Solar Flare

upergirl thought, this was the life. She was cursing high above Metropolis enjoying her view. Linda loved flying; of all her abilities it was the one she enjoyed the most. The feel of the wind passing over her body, the freedom of flight, she loved it. So far it had been a quiet night. Two break-ins, one runaway train and a little girl who decided to follow her doll the twenty stories to the ground. Linda had caught the little girl when she was halfway down. The girl’s mother had been relieved to say the least.

She checked her watch on her wrist. 2:00AM flashed as she depressed the glow feature on the watch. Okay, Linda/Supergirl thought, another fifteen minutes but not much longer. Even though she only needed a few hours of sleep each night she still needed some. The Girl of Steel was about to turn for home when she heard it. Not audible to the normal human ear, a quick ringing alarm. Supergirl recognized it as the silent alarm from the First Metro Bank in downtown. Damn, she thought, all right this is it for the night. Supergirl speeded up and headed for the alarm.

Focusing her eyes on the edge of steel rounding the vault door, two powerful sets of high temperature rays poured out and began to melt through the foot of armor plating on the door. She traced her eyes around the steel door till she had gone 360 degrees back to her starting point. Walking forward she places her hand on the door and pushes forward. The super heavy door collapsed backwards and fell onto the marble floor inside the vault.

“Easy money” she jibbed to herself. Walking into the vault she began to go through the various safe deposit boxes grabbing jewels, money and valuable items. The girl was happy with herself till she heard a voice behind her.

“Excuse me miss, can I see your withdrawal slip?” the woman turned and saw the origin of the voice. The origin had on a tight blue leotard with a yellow belt and red skirt that ended a few inches above the knees. A red cape hung off her neck and went down her back and ended where the skirt did. Supergirl had arrived.

“Ohh well I forgot it?” the girl tried. She then focused her eyes onto Supergirl and fired a blast of energy right at the Maiden of Might. The blast hit Supergirl right in the chest and sent her flying backwards into a parked truck across the street. Linda shook her head and could feel the heat from the blast on her breasts and chest.

The source of the energy blast now stood a few feet from Supergirl. She had a golden yellow mask that covered her eyes. A quick attempt to look through it proved useless due to the fact her mask had lead lined in it. She wore a golden yellow leotard. A black nylon sash and belt was across her waist. Completing the ensemble was a pair of gold boots than ran up to her knees.

“So I’m Supergirl you’d be?” Supergirl asked sarcastically.

“Name is Solar Flare, Supes. I was doing just fine till you interrupted me.” Solar Flare answered.

Supergirl pulled herself out of the wreckage of the truck’s cab and brushed off the remains of some car parts melted onto her outfit. She then assumed her powerstance with her hands on her hips, “And now you’re coming with me.”

“I don’t think so Supes.” Solar Flare lifted her body off the ground with her ability of flight. She pulled one of her arms back as if to throw a punch and the other forward. Then with a coy little smile imitated the Matrix’s come and get me signal. Supergirl flew straight at the villain and landed a punch right across Solar Flare’s face. The supervillain flew backwards and steadied herself and shot straight up above the skyscrapers around her. Linda followed.

Once she had a lead on Supergirl, Solar Flare turned around and sent twin blasts of thermal plasma at Supergirl. Oh Shi…was all Supergirl was able to think before it hit her. The Girl of Steel took the blast head on and was sent down by it. Linda landed and put a crater shaped like her into the ground. Her head rang from the blasts and was still recovering.

Solar Flare smiled and was about to send another blast right at the Girl of Steel to finish her off when her beeper went off. Damn, she thought. Solar Flare took one last look at the recovering Supergirl and flew off.

Linda finally stood up and out of her crater. She saw Solar Flare getting away. Flying up into the air she reached the spot Flare had occupied but couldn’t see the villainess anywhere. Even using her excellent vision, better than that of America’s spy satellites, she couldn’t see the villain. Where did she go? Supergirl thought. Her quries were interrupted by the sounds of the police arriving. Linda decided she shouldn’t waste time chasing a ghost. She floated down to explain the scene to the arriving officers.

Solar Flare was pissed. She had failed to accomplish her mission and hadn’t had the chance to teach that Superbitch a lesson. The villain landed near the gymnasium at the University on the south side of town. Taking a look around she made sure the coast was clear. Solar Flare reached for her hidden backpack in the facade of the gym. Zipping it open she removed her mask. Solar Flare then pulled out her coat from the backpack and went through the open window at the ladies locker room. Once inside she checked again for anyone. With it being nearly 2:30 in the morning no one was around. She took off the coat and slipped out of her leotard. Next she unzipped the boots. Taking her costume she placed it in the backpack as she took out some normal clothes.

She pulled a pair of slacks on and then buttoned up her blouse. Solar Flare final acts were to take her hair and place it in her typical bun and put one a pair of contacts that changed her eye color from blue to brown. There, she was no longer Solar Flare but simple, Jessica Paterson.

Supergirl had explained what happened to the local officers and got a look at the security camera tape. It showed Solar Flare entering the bank by placing her hand on the front glass door then melting it. Linda thanked the officers and flew off. She headed for the university. Landing onto of the business building she reached into a old airshaft and pulled out her backpack.

The Girl of Steel took off her cape and boots. She placed these into her backpack and put on a new set of shoes. Linda then got her skirt on and a blouse, covering up her Supergirl outfit. She put her glasses on and was back to being Linda Danvers. A quick float down to ground level she began her walk back to her dorm. A few minutes later Linda was inside her dorm and unlocking her door when she noticed another girl down the hall coming out of the shower.

“Hey Jessica, how are you.” Linda asked.

“Just fine, what you doing up so late?” Jessica asked.

“Oh I was studying with Amy at her place”, Linda covered, “Have a nice night.”

“Thanks.” Both girls went into their rooms. Linda took off her clothes and her Supergirl outfit. After one last quick change into her sleepware she hit the sack.

Jessica swore to herself as the phone rang. It was the special cell phone related to her night job. She picked it up.

“Yes…No I wasn’t able to get the items…Supergirl showed up…We had a bit of a fight. She was slightly effected by my powers…No not really hurt…I’m fine…Yes…two in the afternoon tomorrow?..All right…call when it’s done.” With that Solar Flare/Jessica hung up the phone. The supervillainess hit the sack. Her last thoughts were about the coming day.

Linda went through her normal routine for the day. Class, food, class, studying, flying off to save a 747 that lost power over the city, class and more food. She was polishing off a ham sandwich when she heard it. Using her superhearing Linda eased dropped a CNN report that was on in someone’s office. A woman had signal handily stopped an armored car cold and then blew up a police car that had shown up on the scene. Solar Flare was back.

Linda left the deli shop as fast as she could and headed towards one of her usual changing spots. Once inside the business building she headed for the roof. Before going onto the roof Linda changed in the storage room next to the roof’s door. Off went her street close and she became Supergirl once again. She hit the roof hid her backpack and went airborne. Once in the sky she headed for the distressed armored car.


Solar Flare finished putting the rare collection of diamonds inside the backpack she had brought along. The doors of the armored car had been melted up and laid in the middle of the street. A Metropolis police cruiser was a burning hulk just a few feet away. The cop had tried to stop her. Jessica just focused her eyes on the officer’s pistol and watched it burn his hands. He decided to get the hell out of doge and she blew up the cop car with a blast of plasma from her hands. It kept the other cops out of the way and would bring Supergirl right to her and right on cue the heroine showed up.

Supergirl announced her arrival by yanking Solar Flare out of the armored car and throwing her into the pavement. Linda placed her hands on her hips and gave the usual give up now routines.

“Now Supergirl”, Flare smiled, “You think after all this trouble I went through you think I’m going to make it easy?” with that Solar Flare sent two blasts of energy from her hands right into Supergirl. The Girl of Steel crashed into the armored car landing on her ass. She shook her head and thought to herself, okay will so this the hard way. Linda threw herself at Solar Flare hit her dead on, sending the golden clad villainess right into the side of a building. Supergirl followed this up with two punches right into Solar Flare’s stomach.

“That…was good…Supergirl, but now my turn.” Flare kicked Supergirl in the stomach and sent her flying back. Landing against a lamp post Supergirl swore under her breath. She hadn’t considered the villainess to be that strong. Although not as strong as Supergirl, Flare still packed a punch. Linda grabbed the lamp post and used it as a baseball bat, hitting Solar Flare as she flew at Supergirl. The other superpowered lady went flying, Linda gave chase.

Solar Flare steadied her body in the air. Supergirl was coming right at her like a blue and red missile. Flare fired off a blast of energy from her eyes. Twin firey red blasts reached out for the Girl of Steel. Linda dodged left and saw the blast strike the side of building sending concrete and debris down wards.

Linda thought to herself. She needed to take this fight away from a populated area. Supergirl went as fast as she could west towards the ocean. Solar Flare gave chase. Linda dodged blast after blast of energy and plasma as she headed for the coast.

A minute later the Girl of Steel could see ocean. Good. Linda turned and gave her foe a blast of her heat vision. Solar Flare at first seemed effected by the lasers coming out of Supergirl’s eyes, but then Solar Flare just stopped and put her hands behind her head, playing with her burnet hair.

“Ummm thanks Supergirl that feels wonderful. Try mine.” With that Solar Flare used her own deadly eyes on Supergirl. Linda screamed as the powerful blasts slammed into her. Supergirl began to fall till she recovered. Only to find herself caught in Solar Flare’s grasp. The villain’s arms held onto Supergirl’s.

“Didn’t like it? Ohh well, How about we hug and make up.” Solar Flare then locked Linda into a bearhug. Squeezing with all her strength Solar Flare was going to crush the Maiden of Might. Except this time it was Supergirl’s chance to smile.

“You don’t seem as strong as me Solar Flare let’s see.” Supergirl flexed her arms and broke Solar Flare’s hold. She then landed a left hook across the villainess’s face. Supergirl went to press her advantage only to have Solar Flare kick her in the face. Linda grabbed the girl’s leg and sent her flying across the harbor.

Jessica was pissed, she wasn’t as strong as Supergirl, but her powers seemed to be more effective than Supergirl’s. She looked at a clock near the harbor. Damn, it was almost one. Solar Flare needed to drop her plunder off to her boss. Jessica needed to slow the superheroine down. Than she saw the public bus leaving the docks, Solar Flare dived down.

Supergirl was speeding towards Solar Flare when she saw the supervillain lift up a City bus. Solar Flare yelled to Supergirl, “Catch!” the villainess threw the bus towards the ocean and headed back towards the scene of her crime. Supergirl couldn’t chase her down; she needed to catch the bus.

Jessica left Supergirl behind to deal with the bus and headed back to the car. Metropolis Police had secured the area, oh well. She landed among a few officers.

“Hello boys don’t mind me, needed to get my bag. She elbowed each officer in the face. While not as strong as Supergirl, she was more than a match for the two cops, who both went down. Solar Flare then melted the door off the officer’s police car. She reached in and took her backpack. She put it on and shot upwards.

Linda eased the bus onto the pavement. The riders thanked her for the resuce and Supergirl smiled and took off. She searched the skies for Solar Flare.

“Damn it Linda! She got away again!” Supergirl yelled at herself. Linda searched for another hour finding nothing.

Solar Flare entered the upper floors of Tyler Industries. Her contact was waiting there. The woman turned and stared at the superwoman who just entered.

“Did you get the items.” The woman asked.
“Yes”, Solar Flare answered, “But Supergirl showed up again! If I’m going to get what you guys want done here…”

“Jessica relax. We knew she would be a problem”, the woman said, trying to calm Solar Flare, “I see you’ve handled her twice and got away each time.”

“Yes, but still she is cramping my style.” Jessica complained.

“Don’t worry I’ll meet you in a few days. Then will discuss the next mission you’ll have, killing Supergirl.”

Supergirl had changed back into Linda Danvers and was thinking about her new foe in town. Solar Flare had powers just not equal to hers in some areas. While Flare seemed to have energy powers superior to the Girl of Steel’s she wasn’t as strong or fast. She must also have a limited invulnerability to survive Supergirl’s punches with out any burses. Linda was thinking too much about new bad girl in town because she bumped right into Jessica Paterson.

“Ops sorry Jessica, didn’t look were I was going.” Linda apologized.
“No problem.” Jessica replied. Linda noticed she looked a bit tried.

“You look a little winded Jessica, were did you just come from?” Linda asked.
“Ohh I was working out in the gym for a little bit got some exercise in before my English class.” Jessica replied. Linda nodded in understanding and headed off.

Jessica hadn’t been thinking about where she was going either. Kill Supergirl? Could she? Jessica thought about it all the way through class. She wasn’t sure she could but knew her boss would get help her out.

Linda returned to her dorm but decided she needed some more information. She did a search on her nemesis. The only articles she got were recent ones on their encounters. Next thing she checked on was anything weird being picked up by the Air Force’s monitoring stations. Perhaps Solar Flare was alien like her but hadn’t show herself till now. After an email to a friend of hers in US Space command and a short wait they replied back that nothing strange had occurred in the last few months. Supergirl continued her online search.

Jessica was in her room working on school work when the business phone rang. Twenty minutes, usual spot. Reaching for her mirror she took it off the wall. Behind it was a safe installed by her employers. Inside was her costume. Grabbing it she headed for the meeting.

Jessica was once again with her contact at Tyler Industries. The woman was sitting near a strange device that looked like a lamp on steroids. Solar Flare touched down.

“Jessica come have a seat.” Her boss said, waving her over. She took a seat crossing her legs and was ready to get her next mission.

“As you know I said you’d be killing Supergirl in your next mission.” The Boss began, “How are you feeling, anything wrong that sort of stuff.”

“I’ve been feeling fine. I’m getting stronger every day, and have recovered what I loss from my fight with Supergirl yesterday.” Jessica answered. She referred to her one weakness. Every time she used her powers she drained herself. Like a rechargeable battery she could only hold so much power and when she used it, it would need replacing. This came from the rays of Earth’s sun. Jessica made sure she spent at least an hour recharging her powers.

“Good”, her boss got real serious, “Now I’m confident in your powers and training. Except Supergirl will be a very tuff nut to crack, so will going to give you an edge. Here’s what we know about Supergirl.”

Her boss opened up a folder and began reading, “Age 21-24, invincible at first glance but she has some weakness.”

Jessica was curious, “What, how do you make her weak? I hit her with plasma that was nearly 800 degrees and that just slowed her down.”

“Well she seems to have two”, the woman checked her notes and began again, “It seems that when her home planet blew up the chucks of it went flying everywhere. These meteorites give off a low level radiation, now why it doesn’t hurt you and I is anyone guess but it is poison to her.”

“Poison? It can hurt her?”, Solar Flare asked, “Where can I get some?”

“That’s the problem. This stuff is rare, only a few pounds of it showing up every year. We’re looking but don’t hold out hope. Her other weakness though will be easy to get. The frequency of a Red Star’s rays.” Her boss smiled.

“Huh?” Jessica asked confused.
“The star that was in Supergirl’s Solar System was red in color. Now when she got to Earth our Yellow Sun’s radiation gave her body those superpowers. If she was exposed to that Red Sun radiation she’d loose her powers.”

“Forever?” Jessica asked.
“Probably not. Just till her body takes in enough Yellow Sun radiation to replace the red she’s going to get.”

Solar Flare thought about it for a moment, “How can I make this Red Sun effect?”

The boss picked herself out of the chair and turned to the strange lamp on her desk. She pushed a few buttons on it then told Solar Flare to stand up. Jessica stood up and took her place in front of the lamp.

“All right here we go.” The lady pressed the final button and a red light shot out from the machine and coated Jessica’s body. At first she felt weak by the light but then she felt her body absorbing the solar rays coming out of the machine. After another two minutes her boss turned the machine off.

“Now you’ll be able to blast Supergirl with red sun rays. Try it out.” Her boss said.

Jessica brought her hands up and thought about the rays her body just absorbed. Twin blasts of pulsing red light shot out and destroyed the wall she was aiming at.

“Sorry.” She said.
“Don’t worry about it. I also have information on where we think Supergirl goes when she’s not Supergirl. If this info is right, she on your campus.”

Jessica took the folder and read through it. Supergirl had been spotted a few times leaving the university. Based on her suspected age she could blend in as a college student. She shook her head, Supergirl was doing the same thing she had been doing, well she was going to find out Supergirl’s secret identity.

Supergirl was laying on her bed half paying attention to The Iliad and the other half on Friends on the TV. Linda looked at the two on more time and threw the Greek classic on the floor and turned up the volume. After a few minutes though she lost interest in the show and began flipping. She was stopped cold by what she saw on the news. An oil plant at the docks was ready to blow due to a fire at one of the pumping sites. The fire was to hot and the area had yet to be evacuated.

Linda immediately jumped off the bed and began to unbutton her blouse, reveling the red and yellow S on her chest. She kicked off her skirt and flattened out her shorter red one. Finally her boots went on and she flew out of her window. Buzzing over the city at hundreds of miles per hour she reached the docks in seconds. A section of the pipes connected to an oil tanker were sending black smoke up into the air. The Girl of Steel landed next to a group of exhausted policemen and firefighters.

“You guys need a hand?” Supergirl asked.
“Supergirl! Thank god, we have been trying to reach the broken value but its to damn hot!” a firefighter exclaimed.
“How do you close it?” she asked.
“Just cut off the flow to the pipe by shutting the vale before the leak.”

Supergirl nodded her head and flew up again. She found it hard to cut through the black smoke. A switch to her X-ray vision helped out. Linda could see just the flames now and the value! The Girl of Steel dived for the break and landed in the sea of flames. Supergirl immediately grunted and put her arms up to protect her face. Damn, she thought, those guys were right it’s hot even for me.

Undeterred the Maiden of Might pushed forward through the twisted pipes and flames. Supergirl reached the value. It was melted shut! Linda grabbed the turn handle on the value and pulled with her strength, increasing it as needed. If she applied to much though she would snap the value handle. After another minute, the value finally moved and she shut off the oil flow from the tanker.

Now the fire. Turning to the flames she knew the only way to kill an oil fire was to cut the oxygen supply. With one hell of a deep breath Supergirl inhaled and sucked up all the immediate oxygen. Linda then shot upwards and exhaled the blast of air into the space above the city. She hit the ground next to rescue workers and asked what else they needed.

Unknown to Linda, Jessica was watching the fire and disaster on top of a building. It had been easy, a quick burst of heat from her eyes melted the pipe and that had been that. Supergirl had come as she expected. After some thought, Jessica knew she just couldn’t check out every girl on campus. So if she flushed out Supergirl and followed her back to campus she at best learns the Girl of Steel’s secret identity or narrows her search. Jessica made sure to stay low as Supergirl flew overhead.

Linda didn’t spot Solar Flare or think about her possible evolvement with the disaster. After helping the authorities for a few more minutes Supergirl was heading back to school. Solar Flare followed from behind. Jessica used the buildings for cover as she tracked Supergirl. Linda was obvious to her foe following her, she circled campus once and once the coast was clear shot for her window.

Jessica was filled with excitement as she watched Supergirl begin her final plunge. Solar Flare was all smiles till she saw Supergirl fly into her dorm! Jessica couldn’t believe it. Whose room was that? With her own burst of speed she flew into her window. Jessica grabbed a blouse and skirt to cover her costume. Throwing them on Jessica kicked out of her boots and stashed them under the bed slipping on some sandals. Once in the hallway she looked for that room. Matching rooms with windows she came on…Linda Danvers! Carefully she regained herself and knocked on the door lightly.

A few seconds later Linda answered in a bathrobe at the door “Hi Jessica what do you need? I was about to take a shower.”

“Hey Linda do you have your bio book? Left mine at my friend’s room and she is at cheerleading till 6.” Jessica asked.

“Sure just a second.” Linda went over and got her book. While her back was turn Jessica looked for any sign she was Supergirl a cape, boot, something nothing. Jessica was thinking she had the wrong room when Linda handed her the bio book. She took the book and noticed that there were black stains on her hands. Solar Flare said nothing. She thanked Linda for the book and left. Those black marks were oil stains to be sure…Linda Danvers and Supergirl were one in the same.

Linda locked the door and let out a sigh of relief. She took the robe off and her Supergirl costume was still on. When the knock came she hadn’t the time to change so she used the robe as a last minute cover. Linda looked at her hands, shit there was oil on them she carefully slipped out of her uniform and put the outfit back. Linda slipped back into her robe and hit the shower. Not knowing her cover was blown.

Linda’s alarm clock went off. The kryptonian coed rolled over and hit the snooze button. She was awake anyway. Today was Linda’s day off, no classes. So she planned on spending the day as Supergirl. After a shower she first put her Supergirl outfit on and then a skirt and blouse to cover that, she was going to have breakfast first. Linda was heading out when Jessica came out of her room as well.

“Hey Linda thanks for the text book. I was really in a bind, Sally left her room locked and I forgot about my book, but there you were to save the day.” Jessica joked.

Linda thought about the way Jessica said ‘save the day’ but surged it off, “No problem I’m going to grab some breakfast want to come?”

“Sure, how about I buy you some I know a great place at 35th Street?” Jessica asked.
Linda thought about it, it was a great place for breakfast “Sounds cool.”

Jessica and Linda chatted it up as Jessica drove them towards the restaurant/diner. Fifteen minutes later the two super powered women were sitting in a booth.

“You know Linda I actually have a confession to make.” Jessica said quietly.
“What Jessica?” Linda asked, curious about what was bugging Jessica.

“You know that girl Supergirl fought with twice in the last few days? That was me.”

Linda did her best to keep her eyes inside her head and her mouth shut. She needed to play dumb, not let Jessica know who she was “Jessica, you? But how? What’s going on?”

“A company got hold of some interesting genetic material. It was close to human but not. They learned that some specific sequences would give the owner superhuman abilities. A few thousands rats then primates later they refined the process and were ready for a human trial. Me.” Jessica explained, “I got the power of flight, energy, increased strength and some invunerablity.”

“Jess why would you let yourself be part of that?” Linda asked.
“Because the power, the freedom of it. Only one other person could rival me, Supergirl, you Linda.” Jessica said and lightly grabbed Linda’s wrist. She squeezed with strength only a handful of people had around the world.

Linda became very calm. The pressure on her wrist would have shattered a normal woman’s but Supergirl’s strength and invulnerability protected her. Linda made sure no one was paying to much attention and then held Jessica’s wrist and did the same. Jessica winced cause compared to her Supergirl was much stronger.

“Jess I don’t know what happened to you but I’m going to get you some help. No reason we can’t work together. Please come with me, or I’ll make you come with me.” Linda said quietly.

“Sure you want to do that Supergirl? All these people see me getting thrown around by you they are going to ask some questions.” Jessica smirked. Linda was thrown for a loop she hadn’t thought about that, “Also I’ll turn this diner into an inferno if you don’t do as I say right now. First were going to leave then head into the ally and float to the top of the building, understand?”

Linda nodded her head. Even though she could kick Solar Flare’s ass she couldn’t risk the people in the diner. True to her word Jessica paid the check for what they had ordered and left the diner. Linda and Jessica then entered the ally. “Follow the leader.” Jessica joked, floating up towards the roof. Linda did the same a few seconds later. Two women stared at each other on the roof as if it was high noon.

“All right let’s get out these.” Jessica said playing with her clothes. She took off her blouse and pants. Jessica stood in her Solar Flare outfit; she added the final aspect of her costume the mask.

“Well I’m ready, how about you Supergirl?” Jessica asked.
“Jessica please we don’t have to do this…” Supergirl was cut off, “Sorry Linda don’t want to hear it.”

Solar Flare’s eyes glowed bright yellow. Twin blasts of energy lanced out hitting Linda. She held her ground but her clothes were burned away as the rays tampered off, she was left in her Supergirl costume.

“Fine Jess, want a fight, you have one and that was a great blouse you ruined.” Supergirl flew at Solar Flare. The two super coeds locked arms and applied their strength against each other. Solar Flare winced as Supergirl applied her strength. Jessica sank to her knees.

“Jessica this is pointless, I can beat you. Let’s head over to Star Labs and get you some help in the superheroine department?” Linda asked.

“God you superheroes are all talk.” Jessica grunted, she kneed Supergirl in the stomach and freed herself from Supergirl’s grip. Standing up she gave Linda a round house kick to head. The Girl of Steel went flying off the roof and went through a billboard on another building. Linda landed on her back and was stopped by the edge of the roof.

Solar Flare landed next to Supergirl and readied a blast of plasma for the heroine. Supergirl was getting up when she saw a blast of superheated energy coming at her. Linda jumped up and dodged the blast. Supergirl grabbed a piece of the billboard’s metal frame and used it as an ad hoc baseball bat. Solar Flare’s head was the ball. Jessica went flying over the city. Linda dropped the piece of metal and flew after Flare.

Solar Flare regained control of her flight and swore as Supergirl came at her. She readied herself for another round of hand to hand. Linda threw a punch; Solar Flare caught it and drove her own fist into Supergirl’s gut. Supergirl responded with a punch to Solar Flare’s side. Jessica was sent flying to the street below. She hit hard and stopped traffic.

Supergirl landed next to her ready to keep up the punishment when Flare turned her rays on a truck in the street. Linda flew as fast as she could. Getting there only seconds before the impact of the rays she pulled the driver out and covered his body. The truck fireballed. After the blast Supergirl told the guy to get out of here. She turned to face Jessica.

“Solar Flare leave these people out of it!” Supergirl screamed.
“Ohh Supergirl cares, about these people. Well try this on Supergirl.” Solar Flare laughed. She fired a finger sized jet of plasma at the nearest skyscraper. It cut the stone work of pillars and Greek figures off the building. The pieces of skyscraper fell towards the side walk below.

Supergirl flew up and looked for something to catch the pieces. She saw the cloth covering the back of a truck. Linda ripped the canvas off and flew up at the falling bits. She tied the one end to lamp post and the other to a tree. The pieces landed inside the catch she made. Linda made sure everyone was clear of her temporary solution when Solar Flare wrapped her arms around Supergirl.

“Going up?” Jessica asked. Solar Flare flew into the nearest building and began going straight through the floor using Supergirl as a battering ram! They popped out on the other side together. Flare squeezed Supergirl tight in a bearhug. Linda broke the hold and freed herself. The two girls faced each other once again.

“Stop it Jessica! You’re going to hurt someone!” Supergirl screamed.
“Yeah, you.” Solar Flare said hitting Supergirl with another blast of her plasma. The Maiden of Might when flying as she pushed by the plasma blast skyward. Jessica cut the attack. She needed to avoid using her energy powers as much as possible; she needed them for the final part of this fight.

Solar Flare traveled after Supergirl. Linda was stunned and had her eyes closed, big mistake. Jessica undid her belt and tightened it up in her hands. She flew behind Supergirl and began to choke her. Supergirl felt the black lyrca and spandex fabric around her throat then the sensation of being choked. Jessica wrapped her legs around Supergirl and added that pressure. The two girls began to fall since neither was concentrated on flying. Supergirl tried to remove the choke from around her neck but couldn’t. Linda took her elbow and hit Jessica’s leg as hard as she could. Solar Flare cried out in pain and lossened her grip from around Linda’s neck. Supergirl threw the villain off her and sent her flying near the airport.

She gave chase. Jessica shook her head out of it. She saw that Linda had thrown her near the airport, prefect. Solar Flare flew up towards her target. Supergirl spotted Solar Flare’s recovery and was after her when she saw Flare’s beams lance out again. Not at her but at a 777 coming in for landing.

Supergirl watched as Solar Flare’s beams ripped through the right engine of the 777. It exploded and sent fragments through the right wing. Already flying slower for landing the lost of the right engine and control damage caused the plane to roll right. Supergirl flew past Solar Flare and grabbed the damaged wing. While the pilot applied extra power to the left engine Supergirl acted as the power source for the right.

Linda held her speed as best she could and try to make sure that she didn’t rip the wing off and not to cause the plane to roll left. The 777 touched down, Supergirl was going to let go when she noticed the brake lines to the right wheel assembly were cut. Linda let go of the wing and placed herself in front of the wheels. She gripped the wheel and dug her boot’s heals into the runway. Smoke began to leave Supergirl’s feet as she slowed the plane. After a minute of breaking the jet slowed. Supergirl held on till the plane came to a stop. Letting go she backed away and let out a shy of relief. That’s when it hit her.

Twin powerful blasts of red energy and heat hit Supergirl from behind. Linda screamed as she was enveloped in the rays. Her body which absorbed the yellow radiation of the sun now fed off the stronger red rays hitting her. Supergirl could feel her powers fading and was knocked to ground face first.

Jessica cut off the red sun blasts coming from her hands. With satisfaction she watched as Supergirl fell to the ground. Solar Flare descended and landed next to the weakened Supergirl. Jessica took her foot and rolled Supergirl over onto her back. She then placed her golden boot on Supergirl’s stomach.

“Linda, Linda you didn’t like that? I would think your home sun would have felt good. Want some more?” Solar Flare asked.

Supergirl pushed Flare’s boot off her and stood up “I feel fine Jessica and your fancy ray didn’t do squat.” Supergirl yelled throwing a punch, which Solar Flare caught easily. Jessica squeezed and was happy for once she was stronger than Supergirl. Linda’s hand felt like it was going to shatter. Supergirl sank to her knees and cried out in pain. Jessica followed that up with a kick to Supergirl’s chest which sent the blue, yellow and red heroine flying into the wall of a hanger.

Linda felt drained. Her powers weren’t there; she was only as strong as a normal 22 year old and venerable. Supergirl’s hand was almost broken. Her back hurt from flying into an airplane hanger. She was in trouble; Flare could now kill her without breaking a sweat. Linda got up to find a way out when Jessica landed right next to her.

“Now so strong or powerful Supergirl?” Solar Flare asked with a smile.
“Jessica, I want you to understand…” Linda was cut off as a punch was driven into her stomach. Jessica followed with another punch across her face. Supergirl landed inside the hanger. Solar Flare took her time to enter. A 727 under construction and Supergirl was curled up in lump next to a door on the other side of the hanger.

“Well I think its time to end this Supergirl. It’s been fun but time for you to get a taste of my rays.” Solar Flare laughed as her eyes began to glow. Linda wasn’t facing her, the ex-heroine hiding under her cape. Jessica was about to fire when, Linda flipped her cape open and was kneeling with a fire extinguisher. She fired off the extinguisher and Solar Flare was covered in the white smoke and CO2. Jessica lashed out in any direction with her eyes. A few minutes later Solar Flare saw Supergirl was gone! Jessica screamed and searched the hanger, the outside and the runway. She saw no sign of the heroine. Jessica was perplexed where had she gone?

Linda waited till Jessica was gone. Supergirl climbed out of the cargo section of the 727 and hit the ground. She was still powerless. Linda tired flying only to land on her knees. The Girl of Steel was not herself. She needed to hideout. Supergirl made her way towards a set of lockers on the back end of the hanger. One was labeled Kelly, J. Linda saw it wasn’t locked and opened it up. Inside she found some clothes to put on over her red and blues. Although not a prefect fit it would do. Linda also borrowed her shoes, sticking her cape and boots inside a duffle bag that she also borrowed. Supergirl felt bad about taking these but needed to get lost fast. Plus she needed to fix her powers; Linda decided that she needed a trip to Star Labs.

Dr. Patricia Carter screamed at her microscope as the phone range. Damn it, she thought, I told the front desk I was not to be disturbed! Dr. Carter pulled her eyes away from the microscope and put her glasses back on. Her heels clicked on the floor as she headed for the phone.

Picking it up she wasn’t happy, “Fred I swear it better be the Nobel Prize Commission at the front desk, or Publisher’s Clearing House with a very big check.”

“Sorry doctor but I have a young lady here who said it was really important. She says she’s your niece.”

Dr. Carter’s eyed widened. There was only one person who would claim to be her niece, “Send her up Fred sorry about snapping.”

Dr. Carter ran and made her way towards her office. She got there and her niece was already waiting inside, “Supergirl, I’m surprised I wasn’t scheduled to see you till next week.” Dr. Carter was Supergirl’s unofficial doctor. It was only known to a few other scientists at Star Labs.

“I know doc but this is an emergency. Hope I didn’t take you away from anything important.” Supergirl apologized, “You see I’m powerless.”

Patricia stared at Supergirl in disbelief. What could hurt the Girl of Steel, strip her of her powers? “You weren’t exposed to kryptonite were you? That stuff drains your powers but it does it while poisoning you, it doesn’t just drain.”

“No it wasn’t kryptonite, you know that girl Solar Flare?” Supergirl asked. The woman shook her head in a yes, “She hit me with some kind of red ray, she said it was from my home planet.”

Dr. Carter thought that one over. The doctor crossed her arms across her chest and paced thinking. Supergirl smiled, it was always funny to watch Dr. C as she thought about something. “Supergirl it may have been the radiation of a red sun. Come back to the lab and I’ll run some tests.”

Linda trailed Dr. Carter as the two made it back towards her lab. Once inside Patricia locked the doors and turned on a warning that she was running dangerous tests. It would keep any unwelcome guests from bugging the two.

Supergirl took off her borrowed clothes and put her boots and cape on. Dr. C motioned her to come over to a medical examination table. Linda grabbed a seat.

“Now Supergirl could you roll up your shelves, I’m going to take a blood sample. I won’t need the kryptonite tipped needle?” Supergirl nodded. She rolled up her left shelve and winced as Dr. Carter’s needle pierced her skin. “You felt that Supergirl?” Dr. Carter asked amazed.

“Yeah, like I said I’m powerless, just as normal as you, no offense.” She added.
“Don’t worry, Supergirl if my theory right you be fine in a few hours.” Dr. C stated as she took the blood sample to the microscope.

“Why do you say that?” Linda asked, embarrassed that she had to put a cotton ball on the prick in her skin.

“I think your cells have absorbed too much red sun radiation. So it’s canceling out the radiation from our sun which gives you your powers. Now as time passes your body will use more and more of that red sun energy till it’s depleted, then your powers should kick back in.” The doctor explained while preparing the slide.

Supergirl started to get up when Dr. Carter stopped her. “Supergirl please, another thing your body needs is a little rest. She walked over to Supergirl and could see the bruisers to her face beginning to come in, “Grab and ice pack from the fridge over there and relax for little bit. Let me see what I can find and I’ll let you know in a little bit okay?”

Supergirl nodded her head and got that ice pack. Holding it to her face she lay down on the medical table and rested. Hoping the doc could give her some answers.

Dr. C spent another hour on Supergirl’s blood sample. She noticed that Supergirl had fallen asleep on her table. She must be tried after that fight, the doctor thought. The news had picked up images of the battle between the two supergirls. Dr. Carter had seen the beating Supergirl had taken.

Patricia’s analyses of the blood sampled showed that Supergirl’s cells were affected exactly the way she had told the kryptonian. The red sun radiation had been absorbed and made her a regular kryptonian, except a number of the cells were transforming back to there super powered states, proving that the effects were not permanent. That’s good news, Dr. C thought; with this other girl running around I don’t know what we would be able to do to stop her without Supergirl. She turned to inform Supergirl of the news when her wall exploded.

Solar Flare came through the hole, “Finally, there you are Linda.”
Supergirl had woken up from the sounds of a wall crashing in and turned to face Jessica, “Jessica glad your here but I’m kind of busy…” she didn’t finish.

Jessica sent two beams of plasma at Supergirl. Linda did her best impression of a gymnast and flipped backwards towards Dr. Carter dogging the beams. Solar Flare screamed and flew at Supergirl. Not knowing what to do, Linda jumped in front of Jessica, who shoved her into the wall. Supergirl grunted as her back made contact with concert. Solar Flare backed off and watched as Linda slid down the wall into a sitting position, koed. Jessica walked over and found some chains holding up a delicate piece of machinery. She ripped them out of the wall and let the machine fall to the ground. Taking the chains she collected over to Supergirl she wrapped them around the heroine’s body.

“Now you’re not going any ware Supergirl.” Solar Flare said in triumph. Then she was hit in the back of the head by a piece of metal. Flare turned to see Dr. Carter wielding the broken piece of rebar.
“Please doctor, Supergirl has hit me with a super strength punch, you think that hurt?” Jessica shoved the doctor into a far wall. Checking to see Supergirl was still in dreamland she then walked over to the doctor.

Patricia tired getting up only to have Solar Flare lift her up by her neck. The doctor tried with both hands to get Solar Flare’s hand off her neck. Her feet kicked wildly sending her shoes flying off. Flare smiled at the poor doctor, “Tried to help Supergirl? Only room for one in this town.” She began to make her eyes glow only to hear a voice from over her shoulder.

“Jessica I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Solar Flare turned to see Supergirl standing up.

Linda had a smile on her face. With ease she flexed her arms and pulled them outward from her body, snapping the chains that bound her and sending them flying in different directions. Supergirl was back.

Flare dropped the doctor and tried to ready her red sun blasts when Supergirl flew the last few feet to where she stood and slammed a super powered punch right across Solar Flare’s face. Jessica went flying backwards and went through the wall right next to her hole. Supergirl bent over and checked on Dr. Carter, “Doc are you all right?”

“Yeah Supergirl, just a little shook up.” The doctor responded.
“Good, I need to take care of her.” Supergirl replied she got up to go but the doc stopped her.
“Supergirl, just don’t get hit by the red sun rays again, it take you hours to recover just like before, and kick her ass.” Patricia added with a smile.

Linda smiled and jumped through the hole after Solar Flare. Supergirl flew and saw Jessica recovering from her punch on a building across the street from Star Labs. The villainess was pissed.

“Sorry, but you did wreck the lab. Its over Jessica, now I’m really pissed at you since you drained my powers, wrecked my morning and tried to kill god only knows how many people today it ends now.” Supergirl said.
“Not yet Linda.” Solar Flare flew at Supergirl and the girls locked hands struggling with each other. Supergirl easily over powered Solar Flare and sent the bad girl flying. Linda followed that up by a series of punches to her foe. Solar Flare landed on another roof top and weakly got up.

Jessica focused her eyes and sent a stream of red energy at Supergirl. The Girl of Steel dogged left and avoided the streams. Solar Flare cut the beams off and caught her breath. Supergirl’s punches, the flight, hours searching for the heroine was taking its toll. Jessica couldn’t rest now though, with Supergirl bearing down on her. She fired off another blast of red sun rays, she needed to weaken Supergirl.

This time though Supergirl was distracted. Using her speed to her advantage she dodged blast after blast. Linda noticed though that the blasts themselves seemed to be losing intensity. Flare wasn’t as strong as before either, so she thought, she’s getting weaker! Linda realized that Solar Flare’s powers had a limit. The day long fight was draining the villainess. Supergirl formed a plan.

“Come on! Jessica what’s the problem? I have seen hired thugs that shoot better than you. Bet you can’t catch me either.” With that taunt Linda flew towards the west at high speed. Checking behind her she saw Jessica was right behind her. Linda flew faster.

Jessica was weakening and she knew it, but if she could just hit Supergirl with one blast, she’d be worst off. Solar Flare gave chase and fired as she went. Linda dogged the blasts that came her way with the grace of a bird. Left, right, up barrel rolls Supergirl did everything she could think of to make herself a harder target. To solve the problem of her aerobatics Solar Flare sent more blasts of energy Supergirl’s way.

Supergirl dodged them all. Time to finish it. Linda flew right at Solar Flare, landing a punch to her face, then another to her chest finally a kick that sent Jessica flying back to Star Labs. The villainesses landed on the roof with a heavy thud, gouging out a crater were she landed. Linda flew over and watched as Jessica picked herself up and flew up to Supergirl.

“You…haven’t….won….ohhhh” Solar Flare started only to have her eyes roll back into her head and fall. Supergirl flew down and caught Jessica before she hit the ground. Cradling Jessica in her arms, Supergirl landed. Jessica had exhausted her powers, the final fight between the two used up her last bit of strength and power. Linda flew back into Star Labs. She laid Jessica’s unconscious body on a medical table in another lab. She used the restraints to keep the girl tied down. Then she went to find Dr. C.

A few hours later, Supergirl, Dr. Carter and a few other scientist and nurses were keeping tabs on Solar Flare. Supergirl sipped some tea as the doctors and staff worked on Jessica. Dr. C was trying to make sure Jessica could never use her powers again. Linda had thought long and hard about the decision she made on Jessica’s behalf. For a moment she thought maybe she could convince Flare to use her powers for good, but after her actions of the day Linda decided that her lack of care for the lives of the people around them was too great. Supergirl looked up from her tea as Dr. Carter came back to her.

“I used some gene therapy to shut the power DNA in her body off. She won’t be able to recharge her powers ever. And we used a memory agent, she doen’t remember who you are in real life, Linda?” Dr. Carter asked. Supergirl shot her look not to ask. Dr. Carter got it and went on, “She is also awake.”

Supergirl set her tea down and walked over to where Jessica was. She was lying in a bed in a hospital gown. Her eyes were blank and depressed. As Supergirl entered her vision they came alive again. Although she no longer knew Supergirl’s identity she knew what Supergirl had done.

“I’m sorry it ended this way Jessica. I asked you to listen to me and you didn’t.” Supergirl began.
“Shut up Supergirl. You have done this to me; I’m bursed and battered, powerless and useless. It’s my mission from here on Supergirl to make sure you end up just like me.”

“I get that a lot. You’re pissed to bad, now I want to know who it was that gave you your powers and right now.” Supergirl stated directly. Jessica stared intensely at Supergirl.

“Tyler Industries.” She then returned to how she was before Supergirl came in. Linda just shook her head, “Sorry Jessica.”

Supergirl thanked Dr. C for everything and informed her that she should call the DA and inform him to send some people over to Tyler Industries. With that Supergirl flew out the window and headed for the building. She entered the top floor office, the same one Solar Flare had used. Inside a woman was burning papers fast.

“Hold it right there.” Supergirl screamed. The woman turned and fired off a hand gun she had on her desk. The bullets bounced off the Girl of Steel’s chest. Linda ran in a blur the last few feet and grabbed the gun out of her hand. Then she squeezed the other hand of the woman sending her to her knees.

“AHAHAH I give I give!” she screamed.
“All right, the DA and about every other cop in Metropolis will be here in ten minutes. Tell me what they can find.” Supergirl demanded. The woman spilled all the beans. True to her word the police and DA found a wealth of evidence that would send Mary Paterson and most of her genetics team to jail. Flying back to school Linda couldn’t believe that Jessica’s Aunt would have done that to her. Turning her into a criminal, Supergirl was glad that she had good parents who never would of thought about that.

She landed back in her dorm, it was late. Linda took off her Supergirl costume and headed for bed. The Maiden of Might couldn’t help but think about Jessica’s threat. Jessica now hated Supergirl but didn’t know that she and Linda were one in the same anymore. The Girl of Steel reflected that sometimes it sucked to be a superheroine. She pushed thoughts out of her head and found sleep.

The End

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