Wonder Woman: Enter the Cheetah (WW Lost Episodes)

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Wonder Woman-Enter the Cheetah

“This is all quite impressive Mr. Rich," Major Trevor said as they walked around the chemical plant.

Peter Rich was leading the group from the War Department around personally. General Blankenship had sent his people to check out the Rich Chemical & Research Works, and Rich had no intention of giving his guests a bad impression of his operation. Major Steve Trevor would have a lot of say with Blankenship plus he was sure the Yeoman who was with the USAAF officer was taking detailed notes.

"Thank you major, but I know this isn't why you're here,” Rich's company was supplying tons of specialized chemicals to the US armed forces.

Trevor nodded, “You’re right about that Mr. Rich.”

He shared a glance with Diana who smiled back, though kept her thoughts to herself. Steve perhaps we shouldn’t talk about the secret project so much. Yeoman Diana Prince of course knew better about keeping secrets than most, because she was actually Princess Diana of Paradise Island; known to America as Wonder Woman. Of course no one could tell that now as she was dressed in her Navy standard dark blue uniform and some thick black framed glasses.

Steve and Diana followed Mr. Rich to a more secured wing of his chemical plant. A pair of armed guard signed them in and gave everyone in the group a badge, after checking both Steve and Diana’s military IDs. The security precautions were not just window dressing Diana knew, the Axis spies would do anything to get their hands on what was being developed here. After passing through the security checkpoint they were met by an Army officer.

“Major Trevor, Yeoman Prince,” he began. “I’m Captain Powers, welcome to Project Blockbuster.”

Trevor shook the younger Army officer’s hand, followed by Diana. Rich smiled warmly, “Daniel, things going well I take it?”

“Yes Mr. Rich,” Powers answered. He led the trio into the lab area proper where they saw white lab coat wearing scientists working with what looked like an even more elaborate kid’s chemistry set.”

Steve put his hands in his pockets and whistled, “That’s a lot of bunsen burners.”

Diana smiled at the joke but looked at the scientists working to craft Project Blockbuster. Captain Powers explained the basics that Diana and Steve were familiar with. The Allies were looking for any edge they could get. Even before Wonder Woman had appeared the Allies had been researching the idea of ‘super-soldiers’. To that end, Rich C&R was looking into a serum to give a person super-strength. Progress had been slow but reportedly Rich’s company was close now to having a working formula.

“As you can see our animal tests have proven quite successful,” Powers gestured to a set of cages.

“Oh my,” Diana said seeing mice that were easily overturning bricks and a monkey bending a steel bar.

Powers grinned, “As you can see the results have been impressive, we’re going to being human trials soon.”

“Amazing,” Steve breathed, “I mean I’ve seen Wonder Woman in action but to imagine a whole platoon with that kind of strength…”

Rich nodded enthusiastically, “Exactly colonel, we’ll put those Nazi ‘supermen’ in their place. I’d like to see one of their faces when one of our boys flips over a Nazi tank!”

Diana felt the machismo in the room was getting a bit out of hand. Changing the subject she said, “Captain Powers, when will the human trials begin?”

“Soon Yeoman Prince,” Daniel answered, “In fact if you can stay a few days you and the major will be able to observe the tests.”

They completed the tour of the lab and headed back out to the security desk. Waiting for them there was a blonde woman who leaned on the security desk. She had shoulder length blonde curls, starlet style looks, an expensive sleeveless dress which went down to her knees. Her legs were dressed in tanned stockings and wore black heels on her feet. The woman looked bored but perked up as the group came out the door.

“Daddy!” she smiled and then a bit more friendly, “Daniel…”

Captain Powers looked a little embarrassed, “Priscilla, you’re early for lunch.”

Rich handled introductions for Steve and Diana, “Major, Yeoman, this is my daughter Priscilla. How are you my dear?”

“Waiting for my fiance,” she said with a pout.

“Sorry my dear but, duty calls.” He gestured to Diana and Steve.

“Oh I think we’re done here…” Steve started to say before suddenly an explosion rocked the building. Everyone was rocked on their feet and Rich looked to protect his daughter. Powers had beaten him to it, covering Priscilla who shrieked with fear. Steven tried to shield Diana but she was more focused on trying to locate the source of the explosion.

Looking out a window she saw a rising column of smoke and people running from the research building. The serum! Steve was getting up and looked to check on Mr. Rich, Captain Powers, and Priscilla. Turning he looked to Diana, “Diana, we need to call….”

But Diana was gone.


Damn Berlin and their orders!

Hans had spent nearly a year infiltrating Rich C&R. He originally had been trying to put himself in position to sabotage the plant, but when he learned about the super-strength serum, the German spy had cabled for instructions. Of course Berlin had decided not only to take drastic action to stop the project but had expected him to do everything by himself. Cursed bureaucrats sitting in their comfy offices!

He had managed to arrange for a small explosion that would allow him to sneak into the research building to grab a sample of the formula. Surprisingly things had been going well. He managed to sneak his way in, feigning interest in helping others escape. It took a few minutes but he now was in the main lab which worked on Project Blockbuster. Hans looked for the secure locker which held the samples, there! He spotted it attached to the wall. Regretfully it was padlocked so he was forced to take out his pistol.

Shooting off the lock, he then reached inside seeing rows of blue vials. Smiling he snagged a couple and slipped them inside his coat pocket. Then he took his gun and fired it into the remaining vials. There, that should make Reich happy, he thought sarcastically. Making his way back out of the building he hoped to just be one more of the feeling people trying to escape it. Hans shifted the Luger into a coat pocket just as he stepped outside.

“Stop right there!”

The commanding voice caused the German agent to turn and his eyes widened seeing, “WONDER WOMAN!”

The Amazon Princess stood proudly before the German agent. Rich brown hair went down to her shoulders. A golden tiara with a red star in the center graced her forehead. Wonder Woman wore a red bustier with a golden eagle stylized across her chest. Around Diana’s waist was a golden belt which granted her powers away from her home. Hanging from that was the Lasso of Truth, her greatest weapon weaved from unbreakable golden threads. Blue star spangled bottoms completed her swimsuit style costume. Diana’s legs were dressed in silken tights, which made her legs look smooth and sexy while her feet wore red and white boots. On her wrists, silver bracelets that could repel any attack.

“I saw that pistol you're carrying, now you can come quietly…”

Wonder Woman didn’t get a chance to finish as the German agent pulled out his gun and tried to fire it at her. Diana’s arms moved in a flash and with her wrists she blocked the volley of 9mm bullets. They sparked off her bracelets and soon the German ran out of bullets for his pistol. Cursing in his native tongue, the German dropped the gun and tried to run. Wonder Woman shook her head. She started running after him, her long powerful strides quickly catching up with the German agent.

Hans needing a distraction reached for his last remaining weapon. Diana gasped as she saw him pull out a small hand grenade. However the German didn’t toss at her but towards a group of wounded people. Abandoning her chase of the enemy agent, Wonder Woman ran over to the helpless civilians. One of them screamed seeing the bomb but it had just landed right as Wonder Woman was there to scoop it up. Diana tossed the grenade up into the air with her strength. It soared high up before exploding harmlessly.

Wonder Woman looked for the German agent, she couldn’t let him get away with the formula. Her sharp eyes picked up the German’s light brown hair as he climbed into a car. Diana pumped her legs and with a push, leapt the huge distance between her and the German’s car. Hans saw the superheroine coming and gunned the engine hoping to squash the fraulein flat when she landed. Aiming his car right at her, he was amazed when Wonder Woman stood her ground. Her arms outstretched Diana let the car hit hit her.

Hans was slammed forwards as Wonder Woman’s herculean strength caused his car to slow and then come to a stop. He regained his senses and tried pushing hard down on the accelerator. Smoke burned from his tires but Wonder Woman held his car there with ease. He let off the gas and stared dumbfounded at her. I know what the Amis papers said about her...but still! He tried get out of the car but Wonder Woman was on him.

Grabbing him by the collar with a single hand, Diana used her other to detach her lasso and wrap it tightly around the German agent. “I command you to surrender,” Wonder Woman ordered.

Hans gasped and felt something overriding his will. He wanted to resist to escape out of this heroine’s grip but something compelled him to obey. The German stopped struggling and Wonder Woman secured him more properly with the lasso.

“Wonder Woman!” Steve yelled as he came across to her. He was joined by Rich, Powers, and Priscilla.

“Steve, nice to see you again,” Wonder Woman warmly replied. She noticed the group was looking at her with amazement. Diana saw that Captain Powers was nearly dropping his jaw looking. Focusing on Steve she said, “I’m guessing he’s the cause of this explosion.”

“You traitor!” Rich snapped, his anger at his business, people, and own life being threatened coming to surface.

“He’s a German agent,” Wonder Woman told them. Diana removed the Luger pistol for them to see. She then commanded, holding the lasso tight, “Aren’t you?”

“Yes...I am Hans Gruber,” the man admitted, “Agent of the Abwehr.”

“German military intelligence,” Powers said for the benefit of Rich. He looked at Wonder Woman and asked, “That lasso really makes him tell the truth?”

Wonder Woman nodded in confirmation, “That it does.”

“Amazing,” the officer said dazzled by Wonder Woman’s powers and looks. No one noticed Priscilla looking more annoyed and jealous.

“Wait...what happened to Diana?” Steve asked suddenly remembering that his friend and woman under his command was missing.

Diana covered her tracks, “I saw her helping with some of the injured, don’t worry major she’s alright.”

Relieved Steve sighed and Rich came forwards, “Wonder Woman you saved my company and maybe this country, thank you!”

“It was nothing Mr. Rich,” Diana tried to reply by Rich wouldn’t have such modesty.

“Nonsense! I want to thank you in public. Listen I’m having a fun party to raise money for War Bonds. It’s a costumed galla and I can imagine that having you there would raise quite a lot of money.”

Wonder Woman smiled, but remembered the last time she had showed up at a rally, “That’s quite nice Mr. Rich but….”

“Wonder Woman please, I want to tell everyone what you did here today...within reason of course,” Rich added so that Major Trevor nor Captain Powers wouldn’t lecture him about exposing more of Project Blockbuster than already had occurred.

“But Daddy, I’ve already sent out all the invitations…” Priscilla protested. Organizing the costume gala had been work. In fact the party was less about raising money for the war but Priscilla showing off her proud soon to be Army husband.

“Nothing to worry about my little girl, we’ll spring Wonder Woman as a surprise!” Rich said excitedly.

“Well if it is to raise money for the war effort,” Wonder Woman conceded, seeing that Rich wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Hera’s laughing at me now, Diana thought as she wondered how she would explain another disappearance by Diana Prince.

“Wow, Wonder Woman will be at the party,” Daniel said in a half dreamy voice. Priscilla's skin bristled at hearing the tone in his voice. He should be dreamy over me being at the party! Priscilla had even gotten a special costume made for the event to make Daniel blush when he saw it. Now he’s suddenly infatuated with this...star spangled harlett! In fact everyone including her father was so enthralled with Wonder Woman that the group started walking off without anyone noticing she was not with them.

“That...that,” Priscilla boiled with jealousy. She wanted to scream but to do so with everyone around them would be so improper. The blonde turned her cheeks red though with the anger she still felt. Her foot touched something though as she turned to walk back inside.

What’s that? Looking down at her expensive shoe, a blue fluid fill vial was on the ground. She bent down to pick it up. Looking at the label she saw BLOCKBUSTER on the side. Priscilla knew this was related to the hush hush secret project her father was working on. Must be what the German wanted to steal, she concluded. That meant whatever the stuff in the vial was important, powerful, her mind recognized.

Taking a quick glance, she slipped the vial into a pocket in her dress.


This is an idea I've been kicking around a bit. Why didn't some characters come up in the original WW series? Cheetah especially her classic version seems like a good idea for Lynda Carter's classic show. So I've written this story to take place in the Season One Universe of Wonder Woman. Hence the Lost Episode title.

Thanks to Tallyho for helping out with this idea :) It feels good to be writing something again. Part II will be coming soon, where we see what the jealous Priscilla does next.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Look foward to it, I always liked the classic Wonderwoman with the lesbian bondage themes and Pricilla Rich's Cheetah
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Great start Z! Liked how you referenced the "Fausta" episode.

Glad you are back writing!
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Good to have you back mate and as above, liked the subtlety of referencing her previous war bonds appearance.

Great job, got a nice authentic feel to it, well done!
Wasn't expecting it so soon so a very pleasant surprise!

(I've sent you a pm too)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Very original take on the Cheetah!! keep on writing please.
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Thanks everybody, it's nice to be back writing.

Part II has been started and hopefully will come soon :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Staff Sargeant
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Good stuff! It's great to have you back!
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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excellent start - I think this story has a LOT of potential!
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Priscilla was sitting in front of her dresser. She was trying to get ready for her party preparing her make up while dressed in just a silken robe which was tied around her waist. Looking into the mirror she was still fuming from the afternoon and everyone going gaga over Wonder Woman. She was especially angry that her fiance was still talking about her. He was sitting on a chair not far away, twirling his Army cap in his hands, still talking about how she had stopped the German agent.

“Yes, its amazing wasn’t it,” she snapped a bit tired of hearing about Wonder Woman.

Powers raised an eyebrow, “What’s the matter baby?”

Priscilla turned on her bench and gave him a stare, “I thought I was the woman of your dreams?”

Daniel realized maybe he had gone on a bit too much about the Amazon. Getting out of his chair he walked over and brushed Priscilla’s face as he tried to make amends, “Of course sweetie, it’s just that she was pretty amazing.”

Priscilla huffed a bit, turning back to the mirror. She worked on pinning her hair up which was required for her costume, “I’ll make sure to give you plenty of time to tell her that, tonight.”

Powers knew he had erred again, “Priscilla, please I’m sorry babe.” He knew she was a bit spoiled along with prone to jealousy but this was a bit much.

Looking at him through the reflection in the mirror she pouted, “This was supposed to be my party. Now all anyone is going to be talking about is Wonder Woman.”

“Hey you wanted to raise money for the war effort, right? Who better to help you get it besides Wonder Woman?”

Powers’s point would have been valid if Priscilla had cared about raising money for the war. In reality it was just as she had said, this was supposed to be about me! She wanted to hear how everyone enjoyed the party. How lovely she looked in her costume. Priscilla wanted attention and now someone else was taking it. Her boyfriend told her he had some military business to attend to. She gave him a half-hearted goodbye while staring at the mirror thinking about what she could do. Daniel wants to see something amazing, well I’ll give him something amazing!

Priscilla quickly glanced over her shoulder listening for Daniel to leave. She waited till the sound of the front door closing could be heard before she opened the small jewelry drawer. Inside was the blue vial which she had picked from the plant. Unscrewing the cap she looked at the contents of the vial with a bit of trepidation. For a moment, Priscilla had second thoughts. Then she glanced at the afternoon paper Daniel had left behind.

Her father had taken out a last minute add to announce Wonder Woman’s presence at his costumed war bond rally. She clutched the vial a little tighter and any hesitations she felt disappeared. But how should she proceed? This stuff is experimental, maybe I don’t take...all of it, Priscilla considered. Deciding that was a good middle ground, she placed the vial to her lips. Priscilla closed her eyes and started to drink. It tasted horrible, and she had a bit of a desire to throw it up but, Priscilla pressed on drinking half of the vial before capping it again.

In fact she had closed the vial just in time as her hand spasmed, causing her to drop the vial from her fingers. Priscilla clutched the edge of her dresser as she felt the chemical’s effects swim through her system. Her skin itched, muscles ached, while her breath became short. It was like she was exercising yet she was just sitting in her room. Priscilla cried out as pain seemed to shoot through her like an electrical shock. She fell from the bench and her robe billowed exposing Priscilla’s creamy long legs. Embarrassingly her panties were also visible but the blonde made sure to cover her chest, randomly remembering to protect her dignity. She gasped as she wondered what was happening; not understanding that her body was being changed. The blonde beauty tightly closed her eyes shut, feeling like the agony would never end.

The darkness was broken by Priscilla opening her eyes slowly. She sighed as feeling returned to her body and her head slowly lolled in response. Blinking a few times as her vision focused, Priscilla groaned, “What...what...happened.”

She clumsily got to her knees but her head was spinning. Sitting on her legs Priscilla slowly put the pieces back together. The serum! Looking for the vial she found it on the carpeted floor. It was undamaged. Picking it up Priscilla saw she had indeed drank half of the serum. The blonde still felt confused as she tried to figure out whether or not the serum had worked. Priscilla moved to try and stand up, reaching for the edge of her dresser. As she gripped the side though it broke off. Priscilla’s eyes widened as she realized, that she had ripped off part of the dresser!

Getting to her feet she stared transfixed at the broken piece of wood in her hand. I didn’t even think about ripping it off, I just...did it, Priscilla thought. The woman looked for something else to test her strength with. It didn’t take her long to decide on the heavy writing desk in the corner of her room. Her father had bought it for her, rich dark wood, with golden edges and inlays into the wood. It was incredibly heavy and Priscilla couldn’t make it budge, normally.

She took a spot at a corner of the desk. Reaching down, she took the edge of the desk and without thinking, just lifted. Priscilla’s face grinned with amazement as she lifted the desk as if it weighed nothing. With one hand she stood the desk on its end, dumping the contents of it to the floor but Priscilla didn’t care. Putting the desk back down she looked for something else.

The radiator! She looked at the pipe which fed into the heating device. Since it was summer the device was off but even if it hadn’t been, Priscilla was too amazed with her newfound strength to have cared. Kneeling next to the pipe, she gripped it with both hands. Priscilla pulled on the metal but found things were not as easy as they were with her dresser or the desk. She applied a little more strength and with a squeal of excitement she began to pull the metal back. There was a snap as she broke the value to the radiator and bent the metal bar back.

“I’m as strong as Wonder Woman!” Priscilla cried, jumping to her feet. Pacing around the room she looked to the mirror. Always aware of her looks, Priscilla knew instantly things had changed, for the better.

Gone was any trace of excess fat on her body. Her already great figure had now become amazing. Priscilla admired her now toned body as well. She was bursting with muscles but her figure was far more sexy and athletic looking than before. I’m gorgeous, no I’m a goddess! Priscilla thought with grandeur. Excited she ran for the closet which held her costume. Pulling it out she felt the skintight suit against her exposed skin. Bringing it over to the mirror she held it up against her, mirror modeling it.

“Wait till everyone sees me, Wonder Woman will be yesterday’s news,” Priscilla told her reflection. She glanced to the phone on her dresser. Picking it up she told the operator to connect her with her father’s plant, “Jim, it’s Priscilla….I want you to do something for me.” It took five minutes to explain what she wanted, when she was finished Priscilla laughed, “Yes, tonight everyone will see what a real wonder woman looks like.”


The party was in full swing Diana saw.

Costumed figures, most of them rich friends and acquaintances of Rich moved about the rented ballroom socializing with one another. There was a mixed bag of armed forces personnel too. Diana took some relief in the fact most of the soldiers, sailors, and airmen looked as uncomfortable as her to be with so many rich snobs. Still dressed as Yeoman Diana Prince, Diana glanced at a clock on the ballroom wall. Another fifteen minutes till Wonder Woman needs to appear, she confirmed.

“Enjoying the party Diana?” she turned to see Steve coming aside her, a smile on his face and drink in hand.

Diana saw that Steve was having a glass of juice and not something stronger. She admired that he was a bit smarter than some of the other officers in uniform. They were enjoying the free drinks a bit too much. Trevor seemed to know what she was thinking because he chuckled, “Yeah those boys will be feeling it in an hour or so, luckily the party will be over before then. Can’t have the Army ruining relations with the civilians in the States…England is another matter.”

Diana laughed at his joke, “Of course.” She then answered his earlier question, “I’m enjoying myself but I’d prefer to be doing some work.”

“You need to remember that too much work let’s you forget what we’re doing this for Diana,” Steve pointed out to his subordinate. He pointed with his glass towards the party goers, “I’m sure there are some gentlemen over there who’d enjoy a dance.”

Diana wondered about that as she did tone down her appearance for her secret identity. Besides she wasn’t particularly interested in any of the civilians that were around, “Well I was thinking I might turn in early Steve.”

Steve looked disappointed, “You sure?”

“Yes, I guess my future suitor will have to wait,” Diana joked.

“I guess he will,” Steve remarked though it was interesting to Diana how he said it. Like he wasn’t talking about some random stranger in the party, but someone else.

She smiled warmly, “Enjoy the party Steve.”

“Have a good night Diana,” he replied, smiling just as warmly.

The Yeoman proceeded to head out but she was not going back to her hotel room. Diana left the ballroom behind and found a spot she could ‘change.’ She located an unused office which was conveniently unlocked. Stepping inside she pulled her glasses off her face. Raising her arms, Diana began a graceful spin, like a ballerina on stage. As she did so though there was a glow then a small thunderclap of noise. When the energy and light had faded, Diana Prince no longer stood in the room but Diana, Princess of the Amazons and better known to the waiting crowd as Wonder Woman.

Diana checked to make sure her costume was complete following the transfer, with a quick touch of her tiara and belt, “As they say, ‘here goes nothing’.”

She stepped out into the hallway and made her way back to the party. Wonder Woman was quickly found by one of the waiters working the party. They went off to find Mr. Rich who soon graced her with his presence, “Wonder Woman!”

He wore a Greek or Roman toga, Diana was noting the many inaccuracies in the costume. He had the golden crown of leaves that Caesar himself would have worn around his head. Grinning Rich gestured to his outfit, “Makes you think of home doesn’t it?”

Not in the slightest, she thought but answered, “It does Mr. Rich.”

She was guided by Rich as he introduced her loudly to the crowd. Diana knew she would have to circulate with the wealthy people at the party. Many of them were trying to be way too friendly, not helped by them being over served. However these people wanted to meet her and as they did so, they pledged to donate more money to the war effort. So Diana put up with it, drawing on all the lessons in elegancy from her mother had taught her. As she circulated Wonder Woman spotted Major Trevor and Captain Powers talking. She hoped that the evening would allow her to split away and talk to them.

Priscilla walked into the party and much to her satisfaction, drew stares from everyone. As they should be, the blonde bombshell smiled as she strolled into the ballroom. Her costume was that of a cheetah. It had been an expensive costume, with Priscilla getting the stretchy skin tight fabric off the black market. She didn’t understand why the army needed silk and nylon, besides didn’t it look so much better on me? The costume featured the spotted black and brown spots of the cheetah along with the darker yellow of their fur.

She wore a cap which featured cat ears along with showing off her beautiful face. The skin tight suit featured a daring low cut which showed off more of her chest than was probably acceptable. It even featured a tail which swished as she walked. Priscilla’s green eyes scanned the room pleased the crowd was enjoying her costume. Just wait till the see what the ‘Cheetah’ is capable of, Priscilla grinned.

It didn’t take her long to spot Wonder Woman talking with the Army major from earlier and, Daniel, she thought with a frown. She controlled her temper, proudly marching towards Wonder Woman and her man. Captain Powers caught sight of her first, which made Priscilla happy. He was at least impressed by her looks, “Priscilla….”

“Ms. Rich,” Trevor dipped his head but his eyes lingered for a moment as well. Priscilla smiled seemingly a friendly one but she also loved that these two were looking her over not the ‘powerful’ and ‘beautiful’ Wonder Woman standing beside them.

Wonder Woman was seemingly relaxed but just a bit taken aback by Priscilla. She smiled and offered her hand, “Nice to see you again Ms. Rich,” Diana offered.

“Wonder Woman,” Diana picked up on the way she said it. Like she’s better than me? The Amazon wondered while Priscilla took her outstretched hand, “It’s very nice to see you again.”

Diana was surprised by the strength in Priscilla’s hand. For a debutante, she showed strength that reminded Wonder Woman of an Amazon’s. Confused she pulled her hand back slowly unsure what to say, “This is a wonderful party.”

Priscilla’s joy only grew as she saw the somewhat confused look on Wonder Woman’s face. That’s right you fool, you know something is wrong but not what, the blonde thought with smug superiority. The heroine didn’t know that this was a contest, a contest she would lose, “Thank you Wonder Woman, I hope you are enjoying yourself.”

Daniel put her arm around her waist and Priscilla further claimed her man by bringing him into a tight embrace and kiss. Steve and Diana looked at one another as the passionate kiss went on for quite a while. Priscilla pulled away giving another glance at Wonder Woman. Diana wondered what the woman’s behavior was supposed to show. She wouldn’t get an answer as Priscilla, hanging onto Captain Powers asked, “Wonder Woman, would you be interested in putting on a little show for our guests?”

“What kind of show?” Wonder Woman answered, her voice a bit unsure of what Priscilla was planning.

Priscilla came off of Daniel putting her hands on her hips, standing tall and looking confident, “How about we show off your ‘amazing’ strength to our guests.”

Why is she acting like this, like she’s better than me? Diana knew the only way to get answers was to play along, “Very well what did you have in mind?”


“Ladies and gentlemen,” Priscilla announced standing on the main stage. She was tingling with anticipation. People focused on her and Priscilla loved it, “As part of tonight’s festivities we’re going to have a demonstration.” She gestured to Wonder Woman who stepped on stage, “Wonder Woman here has generously agreed to show us while she’s called that.”

A large box was on the stage next to Priscilla. Opening it up she pulled out a long link of chain, “Wonder Woman is reportedly the strongest woman in the world. I think we should put that to the test.” Reportedly? Wonder Woman pondered about Priscilla’s choice of words.

“I’ve broken a few chains in my time,” Wonder Woman announced, accepting the challenge.

Priscilla smiled, gesturing to some men to come bind Wonder Woman. Diana stood at the center of the stage while the chains were wrapped around her. She took a glance to Priscilla who continued to stare at her with the smug superiority and Diana was increasingly frustrated that she couldn’t figure out why. The chains were silver and glittered in lights for the stage. They were secured with padlocks and Wonder Woman was wrapped in chains from her boots to her shoulders.

Priscilla stepped up to her and grinned, “Think you can get out of those?”

Wonder Woman smiled, “Easily.”

Priscilla stepped back and with an extended arm invited Wonder Woman to begin. Diana nodded and with the pull of her arms began to snap the metal links of her bonds. The party goers cheered as the chains began to fall. It wasn’t long till a few stubborn loops around her arms and chest were buckling. With a final smile to everyone, Diana extended her arms out and with the snap of the chains, burst free from their hold on her. The broken silver links fell everywhere and she put her hands on her hips, adopting a power stance. The crowd cheered and Wonder Woman waved to them all. She didn’t see Priscilla, her face losing some of the superiority she held before, enjoy the cheers now Wonder Woman, for they’ll be applauding me soon!

“That was something Wonder Woman,” Priscilla declared walking back up to her, “But I reckon that I could do the same.”

The crowd all murmured with confused whispers at what Priscilla had just said. Wonder Woman too looked puzzled, “I’m sorry Priscilla?”

The costumed blonde stepped forward, “What do you say to a little tug of war?”

“Ms. Rich…” Diana began.

“What’s the matter, are you nervous you might loose Wonder Woman?” Priscilla’s smug look causing Diana to stiffen her shoulders.

“Honey what are you doing?” Rich asked having come up towards the stage.

“I’m just offering Wonder Woman a friendly challenge daddy,” she smirked, “Well Wonder Woman?”

Wonder Woman reached for her lasso, forming a plan. Alright we’ll see what she’s doing, then when I get the chance put the lasso around her, Diana decided. She unraveled her lasso and knotted it in the middle. Tossing the free end to Priscilla she said, “Ready when you are.”

The crowd, including Trevor and Powers were just captivated by what was going on. Priscilla and Diana took opposite ends at the stage. Costumed Priscilla, wrapped the lasso around her forearms, getting a good grip. Wonder Woman, not concerned just held the lasso in her hands. She called out, “One, two...and go!”

Wonder Woman allowed Priscilla to make the first tug. She expected a slight pull on the lasso. Diana had grown tired of the girl’s games and intended to do a little showing off. She would remain planted on the ground, unable to be pulled at all by the costumed socialite. That was the plan, so Diana was as shocked as everyone else when she was violently pulled forwards. Her boots slid across the stage towards Priscilla.

“Great Hera…” Wonder Woman said under her breath.

Priscilla grinned, “Surprised to find your not the strongest woman?”

The party goers were shocked, staring with gaping facing at the sight of Wonder Woman being dragged by Priscilla Rich in her cheetah costume. Diana was so shocked that she initially didn’t react, just dumbfounded as she was yanked forwards. Finally after seeing that she was losing the tug of war, Wonder Woman dug her heels in. Priscilla grunted feeling Wonder Woman’s resistance but that didn’t stop her. She pulled harder on the golden lasso, determined to humiliate Wonder Woman.

By the gods...she’s strong, Amazon...strong, Diana realized. She didn’t know how that could have happened and frankly at that moment, couldn’t worry about it. Wonder Woman had stopped her forward momentum but hadn’t overwhelmed Priscilla. The two were now engaged in an even match of strength, where the knotted middle part of the lasso slipped back and forth between the two women. Diana could see though that while she was working to hold her place, Priscilla was starting to strain.

NO...NO! Priscilla grunted as the thoughts were screamed in her head. At first she had been elated to see Wonder Woman thrown off balance. Now though she was struggling to hold onto her position. Her feet were dragged forwards towards Wonder Woman. Priscilla growled with annoyance as she tried to pull back, to bring Wonder Woman towards her. Diana meanwhile had gotten a better hold on her lasso. Determined to end this, she summoned all of her goddess like strength and with one mighty pull, dragged Priscilla off her feet.

“Argh!” Priscilla cried as she was dragged forwards and crashed onto the middle of the stage. Landing hard on her hands and knees she was among the broken chain links from earlier. Cursing, Priscilla looked up to glare at Wonder Woman. Diana was rolling up her lasso and staring down at her.

By this point Major Trevor, Captain Powers, and Mr. Rich had gotten on the stage. They gathered around Wonder Woman and Priscilla. Seemingly everyone had something to say at the same time. Demands of what had been going on, how did Priscilla do what she just did, and poor Daniel asking, “What...what were you thinking?”

Priscilla’s anger boiled to the surface, “What was I thinking? I was thinking of you wanting Wonder Woman!” she stood up and screamed at Daniel but then the rest of them, “All of you, just...enamoured with her.”

She glared at Wonder Woman, “Well I showed her, at least I will show you when I drink the rest of the…”

“Drank the...Priscilla you drank the formula!” Daniel cried out in alarm as her father looked on in shock. Major Trevor shook his head in disbelief and Wonder Woman realized how foolish and petty Priscilla really was.

The accusing glare of her man along with the other men on the stage caused her to become angry. However what drove Priscilla over the edge was the look from Wonder Woman. She glared at Priscilla with contempt. She snarled with rage as she pushed forwards towards Wonder Woman, “This all your fault! I’ll make you pay Wonder Woman!”

“Priscilla!” Daniel moved to stop her. However the blonde just roared and backhanded him out of the way. Mr. Rich was stunned seeing the violent outburst and backed away from his daughter. Trevor reached for Priscilla, not sure what else to do. Diana tried to stop Steve from getting knocked around like Captain Powers had but was too late as the costumed woman kicked him in the gut.

Trevor crashed into the far side of the stage wincing at the impact. Wonder Woman had her lasso ready, trying to get a hold of Priscilla. Her foe though had no intention of being caught. She tackled Diana with an animal like cry. The two fell to the stage and Priscilla tried wrestling with Wonder Woman. The cheetah costumed woman tried pin Wonder Woman down, so she could pummel her with punches. What Priscilla didn’t seem to think about is her life had been a pampered one where fighting wasn’t part of her upbringing. Wonder Woman was an Amazon, where they wrestled for fun.

Despite the newfound strength Priscilla had, Diana was able to grab her arms and hold them in place. Wonder Woman moved her legs to wrap around Priscilla’s waist. Then with a squeeze of her powerful stocking thighs, rolled Priscilla onto her back. Now stradling and pinning the angry woman down, Wonder Woman told Cheetah, “This has gone on long enough Priscilla!”

“No!” the blonde cried with angry rage.

“Steve, my lasso!” Diana said still working to keep the feisty blonde pinned. Trevor grabbed the fallen lasso and tossed it to Wonder Woman. Diana raised a hand to catch it but this freed one of Cheetah’s arms. Priscilla in a moment of quick thinking threw a punch which caught Wonder Woman off guard. Socked across the face, Diana was disoriented enough by the blow that Priscilla was able to push Wonder Woman off her.

Laying on her side, Diana looked to see Priscilla glaring at her with fire in her eyes, “You’ll pay for this Wonder Woman, I swear to you, you will pay!” With that the costumed socialite ran off the stage and out of the room.

The confused crowd had cleared a path for the mad woman who had just started a brawl, with Wonder Woman no less! Meanwhile Major Trevor came up to Wonder Woman and said, “She took that formula you saved earlier Wonder Woman, and is almost as strong as you.”

“I know, I need to find her before she does anything more foolish.” Diana told him.

In the alleyway between the buildings, Priscilla cursed and slammed a fist against the brick wall. The brick cracked some but Priscilla didn’t notice, “They all think I’m a fool...a fool!” she glared at a puddle of water on the ground looking at herself through the reflection, “But I’ll show them...I’m no fool, I’m stronger than I’ve ever been!”

Priscilla took the vial she had hidden in her costume, from between her breasts, “Half of this made me nearly as strong as Wonder Woman...all of it…” with that she opened the vial and began to drink the serum. There was a rumble of thunder in the distance as she did this, making Priscilla feel even more powerful. It was as if nature had recognized the change.

Tossing the vial aside she laughed as she felt her strength growing, as she felt herself becoming more powerful. She was Priscilla Rich no longer, no, she told herself, I am not Priscilla….

“I am the Cheetah!”


Sorry for the wait for Part 2 here guys, hope you like!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I usually prefer the Cheetah to be a wholly ordinary woman who challenges WW through gadgets and trickery, but your take is pretty good, too.
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I loved it! Definitely worth the wait!
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Omega Woman wrote:I usually prefer the Cheetah to be a wholly ordinary woman who challenges WW through gadgets and trickery, but your take is pretty good, too.
Cheetah is a bit of an interesting character over the ages. She went from being that jealous rival of Wonder Woman to having powers as a Cheetah/human hybrid. I've always viewed Cheetah as both being that character who can challenge Wonder Woman mentally and physically. So I kind of combo things here. Glad you've enjoyed my take OW :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Centurion wrote:I loved it! Definitely worth the wait!
Thanks Centurion!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very nice Sgz, really liked the tug of war scene, very well executed and a good job describing the party and Priscilla's enmity.

Nice work, look forward to the rest.
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Continuation please!!
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tmon wrote:Continuation please!!
Couldn't agree more, Tmon!

I know you're working on your Amazos project but I hope, SG Writer, that you do come back to this story soon. It's terrific.
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