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Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:40 pm
by Camvoy
Arkham Heights. It is a pantheon of technological advancement and a beloved city and home to many citizens. In the Age Of Superheroines, this fair city stands as the home of various superheroine factions and vigilantes as well as the villains who wish to take them down. Welcome.


Tangled Web

jotted down by Kace


The alarm clock may as well be a chainsaw as far as her head is concerned. She opens her eyes to the initially blurry sight of, "6:00 AM," in red. Fumbling with her left hand, she turns of the screeching buzz sound that has awaken her. Her name is Adele and while she begins to slowly awake, she feels the right arm of her partner, Sandra still draped over her. Adele brushes away some Sandra's red hair with her left hand and kisses her on the right cheek. Her voice is something of a whisper.

Adele: Baby... Baby, time to wake up.

Adele hears Sandra groan slightly. Adele pulls away the covers, her body slightly aching from the activity the day before. Pulling back the covers, she discovers Sandra to still be partially in her costume from the night before, the unitard itself down to the waist. Sandra had only been home and in bed for a few hours, but still it was time to wake up. Sandra's eyes slowly open and she feels her own body aching, even more than Adele's.

Sandra: ...Hard to move.

Adele helps Sandra out of the bed, both eventually standing and holding one another.

Adele: Tough night?

Sandra nods.

Adele: Do you need me to call work for you?

Sandra: Nm-mm. I need to work.

Adele: Baby, you're not even out of costume yet. Come on...let's get you to the bath and I'll get some coffee going.

Sandra: Okay.

Sandra's voice is groggy and her body is tired. They exchange a brief kiss before walking together to the bathroom. As Adele helps Sandra prepare for her bath, her mind is full of worry for her partner's sake. She thinks about how Sandra could use the rest from all of the working and crime fighting, at least for a few days. The bath is prepared as Sandra pulls her unitard down to her ankles, then slowly stepping out of them. Adele sees a bruise on her right butt cheek.

Adele: Baby, what happened last night?

Sandra shakes her head.

Sandra: Nothing. Just fighting crime.

Sandra places her body into the bathtub and breathes a sigh of relief. The water is comforting to her body and mind. Adele turns away, heading for the kitchen, with Sandra's unitard in hand. Adele understands the life as she lives the duality, just like Sandra. Preparing the coffee, Adele goes back to the bedroom, picking up the rest of Sandra's costume as well as her own. The goal this morning is clean the uniforms, take care of work issues at her computer and then possibly join her sisters in the crime fighting community for a short while. For the moment, though, it is simply time to wake up and start another day.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:12 pm
by SGWriter
Kace nice start, wondering who the two girls are. Can't wait to find out!

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:00 pm
by superpics4les
Nice beginning, Kace! Eager to see where you go with this! :mrgreen: 8)

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:53 pm
by Camvoy
Thanks guys! :)

Arkham Heights. It is a pantheon of technological advancement and a beloved city and home to many citizens. In the Age Of Superheroines, this fair city stands as the home of various superheroine factions and vigilantes as well as the villains who wish to take them down. Welcome.


Tangled Web

jotted down by Kace


The Arkham Heights Gazette has been long running leader of print media in the city for years, going back to the city's founding. Even in a world of television and the internet, the Gazette has managed to survive. Among those who work at this newspaper are Sandra and another lady, Claire. Both have been working at their respective cubicles, going through files and other work before Claire eventually stands, making her way to Sandra, who appears tired.

Claire: Sandra?

Sandra turns her head away from the computer over to Claire and offers a meek smile.

Sandra: Good morning.

Claire: Rough night? You look like Hell.

Sandra: Didn't get to sleep much last night, but I'll be alright. I'm just finishing up here before going to my assignment.

Claire: Oh? What's yours today?

Sandra: Boss wants me to do a story on some new performer in town named Entrancer. Apparently, she does private dances and makes a lot of money at it.

Claire: I can see you're excited about that.

Sandra rolls her eyes in sarcasm.

Sandra: Thrilled.

Claire: I get to interview Wonder Le today.

Sandra: Lucky you.

Sandra puts her computer on standby and stands.

Claire: Are you...okay, Sandra?

Claire is blonde, with her long hair in a braided tail. Her face is covered with black rimmed glasses, yet even behind those glasses, Sandra can see the look of concern in Claire's eyes.

Sandra: I'll be fine.

Claire: Are you sure?

Sandra: Yes. Thanks for asking.

Both ladies soon depart the cubicle room for their respective destinations.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:00 pm
by superpics4les
The Entrancer sounds omnious. Based on MH's Harem Girl, no doubt? I'll be looking forward to this one! :twisted:

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:39 pm
by SGWriter
Agreed Pics, looks like Sandra might be heading for trouble. Kace looking forward to more!

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:50 pm
by superpics4les
sgz6 wrote:Agreed MH, looks like Sandra might be heading for trouble. Kace looking forward to more!
Am I mistaken or did he just call me MH? Talk about mixed-up! :mrgreen:

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:06 am
by SGWriter
superpics4les wrote:
sgz6 wrote:Agreed ,PICS! looks like Sandra might be heading for trouble. Kace looking forward to more!
Am I mistaken or did he just call me MH? Talk about mixed-up! :mrgreen:
Hey I was typing fast! Excitied about Kace's update :lol:

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:43 pm
by Camvoy
Thanks, MH and MH! :D

Arkham Heights. It is a pantheon of technological advancement and a beloved city and home to many citizens. In the Age Of Superheroines, this fair city stands as the home of various superheroine factions and vigilantes as well as the villains who wish to take them down. Welcome.


Tangled Web

jotted down by Kace


It is a Thursday in the city of Arkham Heights and Adele is at her computer, typing away. She fills out inventory reports, handles forwards and orders for shipments of various companies and never having to leave her house. As she finishes up an inventory to send, she hears a knock on the door. She stands up from her desk in the living room and stretches for a second, loosening her limbs from all the sitting. Making her way to the door, she hears knocking once again.

Adele: Coming!

Now at the door, Adele looks through the peephole, appearing bemused. Reluctantly, she opens the door and sees a blonde lady standing before her, her arms crossed and appearing unsure of being there.

Adele: Can I help you?

Vannah: ...Hi.

Adele: What do you want?

Vannah: I just wanted to see how you were doing.

Adele: Doing great when the Blue Angels aren't hounding me.

Vannah grimmaces.

Vannah: Can I please come in? I won't be long.

Adele sighs and steps back.

Adele: I'll give you a minute.

Vannah enters the apartment and Adele closes the door.

Adele: If this is a threat about my costume, it's not gonna sit well.

Vannah: It's not about your costume. Most of the Angels have finally gotten over it...except for Tina.

Adele: Angel One?

Adele shakes her head.

Vannah: Look...I know we've had our run-in's, but...I'm really hoping we can all make amends here.

Adele: Uh huh.

Vannah: I'm serious, Adele. All of this fighting over the Retro Heroine outfit needs to stop. If you want to don the old Blue Angels costume as your own, I'm fine with that. I know you're still one of the good girls trying to help out.

Adele: Fine. Tell Angel One and Two to stop hassling me when I'm out crime fighting.

Vannah nods.

Vannah: I think they understand it's become unpopular with the rest of us.'s everything with you and-?

Adele: We're good. Everything's good.

Vannah: Mm hm. And does the news lady know about your, "other life," yet?

Adele leans in towards Vannah.

Adele: You know I'm not telling.

Vannah: I just had to ask.

Adele: You need to worry about your own relationships.

Vannah: Pfftt, there isn't enough time in the day for me to have one of those.

Vannah walks over to the nearby couch and slumps down. Adele can see the issue has hit a sore spot with her guest.

Adele: You need a drink?

Vannah: No thanks. I have to leave in a few and get back to headquarters.

Adele nods.

Vannah: I tell you what makes it worse.

Adele: What's that?

Adele sits on the other side of the couch as Vannah begins to talk.

Vannah: There's some sort of tension between Angels One and Two right now... Angels Three and Four can't keep their hands off of each other during meetings...

Adele: And Angel Five?

Vannah: Yeah. I'm just there, watching. Before Angel Six left, I could at least talk to her. Now it's just the five of us and these other Angels with different code names. To be part of that group, I still feel alone there.

Adele: I'm sorry. But then, I left that fold already. So what are you gonna do?

Vannah: I don't know. I hope you don't mind, though. I had to talk to someone and you're one of the more decent women we have on this side.

Adele: Thanks. But forgive the tension. After all, you're still one of them.

Vannah: I know.

Adele can tell that Vannah's voice is more somber than she is used to as Vannah begins to stand.

Vannah: Well...I gotta get back to H.Q. It's a Top Five meeting.

Adele: Have fun.

Vannah: Right.

Adele stands up, walking with Vannah to the door.

Vannah: And Adele?

Adele: Hm?

Vannah: Please no sharing this with your newspaper girlfriend, okay?

Adele: This won't make the news, Vannah.

Vannah grins, leading Adele to respond in kind.

Adele opens the door.

Vannah: Thanks for not running me off.

Adele: This time.

Adele winks as Vannah walks out of the apartment.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:22 pm
by superpics4les
I'm glad Angels One & Two have decided to leave Adele alone also. I thought it was reprehensible and very villain-like behavior for them to persecute and violate Retro Heroine like they did. If they'd spent as much time and effort hunting down Dark Angel as harrassing her, the citizens of Arkham Heights (not to mention they themselves) would have been much better off!

Nice little eppy, Kace! =D> =D> =D> Good character development. Look forward to the next one! :mrgreen: 8)

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:09 pm
by SGWriter
Again I find myself agreeing with PICS :-D

This more indepth story is well done Kace, keep it up!

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:30 pm
by superpics4les
sgz6 wrote:Again I find myself agreeing with PICS :-D

This more indepth story is well done Kace, keep it up!
So glad he got the name right THIS time! HAHAHAHA! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:05 pm
by Camvoy
You never wanna say the wrong name. Anyone who's ever had a girlfriend knows that. ;)

Arkham Heights. It is a pantheon of technological advancement and a beloved city and home to many citizens. In the Age Of Superheroines, this fair city stands as the home of various superheroine factions and vigilantes as well as the villains who wish to take them down. Welcome.


Tangled Web

jotted down by Kace


Standing at the door, Sandra does what has become customary habit for her before an interview. She adjusts her skirt and pantyhose, taking a deep breath and then exhaling. She knocks on the door and the door opens. Entering into the house, she looks around and sees no one initially. She then looks beyond the bead curtain in front of her and sees a lady in what appears to light blue garb, akin to a belly dancer.

Sandra: Hi, I'm Sandra...from the Arkham Heights Gazette. Are you...?

Entrancer: Entrancer, yes. Please...enter.

Sandra closes the door behind her and enters through the beads. Entrancer's voice is mysterious with a Middle Eastern accent. On her fingers appear to be small zill-like objects.

Sandra: I'm here for the interview. I'll try not to take up too much of your time.

Entrancer: It is okay. I have set aside plenty for us today. Please, have a seat.

Sandra sits on a loveseat, taking her digital recorder out of her purse and begins recording, talking into the built-in microphone.

Sandra: Sandra Sanford...interview with Entrancer.

Sandra then clears her throat, as if to cue herself to begin. Entrancer sits next to Sandra on the loveseat.

Sandra: you have a real name I can call you by as well?

Entrancer: I only wish to be known my performance name. The rest is my privacy.

Sandra: Okay. So you've been here in Arkham Heights for a short time, but have already made a name for yourself as a dancer. How do you explain your success?

Entrancer: I am dedicated to my craft. And it is all in the ability to reach the audience.

Sandra: You've performed publicly, but I've heard that you also do private performances?

Entrancer: Yes, indeed. For the right price, I can relieve your stress and dance. Many here find my performances both stimulating and relaxing.

As the interview continues on, Sandra is captured by Entrancer's eyes and the veil over her face, from the bridge of the nose down. Entrancer soon notices.

Entrancer: You appear tense, Miss Sanford.

Sandra: Hm? Oh, no I'm fine. Your...outfit.

Entrancer: Yes, I made it myself. I sense in you a strong intensity right now.

Sandra: You do?

Entrancer nods with a grin.

Entrancer: Let me set your mind at ease.

Entrancer brings up her zill covered hands. The zills are tiny and there is one individually placed on each of her fingers on both hands.

Entrancer: Consider this a demonstration of sorts.

Sandra: Okay.

Entrancer: I want you to breathe in.

Sandra takes a deep breath. As she does, Entrancer begins to clang together in a certain pattern the small cymbal instruments on her fingers close to Sandra's face. Sandra begins to feel different.

Entrancer: Look into my eyes and exhale.

Sandra exhales slowly, her eyes now in a trance as Entrancer continues clanging together her tiny zills in a particular rhythm. All Sandra can is sit motionless, staring into Entrancer's eyes.

Entrancer: When I place my hands over your eyes, I want you to picture who is your greatest fantasy. Nod if you understand.

Sandra nods blankly. Entrancer grins, placing her hands over Sandra's eyes. She massages the interviewer's head while keeping the base of the thumbs pressed gently against Sandra's closed eyes.

Entrancer: Now...when I pull back my your eyes, then tell me who you see.

Entrancer slowly pulls back her hands and Sandra opens her eyes. Though Entrancer is still in front of her, the image she sees is much different. Her image is of a slender, but powerful blonde woman, dressed in a red cape and skirt as well as a tight blue shirt with a familiar shield logo, along with tanned tights. Her smile is radiant and confident and Sandra feels aroused.

Sandra: Argon Girl...

Entrancer smiles and as she speaks, Sandra only sees Argon Girl speaking to her.

Entrancer: Hmmmm...into superheroines, are you?

Sandra's voice is a whisper.

Sandra: I'm into you.

Entrancer holds out her hands to Sandra, inviting her to stand. Sandra, still only seeing and hearing Argon Girl stands. The two of them face each other, holding one another's hands. Entrancer then moves her hands up Sandra's arms, eventually bringing the pinky fingers to her ears. Using the tiny zills on her pinkies, she taps against Sandra's ears, triggering Sandra's subconscious to play any music deemed appropriate.

Entrancer: Dance with me, Sandra.

Sandra: Yes...

The two begin to dance together, with Entrancer swaying and grinding her hips slowly and with Sandra under her spell. Sandra's hands are placed against Entrancer's hips as they dance together. Entrancer pulls down her veil, bringing her nose to Sandra's.

Entrancer: Tell me, dear Sandra. Why am I your fantasy?

Sandra: You inspire me. You're so beautiful and confident. And every time I see you, you have me in the palm of your hand.

Entrancer: And where do you want my hands?

Sandra: ...All over me.

Entrancer smiles, with Sandra seeing Argon Girl smiling. Sandra feels Argon Girl's hands run down her backside to her thighs and then up. She never feels her skirt being lifted up by Entrancer, only feeling Argon Girl's hands close to her unitard covered skin in the fantasy. Their bodies are together and as Entrancer presses her lips to Sandra's, Sandra feels herself passionately kissing the heroine of her dreams, moistening her. Entrancer points to the loveseat.

Entrancer: Lay.

Sandra: Yes...

Sandra places herself on the loveseat, on her back and as she sees Argon Girl approaching, Sandra opens herself to her fantasy. She sees and feels Argon Girl placing herself between Sandra's legs. Entrancer, placing herself in between Sandra's legs, removes Sandra's shoes before delicately kissing at her hose covered feet. She slides her hands up Sandra's legs and body before bringing herself face to face to the entranced interviewer. The two kiss.

Entrancer: Close your eyes.

Sandra closes her eyes and they kiss.

Entrancer: Now...

Entrancer reaches for Sandra's long discarded digital recorder, pressing, "Stop," and then deleting the interview and session just recorded.

Entrancer: ...When you open your eyes, you will remember exactly what I want you to print in your article about me.

Entrancer kisses Sandra once again. When Sandra leaves, she will only remember what Entrancer instructs her to, which is how the mysterious dancer wants it.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:40 pm
by superpics4les
I knew this chick was gonna be trouble! I'm just glad Sandra didn't reveal info about her "nighttime activities"...yet! Now that The Entrancer's got her hooks in Sandra, what will happen once she meets her as her alter ego? I guess we'll have to tune in and find out! Nice work, Kace!

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:19 pm
by SGWriter
Post-hypnoic suggestions suck don't they :-D

Nice update Kace, I need to get my butt in gear and do some writing too!

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:08 pm
by Camvoy
Les, guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. ;)

Yes, SGZ, the more stories here, the better! :)


Arkham Heights. It is a pantheon of technological advancement and a beloved city and home to many citizens. In the Age Of Superheroines, this fair city stands as the home of various superheroine factions and vigilantes as well as the villains who wish to take them down. Welcome.


Tangled Web

jotted down by Kace


Thursday Morning has given way to afternoon, with Adele taking a break from her computer to check the latest news. Flipping through the various news channels, she eventually makes her way to local channel, WAHM Channel 14. With the television now on Channel 14, Adele sees Arkham Heights' popular reporter, Grace Huelette standing with a mic in hand.

Grace: ...With Wonder Le just a few minutes ago and this is what she had to say.

The setting on screen switches to what has been designated as the interview room at Wonder Force headquarters. Grace sits across from Wonder Le, who is in full costume. Along with the WAHM 14 logo, the word, "Exclusive," emblazoned in the upper left corner for the viewing audience.

Grace: According to the latest statistics, crime in Arkham Heights has been on a steady decline overall, yet there are still some areas of concern, including the occasional string of robberies. What do you have to say to that?

Wonder Le: I think it's important that we continue to battle crime at all corners here in the city and not let up. We have proud superheroines doing our part to keep Arkham Heights safe, as well as the Police Department that we cooperate with. Not to mention, we have Wonder Tomi who serves both here in Arkham Heights with us as well as Tiedsville with our allies, the Spartans. It's a team effort.

Grace: How have the latest string of vigilantes factored into things?

Wonder Le: We're always appreciative of any superheroines who are willing to help out, as long as they have received the proper training. And that can be either from us here at Wonder Force, the Blue Angels or even Schoolgirl Squad training. What we do is dangerous and not recommended for everyone.

Grace: How is the relationship between Wonder Force and the Blue Angels?

Wonder Le: ...It's positive. We work together as best we can to keep the citizens of Arkham Heights safe.

Rolling her eyes, Adele turns off the television. Adele knows personally of the rivalry between the Blue Angels and Wonder Force. As the clothes finish drying, Adele considers switching into costume to do some, "vigilante," work of her own today.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:58 pm
by SGWriter
Like how were going from Adele's and Sandra's perspectives. Hope Adele does go for some 'after hours' work.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:12 pm
by Camvoy
Yeah, SGZ I'm trying to keep as much of the focus on them as possible with the view of others being seen from their perspective. We'll see how it goes. :)

Arkham Heights. It is a pantheon of technological advancement and a beloved city that is home to many citizens. In the Age Of Superheroines, this fair city stands as the home of various superheroine factions and vigilantes as well as the villains who wish to take them down. Welcome.


Tangled Web

jotted down by Kace


Sandra types away at her computer feverishly. She is now back at the Arkham Heights Gazette and trying to remember everything she can about her interview with Entrancer as she types. Claire, presumably having just arrived from her interview with Wonder Le is walking towards her cubicle when she stops at Sandra's.

Claire: Hey, how'd it go with the Entrancter?

Sandra: My digital recorder screwed up on me so I'm having to type everything from memory.

Claire: That's weird. It delete everything?

Sandra: Just the interview with her. But aside from that, she's great.

Claire: Did she put you in a trance?

Claire winks as Sandra glances up at her.

Sandra: She performed a dance for me.

Claire: Well lucky you, getting a sample like that.

Sandra nods, continuing with her typing.

Sandra: How was Wonder Le?

Claire: It was a good interview, yeah. I had to wait for teevee girl to finish interviewing her first.

Sandra: Teevee girl?

Claire: Grace Huelette.

Sandra: Oh. Her.

Claire: But it was worth the wait. Wonder Le's always fun to talk with.

Sandra nods, continuing with her typing.

Claire: Alright, I'll let you concentrate on that.

Sandra: Thanks.

Claire walks off and Sandra finishes up her article on Entrancer. As she proofreads, she hears her cellphone ring. She picks it up and answers.

Sandra: Hello?

On the other end is Adele, still in her apartment.

Adele: Hey, baby.

Sandra smiles.

Sandra: Hey. I'm finishing up my article, what's up?

Adele: Clothes are done, so whenever you come home you can change into something comfy.

Sandra: Alright, thanks. Will you be home?

Adele: I'll be going out for a walk.

Sandra: Oh. Okay. I'll see you tonight then, hon.

Adele: Okay. See you tonight.

In the apartment she shares with Sandra, Adele hangs up the phone. She has showered and dried off. Having just applied some lip gloss before calling Sandra, Adele now begins to put her naked self into costume. First, the pale blue tights, followed by the matching longsleeved leotard. She puts on her small white gloves and short boots. Finally, the mask over her face that conceals her identity and her utility belt. Opening the window, she looks about to make sure there are no eyes in her direction before stepping out. She reaches into her belt and pulls out a small device. With it, she shoots out a line that sticks to the roof of a wall across the four lane street. Closing the window behind her, Retro Heroine takes to the outside, ready to fight crime on this Thursday afternoon.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:29 pm
by SGWriter
Time for some fun :-D

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:43 pm
by superpics4les
Yay! Retro Heroine in action at last! Looking forward to seeing ArachniaGirl (hope I spelled that right) in costume as well! (hint hint!) Fight crime, kick butt, etc, etc. :mrgreen: 8)

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:37 pm
by Camvoy
Yes, action will be getting here soon. ;) In the meantime...

Arkham Heights. It is a pantheon of technological advancement and a beloved city that is home to many citizens. In the Age Of Superheroines, this fair city stands as the home of various superheroine factions and vigilantes as well as the villains who wish to take them down. Welcome.


Tangled Web

jotted down by Kace


Claire has already left for the day, so there is no talking to her before leaving for home Sandra thinks to herself. Done with the work portion of her day, she looks outside through a window to see Argon Girl flying by the building. She keeps her eyes on the aerial superheroine until she is out of view. Her eyes are fixated and her thoughts conflicting with her relationship with Adele. She looks down and closes her eyes for a moment as a stinging surge of guilt shoots through her. Picking up her purse, she prepares to head back home to her apartment.

Hailing a taxi, she waits on the sidewalk until able to get inside of the vehicle. As she steps in and tells the driver where to take her, she takes a deep breath and exhales, knowing that this is quite likely her only moment of relaxation for the day. She looks outside and at one point sees two Blue Angels, identified publicly as Angels 3 and 4 entering an apartment building. Around the corner, she sees Wonder Tomi capturing a man with her lasso before an onlooking crowd.

Arriving at her apartment building, she pays her cab fair and exits the taxi. Before entering, she looks to her right and sees a member of the Schoolgirl Squad signing an autograph for a little girl. She grins at the sight and finally walks inside.

She gets to her apartment and prepares to change from one persona to another. A short time passes and she soon undresses from her work clothes. Her business skirt attire, placed on the bed. Her pantyhose and undergarments, thrown in the hamper. She has taken care of things needed tending to homewise and now begins to place her body into a red unitard, footed in yellow and a yellow arachnid-like design on the front. She puts on her small yellow gloves and finally her mask. Her mask is red with a black web design. The eyes of her mask is pure white with a black outline, almost circular in shape, but with an upward point at the outer corner of each eye. Her eyes cannot be seen behind the mask, which she considers a tactical advantage. Sandra Sanford of the Arkham Heights Gazette has now become Arachnia Girl. Opening the window, she crawls out to the outside wall of the building, her hands and feet able to stick to the wall itlself. She closes the window and shoots a weblike beam from her left hand towards the top of a lightpole, swinging into the skyline ready to aid in the crimefighting in the city.

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:22 pm
by superpics4les
Sweeeeet! Action time! HAHA! :mrgreen: Powerful Punches! Pulsatin' Powers! Prolific Puns! Pleasing Pulchritude! Pernicious Peril! LOOOOOOVE IT! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Arkham Heights - Tangled Web

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:56 pm
by SGWriter
Arachnia Girl and Retro Girl on the prowl, great!