-volt TASER system located there took out the trip.

As she entered the dark staircase on the other side, Foxxe closed and relocked the door. Her mask had sensed the darkness and already switched to its night-vision capability. Foxxe quickly descended the small flight of stairs to a small office at the bottom. Searching the office, she located what she had been looking for. She pressed the hidden button and the elevator door opened. She engaged the cloak again and stepped inside. There were no buttons in the elevator, but the doors closed automatically and the car started downward. After a 2-minute ride, ShadowFox saw why it was so easy to ride this conveyance. Using the penetrator lenses, she saw 6 men holding sub-machine guns waiting for the elevator to open. “Ah, a welcoming committee”, she thought with a smile. Quickly, she adjusted the adhesion control for her gloved hands and sleekly hosed feet, and jumped straight up adhering to the roof of the elevator. The doors opened.

When the men guarding the elevator stepped in, ShadowFox simply swung out and climbed up the wall. Reaching a ledge above the cavern floor, she deactivated the cloak again to check her surroundings. After taking a moment to reset the adhesion control, ShadowFox discovered that the cavern was larger than she thought. There was much reason for the General’s concern.

The large cavern was a secret base for a dozen or so tanker trucks being loaded with what Foxxe’s hypersensitive nose could detect was the purest cocaine she had ever smelled. But, what shocked her the most was the strange technological configuration on top of each truck. Not only was there a locator beacon for a very advanced GPS type satellite system, each one also had a rudimentary cloaking generator!

ShadowFox carefully did video captures of all the technology on the trucks. She then set about carrying out her mission: Destroy the operation!

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Major Foxxe in SHADOW uniform sans control belt.
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Maj. Foxxe in undercover holographic duds.
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Thanks to pzgr6 for your encouragement! I am honored to have your comments. Here's the next installment:


SHADOW vs. CLAW - Part 5

ShadowFox quickly moved into a darkened hallway and began to transmit the video captures of the cloaking technology aboard the tanker trucks in Armando Batista’s secret underground loading dock to HQ. Normally, any transmission signal would not be able to penetrate the half-mile of solid rock between Foxxe and the surface, but the advanced capabilities of SHADOW’s communications system easily accomplished the task.

The response from HQ was quick and cryptic. Foxxe saw the text message projected on her mask lenses. It was encoded just on the outside chance that there was a mis-transmission of data. CELIA didn’t make those kinds of mistakes, but the precaution was still in place: ‘Papa says return home immediately. Sorry to cut your vacation short. Your Uncle Sam has 30 days to live. Bring your sisters. Love, Mom’

The message was from Omega Prime, head of Omega Section operations. She was the only one who would use “Mom” as a code name. This was serious. Neither the General (‘Papa’) or Omega had ever told her to pull out of a mission unless her cover had been blown, which ShadowFox knew it hadn’t. Still, it was the “Uncle Sam” that worried her. This could only have been a reference to the President himself. ShadowFox's reply was, ‘Dearest Mother, (Omega hated that opening) Message received. My sister’s and I will be home within 24 hours. Love to Papa. Sincerely, Amy’. Foxxe chuckled to herself, “Omega’s gonna kill me when I get back!”

Major Foxxe decided to take one last look at the manufacturer’s name on the cloaking technology. Apparently, the maker of the unit was overly proud of constructing the technological marvel. So much so that he put his name on it. ShadowFox engaged her cloak once more and stealthily made her way down to the floor of the cavern. She carefully padded past the guards and workers on the dock, and up to the top of the closest truck. She read the name on the unit and said to herself, “It figures, HE would sell these kinds of gadgets to a drug dealer!” Foxxe decided that at least this shipment would not get to its destination. She moved to each truck and placed a small silver dollar sized disc on each one of the gas tanks. The discs contained an extremely super-concentrated form of explosive compound that could easily destroy the trucks, their pirated technology, and the cavern itself while leaving no residue of the actual explosive for anyone to study. After placing the last disc, ShadowFox moved quickly to the elevator where 3 men were getting on. She rode back up the elevator and moved with great stealth and speed back into the main house.

Foxxe’s pantyhose clad feet moved noiselessly down the marble hallway, which led back to the ladies’ room. She was amused to find Luis still at his post by the planter across the hall, fast asleep. With her cloak still active, ShadowFox re-entered the bathroom. The 2 ladies busy primping in front of the large double sink and mirror, were startled to see the door open by itself, but seeing no one, paid it little mind. After the ladies departed, Foxxe de-cloaked, reactivated her party dress hologram and, after doing a little primping of her own, exited the bathroom.

Foxxe, in her best ‘hoochie’ voice said, “LUIS!! Whatchu’ doin’ layin’ out here on the floor like that? You drunk or sumpm’ like that?” Startled into wakefulness, Luis replied, “Naw, chica! What took you so long in there?” “I was handlin’ my business, if it’s any of your concern!” she shot back, snapping her fingers. “Well, Armando told me to watch…er…I mean look after you” Luis retorted. “Oh he did, did he? Well. I’ll fix that!” Foxxe strode angrily back into the grand ballroom, with Luis following close behind. “Candice” (Foxxe) confronted Armando with her displeasure at having Luis following her. Armando tried to apologize and then thinking he might look weak before the rest of the men at the party, told her he could do whatever he wanted in his own house. Foxxe acted absolutely furious, poured his drink over his head and stormed out of the ballroom and the huge villa.

Once she was about a mile down the road from the villa, ShadowFox turned her black Jaguar convertible onto a side road overlooking Armando’s home. Foxxe turned off the hologram to reveal her form fitting uniform once again. She took from her belt a small signal device and pressed the activation switch. The explosion shook the ground for at least a mile and a half in every direction. Foxxe watched as half of Armando’s $15,000,000 villa collapsed in on itself. The drug operation was finished, at least for Batista. The "product" had already been sold and paid for. If he couldn't deliver, he was a dead man. Party time was over.

ShadowFox smiled and said, “Time to go home.” She pressed a hidden switch on her dashboard and gauges and readouts flipped out of sight, replaced by more sophisticated instruments. She touched another switch labeled ‘CONVERT’. The vehicle then changed from a sleek powerful sports car, to an aerodynamically shaped shuttle vehicle. Foxxe spoke to the on-board computer, “Activate cloak.” “Cloaking system active,” it replied. Foxxe activated the gravity resist generator and the vehicle rose into the air. “Set course for SHADOW HQ.” The computer said, “Course set.” “Drive systems online,” she ordered. The neutrino-powered engines hummed to life. “Engage.” The sleek shuttle vehicle took off for its destination.

Major Amethyste Foxxe removed her techno-mask, closed her eyes and rubbed her shimmering purple hosed legs and feet together. She loved the sound and feeling she created when she did that, and it soothed her in a way she couldn't explain. She needed a little soothing, thinking about the message from Omega Prime and the danger to the President's life. Foxxe decided to try to take a short nap on the flight back to HQ, but had difficulty relaxing. Somehow she had the distinct gut feeling that she and her team were about to experience the most serious challenge they had faced in a long time. A challenge that would take all their powers, abilities, experience and training to survive. She was right.

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Sorry it took a while to update, but work waits for no man. Hope you're enjoying the story so far.


SHADOW vs. CLAW - Part 6

Major Amethyste Foxxe, codenamed ShadowFox, couldn’t sleep during the flight back to SHADOW HQ. Normally, ShadowFox loved to set the shuttle to its maximum speed, but decided to instead to give herself time to “bone-up” on the situation before arriving. She set the shuttle’s speed to ¼ of its maximum. This would give her an ETA to Grand Mesa of about 1.5 hours. This would be plenty of time.

Foxxe sent a text message to recall the members of her team. “To my sisters, Mom called. Papa needs us. Uncle Sam is in deep trouble…again. Meet at Mom’s to discuss @ 9 a.m. Bring Papa’s favorite. Love, Amy.” Foxxe smiled at the last part as she entered it on the keyboard. “Papa’s favorite” was a reference to Krispy Kreme donuts. The General loved them but always forgot to bring some back when he went on his very seldom taken leave time. It scored big time points when Foxxe and her team walked in his office with a case of the sticky sweet treats.

“Back to business.” ShadowFox mused. She slid the keyboard back into the dash, and spoke the command, “Computer, interface with CELIA.” (CELIA – Computer Enhanced Library / Intelligence Access) “Working...” the computer responded. An instant later, a holographic image, about 6 inches high, of a fair skinned blonde woman in her early to mid-twenties, wearing a flowing white and gold robe appeared in the vehicle with ShadowFox. “Greetings, Major Foxxe.” CELIA said. “Hello, CELIA.” Foxxe replied. “I trust everything went well on your last assignment, even though you were recalled early?” CELIA asked. “Yes, CELIA. I left them a little memento of my visit. I stayed long enough to make sure the package was received well.” replied ShadowFox. “Did Mr. Batista like your going-away gift?” CELIA asked. “Oh, yes,” Foxxe replied with a big smile, “I believe he got a quite a bang out of it!”

“I’m glad to hear it. What may I do to assist you ShadowFox?” CELIA replied. “CELIA, please reference all the material pertaining to the present situation with President Densmore.” said ShadowFox, “I’d like to know what we’re up against before the mission briefing.” “A prudent course of action.” CELIA answered, “I anticipated your request. A mission information file is being provided as we speak. Is there anything else you require?” “Yes, CELIA. I’ve set the briefing for my team at 0900 this morning. Is the General’s schedule clear at that time?” asked ShadowFox. “Oh, yes Major” CELIA replied, “The General has put everything else on, how did he put it, oh yes, ‘the back burner’ until this matter is resolved.” “Understood. This must be really big” replied Foxxe. “Yes, Major. Probably the biggest since the treaty negotiation with the Centauris” said CELIA. ShadowFox whistled. “Yes, indeed” said CELIA, “Is there anything further I can do?” “No, Thank you, CELIA. See you soon.” said Foxxe.

CELIA’s figure nodded in acknowledgement and faded away. ShadowFox began studying the mission information provided by CELIA. As she read the investigator’s reports and the coroner’s findings on the murdered politicians and their families, she was glad she was alone while reading them. Several times during her review of the information she actually had to stop because she was overwhelmed by her own feelings of sorrow, deep puzzlement, and flat-out rage. When she saw the pictures of the children, she could stand no more. She closed the file on the screen and wept aloud. “What kind of filthy, murderous beast could do this to a child?” she thought. ShadowFox held her head in her hands for a moment, then looked out toward the clouds and then upward as if to heaven and said, “I swear by my own life and all the power I possess, these people will pay for your deaths with their lives, little ones, I SWEAR IT!!


Meanwhile, in a laboratory on Isla de la Gata, somewhere off the coast of Peru, Dr. Emile Korva sat gleefully watching a computer simulation of the DNA molecule he had been working on. With a look of satisfaction on his partially scarred face, he remarked to Kitten, his newest creation, “You see, my darling pet, how intricately beautiful it is. How it seems to glow with its own fire, its own brilliance. The sacred code of life and it is like clay in my hands, clay to be molded as I see fit!” Korva jumped down from his raised stool and walked over to a workbench laden with glassware and biochemical mixtures.

Korva was a small man that stood barely 4 feet tall. His physique was impressive for a man of his stature. He was about 3 feet, 10 inches tall, but was well proportioned. He was about 2 and ¾ foot wide at the shoulder and had 18-inch biceps. His clothing always had to be custom tailored due to his unique physical attributes. Korva had the money to do so at anytime because of the enormous profits he had made aiding the Peruvian drug cartels with his genetically improved coca plants and super efficient distillation process. Because of this, the drug lords willingly did whatever he asked and protected him by giving him his own private army, equipped with the most modern weapons available, some of them of Korva’s own invention.

Kitten, Korva’s favorite, spoke up and remarked, “Daddy, that’s all very pretty and I know you’re really, really smart, but I’m hungry! You promised me a special treat if I was a good girl!” Korva smiled and turned to look upon his creation.

She was a marvelous mixture of genetic engineering and cloning technology. She had “dirty” blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail on top of her head, between her pointed ears. Her physique was slim and athletic but her enhanced strength was greater than that of 5 men twice her size. Her skin was finely furred which gave it a golden glow. Her eyes were a cat-like green and sometimes seemed to glow, depending on her mood. She had a cute little nose like the kitten she was named for. Her mouth was blessed (or designed) with full pouting lips, but behind them lurked a set of fangs that Dracula would have been proud of. She wore a black see-through nylon like top, which sported two shiny opaque side panels to partially cover her breasts. The top covered her from her neck to the black and grey wrist guards just above her hands. Her hands were paw-like, the fingers tipped with razor-sharp claws. A circlet-type belt adorned her shapely hips and from this hung a black velvet loincloth with grey trim. On her gorgeous, shapely legs she wore sheer, glistening black pantyhose with no footwear. She walked on the balls of her sleekly covered feet as she paced impatiently, twitching her furred feline tail.

“Daddy will keep his promise, my precious one. Be patient.” Korva cooed. Kitten pouted. As if on cue, there came a knock at the door. “Come in!” said Korva. With the door held open by a third, two large security men in military fatigues roughly brought in their captive. “Hey, Korva! Tell dese apes to leggo me! I ain’t done nothin’! It ain’t my fault somebody blew up the dock! Dey blew ma house down too!” “Mr. Batista, you were responsible for our product until it was delivered.” Korva explained. “Now, we have to replace that shipment without any extra payment. Do you have the cash to replace what was destroyed?” Korva asked, knowing the answer. “Is you nuts? I ain’t got that kinda paper jus lyin’ around!!” Armando Batista replied. Korva smiled, removed his monocle and began polishing the lens with the end of his ascot. He then replaced it, looked at Batista and said, “I’ll tell you what. You can make it up to me by giving my precious daughter here, her special treat. Do that and I’ll forgive your debt to us. Deal?” Kitten looked at Batista intently, licking her lips. “Shoot yeah! I’ll get her whateva’ she want.” Batista said.

Kitten looked excitedly at Korva and said, “Is he all mine? I don’t have to share?” “No, child” said Korva grinning, “No sharing, he’s all yours!” “Oh, goody!!” said Kitten, jumping up and down. Kitten slinked toward Batista, her slanted green eyes beginning to glow. The two security men, knowing what was about to take place, let Batista go.

Batista asked Kitten nervously, “So, whatchu’ want from me?” Kitten smiled, baring her fangs, and replied, “Well, I’m awfully fond of liver.” Batista slowly began backing away, but didn’t notice that he was being steered into a small room. “Thas’ great”, Batista remarked, his back finally reaching the back of the room, “But I don’t know where to find any liver on dis island. Where’m I s’posed to get it from?” Kitten replied, closing the door behind her, “You’re so purrrfectly sweet, but I’ll just get it myself.” Kitten began to crouch and slid her tongue across her razored fangs. She said, “But you know what, I think I’ll have a little drink first.”

Kitten looked behind her at the door and saw Dr. Korva watching her. Kitten blew him a kiss and turned to face Batista again. Batista asked, “I don’ understand. Where am I s’posed to get you dis ‘special treat’ from, closed up in here?” Kitten laughed and answered, “You silly man, you ARE my ‘special treat’! Kitten pounced. MMMREOWRRRR!!! Batista screamed and fought as hard as he could but he was no match for Kitten’s strength…or her claws. When he stopped fighting, Kitten eagerly sank her fangs into the soft flesh of his throat and tore his jugular. As she began feeding and purring, Korva smiled and said, “Debt forgiven, Mr. Batista.”

Dr Emile Korva.JPG
Dr. Korva on HM 2.0
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Kitten on HM 2.0
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HM representation of CELIA, the computer interface.
CELIA Holographic Interface.JPG (41.37 KiB) Viewed 8291 times
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Thanks C. Will do. I'm working on the next installment now. I just finished another prologue for a different character. I think I'll post it tonight. Check it out later. Seeya! :wink:
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Sorry it took so long to update, but I think it will be worth it. Here we go!


SHADOW vs. CLAW - Part 7

ShadowFox, a.k.a. Major Amethyste Foxxe of SHADOW, finally did catch a very short nap on the way back to SHADOW’s HQ in Grand Mesa, CO. After reading the accounts of the assassinations perpetrated by the sick, murderous minds of CLAW, it was even more difficult to sleep. ShadowFox vowed that she would make them all pay for the deaths of the kids they murdered, and she would, even if it meant the sacrifice of her own life.

Foxxe was awakened by a signal from the autopilot. She was nearly home. SHADOW HQ had become her home since she joined them 6 years ago. Foxxe had no family that she knew of, so her team members were the only family she had. ShadowFox was no ordinary team leader. She chose her team members not just for their skills or powers, but chose them because of their uniqueness and philosophy of life that drove them. Foxxe felt that for a team to be successful at anything, they needed a common focus, a single mindedness that made them function as a unit. ShadowFox found that spark in herself that drove her and sought those who also had it present in what they desired to do for mankind and those off world.

Major Foxxe was given carte blanche to choose her team from any part of SHADOW’s considerable ranks. Usually team leaders/Commanders choose all the members of their team from the same section of the 2 available in SHADOW.

Alpha Section, is led by Alpha Prime, an ET from a planet called Toliman IV, orbiting Rigil Kentaurus Alpha (Toliman), part of the trinary star system we call Alpha Centauri. Her real name is D’Loriz K’intah, but everyone refers to her by her designation Alpha Prime or just Alpha. The Alpha Section is charged with planetary defense, search and rescue operations, special covert intelligence gathering ops, and advanced technology development & implementation, as needed.

Omega Section is headed by Omega Prime. Omega is also from the same star system as Alpha, but from a different planet orbiting a very different star. Omega, whose real name is L’ah A’guh, is from Proxima Prime, orbiting Proxima Centauri. Proxima is a red dwarf star. Proxima Prime is much colder and seems to be a geologist’s paradise. On this world, diamonds are common stones found on the ground, gold is plentiful, as is platinum and even adamantic iron, a stable mixture of adamantium and iron. Because of the high metallic mineral content of this world’s core, the gravity and magnetic fields are much more intense. This has caused the Proximans’ molecular structure to be extremely dense, even denser than in Kryptonian physiology.

Omega Section is charged with the elimination of threats to National, International, Planetary and Galactic security. Omega Section annihilates enemy strongholds with extreme prejudice, using surgical strike forces that no one Earth has ever experienced. These forces are so devastating because every member of this vast army of female warriors is endowed with some type of super power. Strength, speed, stealth, agility, all of the above, and more besides.

Since ShadowFox was from Omega Section, she did choose the closest members of her team from there, but she looked all over SHADOW and chose those that she thought would fit and work together best.

Major Foxxe decided to pull up her team list on the shuttle’s computer screen:

Captain Grayson Ravenwing codename: DarkWing /Powers: Flight (gravity flux control), enhanced strength, agility, and stealth (cloaking implant). Posted to Omega Section.

Lt. K’arol Zzornz codename: DragonFly /Powers: Flight (insect type wings), ability to generate and project light (beams of many types) and plasma (stunning sting effect) energy through hands, stealth (standard issue power belt). Posted to Omega Section.

Agent Sylvia Chen codename: FireFly /Powers: Flight (via jet pack of own design), enhanced strength, years of martial arts training (10th Degree Black Belt in Aikido, training in other disciplines), stealth (cloaking implant), uncanny ability with technology and computers, ability to generate and fire bursts of plasma type energy (demolition force). Posted to Omega Section.

Lt. Mona Lisa Calderone codename: Psychlone /Powers: Inestimable psionic powers (psychokinesis, telepathy, mind probing, etc.), limited flight (through telekinetic means), stealth (standard issue power belt). Posted to Alpha Section.

Captain Talia Ynaros codename: SongBird /Powers: Flight (bird-like wings), sonic projection ability (sonic scream, highly directional focus), stealth (standard issue power belt). Posted to Alpha Section.

Dr. Greta de Winter MD, PhD codename: Shiver /Powers: Ability to freeze any liquid instantly, render solids brittle in seconds and project a nigh impenetrable field of intense cold around herself or any other object in range (approx 100 – 150 meters), stealth (standard issue power belt). Posted to Alpha Section, special field assignment to Sigma 1.

Major Amethyste Foxxe codename: ShadowFox /Powers: Super-human strength, speed, agility, exceptional strategic ability, stealth (cloaking implant) feral hyper-senses (smell, taste, hearing, touch, sight). Posted to Omega Section, special assignment to Sigma 1.

ShadowFox felt a swell of pride in her team. To date, they had accomplished every mission they were ever assigned without losing a single member. There had been injuries and some downtime for recovery, but no loss of life. To say this was easy would be a definite falsehood. There were several times she feared for her life and the lives of her team members, but they always seemed to survive.

The autopilot signaled the arrival at SHADOW HQ. Foxxe opened the standard hailing channel and CELIA answered. “Welcome home, Major. Please transmit code for docking bay transport sequence.” She said. “Transmission commencing.” Foxxe replied. CELIA responded, “Code received and verified. Stand by for matter transport. Please deactivate cloaking shield.” Foxxe powered down the cloak and a golden glow surrounded the vehicle. Then it was gone.

At the same time that Major Foxxe was arriving for her meeting with her team and General Hawkins, Dr. Emile Korva and his curvaceous covey of deadly cat-women were also having a little confab of their own.

“RRROARR” screamed Cougarelle, one of Korva’s three largest genetic marvels. She was attacking one of her smaller sisters, The Crimson Panther. Crimson Panther was the leader of this murderous group of feline assassins, designated so by Korva himself. But as usual, there was disagreement with his choice.

Cougarelle was given a task to perform by her “little sister” but did not like the tone in which she gave it. The situation, which really was not a big thing, had escalated to the point where now Crimson Panther was trying desperately not to have her throat ripped out.

“Cougarelle, STOP IT!” said Crimson Panther, baring her metal claws, “I don’t want to have to hurt you!” Cougarelle replied, “You see, that’s why you don’t deserve to be our leader. Because, I have no compunctions about clawing you into tiny pieces and feeding you to our little sister Kitten.” The two circled each other in the large conference room where the meeting was to be held.

Cougarelle was well named. She stood almost seven feet tall, weighed about 225 pounds, without a single ounce of fat on her sleek form. She wore a halter type top that had a beige collar, with a gold jewel in it, around the neck and 2 pieces of gold colored material that came down to cover her large breasts. Astride her hips, she wore the same circlet belt as all of the members of CLAW; hers was beige with yellow glowing jewels. The belt rested atop a furred bikini that was darker beige in color. Cougarelle’s powerful legs were covered in a sheer, sleek material, similar to pantyhose, but was much more resilient than it appeared, radiantly tan in color. Cougarelle, like Kitten was also lightly covered in golden beige fur, slightly darker than Kitten’s, like peach fuzz, from her pointed ears, all the way to the end of her tail. Like Kitten also, her green cat-like eyes glowed when excited or angered. They were glowing now.

Crimson Panther, unlike Cougarelle, was a genetically and technologically enhanced meta-human and not a clone. Crimson Panther’s real name was Francisca de la Vega. Korva found her and her sister, Gabriella (the Purple Puma) on the streets of a small village in Peru. The drug lords had taken over the village and turned the people into slaves. Francisca and Gabriella had been taken from their parents and turned into prostitutes because of their beauty. They did not want to do this and at first refused. So the sadistic lieutenant of the drug lord gave them a choice of which parent, their father or mother, should die for their disobedience. The girls pleaded and begged them not to kill either one and submitted to their wishes. But the evil man decided that someone had to die for their trespassing his “law”, and since they couldn’t make the choice, he would do it for them.

He dragged their parents into the next room amid the shrieking of the girls. A single shot rang out. He walked out and blew the smoke from his pistol and laughed. He wouldn’t tell the girls which of their parents he had killed, only that they were half orphaned and if they didn’t obey, the other would die. They submitted without further struggle. As they left the room, Francisca turned to him, smiled her sweetest smile and said, “One day I will…kill you…slowly.” The man replied laughing, “Little one, I look forward to it!” One night after a particularly hard day, the girls were awakened in the middle of the night by a small shadowy figure standing in their doorway. He asked them, “What would you do to gain the power to kill the man who killed your father?” “How do you know which of our parents he killed?” asked Gabriella. Dr. Korva stepped into the light, smiling. “Smart girl. I know because I work for him, but I hate him and the things he does. If you come with me, you won’t have to prostitute yourselves anymore and I will make you strong enough to kill him. What do you say?” Both girls nodded.

The process was excruciating. So many surgeries, that the girls lost count. Gene therapies, experimental serums, treatments with radiation isotopes the most learned men and women of medicine had never even heard of. After 18 months, the girls were ready. Gabriella, Korva named the Purple Puma. Francisca, he named the Crimson Panther.

Korva outfitted Francisca with a neck-to-toe sleek, skin-tight, black cat suit with a down chevron shaped dark grey area extending from her shoulders to just below the breast line. Emblazoned in this area was a red stylized symbol of a panther head. The doctor gave her the same CLAW belt, black with red jewels, a mask to shield her identity, and black and red gloves that extended from her hands to just above the elbow. The gloves also had openings for the razor-sharp 18-inch metal claws that Korva had bonded to the skeletal structure of her arms.

She and Purple Puma made good on Francisca’s promise one hot night. The guards surrounding the palatial house died quickly and silently. The deadly she-cats made their way to his bedroom. They approached silently, each on one side of his bed. Crimson Panther woke him by slicing off his left pinky finger. He awoke with a scream, holding his bleeding hand. He shouted for his guards, but none came. They were all dead. Gabriella looked at her sister and said, “Take him, sister, he’s yours.” Francisca looked at her sister with tears in her eyes and said, “For Popi.” Gabriella nodded. “WHO ARE YOU?” the man yelled.

Crimson Panther removed her mask and the man’s eyes widened. “Remember me, now?” she said smiling the sweet smile she used when she made her threat. “I made you a promise that one day I would kill you, slowly,” she said straddling him, “You said you were looking forward to it. And I never break a promise. GRRAWLLL!” She quickly moved her mouth down to his and bit out his tongue with her sharp fangs. Francisca kept her promise. It took 3 hours for him to die as Crimson Panther skinned him alive, inch-by-inch, except for his head. His screams could be heard for miles.

After 3 hours of torture, she brutally ripped out his throat and tasted blood for the first time. She savored every drop. She then extended one razor sharp claw and sliced his head off with one powerful stroke. She gave Gabriella his heart to devour. The Crimson Panther set the man’s head on a pole and drove it into the ground in front of his house. Her vengeance was complete.

Crimson Panther awaited Cougarelle’s charge. She knew her too well. As she predicted, Cougarelle came straight at her, claws bared. Crimson Panther simply side-stepped the razor sharp attack and sank her 18-inch claws deep into her mid-section, the tips peeking out her back, missing her spine. Cougarelle howled in pain.

Crimson Panther withdrew her claws from her wounded “sister” and licked the blood from them. Re-sheathing them, she drew close to Cougarelle’s ear and said, “I never said I wouldn’t hurt you, I said I didn’t want to have to hurt you. Big difference. Remember that.” Crimson Panther continued, “Father does wonderful work, you’ll heal fine. If I wanted you dead or crippled, you would be. Don’t ever attack me again or I swear I’ll have your flesh in my teeth and your blood in my throat. Understand?” “Yes, sister. I understand.” Cougarelle said meekly.

“Well done, daughter! I couldn’t be more proud of the way you handled that!” said Dr. Korva entering the room. Everyone stood as Dr. Korva and Kitten walked in and sat down. “Thank you, father.” said Crimson Panther. “Now my kittens, to business.” Said Korva, “Our informant tells us that SHADOW has been called in to stop us.” “SHADOW? What’s that?” asked Purple Puma. “I’ll explain that in due time, but for now all you need to know is that their intervention has caused us to move up our timetable. The longer SHADOW has, the more likely they are to find us.” Korva explained. “Then when do we strike, father?” Crimson Panther asked. “In seven days.” Korva said, “The President of the United States and his family have seven days to live!”

Lt. K'Arol Zzornz_Dragonfly.JPG
Lt. K'arol Zzornz codename DRAGONFLY
Lt. K'Arol Zzornz_Dragonfly.JPG (40.17 KiB) Viewed 8262 times
Lt. Mona Lisa Calderone_Psychlone.JPG
Lt. Mona Lisa Calderone codename PSYCHLONE
Lt. Mona Lisa Calderone_Psychlone.JPG (37.82 KiB) Viewed 8262 times
Dr. Greta de Winter MD PhD_Shiver.JPG
Dr. Greta de Winter, codename SHIVER
Dr. Greta de Winter MD PhD_Shiver.JPG (37.36 KiB) Viewed 8262 times
Omega Prime.JPG
Omega Prime, head of Omega Section
Omega Prime.JPG (45.9 KiB) Viewed 8262 times
Alpha Prime.JPG
Alpha Prime, head of SHADOW's Alpha Section
Alpha Prime.JPG (44.14 KiB) Viewed 8262 times
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Here are some more Hero Machine images of characters from this installment.
Crimson Panther.JPG
Crimson Panther, lead assassin of CLAW
Crimson Panther.JPG (49 KiB) Viewed 8260 times
Cougarelle, assassin of CLAW
Cougarelle.JPG (41.66 KiB) Viewed 8261 times
Capt. Grayson Ravenwing_DarkWing.JPG
Capt. Grayson Ravenwing codename DARKWING
Capt. Grayson Ravenwing_DarkWing.JPG (36.64 KiB) Viewed 8261 times
Agent Sylvia Chen_FireFly.JPG
Agent Sylvia Chen codename FIREFLY
Agent Sylvia Chen_FireFly.JPG (42.12 KiB) Viewed 8261 times
Capt. Talia Ynaros_Songbird.JPG
Capt. Talia Ynaros codename SONGBIRD
Capt. Talia Ynaros_Songbird.JPG (45.02 KiB) Viewed 8261 times
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Man, I am jealous of your superheroine designs! :roll:
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I am honored! Your artwork is awesome! I wish I could draw like you! All I can do is use Hero Machine. You have the true talent! Let's talk about doing a collabration someday. Thanks for the compliment! :wink:
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Here's the next installment. Sorry for the delay but I've been working on a new story. You'll see it soon!


SHADOW vs. CLAW - Part 8

ShadowFox’s shuttlecraft had re-appeared in the SHADOW HQ docking bay, completing the matter transport sequence. ShadowFox linked the shuttle’s control console to the main computer, allowing CELIA to facilitate a perfect arrival at the designated area. When the shuttle came to its final stop, Major Foxxe exited the vehicle and was immediately met by her friend and long-time partner, Captain Grayson Ravenwing codenamed DarkWing.

“Hey Foxxy, what’s shakin’?” asked Capt. Ravenwing. “Just my bushy red tail, baby!” ShadowFox answered, with a slight wiggle of her cute little rear end. The two friends embraced, laughing at their usual greeting. Two of the best agents in SHADOW walked down the long walkway, past the other shuttles and their maintenance crews, toward the travel tube terminal. ShadowFox punched the call button to summon a travelpod. “I assume you read the brief?” asked Foxxe. “Yeah, bad business, chief. These people have got to be completely insane!” said DarkWing. “Insane or not, they’ve got to be stopped, permanently.” Foxxe replied. The travelpod arrived and the tube access doors hissed open. The two lovely ladies climbed into the 2-person travelpod and the doors closed as they were seated, facing each other. “Destination, please.” the computer voice said. “Admin complex” said DarkWing. “Thank you.” Said the computer voice and the travelcar took off at high speed.

After a few moments of friendly chit-chat, ShadowFox looked at DarkWing and said, “Girlfriend, what have you been doing? You are looking good!” DarkWing replied,” Well, running my tail off for the last 6 weeks on assignment in Istanbul would tone anyone’s body!” They both laughed. ShadowFox’s compliment was not misplaced.

Captain Grayson Ravenwing was an extremely attractive woman. She wore the same skin-tight, two-tone purple uniform as all the rest of Omega Section, right down to the specially made sheer, shimmering purple pantyhose. Ravenwing had long, jet black, wavy hair that cascaded down her back and usually rested on her chest just over her breasts. She was a Native-American knockout with exotically beautiful features, her eyes most of all. They were a deep brown color that had been described as the “kind a man could drown in and enjoy the experience”. Her lips were full and inviting usually colored dark red by her favorite lipstick. She was wearing her sidearm of choice in the holster on her right hip. It was a Proximan designed particle accelerator beam weapon that resembled the gun Han Solo carried in ‘Star Wars’. It was a gift from Omega Prime for a job particularly well done

ShadowFox’s smile faded as she thought about the mission. “Have you spoken to ‘Papa’ yet?” she asked. “No, not yet. I figured I’d wait for you and we’d all go in together.” DarkWing replied. “I don’t like this one bit, Gray.” ShadowFox said, “Why would CLAW give us so much notice about their plans? And why kill the President of the United States?” “Because they think they can get away with it, Amie.” Ravenwing explained, “They think if they pull off the murder of the most powerful leader in the free world and his family, they will be the most feared assassins on the planet. They could demand anything they wanted, because no one would be perceived as safe from them, and they’d be right!”

“I think you’ve nailed it again, Gray! I knew there was some reason I keep you around!” ShadowFox said, her smile returning. “You mean besides my charm and great set of legs?” DarkWing asked jokingly. “Hey, mine are better than yours, sweetie!” Foxxe said raising her sleek left leg and pointing her toes. “Who’s having delusions of grandeur now?” Ravenwing said grinning. “You know I’ve got better legs than those little stems you have!” she said putting her shimmering foot on top of ShadowFox’s displayed leg, pushing it down to the floor. “Oh, yeah?” ShadowFox replied. “Yeah!” DarkWing said, snapping her fingers.

“Well, we’ll just let the General decide this.” ShadowFox said, with a playful pout. “Oh, sure like he’s gonna be impartial!” said DarkWing. “What do you mean by that?” asked Foxxe. “Oh, come on Amie, you know the General would love to have him some Foxxe!” Ravenwing said laughing. Doing her best Mae West imitation, ShadowFox replied, “Well, you know ya can’t blame the old man for wanting some of this!” The two best friends both laughed until they cried.

The travelpod soon arrived at the terminal inside the Administration complex. The levity in the car was short lived as Omega Prime was waiting for them on the platform. Omega was a truly imposing sight. She stood about 6’9” and weighed a staggering 380 – 400 pounds. This was due to the massive molecular density of the Proximan people. Because of this extremely dense molecular structure, Omega was probably stronger than Superman. This had never been confirmed, but Omega thought it was true. The Proximans were very similar to the way Klingons were portrayed on the “Star Trek” series. Their sense of honor and pride as warriors was legendary. Omega Prime was no exception.

Omega was wearing her usual uniform. It was a neck to toe purple skin-tight bodystocking made of the same nigh indestructible material as the sheer pantyhose of the SHADOW personnel except it was opaque. There was a down chevron colored grey, extending from the high neck and shoulders to about 5 inches from her belt. An upside-down Greek omega symbol rested on her chest, just above her large breasts. The belt she wore was not the standard issue power belt with its cloaking shield, holographics and other gadgets but a basic web belt with pockets and holsters. Omega felt that hiding and disguises were not the tools of the true warrior and limited her concealment to an identity covering via a deep purple mask that mostly hid her beauteous face, except for her lovely grey eyes, her nose and her full, luscious lips, that were colored by purple lipstick and gloss.

ShadowFox looked at the expression on Omega’s face as the doors to the travelpod opened. She was not happy. “Foxxe, how many times have I told you never to call me ‘Dearest Mother’, Hmm?” Omega inquired. “Ummm, probably over 10?” she answered sheepishly, knowing what was coming next. “Kind of lost track, huh? Well, let me see if I can jog your memory!” Omega moved at super-speed trying to get behind ShadowFox. Foxxe couldn’t move quite as fast as Omega, but her hyper-senses could detect the air compression of where she was going to be a split second before she arrived. So, just as Omega moved to a spot behind ShadowFox, she would move almost instantly to another place just out of her reach. Omega tried not to be impressed as the two super-powered beauties chased each other through the slightly crowded corridor for 5 full minutes.

After moving over 25 times, Omega finally said, “O.K. Foxxe, freeze, that’s an order!” “Aww, man! That’s not fair!” Foxxe complained, but complied. Omega popped up behind her, smiled and said “RHIP, Rank Has Its Privileges, something I learned from the General.” Without another word, Omega thumped her on the back of the head with her middle finger. “OWW! Geez, lighten up, Omega! Don’t you know how much that smarts?” ShadowFox said, rubbing the back of her noggin. “That will teach you! Now don’t be late for your briefing with the General.” Omega said, turning to walk to her office. “By the way,” added Omega, “Nice work with the drug lord assignment. It was a rush finish, but you handled it well.” ShadowFox smiled and said, “Thanks, Boss!” Omega finished her turn and walked into her office.

DarkWing nudged her and said, “I told you not to keep teasing her like that. One of these days she’s gonna give you a concussion if she ever forgets to hold back on one of those thumps.” ShadowFox chuckled. “I think you’re right. I’m going to see Doc de Winter anyway. See you at 0900” said Foxxe. “Seeya!” said Ravenwing. “Wouldn’t wanna be ya!” replied Foxxe.

Meanwhile, on Isla de la Gata, Dr. Emile Korva was having his usual afternoon espresso in the large oak paneled sitting room on the main floor of his palatial 15,000 square foot mansion, which served as CLAW HQ, with his wife, Madame Yvonne Korva. Yvonne Korva was a statuesque woman about 6’3”, who had been blonde, but her hair, cut in a bowl style, was now a medium grey all over. Madame Korva had received treatments by her brilliant husband, so her body had maintained many of its original attractive features. She had the body and legs of a woman half her age.

Madame Korva fancied herself a dominatrix and always dressed accordingly. Her shapely torso was adorned with a black sheer bodystocking-like top, covered by a PVC bustier leotard with a high collar and lace-up front. She wore the CLAW belt in black with green jewels. Her slender legs were covered by black fishnet pantyhose and she completed her look with wrist length leather gloves and over the calf, shiny, black PVC boots.

Although Dr. Korva did a marvelous job of keeping his wife’s physique in shape, he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) seem to do too much with her face. There were still quite a few wrinkles and crow’s feet around her beautiful steel-grey eyes, and laugh lines around her mouth. Her mouth was still reasonably attractive due to Dr. Korva’s super collagen treatments that kept her lips soft, full and supple.

Madame Korva always carried a laser whip. This was an invention by Korva that incorporated a constantly changing magnetic field that oscillated as the black metallic handle of the whip was moved. Collimating the laser light into the magnetic field from the handle to its tip formed the laser lash. When activated, it made a sound similar to the lightsaber of the ‘Star Wars” films.

This instrument was why the cat-women of CLAW hated her. Madame Korva was a former assassin herself, active during the Cold War for Mother Russia. She was in charge of training and discipline. The sadistic 67-year old would punish the slightest infraction of her rules, no matter how small, with long sessions of “correction” with her laser lash. The cat-women both feared and hated her and one or more of them probably would have killed & devoured her long ago if not for Dr. Korva’s intervention.

The Korva’s were speaking about a problem with one of their “kittens”. “She is becoming increasingly difficult to work with, Emile.” said Yvonne. “In what way?” Dr. Korva asked, sipping his espresso. “She wishes to feed, but no longer wants to kill!” she answered. “How is that possible? I genetically programmed her for bloodlust, killer instinct and insatiable hunger for human blood and flesh.” Korva explained. “I’m telling you, Emile, she is becoming a liability and should be dealt with.” “I will have a talk with her. She cannot lie to me, and she has never done so before, besides, it is against her programming “ Korva said. Korva stood and left the room.

Dr. Korva walked down the hallway to the elevator. He punched in the access code and boarded the car. A few moments later, he stepped out of the elevator into the lab level hallway. His “kittens” were in their respective rooms. He walked down to room 4 and knocked on the door. A low sexy voice said, “Come.” Korva opened the door, stepped in and closed the door behind him.

Korva was never afraid to be alone with his creations. He had programmed their genetic code such that they could never harm him without “self-destructing”. Korva learned this lesson the hard way. When he first created the creature he eventually called Cat Thing, he didn’t have that programming in place. The Cat Thing attacked Korva out of hunger and didn’t see him as her “father”, but as a meal. If not for Madame Korva’s timely intervention, he would have been a memory. The laser lash drove the Cat Thing to run out of the facility and into the jungle. She never returned, but Korva had a few scars and a bad eye, correctible by a monocle, to remind him.

Korva crossed the sparsely decorated room to the bed where his “daughter” was reading a book and sat down. “Daughter, are you well?” he asked. “As well as can be expected I suppose, Father.” answered the sleek cat-woman. “Madame Yvonne tells me you no longer wish to kill. Is this true?” he asked. “Not necessarily, Father. I just don’t see the need to kill children.” she said softly. “These are the enemies of CLAW, darling daughter, your enemies. Why should not their children feed your hunger?” Korva replied. “These children have wronged no one. It’s wrong to kill them without cause or reason. They have not lived long enough to become evil, or become my enemies. I will not kill another innocent child!” she declared.

“Daughter, I need you to do one more kill for me. After this, I swear you will never have to worry about killing another child.” Korva said. “You swear? No more?” she asked. Korva nodded. “Very well. Who is the target?” she inquired. “My dear, you get the big prize. You get to kill the President of the United States.” “When?” the cat-woman asked. “Friday night, midnight. You will go a day early to prepare.” Korva stood and turned to leave, but stopped and asked, “Daughter, what book is that you’re reading?” “Just an old book I found where someone was killed. A souvenir.” she replied. “Oh, I see. Just curious.” Korva said with a smile.

The bodystocking clad cat-woman’s face formed into a blank stare as she sat up on the bed. She did not want this assignment, but she knew she had no choice. She felt trapped. The images of the children she had killed haunted her daily now, and there was no sleeping, no peace. She picked up the book and read the inscription on the inside front cover. It said, “To my daughter, Francisca on your confirmation. Love, Momi.” She closed the black leather covered book and read the words embossed in now faded gold on the cover, “SANTA BIBLIA”. The woman called The Crimson Panther held her bible close to her, drew her knees up close to her chest and held her shiny stocking covered legs tightly to her, embracing them. She then began to gently rock back and forth, weeping. She thought about how she would burn in hell for the lives she had taken, especially the children.

It was 0900 hours and ShadowFox’s team waited outside the General’s office door. She had greeted everyone but was carrying on a conversation with Capt. Ravenwing, Agent Sylvia Chen, codenamed Firefly, and Lt. Mona Lisa Calderone, codenamed Psychlone. “Are you O.K. Major?” Psychlone asked ShadowFox, “You seem a bit distracted today.” “Mona, you can call me ShadowFox or just Amie if you want. I promise I won’t court-martial you.” ShadowFox replied with a smile. “Sorry, Maj… er Amie. I guess I’m still not used to your style of command yet.” Mona said. “Look, Mona, we all depend on each other on this team and I do follow chain of command. You only need to call me by my rank when others are around. Otherwise it just us girls.” ShadowFox explained. “Besides,” DarkWing interjected, “You can see by looking at her that she really has no style!” The whole team burst into laughter.

ShadowFox’s beautiful green eyes narrowed at DarkWing. “O.K., that’s it! Now you’re gonna get it!” said Foxxe, “Ladies, get her!” “Oh, no! Please, not that!” pleaded DarkWing, backing away. “Oh, yes indeed, missy. You been asking for this all day, now you’re doomed!” grinned ShadowFox. Sylvia Chen grabbed DarkWing’s arms and Capt. Talia Ynaros, codenamed SongBird, grabbed her legs, both of them holding the struggling DarkWing off the floor. “Any last words before execution?” said Foxxe. “Please don’t! I promise I’ll be good, I promise! Please let me go!” DarkWing pleaded. “It is too late for that, my proud beauty! Now I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too! Heeehehehehehe!” Foxxe said, in her best Wicked Witch of the West voice.

ShadowFox immediately set to work tickling the bottoms of DarkWing’s lovely shimmering pantyhosed feet at hyper-speed. “OH, nonono…NOOOOO!!” DarkWing cried. Ravenwing laughed hysterically and cried for help repeatedly, but the other members of SHADOW knew this all to familiar sound and simply ignored her tortured cries. Just then, General Hawkins stood in the doorway and cleared his throat loudly. Foxxe stopped and stood at attention, as did the others, but still did not release poor DarkWing. “Major, what’s all about?” the General asked, raising an eyebrow. “Sir, just maintaining discipline in the ranks, Sir!” replied Foxxe with a slight smile. “I see,” said the General, “Captain Ravenwing been mouthing off again?” “Repeatedly, General, Sir.” Foxxe answered. “Uh, huh!” said Hawkins, “Well, discipline must be maintained in every chain of command. Wouldn’t you agree, Captain?” “Y…Yes, Sir” said Ravenwing, barely catching her breath. General Hawkins moved his cigar to the other side of his mouth and clenched it tightly in his teeth and said “Major, you have 5 minutes.” The General smiled and said, “Continue.” “Noooooooo!!” DarkWing cried out, as the tickle torture began anew.

After the “discipline” was completed, ShadowFox’s team filed into the General’s office and sat down in the chairs arranged in front of his large oak desk. The last one in was Capt. Ravenwing, whose pretty full lips were in a permanent pout. The seven lovely ladies sat with their legs crossed, their pantyhose shimmering in the recessed lighting of the office suite. Hawkins looked at the marvelous panorama of pantyhosed pulchritude before him and said softly, “God, I do love this job.”

“Good Morning, ladies!” Hawkins said warmly. All the members of the team returned his greeting in unison, except DarkWing. Hawkins looked her direction smiled and raised and eyebrow. ShadowFox, sitting next to her leaned over to her and said softly, “Tickle, tickle.” Captain Ravenwing sat bolt upright immediately and said, “I’m sorry, Sir. Good morning, Sir!” The General nodded and spoke further. “Let’s get right down to it. You’ve all read the brief. This meeting is to give you specifics. Are there any questions before we begin?” asked Hawkins. A hand went up. “Yes, Dragonfly” answered Hawkins.

Lt. K’arol Zzornz codenamed Dragonfly, spoke up. “Sir, have we been able to locate the cloaked island yet?” “Let’s see. CELIA?” the General called out. In response, the sparkling full sized holographic form of CELIA appeared. “Good morning, General. Ladies. What can I do for you?” “CELIA, have we found the base of operations for CLAW yet?” asked the General. “No, Sir.” CELIA replied, “I’m afraid we haven’t. We know it’s somewhere off the coast of Peru, but their cloak is so perfect we can’t pierce it. In addition, even under duress of an extreme nature, no one will talk.

Psychlone piped up, “I’ve even gone to Peru myself to scan the minds of those who have been arrested by the Peruvian authorities, who were rumored to work for CLAW.” “Did you turn up anything? Anything at all?” asked Hawkins. “No, nothing” Mona replied, “not even a trace memory. Dr. Korva must have everyone who comes off the island to the main land, mind wiped. It’s easy with the right technology.” “With the drug money he’s making” said ShadowFox, “he can afford any technology he needs.”

“General, sir. Do we have a picture of Korva?” asked Dr. Greta de Winter a.k.a. Shiver, “There was no picture in the brief.” “Right. CELIA?” replied the General. “Photo coming up on main viewer, sir” CELIA said. The huge 100” screen changed from the technographic backdrop to an image of Dr. Korva that appeared to have been taken in a marketplace somewhere in Peru.

“Oh, my God” said ShadowFox, “CELIA can you zoom in on his face?” “You’re not telling me you know this guy! Are you?” asked the General. “Yes, but not as Dr. Korva.” Foxxe said, "Greta, do you remember Dr. Kleadermann?” “Why, yes I do” said Shiver, “Why do ask…Oh, my God, it is him!” “What the Sam Hill are you two talking about?” the General demanded.

“General, when I first got here,” Foxxe explained, ”I was working with a brilliant research physician, who was contracted to us from UCLA. His name was Dr. Gregor Kleadermann. He helped develop the cloaking technology given to us by the Tolimans into the implants and power belts we use everyday here. He even installed my, Firefly’s and DarkWing’s cloaking implants!”

“It all fits” said Hawkins, “Korva must have copied the plans to the cloaking technology and has been using it for his assassins!” “Worse, General!” said ShadowFox, “Kleadermann, I mean Korva, always talked about developing a noise-canceling field that could encompass a whole room. Anyone outside a room when the field was operating would not hear anything going on in that room. He and I almost had it done when simply disappeared! He must have perfected it! That’s why none of the security personnel heard the screams of the victims when they were murdered! There was nothing to hear!”

“O.K. now we’re getting somewhere.” Said Hawkins, “Major, now that you know who is behind this, can you figure out how to pierce the cloak?” “I don’t know, sir. Korva has the most brilliant mind I’ve ever worked with. I’ll do my best, sir.” Foxxe replied. “I hope so, the President’s life may be on the line sooner than you think.” Hawkins said. “What do you mean, sir?” asked DarkWing. “I mean CLAW has stepped up their timetable.” The General said, “They got wind we’ve been called in.” “How is that possible, sir?” asked Sylvia Chen codenamed Firefly, “we’re such a secret, the President didn’t even know about SHADOW until this whole mess started!” “I know kid" said Hawkins, "but we’ve got a whole other problem to deal with.” “Great!” said DarkWing, “what is it now?” The General took his cigar out of his mouth, and set it in the crystal ashtray on his desk. He looked at the team and said, “We have a spy in the mix, ladies. And I know exactly where she is!”

Mme Yvonne Korva.JPG
This is Madame Yvonne Korva. Wife of Dr. Emile Korva
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Man! This is getting long! But the show must go on! Here's the next installment!


SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part 9

Joyce Ortega-Robinson was a lucky lady. Not only had she been the personal secretary to the former President of the United States for his 2 terms of office, she had been asked by the present administration to stay on at least another term. Joyce had a great work record and to date had never missed a single day in the past 4 years, except once. She always seemed to be able to anticipate the needs of whomever she served and provide for them without being asked. This was the main reason why she was asked to remain from the previous administration. This was also why she was so dangerous.

Joyce’s husband, Carl Robinson, died about 4 years earlier, while they were on vacation in Lima, Peru. It was supposed to be the “vacation of a lifetime”. For him, it was the end of his life. In an effort to impress his wife, Carl told Joyce that they were staying in a junior suite at The J. W. Marriott Hotel & Casino, located in the prestigious Miraflores district in the city of Lima. When Joyce heard the suite was $325 per night, she thought he’d lost his mind, but Carl said he had won this trip in some kind of giveaway, so it didn’t cost them a dime, except for food. Carl said that he didn’t remember entering a sweepstakes or anything, but he wasn’t about to pass this up.

While on their dream vacation, part of the package was a day trip to the “Lost City of the Incas” at Machu Picchu. Carl always fancied himself an amateur archaeologist and took Joyce to some places near the ruins that weren’t on the map. They were unaware that they were being stalked the entire time. The creature moved silently through the thick foliage until it was right on top of them, then it attacked. They both screamed but by the time help reached them it was too late for Carl. He had been torn to shreds. Joyce, however, sustained a few deep claw wounds and had been bitten in the throat 2 or 3 times but was still alive. The authorities could only surmise that the animal had been too busy killing Carl and didn’t get the chance to finish Joyce before help arrived.

The investigators never found the beast that attacked the Robinsons, but they assumed that it was a rogue jaguar or a leopard, and closed the case after 3 months time. Joyce spent 3 weeks recovering from her injuries and then returned to work. She was too badly injured to even attend Carl’s funeral. She returned to work…changed. At least that’s what her co-workers called it.

Joyce seemed distant, but always professional: distracted, but giftedly competent, almost as if she could read minds. Her close friends attributed it all to the loss of her husband, the horror of the attack and the adjustment period anyone goes through after a major life change.

Joyce did finally get back to some semblance of normalcy after a while. Things seemed to be going fine. Then the blackouts started. There were gaps of time that she simply couldn’t account for. Small ones at first, a few seconds here, a minute there. Then an hour, or half a workday. Joyce saw the best doctors, but they could find nothing wrong, but prescribed medication and sent her on her way. She was concerned and noticed recently the increase in concern for the security and safety of the President and the First Family.

Three days before the impending assassination attempt on First Family, Joyce arrived home at her usual time, around 6:30 p.m. The phone rang as soon as she walked in. She had just enough time to take off her short leather boots and walked to the small phone stand in her shiny stockinged feet. “Hello?” Joyce answered. “Mmmmrowrr!” said the voice on the other end, “RRREEOWRRRRR!” Joyce’s eyes glazed over and she sat on the couch.

“Yes, I hear you.” she said vacantly. “Speak! What is there to report?” the voice demanded. “Nothing, Master. They know nothing of your change of date to slaughter the First Family.” Joyce replied. “Good! The Crimson Panther is on the way there now.” said the voice, “When she arrives, she will stay with you as an old friend from college. You will obey her and do whatever she commands you. Your duty is almost complete and you will receive your reward.”

Joyce lay back on the couch and purred, rubbing her sleek pantyhosed feet against her legs. “Now,” said the voice, “you when you receive the signal, you will remember nothing of this conversation. Do you understand?” “Yes, Master.” she replied. Again the cat-like voice called out, “Mmmmrowrr! “RRREEOWRRRRR!” Joyce’s eyes unglazed and she said, “Hello…hello, is anyone there?” Dr. Emile Korva and Kitten hung up. *click* “Hmmph! Wrong number I guess.” Joyce said, and hung up.

Strangely enough, this time, Joyce did remember the conversation. She lay back on the couch again and began to purr, once again caressing her shiny pantyhosed legs with her feet. “Purrfect” she said with a smile, “purrrrfect!” Her normally hazel colored eyes glowed red, blood red.


Back at SHADOW HQ, General Hawkins was explaining his earlier statements about the “spy in the mix”. “Ladies,” the General began, “we have evidence that leads us to believe that one of the President’s closest aides has been compromised. CELIA?” The hologram nodded and the picture on the screen changed from Dr. Emile Korva to Joyce Ortega-Robinson.

“This is Joyce Ortega-Robinson, the President’s confidential secretary. Everything the President does or says, barring extreme top secrets, goes through her to him or vice-versa. Despite the best efforts of CLAW, we’ve been able to trace several international calls to Ms. Robinson’s home. Calls that came from the circuits somewhere near Lima, Peru.”

“These calls,” asked ShadowFox a.k.a Major Amethyste Foxxe, “were we able to record any conversations?” “No, Major, unfortunately not.” Said the General, “CLAW’s jamming technology is almost a match to ours. It’s unlikely that we’ll get any elements of conversation, but we did manage to plant some devices in Ms. Robinson’s home. We got this…” The General pressed a button on his desk keypad. The word “PLAYBACK” flashed on the screen. The image was of Joyce at the end of her last conversation with Korva. They listened to the one sided dialog and watched as Joyce sat back and uttered the word “purrfect”. The video also caught the red glow in her eyes.

Captain Talia Ynaros a.k.a. Songbird, asked, “How did this happen to her?” The General answered, “We believe it happened about 4 or 5 years ago when she and her husband were attacked while on vacation in the Peruvian jungle, near the ruins of Machu Picchu. Her husband was killed by what the authorities ruled as a rogue jaguar or leopard. She survived with serious injuries, but made a full recovery.”

The General continued, “Ladies, take a look at the port mortem pictures of Mr. Robinson and tell me what you see. CELIA?” The screen shimmered again and showed the grisly result of what the creature had done to Carl Robinson. Dr. de Winter a.k.a. Shiver said, “The attack is exactly the same as on the diplomats and their families! Right down to the heart removal!”

“Precisely, Doctor!” said Hawkins emphatically, “I think that CLAW somehow altered her memories and programmed her to be a ‘sleeper’ agent, responding to a certain phrase or sound, delivering stored information, and then forgetting the conversation ever took place afterward.”

“I’m not so sure, General.” said Mona Lisa Calderone a.k.a. Psychlone, “Post hypnotic suggestions don’t make people’s eyes glow!” “Hmmm, you have a point there, Lieutenant,” replied Hawkins, “Thanks for pointing that out.” “Do you have an explanation?” he asked. “I need to see if I can reach her mind before I answer that, hold on a minute.”

Psychlone closed her eyes and raised her hands toward the screen. “I’m getting something…It’s coming in clearer…OH, GOD NO!! AAARRGH!!” Psychlone screamed and collapsed onto the floor. Dr. de Winter reached her first and called out, “Mona...Mona! Are you alright?” Psychlone didn’t answer, she just stared blankly into space, totally unresponsive.

The rest of the members of the group of super-powered ladies watched as the medical team arrived in answer to CELIA’s emergency call. Dr. de Winter turned to go with the team to the well- equipped base hospital. ShadowFox stood in the doorway, her head bowed down. Shiver placed her hand on ShadowFox’s shoulder and said, “We’ll do everything we can. She’ll be alright, you’ll see.” ShadowFox nodded and the team took Mona Lisa away.

“Psychlone is the most powerful telepath I’ve ever seen,” Capt. Grayson Ravenwing a.k.a. DarkWing said, “I’ve never seen anything do that to her before.” “I’ve known her since the academy,” said Lt. K’arol Zzornz a.k.a. Dragonfly, “I thought nothing could scare her, until today! That look of abject horror on her face, what could she have seen in that poor woman’s mind that would frighten her into catatonic state?” “I don’t know,” said General Hawkins, “but we’ve got to find that island, but quick!”

“I think I might be able to help you with that, General!” said a little voice moving quickly into the room through the wall. The voice came from a small purple faced, large domed alien that everyone just called Sparky. The General gave the nickname because her given name was nearly unpronounceable in human terms, and she did have “the most sparkling personality” the General had ever seen.

Sparky was from a planet orbiting the star called Delta Velorum, in the constellation Vela. Her people were slightly standoffish due to the massive intelligence and cognitive abilities of her species. The DeltaVelorans were living computers, their minds able to absorb, digest, clarify and store more information than any library, archive or computer system in the known universe.

“What have you got, Sparky?” the General said with a smile. “I believe I’ve found your island, Sir!” replied Sparky. She walked to the General’s desk and hopped up onto his chair to reach the desk’s inlaid keyboard. Sparky entered the information faster than any human ever could, directly into the system in machine language. The giant screen once again came to life and showed a live satellite feed for a section of ocean.

A small passenger craft was approaching what appeared to be empty sea. “I don’t see what…” said the General. “Just wait a moment, Sir, you’ll see.” Said Sparky. She zoomed the image in a little closer. As they all watched, the craft moved along the water to a certain point and disappeared! Sparky showed the next time index, 30 minutes later, and the same craft reappeared at almost the exact same spot!

“I’ve been watching this space of sea for 3 days non-stop just to make sure of this. Here are the coordinates of your invisible island.” said Sparky as she handed the General a slip of paper. It said: Isla de la Gata – 90 degrees, 17 minutes, 4 seconds West Longitude, 15 degrees, 19 minutes, 9 seconds South Latitude.

The General was overjoyed. “Sparky, you’ve done it again!” said Hawkins, “If I wasn’t your commanding officer, I’d kiss you!” “Well, don’t let that stop you, handsome!” replied Sparky. “Ah, ah, ah. Regulations, must follow the rules you know!” explained Hawkins. “Oh, fiddlesticks! You never let me have any fun!” said Sparky with a wink. She jumped down from the General’s chair, blew him a kiss, and phased back through the wall.

“You ladies ready for some action?” asked the General. “We were born ready, General!” said ShadowFox. “Alright then, this is gonna be a two pronged attack. One group will go to the island the other will go to Washington, D.C. SHADOW’s gonna wipe the floor with ‘em!!”

Heeeere's Sparky!!
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I must apologize for not updating sooner. I promise I'll never open three stories at once again! :smt018

Here's Part 10! Almost done! Seeya! 8)


SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part 10

Major Amethyste Foxxe a.k.a. ShadowFox was excited. “I’ve got you now, you murdering S.O.B.!!” she exclaimed. ShadowFox ran at her top speed of nearly 80 mph all the way from the R&D lab to General Hawkins’ ready room. Foxxe burst into the room and yelled, “I did it! I pierced the cloak, General!” “Outstanding, Foxxe! Let’s see it!” said Hawkins with big grin. “CELIA” said Foxxe, “Patch in terminal 652-J to the General’s main viewer.” “Right away, Major!” CELIA answered.

The large main viewer shimmered and then showed an area of ocean, but no island. Foxxe ordered, “CELIA, initiate frequency scanning sequence Foxxe Beta 37, please.” “Sequence initiated.” CELIA replied. The image changed from a normal view to a CG type representation. Then the island came into view. The team applauded. Foxxe grinned and said, “OK, OK, hold the happiness. The mission’s not a piece of cake yet. Here’s what we’re up against.”

ShadowFox went on to explain that the life form sensors indicated that there were 6 meta-humans and about 252 humans on the island. 250 of the humans were heavily armed and patrolling the whole island except a small area on the southern tip of the island. That was also where one lone meta-human was located.

“I bet I can guess why nobody patrols that part of island.” Hawkins said. “Why, General?” said Captain Grayson Ravenwing a.k.a. DarkWing. “Because that little blip right there is the reason I’m wearing this wonderful fashion accessory.” Hawkins said raising his artificial armored left arm. “You mean that thing is what took your arm off, Sir?” asked Lt. K’arol Zzornz a.k.a. Dragonfly. “My right eye, too. And took, no Lieutenant. Ripped or tore is more like it!” said Hawkins, “I’ve never experienced that kind of pain before or since. But it’s about time for some payback!”

“Ladies, we’ve got 250 troops on that island,” Hawkins said, “they’re heavily armed and lookin’ for a fight!” “Well, I think it’s time we gave ‘em one, General!” said Foxxe with a smile. The team yelled their second to the motion. “I think you’re right…Colonel!” said Hawkins.

The whole room gasped in unison. “Colonel, General?” inquired ShadowFox with a look of shock. “Full bird, Foxxe.” Hawkins said, “It’s been such a long time coming, Omega and I skipped the oak leaf and went straight to the bird. Congratulations!” Hawkins shook her hand and the whole ready room went up in a cheer.

“Colonel, take over the tactical briefing!” the General commanded. “Yes, Sir, General, Sir!” replied Colonel Amethyste Foxxe with a smart salute. The General smiled, returned the salute, turned on his heel and left the room. “Well, girls” said Foxxe, “you know what this means.” “What, Colonel?” asked DarkWing. “Mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money!” Foxxe said laughing. Her team laughed with her. “OK girls, here’s the plan…”

Francisca de la Vega, a.k.a. The Crimson Panther, had arrived at Dulles International Airport near Washington, D.C. She went through customs and immigration and presented her paperwork as to the nature of the metal in her body. Dr. Korva, under the name Heidelberg, had written a convincing story of a bad accident that required extensive reconstructive surgery, specifically bone reconstruction, requiring pins and plates throughout the forearms on both sides. Usually this would evoke a sympathy response from the officers and allow Crimson Panther entry into the country.

This was not Crimson Panther’s first trip to the Washington, D.C area. She was the agent sent to eliminate Senator Nelson Greenberg and his family. She had not slept well since the night she tore through the entire household. The adult’s deaths didn’t bother her as much as the children. She couldn’t shake the image from her mind of the look of horror on their young faces as she approached them and their screams wouldn’t let her rest. She was on her way to pick up her small suitcase at the baggage claim when she heard a voice call to her.

“Oh, Francie!” the man called out. “Oh, no!” the Panther thought, “not him again!” Bob Harkins sat near Francisca in first class on last leg of her journey. She was conscious of being watched, given her feral nature, and it started to make the hair on the back of her neck stand up. But Bob was just a middle-aged man trying to sneak a peek at her shapely legs.

Once she was on to him, Francisca smiled to herself and started to tease him unmercifully. Since she was on the aisle and could readily be seen by him, she started by removing her shoes, displaying her model perfect toes in the sheerest, shiniest hose she owned. Francisca pointed and spread her toes several times in full view of Bob’s lecherous eyes. This alone made Bob begin to sweat.

Francisca then unzipped the split in her skirt to the middle of her thigh and began to pull the skin tight medium brown hose even tighter, increasing the already evident sheen on her fabulous legs. She giggled to herself because she, with her hyper-senses, could hear his heartbeat increasing. She thought a moment, and then pressed the button to recline her seat all the way back. Then she really turned up the heat. She began sliding her pantyhosed peds up and down her own legs, one after the other. Francisca was actually getting turned on herself and would have purred, but she showed remarkable restraint.

Then she made the ultimate mistake. She turned toward Bob over the arm of her seat and winked at him. His face was so red and flushed she thought he was going to have a massive coronary, but he calmed down and left his seat to come sit next to her because the window seat was vacant. When he first sat down he was cordial enough, but when he wouldn’t leave and stared at her legs the whole time he was talking to her, she began to become angry.

By the time they reached Dulles, she literally thought she was going to have to kill him to shut him up. Bob had talked non-stop for 2 two hours straight about absolutely nothing. There were times during his incessant talking that she almost bared her razor sharp 18 inch metal claws. She was relieved to have landed and departed the plane, but he followed her everywhere, even to the ladies’ room! Francisca had endured all she could. She went into the ladies’ room and activated the stealth mode on her belt. She walked past him as he patiently waited at the door of the women’s restroom and thought she had lost him. She was wrong.

“There you are, you naughty girl!” Bob said smiling, “where did you disappear to?” “Well, I had to go through customs, Bob.” she answered, very annoyed at the question, watching the baggage carousel start, “I am from Peru, remember? You didn’t see me come out?” “No, I didn’t.” he answered, “I would never have missed you, Francie.”

“He’s staring at my legs again, I can feel it!” Francisca thought, “I’ve got to get rid of him and I think I know how!” She turned, smiled at him and moved close enough for her lips to touch his ear and whispered, “Bob, the bags haven’t started yet and I need something from you.” She blew softly in his ear and Bob felt stirrings in his nether regions. She sensed his arousal and said softly, “Come with me.” Bob actually drooled.

Francisca led him into a darkened hallway that led to an emergency exit that appeared to have been unused for sometime. It was also the only place that didn’t have any surveillance equipment that she could detect. Francisca grabbed him by the collar of his trench coat and pushed him forcefully against the wall.

“So, Bob is this what you wanted?” she asked in a low, sultry voice, stepping close to him, “All that looking and ogling on the plane, staring at my shiny feet, my shimmering legs, my sleek thighs. Do you like my body, Popi, hmm?” “Who wouldn’t, Francie?” Bob replied, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met!” “Gracias, Popi!” she said with a smile, “I think that deserves a kiss!” Francisca gave him the longest frencher he’d ever experienced. Bob couldn’t stand it anymore. He moaned and ejaculated in his pants! The stain spread as if someone had spilled water on him.

Bob turned beet red and said, “Excuse me, Francie! I really gotta go!” “Oh, but Popi, I need you now!” she said, doing her best Eartha Kitt growl, "Just one more kiss, Popi! Purrrrr...!" Francisca slipped her left foot out of her shoe and rubbed the back of his calf with it, using her toes to grip and release the muscle. Then she kissed him the second time. To his own surprise, Bob shot off again and the stain grew larger. By now he could feel something oozing down his leg. “Francie, I really need to go now!” Bob said desperately. “Oh, alright Popi, if you really must,” she said with a mock pout, “but do me a favor, look in my eyes one last time before you go.”

Bob looked into Francisca’s beautiful green eyes and they began to glow. He was mesmerized almost instantly. “Rrrowrr! Bob, do you hear me?” she asked. “Yes, I hear you.” he replied. “Purrrfect! Listen carefully and obey me! You will forget that we ever met.” she commanded, “You will forget that you just soiled yourself this way and go straight to your first meeting of the day. Hurry along now, you don’t want to be late! You will have access to your full faculties, except for any knowledge of me or our little rendezvous, when you reach the baggage carousel, do you understand me?” “Yes, I understand.” Bob said vacantly. “Rrrowrr! Then, go!” she said.

Bob turned and left the darkened hallway. Francisca could barely contain herself. She watched him go to the carousel and shake his head as if he had just awakened from a nap. He took his baggage off as it passed him and put it on the cart he had just rented. He walked away while Francisca laughed internally but cried externally. “Well, that should fix him, the letch!” she said to herself.

Francisca’s smile melted away as Bob left the baggage claim and walked out to get a taxi. It was only the second time in her life that she didn’t regret being a cat-woman. She walked to the carousel, retrieved her suitcase and boarded the shuttle to the Hertz lot to pickup the car she had rented.

Once she was in the car, she pulled out a card from the pocket of her blouse, read the address she had been given by Korva and fed the coordinates into the GPS system that came with the vehicle. She said, “Well, Joyce here I come, your old college friend Frankie! I’ll spend the night with you, go to work with you in the morning and wait several hours until nightfall in some secluded place to kill a man who has done me no wrong, along with his wife and his children! Thus, adding to my list of sins another reason why my soul will be condemned to burn in hell for all eternity!”


Back at SHADOW HQ…

Colonel Amethyste “ShadowFox” Foxxe addressed her team before final deployment. “Ladies, this is to be a two pronged action.” she said, “Group one will go to Isla de la Gata and annihilate it completely. This means once we land, nothing comes on, nothing and no one gets off without clearance from the General, Alpha, Omega or myself. All personnel, property, technology, everything gets destroyed. Exceptions will only be made by the command staff I just mentioned. Do you read me?” The whole room replied in unison, “Yes, Ma’am!”

“Most of group two is already in position at the White House. There are at least 10 Stealth agents on each floor and double that amount on the residential wings,” said ShadowFox, “If one of these cat-wenches so much as sneezes in the President’s direction, we’ll have a dozen super-powered agents hopping around her like jackrabbits in carrot patch in less than a hundredth of a second!”

General Hawkins and Omega strolled in. “Group, Atten-TION!” commanded Foxxe. The room rose and saluted. “As you were!” the General ordered, “Colonel, Omega Prime has something she wishes to say to you. Omega?” Omega Prime stepped forward and stood in front of ShadowFox.

“Colonel Foxxe,” she began, “As the General has no doubt explained, we both felt that the promotion you just received was long overdue. Your team is the most successful, if not the most un-orthodox, in SHADOW. Therefore, the General and I have decided to create a new section in SHADOW, designated Gamma Section."

"Gamma Section will be charged with missions that other teams have failed to accomplish. This section will be our equivalent to the Impossible Missions Force of the CIA, only a hundred times more powerful. You, ShadowFox, will command Gamma Section, under the designation Gamma Prime. Congratulations!” Omega smiled, shook her hand firmly and leaned close to whisper, “I always knew you had it in you, Foxxe. Now you can prove me right!” “Thank you, Commander!” said an overwhelmed Foxxe, “I…I won’t let you down!”

The entire room went up in a mass cheer. Foxxe tried to hold it back, but she couldn’t, she cried. Captain Ravenwing ran to her and the two jumped up and down a couple of times before they just stopped and stared at each other. “This is what you’ve been waiting for Amie,” said Ravenwing, “this is it, girlfriend!” “I couldn’t have done it without you and the team, Gray!” Foxxe replied.

“OK, OK, ladies, let’s settle down!” said Foxxe, having composed herself, “We’ve got to get this one done first! General Hawkins will be leading the island assault force personally, while I go to Washington to take command of the Presidential protection group. Ladies, let’s show the General that we haven’t been given this honor for nothing. Let’s make this the final hours of the existence of CLAW!”

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Once again, BRAVO!! I'm greatly looking forward to the conclusion. Now I'm hooked on all 3 of your stories! I don't know how you do it, but keep up the great work!
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Well, guys we're almost done with this one! Whew! I hope everyone's still enjoying the story. The next chapter will be the last. Here goes! 8)


SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part 11

Isla de la Gata – Thursday Afternoon

“The Crimson Panther has arrived in Washington, DC on schedule,” said Dr. Korva to Madame Korva, “Everything is going as planned, Yvonne. Soon we will be the most feared assassination organization in the world!” “I’m not so sure, Emile.” Madame Korva said frowning, “Do you really think Crimson Panther was the right choice for this kill?”

“Of course, my dear,” he replied, “she was the only choice! The larger kittens, Cougarelle, Ebon Tiger and Green Jaguar, are too inexperienced and not as intelligent; Kitten while very intelligent, is just too young; and Purple Puma, as bloodthirsty as she has become, would probably be out calling attention to herself by killing at least 2 or 3 men tonight! No, the Panther was the right call!” “But, she told you herself she is growing tired of the killing!” Madame. Korva pointed out, “I fear that she will jeopardize the whole organization!”

“I have plans in case she fails, my dearest!” Korva said calmly, “Don’t worry, everything will be completed soon, you’ll see!” Suddenly, a powerful voice invaded Korva’s mind and he fell to his knees. “KORVA!” it shouted, “COME TO THE CHAMBER OF MEETING! I WOULD SPEAK TO YOU NOW!” “Yes Mistress, I hear and obey!” he replied. “Is it her?” Yvonne asked. “No, it’s Martha Stewart!” Korva said sarcastically, “Of course it’s her, you ditzy bondage bimbo! I am summoned, I must go!”

Dr. Korva stood and was about to quickly leave the room when the insulted Madame Korva said, “Don’t you call me a bimbo! You think I don’t know about what you’ve been doing with that Kitten of yours?” Korva turned to her, smiled and replied, “If had made a male version of Kitten instead of a female, you’d be doing worse than that, my corrupt Queen of Bondage! And from what I have observed, you’ve been having more than your share of fun with the more handsome members of the security force patrolling our little island as well, my dear. I don’t ask, you don’t tell.”

Clearly incensed, Madame Korva drew out her laser whip and exclaimed, “I’ll flay the skin of your carcass for that, you simpering little dwarf!” Before she could activate the whip, Kitten pounced on her from nowhere and pinned her to the floor. “MRROWRR! No one speaks to my Daddy like that and no one hurts him either! Not if I have anything to say about it!” said Kitten, claws ready to slice Madame Korva’s throat, “Shall I kill her for you, Daddy?”

“No, my darling one.” Korva said with a smile, “You see Yvonne, how protective she is of me? Had you shown such devotion, she would never have been necessary! Come, my pet, let’s find you another ‘special treat’!” Kitten smiled her razor sharp smile and said, “Why don’t I just eat her? You really don’t need her anyway, do you Daddy?” “No child, I don’t,” replied Korva, “but I still remember the old days when we loved each other. Besides, your treat will be that nice handsome Lt. Ramirez you said was so adorable!”

“NO! Please Emile,” begged Yvonne, “Not Esteban! Anyone but him!!” Korva frowned and turning to exit the room, replied, “You shouldn’t let yourself become so attached to your toys, my dear. Come, Kitten!” “Yes, Daddy!” said Kitten slinking behind him, her black hosed legs glistening. Kitten stopped in the doorway, turned and looked at Madame Korva. Her green eyes glowed with the anticipation of the kill. She said, “I’ll bet he’ll be as tasty as he is adorable! Meow!” Madame Korva curled up in the fetal position on the floor and wept bitterly.


At SHADOW HQ, War and Stealth Agents were being assembled in the final staging area in preparation for deployment on Isla de la Gata. The huge troop carrier was of off-world design. The sleek, black aerodynamically shaped craft was similar to a streamlined C-130 but with no wings and a flattened look. General Hawkins and Colonel Foxxe had decided that 500 troop units would be sufficient to overwhelm and utterly demoralize the security force on the island. 350 SHADOW War Agents and 150 SHADOW Stealth Agents were chosen to comprise the battle group.

SHADOW War Agents were trained in every type of martial art, proficient with weapons of 3 different worlds, and were extremely hard to kill. The average War Agent was approximately 5’8” to 6 foot tall and wore a head-to-toe, skin-tight, grey and purple uniform bodystocking, the colors of Omega Section. The identity of each agent was completely hidden from the outside world and the agents usually didn’t speak unless it was necessary for communication with an outside person.

The full head mask not only hid their identity, it also allowed them to function as one unit by linking them together almost as one mind. The cybernetic implants received by each War Agent, integrated with the battle computer on each troop carrier. The agents were then able to see the position and rank of each unit (individual), whether cloaked or not, on the heads-up-display lenses in their masks.

The headpiece would also relay the communication directed from unit to unit or unit to carrier directly from and to the cybernetic brain implant. This perfect coordination made the SHADOW troops a nigh invincible force.

SHADOW Stealth Agents were trained and outfitted in the same manner except for one major difference. The stealth technology integrated into their black on dark grey uniform bodystockings was equipped with an extreme long life power source that would enable the agent to stay cloaked for not only hours, but days.

The Stealth Agents were usually sent in not necessarily to fight, but to gather information and provide surveillance of intended targets. However, when the attack order was given, these highly trained and disciplined agents would strike with the deadliest accuracy known to man. The combination of these two types of agents made the Omega Section of SHADOW the most lethal battle group on Earth.

Colonel Foxxe and Omega Prime, Commander of Omega Section, watched the agents file into the troop carrier carrying their weapons and equipment. “An impressive sight, isn’t it Omega?” said Foxxe, feeling a swell of pride. “Not as impressive as a Proximan Warrior group preparing for battle, Foxxe!” replied Omega, “I wish you could see it just once! It’s a sight you would never forget!”

“No doubt, Omega, but I think our girls are quite the sight as well, do you?” asked Foxxe, “After all, the greatest warrior on Proxima trained them!” Omega smiled and said, “This is very true, very true indeed! Yes, I am very proud of them, but I’m especially proud of one particular recruit that started with them, and now has her own section to command!”

Foxxe looked over at Omega and said, “I hope I can perform to the high standards you taught me…L’ah D’oshe.” Foxxe bowed toward Omega. Omega looked at Foxxe in shock. The prefix “D’oshe” added to her first name was an honorable address usually given to a Master Warrior of Proxima from a grateful student. It was language she hadn’t heard since she left her homeworld. Omega almost teared up.

“You have honored me greatly, Foxxe” she said, “I had no idea you knew any Proximan terms of honor.” “I have been waiting for a time when I could use such a term L’ah D’oshe,” ShadowFox explained, “This seemed as good a time as any.” Omega bowed and said, “I am honored, Foxxe L’dora.” The Proximan prefix “L’dora” was reserved for the greatest student of a Master Warrior. “No, Master, the honor is mine!” said Foxxe, bowing in return. “Good luck on your mission, Colonel! May you return with a story to tell your Master!” Omega said. “And you Commander!” said Foxxe, “May you also return with exploits as worth a song!” Both women smiled, bowed and left the catwalk to board their transports.


Meanwhile, on Isla de la Gata, Dr. Korva arrived at the Chamber of Meeting to answer the summons of his “Mistress”. Korva didn’t truly know what she was, except that she was a powerful being who demanded his obedience. In exchange for this obeisance, Korva was given genetic samples of his Mistress DNA to create the cat-women of CLAW. He had distilled the barest essence of the Mistress to alter the human bodies of Crimson Panther and Purple Puma, but used the pure DNA coding to clone The Green Jaguar, The Ebon Tiger, Cougarelle, The Cat Thing and finally, Kitten.

He felt Kitten was his masterpiece because she was a pure clone of “normal” human size. This was because Korva had fused a portion of Madame Korva’s DNA with the coding from the Mistress. Therefore, Kitten had the savagery and ferocity of the Mistress coupled with the beauty and languid sexuality that his wife possessed when they first married 32 years ago. Korva felt he just couldn’t help making love to Kitten, so they did so quite often. This is what Kitten referred to as being a “good girl”.

The Mistress somehow had an uncanny knack for knowing what was going on in the office of the President of the United States. Usually she summoned him for progress reports on the assassinations carried out by the “kittens” or to give him inside information on the Oval Office. He wondered what could have gotten the Mistress so stirred that she would contact him with such mental force.

Korva entered the Chamber and closed, then locked the door behind him. He went to the Circle of Audience and knelt in the center. As he did so, the room seemed to come alive with flame. A raging torrent of fire encompassed the Circle and two huge red cat-like eyes appeared in the midst of them. The Mistress’ presence had arrived.

“KORVA! WHY HAVE YOU SENT CRIMSON PANTHER TO KILL THE PRESIDENT?” the Mistress asked, “ONE OF THE OTHER KITTENS WOULD HAVE BEEN MORE LOYAL, WOULD THEY NOT?” Korva replied, “With respect, Mistress, the other kittens are less experienced and find it difficult to control their bloodlust. The other kittens also would have drawn undue attention to themselves and endangered the mission to eliminate the President, Great One!”

“I SEE. BUT WHAT OF THE UNREST IN THE SOUL OF THE CRIMSON PANTHER?” she asked. ”DOES NOT THIS ALSO RISK THE SUCCESS OF THE MISSION?” “I assure you Mistress, the Panther will carry out her assigned task as she has been instructed!” Korva said, “When she returns from this mission, she will be eliminated and the Purple Puma will be named the new leader of our kittens, Great Lady!” The huge red cat’s eyes narrowed and the voice said, “SHE HAD BETTER, KORVA, FOR YOUR SAKE! IF SHE FAILS, I WILL CLAW YOU TO SHREDS AND DEVOUR YOU MYSELF, IS THAT CLEAR?” “As crystal, My Lady!” he answered.


“I will not fail you Mistress!” he said trembling, “I know their technological capabilities and their weapons, besides they could have only an inkling as to the exact location of my island! They cannot pierce my cloak, Great One!”


“GO NOW, PREPARE FOR THE ATTACK, I COMMAND YOU!” said the Mistress. “It will be done, Mistress!” replied Korva. The torrent of flame began to disappear and faded away, as did the huge red cat’s eyes of the Mistress. Korva immediately left the Circle and unlocked the doors to the Chamber. He flung open the doors and ran down the hallway to the elevator.

On the way down to the laboratory level to warn his kittens of the imminent attack of SHADOW, he pulled out his tiny mobile phone and called up the Chief of Security for the island. “Yes, Doctor. What can I do for you, Sir.” he responded cordially. “Colonel, we will have visitors tomorrow afternoon, a very large party!” said Korva, “Please make sure that we have a warm welcome for them, a very warm welcome, Colonel, are we clear??” “At once, Doctor!” the Colonel said, hanging up quickly.


Back at SHADOW HQ…

General Hawkins sat in his ready room waiting for news of the readiness for the coming battle. The signal for door admittance beeped. “Come!” the General said. Colonel Foxxe stepped in and saluted. After he returned the salute the General asked, “Is everything ready, Colonel?” “Yes Sir.” Foxxe replied, “All personnel and equipment are loaded and awaiting your go, Sir!”

“Very good, Colonel!” said Hawkins, “Tell the engineers there has been a slight change in plan. We’re going in tonight at Isla de la Gata, and we’re using matter transport!” “But Sir, we told the President…” Foxxe’s voice trailed off. The General smiled and raised his right eyebrow. “I see, Sir!” said Foxxe, “Great strategy, General! With the Oval Office compromised, there really wasn’t any other way, was there?” The General smiled. He said, “No, Foxxe, there wasn’t. Korva thinks we’re coming tomorrow afternoon. He’ll sleep soundly tonight. He and his murdering cat-women will get a surprise they’ll remember as long as they live, which will be a very short duration, a very short duration, indeed!”

This is a typical SHADOW War Agent. Sometimes they're also called "Green Eyes". You can see why.
SHADOW War Agent.JPG (37.85 KiB) Viewed 8091 times
Ebon Tiger.JPG
This is The Ebon Tiger. Next chapter, she'll bare her claws against SHADOW!
Ebon Tiger.JPG (53.01 KiB) Viewed 8091 times
The Green Jaguar.JPG
This is the lovely and deadly Green Jaguar. You'll see her in action next chapter!
The Green Jaguar.JPG (59.81 KiB) Viewed 8092 times
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I had one more pic, but it wouldn't fit in the last post. :smt019 Anyway here is is. Seeya! 8)
SHADOW Stealth Agent.JPG
This is a typical SHADOW Stealth Agent. Note the boots instead of stockinged feet!
Oh, well! These they sometimes call "Red Eyes".
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Well folks here it is the final chapter of this saga! I'd like to thank Cthulhu1 who gave me the suggestion for CLAW and the rest of you for all your encouragement. Without further ado, I present the conclusion of SHADOW vs. CLAW - The Battle Begins!


SHADOW vs. CLAW – Part 12 – The Conclusion

SHADOW HQ – General Hawkins’ Ready Room

The General and Col. Foxxe sat in conference with the command team for the mission the General codenamed Operation: DE-CLAW, “DE” for “Destroy Everything”. The General had decided to take Songbird, Firefly and Dragonfly with him to Isla de la Gata, leaving DarkWing to accompany Foxxe to Washington along with 50 more Stealth Agents as a backup. Psychlone was still in a catatonic state, but had shown some improvement by blinking and twitching, indicating that she could come out of it at any time, according to Dr. de Winter (Shiver).

“General, if the main battle will take place tonight,” asked ShadowFox, “Why is my group going to D.C. at the same time? Why don’t we just wait ‘til tomorrow night and grab the last little kitty when she tries to make a midnight snack out of the President? She’ll never get to him with all the agents we’ve already got stationed all over the White House!” “Because, Foxxe” the General explained, “Korva’s much too smart not to have a backup plan in case of a foul-up! I want the entire situation neutralized BEFORE the execution date even arrives! Clear?” “As crystal, Sir!” said Foxxe. “Then to our ships, and Good Luck…to us all!” said the General. “All right, girls, you heard the man, Let’s MOVE!” ordered Foxxe.

As Colonel Foxxe and Captain Ravenwing (DarkWing) jogged down the hall to the travel tube, DarkWing spoke up. “So, stuck with leftovers again, huh?” she said with a grin. Foxxe smiled and replied, “Yeah, I always seem to get the short end! Oh, well we’ll just have to make do!” The two friends waited for the travel tube car and were rather quiet for the first time in a long while. The mission seemed too simple to Ravenwing, so she was a bit apprehensive and it showed on her face. Foxxe thumped her ear and said, “Hey! Snap out of it, OK? I need you alert …Major!”

“Yes, Ma’am, Colonel, ma…! What did you just call me?” DarkWing said. “What did you think you heard?” asked Foxxe. “I thought just heard you call me ‘Major’.” DarkWing answered, “Was I right?” “Hmmm, yes, I believe I did at that!” said ShadowFox smiling, “I must be going crazy with all this stuff happening, but it occurs to me that I need a competent second-in-command of Gamma Section. But since all I’ve got is you…” “Oh, stop it, Amie, I’m serious!” DarkWing said playfully socking her shoulder.

Foxxe looked into her eyes rather seriously and said, “So am I. I need you Gray, the team wouldn’t be as successful as we’ve been without you. I think you’ve saved the life of almost every member of our team at least once!” “Except you, Amie!” she said, “It’s usually the reverse with us,” Ravenwing reminded her, “You usually come to my rescue!” “Yeah, I know, but I’m sure you’ll get your turn, someday soon!” she answered, “That’s why I need you. I’ve saved you so many times, I gotta keep you around to keep in practice!” They both laughed.

“So, Major, ya wanna hang out?” asked Foxxe. “Sure, Colonel,” said Ravenwing with a wry grin, “I mean, a monkey-looking dame like you could always use a second-banana!” “Monkey-looking??” exclaimed Foxxe with her own grin, “When we get back, remind me to tickle you senseless!” “I’ll make a note.” Ravenwing replied, laughing. “You do that…Private!” said Foxxe. The travel tube car arrived and they both entered. As they sat down, Ravenwing said, “You weren’t serious about that ‘Private’ thing, were you, Amie? Amie…Amie??” ShadowFox was having the battle of her life trying to keep a straight face, but managed to keep it down to a smirk until the doors closed.

The Isla de la Gata battle group had finished boarding the troop carrier 20 minutes before the General’s arrival. As he entered the bridge from the lift a crewman shouted “Flag on deck!” The bridge crew rose as General Hawkins stepped on board. “Carry on!” he said as looked around. The bridge was busy with the command crew making ready for departure, the troop commanders finalizing strategy, and the engineering staff preparing the ship for the matter transport sequence.

The General walked across the bridge to where Omega was standing. “Commander, is everything ready?” he asked Omega. “Affirmative, General.” Omega replied, “All systems are in the green, awaiting your command, sir!” “Very well,” the General said sitting in the Command chair, “Let’s go kick some cat butt! Initiate Operation: DE-CLAW!” “Aye Sir! Initiating sequence now!” Omega acknowledged. The gravity resist generators hummed to life and the large craft moved upward. “Hold station for transport sequence at 100 meters.” Ordered Hawkins. “Holding at 100 meters, aye.” the reply came back. “Set coordinates for Isla de la Gata.” The General said. “Coordinates plotted and on the screen, sir.” The operator replied. “Activate transport systems.” The General said. “Transport systems online and awaiting your command, sir.” “Then, in the immortal words of Captain Kirk, Energize!” said the General. “Aye, sir! Energizing transport systems!” the operator replied.

The huge ship shimmered with an unearthly glow and disappeared. A moment later, the SHADOW troop carrier reappeared over what looked like an empty stretch of ocean. “Engage cloak, quickly!” Hawkins demanded. The cloak went up, as ordered. “Now, initiate Colonel Foxxe’s cloak piercing scan!” he said. “Initiating search sequence!” replied the crewman. The large center screen changed from normal view to a CG representation of the ocean and where the island was located. “Land the carrier on the part of the island where the patrols stop, where the Cat Thing is.” “Aye sir, beginning landing procedure.” came the reply.

The troop carrier invisibly glided over to the southern tip of the island where the scans indicated the one meta-human resided. The craft came down over the coordinates and moved through the cloaking field onto the island. The sensors indicated no living organism except the meta within 1000 meters of the craft. The General gave the order to perform recon and report back within the hour. 25 stealth units were sent out, 20 returned, 7 badly injured. The CatThing was on the warpath and hungry.

The team leader was attacked first but escaped injury due to her tremendous speed ability. The rest of the team fired their silenced weapons, but only managed to drive CatThing off by hitting her so many times she grew irritated and ran off with one of their fellow soldiers. The team gave chase, but only found their teammate’s shredded uniform and a small pool of blood. Of the 5 casualties, only one of the bodies was not brought back. The other victims either died on the way back to the carrier, of passed away from the mauling of CatThing after returning to the ship.

General Hawkins was enraged. “GET THAT CATTHING ON THE SCREEN, NOW!” he ordered. “Meta on screen, sir!” the operator replied. “Set coordinates for transport! I’m going myself!” the General said, “I’m gonna kill this thing personally!” “General, may I remind you that you are not expendable on this mission, sir!” said Omega Prime, “I can’t let you go, sir…alone!” The General smiled and said, “Alright, alright! You can come with, but stay back, she’s mine!” “I wouldn’t dream of interfering, General!” said Omega, “Unless you ask!”

The General and Omega walked down the corridor to the Matter Transport Chamber. They both stepped onto the platform and Agent Chen (Firefly) fed in the coordinates that had been relayed from the bridge. “What are you doing here, Chen?” asked the General. “I usually take a shift on transport ops when I’m in the field, sir.” Agent Chen replied, “Good luck, General, Commander.” The General drew his sidearm and stood back to back with Omega. “Thanks Firefly, I think we’ll need it!” said the General, “Energize, transport!” “Aye sir, energizing now!” Firefly replied. The Transport platform lit up like daylight for 2 seconds. The forms of General Hawkins and Omega Prime shimmered and disappeared.


Back at SHADOW HQ…

Colonel Foxxe (ShadowFox) and Major Ravenwing (DarkWing) had just boarded their troop shuttlecraft and were preparing the ship for transport outside the base to travel to Washington, DC, when the commlink beeped. “ShadowFox here.” Foxxe said. “Colonel, this Dr. LaPlaine. I’m sorry to bother you while you’re on mission, but…” “No problem, Doctor. What is it?” asked ShadowFox. “Lt. Calderone is awake and most insistent on talking to you…now!” the doctor said. “Put her on Doc!” Foxxe said.

“Colonel?” said Lt. Calderone (Psychlone), “Have I been out that long?” Foxxe and Ravenwing both laughed. “Well, it seems you haven’t lost your sense of humor, Mona!” Foxxe observed, “Are you OK?” “Yes, I think so, Colonel,” Mona said, “But that doesn’t matter now. We’ve got a much larger problem. Joyce Ortega-Robinson is not what she seems. She is possessed!” “You mean as in demon-possessed, Mona?” Ravenwing asked. “Precisely so, Major!” she answered, “The demon’s hold on her body is so powerful, that I could barely sense the presence of Ms. Robinson at all. What’s worse is that if you stop the assassin from completing her task, the Cat-Demon herself will manifest through her and kill the First Family anyway.” “Why are they going to such lengths just to kill the President of the United States?” asked Foxxe.

“No, Colonel, it’s not the President the Cat-Demon really wants to kill, it’s his daughter!” Mona said. “His daughter, Rachel?? Why her??” Foxxe asked. “I couldn’t get it all,” Psychlone replied, “but there is a great power lying dormant in that little girl that the demon fears! Something that will be such a force for good, that she will stop at nothing to destroy it!” “You mean that she is the force behind Korva and these killer cat-women of his?” Ravenwing asked. “Yes, Major. And the other murders were simply window dressing for the destruction of this one little girl!” “How do we stop a demon? We’re warriors, for God’s sake, not exorcists!” Foxxe said with frustration. Mona said with confidence, “One of her own must stop her, Colonel, and I think I know who will help us!”


Back on Isla de la Gata…

General Hawkins and Omega Prime appeared about 30 meters from the CatThing. She was too busy feeding to scent them coming. The lifeless body before her was like steak on a plate. She sliced at it again and again with her razor sharp claws hoping to coax more rich, red blood from the poor SHADOW agent’s body. The General and Omega inched closer to the grisly scene and tried to stay upwind of the creature, so that their scent would not be carried to her. The CatThing sank her teeth into the agent’s throat to drain the last of her life’s blood from her.

The General had seen all he could stand. He stood up, gun in hand and shouted, “Hey ugly! Remember me??” The CatThing dropped the body of the SHADOW agent and stared at him, slowly moving toward the General. In the bright light of the full moon, the she-cat cocked her to one side and then the other. Then suddenly her eyes went wide and she roared the same way she did the day Hawkins escaped her clawing attack. “Yes, that right, it’s me again!” He said to her, “We’ve got some unfinished business, you and I!”

The CatThing growled and began to circle him to his right. The General moved cautiously to his left, keeping his distance from her gleaming black claws. “Come on!” the General thought,” What are you waiting for? Attack me!” The CatThing hissed as if in answer to his question, eyeing the laser weapon in his right hand. “Oh, you want me to put this away, do you? Make it a fairer fight, you think?” he asked. The CatThing actually nodded!

“Can you understand me, CatThing?” “Yesss! Of course, I can!” she hissed. “Why didn’t you speak to me the day I crashed here?” he asked. “Do you speak to a T-bone steak, before you eat it? I don’t talk to my prey, either.” She purred, “I just kill it and eat it!” “Then why are you speaking to me now? Am I not prey?” he asked her. “Because, you are the only human to ever escape me. I respect that about you!” “So where do we go from here?” asked the General. “You have come to kill Korva, have you not?” she asked. “Yes, and to destroy this island, forever!” the General replied. “If you will allow me to accompany you, I will help you to kill him, on one condition.” The CatThing said. “Oh, and what would that be?” “That his blood and his flesh will be mine to feast upon!” she shouted. “Why do you hate him so much?” he asked.

“Because, human, I was his first, but he rejected me because I was not beautiful like the ones who came after me. He began to loathe the sight of me and made cruel jokes at my expense. He hurt me deeply, but I did not hurt him in return. One day, he refused to feed me as he did his pretty ones. He told me to go out and find my own food, but there is no game on this island, and he knew it! I returned home empty and hungry. He still refused to feed me. The hunger overtook my reason and I turned on him who created me and tried to devour him! His wife drove me away and I have lived on those who dared venture into my hunting ground ever since.”

“Is that why you attacked me and my soldier there?” the General asked. “Yes, I thought you were one of his undesirables that day,” she said, “At times he will send the ones who displeased him here to kill for him. At first I refused, sending them back to him, clawed but alive. Then the hunger would come over me and I would slay and devour them. I thought he finally had grown tired of my existence and sent the women in black to destroy me. At first, I thought to attack only so that they would kill me, to put me out of my misery, to end my existence of loneliness and pain. Then the hunger overtook me and I killed that one to feed myself.”

The CatThing fell to her knees, weeping. “Please, kill me! End this life of pain, misery and torment! Forgive me for what I’ve done to you and to this poor child and do this one thing for me, KILL ME!” The General and Omega went to her and looked at each other. They no longer saw a savage brutal animal, but a pitiable creature whose only wish was to be released from the torment that was her own existence.

The General lifted her head and asked her, “Do you swear that you will kill Korva and his men and fight by our side to the end?” “As long as Korva is mine to kill, yes, I do!” “Then come with us, my feline friend,” he told her, “We have some hunting to do!”


The troop shuttle made the trip from SHADOW HQ in Colorado to Washington, DC area in less than an hour. ShadowFox set the craft down at Andrews Air Force Base. The entire north end of the base had been cordoned off by the U.S Secret Service and only the top brass even knew why. The base commander, Brigadier General John Pray, walked out from the hangar and met the shuttle as Colonel Foxxe and Major Ravenwing exited the troop craft. As the troops disembarked the vehicle, General Pray approached them. Colonel Foxxe and Major Ravenwing snapped to attention and gave him a smart salute. General Pray smiled, returned their salute and said, “I don’t know what service you ladies are with, but I love the uniforms!”

The two SHADOW operatives smiled back and stood at ease. General Pray looked at the agents pouring out of the strange looking craft and asked Foxxe, “What’s this all about, err…Miss?” “Colonel, General, Sir.” Foxxe replied. “I apologize, Colonel. What is all this?” he asked. “What did the President tell you, Sir?” she inquired. “That you were here to protect something of great interest to national security and that I was to cooperate with you fully.” The General answered. “Anything else?” She asked raising an eyebrow. “OK, OK! He also said all information is classified and given on a need-to-know basis!” “Exactly, General! All I can say is that we appreciate your kindness in letting us stage our operation from here, but we really need to get moving, Sir.” Foxxe said as politely as possible. “Alright, Colonel, I get the point. Where are you headed to?” the General asked. “D.C., General, we’ve got an ally to visit, she just doesn’t know it yet!”

Using the small land cruisers they had brought along for this mission, the trip to D.C. took less than 20 minutes. They soon arrived at the condominium complex where Joyce Ortega-Robinson had her residence. SHADOW Intelligence reported that an old college friend of Joyce’s going by the name “Frankie” had arrived the day before from Peru and was staying with her. The thermal scans of her unit revealed two humanoids in the structure, fast asleep. Further scans also revealed what Colonel Foxxe suspected. “Frankie” wasn’t completely human. She was a meta and she was armed with 18 inch metal claws. This wasn’t going to be easy.

SHADOW Stealth Agents made their way to the roof, basement and every corridor of the building where Robinson’s unit was located. There was no way out without being detected and stopped cold. Foxxe and Ravenwing decided to disguise themselves using the holographic projectors in their belts. Both of them dialed in something appropriate to wear and knocked on the door. After several knocks, Joyce came to the door and asked. “Who is it?” “Please help us!” Foxxe begged, “They’re after us, we don’t know what they’ll do!” Joyce looked through the peep hole and saw two very frightened looking women furtively looking about.

“Alright, just a minute!” Joyce answered. Joyce went to Francisca’s room to awaken her and found her already awake and dressed as The Crimson Panther. “Frankie, what the heck is going on?” Joyce asked, “What’s that get up for?” Crimson Panther looked deep into her eyes and hissed loudly. Joyce’s eyes glazed over and she fell to the floor. Francisca said, “Sorry, Joyce, but I know why these people have come and down deep, I hope they succeed!” The Crimson Panther opened the door and grabbed ShadowFox and DarkWing by the wrists and threw them into the condo, slamming them into the far wall.

ShadowFox and DarkWing recovered quickly, and got to their feet, just as Crimson Panther bared her claws. “Hola, Senoritas! You are with SHADOW, yes?” said the Panther. “And you must be with CLAW!” Foxxe replied. “Now that we know our partners, shall we dance?” asked the Panther. “Sure thing! DarkWing, she’s mine! Stay back!” said ShadowFox. “Not a problem, boss!” said DarkWing. Foxxe concentrated for a moment and 2 inch black, razor-sharp claws emerged from her fingertips. ShadowFox looked at DarkWing who had a shocked look on her face. “What, you didn’t know that foxes had claws, too?” she said with a wink. “Let’s do this!” ShadowFox shouted.

The Panther snarled and leapt for ShadowFox, claws extended directly in front of her. ShadowFox bent backward avoiding her claws, and kipped up planting both sleek, purple hosed feet smack in the center of the Panther’s chest. She flew backwards over the love seat, and into the wall behind it, breaking through the sheet rock. The Panther jumped to her feet and somersaulted forward over the love seat. The Panther’s claws just barely missed ShadowFox’s legs as she flipped backward, both feet connecting with the Panther’s chin, one after the other. The stunned Crimson Panther got up shakily and said, “You are very skilled, Senorita!” “Thank you! Are you ready to surrender?” Foxxe asked.

“Not quite yet, Senorita! For I am also quite skilled!” she replied. “Can’t blame a gal for trying!” said ShadowFox. The Panther attempted a foot sweep, but Foxxe leaped up to avoid it, which is precisely what the Panther wanted. As Foxxe came down from the leap, the Panther continued the spin and back-slashed her across the abdomen. “AARRRGH!” ShadowFox screamed, as she fell to the floor. The Panther leaped at her attempting to skewer her with both sets of claws. The wily ShadowFox grabbed both of her wrists and monkey flipped the sleek she-cat over the couch and the breakfast bar, into the kitchen, slamming her against the cabinets. The Panther fell to the floor dazed. The cabinets opened and dishes & glassware fell like rain on top of her.

“Nice try, kitty-cat! But not good enough!” said ShadowFox. “RRROWRRAWRRR!” The Crimson Panther snarled angrily as she leaped over the breakfast bar toward ShadowFox. There was no room to maneuver as ShadowFox realized she was in between the couch and the breakfast bar. Foxxe grabbed Crimson Panther’s wrists again but it wasn’t enough to stop the claws from going into both shoulders about an inch. The Crimson Panther’s sleek soles were pushing against the bar, giving her greater leverage. As the two combatants struggled for an advantage, the pain in ShadowFox’s shoulders made her give way. The claws sank an inch deeper and ShadowFox screamed in agony.

Foxxe’s back was against the couch as the Panther, smelling blood, tried to drive her claws even deeper into ShadowFox. “If I don’t get these things out, she’ll rip me to shreds!” Foxxe thought. “RRROWRRR!” Crimson Panther snarled, “Soon I’ll taste your blood, Senorita! There is no escape! RRRARRR!” Then Foxxe had an idea. ShadowFox jumped up and back over the couch, pulling the claws out of her shoulders. While still gripping the Panther’s wrists firmly, Foxxe sank her claws into the Panther’s arms, placed the ball of her shimmering hosed right foot under the Panther’s chin and her left foot behind her head. ShadowFox pulled her arms forward at her wrists, while twisting her claws deep into her arms. It was the Panther’s turn to scream. Foxxe pushed the Panther’s chin back with her foot. Crimson Panther began to feel her vertebra give slightly and the pain was excruciating.

“Surrender and I’ll stop! Sheathe your claws or die!” said ShadowFox. After another 30 seconds, the Crimson Panther could take no more. She screamed again and sheathed her claws. Foxxe had won. Foxxe released her hold and they both fell to the floor exhausted. “You have defeated me.” said the Panther, “Go on, kill me, for I have failed!” “If I wanted you dead, I would never have offered you the chance to surrender!” said Foxxe. “Then what do you want from me?” the Panther asked.

“Let me ask you something, do you really want to kill the President and his family?” “No, I do not, but Korva controls me I am his monster, what can I do?” she said tearing up, “I must feed and he knows that I have not fed for almost a week. I am starving.” “Why haven’t you fed?” Foxxe asked. “Because of what I read in the Santa Biblia!” she said weeping, “I have spilled innocent blood! The blood of children! I am a filthy murderous beast! I do not want to live this way anymore, but what can I do? I am changed forever!”

“What do they call you anyway?” asked ShadowFox. “Korva named me The Crimson Panther, but my name is Francisca de la Vega, my friends would call me Frankie, when I had friends.” Foxxe smiled and offered her hand to help the Panther to her feet. As she took it, Foxxe said, “Well Frankie, they call me ShadowFox. I hope we can be friends.” Frankie smiled and said, “I’d like that. I must say I’d rather be fighting with you, than against you! Where did you learn to fight like that?” “A friend from out of town taught me.” replied Foxxe with a smile, “I’m sure she’d be glad to teach you too. Besides, you’re no slouch yourself, girlfriend!”

“Gracias! And who’s your tasty looking friend over there?” the Panther asked licking her lips in jest. “Oh, that’s DarkWing.” she said smiling. “A pleasure to meet you both.” The Panther said extending her hand toward Major Ravenwing. “Likewise, I’m sure.” said DarkWing taking The Panther’s hand, “You’re not really planning on eating me are you?” The Panther laughed and said, “No, I’m not quite that hungry…yet!” “Now, that we’ve got that out of the way, you can really help us out, if you’re willing, Frankie.” Foxxe said. “Of course, whatever I can do to try to make up for all the pain I’ve caused.” She replied. “Great! It’s about your friend Joyce in there, we’ve got to…”

Suddenly, the wall between the guest bedroom where the Crimson Panther had left the unconscious woman and the living room exploded with such force that the three meta-humans were flung across the room into the dining area. A dark figure emerged from the large hole in the wall and stepped into the light. The demon had manifested itself through Joyce Ortega-Robinson’s body, but was barely recognizable as human.

She now stood about six and half feet tall, sporting a pair of horns on her forehead right at the hair line that looked as if they’d been dipped in blood. Her long flowing hair was jet black and came to almost to her waist. Her red eyes smoldered as if they were on fire. Her nostrils were flared and her black lips were curled back revealing sharp savage fangs. She appeared to be wearing a sheer, black, shimmering bodystocking with only a dark gray halter-type top attached to a gray and purple collar and a thong bikini bottom the same color as the halter to cover the vital parts. A purple sash adorned her waist and black and purple metal wrist guards were worn just above her pinkish skinned, paw-like hands whose fingers were tipped with red razor sharp claws.

The Cat Demon spoke in a voice that seemed to shout, but yet was low and purring at the same time. Her pinkish tail swished from side to side as she said, “WHICH OF YOU WANTS TO DIE FIRST? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”


Back on Isla de la Gata…

General Hawkins, Omega and CatThing led the assault force through the jungle to a tunnel that ran under the Korva Mansion. This was the way that CatThing had escaped the laser lash of Madame Korva the day she was driven out of the complex. Hawkins ordered half of the troops to stage a surprise frontal assault on the main entrance in 15 minutes. That would give him and the other half of the assault force time to reach the hidden entrance and form a pincer movement to crush and demoralize the security force protecting Korva and his “kittens”.

The timing was perfect. The assault on the front gate, led by Omega Prime, caused nearly all the security forces to concentrate their resources there, while the General’s force breached the internal security with very little resistance, until they reached the laboratory level. The kittens were waiting for them. Cougarelle struck first and almost killed 2 agents before she was finally cornered and killed. The Ebon Tiger proved to be an even more formidable opponent than Cougarelle. She hid in the shadows, until the General passed near her, and then pounced on him. If not for the timely intervention of the powerful CatThing he would have been a tasty menu item. She ripped into Ebon Tiger with all her feline fury, but the more powerful Ebon Tiger gained the upper hand and was about to tear out CatThing’s throat when the General fired his energy weapon into her head.

“Are you alright?” the General asked. “I will be, thanks to you.” CatThing replied, “But why, why did you save me? You would have been rid of me for good!” “We had an agreement, you and I.” Hawkins said, “You got us in, you get Korva’s blood. Besides, want to watch you kill that bastard with my one good eye!” The CatThing laughed and said, “Well let’s hurry then, I’m getting hungry! And you know what happens when I get hungry!” “Oh boy, do I ever!” The General said, “Let’s find him quick!” She smiled and winked as she ran ahead of him scenting the air for Korva.

The rest of the General’s assault force split into teams and systematically exterminated the rest of the security forces on the laboratory level. As far as CatThing knew, there were only 2 kittens left to terminate. The Green Jaguar was the next one encountered. The General saw her and almost fell in love. Her large but shapely green-spotted body nearly mesmerized him, especially wearing the sheer shimmering green bodystocking she favored. He snapped back to reality quickly when his eye fell on her green, razor sharp claws and her fangs when she smiled at him.

The Jaguar spoke to him and said, “I bear you no malice, sir. I will not resist you. I only make one last request of you.” “And what might that be?” he asked. “Give me Madame Korva!” she growled, “If I am to die, I want to feast on her heart for the torture that she inflicted on me and my sisters before I do!” “You have a deal, my pretty kitty!” he replied. The Green Jaguar held his face in her paw-like hands and kissed him passionately, her rough tongue quickly exploring his mouth, as his hands enjoyed the silken feel of her sleek bodystocking.

After the kiss, she purred, “Mmmm, such a pity we couldn’t have met under better circumstances, yes? But it’s probably for the best, though. You see, I devour my lovers. It’s the way Korva programmed me. I’m tired of it! I just want to love someone I don’t eat afterwards.” “Oh God, I’m so sorry.” Hawkins said, “I’ll have Madame brought to you. Remain here, OK?” “Yes, sir.” She purred, licking her lips, her beautiful green eyes glowing softly.

Madame Korva was trying her best to hold off the 4 SHADOW agents who had cornered her in the library. She was using her laser lash to great effect until Omega Prime arrived. Omega waved the other agents back and said, “I have been informed that you have an appointment with a certain Green Jaguar. You will keep that appointment.” Madame Korva eyes widened with fear. “You can’t give me to her!” she pleaded, “She’ll claw me to pieces! It’s inhuman!”

“True,” said Omega with a wry smile, “But that doesn’t bother me, because I’m not human.” Madame Korva reactivated her laser lash and whipped Omega furiously but her invulnerable Proximan body showed no sign of injury. Omega grabbed her wrist and squeezed until she felt the bone snap. Madame Korva screamed and dropped the lash. She fell to her knees, begging Omega to kill her, torture her, punish her, anything but give her to the Green Jaguar.

“You sent these monsters to kill innocent men, women and children.” said Omega, “Entire families slaughtered for your entertainment, and you expect mercy? No, you and your husband will die just as your victims, their prey, died. She will maul you with her razor sharp claws and I hope you will feel every exquisite moment as her fangs tear your throat and she begins draining your life’s blood!” Omega picked up the struggling woman and carried her down the hallway to the chamber where the Green Jaguar was waiting.

Omega opened the door and dropped Madame Korva roughly on the floor. “Dinner is served.” she said to the Jaguar, “Bon Appetit! Make it slow and painful, promise me!” “You have my word, thank you! Now, lock us in, I want nothing to disturb us until the end!” Omega answered, “On that, you have my word!” “Please, if you must kill me, do it quickly!” Madame Korva begged the Jaguar, “I know you can, please have some pity, for God’s sake!”

“Did you have pity for us, your kittens, when you punished us for hours for the smallest infraction of the rules?” asked the Green Jaguar, as she slinked toward her, “Did you show mercy for us as you ripped our flesh and laughed at our pleas for you to stop? No, Madame, you will feel your flesh being ripped from you by my claws, you will beg and plead for mercy and pity and find none, and then when I tire of your cries, I will slowly sink these sharp fangs that your husband gave me into the soft, creamy white flesh of your throat and languorously suck the life out of you. But not to death, no, because I want you to feel me reach into your chest and pull your beating heart from your breast and live just long enough to see me take the first bite as I devour it. I’m told we don’t have much time, so let’s begin, shall we?” The Green Jaguar roared and began raking her back with her claws. Madame Korva’s screams could be heard throughout the entire operation.

Meanwhile, on the upper levels, a squad led by Captain Talia Ynaros (Songbird) had been pinned down by heavy fire from an improvised machine gun nest. “If only I could poke my head up enough to sing,” she thought, “I know I could shatter their eardrums!” Then she remembered the cloak. “Girls, cover your ears!” she said, “This is gonna be loud!” Songbird engaged her cloak and flew over the gun emplacement, landing a short distance behind the 6 soldiers continuing to fire at the squad of SHADOW agents. Songbird dropped her cloak and said, “Hello, boys!” The soldiers turned around and saw the small winged heroine smiling at them. One of the soldiers laughed and said, “Little Senorita, you need to fly away home before we kill you! This is not the place for little girls, this is man’s work!” “OK, but I just want to sing you a little song first!” she replied. Songbird opened her mouth and let out her sonic scream.

The soldiers screamed and covered their ears, but it did no good. Songbird’s highly directional hyper-sonic voice was focused directly at them. Their eardrums ruptured violently and blood gushed out between the fingers covering their ears. Their skulls resonated so badly that their craniums actually cracked and the soldier’s noses bled profusely. After 20 seconds of Talia’s song, all 6 men were dead. “Man’s work! Hmmph!” said Songbird as she flew back to rejoin her unit.

Agent Sylvia Chen (Firefly) had been helping to coordinate the battle strategy from the Control Center in the massive Troop Carrier. Sylvia was disappointed that she had been selected to stay behind and head the crew of the Control Center. She was the best tech officer aboard, but she still would have liked to see some action. Suddenly, she spotted a contingent of 25 to 30 security personnel approaching the carrier from the north. The entire SHADOW force except for a skeleton crew of a few tech support personnel and 10 or 15 security guards had gone to eradicate the complex. “Perimeter Alert!” she shouted into the intercom, “Battle Stations, repeat, Battle Stations! This is not a drill, repeat, not a drill!”

Lt. K’arol Zzornz (Dragonfly) ran into the Control Center shouting, “What’s going on?? We just left the battle!!” Dragonfly’s squad had just come back in from planting charges of super-concentrated extremely high explosive in the crater of the semi-dormant volcano on the eastern portion of the island. The General would give the word to blow them when everyone was clear to reactivate the volcano’s fury and completely destroy the entire island. K’arol saw the screen and told Sylvia, “I’ll take my squad and the security guards and deal with this!” Firefly said with a smile, “Not without me, you’re not!” Dragonfly laughed and said, “OK, come on then!” Chen left the Chief Tech Officer in charge of the Center, and ran out with Dragonfly.

The fighting was furious, but the SHADOW contingent was gaining the upper hand. Firefly, using her specially designed thruster pack gave close air support by keeping the enemy off balance with strafing runs firing plasma bolts. Dragonfly also aided the ground assault with her own plasma bolts and stinging laser beams that plagued the enemy troops until they were completely annihilated.


Washington, DC – Joyce Ortega-Robinson’s Condo…

The Cat Demon leaped for ShadowFox who ducked under the powerful creature’s claws but was seized by the throat with her tail. The demonic creature tightened her grip around Foxxe’s throat. Foxxe tried to claw the powerful appendage from her throat, but the thickly muscled tail was unaffected. The Crimson Panther bared her claws once again and swiped at the Cat Demon. The creature thought she missed when she didn’t connect with her shoulder, as she sidestepped the blow, but she wasn’t aiming for her shoulder, she was attempting to free ShadowFox! The Panther’s claws sliced through the Cat Demon’s tail, releasing ShadowFox from its asphyxiating grip. The demonic creature howled in pain.

ShadowFox flipped and somersaulted over to where the Panther had landed. “Thanks, Frankie! I owe you one!” said ShadowFox. “No problema, Mi Amiga!” said Frankie, with a smile, “I just got you as a new friend! I can’t have you getting killed this quickly!” Just then, the front door burst open and 7 SHADOW agents leapt into the room firing their energy weapons directly at the Cat Demon. The beam weapons had no effect on her and she laughed scornfully saying, “YOU CANNOT HARM ME WITH YOUR HI-TECH TOYS, BUT I CAN ROAST YOU ALIVE! HAHAHAHAHA!” “NO! Stealth mode now!” ShadowFox ordered. The agents did as they were ordered, but for one the order came too late. 3000 degree flame shot from the Cat Demon’s paws. All that Colonel Foxxe could do was watch as the agent screamed and burned to a cinder.

Enraged, ShadowFox growled as she launched herself at the demon. Her claws dug into the sides of her head ripping out tufts of her hair. DarkWing took to the air and fired her MAC-10 submachine guns directly at the creature. They had some effect but it was minimal. The three meta-human heroines regrouped and ShadowFox said, “I’ve got an idea, but we need to take this outside!” “Leave it to me, Colonel!” one of the agents said. She powered up her mini-jet pack, and rammed the netherworld feline right through the picture window, into the courtyard below. The agent remembered what had happened to her friend, so she immediately flew out of range and hit stealth mode. “Nice job, soldier! Come see me when we get back home!” said Foxxe. “Yes, ma’am!” said a disembodied voice.

The Panther, ShadowFox and DarkWing jumped outside just as the Cat Demon was regaining her feet. “How strong are you ShadowFox?” the Panther asked. “Pretty strong, why?” she replied. “Can you throw me at the demon?” The Panther inquired. “Yes, I can but I don’t understand.” ShadowFox said. “I do!” said DarkWing, “The most effective weapon against her so far has been Frankie’s claws! If you throw her or launch her somehow, she may be able to take her down!” “Nice idea, but won’t she just roast you once you’re in range?” asked ShadowFox. “Not if she can’t see it coming!” said DarkWing, “Get ready to throw her when I give the word!” DarkWing took to the sky and went stealth. She invisibly took out her MAC-10s again but took aim at the creature’s eyes instead of her chest. DarkWing emptied her weapons at the eyes of the demon.

The Cat Demon screamed, temporarily blinded. “NOW!” shouted DarkWing. ShadowFox picked up Crimson Panther and hurled her with all her strength and pinpoint accuracy. By the time the demon had cleared her vision, Crimson Panther’s claws were deep in her chest. The Cat Demon howled in agony and fell to the ground. The Crimson Panther repeatedly slashed at the demon until her howling stopped. The body of the demon began to shrink until it returned to the size and shape of Joyce Ortega-Robinson.

“Oh no! I’ve killed the woman while killing the demon!” said the Panther, “I’ve spilled more innocent blood!” ShadowFox and DarkWing rushed to her side. “No, you didn’t.” said Joyce weakly, “You did what had to be done, I don’t blame you.” “We’ll get you to our doctors at SHADOW, they can work wonders!” said ShadowFox. Joyce coughed up blood. She managed to say, “No, please don’t. I’ve been dead…since that day in Peru…when that demon…slaughtered my husband. Please let…me go…to be with him. Thank you…for…releasing meeee…*

“She was a brave woman. She deserved better than this!” said Frankie, weeping on her knees beside Joyce. “ShadowFox, can you get me to Isla de la Gata, now?” Frankie asked, trembling with white hot anger. “Yes, I can.” she said. “Then, please do it. There is but one thing left for me, I will…kill Korva. His flesh will be in my teeth, his blood will flow down my throat and I will feast on his heart!” “Can I watch?” asked ShadowFox. “Get me there and you can have a ringside seat, Mi Amiga!’ The Crimson Panther replied.

“Captain!” shouted Foxxe. An agent decloaked next to her and said, “Yes, Colonel?” “Get this situation mopped up, we’re leaving now for staging area 2.” said Foxxe. “Yes, ma’am, we’ll take care of it, Colonel!” the Captain said.

Colonel Foxxe spoke to CELIA via the commlink. “CELIA, transport us to Isla de la Gata, now! Three to transport.” “Acknowledged Colonel, stand by!” The three heroine’s bodies glowed, shimmered and disappeared.


Back on Isla de la Gata…

During the mopping up of the last of the contingent that attempted to attack the troop carrier’s position, Dragonfly spotted a shadowy figure attempting escape, running back to the complex. She speedily gave chase, her wings buzzing furiously. She had the person almost within her grasp when they simply disappeared! K’arol landed and searched the brush for them but found nothing. Then she heard the growl. She immediately tried to take off but the creature roared and leapt on her before she could do so. The creature clawed her into unconsciousness and smiled widely, revealing her sharp fangs. The creature picked up Dragonfly, placed her over her shoulder and carried her away into the night.

The transporter system completed its task and ShadowFox, DarkWing and Crimson Panther re-materialized in the Korva complex. “Follow me!” said the Panther running through the main door. ShadowFox and DarkWing followed. The General and CatThing had located a bunker that seemed completely impenetrable from the outside and could not be scanned through to ascertain its contents. But the CatThing knew at least one of the occupants of that room because she screamed his name over and over again. “KORVA!! YOU COWARD!! OPEN THIS DOOR!! FACE ME IF YOU DARE!!”

A low sensual voice from behind them said, “I’ll face you, ugly cat!” They both whirled around to face, The Purple Puma. The CatThing roared and leapt for the smaller Puma, but she was waiting for her. The Puma bared her long claws and sank both sets deep into CatThing’s abdomen. CatThing cried out in agony as the Purple Puma ripped her cross-ways through the abdomen, spilling her viscera all over the floor of the corridor. The conflict was so quick that General Hawkins had barely had time to think, much less pull his energy sidearm. Hawkins swiftly drew his weapon and fired at the Puma who deflected the particle accelerator beam with her claws. She smiled her razor-sharp smile and slinked toward him on her Lycra covered toes, continuing to deflect the weapon’s discharges until she reached him.

The Purple Puma slashed the weapon in half, and then looked the General up and down, licking her ample purple toned lips. “My but, you’re a tall one, aren’t you?” she said eyeing his 6’ 4” muscular frame. “I tried to be shorter, but it just didn’t work out that way, sorry.” replied Hawkins, “So now what, purple kitty?” The Puma’s eyes flashed and she grabbed the General’s shoulders, slamming him up against the wall. “That’s Purple Puma, to you, cyclops!” she growled, “Remember it!” “Hey, no problem!” said the General, “Relax, sweetheart! How was I supposed to know what your name was? You gals don’t wear name tags, you know!” “Hmm, point taken.” She said, holding him fast, “Well, I haven’t decided yet! I don’t know whether to eat you or sex you to death!” The General replied, “If given a choice, I vote for the sex thing, could be less painful and a lot more fun!” “Rrrowr! That depends on how well you do, gringo!” replied the sleek purple cat-woman, “If you fail to please me, guess what the first thing I cut off is gonna be, Popi!” “I think I can imagine what that might be!” he answered.

Suddenly, Korva’s voice spoke through the intercom, “Puma! Stop playing with your food! Eat him! NOW!” “Ooh, so sorry Popi! Gotta eat you, don’t have a choice now!” said the Puma, sliding her tongue across her sharp fangs. “Can I at least say good-bye to my friend there?” asked the General. “If you must!” she sighed. Hawkins walked over to the CatThing and went to one knee beside her. With her last ounce of strength she said, “Kill…Korva…promise…meeee…*” Then she died. “I promise one way or another that little dwarf will pay!” he said through his teeth.

The Purple Puma silently slinked up behind him baring her claws. She said to him, “I heard that. That’s really going to be a neat trick, considering that now I’m going to rip you to pieces!” The General thought, “If I’m gonna die, at least I’ll die fighting!” He moved with a speed belying his size and executed a perfect foot sweep on the Purple Puma. The Puma didn’t expect it and fell right on her shiny Lycra covered butt.

Hawkins took advantage of the momentary situation, and hauled butt down the corridor. The Puma enraged, uttered her puma-like scream and leapt after him, claws extended in front of her. Hawkins, hearing her screaming behind him, ran a few more steps. Just as she reached him and prepared to sink her 18 inch metal claws into him, Hawkins dropped down on his back and kicked straight up into the Purple Puma’s belly. Because of this other unexpected move, the Puma had the wind knocked out of her and fell to the ground again. Hawkins increased his speed and reached the corner and leapt around it.

The Purple Puma was no longer enraged. She was just plain pissed! She scrambled to her feet and took off after him only to be knocked down again by slim but muscular purple and grey colored clothesline. Colonel Foxxe stepped from around the corner and said, “Hello, Puma. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” The Puma screamed again and leapt on ShadowFox. The Puma continued snarling and screaming as she attempted to sink her claws into ShadowFox. ShadowFox swiftly brought her knee up into the Puma’s groin. While the Puma was distracted by the pain, ShadowFox monkey flipped her further down the hallway toward the corpse of the CatThing. ShadowFox kipped up to her feet and turned to face a purplish ball of feline fury coming at her at blinding speed. ShadowFox, thinking quickly, waited a few seconds, jumped over her sharp clawed foe and planted a shimmering pantyhosed heel in the back of her head. The Purple Puma went down like a sack of old potatoes, sprawled on the floor.

ShadowFox came down and landed near the CatThing. A little too near. As she landed, she slipped on the blood and viscera on the floor and fell backward and to the left, striking her head on the wall. The Puma leapt upon her screaming with glee and finally sank her claws deep into ShadowFox at the shoulders, due to a quick partial block thrown at the last second by Foxxe. “Oh no! Not again!” thought Foxxe, but a scream of pain was the only thing she could utter. The Puma withdrew her claws and prepared to eviscerate Colonel Foxxe when a familiar voice shouted, “GABI, NOOOO!!” The Puma stopped her attack and turned to see her sister, the Crimson Panther, DarkWing, and the General coming toward her down the hall.

“Panther, why did you stop me?” the Puma asked standing, “These people are the enemy! Why do you stand with them?” “Because these are my friends, and yours too!” the Panther replied, “Aren’t you tired of killing innocent people for Korva’s amusement? Haven’t you had thoughts that this existence is wrong, Gabi?” “No, I haven’t!” replied the Puma, “I enjoy the hunt and the kill! I savor the sweet taste of the flesh and blood of my prey, especially after a good chase!” “But Gabi, my baby sister, these are human beings you’re talking about!” shouted the Panther, “Living, breathing, people with families and children! Madre de Dios, Gabi, we have killed children!” “Yes my sister and their blood was so sweet!” the Puma laughed, “Like honey in my mouth! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” The Purple Puma’s eyes glowed with excitement. The Panther feared that her beloved sister might be beyond saving.

“Gabi, do you remember nothing that Momi and Popi taught us about God, about the Santa Biblia?” the Panther asked with tears in her eyes. “Popi was a fool!” said the Puma, “Believing in a god that never answered his prayers, teaching us about a god that allowed us to be used as whores on the streets of our village for the profit of the man who murdered him! I spit on this god you speak of!” The Puma spat on the floor. “Look at me, Frankie!” Gabi shouted, “Look at yourself! We are gods, Frankie! Humans exist to feed our hunger, to be our slaves, to do as we command! Let me demonstrate this with your little friend, here!” Gabi turned to attack and feed on the downed ShadowFox.

Frankie quickly moved between her and Foxxe and said, “This ends right here, right now, Gabi! If you want her, you will have to go through me!” “You would kill me to save this human?” Gabi asked, “You would kill your own sister to protect a stranger, not even of your own blood?” “From what you said here tonight, I know now that my sister Gabriella de la Vega is dead!” said Frankie, “Only the Purple Puma exists now! And she must die!” “So be it…sister!!” the Puma replied and lunged at Frankie.

The Panther deflected blow after blow from her one-time sister’s claws. None of the Puma’s attacks seemed to make a difference. The Crimson Panther did not bare her claws but continued to pummel the Purple Puma until she fell to the floor. Frankie straddled her, bared her sharp fangs and plunged them deep into Gabi’s throat. She swallowed large mouthfuls of her blood until there was nothing more to draw out. Then, after what had been her sweet sister Gabriella was dead, Frankie collapsed on her shoulder and wept bitterly, sobbing heavily.

The General, his face a mask of sadness and compassion, walked over to the Crimson Panther and laid his hand on her trembling shoulder. “Frankie, I thank you for Colonel Foxxe’s life.” He said, "I’m so sorry about your sister. Maybe now her tortured soul will find peace.” The Panther stood, looked up into his face and smiled. Hawkins reached into one of the pouches on his belt, pulled out a handkerchief and wiped her sister’s blood from Frankie’s lips. “Foxxy told me you were tall and handsome, but I hadn’t hoped for such gallantry. We’ll talk later, Popi!” said the Panther. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose in the handkerchief and went to throw it away, but the General took it from her, folded it and put it back in the pouch he retrieved it from. Francisca turned to him and smiled at him, her eyes glowing softly. She reached up and pulled his face down to hers and kissed him warmly. “Gracias, Popi!” she said with a grin, “We will definitely talk later!”

“Now back to business!” said the Panther as she helped Colonel Foxxe from the floor. ShadowFox’s enhanced healing ability had almost healed the claw wounds left by the Purple Puma and she was nearly ready for action. “Are you alright, Mi Amiga?” asked the Panther. “Yes, thanks to you. That’s two I owe you!” Foxxe replied. “Friends never owe, Mi Amiga, never.” she said with a smile. Her smile faded as she passed her sister’s body. She stooped down turned her over, tore off her mask and moved her silky iron grey hair out of her face. “She was so beautiful. Forgive me, baby sister, it was the only way to free your soul from this tormented life.” said the Panther. Hawkins placed his gloved hand on her shoulder and said, “She was beautiful, yes, but not as beautiful as what you did to free her. You endured the pain of having to destroy her body to release her soul. It was beautiful, and so are you.” Francisca looked up at him, smiled again, gave him her best Eartha Kitt growl and said, “Later, Popi, later.”

The Crimson Panther ran to the heavy metal door and bared her claws. She snarled loudly and plunged her claws into the door…or tried to. “OWWW! Madonna, that hurt!” Frankie said. “You OK, Frankie?” asked DarkWing. “Si, but that is one amazing door! How will we ever get through it!” asked Frankie. “By knocking, of course!” said a voice from behind them. It was Omega Prime. “Stand back, people! I need some room to work!” Omega said. Everyone backed away. Omega sank her hands into the door frame, pulled out the entire door and politely said, “Knock, knock!” Omega slid the door down the hallway and stepped into the room. Triggered by her presence, two beams of light hit Omega square in the chest. She yawned and stared at the holes where each beam originated and her intense heat vision destroyed both projectors.

The lab was well equipped but seemed totally deserted. “Where is he?” asked Major Ravenwing. “You mean where are they?” said Francisca, “There are two creatures in this room. But they are cloaked.” “Well, then let me shed some light on the subject!” said Foxxe. ShadowFox pulled out a Proximan frequency jamming device and triggered it. Korva and Kitten appeared in the far corner of the room. “Run, Daddy! I’ll take care of them! MMMRROWRRR!” Kitten growled. Kitten leaped toward Colonel Foxxe with her claws bared, but DarkWing flew at high speed, sideswiped her and brought her to the ground. Kitten lay dazed from the impact. DarkWing backed off quickly and spotted Korva trying to sneak out the door. “Hey, grab him!” she shouted. But he had already gotten out. Suddenly, Korva flew back in the doorway backwards, knocking over some expensive looking equipment, landing on the opposite side of the workbench. The Crimson Panther retrieved him.

The General walked back into the room with a smile on his face. He said,”You ladies should watch what you let out of these cages! It could be dangerous!” Kitten, who had recovered from the blow from DarkWing, kipped up from the floor and clawed DarkWing’s shoulder. “AARRGH!” said DarkWing as Kitten grabbed her around the throat with her arm. Kitten placed her claws right at DarkWing’s carotid artery and said, “Let my Daddy go or I’ll turn your friend’s throat into a squirting fountain! Meowwrr!”

The General nodded toward Omega and she moved with a speed that The Flash would have been hard pressed to match. Before anyone could blink, Omega had the struggling Kitten by the throat and DarkWing was free. “Now evil little man, I’ll rip you to shreds!” said the Crimson Panther. “No, Frankie!” said Hawkins, “I have a much more fitting end for the good doctor!” “What could be more fitting than me eating his heart, Mi General?” she asked. “C’mere, I’ll tell ya!” said the General. After a few moments of whispering, the Crimson Panther laughed out loud. “Oh, Mi General, I knew I’d like you!” she exclaimed.

The Crimson Panther walked over to Kitten’s “playroom” and opened the door. She beckoned for Omega to bring Kitten to her. Omega brought the young cat-girl to the Panther and threw her into the room, right into the brick wall. Kitten slumped down the wall, dazed. The Panther leaped on her and pummeled her unmercifully. Kitten cried out, “Daddy, help me!” “KITTEN! Stop please!” Korva pleaded, “Don’t kill her, take me instead!” “I’m not going to kill her, Dr. Korva.” Frankie said, “I’m just softening her up for…this!” Frankie bared her fangs and sank them into Kitten’s throat with a feline hiss. “Daddy, help me, please she’s biting meeeee…!” Kitten cried. “Kitten, my precious girl! What are you doing to her?” Korva asked. “Just getting her ready for you, doctor!” said Hawkins calmly, “Just getting her ready for you!”

Frankie finished her exsanguination of Kitten, leaving her with only half of her normal amount of blood. Kitten lay very still on the floor, only twitching every so often to indicate that she was still alive. Frankie wiped her mouth and stepped out of the room slinking toward Korva. Korva looked frightened. Frankie bared her claws and the fear really showed on Korva’s face. “Don’t fear me, doctor, I’m just going to scratch you.” Frankie said, “Fear your ‘precious one’ in there!” The Panther clawed Korva’s chest twice, then grabbed him by his belt and threw him into the room occupied by Kitten. General Hawkins then slammed the door closed and bolted it shut. Korva and Kitten were trapped. The General placed a tiny camera in the corner of the small window in the heavy metal door to watch the final spectacle from the ship. The General looked in the window to see Korva staring up at him. Hawkins waved and left the lab.

The last of the surviving troops arrived safely just as the General’s party was transported back to the carrier. The General, ShadowFox, DarkWing, Omega Prime and The Crimson Panther hurried to the Ready Room to watch Korva’s comeuppance. Korva held Kitten’s head in his lap telling her not to worry and that he’d get them out of this somehow. He asked Kitten how she felt. She said one word, “Hungry.”

Korva said, “Baby, there’s no food here. They’ve sealed the door, but Daddy will find a way out, I promise.” Kitten replied, “Daddy, she bit me, she drained me. Why didn’t you help me?” “Oh precious, they held me and wouldn’t let me get to you!” he said stroking her hair, “I’ll get us out of here, just hold on, OK?” “OK, I’ll try, for you.” Kitten replied. Korva gently laid her head down on the floor and began probing the door and walls for a way out. After a moment, Kitten sniffed the air curiously. “What’s the matter, Daddy’s precious?” asked Korva. Kitten replied, “Daddy, you said there was no food in here.” “Yes baby, that’s right.” Korva replied. “Then why do I smell blood, Daddy?” she asked. “The Panther cut Daddy, sweetheart, but I’m OK. Go back to sleep, honey, you need your rest.” Korva said nervously. “No Daddy, I need to feed.” Kitten said. Korva turned and saw his precious girl’s pretty green eyes glowing.

“Please baby, don’t hurt me, I’m your father, I love you!” pleaded Korva. “Daddy, I’m sorry…but you…don’t understand…I must feed!” she exclaimed, “You…made me…this way. Must…follow…programming!” Korva shouted, “I also programmed you never to hurt me, do you remember that?” Kitten growled and said, “Basic programming overrides specific, Daddy, you taught me that! Now, my programming tells me that I must feed at a certain time or when my resources have been drained. The only living being I can feed on is…you! So, we can do this one of 2 ways: You can refuse me your blood and I’ll…claw you until there’s no more resistance or you can lie down face up and let me drain you without much pain. Please don’t fight me! Let me have you, Daddy, please?”

“Alright Kitten, you win. Take me.” Korva said, his head hanging down. “Good choice, Daddy!” Kitten said smiling, “The other way would have been much more painful!” They both lay down on the floor. “Kitten, before you…feed, kiss me one last time, please?” Korva asked. “Of course, Daddy, anything for you!” she replied. She kissed him passionately. While they were kissing, Korva reached into his lab coat pocket and pulled out a thick syringe. He brought it up slowly toward Kitten’s firm, round derriere. Just as he was about to plunge it into her buttock, Kitten grabbed his wrist and snapped it. Korva screamed and dropped the syringe which shattered on impact.

“How did you know?” asked Korva. Kitten giggled and replied, “I know your ways too well, Daddy. You would never give up so easily!” “You don’t mind if I fight, then?” he asked. “No, not at all, I expect it!” she said, her eyes glowing brighter. “One more kiss before I die?” Korva asked. “No Daddy, no more kisses, just CLAWS! MMMRRREOWWRRAWWRR!” Korva did put up a decent fight, but Kitten won in the end. As she sank her fangs into Korva’s throat and tore his carotid artery, Korva whispered weakly, “I…love…you…Kitten” Kitten stopped feeding for a moment and replied, “ I love you, too Daddy.” She put her mouth back on his throat and continued siphoning his life blood, but she didn’t purr, she wept.

“Cut transmission.” General Hawkins ordered. “Nice show, sir!” said Colonel Foxxe. “Like it? I’m sending a copy to the President to let him know tomorrow night’s gonna be fine.” He replied, “Dismissed.” ShadowFox, DarkWing, Omega Prime and Frankie, the Crimson Panther turned to leave. “Oh, by the way!” The four heroines stopped. “Great job, ladies!” “Thank you, General!” they all said in unison.

“Frankie?” the General called out. “Si, Mi General?” she answered. “Isn’t it about time we had that, uh, ‘talk’ you mentioned earlier?” Frankie grinned and said, “Purrrrr, why not?” Hawkins said, “Colonel, you have the bridge. Let’s blow this joint…literally, then set course for home!” “Aye, sir!” Foxxe answered. “Oh and Colonel, 2 other things: one, tell the crew I’m not to be disturbed, Senorita de la Vega and I will be in…conference for quite sometime, and two, have the helmsman set 1/8th speed home, please?” Colonel Foxxe smiled wide and said, “You got it, General!” “Carry on, then Colonel, carry on!” Hawkins replied. “Oh I think you and Frankie can handle the carrying on part quite nicely!” joked Foxxe. Hawkins raised an eyebrow and glowered at her. “Carrying, sir!” said Foxxe, as the General and Frankie embraced at the start of their “talk”.

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Act 1

Kitten had finished her last meal, i.e. Dr. Korva, and sat with her face buried in her soft paw-like hands, weeping uncontrollably. “Daddy, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she sobbed, “Forgive me, Daddy, please! I didn’t want to, really I didn’t! I had no choice! You programmed me like this! They didn’t leave me a choice! I wish I could get out of here! I’d make them pay for this! For making me eat you! I’D RIP THEM APART!!” Suddenly, the floor was rocked by a massive explosion. The floor and walls started to shake and crack open. The door came unsealed and Kitten leapt out. The island was coming apart at the seams thanks to the super charges placed by Dragonfly and the SHADOW Demolition squad.

The mansion caved in on itself. Kitten although loosed from her “playroom” was buried alive! There was no way out. Then things got worse. The huge fissures in the floor began oozing molten rock due to the volcanic activity. Kitten began to cry again. Suddenly, there was a massive upsurge of lava. A wave of molten rock lurched up toward her. Kitten screamed. Then there was blackness.

“That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” she thought out loud, “Am I dead?” “Of course not, silly girl. Do you think I would let my favorite daughter die?” said a voice from the dark. “Who are you?” Kitten asked. “You came from me. My DNA is what Korva used to grow you. So that makes me your Mommy, baby.” said the voice sweetly. “Mommy? Where are you? Let me see you!” said Kitten excitedly. A figure stepped from the darkness. She was large and feline with smoldering red eyes. It was the Cat Demon. She held out her arms and Kitten ran into them. They both purred.

“My sweet, precious little girl is finally mine to hold!” she said kissing Kitten’s forehead, “Now I can raise you into the cat I’ve always wanted you to be!” “You mean I’m not full grown yet?" Kitten asked. “No child, why do think I named you ‘Kitten’? Just because it was cute?” asked the Cat Demon. “Well, yes actually.” Kitten replied feeling rather stupid. The Cat Demon laughed and said, “My darling, when you’re full grown you’ll be as big and powerful and sexy as me, and you’ll be able to shape shift into a human body so your prey will never know who you are until its too late!” “Oooh, Mommy tell me more!” Kitten begged. “Come daughter, Mommy will tell you everything you want to know!” “Everything?” “Everything, baby! HAHAHAHAHA!”

Act 2 – 1 Week later…

Things at SHADOW HQ were getting back to a sense of normalcy. If constantly saving the planet, if not the galaxy on a regular basis, is considered normal. General Hawkins got a commendation and another star for his shoulder from the President in gratitude for his and SHADOW’s service to the First Family. Colonel Amethyste Foxxe and Gamma Section were already starting to make a name for themselves after accomplishing their first official mission. The other sections of SHADOW had begun calling them the “Gamma Girls”. Foxxe (Gamma Prime) didn’t seem to mind.

There was one unofficial mission that they hadn’t accomplished one that especially bothered Colonel Foxxe. They had been searching for a week for any trace of Lt. K’arol Zzornz (Dragonfly) and hadn’t found a single clue. The General was about to consider her MIA, but Col. Foxxe asked him for another week to be sure.

It was Friday and Hawkins and Frankie had a nice weekend planned. He and Frankie were about to leave the General’s office when the Black Line beeped insistently. “Oh no! It’s the President! I gotta take this one Frankie!” “The weekend can wait, Mi Amor! Purrrrr!” Frankie said with a smile. “Hawkins, here!” he said. “MRREEAWRRR! RRREEEOWRR!” “KITTEN!” Frankie shouted, “Madonna! That’s Kitten!” The General punched a button. Col. Foxxe answered. “Foxxe get in here, now!” Foxxe was in the room in 3 seconds.

“Kitten, sweetie, is that you?” said Hawkins. “Yes, you bad man, it’s me! Your favorite little kitty is back!” “How did you get off the island, honey?” Hawkins asked, “The whole place was destroyed!” “My Mommy saved me from your little death trap, you bad man!” Kitten replied. “Your Mommy, sweetie? Who’s that? Have we met?” asked the General. “No, but Foxy knows who she is and so does Panther. Panther destroyed her host body, but she’s still alive!” Kitten giggled. “The Cat Demon!” said Foxxe, “Her mother, the source of the DNA for all the cat-women.” “Yes, but I’m her favorite! She told me so!” said Kitten.

“Well, why did you call us today, sweetness?” asked the General. Just to let you know what my Mommy told me.” said Kitten, “That I really am a kitten, I’m not full grown yet. But when I am, I’m coming for you all! For you bad man, locking me in to eat my Daddy; For Foxy, because she turned Panther against me; and for Panther because she cut my Daddy deep, so I’d smell his blood and for draining me so I’d need to feed on him!”

“Oh and one other thing, so you can hear your friend, the bug-lady, die!” she said. A cold chill went down Foxxe’s spine. “Who are you talking about, honey?” said Hawkins. “Oh, you don’t believe me. Say something bug-lady!” commanded Kitten. “General, Colonel, please help me! Don’t let her feed on me again, please help me!” Foxxe spoke with tears falling from her eyes, “K’arol is that you?” “Yes, Colonel, please help me!” Zzornz pleaded.

“Kitten, what do you want? What are your demands?” asked the General. “Demands? General, you misunderstand!” said Kitten, “She’s not a hostage, she’s a meal!” “Please, Kitten don’t do this, we can work something out, don’t hurt her!” pleaded Foxxe. “Foxy, you have nothing I want, and she has everything I need, so just listen!” said Kitten.

“MMRRRAWRRR, REEAWRRRR!” “No, please, not again, NOOOOOO!” The sounds of claws tearing cloth and flesh filled the air and all the while Dragonfly’s screams and calls for help, pleading for Kitten to stop, pleas which fell on deaf ears. Then the clawing stopped. Kitten hissed loudly and sank her fangs into Dragonfly’s throat and began feeding and purring. Foxxe could barely hear her, even with her hyper-sensitive ears, but K’arol said three final words before she died of the exsanguination, “Amie…avenge…meeee…*” Foxxe screamed and fell to her knees.

Foxxe managed to speak only once, “Kitten, are you there?” “Yes, Foxy, what is it?” she asked giggling. “Kitten, have you ever had both your arms torn off and rammed up your arse?” “No, I don’t believe so. Why?” “Put it on your calendar, that day is fast approaching! You are gonna die slowly, Kitten. What you did to your Daddy is gonna seem like a Sunday morning walk in the park, compared to the agonies you will suffer at my hands. Kitten or cat, the next time we meet, you are dead, do you hear me, DEAD!!”

The line disconnected after Foxxe’s statement. “CELIA, tell me you got a trace on that!” the General said. “I’m afraid not, General.” CELIA replied. “WHAT! We were online for almost 30 minutes! What happened?” he demanded. “General, they weren’t on any network on this planet or any star system within 10 parsecs. There should be no way we got that message, sir, especially on the Black Line, General!” CELIA answered.

"General, this looks like an impossible mission to me, sir!” said Colonel Foxxe, “The Gamma Girls are ready to take it on!” “Go to it, Colonel! Anything you need, you got!” replied Hawkins, “Find her and terminate her and anybody or anything else that threatens this command or this planet! Clear?” said Hawkins. “As crystal, General!” Foxxe replied with a smart and solemn salute. Foxxe turned to leave and Frankie turned to go with her. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?” asked Hawkins. Frankie said, “With Mi Amiga, Mi General! I know I can help track this particular kitten, please Hawk, let me go with Gamma Prime.”

“Alright, alright, you’ll need a codename. Ummm, how about La Gata Umbra, the SHADOWCat? Frankie smiled and said “Magnifico!” “Be careful, Frankie.” said Hawkins. “Don’t worry, Mi Amor! I’ll be back for more…talks!” said Frankie blowing him a kiss as she ran after Colonel Foxxe.

THE END of SHADOW vs. CLAW: The Battle Begins

If it pleases the Mighty One and the board:

SHADOW and The Gamma Section will return in
“Gamma Girls: Kitten’s Revenge”
Col. Amethyste Foxxe_Gamma Prime.JPG
Colonel Amethyste Foxxe, leader of Gamma Section codename Gamma Prime.
Col. Amethyste Foxxe_Gamma Prime.JPG (33.71 KiB) Viewed 7963 times
La Gata Umbra.JPG
Check out Frankie's new duds!

La Gate Umbra (The SHADOWCat)
La Gata Umbra.JPG (41.46 KiB) Viewed 7963 times
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Nice little story Superpics4less, look foward to the sequel. :D
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I think it pleases everyone! Great job on this story!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Hey all:

Thanks for the encouragement during this, my first story. I've since only finished one more, but I really appreciate the readers and other authors on this, The Greatest Superheroine Site on the net! \:D/ The authors here inspired me to start writing myself and now I can't stop! :smt100

But seriously, thank you one and all for your support! Seeya soon! 8)
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