League Of Superheroines - Hope

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Ursula Wolfe seethed behind her large desk. Staring her in the face was the Sun City Times... and "SHE" was on the cover. The headline read "HOPE EXPOSES WOLFE CORP" The picture showed a radiant triumphant Superheorine beaming ... she had olive skin , heaving perfect breasts and a skimpy 2 piece light blue outfit complete with that stupid cape. What really made Ursula sick was what was around her neck... The hope diamond , a gift from the Smithsonian for all of her efforts protecting the environment.

Ursula had inherited the WOLF CORP cosmetics company from her late father , an honorable business man that believed in responsibility over profit. He had passed away from mysterious circumstances and according to his will Ursula took control of the Wolfe Empire. WOLFE CORP employees fears were relived when under Ursula's control the company recorded massive record breaking products. Ursula was cunning and conniving. She used any means necessary to destroy he competitors , legal or not. She cut corners and broke the law whenever profits could be had.

Ursula bested all competitors except one...Hope. The Amazon bitch crossed Ursula over and over and each time foiled her plans. She was slowly unraveling the Wolfe machine. Every time some venture threatened a turtle or some other worthless creature, Hope was there to foul things up. Ursula had tried to neutralize the Heroine on many occasions , each time her plans failed. This big titted bitch had cost Ursula millions of dollars and there was nothing she could do about it..... Until now

The latest Sun City headlines caused Ursula to snap. She tore the paper to shreds and threw her desk chair across her office at the top of Wolfe Tower. She was going to have to do it...she was going to have to call Vain. Ursula had dealt with Cassandra Vain on and off through out the years when business needed to be conducted of the books. Vain's organization had done some work for Ursula in the past , however the heiress was fiercely independent and hated to have to ask for help. This last incident was too much , Hope had cost her the biggest deal of her life.

While the residents of Central City watched in horror as Cassandra Vain pounded Liberty's juggs into jelly , Far away Ursula grinned with Joy , Finally one of the SuperSluts was getting what was coming to them. Ms Wolfe swallowed her pride and placed a call to the only Woman to Defeat a Superheroine... Cassandra Vain.
Last edited by freefall 9 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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The meeting was predictably tense. All though both women shared enemies they were by no means allies. Ursula had heard through the grapevine about a super serum designed to even the playing field with the SuperSluts , and Liberty's downfall had proven its existence. Ursula pitched that using her origination she could reproduce the substance and rid the world of the League of Superheroines... Starting with Hope. Cassandra Vain declined... "Its simply too valuable" she argued "And this Hope bimbo has beaten you countless times , why dont you let us take care of it." Ursula's head turned as Sydra entered the meeting. The black haired woman's presence was a sight to behold , Sydra was a little known assassin , together with Vains help she destroyed the unbeatable blonde Liberty and was now one of the most feared Women on earth. "I cant give you my serum , I can give you the next best thing" Cassandra purred. Ursula smiled and nodded. Sydra was sighted in Sun City the next morning

People ran for cover from the downtown center as Sydra flipped cars and called for the cities protector. "WHERE IS HOPE" Sydra shouted to the heavens as she destroyed everything around her. News copters and cameras desended on the area as Sydra rampaged looking to draw out Hope. Ursula Wolfe watched with baited breath from her penthouse high above the city as Hope arrived on the scene.

"THIS ENDS NOW" The Amazon in blue proclaimed. Sydra halted her destruction , faced her prey and sneered "I thought you wouldn't show , after what i did to Liberty I wouldn't have blamed you" . "I'm putting you down and you will tell me where my cousin is" Hope said as she balled her fists and advanced on the villainess. Hope knew she needed to be cautious , but she didn't care... she wanted revenge on this bitch and she was going to get it.

A shock wave burst from the center of Sun City as the two superwomen collided. Hope and Sydra exchanged blows with mind numbing force as they battled in front of hundreds of news cameras and cell phones. Hope had battled dozens of villains , most on orders from Ursula Wolfe... but she had never met a woman like Sydra. Hope unloaded on the massively endowed woman in black . Any other opponent would've crumbled under Hopes assault but Sydra stood her ground and struck back at Sun Citys favorite daughter with terrifying force.

For the first time in her crime fighting career Hope found her self on the defensive as Sydra's body blows penetrated her defenses and struck home. "Guhhhh Shes fast" Hope thought as the villainess buried a fist into her stomach. "ugggghhh shes strong" Hope thought as another fist smashed into her left breast. For the first time in her life Hope felt real pain.

Ursula grinned ear to ear she watched live as Sydra blasted Hope from pillar to post. The villainess halted her attack and grabbed the dazed heroine by the hair , she spun Hope 360 in the air by her hair and flung her into a concrete wall. The force of Sydra drove the beloved Superheroine through the concrete , leaving a Hope sized hole in the wall. Sun City had never seen Hope in this situation , a Hope victory had never been in doubt... until Sydra came to town. The conqueror of Liberty stood with her fists at her hips as the dust settled , "Ursula Wolfe says hello" , Sydra announced to the camera's as she approached the concrete wall where she had dumped the heroine.

"Im going to enjoy you the way ive enjoyed LiberttttOOOHHHH" Sydra's words where cut off as a blue blur shot from the hole with unbelievable velocity. "NO" "NO" "NO" Ursula shouted as she watched Hope break on the villainess like a wave at one her precious beaches. Not only did the arrogant bitch not finish Hope off when she had the chance... but Sydra had announced to the world that she was sent by Ursula. All deniability was gone the planet knew that Ursula was behind everything. Hope pounded Sydra with a furious vengeance she didn't know she had. Left Right Left Right Left Right.... Hopes fists battered the black haired bitch as Sydra struggled to defend herself.

The serum had put Sydra on equal ground with the hope diamond wearing woman , but she was not invincible and was crumbling under Hopes onslaught. The heroine grabbed the stumbling woman and threw her into the air , on the way down she blasted Sydras heaving tits with both feet. Sun City cheered as its champion beat the feared villainess like a school girl. Ursula had shattered her television with a glass before she could see Hope finish Sydra with wicked round house kick....

The plan had failed Hope had won again.

The Media and the authorities stormed the area following the battle. Hope had beaten the serum educed strength from Sydra who was now in custody and weak as a kitten. Hope interrogated the defeated villainess.... "WHERE IS LIBERTY" she commanded "vain....vain....vain has her" Sydra mumbled as she was cuffed by the police. The people cheered as Sydra was put into custody and Hope stood tall. The newsmedia swarmed the victorious heroine and Hope announced to the camera's "Usula Wolfe and Casandra Vain will pay for what they have done"

High above the city in Wolfe tower Ursulas phone rang , it was Cassandra Vain on the other line.... "Ok we'll do it your way"

Ursula smiled and hung up
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Within hours of Sydra's public failure, Cassandra Vain was airborne in her private Jet headed for Sun City. In her possession was the final remaining bit of her super serum and the beaten wreck that was Liberty . Ursula's rage had subsided. Hopes victory over Cassandra's enforcer only reinforced Ursula's argument , and now a humbled Cassandra Vain was at her secret lab and ready to play ball.

Hope basked in glory of her victory over Sydra momentarily before retiring to her sanctuary on an island off of Hope Beach on Sun City's outlying shores. What was once a polluted wasteland from Wolfe Corp contamination ,Hope had forced Ursula's corruption out and had created the most loved and beautiful beach in the country. It was a testament to everything she stood for. Her battle with the super powered Sydra had taken more out of the heroine than she let on for the cameras. Hope was definitely feeling the after effects of Sydra's fists , her tits hummed and her body was sore. For the first time in her life Hope needed to recover after a fight , but there too much work to be done.

Cassandra Vain couldn't help but be impressed as she toured Wolfe's top secret facility. Ursula had spent billions providing the equipment to replicate and enhance Vain's formula , now she had the final two pieces she needed. Ursula couldn't believer her eyes.. the world famous Liberty was completely at Vain's mercy. Still wearing the tattered remains of her stars and stripes , the blonde was chained and cowering her foe's feet. "My god Cassandra you've broken her" Ursula said through a grin. "Sydra did most of the work , it took time , but in the end they all break" Cassandra responded.

Liberty was taken to Ursula's lab and secured to a rotating table. Everything in the heroines mind told her to struggle and escape , but her spirit and body wouldn't let her , she belonged to Cassandra now. Next to Liberty Ursula prepared a device using the remaining ounces of Cassandra's super serum. Wolfe explained her process to the blonde villainess. "Using the DNA from your super bitch's blood my device will strengthen and replicate your serum. Hope kicking your assistants ass proved that this stuff doesn't last forever so we need more of it and we need it stronger." "How much blood do you need" Cassandra asked , "Just a drop "Wolfe replied as she reached for a syringe. Vain stopped her new partner form drawing the captive heroines blood. "Lets do it my way" Cassandra purred as she bitch slapped Liberty's face from side to side. The defenseless heroine moaned as blood dripped from her split lip. "That will work" Ursula said as both women laughed.

Back in her island hideaway Hope went to work on bringing Wolfe and Vain down for good. Hope first contacted Liberty's older sister and mentor Glory. Glory was perhaps the most renown Superheroine in history. She defended the USA for decades and helped start the League of Superheroines . Glory stood in front of Hopes video monitor in her signature blue starred bottoms and gold eagle top... her iconic tiara resting her head.

Hope explained her discovery that Vain had Liberty and Ursula was now working with her. Glory had been fighting overseas with US military and was now on her way back to rescue her sister. All Hope needed to do was to find Ursula. At the Superheroines request a global womanhunt was launched for both Women. Hope issued a message to both Supervillainesses through the news media "Turn yourselves in , there is no use in running , you will be found"

Ursula held the newest batch of the Super Serum in her hands. Fortified with the blood of an amazon she could only imagine the power she now grasped. To make things better there where more viles on the way. "So now we break Sydra out of jail , give her the Serum 2.0 and watch her tear that Super bitch from limb to limb , Right " Cassandra asked , before she could finish her thought Ursula had ingested the entire vile. "If this whole experience has taught me one thing its that if a job needs doing , you should do it yourself" Ursula said to a stunned Vain. Suddenly Hope appeared on the monitors of Ursula's Lab , every channel was showing her message to the two evil women . "Time to turn myself in" Ursula purred.
Last edited by freefall 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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The jig was up... Ursula Wolfe had issued a statement. She would surrender to Hope in public at Hope beach. Sun City rejoiced as the media flooded the spectacular shoreline, Ursula Wolfe was finally going away. A roar went up as Hope appeared from the water. She beamed in her moment of ultimate victory , her world renown diamond glistened between her luscious breasts as she waved to the crowds of people who came to witness Ursula Wolfes surrender.

Suddenly the vile villainess appeared wearing black boots and a ridiculous wolfskin bikini. Something looked different about her Hope noted , normally around 5'3 the Superheroine had always towered over her rival. And now as Ursula approached her they nearly saw eye to eye. "Some heels and outfit to go to prison in" Hope thought as she met Wolfe on the beach. "Its all over Ursula , your finally going away...in front of all these people , this city that you have abused gets to see you get put away" Hope confidently stated. "The only thing these people will see today is the great unbeatable Hope finally get whats coming to her." Hope attempted to reply to Ursula's threat but was suddenly stuck between the legs by a lighting quick boot.

The crowd was stunned as Hope was nearly lifted off of her feet from the devious blow. Ursula grabbed the stunned heroines hair and ripped her head back , She whispered into Hopes ear "Ive dreamed of this for years, and today I'm going to destroy you in front of all Sun City. The villainess whipped the blue clad heroine around... her blue cape flew in the air as Ursula punched the diamond dangling between Hopes heaving breasts. "How " "How is this possible" Hope thought as she struggled to regain the air forced from her lungs. "She hits like a freight train" . Ursula would not relent... She had watched Hope for Years... Studied every fight... learned from every encounter... today was HER day.

The wolf skin clad villainess advanced on Hope like her predator namesake. She dodged underneath a massive hay maker thrown by the shellshocked superheroine , one of Hopes favorite go to moves... Ursula did her homework and saw the fist coming from a mile away. Wolfe responded buy burying a direct hit into Hopes abs , The crowd gasped as their heroine collapsed to her knees after Ursula's fist nearly impaled her. The pain Sydra had inflicted on Hope was nothing compared to this , for the first time in her career Hope had felt... fear...real fear.

Ursula continued to press her unfathomable advantage and lifted Hope to her feet.... then over her head. It was a stunning show of strength from the vile woman as Hope struggled to get free. Suddenly the heroine sprung loose and gracefully dropped behind the villainess. As Ursula turned around she was met with a foot to the gut. Then another... Then a shot to the head , followed by a sweep of her legs. In an instant Hope had turned the fight around as Ursula fell to the sand.

Hope kicked her rival in her infamous ass , then again as she tried to crawl away. "You are pathetic Ursula" The heroine said "I don't care what you took , who you are working with , and how strong you think you are... You will never win..... Good Girls always win" Hope kicked the villainess again to accentuate her point. Ursula was was incensed she refused to be humiliated again , out of desperate instinct she grabbed a handful of sand from Hopes own beach and flung it as her rival kicked her again. It was a 1 in a 100 shot but Hope yelped in frustration as she was momentarily blinded by Ursula's dirty tactic.

Wolfe used her respite to regain her footing and again press the offensive as Hope struggled to clear her eyes of the sand. The superheroine and supervillainess traded blows as cameras flashed and video rolled , the crowd was shocked and awed by the evil Ursula Wolfe. They had come to see her surrender , and now they watched her give Hope the fight of her life. Hope was half blinded but battled with all of her might. She unloaded all she had swapping blows back and forth with Ursula but hadn't put the bitch down. In fact she wasn't sure , but she felt as if she was beginning to tire... a foreign concept to the invincible heroine.

It soon became clear that neither Super Woman was going to knock the other out. Ursula offered her hands in a test of strength , she had lasted this long in the fight and was now brimming with confidence... she was sure she had Hopes number. The embattled superheroine hesitated briefly , she was still coming to terms that Ursula had put up this kind of fight , the fear came back...suddenly a terrifying thought sprang from a dark corner of Hopes mind... "What if she is stronger than me... everyone is watching "

Hope shook her thoughts as she engaged her hated foe in an epic test of strength. The crowd roared and cheered their heroine on as the she met Wolfes challenge. Hope exerted her strength and pushed Ursula's hands back slowly. Centimeter by Centimeter the villainess slowly but surely gave ground. The citizens of Sun City expected Hope to break Ursula's wrists instantly but roared as their favorite daughter forced the evil bitch back. "Keep going , Keep going" Hope thought as she struggled to overwhelm her hated enemy. Still Ursula kept fighting... she gave less and less ground as the Superheroine exerted more and more force. Suddenly Hopes forward momentum stopped....

The scores of people fell into a stunned silence as Ursula halted Hopes advance... and forced the big titted do gooder back. Suddenly their arms were over their head even again all of Hopes momentum was lost.... "No... God No..." Hope thought as the manically grinning Ursula Wolfe forced her wrists back. In Hopes long career she had never been in this kind of battle , Ursula had goaded her into expelling too much energy , she was tiring and could not stop her enemies drive. The unthinkable entered her mind "I'm going to lose" Hope despaired as Ursula forced her to her knees in front of the world.

The silence was deafening as Ursula overwhelmed the faltering heroine. Hope was brought to her knees by the stronger woman and was too stunned by this turn events to properly defend her self from a jaw rattling bitch slap delivered with joy from the bitch in wolf skin. Ursula grabbed Hopes sandy sweaty hair and dragged her to the water line... Ursula taunted her hated rival "Isn't it great Hope.... I'm going to destroy you in your city... in front of your people... and on your beach" Hopes only response was a gurgle as Ursula plunged her head under the water. Hope was an Amazon this alone gave her power and advantages the average human woman could only dream of... but she still needed oxygen to fill her lungs , and Ursula knew this as she plunged the battered heroine over and over.

Both women were sopping wet as Ursula punished Hope in her own surf. The rampaging villainess released Hope and stood over her... mocking the heroine. "GET UP" she screamed "GET UP AND FIGHT ME HEROINE" she commanded. Hopes cloudy brain was riddled with pain and exhaustion , but as her name suggested she would never give up. The anxious crowd cheered on as Hope rose to her feet from the shallow water. "Yo...you....you'll never beat me Ursula" Hope said defiantly as Sun City urged her on. "You don't get it Hope... I AM beating you... this is how your story ends" Ursula's words put a pit in the Heroines stomach as the two women circled each other in the shallow waters of Hope beach.

Hope attacked first , her strikes were slow and awkward , Ursula parried with ease. Hope was hurting all over , she was sluggish and her lungs burned.. she tried a roundhouse kick..it was blocked.... a spinning elbow....blocked.... everything she had in her arsenal Ursula was prepared for. Sun City waited for Hope to score any kind of blow on the villainess but for the first time in her life the heroine could not deliver. Then Ursula struck....

Hopes offensive flurry fizzled out and the woman in the wolf skin bikini tore into her with a heated passion. Ursula knocked Hopes arms out of the way and unleashed a vicious volley of blows unto Hopes unprotected breasts. Wolfe bared her fangs as she pounded Hopes tits... LEFT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT she bounced the heroines humming rack up down and side to side. Sun City was in stunned shock at the brutality of Ursula's assault , most shocked of all was Hope , who could only groan as Ursula mashed her tits into her chest. The sickening sounds of Wolfes fists colliding with Hopes quivering flesh echoed as Sun City watched their beloved heroine suffer. Ursula spent many nights dreaming of using the Hope Diamond as target practice and the day had finally come... The villainess worked Hopes juggs like her speed bag.

Hopes iconic blue top struggled under the force of Ursula's all out assault... finally it had taken to much... Sun City gasped as its Hopes top gave way to Ursula's cement like fists. Hope tried to cover her exposed breasts as cameras flashed , but she could not stop Ursula's wicked uppercut to the bottom of her now naked rack... her breasts nearly slapped her own face as her rubbery legs gave way and she collapsed into the cool water.

"no" no" "no" Hope murmered as waves crashed against her and she cradled her devastated boobs. She always knew in the back of mind that one day she could be defeated , and now it was here... it was her worst nightmare and It looked like Cassandra Wolfe

Wolfe could smell blood.... her victory was finally at hand and she was going to enjoy it. The fur bikini clad bitch grabbed Hope by her iconic diamond necklace and dragged her struggling body back onto the dry sand . Ursula dropped the devastated heroine onto the sand ...she was spread eagled and pathetically trying to cover her battered exposed breasts. Among a sea of cameras and eyes Ursula mocked her foe "All these people... you loved them.. you fought for them.... and not one of them will help you." Hope beach was dead silent as Ursula dropped her infamous wolf skin covered ass on the broken heroines waiting face. "MMMM I could get used to this seat" Ursula purred as she felt Hopes faint struggles dissipate. Hope ,despite her name , had none left..... she tried to scream but could find no air as Ursula swallowed her world whole. Hope gave in, her body shuddered and stopped fighting. The battle was over....

Ursula was euphoric as she felt Hope body surrender. She looked down and grabbed the Hope Diamond off the beaten woman's faintly breathing chest. With malice oozing from every pore of the victorius villains body she ripped the priceless rock off of Hopes neck and placed it around hers. Ursula gazed into the sea of people terrified by her presence..... the city was hers and there was nothing any of these peasants could do about it. Always aware of the spotlight Ursula rose to her feet and made sure to give the pose that would be on every news paper in America the next day. Wearing the Hope diamond Ursula Wolf stood over the destroyed superheroine... her foot placed between her beaten breasts... the Villainess showered in the waves of Camera Flashes.

Hope was beginning to come around and regain some sort of consciousness as Ursula reveled in her victory. For a fleeting moment she believed her beating suffered at the hands of Ursula Wolfe had been a horrible nightmare. However the flashing lights of the camera snapped her back into the horrible reality. "This isnt happening" Hope weakly mewed in denial as she felt the villainess press her triumphant foot on her naked chest. The shattered woman sadly reached for her prized diamond only to realize it was around the neck of her most hated enemy. In that moment the enormity of her failure hit Hope harder than any of Wolfes fists. "Oh my god....its over..... Ursula Wolfe destroyed me" Hope thought as she broke down and wept... her indomitable spirit had broken.

The once mighty woman could no longer fight or resist as she felt lift her superior lift her into the air. Ursula Wolfe held Hope high over head for all the world to see. The ruthless woman delighted at the tears streaming down the crushed heroines face. Displayed like trophy Hope faced her people. Ursula had beaten her... destroyed her uniform... and taken the Hope diamond and the whole world watched it happen. It was all too much for the heroine.. the media's microphones picked up Hope's faint words
"ppplease ursula"
"no more"
"youve won"
"finish me"
The world listened as Hope begged Ursula Wolfe for mercy

"Remember who did this to you" Wolfe said as she drove the crushed superheroine feet first into the sand. Hope was forced up to her knees in the sands of her own beach. The diamond shined brilliantly between Ursula's wolf skin covered breasts as she pounded Hope with both hands further into the earth. Now with only her torso and heaing breasts exposed to the sunlight Hope was blasted again and again by Ursula. "I think from now on we will call its the Ursula Diamond" Wolfe taunted as she pounded the battered superheroine further into Hope beach. Up to her neck in sand Hope could only cringe at the words spewing from Ursulas vile mouth. " And from now on this place will be known as WOLFE beach" Ursula said as she placed her boot on the head of Sun Citys favorite daughter."Good bye Hope.... Sun City is mine" were the last words the sobbing heroine heard as Ursula's boot finished the job....burying her in her own beach.

Ursula kicked sand over Hopes shallow seaside grave. The villainess turned and addressed the Citizens of Sun City. "NOW YOU KNOW WHO RUNS THIS CITY... IF I CATCH ANY OF YOU PEASANTS TRYING TO HELP HER... THEN YOU ARE NEXT" Ursula smiled... there was no one in the world who would dare cross her in that moment. She adjusted the Ursula diamond on her neck and made her way through the seas of Media and Cameras. "It looks better on me" Ursula thought. For the first time in ages she looked forward to the next days headlines.
Last edited by freefall 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Dude in the future post all the parts of the story in the same thread, I've moved them all to fix that.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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That, and broken links aside, i thought it was a nice sequel to his first story.
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Anyone who writes I like to try and take time to comment.

For my tastes, I could have done without the pictures, some were nice, but you had so many I had to kind of "dodge" them to try and read the story.

I very much enjoyed your story concept and the fact that Ursula won, however of course it was not QUITE what I was hoping for. It looked like you wanted your reader to be (sexually?) aroused over the fight, without having sex in it... Not my thing, top me fighting is pain not arousal. Still it could have worked except It appears Ursula's only objective was to win. "Tada..I won" then.....what...nothing.....nothing happened as a result of the win.

The dialogue was not quite...realistic? enough for me...somewhat wooden, and choreographed... I do not think people would/could talk like that in real life and be taken seriously...

I know people want peril..but I like peril with plot :) Still great effort and I hope I am not an ass for picking at it...Thanks for the effort of writing
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Different strokes for different folks.

Some peeps enjoy the concept of the physical domination of the heroine, or the aspect of the fight.

It's a different writing style with a different focus, but the heroine is still in peril and it''s still on topic.

I could take or leave the pictures, but i know some peeps that really enjoy seeing the pictures, and I myself have incorporated them in my City of Heroines story line.
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@Kitten -I removed the pictures and links for ease of read. It is better this way. I feel like having pics and celebrities portray the characters makes them easier to "see" in the minds eye ... Thanks for encouragement !


Thanks so much for the feeback , i really do appreciate it. 'Im having a lot of fun with these stories and plan on doing more to expand the story.

I love the concept of a Superheroine getting her comeuppance from a long suffering villainess ,the battle is my favorite part to write. Ursula's only objective was more to just win...her motives where to defeat and humiliate Hope as payback for years of embarrassment.
I wanted to convey Hopes humiliation to accentuate Ursula's victory. Ursula and Cassandra also do have bigger plans and goals that will be revealed soon

In retrospect I couldve added sexual peril to the battle to further Ursulas dominance , maybe in the future...

The dialogue is the most difficult part in writing these , I was aiming to have them sound like comic book characters and am still working to get better.

Im really enjoying writing these stories and would love any other ideas or feed back you have...
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